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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8367951 No.8367951 [Reply] [Original]

Post your roommate nightmares here!

>> No.8368006

Never share with insomniacs. Middle of the goddam night they pulled their phones out and started giggling.

Also "I don't need to shower. I don't sweat."

>> No.8368017

>attend con with uni mates
>one reveals her hidden inner craziness
>tries to micromanage everyone's con experience
>like fucking pencilling in where people will or should be on the programming grid in the convention booklet and then trying to hold them to it
>opens curtains each morning and literally yells, "Rise and shine!" around 6 or 7 am
>scolds us for "unsafe" or "irresponsible" behavior
>i.e., walking the con without a buddy, not being where we (actually she) "planned" to be, having a drink at the hotel bar, buying figures or artwork (???)
>before con, insisted on taking people's money to buy food for weekend, with a promise to make "real meals" out of it
>brings bags of fucking wilting vegetables in an iceless cooler and tries to get people to have "salad"
>soggy browning iceberg lettuce, shredded carrots, little to no nutrutional value
>nothing to eat "salads" out of
>she didn't want to create trash for the maids to clean up by using disposable bowls
>we use the styrofoam coffee cups provided by hotel instead
>shit's gross and unfulfilling, rely on convention center/hotel food after the first "salad"
>she chats up literally every guy who pays her attention, encouraging him to tag along with group no matter how annoying or inconvenient
>complains about having to be nice to people who are "weird"
>won't stop inviting randoms with us to events and panels
>eventually I grow a spine, tell her off on Saturday for being a control freak and making everyone miserable
>her reply: "I travel a lot, you should be grateful I'm helping you get the most out of this trip!"
>ignore her Sunday
>escort her from room @ 6:30when she tries to get sleeping people to wake up
>can't avoid her at checkout time, she takes forever packing and makes us late to turn keys in
>sends group text after everyone's home: "Let's room together again next year!"
>someone else replies-all: "No thanks, I'd rather have fun next time."
>never hang out with her again

>> No.8368027

Mfw I would have ignored her and have done my own shit lol.

>> No.8368044

>First time staying at con for full weekend
>Share room with BF, BF's friend 'Dude', my friend who is also female.
>All traveling together because Dude who is 21 isn't capable of traveling alone.
>Get to hotel, check in,day 1 of con fine.
>Day 2, I've got an Sexy amour costume back in 2012 before they were everywhere. He's wearing a Gintama costume he brought online. It's awful. He's 300 pounds and needs to shave.
>Saturday he follows me and BF around for a bit. I'm getting asked for photos constantly, he's getting butthurt because not a single person takes a picture of him. Storms off and finds his GF.
>Me and BF head back to room. Text dude telling him. No reply.
>Get to room, find him sat outside room with pizza box saying he called us, wanting to get back into the room ages ago.
>No missed calls, my friend is in room. He didn't even try knocking.
>Day 3. He's (of course) wearing Fin from AT. Hairy ass dude, shaves his legs and visible skin in the bath. Is first one in bathroom in the morning.
>Didn't clean up all the disgusting hair he left everywhere. Took an hour of us yelling at him to make him clean up.
>Sulks all day because no one takes his picture and me and BF are in a good couple cosplay and are A* adorable.
>Traveling home Sunday night, our train was late, we missed the connection. No biggy, we're adult we can deal.
>Dude goes into meltdown about being stranded in middle of nowhere all night. Even though we're only a few city's over.
>Me and Friend figure way home for all 4.
>We get the same train, just the 3 of us get off 2 stops early, to go back to my parents house and not my BF's, as that would take another hour and it's 1am.
>Dude freaks out. Doesn't understand the concept of a train. His stop is the last stop on the line. Panics about missing his stop.
>Ends up getting off at our station and paying $50 for a taxi to his city. Then missed the last bus from the city to home because the taxi was slow.

>> No.8368080

>He's 300 pounds and needs to shave
>Storms off and finds his GF

How did he get a GF if he's an insecure 300 pounder?

>> No.8368081

>room with girl in the same program as me, generally nice but way more weeby/in her early 20s and hasn't outgrown the running around/squeeing/glomping phase
>mild personal hygiene issues
>she and her friends are getting their cosplays ready
>"oh wait I gotta cut this wig, can you help me?"
>watch them go into the bathroom and cut the wig
>synthetic hairs everywhere
>waltz away giggling without cleaning any of it up
>a different time we roomed together (I didn't learn) she left a palette with acrylic paint still in it lying on top of her suitcase in the middle of the floor
>nearly got paint all over my cosplay because I didn't notice

Her friends are some real gems too. One of them is extremely sweet, but the biggest ita I've ever met and has an incredibly elitist attitude toward lolita. Yikes.

>> No.8368113
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>"I travel a lot, you should be grateful I'm helping you get the most out of this trip!"

>> No.8368119


Your uni ex-friend is like some annoying mom no one wants chaperoning their trip.

>> No.8368120
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>get to con hotel room
>roommate who was supposed to meet us is already drunk
>He invited two randos into the room
>two randos are members of Cosplay Deviants and apparently his best friends
>one is crying over a sweater they left at home (literal sobs and screams)
>three of us, two girls, 1 guy...one of us is a couple but not PDA AT ALL
>we unpack on our stuff third girl comes in drunk af and calls everyone hot and cosplay deviants leave
>1-2 cool people come in and hang out
>start watching some movie on tv and talking.
>original drunk roommate says cosplay deviants are staying in our room that despite not paying
>we're pissed off, Original roommate says his card on the room so it's his decisions despite us paying
>Cosplay Deviants return as we're all watching a movie
>they sit in the middle of the room and the guy starts basically fisting the girl in front of everyone
>everyone is freaked the fuck out.
>They move into the "foyer" part of the room (right in front of the door before you leave the room) and start fucking...we're all still tryin' to chill and watch some goddamn movie
>Random drunk girl who called everyone hot goes to foyer and also starts fucking the girl Cosplay Deviant despite having a boyfriend
>There is no escape...giant gross sex pile blocking my escape
>I look to the window for salvation but we're the 14th floor
>considers it anyway

This was just the first night

>> No.8368135

>have a very big suite room w/ living room, two bedrooms, and a kitchen booked, but most friend dropped late in the game
>need to get some more people for the room in order to even out cost for everyone
>post on con forum for anyone who would be interested, figured how bad could this be, despite warnings from friends
>person says there will be three people that can stay in the room with us, she's also a lolita, yes! seems chill on the forum
>first day of con, five show up? wtfever less cost for everyone just don't make a mess
>me and three friends sleep in one room, other friend stays in other room, these five occupy the living room with fold out couches and lounge chairs
>night of first day they're out somewhere, have no way to contact them, my friends and I get food, they come back pissed we didn't get anything for them
>eat our leftovers without asking while we're out
>second day I realize I forgot my super fluffy classical puppets petticoat for lolita, having a panic attack cause I am not about to drive 1.5hrs home to get it but don't want to wear lolita with no petticoat
>girl who say she's a lolita will lend me a petticoat, I'm so thankful
>hands me a fucking thin underskirt meanwhile stacking 3 shitty leg avenue pettis under her ita shit til its bursting
>wtf she could spare one of those but too beta to say anything about it, roll up underskirt around my waist for now
>End up buying a somewhat better organza petti in the Dealers Room later w/e
>want to go back to hotel room to change, have food, get cleaned up before going back to the con
>enter room, two of these people are sitting there having an existential crisis about how they're 'too old for cons and life has no meaning' to the point of a five year old tantrum
>my bff and I are looking at each other like holy shit
>literally need to kick them out of the room next day so I could check out, they leave a massive mess
>I don't wanna ask random people to ever stay in a room with me every again

>> No.8368142

>There is no escape...giant gross sex pile blocking my escape
lost my shit at this part

>> No.8368143

I roomed with a buddy, his girlfriend, and the girlfriend's sister for a con.

I woke up at 8 AM to get into my costume that included full face paint. I showered, got into my costume, managed to paint my face and do make up over the paint before the other girls even got up out of bed. I didn't leave the hotel room until almost 11:00 AM, me and my buddy were ready by 9:00 AM.

They apparently do this often and it blows my mind. Next time I'm just going to leave without them and offer to meet up later.

>> No.8368170

Sorry this is long, but this still boils my blood. Hold onto your butts for The Legend of Elsa.

>Decide to cosplay Zelda to out of state con.
>Going the whole nine yards, nice fabric, armor, paying attention to details for the hall contest.
>Stay up till 2am to finish but that shit is DONE. Proud as fuck.
>Best friend "Anna" is in charge of the room. Roommates are Anna, Anna's BF, Mutual 1, Mutual 2, and BF and Anna's friend "Elsa".
>Elsa is pretty but cringe-tier as fuck (it's pretty obvious why BF shrugs off her behavior)
>Immediately claims bed and refuses to switch off with other people for future nights because of her bad back. Accepts a bedmate at least.
>Covers 3/4 the bathroom counter in makeup for her "cosplayers" aka "lolita" dresses she bought in the dealers room and lazytier disneybounding.
>Start to unpack cosplays, putting dress in the closet to de-wrinkle.
>Elsa won't stop gushing about how she loves LoZ so much, but she can't afford to cosplay from it because she can't work more than a part time job because of her "medical conditions."
>Awkwardly suggest cheaper materials as Elsa keeps hovering.
>Quickly change into Friday cosplay (Me, Anna, and Mutual 1 are pokemon gjinkas) and scoot downstairs.
>Fun day at con, come back to drop off bags dinner. Elsa is in the room.
>"Why did you leave me??"
>What the fuck.
>Anna tries to reassure her that we didn't leave her, she could've come too. Elsa is trying to guilt trip everyone. "I couldn't come, I'm not part of the cosplay group so I'd stick out" "you should have asked me to come." "I know I wasn't wanted but you guys have fun without me."
>Me and mutual 1 want nothing to do with this, but Anna calms her down by insisting we want her to come back down with us for dinner.
>Elsa won't go unless she fits in with the group.
>Anna gives her the hoodie from her Pikachu costume and we finally go.

(Part 1/3)

>> No.8368185

She is too.

>> No.8368187

>Had a long Friday night, so sleeping in late on the floor. Elsa is in the bed obviously, with Mutuals 1 and 2.
>Plans for the day are a morning panel then change into Zelda for the hall contest.
>Change into normalfag clothes and touch up some paint edges on the armor that got bumped in transit. Leave them out to dry in the one corner of the bathroom not covered in Elsa's shit.
>Elsa wanders in, sees them. Starts gushing about how much she loves Zelda again, wishes she could cosplay from it, blah blah blah.
>Asks what size I am.
>"Omg anon, I can fit into that too, maybe I should commission you!"
>Conversation is getting weird. Still doing my makeup so give noncommital answers. Ignore her and leave for my panel.

>Come back an hour later. Room is empty. Open the closet to start changing into cosplay.
>It's fucking gone.
>Maybe Anna decided to do me a favor and iron it??
>Armor and wig are gone too.
>Freaking the fuck out, call Anna.
>Anna is furious. We meet in the lobby and she tries calling Elsa.
>No answer.
>Get BF to try calling her too. Nothing.
>Cherry on the cake on top of getting my cosplay stolen: by now the hall cosplay contest ends in two hours.

(Part 2/3)

>> No.8368194

>It's fucking gone.
Oh my goddddddddd, what the fuck??? This girl HAS to have mental issues. How can somebody even DO that?
I can't imagine how shocked you must have been, jesus christ.

>> No.8368198

I'm having an anxiety attack already and the story is not over

>> No.8368200

Anon, as soon as a weeb takes interest in your cosplay or even says that you're the same size you don't let that cosplay out of your fucking sight I've learned this from years of lurking these threads.

>> No.8368201

>Con center is pretty big but our group tries tracking her down, asking people if they've seen a Zelda cosplayer pass by.
>Mutual 1 calls, she found her by the video game room.
>Me and Anna hightail it over. Bitch is posing in my cosplay, surrounded by a few people taking pics.
>The only thing that keeps me from grabbing her is that I don't want to damage my costume.
>Demand that she take off my cosplay, don't care that people are watching.
>Elsa gets emotional. Insists that I said she could try it on.
>Continue to yell at her. Even Anna is calling her out, saying I would never do that.
>Elsa looks like she's going to cry at this point and STILL NOT MOVING TO CHANGE. Eventually everyone in the group including BF peer pressures her into coming back to the room to take it off.
>Walking through the con center like a prison guard, Elsa between me and Anna.
>Dead silence going up the elevator. Nobody is going to Let It Go.
>Elsa walks into the bathroom and slams the door. Sounds of costume pieces being thrown.
>Don't even give a fuck at this point. The second the door opens I push her ass out and start to speed change.
>Roommates help me change in record time like a bunch of champs. Meanwhile Elsa sulks on the bed, bitching about how she did nothing wrong.

>Run downstairs to the hall cosplay. Make it in by fifteen minutes.
>Fill in my form, pretty excited that this worked out.
>Contest staffer is confused.
>"Didn't we already see you?"
>Tell her no. Staffer goes to a stack of papers and pulls out a form with Elsa's name on it.
>Explain what happened. There's still a lot of confusion, but she agrees to throw out Elsa's entry and let me enter.
>End up getting a small award.
>As a group we kick Elsa onto the floor Saturday night.

BF still hangs out with this psycho, but she's never roomed with us since.

