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8411141 No.8411141 [Reply] [Original]

Contribute tutorials, pictures of nice hairstyles, colours etc

I'm in a bit of a rut with my hair right now. I'm trying to wear wigs less often, but I don't know what to do with my hair that doesn't look messy or lazy with Lolita. I got it cut earlier in the year, and I really regret it now because I used to be able to put it in really nice plaits. My hair is now just long enough to rest on my shoulders, and I have full bangs. My face is somewhat round, and no matter what I do with my own hair I feel like it makes my face look like a balloon.

Can anyone help out? I'll dump the few bits I have.

>> No.8411143
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>> No.8411145
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>> No.8411148
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>> No.8411150
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>> No.8411154
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>> No.8411233

Gulls, which do you think are the most realistic wigs, as in, models and colors, ou there? I've been checking out some from GLW or something but I don't know which one would be the more realistic. I want something to wear everyday because I'm balding, not just with lolita.

>> No.8411253

Clip in buns?

Go for Cyperous or Lockshop wigs. I would generally steer clear of GLW if you want something realistic, I have a few and they can't really pass even in natural colours.

>> No.8411256
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Sorry forgot to add. I'm absolutely loving this 'loopy braids' style at the moment, I wear my hair in this style very, very often now.

>> No.8411521

Requesting hairdos for classic/gothic lolita, please?
It seems we always get too sweet/fairy kei/gyaru in here.

>> No.8411707
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So I finally got a blowdryer.
I was wondering if there are any suggestions anyone has for fine hair? I'm not very creative, unfortunately.

Pic related is close to my hair type and length.

>> No.8411724

Thanks, I'm eyeing the Angelic model now!

Try doing the brushing technique with a round brush for volume, maybe?

>> No.8411732

Does anyone have a link to that little pink barrette thingy that helps you cut your bangs evenly? I've seen it in another thread and don't remember what it's called or where to get it...

>> No.8411745

You mean this thing?
It's by Etude House, try searching somewhere else for better prices, maybe.

>> No.8411864

thank you anon, you're a life saver

>> No.8411880
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>> No.8411891

Does anyone have any cute hairstyles to wear with half bonnets?

>> No.8412771


not orig anon, but i think 5-6 is flipping the ponytail through the hole, and then 6-7 is tightening the first rubber band then doing a fishtail plait with the rest of the hair
8 is just loosening the fishtail and in 9 they take out the first rubber band
10 they use a small strand of hair to cover the remaining band

>> No.8412821
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Just a friendly reminder that diet affects your hair!

If you don't have a steady amount of proteins and calories in your diet, your hair will turn thin and brittle!

Is losing that 2 kg worth losing a fistful of hair? Exercise is healthier, as your sweat naturally conditions your hair.

Also don't wash your hair every, it causes breakage. Remember to use shampoos and conditioners tailored to your hair type. If you're dry, don't use clarification shampoos, and if you're oily, don't use conditioning shampoos.

And if you're a heavily damaged hair owner like myself, make a mask of 2-1-1 coconut oil, honey, and milk [warm all ingredients to thoroughly blend, test heat before you burn yourself!] and leave your hair wrapped for 20 minutes. Then shower as usual, rinsing the treatment completely, and wash your hair the next day.

>> No.8412847

If you have fine hair I would honestly not blowdry, or do it only for special occasions. Heat damage is a killer for fine hair [especially] and I have learned the hard way.

>> No.8413392
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>> No.8413394
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>> No.8413397
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>> No.8413402
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>> No.8413412
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>> No.8413418
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>> No.8413422
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>> No.8413424
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>> No.8413434
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Aaaand that was the end of my dump. I hope it's useful to people!

>> No.8413466
File: 119 KB, 1544x812, Iseeyou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone tell me what my faceshape I have and what haircut will make me suffer less from it?

btw my face isn't fat, I look fine from the side or 3/4 view.

>> No.8413470

try drawing an oval instead of these uggo pictures and you'll work it out.

>> No.8413634

Thanks sweetie.

>> No.8415412

Does anyone have advice for fighting dandruff that isn't anti-dandruff shampoo? It recently started showing up even though I haven't had in YEARS. I have dyed hair and dandruff shampoos strip the color out like crazy which is why I don't want to resort to that.

>> No.8415420

Every time I wear this style to work people either look at me weird, or tell me in purposely the most awkward way possible "That's um.. an interesting style today".

>> No.8415422

I'm having a hard time finding "Claryifying" shampoos.
I went to a hairstylist specific shop the other day, gave up searching through the poo and asked the shop keeper if they had any - she looked kinda bewildered. What did I do wrong?

>> No.8415425

it's ugly without some sort of large head accessory to balance it out
if you're wearing head accessories, maybe that hairstyle doesn't suit you, or people at your workplace just aren't used to seeing such hairstyles on adults

>> No.8415428

The way the bottom right's hair styled is obviously oridinary braids, but looks so much different on her than if you started braiding your hair from the side of your hair like that, wtf.

Those faces made me lel
Yeah, you look oval from those.

>> No.8415441

I put two wide, sheer lliac, chiffony ribbon bows on each side. But yeah, probably did look like shit on me, nobody commented on my regular double braids.

>> No.8415443

i think it generally looks better with something like an alice bow or bonnet, rather than more things on both sides, if that makes sense
but i guess it can't be helped if you're trying to keep it toned down, i can only suggest maybe making the loops smaller and see if that looks better

>> No.8415610

Well if you recently dyed your hair, your scalp might just be dried from the dye. Dye and bleaching is really rough on your hair and scalp. Also it could be because of the shampoo and conditioner you are using. Dandruff happens usually because of two things (mostly) one because your scalp is dry or two because there is a build up of shampoo/conditioner residue. Shampoo and conditioner from drugstores/grocerystores/cheap stuff usually has lots of crap init that builds up on your hair and foliciles and scalp. Consider using something like nioxin (im from canada I can pick it up ay beauty supply stores) nioxin has a line of products for dyed and damaged. They have hair masks and a line of products for scalp issues. If you cant get a hold of nioxin just consider getting something from a beauty supply store.

>> No.8415648

It's a fishtail braid, their diagram just sucks.

>> No.8415652

Thought you meant bottom left. But bottom right is a modified french braid, framing her part.

>> No.8415944


This is an example.

>> No.8415973

heatless mothafuckin curls

step 1. take a shower, your hair needs to be damp
step 2. air dry until it's still a little bit moist
step 3. put your hair in 4 buns, 2 on top of your head and 2 on the sides
step 4. leave in for 45 min - 2 hours (you can blow dry it a little bit but then it's not heatless)
step 5. take them down and spray them with some spray, head fliped upside down for volume

bam, headless curls that give you volume
some tips would be, don't sleep overnight on this
thin / fine haired people will notice if you do this you'll wake up with the frizziest hair ever
if you want to use your hairdryer, try to focus mostly on your roots and use a low heat setting, and use the cold button last to keep everything in place
this goes with any drying actually, always just focus on your roots and flip your hair upside down

>> No.8415985

I've bleached my hair twice in an attempt to get it light enough to tone to white, but it's now an orangey yellow, and the toner did just about nothing for it.

