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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 199 KB, 960x343, 2015banner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8381570 No.8381570 [Reply] [Original]

No one is talking about this? It's like a week away! Get the fuck in here!

>> No.8381638

Nah, going to two cons in back to back weekends is always too much, and anyone picking ANext over Colossal has a screw loose.

>> No.8381671

>tfw this con is so shit the first thread 404d

I am going, looking forward to it.

Throwing a costume together because I got a rare burst of motivation.

>> No.8381679

Even being new to con-going, I can understand that position, but it's in Ohio!

What's in Ohio?

>> No.8382569

Excited for next week.
I always have a good time at a next it's a good middle con. Only dislike is walking from expo to holiday inn. I think their artist ally is pretty good too, good selection of quality artists. Dealers have a lot of anime only sellers with some generic sword/comic/other types mixed in. I really want to try to get in to see Flow concert.

>> No.8382679

I would love to go to colossalcon but it too far of a drive and the flight cost are bananas. Also, all the rooms from the main hotel were gone. This is the reason why i am going to animeNEXT

>> No.8382750

I still go to this con and will be there next weekend. It's a nice convention if it's close to you. Kinda quiet and chill, most of the time.

>> No.8382789

excited for next week.
just need to put everything together now.

>> No.8382846

I'm going but I'm not cosplaying this year. Is anyone going to the Flow concert this Friday? I'm pretty excited to hear JIBUN WOOOO live.

>> No.8383611

OP here: How are the people? It's my first "big" con, so I'm really hoping to have a good first experience.

If there aren't cool people, I might just give up on the whole con thing.

The events / concerts / artist alley is kinda secondary; I'm mainly going to take lots of pictures of cosplayers and meet new friends.

>> No.8383648

I go every year it's fun to hang.
Friday night I plan on sitting in the lobby of the expo center and playing CAH. Did it last year and it was fun having people come and hang as they wished. At one point we had like 20 ppl sitting in the group.
If you want to make friends, this is the con to do it

>> No.8383787
File: 72 KB, 960x724, 1432238982596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Generic con-goers with a bit of Joy-zee flair, be outing and people will be attracted to that

Have never had any issues with people since cons are full of socially autistic weebs like myself. If all else fails just chill in the pool/hot tub

>> No.8383978

Hell I'd be down for that too.

I'm not usually a last minute cosplay kind of person (most of my cosplays are packed right now) but getting this one prop for me to dry is infuriating.

>> No.8386565

wish I could go but NJ isnt as mass transit friendly as NYC so i'm going to eternal con instead

>> No.8387498

I love AnimeNext, I go every year

>> No.8388227

I heard there's a lot of free parking if you arrive early? How early should we arrive, like 10AM?
Also, how is the pre-registration line on Friday?

>> No.8388553


Early AMs should be fine, any later and you probably won't get any parking

>> No.8390041

BUMP, few more days!

>> No.8391305

Almost finished styling my wig, then I should be good to go. The weather forecast is starting to worry me though, since it seems like it's going to rain Saturday.

>> No.8391445
File: 12 KB, 178x178, I-Want-to-Shoot-You.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're going, post your cosplays! Are there any "cosfamous" cosplayers headed there?

Also, who are the best photographers?

What attractions / events / etc are cool? Or is it just a hang out with friends kind of convention?

>> No.8391462

I am going Friday and leaving Saturday. Not sure if I wanna buy a badge yet... Maybe..

I'm only rewearing Boa because I haven't got the time to make a new cos

>> No.8391476

From what I understand it's more of a "hang out" type of con. As far as events though, I know Trigger is going to be doing a panel on KLK and Inferno Cop on Saturday and FLOW will be preforming as well. I'd think those would be two of the biggest attractions.

I'll be going all 3 days and plan on cosplaying as Mikoshiba from Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun.

>> No.8391484

Will probably show up on Saturady. May or may not cosplay, idk.

>> No.8391510

Why is everyone so goddamn ambivalent about animenext? I want to go on saturday but its a 3 hour drive, and it sounds like everyone goes to hang with friends but I dont have any. Will there be fun things to do?

>> No.8391529

For me, I'm actually carpooling with about 5 other people, so hanging with friends is kind of a given. Even though I know it'll be fun to hang with people I know, I do want to at least try to meet new people. It probably helps if you live closer to the con, since it's easier to get people you know to come along ( 1/2 an hour here).

As for stuff to do, you can check out the event schedule on the main website. Aside from that though, people usually set up games and photo shoots outside that anyone can swing by for, so there's that.

>> No.8392497

My cosplay looks like shit because I only got the motivation to start working on it on Saturday.

>> No.8392587

Posting here for a friend, she just had a few people drop out of her room. I forgot the hotel (I know it isn't the Doubletree though) but if anybody needs space for Thurs-Mon, contact me and I will direct you to her.


>> No.8392731

There gonna be a /cgl/ meetup?

>> No.8393090


I'm down for one. I gotta be honest I only come onto this board during con season. This will be my first AnimeNext. I'm rooming with a friend and I have no idea what to expect.

