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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 343 KB, 720x960, own_larp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8393295 No.8393295 [Reply] [Original]

Larp thread No.#27... Or not. Honestly I never counted these.
Anyway the important thing is that the previous thread is in autosage
and all the cool elitist kids are also on the rizon IRC channel #larp

>> No.8393310
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also this pic is for strayan larpfag so he can see a non-slashed LK leather jerkin

>> No.8393467
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Impressed the previous thread made it to autosage without dropping off the catalog beforehand.

>> No.8393487
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>> No.8393505
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>> No.8393530
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OH! A Jagerfrock! Here is a pattern.

WTF am I looking at?

>> No.8393546
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Were from a leather armor-making company's promotional pics. They went out of business in the early '00s because the suit pictured was something like $2500.

The rest, I have no idea what mutant LARP that is.

>> No.8393550
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>> No.8393572
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>> No.8393581
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>> No.8393593
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>> No.8393612

>With weaponry and garb, which must meet exacting specifications.
>meet exacting specifications.

The gods have abandoned us....

>> No.8393649
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I know, I remember laughing when this article came out (probably around 2000 or so). We gave Mystic Seas so much shit about that. Amtgard was at least good at showing me how not to do things.

>> No.8393655


>> No.8393709
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>> No.8393948
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Im in the rizon chat if anyone is around.

Also: who would be interested in contributing to a gofundme to get me back but and running for getting on the US BotN team, if I was to wear the official /tg/ heraldry?

>> No.8393978

Wait... like, for real? Are we talking a belt flag, surcote or shield? I will throw $100 if you wear a tabard or something.

>> No.8393985

Tabard/surcote and shield, either partied to my own arms (half/half) or all /tg/ if ya'll raise enough.

If I make national, i'll have to wear the US colors, but can still wear a belt favour and have a smaller supporter of the arms on my shield.

>> No.8394034

You are looking at what is possibly the laziest game in the Pacific Northwest.

>> No.8394039
File: 19 KB, 320x426, swordos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So yeah i grabbed a ''broken'' calimacil for 15$.

The foam is missing near the guard but i dont give a fuck i'm gonna keep the rod and the pommel and make a falchion with it

I'm supposed to pick up my period shoes soon too.

si i'll post better pic when i can take pics with something else than my shitty cellphone

>> No.8394050
File: 65 KB, 720x482, ONWARD SPARKLEMANE!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno... I have see things...

>> No.8394051

Shut up and take my money

>> No.8394075

Hurray, I now have hundreds of dollars worth of someone else's gear out for a game this weekend

>> No.8394110

>I don't mind games that ask for weapons to be swung in a meaningful way, it's usually put in to stop "drum-rolling" with weapons. And it looks fucking cool when someone does a big overhand smash with a 2 hander onto my raised shield.

I really don't have a problem with it either, as long as the game isn't saying that weapons HAVE to be swung that way. Getting extra damage or a sunder effect for roleplaying a mighty blow is awesome! Telling me my montante techniques are useless is not.

>> No.8394124

I dont have much money but I would gladly throw a tenner your way to see some slav get shitcanned by a man wearing the cock and swallow.

>> No.8394189

I'd support you. Set that shit up.

>> No.8394193

Show pics.

>> No.8394194
File: 115 KB, 1846x1236, 885670_10206320623915062_3712319144789159750_o(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I leave for Odyssey tomorrow! A weekend of ancient nations kicking the stuffing out of each other. Storm warning for the Friday! Bring a decent cloak!

>> No.8394205

Speaking of cloaks, I have a wool one I'd like to be able to wear in any weather. Is it worth the effort to waterproof it somehow (and if so, how?) or just suck it up and wear a parka over it when water starts falling from above?

>> No.8394233

We finished setting up the big tent at dusk so no pics. Going to try and get back tomorrow to take pics

>> No.8394354

I honestly had no intention of giving Gropey money until I read this. Good job.

>> No.8394412


Lets do this.

>> No.8394414
File: 39 KB, 480x337, how-wool-works-still.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say yes. There are wool water proofing sprays and wash in solutions but if you want to be serious about it then I'd suggest lanolizing it.

Here's a tutorial for doing it, is written for lanolizing will diaper covers but should be transferable. Just ignore the directions regarding baby poo.


>> No.8394452

Sweetness. Thanks for the link.

>> No.8394454
File: 93 KB, 334x450, 1318712162208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done. Praise Slaanesh!

>> No.8394464

Normal /cgl/ goer here. I've always been kind of scared off trying to get into LARP alone. Can any of you guys tell me about what the male/female ratio is in your groups?

>> No.8394470

Praise slaanesh! Thankyou!

My local SCA is roughly 1.5 men to every 1 woman.

>> No.8394500

My experience is that you get more ladies in LARP than most other geek hobbies, since the costuming and acting angle has a little more general appeal.

>> No.8394502

It's about 3 males to 1 female in my local group, but all the females are scags or hambeasts so you'd be better off going gay.

>> No.8394662

How dare you make me see that with my own eyes.

If you're asking because you are a woman and want to get into the hobby and just have a fun time in general, you may want to try elsewhere. At my Alliance chapter it's about 2 men for every woman, but the attitude's regressive as fuck at times. You are going to get creeped on and people will get salty when you don't respond positively. It's not for the timid in that regard.

If you're a man and looking to get into LARP for the purposes of meeting women, you are the cause of the problem I just outlined above. Go elsewhere.

>> No.8394680


Dat rapier duel

>> No.8394682

To game the system on reach. Ultra light swords, with max one-handed blade and handle length.

>> No.8394684


Thanks for the comments.


I'm not really scared of men or something since my hobbies outside of /cgl/ related ones are all male dominated, but most of that is online. I noticed irl it definitely can get awkward. I am a small, passive person, so I'm not sure how I'd do with aggressive behavior. I think I'll try to get a guy friend to go along with me if I ever get serious and want to try it out. Thanks for the honest comment, anon.

>> No.8394687

Europe or usa?

>> No.8394691

USA. Is LARP different for one or the other?

>> No.8394698

Oh god yes. I think someone really qualified could give you good rundown

>> No.8394705

Small and passive will get you two responses: either you'll get creeped on by every single schmoe, or you'll get adopted by more aggressive people, probably get invited into their household, and have a wall between you and the creeper corps.

>> No.8394732

And this is why anyone sensible avoids battle games like the fucking plague.

>rapier duel
Not to shit on your parade, but that's more like really lightweight cut-and thrust fencing. Trying to do that shit with an actual rapier is a nice way to horribly misuse a weapon at best or to break your wrist at worst. Very impressive though.

>> No.8394736

Grips tend to be tighter during the actual battle games. It's usually on the ditch field that you see one on ones where pommel gripping is a thing.

>> No.8394739


Why, to get the most out of their reach, of course! Isn't that what the pommel is for?

>> No.8394745 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8394746

>or you'll get adopted by more aggressive people, probably get invited into their household, and have a wall between you and the creeper corps.

It may or may not be implied that you are the household's sex toy. Then you die and it turns out you were the male drow assassin responsible for poisoning half the household some events back.

Don't ask.

>> No.8394815

My yes, I am asking. I always love a good (read horrible) story.

>> No.8394824

>forgive me
>it's not your fault

>> No.8394827
File: 206 KB, 724x917, cock_and_swallow_v5_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gropey I will support only on one condition: you have to REALLY hurt the hungarian team captain. Like, broken bones kind of hurt. Then announce to him that you are a larper

>> No.8394847

wtf, someone tried to parry a chainsaw with it?

>> No.8394849

heavily varies. Some games that more focused on fighting has little to no girls, some games have 50/50 ratios and some games that's mostly about politics, roleplaying and stuff like that have more girls than males.
And you can find anything inbetween if you live in the right place

bigger reach with their feather

sadly, yes. The US ones are objectively worse in a lot of things, like costuming, rules, sometimes playerbase.
Apart from that there are other, differences that might be good, might be bad, depending on what you like. I'm talking about mostly cultural differences but there are a fuckton of other things. US larps are mostly try to be DnD in real life, and even the newer ones cannot escape this completely, skill point systems are extremely common, games are usually monthly or something along that line often held, a lot of safety measures, sometimes too much, and I would say it's more expensive for a lot of reasons, insurance is one, the monthly stuff is another.

