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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8357666 No.8357666 [Reply] [Original]

Let's do this.

>I really like how weird OTT lower-lash makeup looks
>I don't mind joking with my friends about "we gotta cosplay this" but I don't post it online or anything
>Fat people shouldn't get as much shit as they do for their size

>> No.8357673

Lolita skirts look best above the knee, not on it or below it.

>> No.8357692

I want more fandom-inspired lolita - but sophisticated, well-made, and well-coordinated.

>> No.8357693

Good luck.

>> No.8357706

>I adore Yaya Han, and regardless of her questionable past and lack of fandom for the things she cosplays I can forgive it because she is a geek at heart, used to be a weeb, and she does everything right in my eyes. Well, aside from keeping company with JNigs.

>I hate Pokemon gijinkas and think 99% of the time it's an excuse to be lazy with cosplay.

>> No.8357717


Fuck that gif

>> No.8357720

>unpopular opinions thread
>pony image with satanic trips to match

This thread is already headed in a bad direction. Good luck on not getting cleaned up by the janitor.

>> No.8357721

I feel basically the same way about her
Like she's bitchy but aren't we all + she has the skill to back it up, and it's really...endearing?...that she got her start back in the days of late 90s cons giving it her all as a 20ish low-budget earnest-hearted nerd like us

>> No.8357723

Thank you anon! Like, it's nice because she didn't get into it for the fame and to make it a career, like people do now. She just loved it enough and was fortunate enough to do so. She CAN make her own shit, very well, and I feel like if she had more time in between constant appearances she would play more games and watch more anime.

>> No.8357731

I agree. I don't like her makeup and tits but I don't have anything against her personally. I have mad respect for her, she can do really elaborate work and do it well.
Did someone forget to apply their haemorrhoid cream today?

>> No.8357734
File: 159 KB, 730x1095, walk_walk_fashion_baby___photo_finish_cosplay__by_sukistar-d65yjth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually like pony cosplay when it's something that isn't "I had a yellow dress and a pink wig"

>> No.8357739

>implying someone won't eventually b8post something really cringey and people will inevitably fall for it and derail the thread

It happens almost every time.

>> No.8357742

Sauce on pic? I recognize the style from this ponyartist but they deleted and I haven't found them since.

>> No.8357756

I enjoy seeing Homestuck cosplays at anime conventions.

>> No.8357800

anon that sells stuff here

I want to ask the boundaries of creating stuff like this, like for example a doctor who jsk; utena dress print etc. If I made a limited run of let's say, 200 dresses, is it legal to do? I'm just iffy about copyright laws at the moment. Fanart prints seem to be okay, but making a whole jsk is another story? Honestly I wouldn't mind making fandom inspired prints. Just kind of confused, and want to know if I need to contact official IPs and get their permission/do collab with to make the print.

>> No.8357816

I think Gothic lolita is easy mode.

>> No.8357833

Anyone can cosplay.

>> No.8357856

> I like using the word "loli" ironically from time to time.
> Some store bought cosplay can look just as good as handmade cosplay with the right tools.
> Dolly Cat looks gross.
> I get automatically turned off from a decent coord if the wearer has no bangs or fringe.
> I don't care for Steven Universe or Adventure Time. I think both shows are dumb as shit.
> Lolita Youtubers have been samefagging video ideas for a while now. I actually want to see an instructional video on lolita OTHER than the 500 "Lolita 101: What is lolita?", "How to deal with reactions from the general public", and "How to afford lolita if you can't afford burando" videos already on the Internet. (Inb4 "make the videos yourself, anon!!1")

>> No.8357862

I think fandom prints are really hard to pull off in lolita overall. Like wa lolita, people tend to go overboard with coording fandom prints to where it looks like tryhard fangirl status. Even designing fandom prints could be difficult without making it look like something Hot Topic barfed to appeal to mall goths and scene kids.

>> No.8357871

>I think RinRin Doll is not as good looking as people make her out to be.

>> No.8357874


Most fanart is illegal. Companies choose not to shut you down because it promotes the popularity of their own IP, plus it incenses the fans if they see it as the Big Corporate coming down on an individual who isn't rolling in millions.

You'll mostly get in trouble if:
- you get too popular, for eg if you're making more money than the original, it's now worthwhileto sue you
- your "fanart" degrades the worth of their IP, eg MLP porn
- Company policy, for eg Star Wars or Disney (now the same company! lol) start action once money is involved. Homestuck fans themselves are zealots even if the creator is not. Japanese companies generally don't do much.
- particular sites may have to take down your art based on their policy, for eg - Spoonflower. DA has specific categories for fanart, so you may do better there.

A workaround is to do it like Disney and Once Upon a Time series ie- use stuff that's your own, and skates very close to, without actually saying it's that fandom. So for RG Utena any direct copy of a scene would be iffy, but if you did a logo of a rose that's similar, use a fancy sword, some clipart castles, some silhouttes that look like they might or might not be the leads, market it with indirect references instead of saying it's fandom x, it becomes harder to prove copyright infringement than accidental similarity.

I've contacted a couple of companies asking permission. One gave no reply, not sure whether it's because the responses got lost (it was a Japanese company, at that time it had some English-speaking staff), or if the company decided not to acknowledge existence of the doujin so that it can sue us later on. Another time I asked permission to run some comics in my school magazine, I got a reponse that basically said I had to mail the company one copy of every issue we print. Our school magazine was free for students, so we didn't make any profit of it. I guess there's probably a huge variation in what kind of responses you'll get.

>> No.8357889

>I hate Disney cosplays and think Disney characters are badly written, two-dimensional and have ugly designs. I don't understand why anyone over 6 would want to dress up as them.

>> No.8357890

I'm with you.

Same with Sailor Moon to me. It's iconic but overall super meh.

>> No.8357892

sounds like someone who didn't read the manga.

>> No.8357913

I just do not believe anyone who claims to look "super young uwu" and talks about people mistaking them for high school kids most of the time, not until I see a picture.

Also I wish cons went for quality control over first-come first-served when it comes to artists and dealer rooms. I'm sick of seeing the same 30+ year olds that sell art that's the same quality as it was when they were 20, never improved and are outdone by almost every other artist.

>> No.8357924

Shojo isn't my style. Unpopular opinion thread.

>> No.8357933

I think OTT lolita needs to die
while it looks nice I want this fashion to have more of a real clothing feel to it instead of a costumey feel to it.

what I wouldn't give to not go out in falsies circle lenses or a wig, just an op, light makeup headbow, kneehighs, and RHS and not be shat upon for being "too boring"
this unless its for classic
also this
Frozen everything needs to go.
it was overhyped and a meh movie overall.

>> No.8357940

Why is it hard to think people look young? If you are short people will think you are young 70% of the time. I just yesterday got on the train with a children ticket (I'm 21, ticket is for people under 18) AND got asked for my ID when buying energy drink (age limit in our country is 15)

>> No.8357942

Short and skinny you can look like you're 12 all the time and get kiddy discounts on stuff, not too bad

If short and fat, you look like a 30 year old aunt with a thousand cats at home
>personal experience before weight loss

>> No.8357943

I've seen way more seagulls say she isn't though, that's not an unpopular opinion.

>> No.8357946

It's insulting that lolita/other jfash gets lumped in with cosplay on this board. They are massively different interests. It only contributes to people thinking its a costume. We need a separate board. I will literally pay 4chan to give us a separate board. Plus it'll benefit everyone, no more waiting through cosplay threads for lolitas, no more wading through lolita threads for cosplayers

>> No.8357947

I hate Frozen. It was a horrible movie with a messy, nonsensical plot, messy writing, horrible characters and shitty, bland music. Even Let it go was an extremely overhyped song. Both of the female leads are insecure, weak, inconsiderate, selfish and overall bad role models yet it's still considered a "feminist milestone". I'm glad people are starting to forget it already.

>> No.8357948

>fandom lolita
pick one

>> No.8357952

With other anon, I don't understand why a few people on cgl are so salty about this. People always think I'm underage, I don't get what's hard to believe about that. I've had servers ask everyone what they want to drink and then offer me a virgin margarita or shirley temple, and one of my Chinese friends calls me "16" instead of my actual name. I'm often the only person in a group to get carded. I'm short and small and wear light frilly clothes and have round cheeks and big eyes so it makes sense that people think I'm young. I'm also shy and awkward. I don't think that every single person thinks I'm 16 but I do often get mistaken for it, and people are always amazed that I'm 24. My sister is 32 and looks my age even though she has massive tittays and styles herself really maturely, it's just genetics.

>> No.8357953

I don't get the Disney hype either. They're not awful but I hate the hype and the "omg the ninetieees and muh childhood and muh childhood! Disney movies are the best movie ever, don't you dare to criticise anything!!">>8357890

>> No.8357961

Oh, this is nice
>mfw I like this as a normie outfit

>> No.8357963

It really is
>Nothing wrong with that tbh
>Gothic heels are kinda easy to find
There's a reason why big footed people wear gothic/classic

>> No.8357964

It's not that people think you're young, it's that they're following the law. My boyfriend gets carded all the time, even for energy drinks, and gets sold child tickets by bus drivers who don't give a damn. He looks much older than he is, and I get the same treatment. It's got nothing to do with looking young and the only reason people think so is because it feeds their ego.

>> No.8357966

Dude nobody cares, that's the whole point. The problem is that people write novels about how young they are and humblebrag about how sooper pale they are and it's such an obvious ego trip but at the end of the day, who gives a shit? It's fucking annoying, I'm not here to listen to you talk about you, I'm here for joocy drama and lolita threads.

Besides, if you really were that young and had ~glowing alabaster skin~ you wouldn't brag about it online.
Seriously. Go outside.

>> No.8357967


>> No.8357968

>the manga sucked

>> No.8357970

>Dem fighting words anon

>> No.8357971

Some gothic lolitas would go nuts over hearing that, and rant about the difficulty of matching the nuance of a particular cut with other things, or having the perfectly matching lace, blacks etc. and how difficult it really is. But I looked at a gothic lolitas wardrobe post from our comm and I realised, you could actually wear almost all of her stuff together. There is little to no coordinating skills involved for her to put together an outfit. Unlike other styles where you hunt for the perfect piece in the perfect colour or colour combo, with the perfect motif and perfect stylistic elements, for months or years (only to have it arrive and find that isn't quite right). Gothic you can just grab the nearest black Moitie rose corsage, headpiece/ cantonier and your set.

