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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8373514 No.8373514[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Old >>8363779

>> No.8373543

So why don't communities get to vote for mods? Whoever owns the Facebook page is just automatically a mod and can pick friends to co mod.

>> No.8373568

I don't know but it should be brought up
This isn't a dictatorship least it shouldn't be.

>> No.8373581

Didn't see it answered in the last thread so I'll try again- my friend is wearing a replica to ILD, do you think people will notice? She doesn't think they're wrong and I don't want to hurt her feelings, but I do and I'm not sure how people in our comm feel about them.

>> No.8373589

I have mixed feelings about it, since it essentially turns it into a popularity contest instead of the former mod picking someone who they feel is competent. Of course, there's the risk of them just picking their best friend, but unless there's something horribly wrong with the leadership in the comm, I'd rather that than having the entire comm voting. I think a vote could make people feel very left out and disliked if they ran for it and got little to no votes.

We have a handover system that has served well, but I guess we're also a small comm so maybe it just works well because of that.

>> No.8373593
File: 66 KB, 960x621, jesusgirlSTOP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted a couple of threads ago about a girl in briscomm that whenever she hosts a meet she makes an intentionally shitty banner for the facebook event. Just thought I would share the latest one for a wildlife park. There's been so much comm negativity lately that I want to share some positives, has anybody got some good stories about their community? Best meet you've been to lately? Made friends?

>> No.8373616
File: 23 KB, 490x348, antilolita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My comm is talking about hosting a 21 and up meet that I think is going to pretty fun and a nice change of pace.

>> No.8373617
File: 46 KB, 365x450, drunk-click.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, it actually autosaged. And all thanks to the ILD meetup organized by the Seattle comm. Who knew our passive-aggressive city would finally erupt with drama like this?

So, Seattle gulls what good things are you looking forward to ILD, whether you're going to the mod-organized expensive one or the non-expensive one at the Panama Hotel teahouse?

I wish I could refund my ticket and just go to the Panama. Tips for whoever is going there: they sell alcohol in the evenings, so you can get buzzed too, and with much less money!

God I am both looking forward to and dreading this Royal Jubilee ILD meet. I barely care anymore about dressing to the theme; there will be every queen-and-princess coord imaginable, from Galadriel to Zombie Princess Diana. At least there's the option of bottomless mimosas (one-payment plan of $15, not included in ticket price). I could show up dressed like Lady Gaga and still feel fantastic, as long as I had access to alcohol.

I appreciate the mods for trying to be ambitious and pulling out all the stops, though. I absolutely loved their event last year. I tasted the most amazing and fanciest biscuits and gravy. And, there was plenty of food, with leftovers remaining at every course. Anybody who claims that there wasn't enough food was either a picky eater or a Jain (they had vegetarian, vegan, and GF options for crying out loud).

But going back to this year's summer ILD. I would feel much better about the high ticket price if there were more transparency about all the costs for renting, decoration, caterying, etc.

Google docs is free, so showing a spreadsheet of the expenses could be a GREAT resource for future planners of ILD meets. As far as I remember in my current drunken haze, there was no winter ILD meetup last year.

Plus, documentation has the added benefit of covering your ass. As long as you didn't do anything wrong in the first place.

Yes I'm drunk.

>> No.8373619

I honestly think people won't care as long as its done in a nice coord. I have a Milky-chan replica skirt that I get compliments on. However, I make sure to coord it nicely.

>> No.8373620

There's also the added problem that you see in democracy, that anybody who is qualified enough to have the job is smart enough to avoid it in the first place.

Who the hell wants to organize lolitas? As another seagull once said in the past, it's like herding the flakiest and greediest cats.

>> No.8373623

Does anyone know about the 'Central Florida Lolita Society?'

>> No.8373625

Our community does. When a new mod needs to be added, there's a community vote. We rarely use it, though. Most of the mods have been around for ages, and it doesn't prevent "regular" members from making events.

Our comm was a "handover" system as you put it, but it has worked well since implementing the voting a while back. Our comm had some complaints that it wasn't inclusive enough, and making new events/encouraging people to make new events wasn't cutting it.

Letting people vote in new mods (we had a few people step down due to other responsibilities), and giving them a say in certain admin matters fixed that. There's actually less in-fighting now, because the people who were complaining in the hopes of making drama didn't vote (it was open nominations, so they certainly had the chance to vote themselves in), and the people who voted did so for someone responsible.

>> No.8373649

What? At least she's fun enough to make her own banner and if you dislike it so much, you don't have to go to her events

>There's been so much comm negativity lately
Because people like you find something wrong with everything

>> No.8373652

Oh, my comm does this occasionally at the cabana of an apartment complex, and they've been terrific. I recommend that you get substantial food, though -- not just a bunch of snacks. People WILL start feeling gross if they just drink and don't have anything else in the stomach. Maybe some gourmet take-and-bake pizza if you have a joint nearby, or make some non-drippy comfort food like a casserole or shepherd's pie?

Attendees will like the alcohol, but LOVE you when you bring out the food that makes them cry and think of their moms and drink more.

>> No.8373660

Anon isn't complaining. I'm pretty sure that they posted it because they find the "intentionally shitty banner" funny.

>> No.8373661

I know the South Florida Lolita Community

>> No.8373667

The file name is "jesusgirlSTOP" so I doubt she's happy about it

>> No.8373672


>> No.8373704

I feel like a lot of ticket holders will be wishing they were going to the less expensive meet.

>> No.8373706


>> No.8373725

I'm actually looking forward to the ILD event. I really enjoyed last year's event and I've never had anything but nice interactions with Ayu so I'm being positive about it.

Do you happen to know who the mod was that Ayu apparently replaced?

>> No.8373733

Guessing you either are head to toe in brand or don't really pick up on fake niceness.

>> No.8373734

This was really well thought out. You're right though we are going to be awash in a sea of snotty princesses.
I'm looking forward to spending the night with my friend and getting drunk with her. That about it. Hey girl!

>> No.8373739

You must be pretty oblivious. Ayu is the definition of fake nice

>> No.8373744

Do tell - how is this banner shitty? You sound like a lot of fun to be around.

>> No.8373780

Even if people care, they won't stir shit about it IRL.

>> No.8373784

I predict the absolute worst she'll get is someone on CGL saying something vague like "I wish newbs in my comm wouldn't wear replicas" unless her coord is super ita

>> No.8373787

I love it. Positives with me are just that all the girls in my comm are really nice. I've been to a few meets and at the last one I was at I didn't talk much, but I hope people didn't think that meant I was standoffish or shy (mostly just tired). I liked everyone there and thought the girls were really cute, bar one who was mismatched as fuck but still seemed like a nice girl.

Girl said intentionally shitty, and posted it as an example of sharing some positives. It's pretty obvious she likes it.

>> No.8373792

Sorry, was on mobile and didn't see the file name. The tone of the post seemed amused, given the "let's have some positive stories!" thing.

>> No.8373798 [DELETED] 

Read the file name

Yes people will notice, but they most likely won't say anything to her face. Maybe just ask her if she's sure she wants to wear a replica to such a big event, but if she still wants to then there's not much you can do

>> No.8373821

I feel really weirdly insecure about my dietary requirements, because I have a lot and don't want to seem fussy. I'm not vegan, but I can eat vegan food, so usually I wait for a vegan in the group to say something asking about vegan options so I don't have to.

I know it's not actually fussy since I can't help it, but I feel fussy as shit being lactose-intolerant and functionally vegetarian, since where I live 90% of vegetarian options have cheese. Pizza, pasta or lasagna are what everywhere does. I've tried pushing my limits at meets before when the only options had dairy but I was super hungry, by just having a bit, but it ended up making me sick. I have a really sensitive stomach and lots of things that might make an ordinary person just feel slightly queasy (like rich food, or loads of sugary or oily things) will actually make me throw up, but since it's not an actual allergy I always think I sound like I'm just making excuses for being picky if I say the long list of things I can't have. I can technically eat seafood, but most recipes (e.g. moules mariniere) have either cream or alcohol so I can't have them.

