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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 317 KB, 1320x1730, IMG_20150524_194153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8351067 No.8351067 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a dumb questions thread?

I'll start, can you buy stuff off lacemarket with a credit card?

>> No.8351085

Can you wear the same cosplay too much/too often?

>> No.8351093

Yes, it's possible.
>If it starts smelling/getting dirty
>If people can only associate you with that one costume
>"Are you the X from last year/another con?"
>If the joy of looking for photos of the costume from the con has rubbed off because you already have plenty
>If your sewing machine is gathering dust because you haven't really made anything else since then

>> No.8351121

Does Biotin actually help with hair growth?
I have naturally thin and oily hair and I'm worried it won't work because nothing works with this shitty hair.

>> No.8351141

Do you wash your hair daily? If so, fucking stop that shit right now. The more you wash, the more oily it gets.

>> No.8351157

Different anon, but I condition almost daily and shampoo around once or twice a week. My scalp is naturally very dry and I have long hair. Should I change up my regimen?

>> No.8351158

Not entirely, but possible like >>8351093 said. You don't have to get rid of a cosplay if it's important to you, though. Just maintain/clean it it.

>> No.8351167

I can't speak for you, but I have black chick hair. Check the ingredients you use, a lot of them have things that dry your hair up really easily.
As for the condition thing, try cutting down and see the results.
My weekly routine is like this
>Wash once a week
> deep condition after wash
>use coconut butter
And I spray my hair with a spray water filled with water and a little tiny bit of conditioner.

>> No.8351171

Actually, when I don't wash my hair it gets oily, washing it, especially shampoos, dries it out.

>> No.8351185

Possibly due because you have been the routine for so often, it won't heal overnight.
You didn't quite answer my question, but I assume that you do wash it daily. The more you wash often, the more oily it gets.
Try dry shampoos or powders if you really insist of washing it daily.

As for biotin, they say it does work but no research has been made, and could just be a placebo affect. If you do intend of taking it, drink lotsa water or you'll break out in acne.
I take them once a week. You can also try the Inversion method, which also seems fake, and placebo-y

>> No.8351193

another anon with black chick hair, what brand of coconut butter do you use? My hair gets really dry (despite washing once a week and deep conditioning) so I want to try that to see if it helps.

>> No.8351240

I'm the poster of that question and no. I wash my hair every 2 - 3 days sometimes longer because i use dry shampoo as well. Again, my hair is just naturally oily and its been that way since I was a child, unfortunately.

>> No.8351246

I actually make my own! Though, my friend uses a good one, I'd have to ask her tomorrow.
My apologies, I did talk about biotin in a previous post. Sorry once more x

>> No.8351254

I don't wash my hair every day which is why it gets oily...

>> No.8351259

I've been on a biotin regimen for a few weeks, I've mostly seen a difference in my skin, not so much nails and hair. It'll go where it's most needed. I recommend fish oil as well, and healthy eating habits, a combination of things is what you need to make any real improvement.

>> No.8351384

I think there's a supplement called "Hair, Nails, and Skin" at Walmart that has like, Biotin, Vitamin E, and some other stuff. maybe try that?

>> No.8351498

>mfw I wash my hair every morning with shampoo/conditioner and everyone thinks it's a wig

>> No.8351590

Iirc aren't all LM transactions off site and getting someone to sell you without using paypal would be rare.

>> No.8351691
File: 62 KB, 540x403, 1428602690085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you buy off lacemarket by giving the user your paypal info after you win or buy the item. make a paypal account and just put your card info on there.

>> No.8351697

Curious what the different in your skin is. What regimen are you on?

>> No.8351725

I'm using a multi like >>8351384 is suggesting, My hair is really thin and doesn't take to length well, but it has some minor improvement as in, I'm pulling less out when I'm doing my normal washing.
My skin is much more clear and more visibly soft and smooth. It might also have something to do with the coconut oil I use and my skincare regime, but the rest of my skin looks more glowy and is breaking out less as well.
I take one with the rest of my vitamins sometime in the afternoon with my lunch.

>> No.8353329

Do you need a shopping service to buy stuff off of CDJapan?

>> No.8354701
File: 534 KB, 434x750, whyyatittyout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Several cosplays I've thought about doing have boob windows (I don't know what to call them) like pic related. How do I pattern this out?

>> No.8354754

No. They ship direct and take cards and PayPal.

>> No.8356457

look at under bust corset patterns for a rough shape for the bottom

>> No.8356459

You mean over bust?

>> No.8356481

Am i the only one who gets incredibly turned on when i see people in amazingly cute cords?

>> No.8356486

Wait why is it bad if people only associate you with that one costume or ask are you the X from last year or another con?

>> No.8356499
File: 135 KB, 720x960, 1975007_10151915476065904_8744905079598298962_by_tmmeh-d7dz8x1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know what he used to make the center of the helmet/belt?

>> No.8356543

>Garment fits UNDER the bust

>> No.8356584

So do you just not exercise or do you just leave your hair gross and sweaty after you exercise?

>> No.8356586

probably resin

>> No.8356590

Same anon but resin glows and looks shiny like that?

I can't really ask the guy because he doesn't seem to be online.

>> No.8356602

It's possible that he placed a silver foil backing to those gems. That's what make the colors really pop.

>> No.8356606

Where the hell do you buy gem shaped molds? I've tried all of the standard retail stores and no one has any.

>> No.8356621


>> No.8356648

Wow, I'm stupid. Thank you.

>> No.8356796

Thanks anon.

>> No.8357126

ah, so what happens with the sale on their end? do they get it as soon as they can or do they have to wait for me to pay it off? Or at least some of it off?
I've only just now come into decent amounts of money so I'm not used to credit cards and paypal and buying things all the time online..

>> No.8357241

So I don't know shit about make-up really. Should I go to a shop that does it for you + recommends what to buy or do they not really care about what would look good on you and just want your money?

>> No.8357267
File: 25 KB, 570x380, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need fabric for a sweatshirt that can make these poofy shapes.
I've looked for a heavy knit, but it seems they all have fleece attached?
My state is too hot for that. I'd overheat and die.
Is there a term for knit that can structure, but isn't ridiculous at insulating?

Much thanks and sorry for my bad english

>> No.8357294

How do I cut a hole or window into lycra without the whole garment getting misshapen.

>> No.8357430


>> No.8357452

So two of my dream dresses are up for auction on y!ja but I have no clue how to navigate shopping/forwarding services. Can anyone send me a link to an SS crash course or something?