This is coming from a gothic lolita who has moved to more classical and classic/sweet recently. Gothic is so fucking easy.

>> No.8357972

>other anon chiming in and says that the manga was shit, anime was much better
>fight me

>> No.8357975


>> No.8357976

>> I don't care for Steven Universe or Adventure Time. I think both shows are dumb as shit.

This so much. I hate everything Steven Universe related, this shit is ugly as fuck and forced everywhere. "zis showe iznt 4 kids it haz much deeper meening uwuuu1!1 "

>> No.8357982

I tried watching SU to see what the hype is all about and it was boring as shit. I guess Tumblrinas like it for the ~strong wommyn~ characters who cater to every tumblr stereotype.

>> No.8357996

You've put it into better words then I could; it's the humblebrag that annoys me, the same way "I'm soooo overweight" and then posting petite measurements annoys me. Because it's just looking for attention.

>> No.8358033

Bless your fucking heart. I don't mind Disney and really enjoy a lot of their movies still... but cosplaying? Save it for professionals at Disney World. It strikes me as really Peter Pan syndrome on most people.

>> No.8358043

I get this a lot and don't think it makes me uwu special. I think you're like me and just hate the snowflake-tude probably.

For me, I attribute it to wearing kind of "kawaii" j-fashion you just don't see in America usually. Cute = childish? I get asked if I'm underage when wearing something like a vaguely sweet print otome dress. People are fucking stupid.

>> No.8358057

This. I enjoy Disney movies to the extent an adult can and should, but cosplaying them strikes as very odd to me. The characters are so bland and designed for children that I find it hard to believe that an adult would be so invested in them.

>> No.8358075


Frozen was shit

>> No.8358084

Let them leave their dirty past behind, anon.

>> No.8358085

>all those shitty attributes
And that's exactly why tumblr scrolling rejects relate to them so much.

>> No.8358088

Isn't there a female name for Peter Pan syndrome? Because that's exactly what lolitas are.

>> No.8358090

I'm so sick of all the bitches romanticizing the fuck out of old school, especially when they use it as justification to be ita. I cannot tell you how many times I've seen something that was inarguably ita be posted only for someone to reply saying it's just ~*~old school~*~. You absolutely can't hold the fashion today up to old school standards because there were pretty much no rules back then, it was like the Wild West of lolita history. For fucks sake, open up any GLB and you'll see what I'm talking about it. Those books should have come with a warning to have a bucket of bleach to dunk your head. Your eyes desperately need it after viewing most of those abominations.

Don't get me wrong, I love love looove old school when it's pretty, I'm just so sick of people going on about how much they miss those times and how lolita was so much better back then. No it fucking wasn't, it was mostly a trainwreck. If you really think the fashion looked better in the early 2000s, you just have shit taste and there's no way around it.

>> No.8358095

Interested Lolita youtuber here. What kind of instructional videos would you want to see?

>> No.8358100

Fucking yes! Next time will be a show called "Feministica the trigger warrior", who will be a "plus-size"x10 feminist with her lesbian dog, putting trigger warnings everywhere with her ~*~magical uwu powers~*~

>> No.8358101

yes, Peter Pan syndrome.
Peter Pan is played by a woman in most play BTW.

>> No.8358104


Your use of the word mag*cal just triggered me

>> No.8358106 [DELETED] 

>on a forum dedicated to dressing up like fictional characters, mostly from Japanese cartoons, and a fashion that makes you look like a cartoon princess
>judging disney cosplayers as odd and having peter pan syndrome
They don't anymore so than cosplayers.

>> No.8358107

Oh my god no pls forgive mi be sure I'll put a trigger warning next time uwu

>> No.8358109
File: 33 KB, 500x352, kettle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on a forum dedicated to dressing up like fictional characters, mostly from Japanese cartoons, and a fashion that makes you look like a cartoon princess
>judging disney cosplayers as odd and having peter pan syndrome
I feel like you don't have to have Peter Pan Syndrome to wear lolita, the two just usually correlate. If anything, I would say cosplay is more indicative of it.

>> No.8358111

I think you're thinking puella aeterna, feminine form of puer aeternus, or Peter Pan syndrome. Or maybe Kore, who I think is linked as the female PP/syndrome.

Half agree. Old school is fucking hideous half the time, but I understand the nostalgia for a time where people felt freer to play with a fashion rather than sticking to much stricter (and in some ways, more demanding) rules for fear of being mocked.

>> No.8358113

>first point = mte
Lots of pots pointing out kettles in here, imo.

>> No.8358117

I think OTT Sweet is easiest because all you have to do is buy the whole set and then 3,000 notes

>> No.8358118

White people (and East Asians, depending on where you are) have an easier time in the cosplay community and receiving praise for their work. Anyone with a darker skin tone and/or non-white/Asian features has be nicer, be prettier, and work harder at their costumes and looking as accurate to the character as possible.

On any cosplay fail site you'll find pictures of "that terrible *black* Naruto" and various racial jokes about watermelon and no fathers. Unless specifically cosplaying a non-white character, whites are not labeled as "that *white* Naruto." They just get to be "Naruto" and blacks receive the modifier. One could argue that's just cause the character is actually white/Asian and therefore they don't require one. But even when whites cosplay a non-white character there are not any racial jokes about the cosplay. There is perhaps commentary about them being the white version and they shouldn't do that/it looks bad, but not anything specific to their race like the comments on black/non-white cosplays. Outside of tumblr anyway, but I'll be getting to that.

Furthermore, if there cosplay is bad, it's not simply oh, your cosplay is bad cause you're bad at making cosplays. There is sometimes the assumption that the individual's cosplay is bad *because* they are black/non-white. Or that they will never be pretty enough or look enough like the character because they are black/non-white. That they simply cannot be accurate to the character because the levels of melanin in their skin.

>> No.8358121


Whites and Asians also received the most praise and have the biggest followings within the cosplay community. Yes, there is tumblr which will prop up some black/non-white cosplayers (so long as they fit to the tumblr ideology) regardless of quality or character or cosplay, but tumblr is not a serious cosplay website. It's an echo chamber for hate speech and SuperWhoLock flowercrown memes with little regard for anything else. Being big on tumblr means absolutely nothing outside of that website. Saying a non-white cosplayer is popular on tumblr as a counter for a white/Asian cosplayer having a 500K facebook followers, selling prints, and being a sought after at conventions is not equivocal. It's quite difficult to find a popular black/non-white cosplayer actually within the cosplay community.

Black people and other non-whites overall have more things against them and experience greater struggle living in a majority white society than those who are white. Cosplay is a an exciting hobby to be a part of no matter if you're in it for fun, friends, love of the media, or perfection. I hope that with time, we will continue to evolve as a global culture and racial bias for something as enjoyable as dressing up like a cartoon character will no longer exist.

*Note: I used the terms of "black and non-white" because, being an American, I generally see more hate specifically against black people. I used "non-white" as a catch all instead of listing Mexican, Turkish, Iraqi, Egyptian, Peruvian, Portuguese, Indian, South African, Native, etc., etc. every other sentence. That and I despise the term "POC."

*Note part deux: This is not an attack on whites nor I am saying that blacks are superior. If you have reached that misguided conclusion, then I implore you to reread my posts.

>> No.8358130

Useful stuff. How to tie perfect bows on your own waist ties, wig styling tips, what style blouse to wear with different styles of jsks, etc

>> No.8358143

You hit the nail on the head

>> No.8358149

On tumblr maybe, but if we're talking about avoiding getting posted in an ita thread, it's gothic

>> No.8358161

Seconding this. I tried to watch SU and AT, but both were pretty "meh" and the fandom ruined it for me. The "loser-body"-genre attracts all those shut-in special snowflakes. SU does have unconventional characters and themes, but tumblr makes it so cringe-worthy social justice-like, I can't watch it anymore.

Frozen wasn't the best movie Disney made, but I think the main problem and the main source of hatred is the hype. It was waaay too overhyped and still is.
I really liked Frozen, because the distanced-sisters-relationship really hit me looking at my own sisters. But Frozen-everything, let it go everywhere, memes on every site and all that "feminism" shit really put me off.

>> No.8358163
File: 55 KB, 636x427, whatsgoodEdboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8358172
File: 667 KB, 171x255, 1432474180938.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate it when girls QQ about muh evul beauty industry and muh men's unattainable standards when they're the ones who set them in the first place.
Same bitch who took the piss out me because of my eyebrows the other day is now BAWWing about how she HAS to wear makeup daily. No, fuck off, you shit on me when I don't wear any, you've brought this upon yourself. If you want to go bare faced then do it, stop being a fucking bottler and excusing it on muh society.

>> No.8358173

... but like half the posts in ita threads are failed goth attempts, usually

>> No.8358176

Agreed. It's not that I HATE steven universe or anything, but it's a kids show. Like, I would have found it interesting if I was a kid, and that's great bc that's the demographic it caters to.

And yeah I did watch it because of the hype everywhere, and it was nice to see strong female leads, but it was a kids show, it doesn't deserve to be treated like a super amazing work of art because honestly the plot is okay at best.
And you see people all over tumble going 'omg I cried at ___ scene, it's so inspirational!!!" And I can't help but want to tell them to get a grip, it's like crying at fucking Pingu or something.

It was boring, it's for kids
>inb4 'but all the ROLEMODELS'
Yh that's great, and as a feminist I think it's gr8 that kids have these rolemodels but oh my god it's a kids show stop fucking making it out to be something it isn't

>captcha says a yankee candle is a drink

>> No.8358184

knew one day I'd dick up and spell it as an actual word

>> No.8358249

It sounds like you know a lot about western licensing but it's not the same at all in Japan. Especially when it comes to anything doujin.

Doijin there is perfectly legal and there are actual things that both you can do and that companies will do in order to make sure everyone knows what boundaries exist, although smaller companies are usually contacted directly. There are general rules for what you can do and what is pretty much mandatory for them to allow.

