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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 7 KB, 187x250, 1432766867024s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8382198 No.8382198 [Reply] [Original]

Twinkle Journey anon is still out there fighting the good fight; let's put it to an end.

Her contact info is:

>> No.8382220

Someone out there has to have it
I'll keep my eyes open for it

>> No.8382242
File: 109 KB, 499x645, koitsukihimejsk_2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking for
- Baby the Stars Shine Bright Koitsukihime Stained Glass Angel / Seraphim JSK in Black

email is up top, or you can PM www.lacemarket.us/author/empire/

>> No.8382246
File: 301 KB, 500x600, 03101421_54fe7f40971d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hospital anon please rub your good luck over me

Still looking for AP's University OP in Red or Navy colourway. I swear to god I've only seen it sold once for scalper prices

>see it on LM
>it's only the jsk

>> No.8382263

Oh my gosh that's beautiful
I hope you find it anon

>> No.8382271

Thanks anon! Dear Celine did a really similar style OP.. and I fucking missed the reservation by a day

I also forgot my email

>> No.8382280

Ah! Thank you Hospital_Doll! I'm really excited right now because one of my dream skirts is in the mail, and I think I got a new job today (waiting on the results of the background and drug tests. Once those are cleared I should be free to start working). It's not dream dress luck, but I feel like the good wishes have blessed me elsewhere!

Good luck to everyone! It feels like at least one person finds a dream item in each thread, so let's all do our best to help each other (sorry for the cheesy optimism I'm just really happy right now)!

>> No.8382289
File: 76 KB, 250x333, TwinkleMermaidJSK-bxw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been looking for this cut and color way so long i dont think ill ever find it. But it makes me happy when i see other gulls find their dream dresses.

>> No.8382292


Forgot my email...you know.. Just in case hell freezes over.

>> No.8382302

None of these have been posted yet but I know people are looking for them:

Holy Lantern OP in the wine color.

Marionette in My Closet Room JSK - navy

Puppet Circus OP - red

Sorry they're all scalper prices but hey, at least they're up for sale

>> No.8382311
File: 561 KB, 463x623, 1432858792179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally bought things that weren't priority items, knowing my luck this means ALL these beauties should appear at once to spite me.

>tfw lost paradise pops up multiple times but not in black

>> No.8382342
File: 111 KB, 480x640, B38OJ244-g1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Showed up in black recently....its getting closer!

This cut/colorway only. Literally the only thing at the top of my list right now

>> No.8382405
File: 368 KB, 1200x1617, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top tier dresses are Chess Story's Le Printemps JSK II in peach and Dear Celine's Party in the Forest JSK. I'm really only looking for that cut/colour way of Le Printemps, but I could be pursuaded to get the OP in peach if the price was right. Either colour on the Dear Celine dress, it's gonna be even more of a bitch to find.

>> No.8382623
File: 127 KB, 1072x419, JSK 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will not rest. This literally the last item on my dress wishlist.

>> No.8382630
File: 112 KB, 969x417, JSK2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd consider the high waist skirt as well.

>> No.8382646
File: 590 KB, 1024x1024, PhotoGrid_1433005105437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting from last thread. Really looking more for Pleats a la Mode than Napoleon Marine, but either one would be awesome.

>> No.8382649
File: 407 KB, 1329x1616, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Godshitting damnit, I just missed it on LM!

Please, sell me your Lucky Key JSK! PLEASE! I'm starting to dream of this bitch.
Any colour way bar mint!

Please leave your email and I'll contact you!

>> No.8382668

I'll keep an eye out for you anon!

>> No.8383041

I know it isn't your dream dress and you probably aren't willing to settle, but I just saw these and they might fit your taste?

>> No.8383056

Sage for OT, but holy shit this website. I'm going in at full speed.

>good luck finding your dresses, gulls!

>> No.8383068
File: 98 KB, 480x640, P10OJ218-iv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking out for this. I know it's not halloween, but this dress speaks to me, dammit.

>> No.8383097
File: 137 KB, 636x636, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Size S. Please halp

>> No.8383132

This comes up pretty regularly on sites like Maiden Clothing and Usagiyouhinten. You'll get it no problem; I say they come up every 1-2 months!

I am also throwing it out there that I am still down to drop a fuck ton of money on the blue HDoll OP now that I know it fits well and is super comfy.

>> No.8383200
File: 14 KB, 297x402, BTSSB_Noir_Jacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Noir Jacket does not exist anywhere on the face of the earth.

Really want it b/c it was released alongside Elizabeth Bride of Death and hot fucking damn the ouji coord pairing to my favorite fucking musical from my favorite fucking brand? SIGN ME UP.

>> No.8383379

Go go go!

>> No.8383474 [DELETED] 

topkek i bought the listing and then realised it's the aatp version not btssb
now i have to hope the seller is kind since i have to cancel the transaction now guh

>> No.8383505
File: 29 KB, 320x240, 1371280528784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forever and always. Like I've been posting this damn dress since we started having these threads, I swear

>> No.8383509

i was blinded by the words 'stained glass angel jsk in black' in the link that i tunnel-visioned and bought the listing
then i took a second look and realised it's the aatp version which i already have
hopefully the seller is kind, but i'm guessing i'll get a neg feedback for backing out

>> No.8383516

Dang, sorry to hear that. Maybe you could just find somone to buy it off you?

>> No.8383536

i already messaged the seller to let her know that we could work something out or she could give me negative feedback, but i think it'll be easier for them to just relist the dress rather than wait for me to find someone to buy it. we'll see haha
but gosh this just teaches me to take a second look before i rush and try to buy something

>> No.8383550

Don't worry, I've only seen Sweet Devil appear once and it went for over $1000.

>> No.8383627

Thanks for the link anon! I would totally get one if they had a navy colourway. I'm not a big fan of green/grey :(

>> No.8384195

I'm so happy! My skirt came in today! I'd post a quick pic/coord pics but I think I'll wait until I loose a little weight first (I went to a night market tonight so my bloating is bad)

This was my mistake honestly- I thought the green was navy at first until I read more. Maybe they'll make a navy colorway one day at least. It's a popular color.

I know, I love looking at this store.

>> No.8384513

Did all the people who wanted Le Lac des Cygnes find it? It's hanging out on wunderwelt in black...

