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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 2.95 MB, 3240x4320, SAM_1540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8361771 No.8361771 [Reply] [Original]

yet another larp thread due to autosage of the previous one

>> No.8362110
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i have a cool idea. These threads are always about props and characters how about we have a cool real life setting thread. Areas that would make AWSOME settings.

>> No.8362113
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>> No.8362115
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>> No.8362119
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>> No.8362121
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>> No.8362127
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okay thats it for me time for the rest of you nerds to contribute.

>> No.8362137
File: 582 KB, 1399x450, Cascade Head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll bump with some Oregon. I grew up in Lincoln City, hiked Cascade Head more times than I can count.
Basically this meadow runs across a plateau atop a coastal mountain, maybe just a couple miles square of rolling grass. As an added bonus, when it's foggy (and as it's on the Oregon coast, it's always foggy) the fog settles in on top of the headland. Shit looks otherworldly.
Also the beach down there hosts a little camp with cabins and rowboats and whatnot.
I cannot express how much I'd love to have a small one-shot game on Cascade Head.

>> No.8362144
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More Oregon, this time off in the high desert.

>> No.8362151
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I just visited crescent city a few weeks ago and ya if the pacific northwest could get a decent game i would totes love to play there.

>> No.8362182
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>> No.8362198
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Suddenly a wild Draughir appears!

>> No.8362204
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Locations, eh? Have some Puzzlewood.

>> No.8362230
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7/10 would kill goblins in

>> No.8362246
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>> No.8362344

>want to go with Falco as my SCA first name
>too much time on /v/ makes me wonder how many sperglords I'll attract by pick by using such a name

I just really like the sound, i don't play smash that much or anything. and its present plenty of times in the time period, it's just, well, Falco.

>> No.8362349

They'll probably just think your parents are weird. You going with a Latin background?

>> No.8362365

what came to mind for me first

>> No.8362372

renaissance italy, and the name has appeared here and there throughout the period. also,
>think your parents are weird
how so?

>> No.8362392

Because 'Falco' was a surname, not a first name. A Latin parent naming their child after a bird would be their equivalent of a hippie name. It'd still work, just expect a raised eyebrow if someone in the know's paying attention.

>> No.8362397

Really? I was going off of http://cds.library.brown.edu/projects/tratte/doc/name1.html and they said it was a given name, so I was just going with it. Darn it, going to have to find a new source.

>> No.8362399

Or just run with it and fuck 'em if they don't like it. Match it up with a badass surname.

>> No.8362413

I was thinking of going with Orsini, but I'm partial to suggestions. Hawk Bear seems like it be a pain to do heraldry for, anyway. http://cds.library.brown.edu/projects/tratte/doc/SURNAM1.html is what i was using for surnames, if it helps.

>> No.8362421

Maybe something with a B. Falco Banchi, maybe. You could also try to find a surname specific to an Italian region.

>> No.8362455

Hmm, Falcone Armetta, perhaps? So it's not straight Falco, and Armetta belonged to the sicily region.

>> No.8362493

'Falcone' is also a surname. You were better with 'Falco'.

>> No.8362584

The list says its a given name. Maybe it functions as both?

>> No.8362595

I'm sure it does now; I'm not sure if it did during the Renaissance. I've only ever seen 'Falcone' used as a surname, in literature or otherwise.

>> No.8362656
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>> No.8362728
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Please for the love of god, please don't do autobiographical heraldry. Its not a real thing.

Falco and Falcone are strictly last names until the turn of the 20thC.

>> No.8362745

Hey, Gropey, question for you: I'm looking to get in on some medieval-era camping and feast gear. Got any cheap hookups that are decently authentic but not ball-bustingly expensive to the point of having to sell organs? My usual sources want like $200 for an iron stewpot or some shit.

>> No.8362805
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>> No.8362888

...It may not be perfectly authentic, but is black cast iron pots and pans not an option for you? With a little searching you can find decent stuff in thrift stores that you can re-season on your own.

>> No.8362906

I checked the local shops first, couldn't find any. I guess people like keeping hold of their cast-iron stuff.

>> No.8363086

The fundamental problem of larp places is money. You need a fuckton of money to organize a game in the really good locations. Either because of the rent or because it's only available if you buy it.
Plus let's not forget the problem of how connected it is to mass transit and roads in general and how far away it is from big cities. The farther away it is the less people you will get

>> No.8363091
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also, anyone got good leather armour pics?
I'm mostly interested in the fantasy stuff because I have a fuckton of authentic one, and it's hard to come by GOOD fantasy leather armor

>> No.8363099

Oh god, I could shlick to that elven lookin shit all goddamn day.

>> No.8363103

True that. In Texas, at least, it gets difficult to find locations that will allow a LARP on their land, since much of the land is privately owned. Some of the municipal spots, like county-owned campsites or fair spots, will allow for it as long as you pay out the nose and don't trash the place.

>> No.8363106
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>> No.8363109
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>> No.8363111
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>> No.8363117
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>> No.8363118
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we won't judge you

>> No.8363120
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>> No.8363121
File: 112 KB, 600x917, Drow_specialist_by_Sharpener.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not good leather armor at all

that's barely passable

>> No.8363126
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>> No.8363136
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>> No.8363137
File: 168 KB, 900x1200, elven_swordsinger_armor__10th_anniversary__by_flacusetarhadel-d53dlb8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as we're going fantasy, I like to get a little colorful.

>> No.8363146
File: 34 KB, 322x500, imageproxyboijmans[1].jpg&cache.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

technically not armour but leather jerkins were painted in the 16th century

>> No.8363152
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>> No.8363154
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leather helmet

>> No.8363160
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>> No.8363187
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>> No.8363192
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>> No.8363205
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>> No.8363230

So how does one go about making a decent spear/spatha for LARPing?

>> No.8363234
File: 112 KB, 720x960, annik2_by_lagueuse-d7knwps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depends on what is allowed on your game

>> No.8363247

Does anyone have any examples of warm weather garb? Summer is coming up and it's going to be 100 degrees soon.

Most of the stuff I like tends to be more appropriate for colder weather.

>> No.8363251

true it looks like the actual rules have yet to bother with spears or javelins. Looks like its time to hunt a latex spatha down.

>> No.8363351
File: 2.87 MB, 480x270, Hungariansanta.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to this new larp i've never been today for the weekend.

Probably post pictures or whatever.

>> No.8363353
File: 46 KB, 540x720, 578404_552692188102100_1178918356_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just realised that AHLF costume is the witcher.

never played it before last week and now its obious.

>> No.8363357

well, it only took you half a year.

>> No.8363361
File: 100 KB, 960x640, 1255472_1441309752760188_1533334171_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should have seen me when i discovered that Alucard was Dracula backward.

