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8375784 No.8375784 [Reply] [Original]

you know who you are

>> No.8376001

>inb4 Seattle Lolita's talking about their comm is "derailing" because y'all are more invested in fanning the dramu flames of a comm yoy don't belong to than contributing other topics

>> No.8376014

>continuing this shit in new thread
Stop. You're not helping.

Anyway, can someone tell me more about the NY comm? How many members are in it? I read in previous threads that there aren't that many meets and that the group is sorta segregated? I'm planning on moving to NY soon so I'm curious if I'll have a decent time making friends.

>> No.8376023

NY as in NYC? or NY in general?

>> No.8376025

Sorry, I forgot to specify! Yes, I did mean NYC!

>> No.8376055

Neither is bringing it up in the OP. Really.

>> No.8376073

Unrelated to Seattle's ILD event but related to the comm: Ilook forward to more swap meets or casual park meets. I think its fun to see what people are selling and I've scored some deals. Plus people always bring really tasty snacks.

>> No.8376150

Yeah, there are so many cool things with poor transport links. As lolitas, I'd love to go to a castle, a stately home or fancy gardens but those kinds of things are such a pain to arrange. Even just things like cute touristy little villages often aren't accessible without one. I live in a country without so much of a car culture as America - the majority of my comm can't drive, and a lot of those that have a license still don't own a car because most 20somethings don't have the money to run a car *and* spend on a luxury hobby like lolita. Plus it's hard to arrange car-sharing, since people in any given city's comm usually travel from completely different directions.

>> No.8376278


Holy shit I would love to go to more swaps. They always have a big turn out, and I got an old baby print for $50. I was so happy. I feel like quarterly might be good? Like once a season?

>> No.8376522

mm yes. i've been trying to convince my comm to do a swap meet for a while (no luck so far)

>> No.8376531

I'd love to do one too, but the thing about swap meets is they're only as good as your comm's combined wardrobes. I know in my comm, there's maybe a max of 6 girls who'd have anything half-decent to swap. I really think they're better for bigger comms.

>> No.8376534

yeah, my comm is full of replica-chans and bodyline-chans, but we have a few girls with decent wardrobes

>> No.8376714

Anyone got plans for ILD?

I'm from NYC but we all know that comm's a shit show so I might just go solo this year.

I'll probably go to Tokyo Rebel and buy some things, maybe stop by Kinokuniya because I am weeb trash with my dad (he likes to participate in my hobbies).

Makes me wish I had more lolita friends.

>> No.8376743

same. it's an awesome idea in theory, until you remember that your comm is a bunch of ita trash....

>> No.8376779

The main problem our comm has with swap meets is that everyone goes in order to sell things to buy new releases. Soooo ... very few sales end up being made. lol

It just turns into a house party usually.

>> No.8376800

>because I am weeb trash with my dad

I think there are probably a million people who wish they had this.

>> No.8376974

Gonna ride solo too as a NYC Loli. /highfives
And no worries, I am also weeb trash. No shame though!

>> No.8377075

Are there any So Cal comms? There must be, but I'm not sure where to look. I'm just starting to get into lolita and I'd be interested to learn more about the local comm.

>> No.8377081

What wrong with NYC? I'm moving there at the end of the year.

>> No.8377119

What's wrong with that Ariella chick in sf comm? She seems normal online but completely mute autistic irl?

>> No.8377181

There are several. They are all on FB. There's the general SoCal group just called "Lolitas", plus separate groups for Los Angeles proper, Orange County, San Diego, Inland Empire, and Beach Cities. SD and OC are the most regularly active, but LA is getting more meetups recently.

In general, SoCal is pretty chill. Occasionally there will be internal drama, and we have some e-famous members, but overall it stays pretty quiet.

>> No.8377185

How is she normal online? She posted to the comm page about finding a job.

>> No.8377188

I'm from NYC region too, (north jersey) and I'm probably gonna sit at home and eat macarons in brand. I wish I could join a comm but school keeps me in upstate NY most of the year so eh.

>> No.8377220

Hi, anyone going to the BIG ILD for the West Coast lolitas? Its going to be in Seattle this year. How is the Seattle community like? I will be wearing lolita for my first time (a replica dress) and I hope they will be nice!

>> No.8377240

Thanks for the info, I'll look into it.

>> No.8377249

I kinda feel bad for being the one to originally ask what Seattle comm was like. I did not intend to start a big mess. I was just honestly wondering for the future when I move there in a few years. Sorry everyone.

>> No.8377252

Where are you green velvet? Are you excited for the event? I don't remember if you said whether or not you are coming with friends

>> No.8377260
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>> No.8377442
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you disgust me (and make me laugh. have fun getting posted to cgl or btb and being called an ita)

>> No.8377454

Someone was talking in the other thread about how they knew Seattle was mostly sweet but there were a couple of classic lolitas and "that one gothic lolita" and they should be catered for. Is this much of a discrepancy in styles normal? My comm does have more sweet lolitas than other styles (not at every event though), but they're still only maybe 50% of the group and they're certainly not all OTT sweet. There are probably more people in classic than gothic at a typical meet, but there's definitely more than one person that wears gothic and if you looked at styles as "% of the group that own at least one outfit in that style", rather than what they wear most often, gothic would probably beat classic.

>> No.8377456
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Work and then drinking to Kamikaze girls.

1 sip for every JSK
2 sips for every OP
Chug for every outfit that would now be classed as ita so you forget that your beloved fashion has been turned into

>pic related-thats a chug

>> No.8377460

I just took a quick look at out last large meet that didn't have a substyle theme and it works out as you said - 50% sweet, then the remainder is maybe 30% classic, 20% gothic. Some stuff is hard to categorize as one substyle or another, which is why I've used rough percentages not a tally (a lot of people were fairly casual). Plus a couple of itas that don't fit into anything because they were using all shit offhand.

>> No.8377461

That outfit wouldn't be considered ita, get out.

>> No.8377462

I'm a lone lolita, and was wondering about the 'Central Florida Lolita Society' Is is a close group? are they nice? Minimal itas?
If anyone knows about any other comms in the Central Florida area, tell me.

>> No.8377463

I tried, but it's hard because the last really large meet we had without a theme was winter ILD. For some reason there was a lot of gothic, slightly more sweet than gothic, then classic was a minority.

>> No.8377492

Does anyone have any tips for making good first impressions aside from coordinating well?

