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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8376140 No.8376140 [Reply] [Original]

Those feels.

>dad asks what I'm going as for comic con
>'why not midna or pirate Zelda?'

No dad. I want to be a 35 y/o weirdo, ghall!

>> No.8376158

i think im pac man

>> No.8376162

>ordered a bunch of stuff off taobao
>forgot about shipping
>don't forget about shipping

>> No.8376182
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>tfw you're spending hundreds of dollars, waiting several months, and going to put who knows how many hours into an outfit that will ultimately be indiscernible from any other

But still, it's been my dream

>> No.8376613

i really wish i had more friends in lolita
i have like 0 lolita friends, and the sweden comm intimidate me like hell
how do you even make friens, i dont care if theyre seagulls i just need friends to fawn over dresses with me and do weeb shit with

>> No.8376618
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shit pressed enter too soon
ive tried making friends too, took a girl out for drinks on me, turned out she was 14 and thought lolita was fairy kei, she kept hitting on me and eventually i lonad her a cheap taobao op, never heard from her again

>> No.8376627
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I was complaining to my mostly-normie friends about how my bf wouldn't go to a big con I wanted to attend with me this year (couldn't go without him and he ended up attending a con without me so I've been wicked-bummed ever since) My friends ended up saying they'd go with me next year and we could even all cosplay together.
I'm so happy, /cgl/.

>> No.8376646

What's your skype? I'll hang with you.

>> No.8376663

My only lolita friend is 14 year old chick

>Be careful what you wish

>> No.8376665

>get call from future work colleague (we met during interview) to hang out
>awesome stuff
>suddenly realize that means I can't wear lolita tomorrow
>sigh oh well

It's getting harder and harder for me to wear lolita ffs, especially as I need to separate it from my work life like oil and water.

>> No.8376696

>after years of not having something i was confident enough to cosplay, i finally found a character i was in love with and thought i would look cute as
>but going to study abroad during the fall and need to buy plane ticket and save money
>means no AX + cosplays
>"you know what a 100 bucks won't be a deal breaker i'll make it anyways and ghost it"
>mfw i realize i wouldn't even have anyone to hang out with so no point, i'd just have a bad time
>now trapped in my house until September rolls around and still failing at getting a summer job

>$100 then went into my phone bill RIP

>> No.8376707

If you're doing a trooper... it really is cool. With the masked characters in the 501st, you can actually become a screen accurate replica of something from a beloved movie.

>> No.8376711

Getting real tired of tumblrs shit

>want to cosplay mulan
But anon! That's cultural appropriation, you're not Asian!
>want to cosplay garnet
But anon! That's blackface

Holy shit shes red. Its like everything is cultural appropriation with them and I'm sick of it. Up next:

>anon you can't cosplay from an anime! They're all Japanese and you're not!

Fuck them all. I cosplay whoever the hell I god damn want.

>> No.8376715

I am. I'm playing the waiting game until November, which is when my kit is supposed to arrive.

>> No.8376740
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>spent $300+ on new dress, accessories, etc because I wanted something fresh for ILD
>wake up yesterday morning in obscene amount of pain
>12 hours later im in for emergency surgery
>no driving, no wearing tight clothes, basically no nothing except being stuck in bed until further notice
>Dress comes in today, final part of glorious new coord
>mfw all I can do is look at it and feel sad

>> No.8376751

>no money to go to more cons
>no time to work more for my measly pay because I have classes
>no time to practice sewing or making anything because of both work and classes
>anxiety problems
>hints of something wrong up the butt to my friends
>No response or advice

Anyone want to hand me a gun?

>> No.8376756
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>tfw every blouse bought recently have been too small

captcha...I don't know if a frozen mocha and a milk shake is technically ice cream.

>> No.8376767

>mfw my boyfriend's 10/10 ex did a cosplay that I was planning to do for a long time
>she was super cute, but she's obviously a newbie at cosplay
>felt super awkward about doing the same cosplay for an upcoming convention
>but also feel excited to blow her cosplay out of the water and feel good about being better at something for once

i'm a shitty person rip

>> No.8376781

no one says you can't cosplay from anime where are you hearing this most sjws are weeaboo a and cosplay

>> No.8376791
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>be 4'11 with babyface
>want to cosplay more than childish looking characters
>remembers how much local cosplay comm talks shit
>genuinely intimidated by them

Maybe someday I'll stop being a little bitch.

>> No.8376798

>i will never have a cool /cgl/ gf

>> No.8376802

>acquire dream dress
>seller takes almost two weeks to send it out
>watch tracking like a hawk
>it's been out there for days, but it's moving so slow that it's still got a few more days
>feel like rabid dog waiting

>> No.8376810


You're right, but that's because none of /cgl/ is cool.

>> No.8376816


thatd be cool damn

>> No.8376839

>be 5'6 with manface
>want to cosplay more than mature looking characters
>remember how much everyone ever talks shit
>fuck it ill just try it anyways
>end up pulling it off(ish) and get lots of compliments
it's worth it anon, if you love the character you'll feel good!

>> No.8376848

I said up next, like that's how ridiculous I feel that this is.

>> No.8376868

Thank you manon, I'll follow my dreams.

>> No.8376887

>can't travel too far for conventions
>all the cons I usually attend are already over for the year
>have to wait seven months for next con
>don't know what to do with myself
>just lurking /cgl/ gets me depressed because I don't want to think about cosplay if I can't actually go out and cosplay

>> No.8376909

>ex-cosplayer now only go to cons as a photographer
>don't really feel like I belong anywhere
>can't really talk about photography stuff on /cgl/
>/p/ doesn't give a shit about cosplay photography
I just feel like I'm stuck in limbo

>> No.8376944

Is it worth it just kinda seems like people on here are kinda bitching about something 50% of the time. It's entertaining though

>> No.8377036 [DELETED] 

>save only 40% of money made
>only make about $2k a month after taxes
>addicted to buying korean skincare shit and weeaboo merch
>already spent 1k in two weeks because of last $300 school payment

I'm supposed to be saving while my bf pays for rent and groceries (around 800-900 a month). I pay for our gym memberships and other small bills, but it isn't much. It makes me feel so scummy that I throw my money at so many figures, weeaboo tshirts, and things like prop replicas. Even though each item never exceeds $60, it adds up. My bf has a lot of student loans to pay off, and he makes much less than me.

I've only saved about 10k since september, and spent 2k of it on moving and furniture. The thing is, I also want to save up for a nose job, but I'm scared to tell my bf since it's so selfish. It isn't like spending a few hundred on myself.

AND I want to either redo my wardrobe with jfash or just finally take the plunge and dress lolita. It's just so expensive, but I guess I'll just slowly save for a nose job...

>> No.8377040

Try /jp/.

>> No.8377049 [DELETED] 
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> be me
> poorfag, making only ~$200 on average per paycheck from part time job
> laptop charging port stops working, have to replace logic board (and maybe MagSafe board)
> estimated $200-$300 just to order the part
> motherfucker

And now for CGL-related positive feels
> finally found good photos of me from recent con where I don't look like chub monster
> ILD is in three days
> ye

>> No.8377068

Here's your sign.

>> No.8377092

I'm in the same boat. Let's cry together.

>> No.8377120
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>***Process Time: The tailor plus process time need about 25-35 days, then it can be shipped out.

22 day to the first event where I wouldn't have to be a lonelita but still not have to meet the comm >.>

>> No.8377133

>bf breaks up with me last week
>one of my favorite cons this week
>us and a bunch of friends all staying in the same room
>three cosplays planned, a solo cosplay, a couple cosplay (with him), and a group cosplay (that we are both in)

now I'm just sad and unenthusiastic about the con.

>> No.8377136

> got laptop as a gift from a close friend

Fuck off with your salty ass.

>> No.8377162

Hack all city lights

>> No.8377171

thas what u get 4 being a slut

>> No.8377201

>entirely new to wearing lolita
>can't assemble first coord by ILD

>> No.8377206

If you are then so am I

>Have cosplayed ex's waifus and husbandos to make them jelly...and it worked

current feels:
>broke because sewing machine died and had to buy a new one
>but that's okay I needed to replace it asap
>thank god for full time work

>> No.8377210

>hanging out with other cosplayers
>/cgl/ gets brought up
>"haha yeah I love cgl"
>mood goes cold
>feel like I've betrayed their trust
>I fucked up

I forgot people that don't go on here think that this place is Satan's nest.

>> No.8377218
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>cosplayed 6 years ago
>want to again
>remember male cosplay is pointless
>remember researching and crafting the costimes is was more rewarding than wearing them.
>browse /cgl/ still
>reminded how uncomfortable cosplay is physically
>reminder how uncomfortable cosplay is emotionally (hi same character, aww your hair looks so great, FUCKING EBAY SHIT HAHAHA FAGGOIT
> still love anime
>huge boner for uniforms
>want to cosplay SnK
>now out of fashion
>idol cosplayers are completely gone, except yaya, who is a lich

complicated feels

>> No.8377305 [DELETED] 

About to have a panic attack because my fiance got laid off last month and I'm a student and he promised me all the bills were paid and we were fine and now today he tells me that we're actually past due on everything and we're hugely in debt. The cable company is threatening to unplug us, the water company is going to shut us off soon, I'm terrified we could lose the house or our cars and he's acting like it's nbd. If I instantly sold all my dresses tomorrow it would barely be enough to cover it, but if he had just been honest with me from day 1 of being laid off about our budget and what was coming up when, we probably could've squeaked by. And he just told me he's been half assing applications and not really looking very hard for work, AND his unemployment check (a whopping $240 a week) is lost in the mail. I've been looking for work like a madwoman even though it will compromise my education just to stay afloat but even if I got hired right this minute, it'd still be two weeks before I got my first paycheck, and by then we'll be even MORE in debt. I'm hyperventilating and I yelled at him and I'm just so scared.

>sorry this is barely /cgl/-related

>> No.8377307
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>have no lolita friends
>post on egl thread, rarely get replies
>gain the courage to add a girl who seems really cool
>message her and she replies!
>gets really excited about having a lolita friend
>suddenly she stops replying
>feel pretty down about it, blame myself
Months later.
>post again in contact thread, still hoping for a friend
>get a reply from what could be the same girl asking why I never replied
>quickly message her on Tumblr apologizing and that there must have been a mix up
>no reply
>still to this day I check my inbox
>still no reply
Pic very related

>> No.8377320
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>step 1: ask parents
>step 2: tell the truth
>step 3:handle debt
>step 4: whip BF or dump him while focusing on school

someone should have told you this, but, here ya go.

>> No.8377322

>only go to one con a year
>can only afford one new costume a year
>want to cosplay a character from Attack on Titan
>realize I'm 27
>don't want to end up being the 30 year old dude cosplaying as a goddamn teenager
>every cosplay hugbox community will tell you to cosplay whatever you want, but in your heart of hearts know that at some point it just looks too silly to ignore
>put on a lot of weight so it would take a year or two to get back in cosplaying shape
>short as fuck and mostly attracted to cosplaying younger characters, so something older like Big Boss just doesn't appeal to me
>tfw I've come to the point where I just want to do this last cosplay and then call it quits forever

>> No.8377324

Is there a local comm you could join anon? It's easier to make friends face to face than online

>> No.8377327

Tumblr eats messages. Use something else to contact her.