Sorry vegans, going to keep letting you seem like the awkward ones in this situation.

>> No.8373834

Lots of people in my comm are vegan or vegetarian, and there's no shame in piping up and mentioning that you have dietary requirements. From your case, it sounds like it would be easier to just say that you're vegan though
If anyone gives you shit for having dietary requirements, you probably don't need to hang around them any way. After a few meets, people who know you better will also know about your dietary reqs and might automatically mention whether the places meets are held will provide those options

>> No.8373843

Some old positivity:
>be super shy and awkward around comm
>go to meet with gf
>have much easier time talking to people
>finally meet friend irl, she's the coolest
>everyone is really nice
>have awesome food
I love my comm and I really wish I could make it to ild.

>> No.8373845

Yeah, that might be easier. I'm really paranoid that if I tell people the truth (that if I have a lot of sugary drinks, or cream, or fried things, or meat I will throw up) they'll think I'm bulimic and avoiding those foods because I have an ED - especially since there's an emphasis on thinness in this fashion and I fit into smaller size brand. It seems like I'm inviting a pity party or humblebragging if I try to clarify "No, I don't do this to stay thin, it something I can't control that made it impossible for me to enjoy loads of my favourite foods, and I'm actually trying to put weight on." so I avoid mentioning my actual list of problem foods, then run into problem when the vegan options at a potluck are basically a load of candy. (Usually I make sure to bring a proper dish I can eat, but on that occasion had to bring brought drinks).

>> No.8373850

>I have a really sensitive stomach and lots of things that might make an ordinary person just feel slightly queasy (like rich food, or loads of sugary or oily things) will actually make me throw up
Is this an actual thing with a name? Because I swear to god I've been throwing up with embarrassing frequency ever since I can remember because of this. I don't even really drink anymore because getting anything other than slightly tipsy results in my vomiting my guts out.

>> No.8373851


>> No.8373854

it's called taste aversion

>> No.8373860

Pretty nice group of girls, I've only been to a handful of meets. I'm sure there's some drama internally. Maybe someone else can spill the beans

>> No.8373864

I don't think that's it, it's not that the tastes of the foods that make me sick bother me, in fact I love most of them, it's just I often throw up after eating them.

>> No.8373872

I have no idea. The doctors said it might be psychosomatic, but I've had several trips to the doctors with no answers except "here's some pills that are supposed to reduce nausea symptoms".

The psychosomatic thing means that past experiences where I felt nauseous, but then after I vomited I stopped feeling nauseous and felt loads better (as opposed to when you have an illness, where you feel nauseous and then after you vomit still feel sick) had "trained" my brain to think that if I feel slightly queasy, I should throw up and that'd fix the problem. In my case, those experiences were caused by the fact that I had become lactose intolerant as I aged but it took me two years to realise, during which time I was drinking ~6 cups of milk tea a day then wondering why I was throwing up (the doctors actually asked me to write down what I was eating, but I didn't record drinks so it seemed like there was no pattern). Hence these days if I feel sick, my brain goes WE CAN FIX THAT BY VOMITING and I vomit. All unconsciously.

I also used to have massive problems with acid reflux if I ate any later than 5, but I'm a lot better with that lately so now it only happens if I have a very heavy meal or eat less than two hours before I go to bed.

>> No.8373882

I don't know, she was incredibly sweet to me even when I met her when I was cosplaying. That's more than I can say for some other Seattle lolitas.

>> No.8373913

So do you think that everyonewho is nice to you is a sweetand good person? Have you ever heard the term two faced...

>> No.8373929

Central is one of the biggest in the area. Everyone is really nice and there isn't a lot of drama. They have a mentorship program for newbies too, so people improve fast. If you want to make friends just talk to people who are really active, they are all pretty nice and are a lot of fun to hang out with.

The two mods and a few other really active members started an organization that hosts larger scale events for us too. For ILD there is a ticketed event and they rented a venue for a themed tea party. They are doing stuff at metro too, and have been hosting a lot of fashion shows, tracks and consignment at cons lately.

>> No.8373939

Anyone going to the L3 meet in Missouri? I can't make it but I heard there was a similar megameet last year.

>> No.8373952

Does anyone know if there's a WV comm somewhere? I'm in Morgantown so it's not like it'd be a big deal to drive up to Pittsburgh or something, but I'm just curious as to whether there's anything in-state.

>> No.8373962

Yes, but no one has posted any real examples of that. I'm sorry but I don't believe everything I read on the internet.

>> No.8373963

HLC has been pretty quiet lately... is anyone excited for the events coming up? The ILD picnic thing seems lackluster but I understand it's for the poorfags and newbies in our group. I'm getting hyped for the tea party next week though, model applications went up today. Anyone else excited for it?

>> No.8373978

But you will take someone at face value? Very smart
top kek

>> No.8373985

Isn't it better to believe someone's innocent until proven guilty rather than the other way around?

>> No.8373993

Different anon, but this whole thing has come across as a couple of salty anons trying to stir up shit when there really is none. There's literally not been a single shred of evidence for any of the accusations, just rumors and a lot of assumptions.

>> No.8373996

Different anon here. Someone who is two-faced can really fuck you up emotionally in the long run. Do what you want but you should use caution because of what you've heard. I know her past friendships have had horrible fallouts and continual emotional stress. Call false if you want, it's just a friendly warningl

>> No.8373999
File: 70 KB, 500x375, 1432093561872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no lifts to next three meetups so gotta spend ages on public transport
>meetup 1: walk to bus stop, bus ride into town centre, another walk to train station, half-hour train ride, walk to tram stop, half-hour tram ride with changes, 20-minute walk to meetup location, entirely alone, in OTT gothic, during a weekday evening rush hour
>meetup 2: staying at someone else's house, walk to suburban bus stop and hour-long bus ride alone early Sunday morning in full lolita, then walk over to train station to meet comm
>meetup 3: lift to train station, then 2 hours of train journeys with changes alone, meeting comm on other end
>it's the middle of summer so I can't cover my outfit with a coat or anything, and I'm wearing OTT gothic to one so it's going to be very goths in hot weather
>only just found out that I wouldn't be getting a lift to the first meetup, it's a themed meetup I'd already planned my outfit for with goddamn platform heels despite all the walking
>to get new shoes that will be more comfortable but still fit the coordinate would cost $70

And the fourth meetup I at least get a lift and then only a short train ride, but
>return from holidays 2am the night before the meet
>got to be at the train station by 7:30 the next morning
>don't even really want to go but the con is my only opportunity to see a friend that lives far away
>alone until I get to the city because friend's from same town got early bird tickets and I didn't
>same eternal convention dilemma of not wanting to look like I only own Bodyline, but being super paranoid about all the damage that could occur to my brand at a crowded con

>> No.8374000

When most everything she has done has been done in person, how do you present evidence?

>> No.8374003

I do wonder if the Seattle ILD tickets are being extended due to poor sales because of the ticket price and because a ton of seattle girls lurk here? Or are also feeling like the ILD event is fishy but keeping to themselves about it? Either way. I am kind of curious as to how many tickets are left.

>> No.8374012

Seriously. I wish my comm had people willing to take responsibility for big events like this, they are expensive to host and a lot of work. It sounds to me like this drama is based out of vendetta and entitlement :<

>> No.8374015

Why are you paranoid? I've attended cons in brand before with no issues.

Also it would have been faster to just say how long the total travel time was for each.

>> No.8374016

They have five tickets left, wouldn't call that poor sales. They clearly have a final date to get the final attendant count in for food. If the money is set for something other than food and they aren't making a profit, there's a chance they'll have to use that dress raffle money to help cover it.

