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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8367932 No.8367932 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread is autosaging so let's start a new one

>> No.8367948

Boleros are ugly.

>> No.8367969

I can't stand how many lolitas cry about not being a cosplay, and having nothing to do with anime while wearing mega costumey OTT only to ANIME cons, and calling every day lolita outfits boring.

Stop trying to distance yourself from weaboos when you are one.

>> No.8367972

I am a huge weeaboo, I am completely aware but yes, I'll get a little pissed off if someone calls my everyday lolita outfit cosplay. If you're at a con there's no need to get salty over it, but if you're just out and about then I think it's a fair complaint.

>> No.8367975

People who take pleasure in discussing and mocking lolcows on a daily basis are no better than the vapid retards who care about the Kardashians or whatever celebrity gossip is trending.

It's the same shit, different toilet.

>> No.8367977

My boyfriend said to me
>you hate anime but you wanna look like anime!
He's right.

>> No.8367982

people who spend more than 30 seconds a day making fun of people online probably need some sort of mental health guidance

>> No.8367983

Oh I completely agree about the every day thing, and I dislike it too, but it's retarded when going full OTT at anime con.

>> No.8367998

i dont get whats so wrong with gofundmes.
if someone can get people to throw money at them more power to em

>> No.8368099

Even that, imo, is stupid. Normalfags have no idea, why let it bother you in any way rather than just expecting randos to be ignorant of your niche fashion? It's like being bugged by someone calling anime "cartoons"; they don't know better, obviously, they aren't trying to insult you or anything. Quit being so sensitive and accept that you look fucking weird even in toned down coords.

>> No.8368109


This so much. Lolitas are the worst weebs and haters of anime for no goddamn reason. You're wearing the most anime fashion style there is, whether you like it or not. You can't argue lolita may "look" anime while not having anything to do with it, because so many brands collab with animes, everything from Rozen Maiden to Creamy Mami, and make lolita inspired outfits from those series. The amount of Sailor Moon and "i'm a mahou shoujo uwu" stuff jarred into things is ridiculous.

I'd sadly take a genuine, honest weeb over the salty, closeted lolita. They just wants to live some weird real life mahou shoujo, "I'll move to japan someday" dream while hating on anime and everything that probably actually fostered the dream originally.

>> No.8368136

Did your mother drop you when you where a child? Lolitas imitate the look of rococo and victorian fashion, some anime characters do it too but that doesn't mean Lolitas are trying to imitate anime characters.
Also Japan has a lot of culture unrelated to anime, so someone can actually like Japan without being a weeb.

>> No.8368181

>lolitas aren't trying to imitate anime characters

No, it's not literal cosplay, but I'm saying why the venom against it and anime influence? What cons do lolitas go to most the time? Anime cons. Like who cares if you get mistaken as cosplay too? No one normal is going to get it anyway.

>conveniently ignores a lot of the anime collabs
>thinks back to Rozen Maidens almost literal cosplay collab
>wistful sigh

>> No.8368189

I don't know about other people but I really for the most part don't care about anime.. I mean some of it is good, and of course I like ghibli stuff. But most of everything is just meh tier to me, but the fashion itself is what I'm interested in.
So it's weird to get into this fashion when a lot of lolitas did start out as weebs but I have no idea what that's like other than being friends with people who really like anime...

>> No.8368263

I actually have met a lot of lolitas, mostly classic, that aren't too big on Japanese culture and definitely don't watch anime.

It's just the weird, mostly sweet lolitas that reblog like magical girl anime gifs, cosplay, meidos and all that. Afterwards then say they hate anime and don't want to be associated with cosplay, don't want to be confused as maids, etc. that drive me insane. I was just trying to say brands have done collabs with anime themselves, so there's nothing to be ashamed of if there's some anime influence in your lolita.

>> No.8368285

Oh yea, I'm only gonna flip my shit if someone calls me a weeb cause I'm definitely not, but I don't hate anime entirely. I do however hate the weird culture that comes with being a weeb. The ones I've met are usually disgusting and if not that, they're just rude and socially inept. I'm also not any of those things.

So yea, if I'm wearing a dress that was inspired by anime, cool. But you're not gonna catch me being all magical girl carrying a ceptor or some shit. But I do wanna carry plushies. Is that weeb or no?

>> No.8368286


Wasn't there this anon the other day who went on a tirade how they hated anime and wished lolita wasn't associated with it?

>> No.8368292

>scalpers gonna scalp, you don't have to buy from them if you don't want to, just shut up already
they exist in every free market

>> No.8368300

Yeah, I wear classic and I'm not really interested in other J-fashion or media. My lolita friend is a giant weeb though and that's fine. I'm just not into it.

>> No.8368308

I somewhat agree, I only feel like speaking up when we're talking about ridiculous mark ups and outright lying that something is unique and homemade when it's just bought from a cheaper store.

>> No.8369253

It's been my experience that it's always the sweet lolitas that turn out to be the biggest weebs.

>> No.8369255

bonnets are ugly as shit

>> No.8369258

....what other cons could lolitas go to? anime conventions are generally also about jap culture

>> No.8369261


>> No.8369270

everyone needs to chill.

seriously, just that. people need to calm down both on cgl and in the general lolita community everywhere, and stop being such tight asses about every little thing all the time.

I prefer stiff bonnets myself. I fucking hate the soft bonnets that are common in sweet and I hate some of stupid print bonnets that come out - so many of them are ugly as fuck and it annoys me so hard. For example, the wonder queen bonnet - I hate it and I'm not really sure why, it's just the style of bonnet (stiff but thin and just the print, no other interesting details) looks so awkward and ugly to me.

>> No.8369282

This really crumbles my fucking cookies. I get it that it's annoying and demeaning when someone calls your outfit a cosplay but don't fucking take it out on cosplayers and anime fans. To a normalfag your outfit will always look like a costume, especially if you're wearing OTT shit, dresses with prints and wigs and you will always be coupled with other weeaboos in their eyes.

>> No.8369288

This. God I hate bonnets. They ruin really nice coords for me.