>> No.8377365

Use holidays or parties as an excuse to cosplay. Halloween being the time of year normals bow to your cosplay prowess.
DOFP quicksilver was actually really well received when I was bar hopping with friends downtown.
Wore a Nightwing T-shirt with a mask and wig on New Years. Happy drunk DC comics yells "Dick Grayson!" And buys me a beer.
Trying to get a cap america together for July 4th/Veterans Day etc.
Christmas? Throw a Santa hat on and you got holiday theme cosplay at the party!

Won't lie can be a little intimidating wondering how people will react. But just own it and have fun.

>> No.8377368

I love /cgl/ because half of them will encourage you because fuck SJW, the other half absolutely know there's an 85% chance you'll look like a trainwreck and are hungry like the wolves.

And a third unforseen percentage are DYING for you to look terrible AND get destroyed by the internet.

>> No.8377369
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>be younger me
>used to go to a single con every year
>was the highlight of the summer
>be current me
>too poor to go to con for the past three years
>want to do props in spare time but too poor to even buy hotglue and paint
>depression would probably cause me to never finish props if I even had the money
>watch old cosplays and wigs collect dust in closet
>read con threads on /cgl/ and vids of panels to at least feel like I didn't miss anything

>> No.8377377 [DELETED] 

slowly giving up cosplay because all my friends replace me with other people in group. plus other reasons. Trying to lose weight and it's just not working so i always feel like a fucking bloated landwhale. Trying to get a job with no experience whatsoever and it's virtually impossible, been unemployed for two years and I've had maybe 2 interviews and 1 trial. Some friends stop talking to me, say I've been mean to them and also ignoring them when I haven't. Enrolled to start university next month.

Slowly just losing what little hope for life I have. No idea what to do.

>> No.8377383

You sound like me. More or less.

>tfw no landwhale gf to be miserable and cry myself to sleep with

>> No.8377398

>caring about tumblr
That's your first mistake.

>> No.8377411

oh anon, me too! except i got mine from a rich relative...

i recently had to replace my charger OTL

>> No.8377415


>being that one friend who has avoided all drama between con friends
>everyone hates eachother
>Don't want to side with anyone but want to see everyone
>Spend most of cons running around seeing people
>Hotels are a nightmare to get because everyone wants room shares but don't get along
>wont mention eachother around me

wat do

>> No.8377418
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I know that feel bro.

>> No.8377427

Volunteer work. I'm serious

Was a whiny little cunt with no motivation and mom told me to sign up for volunteer work. Said it would also help to have that work on my resume. Long story short I ended up helping set up a food bank distributing food to the homeless and poor. Seeing people who really have almost nothing and are so grateful for your help put my ass in perspective. Some were elderly folk who couldn't afford to pay for food. Had to help carry their food to their car.
And don't tell me you don't have anything when you can go on the internet to complain.

If you don't wanna help people at least help Animals. I made some good friends with positive people at the shelter. Hanging around people who aren't selfish cunts will help your life out immensely. If you're at a point where you can't stand yourself, take the focus off you for a bit.

>> No.8377436 [DELETED] 

ask your parents for help and dump bf as soon as possible
do what >>8377320 said

>> No.8377439

Upfront send everyone a message saying you understand they're all upset but it's making life very difficult for you so could you all work out a system, or something like that.

Be brutal when you're rooming with someone else. Don't be afraid to mention names in front of them. Pointedly say names when they avoid them and tell them to be mature about it.

>> No.8377440

What happened anon? As in why did you have all that pain?

>> No.8377473 [DELETED] 

I actually really want to volunteer, I'm in the process of finding places that will take me on at the moment.
My pets are basically the only reason I'm still alive, and I enrolled in uni to eventually work towards becoming a vet.

So, thanks anon. I appreciate the advice. I'll look into any sort of volunteer work. But I'm also stuck in this loop where I'm gonna need a paid position soon to support myself. >.<

>> No.8377474



>> No.8377561

>one of the only large cons of the year in my shit country is coming up
>going to be away for two weeks before the comm and only get home in the early hours of Saturday, then would have to get up four hours later
>going to be absolutely shattered if I go on Saturday, but don't want to go Sunday because everyone I know is going on Saturday and Sunday transport links are shit anyway
>can't just not go because con is probably my only opportunity to see my best friend IRL this summer
>on top of that, of the five people I went with last year...
>one I would never go to a con with again because he didn't gel that well with my other friends then ditched us halfway through to play LoL
>two (younger sibling and their friend) are bringing more young weeb friends this year who are too immature for me to hang out with, and they all bought early bird tickets so I can't queue with them anyway
>one chill confriend is in Japan
>therefore, only me and best friend left
>plus he's kind of depressed at the moment so without chill confriend to buoy him up he won't be a barrel of laughs anyway
>he's bringing his younger sibling so we can't talk openly
>know other people going but they're loud weebs who I wouldn't want to hang round with all day

I don't even want to go any more and I can't decide what to wear. Plus, with so many of the original group either not going or going at a different time, I'm going to have to travel to the con alone.

>> No.8377613
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I know this feel.

I told my boyfriend about ILD, and how I wanted to buy a nice coord, so I could participate. I expected him to give me shit, cause he's a penny pincher, but he actually encouraged me get all the stuff I would need.

>tfw I wouldn't be able to get a quality petti in time.

I was so excited. Oh well.

>> No.8377620


The volunteer work looks good on your resume and depending on where you volunteer, you may make connections that will help you get a job later.

If you're interested in becoming a veterinarian, then volunteering at the animal shelter might be a good route to go.

>> No.8377627

You know they have groups for this? My bf belongs to a local comm for his boba fett cosplay, everyone in the comm dies their own outfit so you can be accurate or as unique as you want and still be part of the group.

>> No.8377628

I always like seeing cosplays like this at cons, even though there are lots of them. It's worth it.

>> No.8377630

You can cheat a petti. I dont reccomend this for actual all the time use but if you are in need of poof quick, you can usually get an okay look using hallooween quality pettis and skirts that you may have that you can build up underneath. Basically get anything that you think is a bit tutu like and put it on. You wont get an amazing poof but you can at least be able to wear your stuff while waiting for a real petticoat in the mail.

>> No.8377634

You gotta watch out for those they're filled with calories

>> No.8377654

Explain it isn't.

>> No.8377662 [DELETED] 

Definitely do what >>8377320 said, your boyfriend fucked up really bad. Being unplugged by cable isn't so bad unless they do your Internet too, which you need for job applications.

You shouldn't have to look for work like a madwoman while you're studying, when he isn't bothering to apply to jobs properly. Get out ASAP.

>> No.8377664 [DELETED] 

Also I bet he's bullshitting about his check being lost and has just wasted the money on shit.

>> No.8377672

>tfw new coord probably won't get here in time for ILD

It was processed through the sort facility in New York yesterday. I have the dress, but not the blouse or accessories I was planning to wear with it. I was so excited to wear it for the meet-up, too. Oh well, I'll wear it some other time.

Watch it get here on Sunday...

>> No.8377687

This is great advice, volunteering really helped me. Quite a lot of volunteer places will pay your transport costs if you bring in your bus tickets as proof, it gets stuff on your résumé and, even if you're not doing a soup kitchen, will give you perspective.

I'd attended a really high-pressure school where the attitude was "Getting Bs? Lol what a failue you'll end up working a McJob for the rest of your life." As well as that I was bullied/ostracized in said school and started thinking it was my fault and that I must be weird and have shit social skills. Meeting new people through volunteer work made me realise that (in the absence of catty bitches spreading lies to stop people being friends with me) I'm actually a well-adjusted, likeable person that comes off as polite and professional. Meeting people with serious issues stopped the "wehhh I didn't get all As and Oxford won't accept me" pity party. I realised how, even though my school acted like they were worthless, C grades in maths and English could be the most important shit in the world to people and I was actually better qualified than most of the population. I volunteered in a school where capable employees were struggling to re-do GCSE English aged 30 because they'd messed around in class as a teen but couldn't be promoted without it. I worked in charity shops where, not only did I get to get till experience that helped me apply for paid jobs, I realised that whatever problems I have a lot of my co-workers had it a lot harder (ex alcoholics and addicts, people with PTSD, people with serious disabilities). And I worked on community radio projects that let me see people having fun and enjoying their life with no qualifications at all. Would 100% recommend it.

I've also found useful shit for cosplays and lolita in thrift stores, and meeting all the different people from different walks of life improved my people skills a ton, so it's benefited my con and comm life too.

>> No.8377688

I haven't been to a con in like 5 years. My friend mentioned going to a local con, and I decided I'd tag along cause it's been a very long time. We've been planning for the past 3 months, and I've been SO excited. I forgot how happy doing all this stuff makes me.

I asked my boyfriend if he wanted to go, but he said "I don't think I'd like an anime convention, I'd rather go to a video game con. They spend more money on those." I initially really wanted him to go, but now I just want him to shut up about it. He has never been to any kind of con, yet he thinks he can comment on what kind of cons are the best. He says shit like "I feel like anime fans would annoy me too much." Uhh...I'm an anime fan.

The closer the con gets, the more annoying he's become about commenting on it. He saw me looking at some cosplayers, and said "Ugh, I feel like dressing up is such a useless hobby." UHHH, I've been working on my costume for the past 3 months. What kinda bs comment is that? He gives me shit for wanting to finish my costume and says I spend too much time working on my dress, yet I go out with him and friends every weekend, out of guilt.

Now, the con is a little over a week away and he's trying to make me feel guilty for going. He's annoyed that he'll be stuck at home, handling chores and shit, yet he was the one who didn't want to go. It's pissing me off, because he ruins EVERYTHING, and now he's trying to ruin my favorite hobby and my one vacation. I feel like he's trying to get under my skin, so when I am at the con I won't be able to enjoy myself. All I'll be able to hear is his annoying fuckin voice, dissing every thing I do.

>> No.8377693


>> No.8377713

>don't feel like going to local con this year, it's got expensive and I'm bored of it
>but it's the only time I see out-of-state friends

>> No.8377719

This. I'm an education major and just babysitting people's kids for free and mentioning my major landed me a job at a summer camp. I'm hoping the experience of the summer camp, babysitting and being an education major helps me land a job at a daycare or Chuck E Cheese

>> No.8377724

Dump him

>> No.8377752

>been reminding friends to buy advance tickets for a con for months
>"Yeah yeah anon, chill out, they won't sell out that quick"
>they fucking sold out and I'm the only one in the group with an advance early entry ticket
>not sure if I can legitimately sell it but I'm going to try, because the only alternative is spending the first three hours of the queue and con alone
>really stressed and pissed off with friends

>> No.8377754

I always try to make friends here and it's near impossible

>> No.8377787

Makeup and good photo angles will help you a lot, anon. I'm a 5'4" girl with a very feminine face, but I still pull off crossplay decently with the right makeup and all. You might end up with a more positive response than you expect!

