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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8382975 No.8382975 [Reply] [Original]

Hero Hype con is today - from what I saw last year it's incredibly tiny and not worth the "hype".

I wasn't able to go today and I want details about Yoh and how the 'anti-bullying' panel went.

>> No.8383293
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nobody showed

>> No.8383385


I went but only spent an hour or two there. It was so tiny and barely any people. No one of real note.

Total waste of $15.

>> No.8383400
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>Zero Hype

>> No.8383405

who won the Starlord dance off?

>> No.8383437


>> No.8383452

I heard there ended up being no Starlord dance off and the Starlord cosplayer was apparently bummed about that. If I wasn't working one of the booths I would have gone! Tbh it was overall kinda depressing seeing how few people there were.

>> No.8383461


Oh goodness. Please tell me someone recorded that potential train wreck.

>> No.8383465


Were you a dealer? How were sales over all seeing as how empty that place was today.

>> No.8383513

Was thinking of going because it was only like $15 but I got distracted cleaning my house. Still might go tomorrow.

What dealers are there? Any good comic sellers? It seemed to be mainly local artists which isn't a bad thing, but I'm looking to just buy comics right now.

>> No.8383532

Then go to a comic book store. Why pay $15 when you probably won't find anything there you couldn't find at a store.

>> No.8383544

I'm assuming you're replying to >>8383513, which is me.

Because it's just $15 and it'd be interesting to check out. The dealers would just be a bonus.

>> No.8383562

Alright. I'll check back tomorrow for you to say I was right. I was there the second day last year. The vendors that did show up the second day, were packing up by 3. The concession stand closed down at 1 cause they weren't selling anything.

>> No.8383585
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>> No.8383647

Jesus. I feel bad for the guy running this.

>> No.8383670


>> No.8384030

The panel is on Sunday.

>> No.8384031


Did you mean:

All Florida cons?

>> No.8384623

Wow, that's empty.

They should either do a major overhaul of the event or just stop doing it altogether. I can't imagine that it's making money in it's current form.

From the website there aren't any real guests; there's just a handful of people who want to be (but aren't) cosfamous. There isn't even an "Events" tab. The timing of it is terrible - right before Metro and Supercon, so people are going to skip Hero Hype and wait a few weeks for something decent.

>> No.8384634

But, their lack of experience or understanding of there customer base has hurt them. But rest easy, they'll be on here tomorrow blaming other con promoters for the low turn out.
You've got to know the limits of your customer base. Which in South Florida is young people. Metro has a lot of buzz. It's out of town. The kids from So. Fla, who work retail jobs, can maybe only get one weekend off this month. Their going to go to the con with the most for their money.
Of course one of the "organizers" making status updates saying he will remove and block anyone on Facebook associated with the other cons isn't endearing yourself to potential attendees.

>> No.8384795
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These are the con headliners. Grifter's iron man armor looks atrocious. They hemorrhaged money to have a party for like twenty people. Why not just throw it at your house?

>> No.8384809


That...That looks terrible over all. The Cap is maybe the only possible passible one followed by the black widow. The iron Man looks clunky, the Thor sad and That Hulk looks just....blehg

>> No.8384814


And the Wolverine too. Just...no.

>> No.8384825
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Well, if they can photoshop their way into looking passable in cosplay, they can photoshop attendees. I hope we see bad shoops of packed dealers rooms.

>> No.8384832

I feel like they needed to work with local groups a lot more to gain interest. It's a tiny con so you have to do everything in your power to get locals interested. And Miami/SoFlo has a TON of nerd groups that would have worked with them. There's that LARPing community, multiple comic shops (most of which hate Broder, so they'd probably be willing to work with another con), cosplayers, etc. etc. Even the FB event page only had like 300 people invited.

They should've just done a one day thing. I think Tate's gets more people on their tent sale days, kek.

>> No.8384850

Did some child paint that blindfolded during an earthquake, or is that what they meant for it to look like?

>> No.8384855

Has anyone ever just been honest with this guy and told him his costumes look god awful?

>> No.8384877

Unfortunately, many of the people involved with Hero Hype have actively dissuaded other cons, organizations, and experienced showrunners/volunteers from participating. This a year three, and it's gotten worse. At this point, it isn't a matter of experienced, but a matter of the wrong people running the wrong event and the wrong time. They block, remove, harass, or ignore anyone who disagrees with them, and they are paying for it with an embarrassing turnout.

>> No.8384903

Ah gotcha. Honestly it's the first time I heard about them but now it makes sense.

>> No.8384932

Question: I am thinking of selling my anime crafts at some local show. If I pay hundreds of dollars for a booth, and they have a low turnout like 50 people, do they refund your booth fee?

>> No.8384938


>> No.8384942

Unless a minimum attendance is specifically outlined in the contract when you purchase the table, nope.

For small local events, Miami Hurricon and Mizucon seem OK. probably want to try your hand as a vendor at a smaller con before investing in a larger one.

>> No.8385024 [DELETED] 
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Another custom creation

>> No.8385034
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>> No.8385066 [DELETED] 
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>the 'anti-bullying' panel

>> No.8385157
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pics from Sunday

>> No.8385180

... Where is that? Because it's not the con.

>> No.8385201
File: 1.87 MB, 1762x1154, AUTHENTIC VERIFIED HEROHYPE PICTURE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it is. Here is the authenticated version showing the banner.
...Really though, it was a ghost town. Thirty people, no people, either way it's tumbleweed-ville. Don't white knight the un-white knight-able.

>> No.8385317

who won the contests?

>> No.8385320

Does anyone know what the cash prize was for the costume contest?

>> No.8385328

and who were the judges?

>> No.8385332

How funny would it be if the prizes were free admission to next year's event ??

>> No.8385383

I'm actually disappointed you fuckers didn't come today. All that talk of "trolling panels" and shit. Lmfao...I actually gave some of you merit. But now I'm just like.... pussy muthafuckers behind computers. Lmfao... Such a disappointing turnout. Damn.

>> No.8385394

No one said they were going to troll any panel?

>> No.8385414
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pics from the panel

>> No.8385430

Who wants to put money in hero hype's pocket? And who wants to validate Grifter's fat girlfriend and Yoh's autistic ass? They're good at making salty videos, why not make a vlog documenting their quest to be cosplay famous, and trying to overcome the barriers of being cheating fat talentless hacks?

>> No.8385441

gonna make a video about it?

>> No.8385442

No no no... You see. You fucks had a chance to come find my in person to say this shit Lmfao. You clowns didn't lol... It's ok to still feel salty. Regardless of whatever you fake ass people on here wouldn't say shit to me in person anyway because all you will ever be is a number. Stay here and talk amongst yourselves. I no longer need to look at this feed lol.

>> No.8385445

Why pay to witness drama when the best shit goes on post con right here? Lol

>> No.8385447
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Winner got a custom made helmet by Alex

>> No.8385451

But you know hes gunna...

>> No.8385458

Kek hes like a shitty anime villain

>> No.8385460

I'm confused. You made a long video to confess your sins, apologized for everything, said 4chan was the only place that even bothered to give you constructive criticism. You cheated in contests, lied about making costumes, and accused everyone else of crimes until you saw this video. So why are you angry at the internet all of a sudden? Where is the repentant Yoh who said he was trying to be a better person, act with integrity, and stop crying on the internet?

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/p9_zt6PmFNU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

>> No.8385464
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These two guys were making out all day

>> No.8385471
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Another image of the packed convention center. This thread will be pruned and deleted because all the people being made of are reporting it. Enjoy it while it lasts.

>> No.8385481

The TRUTH actually DOES hurt

>> No.8385482

>file does not exist

>> No.8385488
File: 1.64 MB, 974x1132, Screen Shot 2015-06-07 at 5.28.48 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been saying that for all images posted in the thread regardless of who posted it. You can see the thumbnail, but can't expand it. Makes me think we're on the verge of deletion.

More hero hype costumes

>> No.8385501
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calling the waaahhhbulance

>> No.8385502

This is happening in every thread on /cgl/ right no

>> No.8385510

Oh. You were the douche throughout the thread who kept making posts without replies. Pls lern2post.

