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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 67 KB, 636x634, 27d2b31eee8bea769a4d89b71025acc6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8399787 No.8399787 [Reply] [Original]

Any lolita stoners on here? Have you smoked while wearing lolita before? Really curious to know if there are any bong sisters on here.

>captcha: munch

>> No.8399804

smoking weed stains your breasts

>> No.8399815

what the fuck are you on?

>> No.8399817

turns em green

>> No.8399818

>Having more than one dumb hobby to suck up your parent's money

>> No.8399821

one time i spilles bong water on my dress.

i stick to joints most of the time now

>> No.8399823

Isn't 4chan 18+? If you're still leeching off of your parents at 18 that's pathetic.

>> No.8399836

vaping weed forever. nothing to spill on your dresses, no smell to hang around, A+

>> No.8399841

Not a lolita, but I dab and vape. It's pretty awesome.

>> No.8399854

That looks like an oil rig to me.
>tfw live in a state where it's not legal
>tfw can't get oil or hash
>tfw male dealers attempt to rip me off just because I'm a female or think they can barter sex in exchange
>tfw the last time I looked at a cute, small, brand name oil rig they wanted $300 and that's a new lolita dress for me

It's too much hassle.

>> No.8399885

How fucking clumsy do you have to be to spill bong water on your dress? You're more likely to drop ash on yourself with a joint.

>> No.8399895



>> No.8399906
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r-really? I'v never seen so much as a cigarette break. I would totally smoke with some fashionistas, though they always seem the antithesis to the stoner mentallity. Innocence, elegence, purity..etc. the juxtaposition has really kicked me sideways.

someday i'd love to do a whole photo series of a play on that. "green lace" or something.

>> No.8399915

This might be the dumbest thread I've ever witnessed on here.

>> No.8399918

Fucking Stoners
Why don't you be like the rest of us and grow up

>> No.8399919
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Gothic lolita here.
I smoke joints just because I like to pretend I'm Eva Green in Penny Dreadful. But that's just me...

>> No.8399925


that shits horrible for your lungs chica. like cigar bad, a pack of cigs bad.

>> No.8399928

Ayyy lmao

>> No.8399930

thread is about weed

expecting intelligence


>> No.8399934

Weed, obviously

>> No.8399935

Total degeneracy

>> No.8399937

/pol/ pls.

>> No.8399960
File: 5 KB, 132x146, tumblr_me6ok28rHp1qzpfito3_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure what is up with all the weed hate on here

i partake every so often but i hardly feel the need to mix my j-fash with it esp with the risk of the smell and getting ash/bong water on myself.

>> No.8399974

people who smoke while wearing lolita:
dumbasses. ash and smoke reduce the resale value of your brand
i'm a lolita and i don't smoke weed, i stick to edibles and mostly do lsd. weed isn't for me, its too weak to be fun but strong enough to make me paranoid

>> No.8399987

I dunno. The "Broken Princess" persona as portrayed by Novala Takemoto, the decadence/degeneracy of the French courts under Louis XV and Louis XVI, plus the expenses of lolita fashion, makes me think that a bit of illicit drug use to the side would not be all that surprising among lolitas.

Though don't get me wrong, there are plenty of people also present in lolita fashion who vocally decry any behavior among other lolitas that is "not cute", whether it's listening to death metal or partaking in illicit drugs.

It can be difficult for financial reasons, too. One expensive hobby is enough of an impact on your wallet.

I say live and let live. As long as you don't show up to public meets while obviously stoned (annoying), and don't sell off your used clothes while they still smell of weed ash or bong-water (gross), I don't give a crap what other lolitas do in the privacy of their own home.

>> No.8399997

yeah, it's much better to suck up 600 dollars monthly from your parents to live in a smelly apartment with junkie roommates

what kind of economy are you living in son

>> No.8400006

What is wrong with you guys having opinion on other people's lives. People that you don't even..
Oh, right, I forgot I was on cgl.

