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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 11 KB, 225x292, desukon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8274556 No.8274556 [Reply] [Original]

So yep, quests of honour have been announced and the con is getting nearer.

Thoughts? Cosplays?

The quests are really pretty bad, I hope this will not become trend. Maybe old leadership was better for con.

Programme is also pretty shit.

Maybe alarming, maybe just mark that the real hobbyists convention (Frosti) will be main event from now on.

>> No.8274721

Anyone else notice that Desucon has guests in a tick - tock -style? They have a big guest, then some no names, then they hit big again.

>> No.8274741

So this means that next Frostbite will have the good guest. And I'm perfectly fine with this.

I'm not even sure if I want to go to summer Desu, and I have the ticket. I'll just wait and see if my friend can get one when they start selling cancelled tickets.

>> No.8274825

Is niidel starting these threads or what? Always with the "new leader ruining everything, wah wah". And
>hurr durr main organizer make the whole convention gais, it's not like workers or other organizers exist

It's frustrating to see this same line of thought both in work and in the con circles, no matter what I do, somebody else will take the credit.

>> No.8274872

My guess is that Frostbite and Desucon are very close to each other, only a little under 4 months apart. 4 months is a very short time to put a great convention together and it requires you to cut corners a bit, but with Frostbite they have over half a year to plan things. It's probably the reason why they moved Frostbite back to January for next year's convention, to buy some time for the summer's event

>> No.8274929

Leader is like driver, others are like engine.
No matter how great a machinery, a shitty driver can drive it to a wall.

>> No.8276700

>The quests are really pretty bad
Completely agreed. They should really get a team for guests instead of just one person with a strong bias towards certain people.

>Programme is also pretty shit
As if the convention itself can somehow change that. Go offer something good yourself.

>> No.8277007

Desucon died when scifi was split off.

>> No.8277115

>It's frustrating to see this same line of thought both in work and in the con circles, no matter what I do, somebody else will take the credit.


>> No.8278837

>>8274825 here, not part of Desucon crew, it's just annoying to see this kind of attitude in a hobby I use to escape these kind of people.

>> No.8279279

>the real hobbyists convention (Frosti) will be main event from now on
I don't get what makes you say that, considering the main guest is a key animator and I don't remember Desucon ever having those as guests. If anything that's for "real hobbyists" and they also make better panels than for example voice actors. Also Frostbite had worse program than this one, too much stuff for fujoshi/girls.

>> No.8279305

but its a no name key animator

>> No.8279833

This. Plebs only care about the voice actors.

>> No.8280864

The reason there is a vocal minority saying that its a shitty program is precisely because the lack of fujoshi/girls programs. Just see the feminist outrage for Frostbite which subsided after they realized that its 75% held by females, and now thats not true anymore...

>> No.8280865

..but people complained about the Frostbite programme too, especially about the fujoshi overflow.

You ain't makin' sense, dog.

>> No.8280868

The main event comes from the R18 factor. Let's face it, it gets out even the closeted hardcore enthusiasts because there ain't
young kids running around.

Those are more or less exchanged with alt lifestylers who go there just because it's the cool place to be.

>> No.8280876

I only recall people complaining about niidel's program and the other stuff got a pass because they were held by females.

>> No.8280940
File: 632 KB, 522x783, uuh aah kuumaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least post some freaking cosplay pictures for god's sake! This is cgl not ylilauta.

>> No.8281009

I wish the cosplayers would return, now these threads are just guys from twitter and ylilauta rubbing their dicks

>> No.8281116
File: 186 KB, 900x1200, Blood Elf - Quirky Cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8281127
File: 262 KB, 1066x1600, Demonityty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8281186 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 705x590, mongol7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8281255 [DELETED] 

Disappointed about the quests and programme too... Kinda regret I bought tickets in advance, I expected the second quest be someone more famous.

>> No.8281304
File: 69 KB, 639x960, Ilona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8281335


>> No.8281346
File: 661 KB, 1200x802, Donte ni warau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8281430
File: 507 KB, 1000x667, mononoke cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8281536

How was popcult?

>> No.8281890
File: 231 KB, 940x940, gasmask-russian-gp5-white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What cosplays you're on at the moment?
Doing Mr. Fosters cosplay. See ya around!

>> No.8283097
File: 89 KB, 625x468, a7f3557bd838e1dd86abd7f56aac86c0fe23d116c55494cb765919d94ffd45ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

calm your fedora there and check your sources again. No program in frostbite "got a pass because they were held by females". Every programs was watched and reviewed by quality of programs, not by genders.

It's 2015, not 1960.

>> No.8283342

Popcult was... Mediocre. Mediocre cosplays mediocre everything.
The cosplay contest was especially mediocre. Nothing really awesome. A bit meh..

I'm not sure if I like the place Kulttuuritalo. I love that it's in Helsinki and easy to go (at least for me). But the place itself is a small maze with small corridors.

>> No.8284145
File: 167 KB, 918x700, Aselea Cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8284433
File: 75 KB, 800x530, lenalee_and_allen_by_yaci_chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8285176

>Those are more or less exchanged with alt lifestylers who go there just because it's the cool place to be.
Sauce? I don't think anyone goes to Desucon for ''cool'' factor. What the hell.


