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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 94 KB, 960x753, 11049501_10100108830779856_253607297048174100_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8334281 No.8334281 [Reply] [Original]

New CoF thread? Old one is in autosage.

>> No.8334336
File: 28 KB, 480x296, 11136758_1134582196559359_1246870894203777951_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know she's already been posted to the handmade/ita thread but godDAMN

>> No.8334357

There is just so much wrong with this, I don't even know where to begin.

>> No.8334362

love when she illustrates her coords.

>> No.8334367
File: 117 KB, 960x960, 11047941_10153483283648814_5315094060992890716_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the hell did this get almost 1000 likes? Seriously, I'm curious.

>> No.8334374

he's so ugly holy shit. should leave ouji to girls with short hair

>> No.8334390

I do too. Her drawings are so cute. I really like her coords most of the time too.

>> No.8334401

Stop fishing for compliments. You already posted in the last thread.

>> No.8334422

Might be my inner weeb squealing, but I dig how she tied the purse into it.

>> No.8334477

does she live in a literally cave wtf

im glad I'm not the only one wondering the same, this straight-up looks cringey

>> No.8334565

Because he posted on Closet of Thirst

>> No.8335290


Her art annoys me so much. It seems like she has so much potential, but her drawing style is just really unflattering and not cute.

>> No.8335322

Closet of Legbeards

>> No.8335332

because it's nitpick at best, but is still an okay coord. and dude's are rare in this fashion.

>> No.8335336

your coords can get 1k notes too if you stop taking ugly ass mirror selfies and hire a professional

>> No.8335360

Because it's a man/transman
I mean beard guy got 600+ last week bitches be thristin

>> No.8335362

and maybe if you weren't such a cunt you'd have friends instead of just tumblr notes.

>> No.8335369

he looks like he's about to explode cuz he's holding in diarrhea

>> No.8335448
File: 15 KB, 506x202, wtfhorseface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen so many shitty "coords" from this bitch that I've grown to hate her goddamed face. Even if tomorrow she posted the most glorious coord in the world I'd still want to punch her throat

>> No.8335548

looks like she's wearing a price tag that says $4.15

>> No.8335880

Well, that sums up her coord.

>> No.8335891

Bitch are you seeing the poorly edited flowers and lace, or is it just me?

>> No.8336015


She's one of those delusional itas that think she looks goods and that there are no rules, of course it's because she doesn't follow any rules she looks like a steaming pile of shit.
She is bloody awful, she looks like she dressed in the dark. She can't help having a face like that but she doesn't even try, she wears no make-up or so little it's unnoticable.
100% speshul snowflake.

>> No.8336022

Doesn't she "mental issues?" I honestly thought she was retarded. Oops

>> No.8336025


>Quality of materials
nope, aside from the skirt this looks like shit you bought at kmart
again nope, you look like a bag.
this one's debatable, but cover your ugly ass knees, shits not cute.

>> No.8336033

Nah, she's just stubborn and stupid, I don't think there's anything mentally wrong with her.

>> No.8336037

i agree

it's the fashion model legs that don't blend with the fat upper body style at all

it throws the proportions off so badly, like a bratz doll

just shortening the legs would be a huge improvement

>> No.8336082

Dolly key? But seriously they don't work without someone making it either not lolita or too much like Classic and Sweet etc We don't need that many sub styles. If you're influenced by another style then by all means go ahead. But don't forget the lolita part of your coord

>> No.8336085

There are so many things that are wrong here, What in the world is with that necklace? Or that thing wrapped around the skirt? Or the random fur bag?

It reminds me of a picture that the longer you look at it the more things that are wrong pop up.

>> No.8336087

Because we're so used to bad Brolitas that even this looks better in comparison. There is something creepy about his expression.

>> No.8336092

you mean, ppl cant try out new stuff? how tf you think fashions evolved?
i still saw nothing wrong with cyber lolita btw

>> No.8336301

There is nothing remotely 'neolithic' about this outfit... I can't see how she thinks it is.
If she tucked the tunic-thing in it MIGHT be ok-ish, but honestly, this just looks very untidy.

>> No.8336497

Not with that shit. Leave it to people who actually know what the fuck they're doing. Try mastering the basics before you go experimenting.

>> No.8338653
File: 74 KB, 1090x720, FB_IMG_1432032655080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he/him pronouns

I can understand them or they. But I fucking hate when obvious chick's are like "him/he pronouns please!" and it's like "... Go back to tumblr."

>> No.8338660

>he/him pronouns for both of us
I consider myself pretty pc but i swear, people like this are just weebs who discovered a new way to get closer to becoming characters from their hot yaois

>> No.8338663


You sound like a special snowflake.
Did you even look at her coord?

>> No.8338712

I really, really wish some of these people would get beaten up really hard. Or denied treatment at a hospital. Feel horrible body dysmorphia, investing thousands of dollars for therapy, taking various pills, hormones, antidepressants... Anything that happens to actual trans people.

Girls like this just make me sick.

>> No.8338719

I don't even see why you'd need to specify your pronouns on CoF, since people will generally be addressing you directly.