>> No.8369449

Swan Garden looks like a swastika print

>> No.8369453

I like straw bonnets. I wish people would use those instead (in like country coords or something)

>> No.8369474

oldschool looks like shit

>> No.8369528

I love oldschool style, but not literal oldschool photos.
I'm in love with all of Baby's Classical releases right now, and Meta's lacemonster and Revival pieces, but I prefer to see them worn with modern hair and makeup styles.
Seeing a beautiful dress on a scowling, po-faced Japanese girl with stringy bangs, no trace of makeup except red lipstick (for some reason always red fucking lipstick) and ugly shoes does nothing but make me mad.

>> No.8369538

Different anon, but even if your entire reason for going to a con is lolita, you should at least be chill with anime if you don't like it. There's always a couple lolitas at con meets who just HAVE to go on about how awful anime is and how they can't stand all the weeaboos. I get going to a con for just Lolita, but to be salty about anime while you're there? Yeah, no. Get the fuck off my lawn.

>> No.8369557

I don't understand how peeking bloomers are in anyway acceptable. It's literally exposing your fucking underwear. I usually roll my eyes when people are like "it looks like age play!" but there's no way around it with visible bloomers.

>the entire history and purpose of bloomers doesn't matter, if you want to wear them as fancy leggings, they're fancy leggings!
>but bloomers are just old school, here's a picture from an early 2000's GLB of an undeniably ita coord that I somehow think proves my point

Mah nigga. Bonnets are one of my least favorite things in Lolita, under no circumstance can a coord with a bonnet truly look amazing to me.

>> No.8369567
File: 37 KB, 233x400, bloomers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao ok

>> No.8369574

I hate MmM with its stupid fug navy.

>> No.8369576

Well historically speaking peeking bloomers were totally ok for children and younger women, especially in outdoor clothings. Ankle boots, shorter dress and long bloomers was the perfect outft for a slightly sporty activity.

>> No.8369598

Gothic lolita is boring. Let me match black to black to black.

>> No.8369638

ugly as sin

pls stop pretending like "old school" is nothing but new age ita.

>> No.8369646

This, lolitas being SO insulted by the costume thing from a normalfag is so stupid it's almost funny. You guys must be raging autist if you get pissy instead of just brushing it off. I know a lolita who was a total bitch to any normie who asked that to the point that I told her to either kill her attitude or don't hang with me in lolita. Like, christ, chill.

>> No.8369650

not orig anon, but it's annoying and a little hurtful when someone you know well repeatedly calls lolita a costume when you've told them before that it's a japanese fashion

in my case, the girl's been to japan before, so it was kind of like... do you not get it?

>> No.8369654


When it's repeated, yeah it gets annoying because the person clearly isn't respecting you at that point.

But getting mad at strangers on the street who are otherwise respectful and genuinely curious? I knew people who did that, and it's embarrassing as fuck.

>> No.8369657

Going to Japan =/= caring about or respecting Jfashion, especially one that looks fairly costumy. I'm sorry she does that, but you should either tell her that you really dislike it or stop letting it bug you. She probably doesn't mean anything by it and doesn't even register why it would annoy you, don't take it personally. "Costume" is inherently negative. She could be calling it "those weird/stupid dresses you wear" (thanks, sis).

>> No.8369668

>I dont feel comfortable unless my petticoat matches the rest of my co-ord, yet I think people who match their underwear to their co-ord are sluts.
>I am also a pedantic weirdo.

>> No.8369938

I wouldnt say weeaboo because normalfags dont associate lolita with japan and anime/manga unless you bring it up. So in my opinion, i would choose to not bring out that context at all because honestly, its irrelevant

>> No.8369969

I thought I was the only one who saw it.

>> No.8370057

Not that anon, but this is pretty bad. I would say their inb4 definitely applies here.

>> No.8370074

I hate the trend of everything being super matchy matchy in Lolita right now. I understand balence but I think a lot of times it is taken way too far here. Especially for casual outfits.

>> No.8370752

I hate when people cosplay as Homestuck characters at stuff like Kawaii-kon. It's just...no.

>> No.8370765

I secretly hope that OTT coords, sweet, classic, whatever, soon become embarrassing memories akin to the bad sort of oldschool.
I despise OTT like the crotchety old bag I am and wish people would just wear it like a goddamn fashion.

>> No.8370985

>Swastikawaii uwu

>> No.8372027

It's 2015, bloomers haven't been underwear for at least near a century, get over it. People need stop crying over j-fashion not paying strict attention to western historical clothing standards/rules.

>> No.8372029

Yeah and they weren't even unmentionables/ never to be seen underwear anyway. As other people mentioned, long bloomers/ drawers that showed were often used for mobility.

>> No.8372047
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I love fucking twintails and pastel vomit OTT sweet and kind of pissed that I started wearing lolita around the height of that period and missed it as I started accumulating a good wardrobe. I just look at that picture from the comm thread and smile so much. I wish I could wear that and post pictures of it without being lambasted on /cgl/ for ageplay.

That said, I enjoy classic, gothic, simple understated coords, OTT, oldschool, fuck, I just love everything. But I want to fucking roll in bows and chocomint on occasion too. It just gives me this happy, delighted feeling that more mature or simpler coords don't give me.

>> No.8372049

b-but anon, those are tights not ankle socks, it can't be ageplay!

>> No.8372111

To be fair, if a Western fashion were doing something like that with historical Jap fashion, people would be screaming cultural appropriation.
Yeah, but that was only as outerwear for more physical activities. It was considered improper in most circumstances, I just Googled it. Plus, Anon had a point that it's pretty age play looking.

>> No.8372165

Now THIS is unpopular. Why anon?

Honestly I don't see what's so hard about calmly explaining to people the difference between lolita and cosplay. Sometimes if I'm in a hurry, it's better to just accept the compliment of my coordinates being a "costume" than explaining the whole street fashion to the person in question. I think more people are waking up to this kind of "outrage" as being ridiculous and childish. And yes, I don't blame people for assuming OTT is a costume above all.

