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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8390087 No.8390087[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do women feel the need to expose as much breast, thighs, stomach, etc when cosplaying? Even simple things like a woman Captain America or something is still over sexualised. It's not about the costume anymore. It's more about the "LOOK AT ME U SILLY BOIS BUT DONT TOUCH TEE HEE GIB ME ATTENTION PLS"

I don't want to see that shit. I want to be able to walk around cons and not have to see half naked women every 3 seconds.

INB4 "it's their bodies do what they want 2 hurrr" or "hurrr i disagree with u, u must be trol XD"

>> No.8390104

sex sells
possible cosfame
they want to show themselves off cause they're proud of their body idk

>> No.8390118

It's not my fault anime characters all dress like sluts.

>> No.8390124
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>> No.8390134

And how come bitches in online games always have to make their names so it's insanely obvious they're females in real life? Desiree, Jennifer-Marie, Honey, JadeGirl, Angel Sapphire, Jasmin Kittie, etc.

Fucking CUNTS!

>> No.8390213

I'm laughing because as much as I don't like seeing slutty costumes everywhere,
1) most female characters are designed to look slutty in case you didn't notice, so it's really hard to avoid it if you want to dress as one of the million female characters made with sex appeal, and
2) You sound like one of those little boys who are angry at girls because they don't exist for you. Do you ever go outside in the summertime? I mean, most girls summer clothes are about as skimpy and revealing as many cosplays. Do you go to the beach and whine because there's half naked girls everywhere?
Maybe the con scene is not the place for you if you don't want to see women's bodies. Usually, and this is just from personal experience here, if there's something I don't want to see or don't like, I avoid going to places or viewing things where I know it will be, and I have very few problems.
I seriously hope you also have a problem with males dressing in skimpy costumes because if not you need to rethink some opinions you have before you grow up and they become permanent.

>> No.8390240
File: 167 KB, 637x957, mjolnir power bikini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8390243

sleep tight pupper

>> No.8390270
File: 62 KB, 561x645, fucking idiot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a problem with the males who walk around shirtless and think they are the shit at cons yes. Why should I have to avoid cons for other peoples indecency? I don't whine when I go to the beach because THAT'S EXPECTED THERE.
Both you and >>8390118 must have not read the part where I put "even things like a Captain America cosplay"

May you be blessed with restful sleeps my friend.

>> No.8390276

It's almost as if you just read 1 word and then preceded to diarrhea all over your keyboard as a response.

>> No.8390282

As one anon said, it's not their fault anime characters dress like sluts. If the costume is accurate, I'm cool with someome exposing their body. But I agree with OP that characters like Captain America are often over sexualized when it comes to fem cosplay, and that's just ridiculous. It's not accurate at all, who the hell thinks that a super hero could fight against anyone if their skin is exposed? Accuracy IMO is what matters, I don't care if someone wants to wear a costume that makes them look like they are on their way to work in a titty bar if the character they are cosplaying actually wears that kind of clothes.
I have to mention though, that I would feel kind of shamed to walk around in public out side of convention(going to a restaurant etc) if someone(like one of my friends) is cosplaying someone from, lets say, Kill la Kill.

>> No.8390286

Well, being a girl is awesome, I like how my body looks and I like the characters that I cosplay so I cosplay them. Not my fault men drew them that way. If you don't like how Quiet looks, complain to Kojima.
Best part about it is that there's people who love how I look so much that they angrily rant on the internet about me because they can't have me. Knowing that I influence their lives so much makes me happy.
Because those are common female names? I agree that the Kitty/Honey stuff is kinda trashy but if a guy can have an online name 'Markiplier' why can't a girl called Jennifer-Marie have an online handle that's 'Jennifer-Marie'?
Why shouldn't it be obvious that we're females, being a girl isn't anything to be ashamed of. If you don't like girls playing games too bad, so sad.

>> No.8390292
File: 422 KB, 600x906, femcap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can make female versions of male characters without slutting up the costume. It is possible.

>> No.8390319

You're complaining about women wearing sexy cosplay and looking fine as fuck. Good lord.

>> No.8390339


you were so preoccupied with whether or not women could slut up cosplay that you didn't stop to think if they should

(and yes they should cause they look fine as fuck)

>> No.8390352
File: 69 KB, 313x471, amerifat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, they look fine, stop complaining.