>> No.8338725

I was thinking of posting this. This shit pisses me off, especially because people basically never need to use pronouns on CoF. So listing them is just a way to fish for asspats.

>girl in a decent coord
>girl in a decent coord "I'm a cute boy!!!!!!"

>> No.8338791

But Anon what if they misgender you by accident anyway that's so TRIGGRING really it gives me PTSD y'all need to check your privilege cishet scum

>> No.8338833
File: 1.67 MB, 1146x1144, Screen Shot 2015-05-19 at 9.49.15 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the best bodyline coords I have ever seen.

>> No.8338854

They both have little nitpicky things wrong with them but their 'pronouns' are just cringy.

>> No.8338924

I'm a trans guy and this shit pisses me off so much. I've posted on CoF wearing lolita once, but I didn't feel the need to say my pronouns. If stating your gender identity gives you a bunch of likes, I'd rather not do that because I want people to like my post for my coord and nothing else. Like others have said, there is no need for specifying your pronouns, your coord is all that matters. But at least they were decent about stating their pronouns and didn't say some "I'm a cute boi~ uwu" shit. I hate that.

>> No.8338963
File: 204 KB, 257x367, lady like yuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daaaang guuurl. I agree. This is magnificent

>> No.8338969

I just saw this and knew it had to be here too. The pronouns thing is so annoying. It just looks like girls trying to be edgy in this instance. I was going to like it but then the pronouns put me off.

>> No.8338972

Wow, yeah, this looks really cute. Nice and simple.

>> No.8339003

I think the coord is nice. It's just a weird expression on his face. Maybe a little makeup and better posing and this could be really good.

>> No.8339077
File: 316 KB, 2038x2048, 11054311_1098873173462592_1916709412666673520_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is a cute coord, but with the two headbows and one on her neck, it looks like they're eating her head.

>> No.8339118

Agreed, and just removing the pink headbow would immediately fix the problem. Other than that, it's quite cute.

>> No.8339126

Bow overload, it looks like she even tied the waist ties to the front?

>> No.8339135

I love this just the way it is.

>> No.8340051

Why is that Aiden person posting a coord from SEVEN YEARS AGO. No one wants to see it. Jesus fuck.

>> No.8340058

That's how the waist bow looks.

>> No.8340094
File: 337 KB, 447x784, FireShot Capture - Facebook - https___www.facebook.com_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for reference

>> No.8340112

This is so terrible. They're trying to get recognition just for the fuck of it for something that is totally awful. Like, they're not trying to help anyone, they just want to get comments and act like some sort of saviour.

>> No.8340115

Are they a troll? They just posted a thread in Rufflechat that is mourning the loss of old school as it was and its "botched return".
(Which seems tied to the attitude in the photo caption here...)

>> No.8340123

They're not a troll sadly

>> No.8340125

>main piece
>wonky "headbow" from dress

Not ita or bad by any standards, it's quite nice, but if that's one of the best BL coords you've seen, you can't have looked very far.

>> No.8340144

I won't post much more to avoid derailing this thread but they reek of special snowflake long-term itas (which I rarely ever say its that bad)...I'm worried that they'll go around misguiding newer lolitas who are still learning.

I'm far too lazy to screencap and crop but:

"I took very few pictures of my coords during the height of my "I need comm approval" phase, and now I'm honestly at a point were I wear hoodies and cowboy boots with my BTSSB JSK. ;D
Have never and will never wear sneakers/street shoes though. I radiate hate at those people."

Like...the coord in >>8340094 is nearly impossible to see and from the description, likely looks like shit. I wonder if the mods will leave their posts up?

>> No.8340152

Damn that was fast, it was already deleted.

>> No.8340154

Pretty sure it's already gone.

>> No.8340157

That shit pisses me off to no end.

>dresses in only female clothing
>looks completely female
>seemingly identifies as female/passes comfortably as female
>He/Him or They/Their pronouns pls! uwu

Just. Stop. You're clearly female. You clearly have no issues with your identity. Your 'masculine' or 'androgynous' tendencies are typically just fashion choices. No, you don't have to change your gender because you shop in the men's section of Urban Outfitters for a button down you'll probably just use as a cutesy sweater anyways.

>> No.8340198

This kid is in my comm. I get so much second hand embarrassment...
He refuses to believe he's anything less than godly and any time someone offers him concrit, he throws it back as "well I've been in lolita for over 10 years so clearly you don't know what you're talking about."

I haven't seen him in a single decent coord. He also mixes he fursuits with lolita.....

>> No.8340206

Lol she doesn't know what she's talking about, like at all:

>In reference to CoF, I had posted old coords previously, of varying garment quality all but my man's style coord were met with comments about them being costumey, or not lolita. These photos were all taken over a 4year span and were in that day what I shared in the comms to figure out what was appropriate, those were the coords that had gotten the stamp of approval. unsure emoticon

>The first problem I'm having is the shape. The silhouette shouldn't be as full. When I was starting I had struggled to figure out the appropriate poof, I favored what is now the cupcake shape. I was shunned and called awful things for trying to sport POOF. At one point I was banned from a 'guild'. So I caved and got an A-line petticoat, and now this isn't enough poof? Stripped socks were also met with some animosity, along with mini tophats and maxi/rectangular headdresses. unsure emoticon

>> No.8340215

internalized misogyny is a bitch. 90% of people like this just don't want to deal with the stigma of female sexuality.