>> No.8385333


I've had my eye on it, but I'm trying to move. If it's still there after I'm going for it.

>> No.8385484
File: 13 KB, 225x300, 45065_300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Was anyone looking for this? I feel like it came up two or three threads ago

>> No.8385546

any of meta's nurse themed releases, skirts included
now that HD-anon got her dress, the hunt for my own begins

>> No.8385548

Everyone is looking for the black or white ver.. not beige/brown

>> No.8385626

Recently got one of my dream dresses, it wasn't out too long but I missed the reservation. For two months I wasn't myself until I found it. Now I'm brimming with happiness and contentment.
Does this period of deppression happen to all, or should I think of seeing a doctor?

>> No.8385683

thank you anon!

>> No.8385723

I want the jsk not the op

>> No.8385964

Anybody looking for the Honey Cake bag? Im broke from ILD so maybe soneone else can buy it


>> No.8386086

>dream dress on LM
>ready to hit BIN
>notice something on proof photos
>zoom in
>disgusting pit stains, ground in deoderant
>"very good condition!"

The search continues.

>> No.8386093
File: 22 KB, 247x330, powderrosechestribbonjsk-wht.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello all, good to see you and may we all find our dreams soon!
I keep seeing that wine twinkle journey OP and getting excited for you only to remember I've seen it 40 times already.

>> No.8386167
File: 1.54 MB, 1168x1210, wishlist 5-28-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello again

>> No.8386169

It is indeed gorgeous. I'd take it over Holy Lantern or something in wine

>> No.8386232

I think someone posted about just missing Luckey Key in wine on LM. Well it's still going. I was going to get it then realized I didn't have anything the right shade to go with it so I'll settle for looking at pictures of it.

Also settled for Delft Lotta miniskirt. It's the original Lotta jsk I really want but this will do for now. Hope I can cinch in the waist so it looks like a normal lolita skirt rather than one that sits on the hips.

>> No.8386241
File: 95 KB, 500x667, QLnYUQz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still looking for Holy Lantern JSK in lavender. Also I am only interested in the JSK not OP or skirt. Willing to pay high prices.

>> No.8386863

If you wouldn't mind settling for a different JSK style then its your time to shine


>> No.8386867
File: 2.13 MB, 1250x1298, Dream dresses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon update and I'm very happy! Two top tier down

>> No.8386984
File: 113 KB, 240x320, 383733-508-2015-05-31927034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is ivory stained glass anon still here?


>> No.8386985

wauw already sold

>> No.8386993

Is this a legit brand or are these all replicas?

>> No.8387001

It still has a "buy it now" option up

>> No.8387003


Whoops sorry Anon jumped ahead of my self and didn't read your full comment
>throws self in garbage

>> No.8387005
File: 72 KB, 850x325, eh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8387008
File: 219 KB, 1001x557, Screenshot (758).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8387015

Maybe you should refresh the page

>> No.8387032
File: 1.10 MB, 1020x616, currentwtblist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm mainly looking for the pink Chess Chocolate OP set and Romantic Rose Letter Special OP set in every color but lavender! Marine Kingdom would be nice too, but the other 2 dresses are a priority. Thanks in advance!

>> No.8387038

Nigga I am, but yours is probably right anyway. I don't know why it keeps showing that its still up on mine.

>> No.8387086

Still showing as buyable for me, potential re-list or LM being a dick?

>> No.8387095

I think it's LM.. It's also gone from the sellers page

>> No.8387163
File: 13 KB, 225x300, 9582_300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AP Dreamy Heart Candy Bracelet

I pray that one day the accessory gods will see fit to bless me with good fortune.

>> No.8387171
File: 138 KB, 504x336, hnnggg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cutsews pls

>> No.8387202

there's a german girl on lolita sales eu selling the romantic rose letter in sax (including the bonnet and otks) right now
facebook com/groups/lolitasaleseu/permalink/770478976407059/

>> No.8387649

As far as I know, legit brand. I own somethings by morun-x-muuna-stoik that I bought from Atelier Pierrot, and this site is one of the few that I've seen sell Excentrique.

For the most part, they carry smaller name brands. I can't vouch for all the labels they carry, but I've never heard bad things about them.

>> No.8387859

Lorina Liddell is legit. They sell stuff from Japanese indie brands. Princess Doll has been around for a long time.

>> No.8387935

Ah thank you so much anon!! I had to message one of the mods to get added to the group so fingers crossed that the set will still be available.

>> No.8388186

it's because you're not logged in

i thought everyone learned already, you have to be logged in for listings to be shown accurately as sold / unsold

>> No.8388188
File: 40 KB, 290x387, vm-lace gilet-jsk-bkgry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting mine again, VM Lace Gilet dress in Black/Gray! I watched the ivory one on auctions for like half a year or w/e that it was up but I just look terribly washed out in ivory/white main pieces, so I'm really determined to get black. Hoping that because that ivory one got reduced to such a reasonable price that this will be too when I find it.. maybe?

>> No.8388231

not that anon but she also posted it in Lolita Sales Worldwide iirc!

>> No.8388302

I just saw it and sent the seller a PM. Thank you!

>> No.8389591

A dream dress popped up at a price over what I'm willing to pay. Has anyone ever compromised and payed over the dress's worth just because it was a dream dress? I could afford it, but I've seen other cuts/colorways go cheaper so I'm hesitant.

>> No.8389655

If it's a $350-600 dress you could offer a lower price. If it's less than that just buy it,

>> No.8389656

Depends on how overvalued it is. Only you can figure out if it's worth it to you. Keep in mind that it could be a long time before you see it again.

>> No.8389770

Items are only worth what someone is willing to pay for them. Unless the listing indicates no offers, you could message them with what you're willing to pay.

I've passed up dream items that were priced above my spending level and have no regrets, but then I really hate the anxiety that comes from debt.

>> No.8389883
File: 67 KB, 480x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one, 72 cm waist version. I cry everythime I saw the 68cm version.

>> No.8390193

They're different as night and day, don't settle

>> No.8390198


>but I just look terribly washed out in ivory/white main pieces

Oh my god those feels. It absolutely sucks because I just look washed out in anything light/pastelly. I once was overjoyed to get a dream dress only to realize it literally looked skin tone on me.