>> No.8385518

You learn wrong.

>> No.8385552

So someone just make a new one right after.

>> No.8385556
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He really was wearing spanx. It was awkward.

>> No.8386022

Guess there were not enough people at the con to keep this thread alive? Any news on the cosplay contest or panels?

>> No.8386063


Did they even have enough people enter the contests?

>> No.8387174

Fuckin' A
holy shit
Do you realize how much my life is validated in that instant?
Let him talk shit about me all he fucking wants to,
I swear to fucking god the next time i see him i will pull up that picture show it to him and laugh in his fucking face
I may not have built a perfect suit but I don't have the gall to sit there and shit on everyone's stuff and call myself a fucking professional.

>> No.8387238

I feel really bad for these guys. Grifter, Yoh, and anyone involved. They act like high schoolers - why would a shit talker spend $15 to come and insult you? That's stupider than the size of their egos.

>> No.8387245

>Talks shit about anyone and everything
>Creates negative reputation for the con

Fuckin' idiots. This con tanked worse than Shock Pop.

>> No.8387307
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>> No.8387371

Y'all have way too much time on your hands.

Tearing people down who tried to do something. Who cares how much money a show made, who attended it or who was a part of it? If anyone at that show had fun, isn't that all that matters?

You motherfuckers are some sheisty, thirsty motherfuckers. Hyenas that prey on anything in your back yard.

I feel bad for your parents for raising such evil little twats. Leave these people alone, hasn't enough damage been done already?

>> No.8387379


>> No.8387401
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These people talk shit, harass, and sabotage everyone else in Florida. Now they run a failed con with terrible costumes, so yes, we will lol heartily at their expense.

If you are serious, check out the things Yoh, Grifter, and Sonny have done which they stand by and will not apologize for.

If you are trolling, carry on. You're doing the Lord's work.

>> No.8387402



We are talking about a group of dicks who went out of there fucking way to dick over as many people as possible, and then try do one up everyone in existence with this con. As salty and cunty as the florida con scene is (esp sofla) These people take the fucking cake. They deserve every bit of shit that is getting flung out them right now. They pariah-ed themselves and act like martyrs for it. Fuck em all.

>> No.8387407

Holy shit, Jinx!

>> No.8387411

I see Bobby, Bart, Gonzo and Irving are having fun in this thread.

The South Florida KKK Chapter strikes again.

>> No.8387566

And I see you think name dropping people makes them give a goddamn. No one gives a shit. Two assholes who acted like assholes are being laughed at. Get off your fucking moral high horse.

Also does anyone have any pics of the Arkham Knight? that looked it might have been the only decent costume there.

>> No.8387573
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They had to photo edit all the empty chairs behind her, but this chick was awesome

>> No.8387582
File: 109 KB, 640x640, 11392772_1605728746363953_4439584048705556856_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was the winner of the costume contest. He was in first place, in front of some zombie thing from Resident Evil (I think) and a guy dressed like Snake from Metal Gear. Captain America came in the room and gave him a stack of comics, some kind of Deadpool statue and his actual shield.

Though the con was dead, I did think it was cool when the guy dressed as Cap just handed him the shield he had been using all day.

>> No.8387586

that's wicked !!! who is the cosplayer?

>> No.8387588


No idea

>> No.8387710

lulz yaah it was KKK who done this, an Monsanto, an HARP, an CERN, and Walmart It had to be dat. Das priddy stupid doe if yask me.

>> No.8387776

>Who cares how much money a show made
dafuq you mean? see dis why yall in a shitshow. yall aint give a shit bout the man who came out of pocket for yall. it all a joke long as yall win a contest or some shit. no pride jes wannabe important fools wt a big game runnin yall mouth. nuthin real, jes talk. all yall in dat whole click selfish an fake as fuk. yall cost me money an you laffin it up online punks

>> No.8387795
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Another home run

>> No.8387800


>> No.8387906

Did Ganonigger make his fated appearance in dress shirt and jeans again? Kinda hoping he did.

>> No.8387916

Its astounding how much racist, elitist bullying there is in this thread right now. Speaking as an outsider who is just observing and didn't even attend this event, even I have to say that most of the people bashing this event and its staff seem to be bullies and bigots themselves. It kind of calls any criticisms you guys have into question as it makes you as people suspect to begin with. There be shady people here.

>> No.8387921

Where do you think you are, Sesame Street?

>> No.8387930

So which staff member are you?

>> No.8387972
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He wore the same green makeup, but opted for black spanx and nothing else.

>> No.8387975
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Probably this one

>> No.8388050

so was literally no one at the con on sunday? Did that bully panel even happen?

>> No.8388053

So how did the bullying panel go?

>> No.8388093

Wait is this the crazy guy that was talked about in the last FL thread? The one that thinks every contest is a conspiracy and thinks Korin and shit are all in a sekrit cawsplay klub?

>surprised by racism/sexism/general faggotry

>> No.8388116


Yup, that's the one. He also the one that made 4 videos first bashing, then bashing, then apologizing.... and then apologizing. Only to delete all of them/hide them.

He's def drinking the crazy juice.

>> No.8388147

It was really nice seeing Bart and the GeekFest crew in the parking lot.

Man, I bet they think no one saw them there.


>> No.8388189

can someone pls explain the drama between geekfest people and grifter? didn't he host their show once or twice, show up to ultracon a number of times, and guest on their radio show? what happened? and why would geekfest show interest/hate on/or whatever-- in hero hype? Just curious.

>> No.8388238

Sure. Last Herohype a guest was scheduled to appear she cancelled the day before cause she was moving in with her then boyfriend. This became twisted into Irving had told her not to go. Irving was not allowed in at Herohype, even though he had let Carlos pass out fliers at UltraCon. When Irving partnered up with Geekfest, Grifter didn't like it and pulled out of involvement with Geekfest. That's the simple version.

>> No.8388409


Here's the real answer:

Irving (the owner of Ultracon) did not like the owner of HypeCon. He bought Geekfest, and made one request, that I could not promote HypeCon at GeekFest, and that the owner of HypeCon, my partner was not allowed in GeekFest.

I was even offered pay to ditch my partner for them.

I turned them down. I turned their money down. They in turn blacklisted me, had me trespassed, spread stories about me and even offered incentives to my friends for them to drop me as well.

You see, they take their "territorial" business here in South Florida very seriously. If they can't buy you or convert you, they burn you until your gone.

They recently wrote an email to my best friend, the host of their last event, firing him from future events as he's friends with me and "They are not onboard with his life decisions" supporting Hero Hype.

I have been threatened with violence, stalked in person at my home and at events and as of last week, threatened with lawsuits if I didn't "Keep Quiet" about all of this. I have police reports on file against these people going back a few months when they physically assaulted my partner, the owner of HypeCon.

These people are bad, bad people. Criminals. Believe me or don't I don't care anymore. Take me to court for talking, fight me for nothing, send more people out to my home to intimidate me. I don't care anymore. I'm done with this. They bully you and ruin you if you don't let them own you.

They were at Hero Hype this weekend screwing with us. Sending people in to sabotage the show. It was all caught on video. Trust me or don't, sooner or later its all gonna be in bold print when they eventually go too far and slip up.

After this weekend, thanks to them, I'm out of the South Florida con scene. Its now run, owned and operated by criminals who deserve none of your support.

I'm officially finished with this.

>> No.8388434

She called me a whore


>> No.8388436

Why dont you post any of those docs, vids, or emails so that someone will finally believe you? I dont understand.

>> No.8388445


Because you never threaten anyone?
Because you are an angel?
Because you don't have retraining orders on your head because of the threats you made to others?

Hold your tongue boy because I promise you, once the flood gates open you'll be biting it off.

>> No.8388450

Oh no someone asked for proof Grifter.

Are you going to accuse them of attacking you know ),:


>> No.8388457
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>> No.8388469

I have zero restraining orders on me. Please, provide proof of one. Just one. This is either Bobby or Gonzo, since only the two of you call me "Boy"...

Go on your radio show or your TV show otlr your multiple facebooks and destroy me. Please. Go do it.

