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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 118 KB, 462x750, 1427784298939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8389554 No.8389554 [Reply] [Original]

Can we get another thread going? I love these.

>hard mode
Doesn't look like Bodyline
>impossibru modo
Includes a main piece that often looks really awful

>> No.8389556
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>> No.8389558
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>> No.8389562
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>> No.8389565
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>> No.8389566

i love good bodyline threads. thank you anon.
i'm thinking that i should just buy this skirt already

>> No.8389568
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>> No.8389573
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>> No.8389632
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Has anyone seen a good coord with Squirrel Party?
I actually love squirrels and the print, but this thing is basically every sweet lolita babby's first dress, and I've never seen it coorded very well.
Basically, I want inspiration so that I can convince myself to buy it and alter the bodice.

>> No.8389636

> still buying bodyline

>> No.8389642

>being this new

>> No.8389643
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>> No.8389645

>wasting your money on clothes that isnt burando

>> No.8389648

Girls, girls, Stop fighting. You're both pretty.

>> No.8389651

I just buy the better pieces of bodyline second hand for dirt cheap to supplement my brand. The price hike killed my interest in buying from the store though

>> No.8389708

I own this because I love squirrels too and the mint green color is one of my favorite colors. I wear it with simple things to make it look more polished and less sweet Lolita noob, though sometimes I wear it with colored shoes, like pink or purple, because I think the pop of color Is really cute.

I've never seen anyone coord this dress well in pictures so I can't help you there, but I think I look fine in it. If you're worried, I'd suggest just trying to pair it with simple classic but still sweet appropriate items to mature the look a little.

I haven't altered it in any way. When I originally got it I planned on altering the bodice because I felt like it was too much lace and bows, but then was worried I'd mess it up. I'm flat chested so having the decorations over my chest isn't a big deal, but can I ask what you planned to change? I'm still trying with the idea of altering it.

>> No.8389710
File: 830 KB, 1000x1500, tumblr_nnevljnI5h1qgotqjo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about something like this? I think as long as you keep it simple and don't add in those godawful split twintail wigs like all the aforementioned babby's first coords it can look nice

>> No.8389778

Yes, this is what I (>>8389708) was trying to describe. Though I don't really like the style of shoes, but this is nice and simple, not cloying at all.

I love the lavender color of this almost as much as the mint, but I don't need two of the same dress. Maybe if unicorn print ever comes out, I'll have to get that in lavender if there is one, though I had my eye on the pink and blue, I love pink and blue together.

>> No.8389798
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Well I'll be damned, I didn't think it was humanly possible to make l469 look decent

>> No.8389818
File: 226 KB, 500x750, tumblr_nki3jyckkv1sxollwo3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

impossibru mode continues... the thing about this coord is that normally I would hate literally every piece of this outfit by itself, and yet together, it's actually not bad

>> No.8389827
File: 1.30 MB, 700x1200, C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_untitled(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I'm not sure if this is the appropriate thread but I'd like some advice. I'm thinking of modifying this dress, mainly changing the white lace.

I have the black colourway and I think changing the white lace to black pleated chiffon might be nice. What do you guys think?

>> No.8389828
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>> No.8389840

pardon the dumb question, but is the apron removable on this?

>> No.8389843

Nah, you got it wrong.

>hard mode
Doesn't contain items that are no longer available.
>impossibru mode
Doesn't only look good because it uses accessory items much, much more expensive than the main piece.

Because it's so pointless when you have a coordinate featuring a bunch of more expensive items and accessories, then a Bodyline main piece. You might as well just use a brand main piece at that point.

OP's pic is an example of this.

I've seen people coordinate this well IRL, but I'm not gonna post photos of my comm members without their consent. I think half the problem with babby's first sweet lolita coordinates is that they gravitate towards OTT prints and then don't own the accessories to match. If you have the accessories required it can look really good. Peachie is perhaps a good example - she owns (or used ot own, whatever) a lot of Bodyline shit, but she'd often pile on like $150 of Cute Can Kill jewelery and everything on top.

>> No.8389850

Ah, that lavender colourway is so cute! Almost makes me want to buy it, backwards print be damned. I've only seen sax, pink and mint before.

Girl needs better shoes though.