>> No.8368204

You should have complained to the con staff and tried to get her kicked from the con

>> No.8368205

>Nobody is going to Let It Go.
I'm pissing myself laughing 10/10

>> No.8368208

>Tell her no. Staffer goes to a stack of papers and pulls out a form with Elsa's name on it.
This story is giving me a fucking heart attack

>> No.8368211

kick her out of the room entirely

>> No.8368217

Holy fuck

>> No.8368225

Can we please cut down on the "you should've done X" in these threads? Hindsight is always 20/20 and it's never helpful, don't be a nitpicky buzzkill and just enjoy the stories

>> No.8368228

>no discussions allowed

>> No.8368240

Discussion is different from "omg your whole story could've been avoided if you just didn't do this one really obvious thing that didn't occur to you at the time"

>> No.8368242

people are gonna do it anyway shut the fuck up

>> No.8368243

>need to split room costs
>friend of a friend needs room for him and gf
>ask friend if he's cool he says yeah
>message dude and tell him half room cost, without taxes
>day of con shows up with $60 bucks less than agreed on and i'm even letting them out of the taxes
>make them go to an ATM and get the 60 bucks
>day 2
>getting in elevator to grab a drink from the minifridge
>guy i do not know says
>"Oh hey, you're the girl from room 704 yeah? Well I hope it's ok that I shower after (girl's name here)"
>No. No it's not ok.
>Rush to my door
>It is propped open by that metal latch thing.
>Bottle of empty cheap booze just outside door
>Three people I do not know (2 guys 1 girl) sitting in main area
>Water in bathroom running
>I have my handmade cosplays in here, my 3ds recharging, my camera, my laptop, all the things i couldn't take with me to the cosplay contest
>One guy has the worst food odor I have ever encountered
>They start to explain Dude said they could sit in here while The Foot recharges his cell phone.
>There are more booze on the table
>Girl does not look over 18, guys do
>Kick them out while pounding on bathroom door
>Kick second minor girl out while she is crying
>All four have no place to stay
>Tell her to call her mom to get here cause these guys are no good but its not my fault Dude didn't call to ask me first.
>No Sympathy
>Explain the underage girls and booze
>Lay down the law that him and gf are out if they don't call me about these things first and that they are lucky I didn't report The Foot and Friend
>They start studdering
>They have already invited another out of state friend for the night.
>Take deep breath
>Ask if they'd like to ask me nicely this time
>They ask nicely
>I say yes but no to underage girls and underage drinking
>Worry but make it through the rest of the weekend
>Go to less cons due to cost of rooming solo

>> No.8368248

TBH I was just relieved that I made it there in time. Even if I did complain, I don't think she violated any con rules that would get her kicked out, unless I wanted to get the police involved over theft.

>> No.8368256

Sorry no one likes your unhelpful and tedious posts anon :(

>> No.8368265

>Sorry I don't like your unhelpful and tedious posts anon :(

>> No.8368266
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>> No.8368270

>agreeing that shit is tedious and unhelpful
So why are you here though

>> No.8368281

Bonus story.
>On the sunday when he made his way back to the hotel, he left the con at 6pm and got back at 9pm.
>The con was 2 subway stops from the hotel. Takes 8 minutes, walking is half an hour.
>We went back at 6.30, got there hours before him.
>He didn't answer his phone.
>Turns out he "Got lost" leaving the con and going to the station (It's signposted loads and 30 seconds away) And ended up wandering aimlessly trying to find the hotel.
>He said he ended up finding a run-down local pup and getting food because he was sad and lost.
>While wearing his shitty Fin cosplay

>> No.8368301

They weren't agreeing anon.

>> No.8368340

This. Recently a mutual weebfriend has shown an unhealthy obsession for my latest costume and looked suspiciously delighted when she found out we're the same size.

I politely declined when she asked to room with me after finding out I was going to wear that costume again to my next con. Not going to open that can of worms.

>> No.8368344

They didn't bother to change it when misquoting me sooo

>> No.8368356

You made a smart decision, anon.

>> No.8368357

They weren't misquoting you they were making fun of you. They literally said "Fixed It For You" underneath, they were saying you're the only one who doesn't like it.

>> No.8368367

ftfy can also mean "fuck this, fuck you"

in fact, i thought that was the only meaning until i read your post and looked it up.

learn something new every day.

>> No.8368378

Omg this story! I have no words for it

>> No.8368401

>ftfy can also mean "fuck this, fuck you"
I have never, ever, seen anyone use ftfy in that manner, especially not on 4chan.

>> No.8368427

This exactly, lol

>> No.8368437

Why...didn't anyone yell at them to stop? Wtf?

>> No.8368446

And people are going to complain about it. The circle continues. You could also shut the fuck up, sandy pants.

>> No.8368449

I always have to get hotel rooms alone because I'm an insomniac. I may not giggle at 3 in the morning but I may just be watching TV or painting my nails.

I was suppose to go on a business trip in which the company boards us with a roommate in the hotel. I had to get a written letter for my therapist stating why I needed a separate room... for the other girl's sake.

I suppose if I ever go con going I'll have to look for super clean, insomniac roommates.

>> No.8368459

Or people who sleep like the dead so your rustling around won't wake them

>> No.8368466

That too could work.

>> No.8368477

Shit. That's rough. Sorry that happened.

It sounds like my friend with asperger's. I wouldn't be surprised if that was her "medical condition".


>> No.8368513


This story makes me so mad. I can't believe some people.
Glad to hear that your costume wasn't damaged or anything, though.

>> No.8368519

You can room with me, when I go out cold an atomic bomb couldn't wake me and I find rustling and people flitting about very comforting when I'm going to bed

>> No.8368560

>>It's fucking gone.

Anon I think my heart just stopped. I'm so glad you got your cosplay back though.

>> No.8368662

Yeah I noticed later that some of the armor paint chipped from where she threw it, but it was just on an edge or two. Nothing serious.

>> No.8368759
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Not a nightmare, but more of an amusing wtf type thing.

>Be 2007 or 2008
>In the hotel room with 3 roommates and just shooting the shit late night/early AM
>All of us were strangers before the con
>Decide to go to sleep, so start putting on pajamas, etc.
>Our one male roommate, mid 20s, 200+ lbs, goes into the bathroom to change since the rest of us are females
>Male roommate comes out in a t-shirt, holding it down over some tightie-whities
>Male tells us girls he forgot to bring shorts/soft pants
>Uhhhh, you're not sleeping in bed with me in your damn underwear, you nearly complete stranger
>4 of us and somehow, no one has any fucking shorts/soft pants and male doesn't want to sleep in his jeans
>I suddenly remember I have some cheer shorts that I wear under short skirt costumes, pic related
>Plsplspls let someone have something else
>I sigh, resigned, and offer for him to wear my size small, booty-hugging cheer shorts
>Recap: 200+lb, hairy male
>He comes out of the bathroom with my shorts and his ass hanging out of them and we're just like "........"
>I curl up in a ball, practically off the bed, and sleep with one eye open all night
>Cheer shorts stretched beyond repair
>The smirk on his face makes me suspect to this very day that he planned the whole fucking thing and he had some shorts hidden away in his bag

>> No.8368837
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I actually was the causer of a nightmare and I feel so bad about it.

>Go to con with boyfriend, and two friends, Anna and Aladdin
>Anna asks if her friend, Elsa can come and stay with us.
> Sure why not, Aladdin can't make it on the first night so why not?
> Week out from the con and I get a message from Anna and Elsa
"Hey anon, we've been approached to do a cosplay music video at 7-930 am before the con, can we have people getting ready in here from 5.45 to 6am?"
> I'm thinking why the fuck not? I'll even help them get ready.
> completely forget about Aladdin
> He ends up getting in super late, like 1am
> 5 am rolls around, the girls start getting ready, by 6.30 I have a gaggle of woman and guys in my room.
> Aladdin leaves after trying to sleep for the past hour.
> he ends up getting a room for the next night, because he thought it was going to happen again the next day.

I am a terrible friend.

>> No.8368845

I will never understand people who act like the world suddenly revolves around them when they are sleeping. No light, not even from phones, no noise at all, even light noise from headphones etc.
Seriously, as long as everything is at a reasonable level of volume I don't care what anyone is doing I'll sleep fine. I don't even care if I get woken up as long as no one is asking me to actively participate in something.

>> No.8368847

if it makes you feel any better his junk was compressed beyond belief

>> No.8368849

Is that not a normal occurrence with cosplayers in the room? Whenever I've roomed with cosplayers, I expect an early morning wake-ups (hell, I'm thankful for it since I won't accidentally sleep in and miss events) on Friday and Saturday at the very least.

>> No.8368859
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Jeez, these stories makin' me scare about roommin' with some randos at Collosalcon.

My Story:
>Small local con
>Everyone know each other in our room, no one are strangers and everyone is chill...expect for this one nigga
>Dude is your classic homosexual Tumblr SJW otherkin who believes he is a vampire mermaid fairy. I shit you not.
>Also he's a huge attention whore who gets upset if he's not center stage but given the info above that shouldn't shock ya
>Bitches all weekend on how the an evil witch is causing the Full Blood
Moon and it's fucking up his powers.
>Lies about how he has like 10+ college degrees, how his family makes moonshine, and is Japanese
>Tries (fails) at flirting with the males in the room. One of my niggas starts fucking with him by cuddling with him and sneak diss his otherkin lifestyle by saying he's some fucking spiritual animal that couldn't agree with his vampire mermaid fairy bullshit.
>tumblrina gets booty assaulted and leaves for the night
>Everyone is happy as peace once again returns
>Peace dies two hours later as he comes back in the room bitching and crying
>Tells us how some chick slapped the fuck outta him in front of a crowd (for being a overall faggot most likely)
>Pic related. How everyone felt around him.

>> No.8368862

Why the fuck would i green txt pic related?

>> No.8368879

Everyone posts about other people making trouble, so here's how I fucked stuff up, with a bit of other people's issues tossed in.

>rooming with gf, and two of our mutual friends, Ash and Marie, both girls.
>we all ride up in my car, me and gf switching off driving
>Ash stayed the night, so we just have to go pick up Marie
>arrive to her house, she makes us unpack everything and repack it neatly
>I demand we stop at Micky Ds for breakfast, even though no one else wanted to (it's a con tradition of mine, I don't even really like the food)
>gf starts driving, I'm having panic attacks every 5 seconds because I can't stand her driving
>ask Marie to help me finish sewing on some parts of my costume, we end up spending an hour and a half sewing
>me and Ash are in the back, she is eyeing me nervously as I have needles and knives flying around while we are going 65 mph down the highway
>at the rest stop I finally get to drive
>start off by almost running us into an 18 wheeler
>an hour later we end up lost in some random highway parking lot for 30 mins.
>get to the hotel, unpack everything, begin begging for food cuz I'm a poorfag
>the four of us do a group cosplay the first day, I got a shitty wig that was too small, (I'm a guy, you know how when guys wear wigs you can almost always see their hair under the wigs because they can't put their hair up like girls? yeah.)
>ask gf to cut my hair until it is hidden by the wig, hair all over the bathroom
>1st day is okay, couple people like are group
>Ash and Marie get in a fight over something stupid, me and Ash end up going pannel hopping while gf and Marie are in dealers room
>gf calls me in the middle of a panel, I forgot to turn my phone off
>for some fucking reason my phone freezes, can't end call and call wont end, like it rings for 5 mins. Me and Ash try to silence it but we can't people around us are getting pissed
>end up ripping out the battery and leaving the panel embarassed
>we head back to the hotel

>> No.8368882

Oh no girl. No self respecting man would rather sleep in THOSE than jeans. He planned that shit.

>> No.8368883

>room with friend and some stranger from the internet
>friend drinks nearly entire bottle of southern comfort
>gets drunk
>starts getting grabby with me
>tries to kiss me
>tries to fight me after I push him away
>spergs out and starts punching walls, the floor, and starts screaming nonstop for 2 hours

turns out the stranger from the internet was a pretty cool guy in the end, but my old friend was just a dick.

Worst thing is that I missed a panel I wanted to go.

>> No.8368891

they do when responding to a post without quoting it often, and have for some time.

>> No.8368896

Me too. When people are watching tv when I sleep, I sleep so good!

>> No.8368913

>get back to hotel room, I ask Marie if I can flip through her new yaoi
>she yell at me for eating while reading her book (it was crackers, not sure how I could have fucked up her book)
>me gf and Marie go swimming so Ash can have cam sex with her bf in the room
>everyone goes to take showers, tub is cloged from all the hair everyone is mad at me
>have to dye my hair for the next day
>ask them to help but everyone tells me to fuck off
>start doing it myself
>ash tells me I'll fuck it up and ducktapes my face to prevent me from dying my skin
>do a shitty job of dying my hair but it looks fine for the hairstyle I needed
>wash it out in tub
>our hallway has a mirror door closet that was open so you could see into the bedroom from the hallway, Ash is changing with the door open
>see her naked. scared for life.
>next day, our other friend arrives, (if anyone remembers the story from a few horror story threads ago, that was Duck. But that shit was a whole different story)
>Duck happens
>we all go get food in a mini mall
>almost bump into some chick while I'm wearing a big costume
>she goes to throw a punch at me
>no one sees
>I casually walk away, a bit confused
>sunday, Ash and Marie get in a huge fight over Ash not wanting to wear her hair some way for their duo cosplay, Ash gets pissed and leaves, wandering about the city, ignores all of us as we wave to her from a distance
>we all go home and I'm pretty sure they never want to stay with me again

>> No.8368917

>Nobody is going to Let It Go

I giggled

>> No.8368927

Well, he was told only four other people would be there, quiet different from the 10 people we crammed in there. We did try to warn him...

