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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 63 KB, 250x375, tumblr_nmmbepQkQJ1qcltrio1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8375050 No.8375050 [Reply] [Original]

The good.
The bad.
And the downright ugly.

>> No.8375353
File: 451 KB, 641x1000, tumblr_nnlauw2X0J1s1humxo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to do Lapis Lazuli, any ideas on where to find that wig color?

>> No.8375374
File: 54 KB, 400x530, tumblr_noxgmdvvrY1qj0s5to2_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish they were the same height but that's a nitpick and they came out really cute.

>> No.8375406

My sister wants me to cosplay as Ronaldo

>> No.8375460

I'm planning on doing rose quartz. I'm doing my best to make it non-cringe honestly.

>> No.8375470

Steven Poopiverse

>> No.8375472

I'm workinf on Lapis right now, and I'm thinking EpicCosplay's dark blue. Once I get it in person I might have to fix it up/dye it darker/powder it lighter, but it seems like a pretty good color. There's unfortunately not a lot of selection in blues that aren't pre-styled.

>> No.8375809
File: 881 KB, 960x1440, tumblr_nmk7m7toUT1qcltrio4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on Peridot right now.

>> No.8375833


God I love scene-recreation cosplay. I really like looking at this, the sword is positioned really well.

>> No.8375958

>want to cosplay Garnet
>friend says no because she's black and I'm not

She has a dark red skin tone and is technically an alien. I see where she's coming from but. No. I'm getting real tired of tumblrs bullshit

>> No.8375961

People will think you're doing blackface regardless.

>> No.8375966

not if you dont paint your skin dark

>> No.8375975

>dark red skin tone

>> No.8375980

I want tumblr to stop assigning human races to space aliens that can shape shift

>> No.8376038

Do her skin colour after jail break where it gets a more pink hue and tell your friend she can stfu

>> No.8376050
File: 88 KB, 960x540, 11054480_10205816825053595_6909336350412697451_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a steven universe meet at MCM
It was pretty dire...

>> No.8376183

>one blue Amethyst


>> No.8376191

I loved this series, but the cosplayers just fail. I'm all for acceptance but at least try to look accurate. Lazy bodies lazy work. Which is exactly what the show was trying to disprove for fucks sake kek.

>> No.8376196

I wish SU cosplayers would learn to do their face paint with more dimension. Using just one flat color on your whole face looks like shit.

>> No.8376341
File: 51 KB, 500x367, tumblr_noxgmdvvrY1qj0s5to10_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They did a whole bunch, found them on Tumblr. Looks like they weren't trying to do a group thing and just ran into each other at a con and decided to do a shoot, so my complaint about height doesn't really count now.


>> No.8376349
File: 98 KB, 720x720, tumblr_np6t4bybEa1titdsco3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This s pretty cool, but I'm wondering if those are like weird shaped hip-pads or if she was cursed by a wicked god before birth.

>> No.8376361

Her hair is also tricky because it's drawn under a lot of different lighting, so what color it really is is difficult to pinpoint. I think their cobalt looks closer, but I prefer her with lighter hair.

>> No.8376381

hip pads. i've seen real huge ass hips on "thin" people and they look nothing like that.

>> No.8376391

the only good cosplays here are sapphire.

>> No.8376415

No, I know them; it was a planned out group.

>> No.8376423

Ok then I'll be salty about the height difference.

>> No.8376431

this picture also looks a little stretched out

>> No.8376471

>fat little pearl

>dayglo socks and no body paint

>> No.8376484
File: 50 KB, 875x685, tumblr_nmk90wmGAp1uqea4io1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think she was trying to be kid amethyst from the episode where Greg talked about how he met Rose.

>> No.8376487

Looking at this I'm certain that Steven Universe is the new Homestuck. Complete with idiots in shitty half assed cosplays not sealing their paint.

>> No.8376491

This just makes me sad.

>> No.8376494

I'm the holopearl in this set! I was actually doing Holopearl by myself at first, but I asked around for some preregeneration Pearls that were around my height. I wasn't able to find anyone, but my friend (the taller Pearl), offered to cosplay with me despite our height differences. I really, REALLY wanted to recreate this scene and she's an awesome Pearl, so I figured why not?

I wish I could be as tall and skinny as I envision Pearl, but unfortunately I love food too much and my genes prevent me from getting taller. I know I don't fit her, but shit, I love this series and its characters way too much and I had loads of fun joking about stabbing Pearl anyway.

>> No.8376500

They are just trying to find anything to nitpick don't worry about it. Your set looks really good and props for doing a alternate version.

>> No.8376608

It is. About 1/2 of my friends love it to bits.

I just think it's SJW Tumblr trash.

>> No.8376689

Holy shit this thread is full of tumblrinas, I love this show but y'all are turning it to the new homestuck

>> No.8376698

Height-salty anon here! I still think you guys did a good job on your costumes despite the difference in body types, much better than most of the half-assed Pearls I see.

>> No.8376705

Her calves are padded too I think

>> No.8376708

This whole thing is kind of a mess.

>> No.8376738
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>> No.8376771
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>> No.8376774
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>> No.8376775

Oh... oh no.

>> No.8376777

what the FUCK is going on with that pearl's thighs

>> No.8376780
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>> No.8376785
File: 436 KB, 1080x1920, tumblr_nmh3sqhq2x1qfgizdo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one for you

>> No.8376809
File: 2.04 MB, 1226x1836, tumblr_nmgdtfIoMy1saskwvo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8376820

>that red paint on Sapphire's gloves

>> No.8376821

Her makeup makes her look like a zombie. At first glance it's good but the more you zoom in the more unnerving it gets.

>> No.8376832

That padding looks even worse up close.

>> No.8376884

that's cute. i like it.

>> No.8376967
File: 16 KB, 499x306, 1390311950707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fandom needs to learn about arm socks and tights. And proper body paint application while we're at it.

>> No.8376977

Is it bad that I hate the look of arm socks and tights next to painted skin? Always looks really off to me. Clashing textures, you know?

>> No.8377077

Cute Tiger Millionare, needs binder.

Garnet looks good, but WHY SQUARE ARM PUFFS AND NO GLOVES.

>> No.8377079

I love this so much.

>> No.8377096
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>> No.8377101

This makes me want to cosplay Sadie just so I can have a photoshoot at work.