Can I safely bleach it one more time? I know to wait a week and soak it in coconut oil first. Is there any other precaution I should take? Exactly how pale does it have to be before it can be toned properly?

>> No.8415986

I considered the possibility of it being because of bleaching but I've been bleaching/dyeing my hair for about half a year now and have only just started seeing dandruff. I'll try a shampoo change to see if that helps though, and look into nioxin. Thanks anon!

>> No.8416433

Sorry, I did mean bottom left! Woopz

>> No.8416511

i dont even care about the hair i just love the vintagey look of these scans

>> No.8416515

well what toner did you use
if your hair is too orange, need a bluer toner
yellowy hair gets violet toner

>> No.8416516

I have lots of dandruff since my scalp is naturally super dry, and Lush's lullaby bar shampoo has worked wonders! I don't know how well it works with colors though, so you might need to ask.

>> No.8416717
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I've tried Manic Panic Virgin Snow (a purple toner) in the past on yellow hair, left it on for an hour, it didn't work at all. Now I tried a homemade toner on my hair, a purple Splat dye mixed with conditioner, and again it didn't take. My hair is lighter this time, varying degrees of pale yellow with more orangey-tips. I might cut the tips off, I don't think I'm going to be able to get them light enough without completely frying them.

Pic related, my hair is a mix of the yellow and yellow-gold at the top, then does a bit of a gradient thing into orange-gold at the bottom, with the very tips being orange. Why it did the gradient thing, I'm not sure, I thought I applied the bleach pretty evenly.

I'm thinking of bleaching one more time, trying what's left of my homemade toner, and if the homemade toner doesn't work I'll look into getting one with solid reviews online.

>> No.8416721

Would it be tacky to do something similar to RinRin's hair but in different colors in terms of 'copying'?

>> No.8416766
File: 51 KB, 500x373, tumblr_n3vs6ko7LZ1t7qurio2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dye your hair purple flat out with Ultra Violet from Manic Panic. Don't buy the virgin snow toner, it's just Ultra Violet mixed with conditioner. I had purple/silver/white hair for a year, and 1 tub of ultra violet with touchups every 2-3 weeks lasted me all year. You have to go lighter, either yellow or pale yellow. Is your hair strands thick or thin? Maybe try a higher level developer. I have super thick tough hair and only vol 30-40 does anything to mine.

To get white/grey hair the important thing is to get an even, professional bleaching, and control the fading process. Uneven bleaching will result in spots of damage and uneven fading (I've been there). Go full out purple with Ultra Violet and then wash to fade. If you're lucky you'll be grey/silver/white for about 2 washes. White hair takes a LOT of maintenance. Remember, you HAVE to be pale yellow/yellow in order to have white hair. Anything darker and it'll be grey.

The tips being orange might be because of past damage or dyeing. What order did you apply the bleach in? Heat will also be a factor. You should apply to the bottom first, and then your roots last. Try rebleaching the tips.

Eh, I've seen people do it before. Rinrin didn't invent it. It's cute, go for it.

>> No.8417316

I want to use my natural hair for lolita but I have a round face and look 200% shitty with full bangs- can anyone post lolita-appropriate wavy hair styles that don't include bangs?

>> No.8417363
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Does anyone have examples of hair dyed unnatural colours in Lolita? I'd love to do something similar to pic related but I worry that I'd be ita.

>> No.8417448

Thanks! I'll try the Ultra Violet. Should I leave it on for a smaller amount of time to keep my hair from going bright purple, or is it easier to just enjoy a pop of purple for a little bit?

My hair is very thin, but I have a lot of it. The first bleach I did, I applied top to bottom. The second one I applied bottom to top because I noticed the tips were darker.

>> No.8417499

enjoy the purple, and use it as a deep condition at the same time with a nice hair mask or some coconut oil. It's easier to wash and fade than control dyeing as an amateur. Also it's less trouble if you get too much color (just wash again) than not enough (have to remix and redye)

>> No.8417542
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Self posting.
I love my hair colour, but I know it might not be some peoples cup of tea.
Personally, I feel like it doesn't distract too much from my coords, as long as it is styled nicely.

>> No.8417565
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I unno man. Dyed my hair and the fade out turned to a dark green that wouldn't leave until I bleached it three times.
I would suggest slathering your hair in coconut oil in a week
Let it sit for an hour and then do a 20vol bleach over your hair (with the coconut oil still in) and check it every 20 minutes.

>pic related
The horrible green color

>> No.8417573

You look great!

>> No.8417581

oy vey

>> No.8417590

My hair has been getting really frizzy recently to the point where if I massage my head during a shower it starts to mat. As a result I've been losing a lot of hair during brushing.
It started around the same time I stopped taking the pill. Any idea if that could be the cause and what would you suggest? Just coconut oil?

>> No.8417591

Looks kind of mossy. I think it would look cool with the right style, but yeah, generally speaking that is not a desirable color.

>> No.8417632

Yeah, it worked when I was trying to look grungy but any type of cute was just off the table.

>> No.8417680

What the fuck kind of hair style do I do for a diamond-shaped face with a bit of excess skin under my chin?
I can't pull it back cause it looks stupid and emphasizes my gross chin (which I guess looks ugliest from the side if anything).
I can't curl it cause my hair is way too thin and fine and I've never had success with curls.
I can't backcomb it because again, it's thin as fuck.

I'm at a loss and I'm so frustrated with feeling ugly and not being able to do anything with my shitty hair because of my shitty face shape.

>> No.8417691
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There's lots of ways to wear half-bonnets, anon! I'll throw out a few of my favorites for you.

Personally my favorite way to wear them is with tight curls like pic related. Lots of people may not care for that look but I love it, reminds me of Claudia from Interview and has a certain bounce to it.

>> No.8417699
File: 121 KB, 456x684, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it looks like she has clip-in tails behind the HB? this is the best pic I've found of it. Looks cute though

>> No.8417702
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>> No.8417710
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I'll end it here, hope that's enough different styles for you anon. ❤️

>> No.8417871

wish she wasn't wearing that star clip. she'd look a lot better without it

>> No.8417892

Can I get some cute mid/long redhead hairstyles?

>> No.8419289
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>> No.8419290
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>> No.8419299
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>> No.8419354
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Does anyone have a tutorial for a twintail and side braid combo style like Kusuda Aina wears for Nozomi?