>> No.8340224

Have people told him/her/it/whateverthefuck off? EVERY single outfit of theirs I've seen is utter shit. They also always post pictures from years and years ago. That's not what CoF is for. Like at all.

>> No.8340241 [DELETED] 
File: 582 KB, 1827x936, dontdeleteyourpost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If people didn't delete their threads in shame, I wouldn't take the time to screen shot the thread and come here to post it so it can live on in infamy.

She's super embarrassing and childish looking for deleting her threads.

>> No.8340247

I tried once and he just got rude and told me I was a newbie who didn't know what lolita fashion is.

He's seriously one of the cringiest people I've ever met

>> No.8340253


>waaaaaaahh, no one is agreeing with me and giving me the asspats i wanted! i will take my thread and go home now!

>> No.8340298

Not once, but TWICE!

>> No.8340347

isn't this the guy who posts shitty coords with his build a bear top hat or smth?

>> No.8340366

why was this deleted

>> No.8340388
File: 74 KB, 490x495, 5c371ccbdb42b50ea8068016df4414c7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand what's wrong with the shoes? They seem fine, and considering this is a mostly Bodyline coord, it's cute.

>captcha: unreadable bullshit that took me three tries. pic related
>TFW you haven't gotten any of the stupid picture captchas yet.
>pic related shows the adventure I had w/ the captchas so feel free to ~*explore the wonder*~

>> No.8340837

She looks so cute, like a baby deer. The dress looks like it fits her really well.

>> No.8340882

God I wish OPs fit me this well in the bodice. Damn my bust and long torso.

>> No.8342144

I think I just became a lesbian

>> No.8342680

Voldie shooping Drake over her face is getting really old and seems like a cheap ploy for more likes/attention and/or way to distract people from her mediocre coords

>> No.8342689

it's the dogelita!! I really like her coords and she's super cute

>> No.8342703

What the hell is a dogelita

>> No.8342873
File: 62 KB, 440x225, dogelita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She posted one of her coords to a draw thread a while back and someone made this

>> No.8342885

Stop being a party pooper. It's funny.

>> No.8342899

how dare people want to be liked

>> No.8342928

anyone know what wig she's wearing?

>> No.8343211

I suddenly have a need for this dress

>> No.8343228

Exactly! And that head shape and size doesn't help much either, just makes the top half look even more out of proportion. Drives me crazy.

>> No.8343338

I agree. It was funny for a while, but it's just distracting now.

>> No.8343367

>weebs who discovered a new way to get closer to becoming characters from their hot yaois
Until they lose their fat they'll never be a kawaii uke

>> No.8343376

Bodyline wig

>> No.8343385

Same, he is like an impenetrable wall of ita. Also he always smells like catpiss.

>> No.8343894
File: 23 KB, 270x354, doge dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She should wear this dress

>> No.8346706

peacock feather returns to CoF lol

>> No.8346771

Are you dyslexic or retarded? Nine of those capchas are even close to being hard to read.

>> No.8346806
File: 130 KB, 600x449, considerthefollowing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I definitely think it's unnecessary to state your pronouns on CoF, but isn't it a little unfair to assume their gender is bullshit?
I mean, I'm a trans guy and I'm into lolita, but outside of that I dress and act masculine. I just happen to like this one feminine thing like any other brolita.
What I'm getting at here is that you don't know how this person presents outside of frills, so it's best to just give them the benefit of the doubt.
Like I said, I can see why this is annoying, but I wanted to throw in my two cents (even though I'm probably gonna get shit for it).

>> No.8346816
File: 429 KB, 540x567, Peacockfeather loves sneakers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sneakers comment was deleted.

>> No.8346817

You have the same eyes of doge!
The doge print currently under reservation status until May 30th.

OP: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1-c.w4004-1864603819.2.hp21NN&id=45179480851

JSK: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1-c.w4004-1864603819.10.hp21NN&id=45098059680

Remember you gotta pick the colorway 'doge'

>> No.8346822

So her comment gets deleted but the other one stays because....??

This is what happens when you decide to moderate sarcasm.

God CoF is such a shithole.

>> No.8346840

Hmm pics of Rachel sure are popping up in multiple cgl threads tonight... :^)

>> No.8346846

this is a troll, right?

>> No.8346859

She has cerebral palsy.

>> No.8346868

Then has it occured to anyone that she might need those sneakers to walk comfortably? Some people with cerebral palsy experience pain when walking due to the strain of controlling their muscles, and the shoes could help with that if she does indeed have that issue.
That doesn't excuse the rest of the coord, but still. If we're gonna shit-talk someone, best do it for the right reasons.

>> No.8346870

ohh alright. i didn't know.

>> No.8346877

Plenty of lolitas have foot problems and have no issues finding suitable shoes

>> No.8346884

Cerebral Palsy. Not just a suitable shoe issue.