>> No.8377102
File: 1.60 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-06-03-23-18-53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we're posting instagram then holy shit
Why would you do this

>> No.8377107
File: 1.41 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-06-03-23-21-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is their lapis

>> No.8377121

Her instagram is so cringy and generally annoying. oh my god.

>> No.8377135
File: 6 KB, 118x125, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zombie contacts
>rampant eye infection
>crusty ass lips
>flour-tier body paint
you tried ):

>> No.8377138
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>> No.8377146
File: 178 KB, 720x1280, tumblr_npd640K05C1rmhf82o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A pretty cute Rose I found.

I'm going through the Steven Universe Cosplay tumblr tag right now expect more posts

>> No.8377149
File: 127 KB, 736x981, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8377184
File: 52 KB, 462x638, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show weirded me out at first. Had no idea what the hell what was going on. Thought the designs were cool and voice acting was cute.

Couple weeks later Got stoned and was too lazy to change the channel when i turned on the tv. Fun episode about time travel and steven forming a band with a bunch of other Stevens from different times. Then the Stevens try to kill each other. He succeeds in fixing the timeline and then sings a catchy song about self discovery after watching himself die. Was all in after that.
Show found it's legs and there's been some really good episodes. Love the character interactions.

>> No.8377190

Be still, my heart

>> No.8377193

oh wow she's really cute

>> No.8377197


>mistaking volume for curls


>> No.8377204


Some bizarre makeup choices and I wish the socks were tucked under the pants, but this is my favorite opal so far.

>> No.8377205
File: 496 KB, 1162x1920, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8377224

The show is full of DSLs it always irks me that no one attempts to mimic their exaggerated features. This Opal contoured and made her lips fuller which is accurate.

>> No.8377225

She's wearing underwear that's to tight and cutting into the tops of her thighs.

>> No.8377231
File: 30 KB, 400x225, pe6bypsa01rqzu6io1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has a super cute face for Rose but girl its time to either retire that wig or brush it

>> No.8377236
File: 261 KB, 400x498, OXxK1spyjvbo2_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So jealous of that wig styling

>> No.8377238
File: 283 KB, 540x810, e2hGGH1s8kjlco1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute connie

>> No.8377241

Oh my god I know her irl

>> No.8377243
File: 77 KB, 476x555, zdrKk1tdx0uto5_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8377248


>> No.8377282

She's adorable. I need more Connie cosplay, she's my favorite.

Anyways, do you guys think that a short girl (5'2", and to compare my build to a celebrity for easy reference, I'd say I have a build similar to Emilia Clarke but with a more pear shape fat distribution) who is NOT overweight to cosplay Sade and/or Amethyst? Or would I be crucified by the tumblr crowd?

>> No.8377289
File: 1.33 MB, 720x1280, tumblr_np9mbo5rdJ1qjyq9xo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Potentially the best Peridot. Opinions?

>> No.8377293

So far she has the best wig. I really love how it looks from what I've seen.
she also has a face that doesn't irritate me, which already puts her a step above Hanari.

>> No.8377318
File: 40 KB, 400x225, tumblr_npe6bypsa01rqzu6io3_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a better picture of the tangles I'm talking about

>> No.8377328
File: 478 KB, 540x960, tumblr_nogppfT1f11sizz9uo2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S'nowhere near as bad as pic related I think. kek

>> No.8377339

Fuck tumblr

Cosplay whatever you want. And really the only people who deserve your time and response are the ones brave enough To say it to your face. Even then tell them they can shove that opinion up their ass.
Been to two steven universe gatherings at different cons and it's nothing but fun. Everyone was super nice and there to nerd about the show. Fanime gathering even had two uncle grandpas show up. Kinda weird but still entertaining.

I went to go look up garnet cosplay tips on tumblr and there was some brave warrior going on off on how no one should Be allowed to cosplay garnet unless you're black. Also buying an Afro is "low key" racist. Sent an anon msg telling them to go fuck themselves And she's an alien. Here's hoping it triggered them and sent it into full SJW rant.
I'm part black (Just a mutt honestly) and the amount of social justice brownie points that tumblr tries to shower itself with is hilarious.

>> No.8377358
File: 180 KB, 939x623, 1432002837739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a rock alien that is red/pink
>just happens to have plump lips and an afro

Your friend is dumb. Why the fuck did they assume she was black? Because she had traits of a black person? That's more racist than doing "pinkface" of Garnet.

>> No.8377372

Garnet is coded as black. It just doesn't make sense to argue that. It's just fact.

I don't care who does or doesn't cosplay her though.

>> No.8377406

Always wear protection kids!

>> No.8377413
File: 23 KB, 204x388, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Coded as black"

What has to happen for people to think things like this?

Least we agree that anybody can cosplay the awesome lesbian space rock.

>> No.8377472


I'm the one who cosplayed the "Zombie" Pearl.
I must say I was trying to go for a cartoonish look and make it as close to Pearl as possible.
The "rampant eye infection" and "crusty ass lips" is mostly due to the photographer editing choice.
The body paint I used is a white snazooroo, which is water based.
At the time of the photoshoot it was near end of a long con day and if I knew the paint and powder was this bad I would have retouched it.
With the contacts, wanted it to resemble more of the cartoon eyes but I guess it came out pretty "Zombish" with the white body paint and all.

So I decided to post a reply here to also ask, for improvement from what I've seen, more natual looking baby blue contacts and to take the body paint down a notch? I'm planning to wear the cosplay again with a friend as Lapis so I'll gladly take criticism.

Thanks for pointing me to this thread ;**

>> No.8377475

Thank fuck I'm not the only one annoyed by it.

>> No.8377477

Those drills would be so much nicer on a longer wig and if they weren't so bunchy and weird. And why do people who cosplay characters with pink hair always opt for that 'milkshake pink' color? It almost never matches the character's actual hair color.

Also, why is the star yellow? Isn't the star in Rose's dress meant to be a cut-out of the dress over her stomach? Also, satin, why.