>> No.8419358

I have a question: I took a pretty hard hit to the head and apparently the spot that was bruised has stopped growing some hair. Is there a way to try and stimulate hair growth again or do I pretty much have to keep brushing it over to hide the small bald patch?

>> No.8419361

No don't over brush your hair.

>> No.8419381
File: 273 KB, 500x339, tumblr_nhocubaPGe1qj816fo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Request for more tutorials for shorter length hair? Say, above shoulders and shorter. I have a chin-length bob and always run out of ideas for ways to style it.

>> No.8419637
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As long as the color is well kept, no one will think it's ita.
>pic related. Nice styling won't save shitty color

>> No.8419770

This has been my favourite hair post in a long while! So many cute styles for short hair! I had to cut mine because I needed a change and there are times I now need to wear a wig because I can't think of something to do with my hair when I wear lolita. Now I have a lot of inspiration <3

>> No.8419787

Keep the colour nice and vibrant, and make sure it matches your wardrobe. Nothing's worse than having an A+ coord and then having your hair clash.

>> No.8419794

Three ways you'd have salty bitches laughing at you:
Improper styling
Color drastically different from the colors you're using for the coordinate.
Roots showing
You're cute, great coords, but the hair still ruins the look for me. First pic I think you could use more volume to frame your face rather than an updo. Something sumptuous.
Middle is great, despite the non matching whites, but the roots..
Far right is super cute, looks like you meant to have just your bangs purple. Hell, if you had put out the effort to give a nod to the color someplace else, it would look planned, but because you haven't it just looks unfinished. Adorable, but just off enough.

>> No.8419814

your victory rolls excite me

>> No.8419822
File: 779 KB, 664x1185, tumblr_nlzcbdkU0r1up9eqno3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can have dyed hair and not be ita. Ita occurs when you make poor overall styling decisions - it's not just limited to your hair, then your clothes, ect.

>> No.8419836

Are you my mom's age? Who cares about roots anymore?

>> No.8419839

Are you 15?

>> No.8419853

>Who cares about roots anymore?
People who don't want to look trashy

>> No.8419879

>Who cares about roots anymore?
>Anon is so poorfag and underage that they think haircare is only for icky adults

>> No.8419886
File: 175 KB, 450x450, 4h1-Wig-queen-font-b-milk-b-font-font-b-tea-b-font-font-b-color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My hair is as black as it can be and I want to dye it a milk tea colour. However I've never dyed my hair. What's the best way to get to this colour without fucking it up?

>> No.8419898

Go to a salon and pay someone else to do it. Don't bleach your hair on your own unless you know what you're doing

>> No.8419913

Honest to god I thought you meant the tv show

>> No.8419920

I can't even see the roots in the middle picture.
The shit I hear people here say...
>your makeup needs to be more even!
>girl's makeup is quite even
>ewwww, those groce PORES!
>girl's face looks normal

>> No.8419925

comment got cut off:
and you can't expect zero roots showing at all times as you shouldn't dye your hair more frequently than every 3 weeks. With purple hair, visible roots are to be expected so you're nitpicking HARD.

>> No.8419927

Go to a salon and show them this picture (no, they don't care that it's a wig) Doing your hair on your own is a big mess and there's a ton of ways to fuck it up. Find a reputable salon and get it done right the first time.

>> No.8419988

Hey seagulls, I'm recovering from a bad scratching problem. My scalp is scabbing now (looks pretty disgusting but I guess it's part of the healing process), but how long would I need to wait before going to a hairdresser? A month?

>> No.8420234

Thanks for the concrit, like I said, I do understand such unnatural colours are not everyone's taste. But I'm happy you enjoy my coords for the most part.
First pic is obviously very shortly after being dyed, and middle is most recent, sitting about 6 weeks between colours.
Roots are 100% on my to do list and have been bugging me for a few weeks now, but I'm actually really enjoying the colours my hair changes to over time. It has faded really nicely, from a deep violet to the current mauve, yet it still stays quite vibrant.

>> No.8420782
File: 436 KB, 512x1029, bob-updo-braid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a look at The Beauty Department if you haven't already. Some super cute hairstyles as one of the girls has long red hair.

Wait until the skin is healed, probably 3 weeks depending how bad it was. I hit my head and cut it open which took 3 weeks to really heal, and even then the area was a bit tender when they washed my hair


>> No.8420954

4 weeks is standard for blonde and vivid colors if you don't want roots this visible. She said they are 6 week roots so yes, for some of us that's too long and we don't like the way it looks. Ditto for pores, what is primer? Things that appear undone or lazy will get critique. You may not be as discerning, sensitive or observant (or picky) but many others are. Everyone sees things differently.

>> No.8421166

I have scalp psoriasis so I always have scabs from scratching, my hair dresser knows about it and just works around it. So if you have a really good hair dresser you could go now, just all depends on who does your hair

>> No.8421914

Not everyone wants to cake their face in makeup/primer just to please your salty ass. And everyone has pores, so your comment holds no ground.

>> No.8421915

What makes styling red hair different from other hair colours?

>> No.8422045

Try caffine shampoo. My friend had a bald patch due to a scar and she found she had to just get extensions put in above it and below it to hide it

>> No.8422061

Why do all the girls doing these tutorials look the same?
>twee/indie clothes
>gaudy unnatural red hair
>mid/late 20s manface

>> No.8422062

Because it's the same girl

>> No.8422071
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You do realize natural red hair comes in many shades of orange, right? From a darker orange to a very, very blonde strawberry orange to a vibrant orange.

>> No.8422079

I do, but hers is clearly dyed. There's a difference between ginger and a very loud orange, especially due to the fact that IF you were to naturally have Tango-orange hair you'd have to be very young as it darkens with age.
I wasn't talking about her specifically, I meant girls like her in general

>> No.8422096

I don't see anything wrong what she did. She looks cute. Get your cunt washed of all that salt.

>> No.8422114

it looks forced and tryhard on a woman her age

>> No.8422119

>On a woman her age
8/10 my jimmies were rustled

>> No.8422127

she looks too old to be acting cutesy and dyeing her hair crazy colours

>> No.8422151

She looks 20. Thats not old.

