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8365200 No.8365200[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>Taobao/Alibaba services

Questions time
>Who are the worst people in AANI?
>Who are your least favorite people in the artist alley scene in general?
>Who are your favorites?
>Are you selling at any more cons this year?
>Did you enjoy the cons you sold at so far?

>> No.8365254

I'm new to the scene so I really enjoy learning about this JLo girl. I should've known there would be drama in the community. I was around for the ramy/amuria thing online but to think about seeing this stuff in real life makes me so happily excited lol

>also because I'm going to get my Patema Inverted buttons made at school tomorrow for basically free yessss

>> No.8365286
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>certified that all replies will be.

>> No.8365359
File: 36 KB, 573x193, breadwinner1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first for JACKIE

>> No.8365387

personally I like her art and actually commission her every con

what is wrong with her art style I don't know?

I commission lots of artists though since I like a variety and depth of work

>> No.8365392
File: 129 KB, 369x377, Chihya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick question for artists here: If I pay an artist to draw a specific drawing for me am I able to take that and publish it in a compilation book of other art? Since I paid for it I would own it, correct?

>> No.8365399

No. You may have paid for it but unless they give you the rights to the drawing it is still technically theirs. And if you're planning on reselling it en-masse you're a horrible person. Don't resell other people's art, regardless of whether or not you commissioned it. It qualifies as fraud.

>> No.8365405

Jesus this is why contacts exist dumbass. You're going to publish work from someone else without even making it official? Google work for hire contracts.

The level of stupid in aani/these threads.
I've seen this question come up several times in the last month.

>> No.8365407

*Contracts. Rage and autocorrect don't mix well.

>> No.8365425
File: 304 KB, 2500x2641, lewd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah hold the rage folks, I was just asking a question. So that means I would need to go back and contact each artist in order to make a compilation book then. That's all I was checking on. Seems fairly simple to me to ask each artist and if they say no, then I can't use their work in the book. Isn't it better that I ask the question here before even starting to plan rather than after I've already started work on such an endeavor?

>> No.8365435

Don't do anything without a contract.

>> No.8365437

even better to do it before the actual commissioning (work for hire actually has a part specifically for compilations)

hindsight 20/20 etc

>> No.8365442
File: 294 KB, 596x604, soo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soo this is getting into ridiculous levels of bullying you need to stop. You can't criticize and post pictures of me when you look like THIS.

>> No.8365449
File: 14 KB, 324x369, 10155511_881135205249199_6302367271082150487_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try, but Jackie doesn't type like that.

>> No.8365464

Serious question, what kind of compilation book are you making? Is it all art you commissioned? Is it just for yourself?

Either way don't do this after the commission, most artists will ask way higher prices if it's supposed to be sold somewhere.

>> No.8365467
File: 1 KB, 480x360, 7817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The idea isn't even fully formed yet I was just musing it over since artists I've commissioned have said I should make a book or something. It would all be art that has been commissioned over the years at cons, it's all cheap five buck sketches where it was more important to me for the artist to show their style and ideas rather with something fun than something expensive. It would most likely just be for myself or to show artists at cons in AAs since they're the ones that suggested I look into such a venture. There really would be no reason to mass produce and sell it at all, not really ever the intent that came into my mind at least. People would not buy it anyway.

>> No.8365475

That's what I was thinking, so you're essentially just making a booklet for yourself with the added use of showing it to other artists as refs?

I think most artists would be okay with that, most people replying were questioning your intentions because I've personally seen people go "Hey I commissioned this, that means I can make it into charms and sell it right??" so always expect some people to be hesitant about this sort of thing.

>> No.8365493

Yeah, like you said more of something to take around to cons to show the artists. The only other thing that's been suggested to me as well that I was wondering about, is if it is possible to do like a non-profit art gallery showing of all the pieces. Not to sell any pieces but just to show them all off? I think that is okay to do right? Especially when nothing is being sold nor profit being made?

>> No.8365496

I dunno about that, I personally would feel kind of awkward if someone wanted a commissioned piece from me in an art gallery of other commissioned art.