>> No.8374020

If sounds great until it actually happens and the drama-mongers of your community host it and then you feel like you're getting ripped off.

>> No.8374024

This supposed tearing apart of the comm, stealing someone's meet, etc. surely has a paper trail via Facebook.
And all the accusations about the actual ILD meet have been nothing but that: accusations, the most serious being organizers are making a profit. Stop talking like these things are fact when you're really just pulling it out of your ass.
Pretty convinced the whole thing is just personal vendetta.

>> No.8374035

Oh no, I'm not that anon or even in the Seattle comm, I just tend to be wary of things I read on /cgl/ these days, since I know first-hand the complete lies that are told on here sometimes. Better to see someone being an asshole for yourself before you go assuming they're one, is what I think.

>> No.8374047

Then dont go and host your own meetup.

>> No.8374048

There is a mix of proof being buried under 2 years of FB posts, and screen shots possibly outing myself. While it's tempting, it's just not worth posting.

>> No.8374053

Except thst people from her previous comm said the same things. That she's a shit stirring two faced drama monger. But you're right. Seattle comm is totally making our issues up

>> No.8374055

I see so many con horror stories on /cgl/ that it puts me off. Plus, at the last con I was at it rained really heavily while people were in line, umbrella didn't protect me enough, but thankfully I wasn't wearing a print known to bleed.

In that case
>meetup 1: two and a half hours' travel time with a fuckton of walking and changes between bus, train and tram
>meetup 2: one and a half hour's travel time, buses and walking
>meetup 3: two hours travel time, lots of changes but not too much walking
>meetup 4: under an hour travel time without changes, but then fucking forever standing in line while tired as shit

Really need to be most careful with footwear for 1 and 4, but I'd had platform heels planned for both...

>> No.8374057

yup same here

>> No.8374059

Except this sounds like 1-2 sandy anons, not all of seattle comm.

>> No.8374060

not in seattle comm or that anon but
so eh, you two are fine shit talking someone you claim to be a shit stirring two faced drama monger, but you can't provide the deets because you're also shit stirring two faced drama mongers, we see how it is

>> No.8374073

Ayu has always come across as perfectly fine, unlike some other girls in the Seattle comm, which is why I'm suspicious.
Besides, I really don't care about the Seattle comm's inner workings. I'm more concerned with the shit stirring when it comes specifically to ILD, considering this event isn't just Seattle.

I sit here wondering why we can't have cool events like in Europe and then I remember it's because of people like you who have to make drama about everything.

>> No.8374086

I don't know what is going on in the Seattle comm but I do know when she was a part of my comm before moving she caused some problems. So this behavior isn't unlike her.

>> No.8374092

Why don't you do it then

>> No.8374093

Quick summary:

Made the owner of the Facebook page. Kicks off all the old mods and instates her friends.

Creates a private community excluding the people she doesn't like specifically.

Does not approve people to join the community unless they can prove they own dresses and have been to meet ups.

Won't release any financial information after collecting $6000+ from the community.

Possibly turning a profit on ILD. Jury is out on this one given the event hasn't happened yet.

So yeah there are no screen caps, but these things are facts. Someone said she stole a meetup from someone? I don't know anything about that so not listing it as a fact.

Peoples biggest concern right now is the money for ILD. She's acting kinda suspicious and I don't think wanting to know where our money is going is really drama mongering. If she really wanted to put this shit to rest she could post a spreadsheet of expenses. The fact that she won't is suspicious.

>> No.8374097

>lolita comm thread

instead it's

>seattle comm thread

>> No.8374103

Different anon but same boat, I have proof of her stiring shit but dont want to bring it forward either.

>> No.8374105


If your feelings are that strong and that big of a deal then don't be a fucking pussy.

>> No.8374110


>i have proof
>oh wait i don't want to bring it forward either because then i'd look like the /cgl/ bitch that i am

>> No.8374114


I agree, especially since these people also insist on repeating those accusations here and not asking polite questions where it matters like adults. As if they're going to punt you to Idaho for asking reasonable neutral questions.

Related: the menu will be posted Thurs. Which is late but it's not going to be a surprise when we show up. Relax.

>> No.8374117

You know these bitches are hungry..for the dramu on the menu

>> No.8374118

this isn't proof, it is a list of rumors. Did it ever occur that maybe the prices of the tickets are high so that in case they don't sell out, the organizers don't get stuck with the bill? Or that they probably have huge rental fees, taxes, and service fees to pay? And they have sponsorship from indie brands and japanese brands? That all costs money, as does decor, food, and entertainment.

I wouldnt be surprised if she doesnt know about this thread/rumors at all and you are just acting like she is refusing to give you info when really she has no idea this discussion is happening. Have you even asked her?

>> No.8374119

>expecting salty lolitas on cgl to "relax"

>> No.8374122

>Have you even asked her?
Course not, because then that'd out them and their vendettas.

>> No.8374125

>blames "not having cool meets like in europe" on people being concerned over an event being potentially shady rather than the people who are running it being kind of shady

>> No.8374126

Not the anon who did so, but someone in the last thread did ask and didn't get any info. She didn't say which mod she asked though

>> No.8374130

I can't right now, but screen shots of her denying not adding people followed by like four newbie intros could be posted. It'd be a weird jumble from many screen shits though since it's not easily bunch in to one. But again, to couple with this there was a lot of talk floating around at meets in person about this that can't get a screen shot.

>> No.8374147

I'm sure I could scrounge something up as well if I put my mind to it

>> No.8374150

Was there actually proof they asked, or that the ask didnt go to the facebook spam folder? Or are we just taking vendetta chans word on it?

>> No.8374154

Proof? No. No screen caps or anything. She said she asked and got a polite response but no solid answer.

>> No.8374169

Also nothing was posted publicly to the event page. Who knows. I'd like to think that someone asked

>> No.8374183

Would a screen capture of the secret group with her as mod be sufficient for you

>> No.8374196

I'm not seeing anything about the menu being posted Thursday. Where's it located

>> No.8374198

Please do it

>> No.8374207

No. I am personally a member of a few 'secret' lolita comms and, which are basically comms made for close friends. People are allowed to have friends, and organize private events for just close friends. She isn't obligated to only ever host meets for the entire seattle comm.

>> No.8374221

You obviously weren't a part of the last thread discussing the secret comm

>> No.8374236

I obviously don't care. People are allowed to make private communities. They are allowed to socialize with people they enjoy the company of. Instead of worrying about her and her group of friends, why not make your own friends, take them out to tea, and get baby and automatic honey to come to your next ILD event at a fancy venue for cheap. Since it is so easy and not any work or anything, I'm sure it wont be a problem.

>> No.8374292

I really like how you keep talking like you know jack shit after blatantly admitting you're not part of the comm. Either you're an idiot or Ayu. It's one thing to make a page for your friends, it's another to make a page and invite everyone except newbies or people you don't like. Even people you aren't close with.

>> No.8374307

I don't see anything wrong with this. She is allowed to make a comm to hang out with new people that she feels are a good fit for her friend circle. She is allowed to host private meets. If you don't like it, leave that comm and stick with the general one. Make your own super secret exclusive group, and exclude her. She won't care, she is busy with other things. All of this sounds like a massive vendetta to me.

>> No.8374315

You sound like you actually know Ayu.
>oh wait

>> No.8374317
File: 68 KB, 320x445, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8374323

Spouse to the rescue. How much do you wanna bet it was ayu b'awwing about this thread?
I don't even hate Ayu but come on. This is just inviting more drama and whiteknights.

>> No.8374332

Nice try but nope.jpg
I feel bad for her, since she obviously works hard putting these events together, they are expensive and time consuming, and people here are accusing her of all sorts of awful things with no proof.

>> No.8374341

I also read that comment as the girl saying "she makes these mspaint quality joke banners" as a positive. Perhaps the one saying "STOP" is the bird character with the ears, speaking to the one without the blouse? A descriptive file name, not one that reflects the poster's feelings.