Pretty much. Also knowing that lolcows feed off of that kind of attention puts me off discussing them even more. Sometimes it's fun to see ridiculous shit from the bottom barrels, but it can also backfire (Kota).

Not even unpopular, and seconded.

I agree that it can be easier.
When I wore gothic I didn't have to worry as much about matchy color palettes as opposed to how many I was trying to work with classic and sweet.

Same. All of the wings, scepters, masks, crowns...it's just going too far. I understand for fashion shows, but for everyday is just a huge no-no.

I think there's a -right- way to pull off those huge twintail wigs. The problem is they got hijacked by weebs and noobs who just plopped them on their heads, applied the combs shittily, and didn't bother doing anything else style-wise. /unpopular opinion

>> No.8372211

/cgl/ is better than /r9k/

>> No.8372255

A lack of technical skill/experience can be compensated for by picking the right materials and putting in a little effort. A kind of wavy hem or slightly puckered seams are not going to kill a cosplay if the person chooses the right fabrics, wears makeup, and has a wig that isn't party city tier and has trimmed bangs. Sure, winning a craftsmanship contest won't happen, but it's more than enough to appear nice.

>> No.8373401

anything is better than r9k

>> No.8373433
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I don't love that image either but I really liked how peeking bloomers look here.

>> No.8373447

Man I love that coat she's wearing. I mean it's not really a coat but I'm not sure what it's called. I saw someone wearing something like it today and it just looks so lovely and elegant.

>> No.8373455

Ponco coat

>> No.8373456

If you're talking about lower left, I think those are usually called cape coats.

>> No.8373464

And I can't spell

>> No.8373487

i think it's usually called a mantle / cape

>> No.8373510

Agree so much. OTT sweet is the best.

>> No.8378094

The GLB is extremely overrated

>> No.8381439


>> No.8381449

I wore tights as a kid... most other girls did too, knee socks were always considered a sexual thing when I was growing up.

>> No.8381524

Misty Sky is way overhyped, and I don't care for it at all.

>> No.8381532

Lolitas are getting way too matchy matchy and I rarely see any creativity anymore.

>> No.8381542

goth coords drenched in black bore me.

>> No.8381546

Just fucking wear it anyway! I'm the same as you, finally I can start getting all those wonderful 2010-ish prints. Just wear them on your own or with friends and nobody says you have to post them online.

>> No.8381553

i partially agree here. it's either matchy matchy or uncreative trend overload. seriously, adding madonna crowns, antlers, head beads, flower crowns and veils to the same coord looks like shit, period.

>> No.8381558

i hate this made to order stuff because i used to love scalping little weeb bitches and being able to afford more brand with the profits.

>> No.8381560

lovely lor is one of the ugliest and most obnoxious people I've ever met

>> No.8381569

I agree, she has a more manly face than a lot of men I know.

>> No.8381634

I love UTK socks and don't care if I see someone's knees. Tall lolitas in shorter dresses are adorable.

>> No.8381644

i agree
hate how its being called ageplay now

>> No.8382180

You're not alone, anon. I think it looks cool, kind of like the opposite of the popular galaxy print rage that's going on, but I don't think I'd ever want to wear it.

>> No.8382184

I'm gonna keep buying from people who do custom sizing then, cause you sound like a cunt

>> No.8382188

Wearing shit like bonnets and tights and pig tails screams little girl tho. Sorry.

>> No.8382221

Yeah, I don't care if people dress that way, but I don't get how the girls wearing bonnets and pigtails with those nursery room lolita prints can deny it does look like ageplay.

>> No.8382223

I think it's wrong to post people in your comm to ita threats.

>> No.8382561

Exactly! By all means, wear it, wear what ever you want, but you gotta understand that people are gonna say things that you're not gonna like.

>> No.8383048

I don't think a girl being fat makes the cosplay or outfit any less attractive if done right. Something done well if something done well. Plus a lot of them are really cute.

>> No.8383215

I fucking hate the stupid religious crown things, they look like they're made of broken rakes. Tacky af

>> No.8384208

I agree.

>> No.8384209

Bonnets aren't just used in sweet.

You have no idea what ageplay looks like.

>> No.8384974

I just looked up who she was and this whole time I thought she was a brolita whenever I saw her pics posted on cgl...

>> No.8388453
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I think it's fine for people to cosplay characters from shows they haven't watched as long as they have a good excuse, maybe that they didn't like the show or that it wasn't what they were into but still digged the designs, but not that they act like they like the show itself without watching it.

>> No.8388476

Idc what style is in, it always looks childish to me.

>> No.8388508

I hate rocking horse shoes. I prefer to stay short. U think it compliments my style better.

>> No.8388515

Agreed. A comm should be there for friends and support, leave the drama on btb or cgl

>> No.8388524

I agree. I like some matching sets but I wish more plain headbows and stuff were sold more often to mix things up and match different things

>> No.8388533

They are everywhere. I saw some at a ren fair recently

>> No.8388539

But to know they didn't like the show, they have to watch it first..? Cosplaying from something you didn't watch doesn't really have an excuse, might as well just be honest and say you didn't watch but liked the design and that's it.

>> No.8388565

I hate the name Lolita. I wish the fashion would change it's name so it isn't affiliated with that awful book anymore.

>> No.8388592

High heels do not belong in ouji it makes it looks to feminine for something that is a young boy style. like fuck, just look at old drawings or pictures to understand what kind of foot wear belongs
by heels I mean too high of a height.

>> No.8388599


Umm, not to get historical up in here, but heels used to be an exclusively Mens fashion around the 1700-1800's. It was thought that height was a manly thing, and a woman should always try to look smaller while the man should be taller. Check out the Royal footwear. It's the King who's wearing the heels.

>> No.8388633

im talking like 5in heel, and yes I know.

>> No.8388658
File: 46 KB, 200x200, louisxivh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Eh, I get what you're saying, but Louis XIV liked to wear 'em high. Up to a certain point/shape heels still work.

