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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8376877 No.8376877[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I can't even... I feel so bad for the admin's. Thank you for putting up with these stupid people. I thought it was a joke until I checked out her profile/recent status.

>> No.8376881

Not sure if this belongs in it's own thread or not, but please post caps of all comments.

>> No.8376885
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Here's her status.

>> No.8376889

Oops, I left her name, but it's easy to find if your on the FB page anyway.

>> No.8376892
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>> No.8376896
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>> No.8376924
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>> No.8376949

Poor kid.

>> No.8376966

Someone should send her the videos of Misako Aoki laying down the rules for lolita.

>> No.8376972

She's 18. This is so sad. When I went on her profile, I thought she was in her freshman year of high school.

>> No.8376985
File: 398 KB, 1080x1920, 20150604_020553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A "mentor" stepped in.

>> No.8376989

Aw..she's sweet.

>> No.8376992
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The plot thickens.

>> No.8376994

even though people responded when they werent supposed to at least everyone was mostly nice about it...bless the mentors in Lolita Fashion Mentoring, some of them have such an incredible amount of patience.

as dumb as this question is, idk i just feel kinda bad for her.

>> No.8376997

Yeah... I'm OP and I feel like an ass hole now. I'm kind of glad everyone gave me a bit of a reality check.

>> No.8377001

I honestly don't know how to feel about it in this day in age with technology. If you can navigate your way through Facebook I feel it should be just as easy to type in Google "Lolita Fashion."Then again I have no clue what is going on in her mind, she could have been genuinely honest.

>> No.8377002

Why, the girl is still an idiot. She could have spent 2 seconds doing research on her own.

>> No.8377048

i dunno about anyone else that feels bad in this thread, but for me i think i pity her cause she seems genuine in that like...she was really hoping there would be some way she could participate? and it doesn't seem like she's all WELL WHATEVUR I'M GONNA DO WUT I WANT!! U CANT TELL ME WHAT TO DO!! LOLEETUH IS WATEVA I WANT IT TO BE!! seems like she asked the question out of a last effort. though I feel like she should be able to scrounge up enough cash for secondhand bodyline but I dunno, maybe her monetary situation is just that tight and she really needs to spend her last $40 on food instead of bodyline. but looking at the clothes she has right now, I don't see why she doesn't take other people's suggestions and try to venture into vkei or something.

>> No.8377057

Who cares if they're a troll, just ignore them.
Someone dump that "mentor"

>> No.8377639
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The "troll" mentor delted her comment.

>> No.8377650

Do...do people legitimately get upset about this?
This is actually kind of sad. I can tell the girl isn't some special snowflake, she's just a kid who's genuinely disappointed that she can't afford the fashion in order to participate. She isn't asking to bend the rules, she's asking if any rules exist so that she could incorporate the clothes she already has because she can't afford more. She's a newb so of course she wouldn't know what she hasn't learned.

>> No.8377679

I want to feel bad for her but she's 18 and shouldn't be that stupid

>> No.8377691

Yeah, I'd have some pity if she were 14 or something, but at 18, come the fuck on. You try to find a job an accept in the meantime that you can't dress the way you'd like to.

>> No.8377736

How is she 18 when she doesn't graduate high school until 2017?

>> No.8377742

I just assumed she was 18 because this anon said so >>8376972

>> No.8377750

No...she's definitely a cringe worthy *~~special snowflake~~*

>> No.8377759

There's no way that's over 14 What is it with weebs and pulling that face?

>> No.8377760

I'm crying. The "nyan" poses are killing me.

>> No.8377789

If she was a troll I would give her 10/10

>> No.8377812

I was going to post it. Top kek.

>> No.8377826

This is the single most glorious video I've ever seen posted to all of 4chan.

>> No.8377829

she could've been held back? her FB says 1996 and in a regular year she may have been one of the older kids in her grade. it's also entirely possible her FB is 1-2 years off idk

>> No.8377831

Based on her posts she do seem a little slow

>> No.8377836

I wonder if other fashion communities ever have to deal with this sort of thing.
>hello goth fashion community I was just wondering if I can be goth even though I don't wear makeup, only listen to Katy Perry and the only clothing I own is a pair of fuzzy pink Hello Kitty footie pajamas
>pls b nice tho

>> No.8377838

In the states, sometimes children may not make the cut off point for starting school if they have a late birthday, She may be that case. But I may be giving her too much benefit of the doubt.....

>> No.8377848

Either way, if she's at least 15, she can get a summer job for less than 15 hrs. You'd make at least $2000 for working three months.