>> No.8377484
File: 710 KB, 960x1280, 9345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another picture of the wig

>> No.8377523

I'm happy to see a Pearl using bodypaint because she's supposed to be pure white. Maybe if you're afraid of it flaking off use Ben Nye or other oil based facepaints for your face at least? If your skin can take it of course.
Also don't forget to contour

>> No.8377599

gurl, don't blame your raggedy chapped lips on your photographer. that's all you. moisturize that shit, ESPECIALLY when putting on makeup as drying as snazaroo.
next time i'd suggest skipping the blue blush. it just makes your cheeks look more hollow and zombie like. contour with some soft subtle greys instead. different contact lenses and a lighter wig will do wonders to improve your look.

>> No.8377607
File: 131 KB, 540x364, tumblr_nnk3m2py0M1s0qjmbo7_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8377636

I don't think anyone is gonna say anything. People have been changing body types for cosplay since ever. You'll be fine.

>> No.8377729

Oh, I totally understand. I hate seeing the seams on arm socks and tights.

That being said, seeing halfassed and unsealed body paint makes me cringe like a mf.

>> No.8377873

I really like your overal costume it looks really clean and finished.
But as posted above use oil based make up and lighter colors for contouring, other than that it looks great!

>> No.8377889
File: 112 KB, 1920x1080, StevenForTemplate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like this show, but haven't found a character that fits me quite yet.
>not as skinny as Pearl, but not big enough for every other character
>let's go Steven bomb #2 new characters new characters

>> No.8377909

I say go for a very pale lipstick instead of paint (and maybe get a better sealer for your paint). Lips are usually a couple shades darker than skin so a very VERY light pink would probably help, plus it won't crack like that (and it's easy to carry around and reapply). Your costume's construction is nice, fixing your makeup would make the whole thing awesome imo, way better than 90% of the lazy SU cosplayers out there. U got potential, bro.

(also you should wear a bra that won't show the strap or make a loop inside the bodice to hold the strap in place inside)

>> No.8377911

Holy fuck that's an amazing wig.

>> No.8377912

Thank you, the problems people have with the star cutout bother me too. It seems to be either way off like this one, an opaque flesh tone, or open but with the edges of the star flapping around (pretty sure good interfacing, wire, and/or fashion tape would fix that).

>> No.8377915

Do it. Frankly, fuck tumblr. They act like fat people are an actual oppressed class on par with PoC and LGBT people. Fuck that. Cosplay whatever you want.

>> No.8377918

Why did they gather up all the worst ones? There were way better cosplayers than this there. It's like the photog said 'Okay, everyone shit get in a line over there.'

>> No.8377922

The better ones probably didn't want to be seen with those

>> No.8377928

I went to a meetup once for a different show, and sadly it's true... people wanted just my photo individually because everyone else was such a trainwreck. I felt weird posing with such closet cosplays because I worked so hard on mine.

>> No.8377929

And this, kids, is why white girls don't need to bodypaint for Pearl.

>> No.8377931

Yeah ugh, on the one hand stockings look weird, on the other hand body paint is a pain in the ass. At least as a weeb Homestuck cosplayer I had the sense to try and seal it with hairspray (not great but tbh way better than nothing).

On a related note, what paints and sealers do y'all seagulls recommend? I have done Snazaroo with NXY sealer, but I find it cracks a lot. Haven't played with powder much yet but I've heard people suggest it. Hard to find good advice when most cosplayers have no idea what they're doing.

>> No.8377955

It happened because she was modeled after her black voice-actress?>>8377413

>> No.8377959

Nobody on tumblr actually cares about amethyst's bodytype. Just do it and stop acting like you care if they hate you.

>> No.8377964

ben nye airbrush paint. You can get a starter airbrush kit for 99 dollars and it lasts for-ev-er.

>> No.8377970


>> No.8377979
File: 10 KB, 206x366, shehulk4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recommend both wolfe fx water based, both the kind you sponge on and the airbrush kind, and mehron liquid water based. I always seal with mehron barrier spray. as long as you remove all body hair and have healthy, unbroken, moisturized skin, with these products I personally haven't had any cracks. I've been doing body paint cosplays for 4 years now.

>> No.8377981

I really like Ben Nye's Magicake. I used Calypso Blue for Holopearl and it's a little harder to apply than snaz but it's so worth it because it dries like powder relatively quickly. You should seal with whatever sealer you have but honestly you don't even have to. It's also really comfortable.
I've also used their Magicake Aquapaint in blue (I'm the Sapphire in OPs photo as well) and that was a mistake. It's hard to consistently apply on my face, but it worked well enough for my arms. If you sweat, youre fucked. I also got another one in Lime Green for Peridot but it's really shitty and translucent.
I've also used their oil based creme/proscenium and while it does look better, I feel really gross in it after like 2 hours, especially if it's hot. I would just use it for photo shoots honestly.
I tried sky blue Snaz for Lapis and I just hate the feeling of it after drying. It kind of stays a little stcky? Baby powder and tons of sealing can help that, but it still feels kinda icky to me. It stayed on well enough though!
For arms, I've also used fabric paint, but you really have to continuously powder yourself so that your paint won't stick to itself. It's really comfortable, easily accessible, easy to apply, easy to remove. If you're careful you could even last a day without having your fingers peel off. The trick is to apply thinly and evenly, otherwise the thicker, the easier it'll Crack. ***Don't apply while in costume***
I really wanna try other brands but I'm afraid. Like Kryolan's Aquacolor, does anyone have experience with that?

>> No.8377987

any idea where to get Ben Nye in europe? checked ebay and amazon to no avail. I got a bodypaint set just recently but haven't tried it out with my airbrush yet. just in case the paint is shit, I'd like to get ben nye

>> No.8377995

"Dick sucking lips". Characters like Garnet, Amethyst, and Jasper all have very full lips that people neglect to do. Added to the lack of contouring in photos those people look flat.

>> No.8378055

A lot of costume shops have it if they're there year round. All else fails order some from Sillyfarm.com

>> No.8378110

Kryolan and Ben Nye's aquacolors are both pretty nice. For bright opaque colors Ben Nye's Lumiere paints are pretty good used with liquid set instead of water have a really long wear. I've heard Mehron's paradise paint is great comparable to MAC's chroma cakes which you need to be a MAC artist to get. I use Graftobian airbrush mainly for the color selection if I don't expect much sweat. For the long haul days I use Ben Nye cream colors sealed with final seal and neutral set powder although last time I did that was for Sugilite. The aquacolors don't seem to cover latex that well even with a castor sealer over it. If all else fails you could always try PAX paint, a 50/50 mix of Pros Aide and acrylic paint.