>> No.8388691

Me too. All my friends are book nerds so I'm sure they're gonna make a connection even though they've been to Japan (they went on business not to see the sights)

>> No.8388706
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>Brands rely too much on print popularity, hence all the shitty dress cuts lately.
>Fishnets can be worn with Lolita if done so properly.
>This OTT trend needs to stop. You can't bitch that people think you're wearing a costume when your coord contains antlers, a cape, wings,vampire fangs and a fucking scepter. Tone it down or call it what it is.
>Old School is not an excuse not to wear a petti and put no effort into your hair or makeup.
>Rectangle headdresses > all other types of Lolita headwear.
> Mana isn't that great.

>> No.8389403

I have 34 GLBs from various times in the fashion and I have to say, it's pretty over romanticized and probably part of why most lolitas start off as ita. My first exposure was through it and before I looked into it online, I thought all sorts of shit because of it. Many of the coords, especially in the earlier ones, are quite awful.

I don't really like pretty much any hairpiece besides bows. Little barrettes are different, but I can't really love a coord where the main headpiece isn't a bow.

Old school can be really pretty, but I'm so happy the fashion evolved and is hardly anything like it was back then.

I like Tumblr better than here. The annoying shit there is easier to avoid and it's a much more positive place over all.

The only lolita YouTuber I ever liked was Milky Fawn, and it makes me sad because she made like five videos then left. I just don't find any of the others that cute.

I won't do a wardrobe post until I hit 50 main pieces.

>> No.8389637
File: 89 KB, 850x767, 1423337593262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate that taoboa brands are called offbrand. It should be its own category. I'm sick of seeing "omg, offbrand cood!" and it's all stuff made specifically for lolita. When I think offbrand I thing altered or incorporated normie clothes. It should be offbrand, bodyline, taoboa brands, brand.

>> No.8389654

I hate when people can't even spell (and fucking pronounce) taobao.
It's tao bao, not tao boa or toa boa.

>> No.8389669

I like the sound of toa boa

>> No.8389671

A Japanese culture festival, a makeup con, a ren festival.. I don't know, but don't act like you're fucking limited.

>> No.8389860

Mistype. Sorry. I know how to spell taobao

>> No.8389885

I think salopettes are cute.

>> No.8389983

Thats because everyone is really bitchy/nitpickey about the slightest deviation.

>> No.8390011

I think most of AP's recent releases are pretty fug. I like AP but I feel like the new prints get way too much hype. Like Dolly Cat, good god. So hideous.

>> No.8390172
File: 26 KB, 400x354, Diamond otks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate these damn socks. I'm sick of seeing decent classic/gothic coords with those fugly diamonds shoe-horned in. I've never seen a coord where it looks good.

>> No.8390192

I won't like or reblog any coord in which the poster cannot spell "whoa" or "yeah" correctly. Ever since smartphones introduced the internet to the general illiterate public, some wrong spellings have gotten out of hand. I don't want to be part of making English spelling any worse than it already is, so I refuse to normalize or spread common incorrect spellings.

Twitter and all those other platforms are making the stupidest shit seem normal, to the point where people actually defend their ignorance instead of correcting it. If either spelling was just a more phonetic form, that would be one thing, but "woah" and "yea" make even less phonetic sense than their correct spellings. The spread of these two is getting insane snd I hope dictionaries ignore and never legitimize them.

>yea is already a word
>actually see people write "yay or nay"
>no English word ending in "ea" is pronounced "ah"
>Noah is not pronounced "no"
>wtf is going on

>> No.8390202


I haven't seen these pulled off well, except maybe in circus themed coordinates or ouji.

Pity, because I am actually drawn to their design. They're just too busy for most things.

>> No.8390212
File: 30 KB, 400x300, down-with-this-sort-of-thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so I refuse to normalize or spread common incorrect spellings
you're doing it already, fatso

>> No.8390214


>there is another girl as autistic about this shit as I am

Feels good.

>> No.8390241

I think OTT classic (especially pic related) is fucking hideous.

I also think oldschool is fugly, and I thought the same when it was current.

And I think any hair (be it wig or not) in a non natural colour is ita as fuck.

I also think horses are hideous creatures and should be kept out of lolita prints. Fuck every carnival print AP has ever made.

I totally agree. Especially when people (mostly people here) jump down everyone's throats about "theme matching". As long as it looks nice, it doesn't matter that I've got a book bag with a cat print.

>Thinking people are vapid for taking an interest in celebrities
Lmao dude different people have different interests. I personally don't care much about Kim K and co, but I think it's moronic to write someone off if they do.

this is maximum autism

>> No.8390245
File: 146 KB, 499x750, tumblr_nkp2coWocF1qho4mto1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK dropped the pic

>> No.8390251
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It's standard in the US (so spelling it another way would seem pretensious here), and makes phonetic sense. I have no issue with spellings that change over time to be more phonetic. It's the shit that has no basis in logic or phonetics that makes me skip over posts.

I knew I couldn't've been alone.

>> No.8390315

>spellings that change over time to be more phonetic
but you still advertise and exercise
>it's standard in the US
that just means it's shite
you were saying

>> No.8390383

>provides no counter argument

I can't fight a half-assed troll, step it up.

>> No.8390405

you're nitpicking yourself, so I don't see the point
>I have no issue with spellings that change over time to be more phonetic
Yea and woah are plenty phonetic
>calling people you disagree with trolls
whatever helps you sleep at night dear

>> No.8390432

How are they phonetic?

What word in English that ends in "ea" is pronounced "ah"? What word in English that ends in "ah" is pronounced "o"?

Phonetic misspellings of "yeah" include:


"Whoa" could be conceivably misspelled like:

>woh (like in Oh, Noh, D'oh)

There is nothing phonetic about "yea" and "woah," no other word in English that spells those vowel sounds using those constructjons. Just a lot of people who get defensive when called out on it instead of correcting the mistake.

>> No.8390440

This is the stupidest argument I have ever seen. Please take it to /r9k/ or /soc/ and stop bumping the thread (which is for cosplay and lolita opinions not general opinions) with this shit.