>> No.8363446

I presume it was as big of a soulcrushing event when I discovered that M&M's doesn't melt only in your mouth

>> No.8363463
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commencing leather dump

>> No.8363465
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>> No.8363480
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>> No.8363483
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>> No.8363485

That's one terrifying man of the field.

>> No.8363494


tiste andii?

>> No.8363496
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not really but ya.

>> No.8363514
File: 82 KB, 755x960, alchemistmask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's gonna glean the fuck out of that feild.

>> No.8363880

I like the aesthetic except for that vial.

>> No.8364027
File: 61 KB, 794x510, 9b312c57fe1c1feb3a739f8ce05b7e2c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, so i did some digging in the file, and Falcone is definitely appears as a given name-though it seems only one family ever did use it-all falcone's are attached to the falconi surname with one exception(perhaps some poor schmuck who married a female falconi), so there just must have been a family who decided they would name their kids falcon falcon-perhaps the sheer dumbness of the name is why it seemed limited to a single city. however, according to SCA rules, it's enough as evidence to be able to use it, I think, and I'll be sure to switch the last name out for something less silly than the renaissance equivalent of moon-moon.

Sorry if this appears petty-it's just that if I can convince you guys, being able to convince the people who actually judge sca names should be within the ballpark.

Besides, Brown University is a reputable enough source, right?

>> No.8364048

I told you above to go for it. I don't know why you're busting your balls trying to convince us, we're not in your SCA group (because the Nazis lost the war, the SCA just never got that memo).

>> No.8364053
File: 229 KB, 1026x1368, 10572132_10153937686519741_1150698381857314826_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dawnish Knights at Empire

>> No.8364059

Well, if i can convince Gropey, it should be good enough evidence to appease anybody but the most diehard re-enactor, and those people can just go and shove a rattan stick up their asses.

>> No.8364086

Gropey is a Slaaneshi devotee, you'll have to get naked to even have a hope of convincing him of anything.

>> No.8364091

Looks chilly. Weather take a bad turn or just that time of year?

>> No.8364097

It wasn't too bad actually, probably about 16C iirc. Battle day before was better, easily 25C which for the UK ain't bad.

>> No.8364142

When it's not dumping enough rain on us to flood, we wish we were down to 25C in the summer here. Wearing that much gear in a normal Texas summer is a guarantee someone's going to fall the fuck out before the first battlegame ends.

>> No.8364203
File: 226 KB, 557x720, 1012484_10153093324790696_1978640949_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A friend of mine makes lovely stuff, but takes really shitty product photos. Here's a local guy instead.

Do you have any elderly relatives who may be sitting on a hidden stock?

>> No.8364245

I know that helmet.

Also Tarantula, take a break, you are replying to your own post

>> No.8364309

Oh goodness, you're right. I meant to reply to >>8362906

>> No.8364327

>that pic
oh hey its the pic that launched a shitstorm on the alliance boards

>> No.8364331

No, my relatives aren't that cool. I'm trying to be the cool relative for the future generations by having all this shit mine were too moronic to acquire. I just don't want to have to take out a title loan to afford based camp gear.

>> No.8364333

Why it looks like a nice armor, I mean probably not fun to fight in but stylish as fuck.

>> No.8364340

Nah just go hunting, Camping gear is easy especially basic shit. Woolen blankeys, cast iron usually if you look for garage sales itll be tucked away in there or thrift stores.

>> No.8364344

It's important to note that the guy who actually owns it (and who is in the pic) doesn't care about this stuff- he just likes looking cool, and actually doesn't care about armor points at all. He's a really chill dude.

BUT someone once used his photo as an argument that leather armor should get the same amount of armor points as steel plate. Bullshit ensued.

>> No.8364346

It looks like it's more for dressing up than actually fighting in.

>> No.8364356

>it looks like a nice armor
Yes it is, the argument was a bunch of other faggots on the alliance boards saying "look how pretty this is, it should give the same protection as a full set of steel armor because its pretty".

>> No.8364367

It's boiled leather and weighs a ton, but the guy who owns it can outrun me while wearing the full suit because he's fit as fuck. He once dragged the entire game back and forth across a muddy field in a handcart and said it was fine because "He hadn't gone to the gym that day." He also made my sword blanks.
When I grow up, he is who I want to be.

>> No.8364369

I already said I tried that first.

>> No.8364371


>> No.8364375

but if its leather its still just leather armor, I mean that's common sense.

then I suggest going to a sporting good's store and not a mainstream one.

>> No.8364376

Cue the Jaime Lannister argument.

>> No.8364379

What part of "medieval camping gear" escapes your perception? You think you're going to walk into a fucking Dick's and find that sort of thing? Read the thread before commenting.

>> No.8364387

note not mainstream, get some basic woolen surplus blankets for bedrolls, get a cheapo dutch oven and camp stand. And there you've got two of the most important pieces taken care of. Not hard seriously. Also pick up green or brown army socks.

>> No.8364403

While I think the anon is freaking out, their suggestion of an Army Surplus store is a good one (though I don't know what they're like outside of the US).

Also try ebay and craigslist, searching for cast iron.

>> No.8364406

>I mean that's common sense.
Not for people on the alliance forums it isn't.

>Cue the Jaime Lannister argument.
I have no idea what that is.

>> No.8364468

>that feel when you'd like to try a post-apoc larp but the ones in your region have zombies....I'm so utterly sick of zombies in media. Yes we get it our culture is a mindless horde.

>> No.8364809

I've been facing the same conundrum. Presumably you could find a short-sleeved jerkin or doublet, or modify a longer one.

>> No.8364822
File: 160 KB, 768x1024, DSCN0973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wear tunics, they're comfy as fuck. Linen is your friend.

>> No.8365020
File: 947 KB, 781x441, 1382450116806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#1: What time frame? Give me a century
#2: What pieces do you need?
#3: Are you actually using it?

For practicality, cost and use, get something that looks decent, yet is readily available. Nothing wrong with a decent dutch oven and tripod. You can get them from walmart, and they are pretty timeless. A good Dutch Oven is a pot, cauldron, oven and pan. Coleman and Berger are good brands. Get one with feet.

WTF am I looking at here?

Linen shirts. Long sleeved to keep the sun off you, but light and breaths like a champ.

But... The package lied? GOD IS DEAD!


> I think, and I'll be sure to switch the last name out for something less silly than the renaissance equivalent of moon-moon.
Sorry if this appears petty-it's just that if I can convince you guys, being able to convince the people who actually judge sca names should be within the ballpark.

An Ossis of D'Livery spent twenty years with his name just so he could earn his knighthood. Its funny the first 20 times...

My opinion stems as an Italian on top of an Italian history buff. Do what you want since you can document it, but don't be a special snowflake.

It doesn't hurt.

>boiled leather
No, I can tell you now its not. People toss that word around without really understanding it. That may be water hardened, but just eyeballing it I promise its not boiled.

I agree. Leather is leather. Pretty leather existed IRL, but it was still just pretty leather.