>> No.8422153

Tbh I think she looks more like a youthful 28-30 year old

>> No.8422172

jesus christ you guys can be so bitchy, the redhead is pretty; fuck off her dick with your sand filled pussies already and get back to hair

>> No.8422181

lol sure

>> No.8422211

She's a natural blonde mom (of a 12 & 4 year old) in her early 30s and her profession (rock band/homeschool momteacher) allows for dressing however weirdly she likes
Can we please shut up about it

>> No.8422221
File: 1.50 MB, 400x285, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rock band/homeschool momteacher

>> No.8422390

> tfw you want a cute bob like the pic, but know you too lazy to keep up with daily styling

>> No.8425215

This will probably get alot of hate...but specifically black women who where asian wigs off of ebay make me so sad. It's shiny no amount of fabric softener will make it blend with your texture. There are plenty of youtube videos where you can learn to make your own wigs in the style that you like that use cheap beauty store hair that blends well with your texture. I am honestly so tired of seeing shiny ass dome headed wigs that are rising up like crust. It's not flattering at all. If you want to pick out a nice hairstyle be it for anything cosplay, lolita, whatever it's not that hard to youtube how to make something more flattering for you. It's so cringe worthy to see a beautiful coord... only to be ruined by a funky looking wig that looks really out of place. I think what I'm trying to say is wear what flatters you most.

>> No.8425248

it's not "clearly dyed" tartar, i dated a guy who's hair came out of his body that color
ginger comes in several different shades

>> No.8425558

How bitter are you? Her bone structure is nice. Get out of here, pancake swine.

>> No.8425571

Not even that anon but have you even read the previous comments? She's a natural blonde.
Besides, it does look unnatural because it clashes with her skin tone. If she were deathly pale it could work, this way she could pull off darker, muted reds and auburn but not that color

>> No.8426616
File: 721 KB, 1280x720, makichan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is incredibly dumb but ... I love Maki's hair from Love Live so much, but for the life of me I can't figure out the cut. or at least how I would describe it to my hairdresser. granted, she's 2D, but regardless... the layering and the fluffiness + side fringe is so on point

>> No.8426773
File: 47 KB, 425x556, taylor-ballerina-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon i think i have my hair like her. I already had the side fringe but i recently cut my hair short. I wanted it curly and short but my hair varies in how it looks haha. Icant find the picture of taylor swift i used to show my hairdresser. But its something like this? What do you think?

>> No.8427693

My hair is very similar to that color and texture albeit shorter and I'm super jealous of black hair.

>are you my twin opposite?

>> No.8427863

i LOVE the victory rolls, and you are adorable, but i agree with >>8419794. your hair detracts from the first and third coords but for me only with the color. it looks good with the middle one.

>> No.8428770
File: 135 KB, 800x1422, C360_2015-06-12-22-57-44-362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to just do a trim of my burnt out ends and a dye of deeper red but now I'm wondering if I should make do a bigger hairstyle change.

I'm a bit limited in any hairstyles(no mohawks or anything drastic) and color because of work. Any suggestions ?

>> No.8429612

Any products that you'd recommend to stop my short bangs (Sabrina-ish) from turning into a poodle puff in the slight breeze?
Preferably not hairspray, because it's awful to get in my bangs but not the rest of my hair.

>> No.8429732

Hair styling serum?

>> No.8429736

Any nice hime gyaru hairstyles that don't require stuffing some sort of object in your hair for extra poof? I wanna try it someday, but having to put a sock or one of those hairbun molds makes it seem really awkward.

>> No.8432344
File: 216 KB, 600x800, little fairy wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this called...? I want to achieve her cute bob/bangs but I'm not sure how,like it has volume at the end and "flattens" out? I love katja

>> No.8432347

the fuck are you talking about? That's just a messy bob

>> No.8432352
File: 17 KB, 320x240, pof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I chose a bad picture, but kind of longer than this

>> No.8432357

It's just a long bob.

>> No.8432439
File: 25 KB, 260x400, ina-doll.31892.1409499020..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8432442

Please tell me this is a wig

>> No.8432473
File: 827 KB, 1993x3000, dascha-polanco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had the skin tone to pull this caramel/dark colour shit off, it's cute.

>> No.8432497

How many people do you know with hair that thick?

>> No.8432522


Liese bubble colour. Made for dying black Asian hair, easy to do at home.

>> No.8432554

I have purple hair, a bit brighter than this one and I feel like it clashes with almost every coord I wear. It's okay when I wear all black and black&white but sometimes I like to add some red into my coords. Can you gulls give me some honest advice, does purple and red clash in your opinion?

>> No.8432818
File: 43 KB, 355x640, d91fdb99c767563273009f1737f3543f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My hair colour is a uneven from old box dye jobs and I want to fix it by going to a salon. I would really love something like pic related since my natural colour is very similar. I'd like the blonde ombre closer to the ends and not as high up as in the picture.

I'd also like to get into wearing extensions as I've been growing out my hair (currently bra length) and I'd like to give clip ins a try. I'm wondering what I'd need to know about getting human hair clip ins. Should I buy them first and take them with me to the salon and get them dyed at the salon?

>> No.8432860

Any tips on getting/ wearing clip on bangs? I'm tired of fighting with my natural hair growth and looking to find some to make up for my thin bangs. I'm considering on finding one at a local black beauty shop.

>> No.8432869

Any advice for getting your hair back to it's normal hair color? I'm going from a cool blonde back to my ash brown. My hair has grown out an inch so far, but I'm going to let it grow just a little bit more so my root color is a bit easier to see.

Should I dye it again to my natural color once I see enough? Or is there any way to get out the blonde color? I just want my natural hair color back as soon as I can.

>> No.8432942

>is there any way to get out the blonde color?
This is the stupidest thing I have ever heard

>> No.8433025
File: 85 KB, 540x801, Cute-Japanese-Bob-Hairstyle-with-Blunt-Bangs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to cut off dry and damaged ends I think something like pic related would really suit you going by your face shape. It's also cute and slightly quirky without being 'out there'.

>> No.8433029
File: 95 KB, 534x804, Back-View-of-Cute-Japanese-Bob-Hairstyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8433038

Calm your tits. I meant if I could do anything to get rid of some of the gold. Some of us don't dye the polar opposite of our natural hair color and the difference isn't that great.

>> No.8433171

Have you tried washing the blond color out?

>> No.8433226

you can try repeatedly washing your hair with head and shoulders shampoo (no conditioner), it strips out a lot of color, even with permanent dye. Then to bring the ashy tones back you'll need a toner but it may end up looking slightly grey-ish. Violet toners are used to get rid of orange tones (and can turn very pale hair silver or grey looking) and green toners are for more of an ash result if you don't have a lot of orange / warmth in your hair. It might be worth going to Sally's, the staff will likely recommend the best toner for you after seeing your hair in person.

You could always try this method too, seems quite a few people have had good results with it:


>> No.8433247

So don't? But then don't get buttmad if someone points it out, either. Big pores on a bare face are noticible. Primers are not all cakey, I use a sunscreen primer that is light, quick and easy.

>> No.8433289

Don't get extensions if you're trying to grow your hair out, just wait it out. No one I know who wears them has ever successfully grown out their hair.

>> No.8433310

Why do I always feel like I'm missing a vital step with these.

>> No.8433519


I cannot wait until you're 28. You'll feel so retarded with what you're saying/thinking.

