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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8339174 No.8339174 [Reply] [Original]

New Colossalcon thread. Hold onto your butt.

>Are you going?
>What are your plans?
>Cosplaying, and if so, what?

There's some new rules regarding how the flea market and craft fair are set up this year so if you're planing on partaking in them, make sure you read up!

Also registration is in two new locations this year, with one of the spots being for at the door ONLY on the first 2 days.

Here's the schedule, but bare in mind there could be additions and revisions as the con approaches.

>> No.8339221

1st for anime sux

>> No.8339228

2nd for more staff drama

>> No.8339263
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>Are you going?
Yes! I'm so excited, this is my second Colossal, and I haven't been since 2012. I'm excited to see what's changed. I'm going with my brother and his friend, it's only their second con ever and their first full-weekend, so I hope they're gonna have a good time!

>What are your plans?
>Are you cosplaying?
This is actually the first con I'll be attending in/as a lolita. I'm excited and really nervous, as I'm pretty new haha. But I plan to go to both the fashion show and the tea party. I'll also be spending a lot of time in the dealer's room, most of my purchases will probably be loli-related, but I'm also on the lookout for sheep stuff and maybe a wig or so.
And of course I'll be in the waterpark a lot! I turned 21 in February, I wanna try out the swim-up bar! Hopefully we can organize a /cgl/ meet that I can hang at.

Also, I've never gone to a craft fair or flea market, would anyone suggest either? For lolita stuff or otherwise?

>> No.8339265

Well, wrong image, but that works too I guess. That'll be mfw I set my eyes on one of those stupidly huge resort drinks with the stupidly high alcohol content.

>> No.8339268

Hello fellow lolita!

Definitely check out the artist alley, there are a few lolita indie brands and crafters there. You may find some items too in the craft fair. I've bought lolita things in the flea market before as well, like older non-print brand dresses, accessories and other items so someone might have brought some of their stuff to sell. Definitely look around! It can be hit or miss, but I particularly enjoy the flea market because as a fan of older anime and games, it's one of the few places at cons I can find merch I might've missed out on eons ago.

>> No.8339652

Staff does delete all comments that they don't like.
They don't respond to legitimate questions or feedback.
Certain staff members do target lolitas and cosplayers to fuck with.
IDC how "blunt" people are, it's poor form to act like a twat while representing a business.

Colossal is good for three things:
1. Drinking
2. Hanging out with friends
3. The game room
I would recommend that you go to the Kalahari to just chill with friends and spend the money on drinks instead of buying a badge. Also check out Cedar Point if you haven't been there before.

>> No.8339738

>Are you going?
>What are your plans?
This will be my 5th year and I never have a plan. Stuff happens, I do it. I'll definitely hit the hot tub bar several times and get all of the best drinks, obligatory room parties, then an extra day to hang out at the hot tub bar without the con crowd. I need to resist blowing all my money.

>Cosplaying, and if so, what?
Nah, I keep getting the urge to, but then realize I'll probably hardly wear it, and this late in the game it'd be too much to throw anything together.

>I'm excited to see what's changed.
2012... I don't think they were done with the second convention center yet? So if they weren't expect way more space, way more people, and way more tacky African decor. The game room is so much bigger now, and I think they're using a bigger room for the Dealer's now too?

>would anyone suggest either?
I'm not lolita so I've never looked specifically for loli things, but it's worth going just to look. It should only take a few minutes to browse through and you may find some things you want even if they're not related to lolita.

You can hardly even taste the alcohol, lol.


>> No.8339749

Weren't you the one who was trolling their boards spouting off shit like "FNAF is garbage" and got banned? Your opinion about moderation is worth about as a counterfeit dollar bill.

>> No.8339751
File: 37 KB, 180x240, gggjgjhghj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where to go in the con if you want people to take pictures of your costumes? Is there a particular "main area" or anything?
>inb4 attention whore

>> No.8339762

There's a whole bunch of scheduled photoshoots if you're cosplaying from any of these series.

If not, usually you'll get stopped in the hall by people with cameras, though hall shots are kind suck because of the lighting.

>> No.8339936

Outdoor waterpark, savanna grass area, etc would probably be the best place to hang out and get pictures. The lighting will be a lot better, for certian. The lighting inside the con center is dim and lighted from high above, worse in the newer areas as it's pretty dim.

>> No.8339945
File: 21 KB, 326x326, johnny-knoxville.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes I'm going!
>I plan on staffing dealers room
>My costume is of someone that has been working conventions for 23 years!
>Pic related, my "lets do this" face.

>> No.8340028

Most of the alcohol content in their drinks is pretty mild. If you're not used to consuming alcohol a big one will probably get you really tipsy or a little drunk depending on the particular drink. I stop at that point because I have no intent on getting shitfaced. I feel absolutely nothing drinking the small sized ones. They are basically frozen dessert.

>> No.8340124

>Are you going?
Yes, and I'm getting more and more excited about it.

>What are your plans?
Go to the water park
Go to the game room
Go to some panels(I want to try karaoke)
Go to the Shounen Knife concert
Be merry

>Cosplaying, and if so, what?
Nah, I might do it next year though.

>> No.8340262

Staff drama isn't hard for this convention, so many useless pieces of crap that staff. Or maybe a better word is incompetent? Either way, I'm surprised the conchair or hasn't fired everyone and hired new people yet.

>> No.8340491

That's because he is an idiot. The biggest idiots on staff are his personal friends who can do no wrong. But if you have a brain your just causing problems and not supporting the con so you must go. I've seen so many good people run off because they bring up actually issues that need to be addressed

>> No.8340522

> I stop at that point because I have no intent on getting shitfaced.
A friend of mine has proven that if you get shitfaced at the water park, park security will cut you off from any more drinks and watch you like a hawk.

>> No.8340532

Don't you need a badge to get into the game room?

lmao that's the only reason i bought one

>> No.8340545

Yup. The only things within the convention center that don't require a badge are Con Ops and Help&Safety for obvious reasons, and the loungey section of hallway with all the tables and couches and Kalahari food+drink vendor.

>> No.8340646


I would pay $100 to play fucking jubeat and the newer iidx games. You never find that shit in America, ever. Rest of the con idgaf about lol

>> No.8340654

This is really good info, thank you so much! I'm also into older video games so that could be awesome.

Oooh, I forgot they expanded it! I heard the yearly crowd has increased a lot, hopefully with all the room it won't be too crowded, or I'm not too easily lost haha.

Luckily I'm a kind of a lightweight, so that should be good for me, and I'm sure I'll have some extra on hand that I can add in if that isn't that case. But I also just like tasty drinks.

>> No.8340733

I found out yesterday I could go!

I have no idea how or what I can pull off with two weeks though. I was thinking lolita as a last resort but that's no fun ;~;

This will be my first colossal. I'm trying to plan my days so I don't end up derping the whole time.

>> No.8341508
File: 81 KB, 960x720, shitforsale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello! I'm also a lolita! I'll be selling some cute things in the craft fair. I have cute pony beads with charms and these things pictured. Some are keychains and some you can just do whatever you want with.

>> No.8342009

It's the only thing worth buying a badge for.

>> No.8342192

So much salt over the staff in the Colossalcon threads, and I'm just drinking it like a $20 mudslide.

>> No.8342225

>Are you going?
Well, I'm in this thread, so yep!

>What are your plans?

I'll be doing both of the craft fair and the flea market to make some extra money. Also, going to the Lolita tea party- I no nobody in the comm and this will be my first time wearing lolita. My dress is Bodyline so I think I'm going to be looked down on, and I don't have a decent bag yet. Oh well, I hope I have fun and the sweets are good.
>Cosplay, and if so, what?
I only have one cosplay this year, I'll be Taiga from Toradora!

>> No.8342228

Oh my gosh, anon I'll definitely be stopping by, those are adorable! I've actually been on the lookout for little food accessories, these are perfect.

>> No.8342265

>Some cosplay, some lolita, lots of partying and fun, very little sleeping and purchasing

I'm hyped but I'm also spooked because I still have so much on my plate in terms of cosplay. I can do it, though.