>> No.8365041
File: 13 KB, 450x450, k2-_0128be54-162b-4830-9f25-3f4a056c0482.v1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


$29. Pic related. Get a good wood handled chefs knife, a decent (sealed!) wood cutting board, and a meat fork/ pot hook, and you're gold.

I think I should also mention that my SCA name is Kilian Rodrigo Prosciutto della Scungilli, so do as you will.

>> No.8365112

>for three cast iron sticks and a connecting ring
What the fuck.

>> No.8365129

>Three fifty inch long machine forged iron (not cast poles, with shaped clasped ends over a ring, with a closed s-hook, all sealed in durracoat.
>Only $30

You obviously have no idea what you're talking about. I could easily forge a set from iron or steel, but $30 wouldn't even cover the cost of the rod iron. This is a damn good deal.

>> No.8365160
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>> No.8365185

#1 - say between 100 and 1100 CE timeframe.
#2 - cookware and feastware, stuff that can have wood flame applied to it and function as intended.
#3 - absolutely yes, I'm weary of being the beggar lad at camping events and don't want to be the dildo with the propane Coleman grill and the cooler full of semi-frozen hamburger. I want to be the guy other people come up to and ask to borrow my stuff to cook with over my fire because it looks the real deal. I was going to be a portability whore but I don't think that's going to logistically fly given that I'm one guy and not a Roman maniple where all the stuff is divided between five backs, so let's assume I have trunk space.

This is an excellent start. How does one get rust off of cast iron? eBay has some classy stuff but every piece says it has rust spots in the description. Seems like more work than Brasso or Rust-Off is made to handle.

>> No.8365204

>#1 - say between 100 and 1100 CE timeframe.
..That is 1000 years of tech change broseph.

>#2 - cookware and feastware, stuff that can have wood flame applied to it and function as intended.
Again, what do you need? Pieces. Make a list, in order of importance. You need personal eating kit like a knife, bowl and spoon before you need a mustard jar or colander.

Here is the million dollar question.... Can you cook in the first place? Have you ever cooked over a camp fire, and I meal REALLY cooked?

>How does one get rust off of cast iron?
By not letting it get rusty in the first place. Also: Steel wool, hot soapy water, WD40 and elbow grease. Emery cloth and sanding blocks help too. DO NOT USE BRASSO OR RUST REMOVAL CHEMICALS ON SHIT YOU'RE GOING TO EAT FROM.

Also, don't buy cast iron without being able to look it over in person. Check local thrift stores, and tell them what you're looking for. They are usually cool with taking your phone number and calling you when they get stuff you're looking for in.

I say this in all honesty, if you're asking these questions, you are the basest of beginners. This is not a bad thing, and we all have to start somewhere. Buy new, modern stuff for now. It looks good enough that even reenactors make exceptions for the utility, and it will be less heartbreaking for you to use as a learning piece. $33 for a 4 quart, cast iron Dutch oven with feet. Learn with this, and you'll still rock face at camp with this hanging over your fire.


>> No.8365224

#1 - anything that wouldn't look particularly out-of-place between that span of time. Basically, avoiding anything blatantly modern-looking.

#2 - a cauldron (the dutch oven covers that), a grill, a skillet, a pot for camp rice, fry pan, cutlery for carving/chopping, spice rack storage, dry goods storage, feast gear. I can cook on modern stuff and I've done charcoal grillwork, campfire will be a bit new but I have time to get good at that before any major events.

#3 - so basically, get it new or not at all, and maintain it so it never gets shitty. Got it.

>> No.8365256
File: 19 KB, 473x471, campfiregratetripod1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#1 ONE THOUSAND years of change man. Hell, compare your kitchen to your grandparents. Narrow it down.

#2 a cauldron is just a large tun vat or pot. As is a rice pot. The dutch oven will also be a fry pan.

>cutlery for carving/chopping
One good chefs knife will do all the work you need for cutting with good technique, and not take up too much room. Get a modern stainless one (for sanitary reasons) with a wood handle.

Are basic accessories for your tripod. This shit hasn't changed in 2000 years. pic related

>spice rack storage
Glass bottles, but I suggest just hiding modern bottles for freshness.

>dry goods storage
Don't take chances with your food. Tupperware in linen or hessian sacks.

>Feast gear
What do you define as "feast gear"?

>> No.8365269

>feast gear

Basic utensils, plates, bowls, drinking vessels that aren't Viking horns (I have one of those already).

>> No.8365274

With 1000 years open, I dunno what to suggest. narrow it down please.

>> No.8365282

Let's go with 800-950 CE.

>> No.8365288

Forgot to mention: north-central Europe.

>> No.8365312

A small slope pointed knife with a needle tip (almost seax like) http://kultofathena.com/product.asp?item=MHK1073

A spoon of wood, horn, bone and rarely pewter bronze or silver. http://www.crazycrow.com/mm5/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=CCTP&Product_Code=5560-100-003&Category_Code=821-300-000

Wooden plate, mug and bowl from a thrift store. Easy finds. I buy them by the bushel for resale at events.

>> No.8365314

Is wood trustworthy, especially used?

>> No.8365316

As long as its not cracked, warped, pitted or what not.

>> No.8365324

>BUT someone once used his photo as an argument that leather armor should get the same amount of armor points as steel plate
please tell us the whole argument so we can laugh.

I mean I would have no problem with that argument if we narrow it down to leather armors that you can't tell if it's leather or steel, but there are only a handful of those out there and probably they didn't meant that...

>> No.8365329

>But... The package lied? GOD IS DEAD!
Imagine my surprise when I was six year old and believed everything until then.
My first big soulcrush...
The third one was when someone shit in my firepit

>> No.8365330

Nothing like a dungfire, eh? Don't know how the Mongols stood it.

>> No.8365334

fire wasn't burning at that point. Someone just shit in our firepit when we wasn't in our camp. (and common sense says you put out your fire when everyone leaves the camp)

>> No.8365337

That's pretty classy. Like, hunt someone down and introduce them to a 10-lb sledge classy.

>> No.8365344

all I can say is no matter how hard you hide the fact you did it, when you shit in someone's firepit people will have the motivation to find you VERY fast

>> No.8365346

>No, I can tell you now its not.
I am also not an armor/leather connoisseur and it's totally possible I'm wrong. All I know for absolute certain is it's not wax-hardened.

We've brought it up in previous threads. The argument was essentially that armor points should be based on a combination of weight and physical impressiveness, rather than material since Alliance is a fantasy game.

The obvious problem is that while weight is easily quantified, impressiveness/imposingness is easily a matter of personal opinion and cannot be made uniform, especially across a national game.

It was a stupid argument started by butthurt people with leather bracers that got quelled immediately once the actual rules people showed up.

>> No.8365347

I just spent like $50 at the Crazy Crow place. I am set.