I just moved really far away and I'm trying to make good with my new community. I dress pretty good, but I was wondering if there's maybe certain mannerisms or qualities that are more desirable than others when it comes to lolita? I think not making myself into an obnoxious weeaboo is a good start.

>> No.8377494

They are nice, no drama and a lot of fun. They have a mentoring program too for newbies, and they have a lot of events. The mods a pretty strict about no 101 questions being asked, so search the comm/google or use the 101 guide in the files before posting.

>> No.8377496

Be nice, don't gossip or talk bad about e-famous lolitas in public, complement people, and make an effort to actually talk to people instead of just assuming everyone hates you from the beginning and then going online and calling everyone a bitch for not instantly including you and all of their private plans.

>> No.8377499

Things that will make a good impression anywhere. Being friendly and polite without seeming pretentious or fake, not saying anything negative about other attendees or getting involved in community drama, not talking about yourself constantly but also not being shy or a wallflower. Have a few non-lolita hobbies you can briefly mention in your intro post if you haven't already made it - people with the same interests might comment and then you'll have someone to talk to at a meet.

>> No.8377501

I'm here fairy queen! I am going with a couple girlfriends that I've made in the comm. it's a bummer you aren't in Seattle proper!

>> No.8377511

>Have a few non-lolita hobbies you can briefly mention in your intro post if you haven't already made it
With you on this! Or at least mention your favourite brands and styles and how long you've been into lolita. I usually can't be arsed replying to newbie intro posts these days that are literally just "I'm a kawaii lolita-chan uwu", but if someone gives us a little more information about their personality and interests (without blogging or assuming we all give a shit about the details of their life) I'll make an effort to reply. This is especially important if you don't have a job that gives people an idea of your interests or things you can discuss.

>> No.8377513

This also helps in avoiding being pushed into social groups you don't want in the comm, like if you don't give a shit about anime but the weebs want to make you one of them.

>> No.8377516

>tfw this can happen even when a meet is organized in the same city
>tfw comm somehow managed to find a location for an upcoming meet that's miles from the station with no direct transport links and not great parking
>only way to get there is by short walk, public transport, change into different public transport, short walk, or short walk, public transport, long walk

>> No.8377518

Good! I'll look into it. Thank you.

>> No.8377522

I'd still like a swap meet to get rid of things that were cheap but heavy so shipping is prohibitively expensive and makes it hard to get any money back.

>> No.8377571
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It's not so much that the comm is segregated that there are very few venues large enough to support groups larger than 10 or 15, and once you get over 8 people, you're looking at a prix fixe of anywhere between $40 and $80+, then you get people bitching about how expensive the meetup is. So when people organize meetups like that they tend to only invite people they know and aren't going to whine about the price.

It's only a shit show if you go to the all-welcome meets. There's a huge meetup in Central Park in July, go there and make some friends, and if you're not gross then maybe you'll get invited to decent meetups.

See my first paragraph.

For the lone Lolitas in NYC, if you want to get invited to things, you kind of have to be, if not aggressive, then outgoing/personable enough to put yourself out there. Figure out who the active people in the FB group are, introduce yourself on fb and let them know you are interested in getting to know people and going to meetups, don't be afraid to Like/Comment on statuses and strike up conversations, and figure out who you need to be friends with to get invites.

I know this sounds really clicky, like some kind of Real Housewives bullshit or something but the comm reflects the attitude of the city - everybody has their own hustle going on with work or school, it's really unlikely that anyone is going to spend their precious time to handhold every newbie/lone Lolita into being part of a circle of friends when people come and go so quickly. Everyone is really nice, friendly, and welcoming once you take the first step to let them know you exist, but it's up to you to take that first step.

>> No.8377576

Correcting myself - "It's only a shit show if you ONLY go to the all-welcome meetups."

Also, being dressed decently goes a long way - the comm in general doesn't care if you're wearing, brand, bodyline, or handmade but if you can't put yourself together then you're gonna get judged, it's a fact of life.

>> No.8377605

I'm moving there at the end of the year too, and everything I've been hearing abt the current state of the comm is making me think of just solo-ing it, but if there's a way for me to make lolita friends I'm all in.
All this is pretty much my impression. Is it worth joining the Facebook groups?

Also didn't you guys try a nyc gull meet once? I stopped paying attention so I don't know how that ended up.

>> No.8377606

You're not the only one who asked. Besides a chain of drama doesn't start every time someone asks. Don't feel bad.

>> No.8377609

o lawd

>> No.8377631

this has got to be bait

>> No.8377661

I will be in seattle proper the day before and after my velvet lady. You and your gf should sit withwith my friend and I! I'm excited to meet you and see your coord <3

>> No.8377683

We have mostly sweet then gothic then classic. We have a lot oiif girls who wear more than one style though and I think the issue was all the prizes and gift bag contents were sweet. There was no variety. I think good mix of styles would have been a good idea

>> No.8377739

Some if the sponsors looked like they had classic/Gothic items but I could be wrong. Automatic honey makes a variety not just sweet, I know that much.

>> No.8377743

Well if we see a replica-chan I guess we'll know? Probably not but you know, its possible.

>> No.8377751

Yes definitely! I hope that I can find you! You'll be wearing all white right?

>> No.8377756

Yes I will! I will have horns as well. What else are you wearing besides the velvet dress??

>> No.8377811

Anyone in the Seattle area attending the other ILD meet? There's no event page for it so is it even happening?

>> No.8377934

My comm isnt doing anything because most people are busy doing other things?
So decided to try and get together with my friend and we are going to go out to eat, go to the mall and maybe drink at my place. Excited to be doing SOMETHING at least

>> No.8377946

I kek'd

>> No.8377954

What confuses me about Japanese chicks is that they look like children proportion-wise, yet are probably like in their mid 20s.

>> No.8377968

I might be wrong but a lot of the people I see from Tokyo Fashion can be anywhere from 17-25 but who knows if they are lying

>> No.8377976

It looks really odd when their face looks their age. Saw a girl with the body of a child but the face looked like they were in their 40's.

>> No.8378011

I lived in Japan and saw a good number of those. The body is small, the limbs are short so the head looks big, and they look like children with adult faces as a result. On the contrary, they told me that they thought I was tall and had small head. And they think it's beautiful too, or so they say at least.

>> No.8378049

Never understood that whole Asians look young thing. They don't wrinkle early like non-Asians but their faces sag early and it's so strange seeing a saggy face on a childlike body.

