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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 42 KB, 1000x600, ireland-flag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8358619 No.8358619[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Got any cosplays planned? Any cons or events coming up that you're looking forward to?

>> No.8358678

Is this first irish thread to appear in a few weeks? Havent been here much.

What is the next Irish Con?

>> No.8359094

Yep, it's the first one for a while.

No idea, was wondering if someone else could fill me in!

>> No.8359154
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>tfw you'll never be a 30 year old gaijin Christmas Cake living in Japan for a year

>> No.8359164

Good riddance.

>> No.8359175

Does she even speak any Japanese other than "konnichiwa", "kawaii" and "otaku"?

>> No.8359340

You forgot sensei.

>> No.8359629

You don't need to for JET. I'm more worried about her teaching English to children, considering the state of her spelling.

>> No.8360603

Amy has done so much for this community in the last 8 years, she deserves this, everyone in here is just jealous.

>> No.8360648

I'm not saying she doesn't deserve it, but do the children of Japan?

>> No.8360678

Yes, including this cracking television piece


>tfw we'll never be taken seriously for anything as a country

>> No.8360684

>implying we ever were
aside from heritagefags we're still in the 'oh, that's in England, right?' phase

>> No.8360773
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>'oh, that's in England, right?'
>mfw someone says that unironically

>> No.8360778
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>tfw studying abroad and always get asked what it's like in the UK and what UKIP is

>> No.8360784

Kill them Johnny, kill them all. Where the fuck are you studying?

>> No.8360793

I've met American heritagefags who still think we're in the UK, they're not the most educated bunch.

>> No.8360869

Ireland cosplay con is the next con.
can't wait to see the trainwreck!

>> No.8360872
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Snow Ireland

>> No.8360875

Based Finland. I really want to go.

>> No.8360877

It's great craic, especially now in the summer. The alcohol is overpriced but there's always cheap ferries to Estonia, Finland's wine cellar.
Also you can take a bus to Russia, stuff there's practically free now.

>> No.8360934

What dates is that on and where?

>> No.8363236

All the info you need is here:


>> No.8363239

OMG thread movement

I've never been so happy to see the Ireland thread at the top of the first page.

>> No.8363242
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Some of the stuff they have down for events are fucking gold

>> No.8363785

They've just announced it's reduced to Saturday only "due to ticket sales not supporting the scope of the event we had envisaged" hahahahaha

>> No.8363798
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>> No.8364037

Why does this not surprise me in the least?

>> No.8364038
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I am eagerly looking forward to another weekend spent on /cgl/ laughing at this trainwreck

>> No.8364069

It's going to be truly mind-blowing. I hope it reaches Otakucon level bad. I wonder Nathan with have another autistic spaz out on CGL again. good times, good times.

>> No.8364087

If we're lucky this time they'll realise they've failed and not try to have another one. We can always hope at least

>> No.8364095

Well the fact that they have already cut it back to one day is promising. Nathan will do anything to keep his ego project afloat but he must be running out of cash at this stage.

>> No.8364153
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>not just calling in a fake bomb threat to the Red Cow on the Saturday

>> No.8364193

One would wonder if they sold more than 23 tickets online this time. Because it being Saturday only puts the icing on his disaster of a con...cake

>> No.8364209

Nathan pls go

>> No.8364350

One day now what did Nathan do this time?
Doubt animeleague will work with him again

>> No.8364358

Ai Honey should keep away from Nathan the spaz and stay on Twitch where its safe

>> No.8365420

Who the hell is that?

>> No.8365471

Some English cosplayer, trips here occasionally.

>> No.8365592

So anyone else suffering from the falling Euro value? Trying to buy anything from the UK has gotten so expensive thanks to the shitty exchange rate.

>> No.8365608

Fuck yes, been such a pain in the arse buying anything from Americans lately I've just given up. Whose fault is it this time, anyway? Is it Greece again?