>> No.8365349

Never set your standards by subjective values. Even low-tier LARPs like Amtgard use material over aesthetic to dictate armor points.

>> No.8365354

>The argument was essentially that armor points should be based on a combination of weight and physical impressiveness
but armor points represent what points that protect you. And cool factor won't stop a sword. Hell, even weight is irrelevant, what matters is how capable the represented material to stop swords and shit.
And because it's a fantasy game I would say that alternative materials could be allowed IF they made in a way that you can believe it's another stuff

>> No.8365376

Yeah, crazy crow is awesome. Lots of personal kit is timeless, and they have good prices

>> No.8365408

I had never even heard of it before now- that is fantastic.

Can you speak at all to the quality of their knives and daggers?

>> No.8365412
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This site is a gold mine. Based Gropey with the hookup.

>> No.8365585

Mix of Deepka and other manufacturers. I prefer Kult of Athena for medieval stuff.

>> No.8365641

>Do what you want since you can document it, but don't be a special snowflake.
>picking a name just because I like it out a list provided by Brown University, a reputable source is being a special snowflake just because it turns out to be a one-of-a-kind name in italian history

come on man, what warning signs am I giving off here? I'm not doing it to be funny, I'm not picking up the last name to be falcon-falcon, I just liked the sound of it. and planned to have a mundane last name.

If anything, you should be picking me off for the usage of Armetta as a surname(which I plan on changing), as it doesn't seem to be historically documentable back to the time period I want (1500s).

>> No.8365780

So what are some good camp recipes? I know oatmeal is a staple trail food along with rice as it holds just fine barring humid climates. So what else can a guy working with a simple dutch oven cook up over the camp fire?

>> No.8365904

>cool factor won't stop a sword
Tell that to literally anyone who writes/draws/designs fantasy for the last few decades.

>> No.8365915
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for anyone living in WA state, All's Faire will be upon us soon

>> No.8365922
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>> No.8365987

>flat blades

It's progress.

>> No.8366080

The bar was set so low that anything would have been progress.

>> No.8366151


What's wrong with Amtgard?

>> No.8366163

Combat practice tomorrow followed by pub to engage in many Empire stories!
Going to only take my rapier, need to practice 1v1 where I don't have my shield.

>> No.8366411
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>> No.8366416

I have no words for the rage I feel at this pic.

>> No.8366424
File: 47 KB, 500x322, victor1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I thought some people in this thread might have good recommendations...

Can anyone think of any shows, similar to the Supersizers Go, where they have people 'relive' the past whether it's via food, general living, etc?

>> No.8366430

It has a reputation for focusing on combat (hence why people call it a "battle game") and not giving a crap about roleplay or garb.
The players also have a reputation for being really overzealous jocks making fun of roleplay nerds.

I have to say every Amtgard player I've met has been a monumental dick other than 2-3 people, but I suggest you make your opinions for yourself.

>> No.8366432
File: 1.99 MB, 1920x1080, 25273573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look up "The Quest" it was a LARP reality game show- pretty great fun. It aired it's first season last year but I doubt they'll be getting renewed. Pic related.

>> No.8366475

I marathoned that show a few nights ago, some of the challenges they had were completely retarded not to mention the competitors acting like huge fuckwits whenever they're pulled aside to give their opinion on recent events out of earshot of the rest.

>> No.8366485

The monumental dicks were the reason I quit Amtgard back in 2005. I won't lie and say it wasn't fun while it lasted, because hitting people never gets old, but their contempt for role-play and overall dinosaurian attitude towards weapon construction eventually just turned me off. If they ever switch to latex I might consider going back, but I doubt they'll over shift focus to role-play over fighting.

>> No.8366489

Yeah... my fiance and I were also disappointed by some of the challenges and how contrived they were, the CGI in the end of it is cringeworthy and the plot is guessable immediately.

But I am easily entranced by setting and immersion and that castle was awesome. My favorite challenges were the mounted archery, the trebuchet, the weird balance/swordfight thing they did in the last challenge, and the barricade/battering ram one.

Like I said, a lot of fun to watch, but if you can't find occasional cringe hilarious, then it's probably not for you.

>Acting like huge fuckwits
>On American reality TV
>this is such a surprise

>> No.8366490
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Bet your too scared to fight me fag

>> No.8366495
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shift over* Jesus, it's like I didn't even sleep last night.

>> No.8366506


The sash through the jean belt loops entertains me more than it probably should.

>> No.8366510

I have no words for this.

>> No.8366515

>CGI in the end of it is cringeworthy
All I wanted was to see them use the spear of plot device as an actual spear instead of weeabo quarterstaff fighting with it. Is that too much to ask for?

>My favorite challenges were the mounted archery, the trebuchet, the weird balance/swordfight thing they did in the last challenge, and the barricade/battering ram one.
You have good taste in challenges.

>Acting like huge fuckwits
>On American reality TV
>this is such a surprise
It was a show about being a hero. I thought maybe they would get people who aren't cunts. The big guy/family man seemed bro tier. But half of them were scheming cunts and pretty much the opposite of the "true hero" they were competing to be.

>if you can't find occasional cringe hilarious, then it's probably not for you.
Its too late for me, I already watched it all.

>> No.8366528
File: 20 KB, 150x203, scungilli-29oz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pwaise slunsh!

>what warning signs am I giving off here?
I am mostly giving you a hard time, because without exception, every single person I have ever met in the SCA or larp etc. who goes by Falcon/Falcone has been the kind of insufferable cunt rash that causes people to quit the game.

That, and its rarity is like being the kind of person that goes around using the last name Borgia for their own little self insert.

Again, my name is my real name, and food stuff. My household's name is freaking scungilli. Take it with a grain of salt (and a sprig of fresh parsley). Pic related

>doesn't seem to be historically documentable back to the time period I want (1500s).

You're over thinking our requirements. Anything documentable pre 1650. You can dress Roman and call yourself Yoshiro Takanashi McCloud, and still be in the rules.

Also, names are not forever, and most people don't choose specific periods. Just go with what works.

Cargo shorts and sneakers are progress?

Alpha nerd "muh full contact" mentality. 90% of the "I would fight SCA/HEMA/ACL etc but I would probably hurt someone with my mad skillz(tm)" types I have met are amtgard.


Look up Tudor Farm on youtube.

>"The Quest"
No... Just no... On the bright side, my buddy is one of the ACL guys who fought in the beginning of the pit fight episode

>> No.8366585
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>Cargo shorts and sneakers are progress?

Given the effort it requires to make flat blades in lieu of basic bitch round blades? That is progress.

>> No.8366590

I...I guess yeah but I mean damn. even if that's just a practice round...why in a park?

>> No.8366601

Parks are normally where Amtgard weekly things happen. "Going to the park" is a colloquialism for going to Amtgard's weekly battlegame. Very few private landowners allow their "lands" to meet on their property.