>> No.8286023
File: 862 KB, 1000x609, majocosplay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8286062
File: 399 KB, 1280x914, otoyomegatari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8286079
File: 824 KB, 800x1200, free cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8286145
File: 89 KB, 1000x667, last story cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8286199
File: 65 KB, 434x740, neko no ongaeshi cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8286235
File: 548 KB, 1242x1920, dangan ronpa cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8286579
File: 604 KB, 667x1000, kagome cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8286676

Thank you for reposting every cosplay picture in every Finland thread ever.

>> No.8287868

It's been many threads since the last cosplay pictures, so I don't really mind (and some of these are new, anyways). But do post some new faces/pics if you want, it'd be nice to see some lesser known Finns.

>> No.8288134

Oh shit this is great, who's this?

>> No.8288166

She was in the last year's Desucon Hall Cosplay top 3. Can't remember if she won or not.
She even has a blog but yet again memory goes poop.

>> No.8288287

its puncos is blogspot

>> No.8288618
File: 131 KB, 636x960, Riddler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want new 4chan-virgin pics? Here you go.

>> No.8288625

Best way to keep the cosplayers coming is to ignore the dickrubbers and post more relevant content in order to cultivate discussion about cosplay.

>> No.8288667

How expensive can you make this?


>> No.8288680

'Muu suomalainen taide'


>> No.8288695
File: 105 KB, 283x302, 1363060772932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8288699

Drama never fails to bring them here. Anyone got something to share?

>> No.8288957

How is this cgl related?

>> No.8289714

Damn, finally a PunPun program and i'm going to miss it due to work :/

>> No.8290491

Good that most of the Desucon program is filmed so it's not that fatal if you miss something interesting. Seriously I don't get why other cons still aren't doing this.

>> No.8293751

What is the most cosplayed thing in Finland by right now? And what is most popular series to cosplay from?

>> No.8293766

my little pony

>> No.8295969

Does anyone know about the winners of the cosplay competitions at Popcult? I can't seem to find info about the results from anywhere.

This also seems to be a regular problem with competitions in Finland. How hard can it be to update a facebook page or something? Every time I miss a convention the competition's results are nowhere to be found. Why can't they be updated to somewhere easy to find?

>> No.8296128

This. It's like WCS is the only one that gets the winners announced and the only competition that matters anyway since the Finland thread is filled with WCS bitching and discussion no matter what time of the year it is. Conventions should have a page or something to announce the winners.

>> No.8299762

Probably sports anime, idol shows and random western shows and movies. League of Legends too?

>> No.8300745

Looks like the guy got over 400 euros from it. Good job.

>> No.8302117

It's not a guy, it's MAI, one of the original wannabe-imoutos of the scene that every adult man slobbered over when she was 15. Then she hit 18 and wasn't a kawaii loli anymore.

>> No.8302330

Neesan MAI is cuter anyway

>> No.8302437

Just curious, who would you think are the most famous imoutos right now?

>> No.8302451


>> No.8302456

Only for _9axel5 and she's hundred years older than MAI

>> No.8302485

Does she ever wash her hair?

>> No.8302708

Huh, didn't think anyone felt that negatively about her since she always seems so nice and polite.

The more you know, I guess.

>> No.8302723

A question doesn't mean that they necessarily feel negatively about her. >>8302485 should consider this: maybe she can't do anything about her hair.

>> No.8302766

now we're talking about twitter fedoras' favourite girls? these threads turned to shit after the cosplayers left

>> No.8302782


>> No.8302816

How is MAI even that popular? She seems like the most basic kawaii ugu scene person

>> No.8303000

She was a fairly attractive 15-year old girl who liked erotic dating sims, acting like a generic imouto and drew traced animu art of half-naked girls. Of course she was going to be admired by all the neckbeards in their late 20's. She caused some drama back then because her followers couldn't stop kissing her ass on an irc channel.

>> No.8303030

Didn't know of her when she WAS 15 but I suppose the attractiveness has faded since then since she does look basic as fuck to me.

>> No.8303549

She posts cute pics sure but nothing else in her screams "kawaii uguu" to me.

>> No.8304687


>> No.8304711

I got a lot of criticism for telling that I'm making an AMV for desucon. Why am I a ''retard''?

>> No.8304905

She was always basic as fuck but decent looking = attractive in these circles.

>> No.8304954

Mind you, not EVERYONE. I never cared too much about her personally, she's a pretty face but she can be pretty rude at times.

>> No.8305086

Everyone is rude sometimes. Only if it's permanent I would make number of it.

>> No.8305116

Could someone please explain what this Cosplayn SM bullshit is? It sounds so stupid.

>> No.8305120

It's just normal cosplay contest except you need to send a portfolio in summer and then the judges will pick the finalists based on them. And there's age restriction(18 years old).

>> No.8305202

Pretty sure they're going to send the winner to some international contest (that's why you have to be 18), but they haven't said anything about it yet officially.