Anyway one could write a book about all the differences and that wouldn't cover everything

>> No.8394945

Assuming you're a woman and worried about assholes. My chapter of Alliance is about 50/50, it was also my personal experience that the moment I stopped playing a 'typical woman' character and went for the weird, I got a lot more respect.

There is a large difference between US and Euro games, which Hungarian mostly went over. There is also a large amount of difference based on what part of the US you're in (the US is a big place).

Your plan on bringing a male friend is perfectly reasonable and should make things easier for you.

Story time please, anon.

>> No.8395184

>the moment I stopped playing a 'typical woman' character and went for the weird, I got a lot more respect
>Tfw no creepy spider women at LARP
why live?

>> No.8395188

Empire has a fairly high proportion of famale players. Don't have the actual figures, but from visiting various camps throughout the weekend I'd say probably a 60/40 split.

>> No.8395194

>why live?
you can be the creepy spider woman on your larp anon

>> No.8395199

The only thing uglier than normal me, is woman me

>> No.8395200

clearly because you don't put enough effort in it

>> No.8395201


For once, I'll namefag.

In this particular larp, we were interlopers due to teleportation and dimensional shenanigans and all that (we were not the first to do so, just the first to in a long time), since we were from a different country out of game, we were just getting a taste of that larp to see if it would stick, the GMs were kind enough to let us just do that as we got our bearing, but it stuck during our entire time there.

Anyway, we were different from most others in that we were accustomed to mass battle games, and so better equipped for and a lot more keen on fighting. Everyone had fighter levels for hit points, three quarters wore heavy armour, and it was all 120x60cm shields or 7 foot spears in a game that revolved around gods, their favours, amassing wealth, roleplay and diplomacy.

There was this elven NPC that frequented the bar as a barmaid, she'd been there way longer than us, but slight, small, timid she hardly ventured beyond the safety of the inn, and nobody ever seemed of a mind to do so (aside from, of course, eternal flirts and suggestion of going on woodland walks). At some point we got the sidequest of escorting her while she went looking for herbs. Needless to say, this went well (in no small part because the NPC opposition hardly every had to deal with, y'know, fighters).

Fast forward a bit and we're her go to protectors, taking her with us wherever we go or going wherever she needs to be, gave her a dagger, she's part of our plans and strategems, one of our go to herbalists, she even became part of our jokes, including the running gag that, yes, she's gone over the entire clan. She was loved and trusted.

Then, slowly but steadily over the course of events, things start going wrong. Money goes missing, resources goes missing. This always happened when we were called to action elsewhere, so we already assumed it was the GMs fucking with us, but nobody ever noticed it happened when she was not in our detail.

>> No.8395217


So events come and go (mind, it was only a weekend, twice a year), and it goes from bad to worse.
At first it's coin and herbs, but it becomes chests, mineral and metal resources, and most annoyingly; weapons, shields and unattended armour. At this point, we knew we were becoming a considerable thorn in the side of the local Drow population (all NPC); teamwork, resource pooling, common sense and alertness go a long way, but so does superior armament. Those bitches were therefore stealing what would hurt us most, shields and the resources to repair them ourselves. Good thinking, but we adapted. Teamwork, common sense and alertness. So then came the poisonings. Sleep powders, confusion powders, panic powders, plain ol' drugs. But never, ever, did we dare suspect the frail barmaid that shared our mead, meat and meat; nudge nudge, wink wink, say no more (disclaimer: nothing ever actually happened ) that also shared good counsel, patience and much needed healing supplies.

>> No.8395219

That actually hurts

>> No.8395255


The larp was running on its last legs because of reasons.
2 more events to wrap up or do insanely epic or epically insane things.

We start hunting the Drow, we want to draw their empress' blood, we're turning it into a war, because fuck it, the end of the world was prophesized.
At first, they came out to play, but we started leaving guards around our camp, so they couldn't nab shit, and we always had reinforcements to fall back to. The first sign that -something- was fishy was the timid elf girl spurring us on, telling us to wipe out the Drow with a bloodthirst we were unaccustomed to. Still we didn't see. We took it for racial hatred, or perhaps our charming personalities rubbing off on her.

At some point during the one to last event, we abandoned post, and came back to find her gone, but we assumed she was at the bar. The wine we drank contained, rather than sleep powder, hemorrhage-out-of-every-orifice-already-powder. We survived that one by magically moving our newly found curse to innocent bystanders and a Drow prisoner or two. We never saw her again, though. We figured she was done for.

Then came the last event, where we found her again, and like a bunch of retards welcomed her back into our mids. Talk was of war, of the final night to come, of the Drow, the godhaters, chaos worshippers, etc. all coming to a final clash.
And then we told her our plan to draw out the Drow empress, and something snapped. I figure she knew it would've worked. She drew the dagger we gave her, and went for the clanleader's throat. No questions were asked, we killed her before she managed, and the illusion dissipated.

And the gorgeous little elf we knew and loved, and bent over our table half a hundred times... Was a fat, bald little drow.

We laughed, and laughed, and felt just a little dirty, and laughed. The next day, we committed to our plan to draw out the Black Whore, and it worked. But that's another story.

>> No.8395266
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Pwuz slush!

i dont know, but for 15$ canadian moneydolla' its a good deal , even if i strip away the foam and put something else instead.

>> No.8395435

Is this for real?

>> No.8395448

Yes. I'd link directly to it but 4chan is retarded.

>> No.8395554
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>> No.8395829

I found it, just not sure if its real or a joke.

>> No.8395843

It's very real. Gropey will totally do all that shit if he gets the funds for it. The Cock and Swallow will dominate!

>> No.8395914
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a problem in many games.

>> No.8396024

Real as the pope. Already primered my buckler to paint and have someone to make a surcoat.

>> No.8396037

I want to larp, it looks like so much fun but my social anxiety is stopping me.

>> No.8396100

do it faggot

>> No.8396119


I'm extremely shy and socially awkward. I started LARPing a few months ago and I was amazed by how friendly and welcoming everyone in the group has been. I'm more comfortable talking to people now and I've actually managed to make a few friends there. One of the veterans in particular has been really helpful in teaching me how to make garb and how to be a better fighter.

>> No.8396144

As far as people attending the group meetings, the male to female ratio is probably around 3:2. In battlegames though, it's closer to 10:1. Most of the women (at least in my group) are more into crafting and socializing and don't really care as much about fighting.

>> No.8396149

Join the Larpettes group on Facebook, there is a lot of good advice and experience there. It's a really mature group, too.

>> No.8396541
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Bit of personal advice from me, don't know how well this'll apply to you but it helped me a lot when I first started.

Make a character who has some kind of in-character reason for wearing a mask, or use a facial prosthetic, or find some other excuse to have a face-covering costume piece. It really helps me to get over my own social anxiety when I'm in-character, and I find it far easier to act in ways I normally wouldn't when I'm masked.

>> No.8396605

Anyone in the chat?

>> No.8396669

There's a chat?

>> No.8396684

Rizon IRC, #larp

>> No.8397146

Hnnngh, those shields

>> No.8397160
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>> No.8397166


I need to get me a fancy as fuck shield somehow.

>> No.8397401

>be in college
>guy like one in black in pic, except with long hair has organized battle in highly visible field on campus
>just swinging foam swords/shields
>"Hi, anon! Are you larping? That looks fun."
>"OK. Sorry"

When I see people wearing their silly goth clothing and swinging foam swords I can't help but think of all the special snowflake types out there.

>> No.8397742

question on color co-ordination here.

If I'm wearing a sort of cream colored renaissance shirt, should I go with brown or black for the each of following bits:


I'm currently trying to put together a basic renaissance outfit, but I feel like all brown is a little bland, but having black in the wrong bits would just look out of place. Also, thinking of using a sash or something as a sort of belt/waist detail, but i don't know what colour would work.

>> No.8397746

also, I'm using brown and black because that's the only two colours the gloves/shoes I'm looking at come in-though i suppose the pants/breeches could be in something else entirely.