>> No.8357486

Go to a shop like Macy's or Sephora. They can help with questions and recommendations.

>> No.8357516

I went to mac and they gave me a makeover and showed me how to apply things and what shades/colors would look best on me. It helped tremendously. I recommend finding a makeup shop in your area with good reviews and have them give you a makeover and show you step by step how to do it.

>> No.8357521

You'll need a proxy. There's a proxy list in the Buyf/a/g guide if you don't mind looking there. http://buyfag.moe/

>> No.8357684


>> No.8357709
File: 6 KB, 300x300, cord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on how cute the cord is.

>> No.8357729

aliexpress too

>> No.8357872

How do you prevent cameltoe? What do you do/use?

>> No.8357965

Panty liner

>> No.8358030

Be very careful and don't stretch it a millimeter.

>> No.8358180

>what is dry shampoo
Washing your hair daily is absolute haram.

>> No.8358217


The seller gets the whole amount.

Your bank/financial institution basically fronts you the money, every credit card purchase is like a mini loan. Then your bank charges a high interest on the amount you owe them every month. That's why you need to get a grip on credit card purchases and never let them build up, the interest rate is the highest among all loans.

>> No.8358280
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, 20110131033940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How necessary is eye makeup for lolita? I'm so blind that even when I put my face two inches from the mirror I still can't see well enough to apply anything. I've tried doing it with my glasses on too-- it's impossible

>> No.8358298
File: 37 KB, 250x375, tumblr_noz9w9YNdu1qecu65o2_r1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Maybe think about getting one of those standing mirrors you can put on your desk right up to your face. I have the same problem (I'm nearing -10 in both eyes) and if I need to wear glasses that day that's what I do.

Unfortunately, you're going to have to make your face 'match' your lolita outfit - so eye makeup is almost a must. It doesn't have to be elaborate with 6 tones of glitter eyeshadow and rhinestones, but simple eye makeup can really enhance the overall look of even the simplest coordinate.

>> No.8358311
File: 32 KB, 356x376, tumblr_nep88w5g8F1r472txo2_r1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a nipple piercing yesterday and have to wear a binder for a cosplay next month.
How fucked am I?
>Sorry for being lewd

>> No.8358362

There are magnified mirrors! Try getting one of those.

>> No.8358581


The term you might want is double knit, these aren't fleece-backed in general. Not sure if it'll hold the structure you want, but you might consider partial interfacing long the upper gathers to help it stick out.

>> No.8358742
File: 1.77 MB, 500x281, 1432319107meattinderizer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's a book i should read(about clothing/historical clothing) that is hard to find or expensive?

i have access to a big library for a short time and i want to exploit it as much as i can

>> No.8358779

As another blind as fuck anon, all those do is make the blurs bigger. I usually wear contacts with lolita, but otherwise it's a dance of half-blind application and then putting on my glasses to check how fucked up it looks.

>> No.8358812

Toppest kek.

>> No.8358893

how do you cover up for public transit?
my cosplay is basically a spandex suit, and while I would be ok walking to the convention, it would be kinda weird at the train station.

>> No.8358899

This particular pic looks like a normal shirt worn under an underbust corset and a bolero, but for a true boob window, you'll want to interface/reinforce the hell out of the fabric, put it on, and then trace the window out. Staystitch around the outside of your trace for even more reinforcement, then cut out and hem/press.

>> No.8358932

Thank you anon! This was very helpful!!

>> No.8359006

A long jacket or cape?

>> No.8359062

Some piercings should be plenty healed in a month's time that you'd be okay wearing a binder for a day or so, but here's some advice just in case. When I got my nipples pierced I was working out all the time, and had to wear sports bras. It sounds silly, but here's what I did to prevent much chafing/sweat getting on the piercings etc. Take the thinnest panty liner you can buy, fold it in half so the wide ends are matched up, and cut circles from it. Remove the lining and stick these into your binder where your nipples will be against. This will help prevent irritation.

>> No.8359077

Bless you anon.

>> No.8360587

Has anyone ever bought a costume from cosplay sky? I hear good things and bad

>> No.8360702

Is there any lolita library that has 'random dress' search?

>> No.8360724

You should have thought of that before you decided to be a trashy whore and get a nipple piercing. Good God, were you raised by a teen mom or something?

>> No.8360735
File: 530 KB, 960x920, HDN_The_Animation_Peashy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking of cosplaying pic related, but I have a few questions
Would this be doable for someone who doesn't own a sowing machine and is generally shitty at sowing?
Also, I think the pants and the shirt are like, sown together, like its the same piece of clothing
How the fuck does one sew that?
Lastly, what fabric should I use? I was thinking fleece would look good but that would probably get too hot really fast
I've never done a cosplay from scratch so it might be a bit too difficult..

>> No.8360923

Real talk, this seems out of your range.
But it looks relatively easy if you're not going to start from easy.

>> No.8361004

Yeah, I thought it might be
There's a slight chance I might be able to borrow a sowing machine this summer, and if so it might be possible for me to pull of

>> No.8361019

Where is everyone getting their swords? I need a plain katana with a sheathe and it seems everyone and their mother owns one. People have suggested buying mass-produced bleach sword replicas off ebay but even the cheapest ones run around 50$ where it's 10$ for the sword, then like 45$ for shipping. My local chinatown is pretty tiny so no luck there.

I would make my own and have done it before but I don't have easy access to power tools anymore.

>> No.8361045
File: 111 KB, 469x493, dfdfdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone has this shoes? are they comfy?
is there other site also selling them? (not minky shop)

>> No.8361246

I hope this is for cosplay.

>> No.8364601

Is there anyway to make a homemade leotard or catsuit look not fake?

I recently made Spider-Gwens costume. I'm very proud. It's all appliquéd and the webs are hand painted but next to printed zentais I feel like my suit looks fake and cheap. And I'm wondering of it's cause it's lined and maybe looks too thick or because the lycra is so matte. Or if I'm just getting inside my own head.

>> No.8364907

I finally made a cosplay FB page so I can keep my cosplay pics separate from my main page, but I'm not sure what to do now. I'm posting progress pics and tips as of now, but how am I supposed to promote it? I don't care about e-fame, but it would be nice to get more likes so I can better network with more cosplayers.

>> No.8364925

These look like clown shoes

>> No.8364932

So I live in the southwest US is it even possible to wear lolita or am I doomed to wearing it like 2 months out of the year?

>> No.8364934

there are those promote my cosplay pages. most of them are just like whores but it gets you noticed. i've had people in my area like me cause of them.

>> No.8364957

We can't tell without an image.