>> No.8378170
File: 56 KB, 504x504, 1433430792659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfect Pearl wig.
Perfect Pearl body.
Perfect Pearl face.

Dis gon b gu-

Wait, what is this..

Perfect Peridot Wig.
Perfect Peridot body.
Perfect Peridot face.

Sweet diamond authority, I don't know who sold their soul to Rebecca Sugar but if these two continue at this level and pull it off it's going to be pretty amazing.

Also, that Jasper is looking pretty slick too, nose piece is a little big but I love the hair and markings, She looks damn good and that smile is spot on perfect, she looks suitably "large" at least compared to Peri, which is great. If she has the arms and shoulders for this I know she will be the best Jasper around, but I know that is a tall order to fill. If she at least has some height, she will still be one of the best and I really can't wait for more.

Fuck it I am genuinely to see these.

>> No.8378183
File: 1.08 MB, 760x3359, 1429958965025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am dumb, I have the stupid.

I am genuinely hyped to see these.

>> No.8378211

Oh man. This is really just too cute.

>> No.8378244

The only beef I've got is how her top looks sloppy, but her physique and wig are really nice

>> No.8378357
File: 260 KB, 483x483, sdffsd8_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, I'm honestly saying that my lips are the least chapped especially there, it's hot like satan's asshole here. It's just the effect of Snazooroo coming off and photoshop's sharpen tool.
Although I'll agree with the contouring, I haven't gotten into serious makeup before cosplaying. So that's a thing I'll practice and learn, I'm a very skinny person so I understand why it makes me look hollow hah.
Regarding the wig, again, editing makes it look way more saturated.
The picture attached is from the first con I went to with the cosplay, no lenses and no photoshop edit.
About the lenses, going to order more natural looking contacts for next time.

Hmm, it might be a good idea, I'm going to try all the suggestions honestly.
Thanks, the sports bra I'm using there is an X crossed at the back, yet it still slips out, will try to tighten it next time.

Well, as white of white trash that I am, I'm not as pale as Pearl, thought body paint would fit since she's well.. white.

>> No.8378387

Yaaaaaaaaas this Opal's shoot came out so good. Slay girl.

>> No.8378405

Oho, that looks so much better, definitely one of the better pearls I've seen, your costume work and prop work is fantastic but that picture from before is very unflattering. I'm glad you got to back yourself up on that note though. You're very pretty although I must speak in favor of the contacts. The white porcelain face without the rather vibrant eyes has almost a "Horror" vibe to it and your "Pearl" doesn't have much contrast with your face-paint so doesn't stand out very clearly.

Love it though do you have any more photographs to post?

>> No.8378406
File: 3.88 MB, 2432x4320, IMG_20150604_170154806_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know /cgl/'s opinion on "adult Stevens" is oftentimes low, but I'll be attempting the costume later this year.

Here's the (in-progress) blade guard for Rose's sword which I'll be carrying with me, along with the shield.

Are there any musts or recommendations for Steven cosplay which y'all might be able to recommend, aside form the obvious stuff like body type and hair?

>> No.8378411

Lion plush/backpack? Adult Connie to match?

>> No.8378419

Okay, that is much better and now I understand why you blamed your photographer's editing. He went pretty crazy with the color fixing. Still need some work on the makeup but at least you acknowledge that instead of whining about how you're the best Pearl ever. Totally look into some better body paint!

>> No.8378435
File: 240 KB, 592x720, peridot2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also dat Jasper

>> No.8378452

she did the exact same thing that Hanari did to her wig.

>> No.8378479

No, Hanaris wig doesn't have the height or the structure that this Peridot has. This Peridots wig also frames their face nicely, which is something that most peridot wigs lack

>> No.8378485
File: 324 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_nmo0yiSMdk1qim4fgo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8378491

why when you could have a hamburger backpack?

>> No.8378494

what makes the newer one look better than Hanari is the face framing pieces I think. Hanari's showed her sideburns a bit didn't it?

>> No.8378497

Snazaroo - cheapest, easy to apply, easy to remove. Feels light and won't crack on your skin. Comes off pretty easily with water.

Ruby Red - also cheap, easy to apply, vegan, hypoallergenic. You can eat this stuff. You also won't notice this stuff on your skin.

Diamond FX, Wolfe FX - slightly more expensive, easy to apply, blend much better than snaz. The black and white are much more pigmented than the Snaz/Ruby, but still come off with just soap and water. I think this is a little thicker than Snaz/Ruby, you'll notice it more on your skin.

Mehron (Paradise) - More expensive, more pigmented. This stuff has much more stay power, but goes on great.

Kryolan (Aquacolor) - More expensive, but this stuff is really cool. Goes on easily, blends amazingly, very bright pigments. A little bit goes a long way with this stuff.

Other stuff that I can't personally recommend but is also good.
Ben Nye

Make sure that you set your face paint (most of them can be set with something like Mehron's Barrier Spray, but some need powder to set them.) The best way to make your facepaint last is to not touch your face, so pay attention to that.

>> No.8378505

My only ish with this is that the color is totally wrong. Pearl doesn't have bubblegum pink hair.

She's got the perfect face and body for this though.

>> No.8378509
File: 3.63 MB, 4320x2432, IMG_20150604_171251548_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the shield I did for the getup last year.

It was my first attempt at making any type of large, solid prop. My skills with shaping and sanding were a bit iffy at the time, so the prop itself is a bit bumpy.

I've improved a bit since then, so I've been considering throwing down a few more paper clay layers to get things 100% smooth.

>> No.8378514

Those blunt edges are fucking awful. Nice selfpost.

>> No.8378523
File: 951 KB, 569x989, 11080525_467135123437204_9166907645509111096_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you! I want to order light blue contacts anyway, since these were without a number and everything is blurry when I wear them. So I'll try these and the others to see what fits better.
Related is from the first photographer, but with almost no editing.

Sidenote: I actually studied ballet for more than 8 years, the shoes are an old pair of ballet shoes I painted and I have another pair of point shoes painted in the same color.

Told you! It's his style of editing I guess? As I said I will work on the makeup, I know I could use a lot of improvement (and more products).

Ben Nye sadly doesn't ship here, but I saw some LARP players use great paint that looks great, covers perfectly and for a long time (one even for whole days.) will look into that!