>> No.8397782
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Then definitely get the brown boots/gloves, but do something else for the pants. Without more information about your PC AND the game world, it's hard to say anything else. If your game hews closely to RL history, that influences things like dye choices heavily; if it's a D&D-esque game where they can magic the color into anything they want, then it doesn't matter. If your PC is poor, then natural dyes (and then perhaps only the super-pastel remnants of the dye) are more appropriate. If your PC comes from a more wealthy background, then they could afford deeper and richer hues.

Do what's right for your character and game - not necessarily what's historically accurate.

>> No.8397800

Not a LARPer but i love these threads, i have to say if i saw something/one like that coming after me i would piss myself. 10/10

>> No.8397802

It's for the SCA, so historical-based, naturally. I'm trying to put together a basic starter garb, so I can stop using loaner clothes from friends-speaking of, they told me plain sweatpants suffice as legwear for starter garb. Is it true? they all wear fancy stuff, so I don't have any other evidence to base it off of.

>> No.8397808


Oh, SCA? Yeah, that's a whole different thing.

Yes, you can cut the elastic off the bottoms of sweatpants and grab a "Clan McWalmart" broadcloth tabard for your first feast and nobody but the real assholes will look askance at you. Pretty much everyone understands that everybody starts from zero. That's fine.

But by the time you been in for a year or so, you REALLY need to have upgraded your garb to something approaching "good". SCA doesn't tend to have a lot of people playing peasants; it's all pretty much gentry or higher, so moderately-rich tones are legit. Their cutoff is 1603 AD, so if you're playing a "Renaissance" character, that gives you a block of about 50 years to pick fashions and colors.

So what will be your intended social class, role, and location of residence? A copper merchant from Florence Italy is going to have a totally different wardrobe than a man-at-arms from Dover, England. What's your intended persona?

>> No.8397817

Oh man, that's the million dollar question right there. I'm still working on it, but I was aiming for a renaissance-type character italy, perhaps lower-class, functioning as a guardsman or professional soldier, located in the venetian republic-specifically, from verona.

Sorry if its too vague or not historically accurate enough-ask me more questions or point out any flaws and i'll try to get them fixed

>> No.8397823


Italian man-at-arms circa 1550-1575? Yeah, wait for Gropey to get back to the thread. You're basically right in his wheelhouse of expertise.

>> No.8397838

I'm sure he could tell me all the exact pieces of clothing I'd need right down to the amount of stitches per buttonhole but I just want to know what colour breeches/pants go well with brown gloves/boots because i can't color-coordinate for shit and would like to know what other people consider nice like would dark grey work? how about black? or should I just stick with brown?

>> No.8397843
File: 91 KB, 490x800, ghirlandaio13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yay! more Italian SCA folks. I do Florentine from the 1490s and plan on doing mid 1500's as well.

The Relm of Venus is a nice resource for Italian clothing although it is certainly woman and upper classes focused. It does have a nice section of Venetian men's portraits from 1490-1570's


>> No.8397855
File: 78 KB, 674x800, MoroniCountAlborghettiSon1545-50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay after doing a very brief look over the portraits I linked you too here are my thoughts.

Black was a very popular color for men's clothes at the time in Italy, so if you want you could go all black. It would be easy and stylish, but would likely mark you as middle to upper class.

The other common colors I spotted are red (easily and inexpensively dyed with madder) light red (salmony pink really), and yellow (also an easy dye to do).

Red is likely easiest and can go with many colors. The light red salmony pink would be a total badass move I think. They didn't have the same stigma about men wearing pink so why should you? Yellow is also easy.

Admittedly lighter colors do take stains easily.

My favorite set of pants of that era are shown in this painting worn by the young lad. Something about the vertical stripes and yellow, so stylish.

>> No.8397866

alright, thank you. Salmon pink sounds like a pretty neat idea, and definitely takes away the edginess that might occur when wearing black shirts-speaking of, if I do go with a black shrit instead, should i try and change the gloves/boots to brown?

Essentially, with salmon pink pants and a black shirt, would black or brown shoes/gloves work better?

>> No.8397873
File: 6 KB, 190x246, 41GVQT2XU7L._SL246_SX190_CR0,0,190,246_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and speaking of sweatpants, maybe something like using these, which look similar to renaissance bottoms from 10 ft, in keeping with the rule, I could combine with leggings/stockings for that tight-pants look I seem to see in a lot of renaissance mens fashion. Maybe I could just wear the black shirt loose or get a sash to cover the white drawstrings

>> No.8397877

Your shirt should be white, the garments worn close to the body were pretty universally white.
The doublet can be black (and very commonly were at that time period).

I personally would go with black for your leather items if you are wearing a black doublet as I don't like black and brown together much. That said like pink being stigmatized as a "girls" color, mixing black and brown wasn't a styling Faux Pas as it is now and you do see it in lots or portraits.

This is written with constructing clothing for rapier fighting in mind but it gives a good overview of the different layers of Italian clothes


>> No.8397883

okay... if these are makeshift garb then stick to fairly usual colors (red, yellow, black, brown, tan, grey, green, ect).

Pj pants and sweatpants with a basic t-tunic really only work for generic viking/medieval guy, and that is being generous. If you want to look like a man at arms from the 1500's you will need to step up your garb game, picking appropriate colors won't do it. Find a seamstress/tailor (and have bunches of money, or a very generous friend who can sew ) or learn to sew yourself.

That said I don't think you need to go all out to start, beginner's garb is just what it says on the label.

>> No.8397886
File: 145 KB, 854x854, elegant-renaissance-pirate-shirt-[3]-2520-p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doublets are a little ahead of me right now, I'm talking just a basic shirt, kind of like pic related-a lot of the rapier fighters in my shire wear just a shirt(+bottom clothing obviously) like pic related for a lot of stuff, dyed all sorts of colours, like blue or black or green-is that historically inaccurate?

>> No.8397897
File: 92 KB, 250x250, 156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> If you want to look like a man at arms from the 1500's you will need to step up your garb game
In the future, yes but for now I wanted to make a headway on a good starter garb that i can add on to pic related was the type of shirt I was considering, and it came in either this colour, white or black, so I was considering what types of gloves to go along with it, considering i have brown shoes that look period from a distance (clark desert boots) or could pick up some black boots on the cheap that fulfill the same function.

>> No.8397910

How could I shine up my brass helmet anything I could buy in Walmart ??

>> No.8397979
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If you want something that will look fairly accurate when additional pieces are added then go with white.

That said the two shirts you posted are not in my experience period to the 1500's. The first one looks like (and is) a 1700's shirt re-imaged by a designer in the 1990's.

The second one looks like an 1800's shirt I guess, I'm not sure when that sort of gathering appeared.

1500's shirts look as pictured.

So yeah I'm being a stickler, and I'm sure that if you wear the second shirt it'll be fine starting garb, it's just not going to transition too well if you want to up your game.

>> No.8398059

Brass-O. If it's good enough for Army belt buckles, it'll do for a helmet.

>> No.8398070

What kind of clothes/props would be acceptable to 1850 y. pirates? I know what basic props are ok but i would like to have opinions about this.

>> No.8398077

>1850 y. pirates
Far too late for pirates, at least in the western hemisphere. There was still some chinese pirates around that time, but that's really it.

>> No.8398083

Yeah, what i understood is that the game is about eastern pirates and when there wasn't much of them anymore
(Or something)

>> No.8398087

Don't know much about pirates then (although I believe Scottish is correct), but this is what immediately came to mind for pirates in the 1800's. Probably not all that helpful.


>> No.8398095

>went to a larp event
>met a qt3.14 mage girl
>protected her from horrible monsters while she used magic to shatter the crystal spikes that spread their magical hivemind's influence
>pretty good day

>> No.8398119
File: 23 KB, 301x251, Schierke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's super awkward when you're a 5'1 girl and have this huge brocrush on an elf man
Well, probably not gonna meet him again so w/e

>> No.8398167
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>> No.8398221

I'm not an elf man, though I was wearing a helmet for the majority of the weekend.