>> No.8433527


>> No.8433779

like 60% of black people

>> No.8433781
File: 90 KB, 800x600, コメ小松ボブ1ms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post short hair tutorials

>> No.8435004

how deep is your violet hair? and how deep are the reds you like to bring into gothic coords? bright purple and bright red clash for me, but I can imagine deeper violet and a deeper wine red looking okay, maybe?

>> No.8435012

Does she look black to you?

>> No.8435417
File: 580 KB, 2400x2400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosplaying as him but I'm not sure what kind of style it is (and replicating it). I did try to style my hair recently like his, but I'm not sure if I have enough hair to pull it off and I have a decent amount of hair. I tried hair gel and either all my hair are spiked or the curl in front of his head and just the tip is affected.

Here some references from all angles, if that helps

>> No.8435426

when my bangs do this thing and i DONT want them too
ugly taylor how do you make it look perfect while mine are like some strange wave

>> No.8435459

I had this problem for a LONG TIME anon! One day I took a shower, parted my hair in the middle fors hits and giggles, and left it. When in dried, I realized I can't do a middle part, and slid is back over. The weird wave was gone.
So now, I part my hair in the middle after I shower, and then slide it back into side bangs in the morning, and I have nice, now wiggly-wavy bangs all day.

The cons are you spend your post-shower evenings looking like a female Dwight from the Office.

P.S. I have wavy-straight, fairly thick hair.

>> No.8436220

>not using a wig
> G E L

>> No.8436287

Gatsby wax, curling iron, fluff the top, arrange the spike, clip it in place, shoot all angles with Got2Bglued hairspray, let dry, remove clip, smooth slightly where needed.

>> No.8437514
File: 120 KB, 700x1200, w101-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do any of you use wig clips like this for your natural hair? I do wear wigs but they can get very uncomfortable so I'm thinking this might be a nice alternative. Does it look too odd, obviously fake, etc?

>> No.8437560

If you have white-people-hair it will probably look like shit

>> No.8437570

Jelly salty bitch alert

>> No.8437704

A girl in my comm uses a clip-in ponytail occasionally and it looks nice, but her hair color matches the hair fall EXACTLY so you can't tell by glancing at it that it's a separate clip. imo you need to have absolutely zero difference in color for your hair and the clip-in for it to look okay.

>> No.8438193

Any cute/sweet hairstyles without bangs? Or do I just wear wigs forever

>> No.8438218


Hi taytay. We know you're a /b/tard.

>> No.8438265

For lolita bangs are pretty much a must. If you hate wigs, try bang clips instead.

>> No.8438272

>tfw bangs doesn't suit your face
I will never be a true lolita.

>> No.8438276
File: 661 KB, 778x1166, tumblr_n5xfz5CZyc1ssv2l9o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No they aren't.

>> No.8438543
File: 126 KB, 640x898, 6a00d8358081ff69e2017eea6fdc8e970d-800wi-640x898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8438545
File: 309 KB, 629x700, braid-tutorial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8438548
File: 183 KB, 605x1035, Brilliant-Braid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8438550
File: 243 KB, 620x948, five-strand-braid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8438553
File: 84 KB, 620x789, french-braided-bangs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8438559
File: 328 KB, 613x700, hairstyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8438644
File: 65 KB, 487x800, How-To-Styling-a-Topsy-Tail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8438646
File: 264 KB, 1024x1024, Picnik collage14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8438725


I've done this with epiccosplay's really long clip ponytail and it worked perfect, even just for casual wear!

But--even tho my hair is naturally full/dark hispanic hair, I still had to dye it a true jet black to match the clip and had trouble keeping the heavy clip to hold. So beware if you have thin and/or multi-toned hair!!

I would probably only recommend this method if you're willing to dye your hair to match the clip. Otherwise, in strong sunlight the color and texture difference is very noticeable!

>> No.8440155

what kind of hairstyle should a girl with a very sharp nose have? (aquiline/roman type)

>> No.8441166

has anyone sued henna to dye their hair? i have naturally brown hair and i bleached it blonde and i want to go back brown

>> No.8441175
File: 38 KB, 250x350, cit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe something like this?

>> No.8441198

What's the best spray in your guys opinion?

>> No.8441438
File: 7 KB, 164x307, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get my hair to sort of curl at the ends so that it sort of hugs my back/shoulders as opposed to just hanging flat? Kind of like pic related
I've tried curling it, but it always ends up looking fucked up/flipping to the side.

Also, has anyone gone for a straight perm before? I'm seriously considering it. My natural hair is a weird wavy in between that barely holds shape when I style it.

>> No.8441466

n-no bully anon-kun pls

>> No.8441519

Anyone watch the hair styling expo demonstration on nico nico last night?

>> No.8441524

There's a world of difference between aquiline and Roman, and Roman noses aren't sharp at all. God damn I wish people would stop labelling every nose shape that isn't a tiny button nose 'Roman' and 'Jew'

>> No.8441533


>> No.8441599
File: 30 KB, 310x309, Wig-long-straight-hair-qi-bangs-korean-soaps-girls-wig-star-wig-female-wig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure if anyone here cuts their own hair, but how would you go about cutting bangs straight. Like in this picture

>> No.8441643

sorry i didn't know I googled it and one chart grouped them the same. I guess i meant for aquiline

>> No.8441825
File: 172 KB, 1300x866, 17888413-Hairdressers-hands-drying-long-blond-hair-with-blow-dryer-and-round-brush-Stock-Photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blowdry it over a round brush, pointing the nozzle of the dryer towards the ends the whole way down

>> No.8441860

Is there a male version of this, depicting badass hairstyles for men?

>> No.8441863

There are quite a few YouTube tutorials.

>> No.8442007


>> No.8442087

Try massaging the area.

>> No.8442134

What's the best conditioner for damaged hair?

I don't dye or straighten my hair, but I haven't been taking care of it so it's full of split ends. Been thinking about a Lush one since I'm using one of their shampoos at the moment, but I'm open to any suggestions.

>> No.8442150

When I get my hair pressed the stylist uses the flat iron to curl it inward.

>> No.8442506

Coconut oil for me personally

>> No.8442513

I did, just know that once you've done it, you can NEVER reverse it by bleaching it or dying over it until you grow it out and chop it off. It makes your hair feel and look amazingly healthy though - it gave my hair great body, shine and volume. It fades nicer than permanent dyes too. If you're willing to do the upkeep and spend the hours applying it, then by all means do it, but if you like to change your hair colour a lot, I would suggest you don't. Just understand it's risky but has great results if you stick with it and don't use anything else besides it for colour.

>> No.8442535

You can bleach it to some extent but it needs to have faded a LOT. You'll never be able to go platinum blonde with it in, that much is true, but the bleach can lift the colour two or three shades, from, say, dark brown to medium-light orange.