>> No.8390444

And yes, typos are fine and understandable. Not capitalizing or using punctuation properly is understandable. Inconsistent use of quotation marks is understandable, getting words in certain phrases wrong is understandable ("Low and behold," "all intensive purposes"); but for some reason, people will acknowledge their mistakes or that they're bending the rules with that kind of shit, but "yea" and "woah" are infectious and resist treatment.

So I'll continue to like and reblog coords with understandable errors, and won't even give posts that use retarded aphonetic and incorrect spellings a second glance.

>> No.8390457

It's an unpopular opinion about how people present their coords. Other opinions have also been debated.

>I won't like or reblog any coord in which the poster cannot spell "whoa" or "yeah" correctly.

is the original unpopular opinion.

Another unpopular opinion: Bonnets look stupid in gothic coords most of the time. They tend to show up in coords with dresses that are borderline sweet/classic that just happen to have a gothic color scheme.

>> No.8390463

dude nobody cares

>> No.8390472

They can look cool if they are the stiff kind, well decorated and cast a broody shadow heh...

>> No.8390497

I am literally autistic; I give no fucks about interchanging US and British English spellings or genuine typos, but DO NOT just spell a word phonetically because it sounded 'fancy' but you couldn't be bothered to look it up.

OT I actually like Bittersweet. I don't like 99% of coords tagged as bittersweet but I think sweet and gothic themes, palettes and motifs can be blended beautifully. The only problem is most people attempting it trying hard to be edgy desu. I just really like both aesthetics, not trying to shock people with pastel sweaters saying 'Fuck' or dead bunnies everywhere.

>> No.8390506

By that logic then all the ribbons, lace and bows that make lolita what it is are childish too. These are commonnelemens of historical fashion that used to be commonplace for ADULT women, and in many cultures, bonnets are still worn. For some odd reason it became fashionable to only dress babies and children in neo-victoriana (and more recently everyone has decided to dress kids like miniature adults in the most inappropriate ways...)

>> No.8390529

>yfw Shakespear was writing in bastardized English
>yfw the language you hold near and dear to you is a bastardized English of a bastardized English of a bastardized English
>yfw English is just a bastardization of Roman and Germanic languages with a bunch of lone words
>yfw the English kids are speaking now is going to be considered archaic in fifty years

Face it, you can't keep something "pure", especially something cultural like language. Fifty years ago, that use of the word "like" would have me branded as a moron, but guess what, people can't keep it out of their working vocabulary for more than two words, and I bet you can't either.

>> No.8390541

>how people present their coords
No it's not. It started like that, sort of, but it quickly turned into other anon complaining about American spelling and first anon actually indulging them.

>> No.8390546

i met someone from hong kong who called it "toe bow." i wonder how many people complaining about its pronounciation actually speak chinese.

>> No.8390547

>It's standard in the US
>ranting about keeping your language clean and pristine
Is the irony completely lost on you?

>> No.8390567

I think half of the people who say lolita is toally a fashion and not a costume are just lying to themselves. If you only wear it to a con or meetups, don't get upset when people ask why you're so dressed up and where you're going. You are fucking dressed up and going to a special occasion. This isn't your daily wear, your street fashion. This also goes for everyone obsessing over professional level photo shoots and looking darn perfect for it.

>> No.8390579

Mum's from HK and that's how her asian friend pronounce it as well.

>> No.8390590

By your logic, a cocktail dress or any sort of formal attire is a costume because you only wear them to formal events?

>> No.8390626

Yes, in many ways it is. If someone asked you where you're going in your cocktail dress, you'd probably say a cocktail party.

>> No.8390639

I think circle lenses look like crap on most people, and on all "westerners." On some Japanese women, if they're lined up right and don't have that obvious "painted-on iris" look, they might look okay.

Circle lenses are just ugly.

I think I also agree with that bolero thing too. Unless it's hella oldschool style, something about the look just bugs me. It seems like something a little girl would wear.

>> No.8390651

I just want someone to explain those two particularly illogical misspellings to me without trying to rest their case on unrelated shit. This desire made it hard not to respond, but yeah, over it now, trolls aren't even reading what they're responding to.

They want to pretend their OTT coords and picture-perfect anime makeup are their normal street fashion. It's about upholding the illusion of eccentric beauty, which is undermined if people think it's a costume and not who they Truly Are.

Would actually be interested in a clip of a native speaker pronouncing it.

>> No.8390663

I could do it (or convince mum to do it) but whats a quick site that I can upload voice clips to?

>but it may have to wait for around 8 hours cause work

>> No.8390667

Is Vocaroo still a thing?

>> No.8390671

Shirring? More like en-shirring I'm not gonna buy that shit

>> No.8390690

partially shirred skirts/shorts are comfy as fuck

full shirring is sweaty dicks, though

>> No.8390691

so it is!
Jesus I sound asian asf in this recording. I'm not sure how people who speak mando will pronounce it tho, I speak canto.


>> No.8390707

Dat deep ass voice

>> No.8390712

kek thanks anon, for once I have a deep voice.

>fucking squeaky voice

>> No.8390718
File: 34 KB, 600x497, Cantonese_diphthong_chart.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, anon.

are you on crack

>> No.8390732

isn't tone a bigass part of chinese? like the same sound made at a higher or lower pitch means something totally different?

>> No.8390783
File: 16 KB, 260x210, pronu_tones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cantonese and mandarin have rising and falling tones; it's more complicated than pitch alone, or so i have heard.

if vocaroo anon can confirm that might be swell, i'm armchair linguisting.

>> No.8390882

No probs anon, pardon my shitty canto.

Mando is usually more nasal sounding, from my experience, don't hear it enough to make a estimate on it (only mum speaks it to yell at mainlanders). Canto is a lot softer.

I'm not sure on that part with the higher/ lower pitch making it a different word, but I do know in viet that's the main part (gà vs cá/fish vs chicken).

>sorry, english is my first language
>speak canto like a bogan
>parents were determined that I didn't turn out like a fob

>> No.8390917

Being trasgender is a mental disorder and should be treated as such. It's no different from any other body dysmorphia.

>> No.8390921


>> No.8390931

As if lolita is such a huge thing in Japan that they've seen it on business trips.