>> No.8398228
File: 95 KB, 1366x768, Roxas_Struggle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of the Struggle minigame from KH2.

>> No.8398296

Just missed the Barbary corsairs, though.

>> No.8398358
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>> No.8398386
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What in the hell

>> No.8398388
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>> No.8398394

Battle of the Nations 2015 USA team. The Russians and Ukrainians basically dominated the 5-on-5 and 21-on-21. USA ranked #4 at 21-on-21, behind Belarus, Ukraine, and Russia.

>> No.8398415
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Swiggity swooty

>> No.8398483
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Please, don't start this again... Go to the archives and look up the multiple sourced documentation I had on cheap, colorful dyes in history.

Why? That is not larp. That is Venetian carnival costumes.

We don't play characters. Most events just warrant being better dressed. Long camping events is when the lower class, practical clothes come out.

Italy is best.

Err... Not so much. That is a little late for my knoweldge, as my focus is late 15th, early 16thC.

I still got PDFs! To send to you!

Mind, that Italy was a rich country, and "peasants" as you think of them were actually rather rare. They were long past the poor tenant farmer, and firmly in the professional agriculturist.

Not only that, but in reality, the middle ages was way more colorful than you think.

I won't lie, I use tight black cotton sweatpants to fight in to save my hosen from wear and tear.

Yeah, thats fine. But don't wear a belt over an untucked shirt like a retard. Also, that shirt and >>8397897 are ehhhh.

GDFB makes awesome joined hosen in wool for a good price. KoA uses shitty pictures, but these are the documentable loose ankled hosen. I wear them all the time.




They can point to GDFB's wool doublets or pourpoints when you're ready.

Gritty toothpaste with baking soda in it.

A noose.

THIS IS MY GOAL! DONATE TO HAVE ME BRING FREEDOM, THE COCK AND SWALLOW TO DIRTY COMMIES! The first 100 just paid for my gaunts to get fixed!

>> No.8398547

Masks scare me, i guess its that they are so unchanging and emotionless (even when they have an "emotion" displayed on them)

>That is not larp. That is Venetian carnival costumes.
I had no clue to be honest, though i'm sure that much is obvious. But with looking them up i have to say to costumes are absolutely stunning, the masks give a really cool, unfeeling vibe to them.

>> No.8398587

Granted, the style of Venetian carnival costumes go back centuries and are rooted in commedia dell'arte, so they work just fine here.

>Masks scare me
Oh dear.

>> No.8398694
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>Masks scare me

They won't scare you if you're the one wearing one.

>> No.8398722

Thanks a bunch, gropey.
> that shirt and >>8397897 (You) are ehhhh.
Any shirt you would recommend?

And for pants, the ones you have listed are all too large for me, but what i was actually considering was these:


it's what i'm currently browsing, as it was referred to on my Kingdom's page.

>> No.8398737
File: 46 KB, 720x960, new duds 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have yet to find a decent priced linen or cotton 15th/16thC shirt online. My mom makes mine.

As for those pants, they will work fine for SCA, but I have never seen them IRL, and to be frank, GDFB is rubbish at properly naming and decent photos.

Point in question: Here I am in GDFB's "Vest coat" and "wool pants". GDFB makes good shit, just... They need people who know the product to market, not the indian sweatshop labour.

>> No.8398789
File: 88 KB, 960x720, 11266644_825133307572659_3349768164887923837_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So yeah, got my period shoes from Viking leathercraft.

Really good quality for a low price (compared to many shoes i've seen) i highly recomend it

I spent all the day yesterday going ''Yo chek out my new j'' and acting like a sarasin who just got new jordans

Pic unrelated, the bico Fort going well

>> No.8398814

>So yeah, got my period shoes from Viking leathercraft

Has their website been working for you? I can't get it to load and it keeps timing out my connection.

>> No.8399116
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>> No.8399190

Ok so here's my question: are there LARPs (or something like them) that are based somewhere between 1860-1890 that are not your average Civil War battle type deal and not... overly steampunk? Like I don't mind a good Jules Verne type storyline now and again but if everyone's got a raygun and someone's got non-functional gears on their fedora I'm gonna have a bad time yknow what I"m saying

>> No.8399282
File: 141 KB, 480x640, 1394672041048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these hippies can teach us much.

>> No.8399445

so I got home and got a sleep after we went to a school, and held a very basic and simple "larp" there. Like, for 320 kids at the same time. It was pretty good although most of the time I stood on an asphalt soccer field in ~40 Celsius and hat to hit kids with my halberd.
And during the finale all 320 kids went into batshit crazy mode and tried to actually kill the bad guys which wasn't that fun when you were there but I'm pretty sure it will be a story that we can all laugh about later

>> No.8399560
File: 115 KB, 960x711, 1463911_10205937427728499_4076533754495987210_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was the BBEG on that event with this gear - Kalamóna, the man-dragon from hungarian folklore. If anyone was wondering what does it feel like to be on the receiving end of a 320-strong lynch mob - it ain't pretty. Especially as you can't really fight back because then you'll be an even bigger asshole. No serious injuries, though, we got to disrupt the momentum of the crowd enough when I went to the ground, removed the mask and stood up acting real confused that the teachers could regain control.

>> No.8399563
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Also, the mask is compatible with eating cocoa rolls - you just unroll the dough and get it in like when you're eating spaghetti. Bonus points for the jaw of the mask moving with yours as you chew.

>> No.8399637
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That's exactly how i feel, seeing them on others creeps me out, but i like to have fun scaring people with them.

>mfw i like to scare people but don't like to be scared back

It's to be expected though.


>> No.8399948
File: 125 KB, 960x669, 1390357807281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scaring people is like sadism; just because you like to dish it doesn't mean you're obliged to like to take it.

>> No.8399980
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>> No.8400037
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>> No.8400069
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>> No.8400080

For a persons first event what is an acceptable about of garb?

>> No.8400085

simple baggy shirt simple baggy pants period shoes.

>> No.8400087

Entirely depends on the setting.

>> No.8400091

I've seen from posts that you guys take people wearing regular shoes pretty badly.

Just your typical medieval larp

>> No.8400094

there is a difference between wearing a white sneaker with pink stripes or some bland looking shoes. Anyway period shoes isn't a must have for a beginner, not even someone who is doing this for years. It's hard to get good shoes that are affordable

>> No.8400095
File: 59 KB, 427x636, pants on another level.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if your a new player and you come to game with jeans and a tabard with period shoes it's almost forgivable.

>> No.8400099

>Regular shoes
I wear hiking boots, but since I wear winningas you can't really tell they are modern boots. I'd love a pair of period boots, but most don't have decent ankle support and don't fancy knackering my ankles to be 100% accurate

>> No.8400101

Would plain brown boots work?
How about brown baggy pants of light fabric? And some beige linen shirt?

>> No.8400104

totally works. If you think they are ugly or too modern you can always cover it up with gaiters or just put cloths around it or something

>> No.8400106

Alright thanks well it's just some day thing my friend is gonna try with me

>> No.8400111
File: 192 KB, 1280x853, dave_mc_2014_tavasz_v-227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also keep in mind most of the times people don't care about your footwear as long as it blends in with your cloths (with the possible exception of people who have foot fetish). That said they are painfully obvious on pictures when people see the whole thing and have time to look at every detail.

Example, all of us here wore modern boots with leather gaiters, the gaiters hide most of the modern parts, so if you don't look at is specifically, you won't realize the "cheating"

>> No.8400264
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>> No.8400301
File: 131 KB, 229x550, PourpointWithArmour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will be starting on my first pourpoint today, has anyone else attempted one? I've heard people in my area have tried and failed and I'm interested to see how they could be so difficult. It's pretty much a reinforced arming vest right? Would it be wise to add in some steel spring boning so it's more corset-like and spreads weight a bit better?

>> No.8400362

I'm also working on a pourpoint, though mine has sleeves. I'm quilting it with dense stitching, makes it a lot more armour-like, although mine is less for padding.
I'm not sure how well steel boning would work, I imagine that would make it rather uncomfortable...

>> No.8400398
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>> No.8400402
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the sneak peak pics are up for KR.