>> No.8342335

>>Are you going?
Of course!

>>What are your plans?
I want to get some stuff signed, and go to a few panels, and also to be more social this year. I'm rooming with a new friend of mine rather than my typical group, so I'm really nervous, but in a good way. I also want to get a few drinks with another friend of mine, but I'm not sure how that will turn out. Last year, this was my first convention I ever went to, so I didn't do much or talk to many people. But I plan on having tons of fun this year!

>>Cosplaying, and if so, what?
Yes! I'm going as Kaiji, Maria from Arakawa Under the Bridge, and Inugami's female form from Kokkuri-san.

>> No.8343024

>are you going
I just dropped $3,000 on a ticket because I have a better possibility now
Who makes plans at a con?
I'm gonna do what I did last year - start drinking at 10 and wander around
I might be able to knock out book four (earth) Korra, but with short notice I'll be recycling

>> No.8343033

>3k on a ticket

nigga WHAT

>> No.8343332

Last minute flights are expensive

>> No.8343474

Are you a qt3.14?

>> No.8343479

What's the name of the karaoke panel? Can two people sing at once (hxh duet :3)

>> No.8343509

I'll be wearing Baby's First Bodyline too, high five.

>> No.8343890


>> No.8343952

>colossal is going to have no cute Myshu cosplays to flirt with
Why even live

>> No.8344203

>Are you going?
Yes, second year! Super excited.
>What are your plans?
I like people-watching and the videogame room! Plus making new friends.
>Cosplaying, and if so, what?
Gijinka of Killer Queen from Jojo (I'm saving the bodypainting for a different con), Nanako from Persona 4, Mayoi from Bakemonogatari and I'll probably bring my Kyogre gijinka for swimming.

>> No.8344260

>Are you going?
Yes, 3rd year now
>What are your plans?
Start drinking as soon as the car is unpacked Thursday and not stop until it's time for bed Saturday night/Sunday morning.
>Cosplaying, and if so, what?
Whatever random lolita shit I pull out of the closet.

>> No.8344467

Or you can just buy the same wipple kit that anon bought

>> No.8344477
File: 28 KB, 300x226, muhniqqa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you know it!

>> No.8344480

Eww, Fucking whipple shill. make your own shit you dumb cunt. I hate when people do this. This all looks like trash and you should be ashamed.(especially since most of it is plastic)

This. Holy shit I hate people like that.

>> No.8344547
File: 44 KB, 450x400, Areyoufuckingkiddingmeanon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you make these yourself? It's hard to tell because the macarons look so neat but the frosting looks like shit
>Scrolls down and googles "Whipple"
Anon you're fucking trash.

>> No.8344568

Does anyone know the policy on bringing your own giant cup? I got one last year and hear there's a discount on refills but I can't find anything about it online, if it's valid from previous years.

I also keep hearing about some amazing blue drink that no one seems to know the name of or what it actually tastes like.

>> No.8344591


1. I am making a ton of my own shit to sell. 200 fucking bracelets are done and ready to go.
2. I thought a craft fair meant "hey sell your crafts" This is my first time ever selling anything at a con, so if I made a mistake okay. Calling me a cunt and trash is not cool.
3. If it really is so bad then okay I won't bring them. All you had to say was "hey i think everything has to be handmade and not craft store things".

So I'm sorry I made a mistake, but being assholes isn't a way to deal with it, thanks.

>> No.8344598

I get it anon, honest mistake. Just don't sell them at the craft fair.

>> No.8344656

Yep, you can get refills on a cup from last year. No idea about the blue drink, though. But now I want it.

>Are you going?
>What are your plans?
Tea party
Fashion Show
Some random photoshoots inbetween
>Cosplaying, and if so, what?
Lolita and whatever random ass cosplay I can scrape together. I got nothing new for this con, so I'll probably make due with some leftover Bodyline shit.

>> No.8344662

Sorry or whatever, but I make all of my stuff from scratch so it makes me mad to see girls selling premade stuff for kids like whipple. It's not as bad as people who sell shitty resin sweets from china holy fuck.

>> No.8344688

I get it. And I honestly thought that it would be okay to do for the craft fair. But now that I know that it's not liked then I won't sell them. I still want to get rid of them so maybe I'll add them to a grab bag or something. Good luck with everything you are making. I'll just stick to selling my little bracelets. I'm glad I was told to not sell them now instead of trying to at con and getting shit on. I just really didn't appreciate name calling.

>> No.8344704

Reselling mass produced shit is generally frowned upon even outside a craft fair. It's just shitty to find out that the cute thing you thought you bought isn't handmade or unique at all and is just a resell at a jacked up rate. You feel scammed. Just don't do it, or at least label them for what they are, maybe someone will still want them.

>> No.8344714

Honestly I wasn't planning on telling people that I handmade it. I was honest with people who asked and I wasn't planning on selling them for more than $2. Again this is my first time doing anything like this. I didn't know, now I do. I won't bring them. I'm sorry.

>> No.8344794

Yep. Booked a room way back when there was a frenzy for them like freaking 3 months after the con. And I never cancelled the reservation so decided to have a con vacation.

Drink. Get other people to drink with me. Have fun at water park then drinking. Make sure people don't fuck up room. Make it rain pizza.

Haha. No.

On the subject of rooms
>Look at ColossalCon forums and see the staff shit fest
>See room board filled with posts about people wanting to take over other people's rooms
>Look at FB group post
>"We'd prefer to not share a room"
Hopefully this con doesn't turn into a frenzy trying to reserve a room the week after the con.

>Trying to fill out room
Have had literally over 30 people sign on then drop. Likely gonna keep happening.

>> No.8344798

TBH $2 is a fair price. I think if you were selling them for 10-15, people would automatically just assume they're handmade, since that's what 99% of craft fair items are.

>> No.8344904

Flying from Hawaii.

And I only fly first class.


>> No.8345422

As someone who can't make it to Colossal this year but is planning to go next year with a bunch of friends, when do the hotel rooms usually start opening up? Looking at >>8344794 seems to suggest a couple months afterwards, but if it's growing bigger, should I just assume an AN International Plaza situation and call hotels the Sunday morning of?

>> No.8345427

There is currently a Lodge Suite Kalahari room available. Act quick!

>> No.8345487

yes, I know the hotel doesn't book solid immediately, but the best rooms go quick and it's best not to put it off.
Also keep in mind that the kalahari takes a 1 night deposit at booking time.

>> No.8345554

The Kalahari is not like other hotels that open their room reservations a year in advance - they're more like airlines where you can only book ~6-8 months head of time. So you will not be able to book anything until Colossalcon negotiates a block and allows it to open early.

>> No.8345817

You'll be able to book rooms for 2016 in person or over the phone starting sunday of the convention.

>> No.8345905
File: 199 KB, 749x586, colossalmap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a map on the newest schedule:

The dealers room is twice as big now.

I'm glad there's a room for bag+coat check for the raves. Help&Safety became a clusterfuck last year...

>> No.8345983

Program PDF is out with panel descriptions and the list of cosplayers at the "cosfamous" meet&greet.


>> No.8346151

Is that yamino the same SJW yamino of derpygate fame?

>> No.8346186

You're in luck. Donnell Just made a post about this in the FB group:

First off, we're adding Wednesday night rooms at the following discounted rates:
Hut $109
Desert $139
Nomad $159
Jacuzzi $169
Lodge $169
Hospitality $189
2-Room Family $279
African Queen $309
Combo $319
Village $489
Presidential $679
Entertainment Villa no discount frown emoticon
For room specifications, please visit the Kalahari's website:

On Friday and Saturday of the convention, you can go to the desk in the Sand's Lobby (not the main lobby) and make reservations in person. They will ONLY BE TAKING RESERVATIONS FOR PEOPLE BOOKING 4 OR MORE NIGHTS.
Starting Sunday, anyone can make reservations via phone regardless of how many room nights you desire.
But what if you don't have enough money by then? You are initially charged the first night's rate plus tax and can pay the rest later.