>> No.8377855

I agree, but I'm just curious, who's minimum wage are you basing it on? Also, taxes can be a bitch.

>> No.8377875


>> No.8377939

Fucking posers constantly come out with this kind of shit.

>"can I be a skater even though I don't skate? I love the fashion!!"

>"how can I look more like a gamer girl? I love nerd glasses!!!"

>"how can I be a raver without going to raves? I want to be a raver by my parents won't let me :(((("

>"do I have to wear cosplay to be a cosplayer? do I start by making a facebook page???"

>"but I want to be <thing>, it's not my fault I don't know anything about <thing>! you guys are so elitist!"

>> No.8377942

I don't understand why people think lolita will ever be "cheap"

>> No.8377951


>thinking someone who graduates in 2017 isn't in the same group of tweens who lied about their age in order to join like all their classmates in 2009

I vote sophomore in high school

>> No.8377991

Americans are used to cheap clothes made in China, and people in general are often very entitled and think they should get what they want for cheap because ~*~they deserve it~*~.

>> No.8378199

Deff not the AZ minimum wage. I'm guessing it's about $10-$12 an hour that anon's estimation is based on

>> No.8378342

Because I'm going to say, the US's generic base is still like $7.40 an hour, only in certain states like CA & NY is it higher, like NY is $8.75.

>> No.8378367

It depends more on the city than the state. Minimum wage in most big cities is like $12ish.

>> No.8378380

god FUCK why do people post selfies/videos when they have huge blemishes on their face

>> No.8378489

Minimum wage here (MI) is $8.15. I worked 25 hours a week at a guitar store and made more than that in 3 months. The best summer job is probably waitressing because if you get a job at a good restaurant/bar you make way more than that.

>That awesome feel being a liscsensed medical professional and be making $35 an hour base pay.

>> No.8378634

We just got 15$ an hour here. Where I work I make 15$ an hour before the wage increase. I guess I technically make minimum wage now doing the same job I made well above before? Huh, okay.

>> No.8378835

$8.15? My job paid forty cents higher.

>> No.8378852
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40 cents? HA! My job paid 50 cents higher!

>> No.8378861

God, it's so depressing when these things happen and it's not a troll.

Now I feel slightly less sad. Still though. A lot of people also lie about their age to get Facebook before they're 13. Facebook thinks half the people in my graduating class are 22 now, topkek.

>> No.8378867

This is just stupid. She clearly doesn't know anything about the fashion and just wants to belong. Or maybe she thinks it's not possible to like a style and want to get into it in the future, you have to BE part of that style as soon as you hear about it.

>> No.8378875

Does she not know that you can get into a fashion over time? I mean, what the fuck kind of logic is this? I LIKE FASHION SO I AM THAT FASHION NOW EVEN THOUGH I DON'T WEAR IT WHAT DO YOU MEAN I'M NOT ARE YOU SAYING I CAN NEVER BE A LOLITA

It's like she can't separate present and future, like what.

>> No.8378880

Hi, sorry for the late response. I'm talking the Canadian minimum wage in my province; It's $10.60.

>> No.8378883

Anon didn't you know that you have to go through nine rituals to become a lolita?

>> No.8378885

I'm so glad I'm not her right now. This is gonna make a fucking awful memory when she's older. I'd die of embarrassment. It's almost like it's deliberatel, like the stuff supercarly64 does.

Somehow she found the money for that wig though> I think that's GLW as well.

>> No.8378895

I don't know. Half of me is cringing on her behalf and just wants to fucking spoonfeed her until she's less awful for her sake, half of me wants to slap her until she remembers Google exists.

>> No.8378898

I feel like this is the meanest thing I've ever participated in on 4chan, and yet it's so bad I can't resist it.

>> No.8378903
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>> No.8378907

Well that obviously isn't lolita. We should point her in direction of the gyaru comm then :^)

>> No.8378913

I bet she thinks Lolita is nymphet fashion...

>> No.8378918

Her profile is open too... Anyone can comment on her feed.

>> No.8378924

Hey, no problem! I was just curious to know how you were getting the number.

>> No.8379124


This is boring and mediocre

>> No.8379213
File: 27 KB, 512x120, Screen Shot 2015-06-05 at 1.15.36 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wonder if she found this message board?

>> No.8379229

Welp I offered assistance. Let's see what happens from here. Maybe she's salvageable yet. I love a challenge.

>> No.8379245

this HAS to be a troll.

I refuse to believe otherwise.