>> No.8377803

This, what an asshole

>> No.8377827

Three hours alone isn't too bad anon. Is there anything particular that you ever want to do when you're with people but don't suggest because you think they wouldn't want to do it? Prime time for that kind of thing. I.E. panels and stuff of things that only you are into, niche stuff.

Or bring a camera and take pictures of costumes and talk to the cosplayers?

>> No.8377876

More than an hour of that will be in the queue though, that's why I'm pissed.

>> No.8377892

Do you like to read? You could bring a book or put an e-book on your smartphone if you have one.

or see if you can get the whole line to play the telephone game but that's probably a dumb idea

>> No.8377914
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Got a new kitten, all my time has been devoted to him. There goes my metrocon cosplay plans...

>> No.8377941

> accepted in costuming course
> "fuck yes, I'll get real good at this and make all my cosplay dreams come true in the process!"
> tfw no motivation/no mood/too tired to work on anything costume related outside school hours
> tfw first year is nearly over and I got 0 cosplays done

I'm trying to fight this by picking very simple cosplays and to slowly work my motivation up but it's been hard. I think I'm losing my passion for cosplay, I have trouble liking to see myself in cosplay and now that I'm actually learning how to sew properly, I've become obcessed about making everything as neat as possible and notice every mistake on my costumes (and it bothers me when wearing them, even if no one else notices) and on other people's. It's dumb and killing my joy for cosplay.

>> No.8377965 [DELETED] 

>lose 5lbs by eating better
>1.5" off waist measurement
>boobs down a cupsize...

It was only 5lbs. But at least my abs are visible

>> No.8377973

Yeah I know about the 501st. Hoping to join once I get everything built.

>> No.8377986

Please no. I'm 28 and planning my first cosplay and its a high school student. Will this stand out a lot?

>> No.8378015

>tentatively going to my first con in 4 years
>found an awesome cosplay I want to do
>my sewing machine is at my parents house 8 hours away, and I'm not going back to visit them until a few days before the con
I stop cosplaying for 4 years and jump right back into the shitty rushing procrastinating mode that turned me off from cosplay in the first place. Why did I get myself so excited before realizing this....

>> No.8378022 [DELETED] 

i read that you lost 5lbs by eating butter

>> No.8378061 [DELETED] 

I suppose you'd lose weight eating solely butter

>> No.8378101

>tfw try on a few outfits I'd been planning
>realise they look much worse worn than they did as a floordinate
>now I have no idea what I'm going to wear to the next meet

>> No.8378122

dump time

>> No.8378682
File: 1019 KB, 500x270, 1400278052726.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw dreamt that my brother had taken my dream dress without permission and put it on
> Started yelling at him
> Finally got him to take it off and I notice he spilled sennep on it, like 3-4 spots that are clear as day
> Start crying hysterically in the kitchen and press my dress against my face
> Half wake up and tears starts pressing
> notice what had felt like the dress in my dream was actually my duvet pressing against my face
> Sigh of relief but also crying because can't snap out of dream feels completely
> After some minutes get up and check that my dress is ok

Thank god it was a dream

>> No.8379000 [DELETED] 

I want to quote so many stuff from your post...
It's OK you want to save for a nose job but why dont you try to help him more with the bills since he makes less than you do? I you feel *that* bad, you had helped him already.
Stop buying shit, save for the nose job and help him

>> No.8379003 [DELETED] 

This is surely an Amerifag with and IPhone also. They are always *broke* but they can afford expensive stuff by some reason.

>> No.8379125

>commission wig from seller on Etsy
>paypal draws my payment from the wrong account without warning despite the fact I never use that account for purchases unless it's like $5
>puts me into overdraft
>transfer funds the moment I notice and email the seller asking if there's any problems from their end
>charged $70+ in fees
>they won't respond after 6 days

I'm seriously pissed right now at absolutely everything. I made absolutely sure it was going to charge my credit card and it never gave a warning it wasn't going to work.
I have no idea what to do right now - I wouldn't mind taking the $70 hit and repaying but this person won't even respond now and I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be able to find somebody else who can do this for me.

>> No.8379147
File: 169 KB, 750x1000, 1433260709601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Want to crossplay
>Jaw too angular/square, even with appropriate contour-concealing makeup
>Nightmare to find stuff fitting at the hips and waist at the same time
I can fix the hip problem, at least. I'm just annoyed I can't really pull off anything remotely feminine from the neck up. I just wanted to be cute.

>> No.8379159

>tfw late on the rent because I've spent an ungodly amount of money on Rilakkuma and alpaca plushies
>keep telling myself I'll only buy one more
>only one more turns into a few dozen
>I know I've got bills to pay but I just can't help myself
>every time I see a new plushie I just hnng all over and throw money at my computer screen
Pls send help. I don't want to be homeless /cgl/ ;_;

>> No.8379164 [DELETED] 

He insists that he doesn't want help with rent or the electric bill as long as I save money. I take care of cable/internet, gym, and groceries. I always offer to help, especially since he has access to all my bank accounts and credit card, but I'm thinking it's a pride thing. He's older than me by a few years and always took care of everything for his exes. So a lot of the weeb stuff I buy is for him. Whenever I buy something for myself, I try to get him something too.

On our first date, I paid for dinner, and he said a girl had never done that for him, even on his birthdays. He says that I'm doing a great job, but I still feel selfish.

But you're right. I just need to stop buying unnecessary small things and focus on saving. He's training for a job that will double his previous income, so I'll feel more motivated to contribute and also bring home more money.

>> No.8379166 [DELETED] 
File: 1.87 MB, 245x245, tumblr_nf051lzczm1qzwnp5o1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not /cgl/ but im sad

>Break up with bf a while back
>We still see each other and consider ourselves exclusive, just no title (it's dumb, I know)
>He has this coworker who's been trying to move in on him since we "split"
>Like literally asking him for sex and joking about how beautiful their kids would be
>Today he messaged me all excited that they're going on a month long vacation together. Just the two of them

I feel like such a bitch because he clearly doesn't want to get with her but I've seen her around him and she's so thirsty for him.

>> No.8379172

ever since the post on btb I have become obsessed with finding lolita porn and trying to contribute to the tumblr
>my life is so pointless
>But I get so turned on by it

>> No.8379175

>paypal now says I owe /them/ $300

I don't even know what the fuck is going on anymore.

>> No.8379180

>want to crossplay
>be fat and ugly
Goddammit I just want to crossplay as Chie. Her entire design and color scheme are just goddamn magnanimous. That jacket looks so comfy I just want to feel it against my skin and wear it every where. I want to walk around in that skirt and feel the summer breeze between my legs. WHY CAN'T I BE A LITTLE GIRL.

>> No.8379187 [DELETED] 

unrelated to cgl but whatever
>be me
>have a bunch of symptoms, look up online
>think I have PCOS
>go to doctor, get referral for bloodwork and ultrasound
>I'm normal
>mom gets mad at me for "selfdiagnosing and making up bullshit lies to get attention"
For background, she has been using an undiagnosed illness for months as an excuse for not exercising (she is so out of shape that getting dressed causes her to sweat), for not doing any housework, for binging on whatever she wants because "it makes me feel better to eat" etc. Also for incessant whinging because "I am scared that I won't get better" when SHE is the one putting off going to her next doctors appointment.

Every time my symptoms don't match up completely with what I have, she assumes I am faking an illness. It's so fucking annoying because I never publicise those things, even if I do have something I don't generally talk about it - unlike her who gets a tiny problem and tells EVERYONE she knows and gets mad when people don't give her the same attention as they gave her friend (who blacked out and fell off a ladder, breaking both legs).

And related:
Everything I buy looks like shit on me, and even if I do make a good coord I still look frumpy as hell because of bad body shape.

What is the tumblr?

>> No.8379192

the tumblr is lolitaav

>> No.8379206

I really, really want to be a lifestyle lolita. I love classic lolita and historical costuming. I want a pretty room, to go on outings with friends to tearooms, etc. I feel like my personality ruins the illusion though.

>too ungraceful
>I have a brash personality
>not ugly, but make goofy faces a lot

I just wish I could be more elegant and pretty.

non /cgl related feels:
>brother is mentally ill, lives at home and doesn't go to school/work
>had a mental breakdown this week
>screaming, crying, threatening to hurt us and kill himself
>hit me and my mom
>hospitalized today

I'm just so stressed. I've got finals and I can't make myself sit down and study because I just start thinking about it and start crying. I'm going to try and have fun at ILD this weekend to take my mind off of it.

>> No.8379253

He's so cute though! Those huge ears and eyes are adorable.

>> No.8379323

>kitten tiny as a nanner


>> No.8379326

he looks worried about being so small.

>> No.8379351

>Trying to get rid of excess cosplay stuff to make a little extra money
>Post wigs for sale
>Someone points out to me that the bangs are missing from one of the wigs
>Look at the stock picture
>No wonder it looked like shit on my head

I'm so mad. I emailed Arda and hopefully they help me, but it was 5-6 months ago that I ordered the wig. I'm such an idiot for not realizing it until now, but since everyone talks about Arda like they're the most amazing wig company on earth, I thought it was the way I put it on, and not that THEY FORGOT HALF OF THE WIG.

>> No.8379481

Disregard this entirely, I'm a fucking dimwit. I did screw up, not the wig company.
>that feel when you're a fucking retard

>> No.8379483

I kind of curious as to how did you even screw that up.

>> No.8379563

>trying to lose weight before buying first coord
>local comm starts getting really active
>fatty-chan needs to lose weight faster

>> No.8379719

Hey! Volunteer advice anon here

Sorry for the tough love post, but I know it can push someone to do what they really want.
I've may have been where you're at. maybe you don't have a lot of support behind you or you don't have people that believe in you. But you can make choices and decisions that make at least the world around you a better place. Becoming a vet is the perfect job for you to do just that. And you're already taking steps to towards that.

Take it a day at a time, keep track of your progress. You'll be proud of yourself when you reach your goal.

Wishing you and your pets the best.

>> No.8379728

Amazing isn't it when you look back.

How being surrounded by negative and self centered people starts to affect how you view yourself.
Volunteering for good causes and surrounding yourself with positive people really does improve an outlook on life. Really to meet people who are happy just to have new donated clothes or enough food for the rest of the week.

Good to hear you found such great experiences while helping people.

>> No.8379874


Not really. Most 25-30 year olds don't have a lot of wrinkles, if you're looking at photos it's actually near-impossible to tell who is in their early twenties/late teens and who is in their late twenties. And most cosplayers who are in their early twenties think nothing of cosplaying a 16-year old anime character.

Now, if you were a wrinkly prune trying to cosplay a ten-year-old shota/lolibait, that's going to be problematic.