>> No.8368931

I'm a super light sleeper so I can never stay over at parties or anything. Any movements or like slight noises wake me up. At least I don't police people about it though.

>> No.8368939



This is my fetish. Oh God, I hope it was anal fisting.

>> No.8368941



Damn, so close.

>> No.8369006

As they shouldn't. You sound fucking terrible. Get a damn job and don't go to cons if you can't even afford to feed yourself. I hate idiots like you.

>> No.8369032

>get a room with some people that I have mutual friends
>bring snacks and juice bags so I don't have to buy stuff
>brought enough juice to have one every meal for every day of con
>end of day 2, they're all gone
>I only drank 1, another room mate asked for one
>girl cutting a wig right on the floor, not cleaning up wig clippings
>not even using newspaper underneath
>bathroom trashed
>tell them I'm okay with alcohol in the room, I'm a bartender
>come back to wasted 16 year olds
>they go to rave
>come back at 2 am and kick my stuff around
>have to get up at 7 for fashion show
>know we're going to get fined extra for house keeping
>leave before they even wake up so I don't have to pay extra

I'd rather room alone than with people again

>> No.8369091

>Nobody is going to Let It Go
Top kek.
But seriously, this story gave me palpitations. 'Muh condition' is becoming a horrible 'get out of jail free/I can be an arse' phrase

>> No.8369132

>girlfriend has work and can't come with me to con as previously planned
>other two roommates: cool friend (gonna call her Erin) and her tumblrina snowlflake hanger-on (now called T)
>get a random from con forum
>normalfag looking asian dude looking for gunpla shit and planning to meeting some VAs
>T is already complaining about having guys in the room ruining her privacy even though she isn't paying for shit
>not much happens overall, our random comes back super late and fairly sloshed but is reserved. He's also some sort of neat freak. even dirty clothes are folded before being bagged.
>come back late the second night to find all his stuff gone. as I was the contact who found him, knew he had paid in full for the whole con
>ask Erin what happened
>Erin has an impingement in her hip, turns out our random was a personal trainer and was helping her stretch out. obviously assisted hip/groin stretches can look kind pretty compromising
>T walks in on it, freaks out, calls random all sorts of names. Erin tells her nothing is going on and she should leave.
>T does.
>then she comes back later and throws all his shit into the stairwell
>Find out from Erin this isn't the first time something like this has happened

And that's when I vetoed T's participation in anything we did, ever. I guess this isn't a person being a nightmare roommate as much as being a nightmare person.

>> No.8369137
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My two favorite things to do at cons are cosplaying and competing in cosplay contests, and I never let anyone else wear my costumes.

As you might imagine, this story is one of the most horrifying things I've ever read on /cgl/.

>approximately mf if this happened to me

I'm glad she didn't completely sabotage you in the end, and I give you props for not murdering her. I might have.

>> No.8369153
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holy mother of god I would have strangled a bitch. I dont have a problem letting a friend borrow, If they ask, But that's just so fuckin disrespectful of her.

>> No.8369175
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Not the most terrible story but,

>have a trip with the uni's club
>rooming with 4 other people from the club, "Shrek" was the worst of them all
>wonder why Shrek wasn't rooming with the group she would usually hang out with in club
>don't really think of it too much until later
>first night, she shows up at 9pm, missing an entirety of the con, but whatever, that's her money
>she tells the receptionists we only need two cards for our room
>me and one girl shares a card, Shrek gets one card, and the other two have to call us whenever they want to get into the room
>Unpack our stuff, Shrek brings an air matress
>Shrek wants to have us wait for her to unpack to then we can go to the convention center
>Air matress takes forever to blow up, 40 minutes later we head over
>Shrek goes and gets drunk
>Eventually head back to hotel with friend
>two other girls are sleeping
>Shrek standing there with a bra and panties right infront of us, putting on deodorant
>She starts talking, and she has a loud voice, so she wakes up the two girls
>feeling awkward talking to Shrek while she's in just a bra and panties, but shrug it off because we're all girls
>Next day
>Nothing too crazy happens, just Shrek leaves a mess everywhere, throwing her cosplays everywhere and not caring if she breaks them
>Invite girl/friend/personiwanttoimpress over to room
>She comes over, we're discussing the dealer's room and stuff, about to leave to head to the convention center when
>Shrek comes out of the bathroom
>Butt naked
>Me and friend just look at each other like holy shit
>Shrek talks to us casually like it's nothing
>Me and friend don't know what to do, wait until Shrek is done dressing
>Run out so fast and don't look back
>Friend and I never talk about it

Is that normal for people to dress infront of roommates???

>> No.8369178

That's weird
If it's bra and underwear, or binder and underwear, I'm usually chill with that. Hell, I don't mind if I see a bit of ass while someone's changing if someone's in the bathroom. But butt ass naked? That's way too much.
I would never do that, not even in front of my closest friends, I at least turn around to be courteous of everyone else in the room

>> No.8369185 [DELETED] 
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The terror

I've seen a lot of people get dressed in front of roommates, but usually they're at least wearing underwear. The exception being dat sweet con weeb trade.

>> No.8369189
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>this weekend will be my first con sharing a room
I picked a bad time to read this thread.

>> No.8369191


>> No.8369309

If it's underwear (not a thong but good old, butt covering panties) and a bra/binder/tape if they're doing that then that's normal but I've never had anyone I've stayed with strip completely. Once had to help a friend remove her boob tape after she'd had them taped under her armpits for a really low neckline crossplay all day but she asked first and appologised almost as much as she cried.

>> No.8369333


I hate it when friends do this. I'm a grown-ass woman and I don't need babysitting. I hang out with friends because they're my friends, not my parents.

Somewhat related story. Not a horror story, just annoying.

>rooming with 4 longtime friends for AX
>one friend takes pride in being the "mother" of the group
>really she's just got control issues
>plan on going to some late-night games, like apples to apples
>hotel is a couple blocks from convention center
>"mother" friend objects, insisting that I'll get raped if I'm out alone after 10
>tell her I don't think it's a big deal
>no anon you have to take a buddy
>ask her if she'll be my buddy
>no, I'm tired
>then I'll go alone
>no, anon, you can't. I'll worry and my parents will worry
>my parents don't care. I'm an adult and they let me make my own choices
>fine, anon, but if you go, you have to text me every five minutes
>decide dealing with friend's craziness isn't worth it just for a game of apples to apples, sit in hotel room at night
>make no new friends that weekend

Honestly from then on I just went to cons solo. I like to do my own thing without having to worry about other people's schedules.

>> No.8369381
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Underwear is fine if you know each other (depends for different people but it's usually fine), but stark naked? That's just fucking WEIRD.

>> No.8369398


Don't know how you girls run things. But as guys, it was fine being in underwear but that was after we kinda got to know each other.

Naked? No way, at least you had a towel wrapped around if you had to walk trough the flat to get your clothes.

>> No.8369409

Seems like T had a lil something going on the side perhaps with Erin. I experience something where I small chatted with this Asian chick in my lifedrawing class and later in the week someone tore threw my blank pads. Later realize her butch gf was in the same class (didn't this no much of it) but I think jelly fell all over her wen I made small convo just once.

>> No.8369410

Not really horror story but kinda of annoying

>Staying with 3 acquaintances at a hotel for a con
>We all know of each other
>It really wasn't that bad at first
>1st day is over, it's 1am and I'm trying to get some sleep (Only one in the room at that point)
>2 of my roomies come back and start blasting "Anime Pussy" on the speaker in the room
>"You know what I can deal with this" I put in my earplugs
>Then these fuckers started gloving
>I ask them could they just chill out I'm trying to go to sleep
>Roomie 1 "Come on man, it's still early besides the party didn't start yet"
>Then a little later the last roomie comes in with about 5 people
>What The fuck did the rave just end

>> No.8369412

The petticoat part was stupid, you're lucky that girl gave you anything at all.

>> No.8369423

>I was pissed as hell
>Half of them looked like they were on something
>Fuck no I'm getting some sleep
>I grab a pillow, my jacket and some of my stuff and start heading out the door to my car
>On my way out I heard one of the randoms say "Why's the ostrich leaving?"
>Did not even bother retorting that
>Needless to say I got "ok sleep"

Went back to the room at 9 and there were still 2 randoms there passed out, my roomies also passed out and some panties covered in vomit. Besides that night the rest of the con went pretty well, they were too hungover to pull that shit again.

>> No.8369424

Also should have made him pay $ for your loss obviously...

>> No.8369429

>same Duck story anon
wait you were a guy the whole time?

what the fug
no wonder people flocked to a girl over you
unless you're a passing trap

>> No.8369430

I'm going to an out of state con, and I'm torn between staying in a free room with the bf and getting to cuddle but having to deal with a lot of strangers from his uni's anime club OR paying to room with a group of people I'm friends with. I know bf wants me to stay in his room but...
>wwyd cgl?

>> No.8369434

Looks like i've had more luck than most...

>Going to my second convention ever
>Poor ass student but don't really get to do much so save for my share of hotel with GF and her 3 friends
>GFs friend gets deal on new hotel for two rooms
>give hotel money to gf when she comes to visit
>"It's not enough"
>"It's 125 each"
>No it isn't.... 500 is 100 each for 5 of us.
>"Femanon can't pay. She's broke."
>Why the fuck is she coming to con then.
>blahblah mother is abusive suicidal etc.
>Whatever i'll get it out later
>FF to con
>Get to hotel at time I get told to be there for
>GF hasn't text or let me know they've left
>Noone has checked in at hotel
>It's october and fucking freezing
>Get text from unknown number
>"Femanon couldn't sleep and woke up late. We'll be an hour"
>Con opens in 2 hours and I need to unpack and get stuff from bag.
>FF 1 hour
>They arrive we check in.
>Get dressed as fast as I can and get ready to leave.
>"No wait guiz I need to get my stuff ready."
>Fuming at this point as we're gonna be late and I want to beat rush of weebz.
>Spend first con day buying stuff and getting stopped for photos alot.
>Have group costume that is getting alot of attention.
>Femanon isn't part of the group and is getting annoyed at us stopping for photos...
>"lol not my problem it's a fucking con get over yourself"
>Get shouted at for that but fuckit
>Notice that femanon is buying quite a few things for someone who had no money
>"She has to enjoy some part of the con"
>K whatever
>Go for food at hotel bar that night
>Femanon orders food then complains about price
>Get begged not to say anything
>She orders more food after and a dessert then suggests we drink in bar.
>Well over hotel share spent in 1 day
>"Nah i'm going bed I gotta be up early for meet."
>Next days con goes well. Femanon still pissed at us for stopping for photos alot. Apparently hasn't brought a costume with her

>> No.8369435

Personal privacy after a long crazy con day = heaven

>> No.8369441

>>8369434 contd

>That night we order pizza as is per con tradition apparently
>She gets shit tonnes and then whines about the price when I ask for the cash
>Occurs to me she's wearing a shitty premade costume from an anime that I saw on a stall earlier
>Typical ebay outfit from china etc. but for more than ebay price
>"How comes you didn't wear that earlier at the con?" I ask
>Femanon looks down at outfit then back up
>"Oh I only got it today!"
>"Woah it looks awesome how much was it?"
>"150! It was marked down from 200."
>"You said to gf that you didnt have enough for hotel room...."
>"Oh yeah! I didn't before but I wanted to enjoy the con so I borrowed a couple of hundred off my mom!"
>Rage intensifies
>"So you took advantage of us offering you the room for free when we all paid your part?"
>Gf asks me to stop.
>"Oh I can pay some towards it! My share was 25 right?"

Turns out she actually borrowed 1k on a lender site and put her ass in debt for a fucking con so I guess it bit her on the ass.

Never again

>> No.8369443

Why is your gf so beta? And how are people so irresponsible with money?

>> No.8369447

Pretty much the reason she became my ex after I checked out of the hotel.

Idk something about being a fucking idiot who's never been to a con before

>> No.8369454


Teens and young adults do this. Once you get burned by someone you finish growing the fuck up and never let people do this.

It's a stage everyone goes through. You have to learn it.

It only has to happen once or twice and keep you from something you really fucking want.

>> No.8369461

As someone who has and still is irresponsible, very, very easily. The only reason I can keep up is because I have a job.

>> No.8369464

story about the ita one pls?

>> No.8369488

>Not realizing that crackers are sometimes greasy and will leave little grease dots on a book page.

I'd fucking yell at you too, you sound like an asshat.

>> No.8369507
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>My share was 25 right?

>> No.8369542

Ugh, I wouldn't have let him sleep in the bed with me at all if all he'd brought was tightie-whities. Sounds like a perv

>> No.8369545

I didn't read the story about Duck, deets please?

>> No.8369547

If you can afford to attend a con then you're not a poor fag. How hard is it to bring your own food to a con especially if you're driving?

Bring a fucking mini fridge to the con

>> No.8369550

If she's not paying for shit (I assume you mean contributing towards the room cost) then why is she even in the room in the first place?