I don't care anymore. You have nothing to hurt me with. Nothing. You used me and dumped me just like you did with Logan. By next year you'll do it to someone else. I don't care anymore.

Either take me to court so I can present everything I actually have before a judge and jury or sit back down and shut up. I'm done with your words and your threats. I do not care. You guys have tried to ruin my life for months, you think you scare me now?? I am not afraid. Please takee to court so I can lay EVERYTHING for everyone to see in a public setting. You think I care to show what I've got to people on social media? No, I want the judge. So please. Push this.

I'm out of the scene either way. What comes next is up to you.

>> No.8388471

Anon, you have to understand this is impossible because its all manufactured bullshit. Alex's stories always start with the phrase "I have proof", but you'll never see it, because the events never happened. Typical bully same broken record.

>> No.8388489

See? Nothing to back up his fiction, just more queening. This is what he does on facebook daily.

>> No.8388491


>> No.8388519

ITT: Grifter cries about people threatening him while threatening the said people back.

>> No.8388522

Na baby I'm none of them.

I'm calling you a boy because that's what you are.

Nothing but a fuck boy.

>> No.8388531

Baby, next time try no to make it so obvious who you are.

Also boofuckinghoo

>> No.8388638
File: 957 KB, 952x938, Captain Autism strikes again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't matter that Grifter stalks and harasses cosplayers (who he believes get too much attention and facebook likes) on a regular basis.

It doesn't matter that just about every con, cosplay group, and organization has banned him due to his insane and aggressive behavior.

It doesn't matter that he gets terrible reviews.

It doesn't matter that he buys pre-made items, paints them badly, resells the work, and calls himself a professional artist and elite commissioner.

It doesn't matter that he has ripped off multiple customers.

It doesn't matter that even charity groups want nothing to do with him.

It doesn't matter that he left his wife and kid for some 19 year old.

It doesn't matter that he is some pudgy aging guy who genuinely believes he is Captain America.

It doesn't matter that half his facebook friends keep him on there to laugh hysterically at his JEWS DID 9/11 and JESUS DELIVERED ME FROM THE INTERNET TROLLS and THE GOVERNMENT CREATES HURRICANES WITH THEIR SECRET WIND MACHINES.

None of it matters, because this autist fuck is legitimately crazy. You can't argue with crazy. There is no point in using facts, logic, or ethics, because he is incapable of understanding it.

You can argue that 2+2=4, but you cannot argue against someone that believes 2+2=chair.

>> No.8388645

>It doesn't matter that half his facebook friends keep him on there to laugh hysterically at his JEWS DID 9/11 and JESUS DELIVERED ME FROM THE INTERNET TROLLS and THE GOVERNMENT CREATES HURRICANES WITH THEIR SECRET WIND MACHINES.
Nice hyperbole there mate. At least he's redpilled unlike you.

>> No.8388669


Redpill? Ew. The crazy continues.

>> No.8388676

Man, someone in here really dislike Autistic people.

You've used "Autistic" and "Autist" as an insult several times. Bigots calling someone else a bully does not help your cause. Someone called another guy the "N" word. Your all making yourselves look worse and worse with each attack you make. Your adding credence to everything he's been saying about you. Can you not see that???

>> No.8388683



>> No.8388686


Hello Maria.

>> No.8388695
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>> No.8388703


Has Travis finally joined us?

>> No.8388709

Point is, these dudes are crazy. All they're taking from this is: I am so amazing people hate me. They're not legitimately thinking, "was I such an ass wad that I've become legitimately infamous for it?"

Fuck Florida, man. Land of elitists and egos the size of Yaya's Yayas.

>> No.8388717
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>> No.8389242
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Having dealt with this guy before, Alexander “Grifter” Priddy is is both a fraud and sociopath. Previously I’ve had the unfortunate dealings with him in the past as he slandered my girlfriend, called her a whore, posts others personal information to his facebook to have his “fans” go attack them for him, and even goes so far as to threaten people who disagree with his opinions or call him out on bogus product.

When I contacted him to retract what he said about both my girlfriend and myself, he resorted to calling us “Cocksuckers” as well telling me to kill myself with vigorous chugging of Drain-O.

He believes that his “continual 700+ buyers” are dogmatically loyal to him and uses this to any benefit he can. He honestly believes himself above most others around him and will threaten with physical violence should he feel the urge to do so.

Take note guys, this isn’t even the worst of things he does.

He consistently bullies my friends Spencer Doe and Nicole Marie Jean, and posts disgusting 4chan threads about them weekly. He has even had the nerve to come to MY fan page to insult them, and when I came to their defense then he turned on me. He really is a sick individual.
He perpetuates a rumor that I faked having melanoma to raise money (despite me dismissing this months ago and posting proof).

He also continued to private message me AFTER I told him not to because it was harassment.

>> No.8389246
File: 203 KB, 720x720, bullying 101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that this post has over 1k notes makes me really happy. This guy sends death threats to anyone who even gives him criticism, including (like he said above) telling my boyfriend and “his man-faced girlfriend” (that’d be me) to go drink drain-o.

He’ll then post to his facebook about how he’s being vicitmized by ____ person and beg for sympathy from his “adoring fans.”

At one point he started advertising on my deviantart, replying to comments people left me plugging his business (which had nothing to do with my cosplay.) WHen I hide his comments and asked him to stop, he made a journal post about how much of a whore i apparently am?

This guys an absolute joke, and I really, really hope none of you will ever support his hack “business.”
Link http://ifria.tumblr.com/post/72755587362/tenleid-huntressjill-noxgoingwolf

>> No.8389272

All of this coming out about grifter is making me happy.

I kind of want to put up my screen shots too but him and his gf has bullied and harrassed me so much in person and online that it makes me mentally and physically scares of him. I saw him briefly at mega con and I couldn't stop shaking. He has shit on me and made so many rumors up about me its ridiculous.

Also im not very well liked here but this guy is the biggest bully I've ever met. I hope his ex wife can gain full custody of her child because this monster is too unstable to be around a child.

>> No.8389280

Nicole Marie Jean, as in the one on facebook nicolemariejeanpage?

>> No.8389371

yes the cosplay model. They have all been warned about him. Creeps them at conventions, then stocks them on Facebook. Once they refused his advances, he gets angry and nasty. He was doing this well visiting confessions with his ex girlfriend right beside him. sunny was young and stupid and I guess fell for his BS, that's when he left his ex with a brand new 5 month old infant for her. Real class act, stand up guy.

>> No.8389373


>> No.8389396


Why is thinking guys are cool a bad thing?

>> No.8389422

It's not. The problem is his gf and him like to say that women that wear revealing Cosplays are ruining cosplay. And they like to call them whores

They called me one because I cosplayed Kailenna from POP @.@

>> No.8389594

I feel like ive read this exact text before. Tumblr maybe?

>> No.8389598

Nvmd... shouldve kept reading, lel

>> No.8389618

This is all so amusing.

Copy and paste from Tumblr much??

You're all so dramatic. You wanna ruin this Grifter guy so bad and its obvious how full of shit all of you are. God, get a life. You guys are like a cult.

>> No.8389621
File: 93 KB, 720x960, boobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, it's another Geek Fest/Ultracon post trashing Hero Hype. I'm sorry was I supposed to be fooled? This act is getting tired guys. I know you are hoping by posting anonymously, that no one will call out a 12th rate con run by strip club dj's and a flower salesman, but I just happen to be the asshole who doesnt' find all of these 4chan attack posts funny any more. I have nothing to do with Hero Hype, I have nothing to do with anyone being bashed in this thread, I'm just sick of the bullshit and I know where it's coming from. So, since everyone else being attacked is being nice, I won't be. Where do we begin. I believe one of the minions claimed that this Grifter guy was a creeper right? Hmm, ever heard the phrase pot calling the kettle black? Or is it a regular practice for convention promoters to play with cosplayers tits?

>> No.8389624
File: 80 KB, 540x960, 11287309_942379095782105_1990087888_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one of the guys trashing Grifter and Hero Hype right here.

Meet Tamerlane. Works for Ultracon, is one of the people slandering Grifter in this thread. He seem like a nice, stable individual to you? This here is Ultracon. These are the people who created this thread.