>> No.8379975

It takes practice and effort to repress yourself that much anon. People aren't born with graceful manners, they learn them, and you might need to practice or concentrate to pull off the illusion.

>> No.8380004

Nobody wants to be the guy who asks if their friend is depressed, the same way people will see a pregnant lady and avoid talking about it in case she's just fat.

You need to start the conversation. Drop in a 'hey I'm going to the doctor's and I'm kind of worried' or even just a 'hey friend I could use some help with 'x', I'm really stressed out right now.'

>> No.8380025

Don't do this. You can't expect everyone to suddenly drop whatever beef they have with each other because it makes you feel awkward, that's just selfish. It's like you're saying they need to just get over their feelings to accomodate you.

Just be reasonable about it. If you don't like running around trying to make everyone happy, then don't do that. Say you're gonna be at x place at x time and if people wanna meet you there that's on them, not you.

It's not fair to ask them to hang out with people they can't stand, but it's totally fair to ask them to be the ones running around instead of you.

As a bonus, this way you'll weed out the ones who don't actually care if you're there or not and just want someone to pander to their drama.

>> No.8380032

it IS satan's nest, but in a loving and helpful (if incredibly blunt and petty) way

>tfw too fat to fit in my frills by ild

>> No.8380036

Anon, see if your school has some kind of extenuating circumstances scheme. You can arrange to take your finals at a later date, or you can just ask them to take your situation into account when they get marked. Most schools have a system like this, and considering what you're going through you definitely deserve a break.

I hope you have a fun day on saturday!

>> No.8380057

I agree Anon. My initial post must have conveyed it incorrectly; Anon shouldn't expect them to get along. But they should definitely be recognising that it's THEIR problem and that Anon isn't going to pretend a group of people they all know don't exist just because they're being babies.

So obviously don't invite them all to stay in the same hotel room, but also don't let them guilt you when you want to hang out with the other group.

I don't get along with certain people in our small community but if a mutual I knew was having a birthday party or something I sure as fuck wouldn't be the one to kick up a fuss about those people being at the same event. Because I'm an adult.

Basically if you don't stand for bullshit then people tend not to bring it to you.

>> No.8380065

How did you get by with just volunteer work though? I like volunteering and agree that it helps with my self-esteem, but it's really hard to hold down a full-time job to pay bills and being able to juggle that with volunteer hours.

>> No.8380067

Same thing happened to me with a cosplay I was so excited to finish and I dreamt that my bf just ripped it into pieces, no hope for it to be sewed back together. Waking up I was ready to give him shit thinking it was real but I saw it right before my eyes sitting on the desk. Those dreams are so awful especially right before a meet/con/photoshoot.

>> No.8380096

I did most of this while I was still in high school and during the summer holidays. Also while I was a student. This wasn't all at once, this was over basically a three-year period.

Obviously you can't get by on it any more easily than you can get by being unemployed, but it adds skills and gives you something to do while unemployed. Find somewhere where your help is appreciated, but you're not running the shop solo and therefore absolutely have to be there. I do that during the summer so I can apply for paid work, and cancel volunteering to go to an interview if I need to, but still keep the volunteering going.

>> No.8380135

We've had more photography threads than usual here Anon. I'm happy to talk photography with you. I'm not interested in detail enough to satisfy /p/, and I don't give a shit about gear, but talking about portraits and post-processing is where it's at.

>> No.8380141
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I have a petty feel but it's still a feel:

>been in relationship with bf for one year
>awesome personality, accepts me, we never fight, etc.
>it's blatantly obvious that he is a better personality than me though
>I'm more introverted/skeptical/grouchy whereas he's more sociable/popular (for a guy)/better at keeping friendships
>I'm secretly really jealous of how many people like him and give him attention
>my lolita outfits and recent graduation pictures got ~40 likes or so
>he posts a picture and he gets 50 easy, even from our mutual friends
>when I post of a picture of us together I feel like it gets less attention just because I'm in it

It's a juvenile insecurity but it does get to me at times. I feel bad that I'm not a more likable person, but being with a person who is actually likable really brought out just how much people don't give a fuck about me. I think it's a combination of apathy/depression/past hurt but I have the worst luck keeping up relationships. Good at first impressions, good with casual conversations, horrible at personal relationships that isn't a romantic partner. Can't say I've had a best friend even in years.

>> No.8380161

>ILD is tomorrow
>will be babby's first ILD
>actually have a decent coord i could wear (and it's not bodyline)
>still living at home because college doesn't start until september and i don't graduate high school until mid june
>mom won't let me go to the local comm's ILD event because "stranger danger"
>legally she has no power over me anymore but she said if i go she'll cut me off financially (as in not pay for college)
>mom i'm 18 i'm literally an adult what the fuck
she's always been very overprotective, controlling, and irritating, but i'm pretty bummed i can't go out and have fun on ILD. and the stupidest thing the reason i can't go is that my mom won't let me, like i'm some preteen or something

>> No.8380171

Just three more months to go, anon!

>> No.8380183

I go on here and I still think it's Satan's nest

>> No.8380184

i know. i live on the east coast and wanted to go to college in california to get as far away from her as possible, she wouldn't pay for it, ended up settling on an art school in georgia (not as far as i would like, but it's a 12 hour drive from where i live now so that's nice. and they have an option to study abroad in hong kong which is literally halfway around the world so i'll probably do that)

>> No.8380191

replied to the wrong post meant to reply to >>8380171

>> No.8380215

IKTF anon. I looked into study abroad too. In the end I settled for a university that was four hours drive from home (in the UK, this is considered a long way) so no-one would visit me, and made sure I had the language qualifications to do a year studying abroad in Europe. Ironically, I turned out not to have needed to, because my mum finally divorced my asshole dad a few months before I left home and he moved a 7 hour drive from where I now live. Turns out I could have applied to a nearby university after all.

>> No.8380222

>lolita going to con with normie friend
>last con he complained that I stuck out too much, got exasperatedly bored when I was stopped for photos
>this time round, can't decide on a coordinate, ask him which he prefers
>"why should I care anon lolita is so boring"
Because last con you spent a lot of time bitching about what I was wearing?

>> No.8380257

only slightly /cgl/ related but i feel like such a retard i needed to post somewhere

>moving out soon, selling some lolita shit i don't wear to make moving easier
>sell a girl a necklace
>spend week looking for necklace
>realise i packed the necklace up and it's in storage
>shamefacedly refund buyer

i feel really dumb but i also really hope the girl isn't too upset

>> No.8380434

That is the most petty thing i've ever heard.
grrrrrrrrif only he was less likable eh?
jesus christ.

>> No.8380449


Take a break from the internet. Seriously. Deactivate your FB, don't look at what other people are doing for a while, and learn to understand that clicks from virtual people don't mean everything. Chill.

I almost was like you once. I know I'm not very likeable, I'm introverted, and it's hard to make friends. But in time I learned to understand it isn't about the quantity of friends you have, it's about the quality. I have a great bf, I have friends I can tell anything to, and that's all I really need. All I do on FB nowadays is essentially keep in contact with people through message. If it weren't for them, I'd deactivate it because it breeds such a toxic environment at times.

>> No.8380478
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>tfw really want to get a job so I can afford general weeb shit, cute clothes,cosplay
>have social anxiety
>have no job experience
>live in small town so the jobs currently hiring are limited,
>friends mention I'd have better luck moving somewhere else because you only get hired around here if you're really lucky or you already know someone working there

I just want to be self sufficient goddammit

>> No.8380482

Not them but wow this is very good advice anon

>> No.8380548

I feel you anon. I have an insanely overprotective/smothering parent as well, ended up moving from LA to NYC just to get some space (and then did a year study abroad to boot). Know that you'll love her a lot more/get along a lot better when you two have some space and the time you do have to spend together (ie christmas?) will be a lot more bearable. Chin up!

>> No.8380555

>thinking I want my bf to be less likable than me
No anon, I just wish I were as likable as him. Wouldn't you want to be a better person too?

Thanks anon. I think I needed to hear this. Maybe I am comparing myself too much on the internet lately.

>> No.8380636
File: 758 KB, 500x308, tumblr_lywglsc1201qcqe7no1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw used to be obsessed with kotakoti
>would collect the music she used spending hours finding them,finding the clothes she wore,making a plan of her cute room in america,...
>even bought a cute dress like one she had

Now she's so boring and plain and there is nothing more about her to be stalked.
W-Who will i stalk now to feel relaxed? ;_; idk but stalking like this makes my insecurities go away somehow and i feel "relaxed"??? I used to stalk a sweet lolita but she became a boring normal girl, same for the old emo girl.

>> No.8380699

man, why do you go to cons with this guy? he seems like kind of a dick

>> No.8380750

Tell her you want to go to your friend's house..

>> No.8380758
File: 15 KB, 400x300, 1350641044961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>initial spark of inspiration for cosplaying gone after significant other left
>going to cons doesn't feel the same anymore
>no friends to go with

>> No.8380813

>Tfw I just want a cute bf to hold hands with and fuck me in cosplay
>Don't leave the house except for work and cons
>Behind aa table entire con, can't meet anyone

What's a gull to do...

>> No.8380870
File: 920 KB, 245x230, tumblr_n50yhdKz6F1sy3bszo2_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>College student
>Decide to take the summer off of school because I haven't done so since my freshmen year of highschool.
>Decide to get my very first job for the summer
>Fucking excited to make money and to be a productive member of society.
>It'll help pay for failed college courses and books, and my cosplay shit.
>Already picked out my first purchase.
>No one in my family is happy.
>"Anon it's not safe!" "Anon, you're too young."
>Mom, I'm 19.
>Brother will bitch because I didn't pick the perfect dream part time job that he always wanted.
>Feel guilty now if I turn in my application.
>Realize i'm a lil bitch

>> No.8380876

>what friends

>> No.8380906
File: 45 KB, 500x627, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post advertisement for yourself with your art
"Buttons $5"
"Small prints $8 big prints $15"
"I'm horny Take me out on a date. I do Anal"
"Buy three prints get fourth print free!"

>> No.8380921

Unfortunately I think that would scare away customers and attract the completely wrong type of guys..

>> No.8380938

>Go to every convention with the intent of finding a certain guy and inviting him for drinks
>Spend entire days looking for him
>Find him, always in a group of Asian girls
>Look at him from the distance and spaghetti out
>It's been three years of doing this

You can just call me Chef Boyardee.

>> No.8380959

If we're being serious then hell yes it would lol.

Tbh I've had some fun conversations with Artist alley vendors. I'm Usually cosplaying and I see art of the character I am that day. Good ice breaker and we often nerd out about the character together. Hard part is wondering if they're just being nice or if they actually think I'm funny.

Thought about asking a couple out and if they were doing anything after they close up for the day. But always thought it's super creep line to do that/I'm a huge wuss. Not to mention rest of the con if she says no be so damn awkward to walk by the booth lol. Make for a helluva story tho.