>had to remove phone number and website because I was getting flagged as spam, but its easy enough to find.

>> No.8346256
File: 8 KB, 640x360, 713969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you going?
>What are your plans?
>Cosplaying, and if so, what?
Pic related.

>> No.8346478

Going, and going to be cosplaying Yoshika Miyafuji, Shimakaze, Reisen ver. th15, and Splatoon ver. Platoon. Three of those are gonna be worn for the first time, and the strike witch and boat girl are kinda being thrust upon me by my gf. help

>> No.8347430

This is awesome.
>All these brats in the fb thread crying about how NOBODY COULD POSSIBLY AFFORD A ROOM RIGHT AFTER THE LAST CON
It's called money management, kiddies. Nice that the adults are getting the chance to get their rooms without worry.

>> No.8347684
File: 834 KB, 1214x1239, 1381080030250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god I know, I was laughing way too hard at that, especially that one guy who pitched a fit and threatened to make this Colossal his last Colossal.

Nobody seems to understand, despite these things being clearly stated, that 1: The Kalahari takes room reservations a year in advance, so whether or not Colossal did anything, people would still be getting advance rooms (this just reduces clutter at the front desk), and 2: Anyone who reserves their room that far ahead still has to pay the full cost even if they drop out, which should discourage a lot of people from getting rooms and I don't believe for a second there's enough nerds and weebs who have the money to fill the entire hotel within the first week after the con.

People cannot into reading before they throw shitfits.

>> No.8347731

The exact same thing happened last year too, when they announced the block opening in July.

If what you say is true though, then their web programmers need to get with the program because you could not book at rack rate online last year until well after the block was open.

>> No.8348595


my favorite type of post

>> No.8348724

It's exciting to see this, but I'm more pissed that people are already thinking about 2016 booking hotels when this year's badge pick up hasn't even started yet. Can we get through one year first before thinking of the next? I guess not.

>> No.8348745

It's not going to do them any good to do so. Cons announce the dates on the last day for a reason, the hotel already knows when it is.

>> No.8349523

So what? I'd rather know way in advance when my booking dates need to be, rather than have to stress about me accidentally missing the announcement in the FB group. Other highly competitive cons announce far in advance, so kudos to Colossalcon for making this less stressful for me. Honestly who gives a shit that it's prior to badge pickup? Why are these two things connected at all?

>> No.8350588

Just was informed that due to the increase of the dealers room size, almost no dealers will be in the halls(Lemonbrat might still be outside).

>> No.8351613

Does anyone need a room? I got a room down the street and everyone who was going to room with me flaked, and I'm out $400 and desperately need new roomies

>> No.8353051

Anyone else jerk off to the colossalcon mascots?

>> No.8354625


>> No.8355572

How many spots anon?

>> No.8356095

Same anon as >>8355572. Feel free to email my throwaway if you still had spots open

>> No.8357395

whos ready to get /fuckedup/

>> No.8357449

if you aint ready to get /fuckedup/ you dont belong at colossal

>> No.8358866

Colossal seems like a fun con to go to. What's it like compared to the average other convention in terms of quality? (eg. AX, Anime North etc.)

Cedar Point and the water park sound like big bonuses going for it.

>> No.8358903

>Question asked in every fucking thread
>Question asked 3-5 times every single thread

Anon, please use archive.

>> No.8358913

AN is big but a parking lot. Colossal is medium sized but almost entirely indoors.
The waterpark isn't part of the con and cosplayers don't really use it as such. You'll rarely see costumes in there unless it's for a photoshoot and they're wearing a swimsuit version.
Attendees go in there to take a break from the con, mostly.
The outdoor waterpark (which is really just a couple pools and a splash pad) is where you'd see more cosplayers. That or the Savannah grass.

>> No.8359198
File: 140 KB, 640x960, 11202875_361442570723608_1507552066957918533_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you going?
>What are your plans?
waterpark, drinking, shooting
>Cosplaying, and if so, what?
not 100% sure on my line up yet but right now it's Battle Lover Scarlet (gay magical boys) on Friday, Hakuryuu (Magi) on Saturday, and I have nothing planned for Sunday yet.

I have lots of shooting slots for Friday and Sunday left, and a couple for Saturday as well if anyone wants nice pics of their cosplay, it's one of the nicest/best shooting locations con-wise. I'll be taking both Canadian and American cash

>> No.8359368

Bumping cause I am so fucking pumped for this con

>> No.8359834

I have friends coming up Saturday/Sunday. Considering it'll cost me the same badge wise, Is it worth going up alone on Friday?

>> No.8359954

Anyone else research the DJs music? Speedycake seems to be the best DJ on the list and its looking like midnight - 2 fri and sat should be okay. I kinda wanna spin poi but I don't own any poi ;_;

>> No.8360113

>overshopped, no eye for photos, and asking for money.

>> No.8360118

have you been approved as a legit photographer by Fang Fox?

>> No.8360123

why is it overshoopped? I found the photo pleasant and does not look too shopped to me

>> No.8361175

One week to go!

>> No.8362098

okay so this is my first time going but i've heard the party scene is awesome but any details? what are the best places to drink/party??

unfortunately I'm staying in the room with underage people so I won't be able to just get trashed with my friends there >.> BUT i def want to rage because I didn't get to at all my last con (too busy)

I'm bringing only a few nice cosplays and the rest is comfortable/easy stuff so I'll have optimal time to relax/get wasted LOL

>> No.8362167

Just go to the hot tub bar and you'll likely meet some people who might have room parties going on later.

>> No.8362632
File: 94 KB, 578x504, 1409801979096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what is the deal with water park passes? I understand you get some with the hotel room, and outside of that con-goers can get discounted rates. But what I need to know is do you really NEED to buy them? I've heard that you need them because the staff don't check, but I've also heard that you do need them and you have to buy them online in advance as well. So which is it? I would rather be safe than sorry, but at the same time they are so damn expensive that I would prefer to avoid it if I can. Can you buy them the day of? The Kalahari website seems to indicate that you cannot...

Sorry if this has already been asked.

>> No.8362650


(on the one hand, heard that you don't* need them, not do)
>stupid typo

>> No.8362757

You do need them. I've heard of people "sneaking in" to the waterpark, and I don't know how the Kalahari does things but I know the large theme parks have charged people with unlawful entry for entering private property without admission.

You can buy them day of, but they can close sales to keep the crowd under control, or if they run out. I haven't heard of this happening but you never know. Its cheaper to buy online ahead of time than it is to buy at the front desk.

I assume you're not getting a con badge and can't buy one from Con Ops?

>> No.8362785
File: 1019 KB, 500x270, 1405055713193.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just cancelled my Queen Lily room at the Maui Sands. Grab it while you can!

>disappointing everyone in my room
>missing that glorious Shonen Knife concert
>no more Aiko and Punpun couple cosplay

Please have fun for me, gulls.

>> No.8362829

I bought passes the day of last year.

Had no problem.

>> No.8362925

>not fucking technorch or tanuki
just get out

>> No.8363204
File: 36 KB, 180x200, 1298766664125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'll be nice to go back, haven't been there in a few years.

I'm seeing this "Cosplay meet&greet" And I have not heard of any of these cosplayers. Am I out of the loop or are these cosplayers just assuming they're bigger than they are?

>> No.8363222

there are no staff checking wristbands at the entrance to the outdoor waterpark, and that connects to the indoor one fyi.
I'd still buy a pass tho

>> No.8363223

there are no staff checking wristbands at the entrance to the outdoor waterpark, and that connects to the indoor one fyi.
I'd still buy a pass tho

>> No.8363224

there are no staff checking wristbands at the entrance to the outdoor waterpark, and that connects to the indoor one fyi.
I'd still buy a pass tho

>> No.8363226

there are no staff checking wristbands at the entrance to the outdoor waterpark, and that connects to the indoor one fyi.
I'd still buy a pass tho

>> No.8363227

there are no staff checking wristbands at the entrance to the outdoor waterpark, and that connects to the indoor one fyi.
I'd still buy a pass tho

>> No.8363225

there are no staff checking wristbands at the entrance to the outdoor waterpark, and that connects to the indoor one fyi.
I'd still buy a pass tho

>> No.8363228

there are no staff checking wristbands at the entrance to the outdoor waterpark, and that connects to the indoor one fyi.
I'd still buy a pass tho

>> No.8363240

I've heard this said too, but for the indoor waterpark (not the outdoor one) there is always 1-2 staff members checking bands. Last year they weren't hardcore inspecting each person's wrist but you'd probably be hard pressed to get in by yourself if you aren't going with a group of people with bands. Just pick one up from the Colossalcon desk, they're only like $20 at-con.