>> No.8305304

Sounds like the world's most unnecessary thing. Looking at who's behind the whole thing, I'm not expecting much.

>> No.8305311

Why? It sounds like fun. Stop being so Finnish.

>> No.8305332
File: 5 KB, 268x188, clap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>makes an amv to desucon
>asks why he is a retard
plebs everywhere

>> No.8305351 [DELETED] 

I wonder why this person doesn't cosplay

>> No.8305436
File: 91 KB, 488x516, 1430353394680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People organizing something I don't enjoy? Hmmph, so stupid waaah

Pic related, it's you.

>> No.8305471

I smell Cosplayn SM organizer in this reply.

>> No.8305481

Of course, last time they were stalking the thread and whining on twitter how everyone's such an idiot for not appreciating their amazing idea.

>> No.8305488

I'm with >>8305311 , why does every new and fun addition to Finnish cosplay (and con) scene always get shat on from the beginning?

>> No.8305492

Ooh, pics? Deeds?

>> No.8305493


>> No.8305499

Because instead of making actual interesting things properly that also cater to a wider audience they're making stupid, unnecessary things they don't market well enough and then whine when people aren't interested.

>> No.8305500

Because that's how Finns are. Bitter and whiny.

>> No.8305501

Ah, right, how could I forget.

>> No.8305507

Interesting things like what? And properly? And isn't cosplay involved in almost every goddamn popculture event and con in Finland? I'm seriously interested why do you have so much salt against this event, granted they could advertise themselves more.

>> No.8305511

>whining about what con scene has to offer
>not contributing themselves

>> No.8305514

I admit I had my prejudices against Popcult because it sounded like tumblrcon. In the end it was better than expected, not extremely good or anything but pretty good start for new event and definitely not Fanfest level disaster. But I'm not exactly its target audience so I think that was my last one.

>> No.8305516

No screencaps, but they were constantly tweeting about the discussion in /cgl/ and being all "lol I'm so not mad" when they were obviously butthurt over people not being impressed by the whole idea of the SM contest. And it seems like the people in question are posting in this thread right now so maybe they can tell you more.

>> No.8305518

I think so too, it had some great programmes but ultimately it was a hangout con.

>> No.8305526

If you mean me >>8305499 I'm no organizer, I just liked cosvision a lot.

>> No.8305536

IAWTC. We already have enough competitions.

>> No.8305578

Nah, just someone who likes to make fun of Finns and our "thing X is gonna suck anyway, I'll trashtalk it in advance"-mentality. I don't have much to say about Cosvision, aside from their puny marketing (they seem to be getting better at it, though, or maybe it's just my wishful thinking), but I love seeing bigger competitions so I'm hoping for the best. Portfolios tend to be kinda dangerous, though, the participation could be minimal.

>> No.8305649

On its own cosplay SM seems boring but if they actually have some bigger competition where to send the winner(s) it could be cool. I have my fingers crossed for European Cosplay Gathering since no one outside of Finland seems to think much of EuroCosplay nowadays.

>> No.8305651

I don't think ECS was ever very popular, there was the few years when the competition was very good but usually it's been very average.

>> No.8307326

So who are taking part in EuroCosplay anyway? The worst case scenario is that we'll end up sending some no-talent to the finals because none of the actual good cosplayers are taking part in it anymore.

>> No.8307901

Who are left of the good ones? I doubt that Yumi or Jesmo are participating since they have all the WCS stuff to deal with.

>> No.8307961

Who knows, there are always those lesser-known names who surprise everyone (positively), but they mostly participate at normal competitions. Sad, really. I guess the performance part also pushes people away, it's one thing to make an amazing costume and the other to make an interesting performance with it.

>> No.8308135

Even the grade of the last year's preliminaries was so bad. And people think we need more big competitions when we can barely keep up some quality with the ones we have already?

>> No.8308396
File: 94 KB, 1039x707, pahan valtakunnan ylipappi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8308400

It's like something you'd see at the club DTM

>> No.8309282

That's from Rölli.

>> No.8309527

why is there always so much cringe when I open scp?

>> No.8309763

It's seriously amazing how it seems to attract all the severely autistic people of the scene.

>> No.8313958
File: 107 KB, 496x490, suomencosplaypiiri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's only a month to Desucon and at scp it looks like con will be full of western cosplay stuff, just why?

>> No.8314072

>only a month to Desucon
Holy fuck you're right. I haven't even started my costume yet.

Oh well, maybe I just go without one

>> No.8314485

>Tuttiritari tho

>> No.8316393
File: 84 KB, 579x800, rusinante rasahtaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8316426

I feel like Finnish guys never cosplay from anime. If they cosplay from something Japanese it's a game. Those who actually watch anime just don't cosplay.

>> No.8316433
File: 3.63 MB, 2400x3000, KYU_8086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, Finnish cosplay scene is starting to get scarily Americanized with flower crowns and weird/edgy OC versions of characters. Curse you, tumblr.

>> No.8316597

are there any old school cosplayers left?? I'd love to see more people who cosplay from eastern sources and no stupid fandom versions

>> No.8316633

The next level is cosplaying social media "celebrities". I saw someone planning a cosplay of Sini(Papananaama, the vlogger) for Desucon.