>> No.8369552

Calling that shitbag Shrek is offensive to Shrek

>> No.8369558

>Femanon can't pay
>blah blah abusive suicidal mother etc

Yeah well I'm disabled and my being disabled is not an excuse to have others support me at a con.
The person who allowed Femanon to stay for free should be the one paying the $100 for her to stay. I wouldn't pay for some entitled cow to stay in a hotel room for free.

>> No.8369593

The moral of the story is to go to less cons or make more money so you don't have to deal with this shit. Room solo.

>> No.8369641

One of my friends is somehow both that friend who says they can't afford things to get pity but then buys a fuck ton in the dealer's hall without putting a dime toward the hotel or food AND mom friend who wants to dictate everything.

I helped pay most of her way once only to watch her spend over double the room cost in artist alley alone and have her try to tell me I shouldn't drink in the room and that she wasn't "going to allow" me to get too drunk, which was whatever she deemed was enough. I peaced out and found some room parties and still had fun, but I learned real quick.

Another friend learned her lesson about that girl at the next con we all went together. I think they're not really friends anymore as friend 2 takes that sort of dishonesty/selfishness very seriously,

>> No.8369655

>takes pride in being the 'mother' of the group
holy fucking shit why does every group have someone like this and how do they never realize that they are just removing the fun from every situation they find themselves in.

>> No.8369669

Look as a lawyer I'm going to tell you that punching someone in the heat of the moment is a very reliable defence.
Just a tip for next time.

>> No.8369676

But why would they punch the person wearing a delicate cosplay?
>The only thing that keeps me from grabbing her is that I don't want to damage my costume.

>> No.8369689

>The moral of the story is to go to less cons or make more money so you don't have to deal with this shit. Room solo.

A good amount of /cgl/ will never take this advice to heart and these con room horror story threads will forever continue. Hell, even if you don't make that much money, its not too difficult to put aside $50 per month in savings for your con fund. Cons are pretty much a stress test for someones financial discipline.

>> No.8369690

Psycho roomies? Sounds fun

>Going to con for the first time alone
>Only know a few people but friend has said I can crash in hotel with a few people and her
>Get to hotel mid day with bags
>Introduce myself to everyone etc. cool ppl
>One person says their friend is gonna crash for one night
>Np sounds fun
>Get changed into costume and head out with friend and her bf
>Good first day etc. have a few beers get back to hotel to change then roll out again
>Costume was legolas, full extensions and hand engraved bracers etc. as well as some lightweight swords and hand stitched tunic etc. (larpfag)
>We go out for a while and get drunk
>Get back in and chill out and talk for a bit
>Go to get costume ready
>Weapons all there as is wig extensions but clothes are missing
>Pretty drunk so i figure I didn't lay it out
>nope not in bag not on bed
>Friend mentions she saw it on the bed so i definitely had it
>Go to check bathroom
>"Don't come in!"
>Random 1 night stayer is in toilet
>"Dude you seen my legolas get up?"
>"No. Just leave me alone I'll be out soon."
>We hang about for a bit looking for costume
>Door opens slightly "Can you guys leave the room for a sec. Forgot to bring a towel in."
>erm k
>Come back in and she's still in bathroom
>Legolas costume is where I left it.
>Wtf that wasn't there a sec ago
>Get close
>Blood all over the front and the sleeves are torn to shit
>Bracers are ruined and caked in blood
>wtf is going on
>Friend asks randomer to come out a second
>"No leave me alone"
>We just wanna talk etc.
>"I didn't touch his stupid costume!"
>"We didn't mention his costume."
>Friend has enough and opens door
>Blood everywhere
>Randomer crying hysterically with blood over floor, towels and walls
>Knife in hand
>Like a fucking sharp knife
>Friend starts talking to girl
Apparently she hadn't taken meds in weeks and her bf used to watch lotr with her so she nuked my costume. Fucking crazies

>> No.8369699

The only slightly annoying here is 'roommates ate my leftovers'.

I would give you 'roommates brought extra person' but they paid and you said nbd sooooo... Yeah really long post with almost nothing bad in it.

>> No.8369705
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God. I know I was "that one friend"

> 19th bday - Mother plz let me enjoy my bday with my friends at our local con
> "Hell no, not with my car"
> Fair enough, I shouldn't try to take an Audi downtown
> Agree to texting her promptly back when needed if she'll drop my group off
> FF to con - Change to costume in bathroom to avoid any issues w parents
> Living it up - around lunch get marathon calls from frenzied mother
> Have to hold up group to calm her down because she saw some shit on the news
> Back to con - marathon calls again during panel - step out again to calm her down
> Artist alley - Step away to deal with mother again
> Viewing room - rinse and repeat
> End up spending most of the 1st day holding my friends up because we have to move between locations and they can't leave me as we're downtown and could get separated easily
> Apologize profusely in hotel room but no worries since they know she usually calms down if I'm with that particular group
> Next day - Super calm - good morning text from mother and quick reminder to be safe
> Finally, holy fuck
> FF to lunch - sudden phone call and bitch out - why didn't you text me back?!
> Excuse self - say go on without me, I'll eat at the con so go have fun
> They decide to stay but I can tell their patience is running thin
> FF to next morn - sudden call telling me to bring my ass outside we're going home
> Best friend goes on damage control, explains that nothing is going on
> Curt and exasperated responses to thanks
> Mid afternoon get call that she's ready for me to be home and to gather everyone up NOW
> BF again in damage control mode - volunteers her own mother to bring me home after the con
> Mother agrees until 2 hours later that since I'm obviously not coming home, I can just live with BF for all she cares
> Mild panic attack and mother won't pick up phone
> Other friends roll eyes and go back to con - BF agrees to let me just stay with her once con is over

>> No.8369710

>duck story

Wait you're the asshole who was talking shit about a 'friend' on here on how they're terrible and you turn out to be a horrible con roommate yourself.


>> No.8369713

God damn that wall of text - excuse me

> End of con - extreme guilt and the silence is horrible
> Apologize to other friends - annoyed sighs and goodbyes
> Sleeping at bf's place - random call at 5am
> Where the fuck are you why aren't you home
> Wake up my girl to drive me home
> Notice other friends trash talking about me on FB next few days - can't even complain

My mother has typical only child syndrome and freaks out if I'm away from her sight apparently. I couldn't even begin looking for a job until this year since she didn't want me driving.

Never-a-fucking-gain. Rest in peace social life.

>> No.8369715

Holy shit anon, did she ever do anything to make up for it? Or did she just run off?

>> No.8369719


To be fair you can't really help have a psycho mom like that

>> No.8369720

Her parents offered to pay me for the costume and apologised to me endlessly. Apparently they didn't think it was wroth the amount I said it was but the amount of work and time the bracers alone took me I thought it was fair.
She got taken to a psych unit and apparently was put on suicide watch for a year. Ran into her this year at con and she looked better so I guess it worked.

Still fuck that noise.

>> No.8369721

As far as I know there are no components of the costume that would be damaged by a good face smacking.

It's just an idea for anyone experiencing an intolerable roommate.

>> No.8369735

And I thought my mum was overprotective. Does she not understand that you're an adult?

>> No.8369740

Okay, that is not "typical only child syndrome." That was some seriously fucked up and controlling shit she was doing, and I can't believe your friends would be so unforgiving about it.

>> No.8369742

>What is wig
>What is crown

You're also assuming the thief wouldn't try to fight back.

>> No.8369749



Calling it now, this is going to become a new cgl classic.

>> No.8369758
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feeling you so hard
>59 missed calls
>13 messages
>'where r u'
>from: Ma
tfw not even an only child, but the only daughter
also she wouldn't let me wash my own hair until I was 14 because I'd 'ruin it'

>> No.8369763


>> No.8369767

>anon refers to "best friend" before shortening to BF
>what is reading comprehension

>> No.8369773

True though it still feels like shit, no one wants to really ruin someone else's fun
Technically she does since she talks about how "adult" I'm becoming and other crap but something is definitely off.
She was always pretty protective over me but as I get older, it gets worse. I was a bit shocked they were acting that way too since they know all of this but I understand how it can wear on their nerves too.

I wanna know what her issue is but honestly I'm feeling real over it atm and can't find it in myself to care

Poor thing - mothers need to realize their child is actually a human being as well and is capable of higher thought and common sense like them.

I'm sorry? I'm on mobile and its easier to post if I abbreviate.

>> No.8369774

JESUS shit I am an insomniac, but if I can't sleep, and I'm rooming with someone else, I'll just lay still with closed eyes in order to not disturb them.

>> No.8369782

You can also roll onto your side facing away from everyone, then turn down the brightness on your phone and use headphones too (in-ear ones create less outside sound I find). It's easier on your eyes that way as well. I always do that when rooming with others and they've never noticed.

>> No.8369789

Dude but you're fucking 19?? Tell your mom to fuck off.

>> No.8369796

> Anime Los Angeles 2015
> rooming it with my friend all 3 days of the con
> he's paying extra since he's getting 1 of the 2 beds
> agree to let black hamplanet sleep in the floor for 50 bucks all 3 nights
> day 1 of con he has no badge
> fails miserably at ghosting
> gets super drunk friday night
> me and my dude are in our room smoking with a few other folks
> they leave and we go to sleep
> hamplanet barges in drunk off his ass and sweating
> smell is horrific
> killmenow.
> takes off shoes and falls asleep on friends bed
> 300lb of black wasted weeb on friends bed
> day 2 morning
> go to gym room for 2 hours
> get told by friend that hamplanet was literally begging people for breakfast money
> other con friends at Fridays party say he was also begging for food money
> lmao
> saturday night he's at some party
> me and friend keep smoking and bring up food for munchies
> getting calls and texts from hamplanet but ignore them
> get call from girl who was gonna sleep over for the night
> as I let her in, hamplanet barges in with her
> crashes on friends bed
> goes on rant about how we left him out
> literally telling him off
> doesn't sleep the whole night, just watches youtube videos
> we all check out Sunday afternoon, agreeing to never room with him again

>> No.8369802

I know dem psycho mom feels. I suggest getting out asap if you can't talk to her about how inappropriate her behavior toward her nineteen year old is.

>> No.8369807

I'm 20 now and I'd love to but I'm about 90% sure she'd cut off my schooling, income (I work part-time for my humane society but most of money comes from what my parents put in my bank), and transportation (I use their car). I'm sure I could stay in my friend's place but I'm no use to her if I can't help pay rent or drive myself around. I have put some thought into it but the options are limited right now.

>> No.8369808

>I didn't leave the hotel room until almost 11:00 AM, me and my buddy were ready by 9:00 AM.

I have so many conmates that do this shit, and it drives me up the wall. My internal clock wakes me up at 06.00, and I get that no one gets up that early, especially during a con, but holy shit, if you said we're going to be out of the room at 09.00, and you're not even getting into the shower until 10, I'm leaving your ass, fuck that noise.

>> No.8369819

Nothing in particular. Just liked to talk about how fancy the lolita scene was and talked about how messy other lolitas were while wearing some really janky homemade lolita and ugly pastel wigs. She's a really sweet person otherwise, I'm not a lolita so I sort of overlooked that part and enjoyed talking to her about other things.

>> No.8369823

Is crown or wig on face?
I never said she wouldn't fight back.

>> No.8369835

>no one gets up that early, especially during a con
I would think a con would be the only acceptable time to get up that early.

>> No.8369856

The players: Me, Friend, Matrix, Mama's Boy (MB)

>2011, I think, I'm 17
>going to an out of state con, carpool with a friend since he's going
>"hey, anon, there are also going to be these two guys that I met on the con forums riding with us. one of them has a room as well; I'll pay your portion if you want."
>okay whatever, I'm a grill but I'm down with a free room
>Friend and I drive to Matrix's place
>Matrix has his own car, but it's a POS and can't make the out of state trip
>we're waiting for MB to show up now
>two hours late, MB has his own car
>awesome! now we don't have to squish four people into a two seat Mustang
>MB: "no one can ride with me because one of my seat belts doesn't work"
>Friend: "can't they just ride in the back?"
>MB: "no, my mom said no one can ride with me."
>nigga what, you're 24
>Friend: "fine, but we're going to have to stop every now and then because my car overheats."
>two hour drive becomes a four hour drive
>finally, we get to the con
>MB gets key for hotel room since he's the one that paid for it
>there's one fucking bed and a regular couch to sleep on
>not even a fucking pullout couch
>Friend claims the bed
>Matrix offers me the couch, but since I don't know either of these niggas, I decline
>sleep in the bathroom because I'm a paranoid shit
>everything goes well at the con Saturday, I find some friends and hang out with them
>Saturday night comes
>Friend: "anon, I'm going to be rooming with this girl I met at the con tonight."
>you're leaving me alone in this room with these two grown ass men?
>I don't fucking think so
>call local friend, ask her if I can crash at her place
>she says yes, thank god
>go back to the con Sunday
>check out goes well, minor freakouts from MB

Also, after the con, Friend blocked MB on social media to avoid having to pay our portions of the room, and broke up with the girl he met at the con because he wanted to play video games by himself.

>> No.8369878

then you clearly don't venture beyond /cgl/

>> No.8369905

Ok looking back typing that on my phone I was a bit harder on her than was necessary.

T's not a lesbian according to Erin, she just spends way too much time on Tumblr and like a reverse shut-in guy has developed weird ideas about dudes based on totally!true shut posted on it. Apparently she's been toning it down. Not that I care enough to verify.