I think it's pretty clear she's saying "This girl is my comm does something silly and lighthearted that shows not everything is super serious all the time and I like that".

>> No.8374354

Damn right spouse to the rescue, and I'm not going to hide my name either. How about we just air out all the issues here and now and be done with it.

>> No.8374359

No offense, I don't care for the dramu, but you're probably not making this easier on your wife. I'd advise you to leave now while you can, before you accidentally get her into even deeper shit with /cgl/.

>> No.8374360
File: 41 KB, 250x257, matterofact.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she was only accused of like 1 or 2 things. the main reason for most of the discussion is that anon is being a cocktease and not posting caps so we've all got drama blueballs.

>> No.8374363
File: 70 KB, 243x200, densemofo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8374366

I haven't been previously involved with this thread, but this is going to do the opposite of help. Don't feed the drama, it only makes it worse.

>> No.8374368


>This is just inviting more drama and whiteknights.

>> No.8374373

How are you going to tell me that I should leave this thread when someone went ahead and screen capped my post from Facebook? Really...come on now...I'm just trying to find out why there is so much hate for my wife. Nobody is answering.

>> No.8374374

Except Yuki has been the one posting all the announcements. But nice try. I don't get why you bother stating your opinion on a comm yoy aren't involved in unless you're one of ayus white knights but ehatevs.

>> No.8374376

Nice. I lol'd

>> No.8374379

They're not answering because you're acting like a dense motherfucker idiot by stirring the drama even more. Also because giving deets at this point would very likely out them, obviously.
In other words, you're all idiots.

>> No.8374381

Maybe if your wife was actually friendly and not a passive aggressive try hard who can't even convincingly fake being nice people wouldn't have a problem. Also I'm going to take a wild guess and assume your wife lurks here and that's why you're here.

>> No.8374384

You guys are outing me, my wife and Yuki by saying names and screen capping my Facebook post, are you serious right now? You crack me up

>> No.8374386

She has been accused of more than 1-2 things. But even if that was true, the amount of gossip about someone who obviously cares enough about her comm to organize these type of events is really disheartening. It is one thing to say man, this is expensive, I can't afford it. It is another to say this is expensive clearly she is stealing!!!

>> No.8374388

Are you even reading what's being said?
Are you seriously this stupid?

>> No.8374393

Yeah, I don't care about the other shit, there's obviously salty vendetta-chans on this thread. But an idiotic spouse stirring the drama pot isn't going to help her much from here on out, either.

>> No.8374394
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>> No.8374395

You're about as dense as shining armor over there. Its funny that you appeared around the same time that cap sprung up and Drea came in. How interesting.

>> No.8374396


The only real complaint people have is about what sorts of costs justify the $65 ticket price, especially if most of the stuff is being donated. Ask Ayu and other organizers to make a google spreadsheet of the costs. It doesn't even have to be accurate to the exact cent but please enlighten with some cold hard numbers and then this drama can get buried.

>> No.8374412

The only reason why I posted onto this thread, was because someone screencapped my fb post and put it up on here.

>> No.8374414

>How about we just air out all the issues here and now and be done with it.

Okay. I would appreciate some financial transparency in regards to ILD. It's great that she's done so much to put it together but when the community has given $6000+ it's not unreasonable to wonder where the money went. So please do this >>8374396

>> No.8374417

Ask the organizers on fb

>> No.8374420

Have you ever hosted an event like this?
If not, consider these costs:

Event space : 1.5k - 2k
Food: 35-50usd per person

That kind of cost alone can hit 6k after 90 tickets sold at about 60 usd each. Now add in music, entertainment, prizes, decor etc. None of it is cheap, and there are always additional costs that go to staffing, taxes, service charges etc.

The price isnt unreasonable, especially if the venue requires you to use their catering.

>> No.8374421

No one is forcing you to post though. People cap things that are relevant. And you keep dodging the question about ayu linking you this this thread which honestly comes across more as a confession than anything.

>> No.8374423


>How about we just air out all the issues here and now and be done with it.

So you were just kidding when you said that?

>> No.8374424

Except there is no music or entertainment and the prizes were all donated.

>> No.8374425


It's not posted info. I know that because I asked politely. If you tried the same, it might work for you too.

>> No.8374427

Where is the $6,000 coming from? This is what I want to know....

>> No.8374429

>Event space : 1.5k - 2k

>> No.8374432

assuming the cap is 95 persons = $6175

>> No.8374433

If you did the math you would see that with an event space of 2k, that means meals & gifts & service charges and decor have to be budgeted into 45$ per person. If food hits 40$, that gives her 450 to take care of the rest. Not a lot.

>> No.8374437

Sheesh, at this point the vendetta-chans in this thread will need literal receipts of everything before they're satisfied.

>> No.8374440

You're right, I haven't. I'm still trying to look at the price of the local (the Saturday morning and evening prices differ by hundreds and I don't know which hours count for this event), I have no idea who is catering because the menu hasn't been announced, and I didn't even know that music and entertainment was necessary at an ILD meet. Which is why we're asking for NUMBERS, please. A simple spreadsheet that tracks this stuff would be a huge help for future planners of big ILD meets in both this comm and in other comms. I know that nice shit costs money, but I want to know where my money is going.

>> No.8374441

She mentioned it while talking to a friend and I overheard it, looked it up and now I'm here. She didn't "baw" it to me as you would assume

>> No.8374444


Not all of the prizes or goodie bag items were donated.

Yes, the venue is pricy.

Also, it's catered with special care for dietary sensitivities, which often costs extra.

Also, event planners are a thing. A thing that also costs money.

>> No.8374445

Then host your own event.

>> No.8374449

Just in response to everyone I posted this and I love it haha the file name was like a sarcastic 'stop please it's too funny' sorry for everyone that thought different! I love the girl that makes these, if anyone is interested I'll post the other ones she has done

>> No.8374451


I am interested. Please save us from this embarrassing Seattle shit storm.

>> No.8374457

>135 replies
>37 posters


>> No.8374461

I had a blast at last year's meet, and I'm looking forward to this one. I thought the food was delicious, I enjoyed the bottomless mimosas, and the raffle prizes were nice, even if I didn't win anything. I sat with friends. We chatted. We drank. We ate. We took photos. It was fancy and fun, in a venue that was absolutely packed with frills.

If they are seriously flexing their event planning muscles like I've heard, then I think between that and all of the prizes, this year is going to be bad ass. If you want to be a sandy twat, then don't come. If you already bought your ticket, why shell out that money for something you have no faith in and are just going to bitch about? No one else ever bothers trying to organize anything even close to this size or caliber, so shut up and enjoy your fancy event.

>> No.8374463

Stfu Ayu, jesus christ.

>> No.8374465

Well thanks for confirming she lurks here and likely self-whiteknights, regardless.

>> No.8374468

She doesn't lurk, usually people will message her about certain posts.

>> No.8374470

>protip: the people messaging could be the ones stirring the drama pot

>> No.8374471


Yeah, nope. I'm not even one of her BFFs, I just happened to actually talk to her about it.

>> No.8374473

>protip: this is also what everyone says otherwise

>> No.8374479

Oh I definitely enjoyed last year. And I'm going to force myself to enjoy it this year, since the ticket is nonrefundable. I'm 95% sure it will be amazing, and if on the 5% chance it's meh then I can join you on bottomless mimosas and then we can both laugh about this silly thread if we get super drunk (seriously though let's not have our 4chan leak out IRL, it's seriously not kawaii)

>> No.8374480

Oh yeah? I'm intrigued to know how that conversation went.

>> No.8374482

Right. Because friends let friends reputations get ruined without saying anything.