>> No.8364962

>mfw Michelle Obama has a nipple piercing

>> No.8365106

Does anyone ever use a non-cosplay photographer for professional cosplay shoots? Is it worth it as far as the cost goes, and would they actually know how to get good photos for cosplay? It seems that cosplay photographers get a really bad rap so I was curious if any cosplayers reach outside of that for professional photos.

>> No.8365242

0/10 troll granny

>> No.8365246

Sowing machines are for farmers
Sewing machines are for seamstresses

>> No.8365247

My last photoshoot was with a photog who has never shot cosplay before. I didn't pay anything since I exchange services as a makeup artist and he wanted to practice. The last photog I worked with was a amateur who was really good, but he's in jail for kiddie porn. Anyways, photographers on the outside bring a new perspective and lighting techniques that separate you from cosplay photogs.

>> No.8365410

It's not bad, but people will definitely notice after a while and it gets a little old. It's just kinda boring to just wear the same thing every time. If you wear that costume every once in a while along with a couple of others then I'm sure it's fine.

>> No.8365480

Is it a bad idea to try to put in circle lenses without a doctor around to help me? I've never put them in, but I had my eyes checked and fitted.

>> No.8365483

KTC pure coconut oil

>> No.8365485

And that's why I will NEVER get a credit card

>> No.8365501

How the fuck do I learn about matching blouses with different cuts of dresses? I'm honestly confused to high hell about this.

>> No.8365672


>> No.8365786

Is taking in the shoulders of a jacket that is too wide,difficult? I REALLY want to justify this thrift store find....

>> No.8365976
File: 851 KB, 1286x2710, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's my first full homemade suit but I feel like I look so cheap next to the zentais or RPF type printed suits.

>> No.8365983

I've paid off a card before, they're not evil and it's totally doable.

>> No.8365984
File: 90 KB, 500x500, 1432698246484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what editing app this is?
>I've been looking everywhere its driving me nuts

>> No.8367186

Blind woman putting on makeup without a mirror

>> No.8367301

So do people like trip fags on this board or are they universally hated? I don't know if I want to make a trip for the hell of it or not.

>> No.8367340

How does the currency and prices work on Taobao?

>> No.8367344

How do you find a cosplay community? I'm from Belgium and I have no idea where to start

>> No.8367365

go to a con

>> No.8367938

Any cosplay suggestions for a predominantly African male with dreadlocks?
5'10," 175lbs, fairly muscular

>Virgil Hawkins
>Bob Makihara
>Kaname Tousen
Been there, done that.

>> No.8368077

You should probably try the suggestion thread.

Ekko and Lucian from LoL both have dreads, if you're into video games.

>> No.8368144

most comms have a facebook page. Try to find a belgian one, or, if you live close to the borders, the dutch comm

>> No.8368172

Trips people generally like/ liked:
Universally hated:
>Ally-chan or whatever the fuck her name is
Mixed reviews:
>Chokelate (when she shows up)

>> No.8368180

Yes and No. Sellers won't usually have Credit Card processing capabilities, but you can use a Credit Card through paypal.


>> No.8368641

Thanks. Posted >>8368629

>> No.8368717

See if you can find any of the Patterns of Fashion books by Janet Arnold. They're out of print and hard to find, but so full of information. She basically takes historical museum garments, turns them inside out and breaks down the construction.

>> No.8370061

The trick with catsuits/zentai suits is that the fit is supposed to be TIGHT. There will be a certain amount of bunching and bending because you're a 3D human being, but the sleeves, shoulders and chest look very big on you (I'm look specifically at the bunching under your armpit, the bagginess at your shoulder, and the loose fabric on your forearm.) The lining looks like it added some bulk to your costume as well, which also makes the suit look like it doesn't fit as tightly.

I'm not saying that you need to redo your costume or anything, but I think that these details make the suit seem a little more amateurish (Personally I think it would have been more flattering if you'd put the "V" a little higher up on your chest, and I think that the pink webbing on the arms should stop above the elbow, but that's my own preference.).

This is a difficult costume, but the only way you can learn how to do it is to DO it. So use what you learned on this costume to improve on your next one.

>> No.8370387

You'll be fine. If you didn't get a demo of how to put them in, go look at youtube videos to get an idea of how to do it. It will probably take you 20-30 minutes the first time.

>> No.8371686
File: 1.07 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-06-02-08-37-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a app on my Phone called aillis.
not sure if it the same one, but is also has those sparkles

>> No.8374751

how do you do a first time cosplay and not have it be bad

>> No.8374755

do something simple, well known, and wear a wig.

>> No.8374757
File: 52 KB, 588x544, kirei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


would this guy count pic related

>> No.8374852

Thanks anon. I thought that could have been it but it really helps having a second opinion. It's just really hard to check measurements and fitting on a leotard until it's finished.

Might take a pattern down a size.

>> No.8374885

Get a body shaper so you can have a more hourglass look and smooth your silhouette

>> No.8374952

I think that's a great cosplay for a beginner!

Can you sew though?

>> No.8375449

I think it''s pretty good for a beginner.

>> No.8375457

what is tenso? what do lolitas use it for? how do you use it/how does it work? is there a step-by-step guide hiding somewhere?

>> No.8375459

It is absolutely a difficult costume, and frankly, sleeves/shoulders are the hardest part. I personally like the handmade suits more than the printed zentais because Gwen would have made her own suit (and I highly doubt that she had access to fabric printing equipment). I hope you're more satisfied with your next attempt.

>> No.8376138

How much of a faux pas is to wear lolita dresses as casual clothing (as in, not claiming that I'm wearing lolita)? I'm dying for a couple but I'm not that interested in the fashion.

>> No.8377167

So I'm trying to make a prop from a papercraft. It would require silicon molding it so I need to get it sturdy enough for this.

Should I coat it with acrylic sealer then a thin coat of bondo or maybe some sort of paint on resin?

>> No.8377179

It's a forwarding service. You buy from AP, AP ships it to Tenso, you pay shipping and handling fees to Tenso and they ship stuff to you. AP doesn't ship internationally anymore ever since they closed down their international shop.

Tenso is in available in English, so you can sign up easily. Basically you have to plop Tenso's warehouse address into AP.

As long as you don't call it lolita, who cares? The only problem would be some lolita dresses require a petticoat/poof to look good, so wearing them as a normal dress would look quite frumpy. Some dresses however (lots of AP high-waisted cuts, some IW just-waist cuts) look fine without petticoats and work well as normal/casual clothes.

Maybe you are thinking of otome.