>> No.8358269

wig styling, especially how to cut.

putting in circle lenses.

how to pronounce various brand names, major as well as indie.

>> No.8358272

there are loads of tutorials like this out there anyway
They're just not 'a lolita teaches you this thing' specific

>> No.8358284

I think lolita does in fact look like a costume, and everyone who gets super pissy and offended over it is in denial about the fact we flounce around in outlandish clothing.

I still think it's a fashion, but honestly, especially with the rise of OTT and costumey coordinates, it's an impractical fashion that often treads the line and sometimes over into impractical cosplay shit.

>> No.8358289

This. There's an overlap, but it's an annoying one where threads become such a mess.

>> No.8358292

Go back to your containment board, horsefucker.

>> No.8358293

I like having friends who are always just a tier or two above ita but below "meh, minor nitpick". I like being the best dressed one in the group and the only one with a closet full of brand. Sometimes I plan coordinates with them and let them borrow my pieces and I feel like I'm a fairy godmother transforming them for a meet-up.

>> No.8358302

I hate when ppl say SU is suuuu deep, it isn't. It's about a kid and his friends that have powers.

Although, I do love SU and AT but I'm such a kid, I mainly watch American cartoons and Peppa Pig...

>> No.8358319


In general, teenagers and young adults tends to state the obvious and then read too much into it like the show has the depth of a wormhole.

For instance, with Frozen, every 'meta' I've seen on tumblr seems to be "OMG DID YOU KNOW THE TWO SISTERS LOVE EACH OTHER THIS IS SOOOO FEMINIST OMG OMG OMG *GIF* GIF* *GIF* I CAN'T BREATHE."


>> No.8358331

I like having really nerdy friends. Like weeaboo-nerdy, without being a Japanophile. But drawing fanart, writing/reading fanfiction, watching tons of anime, and they could even be into yaoi; I find that kind of stuff to be really fun.

>> No.8358334

God this reminds me of when I played a little pixel game called 'Dreaming Mary', and I looked up the tumblr for answers because I got stuck. The whole tumblr was filled with asks reading SO FUCKING DEEP into a tiny ass game where nothing really happens (you only talk to four characters over and over again and then it ends) where they were pulling all this relationship and deeper meaning crap out of their asses. (Saying stuff like 'oh this character represents the goodness in her heart so when you see her glitch and die it's obviously showing the darkness creeping into the world and ruining the innocence of the main character) Seriously how do they come up with such junk.

>> No.8358342

It really sucks.
I tend to put in much more effort into my cosplays BECAUSE of this.

Hell, I enjoy putting electrical works into my cosplays, and can tell you for a fact that a greasy weeaboo white girl will get stopped more on her worst day than me on my best day.

I keep telling myself

"work twice as hard to get half of what they have" as a motivational speech to making my cosplays great.

but lets be honest, the amount of racism/Asian fetishism in the anime community is really damn high. So much so that if a guy tells me he likes anime its a huge red flag for me. If you don't look like a perfect anime girl with a pale complexion, you just might as well not exist.

I could work twice as hard, even four times as hard and maybe get a quarter of what they have.

everyone jokes about "haha all you need to do to be a popular cosplayer/twitch girl is just push up your tits and have good P.R" and you have to be damn kidding me if you don't think race comes into play as well.

>> No.8358361

Not just the anime community, nerd culture in general
half the people in my country's anime/jfashion/cosplay scene have online boyfriends and girlfriends from Asia, mostly guys who can't get laid at home but girls do it too. Ideally they're Japanese or Korean but if they can't get one they'll thirst after any Asian.

It's really funny, it doesn't really bother me personally because I've already got a bf (who's white and a local normie, in case you're curious) but as soon as you step onto their territory or whatever (cons, clubs) you stop existing. And I'm white myself, but most of the guys into this shit have yellow fever and a goodly 60% have either foreign Asian students for bfs or are in LDRs with an Asian girl. The others are single but would never date a local/white girl because she must be a slut'. These are irl people even, not robots.

As soon as I step out of the nerd den everything turns back to normal. It's bizarre.

>> No.8358385

I think Homestuck/Hetalia/flavor of the year fandoms are better than today's cosplay scene. I'm old enough to remember when cosplay wasn't about ass, tits, and getting likes/promotions, and I miss ye olde golden days when cosplay was more close-knit and more people cosplayed out of love for the character. Flavor of the years absolutely have way too many annoying weebs, but ignoring those idiots it's like traveling back five years in time. Most people cosplay out of love for the series, and other people are genuinely happy to see/talk to you. The people who insta-shit talk the big cosplay fandoms really don't know what they're missing.

>> No.8358408

you're either an ita-noob or not a lolita
the point is that it's NOT cosplay because you are not trying to look like a specific character (unless it's a "fandom coord" or "lolita-version cosplay" and in that case you can go back to tumblr because those are always terrible), and the fact that we are on the same board together will contribute to weeaboos doing "kawaii gothic lolita maid cosplays" because they don't understand that it's a fashion, not a costume to be worn solely for conventions and halloween (although there are lolitas out there who only wear lolita for conventions/meetups but they actually understand the fashion so that's different)
now as for OTT, no one wears that shit daily. it's for conventions/fashion shows only. there's OTT versions of any style, including non-jfash alternative styles (eg: the western goth scene) and even normie fashion. you could argue that evening dresses are OTT and costumey but they'e only worn for special occasions.

basically the point is that it's very important to create a clear line between lolita and cosplay, and having those two things on the same board isn't helping

>> No.8358419

This. I feel alienated because many people take my picture just because I'm black and not because I'm cosplaying the character.

>I dislike Pokemon gijinkas over the actual series cosplays and think it's just a reason to get attention from the series without actually having to play the games.

>Don't understand the hype behind Touhou or Kantai collection and thinks it's overrated

>Don't understand the hype behind SU

>Don't get why people have to cosplay Smash brothers and not from the original game versions of Nintendo characters.

>> No.8358429

I don't like how people criticize teenagers cosplay so hard. I understand how you want to help them improve but they're at their cosplay time where most of them are just having fun. They're not even thinking about how they'll be judged by other people for their seams or make-up. If they're not being annoying just leave them alone. That cosplay probably makes them feel pretty/cool. I miss when I was like that.

>> No.8358450

but anon, cosplay is SRS BSNS! If you do it, do it well or not at all!
I agree with you tbh

>> No.8358456

Same. I didn't pick my friends based on it (in fact, one introduced me to lolita) but I like being the best dressed out of them and the only one who owns brand.

>> No.8358457

>Also applies to lolita as well

>> No.8358465

Fatties in cosplay don't bother me.

>> No.8358468


Lol, I'm not talking about whether lolita is a fashion or not. I get it's a fashion. I'm just saying it looks like a freaking costume to normalfags, like it or not. And I'm not going to get offended over that, because I can see why. Hell, fucking theatre actors have come up to me and complimented me on my 'costume' because to them it looks like something they wear on stage.

You sound like one of those people who fucking froth over being associated with cosprayu and get really defensive over the mention of costume, when in fact they may not be referring to cosplay. I certainly wasn't when I was typing out my opinion.

And lol, that ad hominem in the beginning. Not even going to touch that with a fifty foot pole.

>> No.8358475

not that anon but
>complains about adhom right after writing adhom

I agree with you though, most alt fashions do look like costumes and the only reason goth and punk don't get labeled as such is because of their prevalence in the west. when I wore lolita I tended to get more costume comments when not in gothic.

>> No.8358495

> I don't care for Steven Universe or Adventure Time. I think both shows are dumb as shit

That's not unpopular. For the most part, a lot of people dislike it.

>> No.8358502


This. Homestuck may have been a shitty fad, but I've made a lot of good friends through it, and met my S.O. of 2 years through cosplay.

>> No.8358513

I know that I'm going to be written off as salty, and it's because I am.
I'm kind of sick of the way cosplayers will suck the dick of a half decent cosplay because the cosplayer is not white/fat/otherwise different than the status quo.
It doesn't happen much outside of tumblr, but since that's the majority of some fandoms it can make a difference.

I put weeks of work into one of my cosplays and maybe got 80 notes on it. Some fugly black girl put yarn in her hair and taped the characters symbol to her shirt, and it got 3000 notes telling her how perfect and amazing she is. The outfit wasn't even close to accurate.

>> No.8358520

Yeah, because of the dress itself usually, not the styling, because all itas are attracted to the gothic lacemonsters. A combination of that, poor/no makeup, and bad hair.

>> No.8358534

This. People often talk shit about how much the flavor of the year cosplays suck but seriously it's the only thing now that captures the essence of cosplay. To play the role of a character you love. It's a lot better than a thousand basic bitches slapping on a worbla bikini armor and calling it a day while only caring about facebook likes.

>> No.8358540

I like shorter skirts/jsks too, but knee length is fine to me as well, just less cute

Prof. designer here, it's calles licenses and is not given away easily. Sometimes cost fixed priced, sometimes costs percentage of selling price, often both. Or you choose to do it illegally.

Me too. Sort of. Not for everyone, there are plenty gothics who have complicated dresses with lots of details in the coord, but usually it feels like that yeah.

Oh wow that's surprising. I mean it. Why don't you think she's good looking (just for interest)?

Oh god yeah there's a big fantasy event in our country and the worst, literally the worst manga artist has a booth there every year (don't know how that is paid though..it's expensive to have a booth there and I can't imagine she earns enough honestley). Talk about representation.

boring. Lots of people don't.

I wouldn't say die, but it sure looks like it's a trend on bigger events. But the fact that you conclude that might say more about you. I don't know, instead of thinking it's like the thing to do, I just feel more like being myself. I don't like the circle lenses and fancy make up either. But I do understand the feeling to do your best for a big event, I mean I wouldn't go casual for that

It's possible, there have been things wth LotR theme and all, looking very good.

Oh god yes all of that. I tried it really too, but it either wasn't very pretty nor that deep. Come on, stop thinking that representation makes a good series. It doesn't.

ever since kids in our country were praising it like jesus I just dropped being a fan of it. That's all.

It says more about their appreciation of their old-school times than the old-school style really. Because they appreciated the fashion more then..they just haven't realized it yet.