I'm thinking on maybe ordering a new wig and style it better? This wig was the first wig with gravity defying styling and the center of the scalp was just a mess of ruined hair (reason why I covered it with wig hair I had left and made a hairline.)

>> No.8378525
File: 69 KB, 640x640, 11350788_985284694823032_710469649_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kind of liked this Pearl I saw a while ago

>> No.8378530
File: 61 KB, 640x640, 11352095_950283314993078_2085841986_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8378546
File: 603 KB, 500x750, tumblr_nntat1udgG1qim4fgo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the ones with the finger edits aren't that bad aside from the ridiculous brightness and painted visor. I'm still waiting for her second version of it next weekend.

>> No.8378551


>> No.8378561

ok this is pretty perfect

>> No.8378610

Nice to see people do Steven and Connie's other outfits.

>> No.8378724
File: 75 KB, 640x485, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno dude

I don't think Estelle is an 8 foot tall red/pink alien with a glorious Afro. I mean I can get what you're saying just still think it's funny people trip over the race of a space rock lol

I'm wondering if people would walk up to garnet and tell her
"you're a black chick."
"No actually I'm a magic space alien"
"But you have features of a hot black woman"
"Does it really matter?"

>> No.8378741
File: 20 KB, 196x228, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awesome post! Thank you

Have an approving bird nerd

>> No.8378831

People don't do that to garnet because you don't just randomly approach people and go "Oh you're black." wtf. That is not something a normal person would do. Not only that, but she has similar features and skintone to Jenny Pizza, while obviously not the same, as well as her skin being a slightly pinker version of theirs. Troll harder m8. She's modeled to look black. Accept it. You can cosplay her if you want, and do it with a more dark red than dark brown-red, which is what she is. I still don't understand how people dont get this. Yes, she's a shapeshifting rock alien. She chose to resemble a black woman. It's not hard to believe and can lead to a lot of cute headcanons.

>> No.8378843

Lol Talking about what normal people would do on 4chan
Like we know what normals would do IRL

>> No.8378884


>> No.8378899

So since Amethyst is modeled after an amorphous pig monster, is it culturaly appropriate for someone of non-swine heritage to cosplay her? Oh wait, that's right, SHE'S A SPACE ROCK.

>> No.8378922

lmao what though? She's a fat girl with a cleft lip.

>> No.8378952

That top is a disaster.
But everything else looks fine.

>> No.8378959

that hairline is atrocious. you should really invest in a new wig.

>> No.8378970

why would you go to all the effort of painting your upper half and just leave your legs your regular skin tone??? it would have been so easy to just wear white tights underneath?

>> No.8379007


I wasn't even talking about the lips, I meant more the brows and eyes, and I guess the fact that there are some really unflattering shadows on this pic in particular.

But now I can't unsee the turtleneck & unshooped skin there...

I love the volume on the wig though. I wish I could see the back.

>> No.8379014

How would anyone ever interpret that as Lapis oh my god.

>> No.8379025

She's modeled to look amorphous pig monster. It's her identity.

>> No.8379032

Oh god I need that wig. Suggestions?

>> No.8379071

this this this this

>> No.8379121

This was the photographers first cosplay shoot and I think he was wary of offending us by editing too much. He normally does far more natural portraiture and minimal edits. Her wig though is a Arda Jasmine as a base and a Jareth long as the ponytail. I don't believe there are any photos of the back at least none we have gotten back.

>> No.8379142

Next time wear a strapless bra

>> No.8379158
File: 27 KB, 401x372, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cute headcanons

>> No.8379178

annnd now I will never see Amethyst as anything other than a giant purple pig.

>> No.8379186

You're welcome.

>> No.8379189
File: 138 KB, 500x425, single.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna start workin on a jasper and a malachite soon. does anyone have any fabric suggestions other than lycra or jersey? like maybe something a bit more polished/not a fucking zentai. i'm shit at this sort of thing.

>> No.8379417
File: 508 KB, 667x1000, tumblr_nnlauw2X0J1s1humxo7_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhh well I didn't make it, just found it on Tumblr. Dunno if the maker did a tutorial. Definitely my favorite Rose wig though.

>> No.8379422

Wow I'm really tired sorry for stupid reply.

>> No.8379449

Yeah I know I should, as I said later, the wig was horrible oh my god the scalp was a mess! But due to time I had to do with it so that's why this hairline exists. Welp, it was my first wig styling so I say it's a good learning experience.

I actually am wearing light stockings underneath! That's the problem of mixing body paint and stockings/hand gloves. Now that you point it out I can see it didn't work well at all. I am going to invest in Kryolan body paint anyway, as I saw how good it covers and how well it lasts. A whole day of LARPing under the heat of a summer sun and my friend stayed a pitch black drow elf.

>> No.8379636

Previous post meant to this reply not the one about Opal, hate mobile.

>> No.8379651

I love this wig but i want to punch that cosplayer in the face and I don't know why.

>> No.8379653

She just has a very punchable face. It defies explanation.

>> No.8379664

Think we just witnessed someone high fiving themselves

>> No.8379767
File: 156 KB, 500x375, 4ae.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> There is no way more than one person agreed with something on the internet!
> it must be that anon self congratulating!

>> No.8379777

>all this how do i body paint
>fabric paint as a good option
>not nearly enough about powder

C'mon guys, Homestuck already paved way for this for the last five years. Don't reinvent the wheel.

>for white, don't use water base. Look into clown white.
>waterbase pros/cons: layering, easy to remove, generally cheaper, less need to seal/doesn't sit as well, is waterbase and will run at sweat, tears, rain etc no matter how well you seal, risk of it being splotchy and/or cracking.
Creambase pros/cons: generally higher quality than water base, smooth to apply, stays on all day if sealed properly, easy to blend/mix w other body paint/a bit trickier to remove, WILL rub off even when sealed though sealage helps a LOT
>sealing: always go for powder first. Powder until your paint doesnt rub off at a touch and feels smooth and dry when you touch it. Seal powder with barrier spray.
>dont use anything not made for your skin on your skin if you like your skin (fabric paint, hairspray)
>snazzaroo is cheap and looks cheap
>for cons: cream base on your face, pax or armsocks/tights on any other exposed areas.
>for photoshoots: a high quality water base such as kryolan.
>stipple your paint on (with a sponge), dont brush.
>for the love of god dont paint your hands.