>> No.8316681

Sure, but we are all old and ugly these days.

>> No.8316712

Is the right one a guy?

>> No.8317773

cosplay your mum

>> No.8318457

The next logical step after that is the inevitable cosplay of Elffi.

>> No.8320213

>tfw managed to find most, if not all things I need for a cosplay

Feels fucking great. Maybe I'll cosplay at Desucon after all

>> No.8321173

Is there going to be any dramus in desucon this year?

>> No.8321186

Ain't "worst Desucon ever" enough drama?

>> No.8321288

Is Hitsuwa going to take part in Eurocosplay?

... why?

>> No.8321316

this anon was right >>8307326

>> No.8323639


So I just noticed this. It seems that they realized that the Q&A in Frostbite was terrible.

>> No.8323678

Some Finnish thread said that a lot of female cosplayers of Finland are lesbians. Does it actually hold water? I haven't met them at all myself.

>> No.8323708

In my experience that's true, or at least most of them are bi.

>> No.8323722

Most of the female cosplayers over 20 I know of have boyfriends/are straight. Maybe I just don't know that many of them.

>> No.8323829

Lesbian/bi til they hit 20 or so. Then some may or may not grow out of it.

>> No.8323891
File: 12 KB, 593x131, narcis - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can one person love himself so much?

>> No.8323953

"Then some may or may not grow out of it."
Go back to ylilauta already.

>> No.8323959
File: 50 KB, 410x730, hyi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't blame them, if you have ever seen any finnish man who is anime nerd/gamer/brony/etc.

>> No.8323963

What are you talking about? It's completely normal for young girls to go through that kind of phase. It especially happens with those who are into boys love, which is most teen girls who like anime. I'm not saying all of them decide to become straight when they grow up but it does happen, because you can't keep up a working relationship just based on your favorite yaoi pairing.

>> No.8323999

Fucking this. Finnish male convention goers are disgusting, greasy pigs.

>> No.8325748

>Finnish convention goers are disgusting, greasy pigs.


>> No.8325771

I hope they made Rusinante too!

>> No.8327147

>tfw you're a cosplaying girl and want a cosplayer girlfriend so badly but have no idea how to identify someone who likes girls and is willing to go in a committed relationship

>> No.8327153

Please refer to

>> No.8327192

That's why we got tsundr.

>> No.8327209

People never reveal their orientation on tsundr.

>> No.8328525

My friend just fucking bailed out and isn't coming to Desucon.

Fucking great. Part of me feels like doing tsundr-profile to see if I can get at least some company, which I doubt.

>> No.8328537


Are you male or female?

>> No.8328545


But I'll figure out something.

>> No.8328552

that wrinkly forehead and ass

>> No.8328578


Mmmm... I'll be mostly alone during Desucon since I really dont have any friends going there. I might just wander around aimlessly and take photos of random cosplayers. Would be nice to be with someone outgoing who knows the scene well.

>> No.8328608
File: 67 KB, 624x557, clip+(2015-05-15+at+02.13.34).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has there been any news on Desucon afterparty? It's only expensive booze and all, but it's still part of the experience. A shitty one but still.

>> No.8328614

>who knows the scene well

>> No.8328616


Because I know nothing about the con scene nor do I know how cosplayers do their shit or anyone that can talk to me about it. I am a noob to this shit.

>> No.8328626

If you want to know, you could just join some of the IRC channels.

>> No.8328662


What IRC channels?

>> No.8328665

There's at least #kazoku at QuakeNet.

>> No.8328688

Just ask them.

>> No.8329634

Here is something new about Kosucon.

>> No.8332036

>Reading the Desucon thread @ Ylilauta
>Beta guys actually sharing their pitiful pick up moves to score imaginary con pussy
>Are men really this fucking retarded

>> No.8332044
File: 74 KB, 567x452, 1355368259802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's your problem.

>> No.8333193

Ylilauta thinks /cgl/ is full of retards and we think Ylilauta is full of retards.

It's a no-win situation

>> No.8333222


How do you input the date of birth in Tsundr? I've been trying to go past the create profile stage but there's always an error message regarding the date of birth. I have tried different combinations. Can people give me a sample format for the D.O.B thing?


>> No.8333232


>> No.8333234


Thanks!!! Worked like a charm.

>> No.8333272

Just shut the fuck up and drink some BOOZE and all your con-worries are gone

>> No.8333361

How hard is it to find parking spot near Sibelius-talo? Do I have to be there as early as possible and pray?

Usually I'll just take a train there and haven't paid any attention to car parks.

>> No.8333385

They fill up pretty fast, but that's not the only problem: people can't park for shit. There are parking guides at least for some time, but there are always cars that take almost two spaces or are parked in front of the exits of the parking lot. Or that's how it used to be a couple years back, I have mostly traveled by trains or buses for some time so I wouldn't know how it goes now.

>> No.8333497
File: 38 KB, 1180x676, desucon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8333538

Go back to ylilauta.