>> No.8378062

nitpick at best

>> No.8378130

The only fb comm I am in for NYC is New York Lolitas. It's pretty quiet for the most part but generally if people post chat-type topics, you'll get a lot of responses. it's pretty typical of what I was saying before, the established members rarely go out of their way to make new friends or get to know other people, but if that new friend or other person gets it started, we will come out of the woodwork to Like/Comment because we're an opinionated bunch.

But if you join the comm plz ignore this Valkyrie Yun person who has been posting all over the damn place lately. You can kind of see on her posts how we try to be polite but ain't got the patience to be nice to people who haven't proved they deserve it.

>> No.8378161
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>> No.8378208

Another lone NYCgull. Some of my friends are doing karaoke this weekend so I'll probably just go to that in lolita.

>There's a huge meetup in Central Park in July

Is there any way I could get more info like a time/date on this without being on fb? Last time this was asked (about Matsuri I think) people shat their pants in rage at the idea that some people don't have a fb, and I really am not going to get one just for meets. Hell, I'll leave a throwaway email if I have to.

The meet was fun but yeah, after that no one else really did anything else with it. I don't mind meeting up with other lone gulls if people want to do that again (not the original anon who organized those, btw, just another attendee). Let me know and as above I'll leave a throwaway for it.

>> No.8378236

Leave a throwaway email and I'll send you the event details. They had to make it private because hundreds of randos joined the event after friends-of-friends-of-friends saw/liked/commented whatever and there were literally hundreds of creepy people, asshole soccer moms from texas blasting their opinions on the event page and just generally harshing the vibe.

If you're a loner and want to attract new friends, bring your own big blanket/sheet and some kind of food like cookies or something you can easily share to attract other Lolitas to sit on your blanket. and strike up a convo.

>> No.8378298

Anyone have deets on the Jacksonville FL comm?

>> No.8378306

In name field. Holy shit that sounds like a nightmare. And sure thing anon, thanks for the hookup.
>here's hoping it's not during the week I'm out of town

>> No.8379127

>some kind of food like cookies or something you can easily share to attract other Lolitas to sit on your blanket.

This statement taken out of context makes it sound like lolitas are adorable woodland creatures that can be enticed with cookies

>> No.8379371
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[British Narrator]
With mere days left in the expedition, we finally see the courtship we were hoping to document.

Cautiously, using their frills and snack wares as enticements, they begin to slowly gather. Timid hand wringing and downcast eyes, gestures of submission, and pieces of paper with blog names scribbled down, overtures of friendship. Suddenly, as if carefully considering the risk abruptly gave way to instinct, one lolita moves to perch on the blanket of another. Social creatures by nature, they slowly pair off in groups of two or three...

>> No.8379468

There's this one bitch in my comm. I fucking hate her.

>> No.8379476

On a white girl, we'd be considered pretty ita.

>> No.8379491

This is fucking hilarious. please god, continue.

>> No.8379498
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Not that anon but...
Have a .gif

>> No.8379509

Do tell

>> No.8379554

I don't think she's a bad person but I can't stand her SJW attitude and her whole being a "boy" thing. Every time I see her face I wanna punch it.

>> No.8379765

Thanks, that helps

>> No.8379769


>> No.8379772

Not sure... talking to her online I just assumed she was very young, but I think she mentioned she is over 21 and in person she seems barely able to talk

>> No.8379956

What's the comm names for LA and Orange County? Those are the two places I visit the most whenever I go to California.

>> No.8379978

I'm British and I laughed. Well done

>> No.8380064
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>putting together potential coords for ILD meet
>cutest weather-appropriate coord is actually 100% Bodyline and offbrand
>second-to-cutest coord includes glorious burando but is a bit underwhelming
>what do
I know it's stupid but I can't choose. It will be my first meet and I don't want everyone's first impression of me to be that of a Bodyline-chan. My comm is divided pretty strictly between the older girls who mostly wear brand and the younger teenagers who always wear Bodyline and I don't want to be lumped in with the latter because I honestly don't like what I've seen of their attitudes on the community's FB.
Damn my mostly cold-weather wardrobe.

>> No.8380073

Are you saying we aren't?

>> No.8380074

If you look good, it shouldn't matter. I know in my comm if someone looks fly as hell in off-brand, everyone is impressed.

>> No.8380079

It's your first meet so no one will have any expectations of you but I'd suggest wearing the "underwhelming" coord so you can get into the older circle. They'll cut you some slack for being the new girl, and will appreciate your brand. Try sprucing it up with some accessories?

>> No.8380090

This is my eternal dilemma, except thankfully none of the comms I've been in have had an elitist brand circle, and a lot of the "in" crowd wear Bodyline. If you were in a chill comm I'd say go Bodyline, but since your comm has that dichtomy I'd say wear the brand.

>> No.8380268

yup. That was a quick guess

>> No.8380332

The group names are literally LA Lolitas and OC Lolitas, should be easy to find. I believe they are closed groups, though, so you might have to wait to be approved.

>> No.8380354

I emailed you. Godspeed anon.

>> No.8380835

We got a (one) new ita in our comm. Everyone's trying to help her, but I feel it will be to no avail. When do you guys give up on the itas in your comm and what do you do about them?

>> No.8380841

I just choose not to interact with them unless they interact with me and see if they'll improve or not. If they come up to me to ask for coord advice, I'll try to help them the best that I can. It'll also depend on their personality, whether they're a nice person who is making some sort of effort or just all around a shitty person.

>> No.8380852

Overall, the vast majority of newbies start off as an ita. Hell, I was an ita when I started out. When they're asking for advice, it really comes down to whether or not they'll accept it. If they're stubborn, then it's on them.

>> No.8380940

I'm moving back to OC soon. How are the OC and LA comms? I wasn't super involved when I lived there since I was working 24/7 and would like to be more active once I'm back.

>> No.8380983

When they're shit people as well as shit dressers. I'll feel annoyed about their clothes but still (barely) willingly be around a nice girl that dresses badly, but when an ita has a terrible personality it's bye bye. Itas make the comm look bad when we're out in public, but if it's a nice girl I don't mind so much.

>> No.8381051

OC is relatively active, and probably 2/3 dress really well. Mostly college age people, and also mostly girls (no active guys that I know of). If there's any drama, I'm not close enough with anyone to know it. Several other gulls, too.