Secondly, she didn't "throw" his stuff out. Just removed it in the room. Which is still bad, but not quite to the same degree.

Lastly, she isn't a super cheapskate. There were no quibbles over food or other expenses, she just happened to not be paying for the room somehow via some sort of people owing people favors shit. All I know is her room was paid for on someone else's dime. Which, once again I didn't care about since it was my card on the room and I got mah money from someone.

With regards to people who were bad roommates, the regular bathtub hair-dyeings from when I was a teenage congoer were probably more frustrating. Never give the hotel a reason to slap damages/cleaning fees on.

>> No.8369909

i'm pretty sure that fify is different than ftfy.

>> No.8369937

wait when did someone say fify?

>> No.8369954 [DELETED] 
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not sure what you mean by flocked to a girl over me but yeah Im an XY male, not a trap.
found it in the archive for you
here, read it again and show me where I said she's a terrible person

>> No.8369955

they didn't but fify means fixed it for ya, and i think they meant that instead of ftfy which usually means fuck that fuck you, etc.

>> No.8369960

Ok nevermind that therse different things under the ancronym, however, contextually fuck that fuck you makes no sense as anon A changed anon B's quote and then put ftfy underneath, the only thing contextually that anon A could mean is fixed that for you.

>> No.8369963
File: 160 KB, 1311x1005, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure what you mean by flocking to a girl but yeah Im a guy.
found it in the archive for you

>> No.8369964

Diff anon, and I'd only ever seen ftfy meaning "fixed that for you" before reading this thread.

>> No.8369970

No, but if they're large or delicate and not anchored properly, they could be knocked off and ruined that way? Fucking duh, dude, why are you being so obtuse about it.

>> No.8369972

>first time going all 3 days to a con
>first time going with a friend (usually go solo)
>friend & I decide to get a hotel room ~1km away
>morning of day1 text friend that I'm leaving now and will see her at X o'clock at hotel
>friend confirms
>arrive at hotel after carrying cosplay/prop & bag for 2hrs on public transit during morning rush hour, call friend asking what room we are in (she drove)
>"lol haven't left yet"
>ok fine, it only takes 40min to drive here, nbd I'll just get room setup
>~1hr later check in with friend; her response is "leaving now!"
>ok fine, nbd it's lunchtime so I'll just grab food
>friend "stuck in highway traffic" (on fri at 2p...)
>fuck this I waited long enough, going to con now
>dealer hall closes early on day1 so only get a few hrs to enjoy not-crowded floor
>friend doesn't arrive 'til 6p, "hey I'm here let's get dinner!"
>there's a panel I kinda wanted to see but ok sure, feel bad you missed day1
>walk out and friend is there with car idling
>oh you're gonna park in a garage? thought you'd park at Mutual's neighborhood (where parking is free, the opposite side of the city)
>"I am! I thought we could eat dinner there!"
>you mean you wanted a buddy to ride back on the train for 40min to our hotel?
>go with her anyway and get Mutual to come out and have some drinks since we are in her area, why not
>friend is engrossed in phone entire time, Mutual & I try to engage her and get half-hearted responses
>whatever, let's get drunk
>friend starts crying for some reason and convinces her bf (who lives an hour away) to come out
>bf arrives, my first time meeting him, he's cool
>friend cheers up then starts to get mopey as evening winds down
>find out bf originally was going to attend day2 but got scheduled for work in the evening
>Friend, bf can stay the night but gotta promise you won't have sex while I'm in the room
>she's happy & bf's happy & I'm happy I don't have to pay for public transit back to hotel cuz bf has a car

>> No.8369990

Have you never hit someone before or something? Do you think that if you punch someone, they just stand perfectly still and don't stagger back/fall over? (plus if they do fight back, you're going to risk even more costume damage)

This is such a ridiculous piece of "well you should've done this" advice.

>> No.8370006

>morning of day2, wake up 6 and they're sleeping
>friend's bf's car meter-parked, needs to start feeding it
>wake him, hey you may want to go feed the meter
>while he does that I go for walk & buy some fruit/pastries for breakfast
>return to hotel and start getting ready; we had agreed the night before to leave at 9a
>8:30a and they're still sleeping after shutting off their alarms 2x
>9a arrives and I finish getting ready, leave bathroom and they're up starting to get ready
>decide to wait for them cuz bf offered to drive us to con
>don't leave til 11
>takes 30min to drive 1mi, getting antsy
>takes another 30min to find parking (garages full)
>takes another 30min to walk to con
>arrive and I immediately ditch them to go to panel cuz really wanted to see guest
>keep getting txts "anon where ru?"
>already told them I was going to this panel and it was the #1 panel I wanted to attend the entire con
>txts every 30min asking if panel is done yet
>panel over, txt/call friend asking what's up, get no response
>have some time before next panel, decide to hit floor
>friend calls an hour later, "hey can we get the roomkey? we are by X booth on floor"
>spend an hour playing phone tag & where's waldo, finally meet up with them and friend looks like she was crying
>bf has to leave to go to work, friend "doesn't feel good" so going back to hotel
>having fun at con but feel bad for friend cuz she's missing out, txt her periodically to see if she's feeling better and will return
>guilt festers until it peaks at 6p and I tell her I'm coming back (I really didn't want to) so we can have dinner and just hang out
>walk back in cosplay, it's raining out and 40F
>at hotel, ask friend if she wants me to bring back food but she wants to go out
>hit a nearby restaurant, she's chipper and doesn't seem ill at all
>finish eating and suggest returning to con cuz some fun panels going on, her demeanor does a 180 and suddenly she's not feeling so good but "you can go, anon!"

>> No.8370020

>still feel bad for her so tell her nah, let's just hang out
>"ok! let's get some drinks!"
>end up not getting drinks, turn in early
>morning of day3, both of us actually up early and leave hotel on time
>"wow anon you're gonna ride the train in cosplay?"
>mfw she wanted to get her car (on the other side of the city) and park it at the con
>mfw she now informs me she has to leave at 2p (instead of staying all day like we originally planned)
>send her to retrieve car solo while I walk to con
>eventually meet up with her around noon, miss a panel to hang out with her on floor
>she gets more and more upset whenever someone stops me for a photo
>starts complaining that she didn't have enough time to get her cosplay done
>her cosplay was tifa and she had 6 months to work on it
>2p rolls around and she leaves
>have an amazing rest of the day
didn't realize I was so annoyed with her til I started typing this shit, wow

>> No.8370023

You can room up with me anon I don't even care as long as you're not an asshole about it with the tv blasting so loud that the hotel hears it.

>> No.8370028

Why don't you stop whining about your "friend" and just dump her and stop being a backstabbing bitch?

>> No.8370036

Strangers or friends? Also are you paying for the room or not? If you are paying for the room put down some ground rules.

>> No.8370039


>> No.8370047

Your mom needs anxiety meds.

>> No.8370073

I worry that I'm too much like this. I don't try to control my friends' schedules, but I like checking in with them a couple times a day over the phone or in person to make sure they're alright. I try and get meals with them sometimes, but that often doesn't work out. During the last con we all went to, I tried my best to make sure everyone was safe, since we're all 18-year-old girls. I got scared when I didn't hear from one of my friends for literally a whole day. Turns out she disappeared with some dudes in their late 20s and decided to ditch the rest of us. By the end of the con, I'd given up on trying to take care of everyone, since they were bound and determined to wander off on their own and return to the room at 5 am every night. I'm probably just annoying to them, but it's out of legitimate concern for their safety and happiness.

>> No.8370083

I'm a bit of a mother goose too. I always feel like people hate me for it. I'm not trying to be their parents and I don't think I'm controlling, I just care and want to make sure everyone is safe and okay.

>> No.8370090
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i have more than a few

>be fat chick
>be newly 18, running damage control for an underage friend and my underage girlfriend at ohayocon
>paying for everything, taxis, food, merch
>they keep shitting themselves in excitement, so close to getting snatched
>finally get back to the room, i run to the coke machine, when i get back some douche from the con is in our room
>he's creepin on my girlfriend
>ff and she slept with him after we broke up, i gave zero fucks and she got the clap.

will post another story in a separate post

>> No.8370099
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>living on my own, invited to shitty con super far away by facebook friend.
>say no at first because I do'nt have money for a hotel
>he offers to pay for hotel for my birthday
>i agree to go, with another female friend
>we get to the hotel and i'm told two locals are going to stay with us
>"why didn't you tell me before?"
>sleep on couch in the foyer of this deluxe hotel room perfectly happy
>we get drunk and order pizza, and the two others arrive
>edgy down with the system guy and tragically faced fat girl
>i try to be nice to fat girl, but she aint having it
>she asks to use my phone, and i oblige
>her mom is on the phone, and she starts crying
>she left the group that her mom told her to stay with, and she had been planing to do so the whole time
>tells her mom they were being MEAN :((((
>psycho bitch tried to steal my clothes, smelled like balogna
>we kick her out of the room
>try to sleep off the copious amount of vodka i had drank
>have slight panic attack, and then calmly ask him to move
>tell him i'm on my period to gross him out
>long story short, dont go to kentucky conventions

another story, another post

>> No.8370113

I don't see any reason why he could not have slept in his jeans.

literally no reason

>> No.8370123

It's kinda of uncomfortable sleeping in jeans but if I was 300lbs then I would just suck it up and mark it as a failure on my end for forgetting to bring shorts

>> No.8370126
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>go to anime convention with friends during the dead of winter
>having an amazing time, cosplay on point, everything is great
>suddenly, B is missing?
>where is B?
>fly into con mom panic mode because no one can find B, her bf J is freaking out too
>Then J is also missing???
>flash back to "guys, please keep your phones charged so we can all find one another because i'm the only one with money and a car"
>drive back to the hotel as a mutual friend of ours says they went to get lunch and eatin the room because B wasn't feeling well
>panic mode over, drive back to hotel, get a little lost and freak a bit because its a very disorienting part of the city, lots of turns and roundabouts and stuff.
>go to the room, no one is there
>call J til he answers "I thought you guys went back to the hotel, I brought B some meds."
>"No, we're at mcdonalds with D and K, we met them at the con"
>rage quietly
>"Okay I'll see you back at the con center"
>Get back outside, hit the road
>Full blown panic attack, get very lost in strange city, phone isn't charging because car charger is ghetto.
>Have to talk to my dad two states away on dying phone so he can calm me down.
>can barely see the roads I'm driving on
>finally get back to con
>"Why are you freaking out, anon? I'm fine"
>Yeah fuck you too, B

>> No.8370136

I don't think lawyer anon was saying "well you should've done this", moreso, "if someones being a cunt you can punch them y'know"

>> No.8370154

Lawyer anon is full of shit then, "she was being an asshole" isn't anywhere close to a good defense for assault.

>> No.8370166

Better than
"I don't need to shower, I sweat too much and even if I take a shower it won't matter" that I got to deal with.

>> No.8370174

I hope you've realized that sometimes you have to take care of #1. You can meet up later at the con. You can eat separately. You can go to different things.

And most importantly, you can give zero fucks.

>> No.8370177
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>trying to fill up a room to get lower prices
>going with a friend whose parents are paying for everything
>purposely doesn't put said friend into the group chat with all the other roommates because I knew shit would go down
>eventually she finds out and makes me add her
>the instant she joins "anon, there's no way I'm sleeping in a sleeping bag I need to be in a bed I have a back condition"
>I know she's a total hypochondriac and only does it for attention
>roommates smell bullshit but still let her have her way
>then later "anon, we shouldn't have more than six people in the room or else it'll be too crowded and we'll get kicked out"
>tfw her parents are paying for her entire con
but everyone else in the room can't afford it unless there are at least 8 people
>when everyone else starts saying "oh, well, the con's sorta expensive and more people the cheaper it is..."
>"why are you all pining this on me? do you all hate me?"
>later messages me saying she doesn't want to room with other people because I wouldn't pay enough attention to her and she's "awkward" with new people

The con hasn't even happened yet and I'm terrified.

>> No.8370182

tell her to man the fuck up and maybe she'll get less awkward having to deal with it
now when you're at con you're going to have to deal with her dealing with it but I have faith in you

>> No.8370194

Lawyer anon literally said a good defence for assault is to say it was heat of the moment.

>> No.8370198

Tell her to deal with it or you're finding a person to replace her. If she's so rich she can get her own fucking room.

>> No.8370203

Smother her with a pillow on the first night

>> No.8370224

hypochondriac =/= doing it for attention

>> No.8370233

And I literally said lawyer anon is full of shit because in most states that doesn't fly. Maybe lawyer anon lives in Florida.

>> No.8370236

I really need to orz she says she's okay with everything now but I just know come con time she's gonna think of some new problems or just forget she promised to let it go

>> No.8370238

go back to tumblr

>> No.8370239

Or more specifically, that kind of defense might get you a more lenient sentence but you aren't going to get off scott free for attacking someone like LA is implying.

>> No.8370241

Anon don't do it we all know how its gonna end. There must be someone else.

>> No.8370267

It's XE XI XO XUM, loser.

>> No.8370277

Read that fast and thought it said:
>>Smother her with a pillow and fist her at night.

>> No.8370278

get the money up front
before she enters the room or unpacks a single thing
get the money

>> No.8370318

If her parents are paying for her con experience, tell her she can have her own room if she is so uncomfortable. You know this is a problem waiting to happen, so stop it before it does or you have no one to blame but yourself.