>> No.8358541

But you're right, it's just tumblr. I don't know, that's not fair to you, but >>8358342 has it a lot worse I feel like. So fuck tumblr, but remember the entire rest of the cosplay community, including this site, is not that way, and that lazy girl on tumblr will end up on bad cosplay blogs and such.

>> No.8358596

In the west at least it's cute=childish for sure. For the most part at least. I think it's because a lot of kid fashion these days looks exactly like what adults wear, which isn't wrong but it just always makes me more annoyed when people consider a type of clothing 'childish'

>> No.8358603

You're right anon, it'd be dumb of me to pretend I have it harder because tumblr doesn't like me. I can't even imagine how much it must suck to be a non white cosplayer.

>> No.8358616

We were no better than the hyperactive teenagers when we were their age. Stop giving younger con goers a hard time and unless they're breaking stuff or hurting people then leave them alone

Cosplay and the cosplayer community is better now than ever before. Meanwhile social media has influenced the hobby for the better.

Preaching that the community should play nice and be positive is overrated. Instead we should teach individuals that shit will come their way and take the good with the bad. It's easier to influence how you behave in a situation as opposed to changing how a community handles something.

It's ok to cosplay comic characters at anime cons at vice versa. However programming should stay consistent

Fan signs are stupid

Masquerade is meh and an outdated formula

>> No.8358625

I actually find older con-goers a lot worse than the younger crowd.

The younger crowd can be annoying, but all in all they're just having the perfect con experience: hanging out with their friends and people who enjoy what they like.

Older crowds are filled with neckbeards, people wearing leashes and collars, etc.

>> No.8358643

IMO it's because of a combination of baby's first cosplay, and because these cosplayers are willing to subject themselves to being shit on by people outside of the fandom. Nobody does that unless you actually love what you're dressing up as.

TBH it's a damn shame people are turned off from cosplaying flavor fandoms because they don't like being publicly shamed by vocal assholes. Homestuck is dying and I have no desire to go back to the "normal" cosplay community.

>> No.8358651

I agree with this 100%

I actually get my skirts and dresses taken in so they hit about half an inch to an inch over the knee, usually make the bodice smaller too.

>> No.8358653

I think long wigs combined with high-neck/standing collars or big bows on the collar of a shirt makes girls, even tall thin girls, look squat and like they have no necks.

Legally speaking inspired is fine, you just need to be sure you're not just tracing over existing art from the franchise but truly drawing your own art. From there making a dress is perfectly legal, as far as I can tell. Utena-anon's issues with her print on spoon flower stem from the noticeable character silhouettes in the print, right?

>> No.8358657

Perhaps your cosplay sucks ass anon

>> No.8358666

>Wishing there was vintage-lolita
>Wishing there was Southern Belle-lolita

I like slightly longer than knee-length. I do not like seeing the tip of the thigh.

>Professionals at Disney World

>> No.8358676

I like homestuck fan art too - and I've seen a few homestuck meets where I live at parks and what not. They always seem like they're having a blast. I'd join the fandom if it didn't mean reading thousands of pages of internet trash...

>> No.8358688

>We were no better than the hyperactive teenagers when we were their age. Stop giving younger con goers a hard time and unless they're breaking stuff or hurting people then leave them alone

To be honest I don't know if I would've grown out of my hyperactive weeb phase and become a normal person if somebody didn't give me shit for it.

>> No.8358694

I prefer chubby cosplayers to skinny ones.

>> No.8358761

Sadly I think there isn't enough traffic to sustain separate cosplay and lolita boards here on 4chan. And if lolita had a separate board that wasn't being used much you know it would just get trolled to death with cross boarders...

>> No.8358770

>if you really were that young and had ~glowing alabaster skin~ you wouldn't brag about it online.

hahaha do you know any 13 year olds? all they do is brag about stupid shit online. and if you never go outside, you end up with glowing alabaster skin--and no friends.

>> No.8358802

...Why? People (especially people at cons) have this huge misconception that the second you turn 25, you turn into a wrinkly old bag. I'm over 30, look late 20s/early 30s when I'm not wearing makeup, but in cosplay people are constantly blown away that I'm ~that oldddddd omggg~. "Looking young" is really not hard when expectations are that skewed.

>> No.8358816

idk about other cons but I know the one that I staff, we have a panel of like 6-7 people who judge all the applications based off quality and uniqueness of items and accept that way.

>> No.8358824

This. I'm 25 and look almost exactly the same I did when I was 19 and most 30-year olds I know look older but not in a wrinkly hag way.

>> No.8358828

I think this misconception comes from the fact that you WILL start looking like shit around that age if you don't take care of yourself. If you smoke, drink a lot, do drugs, and/or have kids, you'll start looking a lot older than the people who had the good sense to stay away from all that.

>> No.8358829

That actually sounds like a good set up.

>> No.8358834

it's pretty nice bc we're varying ages and like different things/are in different fandoms too so we're looking at a pretty solid variety of things getting into AA. The only problem is the amount of applications that aren't worth looking at that we have to sort through, lol.

>> No.8358839

Are you daft? There's actual people at Disney who are basically the living versions of characters. It's Disney official cosplay.

>> No.8358844

>"work twice as hard to get half of what they have" as a motivational speech
>as a motivational speech
Dude, I don't know if that's something worth working for. You sound extremely hard on yourself and this is coming from someone else who is extremely hard on themselves.

>> No.8358848

I wonder if this type of set up makes people, especially the younger crowd actually improve on their art. I think it also prevents those that are younger/not that good from investing a lot into an AA and not even getting that investment back in sales.

What's the worst type of applications you get? I'm kind of curious what type of things get send in.

>> No.8358849

This. I have NEVER met a guy who was all up in arms over a girls make up. I've seen the twitter posts but never an actual real guy that I met and talked to. They usually didn't care either way, or just didn't like girls who wore make up in general. I'm sure these guys exist but not in the places I've gone to, that's for sure.
Make up is purely a woman thing and I do believe that most women are dressing up and putting on make up to impress other women, not guys.
Its like the hunt thing. They're trying to be better and show how much better they are than other women.

>> No.8358851

Different anon, but those people are college students paid like $10 an hour to never break character and wear cheap costumes. To say "leave it to the professionals" is laughable.

>> No.8358858

>Make up is purely a woman thing and I do believe that most women are dressing up and putting on make up to impress other women, not guys.
Most girls I know who wear lots of makeup do it for themselves and not either men or other women. Also, I've heard guys bluntly tell their girlfriends and female friends that they look better with makeup on. I've heard more guys not care or dislike lots of makeup, though.

>> No.8358859

Guys care if they can't see it's makeup but it makes you prettier.

>> No.8358862

>not enough traffic
This board is hella active, and jfash makes up probably 60% of this thread. And considering how paramount /cgl/ is to the western Lolita community, I'm sure we could sustain ourselves on our own board.

>> No.8358877

Most guys can't even recognize simple make up though...

>> No.8358878

They get paid to cosplay and Disney approves it. All you need to be a professional is to get paid to do the thing you are doing and the fact that a company as big as Disney is approving of them and giving them paychecks to do it - that definitely makes them pro's.

And yes, I can see how it's seen as silly to call a girl a professional who made a craigslist ad to do a birthday party dressed as fucking Ariel or whatever cause she's also getting paid to do work. Maybe that is what you're referring to?
Even then, I've seen those ad's before and they are still getting paid by a company just a much smaller scale one.

>> No.8358885

Lol no. Even in your own Lolita general I've seen you bitches get baited hard and derail because someone trolled you idiots. If you had your own board it would be fucking consumed from day one with trolls and you guys would eat it up and never be able to have an on topic thread because they'd all just get derailed. It'd end up like /tv/ and the cuck memes.

If I can troll you bitches, anyone can. The fact that I get replies is fucking laughable.

>> No.8358895

Yeah this is the way of the world. People will just stay immature babies forever if there isn't some onus, some reason to grow up and behave in a more mature manner. So giving weeb teens shit for their poor behavior is important.

>> No.8358896

>Most girls I know who wear lots of makeup do it for themselves
Sure, maybe, but what are they doing? Looking into their camera phone every five seconds to wear it for themselves?? Are they always in front of a mirror? If they go out and wear it, it is not JUST for themselves anymore...

I've actually gotten the "what kind of lipstick are you wearing" when I wasn't wearing any... and it was from a guy. SO yeah. They don't know usually, but all the more reason to make the argument that they don't have an actual preference since they can't tell the difference to begin with.

>> No.8358906

Why do people wear pretty underwear despite being single? Do they strip in front of the mirror every five seconds to admire themselves? Why do they even bother to wear it outside, if it's not just for themselves? I mean, just the fact that it's THERE can make a person feel pretty. Some days I wear makeup, some days I don't bother, but it's really dependent on how I feel that day and not on how I want other people to feel.

>> No.8358914

Not that anon, and not exactly what you're talking about, but your desire to do things like wear makeup at all are driven by society in a way so you sort of aren't wearing it for yourself. It's much the same as anything else, not a bad thing but people don't really have as much autonomy as they think. Everyone is constantly influencing other's decisions.

>> No.8358915

>Homestuck is dying and I have no desire to go back to the "normal" cosplay community.
Feeling this too, anon. You and me. ):

>captcha: sushi
>select bread, dumplings and indian buffet food
>my mind is full of fuck.jpg

>> No.8358916

Please come up with a metaphor that doesn't involve something that will be covered? Underwear is exactly that.. you wear it under.

Better yet, try actually discussing something without the metaphor angle.

>> No.8358920

>people don't really have as much autonomy as they think.
Thiiiiis. God. People think their world just revolves around them and they couldn't possibly be doing something because someone else mentioned it, it was just ALL THEM from the very beginning.

>> No.8358921

4chan is duping the image recognition software.

thank google for trying to use crowd sourcing.

>> No.8358924

>do it like Disney and Once Upon a Time series ie- use stuff that's your own, and skates very close to, without actually saying it's that fandom
Once Upon a Time is already owned by Disney. Bad example.

>> No.8358927

This pisses me off to no end because of the constant "Just use reverse image search anon" when looking for someone but you guys are ALL RUINING the image recognition software by teaching it the wrong things!!