It's safe to use on dyed hair BUT it has to be body art quality henna, takes hours to apply, does dry out your hair albeit not as much as bleach would, and makes it incredibly shiny. If you don't like hair that's really shiny (almost cheap wig-tier for some) I wouldn't recommend it.

The long hair community and hennaforhair have great tips and mixes. Some people mix in cassia and lemon juice to lighten it.

Source: experience
I'd been dyeing my hair with henna for years before switching to regular ammonia-free dye. If you're not sure about the colour and just want to test it out, I'd suggest temporary hair dye instead. IMO it's not really worth the hassle but if your hair needs to be babied a lot, go for the henna instead of dye.

>> No.8442562

I get my ends trimmed, do a keratin treatment for smoothing then wait a few days and use a hair masque or hot oil treatment to moisturize (get one for your hair/scalp type). I use Humectress conditioner, wash 2x per week only with dry shampoo in between and limit blow drying and don't heat style except for special occasions or to curl my fringe. When I do blow dry, I use a heat protectant spray. My hair is almost elbow length and heavily bleached so with this method I've gotten some decent length.

>> No.8442856

If your using Manic Panic, leave it in the hair for several hours. My friend (who dyes her hair a lot) usually sleeps with the colour over night. Just remember to take care of the hair afterwards, like a hair mask to keep it healthy!

>> No.8443115

That sounds interesting, what is it? And excuse my stupidity but when you say nico nico, do you mean nico nico douga?

>> No.8443168

Hello, friend! I have encountered the same issues as you re: Virgin Snow doing absolutely nothing. What works for me is mixing Wella Color Charm #T18 with a capful or two of Wella Color Charm #050 (and, ofc, Wella's developer - as a tip, mix the developer and T18 BEFORE adding 050). The T18 by itself takes your hair to level 10, and the 050 makes your hair silvery. (It may look a little purple or grey, depending on how much 050 you add/how long you leave it, but it will lessen in 2-3 washes.) Don't bleach again - I can take my hair from bright/pale yellow to light silver/grey with the toner I mix. Your ends may be a lost cause, sadly. You can do it!

>> No.8443794

You dun goofed with the first bleach, that's what's caused the issues. Roots always go lighter because it's warmer there due to your scalp heat, you should always apply to the ends first (and that's often why people sit with their hair piled up on their head, because of the heat)
I'd try a series of bleach caps on the ends which are a bit gentler, dilute your bleach with 1/2 shampoo and keep it moist/warm in a shower cap or plastic bag

>> No.8445733

Where do you all think the cheapest but still redeemable places to get your hair colored are? I've been going to the same nice salon that my mom used to take me to, but it ended up being $120 for every root touch up. Is that really the norm? I wouldn't mind going to a fantastic sams sort of place, but I'm just nervous they'll fuck my hair up.
I tried it at home way too many times, I've given up on myself and friends for bleaching.

>> No.8445741



>> No.8445807

This will probably vary widely depending on your geographic area. Try Yelp? You can also look to see if there are cosmetology schools near you that offer discounts for letting students work on your hair, too.

>> No.8445826

Seagulls, I'm in a dire need of help, please!
For last few years I was shut-in, but now I'm going to attend uni starting this year and I have to start working on my hair so I'll stop looking horrible, but I've got no idea where to start. My hair's medium length wavy (European). I have some strands that look dry and stand out. I usually wear ponytail or variations, because my hair always curls at ends and it looks silly.

>TL;DR Help a shut-in with no idea how to take care of hair, pretty please.

>> No.8446156


>> No.8446284
File: 411 KB, 690x1227, 2015-07-02_13.50.38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought that exact clip in wine and dyed it to match my hair. It worked really well!! Pic related, that's the best picture I could find of it.

>> No.8446414

I'm a bit afraid to post photos online.

>> No.8446425

You're going to receive exactly 0 help then. A lot of learning how to style your hair correctly is just that: learning. Teach yourself how to do stuff like braid, flat-iron your hair, use a hair curler, ect. Only you will really truly know what's right and not right for your hair. Try out the tutorials in this thread.

If you need a new hair style first, see a hair stylist.

>> No.8446833

That looks really nice anon!

>> No.8446847

Go to a decent salon and get it shaped, ask them to assess your hair and scalp condition and ask some product type recommendations for caring for it. Simple. Ditto for asking help with your skincare because you probably need that too if you haven't been taking care of yourself.

>> No.8446851

I agree with >>8446425 that learning some of the basics may be of great help.
If you learn some types of braiding (French, Dutch, 5 strand etc) through YouTube tutorials then the pics in these threads become a lot easier to understand. From the way you describe your hair also it sounds like braids may be your friend. I often do braided updos with bows and hair accessories as you can't really go too wrong, it just may take a little practice!

>> No.8446854

I wouldn't let cosmetology students bleach my hair. Bangs trim, temp color, sure but otherwise too much chance of them messing up your whole head.
There's a reason bleaching is expensive, it's hard to get right.

>> No.8446910

Chiming in to mention that Nixon is NOT for dry and damaged hair. It is a line formulated to help the health of the scalp in cases of thinning hair and hair loss. And while 3 of the 6 lines cater to chemically treated hair, shit still pulls color out.

>> No.8446925

Your hair looks like a wig

>> No.8446967
File: 1.73 MB, 1080x1920, 20140827_173508_mh1435878348930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seconding this. If your hair is light enough, this should do the trick. For touch ups, check out Evo's Fabuloso line. They're basically heavily tinted deep conditioners, and the purple one saved me from ever having to do a legitimate toner ever again (aside from my roots). They're a little pricey, but it's a good quality product and the bottle should last you quite a while.

Pic related, my hair with a similar routine. However, I feel I should mention that I have naturally dark brown hair (I lighten my brows a bit) and pale skin. Someone starting with a lighter hair color could probably get a more pure white effect than I could. (Or if you have a tan, it'll just look way brighter)

>> No.8446968

I wish to do more with my hair, but its so fine, Ive been looking into hair regrowth products as Id like to be able to use my own hair more, but theres so many. From what I've read the main ingrediant is minoxidil, but theres still so many to go through. Has anyone gave any a shot and had any results?

>> No.8446975

Oops, meant to reply to
>>8443168 and

>> No.8446983

If you can get ahold of them in your country, try looking for the Japanese magazine "CHOKi CHOKi" (not the women's version, obviously)

>> No.8447241

so pretty

>> No.8447554
File: 39 KB, 877x656, 1802225-yusuke04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get a Yusuke Urameshi haircut without having to show the barber a picture of Yusuke Urameshi? I think it's right on the threshold of possible anime haircuts, but I've never seen it done right and I just don't want to use a wig.

>> No.8447566

Find a similar pix of a real guy wearing a small pompadour style.