I'm usually at the /cgl/ meets for Otakon. I won't be cosplaying, I'm going just to have a fun weekend.

If anybody wants to talk my Email is SpamHolder@cock.li

>> No.8393112

Just there for Saturday since it's about 1.5hrs away. I'll be there in Umi's summer uniform with an Eli and a Maki.

>> No.8393127


I smell a scam

Facebook looks mad sus tbh

>> No.8393418

So what is a guy wayyyy too old to be hanging out with your 20 something year olds to do there?

>> No.8393841
File: 9 KB, 225x225, sdfghmj,khgf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be there representing this lovely girl.

>> No.8393854

please kill yourself. this meme needs to die.

>> No.8393865

Well you did say please so why not.

>> No.8393902
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>muh pol boogeyman

>> No.8394048


I forgot we are on /cgl/ where its 90% women, aka worst board.

>> No.8394068

Thank God im off tomorrow cause I'm really behind on prepping and packing. Not feeling too great about one of my cosplays cause I know I could have done better but eh I'll see how it goes.

>> No.8394217

I'm going as Tsumiki Mikan during the day time then probably just wear some normie clothes for night stuff.

>> No.8394339
File: 54 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20150511_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going as The Rocketeer. Willing to hang out with anyone if they're up for it.

>> No.8394424

I still am trying to figure out a hotel room share situation. Why is this so hard?

"I need a room."
"I have a room. It is x dollars."
"Ok, here is x dollars."

Why can't conversations be this simple?

>> No.8394456

Does anyone else monitor the facebook page for the attention seekers and cringey posts?

>> No.8394476


Which one is the fb page I see a few?

>> No.8394482

It's what I'm assuming to be the main group. "AnimeNEXT 2015 - 20??", and it's got about 1.5k people in it. It's been up for a few years I think, but it's labeled as a secret group as well. I know the actual staff posts on occasion too.

>> No.8394504


Got a link?

>> No.8394520

facebook . com groups 287813134688686

It's listed as hidden though, so not sure if you can see or not. Most of it is just self-posting, but there were some rules about Artist alley and the rave posted today I think.

>> No.8395026
File: 100 KB, 1100x733, Raptor Jesus3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I promised myself I wouldn't do this cosplay again until next Katsu but I'll break it out for ANEXT. Probably only gonna do it friday and the remainder of saturday.

Doing a HM2 Fans cosplay saturday for most of the day.

>> No.8395616
File: 35 KB, 406x720, 1425833450562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got some of my booze ready and looking to party, don't forget your bathing suits kids

>> No.8395751

Gonna be cosplaying as "Generic Thigh High girl." On friday. Basically turtle neck+shorts and black thigh highs.

>> No.8395759
File: 165 KB, 719x949, Troll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Samantha is a delicious and epic troll lol keep it up m8

>> No.8395775
File: 130 KB, 722x879, Troll2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Most definitely a troll

>> No.8395791

God I hate that FB group so much

>> No.8395802


Why anon? Did they do something to you? Or you just dont fancy the people in their cuz they all seem to be a bunch of typical average neckbeards or whales to me.

>> No.8395817

It's not in ohio, it says new jersey right under the banner retard

>> No.8396017

go away

>> No.8396079

Party in room 420 of the Doubletree hotel tonight. Password is "Alldayerryday"

>> No.8396128


>> No.8396749

Sexiest ShyGirl EVER. I hope I get to get a shot or 2 of you during the con! I'll be there tomorrow.

>> No.8396773
File: 56 KB, 528x720, Kira.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait... I live about 5 mins away, and I am cosplaying for the first time with my husband and daughter. This is her as Navi

>> No.8396790

Sorry to heartbreak you mate, but that's just a pic I found on the web

>> No.8396798


>> No.8396825
File: 97 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20150611_232107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be there~

>> No.8396828
File: 32 KB, 500x450, 1309411437050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so do people really hook up at cons?

>> No.8396831
File: 211 KB, 960x948, https%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2F3e28e23f89c385f4c9d44b148e68fcd7%2Ftumblr_no1d7fckY51shqa92o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh Ya?

>> No.8396836

I did.


First con hook ups it was awesome.

>> No.8396901


That's Byndo Gehk and Kitsune Kid

>> No.8396912


Because messing with idiots like you is funny.

>> No.8396937

This pretty much.

>> No.8396942


I wish I had the ability to hook up at cons. I'm not even a fat out of shape neckbeard either. Pretty damn social too.

Oh well. I'll be at whatever /cgl/ meet happens.

>> No.8397064

party in rm 420 is off the chain!

>> No.8397075

Any actual updates from those there?

How many JoJofags are going to miss the big anime episode tomorrow because of this con?

I know I am, Hopefully somebody at the con will be nice enough to let me watch it with them.

>> No.8397135
File: 65 KB, 400x489, 1375461711419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so are we doing a meet? I'm DEF going to be at the burlesque show

>> No.8397144

watch out for the koolkidz in the corner.