>> No.8389634
File: 412 KB, 800x451, 1431945058827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but that picture tho

>> No.8389638

I honestly dont believe its ultracon/geekfest trashing hero hype. Been following this since the omni thread. This couldve gone either way. I think. I'm just out of shows to watch and game of thrones is on sunday... lol id be down to trash/lurk on a post that trashes ultracon too. Lol

>> No.8389644


You know its funny you say that. I was actually a guest at both GeekFest and Ultracon. Both experiences left me feeling exposed and violated. I was never paid for Ultracon despite being promised that I would be and I was sexually harassed by the owner of Ultracon, Irving all day long at his event. He kept kissing me despite me asking him to stop. One of the guys running GeekFest, Gonzo, was doing the same thing hitting on myself all day long at his event even though I was kindly asking him to stop. These guys are disgusting. I've seen what they are all about first hand. Ultracon still owes me money, and I'm not the only one they owe it to. These guys are a shining example of why everyone laughs at South Florida's con scene. Its run by pigs. Ladies stay away from these events.

>> No.8389660
File: 179 KB, 1135x851, dingbats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While we are EXPOSING the cosplay business in South Florida, why don't we talk about the guy who runs the cosplay for Geek Fest and Ultracon? I don't suppose any of you "cosplay dingbats" have anything to say about this?

>> No.8389678

Tamerlane doesnt work for ultracon. I know this for a fact, and to be fair I think that page is a persona for his real life super villain act. Now about him trashing grifter, idk that might be true, not defending him or ultra, but he doesn't work for them. I do believe ultra does trash grifter tho. Those people are two faced as shit.

>> No.8389685

And this guy judges, he does not run cosplay for ultracon. Idk about geekfest. >>8389644
And you wont get paid. I never did. Irving is cheap as shit. And his priorities are out of order.

>> No.8389690


Yes, your right. Silly me. I guess him working Ultracon, GeekFest and now Treasure Coast Comic Con (which is now owned by Ultracon) had me fooled. He works for Ultracon, is a real life Nazi and an actual Satanist. But hey, who cares, right?

>> No.8389696


That sucks. Sorry for you.

I do think that needlessly revealing cosplays are a sore sight, but revealing because the character itself is such is perfectly fine.

I just don't like things like slutty peach princess etc. when there are so many other revealing characters people could chose if they wanted to.

>> No.8389703

Just cus someone has a panel at an event does not mean they work for it.

>> No.8389709


I feel like the questions are completely valid, but he asked them in the douchiest passive agressive possible way.

>> No.8389711
File: 158 KB, 1135x851, tamer1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd think that people would be upset with someone who thinks 9/11 is comedy gold. Call me crazy but I don't find thousands of dead Americans to be funny. Yet Ultra and Geek Fest keep booking him as a headline guest.

>> No.8389716

Yeah idk why they do it either, im thinking that they were friends in the past, atleast thats how it seemed whem they interacted in front of me.

>> No.8389724

So this is why I am posting, I am tired of this "free pass" thing. You want to be a real life supervillain, fine, go ahead and post that you are hanging out at Snake Mountain. You don't get to post those things and than say you are "pretending" and than walk away. You start posting Nazi stuff, trashing Jews, making fun of 9/11, and bashing the police, it's not an act.

>> No.8389737


To be fair, laughing over something does not necessarily mean you make lightly of it.

I enjoy some pretty dark humor, but there is a line between cracking a dark joke, and continuously pushing something.

Also i think you guys should separate personal blogs or personal facebook sites and professional ones. Does not matter how much of a douche someone is in their personal life as long as they work professionally with me.

But thats my opinion and you are entitled to yours. Just saying once you start conducting buisness even if its something like running a con (heh run a con, true con artists) you need to hire people who get shit done, and not people who agree with your humor or political orientation.

But then again, From what i see off this con as i have not really attended this, they failed in all possible ways. Like jesus, have they actually done anything right? Anything at all?

>> No.8389739

Can we talk for a minute about Ultracon and their "Cash Only" show??

Your not allowed to use your credit, debit or anything but cash. ISNT THAT ILLEGAL???

>> No.8389740


Dont think so. As long as they give out receipts.

>> No.8389743


They don't give out receipts though.

>> No.8389745

I don't think so, many small businesses still operate ad cash only.

>> No.8389746

Ive never received a reciept for a con ticket

>> No.8389761

So apparently GeekFest/Ultracon is planning an XXX "adults only" con complete with strippers....

Yeah, your right, these guys must be good guys with the best interests of cosplayers and women.

>> No.8389767


I would say thats a bit shady. Depends on state maybe? I know the law on eu and i think australia, requires you to give out a slip or receipt or however you call it.

In most cases one should be given out tough as proof of purchase. If in case you want to return the ticket or the con falls into the water.

>> No.8389773

Who the fuck said that?????

>> No.8389781


How do you know its not male strippers?

>> No.8389803
File: 44 KB, 628x418, Troll squaded up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me, occasionally cosplay and browse 4chan during downtime
>had fun laughing at yoh threads and sonny/grifter crazy replies to it
>bored at work
>never met Yoh, Grifter, or Sonny
>Cherrypick gems from their public posts on facebook and instagram to screenshot in last few FL threads
>shitstorm ensues
>browse internet
>google "grifter scam" and repost finds
>suddenly staff and con owners appear to sling shit
>everyone accuses everyone, name after name being dropped as people get paranoid
>bunch of aging south florida scrubs fighting to become king shit of turd mountain
>everything started by random troll who living hundreds of miles away, has never been to any of these shitty cons, or met any of the people involved.

And to the few other posters who have no vested interest in this thread, fanning flames because they simply want to watch the world burn: thank you. It's been lovely.

>> No.8389815
File: 136 KB, 481x854, IMG_8015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the owners of GeekFest harass Grifter on other peoples pages.

Professional guys. Amusing. But not professional.

>> No.8389825

That's not harassment. That's literally just stating what he does.

>> No.8389897

This is hilarious and sad at the same time, albeit the incredible sour grapes are delish* (^_^)
I was an actual guest at Geek Fest this past year, and I was treated with nothing but respect from the person I booked with. They also helped us with some travel funds, and they put up my a few other people from out of town in a comped rooms. You have to keep in mind we all talk and hang out together most of the weekend ~duh~ So your transparent bullshittery >>8389644 is laughable, but at least you tried right? (=^ ^=)

I was going to stay out of this because basically everyone here in the soflo area already knows about Grifter and his girl-thing and their antics, in fact I know 2 other cosguests that didn't even confirm until after he drama llama'd himself out of the con. *kek* I had already asked to have my booth as far away from him as possible, then when he *griftered* the whole thing, we were loling and relieved. Y(^-^)Y

See here's the thing, we don't book appearances based on 4chan babble from little boys, we actually talk to each other, and we know which cons to stay away from. So believe this emotionally sour attempt at desperate potboiling, or you can speak to just about any one of us. You will get the same story.

I had a blast at Geek Fest, and I have been asked to appear at Ultracon's next show as well. We'll be bringing down more for our booth and show because of how well and professionally treated we were.

Ohh Here's another little tidbit for you to munch on babies ~ Carlos contacted many of us to come to Herohype, and we politely declined or said that we weren't available (b~cuz of grifterspaz and his involvement) Carlos actually assured us that Alex isn't involved with the show at all. o___o according to Carlos, grifter has no involvement, isnt even on staff, has no authority, and is nothing more than a guest. Now that seems odd when he is boasting online that this is *his* convention.

TFW you are sold out *huehuehue* (^_^)v

>> No.8389916



Although I think your style of writing is cute, you do seem quite naive. Have fun at UltraFraudCon though, I'm sure Irving will be extra attentive to you since I'm sure you've got boobies.

>> No.8389922


I doubt she is old enough to have them

>> No.8389926
File: 85 KB, 661x960, 11351356_10206932115409307_1951405935_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have fun at the GeekFest stripclub guys. At least we know the music will be good, DJs will be in charge.

>> No.8389929
File: 116 KB, 960x661, 11329600_10206932164130525_1250827093_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.8389940


I like that Jonathan guy, seems like a nice guy a bit naive tough.