>> No.8358989

Sailor Moon sucks, both anime and manga. I seriously tried but there is no fucking appeal.

>> No.8359000

You sound really great. The whole point of lolita is after all only about being the best and the most special loli with the most burando!

>> No.8359014

I've never posted about it before, I only wrote that because the post specifically said she doesn't believe people when they say it, so I'm saying that it doesn't make sense not to believe it. I get that people don't care, and I'm not one of those people who usually post about it, but she didn't say she doesn't care, so that wasn't "the whole point".

Also how does it make sense to humble brag on /cgl/ when you're completely anonymous? People obviously know it isn't going to get them compliments here, and nobody knows you who you are. Chances are people just make passing remarks about it and salty man-faces get jelly and have to bitch about it.

>> No.8359029

Because it's anonymous, they can get away with it and it makes them feel better about themselves. I'm positive most of the oh-so-pale/young girls on here or indeed, reddit, don't go on tirades about themselves irl. Because it's obnoxious and they know it. But here it's okay because nobody can question their youth or paleness and they don't have to worry about getting judged. And it's not because anyone is salty or jelly, it's because it's universally annoying.

>> No.8359033

why would you care though unless you're jelly?

>> No.8359043


Honestly, I used to see paleness as a terrible, negative trait before I got into lolita. People said I looked sickly, and only my old asian aunts would praise me for my pale skin. And you know, at that tender adolescent age, old people = stupid, young people were hip, and so I became really eager to tan and shed my old fashioned pale skin.

As for being young, I'd really rather look somewhat more mature and beautiful - looking simply 'young' just garners a lot of frustration when you're working in a professional environment and sometimes crude jokes about your boyfriend's tastes tbh. And young =/= pretty. One (like me) could look like a baby troll, but they'd still be a troll.

While people on this board do have yellow fever and thus think pale skin is great, I still think it's a gross generalization of everyone ever on this board who complains about pale skin and/or youth. Some are legitimate complaints - a lot of people in makeup threads for instance need to do weird shit to have matching foundation.

I mean, it's totally your opinion and all, but I think it's highly generalizing and judgmental that you would think people are humblebragging once they admit they're too pale for most foundation, or they have legitimately gotten in trouble because people think they look too young.

>> No.8359053

I don't know, if a retarded kid started masturbating in front of you, why would you care unless you're attracted to him?
Because it's inappropriate.

>> No.8359060

That actually sounds like a cool game.
>Dreaming Mary also sounds like a print that should exist
>hey gulls, what did you get from the Dreaming Mary release?

>> No.8359067

No I get that, I'm pale myself and I got scolded the other day for not having a parent or guardian and the guy wouldn't let me into the swimming pool. But I don't mention it or circlewank about it.
I mentioned reddit because the same thing was happening there as here. People here kept recommending foundations and BB creams for pale skin because so many wouldn't stop whining and we even had a spreadsheet iirc. The thing is nobody on leddit or here wants to actually look for it themselves so they just ask the same questions again and again. Because many don't really want the cream, they want to mention how pale they are.

>> No.8359087

I honestly have a hard time understanding how anything on this site could be considered inappropriate with the amount of garbage that gets posted on EVERY board.

Like whoa, someone is posting inappropriate stuff on 4chan!??!
Pretty sure anything goes and you just have to deal with it by either replying or not replying.

>> No.8359108

But their dresses are horrendous!

>> No.8359111

Why would anyone *BRAG* when you complain about looking young? Like if you are 35 and look like you are 25 then sure, but then there isn't really anything you can say other than "I just look like I'm 25"

If you are around 20 and look young, like you are 16, it's a fucking pain in the ass, because no one will take you seriously. I've been rejected to apply for a job because the girl in the counter wouldn't believe me when I said I was 20.

>> No.8359120

Have you actually been to Disney world? I have, several times. Not Disney Land however, so I can't speak for that but the people at Disney World do a damn good job- I saw it in person, I don't give a fuck what picture you saw anon.

>> No.8359124

Why not have your ID on hand to prove that you are indeed 20?

also do you not understand the concept of bragging by complaining?

>> No.8359132

I usually do, but sometimes you forget it.

But there is absolutely nothing good with looking like you are 16 because people treat you like a fucking child all the time. Thinking that is bragging is just stupid

>> No.8359147

Because it's obviously a desirable trait that most women want. Have you been living under a rock?

>> No.8359156

They don't get paid as "cosplayers." Disney has professional costume staff onsite that design/build/repair/clean every costume piece from wigs to shoes. Face characters are selected based solely on similar appearance to characters and ability to act like it's fun to stand in the heat in a princess dress. They are about as close to cosplayers as an actor is during a theatre performance.

>tfw I was disney college program costuming
>yes I'm mad

>> No.8359158

Looking like you are forever 22 sure is, looking like you're 16 is not. Not even 16 year Olds wants to look like they are16

>> No.8359162

Is there a more efficient way of reverse image searching that doesn't invoke uploading the image so you can get a link to it?

>> No.8359168

>people think you look young
>therefore you probably look cuter and age better
>therefore you must be better suited for Lolita
>which means lolitas want this trait and those that have it (or don't) humble brag about it
>on 4chan to make themselves feel better without getting caught
Stop playing dumb

>> No.8359178

Well now I am a cosplayers and no lolita, and in cosplay looking young and being short just means people will want to to cosplay all the little characters

>hey anon, you wanna join this group? We need a [insert character ]
>character is either a loli character or actually 10 years old

>> No.8359181

but that's the same for everyone. If you look androgynous, people will ask you to cosplay guys, if you're tall you get tall characters.

>> No.8359182

>homestuck isn't cancer and hasn't been for literal years
>some people cosplay just to have fun and that's ok
>Yaya is a great cosplayer and people who try to say she's not good at what she does are in denial
>Jnig is a good businesswoman
>I fucking love pokemon gijinkas

>> No.8359184

+5 internets to you

>> No.8359187

excellent thread post

>> No.8359188

So if I look young and am tired of people wanting me to dress up as an eight year old I am *Bragging about my so very youthful look*?

>> No.8359192

It's about context anon, if you complain about looking young in for example the lovelive thread, it'll sound like humblebragging because the girls in that show look young and the ones that look the best cosplaying them have to look young.

>> No.8359200

but no one does that, most people just do it in relevant threads in relation to wanting people to treat them like they're mature, even then people get all huffy about it.

i think it's really that /cgl/ has this weird conception of what it means to look youthful. most of us probably do to normalfags but to eachother we're old hags. so when someone says they look young, you automatically imagine some photoshopped button nosed asian girl and then REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.8359208

If anon had said "people complaining about looking young in love live/lolita threads are annoying " it would've made sense, but anon just said young looking people in general. And as person who looks very young I know that it's super annoying to be viewed as a 16 year old when you're 21.

>> No.8359233
File: 111 KB, 496x640, life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different anon here. People think I'm young because I'm short, skinny, have crappy 9th grader complexion, and not a lot of bone structure in my face. Yeah, I'm 'cute' when I make an effort, but not everybody that looks like a fifteen year old is some sort of flawless kawaii goddess that will never age. Everybody always tells me 'oh honey you'll enjoy it when you're older!' but that's bullshit because I'll just look like a wrinkly fifteen year old. My stunted growth doesn't mean I'm going to age any better, in fact it probably means I'll age faster because I have less bone structure to hold my skin up. Fuck.
>tfw the struggle is real

>> No.8359245

I dislike tumblr and what it's done to fandoms and cosplay communities, and think it is a very poisonous enviornment. Especially for young teens who don't know how to interact with people irl. It does have its good points though.

>> No.8359265

NO ONE CARES. It may suck, but all of you who, instead of just saying "this sucks" and leaving it there, opt to write giant fucking paragraphs detailing all the ways you look ~omg so young~ are the annoying part. And I say this as someone who is routinely the only person carded in my group in my late twenties, shut up about your bone structure and complexion and blah blah blah.

I somewhat agree with OP's point because it really does feel like humblebragging/back door bragging when you write a damn novel about it, but I do know as someone else pointed out that of you've taken decent care of yourself, you'll look younger than expected, it's not that uncommon. Join the party, keep your ID ready if it's such a huge pain in your life.

>> No.8359277

I hate when people choose to cosplay a certain character SOLELY because they have a similar build [lookin at you Rose cosplayers], but when it's anyone but them its all
>"weight doesn't matter anon"
>"you don't have to fit the stereotype"
>"i just don't notice things like that"
And act like you're an idiot because you want to look you're character too. Oh and you're SO horrible for taking weight into consideration because its "not about that"

Like bitch are you fucking for real? Guess body types and feeling comfortable is only important when it comes to yours huh? Take your hypocritical false sjw fucking out of my face god damn it am I salty.

>> No.8359293

Well clearly you care a lot since it bother you so much.

I should just fucking tape my ID to my forehead so I will never be treated like a minor again sure, anything so you old ladies won't feel so insecure when I brag about my young face~

>> No.8359294

If I hear cosplayers badly belting let it go again seven times while waiting to kareoke, I'll go on a murder spree...

>> No.8359316

Just clarifying that this is not the same poster as >>8359233 which is me. I've never mentioned looking young on cgl before this thread, and I don't have to tape my ID to my head because it's in my wallet. I was just pointing out that not everybody who mentions being mistaken for a teenager is secretly bragging about being so kawaiii moe. It's honestly just another stupid thing to gripe about like being too tall for OTKs, except people jump your ass about it because you can't actually be annoyed at looking young, the most desirable of all traits desu!!!! I understand where people are coming from though, because there are genuinely girls who fall into the ~oh gosh I just look so young and my skin is so hydrated teehee~ category on here and it's annoying.

>> No.8359409

Being annoyed by twats who go on about how young they look and then get upset when they're called out for humblebragging =/= caring about your novella of descriptions, dumb ass. No one cares about THAT. Like I said, I'm in the same boat of being mistaken for younger, so it's not insecurity, just a bit of sand I suppose from all the whinging, poor pitiful us with our pale skin and tiny stature abloobloobloo. It's not that much of a hassle, is all I'm saying, and listing all the ways in which you look so young just makes you seem braggy.