>> No.8379812
File: 209 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_nmcwjfPAUK1qdtchqo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need moar fry-boy.

>> No.8379817
File: 77 KB, 361x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just found this... help...

>> No.8379818
File: 137 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is much better

>> No.8379841
File: 78 KB, 500x500, tumblr_nmew5mG8US1qdtchqo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having a heart attack send help.

>> No.8379879

why don't they make them out of shitty raver tubular crin and be done with it

>> No.8379890

That is honestly just how nasty I imagine his hair would look if he existed irl

>> No.8380136
File: 308 KB, 800x550, youlooklikeasnerson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this wig will haunt me

>> No.8380139
File: 64 KB, 402x480, to get lucky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


really ain't seeing any problems here
if anything that's pretty boss for SU cosplay standards
while raver dreads seem like they could be a viable option i wonder how the color-texture would clash with the rest

>> No.8380164

>no makeup
>no facepaint
>shitty gem
>j-nig tier face

"trash" sure is right, also, what the fuck is going on with those bangs

>> No.8380173

>what's a work in progress?

>> No.8380174

you better not cosplay her if you're under 5"10 and thin

>> No.8380180

>what's a shit cosplay?

>> No.8380187
File: 297 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_nm0rzcLuUI1titdsco1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

superior wig by far

>> No.8380194

This wig looks like a fluffy diaper

>> No.8380208

I understand this person is just trying to capture how thick the character is, but i think the padding looks really awkward?

the arms are clever though. Kudos.

>> No.8380211

wow, best one by far.

>> No.8380220

yeah but i think of this way.
Gardent's outfit is blatantly red and pink.
although the pantone is reddish pink
In comparison to the outfit colors
it looks brown
therefore, I think it was 100% intended that she'd black.

>> No.8380289

The most show of positivity or agreement i've seen in a thread and someone has to be cynical.
>what did I expect
>it's 4chan

>> No.8380527

Are there any decent Vidalia cosplays out there?

>> No.8380537

I want to do good things to her

>> No.8380605
File: 69 KB, 250x252, Malachite_(Steven_Universe).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


6'2 buff *dude* doing jasper
5'5" skinny bitch doing malachite, but i'm wearing hand-shoes and extra arms; think that well enough makes up for it

>> No.8380622

This wig is literally made of yarn.

>> No.8380648
File: 67 KB, 500x330, tumblr_npgsfrxqyv1qcb7k0o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you SURE

>> No.8380656
File: 248 KB, 720x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

manly Pearl but cute Pearl still.

>> No.8380660
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>> No.8380730

Honestly one of my favorite pearls tho

>> No.8380741

she look like vicks vapor rub

>> No.8380781

She got a face that really screams bird mom

>> No.8380818
File: 48 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't even wait ten minutes to respond to that one. I'm thinking yeah it's the same person lol. Someone who takes that long to write out a response has an invested interest to make sure the point is proven! "Because my argument on the internet matters!"

Seeing as you two are the only ones bringing that tumblr bullshit here and arguing about the features of an alien. Congrats! You both win. We scroll past your arguments like avoiding two homeless people yelling in the street.

Now contribute to the thread. Check out these curls boi

>> No.8380821

What the fuck is with this low res photo

>> No.8380926

Screencap from a video lol. I hate working with mobile but then again I'm at work so it's kind of like getting paid to post.
Cosplayer is Dustbunny cosplay on FB

>> No.8380970
File: 72 KB, 640x496, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what when you put it that way I can see that

>> No.8380997

their wig just looks... off to me.

>> No.8381004

That admiral with the Ahri tails...why?

>> No.8381292

I wasn't even the two anons involved - just noticed you being a dumbass and commented. Also, post better content or don't even bother.

>> No.8381371
File: 975 KB, 720x1280, Screenshots_2015-06-06-02-41-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresh from fb

>> No.8381430

Perfect body and face for Pearl tho

>> No.8381509
File: 94 KB, 192x400, tumblr_inline_nmmou1YkbT1qje3qr_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not really helping much here, but once I finally catch up with everything she's probably the only character i'd be able to pull off somewhat decently (tiny 4'11"-5' girl, somewhat of a resting bitch face). i'm just not really sure how i can pull off that point on the top of her hair without it looking like shit.

>> No.8381682
File: 146 KB, 540x732, 1432674332211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8381689
File: 182 KB, 720x1280, tumblr_np7439We2f1u9f4pco4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8381700
File: 744 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_np747vbe2S1ryw0vgo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MLG Peridot. Looks good. Real good.

>> No.8381706
File: 30 KB, 600x342, 5c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are those... cotton balls?????

>> No.8381707

male version of popstar ahri i'm sure

>> No.8381777

This honestly makes me think that wig fibers might not be the best way to do Peridot's hair.

>> No.8381809


>> No.8381812

/cgl/ is full of jealous nitpicky seagulls

>> No.8381843

This tho when i saw pics i didnt read her hair as hair at all i thought it was a helmet or smthn :/ ive only seen one ep w/her in it breifly, tho

>> No.8381847

9/10 "hair" should be made of cool ranch doritos

>> No.8381853

Anyone mind a selfpost? I'm nearly done with my Lapis costume and would like some opinion.

>> No.8381871

Go for it!

>> No.8381878

Go for it

>> No.8381958
File: 46 KB, 540x540, 2015-06-06_00.29.46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aight here we go. All that's left is to ad d the other half of my diamond to the skirt. No wig as of yet. Very open to any concrit / improvement suggestions.

Working on a petticoat for the skirt to give it a little volume too.

>> No.8382043

How are you planning to add the diamond? I would attach it before sewing on the waistband, if you haven't already. Otherwise it looks nice and neat. I strongly suggest not to wear a petticoat under it though, because it's kind of like a swimsuit? It'd be strange to see it with a petti

>> No.8382048

Why do people bother writing essays to defend themselves on here?

>> No.8382053

I had initially planned on sewing it in with the waistband and then I got ahead of myself. I might have to just rip off the band and redo it. I'm just making the petti so the skirt has a little flare, not going crazy lolita-level poof but more like a n underskirt to give it just a little body.

>> No.8382068

un fucking real

>> No.8382069 [DELETED] 
File: 72 KB, 242x264, 1430875174275.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reall neato anon. What are your plans for the petti exactly?