LA is getting more active now that they have a separate group and a dedicated mod team. The caliber of coordinates is very high overall, with a good mix of styles. Average age is higher than OC. Occasional minor drama (mostly because we have e-famous people) but it doesn't tend to stick around. Core group can seem clique-ish since many are friends outside of Lolita, but they're all really nice.

>> No.8381060

Work, then hanging out with a few friends/members in the comm. I don't know who will all show up, but even if it just ends up being me, I'll just dick around in the nicer side of town in my frills. I just hope it won't be too hot out. I do hope that someone actually shows up. I want to plan in person with others for a bigger future meet up.

>> No.8381254

On the subject of Seattle's ILD (oh god please don't kill me) I'm actually sorely regretting not buying a ticket. Sure it was expensive and sure there was all the drama in other threads but honestly, so many of my friends are going and it looks like it'll be a good time. I didn't even put off buying a ticket because of the drama, it was because I was at work during the last notice for tickets being on sale and forgot. :( I kind of wish someone who doesn't want to go or can't go could sell their ticket to me or something. I don't think that's possible even if someone did want to or could though... I just don't want to spend ILD alone. </3

>> No.8381350

Awesome, thanks anon. Will be trying to make it if my other commitment that day probably falls through like I think it will.

>> No.8381616

I have a question. I live in a large city with a huge but super fragmented comm. It's not uncommon to see a lone lolita wandering around by herself on weekends if you're hanging out in areas with Japanese shops or restaurants. My friends and I (a group of four people) will dress up and hang out together, usually go out for tea or shopping. Sometimes a lone lolita will spot us, wander up to us, and without really introducing herself, will just start following us around. This includes going inside restaurants. Sometimes these strays will ask to be included as part of our table once we sit down to eat... I would maybe be fine with all of this, but usually these people never introduce themselves, hardly say a word, and just stare and follow us. It seems so weird to me, but it's happened at least five times with different people in the last year.

Anyway, anyone have any ideas of what to do when this happens? My friends and i are usually so confused, and we don't want to be rude, but it really is kinda creepy behavior...Has this happened to anyone else?

>> No.8381628

Flap your hands at their face and say "SHOO!" If they don't go away, try to make yourself look larger and lunge at them in a feint attack, stomping the ground with your feet. If they still stand their ground then I think you might have to charge at them with your antlers. Whoever's skull cracks first is the loser and has to give up all their brand as a gesture of submission.

>> No.8381829

This is fucking weird, just because you're both wearing poofy dresses it does NOT mean this somehow becomes normal or acceptable behavior, or that you somehow owe them your company. It would be one thing if they introduced themselves and explained their situation. I'd say if they don't do that, don't involve them or let them sit with you to eat. They're acting really creepy! You wouldn't indulge a person acting like that in normal clothing, you'd tell them to fuck off. Or maybe I'm just not much of a pushover.
Where do you live anon, if you don't mind my asking? To where there's lolitas wandering around?

>> No.8382008

Newfag here, just got into the fashion a couple months ago and am wondering how the Portland comm is if anyone's part of it?

My first burando is in the mail and I figured it's time to join a comm, but am kind of intimidated (especially since you have to fill out a form or some shit?)

Should I just join?

>> No.8382090

Its not hard or intimidating, lots of itas, just join

>> No.8382099

"And here you can see the wild lolitas in it's natural environment : the tea place. Usually moving in herds, a lone lolita is sometimes spotted, silently trying to mingle to an other herd, often with no luck."

>> No.8382144

Used to be in that comm but we didnt have a form back then. I imagine its just to keep out spammers and fetishists and shit so just be normal and you'll get in. There's some serious itas/weirdos in there and they tend to be the most vocal on the page, but if you go to a meet or two you'll pretty quickly find the nice girls.

>> No.8382146

This is so strange. Do they think your normal, private outing is a lolita meetup that they were invited to or something?

>> No.8382744

Is wonderfinch really part of the SF comm? Like does she actually live in the Bay Area? Not looking forward to seeing her at ILD

>> No.8383213

It could be that they assume they've stumbled upon a meetup they didn't know about, especially if they're the type to not be involved in online communities. Without anyone telling them it's a private party, they may feel like they're perfectly welcome to stay/participate in the "meetup". I know I'd assume I'd stumbled on a meetup if I saw more than maybe 2 lolitas together, but I live in a fairly small city.

>> No.8384009
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Ok so here's the Lac de Cygnes tripleting as promised! I don't think a single picture of me today came out where I wasn't making a face, caught in the middle of talking/blinking, or generally not working my angle, but at least my two friends (in the pink and sax) looked gorgeous!

>> No.8384140

OP here. I think this is a good point! Maybe they think it's a meet and they missed the announcement or something... still, what should we say in the case? "Hey, sorry, we're just friends hanging out. This isn't a public meetup." I feel like saying something like this would make us look like we have no social tact, either.

>> No.8384147

She's nyc

>> No.8384886

Wat, no she's not. She's from SF and was in Arizona for a while but she went back.

>> No.8384931

This ILD made me want to be done with lolita comms altogether.
> Haughty mods, one girl trying to come to the forefront as the "leader"
> Boring new members, don't want to try to be their friends
> All meetup locations in the city have been exhausted, yesterday's meet was lackluster
> Feeling pretty down about the fashion in general
Feels bad.

>> No.8384959
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I'm getting kinda tired of my comm.
I'm tired of catering to all the younger girls who come to meets (IF they come) wearing jeans and t-shirts and that they say they'll go to meets, but most of the time drop out at last minutes. We have almost 100 members and only about 4 lolitas show up and it's always the same for including myself.
>Host ILD meet (first time hosting any meet)
>13 reserved spots/ say they're going
>2 show up
>feels bad man

I just want to make a 20, or 21+ comm for my region to get rid of these flaky kids and these kiddie meets, but I'm afraid it'll just create drama.

>> No.8384960

I feel like I only have one option when it comes to comms. I live in northern Maryland, so I'm sure I could check out the PA comm or a WV comm? I just want to poke around and see if I could make any friends in the others. Been to a few baltimore meets but couldn't really make a convo with anyone. Seems like they weren't even trying.
Any deets about them?

>> No.8384967

You guys look great! Thanks for sharing

>> No.8384977

Pay-in-advance meetups, no refunds. Its the easiest way and any one who bitches was going to flake anyway.

>> No.8384979

Aww, this is cute.