>> No.8370330

Not me, but it happened to a friend of mine. They had a roommate who couldn't sleep, so they took Ambien. Any way, they woke up on Saturday to see the roommate sleepwalking, sorta, as she was shitting into someone else's suitcase

>> No.8370338

I laughed.

>> No.8370347

oh dear

>> No.8370360

Honestly you sound like the shit friend here.

>> No.8370372

There's still that 10%
If you don't tell her how fucked up she's acting she'll never learn.

>> No.8370382

I feel like I got lucky.

My mom was pretty protective of me when I was in high school, and she was always super strict. She always had to know where I was, I couldn't leave until all my homework/chores were done, and she checked in regularly.
But as soon as I turned 18, she sat me down and said "Look, you're an adult. You can make your own decisions. At this point, I have to trust I did my best as a mother and that you can make the right decisions. I'll always be here if you need me."

Like damn. I see shit like this and I'm horrified.

>> No.8370416

I know those feels anon. Not the obsessive calls but the only daughter feels. Can't leave the house unless she knows who's going to be there, where I'm going and I have to check in.

Spent a weekend at a con. Had such an awesome time I forgot to call.

She and dad pick me up, and she's huffing like a child. "You didn't call. Anything could have happened and I wouldn't know!"

I'm 25. She bounces between telling me I'm an adult and can do what I want, but if I do I get guilt tripped and made to feel like shit, and telling me I can't do shit because she's the Adult.

Fucking. I love her to bits. But pretty sure she needs help.

>> No.8370427

I went to Electric Picnic (music festival in Ireland) one year. On the forums afterwards someone said they came back to their tent (which they were staying in by themselves) to find a human turd in the middle of the tent.

>> No.8370429

What makes them the shit friend?

My mother regularly tries to baby me. I regularly tell her to fuck off as a result

I'm 37

>> No.8370445

>going to any open air festival in this country

Finding a shit in your tent would be a godsend compared to the kind of stuff that goes on at Oxegen

>> No.8370448


Only a turd? I'm surprised you weren't swimming in piss considering the stories I hear from Electric Picnic.

>> No.8370467

Is Oxygen still going on? I heard it's calmed down a bit since the tent burning incident from a couple of years ago.

Didn't they have loads of Knackers from Dublin jumping the fence to get in for free?

What stories from Electric Picnic? It was pretty chill the time I was there, only thing I heard was some tool had a heart condition and thought it would be a good idea to take party pills, let's just say he left EP in a body bag

>> No.8370472

She'd hit me. It's super fucked. I'm trying to get full time work so I can afford to move out. She's got a lot of problems that come from being abused herself, having disabled children and losing a baby at birth.

Sort of back on topic. Almost horror story. I took a period over con weekend, even though I'm on the pill. It's usually brought on by the stress of the weekend. Thought I'd bled on the bed though, and was going to have to explain myself to staff.

>> No.8370483


Nothing too special, only that they have a chronic shortage of outdoor toilets so it gets pretty nasty an hour into the day. But that's probably a given for all outdoor concerts. I'm sheltered and I don't go to these things, so this is all secondhand information haha.

>> No.8370484

>someone else replies-all: "No thanks, I'd rather have fun next time."
>never hang out with her again

My fucking sides.

>> No.8370486

No idea if it's still a thing but all the stories you'd hear of youngones getting raped and people getting stabbed. Not a chance I'd ever go near it. All the good festivals are abroad anyway. I could probably travel to Slovenia and buy a weekend ticket to Metaldays for the price it costs for a single ticket to the likes of Electric Picnic here. Fucking rip off

>> No.8370508

I got my period during Pax East 2014 (went over for the Mass Effect Cast Cosplay) despite being on the pill, I think the change in time zones was the cause.

As a result I switched to the arm implant (implanon), only had one period in 9 months

>> No.8370518

I have talked to her - alone and with my father - but when she starts up with the "you obviously don't need me, huh..?" I back off a bit since I'm not ready to potentially be cut off. I've worked too hard on my degree to have it taken away before the end. Putting up with being micro managed will probably be worth it once I have that paper and get out.

>> No.8370556

How so??

>> No.8370560

suck my dick gobshite

>> No.8370621
File: 408 KB, 500x500, 1404154265738.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happened years ago, and yes, you will think me scum afterwards.
>younger, mayber early 20s, first con, amped up
>got hotel, get badges, fun time rooming with my people
>friends from high school, 1 dude and a couple, also there
>they have no room
>like at all, they left with no plan
>group huddle, decide to let them crash with us
>the girl is full scale drama queen
>every time we hear from her, it's her bitching about something asinine
>her bf constantly vanishes, has no phone
>end up being the babysitter
>she gets hurt or some shit in a crush of people
>calls me screaming to come help her
>half walk, half carry her the 5 blocks back to the room
>this is maybe the 4th time today I've made this walk in shit shoes, blisters coming already
>get back to room, she immediately claims a bed while I soak my foot in epsom salts for relief
>drop some texts, no one responds, everyone having fun while I babysit
>fucking hell
>she has 3 shots from MY $50 bottle of rum without asking, passes out
>I line up 4 shots, because fuck it, it's my rum, and I'll get my share before these bastards do
>she is out cold
>fuck it
>drop trou
>mouth fuck her while she sleeps
>pull up, nut on her face and hair
>she doesn't stir outside a few coughs
>zip up, leave
>come back that night, we all drunk after hitting a bar, back to back car bombs get you turnt
>she's there reading manga
>ask her if she is alright, says yeah, took a good nap
>that night, face fuck her again while she is sleeping next to her bf, nut in her mouth
>rest of the weekend is alright in my book, got mine in spades
>last day, they thank us for the room
>drama queen hugs me, thanks me for looking out for her over the weekend
>"Yeah, no problem"
>and it really wasn't, for me
Be nice to the people that are being nice to you, ladies. Or else.
>no, not a single fucking regret, and no, you can't make me have any

>> No.8370648

Been here.

>> No.8370655

>things that never happened

>> No.8370665

>oh no, some anon doesn't believe me
Having fun?

>> No.8370668

Pretty much. I typically go to only one con a year, and spend at least four months putting aside $600 a month. I'd rather go to one con and not worry about money, while I'm spoiling myself, than to try and tight-budget at all stops. Worrying over whether I can afford the $9 or the $21 dinner, or if I can purchase almost anything in the dealer's room that I want just ruins the fun for me.

>> No.8370678

Depends on who you room with.
People you know and have shit established with are far easier to deal with.

>> No.8370679

Dude you're using /b/tard speech and that shit wouldn't actually happen take your bait to the autist den where it belongs virgin.

>> No.8370685

I put down what happened with a shitty roommate.
Despite weirder things having been posted in these threads, you jump out of the woodwork to scream THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN.
If it makes you feel better, go ahead. I don't especially care, I said my piece.

>> No.8370701

>being proud of sexually assaulting someone while they were asleep

Not the person you're talking to but If it did actually happen, you need help anon.

>> No.8370704

Not proud, just don't regret it at all.
Best part? Years later, I told her about it straight, and found out she gets off to shit like that.
So I will continue to have no problems with it.

>> No.8370709

Something tells me you'll continue to have no problems with it because being one step away from raping someone in their sleep is the only way you're going to get any action.

>> No.8370718

Well, considering I started sleeping with her after she found out about it, I'd say you are fairly wrong.
But please, continue to lob bile at me :3

>> No.8370723


>> No.8370726

>I'd say you are fairly wrong

Congratulations, the person you sexually assaulted turned out to be just as big a freak and deviant as you! By all means, tell your story to a woman who isn't damaged and tell me the kind of reaction you get. I'm sure your mother's proud.

>> No.8370730

Yeah, I'll stop now.

>> No.8370736

>the person you sexually assaulted turned out to be just as big a freak and deviant as you!
And she is wrong for this why?
Jesus, anon, you are judging her more than me at this point.

>> No.8370762

this is a fine example of helicopter parents

>> No.8370771


>always going to cons with a party of 4 close friends, myself included
>discover airbnb and find an amazing deal
>only we'll need two more people for maximum profit since there are six beds
>can't seem to find a sixth person
>i start talking to my online friend (known her for ten years, never met irl) and playfully suggest for her to join
>she says that she's happy about the invite but the conversation devolves into ironic lewd jokes as usual so i take it as a no
>we're struggling but finally someone takes the sixth spot
>and then cancels two days before the con
>"Lewd-chan, pls come"
>"I will"
>"Umm, I wasn't serious"
>"Well I am"
>warn con friends that my online friend may want to come
>they're super excited
>i'm nervous about meeting up but it goes well
>only mildly awkward at the beginning, she gets extremely well along with my friends and they all love her
>con starts, i'm having way too much fun with her
>she parties all night but i always eagerly wait for her return
>the last night she brings some guy to our place
>everyone's weirded the fuck out
>"Sorry Lewd-chan, you can't possibly think you can bring some guy here to fuck"
>"Geez Anon, just stay out of the other room for a while."
>"That's disgusting, can't you please go to his place?"
>we argue for a while and she finally leaves with the guy
>returns in three minutes
>awkward silence
>"Well wasn't that some quick business!"
>friends giggle at my terrible joke, mood lightened anyhow
>"No need to get so jealous, I only walked him to the bus stop. But I still need to get my fill tonight, y'know?"
>lewd-chan tickle attacks me and everyone laughs
>we watch cartoons and shit before going to sleep
>there are two bedrooms with three beds each, so half of us eventually leave
>stay awake and converse with lewd-chan
>she tickles me and /grabs my breasts/

>> No.8370772


>i start protesting but i do realize that during our internet friendship i've told her that i wouldn't mind if one of my friends caressed my breasts
>no one (other than me) has ever touched my breasts, it feels far more pleasant than i imagined
>she asks if she could lick them
>what the fuck that's super lewd
>i'm sure to be a permavirgin so this is my only chance to experience something like this
>"just a little"
>i really, really hope my friend in the third bed is asleep
>i'm way too aroused, i feel as though i could orgasm just from my tits
>what the hell man, i never feel anything when i touch them by myself
>i start focusing on trying to orgasm from my tits because i'm a fucking retarded pervert apparently
>lewd-chan stops and tickle attacks me again
>and slips her hand down my pants
>but i better shut up and try to fight back really carefully and quietly because i don't want third-chan to wake up
>before i know it she's got two of her fingers inside me
>how the fuck she did that is beyond me, i never managed to insert even half of a single finger
>she starts rubbing some weird spot i didn't know existed
>i suddenly feel sluggish
>decide to let her continue for a moment since it feels really weird
>and by weird i mean good
>what the fuck am i doing
>i giggle in hysterics, refusing to believe what's happening
>we wrestle for a bit although i no more intend to stop her
>we're making a bit of a ruckus
>she pulls of my pants and straddles me in this weird scissor position
>one of my friends opens the door to witness not only my bare ass and cunt but also me lezzin' it up with that slut
>lewd-chan gets off of me and i pull my pants up
>friends stare in horror
>"Anon, that's fucking disgusting"
>rest of the con is fucking awkward, lewd-chan leaves and my friends are clearly weirded out and disgusted with me
>i'm so ashamed i don't know what to do
>friends cut contact with me
>i cut contact with lewd-chan
>no more cons 4 me

>> No.8370781

>share hotelroom with fat friend and her friend
>friend's friend is a bit younger than us and is shy
>she is really nice tho, all 3 of us have some cool convos
>we all agree to just do our own thing at the con with our own friends and meet later at the hotel
>dont see them much after that during the day
>evening/night and i have to go back to hotelroom to change for the party
>one of my other friends decide to come with me bc she has nothing to do
>arrive at hotelroom
>no one in the room and after a sec we discover it smells fucking terrible there
>walk into bathroom
>mfw toilet is full of shit
>my friend's face when she also discovers the turd apocalypse left in the toilet for us to find
>friend runs out of room escaping the shit parade and leaving me to clean it
>try to flush it as i am being scarred for life
>it wont fucking flush no matter how many times i tried
>i cant believe i had to poke it with the toilet brush
>its finally over
>sit next to friend
>we both have just been traumatized for life
>ask her does she think it was the fat friend or her delicate af buddy
>laugh ass off at the thought but still really fucking grossed out and cringing
>mfw i couldnt look at either of them in the eye again because all i could see was a poonami drowning me

>> No.8370783

Aww, that was sorta cute, anon, until it blew up on you.

>> No.8370787

It's not cute. That other girl was a predator, and anon was weak.

>> No.8370795

You should have confronted her.

>> No.8370803

My thoughts exactly. This happened to me in high school and ended up with me being raped and abused. Wasn't even in a relationship with the person.

>> No.8370804

i thought about it but decided to be the good guy i guess and spare her from the embarrassment

>> No.8370805

>ITT, we romanticize sexual assault

>> No.8370808
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By not confronting her, you taught her to be careless. She will continue to be shitty.

>pun intended

In all seriousness, I don't blame you for avoiding her.

>> No.8370821

What the fuck this aroused me at first.
what the fuck is wrong with me.

Anon, I'm sorry that you had such an embarrassing experience and I'm sorry your friends cut contact with you, but I'm glad you cut contact with lewd-chan. Her behavior was uncalled for and it's too bad you couldn't have had a better experience.