>> No.8363352

fuggg sorry about all these my internet went retarded, I'll delete them when I get back to my home pc

>> No.8363778

Link me ONE good song because I couldn't find a single one that made me want to commit sudoku

>> No.8363967

and I can't delete the posts cuz they're old, fack.

>> No.8364020

hang Fang, is Kai Antigua an approved photographer? she's spamming everywhere advertising her $50/30 mins shoot.

>> No.8364024

Do we know what lolita indie brands are coming?

>> No.8364075

yet I somehow still manage to book full for every con and event, and have a lucrative career outside cosplay photography
stay salty anon

>> No.8364090

sorry your taste is bad anon

>> No.8364204

You had to apply to be part of the meet&greet, so yeah, they're people who think they're bigger than they are. It was mostly for the sake of halting all the fucking emails Donnell and other staff got every year from people who wanted to be "cosplay guests" and think inviting yourself is how you get onto the guest list.

Report them as spam maybe? Mod-sempai should understand
>Still wish there was an optional "why are you reporting this post" field when you report things.

Not Fang, but does she go by any other names? I found her FB and Tumblr but I see no ads.

>> No.8364211

>fails to link one good song
Get your EDM shit outta here. Stay basic.

>> No.8364214

Lazy Cat Cosplay & Photography on facebook.

>> No.8364288
File: 87 KB, 640x640, wizzro_by_blackapple343-d83loao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently spending every waking moment not at work trying to finish my cosplay.

Maybe I should stop cosplaying gigantic non-humanoids? It's becoming complicated and way more work than I anticipate.

But I'm short with a relatively lumpy body so cosplaying mainstream characters never seems to work out right.

Pic related

>> No.8364519

Sweet Mildred and Elegy. One of our local comm members is entering some stuff in the fashion show as she's started a small brand (Star Lace Dreams) but she doesn't have enough material for a booth yet. Sweet Mildred won't be in the show but she will have a table in the artist alley. She was going to be in the fashion show but had to back out due to unfortunate circumstances.

Belladonna won't be there this year. Though she donated something small for the tea party.

I'll have my stuff. It's not strictly lolita and mostly sweet in nature (mainly accessories), no time to work on more classic items like I wanted because everything exploded in the last 6 months.

>> No.8364529

Damn it. I missed out on belladonna wrist cuffs at ACen at the Lolita Collective booth. I just want a nice pair of black wrist cuffs damn it.

>> No.8364560

I can't guarantee it, but Elegy makes wristcuffs. I bought some from her at Ohayocon.

>> No.8364563

You are doing God's work and you should never stop.

>> No.8364641

I forwarded it to Fang. It sounds like they were approved?

Man, I wouldn't even rely on the website list at this point. Its a clusterfuck.

>> No.8364753

I can't find her on the list and she didn't say she got approved. Where did you see she did, or sounds like she did?

The list is supposed to help cosplayers chose their photographers. If the list is not accurate. It rendered the whole system useless.

>> No.8364761

nothing i can link to will give you good taste so why bother putting in any work?

>> No.8364861

Its in Fang's hands now. He knows about it, so if there's an issue, its his business.

The list is... eh. Its not very useful to begin with. If it was more organized and provided portfolio links, maybe even a grid with a sample of each photogs work, then it'd be useful but at the moment I don't think many people are even looking at that list to find the names of photographers. I think it was a case of "good on paper, bad in practice". People just don't look at the website. Like there's so many questions that get asked in the FB group that can be answered by looking at the website.

The main perks of that pass are to be able to post (and bump) an ad in the various FB groups where a large portion of attendees will see it, and I'm pretty sure Photog passes will look different from normal badges so they can easily be spotted.

>> No.8365042

its much easier to get me on FB hang on..


I just check through my requests and I don't have one for this person


There where a few things we attempted to do this year that sadly we had to cut. Honestly, I want to hear opinions on what you would like to see done in the future.

>> No.8365150

i guess we will see if Fang and colossalcon would do anything about it. my bet is nothing.

>> No.8365176

>doing anything relevantly helpful to /cgl/

>> No.8365238

Look above you.

>> No.8365373

Mmm, Technorch and Tanuki. I'm pretty excited for all three. Especially Tanuki.

>> No.8365402

reading through this thread a bit made me super hype suddenly

i've never had a bad time here, and the best part is that for the most part the people i don't want to see aren't gonna be there this year! all in all shaping up to be the best year yet

>> No.8365683

Right. He checked. Not gonna do anything about it. Basically he just made dozens of people apply for the useless photo badge.

>> No.8365732

So my friend and I are planning a thing. We play instruments, he trombone and I alto saxophone. We wrote out some duets of anime and video game themes and were planning on standing outside the building somewhere and putting on a little performance. It'll be a short little thing, probably 15-20 minutes, but I'm feeling good about our arrangements. We'd probably do this on Friday at noon, or somewhere around that time.

Does this sound like something that would interest anyone?

>> No.8365772

The con already has that anime orchestra thing, so not sure how big of an audience you guys would get.

>> No.8365782

I know. I'm doing that too. The orchestra concert is happening on Sunday. The duets wouldn't interfere with that or the rehearsals or anything. Just a separate thing I'm doing with a friend. We're hoping to just catch a couple stragglers outside the convention center (and there always are some) and have them listen in.

>> No.8365859
File: 617 KB, 2048x1539, saltflats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8365866

There's a guy who has played violin in the hallways for several years in a row. He doesn't generate huge crowds, but people do enjoy him.

Standing outside the building might get a little hot. Swing by con ops and ask if you can just perform in the hallway (when violin guy isn't there). There's enough space that you should be able to find a spot close to the wall. You'll probably get more of an audience since that's essentially the lounge area.

>> No.8365893

I didn't know I had to be? Are you talking about a media badge? Or is there some kind of list of "approved" photogs? This'll be my first year shooting at Colossal and I'm from Canada

>> No.8365916

Lel. Doesn't faze me.im smart enough to not bother with this photographer badge bullshit. A couple of my photog buds were worried about it though, no way they can enforce this.

>> No.8365918

>good taste
fucking delusional

>> No.8366003

You only have to be if you're planning on charging for photoshoots. If you're just going to be shooting cosplayers for free as a hobby thing, you don't need one. I mean, it'll still be beneficial and it doesn't cost any more than a 4 day pass, just... you're not really required to have one unless you plan on trying to make money and cgl is being autistic about them.

>> No.8366012

Never even heard of this being a thing ever. How do they even regulate this? I do charge since photography is my full-time job. How do I apply?

>> No.8366032

What's the problem with the passes? A handful of people seem to be focusing more on whether or not they can be fully enforced (no rule/law can) rather than examining the idea in general.

A: It costs no more than a 4-day pass. AA people also provide an artistic service for profit, and they have to shell out a significant amount to get table space and pray that they get approved.

B: You're granted the ability to advertise your services in the FB groups, where a significant chunk of potential customers will see it, more so if you post to the cosplay page. While you could advertise elsewhere, those methods aren't going to be seen by nearly as much of the Colossal crowd.

C: The only thing that you can't do without a pass is charge for photoshoots. You can still book shoots, you can still shoot in general, you just can't charge. The pass is 100% optional if you're not going to be charging people, though its still beneficial if you're booking shoots, charging or not.

This exists for 2 reasons: scam prevention and photographer promotion.