>> No.8397161
File: 45 KB, 540x960, Ash cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how was thursday guys?

I'm on my way tomorrow morning. Did I miss anything good?

>> No.8397163
File: 51 KB, 500x449, CNES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will be there sharing a room with 6 other 24 year old dudes. We trappin.

>> No.8397285

Enjoy the last year ANext is at that location guys! Next year? Atlantic City!

They heard you wanted blackjack and hookers at your con.

>> No.8397308


nothing put picking up goodie bags... there was a doctor horrible there

>> No.8397486

I got a bit held up this morning. Probably won't be there till at least 12pm.

>> No.8397516

I'll be watching it in the lobby.

>> No.8397520


This is my first time going, which lobby, what time?

I really do wanna watch the episode before this weekend really starts.

I probably won't get there and settled in till at least 12pm.

If you don't mind having a weirdo stranger come up to you, asking if you're from here, and watching JoJo with you i'm down to watch.

>> No.8397537

Nice mask man, did you make it?

>> No.8397628

Doubletree. I'll probably be watching assuming the wifi holds up.

>> No.8397675

Any of you guys have spare badges? Will buy for a reduced price

>> No.8398065

Ded thread ded con

>> No.8398124

Everyone was probably too busy waiting on line for two hours to pick up their badges.

>> No.8398188

I died in line.

>> No.8398201

Line was nothing to complain about.

>> No.8398328

That line was bullshit. Three hours for pre reg and I sweat my makeup off and costume. Friend bought tickets there and it took ten minutes l.

>> No.8398467

That line was such a drain, but otherwise it wasn't too bad when the temperature dipped slightly in the evening. Anyone see any remarkable costumes?

>> No.8398513

Brief recap of today

>goto con
>talk to cute girl in line
>get badge
>wander around for a bit
>play some volleyball
>wander a bit more
>meet friends
>play volleyball with a bane mask on
>almost crack the back of my head open playing volleyball
>go eat
>win a fair bit of street fighter in the game room only losing to a known player
>headed to the JoJo panel and won a prize
>In my room now about to watch the latest episode.

All in all good day. Only blogging to keep this thread active.

Hopefully somebody can tell who I am from these events.

I'm writing this at 8:50pm est, I plan to watch this episode, shower, take a small nap and go down to the dance party.

Hopefully some of you guys wanna hang out.

>> No.8398567

I just got back from the jojo panel! Were you cosplaying as one of the characters?

>> No.8398577

You guys were there too? I was Old Joseph, not the one that got up to pose though.

>> No.8398579
File: 9 KB, 201x201, dddd..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're to slow!

>> No.8398583

Does the con seem to make anyone else depressed? :(

>> No.8398588

I know the feel

>> No.8398607

Don't go in elevator 4 in the DT. Was fucking stuck in it for 15 mins.

>> No.8398633


Hi guys,



I was the guy in the black tanktop with the REALLY sunburned arms in the very front left row of the jojo panel. I was talking to the JoJo cosplayers in the line before the panel.

I was really out of it the whole time because I hit my head really hard during volleyball.

Anyway now that I'm all showered & fresh I'm headed back down to do things now.

I'm not wearing that outfit anymore, I'll be wearing a gray shirt, grayish/blue pants. Maybe I'll have my bane mask if I can find it.

If you guys tell me how to identify you then I'll come looking. My room is in the double tree so thats probably where i'm going to stay the whole night.

I can't reply to these posts on my phone for whatever reason so I can only reply here in the room (which I won't be in THAT much). Not to mention i'm on my roommate's laptop.

Anyway hope we can hang out more tonight and maybe get drunk together.

>> No.8398712

Had fun so far, go drunk and sunburnt than played volleyball all day

Shoutout to my shirtless bros

>> No.8398717

Going to be going as Mikorin again tomorrow, it'll be cloudy so hopefully it won't be as hot. Not too interested in the panels, so I'll probably be sitting/lounging around with a few friends, but I'd gladly take a friendly hello if anyone spots me.

>> No.8398724

I was just cosplaying as a Persona 4 background character. I'll be around tomorrow dressed as Tsumiki

>> No.8398756
File: 48 KB, 480x720, DSCM20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just kinda lonely wish I had some snuggles at the La Quinta ;(

>> No.8398776

I'll snuggle with you ;)

>> No.8398794

How about we meet outside first and see if we click?

>> No.8398803
File: 3.30 MB, 1784x2085, 20150612_140602-1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm where at lobby, outside the hotel?

>> No.8398807


If I knew where the la quinta was I would take you up on that offer. Lets be real, its 11:06pm as I type this.

How many of us want to be in bed with somebody right now?

I know I do. I'm a male at the double tree.

>> No.8398818

Currently in my room at the Doubletree. Heat stroke con.. D:

>> No.8398828
File: 2.12 MB, 5312x2988, 20150612_232502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This hotel sucks

>> No.8398830

Is it still super easy to ghost this con? Wasn't going to bother this year cause my friends bailed on a room but now I'm hearing its going to AC next year so I feel like I should say goodbye to it, if that makes sense.