>> No.8384985

next time make an event where reserving a spot cost a nonrefundable deposit, then the people who say they'll show up will really show up

>> No.8384991

Thankfully it was a buy your own ticket thing, so I didn't get stuck with anyone's bill. No one bitched and weirdly no one ever does. They just don't say anything. Ever.
Though after the meet I posted pictures of the museum I got several girls posting "I wished I could have gone! D="

>> No.8385000

Why, what's the deal with wonderfinch?

>> No.8385001


How about this: introduce yourselves instead of waiting for the other lolitas to introduce themselves. Treat them like stray newbies and tell them where to find the lolita comm. At this point they may or may not say they've already found it/are already a member, but it gives you the opening to say that the lolita comm organises meetups once every month/week, and then follow it up with "today, I'm just hanging out privately with my friends, it's not a real lolita meetup", and drop other various hints about today being just "your friends" and "not a real meetup".

After that, you should be able to say something like "my friends and I have to go now, hope to see you at the next lolita meetup", and leave them.

>> No.8385026

I want to play this game

>> No.8385032

I'm going to play this later. (I'd do it now, but my pride says it's to early to drink)

>> No.8385276

Check the archives, anon.

>> No.8385290


Or even a deposit that will only be refunded if you show up in person and participate.

That's how my uni manages some events.

>> No.8385327
File: 162 KB, 500x400, 1406234495294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>small meet up for ILD
>friends and I plan to go

>evening before meet up
>my two friends have to cancel
>gonna go anyway cause fuck, I wanna dress up!

>dress up, have to travel to the city meet up is taking place at alone
>arrive 20 minutes before we meet
>waiting even more
>no one is showing up
>what the fuck is happening
>frequently check FB but no one else has cancelled
>realise I don't have the phone number of any of the participating comm members, no one is answering on the comm's FB page
>stay around for almost an hour, normalfags staring at me, half a dozen sneak pictures taken, my phone's battery is running low
>decide to fuck it, go to the cafe we wanted to meet up

>over an hour later after we were supposed to meet up
>comm members finally show up at the cafe
>"Oh but Anon we changed the time, we were supposed to meet up an hour later!"
>mfw they somehow never informed me or posted it on the comm's page

Well, fuck. I was still incredibly pissed off.
But at least there were some nice Lolitas attending so I still had a nice time.

>> No.8385403


>> No.8387052
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Anybody live near the Arkansas Oklahoma border? I'm tired of being a lone lolita

>> No.8388276

I asked in the last thread but didn't get a reply so I'll try again. If I'm in Morgantown WV would my nearest comm be Pittsburgh or are there any closer ones? I go to WVU but I've never seen a lolita there. Checked the Google Doc that goes around but there's nothing.

>> No.8388303
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Another lone lolita checking in, are there any comms near Denver? Or even in all of Colorado?

>> No.8388938

Any michigan gulls?

>> No.8388964

Someone in my comm was talking about how much they hate people who go on 4chan and how everyone on it is total trash and when I told her you can't just generalize 4chan like that because there are thousands of people on this site, she proceeded to say that everyone was fucked up racists. for a bunch of people in my comm who don't like to be judged, they sure love judging everyone else.

>> No.8388972

Wtf is this minor drama in the LA Comm? E-famous people? Who do you mean?

>> No.8388985

I know there are a few of us in the Mitt but it's pretty hush-hush. Are you a member of the FB group?

>> No.8389012

Admittedly not yet, I haven't recieved my first purchases yet, so I've been hovering around it a bit. I want to join but I have no idea what the comm is like.

>> No.8389021

Honestly I haven't seen or heard any drama in a long time. LA comm is super chill.

>> No.8389146

Thank you for sharing the pic, I've never seen it worn. Now I want it more.

>> No.8389164

Well this certainly sounds like someone pulling nonsense out of their ass. What post are you even trying to refer to?

LA comm is pretty laid back. We're generally on the older end of the lolita age spectrum, so most of us have the money to buy/save for what we want and we're pretty understanding of why things cost what they cost.

Any drama we have doesn't get shared out.
We bitch to each other and it's done.
Or we're just nice enough to hide it and be pleasant during meets to one another but don't give a fuck outside of that setting.

>> No.8389171

>We're generally on the older end of the lolita age spectrum, so most of us have the money to buy/save for what we want and we're pretty understanding of why things cost what they cost.

Sorry, meant to refer to that as the reason why we can almost entirely cut out the section of drama you'd normally get from newbie/really young lolitas that other comms seem to experience.

>> No.8389247

Georgia comms? Chathm county area to be specific

>> No.8389248

Yes, there's a facebook group.

>> No.8389256

The Michigan comm is very laid-back and sweet, please join!

>> No.8389261

The one on the right makes me think of Perfect blue when the manager is chasing MC in the red dress

mostly because of the wig

>> No.8389266

Same thing happened when I tried hosting a meet
>post about meet idea and get interest
>even go on the day where it's literally pay whatever to get in
>12 people say they're coming
>only 2 show up

My comm isn't full of kids though so I'm guessing most people got called in for work, but it was still a bit disheartening.

>> No.8389286

What's going on with the Ohio Comm? I heard there was some drama last weekend at Colossalcon.

>> No.8389291

Trust me, my comm isn't much better when it comes to flakes and a ton of them are over 21. I'm getting so fucking sick of it, even the mods flake a lot.

>> No.8389338

Do these people not know how to say maybe to event invites?

>> No.8389376

There was no drama. Just accusations about a girl not in the comm wearing a replica dress in the fashion show because her headbow was a replica. The people spreading rumors about it weren't even in the comm.

>> No.8389489
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Anyone from the British comm here?
I was wondering if anyone else has had bad experiences with this girl.

>> No.8389493

How upstate is upstate NY?

>> No.8389557
File: 496 KB, 245x250, shia.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a girl like this in my comm, I can always feel her judgy eyes on us anytime we discuss /cgl/ or dramu (the rest of the comm is very down with 4ch). We're "friends", and once she started telling me that everyone on the site are horrible, rotten people to the core who just want to bully others etc. and I asked her if she thought that about me haha.

Fuck self-righteous "abstainers", find the right topic and they'll talk as much shit as any seagull. Lolitas are all the same.

>> No.8389905

There's no in-person drama that I know of, I think what they probably meant is stuff ending up on behind the bows and such?

>> No.8390002

Michigan's comm is definitely a lot more active (and well-dressed, in my opinion) than it has been in the past. The only drama I can remotely think of happened years ago, and everyone is very sweet and welcoming to new people. You have to fill out a small survey upon joining, but it's just to weed out creepers and spammers, really.

