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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 105 KB, 500x667, tumblr_inline_nl6fqrvFNd1rt6vmv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8397612 No.8397612 [Reply] [Original]

A thread for non-Lolita Jfash. I decided to make a new one since the last got many pictures.

Some topics from that last thread that can be carried over to this one:

X OP from last thread felt western Jfash has hit a creativity plateau and requested coords that are outside the mold or styles that aren't done as often.

X Someone said they are changing their wardrobe and wanted to include easy to wear and casual Jfash styles into it. They requested pictures and advice and wanted to transition from rarely wearing skirts to wearing them all the time.

X A couple people asked for advice on how to coordinate better outfits. Someone also asked for help to achieve a cohesive but miss-matched look. Another asked for advice on how to to find your unique individual style.

X There was a little talk about "Larme-kei" possibly being referred to as "American Lolita" in Japan.

>> No.8397618
File: 677 KB, 750x1125, tumblr_nekpzbLjs81r7n4leo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just about to start this again too!

>> No.8397621
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>> No.8397622
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>> No.8397632
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All the Kyary pictures in the last thread reminded me to finally read her biography. There was a point in it when she started talking about being cheap in fashion and expressed that she thinks her small amount of money she has to spend on clothes contributed to her creativity with them. Reading that made me smile, because as a kid I never had an allowance and I still don't have much money to spend on anything, so I get most of my clothes and accessories either 2nd hand or from cheaper stores and then very rarely splurge on a more expensive item. I was starting to feel like I'd always look mediocre because of that, but reading that has given me inspiration to just keep doing what I'm doing and have fun with it. I think if you like a challenge, and I do like to be challenged as long as it's not TOO big of a challenge, the challenge of being creative with cheap clothing can be really fun. And even if I do look a little average or mediocre, it doesn't matter as long as I'm having fun and getting to be creative because that's why I got interested in fashion in the first place.

>> No.8397687

For the anon who wanted to start a casual J-fashion wardrobe:
What styles are you mainly interested in? An easy way to find a "start" is with sweaters or sweatshirts with cute prints on them, they're normal-passing for the most part and can be made more or less J-fashion-y by what you pair them with. Wildfox (which I know has been knocked off by dozens of people like H&M, you can also find it cheap secondhand on eBay) has some great ones for more mature/almost larme-style looks, DreamV has nice more elegant gyaru/otome/Lolita cardigans and sweaters, and eBay probably has dozens if you can't find anything you like.
You can make it look more mature or formal by tucking it in to a high-waisted skirt and neatly rolling up the sleeves, then add tights or OTKs and shoes of your choice. Or throw plain leggings on under it for a more normal look, or go more Spank! style and do a miniskirt under the sweater with pastel tights.
Accessories and hair/makeup style also make a huge difference. A simple cute hairstyle can make even a boring outfit feel fancier or more J-fashion appropriate, and if you're into any of the pastel or accessory-aisle vomit styles a few hair clips will go a long way.

As for wearing skirts: tights under skirts can make them feel more natural at first, and I always recommend wearing bloomers/safety shorts/some form of shorts underneath skirts and dresses just in case. In the winter, here is my layering method: thermal tights, uniqlo heat tech shorts, flannel bloomers, wool OTKs, trouser socks, and boots. (I live where 20 degrees F is a warm day in the winter, so you may not need to later so heavily.)

>> No.8397728
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>> No.8397733

Requesting some punky or aomoji kei stuff!

>> No.8397748
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>> No.8397751
File: 46 KB, 500x667, tumblr_nkfpybwPTQ1r6drupo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mostly monochrome outfits are my favorite

>> No.8397755

I definitely want to see more all black outfits that arent kuro lolita. How can I do jfashion that way?

Also, how to do jfash in a way that shows off curves more? Like hips/butt not breasts and not necessarily waist. I'd like to wear more tight pants or leggings without oversized sweaters on top

>> No.8397772
File: 167 KB, 540x804, tumblr_n6g43qkTY21tycs6xo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the anon from the last thread that was talking about Larme-kei and "American Lolita."
After doing some more reading I've discovered that the founders of Larme-kei want it to be referred to as just that, but each issue they release has a different theme. One of their early issues had the theme "Lolita," as in the book/movie and it appears that some of their overall influence comes directly from that. The magazine scans with the "American Lolita" theme I posted were from Cutie though, and I'm not sure what styles of fashion they normally feature but it had the Larme look. Anyway, it appears that "American Lolita" is a style and influence of Larme-kei.

I seem to recall someone in a recent thread complaining that Larme-kei / Swankiss style clothes looked too much like the "other Lolita" and they couldn't get into it for that reason.

Well, turns out they weren't wrong.

I love the way the style looks and I notice I tend to like Larme looks that have more of a "Lolita" influence. I am not sure what to think of that, ha ha.

Anyway, that's all I've got for now. Hope it was informative.

>> No.8397779
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>> No.8397940
File: 128 KB, 460x691, Cocomi (Coco) 2014 summer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi! I am the style and wardrobe changing anon from the other thread. I'm sorry if anything I write doesn't make sense, I'm feeling sick today and I'm having a hard time focusing.