Pulling from past discussions in the archives
>It's something photographers and cosplayers alike have asked us to do repeatedly. Believe me it's not something we'd devote our time to unless people have convinced us there's a need/want for it.

>People are encouraged to only buy/pay for photographer services from people with photographer passes. It's basically supposed to audit photogs for professionalism and make sure people who are actually established and likely to deliver photos after taking them/not rip off unsuspecting kids.

Of course, that's not to imply that photogs are scam artists at their core, but this was specifically requested by the community. GWCs are a thing. Scamming photogs who take your money and don't show work are a thing. It's safer for the cosplayers to book with an approved photographer than a non-approved one, and photographers gain rather than lose if they opt for the pass.

>> No.8366050

I do feel that the idea needs to be tweaked and improved, such as a mention on the admission page of the website (as its clear many photos didn't know about it), and a more useful list on the website which showcases each photographers work.

Regardless, I don't see why there's so much salt about it, aside from irrational fear of new concepts, or personal vendettas against Fang (which shouldn't matter because it wasn't his idea, he's just the staffer dealing with it).


All I know is that we can pull the badge of anyone who intentionally tries to skirt the rule, though that's obviously not a foolproof method. Hopefully Fang comes back and can answer that part.

But, again, enforcement shouldn't matter. There's no loss from getting the pass, and a lot of gain.

>> No.8366244

My friends dropped out on me today and now I'm out a hotel room. This has never happened to me before and holy fuck it's a terrible feeling. I just sent messages to any and all people advertising rooms in the last ten days if the vacancy is still there. Who /fucked/ here?

I am never trusting someone else to get the room ever again.

>> No.8366274


if you believe the ability to post once in the colossalcon group (one time anywhere, meaning you cant even comment with your page name or offer) is a lot to gain, i have a body of water in Texas to sell you.

people are so gullible these days.

>> No.8366301

Probably a shot in the dark here... But is anyone here in the artist alley selling Makai Ouji: Devils and Realist prints?

>> No.8366354
File: 52 KB, 480x270, 91sn32Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never once said that alone counted as "a lot of gain", but you did a very good job of missing the point just to have something to bitch about. :^)

>> No.8366363

>one time anywhere, meaning you cant even comment with your page name or offer
Also considering you're free to bump your ad, and I've seen plenty of people posting their ads in the official cosplay group when people ask about photoshoots, this is pretty much bullshit.

The one time means you're not allowed to spam the groups with multiple ads, or where its not appropriate.

>> No.8366426

same, he seems really chill, too.

ssh no tears only edm now

>> No.8366505

Felix Wong brought me here

>> No.8366613

>AA people also provide an artistic service for profit, and they have to shell out a significant amount to get table space and pray that they get approved.
1. apply.
2. pray that you get approved.
3. get approved.
4. pay for table space.

You don't pay money for an AA table in hopes to get one? I'm not sure where you're getting that idea.

I know it's slightly off topic since this was about photographers and doesn't really relate.

>> No.8366653

what did the little fucker do this time?

>> No.8366870

Not to mention the price of an artist table (and hell, lets just go all out and put the price of a dealers table out there as well) are significantly more than what photographers are paying to make similar (if not more) money,

If I was an artist or dealer, I'd be significantly pissed.

>> No.8366962

Alright well applications are closed for photographer passes, I wasn't planning on buying a pass at all (maybe going halvsies on one with the bf), and I won't be shooting inside the con space (all outdoors/parts of the resort that aren't part of the con), so there should be no problem

>> No.8366987

>You don't pay money for an AA table in hopes to get one?
I'm aware. It was poor wording on my part, I didn't mean that was the specific order things are done, I just meant that artists have to both pay more than a normal badge cost *as well as* hope they're able to get space in AA.

>> No.8367039

>Are you going?
Yes. Third year in a row and staying @ Sawmill Creek

>What are your plans?
Lots of Misc Rhythm Gaming (Jubeat and Taiko mostly) and enjoying the panels and general atmosphere. I don't really drink to be honest.
>Cosplaying, and if so, what?
Nah. I wanted to throw together a basic-bitch Professor Oak, but all my money is being saved for the upcoming weekend.

>> No.8367041

lol. time like this i wish Chris Gary still hangs out on /cgl

>> No.8367059
File: 77 KB, 640x360, CPkEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you going?
Yep. I'll only be able to go for Friday, though, which sucks a shit-ton.
>What are your plans?
Play games and go to the Shonen Knife concert.
>Cosplaying, and if so, what?
Cure Peace from Smile Precure.

>> No.8367064

Oh my wow. I need a picture with you! She's my favorite Cure.

>> No.8367445
File: 125 KB, 240x300, 1348984692566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is anyone bringing an elaborate costume OR a swimsuit costume that would like to be in my CMV?

>> No.8367538

It'd be helpful if you could link to an example of your stuff

>> No.8367543
File: 514 KB, 1280x720, wuuuu.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right, my channel's here

>> No.8367637

>Are you going?
Yea. Just got my Greyhound tickets paid and room plans together.

>What are your plans?
Play in the Symphonic Anime Orchestra, chill at the beach, party and get drunk, autographs

>Cosplaying, and if so, what?
Garterbelt from Panty and Stocking, Coach from Left 4 Dead 2, and possibly Goat Kun from Umineko.

>> No.8367999

Anon, if you still need a room, while I'm not in charge of my room but if you toss me details I can talk things out with my best friend to see if they're willing to share.
We have Wednesday-Sunday booked at the Khalari and are arriving there super early because coordinating plane fights was a fucking nightmare.

>> No.8368020

>Plane fights
I want in on this.

>> No.8368029
File: 50 KB, 468x312, article-1283972-09C90C5B000005DC-748_468x312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coleslawcon is getting intense.

>> No.8368108

So when's the meetup happening?

>> No.8368704

>Are you going?
Yep, first con ever.

>What are your plans?
I don't even know. I want to go to a few of the panels but I feel like I'll be an outsider because...

>Cosplaying, and if so, what?
Nope, this was sprung on me really short notice and I haven't lost enough weight to feel comfortable. I'm working on a Gintoki cosplay, but I can't finish it in time.

>> No.8368777

>Weather forcast: Raining thurs-monday


>> No.8368789

It's weather in the Ohio Valley. That shit will change day to day. Worry about it this Thursday.

>> No.8368938

Alright so here is what is probably a dumb question... What is the temperature of the water in the waterpark(s) like? It seems like it's going to be 70 degrees. I'm from down south, and that is too chilly for us southern weaklings to frolic around in cold pool water haha. Is it warmed at all or maybe it's not that bad?

>> No.8368948

I don't think anyone here is going to know the exact temperature. Its...okay? I mean its not freezing and I used to go to summer camp where they kept one of the pools at 60 and its certainly warmer than that.

You're better off calling the Kalahari to ask them.

>> No.8368972

I'm pretty sure the water is at least somewhat temperature-controlled, but since everything's indoors it tends to be warmer than just an outdoor pool. I think the only water that really seems "cold" is the little jets/waterfalls that spray over the lazy river.

>> No.8368980

>Living in the south and having never been in a normal-temp pool in the blazing heat of summer
....How the hell do you keep cool in 100+ weather, seriously? The water temp is the same as any normal pool, you aren't going to freeze to death.

>> No.8369001

It's pretty warm, what with the temperature control, the summer heat, the body heat, and the constant stream of pee.

>> No.8369044

Just wading in the outdoor park or going in there to take pictures won't be too bad. Indoor water park and hot tub bar is a non-issue. It's open during winter months. To be honest, in all the years Colossal has been at the Kalahari I've not stepped foot into the outdoor park. I'd probably go if I weren't so busy and actually had a nice cosplay to show off there though.

But yeah give it a few days, it may warm up or show a better outlook. Weather predictions are crap this far out.

>> No.8369145

why even bother then?

>> No.8369159
File: 98 KB, 791x1024, 1328819316760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technorch and Tanuki: Practically both legends. See them if you get the chance shit will be insane.