>> No.8382177

/cgl/ is full of people who are able to give unbiased opinions and an outside perspective in order to help a cosplayer improve their costume. Also jealous nitpicky seagulls.

>> No.8382181


I agree, I like it better as a helmet, it really drives home how inorganic she is what with the robohands and all. It seems strange to have every part of her be like hard plastic and then have something as natural as hair.

>> No.8382203
File: 210 KB, 1920x1080, ppc_horseHairBraidHem_1920x1080_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Horse hair braid in the hem could give it the flair u want w/out the bulk from a petti

>> No.8382365

Didn't write to defend myself actually came here to look for some tips to further improve the cosplay, because people are more blunt here and are unbiased and won't sugarcoat their opinion.
Like now I know I need a new wig, (maybe) new contacts, new body paint and to contour my face and do less of the blue blush for the next time I do my cosplay.

>> No.8382384

what would stevens hair translate to in terms of real hair styles?
seems like most people just kinda slap on an afro and call it a day.

im guessing it would be something like dense curly hair?

>> No.8382388
File: 14 KB, 110x136, steven sugar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's based off of rebecca sugar's little bro, and this is what he looks like
so, more dense and curly than fro-y

>> No.8382494
File: 61 KB, 500x442, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*says to post content*
*doesnt post any*

Seems in your keyboard rage you forgot something and gave us the definition of irony.
Now I don't know if this is a troll or not but here's hoping you provide more entertainment while I'm stuck on this family road trip.

>> No.8382496

Mein gott

Weighted hair!

>> No.8382504


Snazz is shit buy paint that isn't 3$/pan

>> No.8382508


>dont really need to seal

Oh my god this really is homestuck all over again

>> No.8382512

I love this show, but it attracts the worse possible cosplayers. I think people need to accept that it's a bad show for cosplaying. The character designs do not translate well into reality.

Also there's no one I could cosplay.

>> No.8382523
File: 482 KB, 1280x1707, garnetfags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8382639
File: 88 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tempted to cosplay Crocodile!Amethyst but I'm not big enough to cosplay as Amethyst in the first place.
>Big booty and thighs
>Skinny ass noodle arms.
>Never thought I'd be too skinny for a cosplay.

>> No.8382805

I mean for Magicake, it didn't smudge for me at all.

>> No.8383004

See, you say you'll be the crocodile but you never commit!

>> No.8383108
File: 102 KB, 422x750, tumblr_notj78qBtj1qla6dso1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn. This japser.

>> No.8383177

Bless the bara wife

>> No.8383223
File: 526 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_npjhp82utW1qim4fgo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hanari fixed her colorblindness. Now if she could just get the damn visor and make her face less punchable she might be redeemable.

>> No.8383278


>> No.8383283

I think for peridot the punchable face kinda works tho. But yeah I'd like to see the full finished product before saying its not shit this time.

>> No.8383289
File: 95 KB, 500x750, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy :)

>> No.8383330


>> No.8383346
File: 114 KB, 774x1032, sour_cream_cosplay___wig_by_darecrowofficial-d8s3r6l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8383374

I guess this is an unpopular opinion but I just don't think SU's designs work well IRL at all. They're just so cartoony that they don't translate well. Even the cosplays that are okay still have something about them that isn't aesthetically pleasing in real life.

>> No.8383376

idgi the is clearly a fatty chan

>> No.8383382

This is awesome!

>> No.8383387

What was she thinking with these proportions? Why do none of the greens match?

>> No.8383414
File: 321 KB, 2048x1366, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

garnet, amethyst, ESPECIALLY peridot and all of the fusions except Stevonnie do NOT translate well into cosplay.
but you're joking if you don't think Pearl >>8380656
or Lapis or Rose >>8377149
don't look great IRL.

>> No.8383415
File: 151 KB, 900x1600, 20140928_135511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I imagine Steven to look like when he grows up tbh.

>> No.8383429

>insert menstruation joke here

>> No.8383430

Does anyone know where I could mayhaps commission a Rose Quartz Sword, Shield and Scabbard?

>> No.8383487

>cannot unsee
>godammit anon

Already looking better this time around. I hope it turns out well for her!
>also I gotta agree that the punchable face works well for Peridot

>> No.8383531
File: 734 KB, 640x640, tumblr_n9ej9q1XlU1tpmk81o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8383545

>people liking this because it's a cute girl with circle lenses who slapped on a shitty ebay wig and a rando white tip
Lol, and there are actually full body shots of cosplayers who actually tried getting ragged on itt. Unreal thirst.

>> No.8383578

cgl have such an anger boner for intense accuracy then gets all whiney when accurate costumes look hella weird on real people ffft

>> No.8383618

she definitely has the face/body type (??) from what i can see in this but it also looks like shes wearing a long sleeved shirt instead of a tank top? unless she's doing the pilot version. also that wig needs hella more volume.

>> No.8383779

>those teeth
who keeps self posting, by the way?

>> No.8383891
File: 707 KB, 500x278, tumblr_nn42vzMu2M1tyujpzo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this picture seems to show the most accurate color palette for lapis, if that helps

>> No.8383900

I like this a lot, self post or not. Anymore pictures?

>> No.8383934

found the sauce, go wild. http://gowachan.tumblr.com/tagged/jasper-cosplay

>> No.8383935

I think they can translate well, its just that most people have no idea how to do it

>> No.8383994

You need to buy Ben Nye and look at some tutorials from the BNF Adventure Time or Homestuck cosplayers and learn how to do more professional body paint. Snazooroo is shit. Good luck!

>> No.8384077
File: 93 KB, 878x580, amethyst30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ilu Anons

>> No.8384203
File: 587 KB, 500x310, tumblr_nb1rcgMRNJ1r3mf8lo4_r1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8384269
File: 59 KB, 640x369, Jasper_Early_Concept_by_Rebecca_Sugar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


bumpin cuz i feel like the SU cos comm has an awful awful lycra epidemic that needs to be tamed at the very least

>> No.8384274


you don't want knit?

how about double knit

>> No.8384275

too bad the cosplayer is a creep irl though

>> No.8384278
File: 221 KB, 640x360, The_Return_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nah bruh, knit's my backup. Love knit. I was just hoping for maybe something a little more polished-looking since, y'know, Jasper being a higher rank and all.

>> No.8384293


They showed what he looks like when he grows up.