>> No.8365716

It's literally Greece this time. They are holding off on paying their debts, no one is sure if they are genuinely broke or if they are bluffing to get a better deal, so people are dropping the euro like a hot potatoe.

>> No.8365736

yup £80 jsk = €120, that and supposed to be visiting fam in England for a few days and it would literally have been cheaper to go elsewhere for a 2 week holiday.

Buying from US sellers is such a pain that it's rarely worth it, you have to try and convince them to sell to you then when they do, you need to hope that no us person joins the item queue or you'll be skipped over as it's "easier" because they are too lazy to go to the Post office and it's too "difficult" to fill out a CN22 form. (I sound bitter I know, but I have had that happen too many times to me by US sellers, that I don't bother with the sales groups as much)

>> No.8365742

I try to use amazon.de where possible. A lot of times I've browsed .co.uk and then found the equivalent on .de. It's ridiculous though

It's not, the ECB started quantitative easing (printing more money), so the value of the Euro has fallen considerably, almost on par with the dollar.

>> No.8365743

Anyone know where I can get chocolate brown brogues?

>> No.8365746

Does it ship to Ireland? I thought we could only use the uk site?

>> No.8365749

Seriously? That's fucking madness, the EU cannot survive if the euro falls to dollar levels.

Amazon.de? Thanks for the tip. Seriously though why is there no amazon.ie yet? They've had the facility in Cork for years now.

>> No.8365752
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>want to import the limited edition of a game I want from the US for $60 when it releases in October
>LOL sorry we stopped shipping to PAL regions because we opened a new European store, get it there!
>it's £60 + £10 shipping

The exchange rate's bad enough and then those retards have to go and pull that shit on top of it. Fuck this gay earth

>> No.8365756

I haven't had a problem so far, but I don't use it all that often. Maybe I just got lucky

It's ridiculous, it surely can't be that hard to just create a .ie one.

>> No.8365757

If the game is region free check out a us forwarder, 2 popping up in my head atm are shipito and myus.

>> No.8365761

They have no intentions to do one. I think it's all to do with tax etc.

>> No.8365762

Yeah, it's a Vita game so it's region free. What are the rates like for services like that?

>> No.8365764
File: 24 KB, 315x345, australia-taxes-ridiculous.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It could be worse friend, We could be Australia.

>> No.8365770

Australia is the land of nogaems. Shitty server latency, grossly inflated prices and censorship/bans across the board. One of the many reasons I think it's a shit country

>> No.8365771

It depends on the service, some are dearer/cheaper than others. I think shipito is the cheapest though(not certain, it's been a while since I used them).

Basically they'll send USPS, handy out if the store does free shipping. Certainly worth a look, with the £ rates being the way they are.

>> No.8365773

That's fucked, partially the reason as to why I won't move there.

>> No.8365774

Yeah, the online store I'm wanting to get the game from has an option for free shipping so I might try and get on that. I'm gonna look into it, cheers!

>> No.8365777

no worries

>> No.8365789

Suffering eternally, just had to get a new laptop bag from there. Paid 103 European doubloons for what used to be a €73 bag. Plus postage.

>> No.8365793

I feel like there's a Father Ted reference for every occasion

>> No.8365796

>This video contains content from Channel 4, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.

y-you too

>> No.8365798

>almost on par with the dollar
So unfair, how am I gonna take the piss out of yanks now? Running out of fat jokes already.

>> No.8365802

Also borderlinx, compare the rates and see
Never used either of them, anyone got any experiences with the forwarding services?

>> No.8365805

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDg07hd0BhQ only other one I could find, lad

>> No.8365818

Ah it's grand, I know the scene, just Channel 4 are fucking eejits

>> No.8365823

>cousins bring me lim ed ACNL 3DSXL
>NTSC games only
>stuck ordering games from Freedomland
If you've got a console with a memory card that you can download your games onto, there's websites that sell gift card codes that you can get by email

>> No.8365827

As far as I know there's an exploit you can use to make your 3DS region free. I don't own one so I don't really know but region locking really needs to die a slow death. Nintendo are really the only ones enforcing it now. They're getting so much shit recently about it too because one of the new Humble Bundles is for digital WiiU games and nobody outside of the US can get in on it.

