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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 279 KB, 720x479, Heather-Mauno-Renaissance-Costume-Cosplay-Engagement-Session-Photography-0374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8352172 No.8352172[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

lolitas and cosplayers of /cgl/, what do you look for in a significant other?

You see, I want a qt cosplay/burando GF. But probably not gonna get one until I change and improve myself. So if I know what you want, I can get a GF and there's one less fuckboy in the world, so we all win.

>> No.8352182
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The kinda guy who goes on 4chan to ask cgl to make him their dream boyfurendo~

That's the man for me <3

>> No.8352188

i dream of a sousuke from FREE or houtarou from hyouka
>can be both quiet and talkative, depending on the situation
>still has own opinions and feels strongly about them
>protective side, but also lets you do your own thing

everything else is just superficial
>taller than me
>hopefully older than me
>not fat, most ideally fit
>average face

>> No.8352197

If I wanted a bitter virgin I'd marry a nun

>> No.8352235

It helps if you don't think of a SO as a 'thing' you 'get'. If you fall in love with someone, you fall in love with someone; don't try to follow a checklist to try and present yourself as something you're not, then ask some random to be your GF. If you do just want to better youself, do it for YOU. The more sure of yourself, confident and happy you are, the more people will be drawn to you as long as you don't drag others down.

Things I like in a guy:

A sense of humor/fun
Not afraid to not act 'macho' all the time. Sometimes it's ok to be silly
Thirsty for knowledge/bookworm/documentary addict or at least vaguely intelligent (120-140 IQ range)
You don't have to be particularly fit or attractive. We all have lists in our head of people we think of as 'hot' our 'type' but I go for personality at the end of the day. Just as long as you're not obese and still have some of your own teeth
Someone who remembers that women have their own sexuality but also many other facets that make them a whole and complete person
I can cook/bake but it's nice to share that task (or learn new skills/recipes from eachother)

Hobbies! I get so sick of hearing people bitch about how bored or unstimulated they are if they aren't eating or sleeping. You see people do amazing things on the internet every day and there are so many FREE resources out there to help you learn new skills, so you can do some of the doing instead of just liking it on Facebook.

My height or a couple inches taller (I'm 5ft)
J-fash would be nice but at the end of the day it's good to date someone who knows what they like and feels comfortable in it.
I can forgive some weebish qualities
I'm extremely affectionate and I hate it when guys are too concerned with 'playing it cool' to cuddle me

Smoke weed
Appreciate art/music
Like food
Like sex
Play vidya

Really the most important thing is that my SO is my best friend. They're not just someone to fuck, but we should be happiest in eachother's company.

>> No.8352254
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This man
Everything he does, is and says is what I want.

Nicole you're so damn lucky

>> No.8352260

okay, I see why those are good qualities

well aware that women are actually people (unlike r9k), hit almost all of that list heck yeah

anon you are REALLY setting the hurdles low with this guy

>> No.8352267

Opinions, mayng.
I got 'em, you got 'em.
A question was asked and I answered

>> No.8352294

i'm all for self improvement

but this is kind of sad dude

also don't limit your life partner to someone in one specific circle

be it hobbies, profession, number of sex partners, or even gender/sex

>> No.8352295

The perfect guy for me is my current boyfriend.

A little about myself
I'm short, have low self steam and see myself as a fatty-chan, I'm never satisfied with what I make, I always think I could have done better.

A little about my BF
He's very passionate, he's always complimenting me and telling me how awesome I am. It me helps a lot.
He's also protective, but never too much, he trusts me enough to let me go out with friends and not feel bothered. He's very silly sometimes and makes me laugh often, he tries even when I'm depressed.
He takes true interest in the things I like and tries to follow me into it (lolita, cosplay, online games, etc) and he sais it doesn't matter if he has to travel to see me for only 5 minutes, as long as we can enjoy these minutes together.
He also showers me with lolita gifts and stuffed animals, sometimes even flowers, he's really romantic.
His appearance is everything I always dreamed of, he's tall and thin and pale, his eyes have heterochromia (did I write it right? ) and his hair is just perfect.

But in the end, it's more about feeling than anything else, we met, we fell in love for each other and we've been in love for years. I know his flaws and he knows mine, like sometimes he's a lazy ass and I am often emotional over stupid things, yet we chose to stay together. We often chose not to fight, instead we're honest to each other and if we need some alone time we just ask for it.

So... You just have to find the one you love and who will love you back, you know? Sometimes love can make you change in some aspects, such as being more romantic or sacrificing some things for that person

>> No.8352302
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cool story sis

>> No.8352306
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A living breathing boy could never be good enough, even if he was an exact irl replica of my husbando looks and personality wise

This is as close to 3D as I'm willing to go

>> No.8352333

I'm glad you found someone so generous and accomodating. I hope you both build eachother up as people as time goes by.

>> No.8352350

That's a great start and I'm really glad you think like that. The only thing you have to let go of is making finding a GF a 'mission'. It will drive you crazy. I know a lot of crazy hot, talented girls who drive themselves nuts, developing complexes, wondering why no one will date them (plenty want to fuck, no one wants a relationship it seems) Plenty of us women are also in the 'friendzone' but you never know, you might find a girl who is a great friend to you, shares your hobbies and might just happen to also want to fuck. Just don't have it in the forefront of your mind or make everything you do seem like the ulterior motive is to get her to date you or it will drive them away. Make a girl feel like you like her company because you like her company, just as your bros feel valued but not like they owe you a bj lol

Seriously, have any posters here appealed to you? If you are 4chan nerd with interests like animu and vidya then is this not the best place to find likeminded (and probably lonely) womenfolk?