>> No.8390189

I can no longer find the group, was it made private?

>> No.8390430

It's a closed group, yes. Search "Michigan Frill-itia" and it should come up.

>> No.8390709


>> No.8391853

Honestly I've only seen one or two secrets involving LA comm in 10 months. Drama is virtually nonexistent in comparison to other comms.

>> No.8391885

asked this in last thread but didn't get a response...

i live in close enough proximity to be in 3 different comms... is this frowned upon for any reason?

>> No.8391912

Yup, it's really nice. And SD/OC are even more chill (if that's possible). SoCal in general is a pretty awesome place to be for Lolita. Lots of events, cons with decent fashion guests, and a higher percentage of well-dressed people. Only downside is the hot summers.

>> No.8391913

no, why would it be?

>> No.8391915

Nope, at least not where I'm from--we have five within 2-3 hour's drive and people are frequently members of all of them. Though usually they're more active in one than the others.

>> No.8391925

dunno, i'm new to this (despite lurking a while) and i didnt know if any comms had rivalries or something or if there's some sort of "loyalty"... i don't know..

i'm from in between trenton and NE philly so i'm close to philly, mostly everything in NJ, and like an hour train ride from NYC.

>> No.8391968

I think im the youngest semi regular and im 20.... We have about 100 members in the comm. My comm will have 7 attendees "going" and only 2 will show with no explaination from the others, sometimes one last minute "sorry i got called into work".
Those who do attend are at least 15-30 minutes late including the host even when we have reservations.
Even when we do presale tickets for big things like ILD, holidays and cons people are always late and one or two wont show up.

>> No.8391990

Hawaii comm?
Im going to Oahu and Maui in august. Are there comms there? Are they welcoming to visitors?

>> No.8392062

I have a friend who's been in the comm for like 2 years but no one knows her still, and I joined like a month ago. I'm scared to go to meets without her, so I've only been to one, but damn she's a flake. I went to a tea party at a con alone once and it was just so awkward that I'm scared to go alone again. Straight up: how awkward is it to go alone to actual meets? It's not like I'm shy, I just can't always hold conversation well, especially one on one. I'm kind of low key aspergerish.

>> No.8392260

Asked this in another thread but it's more relevant here:

I'm going to Las Vegas for the first time from the 22nd to the 29th of this month. I have no idea what the Vegas comm is like but I think it could be fun to see if there are any meets or loli-related activities to do that week since I'll be in lolita part of the time I'm there anyway.
I've never been to an out of state meet, so I don't know how that sort of thing usually goes

Any Vegas gulls out there to guide me?

>> No.8392298

The Vegas comment is pretty laid back. It's common for girls to visit, so you can join the Facebook group and we'll plan a meet! Plus I'm pretty sure you and I are already talking, so we can figure out something fun to do. Just bring pieces to dress lightly because it's hot as shit now.

>> No.8392308

I think it depends how big your comm is. My comm will be 4-10 people for meets unless its at a convention. Im still pretty new and dont know the girls really well and i always have to attend the meets alone. Im not the best at making conversation but ive noticed the smaller the meet the easier it is to be friendly and make conversation especially if youre eating or at a museum.

>> No.8392313

It's not too bad.
I went to a bigger meet up for Easter as my first one and I let the organizer know that it was my first meet so she said I could hang with her and also made myself a name badge that said:
"Complete A-grade newbie"

The name badge went over well with most of the girls as I'm 23 and everyone is 20-30+. Many of the younger ones tried to tell me that a new badge wasn't necessary and that it would let all the bullies know that I was 'fresh meat'

In regards to conversation skills, just get the person to talk about themselves and their experiences in lolita. Try not to openly judge, gossip or look down on members who you don't know.

>> No.8393203

I'm from the AZ comm, so I'm used to heat. I'll go ahead and join the Facebook group then! Thank you for your help

>> No.8393338

Just join, you'll meet a lot of nice girls in it. One of the mods is crazy, I heard about a few issues with one of them. Drama definitely ensued about it.

There's a few cuties in the group, very nicely dressed.

There's still a few fetishists in the group, I know that first hand. People begging for money to pay for lolita or transitioning as well

>> No.8393659

Nope. I'm in five, although in practice I only really attend meets in three of them unless it's a really big special meet.

>> No.8393928

why what did she do

>> No.8393960

This is fucking awesome i giggled pls continue

>> No.8394825

My local comm organised a meet to go to the theater, tickets are probably selling out fast as it's a popular show, we organised it about a few weeks ago and we still don't have any damn tickets or even a time when we're going.

Getting pretty fucking sick of how unorganized my community is. They also made a last minute ILD meet practically two days before ILD.

And they wonder why only single digit amount of people show up to meets when there's about 50+ people in our group.

fuck you captcha, those were hamburgers, not sandwiches.

>> No.8395500

I have a feeling I know which comm this is.

>> No.8395508


At least they made an ILD event. My comm didn't even make one because "lol it just sneaks up on us tehe!"

>> No.8395516

NW England comm?

>> No.8395520

At least your comm knew what ILD was.
So many n00bs in mine that I had to explain it

>> No.8395523

Oh fuck. More drama?

>> No.8395524


I love the progression of this. Thank you anon, for reminding me that it could be worse. Jesus though, I'm sorry your comm is so clueless and noob.

>> No.8395648

Anyone know anything about the San Antonio TX comm? I was going to go to their ILD tea party thing but I chickened out. I'm really intimidated because of the current 326 members on their FB page.
How are they? How many members are actually active at meetups and such? Are they generally accepting of noobs?

>> No.8396109

Oh look, now she's spamming everyone in FB chat.

>> No.8396161

I live in Central California but the comm seems to be dead, are there any lolita related cons or activities around here? I just want to enjoy myself without going to SF or LA

>> No.8396165

Not sure if this is what you want, but there's an active sac comm

>> No.8396177

But hamburgers are sandwiches...

>> No.8396955

It's alright, we got fucking yellow star chan in it though
But there's a couple of nice girls in the comm that I've met

>> No.8396964

captcha made me call a pie a cake one. I know what a fucking cake is.

>> No.8396972
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I wish there was a map of where all the comms are that would show borders and everything based on where members live and where the usually meet up.

>> No.8396983

who's yellow star chan

>> No.8397012 [DELETED] 

Long-shot but here it goes...
I've been looking to create a comm in the southern/border region of Texas.