I'm interested in so many different styles that it's unrealistic and I like almost everything, I'd like to add influence to my wardrobe from tons of styles. I'm currently focusing on casual clothes that are easy to wear because I feel sick a lot but want to be able to wear something cute or cool even if I don't feel 100%. Specific styles I think I can realistically wear regularly are mori girl, fairy kei, stuff that's a bit punky, and casual stuff like what Kyary wears, sorry she's the only person I can think of to use as an example. I like school uniform style for the skirts and bows and sailor motifs but wouldn't want to wear a uniform.

I rarely wear make up because I don't like to wear it, but I know that it can make a difference so I expect that I might not have the look if I don't wear it. I always keep my hair unstyled or just styled simply but it looks like that's how a lot of girls wear their hair too. I need more hair accessories and hats though. I can't wear headbands so I need to find some cute pony tail ties or clips. I don't know where to look for hats but I love them.

I live in an area where summers are really hot and humid with some cooler days randomly mixed in and winters are bitter cold. So that's another good reason why I need more casual J-fash. And yeah I always wear something under skirts unless they are below the knee, I'd hate to flash someone and I've gotten creeped on before. I stopped wearing tights for my health but I love socks.

Thank you for your advice. Again I'm sorry if I babbled or didn't make sense. I was going to make a style collage to post with this but I don't feel up to it. I posted a few pics in the last thread and my post was better written than this but I don't want to repost that stuff into this one so the content is fresh.

>> No.8398013

Some fashion office advice?
I just got a job as an assistant coordinator at a classical prep academy, meaning I'll be able to have some flexibility and dress nicer (I previously worked with severe/aggressive special needs children). Any J-fashion ideas/inspirations you would recommend? I'm liking some of the outfits in this thread.

>> No.8398387

what is this kind of style called?

>> No.8398431
File: 183 KB, 700x958, monlily-ikebukuro-shopstaff-angel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the original anon, but if you love many styles, why not pick some that are similar as a starting point? For example- a blouse from LIZ Lisa or Amavel is going to work for gyaru, otome, larme, etc. By choosing versatile items, you get the most bang for your buck as well as a taste of what you like.

If you want to wear your hair unstyled or dislike make up (I'm with you on the makeup) I suggest some cute scrunchies, barettes and pins. These are the most versatile and can be put anywhere, as well as good for layering for more extreme looks. What hats are you looking for?

Where do you live anon? I'm from NYC, but used to live in upstate NY, and the winters there were definitely bitter cold. You'll find in Jfash, winter fashion is usually either semi-thick throughout, or thick in one area and thin in another. Since you can't wear tights, wearing jfash in winter will be very difficult for the girlier styles. In your case, I'd suggest going old school and wearing mid calf or knee length pants with OTKs. It's a bit unusual, but used to be seen more in older jfash styles.

It's great that you're trying out many fashions! I hope you luck in finding your way.

Cute socks always make me happy. Small jewelry and accessories don't seem like a big deal on the screen, but in person these details really make an outfit x10 cuter. For a classic prep academy, I'd suggest steering away from anything super printed (like tribal tattoo tights that used to be in fashion or giant crosses and skulls on the hem of skirts) and go for light repeated prints. Think of typical lolita prints, except cut out the border.
Blouses + Blazers are a great look that transition easily between usual office wear and jfash with a change of legwear and accessories. Don't be afraid to go cute with your tops- most normal fashion tops are very decorative and few people will bat an eye.

>> No.8398449
File: 124 KB, 480x644, 1434068847690 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what style is the girl wearing on the right?

>> No.8398488
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dumping a variety

>> No.8398489
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>> No.8398490
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>> No.8398492
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>> No.8398497
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>> No.8398501
File: 160 KB, 600x900, TK-2014-06-15-002-001-Harajuku-600x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8398505
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>> No.8398518
File: 38 KB, 640x854, ankrouge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Ank Rouge fall into any specific style? Or is it general casual fashion?

>> No.8398522

not sure, but the girl is cosmashanti on tumblr

>> No.8398534

Lol you still have the name field filled out with that shit?
Are you fucking for real?

>> No.8398539

I'm glad this is happening. Finally all the age players and lolita deniers have to face the fact that their fashion and the book/movies are connected.

>> No.8398571

Where do I get those otk socks??

>> No.8398575

I love ank rouge! They are larme kei/ American lolita.

>> No.8398639

Ank Rogue is typically considered gyaru, but it's pieces are also associated with otome, larme and lolita.

>> No.8398707

Please keep the wank out of this thread. Take it to any of the drama threads or make one just for the issue, but this is not the place. I'm not even going to comment on this issue because I do not want to get anyone started and encourage argument or trolling. I encourage mature and positive discussion about the topic of the book and movie's relation to Jfash but comments like this are non contributing and only derail the thread.

>> No.8398805
File: 191 KB, 500x750, tumblr_n0f6oi69GE1ts3qeso1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for your advice too. I'm sorry my post seems really badly written, I'm not the best at writing even when I am feeling well. I'm feeling better than I was earlier though so that's good.

I'm not really sure what kinds of hats I want to look for because I've never owned any besides a basic cap for the sun and a winter knit hat. I'd like to eventually have a few soft knit type hats and dressier looking brimmed hats.

I don't want to say where I live exactly, but I live near NY and the same distance from the equator so we experience almost the same kind of weather. I plan on not wearing skirts most days in the winter unless it's a mild day and I'm up for it, but wearing pants under skirts is a really good idea for keeping warm.