Never been to a us con as im from eu, so all i saw was tiny local things. But how big to these cons get? I mean, i would honestly believe that making a mature panel would be ok and interesting, but the whole con? Fuck that, the majority of people into that shit will be kids.

>> No.8389959

aww bae ~ don't blame other cons for yours failing or try to impersonate guests that already know you hun. *^~~^*

>> No.8389962

doesn't that say non-xxx tho? what are we supposed to be looking at?

>> No.8389964


Depends on the event. They are big and small. The very people that created this thread attack Hero Hype Con actually run cons that are the same size as it. They're attendance is a bit higher, but they market more and have more "connections" since they have a relationship with Florida Supercon, the big beast in South Florida.

Its all an "alliance" thing. If you aren't part of the Alliance then they create threads like this or ones on Facebook or on Tumblr to discredit you and ruin you. Or they go on their shitty failed radio show to slander you. I'm sure they're new "VIP TV" show will eventually run a show slandering Grifter just like they did on Jim Logan, when they used Grifter to do it.

>> No.8389967

where is their ad for the adult con? when is it?

>> No.8389970


I bet you actually think your talking to whoever you were talking about, huh Mel?

>> No.8389979

I actually find it hysterical that you missed, I made it priddy obvious bae (◕‿◕✿) hai bitch-tits

>> No.8389980
File: 102 KB, 956x149, IMG_20150609_132249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This comment caught my eye. Hey Gonzo, I see you like the young ones. You got issues my friend.

>> No.8389985
File: 50 KB, 566x960, 575281_10151564241800252_959750532_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah-hurr kek

>> No.8389986


Damn, you must be like fifteen years old. You sound like a teeniebopper. Your so young that Gonzo is trying to get your number.

>> No.8389991

What I did make obvious was that I was in fact a real guest, with actual knowledge of the other guests, and that your post was a falsie *oops~did I out yoo* v(⌒o⌒)v

>> No.8390001

There isn't one, someone just asked this in the megacon group for opinion on costumes and griffy-poo wants to spin it into more magical lies hoping to divert the thread (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ It R MaJic

>> No.8390003

>hai bitch-tits
the woman fuckin said "hai bitch tits" tho!!! *dyin

>> No.8390008

Same like?? I'm sorry my favorite female characters are from the 80s and 90s where they didn't cover up but idgaf LUL

Ya I don't like unnecessary sexiness but it's not my place to talk shit so I just don't pay attention to it.

I like you Anon you seem like a cool person.

>> No.8390017

Bart isn't the owner LOL

>> No.8390019

>You think I care to show what I've got to people on social media?
Ummmm ya actually I do. itz what you live for. The only restraing order I seen on u was posted by you on ur page brah. dumfuk DQ. If you had shit about shit it would be your fukin timeline cover so yu cud cry bout it

>> No.8390026
File: 4 KB, 270x236, thatsgottahurt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for your info-. >>8389970

>> No.8390030


Whoever you are, I haven't been posting in this shitty, bully-filled forum. I don't care what you say or anyone else. Just know that unlike the rest of you cowards, when I do comment I use my name ^ as you can see. I have nothing to hide. I don't hide from pieces of shit with too much time on they're hands.

Trash me. Spread false stories about me. Instigate me. Try to get my attention. Just know that while you've been doing it, I've been sitting here watching, seeing people defend me, seeing you all try to ruin me, and I have been eating my popcorn and laughing.

You all need lives. Clearly the DJ booth at the stripclub, the counter at Starbucks, the fake stores that sell stolen merchandise and the shitty flowershop is not using up enough of your time. You people need Jesus.

I'm gonna go back to my life now where I'm happy and none of you matter to me. Back to your bashing. Back to your bullying. Back to your satanic worship. Back to your sand-castle-empire. Each and every one of you is a joke and if I'm being honest, I wouldn't piss on any of you if you were on fire and needing liquids to put you out.

Have a nice day people, I know I am!

>> No.8390032

Bart is the majority owner, Irving is just a partner. Gonzo is on the LLC, but Bart is the person behind Ultracon, Geek Fest, Treasure Coast ComicCon, COE, Chibi Pa, and 2 others. He is Broder's partner, that's why they have the Umbrella corp over south florida

>> No.8390034

Imma have to agree with mewpuff

I was a guest there and while Gonzo, I think, was a bit rude in the beginning they didn't treat me bad. I don't have tits so that logic is invalid and they did everything they could to help me. Even one of the staff members tried finding me coffee LUL

I try to stay out of drama as much as I can but I can say with confidence they never wronged me.

>> No.8390035

reelz in fish - caught you bae
(づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ

>> No.8390039


Irving owns GeekFest. They just hide it in other peoples names.

He owns 80% of GeekFest, on a five year contract. After five years they can buy him out.

Nice try though guys. Its public knowledge now.

>> No.8390044

Are you going back to your job oh.... oh... sorry.. I forgot... ( ^▽^)σ)~O~)

>> No.8390046

Wut >sameanon

I don't think he's broders partner though?

Maybe I have my Bart's confused, isn't Sideshow Bob going to off him anyway?

Wait >>8390039
Okay that makes more sense thanks kind Anon

>> No.8390061


Why? If they are of legal age what does it matter?

Or are you saying that he is wrong and younger girls ussually dont look better than old hags?

>> No.8390066


It always amuses me how you idiots keep claiming I'm a deadbeat without a job.

Let's see:

I've run a prop company fulltime for over two years now. I do kids parties. I put on events for people. I make props weekly for two separate stores locally that buy stuff from me.

But yes, I'm "jobless"

You guys need new material. Could be worse, I could sell stolen merchandise in my little corner stores like other people mentioned in this thread.

Yes. I'm such a bad guy. Ooooh Aaahhh, I'm downright sinister!

Lmfao you are just too cute for words...

>> No.8390068

Actually not true... and chibi and broder and ultra all talk shit about each other.

>> No.8390070


Is this Maria or her lesbian lover, Lauren?

>> No.8390071

Do you sad fucks have anything else to do with your sorry ass lives besides talking shit about everyone? Leave sonny and grifter the fuck out of this before you really piss me the hell off. Got a goddamn problem, pick a time and place and i will gladly enjoy smashing your ugly fucking skulls in the ground. ;) now stfu xoxo-yours truly, ally.

>> No.8390075

Tonight. 8pm macc

>> No.8390082

No no no, you don't leave them for younger ones until they get pregnant and have an infant that you abandon and cant pay your arrears in child support for. ~duh>>8390061 right sunny?

>> No.8390106


Stop spreading stories.

Everyone knows I didn't abandon my child. Your grasping at straws.

Please try again.

>> No.8390112
File: 32 KB, 510x450, 25376-aliens-meme-aVwp..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, GUYS

What if HeroHype was intentionally so bad with such poor attendance? They involved many people that were controversial and had a complete lack of events (at least on website) and no guests outside of some mid-tier cosplayers.

What if they make more money with a flop?

What if it is some sort of elaborate tax ploy or something?

I need that Cosplay Illuminati picture!

>> No.8390137

I actually find it fitting that the most notorious bullies of soflo are eating a well deserved meal. I know Ally means well, but she forgets her sisters and friends that endured the repeated harassment and vile disgusting treatment, some people have convenient memories i guess ( ̄(エ) ̄)

>> No.8390169


Hello Zuly.

>> No.8390201

awwzies* you can do better than that bae. oh wait, i gess by the attendance at HH, you actually can't ~myBad~ (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ 8>-=MaJiCbUllsHit butAtLeasTyoutRied

>> No.8390210

Who the fuck is Ally?

Also LUL okay babe. Put your money where your mouth is I been itching for a fight.

>> No.8390215

>xoxo-yours truly, ally.
^-- that's who Ally is you cooze-flap <3 -- flmmfao
*derwp* \(^-^)/ \(^-^)/ \(^-^)/

>> No.8390220

but at least you tried \(^○^)人(^○^)/

>> No.8390227

Holy crap, you a retard, no shit she signed her name. Congrats fucking captain obvious.