>> No.8377182

ffiberglass the inside if you can then coat the outside with resin

>> No.8377315

Won't be possible to reach the inside as its a sword. What type of resin do people brush on? Just regular smooth-on 300 that most people use for casting or something special?

>> No.8378059

What is this 30-day coordinate challenge and what are the rules ?

>> No.8378076


I tend to use smooth on 300. Helps that it's less toxic than finerglass resin

>> No.8378084

If you bothered looking into it at all, you'd know the answer to this. It says how transactions go down right on the website.

>> No.8378093

Is it possible to install a zipper between two strips of bias tape OR to have a seam with bias tape on the outside

>> No.8378442

Thank you for explaining tenso.

>> No.8378887

How do you all go about taking cosplay pictures in public outside of cons? I'm very shy and get nervous easily. My friend wants to shoot me in some of my cosplays but I live in a town where cosplay isn't well known at the moment. So any advice on how to conquer my fears of wearing cosplay in public for a shoot?

>> No.8378901

Well, for one you won't be alone, a friend will be with you and that should help you a bit.
Try to search for areas without a lot of traffic, generally stay out of the way of people.
Other than that, there's not much else I can tell you. You're going to be wearing something strange in public, that's gonna draw attention to you, but a lot of people will understand the moment they see the photographer taking your pictures.
Some might still approach you and ask questions ans if they do, keep the answer simple: 'were doing a project in costume.' Or something along those lines.

>> No.8378925
File: 251 KB, 700x525, tumblr_ngjkyiFDMs1ri9pyzo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you. Even though I know it's not perfect I'm really pleased. It was a fun, if somewhat tricky experience.

I don't think I'm wearing it in this pic, but I did wear a shaper to the con. But the costume is just so loose on the shape is kinda lost. That and there's maybe 7 or 8 inches difference between the hips.

Really appreciate the help though gulls. Planning in taking Gwen in at the back and cutting the pattern a size smaller for the next project

Gonna have to rethink the lining too. The extra layer makes me feel a little more comfortable in the suit. And hides the lines of my underwears.

>> No.8378931
File: 1.30 MB, 1280x1366, Wasabi_Plasma_Render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasabi from Big Hero 6?

>> No.8378944


What kind of jacket? I'm assuming a suit jacket.

Is it lined? Have you ever inserted suit sleeves before?

If it's lined, that has to come out to get at the armscye seam, and that's nontrivial in itself IMO. If you have never inserted suit sleeves before you're probably in for an hour or two (or more) of cursing (the secret is an easing stitch and 500 pins) and that's even assuming that changing the angle that the sleeve is attached at wouldn't make the underarm sit uncomfortably. You might have to either take in the side seam too or resize the sleeve itself to fit the new armscye.

>> No.8378953

Oh man, any pics of your Virgil? I was right into the Static Shock cartoon when I was wee. Wayyyy before I was into cosplay, but the nostalgia is still there.

>> No.8378961

I thought this said "Does Bitcoin actually help with hair growth?" at first. Gold. Sorry for shitpost.

>> No.8378983

How do I find someone good to commission a costume from?

>> No.8379266

Don't let the lolita snob crowd discourage you from giving it a try. And in a world where people sag their unwashed pants half of their ass don't ever regret wanting to dress up a bit for fun.

Hell winter is my season I use its colors all year round because its what I like to dick with fashion rules.

>> No.8379404
File: 314 KB, 500x750, TB23Q.fbVXXXXaNXXXXXXXXXXXX-1992797956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A friend of mine found the following website and wants to order this dress from there.
Have any of you gulls heard of it/used it before? It seems it may be a taobao reseller as I just saw this print on there yesterday. thanks!

>> No.8382867


>> No.8382871

I've heard that there have been studies done and they found that only people with a biotin deficiency benefited from taking it and actually saw hair growth.

I took it for a month and thought maybe it did something but nothing magical.

>> No.8383974

the prices are in chinese yuan. just convert (x amount of yuan) to (whatever currency)

>> No.8383983

souffle song is an indie brand, but they've changed their name to neverland lolita. they're on taobao but i didn't know they had a website, wow

>> No.8383984

Would a Love Live dance skit where it started off as one of their songs but turned out to be a mashup with Space Jam be stupid or funny?

>> No.8384032

how do you preorder things on taobao through a SS? i'm looking to preorder an OP and the listing says something about the first payment, implying there are multiple payments to be made. how would i do this through a SS? sorry if this is phrased weird or anything

>> No.8384036

What's the best way to follow brand releases? like when they announce new dresses/when preorders open?

>> No.8384155

I need to make some side pockets for my lab coatm how should iI make the oopening tto it? I've got the fabric for the pocket already

>> No.8384164

Message the SS first about the link and they should either make you pay the full payment up front or at least the first payment and mail you about the others.

When I did it I had to make the whole deposit at first. The other one I only had to put down the initial and pay the rest later on. It depends on the item and the seller.

>> No.8384168

Stupid to me unless you were cosplaying Kuroko no Basketball but that's me.

>> No.8384238

I think it's only a faux pas if you're wearing bell-shaped skirts. Those tend to look super frumpy and sad without a petti. A-line is fine though.

>> No.8384265

OH! I use this one! It's Decopic.

>> No.8384325

Is CLOBBA a shopping service or do they actually hold stock?

I want a new petti fast and it says that EMS or DHL shipping could do that, and the ones I want (Dear Celine frothy and/or CP A-line) are listed in stock, does that mean CLOBBA has them or would there still be shipping time from DC or CP?

>> No.8385022

Do you need a shopping service to order from Cyperous? I got one of their wigs a long time ago in a galaxy far away when they had that Cosplay.com partnership thing going on (and it's fucking flawless), but that's the last I ever heard from them. I hear they have lacefronts now and I kinda want in, but idk if I can order from them from outside of japan.

>> No.8385054

what is a good website that sells classic lolita overseas in larger sizes? i am not a hamplanet but i cannot fit medium japanese sizes.

>> No.8385173

have you ever crossplayed as your husbando/waifu? how did it feel?

>> No.8385457

I had a poke around the website and it says on the guide page "Overseas shipping will be delivered by EMS" and also "There is a uniform price of 3,000yen for worldwide shipping" so I'd say you can order straight from them! And thank you for telling me they had lacefronts, I'm probably going to end up buying 5.