>> No.8390151

>simplicity of coord
>bow placement

I feel this so much, probably the best squirrel party coord I've seen.

>> No.8390155


I enjoy how the blouse is more expensive than the skirt.

And now I feel a pang of envy because that's one of my dream blouses.

Sage for non contribution

>> No.8390218

she couldnt have fixed the necklace in the full body shot??

>> No.8390366


>> No.8391039

She's so POOFY!

>> No.8391241

That sounds pretty, but given there's a lot of white in the print and white lace on the bodice etc. it may be a bit of a waste of effort.

>> No.8391286

Does anyone have any good cords with L129?

>> No.8391288

Oops, *coords

>> No.8391387

This is so pretty it makes me uncomfortable.

>> No.8391426
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>> No.8391695

I think I'm going to try and do impossibru modo tomorrow. I own some of the most ugly things to come from Bodyline.

>> No.8391858

I love that headbow, anyone know where it's from?

>> No.8391880
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>> No.8392224

OP here. I've seen this before, but thank you for posting it; I hadn't had it saved.
I'm a (somewhat) seasoned lolita and think I'm pretty decent at making myself look acceptable, esp. w/r/t hair, but I'm wary of prints, especially cheaper ones, which is why I asked about this.
I generally don't buy prints until I've seen them in person or coorded well.

While I like the outfit, it's so plain, and I'm a super basic bitch. I guess I'm requesting something that's not just dress + white blouse + pink/white socks/tights. Simplicity is great, but if I can only wear the dress one way, it seems kind of like a bad investment.

>> No.8392302
File: 103 KB, 640x854, 6876786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's this, but it's a clusterfuck of bandwagon trend items.

>> No.8392309

It's summer

>> No.8392505
File: 104 KB, 560x555, 3784807_open-uri20140525-7306-1s156h8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you pair it with anything but all white and possibly a smaller accent of pink/purple/blue to bring out the print, it's going to look OTT sweet, and it sounded like you were trying to avoid that.

This is all I have. And it makes me angry because I wanted those shoes and they'll probably never get restocked (and if they do it will be for $90).

>> No.8392513

I'd change the legwear here but other than this it's pretty cute.

Also I hope you get your shoes someday!

>> No.8392521

Does anyone know where I can get those tights? They would be perfect for a cosplay I want to make.

>> No.8392522
File: 333 KB, 960x1800, 1418524286336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I like the idea of the faded tights but the color doesn't really match the dress. Still a pretty clean coord though and it's not like it's unmatched to the point of looking bad.

Thanks! I hope I get them someday too. I should have gotten RHS years ago and didn't and I've been regretting it since. I don't know why I didn't get any, I've wanted them since I was a wee newbie and I particularly like the ones with the straps across the foot, they look like I won't have any risk of hurting myself in them that way.

>> No.8392529

I cant believe how surprisingly not lame that scepter looks. Like I know its just a plushie on a dowel rod but shit, it looks really nice holy shit.
Also, I really like this dress, the cut and the stipes are all so nice but jfc those damn red mushrooms kill me everytime.

>> No.8392531

That shirt is so cute with that skirt but would probably look like trash by itsself.

>> No.8392541

That's why I love this coord. That shirt would be ugly on it's own but it's super cute with the entire outfit. I need to experiment with trying stuff like that more.

>> No.8392779
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>> No.8392780
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>> No.8392783
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>> No.8392793

>velvet boots

I hope she at least weather sealed them.

>> No.8393208

Those tights are god awful

>> No.8393213

I'd change the shoes and tights foe sure....they don't even look warm

>> No.8393220

What the hell is that neon pink cupcake tee shirt? Normalfag bag? Unmatching cardigan? This is supposed to be GOOD coords, anon

>> No.8393251
File: 72 KB, 600x858, CF0bXSfUMAEk_Pv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8393349

Aw this was my first lolita dress, I love seeing it coorded well

>> No.8393367

This girl would get 0 attention if it wasn't for that shitty pink filter she uses on everything, her coords are barely Lolita.

>> No.8393433

...I really like this clusterfuck of bandwagon trend items.
>mfw captcha thinks starbucks is icecream

>> No.8393441

I just ordered that exact bag off taobao! No regrets, it looks cute here.