Don't be ignorant. It's an alternative fashion even in Japan

>> No.8390933

Fucking up the tone will fuck up your entire sentence since the words are dependent on the tone, that said if you're a bit off fluent speaker will probably be able to figure out what you're trying to say.
No way, Cantonese is way more nasally and loud. I have to listen to it every day. When I first moved in with my boyfriend, I thought his parents were pissed off 24/7.

The only canto I've learned just by ear is:
-going out for food/see friends
-thank you
-come eat food/rice
-I know
-go away
-shut up
though I don't think I could say them correctly

>> No.8390953

Whatttt anon you're shitting me lol. Mando is so nasal it kills me everytime I hear it. Chinese peeps are always loud, I always tell my workmates that they're not fighting, they're just talking lol. Shit, even when they talk on the phone, they think they need to yell INTO the phone so that the other person can hear. Drives me insane.

>trying to teach mum how to use whatsapp
>ends up with her swearing in chinese and half the message getting cut off
>or her trying to talk back to the person when it's a recorded message

I speak enough to carry a decent conservation when Im in HK but I apparently have a aussie chinese accent whereas my sister has an authentic HK accent.
>stupid HK chinese dramas

>> No.8390954

sorry for all the derail but thanks for ya'lls input, this stuff is fascinating

>> No.8390978

I really like the book Lolita, I think it's very well-written. I wish lolitas (and everyone, really) would stop denouncing the book as "awful" or "disgusting" because of the subject matter, when most of them haven't even read it.

>> No.8390989

same. the problem a lot of americans have is that they assume it's a glorification of humbert and his feelings and their relationship when it's not. nabokov even addresses this in his author's notes or whatever.

>> No.8390996

I wish people would stop associating readers with the books they read or trying to guess their personality based on them
fucking hell the amount of times I've been asked why I have Mein Kampf on my kindle... I haven't even read it yet, that's why it's there!

>> No.8391005

Yeah I agree with >>8390590
I wear lolita to like the movies or coffee with friends but there are many situations where the negative attention isn't worth the self expression, and it's better just to blend in aka the grocery store.
My unpopular opinion is that I think suitable colors in cosplay is better than accurate. I used to be the total opposite, but now I always look for fabrics/wigs that I know look better with my skin tone, and I don't even dare with blonde wigs. I always go caramely instead. I also appreciate when black cosplayers use brown or black wigs instead of blonde, which I've seen both of in Sailor Moon cosplays. It's not to say that all blonde looks bad with dark skin, it's just that it looks so much like a statement, that it draws away from the cosplay as a whole.

>> No.8391006

Agreed that Mando is more nasally. Which one is louder just depends on the speaker though.

>> No.8391014

I hate when people are doing a cosplay that shows a lot of skin and use one of those nude body suits to cover up. Everyone can tell and it looks stupid.

>> No.8391030

When I found out about lolita fashion when I was like 14, I was so excited and I was telling my mom all about it and showing her pictures and she was shocked the whole time, and I had no idea why. We talked about it later and I was like furious and I announced my hate for the book for making my beloved new obsession look bad. And years later, I forgot the book existed, then I saw it again somewhere and I had finally lost my fear of it and read it, and I found it really entertaining, even if it was sad. Thinking back, I was actually listening to the audiobook while sewing a lolita dress, funnily enough.

>> No.8391033


You are the most basic faggot.

>> No.8391044

Part of it has to do with regional accents too. Northerners are incredibly nasal but most of the Southerners I've met seem to be more guttural maybe?

>> No.8391058

>My unpopular opinion is that I think suitable colors in cosplay is better than accurate.
agreed. i also prefer a well-constructed cosplay that is in the spirit of the character but favors utility or common sense over screen accuracy, when the cosplay in question is unrealistic and difficult to replicate without looking stupid.

>> No.8391242
File: 148 KB, 340x340, akari.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8391251

YES. Kind of like the naruto stage play did with their costumes.

>> No.8391252

$100 anon never read it nor knows good prose

>> No.8392277

I think lolita is too short. I really just always wanted a socially acceptable way to swish around in floor length lace monstrosities. Lolita is but a pale imitation of my true fashion desires. Yet it is as close as I can come.


>> No.8392305

I don't know, anon. I tried to read the book and it really just made me want to wash my hands. Especially the part when she's trying to save money to escape by making him pay her for sexual favors and him finding out and taking it all away.

>> No.8392406

I think otome is just casual lolita

>> No.8392416

formal clothing is for formal events, street fashion is for wearing in your own time, like smart casual

>> No.8392417

1) classic brands do release ankle lenght dresses
2) look into gothic, natural kei or neo victorian. All of these carry ankle lenght dresses in historical design
3) when did lolita become socially acceptable anyway ?

>> No.8392427


Ankle length is for those who still have pretenses of normality! Give me a dress that sweeps the floor, or give me death!

Thank you for the suggestions though, hyperbole aside I'll look into them. :) As for socially acceptable, at least there are comms and meetups for lolita haha.

>> No.8392440

>if you don't like what I like you are stupid an haven't read it!
I don't like it either, I think it's overhyped. Fight me cunt.

>> No.8392465

I actually don't mind people liking Japan for just anime. (Although I'm not one for anime)
Of course people will like Japan because of anime/mango, it's known in the west for that reason (if you exclude WW2)
If they act normal in public, why the fuck can't they visit the country?

>> No.8392490
File: 27 KB, 480x379, 7a0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love creepshots. I find it extremely flattering, even turned on when I or someone catches them in the act. Not that I attack them or anything they run away before I can ask to see. I lurk the boards for them afterwards so I can keep them for myself. I'm attracted to myself so maybe that's why? I'm always trying to hint towards others that I thrive on that shit. I understand why it shouldn't be tolerated, but I can't help feeling aroused. And yes, I'd even approve of further advances. I'm not even single. Should I stop attending conventions?

>> No.8392517

>Should I stop attending conventions?
Life's too short to stop doing something you love.
Maybe you should write an email address on your butt, so creepshotters know where to send the pictures?