>> No.8397020 [DELETED] 
File: 347 KB, 420x593, Elegant Gothic Lolita Aristocratic Vampire Romance BRO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long shot but here it goes
I'd like to create a comm in the southern/border region of Texas.
Any new comers welcomed.

>> No.8397022

I hardly attend meet ups, so you don't have to worry about me

I am the chick who self posts too often, can't ever get my make up right, and will never be able to live down that damn star clip

>> No.8397025
File: 347 KB, 420x593, Elegant Gothic Lolita Aristocratic Vampire Romance BRO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Long shot but here it goes
I'd like to create a comm in the southern/border region of Texas.
Any new-comers welcomed.

>> No.8397077

They have some itas, but super sweet. Small comm who protects their own.

>> No.8397173

I'm on that thread too, anon. But she hasn't posted anything in it...? I'm so confused, and I feel really bad for her. I'm guessing she is just an enormously awkward individual.

>> No.8397187

Hey, another semi-lone Colorado lolita here. There is a group but it honestly doesn't seem that active.

The spreadsheet of links for you and anyone else wondering about comms

>> No.8397205

I can't stand flaky people! They get on my damn nerves so bad. When it comes to my personal friends, continually being flaky when plans are made is a quick way to no longer getting invited to any plans that get made. Have done it before, and wouldn't feel bad doing it again if needed.

>> No.8397227

I've noticed that people tend to flake when they're not friends, just acquaintance. I tried organising something last year where no one but a single person showed up (it was my birthday too, such a great day) but now that I'm closer friend with a part of my comm I know at least my friends will show up and that maes people really wanna tag along.

>> No.8397246

This doesn't always work. In fact it may even increase. Studies have shown that doing things like ticketing causes people to think that since they will have to pay anyway that there is no issue with cancelling last minute.

>> No.8397256

At the same time, that means that there's less inconvenience on the hosts.

Most venues require you to pay up front for groups over a certain size where I am. So more than ten people? They require you to pay for the degustation or banquet menu, because otherwise it's too hard for the restaurant to deal with a group of that size (getting different meals out at the same time can be a pain, devoting staff to a group that size means they have to bring extras in for the night, or risk neglecting part of the restaurant, and so on).

If you make people pay in advance, the people who DO attend don't end up paying out of pocket for those who flaked.

>> No.8397301

Update on this. They had to cancel to theater trip.
Not gonna lie, I'm pissed.

>> No.8398887

Don't be intimidated by that number, it's mostly lurkers! Recently more people have shown up at meets, around 10-15 people per meet. We don't really have drama as far as I know, everyone gets along, and we are super tolerant of noobs. There's no snobs or bullies or anything, if there were it would be a bit over the top considering our size and quality.

>> No.8399214

There's a meet every month, occasionally more. It's mostly newbies that post in the group, but more seasoned lolitas who actually show to meets.

>> No.8403773

Haven't been on 4chan in a while so only just saw this. Sounds like NW to me. Someone else ought to organze it as it looks like one of the girls doing it has life shit going on and another has "issues" preventing her doing basic adult shit like ringing the theatre (yet still volunteered to organize it).

>> No.8403801

Do you have any more info on them? I want to join the NW comm but I want to know who to stay away from or avoid getting neck deep in drama with.

>> No.8403804

My local comm is enormous and super fragmented. I do my best to be active, add friendly newbies and the occasional traveling foreigner to our meetups and keep things funny and laid back, but I recieved a few messages about people feeling like they're left out. The thing is, those are private meetups with a smaller group of friends that I know dress well, are friendly and are actually interesting. It's a just a bunch of friends hanging out in their frills.
It's obvious people want a bigger, more central comm, but I don't have the patience or the nerves to do that. Being an admin is an awful job, it's time consuming and not rewarding at all. I wouldn't mind helping a bit for meet-ups and the like, but I don't know anyone who would actually take the responsability for the whole community...Now it's just a bunch of cliques per style and age.

>> No.8403866

Have you thought about asking on the group page if anyone would be willing to help you out with organising things? It's a tough job to be handling all on your own, and you might be surprised and who'd step up to the plate.

>> No.8403879

A lot of the girls are nice, just really disorganised. If you can travel to meets I'd recommend Sheffield instead.

>> No.8403913

I think if you could federate a core group of admins it could work. We've got a few e-famus lolita in the area, maybe they could help promoting the comm to the newbies.

>> No.8404177

The comm is fine, they're just shit at organization. After the drama last August ish that resulted in the comm being shut down and the new CLAM page being started, one of the girls that was kicked out for drama (I think?) spilled her vendetta all over 4chan and BtB, including posting group pics if the mod she didn't like was in them (Jayde or Georgia I think). That seems to have died down now though (haven't seen anything of it for a couple of months), so they'd be an all right comm now if only they'd get their organizational shit together.

Like >>8403879 said with the travelling, Leeds have a really nice and active comm. Sheffield are slightly smaller and less active but still nice girls.

>> No.8404404

I'd keep the group private and filter people pretty heavily (no scammers, no weird people, no preteens, you've got to already own lolita, please). I don't like the idea of using the already-existing group and putting it on public again (come on, it's got 150 people, and I don't know half of them), but since that seems to be such an unpopular opinion, I'll just keep my mouth shut off anon.

>> No.8404692
File: 644 KB, 500x580, 1423078777022.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just kind of need somewhere to vent about this and here seems the best place.
Our comm is having a special meet at one of our older members house and everyone is very excited as it has been a while since we have seen her. However, a girl whom the majority of us dislike is going which would be tolerable if she actually wore lolita. but she has never worn lolita, knows nothing about the fashion and has said she is going to go in cosplay because it's "all the same"

I don't want to be a bitch but for fuck sake. Why is she even coming? she's really annoying and is just grating to be around. she has no interest in Lolita so i have no idea why she is even coming. She said that she got the invite on facebook and that's why she's going but seriously? SERIOUSLY? our comm is super inclusive and it's usually so much fun when new people come in, be them ita or not it's always nice to see new people joining the fashion, but this girl has no interest whatsoever.


>> No.8404727

>said she is going to go in cosplay because it's "all the same"
Holy shit, that sounds awful. I'm so sorry for you and your comm, anon. I hope you all have a good time regardless of her being there.

>> No.8404792

Grow a pair and tell her to fuck off, no cosplay allowed, real easy

>> No.8404818

It's not my house and not my place to say. The girl running it seems to know her well so it's not really up to me who goes.