>> No.8374486

I have literally no experiences with Ayu and therefore can't make a call on her specifically but you realize both of you aren't doing her favors here, right? You realize you're creating more drama around her, right? Maybe that's what she wants, who knows.
And truth be told, I'd rather have someone fess up to lurking here than have them use the same tired-out excuse everyone uses about how they have an army of lurkers who notify them of dramu pertaining to them. It's so transparent and uncreative.

>> No.8374490

>taking CGL that seriously where reputations get ruined over a comm thread
Oh honey, people have had a problem with her long before this thread and the thread before it.

>> No.8374493

Right. Because like lurkers would ever admit that they actually lurk. Let's be honest, that's a ruined reputation just waiting to happen.

>> No.8374495

>still 37 posters

sure are lots of samefagging bitches in this thread

>> No.8374500

My city (one of the smallest cities in my country) has had a really nice small community for a while now, but another girl has started a comm within the same city and she is such sn ita. She has no understanding of the fashion at all but all the newer lolitas are flocking to her as she is quite wealthy and can afford lots of brand. It's really annoying because I know that our city is going to end up being known for having a really crappy community of weebs and itas.

>> No.8374504

Maybe join the comm and start hosting meets and offer a lolita 101 session for newbies?

>> No.8374515
File: 156 KB, 656x810, sobaditsgud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the other 3 lol

>> No.8374519

i seriously find those cute

>> No.8374523


>> No.8374527

Any details on the LA ILD event? I want to go, but I'm not seeing anything that might make it worth my while

>> No.8374529

Those are ugly but in a kind of silly, endearing way? Like, they look like that was the intent and that's fine.

>> No.8374537

and suddenly


>> No.8374542

the anon said they were supposed to be a joke...she's sharing the joke with us.

>> No.8374554

I would love to meet you OP. I hope we find each other and enjoy bottomless mimosas together. You seem like a decent person. That is all.

>> No.8374557

The bottomless mimosas are literally the only thing I'm mildly sad about with missing this ILD event. I wanna drink in burando ;;

>> No.8374562

>I wanna drink in burando
you still can.... anywhere, anytime

>> No.8374607


I am seriously late to the game, but this just got pointed out to me, so hi! I'm still in grad school and working two part time jobs, so I really don't have the time or desire to run anything, especially not a comm of Seattle's magnitude. Still, I don't want anyone to feel shunned, belittled, or unwelcome.

I'm not at all involved with organizing things for ILD, and am not going to get involved in any of the drama. But I will be there in a black and burgundy Tudor themed outfit. Come say hi, drink mimosas with me, and feel free to voice any ideas you might have for future events or ways that we can be more inclusive.

>> No.8374619

Come to the Seattle ILD event.


>> No.8374674

and im gonna be your dead wife!!

>> No.8374957

What event was the surfing one for?

>> No.8374967

Mr. Yan at the beach, I'd assume.

>> No.8375029

Not with other lolitas though.

>> No.8375031

Doctors aren't trained about the stomach that much, go to someone who specializes in nutrition because they can help you figure out what is going on.

>> No.8375038 [DELETED] 

>A few lolitas in Seattle make it so no one in all of Europe can go to a cool event in ILD

Oooooohkeeeeey then.

>> No.8375040

>A few lolitas in Seattle make it so no one in all of Europe can go to a cool event in ILD
>Somehow knows Ayu and "other girls in Seattle comm" IRL despite being from Europe.

Oohhkeeey then. Yeah, hi Ayu/Ayufriend. Didn't really think that post through did ya?

>> No.8375047

I feel like there has been an influx of "Ayufriends" since the last threa-

Oh. No wonder.

Also, some of us are just attendees who are pissed about the event. Not all of us have a vendetta against your wife. Hard to believe, I know, but if you think we all do then maybe she should look at some of her actions.

>> No.8375048

>all this drama about a fancy ILD event that only costs $65
>previous ILD event was great
>dumb cunts don't understand venues and food cost money

So why are we mad again?

lmao pls. It's not like CGL is only visited by Seattle comm folks.

>> No.8375055

Can you not read? Or do you have no short term memory? The main complaint is not about the price. Go back and read the last two threads.

>> No.8375065

But the people in this thread have been asking for SPREADSHEEETS explaining the ticket price.

That and all these accusations of whoever this Ayu person is are moot because everyone is apparently too pussy to post screencaps that will back their claims.

Why are y'all so fucking spineless?

Yeah, maybe Ayu is an awful, terrible person or whatever, but frankly I prefer my dramu with some real details, not a "he said she said" account of things that may not even be true.

>> No.8375072

People have been complaining that they haven't released the menu or delaying it on purpose which is a valid concern. Also I'm not a poorfag but dropping 65$+ for and ILD event isn't something you exactly say "only" to.
Also how do you know the event was great if you're not from the area? Unless you're visited from out of state, that seems weird.
There's also the concern of Ayu raffling off her unwanted dress. And that the general prizes are being given extra tickets for purchase. I think with the general prizes each person is given a ticket and that's it. The sponsors gave the prizes out of their pocket so where does the raffle ticket money go?

>> No.8375073

I think you're misreading that comment. The poster isn't from Europe. She saying "why can't we have cool ILD meet ups like (they have) in Europe."

>> No.8375078

I agree, scans of receipts would be a lot better because then no numbers can be fudged.

There are some facts though, such as her raffling a dress she bought recently and does not fit (that is pretty tacky tbh), the menu was never posted for reasons unknown, vital updates were really slow/late when tickets have been on sale for ages, etc.

As for those who have a problem with her, the people who have caps said it would out who they are if they posted them, and then they would get torn apart by her and her friends. Some other people have no "proof," just knowledge about her/witnessed her past fuckups (when she split the comm)/had personal interactions from before IRL.

Judging by the way this whole thing is being handled by her and her partner, it isn't really hard to see that they aren't above some of these claims.

>> No.8375081

>Also, event planners are a thing. A thing that also costs money.
Ok, I get all the other expenses, but who is the event planner? Is it not the mods? I really don't think they should get paid for choosing to organize a meet

>> No.8375085

At this point, people like Kate and Ayu who use the whole "I have friends who lurk here and show me posts!" thing might as well be a confession to lurking here daily. Besides what kind of friend alerts their friend of anonymous people on a board talking shit? If said friend doesn't know about it already, chances are they don't come here to seek it out. That and what is going to be done once you see said anons talking shit, go on a witch hunt? This bs excuse to being aware of cgl drama never made sense to me.

>> No.8375104

It looks like it's going to be pretty nice, actually. I'm disappointed I won't be able to make it.

>> No.8375115

>they haven't released the menu
Yeah, I agree that's a valid issue.

>dropping 65$+ for and ILD event isn't something you exactly say "only" to.
Really? And you can afford to throw down money on an expensive niche fashion?

>Also how do you know the event was great if you're not from the area? Unless you're visited from out of state, that seems weird.
A few people in this thread and previous threads have said the previous events were good and that they had no complaints. I trust people who have a "meh" or "it was good" opinion because they tend to be more trustworthy rather than people who rage about it anonymously.

>There's also the concern of Ayu raffling off her unwanted dress
Why is this even an "issue"? It's a dress that someone is going to win for free. Would it have been more acceptable if she bought another dress?

>As for those who have a problem with her, the people who have caps said it would out who they are if they posted them, and then they would get torn apart by her and her friends
"Torn apart" how? If Ayu and co are truly horrible and they get outed, I'm sure they'll get more hate than the people who outed them.

>> No.8375122

>I really don't think they should get paid for choosing to organize a meet
What I can't understand is why people think they shouldn't get paid for hosting this meetup.

It takes a lot of time and planning to get a meetup like this, and if they get paid for hosting it, who gives a shit? It's not like anyone else is willing (or able) to do it.

It's usually a thankless job too. I mean, look at all the shit that's been posted in this fucking thread. Shame on them for even trying to host a meetup!

Obviously there have been some valid concerns, but if you are so upset or annoyed at how poorly the even was planned/run, then host your own shit.