>> No.8365839

May it die a slow, painful death. Still, I've looked into it and I think my version of the firmware is too new or something so the region lock hack doesn't work. Can't remember the reason why it wouldn't, at any rate I just buy a gift card code and download games from the eShop.

>> No.8366181

So following Ireland Cosplay Con's 'we cant sell tickets' post, OtakuCon have changed their name to KhaosCon... Are they just accepting that the whole ordeal is chaotic and they have no idea what they're doing, or are they attempting to sound 'edgy' in a really fucking stupid kind of way?

>> No.8366192
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Just when you think it couldn't get any worse.

>> No.8366236

Wait what? link?

>> No.8366242

Nevermind found it.
>Our big announcement is,
>Otaku Con has changed since it was first created, with so many new people involved, it has become a different entity since it was created, we incorporate mediums from western culture just as much as Japan and we have a huge emphasis on video game and comic books especially small press and indie.
So we decided it was time for a rename and a new vision statement to better describe the event.
So Otaku Con will be now called Khaos Con, a word mixture between the Japanese and English name for Chaos, as our event combines aspects of two cultures.
Our vision statement is
"Khaos Con is a video game, anime, comic book, Cosplay and sci fi convention that brings you aspects of western and Japanese culture"
Besides that nothing else changes.

>Besides that NOTHING else changes.

>> No.8366306
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>> No.8366327

Wow, what a fucking farce.

>maybe if we change the name, Joe Soap will think we're a completely different con and not just the failure we put on last year as OtakuCon

Daily reminder:


>> No.8366380

I'm surprised the Red cow is hosting them again, how did they pay their bills? Did Nathan really dig the whole thing out with his own cash?

>> No.8366461

Changing names didn't help Epic con, why do they think it will help Otakucon.

>> No.8366507

The fuck is Epic con? Seriously why are there so many shitty cons in this country?

>> No.8366556

An con that was held in Maynooth for a few years. First it was called Epic con and had fuck all people. Next year they changed the name to Phenomecon and it had less than fuck all people at it. It didn't even run this year.

>> No.8367175
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Are death knells ringing for nom con?

>> No.8367188

well not surprising considering they kept sticking with that shitty hotel.

>> No.8367268

Seriously. Nowhere near deserving of a 4 star rating. People paying 150+ in nearby hotels just to head to Nom are loopers.

>> No.8367401
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>> No.8367403
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Did somebody say Chaos?

>> No.8367458
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Nah. Not getting a discount on rooms shouldn't be a mark against the con; it's probably just the D4 being cunts again.

Hardly. Nathan and his crew are no more dangerous than, and just as pathetic as Butters.

>> No.8367461

>tfw want to stamp on Nathan's neck

>> No.8367463

Is that by the same crowd who ran OtakuCon? I got an event invite from Nathan

>> No.8367464

Was it as Epic as the time Mike Towers spazzed out on MCM Expo board?

>> No.8367467

But Farscape was filmed there!

>> No.8367473

Maybe the real OtakuCon came after them for using the same name?

They've been known to come after other cons for using their name and they heavily defend their trademark

>> No.8367477

I'd imagine this is exactly what happened and Nathan the retard didn't want to lose face over it. If you're trying to establish a good convention in this country with so many other shitty ones to contend with, you don't change its name immediately after one convention.

>> No.8367489

farscape was SHITE

>> No.8367490

That I didn't see, was it any bit as epic as the king of deformation?