Still don't know who the fuck she is bro. Can you get your head out your ass long enough LOL

>> No.8390230

Ally, as is singular form of allies, or: to associate or connect by some mutual relationship, as resemblance or friendship.<< derp...

>> No.8390231

hmmmm Well, While you all choose to remain Anonymous I will actually use my name as I have absolutely nothing to hind. I was prompted to look at this due to my name being used in as I now see deleted comments.

As Far as this con scene goes, I have stayed out and honestly don't miss all this drama. but if you want to bring my name in it, even hinting at the fact that you might be me commenting....NO!
I understand that I am used as an example of all the "oh so wonderful things" Grifter has done. But I'm here to ask you all to stop. Myself and my son have nothing and I repeat nothing to do with how he handles his life now. my concern is that he continues to be a father to his son. If I can get over what happened with things ( I mean it being my life and all) then you all can. It was too long ago to even matter.

>> No.8390233


Man I don't know who you are but you seem like a CUNT.

I'm guessing a feminist, possibly a lesbian, at least bisexual and you are someone well known for causing drama yourself. You enjoy fighting and trashing people. It makes you feel important, wanted, listened to, since your man/woman walked out on you and left you feeling lost and alone.

You seek attention in the most negative of places, most likely always with a smile on your face, and I'm guessing you got a fucked up, gremlin like face too. You actively seek out drama wherever you can find it and you have the tenacity of a pit bull. You don't give up.

I'm guessing when people confront you, you smile, deny and promise them they are wrong then you hide out of fear until your safely behind a computer again. The kind of fake ass person the world has too many of already.

Guessing you have a child that you neglect as well because he or she infringes on your "fun" time. You either live with your parents still or off of people you call roommates.

You are not a nice person.

>> No.8390238

bro? ~keklz~ so much

>> No.8390426
File: 258 KB, 1024x819, Not so captain murikka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did Grifter delete his "I quit South Florida cons" status? I didn't save it before the pic here was deleted. Anyone have it?

It's funny watching you desperately throw every insult at the wall and hope something sticks to a troll who worked grifter up to a frothing mad mess.

How do you defend someone that literally came on fucking 4chan and said Jesus will punish us all?

If you are grifter's friend, don't whiteknight him. Just ignore this and hope it goes away. People trying to frantically defend him and making this troll parade go on and on.

By the way, it's interesting how grifter can't really refute any points brought up about his behavior, only point fingers at others as if going "b-b-but other people are jerks too" somehow excuses his behavior. He is accountable for none of the trash he talks.

>> No.8390434


Blah Blah Blah.

Another troll. Another attempt. Do you people ever get tired of spreading drama?

God this is just a witch hunt. Just let it go you fucking retarded morons.

>> No.8390458
File: 193 KB, 400x400, NEVAR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8390464

Hahahaha holy fuck this thread is a goldmine.

HeroHype fags thinking it's Ultracon fags, Ultracon fags thinking it's HeroHype fags.

Fun fact: We're regular congoers that are saying both cons and the people who run them are shitty people.

>> No.8390468

I don't understand how the biggest bully in south Florida can even remotely say he's being attacked. No. People are shedding light on the truth. If you hate bullying so much then maybe you should fucking apologize for how big of a monster you were to other people you've hurt. Its a terrible feeling to see you. I hate you. You make me fucking shake and cry at the sight of you. You've harassed me and bullied me and tries to ruin me so fucking much grifter that I avoid you. I'm a fucking victim of you and your creepy posse. You're just a big kid who is getting called out and is too scared to have the truth revealed. How is it spreading lies and rumors if the screen shots are of you bullying. The screen shots aren't lies or fabricated. Its the truth.

>> No.8390477
File: 33 KB, 625x315, MAH NIGGA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Every whiteknight comment is either a dig at the person saying it, or Chris Crocker styled LEAVE GRIFTER ALONE.

No one can say "Nuh uh, not true" because it's a matter of public record. Grifter is shit. His actions cannot be defended.

I don't know who you are, but I'm guessing your page has more FB likes than him. That might explain why he harasses you.

>> No.8390487

Maybe people don't eat to use their real names on here BECAUSE YOU WILL HARASS AND BULLY THEM

ah gee what a weird concept

>> No.8390518


I highly doubt you shake and cry when you see the guy at cons. Maybe don't exaggerate things. You may feel uncomfortable for whatever reason, but shaking and crying, I doubt it.

>> No.8390534
File: 36 KB, 550x413, moaxj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you for saying what I was thinking.

>> No.8390554

When someone harasses you that much yeah its possible.

He's a terrible fucking person who has done terrible things to people. Like threatening your life etc.

Don't defend him

>> No.8390568

Also he will harass you in person. So this person has every right to react that way

>> No.8390647


Can anyone in here provide actual proof of the things you say? So far I haven't seen a single screenshot or video of Grifter harassing anyone in person or on any social media.

You need more than just he said she said, heresay to condemn a person last time I checked.

Can anyone cough up a video of him harassing someone? Pictures? Claims require proof.

>> No.8390701

The screenshots of all the cheating, scams, crazy claims, threats, shit-talking, and sabotage don't count, but people namefagging on their FB/tumblr accounts describing the same kind of harassment he's known for are somehow untrustowrthy because they didn't videotape themselves running away?

Screenshots are easier to grab. When you're in a bulky cosplay and he and his friends surround you, it's pretty damn hard to whip out a phone and take video.

>> No.8390747



>> No.8390988

There are more people bitching at eachother in this thread than there were at hero hype.

>> No.8391041

Dont steal my jokes

>> No.8391049

Prove you're the originator of the said joke anon, because it's about as funny as a white cop shooting a black guy.

>> No.8391144


Welcome to Ultracon.

That's how it is in their cult. They started the thread. They stoked it. They created everything you see here.

They were at Hero Hype too! (Yes, they were spotted in the parking lot)

>> No.8391173

Weren't you posting you were at Geekfest?

>> No.8391449


When people Photoshop people that aren't fat into being fat to serve an agenda. This was amusing. Thank You.

>> No.8392325

Quit avoiding the actually topic. Why the low turn out? Your little group of 4, ran their mouths since March that this was going to be epic. You trashed people who said they weren't going to go. You messaged people telling them not to come. You alienated other people in the community. Not the best marketing move. You weren't even able to get "guests" from last year to return and barely got a guest for this year. You let your paying vendors down. They put up the money for tables and you did not fulfill your part of the deal. Irving's Sucks is not a legitimate advertising campaign. Yes, the "Alliance" as you put it, did not promote your event, which they do for every other event in town. Maybe your approach doesn't produce the results. Anything else in this thread is just trolls starting crap. You acted unprofessionally and your paying vendors paid the price.

>> No.8392361

wow dude yur sad. this shit is why nobody came to yur show. had nuthin to do with anyone but you and yur games like this. people are tired of it

>> No.8392408
File: 59 KB, 400x400, 4103945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now that I've just publicly trashed the photographer whose work I've used 4 years for free to promote myself, my company, my friends, my proper business, and convention appearances, and Facebook pages for both myself and my girlfriend.....

let me tell you a long boring story about how everyone is out to get me and nothing is my fault

>> No.8392425 [DELETED] 

Quit avoiding the actually topic. Why the low turn out? Your little group of 4, ran their mouths since March that this was going to be epic. You trashed people who said they weren't going to go. You messaged people telling them not to come. You alienated other people in the community. Not the best marketing move. You weren't even able to get "guests" from last year to return and barely got a guest for this year. You let your paying vendors down. They put up the money for tables and you did not fulfill your part of the deal. Irving's Sucks is not a legitimate advertising campaign. Yes, the "Alliance" as you put it, did not promote your event, which they do for every other event in town. Maybe your approach doesn't produce the results. Anything else in this thread is just trolls starting crap. You acted unprofessionally and your paying vendors paid the price.

>> No.8392485
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, 6050ebd3-1f34-46f0-9e43-e81ac38b593e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8392538
File: 52 KB, 493x368, fucking florida man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is a fucking trainwreck. I've never seen anything so mind-bogglingly fucktarded on /cgl/ or in any other cosplay space.

And yet I can't look away.

>> No.8392539


Welcome back Travis!!!!