>> No.8404966

For a good while, my comm page have been left inactive and meetups had a lot of flakers, but now that it's summer, the influx of newbies have been posting intro posts and newb questions, which can be a little annoying, but nice to know that these random people are actually serious about the fashion. I really hope that people will stop flaking. I'd like a more active comm with more frequent meets and more people going to events. Everyone else who is experienced dresses well and some of them hang out outside of lolita. We still have a number of poeple in the group who haven't really invested in the fashion at all, but at least those people aren't showing up to meets and passing off pretty normal-fag clothes or cosplay as lolita (although, I wouldn't really mind if they wanted to get to know people and learn the ropes in person).

>> No.8405101

Idk but there's San Japan at the end of July for potential meeting up with other lolitas!

>> No.8405170

Not sure where you are, but this sounds like my comm too. I organized really small meets for friends and started getting pressured to do more stuff for the entire comm since lots of girls complained about getting left out. I finally tried organizing something, but almost immediately realized it was a mistake. I got countless complaints about literally every aspect of the meet ("Can we find a cheaper place? I only spend less than $5 per meal." "That time doesn't work for me. Can't we move the meet to a time that works for ME?" "This event isn't 'lolita enough '!")

I just canceled it and never tried again. It is a thankless job and people will bitch and blame you for everything.

>> No.8405363

This. Fuck organising large meets, I feel terrible for the girls who still do it. Good job on trying, anon. I'd say just keep doing what you do and leave them to it, you can't accommodate everyone.

Tbh, I won't give a shit if some girls baww that they're being left out when others hang out and do fun meets with their "clique", we're not obligated to be your friend. If they whine about it to you again, just say that it's not your job to find them people to hang out with, and tell them to learn to socialise. Good on you for taking on such a tough job.

>> No.8405391

what's the NZ comm like? i'm thinking about going there for a vacation. i've found their old LJ and seems like they had an active comm but of course seems like they've moved to facebook now, don't want to join it until i know for sure i will be going there.

>> No.8405501

To update with SoCal news:

LA comm had their ILD this past weekend and it was fucking amazing (minus the heat). Good food, excellent company, amazing raffles. Didn't win anything, but it was still fun. I can't wait for the photographers to put up pictures.

>> No.8405529

Yes! I kinda wanna see if any lolitas wanna go to Bakery Lorraine (it's at the Pearl which isn't TOO far from downtown) that weekend. I wouldn't mind carpooling!

>> No.8405530

SA is super nice! I'm in ATX but I'm a SA native so I really wanna go down for their meets. San Japan should be a great time to meet a bunch of people (if you're going) because there are plenty of alternate activities to do.

>> No.8405613

>>8404404 You should have messageed me, especially if you are C ! You know I always listen to your ideas. I was no found of the idea either but the goal is to federate the local comm and meet new people, not adding our friends only. It also allow a girl of the younger crowd tocontinue on her project of a bigger local scene and help me avoid being designed as "comm leader" or whatever. Im not a leader, not interested in that, so I'm happy that some girls are taking their part too
>>8405363 oh, people who try to guilt trip me into being their friends are not welcome to my private meets anyway. But some people had genuinly an hard time connecting with the community because of how messy it is, so hopefully nobody should be cast away. I owe most of my friendships to the lolita community, otherwise I would juste be a sad lonely person. I just want other to the same luck I had.

>> No.8406673


>> No.8406853

what drink would be most effective and does it count with background characters or just the main one?

>> No.8406910

there's a western MA comm but I'm not sure how active they are. I know there's a FB group though. the boston comm (boston gothic and lolita society) is the most active at the moment. in the past i've seen people knocking the comm but IMO as someone who's been to meets the past few months, I think a lot of the complaints/worried are really outdated. people dress pretty well, or average, for the most part, or at least the people that regularly attend meets do. I will say that the FB group has a loooot of people in it but there is a core group of people that do attend meets, occasionally you will get people that attend 1 meet and then don't show up for a while. in my own opinion, the past few meets I've gone to I had a pretty great time, I quickly made friends or at least friendly acquaintances with people, and everyone was pretty nicely dressed, no horrifying hot topic itas or anything like that. majority of the people that go to meetups are in college or older, there's really not that many underage girls but the ones I've met were nice and not too wild and annoying or anything like that. I also remember reading about a couple of e-fame seekers in the group but I think they've all moved away? I dunno, I'm just trying to say that of the negative things I've heard on cgl about the boston comm haven't seemed to come true yet or be a standard like some of the posts on here made me believe.

there's a lot of meets planned for this summer, I really do recommend that you come out to a couple if you can and see if you like it!

>> No.8408210

Thanks, I was wondering how that turned out. I had to wait until paid and then the tickets sold out.

>> No.8408285

Kamikaze would be the best drink obviously.

>> No.8409847

Can someone explain what the fuck Batty and Divina have been bitching about lately?
They keep bawwwing on their facebooks about how they're "oh so victimized" by the AZ comm, but I honestly don't know the context.

I honestly thought Divina left because she got bored and Kat left because she gets more publicity in the CA comms

>> No.8409854

Everyone in AZ just hates Batty cause she wants to be e-famous

>> No.8409909

No, they hate her because she's a fucking bitch.

>> No.8409915

The whole Az comm is just shite

>> No.8409995

Hi Batty

>> No.8410040

Because anyone who thinks Az comm is garbage is either Batty or Dom, right? Thanks for proving my point

>> No.8410048

And it's people with a shitty attitude like yours that give the comm a bad name

>> No.8410057

Kek. Az doesn't need me to do that

>> No.8410058

Who does Divina think is a mod now? Cause we haven't had a new mod since Candice and she clearly calls Candice out in her post separately.

>> No.8410065

No, it really does. Since those three cunts left or got booted (Divina, Kat, Dom) we've been drama free and happy. It's a wonder what some good old fashioned banning will do to the amount of cancerous people in your life :0)

>> No.8410074


>> No.8410129

You guys sure are really angry and full of drama for a bunch of weebs in dresses.

>> No.8410209

Cute clothes + hilarious drama

my fav

>> No.8410232

It's hillarious that they keep playing the victim when I've personally heard more garbage come out of kat and divina's then the rest of the comm combined. Not to mention they are "bff" but they both talk so much shit about eachother when the other isn't around.

>> No.8410245

I saw >>8408803 earlier and this is the first thing i thought of