>> No.8366612

Ah and suddenly I'm glad my larp scene rents from a church group with a sizable chunk of forest land.

>> No.8366614

I honestly feel sorry for my local amtguard. Whilst I've yet to go, and most of the people on their facebook group seem nice, I don't know if id be willing to go wack people around with dick swords, in a park (one of their meeting places is on a college campus...). If only I could find a reasonably close actual larp.

>> No.8366621

well where in the world are you anon?

>> No.8366624

My local colleges won't even allow Amtgard to run demos on their grounds.

>> No.8366670
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>> No.8366677

By and large, most Amtgarders in my area dislike forests because it hampers fighting; even the magic users bitch because it's easy for a target to duck out of line of sight to avoid verbal spells.

>> No.8366680
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>> No.8366682
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Does anybody here have any experience with sci-fi larps? Not post-apoc stuff like DR, but straight-up aliens and robots and nanotech type sci-fi. It occurred to me that I never heard anybody talk about larping in settings like that, and I got to wondering how one could go about creating that sort of game.

>> No.8366683
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>> No.8366687
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>> No.8366690
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>> No.8366691
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>> No.8366704

I bet a Stargate themed LARP could work. Would allow for people to use milsurp if they don't want to start off as an alien. And people who want to be an alien don't have to spend a ton of time in makeup/prosthetics to be a convincing jaffa or goa'uld.

>> No.8366717
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>> No.8366741
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>Would allow for people to use milsurp if they don't want to start off as an alien.

Yeah, this was one of the things that struck me as a potential issue with costuming. Getting military surplus or paintball gear would work well for a soldier character, but beyond that everybody has different ideas for what sci-fi character should look like. So unless you're very clear on what kind of aesthetic you're looking for, you're likely to end up with a bunch of people in Star Trek spandex running around next to Kai Leng clones and Spess Muhreens.

>> No.8366826

Anyone have any online sources for trigger poplin fabric that carry it year-round?

>> No.8366964

a freind of mine got to the secound teir to go on that show but then they found out he was a larper and they dropped him. theyr were afraid he would outdo all the regulers.

>> No.8367047

>Stargate LARP
I love you anon
Alternatively, Dune LARPs. Would love me some knife fighting and outlandish Harkonnen style.

>Pacific Northwest
>finding areas that haven't been encrusted by Douglas firs

I know a lot of people in my chapter who hate fighting innawoods, but we play on the Oregon coast so they can suck it the fuck up.

T-shirts, people who think utilikilts are cool, and the kind of smug cunts who *know* they can beat you but they're above actually proving it.
Also the whole 'our game is full contact but also you can't touch another person, their weapon, or really even get too close to your opponents' shtick.

>> No.8367068
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>> No.8367100

I was once in a demo play of voidship concordia, a rogue trader larp.

Apart of that nothing that is not a postapoc

>> No.8367103

Hey Larp thread. I am starting out larping and am looking for info on different types of make up and what i should invest in getting.

>> No.8367117
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Not this

>> No.8367132

sure that makes sense but like i am wondering what brands to get and how much it will run me.

>> No.8367218

Quick question LARPfags:
What was the best or most memorable character you ever ran into or heard of?

>> No.8367296

There's a long running (10 years) Stargate larp in the UK. Very MilSim, and does the setting with a very British slant. I'm going to be crewing it later this year

A lot of folks here tend to use Snazaroo paints. It's more to do with how good you are at application than how good the paints are.

>> No.8367486

>I am mostly giving you a hard time, because without exception, every single person I have ever met in the SCA or larp etc. who goes by Falcon/Falcone has been the kind of insufferable cunt rash that causes people to quit the game.
Fair enough.

>That, and its rarity is like being the kind of person that goes around using the last name Borgia for their own little self insert.
Borgia isn't that rare of a name to be known, especially considering their prominence what with a TV show and appearances in video games-which is weird, as how could someone take it as their sca name if SCA has rules of not being part of any notable families, such as the Tudors for example. But what's the worst you've seen with someone using the name borgia?

>You're over thinking our requirements. Anything documentable pre 1650. You can dress Roman and call yourself Yoshiro Takanashi McCloud, and still be in the rules.
Yes, but I would much rather craft the name with the intention of making it plausible in the time period I want for my persona, making one that could have existed, instead of twisting my research to try and justify a native american viking wielding a katana. the name of the game is historical re-enactment, isn't it?

>> No.8367488

I wonder if anyone has raped someone during a larping war. I feel like it would be a good time.
Everyone is screaming. There are in a big place. A couple people could grab someone and carry them to a secret place and have at it.

>> No.8367533

dude what the fuck

>> No.8367599

go away satanic panic

>> No.8367687

In game that happened a lot of times.
Out of game, I doesn't really know anything like happened, although there are always rumors

>> No.8367776
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>> No.8367778
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>> No.8367781
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>> No.8367785

I raped your mom during a larp
She was roleplaying a goblin

>> No.8367825

Near Chattanooga, TN. If i wanted I could do the whole reenactment thing with all the civil war battlefields nearby, but I'd rather not do civil war.

>> No.8367981

At my game there was a couple.
every game has a few.

>> No.8368042

Does it happen? Yes. Do cops get called? Yes. We don't even joke about that shit here.

>> No.8368048

Here here. It is appalling behavior.

>> No.8368055

>We don't even joke about that shit here.
actually, we totally joke about it everywhere

>> No.8368084

guy doing a blog on the feild.

>> No.8368209

You have fun with that. There'll be none of that 'classy rape tokens' trash in any respectable LARP.

>> No.8368252

Snazaroo is very popular here, especially amongst people who need white face.

Apart from that, Mehron cream paints and Krylon Aquacolor are the most popular. I just Krylon for the black on my chin- it comes in a cake and gets mixed with water, it's very heavily pigmented, but because there are so few liquifying/binding agents in it I can't feel it once it's on my skin (which is great because I hate the feeling of paint on my face). My tiny cake of Krylon was $8US and will last for about 2-3 years. A tube of Mehron will run you about $10US and will last for about a year or two.

Avoid cheap or palette paints from Halloween stores, and DO NOT use pax paint. It will fuck you up. You can wear greasepaint if you want to, but I don't like how heavy it is.

>> No.8368441


>leather armor

lol okay

>> No.8368475
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Oh, here we go.

>> No.8368609
File: 96 KB, 901x403, 10659397_689826074436717_1740380804112493770_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont be rude.

people like to follow trend, and zombies are a trend...wich mean that...by following the zombie trend, people actually confirm the zombie message

pretty leather? yes , actually i was at a larp this weekend and i saw the best looking leather armor i've seen in all my life, all ask her for pics and show them to you all

Horeee shiii... i'll look into that but i think they wont have that in Canayan Wal Mart just to fuck with us.