>> No.8398842

The AC move is such a mistake for this convention. Their guest list and events aren't quality enough to go somewhere more expensive... D:

>> No.8398847

I was sitting outside on the bench, I didn't see you :(

>> No.8398849

What floor I'll come to the hallway I was trying to find out were you wanted to meet

>> No.8398860




I'm going down to the dance party now, still wearing the same outfit I described in the previous post. I lost my bane mask sadly.

I'll be wearing a wristbead I won at the JoJo's panel & black glasses.

>> No.8398864

Party is still raging in doubletree rm 420. Passwd alldayerryday.

>> No.8398866

Unless you don't want to praise the sun all night :)

>> No.8398870

Not a floor. Outside of the building.

>> No.8398871

Okay be down in 10

>> No.8398901

Didn't see you. Were you one of the two chick's making out on the elevator button.

>> No.8398905
File: 3.58 MB, 5312x2988, 20150112_175356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or the dude with body pillow

>> No.8398911

It's so crowded this year. I feel like they do need a bigger space. It would be nice too for the venue not to be spread in multiple buildings. Pros and cons to everything. I suppose if it doesn't work in ac when that contract is up they can do somerset again if they wanted.

>> No.8399154

Anyone down for anything? Who sleeps at a con anyway.

>> No.8399178

I'm game.

>> No.8399180

Literally the worst rave I've ever been to.

>> No.8399211

Tomorrow's is slightly better.

>> No.8399215

I was at the burlesque show.... as much as some of the poeple were kinda "meh" looking the costumes were pretty great

>> No.8399220

Was a good time.the wife and i are getting a sitter for the kid tomorrow to pursue some more of the 'adult' aspects of con life

>> No.8399241
File: 57 KB, 400x348, 1311954195737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


same! We had a great time, but it would have been nice to stay a little longer. I even met a pair of parents there and set up a tentative play date for our kids since they got along so well

>> No.8399260

we may in fact be those parents

>> No.8399266

or i could be talking to my own wife on cgl...smh

>> No.8399288

so is this con worth driving 2 hrs to tomorrow?

>> No.8399571

Flow concert was beyond amazing.

Our friend managed to get Take's water bottle he threw at us.

>> No.8399591

What was their lineup?

>> No.8399624

Did they close down the pool in the double tree for the con?

>> No.8399636


>> No.8399694

They played just about everything and then gave us a cover of the SnK OP and 2 encores with a USA chant.

>> No.8399696

You guys staying to meet up tonight at some point? Anyone have a room to party in? 420 is too intense for me.

>> No.8399710

Why don't we meet up on the second floor of the double tree tonight around twelve in front of water cooler on the granite ledge

>> No.8399716
File: 55 KB, 960x720, 2015_06_13_10_32_26_851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8399717


>> No.8399720

Never mind, I'm retarded and don't know how to read.

>> No.8399728

I saw raptor Jesus telling someone to drink baby blood, but I was kind of drunk and didn't want to be like 'are you the guy from cgl?'

>> No.8399745

>all these idiotic facebook posts about Atlantic City

Until the Meadowlands Expo Center gets approved AC is the only option

>> No.8399806

12 as in noon or midnight? Also what do you look like

>> No.8399812

He said tonight, so its safe to assume midnight.

>> No.8399871

So how many are meeting at midnight?

>> No.8399905

I'll be there.

>> No.8399909

As shall i

>> No.8399916

Probably me too.

>> No.8399920

I might be about 5-10 mins late but I will be there myself.

>> No.8400047

Rocketeer guy here. Will show up at midnight. Should I bring booze?

>> No.8400082

Hell yea not a party with out it right?

>> No.8400084

Sure what kind?

>> No.8400092

will you guys accept lurkers?

>> No.8400105

Nothing fancy. Just Jack Daniels and Fireball. Forgot to bring cups so we have to steal some of those styrofoam ones from the water cooler.

>> No.8400108

Alright hope they don't run out of the cups

>> No.8400501

Anyone else at the masquerade?

>> No.8400544

Yes. These skits are terrible

>> No.8400573
File: 1.96 MB, 2592x1944, 1edca305-06dc-429b-9938-a28aea3a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We, the few normies, bailed after the Bordermemes performance.

Next up was Bioshit Infinite.


>> No.8400588

I left after the Memelands skit

>> No.8400614

Wanna meet up a bit earlier?

>> No.8400618
File: 106 KB, 640x480, dfdf615a-fdea-489c-8f7c-681ed03c4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, we're at the meeting place right now.

Two dweebs.
Out of cosplay.

>> No.8400622

Gnna check out this studio trigger panel will probably leave early starts at 9

>> No.8400632

We partying at the meeting point?

>> No.8400694

Ey I'll head there in an hour or so. Look for a chick with a creamy mami croptop.

>> No.8400746

Where you guys meeting? I'm just at TK's drinking.