>> No.8370872

>be the mother hen in our group, but not in an obnoxious way
>my parents are decently off so I'm the only one of us with no money worries at the time
>I usually reserve the hotel rooms, pay any deposits and front the money for group badges
>Friends give me cash for badges and room at con, I usually pay room taxes/parking because hey, I can afford it
>Usually pay for and bring the booze, too
>Organize the photoshoots, panel presentations, group costumes
>My friends are always really glad that they can just show up and not have to put much effort into having fun
>They're super awesome, we have a great time, no drama
>Everyone graduates last year, gets jobs, people start having more disposable income
>I have to take my license exam the week before the con
>Am taking the exam out of state because I plan to move to that state and will have to miss the con
>They knew this way far in advance
>Two weeks before the con, 'Anon-chan, we know you're not going to the con, but you still reserved the room, right?' .... no.
>Uhhh did you buy the group badges, Anon-chan? ..... no!
>Anon-chan, we don't know when the group photoshoots are! We don't know how to organize a private shoot!
>Anon-chan, we forgot to put in an application for the panel!
>Call my dad, explain the problem, he's able to get them a a pricey suite at the con hotel
>Know the panel heads, email them, ask if there is any chance they can let us have a panel time slot? We've done a panel there every year for a while.
>They do have a couple of open spots from cancellations, if we take a couple of panels, free badges
>Give my friends all the master material for three panels
>'Thank you so much, Anon-chan! Good luck on your license exam! We'll buy you dinner when we get back'
>Go take my exam with good peace of mind
>Get my license
>Come home and check my email Monday night
>Oh. Shit. You knew this wouldn't end well.

>> No.8370877

You couldn't tell it was fake after the "I could only fit 1/2" and "weird spot I didn't know existed"?

>> No.8370882

I take that subject seriously and honestly I know shitloads of girls who don't know their own body or how it works. It's not unheard of.

>> No.8370887

>Oh. Shit. You knew this wouldn't end well.

>> No.8370889


>> No.8370891
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Anon, what the fuck is wrong with you, holy fuck

>> No.8370899

how poor do you people have to be to allow more than 3 people in a room with you?

>> No.8370900

>being on 4chan
>believing any story about fetish-bait sexual encounters

>> No.8370905

>Multiple emails from panel head and CON CHAIR to the tune of 'Your friends showed up drunk to their first panel, spent the entire time drinking, googling memes on the internet and basically sperging out.
>Didn't bother showing up for other two panels
>Photographer is pissed that they showed up to the private photoshoot, no one had money, promised to pay the photographer later and never did
>Group text to figure out what the fuck is going on
>Fucking Mulholland Drive style story pieced together:
>Friends all showed up past check-in time on day of con
>I told them the room was going to be expensive but they wanted it at the con hotel
>Five hundred dollars short, collectively
>Takes until one am to get the rest of the money via parents/friends/SO's
>They pay for one parking spot in the parking garage
>They have three cars
>Get drunk the whole weekend, dick everyone over
>Two cars towed on Sunday morning when they are trying to leave
>No one has any money
>Friend with not-towed car has to get a title loan to get two other cars out of hock
>One of them left a suitcase in the parking garage when they were re-arranging things to fit four people plus con luggage in one car to go pick up towed cars from lot
>Monday morning, another friend finds a seven hundred dollar charge from hotel on debit card she put down for incidentals
>I call the hotel
>Someone threw up in the air conditioner
>Broken knob from shower
>Someone left a cup full of urine on the nightstand that was not missing
>And the coup de gras: there was a "large scorch mark" on the carpet of the hotel.
>Still no straight answer on what happened to the night stand
>'Anon-chan, never leave us again'

>> No.8370914

I do hope you're no longer friends with them and realize that they were taking advantage of you when you were there.

>> No.8370915

literally laughed out loud, congrats anon

>> No.8370919

What the FUUUUCK HOW DOES ANY OF THIS EVEN HAPPEN...A missing nightstand?? Vomit in the air conditioner?? What?? Please tell me you've cut all ties with them. Please.

>> No.8370921

Your dick must be tiny to slip into a sleeping person's mouth unnoticed. You do realize that most people clench their jaw and grind their teeth in their sleep, right? And even if they don't, they're sure as hell not opening up without coming conscious again first.

>> No.8370924
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>> No.8370932

Dump your friends. They deserved every bit of that shit.

>> No.8370936

>. You do realize that most people clench their jaw and grind their teeth in their sleep, right?
Not that guy but not really, I drool and sleep with my mouth open, and I know other people who do as well.
Clenching/grinding your teeth while you teeth isn't normal at all.

>> No.8370937

Lol now that REALLY didn't happen

>> No.8370943
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>> No.8370945


>Still friends
>No longer hand-hold them at cons
>Can get them to do pretty much anything now just by muttering 'nightstand' at them

>> No.8370957

Even if you sleep with your mouth open though, any pressure on your tongue will create an immediate gag response. Otherwise all sorts of creatures, insects, and lord knows what else would be able to crawl in there and get stuck in your esophagus.

>> No.8370966

>Week before a con one of our roommates bails
>Person organizing the hotel room (Let's call her A) offers to pay for the extra even though we all told her we'd pitch in
>One of our mutual friends (J) says he really wants to come
>He doesn't really like anime a whole lot or conventions but decide sure since it'll make it cheaper for A
>The whole drive over to the convention J brags about how he is going to sleep with all these women
>Get to the hotel and check in with no problems
>Day 1 rolls around
>A is a photographer and has photo shoots all morning
>J follows her around complaining about how he "doesn't fit in" with anyone here and how no girls are really talking to him
>My boyfriend and I finally find A and she is clearly annoyed
>A is going to shadow a really good photographer for the next few hours and I tell J he should come walk around with me
>Follows me and bf around and complains the whole time and is generally mopey
>Looks pissed off all the time and when we ask what is wrong says "Nothing"
>We stop asking and then later complains about how when he looks mad no one asks him what is wrong
>Get back to the hotel room that night and he goes into a long speech about how he's so miserable and wants to date again and how he doesn't just want to have one night stands anymore
>Every time one of us went back to the hotel room to chill he'd be there and start complaining again
>Boyfriend had been working out of country for the last three months and got home a few days before the con. One of the days is also his birthday.
>Can't spend any time with him because J is clinging to either A or me and won't stop complaining about how no girl wants to sleep with him and how he doesn't fit in anywhere
>If we tell him to go away he'd go on a talk about how where would he go because he doesn't like anime or cosplay at all
>The whole weekend was like this

Never again

>> No.8370970

Okay why are you friends with her if you don't like her? Tell her she's not coming if she can't suck it up and deal with it.
Why the hell do you people stay friends with people who do nothing but piss you off? I don't understand. Those aren't friends, they're nuisances.

>> No.8370974

Leave them anon, leave and never look back
>They sound like Homestuckers

>> No.8370993

Trust me, I try severing contact with her a lot, but we have so many mutual friends it's hard to avoid her, and we live really close so she's always getting me to give her rides to cons, and I can only find so many excuses not to without avoiding the con altogether.

>> No.8371006

>Go to Otakon
>Entire first night have to listen to DUFF sewing a costume. An entire costume
>Second night, wide-eyed terror at schlicking and schlurping noises from fuggo lesbian friends in bed next to us.
>Can't even commiserate with platonic male friend I'm sharing the bed with because I don't want to wake him up and traumatize him
>Find out the next morning he was awake and in wide-eyed terror, too but didn't want to wake me up to traumatize me
>DUFF complains that we didn't help her with her costume
>Fuggo lesbian friends smug all weekend
>Still have PTSD flashbacks to schlurping noises

>> No.8371013

Even if it was real, it makes me glad I wake up at the drop of a hat.

>> No.8371021

Why are you making excuses? Just tell her no.

>> No.8371067


Not that anon, but it sounds to me like she roped a "friend" into going just so she can have one more body to roomstuff for a cheaper room, without telling friend about how cramped the living conditions would be. The part about being excluded from planning group chats is even weirder, was she planning to get to the con with the friend in her car, and then just go, "oh by the way we have 8 people in our room, not just the two of us, and you'll have to sleep in a sleeping bag, not a nice, comfy bed" and then not expect some shit to fly?


You need to grow some honesty. If you're going to do sleeping bags and room stuffing then you need to tell your friend all this, up front. Then give her a choice of backing out and finding her own room (or not going) and find a 8th room mate on your own, or if she decides to come, then she has to put up with all of that.

Once she agrees to that, then at that point it's no longer your fault if she starts complaining that the room is cramped or whatever.

Face it, at this point you're the one who selfishly decided to take her on your trip for your own reasons and then keep her in the dark about how bad things will really be. I can't blame her if she freaks out as you're the one who chose to tell her nothing.

Her parents paying for the con doesn't change anything. Yeah, sucks that yours won't pay for your trip, but that doesn't give you the right drop shit on someone else whose parents did.

>> No.8371073

You and anyone else with crazy parents (or friends who have crazy parents) might wanna check out the raisedbynarcissists subreddit

>> No.8371097

ohhhh. well she knew about everything the entire time?? like i asked her and she said she was fine with a ton of people rooming together, because she "understood" how I needed to save money, and I showed her all of their profiles and she knew very well that there were gonna be 9 people and that sleeping bags would need to be involved, but the instant she joined the group chat she acted like she had never agreed and said I was "lying" to her when I said I remember her saying it was okay. I wasn't keeping anything from her?? Plus if I had the choice, she wouldn't be in the room, and we have plenty of time to find one more person but I'm her ride for the con and it'll be awkward and even more rude if I kick her out.

>> No.8371099

>room with gf and 2 mutual friends
>mutual #1 is literally autistic and kind of odd but fun
>mutual friends go off to the masquerade, waiting hours in line to get in
>gf and i don't care about it, enjoy con together
>go to panel, she leans on me all snuggly and "sleepy" which is her code word for "horny"
>we leave panel, masq is in full swing, text friends to ask if they're having fun, both answer they are
>go to room
>room is dark, gf and i stumble around pawing each other in haste to get to bed and get naked and get it on
>step on something, hear it snap
>dick is in charge, ignore whatever i broke
>fuck on our bed
>gf is noisy, i don't hold back either
>cuddle when done, but agree we need to get up and be dressed before masq is over and mutuals return
>turn on bedside table lamp
>mutual #1 is huddled in corner wide-eyed and hugging a dakimura
>apparently she had been "overstimmed" and had come back to room to recover
>her text didn't specify where she was, just that she was "having fun!"
>"having fun" meant hiding in a dark room listening to Vocaloid and hugging daki
>gf apologizes like mad, i demand to know why she didn't say anything
>Mutual #1 looks away, at middle of room, and her face crumples
>"You broke my katana..."
>i hit the shower while gf does damage control

Every now and then when we're having sex I'll stop and whisper, "Did you hear that?" and gf will say, "It's just Mutual, don't stop."

>> No.8371117

>>Mutual #1 looks away, at middle of room, and her face crumples
>>"You broke my katana...
best part of story
I bet she had a big frowny face too

>> No.8371124

That poor girl

>> No.8371139

Both the protagonists and antagonists in these greentexts have sex in their hotel room while rooming with other people. Obviously it's different when the others aren't in the room, but it's still pretty inconsiderate and gross. Don't you people have any self-control?

I wouldn't like my friends visualizing me and my bf doing it in the bed next to them, and I don't like visualizing them doing the same.

>> No.8371154

My friend told me a story that I wish he never told me.

>Be friend's friend
>sleeping in hotel room
> look to the side
>roommate nailing his gf right there
>roomate looks over and speaks
>"Good morning Sunshine"

True or not, this fucking haunts me.

>> No.8371188

No kidding. It's absolutely frightening to me how people just seem to not have any manners. And, god I hate how retarded I'm going to sound, but sex can be triggering for me. I was sexually abused and it can trigger bad anxiety and even cause a panic attack. So having a friend pull this shit on me could be more than just a little embarrassing.

Like, check the room first and make SURE everyone knows what you're doing in the room before your do it. And don't do it in that room if you have someone who might be too uncomfortable with it. It's incredibly inconsiderate to just do it without even so much as hanging a "do not disturb" sign outside the door.

>> No.8371190

What's "DUFF"? Only thing I can imagine is a cartoon beer operating a sewing machine.

>> No.8371194

My head filled it in to be "dumb as fuck friend" but I'm sure that's not what it means.

>> No.8371196

I'm laughing DUFF that's a U what is English
Please ignore me I am a dumbass.

>> No.8371202

dumb ugly fat friend is all i can guess

>> No.8371204

What I'm thinking is 'designated ugly fat friend' from the book

>> No.8371225

Wait, you mean that one movie that was trying too hard to make that word a "thing"?

>> No.8371286
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>Road trip to Omni-con from CA to TX
>Few days of driving due to some stops
>Stop at hotel and change into cosplay
>Using friend's car
>It's a Volvo c30 with train horns attached
>Get to car garage to find parking place
>First day of convention
>Feels good finally being there
>Friend who is driving gets over excited
>Leans out the window once parked and screams
>He blasts the train horn in the parking garage
>Fucking loud as fuck and it echos badly
>Car alarms start going off around us
>People around us holding their ears
>Convention staff show up with security
>Oh fuck...