>> No.8392592

Bart is not a part of ChibiPa. That used to be Jason and now it is run by a board of directors. I'm also pretty sure that's a different Bart.

>> No.8392601

It's clearly a huge conspiracy*. Alex has never said a single bad thing about anyone*. He is the most professional prop maker in the business*. I have never know him to lie*. He does not engage in trash talking people publicly on social media*. Other buisness people are just jelly, because they want what he has*. He has never asked his friends to boycot conventions*. He does not believe in taking sides in friendship*. He does not allow his personal opinion to affect his business relationships*. He does not begin conflicts and then spin them to garner sympathy*. He does not talk behind peoples backs*. He does not guage his friendships on whether or not you take his side*. He is supportive of his fellow costume makers and cosplayers and always speaks nicely about everyone. Anyone who speaks negatively of him is clearly a part of the underground movement here to discredit him*. Other conventions are envious of his convention and it's record attendance, so that is why they lurk outside to steal his secrets on how to throw a successful event*. Alex has changed the way people see cons in Florida*.

Clearly these are the only things that make any sense what so ever*. Anyone who disagrees with these statements is obviously working for these other promoters, and therefor evil and untrustworthy*. They are a part of the mass conspiracy to besmurch the name of a man who is so successful*. This is the only explaination for what has happened to this poor man*.

>> No.8392618

*Do you see how that sounds when you actually read it outloud? Were you able to get through it without laughing?

>> No.8392634

People give this con-man too much press. He cas no cred anywhere. Black-listed from every major prop forum, now black-listing himself from conventions? Great strategy Seems like this problem is working itself out just fine. buh bye assclown

>> No.8392635

What the fuck are you doing. What does this mean.

>> No.8392636


Well, you tried. I love the use of the * symbol though. You are a talented individual.

>> No.8392644


(You can't buy free press)

I love you all :)

>> No.8392651

It's time to step away from the computer. Go and live your life.

>> No.8392660

Bobby, Gonzo, Irving, Maria, Lauren, Doris, Travis, Irving Jr., Zuly, Jim, Zack, Kevin, THANK YOU!!!

I just want to thank you, all of you, for spending more time in your days talking about me than taking care of your businesses, your kids, your wives, your friends and your lives in general.

It really makes me smile knowing the priority I take in your lives. I'm touched. Truly. Deeply. I just don't have words.


I can't wait to see myself on your radio shows and your VIP TV show. Thank you guys for all the attention, you guys are my biggest fans!

>> No.8392662


>> No.8392667
File: 28 KB, 801x534, holyshityourestupid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came here to 4chan to lecture people about drama....

>> No.8392684
File: 143 KB, 1000x750, 1939943_1406413399667942_5526153180572247523_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These people are my biggest fans...


>> No.8392700

whats even funnier is that there are more people in that photo than there were at herohype

>> No.8392705

Aww jelly baby? no love for you.... Lmao #grifterisaloser

>> No.8392706


Well you got me there....


Your a clever Piggie...

(See how I don't hide behind "Anonymous")

>> No.8392736
File: 34 KB, 472x315, People Laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop, stop, I'm gonna pee!

>> No.8392744

you forget that i have at one time been privy to your games little boy. I've been with you while you did it. Lie to someone else

>> No.8392748

That's about as accurate as you posting on Facebook that you never go on 4chan ~ yet here you are. Let me ask you, does it physically hurt to be this stupid? Or is it your super-power?

>> No.8392752

You know what I love most about this "Thread"??

I'm sitting here, posting as myself, using my name, hiding nothing, fighting a bunch of bullies who call me a bully and each of you idle faceless.

ALL OF YOU are "Anonymous". Not one of you reveals who you are. You all know I know exactly who each of you are. Its not hard to figure out. YOU ALL HAVE UNIQUE WRITING STYLES.

You call me names but at least I'm not a coward. I don't hide myself. You are each and every one of you, pussies.

God forbid you may have consequences from people seeing your names.

At least at the end of the day I'm happy, I'm amused by all of this and I know I can hold my head high because unlike you, I'm not a chicken shit.

If it wasn't for anonymity you'd all still be breastfeeding.

>> No.8392761
File: 308 KB, 801x1195, daddylikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, we get the point, can this thread die please? Geekfest and Ultracon Rulz, Hero Hype Sux. The guys at Ultracon and Geek Fest are the best people ever, especially if you are young and female. The owners are the best people in the world, they totally aren't taking photos of themselves with you to masturbate to afterwards. Ignore the creeping hand, it's just for balance, they totally aren't grabbing your ass. And maybe if you are lucky, they'll give you their card and hire you to dance at their work when you are old enough.

>> No.8392776


Or their "Adults Only" GeekFest event. Because South Florida is just a land for soulless individuals now. These people have sold their souls for a chance at some easy cash. We already see Tamerlane is a satanist, not hard to infer the rest of them most likely are. Ultracon isn't an event, its a virus that's spreading. Its a cult.

>> No.8392792

That's almost as hilarious as the rest of your fiction doll, but hey ~ at least you tried right?
┏(^0^)┛┗(^0^) ┓

You do know me, and maybe it will dawn on you sumday ~ enjoy yur bed that you made boo.

>> No.8392800

Yo pleez pass da salt, cos sumbody jelly
U mad cuz dey stylin you

>> No.8392813


Winji I'm guessing?

Hey remember that time you raped that girl at Supercon? Crazy times.

>> No.8392841
File: 298 KB, 1132x1696, salt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey remember that time people came to herohype? Neither do I.

>> No.8392849


Attendance at a con really isn't even in the same league as you raping a girl and your boss cleaning it up. But its nice to see you taking responsibility. I loved you on "Roots".

>> No.8392876

>I loved you on "Roots".
Hey Yoh Asakura, you see now?
You support this Connie?

>> No.8392907

Is >>8392849 grifter or his GF?

Because lying about rape seems right up their alley.

>> No.8392914


Unless it says my name on it, its not me.

I don't hide behind "Anonymous" like all y'all pussies.

And as for my gf, Sonny. She won't even read this thread. She refuses to. She better than me and all of you. You got my attention, you won't get hers.

>> No.8392917

Look. I just really like anal beads. >>8392907

>> No.8392924


^ Not me

Though I am a fan of blueberry flavored lube.

>> No.8392934

This entire fucking thread.
I am scared and confused.

>> No.8392953

I can be gentle baby. Grind up on that ass real slow.

>> No.8392967

What a horrorshow

And not the Clockwork Orange fun kind

>> No.8392969

Let me make this clear to ALL of you:

I'm out of the South Florida con scene. Hero Hype Con was the last con I will be "a part of". I am done.

You people have ruined the fun. Its all a competition to you. A fight. Drama. Its pointless to try and be a part of anything or to bring anything to it anymore.

Carlos, myself and others put a lot of money into Hero Hype to provide a fun time FOR YOU and the turnout was low. Oh well. We will go on with life.

Kicking us because "no one showed" after we've already invested and lost a substantial amount of money just shows what bullies you all are. At least we tried. All you fucks care about is drama. Your "war" against anyone who doesn't conform or bow before you.

We couldn't be bought, bullied or negotiated with unlike the rest of South Florida. We tried. We got three years in.

I can't speak for Carlos and Hero Hype, but I can speak for myself when I say that I'm out. Slander me, spread fake stories about me, tell people I'm the devil, I don't care anymore. You can't affect my life with it.

More than that, when the curtain closes, and it will, I will be there to personally look you all in the eyes. I do not fear you, any of you. Not your skills, or your attorneys, or your weapons, or your numbers.

You can take your microphones, and your cash boxes and you can shove them right up your asses because in the end, they won't save you.

>> No.8392974


This is also not me. Most likely Maria Saber.

>> No.8393038

Actually this is Grifter.

>> No.8393047

>>8392969 (like textbook accurate)
How Do We Project?