>> No.8346885

I guess. I don't know her personally, so this is all speculation on my part.
I'm just iffy in general about shit-talking disabled people. It doesn't help that cerebral palsy has a wide range of symptoms. She could have brain damage for all I know, in which case this all would be pretty fucked up.

>> No.8346900

she does have some sort of mental issues... she's a huge (unfortunate) lolcow when she was in the cosplay community.

>> No.8346917
File: 85 KB, 540x720, 11257059_10152870890497966_8885697644557993153_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he always look so unbalanced, especially with those short shorts. if he hand longer pants this would look 3 times better
also, that belly.

but his makeup has gotten better from the looks of it, props to him

>> No.8346928

I love people who don't know who Peacockfeather is and are apparently too moronic to see that she's, at the very least, physically disabled and so they make fun of her and end up looking like huge assholes. I still don't know what the latest understanding is (I know some people have said she has some sort of a form of mental retardation related to w/e her disabillity is, others have said it doesn't affect her mentally at all and she just has weird communication skills due to the physical disability?)

Like the last time she posted on CoF in that god awful like, boss-level milanoo dress and an equally as awful pink curly wig and a bunch of people kept asking if it was a troll.

>> No.8346936

Honestly, even if people don't recognize her as Peacockfeather, even in photos where she doesn't have the walker it's pretty easy to see that she has a disability of some sort. How is anyone that insensitive or stupid enough to immediately think "troll"?

>> No.8346942

the short shorts just look way too casual...(went to look at the post just now) probably because they're from fricking hot topic, jfc. I wouldn't even care if they were longer, like you said...it's just that this style of shorts in this length just look too awkward in this coord. I feel like they coord has been cut off suddenly there's too much bare leg (even with the socks) considering how covered the top half of his body is. maybe I wouldn't even mind the short shorts (idk, I can understand cutting corners stylistically for comfort sometimes) if he had short sleeves as well?

like, right now the bit of bare leg with how covered the rest of his body is reminds me of how awkward it looks when girls wear like, sweaters, shorts, and ugg boots.

>> No.8346944

Not every ugly ita is disabled, why would you want people to start assuming that purely based on a few pictures

>> No.8346945

I don't know. I mean you can even clearly see in the picture on the right that she has a walker. I'm sort of iffy on making fun of Peacockfeather because of the whole disability thing (on her FB she's stated she has Leigh's disease, dunno anything about it or if thats related to cerebral palsy like some other people had mentioned), in spite of her creepy behavior, even though I think it's gross I still kinda feel a little bad for her. So I get a huge laugh out of idiots who are too stupid to tell she's not a troll. (I mean, her FB profile is even public, it's not that hard to click on there and see that "something is up".)

>> No.8346962

One of Peacockfeather's ex-friends stopped into StaminaRose before the shut down and answered a bunch of questions. Turns out she's physically disabled but mentally she is all there. She has issues with muscle control due to Cerebral Palsy, so her typing is bad and her camera shots blurry. Her communication skills are pretty off.

The ex-friend explained why PF doesn't really have any friends and about the nudes, but all this is OT.

>> No.8347007

...the nudes?

>> No.8347027


>> No.8347032

Oh god. Please don't even talk about this. Shit is haunting

>> No.8347035

I always find her face really creepy and unsettling and something about her posture and her insistence on using giant headwear makes it look like her head will break off of her neck. I feel like I'll wake up one night and her head will roll into my room with that giant wide-eyed stare and she'll start giggling.

>> No.8347037

she reminds me of Yukapon

>> No.8347039

isnt she the one on the OP of the current Nitpick thread?

>> No.8347052
File: 40 KB, 453x576, OrUjP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I call bullshit, there's very clearly something wrong with her.

>> No.8347075

The ED article is incorrect, it wasn't her father who photographed her. It was some people who posed as her friends and talked her into posing nude. They were for a special needs porn site. The ex-friend tried to warn her father, he just thought she & this other guy were trying to blackmail him.

There's lots wrong with her. But the diagnosis she has been given does not apply to her mental capacity. That stems from demanding and receiving every whim catered for by people who feel bad for the poor little disabled girl. Gives one a skewed sense of reality and one's own ability.

>> No.8347082
File: 43 KB, 640x472, maximumrustledjimmies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8347146

What? Her face is fine anon

>> No.8347152

She legit looks like a man

>> No.8347153

Her eyes are not fine. I can absolutely see why anon finds them scary.

>> No.8347172

because they're...brown?
did you see a doctor for that schizophrenia of yours?

>> No.8347174

There is no belly on this dude. I know him. He's crazy in shape. It's just the way the vest overlaps at the angle the photo was taken looks that way.

>> No.8347176

Wait, where's she from? She types like a 12yo skanger but looks like a Brazilian transvestite

>> No.8347241

She's Brazilian I think, lives in Ireland

>> No.8347243

what's a Brazilian doing in Ireland

>> No.8347424

She has them opened really wide and they're disturbingly round, and they never seem to reflect light in pictures. She looks terrifying. I don't know why lolitas think that wide-eyed blank soulless stare looks better than a little bit of smize

>> No.8347514
File: 98 KB, 1024x1024, tmp_15490-FB_IMG_1432396974203-1398573384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does she think this works, it clearly looks like shit.

