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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 15 KB, 302x229, Please_Do_Not_Feed_Seagulls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8350912 No.8350912[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's try to not shit this one up but not having high hopes.

Added a few more questions this round.

To keep it on topic lets include your
> Dream group/couple cosplay or twinning co-ord
> Favorite Con
> Age
> Gender
> Location
> Hobbies
> What/who you are looking for
> Possible Turn Offs
> Contact Options

>> No.8350917

Old thread if you need a refresher

>> No.8350938 [DELETED] 

A refresher on what? Of how many lonely neckbeards just want some girl to spread their legs because she "owes them sex" for being a decent human being?

>> No.8350977

You sound a little upset that nobody wants to be your friend.

>> No.8350979

>> Dream group/couple cosplay or twinning co-ord
Tuxedo mask and sailor moon with a qt3.14
>> Age
>> Gender
>> Location
Sydney Australia
>> Hobbies
Vidya, anime, piano, keeping fit, travelling, learning Japanese

My snapchat is TuxMasque add me pls
>> What/who you are looking for
I love talking, so anyone really. Would be a plus if you lived close by so we can hang out

>> No.8350994

She's the only one shitting up the thread, just ignore her and she'll go away

it could even be a he pretending to be a salty her

who knows

>> No.8351001

> Dream group/couple cosplay or twinning co-ord
RWBY, basically anything actually
> Favorite Con
I've only been to Otakon and Setsucon, so Otakon?
> Age
18 B^)
> Gender
> Location
Central PA
> Hobbies
Dumb drummy stuff, vidya, travelling, a bunch of dumb bs
> What/who you are looking for
Friends? Probably just friends.
> Possible Turn Offs
I look like I'm seven 80% of the time tbh

My kik and snapchat is Faptorquest if you wanna add me

>> No.8351006 [DELETED] 

GG, thread already ruined. Go next.


>> No.8351034 [DELETED] 

>I look like I'm seven 80% of the time tbh

Welp, we all know to avoid this narcissistic cunt. It's so funny that people like you think you're being self-deprecating when literally we all know you're stroking your ego. "Ohhh I look so young it sucks teehee~*~"

>> No.8351038
File: 131 KB, 1255x703, 1395031789851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally the same poster as the redpill assmad male who says hes owed sex.
Everyone make sure not to take this dude's posts even bit serious.

>> No.8351041
File: 24 KB, 336x389, Georgia-flag-map.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a 'group' post consisting of two seagulls

> Dream group/couple cosplay or twinning co-ord
Like minded people to into lolita with
> Favorite Con
Anime Weekend Atlanta
> Age
> Gender
> Location
Statesboro, GA
> Hobbies
Mostly lolita but also cosplay, vydia, and anime
> What/who you are looking for
like minded lolitas to go to meets and stuff with.
> Possible Turn Offs
we are weird 4chaners.
> Contact Options

>> No.8351042

k fam

>> No.8351046 [DELETED] 

Nope, different anon. Annnd I'm a woman, so yeah... Did I offend you 7 year old sensibilities?

I also find it particularly funny that on average anyone who brags about looking ~sooo young~ typically look either their age or older than their age.

>> No.8351051

doubt they're the same, other post got deleted

>>8351001 does sound like an absolute bitch, tho

>> No.8351053

Alright, whatever, lets give this a whirl.

> Dream group/couple cosplay or twinning co-ord
Valkyria chronicles, Hands down.
> Favorite Con
As overcrowded as it is, NYCC was my first, and had the biggest impact.
> Age
> Gender
M (come at me shitposter)
> Location
> Hobbies
Take a guess at the first three. Aside from that, I like to shoot guns, talk shit, and try to keep in shape (recently recovered from a back injury, so I'm pumped about going back after putting on a few)
> What/who you are looking for
I don't care.
> Possible Turn Offs
I collect anime figures, and I have a dark sense of humor. I'm also generally passive about everything.
> Contact Options
Ehhh, lets take it one stop at a time kimosabe.

>> No.8351055

P much actually
Probs shoulda mentioned that under the "turn offs" section, but it's a little too late now.

>> No.8351058

I don't even know what to say, a friends thread. And people going out of their way to bully and vendetta literally everyone.

>> No.8351062
File: 144 KB, 600x901, 3945344863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8351065 [DELETED] 


>> No.8351081

just report and move on, don't reply to trolls

>> No.8351087

this guy is hot as hell

>> No.8351094

I like how you added in > Contact Options since no one posted theirs in the last thread.

>> No.8351096

These threads are fucking stupid and shouldn't be allowed. Go to /soc/

>> No.8351125





>> No.8351130

I don't like anime but I have a six pack and a six pack of budweiser

I am also not into pretending I am a character from a childs videogame.
Who wants to give me some pussy?

>> No.8351140

Why is it that girls can get away with pedophilia with the lolita shit?

>> No.8351160


>> No.8351162

Google "pure nudism".

>> No.8351180

Thanks mate, I nutted with the force of a thousand suns.

I am actually considering becoming a nudist myself now now just to see this irl.

>> No.8351192


>> No.8351211

>Dream group/couple cosplay or twinning co-ord
I actually have no idea since I've only watched pleb-tier anime. Open to suggestions
>Favorite Con
MCM Expo I guess, it's the only one of note in Britain
Vidya, getting swole, building stuff, teaching old folk and children about computers
>What/who you are looking for
Someone to shoot the shit with, not really bothered where you are IRL but the closer the better
>Possible Turn Offs
I'm very intolerant of flakiness/unreliability. Also I post on 4chan so there's that
>Contact Options
feel free to ask for my Skype

>> No.8351219

Can you please fuck off?

None of us will ever be in London or want to ever have anything to do with you, neckbeard virgin misogynerd.

>> No.8351250 [DELETED] 

>getting swole

Quit trying to get pussy
This thread isn't okcupid

>> No.8351267

>Male and females can't be friends
This is you, this is your reply

>> No.8351271 [DELETED] 

I have never had a girl for a friend because I ended up fucking them

>> No.8351299

Sadly 4chan mentality in a nutshell

Sage for OT if I remember how to sage on clover

>> No.8351308

/soc/ is a fucking joke if janitor found it so terribly OT like you do they would delete it now move on salty friendless anon

Sage for OT