Thanks for wishing me luck! I am very excited to finally try creating a wardrobe where I can dress cute every day no matter how I feel, even if it is a bit overwhelming at first. Trying to wear skirts more frequently has been something I've wanted to do for a long time. I figure that I should stop wishing I was wearing cute clothes everyday and that it's finally time to try my best to actually do it.

I like the suggestion of wearing cute socks and accessories. It seems to me that socks are an underrated accessory.

>> No.8398809
File: 285 KB, 853x1280, Tokyo Fashion Soyomi and Mizuki 2011-07-30-011-001-Harajuku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll post a few more outfits I like. Hopefully they aren't things that people see all the time. I wish I could help the anon who feels j-fash has gotten stale, I can understand why they'd feel that way. I've been into it for 7 or 8 years now and there's been times where I've had to take a break from it or felt that there's a lack of creativity.

>> No.8398810
File: 424 KB, 640x856, pastelbat bat sweater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8398812
File: 424 KB, 1000x1500, Tokyo Fashion Colomo Ahoge-Hair-Harajuku-Fashion-20150409DSC2661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love all the colors in this one. It's so cheerful.

>> No.8398815
File: 86 KB, 460x690, Natsumi (Kurau) 2010 spring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8398837
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>> No.8398859

I really love that hair(?) colour

>> No.8398865
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>> No.8398867
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>> No.8399632
File: 153 KB, 600x900, 150222-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love milk-tea colored hair too! Id like to color my hair that shade but I stopped coloring three years ago. It was THE color a few years back, now it seems the new it color is that ashy blonde with grey purple tones. I guess it's kind of like how burgundy hair was the trendy color to have over here for a while.

>> No.8399643
File: 225 KB, 600x900, 140309-kawaii-punk-rock-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like this you would maybe like?
I think gyary is your best style option for showing off your body, but once in a while I see snaps of people wearing tighter clothing that aren't a named style so you can probably make it work.
Also on black jfash, pretty much any style that doesn't require a specific color palette would work in all black, so I say just experiment and have fun with trying to put outfits together using a monochrome palette like that. They can be just as striking as the ones with pops of color.

>> No.8399654


>> No.8399669

I have a weird skintone - its essentially light olive skin, but either looks orangey or grey depending on lighting.

I don't really know how to tell if a colour compliments my skin tone, so I have trouble building wardrobe. Also I'm wondering if pastel suits me?

>> No.8399735

Sorry to revive an old thread, does anyone have any jfash that is more summery? It's pushing 90 here now that it's summer so all my cute winter clothes are useless right now

>> No.8399870

What's the difference between moehara (I saw Kimura U tag her KoKokim items as this) and super cute larmekei/pastel styles, etc?

>> No.8399913

Moehara is the keyword she uses to describe and market her own brand, not really a style in itself. In any case, I'd imagine it swings a bit more "otaku kawaii" than typical larme-kei as she's said that she draws inspiration from anime and wants to represent a cross between Akihabara and Harajuku in her clothing.

>> No.8399933
File: 95 KB, 480x640, tumblr_nbpforltdk1ro5bwro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you !

>> No.8400263
File: 457 KB, 500x706, tumblr_m8dhfuaLOb1r9pu6wo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread isn't old, it's just slower than others and isn't as popular.

I find that most Jfash is more suitable for spring/summer/fall than it is for winter for me, but if you live somewhere with a mild and warm winter it would probably be the other way around. You're going to want to stick to either casual Jfash (the kind that isn't a named style but still has the look) or styles that don't focus on layers.

Looks in the thread that should be appropriate for hot weather:

>> No.8400268
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>> No.8400281
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>> No.8400288
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>> No.8400324

I have very pale skin that has red/yellow undertones and sometimes blue undertones because my circulation kinda sucks. In general, cool colors look fine on me, warm colors don't. Pastels pretty much apply to that rule as well. Darker colors are usually okay whether warm or cold, and pinks and reds almost always need to be either just an accent color or worn away from my face. I probably don't look aw awful in certain colors as I think I do. I'm sure some of it is probably in my head. I'm trying to work on going out of my color comfort zone and experiment with colors more.

The best way for you to figure out what looks good on you and doesn't is to go to a local clothing store and try on different colors and take note of what looks good and what doesn't.

>> No.8400325

I will never be a kawaii young Japanese girl living in Tokyo ;_; Why must life be so cruel?

>> No.8400361
File: 85 KB, 480x640, 1431972646475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's really cute!
Any suggestions for doing high pigtails with really thick long hair? It looks like she tied hers with ribbon, and my hair is too heavy to stay up/

>> No.8400414

?? Suitably thick hair ties then cover with ribbons. The tie can match your hair or the ribbon to hide better. My hair's an inch under hip length and this works.

>> No.8400457

I have hair that's so thin that high twintails look awful on me and I can't tie ribbons around my ponytails or into my hair because they just slip off instantly.

Can anyone think of some cute ways to wear bows / ribbons in thin hair without using a headband? Or some kind of equally cute alternatives? Headbands always give me headaches if I wear them for more than a half hour, and tying a ribbon around my head never works, it just falls out. But I love the look of ribbons and bows in hair.

>> No.8400782

We can cry together, anon

>> No.8400786

I will cry with you guys too.

>> No.8401672
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>> No.8401675
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>> No.8401764
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>> No.8401800

>tfw i will never live in tokyo as myself

>> No.8401841
File: 760 KB, 1280x1920, 1433199683465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about ribbon combs? They're really cute and aren't too restricting.