>> No.8400011

I smoke industrial cigarettes too. I'm pretty much already dead anyway.

>> No.8400013

That's all of 4chan mate

>> No.8400014

Big old stoner. I vape when I'm in lolita, though, don't want to leave weed smell on dresses that I wear out to comm meetings.

>> No.8400015

>"You horrible disgusting junkies!"
>*secretly wishes to try drugs at least once, but no one ever asked her to because she has no friends*

>> No.8400017

There's nothing wrong with having an opinion on anyone's anything. Everyone has opinions, the difference is that in most social situations it's rude to voice your opinions on things that don't involve you. Since this is /cgl/, which is an anonymous board on an anonymous website, people can get away with being judgy and snarky about things they don't deem 'correct', 'mature' or 'moral' enough for their standards. While I agree that you shouldn't care so much about people's lives to gob off at them on an anonymous Philippine macramé imageboard, there's obviously some who have nothing better to do.

Hopefully you'll have a more pleasant 4chan-browsing experience now that that's all cleared up!

>> No.8400018

project moar, you sound as pathetic as the naggers you chat shit about

>> No.8400020

Vaping is super convenient for cons too. This one girl was a bundle of nerves and quiet but took a tiny little baby hit when it came to her, and she opened up; Lots of smiles and even a joke or two. Like everything else, partake responsibly and your gonna have a good time.

>> No.8400024

THIS. The decadence and degeneracy of drug culture as portrayed in classic history is such a great counter movement to the elegant portrayal of such cultures in lolita. I love it.

>> No.8400028

what kind of vaporizers do you guys have? i've been trying to find one to keep the smell off of my brando but i'm hopeless

>> No.8400044
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That does not sound defensive at all, anon. You totally convinced me.

>> No.8400046

what exactly is unladylike about smoking?

>> No.8400053

mann i want to smoke a lil something.just to try it.
i aint got no time to go to prion tho
im so vanilla

>> No.8400058

There's also the extra difficulty posed on your diet.

Weed makes food taste good. Too much food will make you fat. Being fat will decrease the selection of brand you can fit in.

Lavender shortbread FTW

>> No.8400067

Where do you live? Most places in the US at least are good about only ticketing you if you're caught possessing it, as long as it's less than whatever the state counts as "intent to sell" (usually half an ounce, some states it's an ounce). I don't know about other countries, though. My friends in the UK can barely ever even find any weed to smoke, it seems like.

God, I love living in a medical marijuana state. My weed is currently being delivered to my house, legally. I bought it online. Such luxury.

>> No.8400075

Because we all can have stable incomes fresh out of high school. Flawless logic, anon.

>> No.8400076

I love the MFLB. It won't smell at all if you hold the vapor

>> No.8400081

The edge in here could cut vegetables.

>> No.8400083

I smoke weed, but not in lolita. Can't imagine getting ash on my dresses.
It would be hilarious to have a stoner meet with my local comm and eat cute weed brownies and watch everyone

>> No.8400114

Why would you smoke in expensive clothing?
Why do you treat it like it's a hobby?
Why are you making this thread on /cgl/ besides to be edgy?

The best weed smokers are the ones who don't feel the need to shoe horn it into other things or talk about it like it's a hobby to smoke weed.

>> No.8400118

>My weed is currently being delivered to my house, legally. I bought it online. Such luxury.
God, I can't wait for this shit. It's fully legal in Oregon next fucking month.


>> No.8400121

> guys I smoke weed in frilly clothing wooooo

Stoner lolita threads are way too edgy for my taste

>> No.8400125

10/10 bait cause here comes your reply:
It's not considered edgy anymore where I live. It's quite common and people are usually shocked if you don't smoke weed. I have two friends who don't smoke or drink and people lose their shit every time they find out.

>You don't smoke weed?? EVER?
>you don't drink either? Hahah why do you live here there's a bar on literally every corner??