Long story short, they banned us from the convention for the year, the train horn bothered so many people in the garage that we had a small crowd screaming at us while being talked to by staff, one guy was so mad he was nearly crying, he made the situation a million times worse by telling everyone that we made his ears bleed because he was the next car over to us, he claimed he suffered from ear problems at birth and had to wear a hearing aid thing, and he wasn't lying, his ears were bleeding but just barely, he also told everyone we broke his hearing aid but I really don't think we did, I think we was being over dramatic like crazy.

I was really pissed at my friend for wasting our time and money driving out there, and the worst part is, we all told him not to touch the damn horn the entire time we were driving there because last time he used it he got in trouble, fuck those things.

>> No.8371312

>"his ears were bleeding but just barely"
>ears were bleeding
>"I think [h]e was being over dramatic like crazy"

Are you an idiot or.....

>> No.8371317

Poor anon, that would suck ass. At least you fucking cared though, those guys didn't give a shit.

>> No.8371326

Spoken like a true man whose never had any. Let's pretend for a minute that any person who isn't blackout drunk would 1) sleep through that, and 2) wouldn't immediately gag. You want us to believe that her sober boyfriend sleeping next to her didn't notice too?

Kek what's it like having to live vicariously through such asinine stories?

>> No.8371335

Is your friend with the asshole mods named Phil?

>> No.8371361

But dude aren't you forgetting she had THREE SHOTS OF RUM? She was totally PASSED OUT!

>> No.8371378


BARELY, there was like one drop of blood that came out of his ears, it was nothing serious in my eyes


No his name was Andrew, why do you ask?

>> No.8371384

Mutual probably didn't want you to worry about them or come back early and make the overstimmed situation worse.

Also sex in the room is rude. Still a pretty funny story though.

>> No.8371400

You're an inconsiderate asshole. His ears were bleeding likely because you ruptured his fucking ear drums, and he could very well have had more blood further into his inner ear rather than showing outside. Blood doesn't just foubtain out of the ears when they're damaged, you knob. Your complete lack of sympathy for someone who was BLEEDING FROM A NOISE, YOU MADE A SOUND SO LOUD THAT BLOOD CAME FROM HIS BODY, makes me lack any sympathy for you or your stupid retard friend who couldn't follow one direction.

>> No.8371409
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Whoaaa there, calm down, we said we were sorry to the guy and we all shook hands after the whole thing was over, it's not like we stormed off, we sat around and talked about it for a least a good hour or two with both staff and the guy who had his ears hurt, the guy explained he had ear problems to begin with, we offered to pay for whatever was broken, but he said to just forget about it.

>> No.8371419

That's good to know, glad to read it, but acting like "but we BARELY made him bleed BARELY" is still stupid.

>> No.8371428

Oh you poor sweet children. I'm going alone to anime matsuri, I'll buy a double queen room and have a seagull rescue room.

>> No.8371434


True, I could of worded it better, I did feel awful, we all did, in the end our friend who hit the train horn ended up paying most of us back for tickets.

>> No.8371436


>> No.8371439

different anon, but why the fuck was their a train horn on the car to begin with? I'm assuming for epic lulz XDD

>> No.8371458

I honestly would've sperged out and tell him to sleep in his fucking jeans.

>> No.8371462


>> No.8371470
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>"Why did you leave me??"
What the fuck bitch? No on was stopping you from going out.
FUCK NO NIGGA! You don't do dat shit!
>Nobody is going to Let It Go.
Actually had a really goo laugh at that, 10/10 post Anon, thank you.

>> No.8371485

compression of the nads is pretty painful and hard to sleep in. i mostly wear boxers, but on the off chance that i wear boxer briefs, even one size small can cause some major discomfort

i'd rather jeans. or commando but not an option in that scenario.

>> No.8371490

A small offering but my friend always had elaborate costumes that didnt allow much movement/general pain in the ass to do things. Id be her handler which was fine but Id always ask her
>"Im getting lunch now, do you want me to get you something?"
>"are you sure? Ok then"

Always patheticly hungry when I got back and would pick at my scraps like a dog until I envitable got her something else.

>> No.8371494


Aahh. That does make her the drama queen, then. I had the impression you kept her out of the loop the entire time.

I still think you should have said your room was full instead of agreeing to take her on, next time just do that instead of putting yourself through the drama.

>> No.8371535

Dude you're an idiot, wtf

>> No.8371559

Holy shit. You two sound like pieces of crap to room with. Id rather stay with the dudes than with either of you. What did either of them even do so bad that you treated them as if they were the plague?

>> No.8371572
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Flying to con with a friend, staying with another who lives near this con and who volunteers for con and always has a hotel room. Need to let him know when we'll be there so he can coordinate when he can leave with the other people he runs one of the game rooms with.

>Text local friend when we land "Just landed, see you soon"
>"Okay cool"
>Getting our luggage
>Text friend again "Just getting our bags probably be there in a half an hour or less"
>Him "Great, see you soon"
>Me "Got our shit be there soon"
>Him "Great see you in a bit"
>Get in cab with friend
>Text friend "Just got in a cab, see you in five minutes"
>His fucking reply, no joke "Oh, well I just left for lunch so you might be waiting for a while"
>No exaggeration, we sat in the hotel lobby for four and a half hours with our bags. No joke.
>Arrived at hotel at 1:30, he didn't get back until 6.
>He went to some buffet style place two cities over(an hours drive each way) which was apparently packed and ate four of five plates of food.
>I was pissed
>Just sitting in the lobby for hours because he didn't want to wait five minutes to go to lunch

>> No.8371583

I have taken two shots of rum, a whiskey, Vodka, peach and apple schnapps, and three or four other things and I could still walk up stairs.

>> No.8371597
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Holy shit, what did you do for 4.5 hours in a hotel lobby?

>> No.8371600

Not much. We ate some of the food I brought with me and shot the shit. I browsed /cgl/ until my phone died. I mostly sat there getting more and more annoyed.

>> No.8371602

not everyone is a heavy weight like us, my friend. I have a guy friend who gets black out drunk on two glasses of wine, while i can take multiple shots and not be affected one bit

>> No.8371608

To top it all off, B's bf J left her for K right after the con.

I feel bad about it, but I get panicked really easily.

>> No.8371617
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>> No.8371644

A few years ago, my friend and I decided to get a hotel last minute and we were hoping to find two more people to help split the cost. My partner at the time and his friend were interested, and we figured out that the cost would be $65 per person. My friend's mom agreed to pay for the room, and we would pay her back later. Well, con comes around and my friend and I were very excited for our convenient place. However, we didn't realize what was going to go down. My partner and his friend invited all their other friends to our room and they spent a lot of time in there, sitting on the bed, watching tv, using up all the complimentary tea bags and coffe, etc. It was slightly annoying, but my friend and I tried not to let it bother us that much. Then the evening began and everyone was getting ready for the rave. My friend and I waited in the main space of our room while they all were getting ready in the bathroom. When they finally left for the rave, my friend and I walked into the dark bathroom, only to look in horror. They had been throwing glow paint at each other and a bunch of it had gotten all over the walls, mirror and towels. My friend and I started freaking out, and we tried our best to clean it all up, worried that we'd have to pay for damage. Thankfully, we didn't get charged, since it faded within a day. We never got the courage to confront them about all of this, and while I paid my share of the room in a short time as promised, my partner took a very long time to give his share, and his friend never paid. My friend and I decided that we would never room share with those two again, and to be more careful and firm about people to room share with.

>> No.8371671

Because of dumbass rednecks who live in SoCal who think it is cool to attach it to their fucking lame ass cars.

>> No.8371708

How I got a golden lancer....

>At con with a few friends
>Sharing a double because it's cheaper
>One asshole claims the bed for the whole weekend because she has back issues
>Con goes well etc.
>Go to local bar and get smashed
>Friend and bf stay in bar
>I go back
>Get into room and crash out on floor reading comics
>Wake up an hour or so later
>Asshole and some randomer from bar are trying to sneak into bar
>"Don't wake him shhh"
>wat do
>"No keep it on it's sexy"
>Lay there as this dude rails her for like 10 minutes
>wtf wtf wtf
>She wants him to finish facing her
>As he gets close she begins to climax
>Goes to scratch his back as gulls do
>Grabs his chest plate
>Sounds like she's having fun
>Crunch crunch snap
>"Ugh ugh wtf"
>Oh god did I just hear him nut
>without thinking i jolt up and yell "THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM"
>Skinny marcus from gears of war stood half naked
>Weiner flying like a flag
>Shes in bed like the fuck you want?
>Chunks of blue foam fragments everywhere and his suit is torn around the hips
>Nail marks on the chest
>"Get the fuck out now."
>Not till she's paid for my fucking suit
>"It will take one text to get my bro here and he'll wreck the rest of your suit fuck off"
>Gets pants on and grabs what he can of suit and fucking hightails it
>"What the fuck is your problem?"
>"Shut the fuck up and get dressed I'm calling femanon"
>Femanon comes back half an hour later with bro
>Massive argument
>Asshole is still in the 'right'
>Fuck it I wanna sleep
>Lay back down
>Fucking golden lancer from gears 2 collectors edition sat on the floor
>Guy fucking forgot it when he left

And that's how I got my lancer.

>> No.8371720

I'm a heavyweight? That was my first time drinking (even though I'm 23). My cousin just started pulling shit out of her cabinet and was like TRY THIS

>> No.8371734

But DUFF or something similar has been around for awhile.

>> No.8371768

Dude I literally have 0 idea how vaginas work and have never masturbated because of that so it's not unheard of.

>> No.8371975
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Me too. I actually masturbate often but flicking my little bean does it for me so I've never bothered trying to stick anything in.

>> No.8372003

In case of the slim chance that this actually happened, this was a full-scale sexual assault that would count as rape in some jurisdictions.
Also this just confirms the story as 100% fake, because NOBODY would be fine with being raped like that. People can get off on rough stuff and rape play, yes, but those are CONSENSUAL.

>> No.8372060

>>feel as though i could orgasm just from my tits
>>she starts rubbing some weird spot i didn't know existed
>>it feels really weird, and by weird i mean good
>>straddles me in this weird scissor position
>>bare ass and cunt but also me lezzin' it up with that slut

You are a man and these porn lines make your story completely unbelievable.

>> No.8372099
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>> No.8372113

You're still a dumbass. Whether or not you shook hands and tipped your hat, you're still parking your ass here and making fun of the guy for "overreacting" because you ruptured a part of his body. Most people go their entire lives without this happening, and the fact that you're making light of it to justify your friend's actions just shows how self centered you are.

Good on the con for kicking you assclowns out.

>> No.8372214

You know that the pill isn't meant to stop periods, right? Unless you're skipping what is the placebo week for most brands/types.

>I think the change in time zones was the cause

What..? How do you think that works?

>> No.8372215

You are missing out, I can't get off without feeling something plowing against my cervix

>> No.8372228

The pill does stop periods, the way the pill works is tricking your body that you're pregnant so that you don't release eggs but it doesn't really work if you release them before you start taking it. As for the change in time zones i have no clue what the fuck anon is about.

>> No.8372253

So would you start producing milk on the pill too?

>> No.8372261

Designated Ugly Fat Friend

i.e. someone you're friends with to make yourself feel better about your looks

>> No.8372263

I don't fucking know dude google it I frankly don't really give two shits I just said what I was told.

>> No.8372269

No, anon is wrong. There's a lot of misinformation out there about how birth control works because of '60s fearmongering and women feeling uncomfortable about doing anything "unnatural" to their babymakers.

>> No.8372272

Anon is 17 and these guys were in their 20s, I think their response is reasonable, they're adults, anon is a minor.

>> No.8372276

I've had to wait in a hotel lobby from noon (checkout time) until 5.30pm (had an evening flight in nearby Birmingham airport to fly back to Ireland).

Just plugged my laptop into a socket and used the free lobby internet. Got a nice lunch there while I waited.

>> No.8372289

I was skipping the placebo week.

Due to time zone differences I ended up taking my pill hours later than normal (I flew from Ireland to Boston) and when I took the placebo week in the past my period started on the same day I took the placebo pill.

>> No.8372456

>the way the pill works is tricking your body that you're pregnant so that you don't release eggs

It sort of makes your body think you're pregnant during the three weeks of active pills, yes, but the last week in the pack is usually a placebo with no hormones. They're there to keep you in the habit of taking pills and do nothing hormonally, at which point your body is like "oh dang not preggo after all better shed this uterine lining and make a new one to prepare for new egg," but by the time the new uterine lining is made, you're back on the pills that have the hormones in them, starting the cycle over.

Sorry if that explanation was hard to understand. The pill does not prevent periods unless you skip the placebo week and go straight to the next pack, which is only advisable for some people. It can make periods lighter and more predictable/regular with normal use, but isn't meant to stop them completely.

Other anon, who says here >>8372276 that she was skipping placebo week, took the pill at a significantly later time than normal due to time zone change, could have waited long enough for her body to 'realize' she wasn't pregnant and start shedding her uterine lining (having a period).

>> No.8372466

Shoot, quoted wrong post. meant >>8372289, not >>8372276.

>> No.8373130

This is confusing. Who is talking to who, and who originally owned the suit?

>> No.8374260

holy fuck this's good

>> No.8374636

>Friend blocked MB on social media to avoid having to pay our portions of the room
By far the biggest dick move in the story.

>> No.8374794

gearsbro owned suit and railed her while he wore it cos /v/tard

>> No.8376394


I was taking the pill and I still had a period on time with placebos so it depends on the woman. It just wasn''t as heavy.