Speedycake: Dude has played there several years in a row, and always puts on a great show. Shit will be insane

Tamerax: First year playing as far as I know, dude is signed to a label with some decent releases, shit should be insane

EverettG: He has played there for like I think 4 years straight? I know he opened for Shimamura like 2-3 years ago, shit should be insane.

DJ4X: I know he has played the Thursday night rave for a couple years now, and he is opening for Technorch Sat night, so shit better be insane.

>> No.8370032

I live an hour from Kalahari and I can guarantee you it won't rain everyday. We will most likely get rain only on Thursday or Friday.

>> No.8370033

Three more days. How badly you guys are panicking?

>> No.8370038

Not at all. The con can't come soon enough tho I'm maybe going to cedar point tomorrow so time will fly regardless.

>> No.8370595

Precip chance from weather.com
Thurs 40%
Fri 60%
Sat 20%
Sun 20%
Calm yo tits

>> No.8370608

slightly panicked!! still need to finish two of my cosplays. One of them just involved so much beading and painting that it turned out to be more tedious than expected

>> No.8370657
File: 42 KB, 413x557, 11390463_10206761393296004_3448425669653231111_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From Faceass

>There will be Wednesday night badge pickup from 8pm-midnight for advanced purchased admissions/badges, VIP passes, and Baby Tiger Club passes.
Panelists may also check-in at this location and time.
At-the-door admission purchase will start on Thursday at noon.

>> No.8370661

You can also get your photog passes at this time (I assume that includes press as well).

>> No.8370869


come to con ops for press. I'll be there half awake.

>> No.8370999
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>>Are you going?

>>What are your plans?
Cosplaying, Hosting Events, Judgin' stuff, Eating more scrubs at MVC2 (Y'all are free!)
And swimming

>>Cosplaying, and if so, what?
Mega Swampert, Ash Crimson, Lambo Bovino.

The Swamp Man cometh, and I'mma dunk a bunch of fools all weekend!

>> No.8371163

I have less than this because I'm leaving Weds night after work and I have so much shit to do, so much to pack and working long shifts. Ugh.

>> No.8371463
File: 53 KB, 336x380, gappy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you going?
Yes! I am HYPE
>What are your plans?
To see friends,relax, cosplay, and get my hands on a chalice
>Cosplaying, and if so, what?
Swim Rin Tohsaka and Saber, Sound!Euphonium, Luffy, and a bunnysuit pokemon~ I don't have much left then to finish a bunch of small things and hand sewing so i'm in the clear

YOU BETTER DUNK ME i'm going to be so disapointed if you don't

>> No.8371464

Hopefully never why would anyone want to meet you salty backstabbing bitches

>> No.8371567

I'll take my gratuitous penis elsewhere thank you very much.

>> No.8371725

>Are you going?
Yup! First one in a really long time!!
>What are your plans?
Tea Party
Modeling in the Fashion Show
Hot Tub Bar
>Cosplaying, and if so, what?
Lolita. For the tea party coord contest and fashion show I'm wearing an OTT gothic coord featuring Moitie. Saturday afternoon will be a simple cutesy innocent world coord.

>> No.8371762

>Tea Party
I'm excited to see how this turns out - there are plenty of tea parties at other cons, but it's pretty great to see one at a con close to me!

>> No.8372133

I still have an outfit and a half to finish, and I'm freaking out.

>> No.8372136

>Are you going?
Yes, for the first time!
>What are your plans?
Having a good time with friends also going for the first time, meeting up with out-of-state friends, drinking?
>Cosplaying, and if so, what?
Devil is a Part Timer, Love Live beach trash, and No Game No Life?

>> No.8372159
File: 86 KB, 768x1024, r8fok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A warning for any females going to Colossalcon especially lolitas. This pervert looked up a poor girl's skirt at ACen and whispered in their ear by saying, "Senpai noticed you." He quickly ran off before anyone looked at his face. Security never caught him. Be especially cautious. He goes by the name Goku Sanchez.

>> No.8372195

>He quickly ran off before anyone looked at his face
>But I knew his name, and took a frontal picture of him directly posing for the camera

>> No.8372227

Source? Proof?

I'll take you on in MVC2 and by take you on I mean I'll probably get slaughter given I'm ass as shit in MVC2 and I just play fighters casually.

Same boat. My bus leaves Wednesday night and I have yet to pack and prep for shit.

Yay for being a last minute nigga!

>> No.8372370


>> No.8372373

I'll actually go to bat for the Colossal staff after the experience I had at Shumatsucon earlier this year. I went down to C-bus to check them out.
The staff were rude, disorganized, and sparse.
On Saturday night they all went off to a staff-only party and didn't leave any programming behind (even closed the game room).
The kicker was when a staffer tried to sell me drugs. I don't know if that was his official job, or if he wasn't supposed to be doing that, but I've NEVER been to a con that tried to sell me drugs before.

I usually just do Youma, Colossal, and one small con (different every year). Usually the small con has the best staff, and Colossal has the worst, but apparently I was spoiled, as Colossal has at least been well staffed, and while they can be dicks they aren't nearly as uppity and rude as what I experienced this spring.
Next year I'll just go back to JAFAX I think.

>> No.8372436

How tough are village and combo suites to get? Thinking about getting a village for next year, but will they be sold out by Sunday or later?

>> No.8372455

I'm down Violin_Man, I'll reveal to you some secrets and shenanigans~ Fun will be had!
I ALSO have to finish packing today since my flight is tomorrow night

Alright Sperren. I shall dunk you! Find me, tell me, and I will proceed to follow through!

>> No.8372460

Still have 2 revolvers, boot covers, 2 holster rigs, wig modding, shirt modding and painting to do! Good thing I work 9-6 every week or I might not get it done!

>> No.8372753
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Really excited for this con. Just two more days until I can party my ass off.

>> No.8372836

Seconding the call for a seagull meetup. As far as I can recall, we've never had one at this con, or if we have I don't remember it.

>> No.8372850 [DELETED] 

I've baked cookies for the boys.


>> No.8372870

I've baked some cookies for the boys


>> No.8373155

We were supposed to have one last time.

Take a guess at what happened.

>"OMG I totally lost track of time while in the hot tub, teehee~"
>"OMG I totally forgot, teehee~"
>"I stood around for 20 minutes and nobody showed up, so I left".
>"I am Enver, and fuck you guys, I'm not showing up".

Great track record thus far.

>> No.8373320

sounds like me.

if there's no desire to have one, nvm

>> No.8373327

We'll make our own meet up
With Black Jack, and Hookers.
No salty anon cunts allowed

>> No.8373341

I'll hold you up to it!

I gotta like fucking pack, work,print sheet music out, hit up my barber, buy a few packs of Black and Milds (yay low Tobbaco taxes in Missouri) and get snacks for my trip.

>> No.8373563

>Are you going?
Hell yeah. It's gonna be my first non-Canadian con. Holy shit.

>What are your plans?
I really want to meet a lot of people, especially cosplayers and photographers. I'm gonna try to hit up as many photoshoots as I can, then get drunk as hell every night.

>Cosplaying, and if so, what?
I'm cosplaying Daenerys, Weiss, and Snow Whtie in the prince's clothes. I have bikinis for swimsuit versions of Weiss and Daenerys. I just started embroidering the Daenerys one.

>> No.8373576

Is Dave Yang the new Lauren Pihl? $125 per hour for 5 photos?

>> No.8373880

I totally want a meetup. The last one I went to didn't go so well.

>> No.8374051
File: 13 KB, 400x250, little-mac-super-smash-bros-31199-400x250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'll be my first convention and I'm pretty excites. I'm cosplaying as Little Mac. Having difficulty finding green boxing gloves for cheap. Might buy some Walmart kids gloves and paint them or something.

>> No.8374255

Currently packing now haha.

>> No.8374327

I haven't even thought about packing yet.

>> No.8374478


lol which one was that

>> No.8374487
File: 227 KB, 768x1024, After Con Drama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One at Otakon. It was mostly just tittering about a bunch of mods meeting up on another floor looking down on us, like like some extended metaphor brought to life. But at least the afterdrama was funny.