Also, you have really good taste. Here's to hoping you find this dress soon!

>> No.8390229

I have the same issue. I can't wear anything that's mostly ivory because it blends in way too much with my skin tone.
>pale people problems

>> No.8390244

Oi, just joining in saying same. I love ivory; it's one of the best colorways for almost anything, but I look awful in it. I sold my Cameo Window ivory and never once wore it because of that reason. I was going to twin with a friend who it looked incredible on and she straight couldn't understand why I didn't like it.

>> No.8390283
File: 40 KB, 250x333, RoundCollarOriginalAmundsenBlouse-chocolat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a dress and I know there's one other anon looking for it too, but if anyone ever sees this blouse, in literally any colourway, I will be your best friend for life holy shit.
My single biggest regret was procrastinating on buying this when it first came out and completely missing my chance.

>> No.8390365

damn, they're great in every colorway.

>> No.8390369
File: 170 KB, 900x690, dreamitems.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rearranged my dream list.

In order of prority:
>1.Heart E fishbowl bag
>2. Btssb fragrant Rose Memories Carlotte skirt any colours but the light ones prefered
>3.Meta Rose Letter jewellry set (necklace, bracelet and ring) in pink or brown
>4.AP Cherry Berry Bunny skirt in yellow
>5.JetJ MRobe du Muguet size 2

>> No.8390377

Robe du Muguet is up for reservation at the moment, in case you weren't aware. It closes in 3 days.

>> No.8390382
File: 1.00 MB, 320x180, 1415801126653.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw i have it in navy

>> No.8390492

omg lucky

I thought I might have it in navy but it's another IW blouse

>master race IW blouse

>> No.8390551
File: 105 KB, 969x417, 20150310045037-251-1254-54fe781d-fbdc-4951-a561-0e46d59c2b4e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something (or someone's) gotta give

>> No.8390557
File: 11 KB, 360x140, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8390561
File: 33 KB, 250x333, 316w6k4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did Penguindrum anon ever get their set?

>> No.8390901

Yup, it's this problem exactly. At least with a dark main piece+ivory blouse I can get enough contrast to not be blinding but an all ivory or beige-y coord? Forget it...

Thanks anons!

>> No.8390949
File: 104 KB, 480x640, uhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel like i don't see this set at all. has anyone even seen the pink one for sale?

>> No.8390952

I feel like a dunce, but what print is this? I've been out of touch with new releases for a while.

>> No.8390958

secret air mail set, came out in january. it's okay anon, i'm pretty lost with all the releases too

>> No.8390961

Thanks, I'll keep an eye out for it but I don't think I've seen it before. I honestly feel like all brand releases have gone over my head since December.

>> No.8390963

Wasn't it this year's lucky pack print?

>> No.8391031
File: 182 KB, 284x377, 3572_900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still looking for muse du chocolat jsk in brown ;-;


>> No.8391115
File: 206 KB, 704x725, IMGP4526_copyj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gloomt Ghost Skirt

I don't have money for it anyway. I'd probably settle for something similar.

>> No.8391196

Unfortunately it's on Usagiyouhinten, so I can't haggle. I'm going to begrudgingly pass it by. It will come up again, it's just a matter of when.

>> No.8391359
File: 48 KB, 480x640, proz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also posted a wtb... but dang my thirst is strong lately.
Usually I see it ever so often, but not lately.

>> No.8391420
File: 12 KB, 236x314, c610b705a64a67af5a666b99781c027a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTB IW w-cuffs round collar op
preferably in grey>black>white

Anyone still look for the Meta NURSE OP?

>> No.8391430

That Meta OP got sold months ago

>> No.8391433

I would have sacrificed a child for that OP, but alas, that sold out last year and they still haven't taken that goddamn tease down.

>> No.8391538
File: 52 KB, 250x333, DelftLottaJSK-bluexbeige-side.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ughh, just saw this posted on a second hand site but it's sold out already. Really want this!

>> No.8391543

Ah sorry for not looking closer.
The same thing has happened with the OP I want.

>> No.8392022

http://www.fururun.com/sa_az/shop.cgi?order=&class=all&keyword=&FF=0&price_sort=&pic_only=&mode=p_wide&id=58739&superkey=1 Was it this one? Because it still has the 'add to cart' label instead of the 'sold out' label. Sorry if false hope.

>> No.8392025

OMG thank you!

>> No.8392040

pinks up on yahoo auctions atm

>> No.8392050

Holy shit, guys my dream dress is up LM but I'm just barely short on cash. Is there a polite yet possible surefire way of offering a payment plan? I've never had to go for that option before but I can't risk not seeing this dress again.

>> No.8392060

Just ask them if they could do a payment plan, lol.

>> No.8392063

Ask politely for a payment plan, offer to pay a deposit, and set your timeline immediately.

Make sure it's less than a month in length, though. I know I don't personally take payment plans at all, and most sellers I know who do, only accept short term ones (ie: usually due your next pay period).

>> No.8392094

There goes nothing. I offered half upfront and half in a couple weeks when I'm paid next, fingers crossed!

>> No.8392099


If it's a high value item I've never had a seller say no to a 2-3 week payment plan
Just message the seller first, let them know what you have to put down right away

>> No.8392161

http://page8.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/h202914357 just in case anybody is interested, seems like a good deal at the moment imo.

>> No.8392163

oops, it's Cameo Window OP in brown.

>> No.8392256
File: 9 KB, 320x240, 150030160019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

twinkle journey black bow chan here. still havent gotten it :C

>> No.8392457

>adding chan to yourself

isn't there something similar that you can settle for for cheaper? why is the TJ bow so important, just curious

>> No.8392709

posting some popular print/pieces links
>honey cake bag http://page6.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/f149080850

>misty sky op in pink http://page18.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/w121367092

>dream marine in pink http://page4.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/d168659953

>cinema doll in pink http://page10.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/m139508853

>misty sky blue op http://page8.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/h202832295

>misty sky black op http://page9.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/k191838933

>holy lantern in red http://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/198517583

>misty sky navy jsk http://page18.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/w121533763

>honey cake jsk +bow in mint http://page13.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/r128894538

>star night theatre blue op (is this still popular?) http://page5.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/e145601638

>fancy paper dolls black jsk and bow http://page4.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/d160952947

>cameo window brown op http://ord.yahoo.co.jp/o/auction/list/_ylt=A7dPDjZLW3hVIS8AnYYj0zp8;_ylu=X3oDMTBhMDJhb2swBHZ0aWQDQVMwMDM-/SIG=12b1pjgr9/EXP=1434037451/**http%3a//page8.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/h202914357

>misty sky sax skirt http://page6.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/f154699923

annd I got tired after 60 pages

oh and for myself, I just got whimsical vanilla chan pink op for $160 !