>> No.8401885
File: 225 KB, 800x1160, 018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing a dump of old jfash magazine scans

>> No.8401887
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>> No.8401889
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>> No.8401890

>I stopped wearing tights for my health but I love socks.
How come, anon?

>> No.8401893
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>> No.8401894
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>> No.8401899
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>> No.8401900
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>> No.8401901
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>> No.8401904
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>> No.8401906
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I'm out.

>> No.8401982

Hi! Anon you replied to here.

The pressure on my waist would make me feel sick and restricted. I can wear leggings if they are low rise so they sit on my hips but anything that puts pressure over my stomach is no good. I'm sad because there are so many cute tights out there these days and I love the look of cute patterned tights under shorts.

Socks are super fun too though, so I just focus on collecting a bunch of wacky and cute socks.

>> No.8402026
File: 10 KB, 236x314, 2eb90bd30b1f146a7ace6b5bcc4ac277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not buy tights and cut them to be thigh high length? Then add garters and viola- variety in legwear.

>> No.8402072
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>> No.8402074
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>> No.8402075
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>> No.8402077
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>> No.8402078
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>> No.8402081
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>> No.8402083
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>> No.8402088
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>> No.8402090
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>> No.8402094
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>> No.8402095
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>> No.8402098
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>> No.8402100

I love gyaru so much kill me

>> No.8402101
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>> No.8402104
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>> No.8402107
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>> No.8402108
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>> No.8402113
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>> No.8402138
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From a recent issue of Ray

>> No.8402139
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>> No.8402142
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>> No.8402170
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I've thought about doing that before actually, but figured it was just easier to buy things that are already thigh high. I figured that's what I'd do if I ever found a pair of tights that I couldn't live without.

>> No.8402171

I just fold the waistband down a bit so they sit on my hips

>> No.8402235

Oh I remember when Emilia was active con her blogspot.
I only entered to see her photos because her life was the typical one of a white girl leeching her Asian bf's money

>> No.8402253
File: 43 KB, 400x533, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Effin girl

>> No.8402257

how the fuck does one do that to their hair?

>> No.8402261

isn't she a single mother?

>> No.8402266

How impossible to get now are the Peach John x Sailor Moon roomwear dresses (of their normal school fukus)? I've watched auctions for them but couldn't find anything, idk if they're that rare or I'm searching the wrong things.

>> No.8402269

H-hello, it's my first time asking for advice so i would love to know how to start wearing gyaru, i'm pretty much a poorfag so online shopping is not an option. Is it acceptable if i just mimic the coords with normie clothes? Or should i wait until i get money to buy clothes online?
Also my legs are a mess with a bunch of scars, should i cover them with make-up while wearing gyaru?
>s-sorry for the stupid questions

>> No.8402271
File: 93 KB, 417x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot about amo for a bit

>> No.8402272
File: 80 KB, 420x521, peachjohn-x-sailormoon-5378500-pajama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops, dropped picture

>> No.8402273
File: 46 KB, 396x528, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops that's not amo

>> No.8402279

S-stop with the s-s-stupid cute stutter first of all

>> No.8402352

> normie clothes
Specify what you mean. Gyaru is heavily inspired by what they perceive american fashion is, so depending on the gyaru substyle you like, it might be very easy to put together outfits.
As for your legs, makeup is your friend. Printed tights were really in trend 2-3 years ago, after another 2-3 years they'll be back in season. They tend to be popular in the fall/winter season.
> A-and d-d-don't talk l-like t-t-t-this. It's not as cute as you hope, and people on 4chan generally don't like it.

>> No.8402492

I don't know now, but back then (like, 2 years ago?) she was dating an Asian (hence her baby's features) guy and she didn't work or anything

>> No.8402496
File: 93 KB, 250x282, qaJNUQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Relax, i was being as retarded as my questions
I want to try himekaji and rokku, so i guess that if i managed to get enough pictures of full outfits i could try and have a wardrobe that resembles each style. Now that i just typed this i feel pretty much stupid.

>> No.8402617

I'm dressing in himekaji myself and while it's not impossible to find something cute in normal stores, it would be really hard to build wardrobe without shopping online. If you're crafty, you can try altering, like adding lace, bows etc. I would rethink online shopping thing. You can find good deals on japanese auctions, many shops have sales often (eg. every few months Liz Lisa has -50% or more on various things), just look past the most popular items. I guess rokku would be easier, since most of motifs and cuts are more common in normal fashion. The last thing, for an outfit you really need one standing out piece (like dress or skirt), so you can save on that.

About legs, in summer wear make up, in colder seasons just thick tights. I know the pain, because of my fucked up veins, my legs are always covered with bruises.

>> No.8402637
File: 45 KB, 506x505, ead27213dbd342f69077cfea31f8da0d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any coord ideas? spank/pop kei style

>> No.8402836
File: 6 KB, 224x224, 1427912598410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon-chan

>> No.8402911
File: 233 KB, 600x900, An-Cafe-Summer-Dive-2012-09-019-600x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rokku isn't too hard to do in normie wear (where are you from? normie wear varies depending) but you'll find himekaji a bit more difficult. An entirely offbrand outfit usually feels a bit off in some way, because both rokku and himekaji have elements that just don't appear in western normie fashion. Of course, living in an area with strong southeastern asian nations makes finding clothes much easier.
I agree with the other anon. Some people (like me) don't like secondhand shopping, so you should stick to good deals. Most gyaru brands have online stores and aren't hard to shop, so it's best to watch them. If you have some money now, LIZ Lisa on Tmall actually has lucky packs up.