>> No.8385790
File: 16 KB, 350x440, pSPXNA-916_Nude_main_v275[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone here worn Spanx over a waist cincher before or would that compromise the Spanx fabric? I was planning to wear a waist cincher with a bodysuit but tried it on and found that there were some pretty distinct lines from the edges. I have pic related and think it might help reduce the raised-line visibility, but I'm not sure if that's a thing that people regularly do.

Can you wear loose clothes over it? If you don't have a long jacket like anon suggested and you don't give two shits about looking strange, you can pull on a pair of loose basketball shorts and a baggy jacket over the spandex suit.

Sounds possible. I don't have experience doing it, but you'd just sew down the outside 1/3 or 1/4 of the bias tape as if you were prepping it for a hem, but when you fold the tape back over in the direction of the raw edge, you don't tuck it under the raw edge. Then you pin right sides of the garment together and sew the seam like a normal seam, just with bias tape sandwiched in between.

I'm assuming you want the pockets to the inside of the lab coat. Google "how to sew slit pocket."

>> No.8385812

How do I make it look like I have claws under gloves. I know I'll need to make the fingertips of the gloves pointed. But an I going to have to wear false nails?

>> No.8388152

I'm about to mod podge a sword. Do I just like... lay it out on some newspaper on the floor and go to town, one side at a time?

>> No.8388162

Adding more bulk will not help your issue with a waist cincher, you will not be able to avoid lines because of the fabric of the bodysuit.

>> No.8389129

Facebook group 'lolita updates'

>> No.8390545

There isn't much of a wig thread up right now so I'll just ask this here. Which wig seller is best when it comes to long wigs?
I've heard Arda wigs tangle rather easily so I'm wondering where else I should go.

>> No.8390553

you could try match wigs!

>> No.8390578

People say Epic Cosplay's wigs are good for long wigs. I've gotten 2 of them and I've been pretty pleased. (I haven't tried Arda, so I can't compare them)

>> No.8393302

Why do people like idol anime? What's the appeal?

>> No.8393307
File: 3.44 MB, 2432x4320, IMG_20150610_133754688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My p4 summer school outfit just came in and it came with these plastic stuff. I think they go into the collar to keep its shape but I don't see any holes to put them in. Can anyone help me identify them please?

>> No.8393962

I crossplayed as Alice and it was really really satisfying for me, especially how cheap and easy it was.

>> No.8394641

How do you email btssb to make a reservation for a series? As in what do you write for the email body, and then do you just wait for them to say 'yes these items have been reserved for you' and they'll send you an invoice?

>> No.8394665

How much do people care if your eye color doesn't match the eye color of the character you're cosplaying?

>> No.8394671

What does good contouring look like? How dark is your contouring make up supposed to be compared to your skin?

>> No.8394678

If it's like you have blue eyes and they have brown, who gives a fuck, but if they have like red eyes or some sort of unnatural eye color it doesn't hurt to buy contacts. That being said, if for some medical reason wear contacts, don't worry about it. Your health/eyesight > accuracy

>> No.8394943

Any recommended taobao stores for males?

>> No.8394944

Stupid and funny. I'd be kind of mad though.

>> No.8394946

Arda tangles SO crazy easy!!

>> No.8395054

What's the consensus on commissioned cosplays? I'm a novice when it comes to sewing so I'm considering having my cosplay's jacket commissioned (the rest of the costume will be hand made, naturally). Would it be dishonest to enter a masquerade or whatever with such a large part of the cosplay made by someone else, even if the rest of it is my own?

>> No.8395497

As long as you don't claim the commission as yours and you properly credit the commissioner, nobody cares.

>> No.8395526

Oh, awesome. Yeah, I was planning on giving credit and all that jazz. It'd be dickish not to.

>> No.8395579

New to lacemarket, if you want to buy a lacemarket listing with the "buy it now" option should you message the seller first and sort of "ask" to buy it and settle shipping, pay, etc first or do you just push the button and do that later?

>> No.8395586

If you have no questions about shipping/if it's listed, just hit the buy it now button and the seller will message you and send you an invoice with your total.

>> No.8395803

Definitely check the masquerade rules! The ones that I've had experience with usually maintain that x percent of your costume must be self-made, but I imagine that novice level competition would be more lenient with commissioning pieces. :)

>> No.8395827

Can you paint on nylon with acrylic? Is acrylic or fabric paint better?

>> No.8395867

If you already have the fabric and the paints with you, do a paint check on a scrap of fabric, but I think fabric paint is a better choice. Is it a nylon blend? I've painted on stretchy nylon tights with fabric paint, since it won't crack and flake.

>> No.8395877

What material should I make a polyester resin mould from? I've never cast anything with resin before and I'm gonna need to to make the soul gem for my Kyoko cosplay.

>> No.8395893

First of all, you need proper equipment and good ventilation. Polyester resin can be dangerous.
As for the mould, you should be able to find moulding silicone (usually in a spray can or tin) in your local craft supply shop.

>> No.8395904

long story, but I need to paint a design on china silk. Whats the best way to go about this without it looking like shit/running/ruining?

>> No.8395915

Where the heck can I get sheets of very thin brass from?

I need to make gauntlets and this is the only thing I can think of to use.

>> No.8396006
File: 396 KB, 1116x715, Black Hanekawa - Monogatari series.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is flannel easily fabric paintable?

I was planning on making the designs with fabric paint and a stencil/contact paper.

>> No.8396009

flannel is usually cotton, so I'd say yes. Test it out still.

>> No.8396032
File: 18 KB, 267x395, 10988519_574465532690098_9211759927694215595_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8396033

go away nige, you can't sit with us

>> No.8396493

Is this your first time making armour? Use craft foam instead!
Craft foam is basically that thin squishy foam that you did art projects with in grade school - you can get it by sheets at craft stores and shape+mould it with heat (I've used an iron; some people use hair dryers or even stovetops).

Cosplayers wet themselves for worbla or wonderflex or whatever the newest expensive material is, but craft foam is easy to work with and relatively cheap, so it's good for beginners!

>> No.8396855
File: 472 KB, 346x750, 1433476606237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What print is this?

>> No.8396902

Marionette in my Closet Room Cut 2 I think? There were two cuts of this.

I think there was one up for sale on y!auctions. I love this print, but in the stock photos it makes it look like a blimp. Nice to see a worn pic.

>now to dish out $700 scalper bucks on y!auctions

>> No.8397249

Ok, so im making some pieces of armor, working on gauntlets right now. And welp, i dont have the workshop to do it properly with steel. And i dont have access to thin plastic sheets i could heatform. Actually even if i got it i would probably need models and a vacuform.