>> No.8392530

I'm so upset I have shirring princess and then whole thing just sags to the floor off of me

>> No.8392570

because muh weeaboo elitism

>> No.8392680

Drill curls are ugly. I hate seeing people actually make drill curl wigs for their cosplays, even if they're accurate/clean/etc.

>> No.8392690

>any piece of literature

You are everything I hate.

>> No.8392715

I pronounce it T-ow b-ow (ow as in OUCH)

>> No.8392722

those poor poor trasgenders.

>troll harder m8

>> No.8392734

Does anyone else think love live! is kinda flavor of the month-y? Is it just me? I feel like this shit came out of no where and people started cosplaying like crazy in a small amount of time

>To clarify I don't hate love live!, I love my idorus

>> No.8392742
File: 37 KB, 267x400, 1428023240560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you implying 50 Shades is not overhyped? Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot that as long as it's in the form of a book it's automatically sacred and intellectual. Just because it's old and written by a fat Russian bloke doesn't mean it's automatically good. I mean it is, but not as iconic as everyone claims.

>> No.8392750


>> No.8392751

youre delusional

>> No.8392765

>Stop telling me what to do! you're delusional!
maximum kek

>> No.8392771

according to statistics approx. 41% of transgenders attempt suicide. How is that not a sign of mental illness/instability?

Protip: you cant win

>> No.8392772

ILD is completely overrated.

>> No.8392777

you could crack walnuts with that skull

>> No.8392794
File: 97 KB, 500x356, tumblr_lrzk54J0Sf1qi70w1o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brolitas always looks fugly as hell
plus they're creepy as fuck

>> No.8392805
File: 28 KB, 598x257, bleh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These shoes are tacky as fuck. If somebody wore glitter shoes with lolita before AP came out with them, they would get chewed out for looking cheap. But since AP made them somehow they are nice and acceptable.

>> No.8392866

Yes, please kill it.

>> No.8392871

Why don't you get your SO to take them?

>> No.8392885

Sort of related, I remember once before I went to Japan I said to someone else, "Why would anyone go to Japan if they didn't like anime or manga?" I never thought of Japan as a place people would travel to for fun for any other reason but fulfilling weeb dreams.

I cringe a bit when I remember it. Whoever I said it to was kind enough to set me straight though.

>Sorry, Japan. I know now that there's a lot more to you, just like with any other country.

>> No.8393166

I speak mando!

I pronounce it slightly different in the pitch though.

But it is interesting to know how a cantonese pronounce the same words.

>> No.8393174

I get annoyed when I see a coord or cosplay that's obviously bad or mediocre at most get a pass just because the person wearing it looks pretty.

And when a nice coord is posted people will go 'oh what an unfortunate face....' the moment it's even a bit close to be a butterface.

I love you /cgl/ but 'unfortunate face' is starting to become one of my least favorite terms.

>> No.8393192

I hate it when people use 'unfortunate' to describe someone's looks. It sounds so catty and condescending.

>> No.8393200

It is. It basically sound like it implies that you should feel bad for them as if their whole life is ruined because of their face.

>> No.8393238

Lol calling troll in an unpopular opinion thread

> I don't like this (unpopular) opinion! You must be trolling! Or if you aren't trolling, you're stupid!

Hon, people have different opinions. Get over it.

>> No.8393240

it's an ego-save word, so the person using it can express a negative opinion with a veneer of concern.

>> No.8393248

Nah, it sounds like some generic movie-tier bitch quote "Your dress looks so lovely, except.. for that unfortunate face" while giving some condescending look.

>> No.8393256

This, it reminds me of these cunts in primary school who would bully less popular girls and when asked why they hate them so much they'd answer 'oh I don't hate you... I pity you :('.

Honestly, 'ugly' sounds a lot less bitchy.

>> No.8393277

That could be it, his mom is from Northern Canton. I think his dad was closer to Central.

>> No.8393281

It depends, some of it basically is. Remember otome isn't just ETC style jsk's.

>> No.8393291

Well "Toe bow" is the Cantonese dialect. When Chinese words are read back into English, they use the Mandarin spelling/dialect: giving us " Tao Bao"

>> No.8393301

Given how you haven't actually talked about WHY you think it's bad/doesn't deserve the recognition, it just sounds more like you didn't like the story and don't have any actual criticism beyond buzzwords.

>> No.8393309

I haven't talked about it because you haven't asked and I don't want to derail the thread, but nice try. Do you cry like that every time someone doesn't like something you do?

>> No.8393313

Exactly, either say it outright or say nothing at all.

Also while I'm not going to deny attractiveness is a good part of both cosplay and lolita, replying to a post with a good outfit and then saying you don't like their face just seems silly to me. It's not like the person will see it, and half of the time the face isn't even that bad.

Also another opinion, I feel like (petite) asian girls with at least a decent face, often get a free pass when it comes to cosplay and jfash. Just look at selfpost threads, it has a lot of ass-kissing but when it's some asian girl it'll get a whole bunch of replies even when their cosplay is shit. Yellow fever is real as fuck here.

>> No.8393329

No not really, you're the one deflecting and not providing anything of substance.
You do realize there's a difference between liking something and whether something is well done or not right?

I can assure you people don't say Lolita is a classic piece of literature because they really really like it and it's the bestest thing ever.
Like with Frozen "I liked it so it's the best thing ever"

also not the original anon you were arguing with any how.

>> No.8393371

Yellow here
We get away with too much shit for just being squinty. Yellow fetishists need to sort themselves out. Creepy as fuck and we never get any real concrit because of it.

>> No.8393389

>You do realize there's a difference between liking something and whether something is well done or not right?
I do, but did I ever say it's not well done? I said it's overrated, and good but not as good as people make it out to be. Perhaps try reading the chain of posts before replying.
>I can assure you people don't say Lolita is a classic piece of literature because they really really like it and it's the bestest thing ever.
And? What does it being a classic have to do with it not being as good as people say it is? There are plenty of classics that are overhyped, Tom Sawyer being one of them, or White Fang.

If you want to argue start a thread on /lit/, not here.