>> No.8400417
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>> No.8400539

I wanna donate, but im broke as fuck. Sorry Gropey.

>> No.8400647
File: 175 KB, 1200x1600, Pourpoint v1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My wife and I tried a few pourpoints several years ago when we were dicking around trying to get rid of the weight belt holding up my cuisses (and hopefully without buying a $300 arming doublet from Historic Enterprises).

Material entirely period; either 4 or 8 layers of linen depending on which version we're talking about, hand-embroidered points backed with 8oz leather, and laced down the front AND the back for an adjustable "fit to body" effect. According to the armor archive, interior reinforcement away from the arming points themselves wasn't a thing, so we didn't include it - I don't think if would have changed the final results.

It didn't work. It was tight on the body and spread the weight around quite nicely...but when I'd raise my arms over my head my shoulders would pull the entire garment up, the cuisse straps would catch on my thighs and stop the movement (ie, bad). If I *forced* my arms up, it ripped every damn time (your choice of shoulder seams, or ripping the arming points out of the garment entirely).

We eventually found a period pattern with the correct underarm gusseting and figured out a homemade arming doublet, but we never figured out the pourpoint. Pic is the very first version we made, without reinforcing stitching on the front of the garment for the arming point leather reinforcements.

>Please, don't start this again... Go to the archives and look up the multiple sourced documentation I had on cheap, colorful dyes in history.

I WAS AGREEING WITH YOU. Poorer personas might have more of the exhaust colors (or simply a more "worn" garment that's had the dye leeched out of it from over-wear) while a richer persona has the first bath colors, but anyone could have colorful garments.

>Err... Not so much. That is a little late for my knoweldge, as my focus is late 15th, early 16thC.

Could have sworn you did later-period too. Mea Culpa.

>> No.8401337
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>> No.8401432
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>> No.8401688

>'I bet Pate did this!'

>> No.8402055
File: 55 KB, 500x252, very good indeed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking lol

>> No.8402058

I've never looked at it like before. Though i think its safe to prepare for repercussions when one is like that.

Also nice dump

>> No.8402131
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>> No.8402137

Okay so looking at my local larp they have some odd things.

1. They make you buy a skill to wear armor and use weapons.
So if I have the armor already but no "points" to buy it does that mean I can't use it ?

2. They force you to retire your character after reaching a certain point Such as fullfilling a goal you set for it or changing to a new character arc.

Also they make you change to a new character. I could see you know getting bored of one at some point but I don't like getting forced to retire. If someone spent a long amount of time getting armor and working on a character it kinda stinks having to make another type of armor.

3.They make you take a disability for your character. Some are that you can't ever speak or that you must only walk no jogging or running, if seen running your character will be killed. Or starting out with less points.

Although in the small videos I saw they didn't have much in the way of costumes.

>> No.8402143

Are they literal retards?

>> No.8402145


>> No.8402148

So yes

>> No.8402153

whats the game called?

>> No.8402154

In the video I saw I just saw a lot of people in black no real costumes except one. And during down time people in plastic chairs with laptops in regular clothes.

>> No.8402155
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Dying kingdoms

>> No.8402166
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>> No.8402176

1. If you don't have the points, you can't use it, because you lack the skill. It's just like a proficiency in D&D.

2. That's to keep people from building god characters. See the Nephem vs Ulcik story for what happens when someone plays the same character for a hundred fucking years until they're the apex predator of the game.

3. Disabilities are like fluff flaws, you get more points if you take something that annoys you. Some systems let you buy the flaw off once you've accumulated points through gameplay experience. I've never heard of a game "making" you take one, though, I've only ever seen them as optional for, like, if you need a point or two more to be able to afford Armor Use.

>> No.8402198

I just seems a bit silly if I have the armor that I can't wear it. like I understand the need for an alchemy skill and a armoring skill but to wear a chainmail seems like it is unnecessary to spend time dealing with that. But I am new so perhaps it's because I don't have much experience.

I'll check that story out it, that would clear things up.

It was oddly written and I see that you can take them away later and not mandatory but the wording made it seem that way

>> No.8402203
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>> No.8402212

Alternatively, you could build your character to have the armor but have to bust down your weapon selection instead. There's usually a tug-of-war on prioritization during character creation; you could try and forgo some stuff (like a shield) and maybe afford the armor and at least a respectable sword that way.

>> No.8402213
File: 2.69 MB, 2112x2816, 1390341226837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8402297

Odyssey was fucking incredible..

>> No.8402314

Post pics

>> No.8402323

None are up, most of us are just arriving home nowish.

>> No.8402336

What country is it in ??

>> No.8402390


>> No.8402391

Please tell me that this is a picture of one of you. I just want to hug this creature.

>> No.8402557

Definitely post pics when they start coming in.

>> No.8402616

Just got home from the Alliance event we were running. Turned out... alright. I got 4 people to actually cry throughout my various mods, which was my personal goal for the weekend. Some of the other staff members got a bit of flack from players for playing NPCs that were a little too Mary Sue and snowflakish. I also made a lot of new friends who were only casual acquaintances in the past now that they've seen what I can do. I'll post pics once they're uploaded.

We got shoes for my fiance from there after a recommendation from here. He has a whopping size 14 mens US shoe size, but they were able to easily accommodate it and they gave us a discount because it was taking longer to make the shoes than expected. The shoes themselves are beautiful- I have nothing but good things to say about them.

We have two of them locally, one set in a small English factory town, and another set in the old west about gold prospecting. No steampunk allowed, primarily roleplay.
Are you looking for one or trying to start one yourself, anon?

Try it out, but take it with a grain of salt, anon. Even by American standards those are huge red flags.

>> No.8402628
File: 98 KB, 605x830, bring the spring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>8402391 no it's not it's in my golem pics folder.

>> No.8402631

>I got 4 people to actually cry throughout my various mods
We may not be on /tg/ right now but its always storytime.

>Some of the other staff members got a bit of flack from players for playing NPCs that were a little too Mary Sue and snowflakish.

>> No.8402889

>3.They make you take a disability for your character. Some are that you can't ever speak or that you must only walk no jogging or running, if seen running your character will be killed. Or starting out with less points.

That last one actually sounds like more of an advantage than a flaw, given that you have to retire your character at a certain point.

>> No.8402892

>I just seems a bit silly if I have the armor that I can't wear it. like I understand the need for an alchemy skill and a armoring skill but to wear a chainmail seems like it is unnecessary to spend time dealing with that. But I am new so perhaps it's because I don't have much experience.

It is a bit silly. I've seen a lot of American larps do that, and I think it's supposed to be a way to even the playing field for people who can't afford armor--but that's a really shitty way to go about doing it.

>> No.8403033

>We got shoes for my fiance from there after a recommendation from here. He has a whopping size 14 mens US shoe size, but they were able to easily accommodate it and they gave us a discount because it was taking longer to make the shoes than expected. The shoes themselves are beautiful- I have nothing but good things to say about them

Yeah, I've done business with them before. The issue is that their website won't load anymore, it keeps timing itself out trying to load images. It's been like this for me for about three months now, I was just wondering if you had any issues getting their site to load.

>> No.8403095

It seams their PHP install got corrupted similarly to my own install of PHP.

>> No.8403318

Have they just not noticed, or are they just dragging ass on fixing it?

>> No.8403496

>a noose


>> No.8403714

Thanks for the helpful info~ Might change up the arm areas to prevent the riding up, though the main idea behind the whole corset-esque boning was to make things more ridged to prevent the garment from moving about plus my Larp gives HP for having a steel boned corsets. Though the more I keep re-designing it the more it looks like some sort of oddly arousing garter-corset made for steel legs rather than a arming vest

>> No.8404035

No clue. I just know the symptoms. Half of the main page loads for me currently, but clicking on anything breaks the site.

>> No.8404067

I've been going to a local LARP meetup on and off for a couple of months. I'm learning to sew so that I can make better garb (my first outfit was similar to the broadcloth Clan McWalmart stuff mentioned here >>8397808) but I still feel like I suck at combat. I'm a girl, I'm shy and I'm not very athletic. I'm not the very last one picked for games that require teams, but I'm usually in the bottom 1/3. Can I still be useful to the group even if I never become an awesome fighter? I thought that I was doing okay at first, but lately, I've been feeling more and more anxiety about it.