>> No.8333964

They're impossible to find after around 10. All the normies will be gathering up there along with con visitors so finding a parking spot is terrible. I suggest arriving before 9.

>> No.8335987

So Saaraz is almost done with her ECC-costume...

This year it's seems that only Saaraz is telling that she is going to participate in ECC. Any others? Hitsuwa was also going there?

>> No.8336009

I'm praying to the cosplay god that at least some decent cosplayer would be participating so we won't end up sending someone like Saaraz to the finals.

>> No.8336019

I read that Tikli from Asagi+Tikli was planning to go ECC...

But on other hand, ECC is kind a shitty competition so no wonders if no-one wants to participate there.

>> No.8336029

Thank heavens, I don't know what happened to the quality of the contest since just a few years ago it used to be great. All the good cosplayers disappeared from it.

>> No.8336137

The final is poorly organized and always late, the stage is shit, the tech usually fails at least once, and the final scores are always a serious case of "wtf is this shit". No wonder people don't want to go.

>> No.8336676

Someone random taking part in ECC: http://ite-tein.blogspot.fi/2015/05/tanaan-sain-aikaiseksi.html

>> No.8336739

Seems like she's been cosplaying since 2007. I like her self-made stuff.

>> No.8336750

I really hope it wasn't her real wedding dress in there. Though I just skimmed the blog.

>> No.8336756

The baby blue one, yes. I think it's cute, not everyone wants super fancy wedding with traditional dress.

>> No.8336988

Agreed. The finals are corrupt like hell, the UK convention is awful and it doesn't seem to be worth all the fuss. WCS at least grants you a free trip to Japan with a friend and NCC is a lot closer and you get a team to go with.

>> No.8337132
File: 129 KB, 421x421, ecg_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really do hope that Finland will be a part of ECG! It's much more better than ECC and also the level of cosplay and performances are much more higher than in ECC.

>> No.8338353

ECG would be so amazing. But I've understood that Desucon sort of has it "reserved" (p. sure there was something about it in a blog post late last year), which is kinda weird because they already have ECC and grabbing ECG as well would mean they'd have to allow Western characters in all their cosplay shows. I'd rather see ECG go to an event that's not so strictly "anime only".

>> No.8338466

Ummm you are aware that they allow western characters in their EC preliminaries right? They changed the rules years ago.

>> No.8338513

Ofc. I just mean that it's weird that an event that's so hell bent on being anime only has to bend their rules for the cosplay show. It always seemed like everyone but the cosplay organizers were reluctant to do that.

>> No.8338539

Finland wouldn't have a chance in ECG. I think we have enough international competitions already when even ECC has trouble finding decent competitors.

>> No.8338825

Sad but true.

>> No.8339134

But we've had amazing contestants like Päivi, Majo, Maija, our current wcs-pair etc. And Finland won NCC-finals and Maija got a judges award in ECC. I don't see why we wouldn't have a change in ECG. There is always some hidden talent somewhere and I think that Finland would actually stood a change in ECG. And there would be a much more contestants in ECG-qualifiers because final itself is MUCH more better than ECC, WCS OR NCC.

>> No.8339283

We've seen Päivi, Majo and Maija over and over again and there's only so much one person can achieve. Do you really want to watch competitions where you know who's going to win even before the show has started? I'd rather have one or two good, quality contests where the tension stays right up until the judge's results are announced than many where you already know the winner the moment you hear they're going to participate.

I wish we had more good cosplayers step up and bring in some diversity, but competing isn't everyone's cup of tea and you can't force anyone to compete.

>> No.8343401


Evening party. Lounge on Friday like on Frostbite and normal thing on Saturday.

Also I am panicking. I still need some things for my costume, and haven't even started it yet because I can't pick up the parcel that has important things before tomorrow evening

>> No.8343478

How are the parties usually? I'm talking about Saturday's party. Worth going if I don't really like dancing, especially to dubstep?

>> No.8343496

Bullshit lines, expensive booze and loud music.

Like your average bar but with anime-themed music every now and then

>> No.8343835

If you've paid for the thing and wouldn't go to sleep that early, I'd suggest you to go. It doesn't hurt. If you hate sitting in a bar then maybe it's not a place for you.

>> No.8345416

With Desucon, it doesn't really matter. It's free after all. Go if you feel like it.

And then there's Tracon with entry fee.

>> No.8345451

I liked of friday's Desulounge.

>> No.8347012
File: 111 KB, 978x764, FB_IMG_1432367428717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly don't know how I should feel about this...

Maybe it's comic sans what bothers me most...?

>> No.8347086

This burns my eyes.

>> No.8347122

Minorea and the twins... this can only end up badly.

>> No.8347536

So SaaraZ, Hitsuwa and Marlec ia going to go ECC. That's like a holy trio there.

>> No.8347737

Marlec, huh. I remember her complaining about not winning some contest because "the judges hate her" but honey, your costumes are not winning material.

>> No.8353283

Wake up Finland! Desucon is coming and this thread is dying? Give me a break.

>> No.8353291

Hush, you. I would be working with my costume this very moment but I am mad about glue.