>> No.8393416

I guess it must feel like how some people on tumblr get pity notes because they're black or transgender, with amazing commentary such as "SEE EVEN IF YOU"RE BLACK YOU CAN BE PRETTY"

>> No.8393427

"hon" are you fucking kidding me it's unbelievable how much you sound like a washed up tv mom desperately hanging to the remnants of her former assets who needs an intervention, rn
except you better actually be one because it would be understandable, for a sad former cougar with drinking problems to be this much of a wreck and perhaps even easier to sympathize with an alcoholic than the damage of some lizard bitch with an ugly frumpy wig who thinks she's fucking blowing peoples minds by using condescension on the internet for once outside of her home of subeta

>> No.8393448

Is this a copypaste? If not it should be.

>> No.8393512

I agree, although they are hard to avoid.

>> No.8394360

Lol alright, you win. I can't handle that much salt.

>> No.8394704


sweet prints in black colorways

>> No.8395047
File: 70 KB, 468x682, paradise_kiss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always hated this design and thought it was was such a let down.

>> No.8395714

>50 Shades

Of all the (modern) fanfiction in the universe, this is what breaks through to the mainstream.

I'm torn between butthurt jealousy and genuine amusement. Like, it wasn't even the kind of fanfiction that makes you think "wow I'd totally read an original novel if this person wrote one"

>> No.8395719

I don't like Facebook groups, not even if started by 4chan people. I feel they will always become more silent likes than actual honest comments and debate.

>> No.8395720


All of us are.

I've read fanfic epics which with insanely rich plots, characterisation that beats canon, and even modded silly universe mechanics to make it somewhat fit with the story.

And some shitty AU porn of twilight is what makes it through.

And let's not start on Cassandra Clare, jfc.

>> No.8395749

I'm not surprised in the least tbh. My dad suffers from a cheap novel addiction and the kind of rubbish he drags in is astounding to say the least. It's just edgy enough to get people to talk about it and saucy enough to be a feel-good thing you read when you want to switch off your brain and choke the chicken for a while.
At the end of the day it's porn, I don't even understand the people who go muh emancipation of women. It's fucking porn, it's meant to be a cheap fantasy, not reality.

Most of the good fanfics don't even get updated as often as they should, let alone published. This is much easier to write imo.

>> No.8395809
File: 47 KB, 275x414, 50ShadesofGreyCoverArt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think it wouldn't have done nearly as well as it did if it didn't have a catchy title and great cover design. I used to work in a public library putting books away and the romance novels either have really cheesy amazing illustrations on the cover or really boring ones with the title and authors name in big gold letters with maybe a single small image. Whoever chose this direction for the look of the book is a genius.

>> No.8395814

The brolitas in my community always wear the worst wigs and don't do much in the way of makeup to look more feminine. But no one wants to be the one to try and help.

>> No.8395819

I never thought about that. It is a very discreet, sleek cover. If I didn't know any better I might be curious as to what kind of book it was if I saw someone reading it.

>> No.8395821

Its copying the twilight saga. The covers went minimal too

>> No.8395824


>I don't even understand the people who go muh emancipation of women

On the other end, I don't get are the people who are like 'this is abuse!111".

When you compare the book to let's say Anne Rice's bdsm series, it's really tame. Super tame. Not saying it doesn't have consent issues, but then again, most erotic fantasy books do have consent issues, especially since nonconsent is a kink within itself. At the end of the day, it's fantasy. The people who are most susceptible to its message are probably people who don't have the intellect to distinguish fantasy from real life, and were always suspect to begin with anyways.

I just don't get the hype backlash against this book when the real crime is its laughably horrific writing.

>> No.8395897


It's one of those instances where "this is okay because I am self inserting as the heroine and Christian Grey is presented as both attractive and a billionaire," which arguably sets a bad example for the younger people who read it. Teens, especially girls, are hilariously easy to prey upon and stuff like this only greases the door.

Honestly in this more fic conscious generation I don't think it's that big of a problem, but there's the argument.

>tfw you were regularly devouring "lemons" on ff.net 15 years ago

It's kind of heartwarming to see this garbage in "normie" hands.

>> No.8395905


Yeah, I totally agree with you there, but novels like these have been around forever. Fifty shades never invented anything - it just pushed the shitty romance genre into full on mainstream, when in fact teenage girls have been reading this sort of thing for quite a while (think Harlequin novels).

Hell, my cousin was reading the same garbage crap in her e-zines ten years before I stumbled upon 'lemon' fics. It's been there forever, and while I do think there is definitely the argument as you said, I think Fifty shades is getting the brunt of the force simply because it's now been noticed by the larger public eye, when in fact this sort of shit has been glorified for at least decades.

>> No.8396290

I hate ouji and I'd never want my boyfriend to dress in it, even to a meetup

>> No.8396299

>teenage girls
*women of all ages

>> No.8396310

It's mostly people who are into bdsm/the bdsm community because normalfags will read the book and think that's how bdsm is
>inb4 no they won't
yes they will, most people are that stupid

>> No.8396325

IA, it's not like 'helpless maidens as sex prisoners of war are so beautiful their captors can't help but fall in love with them by the end of the book' aren't a common cliché in erotica and cheap kiosk fiction.

>> No.8396331

who are*

>> No.8396342

I find it kind of insulting that this genre is called women's fiction.
On the other hand, men have that 'rescuing a half-naked savage woman from giant crocodiles and crabs in a swamp in space' thing, but that isn't demonised nearly as much as 'chick lit'

>> No.8396347

I think a big part of the backlash, after what >>8396310 mentioned, is really how people see the whole consent issue. Like you said, most erotic fantasy books have them but 50SOG in particularly is everyfuckingwhere and way too many people have easy access to it. I'm friends with girls who are 100% convinced Mr Grey is the definition of perfection, who actively argue that he's just misunderstood and that he is not abusive and keep posting about how they wish they had their own Mr Grey. The day these girls land an abusive boyfriend, things could get dangerous.
To me personally, it's just extremely badly written, to the point I picked it up and read a few passages and started laughing out loud.