>> No.8380968
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Kidnap him

>> No.8380974
File: 606 KB, 1082x611, tieria01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Got laid off last Friday
>Con coming up at the end of July
>Already bought badge
>Worried about actually getting to the con if I don't find work before then

Luckily, I have two other people going with me so we can split gas and I know a guy who lives in the same city as the con so we can just crash at his place. I also have an interview next Thursday so all this money-worry might be pointless. I just still can't help freaking out.

>> No.8380990
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Anon recognizes need to vent stress.

Distributing hug

Everything will be ok

Hug complete

>> No.8380994

Totally thought that said "got laid" not "got laid off" then.

He's from my old weeby circle of friends, last year we went in a group and everyone just ignored him if he complained, but this year the rest of the group are busy so it's just gonna be him. He's a good laugh normally but basically really shy and hates public attention? Literally told me he dresses specifically to blend in to the background.

Still boring and annoying though.

>> No.8381031
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> almost never wears false eyelashes
> decides to put some on for a meetup
> takes out set of false eyelashes
> gets one lash on after 20+ tries
> goes to put on other one
> it's gone
> mfw

Gone just when I needed it the most...

>> No.8381032

The post office to my house makes me want to burn it to the ground. The employees there are always curt.

My SO went to pick up a package for me while I was at work. He does this all the time because his work schedule is more flexible. At this point, they KNOW who he is and that he's probably there to pick up another dress from Japan for me.

So he gives them the pink slip because they always bitch and moan if we don't have one, even though the most they ever do is literally glance at it to see it exists. But this time they decided to examine the shit out of it.

Bitch employee: The ink is smudged on the pink slip. We can't accept it.

SO: I have the tracking information on my phone if you need more proof.

Bitch: That's not enough proof.

SO: (jokingly) The package is probably a pink box.

Bitch: Uh, it's a white box. We DEFINITELY can't give you the package now.

SO: It's a package from Japan. It's from Japan, right?

Bitch: Sir, we can't give out that information.
You're going to need to provide some ID to prove you live where this package is being sent.

My SO's ID still lists his address as his mom's house. BUT remember he's picked up probably a dozen packages at this location for me without this being an issue.

SO: My ID doesn't have my current address, but I updated it on the county website. If you swipe it or something, my new address should be associated with it.

Bitch: We can't do that. Do you have a piece of mail on you with your name and address?

So he went out to the car and found a letter. When he showed it to her...

Bitch: We need a bill with your name on it. Some random letter won't work.

So my SO drove back home to find a bill. And she said...

Bitch: Sorry, the address on your slip says the package is going to 335 Oat Wood Dr., but your bills says it 335 Oak Wood Dr. We can't accept that bill as proof.

(In other words, the delivery person misspelled our address by one letter).


>> No.8381043


At this point my SO is livid, so they give in let him take the package. But as he takes it...

Bitch: This call could have been avoided if you just didn't damage the pink slip.

Him: A drop of water fell on it! I still had the tracking number! I knew the address it was heading to! I've been here tons of times to pick stuff up!

Bitch: Well if it's so much hassle, maybe you should tell your fiancee to stop buying second hand dresses from Japan! (She says this really loudly so other customers will hear and assume we're poor).

If you notice, she KNEW what was in the package and knew he was picking it up for his fiancee because he gets my stuff so often. Yet she decided to make it as hard as possible for him to pick it up just to be a bitch.

I filed a complaint. Hope she kisses our asses next time.

>> No.8381049

>TFW having a hard time finding a job
>TFW dad gives me $500 to tide me over for a few months
>TFW missed out on a cheap as fuck btssb dress I really wanted
>TFW getting paid to model finally
>TFW it's too hot to wear lolita

>> No.8381053

I can't put them on myself either
Same thing happens with contacts
>first goes in perfectly
>second one refuses to go in

>> No.8381063

Or when the second one has a tiny speck of dust in it, and as soon as you put it on, your eye starts watering like mad and you want to claw it out.

This is why I always put my contacts on before I do my skincare routine or my makeup.

>> No.8381068

Just do it anon.
My dad still likes to tell me to look both ways when crossing the street, and to be careful of rapist on the street.

>> No.8381071

What a fucking cunt. I hope she gets written up for it.

>> No.8381074

That's the worst feeling because then you're left feeling like
"What if i had said something, could it have gone somewhere?"

>> No.8381398


This anon gets it

>> No.8381975

I bought $200 of cute mori-ish clothes to wear casually and they all look bad on me because I'm out of shape and I've gained about 25 lbs in 3 months due to stress and a binge eating problem and I hate myself for it. At least now I'm motivated to get back into eating better and exercising again. (I went from 105 lbs to 130.)

>> No.8381984

>relevant to misty sky release
>make time conversion
>plan for release: called bank, make sure AP account works, etc
>friends called wantig to go out
>agree, lots of time until release
>decide to check Tumblr out of habit
>release passed
>tfw holding back all my feels because hangin with friends

>> No.8382022

Do it. One of my biggest regrets is not going to school someplace farther from home & also not traveling. Be safe about it of course, but if you want to see other places in the world, go do it now before it's too late.

>> No.8382041
File: 47 KB, 550x367, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw think my butt is one of my best features for whole life
>got out of the shower today after workout and actually takes a good hard look at my ass
>hank hill butt

>> No.8382089

What led you to believe you had a nice butt for all of your life?

>> No.8382094

Hope you have talked with them before you ordered your kit, they are very picky...

>> No.8382105

Guilty of this too. It pissed them off so bad, it was delicious and I am terribad.

>> No.8382108

Cosplay Levi. He's 31.

>> No.8382121
File: 1.11 MB, 480x270, CGSnige.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me
>Learning how to sew
>Finally finish basic skirt
>super proud
>someone makes offhanded rude comment
> mfw

>> No.8382151
File: 452 KB, 500x294, 1407308713727.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>close cosplaying friend has suddenly gotten obsessed with her group
>used to be pretty chillax about it but recently all of them decided they're going to make a career out of this
>is now on the verge of failing high school
>keeps cancelling in the last minute because she's busy planning and sewing cosplays

I've told her a couple time the last 6 months that I think she could take a break from cosplaying until she graduates, but she doesn't think high school is as important as cosplay right now because they group is "finally starting to get somewhere" so now she's graduating next week with horrible grades and even failing a couple of classes.
I hate seeing her jeopardize so much for a cosplay group that is - while they aren't bad - mediocre at best. But since she doesn't listen I'm just going to whine here.

>> No.8382209

>friend gets me into a video game that she cosplays from
>I decide to cosplay from it too so we can match and walk around con together
>make the entire thing, not complicated, but I can't sew for shit
>she comments 'oh, did I forget to tell you? I'm not bringing that to con, I'm really tired of it, sorry!'
>tfw no one to match with now

non-cgl related
>going shopping with little sister
>she's about my height, but an additional 50-75 lbs
>she ruins shorts in a few weeks from 'chub rub'
>drop a hint that she might want to start working out
>she flips about about me calling her fat
>mfw I'm just concerned for her, especially after our grandmother died of obesity and obesity related issues
>she also makes comments constantly about my weight
>'why can't i just be thin like my sister, anon, it isn't fair!'
>mfw I do iron fit, and martial arts, and park my car super far away so I get my steps in for the day

>> No.8382216

it looks fine when i have pants on, fills out fine, but my ass cheeks are like "??? ? what the fuck."

I guess its just something else I have to work on. :^ (

>> No.8382232

>had nice arse
>moved to another country
>food is terrible, more so than back home
>lose weight
>no arse
>no tits (this isn't new, really)
>but! new and improved giga cheekbones
Well, it's something...

>> No.8382243
File: 16 KB, 222x251, 423-sad-computer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can't do any of the cosplays that I really want to due to shitty self image problems.

>> No.8382253

You sound a lot like my ex. She used to put herself down and go down in a paranoia spiral, until she tried to control my social media so I would get less attention, including blocking and unfriending every recent person I talked to, especially women.

She wasn't a bad person per se, just couldn't take it anymore.

Just take a few steps back and don't fuss over it. I bet you're a really likeable individual, but you're sabotaging yourself by having toxic thoughts.

>> No.8382259

>friend and I agreed to both cosplay the same character for con
>it's hotter than balls, so bikinis will do
>motivation to work out
>go to iron fit with my mom four days a week
>getting called in for 9 hour a day split shifts
>can't go to the gym
>but now I have more money
>not as bad as it could have been

>> No.8382264

Seconding this.
I was never batshit to that degree but when I lost my job two years ago (owner just took the money and ditched) I started being really jealous and paranoid over everyone my boyfriend would talk to.
Eventually you'll get really tired of it and just go 'fuck it' and stop caring. Or he'll get tired of it and leave.

>> No.8382288

Same, anon.

Is it weight related or?? I've been trying to combat my horrible self image problems by working out a little 6/7 times a week (also because its summer and I'm rotting at home). Even if I don't see huge results, working out leaves me feeling a little bit more confident about myself..

>> No.8382290

Mostly weight related, yes. I also just hate my own face but I've been working out lately so hopefully eventually I'll feel better about myself to be able to feel better about cosplaying.

>> No.8382298

I feel this feel, anon.

>> No.8382299

I'm sure you're fine anon, and since you're working out you'll look even more healthier. I'm trying to lose weight to cosplay too, so if you need a buddy/someone to help we can exchange contacts. :)

>> No.8382303

First, anon, dump him. Secondly, is this Metrocon, by any chance? If so, ditch him and come hang with my group. Nobody likes someone who tags along just to bitch about the entire ordeal.

>> No.8382329
File: 37 KB, 480x268, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update to >>8381031:
> washing my hair
> "Why does it feel like my hair is burnt...?"
> runs hands through ends of hair
> removes object
> it's my missing false eyelash

what the actual fuck

>> No.8382333

Yeah I'd be okay with exchanging contact info~

>> No.8382341

>become ex friends with someone who won't stop talking shit about me
>she gets a job at Disney world
>at con last week, hear her trying to invite my friends she doesn't even talk to much to Disney world
>seriously my only friends wtf
Not sure if I should be mad at them if they decide to go but, come on, how shitty knowing I would be purposely left out.

>> No.8382343

>not sure if my entire life is shit and a joke or if I'm just oversensitive to it
>but I feel like my entire life is shit

>> No.8382346

Awesome! My throw away is aiday4810@gmail.

>> No.8382349
File: 530 KB, 668x504, EdGWawl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

24 year old factory worker with big boots, a bushy beard and a potbelly here, wondering how he wound up in this thread, I guess 14 hour shifts are a hell of a drug.

It seems everyone is screaming "Dump" but really have you made your distaste for his salty bitch attitude known? Everyone has conversational habits that they don't notice, maybe he just complains a lot and hasn't noticed it is bothering you that much. It wasn't until someone pointed it out to me that I tend to repeat the same conversational points when talking. Now I notice when I do and It makes me cringe internally whenever I realize I just said the same thing three times in one sentence so try to avoid it. Or who knows, maybe he is trying to set you up for a surprise. He could be laying it on thick to try and get your expectations down for when he meets you at the convention with an accompanying cosplay for yours. Would be a shame if you just dumped him like that. But of course, a long shot.