The one I had ran out, the store didn't have the same one and the one I ended up getting FUCKING SUCKS GOD FUCK ASS. It doesn't even stick on my stuff, and when it does, it leaves this ass-ugly yellow residue all over.

>> No.8355469

Everyone is too busy with their costumes to gossip. Myself included.

>> No.8355665

what glues are you talking about?

>> No.8355861
File: 98 KB, 600x400, clip+(2015-05-26+at+08.21.15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had the one on the left. It was pretty good, it stuck on pretty much everywhere I needed. Only problem is that they only sell at Motonet and some other places, none of which are in my town. The one on the right is the terrible one.

Oh well, I have to go to neighboring town one of these days anyway so I'll pick that up on the way.

>> No.8355862

>being a böndeshit

>> No.8355879

You bet your ass. I live in this small piece of shit city next to Russian border.

But it's not a bad place.

>> No.8355897

>it leaves this ass-ugly yellow residue all over.
knew it. I have also used the one on the right and it does this

>> No.8356030

That casco stuff requires a bit of skill to use. One slip and you got ugly yellow residue that you'll never get rid of. Been there, done that. You need to put only a little bit of it on the each side you are gluing, leave them be for a moment and then stick them together. It's written on the package and after I realized this, it worked.

>> No.8356425

There's not enough drama here.

Who are the worst current Desucon organizers?

>> No.8356485
File: 84 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_2015-05-27-01-05-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whiny teens? Yup, that's Desucon all right

>> No.8357716

That's the best you can do? Nobody gives a shit about con organizers. I'd rather talk about the upcoming ECS candidates since it seems like the contest will be shit this year. Yet again. Why is it that ECS seems to go downhill every year? Is it truly because everyone knows the finals are corrupt and badly organized?

>> No.8357754

I'm really waiting for the day that Desucon will also be R18 because of these whiny bastards.

>> No.8357766

Probably won't take long since Frostbite sold out this year. The audience is getting older and most people stay in the demographics despite gaining on years so the crowd over 18 is growing each year.

>> No.8358882

Making summer Desucon R18 is definitely an interest of many organizers in there.

>> No.8358931

I would be fine either way. I still think that Frostbite this year was one of the best Finnish cons I've ever been to, but the kids running around also doesn't bother me that much.

But the backlash would be gigantic among the underaged if summer Desucon would be R18. But if the organizers consider Frostbite success, there's really no reason not to try it with summer one as well

>> No.8358969

Everyone loses interest to ECC when they see the finals on stream or reads representative blogposts about ECC. And now when we have NCC everyone wants to try their luck on there.>>8357754

>> No.8359354

Well, it's only online drama and I think Desucon, in a way, enjoys to getsome. Those kids will probably attend Desucon when they turn 18. There are plenty of other cons that are happy to have younger audiences' attention when Desucon simply isn't an option for them anymore.

>> No.8360238

I'm not sure if I'd like summer Desucon to go R18 too because I really don't think it's a good idea to create such huge gaps between generations in this scene. While it wouldn't change anything in my case, personally I don't like it when people who consider themselves adults seem so spiteful towards kids and teens and it's almost like they're happy when younger people are facing unpleasant experiences. Why would you be so surprised when teens feel more and more like all adults are against you when some people actually are like that.

>> No.8360239

tbh I'm more interested in NCC than ECC and seeing how so many are applying for NCC instead of ECC I'm not alone.

>> No.8360245

>see finals on stream
If the streaming even works. The finals are so badly organized nobody wants to suffer through it.

>> No.8360265

Also lot of people who are like that aren't exactly part of Desucon's target audience either. I'm not going to say any names but if you're "just a cosplayer" who doesn't even watch anime then you aren't any bigger part of Desucon's target audience than some kids. The reason Frostbite went R18 wasn't because underage people are annoying, it was because the organizers thought adults are more serious about anime as their hobby or that's what I hope at least.

>> No.8360507

>implying that adults watch more anime than younglings and take it seriously.


>> No.8360699

That's exactly how it is though. If you watch anime as an adult you've already gone past the stupid "I grew out of anime" stage and can take it seriously as a hobby instead of being a retard weeaboo.

>> No.8360848

Frostbite became K18 because they had to figure out a way to make the tickets sell at a slower pace. Age limit is just the easiest way to do that. Anything else people might say is just bs reasons.

>> No.8363524

Only a week to go, are you ready?

>> No.8363860

I never saw any implicit reference to the 18+ rating being a mean to slow down sales.

More along the lines of "18+ visitors go to lectures and thus we want to cater more for them". That seemed to be the original public reason.

Source: https://desucon.fi/blogi/2013/08/katko-huhuilta-siivet-frostbite-2014-edition/

>> No.8364996

Not yet really, but I know I will be in this weekend.

>> No.8365699

I'm technically done, but I still need to do some small things, such as wipe the glue stains off.

>> No.8365735

What happened to that League of Legends Cosplay group on Facebook? It got disappeared overnight a few days ago, did the admins get buttmad like in SCH and deleted everything?