But we're also home of the strip club so... yeah, there's a bit of a culture here.

Like I stated above, it's so very common to smoke weed where I live and it's about to be legal... I wonder if the Portland Lolita comm does smoke meet ups?
Nothing better than some real tea and a bong hit.

>> No.8400133

Smoke meets would be rad but I live in the UK and I'm pretty sure it will never, ever be legalised, could still have meets in someones house though.
Imagine smoking a cross joint in AP's Holy Lantern

>> No.8400138

>people lose their shit when they find out
that's so sad
how insecure do you have to be to bully others for not participating in your shitty lifestyle (not yours directly, I mean)
as someone who doesn't drink or smoke, I also get that sometimes and I don't understand what I'm doing to those people for them to be so fucking offended about my life choices
I don't chastise anyone for drinking, smoking, vaping, shrooms whatever, go wild, I literally couldn't give less of a fuck
so why do they do it to me?
>tell someone 'no thank you, I don't drink'
>am met with 'HAHA, LOSER'/'come on what are you, a pussy?!'/'BUT WHYYYY'

>> No.8400141

>Imagine smoking a cross joint in AP's Holy Lantern
I imagine getting blazed and being all dressed up like that is a trip in itself. I mean... I do it from time to time but to have other people there would be even better.

I'm still saving up for full outfits. Almost there.

Also, is medical marijuana not a thing in the UK? At all? It's becoming rapidly legal here in the states, even for recreational use.

>> No.8400145

I want to have a 420 meet up

>> No.8400148

>people are usually shocked if you don't smoke weed
Where are you from so I can avoid it jesus christ, how horrifying.

>> No.8400150

Smoking weed is a life style. Get over it. Just like gay sex, it's not going anywhere.

>> No.8400152

>still thinks smoking weeds cool
you are sad

>> No.8400159

I get that, but my friends handle it well and they're always fine with what other people do. Not only that but it's just the initial shock. I'm not kidding about my area, I don't think the people are insecure so much as they are just part of a culture where everyone fucking smokes weed here. That's why it's legal. Because so many people wanted it that way.

It's more like a "whoa, you don't? well that's interesting" and not a judgmental thing.
Also I've never seen anyone in this area push weed on someone else. If they don't want it when you pass it, that's fine, more for others, ya know?

>> No.8400163


>I don't like your counter culture I only like my dress up for no reason counter culture

>> No.8400164

if you need to do drugs to have fun and belong to a certain 'lifestyle' you're probably awfully boring

>> No.8400168

They're banning legal highs here so I have no idea about what the current status of medical marijuana is, the UK must be about 5 years behind everyone. If parliament taxed it the way they do everything else they'd be rolling in cash.

>> No.8400170

smoking week is no longer counter culture. its fucking legalized for fucks sakes.

>> No.8400171

nice bait

>> No.8400175

not bait. unless for medical purposes, smokers do it to be cool. there is no other reason. smoking weed does not make you cool.

>> No.8400177

lmao half my comm smokes cigarettes and a handful of them smoke weed. they talk about it sort of frequently, but they manage to be way less annoying/preachy than most normfag stoners

>> No.8400179

What are you even talking about? Smoking weed is common as mud.

>> No.8400181

Yeah... Colorado is already fucking rolling in cash. The only problem with it here in America is the silly ideology that the money used to buy LEGAL drugs is considered drug money and the banks won't touch it, so dispensaries have thousands and thousands of dollars just sitting in safes and shit. The community could make so much money off it but they won't let us, it's ridiculous. Hopefully the more legal it becomes, that shit will go away.

>smoking week

609,456 people where I live.
Even if it was just a quarter of that smoking weed - that's a lot of boring people.
Most weed smokers I know aren't boring and have really good jobs, though. So you're probably wrong.

>> No.8400183

Did you actually just make that comparison? How much of a shitlord do you have to be to make a comparison like that?