So i tought i could maybe cut out the pieces i need out of thicker paper, and maybe glue them together with elmers, while wet it should be a bit formable and it should stay in shape once dry right? After that i was thinking of applying some resin anyway as i had some nice results with hardening a mask made out of paper just by brushing a thin layer of resin over it. Do you guys think thats an ok solution? As it would let me work pretty low tech, basicly just scissors, glue and epoxy later on.

>> No.8397251

shit I love those chunky braids so much

>> No.8397277

There's nothing wrong with the Paper craft/Resin method, anon. I mean, shit that's what most Halo Cosplayers and Storm Troupers do. However I would suggest using a layer of bondo onto of the resined surface. That's how most people get the nice smooth finish on them.

There are hundreds of tutorials for armor making using Papercraft and Resin, just google or look it up on Youtube and you should have pretty decent luck.

>> No.8398072
File: 88 KB, 600x337, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Planning to do a cosplay of Peashy sometime in the future because I think she's fucking adorable
I've watched some of the anime, planning to watch the whole thing
Haven't played any of the games though and I dont really want to because its not my type of game
(My boyfriend has played two of them and I've seen some of it, not my cup of tea)
My question is: will I come of as a (in lack of other words) poser?

>> No.8398110

No, because you know the series.
The game is GOAT AF, except for the first one.

>> No.8398114

Mink from DMMD

>> No.8398128

Googling SCA silk painting. They do super gorgeous things but it takes some practice.

>> No.8398135

*Google, Christ, I need more coffee.

>> No.8398183

Thanks for your input, appreciate it

>> No.8398649

Generally, is it cheaper to use an SS verses a Taobao reseller like MLD/Clobba/Qutieland? I thought I saw something about SS's being cheaper but I wasn't sure if it was certain SS's or not.

>> No.8398786

SS. Resellers tend to jack the price up first in addition to shipping costs so you end up paying more than you would have with just a SS

>> No.8398792

Thank you!

>> No.8398932
File: 853 KB, 997x995, 1419731429705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a guy with kinda bushy black eyebrows (think Bruce Lee). What should I do with my eyebrows if I want to cosplay a white haired character like Kaneki?

>> No.8399228

There's a method where you cover your eyebrows with glue (like a glue stick, not liquid glue) and then cover in foundation and draw eyebrows on that
Google it, I'm sure there's tutorials that can explain better than what I can

>> No.8399250
File: 636 KB, 1089x711, Screen Shot 2015-06-12 at 10.18.53 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any information on lightinthebox.com? They look like they could be milanoo-tier

>> No.8399463

>cosplay tier wig
Yeah that's probably Milanoo
Google the name of the site, I think there's one big master post with a lot of their sites

>> No.8401094

It's milanoo.

Anyone have tips on how to use cosplay with social media? I made an instagram recently and I'm not sure how to get exposure.

>> No.8401104

same. am i supposed to walka round with nasty ass hair

>> No.8401146
File: 110 KB, 798x459, Thalea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What print is this? I found it while searching for lolita nail art inspiration

>> No.8401433

is crownlabel a sister brand of metamorphose like AatP is to baby or is all meta metamorphose crown label?

also why is it called "sweet street" in english when its japanese name is "paris street row" or "paris cityscape" or something around that

>> No.8401440

you can real time big on your own. there should be a link above the auction that says "for international buyers" but some decline international buyers

>> No.8401443

anon this isnt 100% correct. if you pay it off in less then a month/before the bill is due you dont get charged anything.....

Ive been using mine for 2 years now and ive never paid any fees. I have one that gives me miles and doesnt charge me on international transactions (in person and online) like my bank does.

Of course i have this money already, dont go over about half of the limit and i pay it off every pay check rather then wait for the statement

>> No.8401992

Post your tits and do shout outs and giveaways all the time :^)

>> No.8402126
File: 17 KB, 480x480, 17689841443_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know an European store that sells these?

>> No.8402519

Can someone help me figure out lacemarket navigation? I feel fucking retarded everytime this happens but people will link to a sellers account and I click the link, but I can never find what they're selling?

>> No.8402524

Scroll right down to the end anon

>> No.8403930

How would I go about purchasing from the buy sell trade thread? Just email and give the seller my PayPal info?

>> No.8404127

is it okay to have a cravat/jabot in a different color than the blouse? for a coord i want to use a white blouse + blue jabot

>> No.8404161

I use the wear your own bra singlet from Maidenforms that I got for cheap at Marshalls or TJ Maxx, don't remember. It's also pretty cheap on Amazon too. The only lines that you would have problems with would be the shoulder straps, but that didn't really bother me since my body suit had armor over the shoulders that covered the lines.

>> No.8404167

This, >>8357965 except I find that using a panty liner the traditional way sometimes still gives me a camel toe. I put it on horizontally (as opposed to vertically, like you normally would) and press one half to where your labia will be and press the other half to the other side so your underwear is sandwiched between the fold of the panty liner. I hope that this makes sense.

>> No.8404170

Sure if the jabot isn't out of place with the entire outfit.
I think it would look nice as an accent piece.

>> No.8404173

That's the idea, yeah; just make sure the seller is legit. As for proof pics and or feedback pages if you can.

>> No.8404205
File: 70 KB, 270x539, Fig_takamiya_honoka02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is buckram alone enough to support a really big brim like this? Or do I need wires and stuff?

>> No.8405265

What does "frumpy" means in the cgl context? I tried googling but none of the results were conclusive.

Thank god for a dumb questions thread

>> No.8405606
File: 232 KB, 1077x362, 1415533640297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your guy's opinions on cosplayers who draw lines on their face + clothes to match the style of the thing they're cosplaying from like TWD, Borderlands, etc?

>> No.8405628

Do I have to have buyer feedback listed if I only want to buy dresses on lacemarket? Why do some people have a TOS that says they won't sell to people who have negative feedback?

>> No.8405667

Lack of concern for one's appearance. Ever see Princess Jellyfish? MC and crew are frumpy.
Someone that goes to the store in sweats and old faded shirt with cats or something is frumpy.

>> No.8405670

Underrated post.

>> No.8405880

French terry might work. I don't know if it'd give the shape you're seeking, but I live in a hot state and I prefer it for sweatshirts.

>> No.8405884

Super picky. Sort of a do it right or not all issue with me. But I forgive it more when it is appropriate/relevant (Borderlands) compared to creepy anime eye make up and painted texture jackets on crappy SNK cosplays.

>> No.8405916

Think of how old ladies dress, unflattering and bag like clothes. Basically if it does nothing for your figure, it's probably frumpy.