>> No.8400759

Also, anyone going to the rave? I wanna hear shitty trans music and watch people awkwardly dance

>> No.8400766

About 4 of us were going to show up tonight, but after sitting through those amvs we're gonna call it a night. We'll be back tomorrow, so if anyone is left, would you guys want to do a meet up early in the day?

>> No.8400770






>> No.8400813

I plan to if the line isn't too crazy.

>> No.8400891

So anyone at meeting spot now?

>> No.8400898

Just wait an hour. The line dies by then. Weeaboo niggas love trance.

>> No.8400923

I am but I must be wrong I'm wearing a purple brown wig and a creamy mami shirt

>> No.8400936

Bane mask plus friend is coming down feel free to say hi

>> No.8400991

There's about 4 seagulls here now

>> No.8401061
File: 55 KB, 447x618, 1337372693325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This meet up was bought to you by hitler

>> No.8401064
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>> No.8401067
File: 3.71 MB, 4320x2432, IMG_20150613_233429882_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing games.

>> No.8401072

That is us, yes.

>> No.8401075

I thought it was the tumblr meet up my mistake

>> No.8401076

Will you guys still be there at 1230?

>> No.8401077

> Triggered

>> No.8401079

Trigger studio?

>> No.8401081


>> No.8401083
File: 419 KB, 500x281, spaghetti.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That means you haven't had enough to drink, please up your game

>> No.8401085

What game is it looks fun I might join you guys if I can ^.^

>> No.8401089


We made a harem. We drew each character piece by piece taking turns.

>> No.8401090

Any chick's wanna fuck?

>> No.8401091


>> No.8401093


The only female here said no, she also has a cock.

>> No.8401097

Chick dicks are good

>> No.8401098

>she also has a cock
Were going to need proof.
For science

>> No.8401101

Inb4 404

>> No.8401103

Yeah come join us.

>> No.8401110

will there be pie?

>> No.8401114

By pie do you mean pussi?

>> No.8401115

Does Sheogorath like cheese?

>> No.8401126

Group snuggles and the La Quinta?

>> No.8401128
File: 3.03 MB, 2432x4320, IMG_20150614_241227103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dice poker let's go!

>> No.8401129


>> No.8401132

Playing dice poker right now. Anyone else coming?

>> No.8401141

Wanna spend more time with you guys but I'm drunk and feeling like shit.

Way do?

>> No.8401147

Masterbate with the dick chick

>> No.8401148

Shit then come back

>> No.8401150

There's nothing to fucking do right now. I've gone here for awhile and I have to say this is a shitty way to end ANEXT at the Somerset.

>> No.8401153

Drink water and go back

>> No.8401154


I could but then I would be sitting there like a quiet mope...sure I'll head back down

>> No.8401176

Join us watching hentai!

>> No.8401183

In that panel?

>> No.8401213

*sigh looks like I'll be leaving the convention with no friends*

>> No.8401217

Man, were still here if you want to join. Second floor Double Tree.

>> No.8401263

Okay it was fun, posting sick in bed. Email is spamholder@cock.li. (yes its real).

Email me contact info if anybody is interested.

>> No.8401300

Yo, If anyone at the meetup found a badge, please let me know.

Gintoki cosplayer here.

>> No.8401353

>Implying anything these jokes played was trance
Shifty trap and house is not trance. Closest thing to trance all weekend is this last dj on right now, and coincidentally he's the best of the bunch. Should have put him on first or second instead of waiting till everyone's exhausted.

>> No.8401694

I had a great time. Con is shit, but I brought some hype and had fun.

>> No.8401752
File: 49 KB, 600x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A good 2nd day, flirted with a cutie who was dtf but I ended up drinking too much and fell asleep in my car after vomiting around it

>> No.8401782

Anymore last day shenanigans or is this just a recuperating day?

>> No.8401786

I'm hungover as fuck, debating if I want to go back

>> No.8401981

Mikorin is it cool if we exchange skypes or emails? It's the chick you met outside Saturday.

>> No.8402027

My Skype is boogusfungus if anyone wants to add.

>> No.8402073

Yep, I remember you. Sorry I/we didn't make it to the late night meet up, our group wanted to head home early. I'm still at the con now, so I'll add you when I get back later tonight.

>> No.8402085

It's cool as you can tell we ended up just playing a lame game I came up with. About 5 other people showed up.
> tfw just left the con because suddenly ill

>> No.8402097

Ah, too bad but I did tell the other anons in my group that we probably didn't kiss much.

Someone was sick this morning in my group, so I think fatigue is starting to set in. AA and DR were crowded today.

>> No.8402125

AR was hell inside I kept getting shoved and someone almost ruined the commissions I had just picked up.

>> No.8402130
File: 965 KB, 1456x2592, IMG_20150614_144914008[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hi Chris



Anyway this is my recap post for the con, I just got home.

Considering I got pulled there sorta last minute I had alot of fun. Sorry to the /cgl/ crowd that I played the drawing game with last night. I was sick & drunk so I wasn't at 100%, you all probably thought I was retarded.