We give up personal accountability and play the blame game of projection in very creative ways, by:

Attacking the other person. When our wounds are triggered, WE feel attacked and it can feel like attacking back is justified.
Pretending to not be angry and trying to convince the other person that THEY are the one who is angry.
Admitting to the other person we are angry but blaming them as the CAUSE of our anger.
Trying to “fix” or change the other person so that we won’t have to feel the pain of our own wound.
Shaming the other person so we don’t have to feel our own shame that comes from believing an erroneous self-concept of ourselves.
Withdrawing from the other person while blaming them for our upset.
Depending on another person for our own wellbeing and attributing our experience of love to them.
There is help but you have to be willing to admit you have a problem - See more at: http://www.wellbeingalignment.com/personal-accountability.html#sthash.OZubs6rq.dpuf

>> No.8393050

No, this is Grifter.

>> No.8393063
File: 40 KB, 550x438, Cool-story-bro -.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8393069
File: 119 KB, 720x540, grifter you&#039;re not the white light I&#039;ll be walking into after death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when the curtain closes, and it will, I will be there to personally look you all in the eyes.

>> No.8393082



This will be MY LAST post on this wretched, evil forum before I stop looking at it for good.

NO ONE that uses my name after this post is ACTUALLY me.

I'm done with all you sick fucks. I'll see you all on the battlefield. I'll be a Chibi Pa next, but I bet none of you cowards has the balls to confront me. I'll be waiting.

Best of luck to you all!

>> No.8393095

This thread is killing me oh my god. It's hilarious that people like Grifter and Yoh whine about the downfall of conventions and cosplay when they're the ones who come in and try to ruin it for people. Calm the fuck down guys, no one cares about your butthurt vendettas. Florida had conventions and cosplay drama long before you guys saw that you could try to "get famous" and make a quick buck this way, and it'll have them long after you've stopped cosplaying.

>> No.8393117

Hey Grifter can you post your "I quit cons" thing on your cosplay page so it can be immortalized forever?

>> No.8393141
File: 620 KB, 1000x601, CosUniverse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey ass clown

>> No.8393168

You people are still going??? You people need serious help.

>> No.8393170


Sometimes it BLEEDS when I poop.

You have all been WARNED.

>> No.8393171


When your father fucks you in the ass, can you take pictures so your mother can masturbate to them?

>> No.8393188

Okay, look.

Yes, we fired Alexander Grifter from GeekFest. No he is not a nice person. No I am not either. But honestly, if I'm being paid to ruin someone, I have to do what I was paid to do. Plain and simple.

This business is not a nice business. Its built on money, and we like money. Sometimes to get ahead you've gotta get dirty. I have no problem getting my hands dirty. Let this be a lesson to anyone who wants to start problems with the GeekFest crew, we don't tolerate problems. We will exterminate you. It doesn't matter how far we have to go will not stop until you are gone. Right or wrong it does not matter. GeekFest is going to put all cons out of business and if you think you can compete with us your next. What we did to Hero Hype we will do to you.

Hail Hydra.

>> No.8393196


Good riddance. Who's next?

>> No.8393359

I'm going to go cry to my friends about how you keep bashing my "original" props & costumes - oh wait... I don't gave any friends, OR ORIGIONAL props or costumes because I recast, paint over & modify OTHER prop builders work to try to pass it off as ORIGIONAL.
Guess I'm just a tool.

>> No.8393365

Wait, I'm confused? Are you done with the con scene or are you going to Chibi Paw next weekend? Full of shit as always.

>> No.8393380

>Hail Hydra

Is everyone in South Florida this embarrassing?

>> No.8393438

Have you read this thread?

>> No.8393501

When are we going to saw off Florida and let it float out to sea? The oranges aren't worth it at this point folks, the only way to save the everglades is to nuke it now.

>> No.8393502


SOMEONE pay attention to ME

I have WORDS to say

>> No.8393528
File: 328 KB, 1400x1148, The_Grifter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear /cgl/,

/x/ wants their shitty creepypasta back and wants to know how it became a manlet running zero attendance cons in florida.

>> No.8393901

Just putting this out there for the people that claim "Grifter" is trying to be "famous" or whatever. I know the guy, over personally seen him turn down a half dozen interviews at cons and I've watched him visit kids doing charity stuff. You people are just morons. Why do you have to attack anyone who doesn't fit into your group of people? He's been nothing but nice to me and everyone else I have ever seen him interact with. Get off his balls you hyenas.

>> No.8394150
File: 1.22 MB, 353x234, wellthiswasathing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8394655

#banyoh #banunliklyhero we don't need them in this community.

>> No.8394713

I do not work for Ultracon nor Geekfest. In fact it was Hero Hype and Grifter that gave me my initial start. The supposed post of me bashing Grifter was a rant about my mother dying of cancer. Nothing to do with Grifter. I assure you I am quite real. If you take issue to my right to Free Speech... I am available for conversation.

>> No.8394727

I am not a Nazi.

>> No.8394760

You sound like a stalker.

>> No.8395252

Grifter our immature ass problem that happened at animate with the hotel is so fucking petty for you to include me in your little "thank you" letter to your haters, it seems like you have more time on your hands to get on this piece of shit website and bash people without them even knowing about it.

All I'm going to say is keep my name out of your fucking mouth already, jesus. its not that serious, I don't care about you or your existence or all this horrible beef there is between cons which I have no idea or responses to give, because I don't know shit about it or give a fuck to find out.

You don't know me for shit, so like I said. Keep my name out of your mouth, I'm not afraid of you nor how you easily go down to conclusions of shit.

I only went to herohype because ALLY asked me too because she wanted to fix OUR PROBLEM. NOT YOU, NOR ANYONE. t

don't confuse my presence at that con for anything else but a simple request from a person.

>> No.8395388

This thread is hilarious. You've all got it wrong. You've all left out thevreal bad guy behind everything, MIKE BRODER & FLORIDA SUPERCON. That's who's really pulling the strings on all of this drama. That fat fuck orchestrates everything.

>> No.8395619
File: 388 KB, 256x192, popcorn_stephen_colbert.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread has been marvelous y'all. All us ol' Florida cosplayers haven't since this level of drama since the early 2000's.

>> No.8395661
File: 389 KB, 1365x2048, 11406339_1024263697591428_8478991073321934752_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best part of the con, watching security chase this guy around for hours for who knows whatever reason. It was hilarious. The guy was hovering around grifter's booth like an eagle circling a dead body, the guy was definitely there to start something as it was obvious to all of us after him being there for a few minutes and seeing him following grifter around holding his cellphone out. Not sure if they ever kicked the guy or not as I left but I'm sure it would have been fun to see.

>> No.8395774

Stfu and keep sucking his dick yo lol that's why he's nice to you

>> No.8395782

I fucking love you

>> No.8395801

>hijacked by Broder

>> No.8396102


Well I saw your mom doing it first, that's where I got the idea. She taught me how to properly handle dick. You shouldn't be so negative about what your mom taught me last month in a motel room in South Miami. Geez.

>> No.8396172

Grifter grifter grifter. I don't have to hide like you guys do. I keep it real. This is your warning leave us out of your drama and as you asked we will sail hi to Irving for you.

>> No.8396281

You should scroll up, he posted in here several times as himself. So far he's the only one here who didn't hide.

>> No.8396962

I didn't say he did, what I am saying is that I don't have to like most do.

>> No.8397045

You should all be ashamed of yourselves. Every single one of you. Bullies. Your parents would be disgusted at the sight of you. Despicable behavior you've all shown here.

>> No.8397576

I wonder who reported our post. Lol. No i dont but it even had our fb pages deactivated. Nice try though.

>> No.8397636
File: 429 KB, 1000x1000, nosympathy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in GV and thankfully don't have to deal with this, drama is whatever you buy in to. On that note, no two people have ever done more to destroy peoples reputations than these two. You want to call people out Sonny while laughing with your friends as you trash talk people. You put this on ur page while your boyfriend is on yet another personal rampage that everyone is tired of being dragged through.

Let's just derail this fake pity party right now. I have no tolerance for people who campain for sympathy and peace and attack at the same time.
You did this to yourself gurl. Karma

>> No.8397803

Oh no, nobody tell our parents!

Also, what's wrong with serving up a little justice when they're so obviously affected by this?

>> No.8397805
File: 12 KB, 499x96, wow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So done with this pity party. There's war among people who dress up like cartoon characters?

No wonder people laugh at you shitty cosplayers.