>> No.8367528

Nathan pls go

>> No.8367532

I think someone has the screencap, He threatened to call the cyber police on some guy on facebook, then came here to "gather evidence". Then his brain broke and he started posting weird gibberish

>> No.8367558

Yeah it was but unfortunately Expo edited his posts to berate him and deleted his spaz out - http://www.mcmexpogroup.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=299&t=14959

Not surprisingly OtakuCon/KhaosCon was involved with Anime League which is Mike Towers little kingdom

>> No.8367570

>not wanting to kick that faggot around

The fact that he's from Ballyfermot makes me wonder how someone hasn't done it already

>> No.8367581

NATHAN! Pls,stop trying to get victim points, go play with your train wreck

>> No.8367582

ebin shitposting breh

>> No.8367585

Otakon are 'aware' of them. But haven't done anything over.

>> No.8367638

Does Nate have some sort of mental disorder?

>> No.8367642

Please guys, don't make Nate the next lolcow used to shit up every thread. He's a tool without a doubt but talking personal shit here is just going to get him riled and probably get Irish threads deleted over and over again.

>> No.8367645

>implying we're done with Amy King

Nathan is a smalltime lolcow

>> No.8367647

>implying amy is our lolcow
Come on now, she's not as bad as the the unmentionable one.

>> No.8367652

Catfish or Lizard Lady?

>> No.8367696

I feel bad for lizard lady. She actually is retarded but hey it's not her fault ok.

Seriously though she does try to deal with her thing and not drag it out across the internet and go on crazy rampages unlike the other one.

>> No.8367705

Yeah isn't lizard lady, like actually autistic, not internet autistic but actually disabled.

>> No.8367743

She's grand. Not an attention seeking abomination like the other yoke.

>> No.8367843

who is lizard lady?

>> No.8367850

An autistic girl who's obsessed with mass effect and owns lizards.

>> No.8367881

oh i know the girl she has a doll doesn't she?

>> No.8367888

Bingo. Not the worst in the scene by far, though kinda wish she knew when a conversation was over.

>> No.8367895

Yeah, she's reasonably harmless and gets more flack than she deserves. She's genuinely well-meaning, just not particularly sharp about social cues.

>> No.8367898

I'm going to Q-Con next month, what should I expect

>> No.8367922

She is actually really lovely to talk to. The only thing is that if she gets on to certain topics(mass effect mainly) She will talk you to death and not realise she is doing it!

>> No.8367930

Yeah I have talked to her before, lovely to chat with but made the mistake to talk about ME with her. Still nice to chat to though.

>> No.8367955

So anyone had any nightmare roommate experiences?

>> No.8367956

this video is in fairness super cherrypicked.

It was small as fuck but I'd good fun last year.

If the price was low I'd've been happy as a pig in shit. but yeah,

Comparatively I felt the games section here was way more accomodating than the greedy cuntishness I've seen at eirtakon on games.

But to each their own like.

>> No.8367984

I don't think I've ever seen a games section done well in this country. I've recounted several times here the experiences I've had at Eirtakon. Last year, mouthbreathers getting on the Oculus Rift and screaming like eejits took the prize for me, poorly done tournaments coming in a close second

>> No.8368157 [DELETED] 
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who wants 2 get gay married at a kon now we can do dat? lol

>> No.8368160

Thread's over lads.

See you in 3 weeks

>> No.8368165 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8368168
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>> No.8368171 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8368190
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>needing medication to function correctly
>greentexting on Facebook


>> No.8368193

How's the craic with yerself these days? ;)

>> No.8368195

Wasn't DW voiced by a dude?

>> No.8368197

Do you ever come on /eire/ anymore?

>> No.8368199 [DELETED] 
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>accuses someone of being a shitty person
>proves it by continually making fun of their disability
>or claiming they don't even have it, because those two things are somehow compatible

>> No.8368203

>implying any illustrious personality worth their salt would be caught dead there
most of you are migrating to /brit/ anyway because you cancered up your own general (just like real life then!)

>> No.8368206

>being such an assburger you get banned off boards.ie


>> No.8368210

Was Leigh banned from boards.ie?