>> No.8404087

>I'm not the very last one picked for games that require teams, but I'm usually in the bottom 1/3. Can I still be useful to the group even if I never become an awesome fighter? I thought that I was doing okay at first, but lately, I've been feeling more and more anxiety about it.
look, when I started I couldn't fight for shit. Even now I'm VERY far from the best fighter, although I have more experience in getting all the advantages I can to balance out the lack of skills.
What I was good at is running away and not because I was fast but because I went through the thickest jungle and nobody really bothered to chase me.
Which brings us to the point: if you aren't good at fighting then just run away. Then go back and stab the motherfuckers in the back when they aren't looking.
Plus there are a lot of other non-fighting roles or roles with less fighting. There are a lot of possibilities, you have to find out what you are good at and most importantly what you enjoy. If you enjoy fighting but not good at it then just fight and ignore all the haters

>> No.8404114

I'd say close to 35/45% of Empire players are female.

>> No.8404138

There's always healing if your game allows it. It provides good opportunity for roleplay, either through creative magical incantations and rituals, religious proselytising or comedically inept surgery. Not too much glory, sometimes thankless, but you'll always be appreciated.

Another alternative is fighting as underhanded as you can within your ruleset. My advice is to adopt a non-threatening posture, it's impressive how many people will overlook you walking around, or sometimes straight through enemy lines.

If you want to go about improving yourself, there's always skimming a fencing manual to pick up on at least the basic swordfighting stances. George Silver's Brief Instructions on my Paradoxes of Defense is good if you can parse the antiquated English.

>> No.8404144

>look, when everyone started they couldn't fight for shit.

>> No.8404237

I meant a 60% male to 40% female, which is still a high percentage considering other nerd based activites.
How was Odyssey?

I only recently started field-larping, and my own combat ability was fucking trash. I picked up sword and shield, as that's pretty simple to pick up. A shield covers up a multitude of sins. More recently I've been practising 1v1 duelling, either single sword or sword & buckler.
I just practise with people who have huge amounts of experience and listened to what they told me.
While I'm still not great, I can now hold my own.

>> No.8404280

You are pretty darn close tbh. I think gender representation in PD systems is quite impressive.

Odyssey was brilliant, thoroughly enjoyed it and got to test my new armour. Eagerly awaiting pictures.

>> No.8404359

I meant compared to others. Even in a pool of shit there are tiers of how shitty is someone

>> No.8404364

I'm just saying, we all start shit and get better

>> No.8404368

nah, some people remain shit.

>> No.8404434

Well I certainly didn't see anyone matching that description this weekend *sarcasm overload*

>> No.8404597

I promise you that you'd doing okay anon. Fighting, like all skills, takes practice and time to git gud. If the anxiety is too much for you, I'd suggest you look into becoming a healer, but again, you will get better.

If it is possible, take aside someone who seems to know what they're doing and ask them to teach you or practice with you. They will usually accept.

>My advice is to adopt a non-threatening posture, it's impressive how many people will overlook you walking around, or sometimes straight through enemy lines.
That's a thing that works at other games? That's very cool! Here it's just called "The Stroll" and it's extremely effective.

>> No.8404652

Oh god, those monkey hands
Slap some green paint on them or something, at least.

>> No.8404767

It was a lunch break faggot, you couldn't see his hands normally as >>8399560 shows.

>> No.8404774

Is there a link to Grope's GFM?

>> No.8405337


Add the www.gofundme.com thing before the /

>> No.8405396

Dropping in from raving about For Honor for this.

When I started HEMA, I knew nearly nothing about fighting. I'd boxed for a couple months and played rugby back in high school, but I had no fucking clue how a sword worked. Hell, I didn't even know basic grappling. My first few times going one on one with a singlestick were messy and left a lasting impression. I had to relearn an entire new set of mechanics and rules when I picked up a rapier.
Fighting is hard. It's position and angle and body mechanics and at times it's pure reflex, grit, and luck. quite frankly expecting anyone to be good without training or prior experience is unrealistic, and it's not fair to hold yourself to that same standard.
Anyways for the actual game, if you ever think you're getting into a situation where you know you're at a disadvantage, pull back and find another way. Maybe that means just backpedaling until you run into some friends, maybe that means running the fuck away and never looking back. That's the beauty of fighting outside of a tournament setting: you can fight on your terms, and if those terms happen to include having a dozen or so other people at your side, that's okay.
If it's a class-based game, play a sneaky stabby person or a mage. Make some friends and let them take the hits for you! I know I've thrown myself on the dicksword for my fellow NPCs before.

>> No.8405429

>raving about For Honor


>> No.8405496


>> No.8405553

>not just getting a plain buckler and polishing it into a mirror

>> No.8405556

>not wearing a kidney belt to protect your vital organs
You know for a fact 90% of the people doing this shit are dumb enough that sooner or later, you will rupture a kidney or something.

>> No.8405575

Fuck you, a full-size shield is some classy shit. Bucklers are for prancing faggots and gladiators given trash to die with.

>> No.8405580

bucklers are for binding your opponent, forcing them to the ground, disarming them, and then beating them to death with a 2kg piece of fucking metal.
Viking shields are pretty cool too.
Bear in mind that bucklers are weapons designed for light skirmishes, where as kite and larger shields are designed for full field battles.

Bucklers basically force you to be aggressive, mid sized shields are for passive betas, and large shields are (can be) aggressive again.

Actually, I take it back, just use a longshield or a door shield.
Nothing more.

>> No.8405603

Yup, that was the plan - every time the kids could see me I wore gloves because I managed to sweat all bodypaint off in five minutes. Having heat insulation foam on my head when it's 30-35 celsius outside doesn't help either. In case I use it later, I'm planning on making a set of gloves which would look like a pair of clawed reptilian hands to address this issue better.

>> No.8405624

Stop posting.

>> No.8405657


It's a question of balance. If everyone can wear whatever armour they like with no points spent, it's one less reason to play a simple fighter, and before you know it, everyone's a wizard in full plate.

Not even kidding, seen it happen.

>> No.8405682
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Make me, candy-ass. Your weak shit is no match for my skills.

>> No.8405688 [DELETED] 
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Nice try scrub, but I'm behind two layers of spray-painted craft foam

>> No.8405698

>not wanting to run around in full armor with a stereotypical wizard hat and cloak on over it
You some kind of faggot?

>> No.8405722

that kettle buffe combo.


>> No.8405726

That does look boss as hell.

>> No.8405729


That kinda reminds me of one of our folklore beeings. The kurent.

>> No.8405731
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>> No.8405767


Large shields are agressive? Arent large shields pretty much used like riot controll uses them?

>> No.8405783
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I guess that depends on how you intend on using it.

>> No.8405800

viking round shields have a lot of aggressive techniques, primarily hinging on the fact that since they have no buckle, any hit from the sides will force them to pivot.
You could strike one of those with your shield in such a way that you bind the sword arm, while also completely nullifying the effectiveness of the shield and leaving the head, shield arm and side of the person completely open to attack.


I don't think there are many aggressive techniques with tower shields or things like that though.

>> No.8405806
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since then I I got a new helmet.
And since this picture I got a new gorget too as it had problems, but I'm still not fully statisfied on how the buffe sits on it, but at least it's good enough now that I can fence with steel in it

>> No.8405810

What was the visibility like? It's something that I want to look into for my mercenary character.

Kind of like the whole who is it behind the grill thing.

>> No.8405819
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better than from a sallet, and there is a reason why it's called a falling buffe

>> No.8405986

While the hilarity does not escape me, I still must argue firmly for balance. If everyone can wear armour, wearing armour will eventually become obligatory, as GMs tailor your opposition to the amount of heavy armour, almost completely voiding its benefit.