>> No.8392714

>holy lantern in red http://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/198517583

Thought a JSK had appeared, almost wet myself in excitement.

>> No.8392717

i'm so sorry anon i forgot to specify!

>> No.8392730

dunno if you like the op but i found the op in navy http://page10.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/m129571669
is this a different bonnet to what you're wanting? this is the stiff one http://page4.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/d156966598

>> No.8392890

if another colorway is okay, there's an ivory holy lantern jsk on fril.

>> No.8393074

don't be shitty

If I could hazard a guess, probably to match the TJ dress.

>> No.8393084

Thank you beautiful anon, but I'm set on red.

>> No.8393092

Np! I'm glad I could help. Good luck with your other dream items!

>> No.8393261

Different anon, but how do you order from fril.jp? I attempted to place an order with my deputy but it didn't go through. A dream dress of mine (the kumya holly night I've been after) is up and doesnt say sold out and I'm spazzing over how anxious I am to scoop it up!

>> No.8393274

just use chibitenshi since she can use fril

>> No.8393372

i do infact have an adorable bow to go with it but the actually bow is the last bit to complete the set. also i used chan because others on here have called me bow chan

>> No.8393693

Pleats A La Mode anon here, and thank you! Unfortunately, I'm just looking for the JSK. Seems to be a lot harder to find than I thought, haha. I appreciate it all the same!

>> No.8393725

Are you sure? Not OP, but I wanted to get stuff from there as well, have you actually got her to buy something from there?

>> No.8393735

fffffs... I saw it up on tokyoalice yesterday. Wish I checked this earlier - the fururun one is sold out now. Thanks though!

>> No.8393773

Think I found the btssb tartan jsk on eBay but the pics are pretty bad. Size 8.


>> No.8394117
File: 1.91 MB, 1250x1298, Dream dresses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bay Berry anon checking in!

>3 sliced
>1 swapped
>1 added
>Jam JSK is next

Got the 3 all ordered this time around, and with my budget I was able to get the available head pieces for 2 of them and 2 petticoats! I'm pretty excited, but anons hold me because I think I miscalculated the size on Around the World. Its too late to back out now so I'm crossing my fingers

>> No.8394167

others have said before on cgl that they used her for fril recently. just ask her, worst she can say is no

>> No.8394175

Still searching for a pupcup JSK in pink.

>> No.8394305


>> No.8394306

Queen Cat in Navy is on LM right now for $245

>> No.8394357
File: 32 KB, 267x442, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This damn thing :(

>> No.8394436

If you want to settle for the Marine Kingdom JSK theres a full set http://2.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=2007.1000337.16.4.Lc2spH&id=45843125935

>> No.8394467

Top right one http://2.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=2007.1000337.0.0.EjzxC8&id=520013301361&from=list&similarUrl= in dark blue though?

>> No.8394498

In blue http://2.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=2007.1000337.16.4.xVtIG6&id=45703082769

I think I saw the red for sale too.. Ill try find it..

>> No.8394512

Black: http://2.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=2007.1000337.0.0.cZKFVc&id=45687694664&from=list&similarUrl=

and Also black: http://2.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=2007.1000337.16.4.z1yk6y&id=45022306539

>> No.8394522

Not sure if these people are wanting to swap or sell.. I think one may be wanting a swap but..

Innocent world: http://2.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=2007.1000337.0.0.9bnsbJ&id=45778556649&from=list&similarUrl=

or: http://2.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=2007.1000337.16.4.7CUiQm&id=45264594817

Also, if you don't mind Cherry Berry Bunny JSK, there is a full set : http://2.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=2007.1000337.0.0.Kp6QeL&id=44492653075&from=list&similarUrl=

>> No.8394538

Not sure if this is exactly what youre after.. but : http://2.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=2007.1000337.16.4.vmtNl0&id=45801022166

>> No.8394666

Damn all this help with no more I can spend on lolita with this check

Crossing my fingers they'll still be there next thursday! Thanks guys

>> No.8394708
File: 158 KB, 1098x377, currentwishlist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related plus any Meta camo/nurse/military stuff. Has anyone even seen the Cream Cookie Collection Special set for sale? I just want the cute barrette and the cut looks so much more flattering.

>> No.8394769
File: 1.75 MB, 960x1278, dresscollage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Halp please. I feel like most of these aren't that rare.

>> No.8394790
File: 1.04 MB, 1438x1280, mywishlist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always lookin for my baes

>> No.8394841
File: 70 KB, 1050x350, pardonmyshittaste.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of these are on the back burner except for Twinkle Carnival. ;-;

I probably have weird taste since my likes are all over the place, but I'm a huge AP slut.

>> No.8394883

God Katarina is a dream

Everything on your wish list is on mine except I want holy lantern in black :(

>> No.8394887

Katrina* ugh

>> No.8394893

can we just:

>> No.8394896

Ord newsu

>> No.8394924


>> No.8394948

Cream Cookie: http://2.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=2007.1000337.0.0.RkKrc4&id=45545873920&from=list&similarUrl=


Not sure if this is for sale but OP: http://2.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=2007.1000337.0.0.eelVrD&id=45492392269&from=list&similarUrl=

First/ Second dress JSK versions if youre interested?

white: http://2.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=2007.1000337.16.4.RkKrc4&id=45502714454


black: http://2.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=2007.1000337.16.4.tyRGQV&id=520039274657

Mint? : http://2.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=2007.1000337.16.4.RkKrc4&id=45867193965

Third dress JSK version : http://2.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=2007.1000337.0.0.tyRGQV&id=44478732983&from=list&similarUrl=


Sorry theyre not exactly what youre after.. best I could do.