>> No.8347526

I'm not really a fan of undercuts, I honestly like this.

>inb4 shit taste

>> No.8347542

I don't understand the question, what's so strange about it?

>> No.8347565

It reminds me of Gary Oldman in The Fifth Element

>> No.8347568

Because it's not very common for people from Brazil to come to Europe

>> No.8347575

No, they are big circle lenses as far as I can tell, they appear to be one color due to the image quality and she's also opening them really wide on top of a makeup that's supposed to make her eyes bigger. She looks maniac in the top right picture.

>> No.8347587

I live in Europe and actually know lots of Brazilians????

>> No.8347626

Yes it is

>> No.8347665
File: 74 KB, 960x657, sweet ouji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love love love this! So nice to see sweeter boystyles

>> No.8347701

>I would date her in a heartbeat

>> No.8347716

There was a kid with cerebral palsy in my highschool. It doesn't make you retarded, just affects your motor control. He talked suuupppeerr slow and couldn't really walk, had that weird suckered face that PF has and those jerky hands. He wasn't retarded, just physically disabled.

He was super fucking annoying, never stopped talking about random shit, and it wasn't ever intellectual or worth listening to. Just MY OPINION super slowly. We always just had to sit and smile and nod through it or else the counselors would have a fit.

PF is just a ita with no taste and tacky as hell. Pixyteri does pretty much the exact same shit (nudes, doesn't cosplay for her bodytype, crappy lolita etc.) and has for years and years. They haven't grown out of it because they're happy being ita and freaky.

>> No.8347721

is she single?

>> No.8347803

Lol that Ita Cordelia and her friend posted an outfit. Girl bawwleted after being told converse weren't appropriate.

>> No.8347810

oh no her face in the right pic reminds me of >>8334367

>> No.8347815

I'd fuck him and never tell a soul about it

>> No.8347831


>> No.8347846

I have no tolerance for this kind of shit. Anytime someone tells me to call them "he" in lolita or "they" under any circumstance, I simply don't. If I get called transphobic or whatever, I straight up tell them that treating gender identity issues like a fad to be special is a lot more problematic and offensive than me refusing to indulge it.
I'm sorry, but I just can't take virtually anyone who claims to be FtM, but wears lolita seriously. Maybe if their entire thing about being trans was centered completely around discomfort in their body and they didn't care about whether or not something was traditionally female vs male, but I have never met a lolita claiming to be FtM that even bound their chest.

>> No.8347868

This 100%

>> No.8347928

So is every male lolita secretly MtF then or what? Despite being frilly and cutesy as shit, lolita actually tends to hide feminine breasts and hips better than most western fashions. If a cis-guy can wear lolita and still be a guy, then a trans-guy can too. It's the same shit. The FtM lolitas that I know do bind, so your anecdotal evidence isn't really worth shit.

>> No.8347939
File: 40 KB, 500x687, 10003925_1582276435368598_5932079349968096251_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've still yet to see wa look good on anyone who isn't Asian.

>> No.8347983

she's better looking

>> No.8347990

I don't like the blouse, she's swimming in it.

>> No.8347993

> there's very clearly something wrong with her

based on... what, exactly? you're just talking out your ass

>> No.8348008

This makes me want to throw up

>> No.8348049

>Just MY OPINION super slowly.
So basically he spoke /cgl/ in slow motion, right?

>> No.8348065

I still don't like her makeup at all. Wearing boystyle doesn't mean you have to do your makeup like you're cosplaying a genderbend.

>> No.8348306


I have to agree, the makeup style just looks too obviously 'cosplay'. Maybe it's just because I have that pre-existing connotation with it, but I feel the same way about lolitas (who usually tend to be cosplayers) that do cosplayishly heavy makeup for normal lolita coords.

>> No.8348370

goddamn it, I searched all over dear alice for this dress and here I find out it's not even from that store
I'm fucking stupid holy shit
>sage for off topic

>> No.8348378

this is THE WORST undercut I have ever seen, and I go to art school
trust me, I have seen some shit

>> No.8348384

why does it piss you off so much? clothes are not inherently gendered. they're gendered by us. by uninternalizing that skirts and dresses are female, you would be a lot less annoyed.

>> No.8348424

>clothes are not inherently gendered
>they're gendered by us

Bro, no. People make clothing so obviously if humanity genders clothing it's gendered. Clothing is not naturally occuring. It is created.

I'm not going to argue with what's either a troll or a tumblrfuck but I will say this.Gendered things are not bad at all, the sooner you learn this the better for everyone.

>> No.8348447

right so you're agreeing with me duder. clothing companies manufacture clothes with the intention of them being sold to either men or women, and then they are marketed as such. that is gendering a clothing item. and we do it every day as well. but what about a skirt or dress is inherently feminine? have dresses not been worn by men in the past without them being called feminine?

i'm saying that the person i replied to is stressed out simply because they see a person presenting female because of "female" clothes, hair, makeup etc. but if they stopped seeing a skirt as female, or make up as female, they would be less irritated. you see? i'm not a troll or from tumblr. this stuff can be understood with some basic critical thinking. gender is a useless binary that only causes harm (gay men being attacked for being feminine, for example). so it would do us all good to try and think critically and do away with our ideas of literally unsexed objects being male/female.