>>8359316 compares it to tall girls complaining, but I hardly see those girks saying "it's so hard to have amazingly long, toned legs like these" the way the youthful ones feel the need to describe at least three or four traits like their thinness and pale skin and big eyes. Just shut up.

>buy some beachfront property in my vagina

>> No.8359466

You can complain about it to your friends who probably try their best not to judge you. Everyone else is super salty so it's best to not complain about your youthfulness to total strangers.

>> No.8359568

Its really bad.
>The others are single but would never date a local/white girl because she must be a slut

I've encountered this mentality as well, several times.

Honestly people's preferences change according to what media they consume
Its an "every day until you like it" type thing
if Asian or white is advertised constantly as what is the most beautiful, people will begin to believe it.

This may sound like bullshit, but seriously, think about it.

>> No.8359588

Chill the fuck out, fam.

>> No.8359620

>telling someone who admits they mad to chill
you sure showed her

>bickering in an unpopular opinion thread
this is why we can't have nice things, all of you

>> No.8359624

This is the opposite of an unpopular opinion around here.

>> No.8359631

I don't mind seeing people in anime cosplay do kpop cover dances. I honestly think it's cute as fuck, and I wish I could do it with my friends.

I also like the kpop stuff at anime cons. To me, it kills two birds with one stone because I like both and want to buy kpop cds and anime figurines at the same time.

>> No.8359748

Bruh i dislike Sailor Moon too.
It's overhyped and meh to me also being super self conscious about my weight despite being "ok" (117lbs for 5"3) but them bringing the subject of weight so much makes me uneasy and stressed

>> No.8359781

Okay, but what's making you feel sexy, the underwear itself, or the fact that someone might find you sexy while you wear them? If you were alone on an island would you really go all-out on hair and makeup as you would in in a normal society? Sure you might wear something you truly like, but that's just it, it's something you really do like, not something that someone else would deem "sexy"

>> No.8359832

I don't like Cowslip gijinkas. The art is over designed and the cosplays are overdone

>> No.8359852

I hate it when people confuse not enough blacks in something as racial intolerance instead of just a lower percentage of the fandom being taken up by black people.

>not enough racial variety here.
>hey black lady! there are not enough black cosplayers come and be a cosplayer!!!
>But I'm not interested in that stuff.
>your coming with us weather you like it or not. We will give you assphats.

This is your argument. You are completely missing the fundamental points as to why there are fewer black people (or non-whites) in the cosplay community, or that they have a harder time.

1. Socio economic strata. Generally black communities fill up a large percentage of the lower socio-economic spheres. This means less disposable $$ for:
-expensive and time consuming cosplays.
-luxury items such as imported Animes and expensive Mangas.

Less cultural diversity in their socio-economic groups.
-Less exposure to culturally diverse material for interest to grow.

Blind leading the blind:
-Higher pressure to conform within these groups.
-Angst against Majority groups = rejection of their cultural norms.
-Racist behavior. Leading victim complex lifes propagating hate towards other minority groups and majority groups.

2.Cosplay community- "no-fun allowed"
-retarded view that it is "racist"/ taboo to crossplay as different races. This is a product of:

-Cosplay moving from a fun hobby for any enthusiast to a elitist circle jerk that is more or less only about accurate costumes. The lack of ability to differentiate between the casual, "just for fun" hobbyist, and the obsessive "realism" cosplayer has lead the community to be exclusionary. This isn't a problem just for blacks. Its a problem for all races.

-Lack of diversity within written material and media. Yeah this is kind of self explanatory. If you want to make it taboo to cosplay as a different race its probably prudent to mention that there is a inherent lack of diversity within characters to choose to cosplay as.

>> No.8360129

I talk way more about looking young in real life than I do here (like I said I don't think I've ever had any reason to mention it) because everyone constantly points it out in real life. I suspect most people who mention it on here assume it's relevant and only say it as part of a story because they experience the same thing, and seagulls just bitch at them stupidly, so in return they explain why they aren't lying. If it's ignored in the first place they have no reason to go on about it. I honestly haven't seen enough people "bragging" about it to understand why it warrants bitching about though. Seems like a stupid thing to get buttmad over.

>> No.8360142
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Being 17 looking is hard enough when you want to get hammered so I can see how colorful clothing can add to the mix

>> No.8360148

Gonna call bs on the short and fat thing. Only cause I am short and chubby, like a kids 16 , and I can still get discounts with most places at 25 and looking 16 is hard to get drunk because they start to double check ID's

>> No.8360151

Meh I guess I'll play devil's advocate here and say that it wasn't absolute shit but overhyped for sure.
>I don't think Frozen was garbage

>> No.8360153

I relate so much to this when will I be able to catch up? How much work do I have to put in to stand on the same ground

>> No.8360158

Hitler did nothing wrong? I really don't understand why everyone has to bring race into something like people actually give a fuck?

>> No.8360337


hell I'm technically a white girl but I have a naturally darker complexion because of mediterranean genetics and it makes me so insecure about cosplay and jfashion to the point where I just want to avoid the sun as much as possible even though I know that's unhealthy as fuck and I usually try to treat my body well.

>> No.8360378

tbh it's not that unhealthy, just take supplements

>> No.8360381

How dark are we talking? Surely it can't be that bad, Sophia Loren is even considered to be one of the most beautiful women of all time and she's Italian

>> No.8360384


I dunno, the silhouette and the acceptable blouses, shoes, hairstyle etc is inheritally childish, which is why it separates from other fashions that include a "poofy skirt" i.e Rockabilly, 50s housewife etc.
I'd love to have an honest debate about this, if you don't mind.

>> No.8360406

>people making a big deal of ID checking itt
>live in NY
>everyone typically is checked for ID at bars/concerts no matter what
>I get double takes too but only because my hair is drastically different from three years ago
>not because I'm short and look "youthful"
Seriously, the bouncers are more likely confused that you don't look like your picture on the ID. Not that they're convinced you're a naive 16 year old trying to get into a bar. Them telling you "it's because you look so youthful!" is a polite joke for taking a few extra seconds of your time. Can we all stop being insecure autist over IDing now?

>> No.8360419
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The fact that you feel it's "insecurities" or "autism" involved as the reason that makes people wonder why they get double checked with their ID stuff... quite frankly makes you look like an idiot.

>> No.8360423

Yet insecurity is clearly what has been reflected in all the previous posts.
Which "youthful" poster are you?

>> No.8360426

Tbh I'm ugly, when I wear makeup I'm just ugly with lipstick

>> No.8360474

It depends, if I don't spend time in the sun I'm like .. a regular, kinda tan white person.

But if I lie in the sun or anything my skin gets pretty dark pretty fast. I'm not saying that's a bad thing but, like it's been said in this thread - pale skin is way more accepted and praised in the cosplay/jfash community and it just makes me insecure.

It's especially bad when I want to cosplay a cute anime girl and I feel like my complexion will ruin it no matter what.

Yeah I've been thinking about that. I enjoy spending time outside though so it's kinda depressing.

>> No.8360505
File: 95 KB, 500x308, 5454242+_a56546fe881e5826ccaae38597fe5518[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>put work into my cosplay
>sell it to this white girl who uses daddy's money to get it
>she wears it without a wig/spraypaints her hair and gets the dye on her cosplay
>she wears it without the light up props
>see her get stopped all the time for photos
>see her on FB constantly getting asspats for it months after the event
>mfw seeing this thing every day at the top of my newsfeed

>recall me wearing it with my wig styled and light up props
>even made a spinning prop for it
>only got a couple "nice cosplay" s and no pictures

I'm not even ugly the fuck.

Do I have to make a goddamn mech to impress people?

I've been considering going the kigurumi route, you know, those creepy masks or maybe making full body mascot suits.

>> No.8360510

could be an approachability/confidence thing

>> No.8360519

I think short chubby girls look the best in AP

>> No.8360523

And that's your problem right there. You mainly don't cosplay for yourself or because you really like the Character you cosplay for acceptance and praise. Stop posting your pictures online or at least stop expecting thousands of notes/likes and it'll get much better.

>> No.8360525

Yeah, because their measurements are getting bigger and bigger and their dresses look like sacks on skinny or petite girls.

>> No.8360564

I never post my pictures online except sometimes on my personal facebook account where I have like, 50 friends maybe. I'm not saying I don't enjoy cosplay at all, I'm just too insecure to post my pictures where a wider audience will see them and it's kind of frustrating to know that no matter how much effort I put into my cosplays, I won't look as 'good' or accurate as pale people do.

Also I wish I could pull of light haired characters because those are usually my favourites for some reason

>> No.8360572

Except their OPs generally haven't gotten bigger in the past three years. Same with their skirts and partial shirred jsks. And no, having one or two releases with fully shirred skirts and jsks is not indicative of the measurements getting bigger in general.

I hate it when people create bawwwfests for themselves.

>> No.8360574

this feel right here. I worked my ass off for a cosplay and it looked really good, barely got a few notes on tumblr and nobody really gave a shit. When someone else from my local comm made an half-assed cosplay of the same character with half of the details missing and shitty construction, people went apeshit over it. I guess it's like >>8360510 said, if you seem "too good" people might think you're unapproachable and arrogant.

>> No.8360584

You two have it easy.
I got asked to stand aside.. when cosplaying from the same series with my (Asian) friend. It was an immediate "fuck you"

>> No.8360589

Ouch. I've been cosplaying unpopular characters from the same series as my friends, it kinda hurts when people come to ask their photos exclusively and I just slink away from the photograph. I know it's nothing personal but damn it hurts.

>> No.8360610

I don't understand what you're salty about, or what your unpopular opinion is - excuse me for being a little slow.
What I'm reading is, you don't like that some people will cosplay according to their body type and then tell others that their body type doesn't matter in regards to someone else's cosplay? I don't understand exactly what is so frustrating about that. Like, I don't think that kind of POV is a dig at someone else's "comfort" in cosplay, rather just them wanting someone else to feel freer to cosplay what they want.