Try something like the one on the right

>> No.8402915
File: 717 KB, 480x720, tumblr_inline_npnom5N0mM1rt6vmv_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For polka dot anon

>> No.8402917
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>> No.8402922
File: 121 KB, 500x750, 5a2d661a19615c8bfb119e32a7433052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for rokku anon

>> No.8402925
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>> No.8402928
File: 97 KB, 600x800, xr56fp-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apologizes if it crosses over into kurogyaru

>> No.8402930
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>> No.8402934
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>> No.8402935
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>> No.8402961
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>> No.8402963
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>> No.8402966
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>> No.8402969
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>> No.8403025

what is this style called?
it's like lolita but not going full retard.

>> No.8403057

I kekked because it's kind of true.

You might like Otome, though that isn't necessarily what those girls are wearing. People are calling this stuff Larme-kei these days.

>> No.8403060

I love this take on Americana, are there any brands who do a lot of this? Looks psychologically comfy if that makes sense.

>> No.8403065

Wouldn't this be more roma gyaru?

>> No.8403090
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>> No.8403093
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>> No.8403102

Where can I buy pants like this?

>> No.8403104

Just wear what you want niggas

>> No.8403115
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>> No.8403116
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>> No.8403118
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>> No.8403121
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>> No.8403123
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>> No.8403126

I agree with this sentiment but for fashion there are rules.

>> No.8403129

/r/ing kuro gyaru

>> No.8403133
File: 158 KB, 719x960, tumblr_nb0vmiycVi1rpzh9xo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8403134

I like this outfit but the lack of matchy-matchy colours makes me uncomfortable... oh lolita what have you done to me

>> No.8403136
File: 83 KB, 600x800, tumblr_neq485rwNA1qfke3xo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8403145

we need to change the name of our fashion. so sick of this supposed connection. I love explaining what im wearing, but i hate using THAT word

>> No.8403170

love her

>> No.8403175


where do the get their wigs from? never see them being sold online. are the custom?
too cute

>> No.8403182

it's their real hair + extensions


>> No.8403864
File: 64 KB, 500x500, 1427942419998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm from Venezuela. I think it's better for me to wait until i move out of here, i will just save pictures and learn as much as i can so i don't make a mess in the future. Thank you.

>> No.8403946

What's the brand of her shirt?

>> No.8404360
File: 492 KB, 1000x1500, Tokyo Fashion Newsboy-Hat-Harajuku-2012-08-10-DSC8200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tagging and posting a few unisex/mens looks.


>> No.8404365
File: 103 KB, 720x960, theunholyboy tumblr_napxes6nSX1sany5xo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8404367
File: 167 KB, 600x900, TK-2015-03-18-014-001-Harajuku-600x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8404378
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>> No.8404382
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>> No.8404401
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>> No.8404423
File: 586 KB, 1000x1500, Tokyo Fashion An-Cafe-Summer-Dive-2012-09-064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last one from me.

I'm taking a break from CGL soon for an undetermined amount of time, possibly the entire summer? I have things to do and feel like my creativity is being hampered.

Before I go, I'd like to request a few Larme/"American Lolita" looks because I'd like to try the style, and would like to put together an outfit, and maybe a few summery looks that are easy to wear and put together with easier to find, casual clothing, like >>8402911, >>8400263, >>8398837, >>8401764. I'm not feeling wearing things that are complex or outlandish right now and want to play around with simpler and cheaper clothes.

>> No.8404641

I wouldn't say that, I think they're definitely mostly himekaji/otome.

>> No.8404690
File: 210 KB, 960x779, 4450092_IMG_4346_(2)lbedit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8405044

I don't know why, but this is one of my favorite fairy kei coords.

>> No.8405047

This outfit is cute af but good god, her face is killing me.

>> No.8405406
File: 34 KB, 360x626, tumblr_nkyu7mzYs51r9gycso2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8405409

Her neck is creepin up under her face

>> No.8405412
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>> No.8405963
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>> No.8406170

Someone asked for some, I was just trying to help.

Anyway bumping the thread with my request. >>8404423

Sorry for being self centered but I already posted all the pics of those styles I have.

>> No.8406185

I've never heard of "larme kei" before this thread. Can someone give me a rundown about it? It's that pastelly swankiss amo Nabokov-Lolita nympho thing right?

>> No.8406209

Not that anon but that's a lady in the background of your >>8404360 post

>> No.8406215
File: 165 KB, 864x576, Ank Rouge + detail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah sorry Anon didn't mean to be rude, I just thought it was funny someone was covering their face while riding a bicycle in the background

>Meanwhile, other brands are just sticking 'Lolita' onto their clothes

>> No.8406229

Oops. I didn't realize that, I never noticed it in the picture, I was so busy focusing on the outfit. That's funny, I wonder why she just didn't move out of the shot of the picture, I can't imagine she's actually moving on it wile covering her face like that.

I wonder if the popularity of Lolita or the rising popularity of Larme is the reason brands have been doing this lately.

>> No.8406252
File: 182 KB, 840x560, Liz Lisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they've done Lolita themes in the past, it seems to be a spring/summer thing. Not sure what the Japanese interpretation of 'Lolita' is - if Dolores was a tomboy she'd be dressing in shorts or pants instead of dresses and skirts...