>> No.8348482

Tl; dr

>> No.8348493

I like everything but the pants

>> No.8349747
File: 31 KB, 456x810, 11137132_10153300947850097_4949950685041265550_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looks like she forgot to put on her main piece.
>Nearly 300 likes
CoF is a fucking shithole.

>> No.8349754

I'm sad because this would look so cute with a salopette over it.

>> No.8349760

It could even be OTT sweet ouji if she used actual pants instead of bloomers, and maybe tucked the shirt in.

>> No.8350041

Really? Wow. I love it. I didn't want to order from bodyline again but that wig is gorgeous...

>> No.8350100
File: 61 KB, 720x960, tmp_25246-FB_IMG_1432498147030-1398573384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is actually not terrible at all. I'm really happy to see Chanel not looking like shit, or a sausage. Her face even looks nice here.

>> No.8350213

It's not a bad coord. Things went better than expected.

I just hope if she bought anything from Baby's store that she bought it using the local currency and not in US Dollars.

>> No.8350607

I agree the shorts are too short and aren't quite the right shape for boy style. I think the vest is what's making him look fat, though. Also with the purple and white in the shoes it would be nice to see him bring that into the coord, instead of the tumble-level head dress he's got going on. His makeup looks nice, though.

>> No.8350614

I mean her hair isn't the greatest, but otherwise I think this coord is pretty cute.

>> No.8350630

This is the best I've ever seen her look. Wow. Good job, Chanel.

>> No.8350686

This looks ridiculous, bloomers =/= actual trousers, the fact that there was concern over seeing her tights through them should have hinted at that. CoF can be the worst sort of enablers

>> No.8350765

No. She stole another maiden from my grasp...

>> No.8350831

I actually did a double take when I realized it was Chanel. I think this is the best coordinate she's had so far. I'm hoping she keeps improving from here.

>> No.8352814
File: 538 KB, 840x588, derplita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's back.

I like that dress a lot.

why is she wearing a scarf

>> No.8352847

Why is she wearing any of it together. Why do people insist on posting pictures of every single outfit they cobble together even if it's just so they didn't have to pack the shit?

>> No.8352897

what I don't get is - you don't want to pack your petti and heavy dress.. so apparently that means you automatically have to make a shit coord. 'lol i'm moving house that's why I look like crap' - no, it means maybe you're tired and your hair may indeed be frazzled, but you didn't have to roll around in your suitcase and wear whatever accessories stuck.

>> No.8353262

I like it. The hat looks cute

>> No.8353275

yeah, why did she even bother to wear lolita knowing she couldn't wear her best?
>implying this isn't her best
but you know.

>> No.8353289

None of this goes together, did she even look in the mirror before leaving the house?

>> No.8353341


I straight up wanna tell her that she looks like shit but that's gonna make me CoF's numer one enemy

>> No.8353796

You know it's going to be bad when they start with a list of thing they already hate about the outfit. Seriously if you don't think it is good why post it? At least this girl is taking concrit from what I have seen in the comments.

>> No.8355280

is their name oliver by chance?

>> No.8355306

anon, you would be my number one hero if you did that.

>> No.8355401

>mfw when boyfriend likes a coord pic on CoF

surprised me, i didnt know he was in the group rofl

>> No.8355407

she's cute as f
>ouji goals

>> No.8358012

actually do it. It would be amazing, so worth the ban. you get the good stuff from CoF on this thread anyway.

>> No.8358303

Not that anon but no, it's not. Although I'm so sorry if there's another one like him lurking around this planet.

>> No.8358326
File: 132 KB, 539x960, 10599171_10155562069260471_4580078889777661193_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8358353



>> No.8358630

because jillian
and by affiliation, he is loved too

>> No.8358634
File: 97 KB, 625x833, enhanced-30364-1406583815-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


he looks like this dog

>> No.8358638

she's adorable

>> No.8358743

someone commented on this on cof saying camel toe lol

>> No.8358786

This isn't very flattering, she really should have tried to cover her hips.

>> No.8358813

Everything is way too tight. Just because you can get brand physically on your body, doesn't mean it fits.

>> No.8358850

her shoes don't match at all

>> No.8359880
File: 232 KB, 750x1248, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8359887

I know all the thirsty seagulls are either sighing wistfully or gasping with the revelation of him not being single/having a chubbu gf.

>> No.8359896

It's not the chub that gets me, my gf is a bit chub as well. It's the face, really. Guess she has a great personality? Really nice?

>> No.8359906

i'm just staring at how incredibly short those shorts are.

>> No.8359909

Same. Must give a mean BJ

>> No.8359911

Yeah, the shorts look ridiculous. I'd switch for the longer ouji shorts or even some aristo pants.

>> No.8359922

Imo the entire outfit isn't well-proportioned on him, like it's pretty obvious everything's a bit too small for him. He'd look great with aristocrat proper though if he went with a more sexy pirate rogue look. Or maybe that's just me being hella thirsty.