>> No.8448058

Are the straight across bangs a must? I see them in every tutorial here. I-I want to be cute.
Are they hard to take care of?
What should I tell the hairdresser so she doesn't fuck it up?

>> No.8448063

Opinions of seagulls =/= rules

>> No.8448427
File: 145 KB, 1280x960, 3071258-1339416796232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yusuke actually has long bangs that are swept back with hair gel to make a pompadour. You can't actually get your hair cut like that and have it look right. Pic related, his hair unstyled.

>> No.8448531

I love my bangs. But I had fucked up ones for a while, the trick is to get them from the middle of your head. You know those corners in your hairline? Only use the hair in between the corners. They don't have to be flat across either, you can push them to the side a little too like in >>8419354. You'll also want side pieces that are at most a centimeter away from your eyes. My bangs were too wide for a long time, and I never understood why they looked weird. Just make sure you clarify this to your hairdresser.
Also: make sure they're a proper length. If you have a short face, you might look better with bangs above your eyebrows, or if your face is longer, keep it at least at your brows. But it's not a set in stone rule, just experiment and see what you like best. Bangs grow fast, so don't worry. You should go for it! It's just a small section of hair.
Foreheads in j-fashion look really normal-fag. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but still.

>> No.8448748

You guys probably get this question A LOT, but here goes;
Got any advice on how to make thin, scandinavian hair fuller? I braid my hair at night so it has quite a bit of volume the next day but I wonder if anyone has any other tips and tricks?

>> No.8448858

Not sure if I'm asking in the right place, but here goes.

I butchered my wig last night for today's cosplay. My natural hair color and style is kinda of similar to the character. Is it okay to just use my natural or will everyone think I'm a scrub?

>> No.8449242

You can use your natural hair but everyone will be judging you for it. Just wave them off its not like you have a choice.

>> No.8449692
File: 56 KB, 447x639, SideBraid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I request examples of lolita worn with a side braid?

>> No.8449746 [DELETED] 
File: 144 KB, 960x765, nipnoptassels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8449747

Use pomade not gel. Please.

>> No.8449748

Maybe see if you can pick up a wig at the con?

>> No.8449983

What can anyone recommend for vitamins/certain foods/etc. to eat or take to make your hair grow longer? I used to not think too much about this until I started drinking a lot of milk when my hair was frail and taking more omega 3 pills. It made my nails grow very quickly and my hair was a lot strong.
Anyone recommend other things to take too? I'm just getting over a ton of hair breakage and some hair loss.

>> No.8450002

I was recommended kiwi fruit to strengthen my hair and help my scalp, if that helps.

>> No.8450048

Unsulphured blackstrap molasses, and nettles. Nettles are especially good. Google 'vitamins in nettles' and be amazed. My hair has always been really thick and fast growing, but nettles turned my flimsy fingernails into diamonds. They're extremely cheap too, as long as you buy loose/bulk and not in tea bag form. Seriously, everybody needs to get on board the nettle train. Better than a multivitamin.

>> No.8450222
File: 127 KB, 480x643, tumblr_lpbrzufoiq1qcp2b2o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8450681


>> No.8450765
File: 696 KB, 400x225, 1429445451661.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a question for my unnatural mermaid hair sisters from other misters. I had the most luxurious teal hair color. I loved it but in the end decided it wasn't for me (too many people coming up to me saying "oh someone is ready for saint patricks day!") It was semi permanent so I thought no problem I'll just stop maintaining it and wash my hair in hot water a couple times and I can start over with a new color. I've done this before with success. Nope. Not this color. It's faded alright but only to a brighter ugly mint green that totally clashes with me. It's been this way for over a month and I'm going crazy. I looked up some stuff online to get it to fade and I was wondering if any of you tried these methods and how well it turned out. I've seen washing hair with dawn dish soap. I've seen crushing up vitamin c tablets and mixing with shampoo. I've seen using dandruff shampoo. And I've heard of something called a bleach bath. My one friend said I should bleach it but I'm trying to avoid any unnecessary damage. Any advice?

>> No.8450781

i cant hardly see shit . i thought these were going to be curls..ffs

>> No.8450820

Dish soap and vitamin C tablets may not work if the teal is THAT stuck to your hair. (I work in a beauty supply store and my coworker literally just went through the same problem)

If you have some deep conditioner/mask, try using a mixture of water and liquid detergent. Deep condition like crazy afterwards. If it's still somehow stuck in your hair after that, you may have to go the bleach bath method.

>> No.8450836

Since you work in a beauty store, can you tell me if permanent dyes in unnatural colors exist? I've looked so many places and all I can find is demi-permanent as the highest. I asked my hair cutter and she said they exist but I'm starting to think that she just didn't understand my question or thought I said something different. Unless it's permanent my hair likes to lose the color quick as fuck.

>> No.8450842
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Best one. I love this. Wouldn't look good on me though I don't think.

>> No.8450849

I cut my own hair. But I do it when the hair is dry with razor sharp scissors so it get's the job done. And when I say razor sharp I MEAN razor sharp, you would cut your finger or eye out with them. So anyways I do it dry so I can see the "actual" length it is when dry instead of wetting it and cutting it. When you dry it it'll poof then you'll end up cutting more than you wanted.

>> No.8450972
File: 27 KB, 480x360, hurr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Milkyfawn's wig here but I can't seem to replicate the neat little buns, help

>> No.8451230

Does anyone have any kawaii styles for a black jfashion girl? Like actual kinky-straight, braided, twisted, simple yet cute styles? I'm 4b-4c with straight mixes in there if anyone was wondering.

>> No.8451233

there's lots of them on curlynikki, and you can also try the little puffy buns

>> No.8453457

Head and shoulders and dishwashing liquid are two I've used to strip out dye with success. Usually takes me 2-3 goes and leaves my hair dry as fuck though.

Protein is important for hair since it's made with keratin which is just protein, make sure you're having your recommended daily amount!

When you dry it, let it get to damp then put a decent amount of heat protecting, voluminising serum in it. Tip your head upside down and blow dry the roots upwards.

>> No.8455085
File: 1.26 MB, 1500x1000, 1436137592672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get my hair to look like picture related? I'm male and only want the length to be 2-4 inches max. Plus I don't want to color it. I'll just have to accept if the answer is that the color and length are necessary for that look. If not please advise on what needs to be done.

>> No.8455089

Anyone have any good Lolita short (I'm talking pixie) hair inspiration?

>> No.8455096

it looks like her hair is long enough to be in a low ponytail. the wisps in front are the parts not pulled back.

what color is your hair now? is the texture fine, thick, straight, wavy?

>> No.8455110

My hair is extremes. Extremely thick, extremely straight. Extremely hard too, it sticks up straight and doesn't fall down until it's past 2 inches or so. Extremely black. Essentially all the attributes of Asian hair.