>> No.8393461

no it's ugly together too. it's also way too big on her in a really unflattering way.

>> No.8393474

Wait thats a BAG? This changes everything, where precisely can I obtain one?

>> No.8393483

Believe it or not anon, I actually like the coordinate. I wish she wasn't using a filter so I could see it better. It's cute.

>> No.8393489

I saw this post on the front page and fucking knew it was going to be about petitepasserine.

>> No.8393499


>> No.8397425
File: 372 KB, 956x1275, tumblr_n5kck707xS1sj4vbpo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pulling some from tumblr, i feel like they're getting hard to find now.

>> No.8397505

>those shoes

>> No.8397588
File: 23 KB, 236x355, 6b9d3fa5684e2a94dfa46d7204af3517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Commencing dump.

>> No.8397590
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>> No.8397594
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>> No.8397598
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>> No.8397601
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>> No.8397603
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>> No.8397606
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>> No.8397607
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>> No.8397610
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>> No.8397683

I love how they made the matching hat. It works great

>> No.8397685
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Looove the embroidery

>> No.8397762
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>> No.8397765
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>> No.8397766

how do you make the long, curly braid that looks so floofy? I can never figure it out.

>> No.8397768
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>> No.8397770
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>> No.8397774
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>> No.8397780

this looks terrible. That bonnet is super awkward, she needs to cut her wig, and why the fuck would you wear harlequin tights with an already harlequin dress?

>> No.8397879

These threads make me want to buy some of these basic Bodyline pieces again, but then I remember I'm a brandwhore now and it'll drive down the quality of my wardrobe ever so slightly...

>> No.8397881

Still waiting to get my hands on Soft Cream.

>> No.8397884

This is Kamikaze right?

>> No.8397887

Wtf else would you wear harlequin tights with? If a dress doesn't have the motif the tights would look out of place

>> No.8398054

I own this print and they actually match the print really well, probably just the photo.

>> No.8398233

Wow, maybe it's me but Good Bodyline coords don't look like bodyline

>> No.8398303
File: 139 KB, 640x640, https%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2F0cb9503497a0dbdcb8d27f1119f74608%2Ftumblr_nptx6lrZg71qeghwvo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this, I think it's actually pretty decent for bodyline (even though i fucking hate that jsk)

>> No.8398306

Oh wow that's really cute, which jsk is this?

>> No.8398310

Bodyline l497

>> No.8398327

Oh wow, it genuinely looks like crap on the site, no wonder I've never taken any notice of it. Bodyline and their stock pictures, smh

>> No.8398727

I assume you braid very loosely then pull the hair out a bit?

>> No.8398940
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>> No.8398971
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>> No.8398974
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>> No.8398975

I don't like this at all. The capelet looks so out of place. Maybe if she took that off and changed her shoes.

>> No.8398979
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>> No.8399006

She's adorable but those fucking cut outs are a bit creepy..

>> No.8399157

What the hell is this?
It's god awful. Verging on ita for sure.

She looks like she tried to mix classic, punk, and sweet in the same coord. Nothing matches.

>> No.8399295
File: 52 KB, 220x517, Squirrrellllssss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if this would be an overly "good" Bodyline coord. But it was thrown together the morning of a con. so it's something I guess.

>> No.8399298

And oh god the more I see this dress the more I NEED IT!!!!

>> No.8399315

I'd say it's a pretty nice coord.
don't worry anon you're kawaii

>> No.8399434

what is punk about this?

>> No.8399451

Aww, that's my picture.

>> No.8399587

Literally the only thing off about this is the capelet. I wouldn't worry about tying in the shoes, the brown looks quite nice with the other colours imo.

>> No.8402583

I need that blouse.

>> No.8403885

source on the blouse?

>> No.8403919

Tis Angelic Pretty's Glass Doll cutsew

>> No.8405522
File: 23 KB, 242x704, 10299567_10203670831028335_1528504699449748737_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8407108

you can hardly even see this

>> No.8409540

Hello self post

>> No.8412667
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>> No.8412670
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>> No.8412673
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>> No.8412675
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>> No.8412679
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>> No.8412684
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>> No.8412687
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>> No.8412740
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>> No.8412742
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>> No.8412744

Still an ugly ass dress. That girl is pretty and confident enough that it works.