Brolita is a funny dude though. I won't say real names here on /cgl/ but the purple hair girl was cool too, she had a really fun personality you don't get to see in too many people. Gintoki was a cool bro as well.

What I am trying to say is that all of you were really fun to hang out with considering how bored we all really were haha.

I'll have more to say later, just settling in, pic related, my waifu from last night.

>> No.8402165

I meant AA ,fuck.

>> No.8402415

Yeah they overstuffed the hell out of it this year

>> No.8402515

Pretty fun time considering I went last minute. First actual con ive attended (Wizard World a shit). Can't wait till Atlantic City next year it's sleazy but its not horrible between the convention center and boardwalk.

Also is anyone planning on attending NJ Anime Comic Con in 2 weeks? Im a bit skeptical.

>> No.8402565

Thanks man, it was great meeting you too. Hope to see you at Otakon! Gintoki will probably be walking around with Rocketeer.

>> No.8402636

Now for post con depression until otakon

>> No.8402647


Yeah pretty much. Otakon is going to be fun.

Hopefully we can get a great /cgl/ meet up there. Seriously guys don't be scared.

Alot of seagulls were at AnimeNEXT and didn't show up to the meet. I met some of you, I know who you are.

>> No.8402750
File: 26 KB, 444x790, LeatherVestIn90DegreeWeather.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot, crowded, spread-out, and still a great time.

Couldn't make this meetup, but I'll def make the one at Otakon. You guys seem cool. I'd be interested to know if I unwittingly met some of you in my wanderings.

>> No.8402828
File: 574 KB, 1280x960, IMG_3025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure I saw you around multiple times, Hawkeye, right? It was pretty well done if I remember correctly. I know at least one person here had seen me, maybe more. I definitely had fun though, it was a pretty cool first time experience.

>> No.8402830

Pretty good con and I really don't mean to be that guy, but how about that stupid panel on how Japanese mythology was misogynistic because monster girls.

>> No.8402839

Was that the "Yokai girls gone wild" panel? Or something else?

>> No.8403048

>told myself I wasn't gonna go to Otakon
>head to ANEXT
>gets me hype for cons again
>Considering going to Otakon

I really would only have the rest of this month and parts of next month to pull a cosplay out of my ass. This is the same thing that happened last year.

>> No.8403056


You're only young once. Make the most of it.

>> No.8403086

Honestly this ANEXT was a bit of a shitfest, mostly because it had nearly Otakon sized lines but worse for things. Even Otakon's lines last year (besides Thursday prereg) were loads better than ANEXTs. They started cutting people off for a bunch of shit this year and it got really annoying real fast.

Also the massive amount of EMTs + Cops besides Con Staff/Security made it a fucking chore too. I wasn't doing anything that I wasn't suppose to be, but I've seen them yell at people for the most BS reasons.

What a way to end a con at a location.

>> No.8403122

Yeah, I completely agree. It was my first time staying at the con the entire weekend (usually I just daytrip it), but it was a fucking mess. If I wanted to wait on lines for the entire con, I would've bought tickets for NYCC.

On a more interesting note, does anyone have good photos from the Digimon/Pokemon photoshoot?

>> No.8403167

We're in the same boat
It's fun slowly running of of time

>> No.8403269

Yeah, I may have a possible place to stay but I usually like staying with people I trust than just total randoms.

Also in terms of cosplay, gonna need to be something quick (don't like doing repeat cosplays after two cons in a row)

>> No.8403308

Party still raging in rm 420.

>> No.8403334


You were my favorite shit poster of the entire weekend. My room was a couple doors down from 420 so everytime I saw you post that I thought of you.

>> No.8403371

lol, I've been staying next door to 420 in the DT all weekend since Thursday and it's been absolutely silent.

>> No.8403378

Didn't cosplay this NEXT, but definitely going to in 2016. Friends and I are going for a manly KLK getup. This year I just walked around with a kyubey hat I grabbed from the dealer's room. Great time, though. First time at this particular con.

>> No.8403392


Were you the faggots making a bunch of noise in the hallway at 4-5am Saturday morning (Friday night)?

My roommate went out there and asked you all to be quiet and one of you replied "Yes master".

>> No.8403414

No. Those people were obnoxious. I got no idea why people think it's a good idea to hang out in the hallways in a hotel where others may be trying to sleep.

>> No.8403434
File: 1.16 MB, 2448x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was at the con this whole weekend and I totally forgot to check if anyone was actually going to go I saw a lot of fellow anons and I mad I could'nt say hello. I feel dumb so here's a bad picture of a Joseph I took

>> No.8403475

I'm stoked that they're going to a bigger location esp after the disasters this year. But not so stoked about the new hotel costs. augh

>> No.8403488

JFC there were people sitting in the hallway eating and wouldn't gtfo and looked like we were inconveniencing them by wanting to, you know, walk up the fucking hallway.