>> No.8395139

The accessories would be great since I also look for them but the cut of the JSK looks odd on me. There is a reason why I want the skirt.
>owned the black CBB set and looked like a wannabe toddler...

>> No.8395245

not that anon but both of those Cream Cookie jsk listings look like they're just a WTB.

>> No.8395271
File: 40 KB, 300x400, 242-0110[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update! They accepted and I made my first payment! I'm so ecstatic you guys, this is one out of the only two dresses that I've ever considered "dream dresses". I've been dreaming of it for two years and I can't believe it'll be mine soon.
Now here's hoping it fits lmao.
If you're on here and see this please know that I can't thank you enough.

>> No.8395467
File: 372 KB, 499x281, Jake_sparkly_eyes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update on my list. I just ordered my ultimate dream dress Robe du Muguet!
I can't believe how lucky I feel. This dress was love at the first sight but I didn't have enough money for it on the reserve time. Now, thanks to the weak Yen, it's cheaper then my Moitie dresses.

I was at a point where I wanted to give up on that dress and now it's mine! Thank you kind anon for pointing me out on the re-release.

>> No.8395468

I know, ugh. I had the opportunity to get the black OP for $500 right after it came out, and I didn't take the offer because I'm an idiot. Forever regret.

>> No.8395636

Yeah I had the opportunity to buy black right when it came out but I thought: "it won't sell too quickly" little did I know!! Now I'm forever crying about it, it's my #1 dream dress. :(

>> No.8395659
File: 19 KB, 290x387, 0a806622648060b0b02b4ba96d752bf3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8395675

Wasn't someone looking for Victorian tassel in black?

>> No.8395950

Congrats anon!

>> No.8395962

Ah, I'm anon looking for Katrina, and thank you for the effort you put into this!

>> No.8395981

the skirt is up on LM for $150

>> No.8396007
File: 182 KB, 250x333, British Noble Emblem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why must the lord do this to me

>> No.8396015

that's something you could so easily make yourself though

>> No.8396089
File: 26 KB, 365x445, Scalping of Jane McCrea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoooooooooly fuck anon its a good thing you don't want this in sax set because I was just roaming LM and this chick honestly thinks she's gonna get $1,500 for it
>too kekable not to share

>> No.8396286

You're making a weird assumption that I'm a good seamstress. I actually am, but a lot of people here aren't. I want the original because sourcing nice looking tartan is very difficult here and I'm not willing to pay more to sew it myself from imported real tartan than it costs to buy from VM or resale. Also, I just want it; just because something can be replicated doesn't mean the original doesn't have appeal.

>> No.8396287
File: 194 KB, 480x640, aatp_jsk_mephisto_color3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still looking to trade my Iris for the black colorway. :(

>> No.8396308
File: 702 KB, 340x218, tumblr_mv4nngU9871s5cb5ho1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought my best friend's dream dress for them and they have no clue yet. I'm so excited to give it to them, but it won't be for another month.

Must not ruin surprise...

>> No.8396315

jesus, can you be my friend?
though honestly I'd feel really bad about accepting something so expensive(assuming your friend's dream dress is of the typical variety)

>> No.8396388

What dress is it anon? Also tell us the outcome when you give it too her

>> No.8396459

I never understand what is for sale and what is WTB on Taobao.. the amount of times I've tried to get my SS to buy someones WTB post is sad..

Sorry for getting anyones hopes up if I have been posting WTB listings!!

>> No.8396494

I know someone was looking for this in the last thread! Did they ever get it? Because if not then now is a good opportunity to grab a nice set.


>> No.8396507

I have no idea if this link is selling or trading or searching for this dress but you could ask an SS? http://2.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=2007.1000337.0.0.VzS4pA&id=45293413813&from=list&similarUrl=

>> No.8396510

And JSK version also http://2.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=2007.1000337.0.0.VzS4pA&id=45750996214&from=list&similarUrl=

>> No.8396514

Whole set up for sale:


>> No.8396522

Make sure she doesn't buy it herself!!

>> No.8396538

OP in peach? http://2.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=2007.1000337.0.0.WTuvF6&id=45697246992&from=list&similarUrl=


No sign of that version of the JSK though.. everyone is only selling the plain one..

>> No.8397360

I just paid for Operetta Bouquet in green! I can't believe I got it for just over 11,000 yen. To be honest, I'm not sure if I got the 2010/2011 version or the 2012 one (I don't mind either) because I placed the order late at night, was sleep deprived and was too excited when I saw it. Unfortunately the listing for the JSK has been removed so I can't even check it to make sure.

>> No.8397397

honest question, why are you still tripping

>> No.8397453

Because she likes all the positive attention. I'm actually surprised that cgl hasn't told her to stop yet. I get that you all think she brought the board together but she got her dress and enough is enough.

>> No.8397487

Seeing her here reminds me that my dreams might one day be reality.

Some of us don't mind her being here Anon. Tripfags are only annoying if they're airing their opinions everywhere.

>> No.8397507

I only find trips annoying when they are trolls and drama llamas. HD-chan clearly is neither.
Don't mind her tripping at all. She only does it in this thread too, I really don't see the problem.

>> No.8397583

I don't really have a reason; anyone who trips doesn't have a good reason, either; it's just a cheap novelty. Mostly, if you see it in other threads, it's just because I forgot to erase it from the field. I'll fade into the background again soon enough, but this is cgl and I don't take any of it very seriously, so I don't notice I'm doing it half the time nor do I lose any sleep over if people know who I am/aren't fond of me or it.

>> No.8397849

Congrats anon! I have the 2012 version I'm black and it's a beautiful and really flattering dress, I'm sure you'll love it.

>> No.8397852

In* black
Or maybe I just outed myself, fuck

>> No.8397909

Thanks anon! I hope that I can eventually get the matching twin bows as well.

>> No.8398285
File: 40 KB, 250x333, 54782_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember this being on a few lists so hopefully the Antique Book Anons see it. OTKS included!


>> No.8398302

;-; i need you as my friend anon
>tfw bought best friend 3ds with the same sentiment for christmas, they ignored me for 3 months and only got me 2 dollar candy as a late christmas present

>> No.8398354

I've been looking for Michael and Uriel / hospitality doll since I started lolita. Not very well mind you, but trying. I'm happy for her, but since she got her set, everyone and thier mother has added hospitality doll in some fashion to thier wishlist, and it really really sucks.