>> No.8400186

>that's a lot of boring people
so it is
>So you're probably wrong
probably not

>> No.8400188
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Go back to tumblr jesus christ.

>> No.8400191

4chan is 18+

>> No.8400201
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Good job, kids.

>> No.8400203


They say on a board about watching cartoons and spending vast amounts of money on fashions that make one look younger.

>> No.8400204

ITT: degenerates

>> No.8400206

lmao nobody is doing it to be 'cool'
The high is nice, and it's a lot of fun to do with friends

>> No.8400207

Don't believe me? Just baiting? Probably.
Here's your reply though cause I got 30 minutes before I have to go to work at the fucking Airport! Get to watch planes fly around all day. Have a ton of downtime, get paid to be on my fucking phone. Sounds pretty great to me, dude.

My friend is an engineer. He flys back n forth from America to China. He owns a house and a condo. In China, his job pays for him and his wife to live in a hotel. They have a fucking maid. He makes a living making all kinds of cool medical technology.

Also my boyfriend works from home and smokes all day erryday and his boss doesn't care cause it's legal! He gets all his work done and usually has time to play vidya on the clock.

Also have a friend who is 21, already working on her masters in Psychology, and has a job helping people in rehab.

I've met a lot of interesting people, actually. not to say there aren't completely boring fucks who smoke weed, I'm sure there's plenty, but that's definitely not all there is.

Drugs are an expensive hobby. You need money to spend on stuff like that and I've found rich people are massively more interesting than poor bitches who sit at home and watch tv all day and have no lives because they only make enough to get by.

>> No.8400211

A lot of kids I went to school with became drug dealers and they'd wear the DARE shirts ironically because they were huge douche bags.

>> No.8400212
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>> No.8400213

Ah man pot picnic sounds like so much fun, but you know it would be ruined by that one idiot who gets too high and fucks up everything

>> No.8400216

yeah, jumping off the roof naked sure is fun

>> No.8400218


It's nothing like gay sex since being gay isn't a lifestyle, it's a biological fact you can't just take off and...

Oh wait. Moshi moshi bait desu.

>> No.8400219

and that has to do with weed how? :')

>> No.8400221
File: 8 KB, 200x200, bruh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you arguing with them you fuckstick. Stoppeth this minuteth.
>mfw reading this thread after smoking about 200 weeds

>> No.8400222

>that one idiot who gets too high and fucks up everything
I'm the person who posted about the Engineer in China. His wife is this person in our group. She has such a low tolerance for everything and she always gets super fucked up and has to eventually be taken to bed. He was gone once and she got super fucking high one night. She starts freaking out about some IKEA zebra painting in her room. Comes out of room and tells us she can't sleep cause the painting is freaking her out.
She sleeps in the living room with everyone else so she can feel safe.

I go back and the painting has been put in the window facing outward so you can only see it from outside. She was that fucking bothered by it.

She doesn't smoke much anymore cause she can't handle it lol

>> No.8400228

That's something you do when you take LSD or acid and didn't know you took it or you took it with the wrong intentions.

If you're talking about that Fairy Kei girl that was also into bondage who did that - I'm pretty sure other factors were involved.

>> No.8400234


>> No.8400235

P sure that unless you've taken other drugs as well you'd be way too lazy to do that

>> No.8400238
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>or acid

>> No.8400240

>Stoppeth this minuteth.
Let me guess, you frequent the larp threads...

>> No.8400275

There is a difference. One is the name for the chemical

>> No.8400278

wow 10/10 original response you got me

>> No.8400307

>call someone a shitlord
What did you think was gonna happen?

>> No.8400327

These threads suck every time
It's like "wow you edgelords smoking isn't cool or different!"
then "we're not trying to be edgy we just want to discuss weed in lolita!"
And then that's it. Then it's like "how do I make my brand not smell".