>> No.8403491


Yeah, those guys were shitters. Glad my friend told them to be quiet because I was too fucked up to get out of bed at that point.

>> No.8403494

Bane, I had seen you walking around and I was quite hyped.

I had no idea you were from /cgl/ but I had shouted out TDKR lines on instinct, I don't know if you had heard me.

You'd be perfect with just a bit more buffness, 9/10. CIA cosplayer accompanying you when?

>> No.8403504


Lol thanks, If I heard you I would have replied with TDKR quotes as well. Truth be told I probably did but you couldn't hear me because the mask muffles me so much. And yeah, I didn't have a full costume or anything, I just had the mask. I'm going to Otakon in a few weeks and MAYBE i'll have a fully costume.

I've also recently got back on my lifting routine so I should look a bit better for Otakon.

There was another Bane there who was buff & in full costume.

>> No.8403511
File: 475 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_npyfbxO9du1r64nxoo5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else went to the shitfest of a masquerade?

>> No.8403514
File: 565 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_npx7xeqDJV1s0q4ppo9_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic unrelated btw that Rose was probably the best I've seen.

>> No.8403517


Dammit why can NO ONE make Rose look good? She's got everything, the accurate colors and layers on the dress, the rounded lip stain, the sword, her shield went the extra mile and is translucent, and she even added the mask from the Temple.

And yet STILL it looks odd to me.

Maybe I'm just a picky bastard.

>> No.8403528

I think Rose is just a really hard character to pull off. That wig is really nice though. Apparently it was made out of several wigs, so at all least she tried to replicate the volume. She won honorable mention for wig making I think?

>> No.8403541

I was so busy with my roommate snoring like a fucking yeti that I didn't really hear them. I swear to god, this is the last year I'm rooming with him. he's a good friend but I like to fucking sleep.

>> No.8403556

I think, subconsciously, you might be reacting to her not being 8ft tall.

Until someone gets up on stilts, no one will ever be a 100% accurate Rose Quartz.

>> No.8403560
File: 154 KB, 640x1136, tumblr_npyh95evI51rtuwklo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8403579
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>> No.8403680

yeah, the title sounded interesting but the description in the booklet sounded fucking awful, like how female yokai "explain and illustrate the underlying male-dominance of Japanese history and how misogyny features into folklore."
Fucking hell man... I'm here to have fun.

>> No.8403682
File: 945 KB, 1456x2592, IMG_20150612_123321628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This qt and I were talking a bit in the registration line. I remember her name, I wasn't sure if she was interested in me or not. She seemed to be my type.

In b4 shes in this thread. I'll upload more con pics in a bit, I'm uploading in the order I am taking them, she was the first con pic I took.

>> No.8403741

The "muh soggy knee" part was actually pretty easy to ignore. I thought it was one of the more interesting panels. He talked about a ton of monsters from japanese folklore that I didn't know about, and I thought it was cool.

>> No.8403743

I saw you. I asked for a S-curve.

>> No.8403753

shit, wish I went then. The 'glorious gundam gals" panel was pretty ok too. The guy had just a hit of that whole "but if a fictional female character is shitty or has bad stuff happen then it somehow affects the real world" mentality but was over all pretty enjoyable.
But then again I'm a huge UC gundam-fag so if there was a panel on the principality of zeon's farming practices I'd probably go.

>> No.8403758
File: 44 KB, 680x465, 1d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I actually was turned off the panel in question by reading the description. It was a friend of mine who really wanted to go that ended up dragging me to it. Glad I choked that bit down so I could enjoy the rest.

Most of the panels and events were pretty shit, though.

>that cringy cosplay masquerade
>that Umbreon skit that seemed like the origin story to some idiot's OC donut steel
>girls splooging over literally every appearance of a Free! character in the AMV portion
Great con, but it had a lot of stupid parts.

>> No.8403924

Best plan is for them to partner with Caesars entertainment which runs Harrah's, Bally's and Caesars with the latter two being a 10 minute straight walk from Hotel to Con. A lot of the non casino hotels will require a shuttle or car.

>> No.8404022
File: 94 KB, 640x640, 2015_06_15_07_23_17_440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had fun at the con, not as much as last year but still a good time. Hit some cool parties on saturday night, didn't get as drunk as I usually would but its cool.

My major downside was that at our hotel we kept it on CN that whole weekend. Nothing but fucking Teen Titans Go.

>> No.8404034

Now it's just time to search the internet for pictures of my cosplays and friends cosplays. It feels like a secondary job.

>> No.8404421

That masquerade was a joke. As dumb as the umbreon skit was at least it was a skit. Last time I was at the masquerade was 2010 and while there was still shit, there were a few very memorable skits.I only went this year cause the people I was with really wanted to go.

>> No.8404988

that moment when you're the OP and your roommate posts in your thread.

I never checked this thing during the actual con, because, who goes to 4chan during a con?

I was shooting non-stop the whole con though. Too many ultra-young kids though. Is Otakon more age-appropriate?