>> No.8374494
File: 12 KB, 274x274, 5510789+_c972b5c167af66aa965734b3ddb5cf41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you going?
yup! first time haha.
>What are your plans?
We're staying at Wolf Lodge and shuttling over yeee. Hoping to meet some seagulls and Jojobros. I don't want to be antisocial so if you see me pls say hi.
>Cosplaying, and if so, what?
Lisa Lisa, Erina Joestar, Holly Kujo, Lucy Steel, and Lisia (Pokemon ORAS). I'm bringing Nozoomi and Pochaco as well! I don't really know anything about this con, and I'm really hoping I end up enjoying it because wowww did it hurt my wallet.

>> No.8374899

You were the one that sat in the hot tub and forgot.

The irony is too strong.

>> No.8374924

Meetups are best when everyone can go to a bar after. Too bad the drinking age is so high, it probably cuts out half the thread.

>> No.8374942

I'm in the same boat. So many things will be left at home, calling it now.

>> No.8374953

Yea man just buy some gloves from and buy like 2-3 bottles of fabric paint

>> No.8374955

Get a round of drinks for the people you're talking to if you're enjoying their company. If anything, secure the money from them for the drinks either before or after.

As long as you actually show up, and Blair with the tripfag gang don't sit around the hot tub and forget, and all of you show up on time, then it'll work out.

Damn, it sounds like I'm asking for a miracle.

>inb4 Blair chimes in with a "I'm gonna have a hot tub meetup without any of you salty anon cunts!".... and then forgets while busy drinking in the room.

>> No.8375106

let's negate the hot tub then, or anything involving the waterpark and meet at one of the bars or restaurants.
What's that one that's by the registration area near the entrance to the con centre? I haven't been there before but it might be a good meetup venue. Or perhaps the arcade?

>> No.8375129


I'm going to be Gyro on Friday

>> No.8375133

I think that's a good thing actually

>> No.8375141

I honestly didn't think anyone cares if I showed up to the meet, I hear I'm a backstabbing salty cunt so I'd be surprised to know someone wanted me to show up.

I'll definitely be there this time, gotta rep the Canadian seagulls and wear my t-shirt

>> No.8375226

Thats The Reserve I think?

Heads up, they won't let you in with swimwear or cosplay. I tried to come in with my dry bathing suit and an overshirt last year and had to go back and change into jeans and a normal shirt.

>> No.8375441

I forget, is the wifi any good at the Kalahari? Like on a scale from downstairs at Ohayocon to right next to a router at home what should I expect?

>> No.8375553

I'm down for whatever in terms of a meet.

Time needs to go faster at the gig. Need to get home and finish packing and shit.

>> No.8375564

There is going to be 1000+ nerds all one it at once. You do the math

>> No.8375582

Who wants to meet up and get schwasted? 420 is also acceptable/encouraged

>> No.8375605

there will be relatively few moments of sobriety for me this weekend

>> No.8375622

>Implying this is a chick.

Joking aside, I'm down but I can't get too terribly fucked up.

Are there any liquor or grocery stores near the main hotel

>> No.8375641

If he doesn't deliver, then yes

>> No.8375647

I'm not sure but that's easy to find out

>> No.8375704

There's for sure a Walmart five minutes down the road that also has alcohol.
Unrelated but there's also a Joann's, if you guys need it.

>> No.8375872

What's the Kalahari's stance on alcohol in rooms, anyone know?

>> No.8375999

Hi Shelby!
Let's get weird with people from 4chan!

>> No.8376002
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There's some weird legalities where Walmarts can't sell full strength liquor, so I'd pick some up from a different state or an actual liquor store. Pic related, everything was diluted.
I never had any issues in the past, but my group never trashed the room either.

>> No.8376225

There's a liquor store down the road you retard.

>> No.8376243

Mostly bringing a bunch of liquor from KY so that's definitely the plan. Don't exactly enjoy the moochers that tend to fill up rooms when alcohol is involved but as long as there's enough for me to never notice, I'll care less.

>> No.8376375

>I don't want to party
>I'm pretty sure there's going to be a party in my room

How do I have fun with strangers like that? I don't like to drink so blacking out isn't an option.

>> No.8376430

The Reserve I believe is in the lobby near check in. It has good food, nice atmosphere. I'd suggest it. CGL Meet on Fri or Sat??

>> No.8376445
File: 189 KB, 504x576, bamanend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay guys, last minute reminder! Dealers room will not be open Thursday. That is dealer setup time! Hours for dealer room will be on a board outside dealers room entrance! Thank you and be safe getting in!!!

>> No.8376481

as a staffer its safe to say we do have people on our staff that are drama queens and assholes, however all of us do an important job, (some more important than others) but either way.

>> No.8376483


>> No.8376489

luls. it is funny tho. people are so mean about the staff, yet without us there would be no colossalcon o-o; were not all bad people!

>> No.8376493

god damnit lol

>> No.8376502

Our staff arent like that. we actually enjoy what we do and helping people, despite what ive seen people say on here about us. Or at least i know most of us do.

>> No.8376549

I vote Friday evening

>> No.8376574
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Have fun with the coppers

>> No.8376614


>> No.8376664

They're having a gun show at the same venue and time? Is there even room for both?

>> No.8376686

No, OTOA conference ends tommorow.

>> No.8376723

You replied to me both times

>I didn't know blah blah blah

We're not all hivemind. I looked forward to meeting you and everyone else.

>Caring what everyone else thinks
>Not waltzing in with a shirt saying "salty backstabbing cunt" and a shiteating grin on your face

Shiggy diggy doo!

>> No.8377029

Meijer also sells booze, but not a great selection.

Our room always hits up Sam's Club and Harney's Market.

Harney's is a liquor store with a pretty decent selection. We get the big cases of Seagram's and a few other things at Sam's (but we mostly go for food).

Rule 1: Don't trash the room.
Holes, stains, any destruction that the hotel is going to have to take care of. It will be charged to you upon checkout. Other than that, I mean they're a resort and they're known for their drinks, its not like they ban booze from rooms.

Just chill out. Unless they violently peer pressure you, drunk people aren't really going to care, they'll be doing drunk people things.

>> No.8377088

I vote Friday as well. The big events (Shonen Knife, the formal and the tea party) are happening 6-9, so I'd say before or after then.

>> No.8377244
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Am I going: Yes!!!
Plans: The league photo shoot (My fiance is going as Morgana and Winter Wonder Lulu). Stomping scrubs in battlespot on Alpha Sapphire.

Cosplaying: Bell Cranel from DanMachi

I'm having a rough time with my cosplay though, my dagger prop just won't come out right :/

>> No.8377458

Anyone have a space for 2 in their hotel (Kalahari preferably) tonight until Monday? We'd be willing to pay upfront. Our roommates canceled on us and we flew out from LA and we're kind of lost rn. Dropping my email. Thanks.

>> No.8377491

At Greyhound station in Dayton. Damn do these folks run on nigga time.

>> No.8377508

Since I have a photography business, I kind of have to care a little about what people are saying about me, but at the end of the day I know they make shit up all over the place, so I'm not bothered by most of what they say, but I do care if they're spreading rumors, or ugly truths. I just want to deliver good photography and enjoy cosplaying and I will listen to criticism because it helps me improve. It wouldn't be smart to ignore people's opinions when there's a legitimate issue.

>> No.8377515
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Cosplaying the dancing Star-Lord. Be there

>> No.8377568

dude did you see the bathrooms in there
like you've probably left by now but the fucking greyhound station in dayton has one of the nicest bathrooms i've seen in my life and it's in a fucking greyhound station

>> No.8377694

Naw. Didn't need to use it. The Greyhound bathroom in Indianapolis is fucking horrible.

Also not taking the Greyhound again. Too slow for my taste (The rides aren't horrible tho. Granted I have a SNES emulator on my phone to keep me sane)

>> No.8377745

>people I normally ride with want to head up at 1
>that's too late for me, so I decide to go up with a friend who is leaving at 1
>TFW its fucking noon and she still isn't here because she's still getting ready

This year's con sure is off to a great start.