>> No.8366148

Oh yeah that reminds me: it seams that admins from SCP got mad of twitter account @VainSCPjutut. I kind a understand why they don't like it but man, it doesn't hurt anyone.

>> No.8366991

Source? Did they whine about in scp or...?

>> No.8367144

Really? I thought it WAS the admins who made that account because they're often so catty towards the whole group.

>> No.8367147

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12ar35o5mCg&feature=youtu.be What did you think about this? Personally I think since she hasn't been following the scene for years so she doesn't know what she's talking about.

>> No.8367157

i'm interested in visiting and/or studying in finland some time in the future, what's the con scene like? reading this thread it just seems like typical con drama and lolcows. what's the average congoer like? dirty american here if that gives you something to go on

>> No.8367161

Pretty boring, not nearly as much drama as the US con scene has. Only a couple of lolcows that get boring fast, cosplay level is average. Crazies don't exist. That's why the Finland threads always have a very slow reply pace because there is no drama.

>> No.8367164

Not much of good cosplays or ones which makes you go "wow!". 2-3 max per 2000 congoers...
I think Finland loves the motto "You can cosplay anyone as long as you're having fun". That's why the quality is pretty horrifying.

>> No.8367171

sounds pretty refreshing, actually. as much as I enjoy watching the drama (I think it's something in american blood. reality tv shows and all that) it gets quite off-putting.
oh yeah, are moomin cosplays frequently done/overplayed there? I really enjoy moomin and have been meaning to put a little my cosplay together but it's mostly been on the backburner cause I don't think too many people know moomin here, or at the conventions in my area. I guess I just don't wanna go to a con and have people be like "oh great, another one."

hmm, okay. maybe I'll try to be an overachiever and put together something nice if I end up in finland during con time.

>> No.8367181

You can find moomin cosplays at almost every convention, there's always 1-3 of them. tbh drama is what keeps a scene evolving, Finland is such a big hugbox so we don't advance at all because you're not allowed to hurt anyone's feelings.

>> No.8367195

I'm wondering how the hell do kids that don't understand english watch anime. I know many people who cosplay and go to cons who aren't good with english.. How do they understand whats going on in an anime if they don't even understand english subs?

>> No.8367197

They'll probably just read whatever Sangatsu or some other publisher farts out.

>> No.8367206

Most Finnish kids understand written English well enough to read the subtitles.

>> No.8367242

If you're planning on getting a bachelors here, you can't. Just to tell you right away. Masters is possible, but the procedures are still very strict.

>> No.8367323

There's plenty of translated manga these days. But back when I started watching anime I didn't really understand English that well either but I just kept watching subs til I got better.

>> No.8367339

nope, just a short study abroad or vacation.

>> No.8367595

I can't wait for Kotipizza to be crowded as fuck during Saturday.

Any other fast-food places near Sibeliustalo? I know of one grill that's not too far and then there's S-market as well.

>> No.8367614

Not really. I really recommend going to Lastu though. They always have 5/5 food, even if it's a bit on the pricey side. And you get an actual meal, not junk food.

>> No.8367622

I think I know which grill you're talking about, if you can bother walking Vesijärvenkatu a bit further from there(towards the city center) there's a pizza-kebab place. But I also recommend Lastu, I usually eat big breakfast, then Lastu's lunch around 14:00 and then something at hotel when I go back. Might snack something before that too.

>> No.8367656

Just walk to the centrum, it's not that long of a walk. Plenty of restaurants over there.

>> No.8367661

Can't you eat on Sibeliustalo? Lastu's food is pretty good.

>> No.8367810

I went to check the Ylilauta-thread for whatever reason and they were talking about getting laid.

I truly regret doing that.

>> No.8367866

The conipillu thing is a joke. Everybody knows you're not going to get laid at conventions, that's why they bait people with it.

>> No.8367886

Oh, that's easy then, lots of people do it!

>> No.8368123

No it's not them. That account had made clear that it doesn't have any conection with SCP admins.
Also one of the SCP admins, this new one idk her name that one who is starting all these new topics there, had stated that she don't like @VainSCPjutut.

>> No.8368278

Lol what the heck? Thanks for the info, I didn't noticed at all that the group disappeared. Lol. I don't know what's behind it.

>> No.8368524

The focus is heavily on lectures as opposed to American cons where they seem to release the schedule just a bit before the con and even then it's full of industry garbage.

>> No.8369376
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>going to Ylilauta in the first place

Anyone excited for Desucon yet?

>> No.8369402

so stressed out im shitting my pants already

>> No.8369442

Excited as balls, yes.

And yet I should ask my mom or grandma if they can borrow me car for the weekend. It's only 2 hours of driving, and I ain't paying VR's jew prices.

>> No.8370070

there's always OnniBus

>> No.8370084

Only way for me to get to Lahti from here with Onnibus is via Helsinki and that's even more bullshit than with a train

>> No.8370094
File: 37 KB, 267x400, 1428023240560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>living in Lahti
there's a reason almost nothing goes there, it's a shithole full of refugees and poor people

>> No.8370098


>> No.8370311


>> No.8370352

>Refugees in Lahti

>> No.8370867

Two days to finish the script for my presentation. I'm not even nervous, heh, no way. Nah-uh. Oh fuck me.