So yeah, just confront him about it, maybe he is just stupid and not just a cunt. Or alternatively at the least wait until after the con, you might be surprised but I wouldn't hold your breath too long before dumping him.

As for the thread topic.
>Be 24 year old factory grunt with a bushy beard and a gut.
>Half of friends are factory grunts with bushy beards and guts.
>Other half of friends are Bartenders with bushy beards and guts.
>I love the idea of cosplaying, but really, what could a couple guys like us even do?
>We don't even like the same kind of video games or anime.
>Feels a little sad I guess. Oh well.

>> No.8382355
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Sig Curtis springs to mind.

>> No.8382357

What's so shitty about it, if you don't mind me asking

>> No.8382371

>Finds wanted brand dress for cheap
>Triple checks measurements
>Body within measurements
>Gets dress
>MFW its not my boobs or waist keeping me from getting dress on my body, but my FUCKING RIBCAGE!
>That feel when no amount of weight loss will make bones smaller

First my shoulders give me shit, then my arms wanna fuck with me, 'cause toned arms, now you hate me too ribs!!

>> No.8382374

Maybe corset training does something?

>> No.8382375

That's a pretty good one, in fact quite a few of the state alchemists and officers have "Bulkier" body types, plus Alphonse is a giant armored suit. If you had someone who could pull off Edward or Mustang you could make quite the group.

Not much else springs to mind though to be honest.

>> No.8382381

I sent a message!

>> No.8382447
File: 25 KB, 550x366, 1422925932220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>love a character
>make the cosplay over the course of a few months, putting love and effort into it
>look amazing in it
>wig comes
>look like shit because it turns out my face is unsuited to the character
>don't have time to make a new cosplay, wasted all that time

The con is in two weeks and I look fucking retarded. H-Hold me, seagulls ; _ ;

>> No.8382452

Yikes. I don't think I'll go that crazy anon, but I'll keep that in mind.

>not having a job exacerbates it
Funny you mention that but that's exactly my situation right now. I've applied to four degree-related jobs in the past week and haven't heard anything. I think that's why I feel particularly toxic.

>> No.8382471

Yeah, thought so. I'm guessing it's because things feel so out of control for you right now

>> No.8382507

>gf doing her first cosplay
>decide to couple with her with a related character
>get lots of pics at the con
>she's a bit iffed, thinks it was mainly from me being there instead of people wanting photos of her
>ask her to wear it the next day and I'll cosplay something else then
>go to con again
>she gets lots of pictures by herself
>she's super happy

>> No.8382531

You selling? Might be interested

>> No.8382605

The fuck are you talking about? I met all my iRL friends from 4chan

>> No.8382614


>> No.8382615

Where do you live that this happened??

>> No.8382616

your hand doesn't count. it also doesn't count as someone who goes on 4chan, just because you type here.

>> No.8382654

Clockworthy talking shit as usual

>> No.8382700
File: 47 KB, 636x781, ifuc6btuarc4i7kr7fwh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people say oh dating is so fun, so exciting
>mfw i find very frustating
>i don't really go out much or in clubs, pubs, gym or other social meeting places so the only thing i can do to find a bf is dating online
>at anime cons is a bit difficult but it could be an option
>but not many cons and i'm a social inept femanon
>thing is i want someone with nerdy interests, bonus points if he likes jfashion or alt fashion and he has longer hair
>the guy i still love has friendzoned me due to physical distance but it's ok we can be friends, maybe if he want to stay with me romantically one day i would
>but thing is i can't wait forever
>and finding a guy i would really like is difficult for someone that is shut in, dressed in kawaii shit
>idk why i see here on cgl many girls that don't have friends but a bf yes
>mfw what is wrong with me
>i'm not even that ugly, fat or bitchy
>tfw i'm almost 25 and virgin
>feel bad man

>> No.8382788
File: 695 KB, 763x507, 1407091535538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend just ordered me a Mr. Yan bodypillow
I'm actually excited to bring it along to meets

>> No.8382797
File: 196 KB, 1920x1080, 591-animal_ears-apron-black_eyes-black_hair-cat_ears-highres-kemonomimi_mode-long_hair-nichijou-open_mouth-shinonome_nano-tagme-tail-winding_key.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound cute, I can relate a little to the long distance deal. I was in love with a girl across the other side of the country, known her for years and years online, we talked on webcam and on the phone a lot at night. I like to think the romantic affection was mutual but maybe It wasn't as much for her. Either way there came a point where she found a guy who went to university with her that she wanted to date so I told her that I live hundreds of miles away, nothing is really going to come from this and that she shouldn't pass him up. I went to their wedding a few months ago, it was lovely. They are both good friends of mine now and we visit each other a couple times a year for conventions and the like. I'm happy for them both, but there will always be "Those that could have been." moments I suppose.

Ultimately though I'm sure some prince-relatively-charming who doens't live the other side of the world will turn up looking for a socialy inept femanon that isn't that ugly, fat or bitchy, with nerdy interests and kawaiii clothes.

>> No.8382834


>> No.8382892

Cosplay Olivia Armstrong. Please.

>> No.8382964

that's depressing, anon.

>> No.8383010

>tfw no gf

>> No.8383031

i have an uncontrollable binging disorder where i eat normally for a few days, even light, and then binge and eat tons of junk or sweets. its really centered around my mental illness and because i dont have insurance, i cant seek help to get the medicine i need to suppress it. i went from being a bigger gal to being a fucking disgusting fat piece of shit. i can still wear my cosplay and my lolita but i wont. my partners insist im smaller than i think i am, but i dont see it.

am i dysmorphic?

>> No.8383040


>> No.8383061
File: 106 KB, 1024x768, never knows best.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not metrocon. Also he isn't going with me, which I am thankful for at this point. I love conventions, and it'd bum me out pretty bad to have it ruined by my boyfriend.

Although many people have suggested it, anonymous aside, I'm not going to dump him. I know we have a lot of incompatibilities, however our situation isn't so simple that I can just dump him. So, as much as it ruffles people's feathers to hear that, and as sucky as he is to put up with, I don't see myself leaving him. I like to think I'm just a hopeful individual, but maybe I just enjoy torturing myself. Hah.

Anyways, yeah, I've told him how I feel about the shit he says. He normally just gets offended, and changes the subject to things I've done that were shitty. Oh well, I've made my bed and now I'm sleeping in it. I just wanted to vent.

>> No.8383073

You can always look into cheap therapy through a school. Where I live it was 10 dollars for an hour based on my income. They also have the capability sometimes to find you a psychiatrist that can get you med for cheap. I also don't have insurance but my therapist was willing to get me med if I really thought I needed them. I decided against it tho.

>> No.8383094
File: 1.16 MB, 250x250, blink.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no rustled jimmies here, it's you're life.
10 chanbucks says you remember this long dead thread later tho.

>> No.8383105

I know the feel when your face isn't suited to the character. Oh well, every time I'm at a con I thank god for my genetics because it could be much worse.

>> No.8383116

A happy post? On cgl? What has the world come to, I wonder

>> No.8383117

/mu/ would eat you up.

>> No.8383128

Saaaame! I have a small bust, but I guess years of swimming and singing has something to do with my wide rib cage, and I've recently been taking up lifting because I want to get back in shape and apparently plateaued. I've bought a number of things recently but everything feels tight.

>> No.8383134

Thank you anon! Well your is really a bittersweet story, it ended good for her and also you that accepted the changes. I accepted this but i feel still a bit sad thinking about it, also because he seemed confused and not ready to be in a relationship, because LDRs need to invest some time and money. I thought i found finally someone i would really like and not crazy or abusive. My case is a big question mark for now we are friends later we don't know.
Yeah, i hope so! I'm not searching for anyone now, but maybe later i will try to find someone... at least in a country near to mine (Eurofag here) than the US if long distance.
Thank you a lot for your post, even if it's a bit sad you didn't ended with her.

>> No.8383185

I want to cosplay and wear lolita really badly, but I'm really tall and fat. A few people say my face is cute and I carry the weight well, but I still don't want to look gross. My hair is also super unmanageable because it's super thick, and frizzy.
Maybe one day...

>> No.8383214
File: 15 KB, 300x300, 2dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>win 2 passes to a con
>large group of friends going
>don't know who to give other pass to

>> No.8383254

>the guy i still love

>> No.8383272

sell it to be fair, and put the money towards a room.

>> No.8383279

>Never looked in to cosplay.
>Years ago, had the feeling of wanting to wear Mark V Mjolnir gear.
>Realise the world I'm in is just transitional, short and filled with gloomy outcomes.
>'Make the most of it!'
>Watch as these same people devolve in to human wreckages.
>Don't take advice seriously anymore.

>> No.8383281

>tfw no friends

>> No.8383284

>want a new bf
>still in love with your old one

The moment he moves close enough for a relationship to be viable, you're new one would crumble. Move on first.

>> No.8383337

Uhm why? I never go on /mu/ so idk...
I would like to meet a new bf to forget to be in love with him but i know i'm not ready to find another one. I feel better now and trying to move on but its hard at times. It takes time.

>> No.8383345

I've looked up the requirements of the uniform. It just comes down to how good the kit from Anovos ends up being.

>> No.8383351

>I would like to meet a new bf to forget to be in love with him
that's called a rebound and is generally not someone you end up dating long term

>> No.8383357

Yes that. But the best thing is only to move on and wait to date another guy. A rebound would only fuck up my mental peace again.

>> No.8383404
File: 130 KB, 1280x720, Nichijou - 23 - Large 39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, hope the anecdote doesn't just come across too much as >tfw no gf

I'm glad to see you've got a positive attitude about the whole deal, you seem pretty relaxed about it which is great, things take time. I've always found conventions to be a great place to meet new people with similar interests and socialise. I work night-shift in a factory 44+ hours a week so getting out more than once a month is rather uncommon, so being around well crafted cosplays, QTs in kawaii outfits and other dorks with similar interests is a great time. Just knowing that you have at least one or two shared interests with everyone there makes it easy to relax around people and get to know them, I love it.

>> No.8383435

If you're still interested its Moitie Harpsichord Trio short sleeved OP in blue short ver., I got it for $140 so I'm selling for that much.

>> No.8383444

My comm did arrange a meetup for ILD today and I wanted to go but... Today was too cold for lolita. I hate living in a cold country. I just want to hang out with girls in cute clothes...

>> No.8383455

Chiffon or satin? And if you don't mind anon, could I get your rib measurements so I can tell if it'll fit?