>> No.8398373

It's been sought after for a while though.

She kind of makes me wish I was more active with my search. I really just want the head dress since I already have the OP.

>> No.8398384
File: 21 KB, 240x320, 10831_320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wanted to give a big thanks the kind anon who posted the link to Rose Panel JSK a few weeks back. It was for a really good price too. I'm so happy to have it! It really is beautiful. One day I'm going to own each colourway, haha.

>> No.8398417

ah thanks, if I get desperate enough I'll probably settle for on of the OPs
but im still holding out hope

>> No.8398443

Same thoughts here, didn't wanna deal with the possible hugbox backlash but glad others noticed it too...
TBH just stop before you get yourself any more negative sentiment, especially since people know who you are off of cgl.

>> No.8398462

>anon is notorious for being nice and helpful to others
>acts like CGL will have any sort of real-life impact

What a weak threat; stop taking yourself so seriously. I know it's hard seeing other people be praised, but learn to deal with it somehow.

>> No.8398515

Not who you're replying to but how is that a threat?

>> No.8398524

Putting together stop while you're ahead and "people know who you are" seems a lot like a threat of something is going to happen if you don't.

>> No.8398526

I liked you better before you tripped. Now you're just an attention whore.

>> No.8398528

This. I would not wanting people on 4chan to know who I am by any name.
Besides this site functions better when everyone is anon

>> No.8398558

I'd be a smug bitch too after all that.

>> No.8398561

Well duh. That's exactly why I'm advising her to stop. It's not a threat from me specifically, but >>8398528 is very true. There's a reason we're all anon here. There are very few tripfags whose identities are known where it's gone well for them. But hey, she's free to call attention to herself if she wants to.

>> No.8398626

I honestly don't see any difference between posting yourself to CoF and other sites with names attached and from here. People act like cgl is some end-all terror to be known on, but what honestly is the difference? If anything being anonymous has the benefit of not outing tons of people as absolute shit-heads, but if anyone is going to do anything to someone then they can do it on any site and with the permanence of other sites vs. here, probably would have worse implications.

Genuinely curious, though, what sorts of things have happened to people who tripped with an identity? The worst I've ever seen is people just call them names. CGL gives itself way too much credit for being a powerful entity of any kind.

>> No.8398657

you wouldn't happen to be the one that paid 28,000 yen would you?


>> No.8398665

this, I'm glad she got your dress, but seeing her trip in other threads where it's related is starting to get annoying.

probably best to put your trip away.

>> No.8398678

Nah, I bought it several weeks ago and definitely didn't pay close to that much for it.

It looks like there was a bit of a bidding war going on with that one!

>> No.8398689

Alright, everyone! This will be the last time I'll use this. I've been all over the board on anonymous and for the most part, I can say that using the trip in other threads was just an accident from logging onto other devices and not realizing that it was there. I started it as a novelty joke, and it has run it's course, so I'll stop.

But really, don't fight about it; I'm not worth fighting over and I'm probably the most benign person on the board. All anyone had to do was say something and no one did until now. I am no mind-reader so I'm sorry I couldn't pick up on absolutely unspoken/unmentioned frustrations. But really, if there's anything I relatively expect of cgl, then it's to just say what you're thinking. It's clear that a lot of people held back and are now airing frustrations at once, which is really unnecessary and could have easily been avoided.

If you liked me before but don't now, then oh well. You don't know me, I don't know you, it doesn't bother me and you are free to feel as you do, and I'm very sure that this won't ever affect me IRL, because it's all not a big deal, and we'll all wake up tomorrow feeling just fine.

Let's get off the topic, though, and not revisit it, because this isn't the place to do it.

I had fun, so thanks for the fun and see ya later.

>> No.8398824
File: 45 KB, 350x467, chocousagi2-img350x467-1434085463ozbob96390[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bride of Death for 200k yen, saw this print on someone's wishlist. That price tag is something else though.


>> No.8399394
File: 20 KB, 300x400, 106205241919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IIRC, this was someone's dream dress? I recently aquired it, but would be willing to sell!

>> No.8399581

Hello, this was on my dream dress list but as a skirt, and my preferred colorway was pink- which I was able to obtain recently! I'm being really careful with my money right now but if you can't find anyone to sell it soon, I'd be interested after I get my finances in better order. (I'm starting a new job so I'm trying not to spend until I get my first few checks.)

>> No.8399586

Thank you for, and may we meet again someday in anon interactions. <3

>> No.8399592

This thread is so awkward now.

>> No.8399593

Thank you for helping a lot of us get our dresses or be one step closer to getting them.

> can't believe how sandy people got over this
> oh well
> sage for OT

Back to dress hunting everyone.

>> No.8399596

Like she is the only person helping others
>bitch should stay humble

>> No.8399603

Chill, it ended. Go make a BtB submission if you're still mad since you got the time.

>> No.8399642

I think this really mirrors what I think is the worst of the lolita community. It's such an attention-hungry shit show that once someone gets attention everyone has to have an aneurism all over the place to get noticed and eat up the attention themselves. This is why we can't have nice things.

>> No.8399646

Especially when someone gets attention for actually being helpful and lovely. Great job everyone, you're a bunch of shits.

>> No.8399649

Hey anon, how much would you sell it for ? It's on my wishlist

>> No.8399742

I think an anon was looking for Mary Magdalene's Whyteleafe OP?

>> No.8399755

There other cut is there too http://page4.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/d165874584
>baby the stats shine bright

>> No.8400231

Well anon, consider this.
Voldie posts with her trip all the time, she talks a lot about herself, more than she realizes.
I know more about that bitch in passing than I do about the bitch I fucked last night, and that's without trying.
Whenever she posts pictures, if she ever posts them direct from her phone, a little bit of digging with bring up her exact location, the type of phone she uses etc. It's the little things.

>> No.8400247

What does that have to do with Kei?