>> No.8406271
File: 181 KB, 862x575, Swankiss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one with 'Lolita' randomly stuck on

>> No.8406288

To be fair, I'm a tomboy but still like skirts. But I understand what you mean.

I'm really curious about the Japanese interpretation too. I know she'd been used as fashion inspo in the west before, but with all the hate and perverted connotations that are attached with it I'm still surprised it's become an inspiration. Maybe they don't make her out to be bad / slutty like a lot of westerners do and so they see her as endearing instead. That could explain the skirts and dresses too maybe, perhaps because they are so feminine and endearing and cute. There is a theory that Lolita is seen as cute in Japan and that may be where Lolita fashion got it's name, since the clothes have an air of youth and cuteness.

>> No.8406327
File: 35 KB, 399x575, Swankiss2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does being a tomboy mean you refuse to wear skirts (even if you appreciate the look of them)?
Sorry, I don't know any tomboys and I'm genuinely curious

>picture to kind of stay on topic

>> No.8406329

Those shoes are great aside from the pompom.

>> No.8406337
File: 36 KB, 420x630, Swankiss3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they're clip-on pompoms

>> No.8406374
File: 108 KB, 500x749, tumblr_mx19l230ei1qc5jioo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always on the lookout for more wearable looks that might suit walking around campus in various conditions.

>> No.8406378

lmao. why are asians so polite, she's riding a bike she could've crashed.

>> No.8406390

Hmmm, well, I don't refuse to wear skirts, I actually like wearing them most of the time. I do wear a lot of boyish clothes though, much more often than I wear girly stuff. There are some clothes I refuse to wear even if I think they look cute though, like most dresses outside of Lolita fashion. Lolita dresses have been the only ones that I've ever actually liked wearing. I do a lot of things that aren't feminine or dainty, outdoorsy things being the bigger one, and if I wasn't a klutzy, sorta active kind of person I'd probably wear skirts more often than I do.

I have a friend who considers herself a tomboy too and basically refuses everything feminine and acts rough-and-tumble careless to the point it can be annoying and almost seems like an act. She's kind of an extreme case, I'm pretty sure most tomboys are more like me and still have a feminine side.

The phrase tomboy is kinda vague, it just boils down to being a girl with masculine behavior. I think it's kinda dumb to even have a word for that because everyone is different and many behaviors are unrelated to a person's gender, but at the same time I still use the term to describe myself because it gives people a quick and clear picture.

That was long, whoops!

The picture you posted is super cute. Reminds me of the 90's a little. Love those hearts on the jeans.

>> No.8406407
File: 29 KB, 420x630, Swankiss4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for kindly explaining! I didn't mind the length at all.
I agree it is dumb to have a word for it, but I guess labels are to be treated like blurbs - just a general overview.

I like Swankiss! I'm hoping to buy some more of their pieces because it looks like a more relaxed style to go for when I'm not in lolita.

>> No.8406408
File: 136 KB, 500x750, 1354826243656..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon, but I used to be a tomboy when I was a kid and I just had no interest in girlish stuff. I just wanted to wear boy's clothes and not have my hair meticulously braided or brushed and run around outside.

I hated wearing girl's clothes because it was always so frilly and pink and impractical. I don't think I wore a skirt except at formal occasions until my junior year of high school.

Now I dress very feminine or masculine depending on the day. I guess you could say I halfway grew out of it.

>> No.8406421
File: 30 KB, 431x575, Swankiss5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's totally understandable! I'd get bored dressing in one style as well.

>> No.8406523

I'm really curious why "Lolita" even chose that name. It's retarded.
>actual Lolita set in 40's and early 50's not the fucking 1800's
>Lolita wasn't like 6 or 8 years old. She's 12-17 through the novel.
"American" Lolita or nymphette style BTFO of Japanese Lolita fashion in my opinion.

>> No.8406527

I am that anon and I went through a phase like that, but it was short lived, which I'm glad of. Even though I've always been a tomboy I've always liked feminine things too. I always hate how impractical a lot of girl's clothes are, but I always went looking specially for more practical ones and up until recently it wasn't hard to find them.

I like to dress both ways too depending on how I feel or what I'm doing in the day.

>> No.8406697
File: 27 KB, 600x750, 151-6030-0_color_0025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure if this is good thread, but maybe someone can help. I've recently purchased the dress from a pic. Today it arrived and there's one problem with it - basically, the front sits so low, that it barely contains my boobs and you can see my bra. How would you go about it? Alterning it (how?)? I absolutely adore it and don't want to sell it, if there's a way to save this dress.

>> No.8406719
File: 9 KB, 499x320, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sew a panel of lace underneath the neckline, or alternatively wear a frilly camisole with the dress.

>> No.8406849

Would anyone happen to know where to get a skirt like the girls on the right?

>> No.8407252
File: 367 KB, 550x1009, 1433294677054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like the other anon said, just wear a frilly camisole. LIZ Lisa sells many cute ones with the dangling charms, so they would work well.
It's a fairly basic skirt. Swankiss and Honey Cinnamon definitely has something similar.
But if you're fine with taobao, I found this: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.14.4.CkQIWA&id=6702022534&ns=1&abbucket=9#detail

>> No.8407272

Is this the one who was a scenequeen and lived in NCL?
She was always so pretty.