I found my BF on a forum and you can learn alot about somebody from their discussions (how they express their opinions, hobbies, prefereces etc) in a public forum as opposed to 1 to 1 chat on a dating site. People will always say what they think you want to hear, fake shit on their profile or treat you like something in a catalogue on dating websites

>> No.8352365


This. 2D > 3D

Though there's a couple of rock stars and actors I'd be willing to compromise for

>> No.8352410

I don't care if he's into egl or not, he just has to be supportive of my hobbies and respective towards my personal lifestyle decisions.
Most importantly, he has to hold his own opinions and be honest with me. I don't need to be treated like a child, and I don't end up reacting with cognitive dissonance when confronted wth the truth. We have to share the same political and religious beliefs to a certain extent, like on the most important issues (family, tradition etc). Also the same cultural background/ethnicy, similar upbringing as me.

He also has to have his own hobbies and interests he can pursue. Respecting personal room is very important to me, I fucking hate couples that cling 24/7 to each other and need to be entertained by each other, otherwise they end up feeling bored.
Lolita is a very important aspect of my life, but I'm not a hedonistic brat and I need someone I can rely to and plan my future with.

>> No.8352499

underrated post

>> No.8353008

that's a really good point, and I was kinda playing up the "wah want GF" angle a bit when making this post, I'm aware that I shouldn't be looking for someone to "complete me" and I should be a whole person & happy with myself single or not before doing the relationship thing. But what you're describing is suuuuuuch an easy trap to fall into that I should be careful of, cause I get exactly what you're describing and I've totally done it in the past.

no you're right this is a suuuuper pathetic post to make. I don't care though. And I've dated outside of all this weeb shit, it's only ever gone okayish, usually I have a better vibe with congoers and the like yknow

romantic, supportive, doesn't limit you doing you. got it

>> No.8353042

what i look for:

>creative, artful in some way
>intelligent, informed, educated
>empathetic and honest (blunt is fine if respectful, simpering is not cool)
>affectionate but independant
>similar values and complimentary life goals
>reasonably healthy and hygeinic lifestyle, i.e. takes care of the body they have
>financially independent
>androgynous personality, looks are a bonus
>interested in self-growth and responsible citizenship

is the bar too high? i don't know.

>> No.8353098

I like in a relationship:

Not clingy
Has a hobby, preferably of a creative sort
Fairly chill and can joke around
Being fit is a plus, but I'm okay with anything from thin to chubby
Somewhat healthy
Financially responsible
More on the more liberal end of things
Cool with animals
Doesn't want kids
Cute in an unconventional way

>> No.8353110

Be a white haired anime boy, I accept nothing else. 3DPD can suck my dick.

>> No.8353155

I want a partner who can behave appropriately at white shoe work functions, but is nerdy enough that I don't feel like I have to hide that I spend hours watching shitty anime and making equally shitty costumes. Ideally he'd be the same kind of nerdy as me (into anime), ultimately I just need someone who devotes a significant amount of time to a socially unacceptable hobby and can make small talk with the firm's partners without revealing my power levels.

>> No.8354104
File: 473 KB, 160x120, lovely.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey man you shouldn't change yourself just to fit the fantasy of some cosplay broad

>> No.8354252

>Taller, broader, with a sense of humor thats similar to my family's dark and dry humor.
As for current husbando:
>Tall, dark dhampir lone ranger with sass and puts the fear into mortals. Heart of gold, quiet in nature.
I guess I like em a bit demony on the outside...

>> No.8354264

You're real and evaluate yourself realistically. I like you and see what you did thur with following the board conventions a bit. Glad something I said resonated with you. I wish you the best of luck x

>> No.8354272

You do know he's cheating on you right?

>> No.8354279

>completely dickless
>two X chromosomes

>> No.8354284

Oh really? Me too! <3

Perhaps we can have a threesome with OP!

>> No.8354292

That was a very thorough and detailed response, I wouldn't have given OP that much. I basically agree with everything you've said except height - I wouldn't mind dating a guy shorter than me, but I am 5'6" not 5'0" so a guy shorter than me would still be fairly normal, whereas a guy shorter than you would be a genuine dwarf. And I wouldn't date a pothead because I don't smoke weed.

>> No.8354644

i appreciated the hell out of that response lol. And yeah her list seemed pretty reasonable to shoot for!

huh, I didn't expect creative/artful. I mean I have a couple creative hobbies so, yay, but why's that attractive?

as much of a huge dork as you, but able to hide their power level effectivley? makes sense

>> No.8354671

My ideal is a person who has a good job, good looks, confident, and Asian. The good job and Asian part is very important.

>> No.8354679

I have my cosplay hubby already. Been together almost 2 years and pretty sure this is the one.

No arguments thus far, except when he let my favorite villager move out from our animal crossing town, he was just jelly. /s

We cosplay couples and make them together. He also loves taobao and we make orders together. He's snoring as I post this.