>> No.8377753

>leaving at 10

>> No.8377796

Kill yourself

>> No.8378904
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This and alcohol and smashing some fat cosplay girl is all ill be doing.

>> No.8378919

Look Susan, a faggot begging for attention

>> No.8379170

Made it. Let's do this. Time for a cigar and some liquor.

>> No.8379174

Ayy finally made it. Cosplaying Coach from left 4 dead tonight and tomorrow morning and then Garterbelt Friday and Saturday nights.

>> No.8379588

I'm fucking dyinf

>> No.8379589



Did anyone see the crazy drunks at the center/rave? I was corralling them, best shit ever.

>> No.8379610

like I'd go to the Thursday rave
ha ha
I'll be around all weekend and at the rave for the next nights

basically been hanging only in my room today

>> No.8379621

are we still supposed to never relax around you?

>> No.8379627

Holy fuck you're here? Come to the meetup

>> No.8379632


I'm sure Moot still posts

>> No.8379643

da fuck and when is it, I am drunk and only skimming this thread rn with speedycaek

>> No.8379647

Meet up's at 8 at the deli area/food court downstairs near the arcade. Look for the Toronto Seagulls baseball tee's
P-please come to the meet

>> No.8379669

snax smelz

>> No.8379678

like booze

>> No.8379702

And butz

>> No.8380062

That's during the tea party, so you might lose a few lolitas and myself. Any way you'd want to move it to 9pm?

>> No.8380163

Forgot my pants for my Tiger Millionaire cosplay so I'm super disappointed. So I'll be an Aquabat this entire weekend, soooo if you see an aquabat feel free to say hello!

>> No.8380172

Can we come to the meet if we aren't cosplaying/its our first time?

>> No.8380188

Yeah of course

>> No.8380267

snacks is back?

snacks is back!

>> No.8380393

In gaming room as Coach playing P4U, mvc2, and sf4. Gonna roam around later in the afternoon

>> No.8380504

I'm wandering around wearing a blue shirt that I wrote "NanoFate" on if anyone wants to say hi/hang out

>> No.8380525

Seconding nine, I'd love to meet gulls but I also need to drunkenly gorge myself on desserts

>> No.8380574

Why don't we just make it 10 or 11 after the pool closes then?

>> No.8380580

Why are you trip fagging dude?

>> No.8380593

Seconding 9 or 10 for the meetup. Reserve or longnecks?

>> No.8380732

How bad is the cosplay meet and greet?

>> No.8380927

I'm down for nineish after the tea party. The food area works for now, if the reserve doesn't allow cosplay it might screw some people up, I don't know if longnecks has the same rules?

>> No.8381054

Let's get food at the reserve at 9!! Works for me!! We'll have to meet there first because we wanna give em an actual number to get our table faster~

>> No.8381069

Can't wait to make an idiot of myself and/or make new friends.

>> No.8381102

Alright let's go to the reserve for 9!

>> No.8381305

Lone lolita wanting to join in. How will I know who you all are?

>> No.8381341
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Goku Sanchez squad rolled up right after 8 and didn't see SHIT, there was no girls skirts to look up so we bounced to drink with DJ Technorch

>> No.8381372

I'm wearing my Lambo shirt. Look for a black guy in a cow print shirt.

>> No.8381468

We're wearing obnoxious looking blue and white jerseys

>> No.8381519

Maguma is a fuckboi.
>tells everyone to add him on fb
>hasn't responded to my add I sent forever ago

Way to go.

>> No.8381742

oops dropped my trip sorry.
10/10 meet, would recommend.

>> No.8381920

I added you back, pshhhh

>> No.8381942
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backstage at the rave cuz no one was at the meet-up at 8, kbyeeeeee

>> No.8382003

Anybody want to meet up on Saturday?? I live in Sandusky but never bothered to go to it since I never had anyone to go with.

>> No.8382005

That Shonen Knife concert was fucking awesome.

>> No.8382074

Who the fuck still do a conga line at raves? Anyway cosplaying as Garterbelt right now. come say hi.

>> No.8382110

The meet up was at 9. It was never at 8.

meet up tomorrow at 9, at the hotel lobby, by the hotel desk, across from the candy shop, next to the stairs that lead to the hotel arcade (not to be confused with the con's game room).

>> No.8382143

9 pm right?

>> No.8382482


>> No.8382709

No, push it to 10 so the water park will be closed. Also maybe we could try a different restaurant?

>> No.8382726

It was completely empty at both scheduled time slots.

>> No.8382771

I'm pretty sure I saw you, you black??

Empty and sad lol.

>> No.8382802

Yeah let's make it 10/10:30 ish since the water park closes at 9

>> No.8382923

Where do I pick up cute Asian guys who are also single and down to do some heavy petting? I'm struggling.

>> No.8382928

Except you said it right here, baka:
>Meet up's at 8 at the deli area/food court downstairs near the arcade. Look for the Toronto Seagulls baseball tee's

>> No.8382934

I'm down with taken Asian guys too as long as it's no drama.

>> No.8382999

I'm half but darker and probably don't fit the definition of cute, but I might be down.

>> No.8383022

Seconding 10:30. The reserve or longnecks?

>> No.8383114

The worst part about standing in line for a guest autographs isn't the wait wait itself. It's the annoying ass fans.

Are all JYB fans retarded?

>> No.8383139


Yes. Is he charging and refusing to sign things without being paid like he usually does? What a douche.

>> No.8383141

Nah. I had him sign shit in the past and he never charged.

>> No.8383144


Huh, I must've got him on a bad day. Everybody was saying that was typical but they might just have been butthurt

>> No.8383158

Probably. I be too if I have to deal with retarded ass fans all day.

People wonder why their favorite famous folks be assholes.

>> No.8383160


Last year at Youmacon everyone kept asking Steve Blum retarded questions and he straight up says he knows nothing about his shows and characters (besides behind the scenes stuff) so it's a waste to ask him about them. Complete respect for that guy.

>> No.8383261

Long necks to switch it up from last night?

>> No.8383492

Long Neck's at 10:30 then?

>> No.8383667

10:30 sounds better. i need to rest up and shower.

>> No.8383765

Longnecks is fine by me. Cya at 10:30

>> No.8383783

Someone come hang w us we're two asian guys in black shirts at longnecks bar

>> No.8383788

I have a black polo and my friend has a hat on

>> No.8383824

I'll come by and visit. I'm in Ash Crimson

>> No.8383833

where IS this bar??

>> No.8383850

aaand I can't find you guys at said bar now that I found it. Oh well

>> No.8383853

Just woke up and showered. Ill be down three soon gotta iron my Garterbelt cosplay. It's wrinkled as fuck.

>> No.8383856

Sorry honey you just missed us. We just left the con headed home to toledo

>> No.8384157

Anyone trying to party come to the balcony on the 5th floor across the lunadry room of the Kalahari hotel. 21+ only. We WILL ID. BYOB.

>> No.8384222

Dude fucking do it capatcha is telling me to pick the drinks

>> No.8384273


>> No.8384321

We got shut down. Dont go to balcony

>> No.8384326

Nami here. It was nice while it lasted but had to take the sister back to the room to try to put her to bed. Major thanks to the bro who helped drag her back to our room. Also violin_man you were a bro and I'm sorry I didn't make it back.

>> No.8384484

This con is fucking amazing. Last night I saw some chick's tits get lit on fire.

Really shitty Saturday night rave though. The Friday one was awesome.

>> No.8384678

Not sure what rave you were at. Music was actually hearable and the Anime theme remixes were really solid. Top tier dance Saturday Night!

>> No.8384716

Was great hanging with you guys this weekend. I missed getting some of your facebooks but I'll find you eventually.

>> No.8384736

Which one are you?

>> No.8384759


>> No.8384865

Anyone trying to get bodied in Persona 4 Arena Ultimax after the Symphonic Anime Orchestra but before I leave?