>> No.8408754
File: 122 KB, 500x500, 1408105804702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8408771

ahhh she's too cute, my soul for yaeba

this is so simple and adorable

>> No.8408828

That's Julia Nakagawa-kei lol. She said herself that she combined creepycute/tumblr fashion with harajuku elements. I'm v sad that her style is so boring now, anyone know why she disappeared off the face of the Earth?

>> No.8408842

you realise that "THAT word" is a woman's name right.

It makes me laugh how everyone thinks the name "Lolita" is inappropriate, its just a fucking name. Also the book is a story of child abuse, why are we stigmatizing the victim's name? But whatever.

>> No.8408855

Because she got into cocaine and other hard drugs, and people stopped caring about her since drugs are so frowned upon in Japan. Nobody wanted to be associated with a crack whore.

>> No.8409075
File: 152 KB, 480x480, o0480048012928087175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are stupid, that's why. I wanted to avoid talking about the topic since most people are children and argue and bicker, and I didn't want to derail the thread.

To sum up my feelings on the subject:

Lolita fashion /is not/ inspired by or directly related to the book/movie, if related at all. Nobody is sure when the name came from but most likely was chosen because it brings to mind the image of a cute girl in Japan.

Larme /is/ sometimes inspired by the book/movie and has created an aesthetic known as "American Lolita" but it's aim is to look like a cute young and spunky woman, not a nympho or a perverted child, and like Lolita fashion it has nothing to do with a fetish.

American fashion magazines have been known to be inspired by the movie's aesthetic too, so it's not unheard of and not really scandalous. People have been inspired by the movie's aesthetics for a long time. It's interesting to me personally, but it's not a big deal like so many people make it out to be.

I wish people as a whole could stop sexualizing literally everything. Not everything has to be about sex or involve sex. And as an abuse victim myself, I wish people would stop stigmatizing and blaming victims and ignoring abusers and what they've done.

Images are close to running out so lets finish on a good note and try to stay on topic.

>> No.8409107
File: 308 KB, 1000x1500, tumblr_mqk199zsH61qfvrzvo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sage because who fucking cares (me obviously) but "lolita" isn't her name, her name is dolores and "lolita" is just a nickname given to her by humbert humbert.

this is a book written by a man from the abuser's perspective, i don't think it's really the same as stigmatizing a victim's name.

j-fash image for ur time.

>> No.8409130

Not the anon you replied to but the problem is that people use the word "Lolita" in a negative light to describe women and girls, and many people don't see the book about a man abusing a young girl, but instead a young girl seducing an old man. It's stigmatizing victims indirectly. There's nothing wrong with the story itself but it's unfair the way society has used it.

Personally I think people should be calling creepy old dudes "Humberts" instead.

>> No.8409153

Holy shit, any sources to that?

>> No.8409218

Is this the LL one or a knock off? I bought mine in the physical shop so I don't know the online images.

I have a pretty tiny bust and had the same problem. I usually just wear my super jumbo push-up bra to solve the problem. Something about this dress always makes it want to shift to the right?

You could also pick up a thin lacey bandeau from American Eagle/Aerie, assuming you're in the US. They usually have a bunch during summer.

>> No.8409273

Your meanie is showing noob

>> No.8409294
File: 339 KB, 1000x1500, Harajuku-Fashion-Walk-Street-Snaps-15-055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you read? I said Lolita is an ACTUAL women's name. I know older people called Lolita.

And again you misunderstood, read >>8409130 's response which is what I meant

>> No.8409320


I can bet j-fashionistas looked at the aesthetic of the movie and /did not/ act as moral police and focused in the aesthetic only. I don't think they would care to really understand what were the moral implications of the book

Lolita Is not just a girl 's name, is a classic of the world wide literature, a name as recognized and used as reference as Romeo and Juliet, Faust, etc. We can't just ignore it, but at least try to understand the possibility of reference.

I believe both Lolita and American Lolita have a connection to "Lolita", even if barely close and blurred after years of stigmatization. Maybe "victorian" Lolita was just a name picked due to the "infantile" look (compared to Aristocrat), in the times of Mana, and before. All of this only focused in the visuals, not deeper meanings.

>>8409075 this

>> No.8409323
File: 76 KB, 827x634, Swankiss4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's aim is to look like a cute young and spunky woman, not a nympho or a perverted child
Sorry but I'm calling bullshit there. I'm not saying ~all~ larme/swankiss style fits into the category of 'pastel baby prostitute' (as nationalisticNEETcunt called it) but there's a lot more going on there then 'spunk' unless you're using it euphemistically...The combination of soft, childish elements (gingham, lace, curly pigtails, finger sucking coyness) with erotically charged details like thigh highs stockings, garters, platform shoes, leather chokers, bright red lipstick, etc. reads pretty clearly as 'fuckable toddler' to anybody that isn't in massive denial about Japan's tendency to conflate naivete and innocence with sexual desirability.

>> No.8409326
File: 77 KB, 720x720, FB_IMG_1434570195091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there any japanese/etc non taobao online jfash stores that might have sheer overdresses like this? called Pegnoir in Cult Party kei

>> No.8409339

>Massive denial

Pretty much every jfash and Lolita I've met: " as long as it has a different meaning for you ~"

>> No.8409390

Most vintage, antique, and thrift stores will have a few. You may also find some on eBay or from upper-end lingerie shops (especially ones that specialize in pin-up/vintage/retro looks).

>> No.8409657
File: 189 KB, 236x354, tumblr_inline_npvplyWO461rt6vmv_250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there knock offs of this dress already? It's pretty recent. Where does LIZ Lisa get their stuff made?