>> No.8384298

You mean Steven Devito?

>> No.8384301


It's lazy as hell is what it is.

>> No.8384305



So Many Birthdays.

>> No.8384323
File: 1.87 MB, 3648x2736, IMG_2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At the last momocon
spaghetti was probably flowing from my eyeballs
I haven't seen a bad lapis irl yet but Im sure it will change soon

>> No.8384354

>I haven't seen a bad lapis irl yet but Im sure it will change soon

Your photo is a bad Lapis.

He really is. He also made this really terrible video of him "raving" as Sour Cream to stronger than you and it's one of the cringiest things ever. I think it's on his page let me see if I can find it.

>> No.8384360

Found it.

>> No.8384427

>Your photo is a bad Lapis.
I will fight you

>> No.8384434

Looks like Rihanna.

But I agree with other anon that your Lapis is a bad Lapis. Wig doesn't resemble her hair and face paint looks odd. Crop top is a little too baggy.

>> No.8384448



>> No.8384465
File: 69 KB, 253x245, 11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, what the fuck.

>> No.8384516

Too dark. Her first appearance seemed most accurate, when she's in starlight magic lighting.

+2 points for nearly perfect loop of Ruby

>> No.8384518

So awkward. nnnnnnnNNNNNN

>> No.8384519

Wouldn't this one be more accurate than her other appearance though? Steven is more accurately colored here than in the one you mentioned so I would assume Lapis is as well.

>> No.8384530

I did a Steven and Connie cosplay with my gf, and it was definitely fun as a fan of the show. It also made me realize how terrifying some fans are. I adore the show as much as the next person, but some folk need to learn self restraint.

Also, is selfposting that bad?

>> No.8384531

No as long as your not asspatting yourself

>> No.8384533

I think people just hate it if you're trying to fish for compliments or pretend you arent selfposting

>> No.8384534

I could tell from the offbeat foot-tapping at the beginning that this was going to be a nightmare
I've never been so unhappy to be right

>> No.8384553
File: 239 KB, 970x449, paradise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What paint does everyone here use? And do you have any paints you wouldn't recommend?

And on that note, does anyone have any contacts that they prefer to use for any one character?

For me, I actually use pic related (Mehron Paradise) and really like it. I also use Vassen Cloud Nine in violet for my lenses.

>> No.8384583
File: 187 KB, 1050x1050, LapisWIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lapis is in a dark room here whil Steven is in a lit room.

i think a lighter color for Lapis is best, because that is her skincolor in light and not in shadow. Also it will look better

>> No.8384588

I just noticed the Noel and Serah in the far left.

>> No.8384719

Colors are wrong, hair is wrong, fit is poor, paint looks like junk, that's a bad lapis.

>> No.8384721

Lapis is sitting in the shadows in that pic, so no.

>> No.8384723

I went a little more vibrant than this with mine, I went with an ultramarine blue color for the ain on my costume just because that's the color that is made from lapis lazuli based dyes. I thought it was fitting and a little easier to match colors with.

>> No.8384806
File: 414 KB, 956x1280, rosescurls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rose's wig looks pretty good, but holy fuck pearl no.

>> No.8384820

Lycra is a synthetic fiber, knit is a textile construction. Cotton knit whether it's Jersey, double knit, picot, or ponte will be matte but it won't have the stretch and it will pill. Cotton knits are not made for active areas like hands. Spandex and Lycra while shiny are active wear so they can handle being a glove without pilling and that's why people use it. If you want something that has luster and a repeatable wear factor buck up and get over it Lycra and Spandex are made for that reason.

>> No.8384842
File: 34 KB, 350x321, 985454687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The rose's wig looks pretty good

>> No.8384857

Someone's salty. She got the shape right and didn't make the curls look too horrendous. Chill.

>> No.8384859

>wrong colour
>flat in the back
>lacking in overall volume


>> No.8384904

If it were brighter, you'd be angry because it looks neon. if it were mellower, you'd be angry because its "milkshake pink." It's the right color. And with curls that big, that much volume is impossible to get in a wig without some sort of rigging so it doesn't get to heavy. Just let me enjoy the shitty pearl and the nice rose wig god.

>> No.8384915

all that salt

>> No.8384918
File: 21 KB, 227x411, lapis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question for y'all
I know Lapis is wearing a two piece but would it be taboo to alter it a little and make it a one piece dress like in pic related?
I feel it makes it look alot more flattering but that's just me

>pic related is not me but I like the idea

>> No.8384965

I don't like it, I think the outfit itself is already flattering the way it is.

>> No.8384969

could be fine if you make it the same as the skin color perhaps?

>> No.8385230
File: 43 KB, 500x274, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you missed the joke there, bud.

>> No.8386114

You could just wear "skin tone" undershirt and leave the outfit in two pieces if that gap is bothering you.

>> No.8386173

Still my favorite Garnet.
All of the yes.
This is ten thousand times better than her first try.
The wig is too dark but she's heading in the right direction. If she had >>8375353's color and more volume in the back it'd probably be perfect.

>> No.8386249
File: 729 KB, 267x200, 1431646388434.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like the sjws read into it so much more than they should.
I have staunch right leaning views and I like the show simply because it's an interesting, funny and overall cute show.
I barely see any of the tumblrite "body positive" imagery in it at all.
Strong "female" role models I guess you could say but other than that idk what their appeal to it is.

>> No.8386361

I agree with this. Because of that I'd also personally like to see Peridot's suit made with vinyl or something. Anything to differentiate her a little from the other gems

>> No.8387306

Majority non-white cast, no token characters, well researched ethnic/cultural backgrounds canon lesbians without any censoring, unconventional family structure (Non-nuclear families) voice cast doesn't have any white members.

I'm not sjw but you have to be paying little to no attention to not see why they have massive boners over it.

>> No.8387309

Oh and I forgot the most important reason, Rebecca Sugar is the first female showrunner for Cartoon Network. Which even if you're not a sjw, is a pretty big deal.

>> No.8387948
File: 651 KB, 1280x1920, CHERRY MAN!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8387985

I love Cherry Dad in this! He looks like proper dad age; he's so cute. What con was this?/do you have any more photos of him?

>> No.8388023


fanime. that was the only one w/ him in the set though :(

>> No.8388087

Literally this. You'd have to be lobotomized not to notice all that.