>> No.8359929
File: 60 KB, 1280x720, 1397012328192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahahahahahaha oh man i'm cracking up just imagining the jealousy and confusion of the thirsty seagulls that were lusting over him

i feel sad for the girl already though, because lonely and catty gulls will probably be thinking she's not pretty "enough" for him or he could "do better"

>what is compatibility

>> No.8359932

Oh gosh, yeah, I'm sure they're a fine couple, it's just a surprise to me. I usually see girls dating down, not guys.

>> No.8359956

>shitty camera phone picture
>horrible fluorescent dungeon lighting
>"Omg she is soooo uggggly!"

>> No.8359963

hahahaha so many salty anons crying over ouji chan having a gf. She's a cutie too

>> No.8359978

I hope she owns a strapon because I want in the middle of that.

>> No.8359981

Where are these salty anons you speak of?

>> No.8359983

He was in the Ouji thread so he obviously cares about improving, he's well aware of the fit issues. But they do look cute together

>> No.8359986

but he looks fine, it can't be the lighting.

>> No.8359987

bitch needs to change his damn hair.

>> No.8360008

She's quite cute in person, really.

>> No.8360010

That makes more sense then. That is a damn unfortunate picture.

>> No.8360169
File: 1.96 MB, 400x303, tumblr_inline_nhmbs5vuDA1s9t29c.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was the anon that he said could cuddle with him and his GF and said I have an NTR fetish. Looks like the plan is set in motion.

>> No.8360536

still waiting on that drawing

>> No.8360539
File: 55 KB, 417x960, 11165273_10206215496842049_641417494398023041_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does this mess even have fifty likes

>> No.8360544

Her bf dresses better than she does. And she even has a set, so it was easymodo as is, yet she still managed to look frumpy.

>> No.8360549

It appears she has an appealing figure (although I suspect shoop around the waist area), it's just the pants. They're too tight.

Also she may be able to get away with that hair on tumblr, but it looks bad in this outfit. It's not exactly regal.

The print is really interesting, maybe that's why. Sometimes people like photos for the dresses, and not because of the person wearing them.

Mte. I'd feel embarrassed if I got 1-upped by my boyfriend.

>> No.8360585

It's not that bad, she just has a face like a slapped arse and her ruddy skintone is doing her no favours.

>> No.8360600

>black lipstick
Has this ever been done well?

>> No.8360611

I feel like black lipstick would look better with some sort of gradient.

The rest of the time? To me black lipstick looks like dog lips.

>> No.8360637

I think it can work if you have lips. Most people who I've seen attempt it have the thinest lips imaginable. Also, If its not full on black but like, dark dark burgundy or purple.

>> No.8360700
File: 573 KB, 510x585, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blog is called "trans life"
>coord with Antique clock

This is triggering me in even more ways that I don't have the energy to type out.

>> No.8360707

Somehow these transtrender love stripping their personality, their whole selling point, to their trans-ness...oh, and fat-ness. I love it.

>> No.8360709

nope, just gonna use "it".

>> No.8360711

Well at least their pronouns aren't some terribad made-up shit.

>> No.8360714

But being trans and being genderfluid is something completly different, or am I wrong? If you are genderfluid you "fluctate" between genders or are otherwise outside the binary gender system. But when you are trans, you suffer from body dysmorphia and want to ge the opposite gender from your natural sex (MtF or FtM). With trans, there's nothing uncertain about what gender you want to be. Or am I wrong??

I respect these pronouns, bu this whole "I'M TRANS!!! uwu" shit is pissing me off. It's not something to do for attention.

>> No.8360723
File: 8 KB, 264x154, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow transtrenders really do not care for anybody or anything other than themselves huh

>> No.8360728


I have a problem with everyone who makes their gender og sexuality their entire identity. They have to include the fact that they are fill-in-the-blank in every fucking thing they say or do.

>> No.8360731


No, you're right. This fucker don't even know its own tumblr shit.

>> No.8360741

Because they don't have a full body mirror/don't know how to set up shutter timer on their camera but still want to post kawaii pics and be called c ute ugguuu uvu

>> No.8360744

My favourite part of the blog is 'Clothes don't dictate how you dress!'

umm.... I can't even figure out what that is supposed to mean.. did she mean to type gender?

I also like the part where she 'decided' being genderfluid would suit her and 'began' identifying as it.

>> No.8360745

I love you.

Also, just cause I'm a stickler for my native language they/them/theirs are for multiple fucking people, groups, or associations of people, no?

>> No.8360748

You are right, I have a genderfluid friend who prefers female pronouns but just has days where she feels feminine and may want to wear makeup and feminine jewellery and days where she is fine with shorts and tshirt she's always worn. I don't know all of the details but it is most definitely not the same thing as being trans*

>> No.8360751

>Also, just cause I'm a stickler for my native language they/them/theirs are for multiple fucking people, groups, or associations of people, no?
No, they/them is a perfectly acceptable way to adress people of unknown gender. Of course tumblr killed it with all their made up gender bullshit.

>> No.8360752

Oh and you cant forget the fact that their self diagnosed anxiety makes it to; og harpd to opern aph oto casollla ge ap p ,,;,;,,,,,;, because they'll have an anxiety attack and die *:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*

>> No.8360753

Oh, crap, sorry, how insensitive of me. Did it* mean to type 'gender'?