>> No.8400280

I've never seen Voldie actually do anything piss people off, though. Fair, she talks about herself a lot, but if she breathes in a thread people start ripping her to pieces, it's a bit pathetic tbh

>> No.8400309

there's one seller on y!j that always spells it as 'baby the satrs shine bright' and it just makes me picture a bunch of satyrs in lolita

>> No.8400433


MM Whyteleafe in Milky Mint for a good price, yo. Can't tell if it's the regular length or the mini one.

>> No.8400443


Whoops, meant to get both of you.

>> No.8400505

This is really funny to me because I don't have a phone.

>> No.8400845

I have been trying to get a misty sky skirt in sax, I failed today... I was so close.I'm willing to pay 250$

>> No.8400865

I was the one who posted that it was my dream dress. Other anon responded first though. Oh well.

>> No.8401065

Oh hey, I've seen that too. I never noticed it was the same seller, huh.

>> No.8401179

welp, it's my birthday today and I lost out on my dream dress (Misty Sky) during the AP USA release. The sadness is real.

I think there's a Whyteleafe on tokyoalice, you should check it out!

please be my friend

>> No.8401232
File: 258 KB, 700x472, BeroBear BR Lolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omfg. Why do all the damn threads on this board turn into Voldie rants. Shut the fuck up. The attention is probably half the fucking reason she trips. If we all ignore the problem it will go away.

Anyways.. Taobao dream dress/ skirt whatever.. SS fucked up the deposit, only finding it in XL sizing, every time I have gone to buy it second hand on Taobao the seller has either not posted or given an excuse as to why they will no longer sell the dress. Dammit universe why won't you let me have it!!?

Also.. I gave the other 2 links.. but I also saw this in brown being sold for around 70USD on my local sales page..

>> No.8401251

Dim light holy jsk in green, wasn't someone looking for this?

>> No.8401516

I have no clue how to price it, so I'm open to offers!

I'm actually in Japan right now, so I won't be able to sell for the next 4 weeks. I just wanted to let that anon know that it will be available!

>> No.8401572

Damn, why the fuck are you so salty man.

>> No.8401575

Agreed, there are some seriously salty bitches in here.
She was nice, and helpful and people were nice back at her, can't see what's wrong with it.
So she got some extra attention, who gives a flying fox.
And some salty shits here seem to be buttmad about it cause they want all the attention for themselves.

>> No.8401581
File: 123 KB, 900x675, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need this JSK.

>> No.8401591

Revival Lotta dropped on LM.


>> No.8401604

How much did you pay for it?

>> No.8401693

Anon looking for gathered chiffon in black x iris? I have the 92cm bust version but haven't actually worn it myself since buying it last year and I've been thinking about selling it. Would you be interested?

>> No.8401838

I'm surprised you didn't get it when Innocent World had it for 50% two sales in a row...

>> No.8401865

Hey anon! I have Chess Chocolate OP in Pink and I'm willing to part wit it, emailed you.

>> No.8401866

That feedback tho... prepare for unannounced PP fees.

>> No.8401868

Would you mind emailing me in the next weeks if you decide to put it up for sale ? I'm offering $200 for it. I'm the second anon.

>> No.8401934


>> No.8402202
File: 103 KB, 240x320, bbyjsk_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I want for Christmas is an old school red tartan jsk like the one from Kamikaze Girls.
Some people have said they've gotten them for cheap but it seems like I'm never at the right place at the right time.

>> No.8402267

I know anon's are always looking for this! Apollonia OP in shell rose. The auction just ended, so rry I didn't catch it sooner but you can probably wait till she relists it or message her!


>> No.8402274

Everyone's been extra shitty since summer hit

>> No.8402275
File: 29 KB, 374x513, 55d03343ec6035e934837f234c561b58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my ultimate dream dress, Elisabeth Bride of Death JSK I in red. I've been searching since it came out, but unfortunately each time I have money set aside the price increases.

best of luck to you anon! I hope we can achieve our dreams someday! Elisabeth is my favorite musical too :)

>> No.8402304

I had the skirt in red at one point and selling it is still one of my biggest regrets.
>sage bc who cares

>> No.8402512

Look here, the princess OP Is up >>8401965

>> No.8402540

yeah I'm looking for it in burgundy but there's no way I would pay that much, so I skipped on it. I usually see it go between $100-$150

>> No.8402582

I feel you anon, just missed out on my dream of JSK I in black- was willing to pay the painful price too. One day we'll get there

>> No.8402649

>I'm not worth fighting over and I'm probably the most benign person on the board

oh my god enough, goodbye

>> No.8402654

I sold mine for $150 shipped and it disappeared instantly in a regional sales group. Go for $200+shipping, it's regained some popularity recently

>> No.8402662
File: 24 KB, 280x373, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've asked this before, but has anyone ever seen this for sale, in this colorway? I haven't. This dress will destroy me.

>> No.8402691
File: 591 KB, 705x793, dorimu duresu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Current dream dresses
Nameless Poem I'd love in wine as well. Every time this bitch pops up in my size it sells out just as I get money for it. Life is hard.

Coat of Arms is up on LM right now but I still need to lose a few cms in order for it to fit properly so I'm not sure if I want to buy it right now.

>> No.8402695

Girl, I've been looking for this all over in black or pink those never come up either; I'm dying for this :(

>> No.8402709

What size do you need for the Ista Mori OP anon? I have M from the first release, though the waist ties had an error and were not embroidered on.

>> No.8402758

I'm looking for a L, darn. My measurements are just there for the M but I like my dresses to have a bit more room.

>> No.8402951

Anon, I bought Nameless Poem in wine on Clobba last week. Message them, it looks like they still have the size L in stock.

>> No.8402964

You could get the coat of arms dress and pick up a GOOD waist cincher or corset. They do what they're supposed to, and it'll still fit after you lose that weight.
Problem solved, you wouldn't even have to tightlace for just a few cm.

>> No.8402996

I was just using you as an example, really, and the phone thing is something /b/ takes advantage of. It's how they found Boxxy.

>> No.8403009

Omg I didn't even think of checking clobba! They have the wine and dark grey (which is close enough to black for me) in my size!

but of course I just paid for a $200 taobao order. Hopefully they'll still have it in 2 weeks when I'll have more money.
I thought about the waist cincher idea, but there's also the issue of my arms and whatnot.
Still might just buy it anyway and dream.