>> No.8407521

How big is too big? I've been looking to buy a blouse and most of the AP ones that I've seen for sale have a 92 cm bust while my bust is about 80 cm. I know your own measurements should be a little under the listed measurements for comfort, but would it be too big?

>> No.8408184

For something that big you need wires and stuff. Unless you make the brim out of something plastic that will hold its shape better, like that craft canvas stuff.

>> No.8408940

For some coaplays I think it's kinda essential, since it's such a big part of the whole look, but since it is hard to pull of, I don't think people who don't know how to do it should
Just cosplay something in your league

>> No.8409119

So if one picks an interesting coord, with decent quality items and colour harmony, but it's unflattering on them, they are frumpy, correct?

>> No.8409129

Yup. Other things can affect frumpiness too. For example, if you have a kickass coord but don't do anything with your hair, that could be frumpy.

>> No.8409132

If you're wearing it under a JSK or OP it doesn't really make a difference. Otherwise on blouses without lacing I go for within 7cm.

>> No.8409140

Get one of those folable laundry hampers from the dollar store and harvest it for wire for the brim

>> No.8409141

oops forgot to take off the name

>> No.8409143

I understand now. Thanks!

>> No.8410008

post your ebay or aliexpress buyer feedback. Thats usually enough. No feedback can mean its a sock puppet account or that you might be one that doesnt pay or respond on time after you click buy.

>> No.8410230

I don't want to post this on /fit/ because I know I won't get serious/any sort of reply.

Does anyone else get a better body from not doing anything? Whenever I visit my parents I kind of just hang around the house all day and I lose weight like crazy, and I get a nice slender figure. But when I'm at home and I work out and eat healthy, by body bloats up and I gain weight. I don't really know what's up, I work out pretty evenly (3 days cardio, 2 days weights) and eat about 1,500 calories or less a day from mostly lean meats and veggies (my vices are fruit juices and pork meat once or twice a week) but I always balloon to like 135~ when at home I go down to like ~120??

>> No.8412210

Thank you! I haven't decided if I'm going to do it for my Clementine cosplay, but since the costume feels empty without it I'll start practicing just in case.

>> No.8413071
File: 417 KB, 600x900, 1353048497667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you're not lazy shits and don't buy wigs because I'm desperate hair advice. My hair long. It's down to my nipples (btw I'm a guy). What products do you use to keep your hair out of your face? I can put two fucktons of any product in my hair and use a bottle of hairspray and I still can't keep it under control. Maybe I'm not using the right stuff.

>> No.8413081

you need to learn the ways of the messy man bun

>> No.8413085

I've been wearing my hair in a bun for a little over a year now because of the trouble I've had when keeping my hair down. I'd like to try one last time, or else I'm just going to cut it all off.

>> No.8413088

please don't cut it off messy man buns give me strength

>> No.8413096

They give you strength, but I get migraines every time I tie my hair up. Obviously, I must be doing something wrong. Don't tie my hair so tight, right? I've tried not to. It's not my best look anyway.

>> No.8413742

Are most brand purses good quality, or are they like cheap Forever 21 carboard and pleather sort of things in cute shapes?

Is the price due to style or quality?

>> No.8414789
File: 249 KB, 600x901, 1380768545449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a frequent buyer of designer fashion. There's a definite difference in all aspects between a $15 purse from Forever 21 and a $1,200 bag by Givenchy. However, after a certain price point you're no longer paying for quality but instead the design, fabric, and name (even if the name itself isn't printed all over the item). It's a common mistake people make assuming they're paying for quality.

>> No.8415170
File: 25 KB, 806x297, IMG_20150620_015519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So there are two parts of payment for taobao trends, is the total amount there all of it, or do I get a surprise fee later?
I ask cause I chose ems shipping, and the rate was 0?? So do I just pay a flat fee??

>> No.8415175

Oh wow, Thank you! Did not even think about that.

>> No.8415178
File: 31 KB, 874x426, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looks like TBT, right? I use them regularly and once your order changes to "received" you will be charged a shipping fee.I have never used EMS so i'm not sure how much it would be, but TBT does offer a 40% off on that form of ems (I always request SAL). So yes you will be charged a shipping fee at a later date. To calculate your shipping weight and fee look at the taobao sticky.The rate was zero when you originally ordered because they don't know the fee yet until they get the items. Pic is how it will look when items are received

>> No.8415182

Ah, so I have to wait for it to be weighed? How long does this process usually take? I would think awhile cause they have to actually get the items from the sellers first.

>> No.8415214

depends on how fast the sellers ship to them. Usually takes a 3-10 days. Did you choose to break down extra packaging? That will reduce the weight.

>> No.8417788

Is cosplaying from Tokyo Ghoul:re too "first!"? Should I wait a bit? I really love the characters.

>> No.8418305


>> No.8418315
File: 237 KB, 800x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sowing machine

>> No.8418318

Does sieg still post?

>> No.8418325

Try otome instead

>> No.8418334

It's not for the collar. Seifuku collars will naturally lie down on your shoulders. Idk what it's for.

>> No.8418599
File: 252 KB, 957x1500, il_fullxfull.285706236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone here tried sewing their own jumpsuit before? I plan on buying this pattern and making the middle one. I can sew shirts and dresses but I've never made pants before and this looks difficult af.
(I want to cosplay as Big Sister Eleanor from Bioshock 2 and the white jumpsuit is the only problem right now)

>> No.8418721
File: 98 KB, 540x406, am I a terrible person.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how stupid of a cosplay idea is this.

some one convince me this is a terrible idea. pls. I really want to do it, but I feel like no.

>> No.8418725

>mixed reviews


I don't post in Lolita threads a lot so I don't see it but I thought she was on the good list

>> No.8418756
File: 248 KB, 406x864, panty_stocking_garterbelt_by_takoballs-d32nepr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this stupid cosplay idea, i want to do pic related, but i don't want to run around the con with just panties and be the next tunamelt-chan. So how could i mashup their outfits? i'm retarded enough to ask if this is a good idea.

>> No.8418766
File: 501 KB, 500x663, needmoneyfordrugsyo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People get tired of a one trick pony.

I don't.

Make business cards to bring to cons.It sounds pretentious but if you care what people think you shouldn't cosplay anyway.

>tfw I used to live in Belgium
Con it up, make friends.

Go simple.
But not so simple you're a plain clothes loser.
I did Bane for a joke costume. Only had to buy the mask. Went well. I made four dollars.

Also learn to sew. It's not that scary when you're doing basic things. I use youtube and online tutorials.