>> No.8400331

My back pain gets worse as I get older numbnuts

>> No.8400336

Second MFLB! I wanted to try the Pax next because it looks cute and even more discrete.

>> No.8400340

Its kinda like the j-fash room threads, just showing off the aesthetic

>> No.8400366

This. Weed is a fucking miracle drug. Midol doesn't do jack shit for my period cramps, but weed is damn near instant in getting rid of them.

>> No.8400387
File: 261 KB, 298x298, 24-chief-light-green-bong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weed is for degenerates
Stop injecting marijuanas and face reality

>> No.8400407

That looks like a weak ass bong

>> No.8400418

Pikey bong

>> No.8400719

Seconding this so much, I get cramps so bad i either puke or faint. weed is a miracle drug.

>> No.8400726

>not 'Lacey Greens"

one job, photoman.

>> No.8400978
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>> No.8400982
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>> No.8400984
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>> No.8401056
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>> No.8401073

Maybe that's the point of these threads anyway. It's so stupid how we can't talk about weed in meetings. Maybe it'd be cool if lolitas were a little more open minded and try to not freak out when someone mentions she likes to get high.
The clothes are so fantastic and creative, I wonder why they attract the most narrow minded people.

>> No.8401109

And let's not even get started on how great it is for migraines.

>> No.8401131

>The clothes are so fantastic and creative, I wonder why they attract the most narrow minded people.
Seriously, what gives? I know there are all these rules and guidelines but I think it should still be a creative thing. If you try to color outside the lines within this fashion everyone just loses their shit and tells you what lolita rule you're breaking. It's gotten ridiculous.

These are all lovely!

>> No.8401164
File: 38 KB, 320x480, EMPIRE-ADVENTURETIME-RIG_1_large[1].jpg_v=141289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can get this for 200 and I want it but... 200! I could get so many accessories with that.

>> No.8401169
File: 414 KB, 1132x1225, wicked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone post kawaii bongs and pipes that would go with a coord.

>> No.8401252
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so many hoses

>> No.8401324
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>> No.8401326
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>> No.8401332
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>> No.8401403

Ah, shit, my nigga. Throwback to coming to DARE classes baked. Good times.

>> No.8401622

no, like it really does actually cool your body down so if you have a fever it helps.
like it doesn't make you 'look cool' but it... actually does make you cool

>> No.8401624

1. Check out Sweet Shop Glass. She makes adorable boro glass pendants and I think you can talk about commissioning flower and oil pieces with those cute pendants inside/on them.

>> No.8401917

I enjoy a vast number of illicit substances and I have no problem with others doing the same but fuck me if I can't stand self-labelled 'stoner lolitas'. There's something so tedious about the whole kawaii-drugs-hello-kitty-bong juxtaposition that I can't stand. It's right up there with sweet-lolita-and-BDSM or sweet-lolita-and-guro (IE: Slightly bloodied or bruised Japanese schoolgirl legs).

Sometimes I feel like these people must be horrifically depressed to latch on to such a sterile, predictable counterculture.

>> No.8402847

I smoke but I don't think I would do it while wearing lolita unless it was a really desperate situation (which I can't even think of what that would be) because that's just fucking stupid. I've been considering vaping, so maybe I won't mind doing it then. I'm pretty casual though, I usually only do it before I'm about to start sewing or writing a paper because it keeps me focused.

>> No.8403011

>"it helps with anxiety and depression"
>starts to trip
>starts to depersonalize or dissociate and panic attacks
>fuck this

>> No.8403706

'Erry day smoker reporting in. I don't mind smoking in my dresses because I'm one of those people that never sells anything. But I do edibles at meets just to keep things on the down low, most of my community is a lot younger than I am.

>> No.8403709

If this were true I would be able to cosplay Poison Ivy by now.

>> No.8404078

yeah this also happens to me
I'll always appreciate smoking but I got depersonalization disorder from it. Which is fucking terrifying because it can last for days and there's nothing you can really do about it.