>> No.8403032

This does not work as well as you think. Because the corset will add bulk to you you will need to lace a few inches to really make it fit the dress. It also would only help you in reducing the waist, but if the anon needs to loose a bit anywhere else it would just make that worse.

>> No.8403041

I pretty sure she said enough a couple of days ago when that was posted.
>old news

>> No.8404001
File: 64 KB, 580x773, 11201924_10153312449658548_2509135966817904614_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8404008

This is a miracle

>> No.8404021

One popped up in black on LM a couple months ago, I don't know if it sold or not. That is the only time I have seen it being sold, and I check every single auction/secondhand site daily. *Sigh*, one day.

>> No.8404024

HOLY SHIT! i wonder if they will have any good cuts though? These look pretty boring from what i can see

>> No.8404025


>> No.8404027

Twinkle Journey scalpers can suck it :^)

>> No.8404299

OOOO I like those cuts already and I'm not even a huge fan of the print; this is better than the original, IMO!

>> No.8404322

Someone isn't a fan of reading into context.

>> No.8404332

It does depend, but I had a dress I bought on a whim be too small, clinched my corset to where it was snug but not clinched down all the way and boom, gave me the clearance I needed.
Just speaking from experience, if she doesn't think it'll work, at least I tried.

>> No.8404459



I'm so glad I didn't buy Night Garden now. I was going to cave and get it but YES THIS IS WHAT I'VE BEEN SAVING UP FOR, META LISTENED

>> No.8404475

I'm so happy for you!!! When I saw that post it was like YES THE DAY HAS COME GLORY B 2 THEE

>> No.8404484

Meta does reservations, right? So this shouldn't be a bloodbath like AP's releases, yeah?

>> No.8404664

I don't think they make pieces to order like JetJ does, if that's what you mean, but I know they do tend to reopen reserves/add more pieces for things that sell out quickly.

>> No.8404695
File: 6 KB, 259x194, TJ KC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have the days of wandering the internet in search come to an end? Will I finally be allowed to rest?

>> No.8404721

>shit headbow
>probably not the same shade

never mind

>picks up pack
>continues wandering

>> No.8404850

I feel like there were a few people who wanted the tired arbesque rose? I know one anon wanted blue but i think another anon wanted it in beige? Sorry if im wrong.


>Forever searching for the blue jsk (not tired version) and the last time i saw it, it sold the day before i was paid

>> No.8404893
File: 184 KB, 1024x1331, 0-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss this dress so much. It was a hype at MLD. I bought it and the tailor screwed my order over due to lack of fabric. DX

I will spend my loli life finding this dress second hand

In an Army Green colorway

>> No.8404929

it's me looking for tiered in blue, thank you anon

>see beige frequently
>remember when the lucky pack came out
>everyone selling
>didn't buy

>> No.8405024

Other Elizabeth anon here. Good to know there are other fans of the musical on here!

It was such a limited and short release. Plus, it was expensive when it came out and it's even more expensive now. I don't even know how much the Noir Jacket would cost at this point. The JSKs seem the easiest to find of the series, but it's always crazy expensive. Best of luck to you!

>> No.8405039

Thank you lovely anon, that's Lady of the Camellias which I fortunately already own in that colourway. I'm very grateful you remembered me

I'm both comforted and horrified by this. I think I know which you're referring to, the ivory one on LM?

>> No.8405053
File: 1.88 MB, 1860x1269, dreamdress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking twinkle carnival, i swear to god

>> No.8405291

> http://www.mbok.jp/item/item_469630696.html?_SRC=li_i0

Not black but if you're flexible, here's navy

>> No.8405300

anon, you're an enabler. stop it, i have no money.

>> No.8405305

I'm sorry anon, this thread brings out my worst tendencies

>> No.8405324

i just got my order from "No Country for Tall Men" on facebook. i used them (well, the partner of the person running that page) to buy a dress from fril and it worked out great
commission is 15% which isn't terrible, and she answers messages within 12 hours with good english
do recommend, and just letting you all know that they're available if you want to buy from fril. she can also do mercariapp, but most of the items i asked about were already sold out on the app

>> No.8405511

it's a lucky pack so there won't be any reservations unfortunately. i was routing for those too but they just released more info on their webpage this evening

>> No.8405605

Were did you see this and how screwed am I? Reading this makes me feel like my dream dress just slipped from my fingers.

>> No.8405650

Link? I haven't seen shit and ive been on metas site all night window shopping

>> No.8405793


>> No.8405798

I'll cry with you anon, i want twinkle journey so bad that i'd settle with any colorway or cut
>tfw either way it would match my entire wardrobe since it's all black, ivory or pink anyway

>> No.8405816

This isn't a dream dress but a dream item. I've always wanted a black triple fortune bonnet since discovering lolita however I would like one even more now but not for myself but for my dearest friend who is getting married, I would like to give it to her as a wedding gift as it has always been a dream item for her and would complement her wardrobe so well. The only thing is Kera is currently sold out and I've had no luck finding any secondhand. If any anons could help I'd really appreciate it.

>> No.8405820

Will do!

>> No.8405826

I've wanted the ivory for so long. I actually have the black (it's a rare factory replica when they were doing those in 2008, indistinguishable though, didn't know it was replica when I bought it) but it doesn't really fill the hole for me. I've bid on it like 3 times despite not having the money but it always went higher than I could afford. Pretty sure I'm never getting it.

>> No.8405830

Anon I believe in you. I thought I would never get Day Dream Carnival myself but today it's sitting in my closet. I believe in you. ;A;

>> No.8405834

>I'll cry with you anon
what, if you're ok with any colorway and cut isn't this the perfect time since the print is being rereleased?

>> No.8405837

I hope so, it's getting pretty old though and I see them less and less and for more and more shekels ;_;
I think they mistyped since there's so much Twinkle Journey in this thread, I believe she means Twinkle Carnival

>> No.8405844

Probably need to make a new thread soon, but incase anyone sees- can I get the TJ rerelease online when it comes out?

>> No.8405848


jks but seriously, maybe do a little research and you'll see that it's being released online on the 24th of june

>> No.8405861

I saw that but I also saw people seeking shopping services and it confused me. Sorry.

>> No.8406331

you need new friends

>> No.8409113

Thank you anon !

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