>compare your kitchen to your grandparents
Well..one was pretty old looking stuff with fridge build with the heaviest of metal and the motor of a tank.

The other are pretty much ashes now, rip in peace

A frenchman should not tell you how important apostropes are.

pretty much start of the vikings then.
this is not an epoch i invest a lot of time into but what i know is, do not watch Vikings or movies with viking and look the same, Vikings were pretty colorful folks

Yep, a good wooden bowl will last you for a long time if taken care of.

I was thinking with purple knight... could we keep frozen shit in condoms (for easy transport) and throw them into hollow logs in a firepits so the shit would burn and smell horrible...or would the frozen process make all the smell disapear?

You can find me ,try to beat me, you can unfriend me on facebook or call the cops...but you can never unsmell my shit.

Bicolline is a ''Battle game'' , please have a look at this picture, so there is no excuse for mediocrity.

Pwuz Slush!

Yeah i tryed to start a larp with people, we even rented a place in Montreal to transform it into part of a space station (kinda like babylon 5 looking) and it turned into a undeground nightclub and we played only 4 game or less in 3 years so....that took a strange way.

Clever girl.

>> No.8368634
File: 73 KB, 720x477, zombie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also you could build a fake stargate...put a retroprojector behind it and make it show the shiny ''water'' , have a slid on the screen so player can pass trough, the retroprojector rigth in their face will even make them feel like theyre in the sturguttt

And ingame some women or twinkie mens ask some burly men to grab them and fuck them, but its all agreed between all participants if something like that ever happens.

A real rape must have happenned during larp it is to be expected. lets say that in normal population there is 0.01 percent of rapist.

If there is 5000 poeple in a larp that would give us 0.5% of rapist . wich mean, a guy that would rape you but not finish in you.

It's Courteous rape to....Ah fuck was that a bait?

i like you.

that is the only and last time i wore makeup at a larp (the zombie) unless its a one day larp, you will spend a lot of time trying to get latex our of your eyebros and makeup out of the corner of your eyes, while doing so with a camping mirror and a flashlight.

>> No.8368661

The post apoc here has magic, bleck

>> No.8368755

>Yeah i tryed to start a larp with people, we even rented a place in Montreal to transform it into part of a space station (kinda like babylon 5 looking) and it turned into a undeground nightclub and we played only 4 game or less in 3 years so....that took a strange way.

That sounds pretty baller even with the unexpected ending. A B5-esque space station nightclub would be fucking amazing.

>> No.8368775
File: 34 KB, 366x324, straight027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is a dangerous website.

>Is wood trustworthy, especially used?
Wood is naturally more sanitary then plastic or even glass.

Love it

> My household's name is freaking scungilli.
I'm gonna need some help with documentation for that some day, of you are so kind. Also looking forward to the "Ancient clothing styles in non-anachronistic Italian Renaissance art" PDF when you get the chance.

>Alternatively, Dune LARPs.
Oh hell yes. Bene Gesserit character please.

That feeling when you want to drape a self supporting bodice but don't have anyone to help you fit it.

>> No.8369054
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>> No.8369106
File: 995 KB, 1280x554, dscast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dark/Demon's Souls LARP

-Resurrection mechanic built into the setting.
-Favors good costuming and armor that's at least semi-functional.
-Covenants are easy to translate into LARP guilds and provide an incentive for PvP without having to worry about permadeath becoming too common.

Good idea, y/n?

>> No.8369186

>camping mirror and a flashlight
Dem feels.

>> No.8369268

>I was thinking with purple knight... could we keep frozen shit in condoms (for easy transport) and throw them into hollow logs in a firepits so the shit would burn and smell horrible...or would the frozen process make all the smell disapear?
Two questions: why a condom? and why do you want to freeze it?

>You can find me ,try to beat me, you can unfriend me on facebook or call the cops...but you can never unsmell my shit.
look, all I'm saying is that the next time anyone shits in my firepit or even shits close to my camp they will receive a brand new coffeemaker at home just for the sole purpose so I can break in when they aren't at home, shit in it and turn on the machine. now THAT'S a smell you can't unsmell and can't get it out of the walls.
tl;dr: git gud

>> No.8369363


You can use WD40 on stuff you're going to eat from?

>> No.8369379

great idea, but then again i DO love dark souls :p

it sounds interesting and the covenants could be fun, also the bonfire mechanic could translate into a lives system, where you could only die so many times before going hollow, and if you kill an enemy you could steal one of the lives they have left for yourself (like taking their humanity)

>> No.8369386
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>Bene Gesserit character please

>> No.8369504

I just found this, Swedish larp for those who want to feel miserable, with an option to feel MORE miserable:

>> No.8369508

I suppose that's a good way to get some perspective on what being miserable can really be.

>> No.8369617
File: 134 KB, 843x476, BattleOftheMire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went to my first Dagorhir event over the weekend and it was a blast.

>> No.8369691

I see Dag has the same stereotypical folks Amtgard does, including the ubiquitous weeb.

>> No.8369746

frozen shit in condoms to stink up firepits

to say it with the words of a friend of mine:
Was zur Hölle stimmt mit Euch nicht?

>> No.8369751

das ist eine ungarische betyárok

>> No.8369770

ah well that dont work too well then.

>> No.8369771

what does "betyárok" mean?

>> No.8369783

a kind of hungarian outlaw from the 18th-19th century.

Although it's way more funnier if you say that sentence in broken german and in perfect hungarian the last word. It's kind of a joke in some places here

>> No.8369786

ah I see

>> No.8369797
File: 24 KB, 400x271, Becarac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek where I'm from we call this a betyárok

>> No.8369799

I'm sorry to come busting in on your thread, but I was looking through all the pics and it reminded me of when I was a young kid and my parents took me to a ren fair, and there were these two guys dresses to the nines and they looked incredible and I remember they were the sweetest strangers I'd ever talked to. Don't know if they were LARPers or just costume enthusiasts. They stopped to talk to us and I remember then telling me about how much weight they were wearing and my little 10 year old self was nerding out so much. I bought a chain mail bracelet and necklace that day and wore it almost every single day for a really long time, it made me feel like I was wearing armor.

I love this kind of stuff but I've never actually been interested in doing it myself. The LARPing, that is, if I could justify the cost of the costumes and armor and weapon pieces I'd collect them for sure. But I gobble the pictures up.

>> No.8369801

If they dress it up nice maybe that wouldn't be too bad. But I doubt it. Then again the same goes for zombies if handled well which they usually aren't.

>> No.8369836

Okay so what is the differences between Dagorhir, a larp like Bicclone and Sca? A friend of mine does Dag and says its better than LARPing as its full contact?

>> No.8369840

Dagorhir has a character creation system, is widespread, and is relatively cheap. Biccoline is a one-location only LARP with no character creation system. SCA is a reenactment-esque society, not exactly a LARP, and is almost prohibitively expensive in comparison to the boffer systems.