>> No.8360616

>lookin at you Rose cosplayers
Are you that anon from the SU threads who complains a lot about dumblr thin shaming skinny Rose Quartzs?
What's wrong with fatties finally going after a character that suits them? They're no longer fucking up bikini Yoko.

Sizing doesn't matter if you're only concerned about cosplaying for fun. If you want to get recognition and notes, however, yeah you either have to cosplay accurately or stand out in some way. They have a point.

>> No.8360660

Agreed. I try to cosplay to my body type. At the same time, I encourage my best friend who is sensitive about her dark skin to cosplay whatever she wants if it will make her happy. If she chose inly dark skinned characters, I'd understand, but I also know that unlike my limiting my choices reflects a desire for accuracy, her hesitations are based on insecurities, ones I hope she overcomes. I don't think it's being hypocritical if those people are trying to be encouraging and speaking out of kindness, and maybe they also don't want to send the wrong idea that they think everyone should cosplay to their body types only ever just because that's how they themselves cosplay. Chill, OP.

>> No.8360663

>mini novel about self
Nice job doing that stupid thing everyone thinks is retarded

>> No.8360720

Different person than the one you're replying to, but are you the anon who still thinks it's only one person who gets annoyed by this and seeing the constant "fatties only please" bitching?

>> No.8360740


I've been thinking of making another Homestuck cosplay as Homestuck is what got me into cosplay and I didn't have a sewing machine back then. I'm a little behind on updates (last thing I read was Terezi's password stuff), but this comic holds such a special place in my heart for introducing me to the scene and making like 99% of my post highschool friends.

>> No.8360770

In my country everyone gets carded, even the obviously middle-aged people, but somehow only insecure old women and girls in their quarter age crisis see it as a sign that 'teehee! I must look young!'

>> No.8360780

>implying multiple people aren't annoyed by the OT shitposting in SU threads
It's not acceptable on tumblr to whinge about body shaming, and it's no less acceptable here.

>> No.8360782

Jesus, that's the worst. If there's multiple people and I really just want one or two of the really good ones together and not the closet cosplay hambeast who keeps jumping into every pic, then I ask for individuals. But individuals of EVERYONE. That way I get the super good guy I want in the solo pic and I can just delete hammy's photo later without hurting her feelings in the moment.

Still that's just for bad cosplay. I couldn't think of asking the black chick in a sweet costume to step aside cause "oh noes diff races in muh annymays!" What the fuck? I'm so sorry that happened.

>> No.8360795

Keep cosplaying HS if it makes you happy, anon. True cosplayers cosplay for themselves.

>> No.8360829

Do it, anon. I'm not as into homestuck anymore but I still have cosplay plans because I like the con meetups.

>> No.8360841

>still people believe italians have all darker skin
>i'm 100% italian but i'm pale as fuck
>in Italy there are many girls and guys with pale skins, that is no rocket science i live in the south Italy and we are white

>> No.8360856

Nobody said you're all diet arabs, calm down, if nothing pewdiepie's gf is pale and famous enough to prove people who think so wrong. But compared to other countries in Europe you do have more people with tan skin than the norm, it's really not a surprise that some people still think so. Especially yanks to whom Mediterranean = darkies eating pizza and yelling whilst waving their hands around.

For what it's worth, in my country we don't have that many redheads either but everyone still thinks everyone here is ginger and speaks like a cartoon character.

>> No.8360879

>lived in Italy and travelled around for months
>plenty of darker skinned people
You're not all super brown, but it's not like none of you are. Stay mad.

>> No.8360881

I'm going to guess that you stopped reading my posts as soon as I said "black people" and went off on your own incorrect assumptions from there. Show me one instance in my posts where I mentioned anything remotely close to:

>I hate it when people confuse not enough blacks in something as racial intolerance instead of just a lower percentage of the fandom being taken up by black people.

>not enough racial variety here.
>hey black lady! there are not enough black cosplayers come and be a cosplayer!!!
>But I'm not interested in that stuff.
>your coming with us weather you like it or not. We will give you assphats.

>This is your argument. You are completely missing the fundamental points as to why there are fewer black people (or non-whites) in the cosplay community, or that they have a harder time.

I never once said anything about numbers and that there aren't enough black people or that we need to rope in more black people. Seriously, where are you getting that from? Are you replying to the wrong post?

My entire point was that it is harder to be black/non-white in cosplay than it is to be white/East Asian. Which you appear to agree with! I really don't understand why you're so antagonistic and why you have intentionally misrepresented my opinion. Here's the first two sentences of my posts since it seems you flat out skipped them.

>White people (and East Asians, depending on where you are) have an easier time in the cosplay community and receiving praise for their work. Anyone with a darker skin tone and/or non-white/Asian features has be nicer, be prettier, and work harder at their costumes and looking as accurate to the character as possible.

How is THAT at all close to bribing black chicks into cosplay for assphats?

>> No.8360894

As for everything else you listed, first off, calling anime and manga a "luxury item" is hilarious. Luxury items are sports cars and toilets with detachable flatscreens. Practically all anime and manga is available online for free (with questionable legality). The quality of said items isn't guaranteed and you don't physically own the material (unless you burn/print it), but right now is the singular easiest time to get into anime because of its widespread availability. Anyone with internet access (or a library or friend with internet) can start watching anime.

I believe I already covered the rest of your points concerning how much it sucks to be poor and black here:

>Black people and other non-whites overall have more things against them and experience greater struggle living in a majority white society than those who are white.

Jesus, dude, just go back and actually read my posts. This will be a lot easier.

>> No.8360897

Anyway, my point wasn't that it's oh, so impossible for black people to get into cosplay and that they will never be able to afford the amazing materials white people use or have the skill and mastery of the craft that the white people have. No, what I said was that if you have a white person (we'll call her Whitney) and a black person (we'll call her Blake) and put them in the exact same cosplay (same wig, makeup, prop, everything) and they have the exact same body type, they will not be treated the same. If they both look fabulous and are sporting the best singular costume ever made, then Whitney will invariably receive more praise, compliments, photo requests, con invitations, facebook followers, prints sales, fangirls and boys, assorted shady donation site moneys and gifts than Blake will. Now if they are both outright terrible and wearing duct tape and plastic bags, Blake will get a ton of racist shit thrown her way and her skin color will be faulted for her bad cosplay. Whereas Whitney will not receive racist comments. That is the difference. I made no comments about black people as a group being overall worse at cosplaying. Or anything about black be being better either. You can find that here in my original posts:

>*Note part deux: This is not an attack on whites nor I am saying that blacks are superior. If you have reached that misguided conclusion, then I implore you to reread my posts.

Your second point, is what I actually talked about throughout my posts. I argued how insanely wrong and horrible it is that the cosplay community has racial preference. Which you still seem to agree with! Why are you so upset that we agree? I don't get it. Can we just hug or something and make up, anon?

>> No.8360929

Doctor who may be a no, I sold two skirts made from old doctor who bedsheets on etsy and got asked to stop.

>> No.8360935

Anon. You are really, really cool.
I wish I had a friend like you... is there any openings...?

>> No.8360940

This. I liked Big Hero 6 better. But mfw Frozen was garbage. Elsa would've been cooler if they said how she got her powers, was more about her then Ana and removed Ana to a side character or ditched most of the plots ideas and went in a different direction completely..

>> No.8360947

If you haven't seen "white trash" "trailer trash" "her best lay was her brother" type comments on poorly cosplaying white girls maybe it's cause your anecdotal evidence means shit too.

Also, are you saying people can't have personal preferences, or that it's wrong that a lot of people have the same ones?
People like what they like, get over it that your favorites aren't winning the popularity contest. Maybe people should stop caring so much about who is getting their ass kissed OVER A FUCKING HOBBY. Your mocha skinned goddess didn't get a con-invite boohoo, neither did 99.9% of other people who cosplay.

>> No.8360951
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>> No.8360953

SU seems stupid. I watched a bit of it and Garnet made me laugh a few times while everyone else annoyed me.

AT has a lot going on aside from random episodes that can be stupid. Underneath it has a pretty good plot that's beginning to unravel when they do have serious episodes about the history of Ooo or how things came to be. Like Marci and the Ice King. I do like the funny as fuck enuendo a bit, and it's not nearly as cringy as MLP making creeps into brony faggots. Most older people who watch AT that i've met are more laid back or stoners which Id take their fanbase over MLP or SU. But in any fandom you're in will have some autistic children.

>> No.8360981

>Now if they are both outright terrible and wearing duct tape and plastic bags, Blake will get a ton of racist shit thrown her way and her skin color will be faulted for her bad cosplay.

nice strawman anon, show me someone calling a black cosplayer LOL STUPID UGLY NIGGER and maybe I will believe you

>> No.8360987
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Thanks, mate. I'm honestly shocked how overall positive the response to my posts have been. Perhaps just cause it's the unpopular opinions thread?

But one can never have too many friends! Shoot me an email, anon: buttttime@gmail.com

>> No.8360988


The only thing keeping me from doing it is that I'm scared that my friends might be embarrased to be seen with me.. I'll just do it when I'm going to a con alone. I really want to do Roxy's purple dress as it seems comfy and fun to interpret.

>> No.8360997

I read the manga and don't like it.

>> No.8361003

Never go to Asia or even some European countries then

>> No.8361016


>> No.8361029
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Seriously, like, top google result.

>> No.8361112

I think sweet looks best on really dark girls, and classic looks odd on Asians.

>> No.8361255
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>I think girls with bigger boobs look better in lolita because it makes it look less like ageplay.
(As long as the dress fits right)
>I think black girls pull off sweet lolita the best.
>I love blonde hair with gothic lolita.
>Super skinny girls look odd in OTT styles because the dresses start to eat them. (pic related)
I hate how fake Lolita make up styles has become. It used to be the basic to hide blemishes and to high light natural beauty. Now it seems to be make your eyes as big as possible. It makes lolita look even more like cosplay and less like a fashion.

>> No.8361284

Frozen would've been so much better if they actually kept to the original story of Ice Queen

>> No.8361406

Elsa as a villain would have been slightly badass. I wanted to see evil fierceness, not anxiety-glazing "woo I think I'm free, gonna build myself a cute castle and conjure a really impractical dress to express my freedom and sudden control over muh powers"

>> No.8361426

I think OPs that show cleavage often look really nice in classic lolita.