Actually CGL pointed me to mine.
There are some cosplay websites that have commissioners.
Con friends sometimes do things.

>> No.8418769

dude... it's good on paper but nobody would get it. they'd just be like "stocking where r ur clothes...?"

>> No.8419071
File: 12 KB, 351x550, baby-blue-morph-body-suit-lycra-spandex-unisex-zentai-suit-e13423.image.351x550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to use a Zentai suit for a lapis lazuli cosplay.

How do these suits do up? Do they have a zipper down the back? I specifically need something without detail on the back, as I need to wear an open backed halter top over the top of the suit.

>> No.8419073

aw shit nigga this pattern was the easiest crap in the world

>> No.8419080

Yes I did choose that.. but I did also get shoes. I'll be more careful next time.

>> No.8419104

Well then, that makes me happy.
Is denim an acceptable fabric choice for this? I figure I'll have to make it a little large in order to fit.

>> No.8419122

I think all of them have a zipper on the back.

>> No.8419137
File: 120 KB, 640x896, tumblr_no7124EOSq1si99vho5_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why was "help thread" not good enough.
I'd like to make this cosplay as a sort of quick, fun thing, but does anyone know what the collar thing is called? I have no idea how to sew it. The bodice is confusing me a little.
Also, I realize the print is apples, but I really doubt I'll find fabric like that, and I'm not willing to out in the time, effort, or money to make it on spoonflower. Would it be too disappointing to just use red fabric? Or does anyone else have ideas? I'd still make the apple apron.

>> No.8419144
File: 6 KB, 130x130, attrib-22-287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks - since posting the question I discovered that's another option some sites have - "Wear from leg." does anyone have any idea what that looks like?

All I can find is pic related, which is tiny. Is it like one zip across both legs and the crotch, and you sort of pull it over your head and step into the feet? That's what I'm sort of understanding from a quick google but I'm not really sure.

I think noticeable leg zips would be better than a noticeable back zip, since the character's back has her gem on it and is kind of a key point of her design.

>> No.8419168

High collar with a yoke/bib? I don't know how to sew but I'm sure that's what it's called.

>> No.8419223

I have 3 cosplays that I'm almost done with except they require a relatively basic jacket but I can't find anything similar enough to alter. I'm a cheapass and was thinking of drafting patterns using a newspaper and a jacket I wear all the time that I know fits me well and has the right proportions I need. I don't own a dress form and I'd be worried the newspaper would rip or the pattern would be fucked up if I tried to draft using my own body.

Alternatively, there's this very thin fabric I used to make patterns from but I have no idea what it was called. It wasn't muslin, and it was sort of like tissue paper but in fabric form. Anyone have any idea?

>> No.8419227
File: 795 KB, 820x482, militarybraid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The bodice has very faint princess seams visible along the edge of the shadow under the armpit. however the artist chose to ignore them when pasting on the print. Good luck getting your print to match that well on the seams. The collar is just a standing collar or high collar. I'd do it as a rectangle piece folded in half lengthwise (neck circumference + button plaquet overlap) X (desired collar heightx2) attached at the neck seam. Or two rectangles with a seam at the upper edge that you sandwich the ruffles between?

I'm looking to make a Fullmetal Alchemist military uniform, and I'm wondering if it would look better with silver satin bias tape at the edges, or silver braid trim?

I'd like to do the braid trim because I'm planning to use gold braid trim for the rank epaulets and a nice sturdy pair of gold braids for the underarm dangly bits on the right side, and I think that satin will look out of place next to all the more detailed trims. However, if I go with the fixed-width (probably half inch) braid trim, I don't know how to handle the irregular shapes such as the pointy arrow buttcape bits (indicated with blue arrow) and the much wider buttcape belt. Thoughts?

>> No.8419229

You might still get posted somewhere but if the photo isn't tagged as lolita, most people will not think anything of it. People only get mad when things are tagged lolita when it's not coordinated correctly. Lots of us wear our lolita things casually and just don't tag them lolita. Go for it and enjoy it! The dresses are cute and you do not need to worry over anything if you aren't trying to push something as lolita.

>> No.8419230

If you dont mind people laughing at you I think it would be good fun :)

>> No.8419569

This is not convincing me elsewise anon. I think I'm gonna do it. In a year. Gonna go watch all of Temjin's stuff now

>> No.8419572

Maybe you just eat less overall when you're at home? If you're quite sedentary it could decrease your appetite

>> No.8419584


>> No.8419660
File: 30 KB, 450x614, Short-mens-hair-for-round-face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there specific search words I can use for a wig with a cut like this? Or some styling tips/tutorials? I'm usually a straight out of the bag kind of girl. I tried cutting up a really old wig, but it's just not happening. I don't really want to invest in a lacefront, since this is just a chill joke cosplay, I don't mind doing the shitty fake hairline thing, but I'm sort of looking for an already cut wig.
just don't, pal

>> No.8419723
File: 226 KB, 1500x800, makawig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which wig would work best for my skintone/Maka's hair?

>> No.8419781
File: 166 KB, 300x385, 300px-Wilson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would I have to do, to style a wig like Wilson from Don't Starve?

>> No.8419784

im personally a fan of the one on the right

>> No.8419809

Can I rivet sheet metal directly to 1.5mm leather, or do I need to put a buffer on the other side?

>> No.8419812
File: 51 KB, 600x485, AIM-agent-bust-2pk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can EVA foam hold a decent cylindrical shape, like this helmet?

>> No.8419817

How long a wait is considered reasonable for getting pics from your photographer? The photoshoot was nearly a month ago, but she's only posted a few, barely-edited photos and I'm starting to get worried. I'd understand if she did tons of shoots and was really in demand, but she's not a super well-known photographer. I don't want to pester her too early about it, though.

>> No.8419821

Does Closet Child show flat measurements for their stuff or do Asian girls really only have a 45 cm chest?

>> No.8419827

If she hasn't been to a con since I would drop her a message.

>> No.8419840

Yep, I just saw him posting in some thread here a couple of days ago. I asked him how his suicide plans were going and offered help.

>> No.8419873

Flat measurements, duh. Also CC's measurements are notoriously off so you should definitely cross-reference another source (Hellolace, Lolibrary, brand website, etc.) whenever possible.

>> No.8419933

Her attitude pisses off some anons but gains her favor with others.

>> No.8421337

foam core then spike, that's what my bf did for his.

>> No.8421342


>> No.8422994

How breathable is EVA?

I'm gonna make a full-face helmet out of it, but dunno if I'm gonna have to cut some vent holes.