>> No.8368216

Yes. Have a look for yourself


>> No.8368219 [DELETED] 
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i wasn't aware boards.ie had a reputation for being light handed for it's moderation.

i originally got banned from boards.ie for arguing with the mods over the exclusion of transgender from their then LGB forum, as well as a number of openly very transphobic posters & mods that were not dealt with.

to this day the mods still act snobby towards me, when the actual reason i got banned was legit outright transphobia and i've never received an apology for them for the abuse i was forced to take, and was banned for reacting to. given any subsequent bans were mostly for bandodging, they've even been actively upholding it.

if anything the fact that you appeal to boards.ie's famously fascist circlejerky moderation as any sort of standard says more about you than me tbh lol

>> No.8368222

And with that , we close this edition of 'The Irish Thread". Join us again in 3 week where we will be discussing the general shittyness of ICC, the horrible build up to Arcadecon and the neverending vendetta against Amy King. Goodnight everybody.

>> No.8368229

>implying I'm reading any of that

Feels good knowing that I was doing shit in 2007 like losing my virginity and hanging out with my friends while you sat on the internet perpetually crying for attention for 10 years, lel

>> No.8368233 [DELETED] 


some of the posts in that thread were pretty shocking and ableist, you'd swear they were made here. there are two mods in there literally trying to justify why it's acceptable to bully someone. it's crazy how they had a forum for banned members to post and be abused by the mods & trolls as they tried to justify themselves or lodge a complaint.

originally i was banned over the LGB forum(The first offence referenced), but i think that was for several months/weeks rather than a permaban. i think that thread is when it became permanent.

it's probably a bit late now, if i ever get money i'm going to threaten push a lawsuit to boards.ie over that for the lelz since they're paranoid over that sort of thing. the whole site is an embarrassment tbh.

>> No.8368236 [DELETED] 
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you know if your threads were less boring and you guys were less assholish in general they wouldn't get derailed purely by me posting lol

>> No.8368239

tbh lad some of us also sat on the internet, perhaps not crying for attention but wasting away our youth for sure
>tfw I'll never get to be 17 again and get it all right the second time

>> No.8368241 [DELETED] 


yeah bruh i spent most of my time on the internet since i wasn't able to transition or get any help with my autism. so it's actually kind of understandable. as opposed to people who spent waaay too much time stalking me, capping posts/facebook shit, making image manips & memes etc.

i got a life around the time i started HRT. i wish some of the rest of you followed suite.

>> No.8368245

Just take solace in the fact that you weren't so much of a turboautist that even boards.ie and furry forums considered you a freak and an outcast

>> No.8368253 [DELETED] 
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>appeals to social exclusion of disabled trans woman by renowned fascists and furry rape apologists as accurate standard to judge character by


>> No.8368258

Hey potsy, didn't you fake your own death on some sonic fourms before?

>> No.8368262

>fascists it said, posting from the comfort of its home paid for entirely by state disability

>> No.8368264

this is why I'm pro-choice tbh

>> No.8368269

Same lad

>> No.8368272

for me, mostly people were just absolute greedy dicks. I wanted to play towerfall for ages.

but nope. douchebags kept playing.

>> No.8368276

She also sent me a PM on a site saying she was thinking of killing herself.

>> No.8368283
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>most of you are migrating to /brit/ anyway

>> No.8368284


yeah, so like, do you want the state to cut me lose or something?

bcoz that's not fascist at all lol

it's not like i do nothing of worth anyway, unlike some here hiding behind their keyboards harassing an autistic trans woman.



i have made attempts before but i don't like to talk about it.


funny bcoz i used to get regular pms on forums telling me to kill myself.

>> No.8368290

>yeah, so like, do you want the state to cut me lose or something?

Yes because you're physically able to work and use your 'disability' as a crutch, even when it comes to people insulting you, which is fucking pathetic.

>i have made attempts before but i don't like to talk about it.

Even in death you're a failure.