>> No.8383466
File: 54 KB, 202x200, 1404269547993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start dating current bf
>he's always been really big into gaming, not so much anime etc
>tells me his favorite anime is Queens Blade
>shit taste.jpg
>constantly bug him to watch Madoka, Gurren Lagaan, KLK, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, K-ON! etc but he never does on his own, apparently none of these peak his interest
>makes fun of me for liking One Piece, apparently its too long and the plot sucks
>even though he reads comics a lot, apparently reading manga "hurts his eyes" so he won't read Oyasumi PunPun
>let me throw in here that he's a casual brony, and i try my best to ignore that its a fact
>one day tells me he watched all of season 1 of Sword Art Online and he loves it, apparently Asuna is a perfect waifu and he relates to Kirito

Okay, I'm buttmad.
I've been trying to subtly suggest or push him excellent anime that I loved, or related to, to try and steer him away from the autism-tier shit he likes, but its obviously not working.
Like, yeah, he's a great, sweet, supportive dude, but he literally has the worst taste and it drives me up the wall.

>> No.8383473

Dump him

>> No.8383484

Dump city.

>> No.8383488

If he's a basic bro gamer he's going to like basic bro anime too

>> No.8383498

>my tits are too big for liz lisa
>my tits are too big for liz lisa replica


>> No.8383501

your recommendations are super basic level though.

>> No.8383539
File: 65 KB, 211x212, 1405951917691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i knew id get this, but those are only a few suggested that i thought would gateway him- they may be "basic" but they're a lot better than the shit he's watching now.

>tfw he will never watch the entire monogatari series with me

>> No.8383553

When your post con depression builds into your real depression and you actually wanna kill yourself.

>> No.8383556

Dump him. Guys with Asuna waifus and Kirito complexes are usually fedora-tier. Try getting a bf with less shit taste next time.

>> No.8383577

I'm usually happy with the way I look and consider myself somewhat attractive, but I'm honestly really upset about how bad it is.

>> No.8383598
File: 103 KB, 775x719, flat,1000x1000,075,f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, i'm in your same boat. I try to relax because i can't really do nothing i mean i can't force a relationship when isn't the right time, my mind is still a pessimistic sad zone but it will pass, i hope. It's very fresh my friend zone ancedote, but i felt this coming two months ago. He first wanted to try a LDR (not me) but he felt he need to sort his stuff first, also many stuff happened in his life recently, not really negative and also he want to get into many stuff like trying to enter college and start a band, maybe join the military. Not sure what is going on his mind btw, i mean his feelings.
>while my only goal is university and i don't do much other than study and some indoor weeby hobbies
My only real enjoyment is anime cons because i don't cosplay but i wear lolita, it's really a cool place where i can be myself. Even in small ones and with few people i know. It's a good feel! I don't really go in much interesting events so cons mean this for me.

>> No.8383614
File: 46 KB, 550x400, elderly_shitposters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't stand some girls' online fake sweetness. Like I get being nice and all, but
>hello my darling frilly butterscotch muffin cutie honey rufflebutts! :)
god, cut that shit out
Or even the reddit-tier posting of whatever is only marginally related to the group theme for likes and dumb 'inside jokes' and memes
Pls no

>> No.8383676

The "hello lovelies" of that one lolita youtuber is now ringing in my head now, thanks.

>> No.8383710

Happy/heartwarming feels:

>some years back at one of my first cons in one of my first cosplays
>cosplaying Gaara from Naruto
>this Sasuke cosplayer is in front of me in line for the contest, beginner category
>"oh, it's your first time participating? aw, no need to be nervous. This is my second time, I participated in the contest with this cosplay at the previous con and won, lol, everyone loved it"
>contest over, winners being announced
>my name is called as the winner of the beginner category
>I don't even process it because I'm just a newbie and the thought even didn't cross my mind as possible
>"omfg anon, it's you, they're calling you to go on stage, you won!!"
>try not to stumble getting on stage, dumbfounded
>huge confidence booster for a noob with self esteem issues, feels good man
>Sasuke cosplayer nowhere to be found after winners announcement

>later in the day
>tiny boy, couldn't be much older than 6 years old, comes up to me and stands a couple feet away, staring
>runs back to his mom
>awn, okay
>not long later, he's back, standing close to me again, just looking at me silently
>runs back to his mom
> uh.. o..kay? wat
>he shows up a third time, staring again in silence
>see him running again to his mom, who's now walking in my direction
>he's clinging a lot to her arm
>"hi! my son loves your character so much and he wants a picture with you but he's very shy! would that be okay?"
>notice he has the 'love' kanji drawn on his forehead, like Gaara
>omfg awwwwn
>we take a picture together and he leaves clinging hard to his mom's arm

So many good memories while wearing this cosplay. Good times

>> No.8383745

Anon, I have been in this exact situation. My ex would put me down if I ever even got excited about something - he would act disgusted at how I was "being obsessive" when I would talk at length about video games, anime or movies I enjoyed. If I was making a costume, it was never good enough, and when it was he wished I wouldn't "waste my time" on it.

He had the same sort of opinion on conventions.

Get the hell out of that. I know you think it's probably not so bad, because I did too.

And now I've got a perfect boyfriend who loves that I sew, loves that I play video games, and loves going to conventions with me.

Get out, and find that guy for you too.

>> No.8383767

That sounds awesome, Lolita style is cute but I don't really know heads or tails of the different archetypes. I think "Ita" is a meme for bad right?

>> No.8383791
File: 143 KB, 745x543, punpun is a bird who is sad a lot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making your bf read Punpun
It's like you WANT him to have an existential crisis

You should dump him for liking SAO though.

>> No.8383812
File: 39 KB, 502x479, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a glimmer into their sense of humor. There was one girl who had nice costumes and photos but every single upload had a header "video games 4 life" , "anime trash" and the ever present #thuglife.
A lot of these girls think they're the funniest people alive; probable because no one has told them anything different.

>> No.8383817

It's not so bad for YouTube because at least that's more acknowledged as a persona. A video only shows 7 minutes out of someone's life once or twice a week, you know? Whereas when people are on Facebook constantly acting like this, the pretentiousness never drops.

>> No.8383827

>lots of things are going wrong that I need to pay money for
>found out I was mildly allergic to all the cheaper brands of shampoo, gives me crazy dandruff, have to buy stupid expensive bath products from now on
>have been putting off cutting my hair for too long and now it's driving me crazy, hairdressers is going to cost a bunch because I can't get a decent haircut for my hair type without travelling a long way
>suddenly run out of a bunch of random shit, need new foundation, new make-up remover, new blusher, new lashes etc
>going to stay with family abroad, but live in shit cold climate and have no clothes suitable for their summer temperatures, urgently need to buy shoes that aren't boots
>bicycle was stolen, had to buy new one
>added up all these minor expenses, realised I'm going to need to spend $250 on in the next month
>just wanted to spend it on lolita
>having to cancel plans, including meets, because train tickets are too expensive
>strongly suspect other shit's about to break, like I've had my current smartphone for 3 years and it works OK but I can tell it's nearing the end of it's life
>in three months it will be winter and I don't have a winter coat any more, getting a new one that's warm enough will cost a lot
>thought money from summer job would be able to go into lolita but fairly certain I won't be able to spend anything on lolita

>> No.8383838

Yes, Itas are people that fail at putting together a decent outfit or using bad quality dresses, like from Milanoo or Ebay. Lurk around cgl to know more lolita fashion if you want, we aren't archetypes but rather different styles of lolita like sweet, gothic and classic (the main ones).
>mfw Penus Angelic voice comes in mind
Idk if she still say this shit on vids but i'm sure yes.

>> No.8383839

Yeah, mostly meant Facebook, not youtube

>> No.8383872

This is adorable and, as a newb cosplayer myself (only done it once before), that first story was kinda inspiring in a weird way

And on a vaguely related note:
>earlier this year
>first ever cosplay
>it's a great experience
>having people compliment my costume and get photos of/with me (even though it probably sucked) was a massive confidence booster
>still live in fear of any of those photos turning up on bad cosplay threads

It's weird, man. I can't tell if someone's taking a photo because they like the cosplay or the character, or if it's just because they can look at it later and laugh at me.

>> No.8384001
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Echoing the calls to dump his ass

>> No.8384062
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Update! I went ahead and applied. No ragrets.
>Put in my application
>The manager is already super impressed that I filled out the entire application and submitted a resume (It's a hot topic.)
>Get a mini interview.
>Become friends with someone that works there within 5 minutes. We weeb out, talking about cosplay and AoT.
>Muh powerlevel is showing.
>A chick I went to hs with works here, is hyped that I applied. Can put a good word in.
>Oh god I may actually get this job, since this manager knows I'm competent.
>"Anon, even though we're taking applications now we don't start hiring until later in the month."
>It's the 6th.
>I gotta sit by the phone now for a month.
please oh please let me get this job. Idgaf if it's at a hot topic in the mall, I love it already.

>> No.8384073

So as a fatty chan, how do I wear brand? Or is this why so many fattys get posted to ita threads?

>> No.8384098

>want dress for a while, but every time it comes up it's the OP and i want a jsk
>preferred colourway jsk on Y!J sells for close to $600
>a different colourway comes up for $200 shipped
>i buy it
>got the dress and realise this was meant to be
>previous preferred colourway wouldn't have matched things in my wardrobe since it has silver detailing rather than gold
feels good

>> No.8384121

I have tiny ribs but I think it may be the cause of my breathing problems. I can't even swim without making weird wheezing noises and had issues with expelling air from my lungs since I was born. It sucks on both ends of the spectrum. I feel your pain

>> No.8384125


nothing is better than "wow, the first contact went so well...now for the other....ok good--"

>> No.8384153

I hope you like it as much as you do now. Retail has a lot of stupid bullshit attached to it. Regulations, stupid retail jobs to do, etc. Since you seem to like the people working there that'll help immensely though.

>> No.8384175
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Nice numbers.

I've picked up a vague idea of the Lolita fashion in passing, phrases get thrown around but I just about know what is going on when I occasionally step by. I like the fashion visually, Cute girls in stylish dresses with gorgeous hair are naturally very pretty to see, but I also really like the idea of the fashion community and small pseudo lifestyle that follows the hobby as "Catty" as it might be at times. I might have a poke into some of the threads out of curiosity and learn a thing or two, you never know when the information might be useful to know.

One question I am uncertain about, What does "Brand" mean in the context of Lolita? I see it get thrown around in a few different tenses and in odd contexts so can't quite be sure. is Brand a specific type of dress, or just a phrase for a favorite dress or specific manufacturer? Or is it quite literally "My high-end brand-name dress." Or is it something completely different entirely and I missed the ball.

>> No.8384181

brando is name brand stuff as opposed to some ghetto ass shit like bodyline or chinese copies

>> No.8384193

Thanks, that seemed the most likely answer but wanted to ask.

>> No.8384196

You sound like a cunt and most of your recommendations are shit

>> No.8384313
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Fuck greentexting on mobile.