>> No.8375134

That's rile they are volunteering. If I put in the effort to plan a fucking ILD event then no, I don't or wouldn't expect to be paid for it. That's ridiculous. I don't understand how you keep missing the point or root of the issue instead of finding small things that are part of the problem and singling them out as why everyone is being salty.

>> No.8375137

Except that you have to pay to participate in the raffle

>> No.8375139

>thread mainly talk about venue costs
>dance around the subject
>muh waifu

>> No.8375142

I don't know how that got in there but oh well.

Anyways its kind of late for people to just duck out of this event and make a new/different one.

>> No.8375145

>If I put in the effort to plan a fucking ILD event then no, I don't or wouldn't expect to be paid for it. That's ridiculous
Why the fuck is it ridiculous? What's wrong with them getting paid for taking a lot of time and effort out of their day to plan this? who even dictated that all meets should be "volunteer only"?

I don't find any issue with giving my money to someone who hosts an event.

>> No.8375146

>comparing purchasing a dress that can be worn multiple times for an unspecified amount of time/made from quality materials to dropping close to 100$ on a few hour event that was poorly/shadily planned

>> No.8375150

Yes, but if you don't like the raffle prizes you don't have to pay to enter the raffle, right?

>> No.8375152

If they are seeing profit from it then they should specify that. I don't think its exactly normal for organizers to see a profit from hosting a community event. I see where you're coming from but no, that's kind of shady. Its not like the community hired you to plan this, you took it upon yourself. Expecting financial compensation for something you went out of your way to do is obnoxious.

>> No.8375153

Still tacky.

>> No.8375157

>event that was poorly/shadily planned

"Poorly" and "shadily" are pretty subjective, and there are people in this thread who aren't throwing bitch fits about how this is going to be the worst ILD meet ever. In fact, there are quite a few girls who are super looking forward to it.

And honestly, $65 is not a lot of money for a working adult, which I assume most of us are since we're on an 18+ site after all.

>> No.8375158


If they posted receipts a lot of people would feel better at this point, but they aren't, which makes it look like they have something to hide.

>> No.8375163

>I trust positive anon feedback over anon negative feedback
They're both anon feedback. If you weren't there you don't get to dictate that it was great or terrible. End of.

>> No.8375165

Whiteknight, you really need to start making a valid point because you are dancing around the issues with poor excuses almost as bad as >>8374417
over here.

>> No.8375167

Maybe this isn't a good analogy, but what about anime-related events, like anime conventions? Obviously they are on a MUCH bigger scale, but the organizers for those conventions are paid, are they not? It's not like they were hired by anime fans in the community to host a large convention every year.

The people who organize cons go out of their way to host these huge events. Even if it's on a smaller scale, why is it that bad for someone part of the lolita community take their time to host a big, fancy meet and get paid for it?

A lot of events don't post their receipts publicly for everyone to view, though. I don't think it's a big deal, because what I find most important is whether the event was good or not, which also dictates whether I give the organizers my money again next year.

>> No.8375169

Please, dancing around what issues? I'm responding to everything people have been asking me, and I specifically stated that not knowing what's going to be on the menu is problematic and that people have a right to be concerned about it. Why are you so salty?

>> No.8375170

>I trust positive anon feedback over anon negative feedback
>They're both anon feedback.


Not only that, but if it's just feedback for you then have it be just feedback. Trying to sway the masses against some of said feedback with your defensive opinion does not exactly make you come across as neutral.

>>8375115, and everyone else going IT'S ALL LIES, have you noticed none of the anons are replying to the (suspiciously fake) SUPA POSITIVE EXPERIENCES from last time and calling BS on them? Nope, people are just focusing on their own valid negative experiences, which for some reason people like you can't seem to accept and want to change their mind.

>> No.8375172

They should and would post receipts, however, if if wasn't clear about where the money was going and it started to cause a lot of upset among the attendees, which has been a big issue with this event from the start.

>> No.8375173

Non profit cons are a thing.

>> No.8375175

But I don't give a shit about people changing their mind. I'm not even part of the Seattle comm.

What I find more trustworthy are accounts that are positive rather than accounts that are extremely negative throwing ad hominems about the organizer (Ayu) and other girls affiliated with her that are totally unfounded, and the fact that people are too pussy to post these screencaps outing these AWFUL PEOPLE which apparently exist.

I just want some juicy screenshots, then maybe all these negative reactions will become a lot more valid!

>> No.8375177

Find me where someone said this was going to be the worst ILD ever. No one has said anything close to that.
Also what is or isn't a lot of money is also subjective. Especially when it comes to where that money is going.

>> No.8375178

>which has been a big issue with this event from the start.
If the lack of receipts was a big issue from the start, which implies there was a lack of transparency from the beginning about where money was going, then why pay for the event? Everyone has the option of not going if they find that the planning is as "shady" as everyone claims.

>> No.8375181

>I'm not even part of the Seattle comm
Then why do you care? This has to be the most pointless battle for you. I mean I you want to keep whitenighting people you don't know or have experience with then I mean go ahead, its pretty funny, but...

>> No.8375182

Your point is? For-profit cons are a thing too.

If you don't support something that's for-profit, you don't have to pay for it.

>> No.8375183


If you think I am salty, please see yourself out because I don't think you will last very long here.

>> No.8375184

I want to join my local comm, but I know I won't be there for very long, considering that I'm leaving for college in September and the college I'm attending is far away. Also while the girls in my local comm seem very nice, a lot of them aren't actually lolitas (and quite a few look like weeaboos) and show up to meets anyways and it just irks me. This is judging by the photos on their FB page.

>> No.8375185

And for profit con's and events specify that. As should have the planners in this if that's how it was going to be.

>> No.8375186

It's shitty they're collecting extra money for the dress that's she's probably going to pocket to make up for what she spent.

>> No.8375187

It kinda is just bitching if you don't post screencaps. I'd love to see some juicy dramu screencaps.

Yeah, they are.

Yeah, it's really not.

You seem a little mad, anon. There's no need to post in all caps.

>> No.8375191

You know, you're right. I agree with this. I'm glad at least someone here can speak with a level head. The amount of salt in this thread is unreal.

>> No.8375192

>why pay for the event?

Because no one thought that all the important details that would show what their money would be going to would either be posted only days before the event or not at all, especially since tickets have been on sale for a while. A lot of the updates were crap no one cared about, but the organizers made a big deal about them while not telling anyone the information that was actually important.

Jesus anon, read the last thread. A lot of attendees acknowledged they felt stupid, learned the hard way and wouldn't buy tickets without know what it's for ever again. And no, they don't have the option of not going because there are no refunds. So they are saying how shit sucks now.

>> No.8375198

>There's no need to post in all caps.

It is kind of sad how this went over your head.

Also, do you realize how entitled you sound in saying that $65 is not much money for adults? Just, wow.

>> No.8375199

I didn't really have a problem with Ayu until her spouse came here to make a really bad attempt at whiteknighting her. I feel like that did more damage to her and the mods' rep than anything.

>> No.8375200

Anyone got any comm horror stories? Crazy lolitas, itas, weeaboos, sissys, furries, ageplayers, other fetishists, creeps, drama mongering "e-famous" girls, or anything like that?

>> No.8375202

Do you realized how entitled you are for wearing an expensive niche fashion?

>> No.8375204

Oh boy heeeeere we go.
1/10 for making me reply.

>> No.8375206

Exactly, same with some of her obvious whiteknights trying to beat things to death. If there is nothing to hide, then ignore it and let cgl do it's thing. Coming here and defending things to the death is a lot shadier.

>> No.8375208

this sounds like a great idea, and i would be down for it because it means less itas/weebs but i can't stand alcohol of any type (to me it just tastes and smells bad). i guess if my comm ever had one of these i could show up and not drink and still have a good time. it's be even more fun if we could get our hands on that cards against lolitas custom deck

>> No.8375211

>Also, do you realize how entitled you sound in saying that $65 is not much money for adults?
Kinda ironic that you'd say this, isn't it? You're in a thread that's about lolita fashion.