>> No.8412752
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>> No.8412753
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>> No.8412766
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>> No.8412945

thiis co-ord is lovely but am I the only one who fucking hates that print. Am I also the only one who remembers when this was one of the few bodyline dresses that came in ++ sizes and every fatty chan everywhere owned it?

>> No.8412963

I don't like it either but that's why I like this coord, because it took something I hate and made something decent.

>> No.8412969

What dress is this?

>> No.8412973

Seconded, I want

>> No.8413028

It's L329, I think, with the bows removed..

>> No.8413093

I like socks and tights together sometimes if it helps balance out the colors (and prevent rubbing in your shoes)

>> No.8413111

Requesting Magical Cosmetics coords

>> No.8413149
File: 977 KB, 540x809, tumblr_no3z4bmifN1qgotqjo1_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8413150
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>> No.8413291

I think I'm in love with that dress now.

>> No.8413302

Can someone clear this up for me once and for all: is this generally considered a replica, or a print of its own? It just kinda skirts that line where I can't quite tell if it's technically one or the other

>> No.8413320

Not often that you can coord navy/blue, pink and light blue with maroon, but this is art.

>> No.8413341
File: 65 KB, 590x424, tumblr_n7jgc9IZKR1tei1bxo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please be warned that it's a replica, though.

>> No.8413356

It's an original print but playing off trends at the time, because its was about when Rose Toilette or whatever came out IIRC. But no, not a replica at all.

>> No.8413357

I never thought I'll find members of my comm here.

>> No.8414869
File: 3.65 MB, 3456x4608, DSCN0350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8416773

Anyone know what this wig is?

>> No.8416974

Bodyline is more knock off than replica tbh, from how I'll put it.

>> No.8417317

Does anyone have coords with the sailor dress they just put out? I know it's probably soon to ask, but I figured it's worth a shot.

>> No.8417957

I don't like the hair but everything else is nice.

>> No.8418157

Her shoes look a bit tight! ouchy.

>> No.8418161

Could just be the way she is sitting and the fact she has knit socks. They are probably fine when she is standing.

>> No.8418312

this girl is so hot im dead

>> No.8418342

My first lolita dress! Does anyone have any more of this dress? I still have the dress and I can never really find any coords of it online.

>> No.8419131
File: 678 KB, 1280x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uses accessory items much, much more expensive than the main piece

>> No.8419206

It's not really difficult to make a good Bodyline coord I think, however there are so many people buying/wearing Bodyline that I just get bored seeing it, it's not so special anymore honestly.

>> No.8419457
File: 117 KB, 909x844, I Couldnt afford CDC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really need to pick up this bag

>> No.8419479

>that file name kek

>> No.8419592

Where's the lie tho

>> No.8419630

Is it OK if I post a bodyline coord I made for a friend here? For concrit and stuff? She recently picked up a kuma pochette in brown and then asked me to help her cheaply coord it (she's not a lolita and doesn't own any lolita clothes)

>> No.8419869

she buys a kuma pochette before getting a dress? Why not buy a brand dress first? Post away.

>> No.8420091
File: 368 KB, 1305x898, collage-20150622_144016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she loves stuffed animals and is planning to use it more as a stuffed animal than a purse
here's some ideas for a coord. because she has the brown colorway, i was thinking pinks, creams, and reds
concrit please
also bodyline was sold out of those socks in those color and i couldn't find other bodyline socks that went ok

>> No.8420094

also here's the pochette if you don't feel like looking it up in the brown colorway

>> No.8420100
File: 88 KB, 480x640, B38UK877-cha-480x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped pic

>> No.8421219

Bump for potential

>> No.8421412
File: 831 KB, 637x640, instagram lolita shoes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went digging around and found this. So yes, it looks like it was just the way she was sitting.

Also, source on her blouse? Looks really cute!

>> No.8421422

Just a tip, those strawberry nails are for toes. They don't have them for fingers, unfortunately.

>> No.8421909

Link for that bag? It's cute as shit

>> No.8422072

ok thanks! I thought they looked a little big but I didn't know people wore false nails on their toes

>> No.8422660


>> No.8422681

I think it's the one from think geek

>> No.8423504

also did you have any concrit? i would really like feedback on this since i don't want to dress my friend like an ita