>go to a bunch of cons the last few months
>run a big events with guests and stuff that everyone wants to meet at the beginning of con season
>tolerate a few close friends being obnoxious neck beards to guests as courtesy to them
>lend my biling skills where I can for my friends
>later they start rumors to con staff about drug use and I have to sort that nightmare out
>platinum mad, confront, they apologize and say they wanna be besties
>later events come up
>everyone forgets me except when they need someone who can biling
>one instance I was actually having a decent conversation with a guest after a q&a event in nippongo, we are gushing over a shared interest
>'friend' pushes me out of the way mid-sentence to shove a business card in guest's face and cut me off and kill our conversation
>feeling kinda used and sad, they aren't really making an effort to see me at events and I pulled a lot of strings for them to meet people at other events so...
>con season winding down for me, last one here we go!!
>get the typical "let me know when you get here" texts, when I respond they drop off the face of the earth
>name dropping in public spaces, avoiding me, hiding meeting times from me, have a "secret code" for a meet up they try to poorly hide but I knew what was going on
>try to hide from them because I can tell when I'm not wanted and tbh tired of being the last minute translator when the other guy got too wasted to do it
>crying in bed because I thought I finally had friends who shared my interests but realizing they're all just users

It hurts and I feel more alone than when I didn't have IRL friends.

>> No.8384315

if you were west coast my press unit can always use bilingual people
not very glamorous, I know

>> No.8384317

monogatari is shit too.

>> No.8384322

Satin, I couldn't find the measuring tape, but I measured the under-bust of the dress and its about 13.5 inches flat.

>> No.8384324

It isn't glamorous at all, and no one gets that. It feels kinda junky being the messenger all the time. I feel like the only reason people get to know me is because I have a history of working well with guests and they wanna use my language/cultural knowledge skills to their own ends. I mean I guess that's my purpose but they aren't paying me so fuck it.

I appreciate the offer/gesture though!

>> No.8384441

Woolie is that you?

>> No.8384442

tfw you finally get a dream dress but you're too tall for it...

>> No.8384450

what isnt shit anon?

>> No.8384451

Underskirts are your best friend, anon!

>> No.8384454
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> at ILD meet
> doing photo shoot
> comm admin is acting as the main photographer and trying to take photos of everyone
> counting to three using fingers whenever taking a picture
> people walk right between her and the comm members she's shooting right when she counts to three
> her face when

My comm members and I couldn't stop laughing. It was the best bitch face I've ever seen.

>> No.8384521
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Just had a decent larp weekend, i was awkward as hell but oh man there was this super nice guy who had the most gorgerouse hair ever
Now one of my lifegoals is to braid his hair hnnnnghh

>> No.8384522

(What the heck is gorgerouse )

>> No.8384545
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>Her entire design and color scheme are just goddamn magnanimous.

>> No.8384547

I made a Lolita friend a few years back, we're very close now, discuss stuff in and out of lolita. She's so beautiful, sometimes I find myself thinking of a her a lot (FYI, I'm very protective of myself due to being mistreated by past ex's and my parents cared less for me than Harry Potter's guardians) so for me to allow myself to feel for someone on a day to day basis is a big deal. Sometimes I wonder what she's up to, if her studies are going ok, I want to protect her from little weeb shits and want to see her laugh as much as possible. Idk, I wouldn't think its that kind of attraction, she just makes my day when I get to talk to her. I hope we'll stay like this forever, even if she marries and have kids eventually, I want to be in her life as long as possible.

>> No.8384551

I'll hold hands with you, but we ain't fucking unless it's for the purpose of procreation.

>> No.8384556

you have shit taste but your bf is worse
>casual brony
why are you even in a fucking relationship with that the fuck m8

>> No.8384846

just force him to watch Ghost in the Shell and call it a day.

>> No.8384875

>he relates to Kirito

Dump him. The only people that should relate to Kirito are 15 year old boys with a power fantasy that think they're edgy.

>> No.8384880

What I watch

>> No.8384951

>peak his interest
>not pique

He should break up with you for being retarded.

>> No.8384989

>be black
>not a stereotypical big buff meathead but not really that skinny
>can't think of shit shit to do unless it's Spiderman or Balrog
no inbetween

>> No.8385003

Which is what? You crapping into bucket for 25mins?

>> No.8385052

>wore lolita for the first time this weekend
>haven't been posted in an ita thread yet

das a good feel man

>> No.8385057

Green Lantern?

>> No.8385082
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>Con is a month away
>want to cosplay and have fun
>at the same time I'm having a hard time deciding what to cosplay
>Thinking maybe I shouldn't cosplay this year
>but I know once I get to the con and see all the cool cosplayers I'll regret not cosplaying

>> No.8385088 [DELETED] 

>have a really tough semester working the with crazy people that run the program I was in
>start therapy again because I was feeling way to stressed out
>begin to see that I'm stressed out about the same stuff over and over again
>tfw I start to look back at the trauma I suffered as a child
>parents seem supportive say they want to change
>9 months later and I've made a lot of progress
>go back home after school ends and all hell breaks use
>didn't realize the defense mechanisms I've been working on unlearning and redirecting were the only parts of me my parents liked
>tfw I realize my parents just can't be there for me emotionally right now
>come to terms with that it's whatever
>they continue to pick fights with me and yell and me ask/telling me in roundabout ways to go back to be the submissive person I used to be
>start to drift away from them
>we're close and I did love that but I can't take it anymore
>they get even more upset at my for drifting away
>half of the time we're together we fight though and I just can't take
>the other half of the time they tell me they want to change or to look on the bright side
>I'm literally dammed if I do dammed if I don't so I'm trying to at least protect myself
>tfw I'm done trying to improve my relationship with them. I tried bring up family therapy or them going with me to one of my session but they saw it as me trying to hurt/punish them.
I have no idea what to do...

To keep it cgl related
>it's hard to find joy in stuff anymore like my frills. My relationship my parents means so much to me, but me just being who I am (sensitive, curious, emotional, passionate, inquisitive) makes them rage hard core.

>> No.8385108

>Invisible Kid II
>Nick Fury
>Maybe One Punch Man
>Kekkai characters
>Barret from Final Fantasy 7
>That ninja dude from Final Fantasy 6

>> No.8385111

Try the suggestion thread or >>8384834?

>> No.8385113

do you faggots want these threads deleted again or not?

>> No.8385118

This isn't cgl related at all and you know it.

>> No.8385125

It's not always the same group of people on this board, so not everyone learns right away.

They should put something in the sticky about board culture since this is pretty much a life style board about hobbies.

>> No.8385141
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>very seriously considering taking the plunge into lolita
>been here for 5+ years, always stalked lolita threads to garner information about it, but never put a coord together by myself
>terrified I'd look ita or somehow get an amazing dress and not be able to do it justice
>no experience putting accessories on a coord, only know basic rules, really
>wouldn't really have a place to wear it to anyway since I know I'd be terrified of fucking up the dress
>Not even sure if there's a comm in Boston

tl;dr I wanna try lolita but it's a lot of commitment and I'm kinda scared

>usually work out during the summer so that I can get in shape, plus it helps me relieve stress
>however, taking summer classes and working almost full-time leaves me no workout time
>feeling disgusting and fat since I've lost so much muscle mass since high school ended
>worried about wearing a midriff bearing cosplay at Otakon
>worried my legs will look fat
>really important to me to pull this cosplay off well but constantly too exhausted to exercise

>> No.8385165

Too cold?? It gets below freezing where I live but as long as I wear layers its fine.
Just wear tights and if it's below freezing, wear two pairs. I do it all the time.

>> No.8385175


Don't let it stop you anon. Most cosplayers don't look like what they choose to cosplay, even if their body type is right for it. The likelihood of both your face and body working really well for a character is so tiny anyway. Fuck it, wear your amazing looking costume and have fun.

>> No.8385193

Then shut the fuck up complaining. If you know how to fix your situation but refuse, it's your own fault you're in it.

>> No.8385225

It makes me really salty when you hold something for someone and then they don't pay on time.

I don't mind holding things with a deposit, because I appreciate when people hold things for me.

But seriously, I've watched this girl buy shit the whole time and the jsk I'm holding for her dosen't even cost that much.

I'd rather just keep it at this point. I've lost enough weight I don't have the fit problems anymore.

>> No.8385286
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I think you may be illiterate. Did you not get the whole "making my bed and sleeping in it" thing?

Just needed a place to vent, no need to be such a salty cunt. Like, seriously, this seemed to bother you a bit too much.

>> No.8385307

The expression is supposed to be used by someone else to chastise you complaining about putting yourself in a shitty situation. Not by you to justify your whining. Part of lying (Not sleeping, the expression is lying) in your bed is shutting the fuck up about it, because you did it to yourself, and no one else cares.

>> No.8385335
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You're so salty, it's actually funny. I think you mistook this FEELS thread for an advice thread. I never asked for advice, just wanted to be the whiny bitch I am.

Anyways, you might want to get your vagina checked. Seems like you've got a shit ton of sand in it.

>> No.8385679

stop being so entitled you ungrateful bitch

>> No.8385696

/cgl/ confirmed /v/ tier anime tastes

>> No.8385742

It's not you are fat you can't look good but all depends of the colors and pieces you put and also stuff that flatters your body. You can't wear a tiny unshirred IW if you know you can't, just making an example. I'm not a pro and i wear lolita not much yet but maybe there are many fatty chans on ita threads because some don't choose the pieces that look good on their bodies or even the colors. I saw many non thin lolitas put awesome lolita coords of every type. Don't worry anon!Jusk ask for help in coord threads or other if you need!
Brand (burando) are the masterrace japanese lolita brands like Angelic Pretty, Baby the stars shine bright, Alice and the Pirates, Innocent World and so on.
Well, i don't really like the super drama, the omg i must get the latest burando piece and make my coord as perfect as possible and expensive but i like the clothes, a bit of lifestyle too. Wish there was less consumism and perfection pressure and more "as long it looks good and balanced even if simple and casual" it's lolita.

>> No.8387620

>other thread deleted

oh thank you vigilant mods where would we be with you

>> No.8388060

It's kind of odd, i thought the feels were pretty cgl related because there was always anime, manga, cosplay or lolita on it.
Btw i wanted to reply to the other anon i was talking to but the mods deleted the thread, damn.
I neglet real life too at times, thinking of lolita and other jfashions, listening to touhou music, watching sometimes anime, but i'm more a japanese kawaii culture fan nowadays. I want to get into cosplay but i can't sew. I try to escape my boring life thinking of this stuff i like while i feel very very different from people of my age that have functional social lifes, while myself not really. I have some nerdy friends and i go out with them but i spend most of my time with me and me. I take care of myself but my life is close to a hikikomori sometimes.
>I'm a guy who hates my own girly face ;_;
Aww, you shouldn't anon!! I find cute non manly faced guys, infact i love also when they crossplay!
>mfw androgynous men ftw
>anime and visual kei changed my vision of men
I hope we can be more social otherwise.... we should embrace hikki life?

>> No.8388315
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> go to Colossal last weekend
> dank cosplayer from Canadia I follow is also going
> finally see her and go ask for a pic
> she's with someone I know whom I end up chatting with
> realize an actual photographer is behind me waiting for me to finish chatting so they can get pics
> I get my picture and leave without even acknowledging the person I had intended to meet
> don't see her for rest of con
> hups