I get that lolita fashion isn't an elitist thing only for rich people, but come on, you'd be stupid to say that lolita isn't a luxury. For people who can afford brand, $65 honestly isn't much.

>> No.8375212

>Says $65 isn't a lot of money but calls lolita expensive when it actually isn't in comparison to what most adults who are into fashion drop on purchases.

You are really bad at this.

>> No.8375214

I don't personally find lolita super expensive, but I know I'd offend people by saying lolita is NOT expensive. But you're totally right, normalfag brand is super expensive, much more so than lolita fashion.

>> No.8375218

This excuse is so legbeard.

Not all adults who are into lolita fashion buy brand or drop money on said fashion all the time. Hard to understand, I know. But $65 is a lot to drop on a shitty event, relating to lolita or not. I don't see how you basics can't seem to grasp this concept.

>> No.8375221

>Imma contradict myself but you know

>> No.8375222

If $65 is A LOT for you, then don't fucking spend it because you'd be stupid to do that.

>> No.8375227

I love how your argument is going from #notalllolitas to #actuallyjustblamethevictum

A+ keep providing the lulz.

>> No.8375229

I hope you spend a lot of money on things you don't find are worth it often. Damn.

That being said I do hope those attending do get their moneys worth.

>> No.8375230


Please just go back to Tumblr.

>> No.8375233

Top kek

>> No.8375239

Anon isn't going to get it. You could write it in giant fucking bold red letters and they'd still be like "..yeah but that's not a lot of money and if you don't agree you must not buy brand/be an adult"

>> No.8375248

Just because I can afford brand doesn't mean I necessarily have the means or want to throw 65$ at an event where everything feels sketchy lol

>> No.8375250

Actually $65 is a lot for more than half the country.

>> No.8375252

But 65 really isn't that much money for an outing that woyld easily be considered a luxury. And I say that as someone making minimum wage. Maybe I'm just used to saving up for things I actually want instead of bitching about it endlessly. I agree that this event needs more transparency, but 65 should not break your bank account if you're at all responsible with money.

>> No.8375255

>an event where everything feels sketchy lol
and like I said before, you can just _not pay for the ticket_.

Jesus fc why is everyone getting so mad over this?

>> No.8375258

But we're not talking about "half the country" (and which country are you even talking about anyway?). We're talking about a small, niche community that's interested in lolita fashion. And like this >>8375252 anon says, $65 really isn't that much money to spend on an outing if you're responsible with money in the first place.

>> No.8375260

LOL >>8375239 you totally called it.

Hey samefag, no one said 65 breaks the bank. The point is 65 is a lot to spend on an event that is turning out to be super dodgy.

Regardless of it's for a special day or just an outing.

Regardless of if it's related to lolita or not.

Stop trying to make it personal, it's the principle.

>> No.8375263

>Completely missing the point

People already bought their tickets and there are no refunds. They are pissed because all this shit came to light after buying their tickets.

The end.

>> No.8375269

Okay anon first of , it wasn't that sketchy until they've been delaying info. But hey! Since tickets are non refundable want to pay for my ticket for me? 65$ is like pocket change for a responsible adult like you. ;)

>> No.8375270
File: 23 KB, 1047x358, snap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not samefagging, but okay.

I understand that you're buttmad that other people seem to think the same way as me, but have you considered that there are other people in this universe that will have a differing opinion than you? It's nothing to get mad about.

>> No.8375271

looking at my previous events the WCL's ILD last year was $55 for a 3 hour brunch...this year its $65 for a 5 hour lunch plus better raffle prizes???

also i don't personally know ayu or am part of the actual seattle comm but there is a person from each west coast lolitas community that is help with the event she is not the only organizer...

>> No.8375273

And how am I supposed to know out of all these anons who has already bought a ticket and who hasn't? For all we know the anon I responded to could have _not_ bought tickets. Please think about it for a second before posting.

>> No.8375274

Please think about reading the thread _before_ posting.

>> No.8375275

>implying anyone would want to pay tickets for some passive aggressive salt cunt on cgl, even if they had the funds


>> No.8375281

more than half of the united states earn less than $40k yearly, meaning minimum wage, therefore $65 is actually expensive for one setting, plus the details are not even up, you cant really say its worth $65 at the moment

>> No.8375285

But I did?

I understand people feel cheated of their money, but it's kind of their fault for spending that money in the first place without being sure that it'll go to exactly where they want the money to go.

And like I also said, it's not like I can tell which anons paid for a ticket and which didn't.

>> No.8375291


I was wondering about this too. Don't get me wrong Ayu deserves some shit for not releasing numbers, but why aren't the other 5 people who are planning it getting called out? Shouldn't we be shitting on everyone, not just Ayu?

Yesterday was the last day to buy, so it's safe to assume that everyone has one.

>> No.8375295

The acknowledged that. You would know this if you actually read everything. But that doesn't excuse the shady planning, which is more at fault for deceiving people. Everyone arguing against this is so obviously part of the ayu brigade, it's hilarious.

>> No.8375297

I just said we're not talking about the United States as a whole. We're talking about a niche lolita fashion community, and it'd be stupid to assume that the people who are in this community are made up of the same distribution as the whole of the fucking United States.

Let's also not forget that most people who are middle class in Seattle have a LOT more money than people living in other locations in the US.

>> No.8375299

KEK oh anon your reading comprehension is awful

>> No.8375300


It was for high tea on the gold coast, which is a city famous for its beaches/lifestyle for all of you who aren't Aussies

>> No.8375302


>The point is 65 is a lot to spend on an event that is turning out to be super dodgy.

>Regardless of it's for a special day or just an outing.

>Regardless of if it's related to lolita or not.

>> No.8375303

>takes post made in jest / mocking your idea of 65$ value as salt, gets salty over the salt
How embarrassing.

>> No.8375309

I know they acknowledged that, but people seem to keep wanting to argue and bitch about it. It's ridiculous. Just look at all the past 50 responses in this thread.

What's bitching about it even going to do? Y'all need to just calm your tits, wait for ILD, go to the event, and if it really was bad, you can all bitch about it afterwards.

This thread isn't even about Lolita Communities as a whole. It became a Seattle Comm shitstorm. And to top it off, no delishus screencaps have even been posted. Where's my actual dramu, gulls?

>> No.8375315


What Seattle girls are not so sweet anon? I'm going to the meet and want to know who to avoid. SPILL.

>> No.8375319

>Where's my actual dramu, gulls?
Yeah no you obviously didn't read the thread.

>> No.8375321

Lmao, as if I'm going to believe shit randoms say on 4chan. I want to see screenshots outing Ayu and the other mods who are organizing the event.

>> No.8375327

Did you not know who the organizers were when you bought the ticket? Someone else has said it's been shady from the start itt, too.

Honestly, at this point, anonymous bitching really is just bitching. It sucks that you overpaid for something that might turn out to suck, but that's life sometimes. You guys can either confront the organizers about the event directly and publicly, either now or after the event, drag them even if it means outing yourselves, or take it as a lesson learned and be more careful about what you choose to spend your money on.

Or continue shitting your bloomers over it. Whatever works for you.

>> No.8375335

i guess im just wondering why it has to be her specifically to release numbers? there are 5 other planners who all do different parts of the planning lol

>> No.8375343

I want to go to Seattle ILD but I don't have a coord picked and I doubt I'll be able to dress to the theme. Honestly I just want a Seattle Lolita bar meet soon.

>> No.8375356

Because someone here has a vendetta and is trying to make her look bad.

>> No.8375370

I do think people will notice but unless you have some real bitches in your comm I doubt anyone will start shit to her face.