>> No.8369850

>if I could justify the cost of the costumes and armor and weapon pieces I'd collect them for sure
I don't want to think on how much I spent on this... so this way I doesn't really need a justification

>as its full contact
your friend either
1. full of shit
2. doesn't understand what full contact actually means and just use it as a buzz word
3. believed all the bullshit others told him there
4. 1. , 2. and 3.

>> No.8369860

seems like some kind of lecsó to me

>> No.8370002

>Dagorhir has a character creation system
The fuck are you talking about nigger?

>> No.8370319
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I'm going to the west coast showing anyone else.

>> No.8370326

I stand corrected, I'd been told they'd instituted a level system but this appears to have been a vile lie.

>> No.8370333

>that thing you just posted
Movie about larpers, it'll be shit just like all the others.

>> No.8370346
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hey man you be the judge.

>> No.8370403


Are Dagorhir and Amtgard sort of similar?

>> No.8370474

they are equally shitty.

>> No.8370647
File: 1.41 MB, 1360x9000, arrowowowow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prepare to be mind blown

>> No.8370724

They use similar gear builds, but Amtgard has a class system with levels that grant abilities that only vaguely interrupt just hitting people. I think Dag cares more about story arcs and less about the actual combat.

>> No.8370939

Looking for good examples of chain+plate combination, and any metal armour in general.

>> No.8370953
File: 51 KB, 407x630, 1313260213271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean stuff like this?

>> No.8370967

That's sexy. I'd wear it.

>> No.8370986
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the Middle east have a ton of shit like that

>> No.8371008
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The Japanese had some similar designs, tatami-gusoku, that were little steel (or leather sometimes) plates linked by chain, making the set lightweight and collapsible for easy storage.

>> No.8371015
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>> No.8371020

Curious did the Romans do anything like this?

>> No.8371048
File: 112 KB, 575x730, squamata78gtuy765712ty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Romans tended to favor heavier armors until the late Empire, where they transitioned back to lighter chain more suited to a heavier cavalry presence. The closest approximation to plate+chain combination armor like the examples given are probably lorica squamata, which was scale armor that offered better overall torso protection than lorica hamata, pure chain armor. But no, I don't think they ever had a mass-produced version of a plate+chain combination armor type, at least none depicted on stoneworks, written about in accounts, or found in digs.

>> No.8371057

Alright damn there goes the hopes of sexy Roman chain/plate combo though the Lorica Squamata looks nice.

>> No.8371062

I love all you people omg. I just want you to know that. Never stop doing your thing.

>> No.8371064
File: 108 KB, 847x567, clibanarii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Eastern Empire might be a better grounds for looking. The clibanarii cavalry seemed to have some specialized armors that might be useful for you.

>> No.8371068

Damn that's impressive.

>> No.8371078
File: 534 KB, 723x960, Armour_of_the_Ottoman_Empire_chainmail_shirt_with_armor_plates_(zirah_baktar_or_zirh_gomlek).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Eastern Empire once it was fully divorced from Rome proper really borrowed heavily from the neighbors when it came to armor types and they maintained them throughout. This is an Ottoman-era piece, note the similarities to >>8370986's examples.

>> No.8371102
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>> No.8371103
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>> No.8371130

Is that Hodor?

>> No.8371146

>I think Dag cares more about story arcs and less about the actual combat.
You need to stop talking because you clearly have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.8371158

I could be wrong, but I was under the impression that they were both more focused on fighting and socializing and they were less concerned about realistic garb or roleplaying/getting into character.

>> No.8371159

That's why I said 'I think'. No Dag anywhere near where I am, everything I 'know' is thirdhand info from ex-Dag folks. Since you're not volunteering anything whatsoever, I'm clearly meant to be doing your fucking job, gizmo.

>> No.8371178
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If you don't know anything about a topic it's better to say nothing.

>> No.8371193

Because saying nothing is the purpose of a LARP thread. Hypocrite.

>> No.8371352

>Hipster guys go out into the woods with no background on games and are already skeptical
I dunno anon. I was burned too hard by Knights of Badassdom.
If it's any good, come back and tell us.

>> No.8371590
File: 2.14 MB, 3008x2000, cairns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will seeing some of the mini doc's they did it looks like It might be the first non-monster camp esc doc on the hobby.

Yes it is.

>> No.8371685


Actually, on 4chan it seems a better idea to project blatantly wrong opinions, since some autist, somewhere will get riled up by the shit you spout and try to school you.

When you simply ask, you're told to use google or straight up ignored.

>> No.8371697
File: 91 KB, 600x450, StrawMan2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya like saying the people at baccolini are stuck up and need to stop taking themselves to seriously. I mean really their spending to much time on a usless hobby and have to get with the real world.
((thats bound to get someone.))

>> No.8371781

that's pretty close to acting like a retard and when people call you out on being a retard you say lol it was just trolling.

Anyway if people say you should google it, in 99% of the cases that means you either asked something so basic that you should really google it because the answers are everywhere and you clearly didn't put a second of thought in it, or it's like "what games are close to me?" which is, how the fuck anyone could know all the larps to you? only google knows that

>> No.8371786
File: 27 KB, 400x266, hug_knight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we love you too anon

>> No.8371841

>that's pretty close to acting like a retard and when people call you out on being a retard you say lol it was just trolling.

It's not pretty close to it, it's exactly what it is, but it's also how most of the boards here work.

>> No.8371886

Better to say nothing than to talk out of your ass faggot.

>> No.8372005
File: 35 KB, 339x604, 14531_101818606513236_100000552924757_47023_7404813_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Romans tended to favor heavier armors until the late Empire, where they transitioned back to lighter chain more suited to a heavier cavalry presence.
Except lorica hamata is heavier than segmentata, besides that your whole "transitioning back to chain" thing doesn't work because new armor types became a thing in addition to the existing styles, not replacing all the armor at once with the newest invention.

>> No.8372016

Larpfags, how do you stay clean and hygienic at your events? Does your game have showers? Do you use medieval/ancient looking stuff to bathe? Do you use modern camping stuff? Do you even bathe?

>> No.8372032
File: 60 KB, 625x426, 3t11ub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awwww anon! Hugs for you!

Depends on the site. Ours has hot showers, but people very rarely use them because you can get ambushed on your way there.

Cleanliness and hygiene goes out the window, mud builds character.

Once it gets warmer I intend to go for an in-game swim and bathe with some folks in the lake on site, but that will be mostly for roleplay purposes rather than cleanliness.

In the long run anon, assume you're going to get dirty. Wash your hands after you use the bathroom- all else is negligible.

>> No.8372035

>how do you stay clean
I don't

>and hygienic
hand sanitizer if it's needed, or any hygienic stuff that has alcohol in it.

>Does your game have showers?
depends on the game, but mostly no

>Do you use medieval/ancient looking stuff to bathe?
No, but then again I bath at home...