>> No.8368306

I'd probably go as Ken Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul (non white haired because I'm a fucking pussy kek)

>> No.8368310

i don't think the plastic fork attempt really counted.

>> No.8368325
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yeah, because that's totally what i'm talking about. let's make fun of people's history of suicide attempts, real classy.


are you medically certified to make this judgement?

no? you're not, and people like you doing this in the UK has literally killed disabled people.

autistic people have a low sustained employment rate to begin with. trans women too. on top of that it's a recession, and i do volunteer work.

what do you think is going to happen in this case? people like you build a system that makes it near impossible for people like me to succeed in the first place and then bitch that we fail at it. instead of bitching at me, work against transphobia and ableism instead of propogating it, and work at there being more help & assistance for people with autism, BPD, ADHD and other neurodivergencies to find fulfilling employment.

the truth is i actually do better than average than people in my situation. and instead of people appreciating that, i get attacked for still not being good enough.

i mean, no wonder so many people in my situation end up killing themselves?

thanks for proving my point about you people either way lol

>> No.8368327
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Don't talk about a prod convention on the irish thread

>> No.8368333

>everyone here is the worst

I guess we can add Battered Wife Syndrome to your list of disabilities since you seem to be very attached to these threads even though everyone posting in them would have a laugh at your expense if you turned up in a river tomorrow morning.

>> No.8368343

You're perfectly able to prance around thinking you're a fairy with other people's children or attempt to do ballet but you're too disabled to stack shelves or work on a till? Top kek.

So either you're using your 'disability' as a crutch or you're not intelligent enough to perform menial tasks regularly in exchange for money.

>> No.8368345
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no i just troll them when i get bored lol

when i'm low on self confidence it helps remind me that i could be doing so much worse as a human being.

>> No.8368346

Why do you come here when you're so sensitive?

>> No.8368347
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Q-con puts every Irish con to shame. Bar from Akumakon.

>> No.8368350

>There's enough peeps from down south who head up to it, so no reason not to talk about it? Besides, they do everything better than the crap we get down here.

>> No.8368353

Another thread derailed. Great job. This is why we barely have threads anymore.

>> No.8368354

>thinking coming to a place where everyone laughs at how pathetic you are while you quote autistic employment statistics is trolling people

>> No.8368355

Honestly this. Genuine curiousity and no malice, but what keeps you coming here? There's no constructive dialogue to be had, these people say shitty, triggering things and have absolutely no intention of listening to you or understanding you. Surely you'd feel better if you gave this place a break?

>> No.8368358

Akuma fag in da house

>> No.8368362

Hey now, the fags have rights too, since the vote!

>> No.8368366
File: 77 KB, 407x475, 1187441796339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is now Potseriffic.

GTFO you fucking mouldy-tighted waste of wank.

>> No.8368371

I thought PissieChan was the one who pranced around with other peoples children?

>> No.8368372

People telling you to kill yourself by PM doesn't justify you causing other people anxiety by telling them your going to kill yourself though

>> No.8368373 [DELETED] 
File: 69 KB, 652x384, 10660379_1470568333219439_2834479677966907238_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah but

the people laughing are literal human trash.





i've seen all this shit before and i'm not involved with the con scene, so it doesn't really affect me outright anymore. it's nice to be able to call people on their shit form the outside.

>> No.8368376 [DELETED] 


i like how we're talking about a situation where someone is suicidal and it's all about someone else.

i mean like... it can be a bit much, but i have to deal with this from one of my trans girls in the group at least once a month?

>> No.8368379

You didn't call anybody out or troll anyone though you fucking eejit. You posted something completely unrelated to the thread with your trip on to get attention. Story of your life.

>> No.8368381

If you need to send messages about killing yourself to someone you barely know then sorry to say it sounds like you're looking for attention rather than actually being suicidal.

I had to block you on Facebook because I can't deal with your issues as well as my own

>> No.8368383

Please stop derailing threads. Please. If you're not involved with the con scene, why do you even come on here?
People will be shit, you don't have to respond. I'm not placing the blame on you at all, but if people get a rise out of you they keep picking the scab.