>> No.8405990

>If everyone can wear armour, wearing armour will eventually become obligatory, as GMs tailor your opposition to the amount of heavy armour, almost completely voiding its benefit.
that would be the case if it would require zero effort to get and wear armour. But that's not the case.
You have to buy it or make it, then wear it.
In our system anyone can wear armour.
In one of the games I play for example system wise the only restriction that armour gives you is that you can't use spells that needs preparation time, other than that you are free to use whatever the fuck you want.
And yet most people doesn't use armor or when they bring it they doesn't wear it 24/7

>> No.8406021

What kind of jewelry does your character wear?

>> No.8406177

Do axes count as jewelry?

>> No.8406218


Armored Combat League. This is the American team from the competition in Prague last month.

Two of the people in this shot are friends of mine that started in SCA and wanted more bruises.

>> No.8406265

If you wear an axe then yes

>> No.8406267

Then the only jewelry my character wears is an axe

>> No.8406303

A mighty fine axe it must be to be the only piece of jewelry you wear

>> No.8406469

To be fair, EVERY shield is as much of an offensive tool as a defensive one. They're also giant fun handles for grappling, mind, but that's not really useful for LARP.

>> No.8406752


Bluff is not a class-restricted skill, after all.

>> No.8406805

If you use them as intended a large shield is as much of a weapon as any sword, mace, or axe. The problem is that alot of larps get touchy about the possibility of getting hit with the edge of a shield or punched at with the boss thinking that there's no possible way that such a thing could ever be "larp safe".

>> No.8406818
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Pic related, how roman legionaires chucked pila at their enemies then punch with the shield before shanking them in the gut. My apologies for the shitty picture, I don't have a scanner.

>I don't think there are many aggressive techniques with tower shields or things like that though.
You are wrong.

>> No.8406845

Celtic torc, various magical necklaces that do shit.

>> No.8406889

Do.. do you know if there are any Sci-fi LARP groups?

>> No.8406899

there are

>> No.8406922

Ok second question where can I get some full body armor that can easily withstand paintball rounds?

>> No.8406924

I mean I assume that there are some people who LARP and paintball at the same time

>> No.8406925

my first bet would be paintball shops. Second is polic riot armors, third one any kind of body armor (motorcycle stuff etc) fourth is to make one yourself

>> No.8406929

airsoft and larp is more common. Nerf and larp also happens

>> No.8406948

I was more thinking of along the lines of halo or starwars or warhammer armor to be honest but I'm looking for real quality stuff that could withstand a barrage of paintballs or airsoft without taking a dent or Scratch I saw one video with halo armor that did that but couldn't find it sense

>> No.8406961

armors made out of eva foam probably withstand paintballs, although probably won't survive airsoft pellets

>> No.8407484

How many people usually turn up to NPC at events? US specific but curious in general.

I'd guess it'd depend how thinned out the eva is, and what restrictions are on the airsoft gun? I've had bb's fail to penetrate cardboard targets, so I mean. But I don't know how thick armor made of eva foam would be.

>> No.8407494

Again totally depends on where in the US you are and what game you are playing. It is ENTIRELY variable.

>> No.8407508

I tend to have an open mind about things, but how is this not ultimate fedora-tipping madness?

>> No.8407555

My game likewise allows the use of armor without restriction, and most of the players still go armorless "for the extra mobility."

>> No.8407559

Mine doesn't have dedicated NPCs. Players are rewarded for taking a few hours to play an NPC during events, and most choose to take advantage of this.

>> No.8407620
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I'm not sure how you can call anything in this thread 'fedora-tipping madness' compared to the rst of /cgl/ and not, you know, have a bowl of porridge for a frontal lobe.

>> No.8407624

My US game makes everyone take one of four NPC shifts over 1.5 days, and then plot staff (3 to 5 people) are always various NPCs. 30 to 70 people attend, so there are naturally more NPCs when there are more players. It's a pretty neat system.

>> No.8407626

/fa/ and /fit/ tend to be strong at times, there may be an influx because of that "which cosplayers are REAL RUNWAY MODEL MATERIAL thread"

>> No.8407671

Never larped before kinda want to but dont wanna show up like a jag in jeans and a t shirt was looking at this great set of leather armor but the shop that had it is closed down for idk how long and idk if they still have it

>> No.8407675

Here's how to make a $5 tunic http://youtu.be/XaH6v70h3ys
Grab some black slacks and have fun finding your place

>> No.8407770

Any other good places to just by larp gear?

>> No.8407837

Dark Knight Armoury/Medieval Collectibles (same guys)
Pay someone at the park to do the work, you just provide the materials and the idea

>> No.8407895

Everyone asking, no one donating... :(

My punching shield is almost done being repainted with the cock and swallow too.

>> No.8407941

see this whining is why you arent getting my autism bux

>> No.8407946

>implying you're not just a cheapshit NEET

Ask your mom for your allowance early.

>> No.8407947


>> No.8407957

fuck that i have chinese cartoon comics to buy and plastic comic girl figurines to purchase.

>> No.8407961

Obvious troll, but this isnt exactly whining.

>> No.8408038

>using Rome reaction images
my Numidian

>> No.8408073
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>> No.8408157
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>> No.8408173


Important caveat: Does your game have magical armour? As in, can you have armour points simply by wearing amulets or rings?

>> No.8408262

Does anyone happen to know if medieval Europeans suffered from fallen arches as a common ailment? It seems to me after going through several catalogs of medieval footwear that the concept of arch support was anathema to them.

>> No.8408264
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>> No.8408362


On flat foot/fallen arches treatment (it's wiki, feel free to scold me)

>Going barefoot, particularly over terrain such as a beach where muscles are given a good workout, is good for all but the most extremely flatfooted, or those with certain related conditions such as plantar fasciitis. Ligament laxity is also among the factors known to be associated with flat feet. One medical study in India with a large sample size of children who had grown up wearing shoes and others going barefoot found that the longitudinal arches of the bare footers were generally strongest and highest as a group, and that flat feet were less common in children who had grown up wearing sandals or slippers than among those who had worn closed-toe shoes. Focusing on the influence of footwear on the prevalence of pes planus, the cross-sectional study performed on children noted that wearing shoes throughout early childhood can be detrimental to the development of a normal or a high medial longitudinal arch. The vulnerability for flat foot among shoe-wearing children increases if the child has an associated ligament laxity condition. The results of the study suggest that children be encouraged to play barefooted on various surfaces of terrain and that slippers and sandals are less harmful compared to closed-toe shoes. It appeared that closed-toe shoes greatly inhibited the development of the arch of the foot more so than slippers or sandals. This conclusion may be a result of the notion that intrinsic muscle activity of the arch is required to prevent slippers and sandals from falling off the child’s foot.[3]

tl; dr: going barefoot or in structurally weak shoes forces your foot to keep its arch

>> No.8408647

Where are you from? In Canada you go right from Epic Armoury or larpcanada.com

>> No.8408715


If someone in the group is into garbing, they may be willing to show you how to make your own. Even if you have zero experience, you can learn to sew a tabard or a really basic t-tunic. Sewing is a good skill to have. You'll save a lot of money in the long run and plus if your garb gets ripped or damaged while fighting, you'll know how to repair it yourself.

>> No.8408826
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In my trip to Ireland we planned a detour to berlin. I got a shitload of pictures from the history museum I'll dump next thread. For now though, I got an 'east german' gas mask outside the DDR Museum for future post-apoc shenanigans for 30€,(dad says I should have started haggling at 20) and I'd like to know if the filter isn't full of carcinogens. Cheers in advance.

>> No.8408846


I got mine for under 10 euro...
And a hose with it...
And a filter...

Anyway the filters are pretty much shit in all of these in a way that it won't protect you from anything serious shit, like chemical attacks and such. But on the other hand they can filter out simple smoke grenades and the smell of rotting chicken carcasses just to mention a few totally random examples

>> No.8408880

The green canister on the end is the filter right? you also didn't alleviate my fears on whether I got the asbestos filled filter or not.

>> No.8408888

You have the smaller filter which 90% of the time is safe. There is a larger filter that looks like a coffee can that is the bad one.

>> No.8408889

it's filled with active coal or whatever it is called in english. don't eat it and you will be fine. If you will eat it you won't go to the toilet for a a few days, that's all

>> No.8408896

Cheers. How did you know that hlf?