>Do you use modern camping stuff?
I tr to use as few modern camping stuff as I can

>Do you even bathe?
every day when I'm home.

>> No.8372046

>all else is negligible.

>You may not think that you need to shower
during an event, but you will very likely be
completely wrong. - Alliance rulebook page 12

>> No.8372053

>very likely
It can take people some time to get used to the life of dirt. New players often waste time showering until they get too busy or realize they don't have to bother really. If you are a person who is uncomfortable being dirty, LARP may not be the hobby for you but nobody will stop you from showering (once you've made it there, that is).

However, I can't say this for all games or chapters, but at least here it is an unspoken social rule that you should wear deodorant.

>> No.8372059

there are seriously rules about showering?
Holy shit... I have no words

>> No.8372061

Not rules, there's a little section in the rulebook that is essentially "How to survive in the woods for dummies and newbs" that has some basic guidelines and a packing list for people who have never gone camping before.

>> No.8372068

then why is it in the rulebook and not in a separate "I nub" document?
This always baffled me, when people put all the random shit they can think up in the rulebook and they surprised that people can't remember the actual rules...

>> No.8372079

>then why is it in the rulebook
Because I wanted to pad out my page count. Everyone knows rulebooks can't be serious unless they hit at least 100 pages. I mean how else am I going to justify charging money for it?

>> No.8372083

>when people put all the random shit they can think up in the rulebook and they surprised that people can't remember the actual rules

i've never understood how people could forget/not understand rules for stuff. i understand if one is a beginner or a momentary lapse, but consistently forgetting stuff is baffling, especially after one has spent 2-3 years doing said activity or whatnot.

yet people do it all the time, and i just don't understand.

>> No.8372095

Dangerous Combat Infractions
A Dangerous Combat Infraction is anything
that results or could result in an injury to
a player.
Dangerous Combat Infractions include:
Throwing packets too hard in such a way
as to result in personal injury
Shield bashing
Use of a weapon that has not been safety
Use of packets that are too large or filled
with illegal packet materials
Dangerous acrobatics which may harm
others (sliding, rolling towards players, not
paying attention to others around you)
Hitting too hard with a weapon
Striking opponents at full combat speed
and strength while they are known to be incapacitated
(webbed, paralyzed, etc.)
Repeated or deliberate striking of illegal
areas (head, hands, groin)
Throwing items in anger
>Screaming at other players, intimidating
or dangerous behavior

page 37

>> No.8372097

nice try Valenti

most people have the attention span of a goldfish. Sad but true... We work from what we have

>> No.8372101

>Screaming at other players, intimidating or dangerous behavior
I would like to say that I'm surprised but honestly, I kind of expected it

>> No.8372104

I wasn't referring to the weight of the armor, nor did I allude that there was a universal transition to a specific armor pattern over time, merely that there was a trend towards armor more suited to the increase in cavalry.

>> No.8372106

please try to refrain from using
foul language; not because we are prudes
or your mommy but because it really ruins the game atmosphere.

page 88

>> No.8372116

>Screaming at other players, intimidating
That's half my strategy! Ever seen an orc flinch? I have

>> No.8372283
File: 41 KB, 480x640, 11069695_1450193518629106_3477827320559590953_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Odyssey LRP in less than two weeks, my kit may be ready but my body isn't!

>> No.8372300

Time for squats and oats!

>> No.8372320


If you are suitably hygenic and groomed in your daily life and you have a shower right before taking off after work on Friday, you'll be hard pressed to get your ass so dirty you absolutely -must- have a shower by Sunday afternoon, when it's time to go home again.

Especially since everyone else is doing the same damn thing.

>> No.8372327

>not paying attention to others around you)

This sounds more like an easily applicable rule to get rid of troublesome players.

>> No.8372448

you don't need a rule to get rid of players.

>> No.8372546

Not even joking, they charged money for the alliance rulebook until relatively recently.

>> No.8372685
File: 118 KB, 540x720, 4834716191548cd4e7b9b797dcefb5a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm all about intimidation on the battlefield.
not how you would expect, but it works pretty well.

this is why i have a list of old french insult or swearing that i use a lot

>> No.8372697


We've got multiple showers at camp in various cabins, plus an actual shower cabin. You need to get hygienic/clean, you put on a white headband, go out of game, and get cleaned up. Bathing/bathroom areas are very much OOG.

I totally envied Mythodea though. They have these huge temp facilities set up and OMG HOT CLEAN SHOWERS. It made you feel human again after a long day of running around.

>> No.8372700

>not how you would expect, but it works pretty well.
Sexual innuendo works too

>> No.8372703
File: 79 KB, 736x518, a75a5898d5b1c319b228a39af6c117b4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, i'm bumping this because people need to know.

>> No.8372712


Because if they didn't put it in the rulebook, a helluva lot of nubs wouldn't read it.

It's good and well to get dirty LARPing. When you get stinky fat shits who come in already needing a shower and then pig-sweating so bad the stench actually makes people leave a large room, you start putting things in about cleaning your swampy ass-pit out at events.

Can you tell I've had too many walking stench bombs at events?

>> No.8372718


Generally, they mean in an OOG manner.

Standing there bitching at ninety decibels about how some asshole just hit you in the leg and it shouldn't count in their face is a combat infraction. Shouting a battle cry and whapping someone with your sword isn't.

>> No.8372747

I'm not even an archer and I'll save this.

>> No.8372751

>Generally, they mean in an OOG manner.
Find in the rulebook where it says that.

>> No.8372818

This book is for use in official Alliance games only.
This book is not designed as a stand-alone game system, but only as a supplement for the player in an Alliance-sponsored game.
Use of these rules by purchaser in any unsanctioned game where admission is charged is prohibited.
No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system or transmitted, in whole or in part, by any means
(electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) for the purpose of sale.
Purchase of this book implies acceptance of the above terms. So there.

page 4

>> No.8372865

What does your armor look like?

>> No.8372892

they weren't the only ones with that, but yeah that's a shit tier thing to do

also we are in autosage I will make a new thread shortly

>> No.8372920

and here is the new thread


>> No.8373202


Ah, a RAW type. Considering I've been to Alliance's original chapter (hell, their first game AS Alliance), I can tell you there's plenty of screaming, intimidating (as you can get with a foam sword) and threatening (in-character) in their combats.

On the other hand, the guy who got hit in the nuts and went on a shitfit at the guy who did it (and nut-crushed had literally jumped on the guy's polearm) got pulled and marshal'd.

So yeah.

>> No.8373232

>I can tell you there's plenty of screaming, intimidating (as you can get with a foam sword) and threatening (in-character) in their combats.
I'm aware of that, I play alliance. I just think its pretty damn ridiculous that they needed to write a rule for that and then didn't phrase it in a way to make it clear that its only for out of game behavior.