>> No.8409690
File: 79 KB, 420x630, 1432959142394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does change on the interpretation. I don't view most larme as sexy simply because most of the trends listed existed beforehand in many fashions and were popular at the time (and still are), so it's not unusual for a fashion evolving from other fashions to have the same elements.

> soft, childish elements (gingham, lace, curly pigtails, finger sucking coyness)
Lace and curly pigtails are everywhere, gingham is pretty universal as well, though I'm not quite sure what you mean by finger sucking coyness.
> thigh high stockings
Have you never seen anime. Socks are huge in jfashion, seen as an item that can range from cute to sexy to horror.
> platform shoes
Old school lolita. Enough said.
> Leather chokers, garters
Visual kei used plenty of both. Died a bit, though there are plenty of more toned-down punk wearers who incorporate the same elements.
> bright red lipstick
Cult party kei. A lot of pale white clashing with bold red in accents.

Naivete and innocence are considered sexy not just in Japan, but in most places of the world. It all has to do with objectifying people- people are greedy. By turning women, and subsequently their "first time", into an object, people want them more because the idea of owning someone or an important thing to them is built into humanity. So rather than saying larme is sexy, in reality, everything can be sexy so long as people connect elements of it to something that can be objectified, so everything is sexy.

>> No.8409766
File: 120 KB, 600x900, Cable-Knit-Plaid-Skirt-Harajuku-2014-10-19-DSC5957-600x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe this is just me, but I don't think everything has to be sexual and lead back to some Freudian theory. I'm not in denial of all the cultures that conflate naivete and innocence with sexual desirability, I'm just able to process that not everything is done for a sexual related reason.

I am asexual, maybe my lack of sexual attraction has distorted my ability to perceive things as sexually related. Or maybe not everything is about sex. The world may never know.

Anyway, this is a really simple outfit but I like it. I'm really digging simple stuff right now. It's a nice change from how complex Lolita can be.

>> No.8409776

Thank you, I wanted to try and say something like this but couldn't find the words.

I don't know why anyone bothers anymore honestly. People are going to argue against you no matter what if they don't agree with you and aren't willing to accept a different viewpoint or learn new information that may contradict what they know. It's pointless to try being reasonable or helpful most of the time.

>> No.8409821

Thanks! I only hope I find something matching, as the dress already has many kinds of embroidery and those tiny pompons at the neckline.

Thanks! However I'd try find somethning locally first, I've heard LL camis aren't bust-forgiving...

LL one, bought directly from TKL. It seems we have the same problem, but from different reason. While my bust certainly isn't small, the whole front is just too low. I guess it might be because I'm shorter than the model (the sleeves reach way past my elbows). I guess bandeau may be a good idea, as they aren't usually as low-cut as camis. Thanks!

Most, if not all, is made in China. I have no idea about knock offs, as I picked up mine at TKL.

>> No.8409843
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Well worded! Pick one thing and I'm sure there's a group of people who would see it as sexual, so why bother?

How about we go back to posting outfits we like?

>> No.8409848
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>> No.8409851
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>> No.8409855
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>> No.8409862
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>> No.8410424

What ever happened to Juria?

>> No.8410433

It's a Western vintage thing. I actually have one in blue I've been meaning to sell, email in the name field if you're interested.

>> No.8410440

That cardigan is adorable. Source?

>> No.8410471

Forever21 definitely had this type of thing in the store today.

>> No.8410614

Honestly I love it.

>> No.8410699
File: 177 KB, 558x800, https%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2Fc2a59843c6f6ad453bd410e10757b812%2Ftumblr_npezwqU1sX1t5izgfo9_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Send help. I love it too much

>> No.8410934

Stole a few peoples' monies.

>> No.8411039

It's from Amavel

>> No.8411157

Lolita, or Lola, is a shortening/nickname of the word Dolores (which means Pains, in Spanish). It is a common name in Spanish-speaking countries, and the nickname is often used with no connotations.

>> No.8411167

cyperous and prisila have half wigs that are popular

>> No.8411352
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>> No.8411447
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>> No.8411481
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>> No.8411493
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>> No.8411502
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>> No.8411514
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Hey, I'm a newbie to general j-fash (been lolita for a few years) and want to start wearing himekaji in day to day life. Any suggestions on comfortable shoes? Most coords I see have heels and booties. I live somewhere with hot summers and below freezing winters. I understand I'll have to compromise a bit on footwear, but does anyone have favorite places to get practical, cute footwear that's good for walking around a lot?

>> No.8411522
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>> No.8411528

Sauce on dress? Found her tumblr but no info there

>> No.8411540

Sorry, no idea, maybe someone else will know? It almost looks like it could have been made by her or is actually two skirts layered with a top.

I can't really help here either, ha ha. I can't wear heels so all my shoes are practical. Look for something with a low heel or a wedge/platform maybe so it has the look but is easier to walk in. Since it's summer most places probably have cute sandals right now and if you find some you like but they seem to plain you could always add a bow or lace or something.

>> No.8411542
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>> No.8411543
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>> No.8411618
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>> No.8411625

Whoops, and it looks like thread hit image limit.

If anyone wants another one they will have to start it, I'm heading off to greener pastures now. I didn't really find the inspo I was looking for but oh well. I think I'll find I'll be more inspired by just experimenting with things on my own.