>> No.8375381


Going to be honest because this has happened to me before, on my first meet no less. I'd judge the shit out of your friend, but I won't say anything about it.

I'd also judge the content of the comm, particularly if they were not so subtly implying that they think they're so well dressed, and especially if she's a regular member. She should know better by this point

>omg we're the best dressed comm in the city!
>person showing up in shitty DoL unironed replica

Made me cringe so hard.

>> No.8375383

I just laughed out loud at this on the bus. The shittiness just makes it even funnier.

>> No.8375447

Can you post links to drama then?

>> No.8375491

>Y'all need to just calm your tits, wait for ILD, go to the event, and if it really was bad, you can all bitch about it afterwards.
fucking THIS. go to the fucking event and THEN bitch about it to us, it'll make your ~concerns~ a lot more valid tbh

>> No.8375498

Their deets are all in their website and they've been announcing sponsors frequently all month.

Also, they've been sold out since last week.

>> No.8375517


Dressing on theme is not required! I did not dress theme last year, and still had fun. You can also go to the alternate/non West-coast meet if you want something more laid back.

>> No.8375529

Ive been reading the whole situation and if I paid a lot of money for a not so organized and well managed event, I'd be wishing I was getting buzzed and spending less money at an ILD meet too

>> No.8375541

Having been a victim of this type of situation I totally agree with what >>8373996 said

>> No.8375542

The event is probably going to be better than expected, you all can shut your whore mouths and feel like shit after ILD. Go be a fucking royal.

>> No.8375546

Ive counted 3-4 but yeah, not all of seattle comm

>> No.8375550

bitching for bitching's sake is 90% of cgl, welcome to this hellhole, enjoy your stay

>> No.8375555

Aw you guys seem to have a cool comm, these are really funny

>> No.8375556

Holy fucking shit Seattle can you PLEASE make your own stupid fucking thread??? There were actual, legitimate discussion topics started like 6 times throughout this thread that got no replies and now the thread is nearly in autosage again because you hoes can't shut the fuck up. I mean on either side, really, my niggas, just stop replying.

>> No.8375557

What >>8374086 said is true

>> No.8375571

>comm thread
>comm discussion is on topic (mostly about Seattle)

you crusty hoes get defensive when there actually IS discussion about specific comms and tell people to stfu. girl, youre in the wrong thread then. looks like Seattle-chan is bent out of shape.

>> No.8375576

Can you give any details?

>> No.8375580


>looks like Seattle-chan is bent out of shape

Someone please draw this with all the ridiculous stereotypes of Seattle and its lolita comm.

>> No.8375581

It's been literally like 98% Seattle posts this entire time and you're both going in fucking circles anyways, with neither side posting any proof either of receipts or of caps showing what a turrble person Ayu is.

I'm not even remotely close to Seattle you double-nigger I just want to talk about something besides you dumb pieces of shit. You're goddamn right I'm bent outta shape.

>> No.8375586

except, there already is another event

>> No.8375587

If they CHOOSE to make an event, logically I would assume it's because they want to contribute to their community, not get profit

I don't see anyone asking SFE to "post their receipts". Which btw is a volunteer-run event - in response to >>8375122.
Or any other ILD or even lolita event (Rufflecon, even the disaster that was Frill, any of Amber's suspiciously expensive NYC meet)

>> No.8375592

stay mad, grrl.

>> No.8375594

Might not be worth the time unless you just want to FB friend the lolitas from the community

>> No.8375625

Not even in the state but what's wrong with having private comms? It would totally cut down on the itas/drama

>> No.8375626

You can still contribute to your community while still making a profit.

>> No.8375627

This. There are like six non-Seattle posts in a 283-post thread that's supposed to be for all comm stuff. I'm from another continent and I don't care about your drama.

>> No.8375628

Okay, considering all the negativity in this thread maybe we can steer the conversation in another direction.

What coords are you guys wearing for ILD?
What were your previous ILD events like?
What would your dream event for ILD look like?

>> No.8375634

My comm is having a walk AND a luncheon..... so we have to pick between the two. Idgi

>> No.8375637


Ugh. So I made my ILD dress and generally it's pretty cool where I live. Forecast for Saturday? 80. My dress is VELVET.

> oh god what have I done

>> No.8375640


Oh god, anon. Are you going to change your coordinate or just bear it?

>> No.8375653

I'm wearing my old school coord around the house

My comm is going to a museum but I'm not sure if I want to go or not since I'm a total newbie

>> No.8375672

Green velvet??

>> No.8375689

>private comm
>cut down on drama
Pick one.

>> No.8375694

Why would you need to make a profit off the girls in your comm if you already are just /rolling/ in money and brand since you're such an adult? Hmmmmm.

>> No.8375711

Why should you care how much money someone has in the first place? And what's wrong with compensating someone for their time and effort?

>> No.8375713

Don thine armor armpit pads and take up the weapon water bottle. God speed.

Or just save the dress for winter ILD. Velvet is more a winter thing anyway.

>> No.8375747

I don't know, you seem to love repeating that 65$ is not a lot over. And over. And over again.

>> No.8375761

You're missing the point that if you expect compensation for your time via money for running an event for the community you're part of, then make that clear from the get go. You are literally the stupidest motherfucker in this thread to the point where I kind of want to call troll.
Offering to run an event then sneakily making profit is pretty akin to someone offering to do you a favor but then coming back to you saying you owe them for their effort. If its such a strain to where you need compensation don't fucking offer in the first place.

>> No.8375776

>over. And over. And over again.
>$65 not even mentioned in the last 20 posts in thread

Maybe you're the one who needs to drop it. Are you one of the people who has already bought a ticket to the event? Just chill the fuck out. You already bought your ticket, there's no need to get your bloomers in a twist over what's already done.

>> No.8375777

Dream ILD event?

Won't say my state but there's some islands off the coast. I think it would be super fun to take a ferry out to one of them but the driving to the initial spot where the ferries leave would be a pain in the ass and will take a long time to get to plus the ferries themselves are pretty expensive, on top of the gas you're paying to drive there, and then food + whatever else once we actually get there. I think it would just be more of a hassle than it's worth to ever arrange beyond doing something with just a couple friends I think. There's a ferry you can take to a different part of the coast to eliminate all that driving but like it's still expensive.

>> No.8375778

Inner drama at least

>> No.8375802

There was conversation about it earlier even if the number itself wasn't used. That being said, both sides are admittedly being repetitive so its fair to tell both sides to stop. Whichbwont happen so you should probably not expect it.

>> No.8375805

Um is there another color for velvet???? It's the only color! Are you my white/mab/fairy queen from a neighboring city? :3

>> No.8375823

FFS you sound like one of those children who mainly uses "NO YOU" in arguments.

>> No.8375852

Y'all are so funny. I just read through this and must I say.. Do they not teach proper grammar in Seattle? Why don't you guys calm down, and just enjoy an event. That obviously took a lot of time and preparation to plan. Hahaha, or better yet, get off the fucking internet and go up to a person and air out your problems. A bunch of internet jokes lol.

>> No.8375859

but they have a point.....

>> No.8375874

If I got to experience ILD in my best coord outside of my country I think that would be pretty cool

>> No.8375878

>Internet jokes lul

AKA /cgl/

>> No.8375882

Yes mam! Eep. So happy to see you again amongst all the tedious drama. Do you have anything to help you stay cool? Like a fan or water bottle? I could bring you something if you need it

>> No.8375922

Aren't you sweet! In light of the weather reports I am thinking of making a fan out of some feathers (and bringing water of course!) I wish that I had time for a backup outfit, but that's just not going to happen!

>> No.8375970

I have an extra parasol if you need it! I'm going to call you my velvet lady <3 are you excited? I'm wiggling with anticipation to see you and your coord. Are you coming with a group of friends?

>> No.8375994

Oh child, keep fanning those flames.

>> No.8376006

ya dumb cunts there's a new thread