>> No.8361450


Can we have pics of both you and daddy's money in the same costume please?

>> No.8361453

Cosplay is super lame, and I don't understand it. I came here to try and get into it, but this place just reinforced my opinion and stereotypes, sorry guys

>> No.8361494

It's chill. We don't actually need you and most people should be cosplaying for themselves tbh. A lot of attention whores are just good topics to ramble about, which adds to their infamy.

cgl is full of us salty cunts

>> No.8361676
File: 84 KB, 976x467, Dreaming-Mary-Review-Gameplay-2156x1032-1024x490-976x467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno anon, I also played Dreaming Mary, and I think a lot of that kind of "reading 2deep" stuff was intentional, at least to a certain point. The whole idea was that it took place in her dreams, so there's going to be some dream-interpretation/symbolism stuff going on. That, paired with the fact that the game is the first in a series (a trilogy, I believe) leads me to think that tiny details are a lot more planned out than it might initially appear. And there's some symbolism stuff that's just obvious like with Boaris and the seeds.

>> No.8362699

That's really doesn't count as racist because it's a joke. And a funny one at that.

>> No.8362758

That would piss me especially seeing how they didn't use all the props and got dye on the cosplay. And creepy masks seem like they would be funner.

Yea that stings, I think that might of happened once to me but it was unintentional. I mean I didn't care much but it was still like a slap seeing how we both we're from the same series.

>> No.8363269

I can't stand My Lolita Style. I know the point is positivity, but I think they encourage a lot of shit that beginnirs can't pull of well

> be yourself! Dreadlocks, tatoos and piercing don't matter!
> you can have an off brand as a main piece
> don't let anyone critize you!


>> No.8363271
File: 44 KB, 900x500, Creative-Amazing-Eye-Makeup-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... have you guys seriously never heard of people wearing makeup as a form of art? They're probably in the minority of those who wear it, but there's a lot of people who see makeup as an art just like drawing, fashion, or music. I very rarely wear makeup, but having gorgeous, intricate makeup is essentially a toned down version of the kind of feeling I have when I draw something I'm really proud of. Even if I don't leave the house, I still love wearing it.

>> No.8363278 [DELETED] 

You don't have to be constantly looking at yourself to wear something for yourself. That doesn't do anything to help your point.

>> No.8363285

But you don't have to be constantly looking at yourself to wear something for yourself. That doesn't back your point at all. Also, why is it suddenly not for yourself the second you leave the house? That doesn't really make sense unless you change something about your makeup because you're going outside and people will see you.

>> No.8363292

Jokes can't be racist

You can make or appreciate a racist joke without being racist, but the jokes in that pic are undeniably racist.

>> No.8363301

>show me someone calling a black cosplayer LOL STUPID UGLY NIGGER and maybe I will believe you
>being this new to /cgl/
RBT search and you'll find plenty of examples of what anon's talking about. For fucks sake, back in the day, one of the most common jokes on the board for a while was Nigger Grell, a girl who cosplayed Grell before Kuroshitsuji was that popular (yes, such a time did exist) and happened to be black. She did nothing amusing or lolcowish, she was just a black chick who cosplayed Grell and for over a year she was a meme. The meme largely involved posting her pic or simply "Nigger Grell" anytime pics of black people cosplaying whites or Japs were posted.

>> No.8363349

yeah, just like obese cosplayers become jokes. If your cosplay is shitty enough, you will become a joke. No black person gets called shit if their cosplay is good. I remember people fawning over that black princess serenity cosplayer who had a black wig because they liked her interpretation so much.

>> No.8363356

... so your cosplay being bad makes it less shitty for people to make it about your race and weight, as opposed to just craftsmanship?

>No black person gets called shit if their cosplay is good.
You clearly haven't bee in this hobby very long then if you've seriously never seen this happen online, especially /cgl/.

>> No.8363565

What? Take for example, a new champion in League of Legends, Ekko has been released. There's tons of jokes on him and his cosplayers already like 'nigga stole my time' 'he's so black he stole time' etc, like come on.

>> No.8363653

>everyone still thinks everyone here is ginger and speaks like a cartoon character.

ireland or scotland?

>> No.8363683

The scots really do speak like cartoon characters

>> No.8363688

No you buffoon. Luxury items are things that you buy even though you don't absolutely need them.

>> No.8363697

And she argued that you can easily find anime and manga for free online, you mook.

>> No.8363698
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>> No.8363701


Is it a luxury though if you don't pay for it?

I see people reading mangoes at the public library computers all the time. Pretty sure they don't pay for that shit.

Manga is also huge as fuck with black people, which kind of defeats OP's 'manga isn't that huge with black people' post. Hell, Snoop Dogg loves Naruto.

>> No.8363702

This. I think that anyone can be a good cosplayer if they take their skill level into account. I actually dont mind obese cosplayers just so long as their construction and makeup/hair doesnt look like ass
>I really love grandma Han because I've admired her construction since I was 10
> Jnig is okay. You can tell that she's trying to improve her construction. I just wish she didn't do as many sexy cosplays for some reason.
> Buying costumes (not commisioning someone else or making/altering it yourself) really bugs me. It seems like a lot of people who do this have unrealistic expectations (wants tons of pics at con, likes on on insta, etc). Like entitled tumblrfags really bothers me.

>> No.8363710

come on, pots and kettles...

>> No.8363715

A comparison isn't a metaphor, genius. You can know what your face looks like without looking in a mirror every five seconds and feel confident with that image. Hair dyed unnatural colors is another good example. Most men seem to hate that shit, but girls who do it obviously like it on themselves even if they can't see their own heads constantly. Yeah, makeup is linked with advertising and societal pressure, but why is it so hard for some of you to accept that, okay the seed (wear makeup) was planted, and now these girls are enthusiastically growing the flowers because they really do find them pretty.

>> No.8363800
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By that logic anything beyond absolute bare essentials is a "luxury" item.

>Ho boy, look at Steve over there with his fancy pantsy two room apartment, rice cooker, 14" TV, and TWO ply toilet paper! Man, he's living in the lap of luxury alright!

>> No.8363807

hahaha welcome to the thinking behind the united states' republican party

>> No.8363814

I totally agree with this. I know a couple of cringe-y AT fans but compared to Steven Universe fans (or, ugh, bronies) AT fans are a pretty chill bunch.

>> No.8363954

I hate all the recent PPG fanart showing Buttercup as trans or actually a boy. The first one I seem, I thought was kind of a cute thought, but I've seen it more times than I can count now and it makes me want to puke. I grew up on the show and still love it today, and I'm so irritated with Tumblr turning everything into some kind of "minority/social justice issue." It completely erases her character, being a girl but not being overly feminine or sweet, and implies that tomboys are actually trans.

I just realized this is more fandom related than CGL related and I'm sorry but I already typed it out. To make it relevant, I'm terrified of seeing a PPG cosplay because I just know it would be terrible. I've never seen it done before but I'm sure it's been done many times. OR even worse someone's gonna do trans Buttercup cosplay. I'll cry.

>> No.8364290

It would be better if one of the other two girls was trans, if someone's going to add trans headcanons into it. Like pretty much every tomboyish female character is headcanoned as trans, like Rin from Love Live (though I actually think this is cute because of the premise) but really it just reinforces the idea that anything that isn't inherently feminine/is a little bit masculine on a girl has to have some sort of gender subversive shit slapped on

>> No.8364999

This is why I always recommend it to noobs. Or at least to start building a coord with only 2 colors

>> No.8365030

cgl is too sensitive and easily butthurt. Tumblr has invaded and this sucks.

>> No.8365055

Funny because they actually made fun of SJWs and feminazis in the show. The episode with Mojo Jojo and the hippies, and the one with the woman who only stole Susan B. Anthony coins

>> No.8365219

Still not racist. If the reaction was a genuine "ewww ugly stupid dumb nigger" and not a joke delivered from chan culture, it'd be racist. Stop being so fucking sensitive.

>> No.8365245

I think twin tails look disgustingly weeby in lolita.

>> No.8365323

So they were making fun of a group that didn't exist yet and a group that only exists in Rush Limbaugh's wet dreams. Huh. Didn't know "SJW" could time travel.

>> No.8365325

>that didn't exist yet
oh my sweet summer child, SJWs have existed in different forms since the dawn of time

>> No.8365328

Are you fucking retarded, the oversensitive social issue predators have existed since the 60's.

>> No.8365331

Child, I was in college when that episode came out. Don't even start.

>> No.8365333

Then which part of 'hippies' didn't you understand? Or are you implying turbo feminists are a recent invention?

>> No.8365336

You're in your 30s and you're this stupid.

>> No.8365339

You know there's an egl board on the other chan right?

>> No.8365362

>I think Drag Queens are pretty, some gorgeous, but it might be the control they have over makeup that I will never master.

>> No.8365436

the fantastic dolly dresses are fuck ugly and sick of seeing vampire requiem jsk too

>> No.8365481

I really like OTT lolita. I also like more toned down outfits for daily wear. It's just nice to see how within the same fashion you can make amazing outfits for things like tea parties, but can making something cute or elegant that's still practical for every other day.

>> No.8365551
File: 2.35 MB, 1092x822, 1403979935521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I really like OTT lolita
>unpopular opinion

>> No.8365682

I hated her dress. It looked like it belonged on a show girl from vegas not a queen. The concept art with fur was great

>> No.8365711

Yeah there's some irony in it. I like how the show handled it too because they expressed that these things are good but that it's bad to take it too far. Also the gross guy who is basically a brony episode lmao. Apparently those people missed the point.

>> No.8365977

This is so funny. All your comments are so subjective. You can like it or not. But the facts are that Frozen was the highest grossing animated film of all time. Disney didn't even hype the film much when it came out in Nov of 2014. The demand for toys, second film, Broadway show and Frozen themed areas at WDW are so huge that they cannot keep up. That's the reality.

>> No.8366023

Guess what anon?
I think Final Fantasy 7 was shit too

>> No.8366119

Looked like half-assed "historical" prom dress.

>> No.8366121

Mah nigga. For bonus points: Avengers was a terrible movie.