>> No.8371650

Which presentation?

>> No.8372391 [DELETED] 

Death Parade. Me and my buddy have all the concepts in our heads, we just need to find the right phrasings and print out some guidelines. The most difficult part (for me) is to polish and condense all the thoughts into a working whole. Will have the thing under wraps tonight though, still stressed.

>> No.8372450

Why do you ask?

>> No.8372562

So I can come and see your amazing presentation, of course!

>> No.8372722

Somehow that just sounds real fishy. Maybe you'll come to it, maybe you wont. All is good though. I'm well on my way to polishing my text and presentation, and compacting the text to a good packaging.

>> No.8374581

why am I not surprised that one of the guests of desucon cancelled

>> No.8374624

What do you mean? This is the first time this is happening.

>> No.8374656
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>almost 60 euros for back and forth ticket between Helsinki-Lahti for 3 days.
>with a student card
You weren't kidding when you said VR was being a goddamn master jew, homy fuck. Going to check those Onnibuss prices if I can get ticket for affordable price, otherwise I might have to sell my Desucon ticket.

>> No.8374687


Which guest? The ugly Korean cosplayer?

>> No.8374689


>> No.8374696


Ahhhh... Such a shame then. I thought it was that no name Korean Cosplayer

>> No.8374698
File: 41 KB, 600x450, CE0XLYRVEAAqJ-U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Korean cosplayer is on the right. I'm looking through her other cosplays, too and I am unhappy. She's so mediocre I'm almost crying and she's holding a workshop on Friday, too.

>> No.8374701
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>> No.8374711

Check Matkahuolto too. They sometimes have some pretty good online sales.

>> No.8374721

Yeah. Thanks for the tip.

>> No.8374727

Wait, back and forth for 3 days? Why the hell didn't you get a hotel room if you need to go back to Helsinki for housing?

>> No.8374729

What do you mean "too"? She doesn't have any other programming. It's not a workshop either. Also, she's not a guest of honor like you people seem to think. Just a foreign person doing a lecture.

>> No.8374732

Not that Anon but

>Hakuehdoilla ei löydy tuloksia

Sucks living in a middle of nowhere.

>> No.8374743

The cheapest option (Omenahotelli) was full when I checked it on the day Desucon tickets went to sale. When I went to Frostbite this year, the train tickets were around 25 in total for 3 days, but now they are a bit too pricey for me.

>> No.8374777

Why not go only on saturday and sunday then? It'll be only around 32 euros in total if you use the Z train.

>> No.8374783
File: 5 KB, 175x546, ss+(2015-06-03+at+01.45.15).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's even more reasons to skip Friday now.

>> No.8374784

>caring about things in the main hall

>> No.8374796

Good idea. I have to check if there was anything I wanted to see in Friday, probably not.

>> No.8374946

The flea market is full. Good thing I managed to register some things there.

>> No.8375573

>Cosplay: Done
>Sleeping place: Done
>Car for the trip: Almost done
>Wallet: Empty

Well. This is gonna be interesting.

>> No.8375674
File: 83 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_2015-06-03-22-44-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh thank God.

>> No.8375818

That's kind of absurd. I know nothing about that guy/group but I do know they're doing some kind of let's play videos. Why would you even ask that from Desucon? Well if I remember right Yukicon DID have the as guests though.

>> No.8375854

As if there was ever a shadow of a doubt.

>> No.8375971
File: 419 KB, 877x632, 12323435678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know. Some fans are just really young and stupid. And you know, they are not kinda smart. Like, not at all as you can see. Sigh.

>> No.8378202
File: 79 KB, 1280x1024, Jackie-Chan-WTF-meme-face-70958233396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Desucon is in less than 12 hours. How are you guys holding up?

>> No.8378206

I'll be skipping Friday, so I'm not panicking just yet.

But I'm not entirely sure on what train I'll take, but I'll be there sometime on Saturday morning

>> No.8378294

>less than 12 hours

That's an interesting way to count.

Still. Against all odds, it seems that the weather will actually be somewhat decent. Which is gonna be painful. My costume is gonna be like a fucking sauna.

>> No.8379929

So what are you gyys doing in Desucon today?

>> No.8380298

Anyone at the con already? What is there to eat at Lastu?

>> No.8380686

I should be sleeping right now. I have to get up at 6 so I won't miss my train but I don't wanna.

God I'm gonna fall asleep at the con or something

>> No.8380691


force it

>> No.8381952

>the train I was supposed to take has been cancelled

FUCK. I'm gonna take the next and whine and moan there.

>> No.8383224

Any pictures from desucon?

>> No.8383248
File: 622 KB, 1600x1200, 20150606_163440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have few (less than ten) and I'm not gonna post those right now. Maybe tomorrow evening once I'm home

>> No.8384722


T'was fast. Also we need new thread

>> No.8384885

Yeah, but not for a while. Or I dunno if anyone is going to Animecon in July.
But I'm excited about the guest of honor because of his work in Princess Jellyfish and Hell Girl.