Please just stop. I came on here to ask about Q Con but hell if we'd ever stay on topic.

>> No.8368384 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 300x125, every time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol you sound pretty mad for someone who isn't trolled

>> No.8368389 [DELETED] 
File: 488 KB, 498x335, tumblr_lsyccyXW1W1qafrh6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>People will be shit, you don't have to respond.

yo people don't have to respond to me either but i don't see you engaging them.

if you're only saying this to me you may as well be placing all the blame. the only reason i post here is because they can't get over making pointless drama, be it with me or amy king or whoever

>> No.8368391
File: 294 KB, 608x464, 1423758927915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>typing out paragraphs nobody's reading
>lol I trolled you

Way to sidestep the point too, abomination.

>mfw there are people with down syndrome working at my local supermarket and you can't get a job

>> No.8368393

You're literally causing drama by being here. Fuck. Why am I even trying to get through to you. I have literally zero malice towards you I just hate seeing threads go to shit for no reason.

I'm out.

>> No.8368395
File: 69 KB, 273x240, ralph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Potsy thinks he's trolling

>> No.8368398

What's his real name anyway

>> No.8368399 [DELETED] 



right because i'm an ~SJW~ i have no sense of humour and can't troll. trolling is the exclusive realm of fuckboys and narcissistic cosplayers/lolis.


how other people choose to react isn't really my problem. if people got over themselves tehre'd be no problem.

>> No.8368400
File: 38 KB, 645x444, 1424220002838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Potsy thinks it's a person

>> No.8368402

Guys stop, seriously. It's not funny. Stop shitting up the thread.

>> No.8368403
File: 7 KB, 250x243, D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Potsy thinks he has a sense of humour

>> No.8368405 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 392x494, 11266696_986554254688616_455074261177279252_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw that pepe isn't as rare as you think it is

>> No.8368407 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 500x500, tumblr_m94n87EbwB1rckwjb_1345589145_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>casually ungenders trans woman as joke
>talks about sense of humour

>> No.8368408
File: 341 KB, 1725x857, COMEDY GOLD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Potsy's page has me in fucking tears, Jesus Christ


>> No.8368409
File: 3 KB, 139x150, 1430708465105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feeds trolls
>complains that they're being shit

>> No.8368410
File: 22 KB, 400x300, 543017_336645856442811_397604926_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8368412 [DELETED] 


yeah, that's like totally ridiculous just as well nobody here does that lol

>> No.8368417
File: 91 KB, 640x480, Rosalie1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off, fedoralord

*tips cheetos respectfully towards you*

>> No.8368428 [DELETED] 
File: 499 KB, 500x667, tumblr_inline_nlsydkYJhz1rivv5d_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


... i hate to break it to you dude but that's not a fedora, or a trillby.

this is a fedora tho.

>> No.8368435
File: 1.08 MB, 1018x621, Angry clean up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lel epik tr011 xD xD

>> No.8368439 [DELETED] 
File: 92 KB, 463x469, 1418221520309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i was lit just correcting them, but whatever.

getting bored now, off to do something productive.

>> No.8368445

Not fucking up your suicide attempt would be a good start for something productive.

Ta ta.

>> No.8368455 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 720x405, 10995386_894715190558908_4595758347885598436_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it's okay, i slit my wrists off all the Edge in this post.

blergh, i am dead.

see you in the next life losers.

>> No.8368507

Which one of you losers told Potsy that we were shitposting about her anyway?

>> No.8368533

is potsy the shemale who freaks out and derails threads with his/her shitposting?

>> No.8368536

That's the one

>> No.8368538

I don't know lad, what do you think?

>> No.8368654

Soooo... Whats your dream cosplays/dresses lads?

>> No.8368658

Nobody needs to tell her, she lurks like mad. But really, we were barely talking about her this time. Which probably annoyed her.