>> No.8408911

I opened up a few when I was young. And I own at least 4 different gas mask for larping purpose

>> No.8409078

Charcoal's what's in that canister, not asbestos. You're safe enough provided the filter's not past its expiration date, in which case don't trust it if you're planning on a tussle with riot cops with CS gas.

>> No.8409123

even if it's in date I wouldn't trust these things

>> No.8409148

The US ones for the M40/41 work fine, though I confess I lacked the fortitude to test an expired one in a gas chamber. I do wonder if those filters are compatible with other masks.

>> No.8409181

those green ones are compatible with technically all the soviet block masks as far as I know, not sure about others.

Anyway it's not so much about the cannister but the whole surplus gasmask that I won't really trust in a real situation

>> No.8409247

The green filters comply with NATO 20mm (thread size) filters. Any other filter that complies with that standard will work (most modern NBC [Nuclear Biological & Chemical] filters should also work)

>> No.8409263

You can take the man out of /k/ but you cannot take the /k/ out of a man.

My moor!

>> No.8409272

The soviet style filters and other similar sized NATO filters are supposed to work for three hours MAX. Any NATO compliment mask will work with any compliant filter.

Also, the model you have is a civilian issue.

>> No.8409288

You cannot. The only ways to get armor in game are to have the physical stuff, or to play a race that gets natural armor and do the makeup for it; the latter is also very limited.

>> No.8409308

The model someone else has. I own a M40.

>> No.8410173

Yes, I noticed wrong reply too late.

>> No.8410343

>Just got home from the Alliance event we were running. Turned out... alright. I got 4 people to actually cry throughout my various mods, which was my personal goal for the weekend. Some of the other staff members got a bit of flack from players for playing NPCs that were a little too Mary Sue and snowflakish.
You've had three days to rest, tell us the story already!

>> No.8410480

It's cool, it took a bit of doing to construct an M40 out of spare parts so that it wouldn't show up on the unit property book; it would be a logical assumption to make that I would have a civilian model.

>> No.8410514

Alright, storytime!

One of the cry stories takes much too much explanation to make sense. In short, a player's backstory had him engaged to this noble girl. He had never met her since it was an arranged marriage, and he dragged his feet and took his sweet time getting to her to meet her and in the meantime the queen of the land was assassinated and she (the fiance) was implicated (because she was the favored niece of the guy who was heading the assassination) and reportedly fled the land. This was a wacky time travel event (not my idea) so he wanted to go back in time to catch her and see what the deal was (he thought she was guilty) but he specifically phrased it as "I want to see when she fled."

Turned out she wasn't part of the plot and in fact was trying to stop a bigger, worse plot by 'doing the ultimate running away' by casting a permanent death ritual on herself. The reason the queen was killed in the first place was because the player didn't go to meet her immediately, since she tried to leave clues to her death because she had heard that he was coming to meet her soon and hopefully would ask questions. However, because of how it was set up, going back in time *again* to save her would have made it worse.

I was really hopped up on energy drinks, so I was able to absolutely break down sobbing in the ritual circle, which made the other player start crying. The "Oh shit." look on their faces when they realized what she was doing was amazing.

TL;DR the death of his fiance, the death of the queen, and the fall of the kingdom was all this guys fault because he didn't want to go meet her because he was too busy stalling about marrying her and fucking members of his father's guard.

>> No.8410548

This next one is where I got the other three players to cry. It's pretty simple- they went back in time to the beginning of one of our campaigns, where the land is destroyed and taken over by elementals. It's pretty much post-apocalypse. The players didn't know it was *that* land though.
They went to a sacred forest glade, met the glade guardian (a wood spirit) and the people who lived there, had a lovely hour of talking and meeting new people.
Then the place exploded- we set off all the fog machines and turned on the orange and red lights. The NPCs started all screaming and running in all directions, and the wood spirit- now burnt- came running out screaming. The flame elementals starting the attack came from the other side out of the black (it was at night) and started attacking the players and corrupting the glade dwellers.

The glade dwellers would run at people screaming to be helped- they were on fire- it burned- all while attacking them.

The high point was one of my NPCs had grabbed a charcoal log out of the fire at camp and wrapped it in a baby blanket with nothing poking through. While they were still roleplaying he went around and introduced to to players as his baby. Then the fire started and he ran around screaming that something was wrong with his baby until he had enough players attention, then unrolled the blanket and dropped the burnt husk.
One of the NPCs just stayed on the ground and stayed dead for the whole thing, which apparently freaked people out really badly for some reason.

A staff member stood off to the side with a bucket of pork chops and a blow torch- he got the smoke going just as the action started so the entire field smelled of burnt flesh.

One of the staff members back at camp heard the screaming, looked up, went "OH SHIT THE SITE IS ON FIRE" (a real concern for California) then went "Oh... wait, it's time for Tarantula's mod. That's what it is. Fuck that's scary."

>> No.8410550

As far as other staff members playing mary sues, it wasn't that much of a story- one guy had a big bad that was really obviously a power trip and was a little too powerful and self-gratifying. It was corrected quickly.

>> No.8410569

Your chapter of alliance sounds pretty fun, if I ever decide to travel across the country for larp I'd visit it.

>sacred forest glade
Fuck the rules, religion isn't a bad thing in larp, go California chapter!

>> No.8410578
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'sacred' is the easiest way to say it for people who don't play Alliance- it was a Mystic Wood Elf glade.
Though, it really is pretty much a religion. A magical glade controlled by the power of a benevolent powerful creature where MWEs can frolick? Yeah...

Pic is the burnt and fresh versions of the wood spirit. My fiance was the person who played it, since I was handling technical stuff, but I tried it on for photos before game.

>> No.8410584
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And a well-lit version of the burnt one.

I'll do a photo dump *from game* once the photo girl posts her photos.

>> No.8410592

Okay, the left one? That's nightmare fuel.

>> No.8410605

I am who they call when they need nightmare fuel.

It was incredible in game, since my fiance had been being really kind and sweet, then when the explosions started the players all ran off and I helped him into, and he came roaring and screaming in agony around the corner- clutching his head and bellowing at the top of his lungs with the mask all glowing and on fire. The entire playerbase jumped and there were many screams and shouts of "What the hell is that?!"

>> No.8410689

That is beautifully evil and I love it.

>'sacred' is the easiest way to say it for people who don't play Alliance
Such is life I suppose.

>Though, it really is pretty much a religion.
The magic of Alliance's no religion rule, there are so damn many things that are clearly religious that everyone ignores.

>> No.8410744

I'm making a spellbook, and working on decorating the cover now. It's covered with pleather, is there anything I could write on it with that would look good and be reasonably durable?

>> No.8410885


You live in a post apoc country though.

>> No.8410975
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>> No.8411038
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>> No.8411151

the stories sound great but I really don't understand why they started crying. I mean I do understand, it's just strange as most people here aren't the crying type especially not about stuff like this

>> No.8411159
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nah, it's aren't "post"

>> No.8411537
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Got to test my armour out at ODC, needs some bits ironing out and making more "larp proof" but I was quite happy with it.

>> No.8411539
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Oh an executed some escaped slaves too. Because we don't let that shit slide in Rome....

>> No.8411691

What do you need doing to it?

>> No.8411698

Some of the decrative working came lose along with one of the shoulder straps requiring fixing. It needs another coat of varnish too to prevent paint damage.

>> No.8412079

Might want to consider folding those shoulder "plates" a bit more towards the ground. I keep imagining someone running past you and accidentally slashing their face open.

>> No.8412110
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Bloody Greeks are never any good at a fair fight!

>> No.8412112

They'd be hard pressed to slash anything mate, they are leather!

>> No.8412408

If you're fighting fair, you're fighting wrong. Also, flank the fucks, the phalanx is a garbage-tier formation.

>> No.8412967

>he ran around screaming that something was wrong with his baby until he had enough players attention, then unrolled the blanket and dropped the burnt husk.

Holy balls that made me laugh more than it should of.

>> No.8412980

we are heavily in autosage again, so here is a new thread


>> No.8413117

It was 35 v about 9 iirc. But it was a fight we couldn't avoid. I did not end well.