>> No.8405001


>Who goes on 4chan during a con

When you get tired of walking and take a small break, go on your phone.

>Is Otakon more age-appropriate

ehhh, give or take. All cons have the young kids active during the day, then as night falls the 21+ crowd starts to become the majority.

>> No.8405005

Pretty much, if it wasn't a 3DS, then most other people sitting around were on their phones. Not that hard to check the thread every so often, that's what I did.

>> No.8405073
File: 807 KB, 886x1182, NA201506152037480078-02-000000000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I missed the gundam panel. And I also think that UC is the better part of gundam. But at least I ran into a cute Four.

>> No.8405257
File: 108 KB, 1280x720, 1381258462317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw that's a qt

>> No.8405285

The worst part about a con is the depressed days after. Pretty much all of what I'm going through now....

>> No.8406508


I normally get post con depression but Otakon is coming up soon. I think post con depression only happens when you know you don't have a con in the near future.

Do you have a con coming up in the near future?

>> No.8406714
File: 2.90 MB, 3216x4288, P6130077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think these two were my favorites this weekend, cause I'm a sucker for older anime

>> No.8406843

Not until next year for anime next...

>> No.8406867

Anime boston, and even that's shaky.

>> No.8407106


Yeah I saw them and I didn't get a chance to take a picture. I need to watch dirty pair.

>> No.8407125
File: 148 KB, 720x960, 1480776_10204912631162617_6404507147477766410_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I'm really feeling it

>> No.8407326
File: 69 KB, 960x720, 11425138_408881545966771_8280570290935502170_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't really read the thread
what are your thoughts about the whole atlantic city shit

>> No.8407366

Its great and shit.

AC's Convention Center hotel costs an arm and a leg, even using a discount. So unless they get a con rate going for that hotel, there's no way people are going to want to go. The other hotels are a 20+ minute walk and that's absolute shit in cosplay. Even Otakon's farther hotels are at least 10 minutes at most for a walk.

>> No.8407454
File: 51 KB, 720x960, 11264811_943956542293955_447132538197246163_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know who this qt 3.14 is?

>> No.8407528

I just wanted to say I saw you at the con and wanted to ask if I could take your picture but got scared.

>> No.8407753

omg lmao dont be scared we're all nerds

>> No.8407771


I dont know why this pic is so fucking funny to me

>> No.8407784
File: 288 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_npx1b2ho7g1rq8dk5o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real talk anyone know who this Aang is ?

>> No.8407854

stay away from kong chow. he likes to hit on female cosplayers. hard.

blue shell was leeching off everyone's shoots.

>> No.8407891

It HAS to be the Sonic Boom bag.

>> No.8407925
File: 187 KB, 640x829, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of Kong..

>> No.8407940

That was gold, don't even know the guy but it was entertaining to read the comments.

>> No.8407959


Oh my god what.

>> No.8407980

I need to see these comments

>> No.8408143


>That Sonic Boom bag

My fucking sides!

>> No.8408370

Link to Kong Chow's page? I keep getting a lot of results that aren't the right one.

>> No.8408822
File: 1.08 MB, 1299x3147, Baltimore4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not to mention AC has Baltimore levels of niggers everywhere as well, ontop of doubling the commute for anyone coming from the north

>> No.8408861
File: 309 KB, 1365x2048, 11222037_1609681175955727_8073506442102866539_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I hooked up with that Shulk cosplayer after the rave

>> No.8409023

Did you actually? I'm pretty sure she's underage anon

>> No.8409150
File: 49 KB, 720x960, 1381355_10207091298711064_3658536473928185617_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, no I didn't :(. I was just trying to be cool -_-.

>> No.8409418

Jesus christ that sunburn

>> No.8409590

You could say he was really "feeling" it ;-)

>> No.8409882

I need to find some friends to go to cons with :(((

>> No.8410071

We're in the same boat anon. I'll be your friend.

>> No.8410087

>Being racist

Kill yourself now pls, don't ruin Otakon for me.

>> No.8410179

>implying it wasn't already ruined by fine, upstanding, gentlemen of African American descent.

>> No.8410465

>tfw she found this thread
>tfw we dated
>tfw you will never be me

>> No.8411122 [DELETED] 
File: 306 KB, 2048x1362, 11537594_436158003258235_853727757230937383_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to her facebook she's 17 years old you sick fuck


>> No.8411294

Nigga I was 16 at the time

>> No.8411296

I'm two years older than her. And we broke up before I became 18

>> No.8411399

Yes, yes you do.

>> No.8411421

>Posting a direct link to her facebook
>Not stalker attitude at all

>> No.8411507

>ITT sick, pedophile bastards

>> No.8411938


>You do realize you have to be 18+ to post on this imageboard, right?

>> No.8411952

Anyone actually going to post photos from the con?

>> No.8412550
File: 488 KB, 1000x750, DSC01186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would, but most of the stuff that I have is of myself with other people, and I'm not sure how they'd feel about being posted here. I do have a juggernaut, so you can have that.