>> No.8455754

I use sensitive mizani butter blend, I have 4b/c afro hair but that gets it stick straight without compromising all of the oils or thickness, no flatiron or blowout needed

>> No.8455774
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>> No.8455780
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>> No.8455785
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>> No.8455789
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>> No.8455805
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>> No.8455807
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>> No.8455813
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>> No.8455817
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>> No.8455899

Help please!
>extremely long hair
>thick hair
>can't use hairspray
>fuckin crying

I've been stalking this and other hair threads for a solid 3 months now and compiled some inspiration but I'd thought it'd might be time to just ask!
I have long ass hair, no literally it goes past my ass so I have to flip my hair over when I go shit.
For a better idea, my genes are asian so I have thick dark brown hair that can survive months without a wash and still be fine.
I am searching for a hairstyle that would go with a Gothic Lolita coordinate, one not too difficult as I can't use sprays to keep curls in etc. I'm at the point where I am about to order the cheapest ebay black wig.

>> No.8455906

Humble brag

>> No.8455922

Why don't you just straighten/flatten it? You don't always need curly hair for a coordinate.

>> No.8456081

Why don't you go to the Long Hair Community forums and look there then?

>> No.8456116

How do I into coconut oil masks?
Everytime I use one my hair is oily for a couple of days. It's always warmed in a mixture, sits in my hair for the allotted time, then rinsed in the shower with warm water. The next day it's pretty oily so I wash with shampoo (judging by your post that's what's you're supposed to do) but once it air dries it still feels oily. I have to keep it in braids so it isn't so noticeable. Maybe my hair is so dry that I mistake any added moisture as oily?

>> No.8456134
File: 120 KB, 478x1024, heartadoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gahh I love her hair color. I'm sure it's intensified with editing but it's just such a beautiful red. I'm a natural redhead and I'm jealous of her color.

>> No.8456914

I fucked up, seagulls. Been bleaching my hair for about 6-7 months and this last root touchup was the straw that broke the camel's back. Long story short, I will probably be getting a very short haircut (~3" length from skull) later this week. Would appreciate some short hair styles, preferably ones that look good with a round face and low forehead.
>round face
>low forehead
>short cut
I'm crying just thinking about the disaster this will turn out to be.

>> No.8456923

fuck sorry, I just saw that there are a bunch of short styles that was posted. thank you to the anon who shared those.

>> No.8457321

Fuck, I just dyed my hair with Palty and the colour turned out fucking grey. How long until I can dye it again? The leaflet says 7 days.. Must I really wait that long or will the chemicals kill my hair?

>> No.8457359

Bit of an odd question, but why does people's hair colour look different on the roots than on the rest of the strand? My boyfriend has blond hair, his roots are dark blond/light brown and the rest of the hair is platinum blonde. My roots look mousy, ashy brown but the rest of the strand is auburn. Why?

>> No.8457461

Sun exposure. That's how people used to lighten their hair back in the day

>> No.8458572
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sure thing babe
i got more

>> No.8458576
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>> No.8458583
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>> No.8458836
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>> No.8458993
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and done! I could continue, but I doubt you hets would appreciate my lesbian locks collection, haha
here's a pretty great resource: http://www.sideburndeluxe.com/

>> No.8459057


>> No.8461403

Still no helpful answers. Pls help.

>> No.8461404

Fuck, now I have to collect cicada shells. This is too fucking cool.

>> No.8461865

I definitely appreciate it thank you so much! Though I am not a het haha.

>> No.8461883

Hime cut with 2-level side-bangs. Flat iron if needed to be super straight, serum for shine.

>> No.8461887

This made me laugh! What's it from? She's all like 'buggy head, still kawaii!'

>> No.8461891

It does need to be that long, sorry

>> No.8461905

Any pictures of good lolitas with short hair? I need some inspiration.

>> No.8461916

The only "unnatural colors" you'll be able to find in permanent are reds, unfortunately. Sorry for the mega late response.

>> No.8464633

What happens if that hair is say only 4 inches?

>> No.8464639

then you're shit out of luck, not sure what to tell you. Chances are if you don't live near a Korean salon they won't be able to do that style for you anyway. It requires a certain kind of perm, for the bangs especially.

>> No.8464840

Thought this might be a good place to ask - is there anywhere to buy like a pack or set of various hairpins (bows, flowers, what the fuck ever, so long as that shits mad cute) so I don't have to pay shipping on individual items? I wanna buy a fistful of cute pins for a surprise gift but buying many individual cheap things online ends up being not cheap...

>> No.8464918

Try looking at eBay, Aliexpress, or TaoBao. I'm most familiar with eBay so I know there's a lot of hair accessories for real cheap and free shipping. If you find a seller that has all the accessories you want you can make one order through them. If you find pieces cheaper from different sellers and they all offer free shipping then you'll just receive a lot of packages.

>> No.8464964

my hair is a loaf of bread and im happy about it!!

>> No.8464977

Is that you, anon? I know that horrible green color. I usually use shampoos to slowly work it out. It's the problem with dying this light shade of brown, really. I went far the other way once, and almost went full on blue-grey. Why is brown so hard?

>> No.8465538

Are you my twin twin? I have this exact hair color and style and want to go a nice black. I just think it'd look better for gothic lolita.

>> No.8465544

looks cute, jelly-chan

>> No.8465853

are you new or just stupid?

>> No.8466571

Yeah it's me.
If you're going from a light blond to brown/ black the ashy tones will kinda cling to your hair and turn it blue/ green.
You have to work your way up and do a dark, warm blond and go onto a brown or you'll end upw itht he mess you're talking about.
The green would not fucking come out though no matter what I did.
Ended up bleaching it a few times and toning it with a pink color.
The pink was fucking cute as shit.
I want pink hair again.

>> No.8466592


>> No.8466810

It's shoko-tan. She's the girl who also stuffs her cats faces in her mouth.

I have really shitty/thin hair that just simply wont grow past a certain point. It gets to my shoulders and just can't go any further. I just purchased some biotin since i've heard that it helps hair growth. Is there anything else I can be doing? I want my hair to grow at least a few more inches so I can cut the ends and keep healthier strands.

>> No.8468486

I have short hair, just longer than a pixie but I wouldn't quit call it a bob yet. My hair is very thick and curly. How do I make my curls defined and shiny like in magazines? What are some affordable effective products? When I was younger my mother would put this nasty gel in my hair that made it crunchy and gross I don't want anything like that.

>> No.8469109
File: 59 KB, 898x348, 1301081308159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you recommend me/give hairstyle ideas for very long hair? ;_;
>mfw all the kawaii hairstyles are for short hair

>> No.8470407

I thought any shampoo with sulfate could be used as a clarifying shampoo?