When it* 'decided' ...

>> No.8360754

I always thought that "They" can be used when the gender of someone is uncertain, like for example if you're talking about a criminal who hasn't been caught or something like that. So by that logic, you could use it if you didn't want to be called by male or female pronouns. But I still don't see a need to mention pronouns in a CoF post and I'm going to track down the next person who does it and slap them in the face.

>> No.8360755


that sounds like every fucking woman on earth

>> No.8360758

Jesus that fucking Tumblr
"I am open to transition questions!"

>> No.8360765

>That hair cut is not kawaii
>Normalfag blouse everyone and their mother owns
>The only thing your shoes match is your un-kawaii hair
>mfw can't even shit on the coord properly because no full body picture

>> No.8360769

According to her tumblr putting on masculine clothes is "transitioning"

>> No.8360774

I know, and to be honest I think she might actually just be slowly coming to terms with actually being trans, or not but she's not one of those people who's incredibly loud and annoying about it and essentially introduces themselves as 'NOT CIS OMG CHECK UR PRIVILEGE I R SPESHUL'

So I don't really mind what she calls herself as long as she's happy.

>> No.8360777

You're not supposed to in formal English, but it is generally acceptable to refer to he/she as they/them if it's unclear to whom is being addressed.

In some cases it's less tedious and makes sentences look less clunky.
>"Each child can do whatever he or she deems fit."
>"Each child can do whatever they deem fit."
>"A seagull should not be forced to reveal his or her gossip sources."
>"A seagull should not be forced to reveal their sources."

>> No.8360779
File: 23 KB, 470x336, 1278014561430-s470x336-151507-580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IT WASN'T EVEN MASCULINE CLOTHES!!! It was a fucking flannel shirt and a bra that was too small. So essentially wearing clothes that are in fashion and/or do not fit you makes you trans.

Well shit. I guess that makes me a brolita, seeing as I own 48574828975 flannel shirts and most of my clothes are too big.

>> No.8360783

Oh man I saw this last night and I still don't understand why a guy that looks like that would be with such an unattractive girl. I get that fattychans can be cute but hoo boy she is not one of them.

I guess I'll just assume the same thing I assume when it's the other way around, that he's diagnosibly crazy.

>> No.8360794


We should all start trying to grow beards that match out coords.

>> No.8360797

> I still don't understand why a guy that looks like that would be with such an unattractive girl
Because she's not a bitter, judgmental jelly cunt I reckon.
>if you're ugly that means it's only okay to date other ugly people

>> No.8360799

I find it triggering that lockshop don't supply beard wigs for those of us who are trans male but still want to wear lolita but identify as brolita because WE CAN.

>> No.8360801

Or he could be one of those douchebags who flirts with women on the side and stays with tubbytan because she's his meal ticket. I've seen that plenty of times.

>> No.8360805


Should send an angry email on behalf of LACE or something.

>> No.8360808
File: 115 KB, 800x758, Popcorn_canstockphoto4806051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thing the popcorn I brought is unsalted
this thread's gonna be a good harvest

>> No.8360817

Even more space for cute accessories!! Think of the styling possibilities!! I want elaborate lolita beard tutorials.

>> No.8360818


I'm personally meh about dudes who dress like this.

My personal taste leans much more towards a presentable man in a clean haircut, neatly pressed dress shirt with a matching tie, and khakis.

This just screams faggot to me.

But more power to them. I don't begrudge either of them in the slightest, I don't get the jelly here.

>> No.8360819

>a tie with khakis

>> No.8360824
File: 16 KB, 269x205, 1432782190160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8360831

>people creaming themselves over a lanky dude with a messy haircut

Is it suddenly 2007? Also, who cares why he's with her? Maybe the girl fucks really well, or maybe he's a chubby chaser.
The dude looks more put together than she does, though. And that's saying something bad all things considering that the guys are usually the dumpy-looking ones.

>> No.8360836
File: 7 KB, 183x276, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lanky dudes with messy haircuts? 2007?

Hello friends.

>> No.8360839

/cgl/ is full of repressed scene kids, are you really surprised?

>> No.8360843

I think it's hard to understand because we usually see it the other way around. Attractive women with very average/ugly men is the norm, and since no one bothers with them, no one should bother with this couple imo.

I do wish people in general would stop using looks as the only qualifier in relationships, they don't last forever.

>> No.8360858

Yeah I see a lot of shit about her and to be honest her coords are not terrible, and yeah she's not that pretty but really is that a reason to have her constantly attacked?

>> I don't know anything about her, whether she's a nice person or not, but if it's only because she's fat, give it a rest.

>> No.8360863

If it's a guy people usually think he has a nice personality.
If it's a girl then how dare she not be attractive, surely her personality does not matter (or it just means that she's crazy in bed)!
I'm really getting tired of it, besides he looks like a bit of a poof anyway. Then again I only like bears.

>> No.8360867

Maybe Anon
Just maybe
He loves her
And she loves him
And they are happy

>> No.8360886

As a fellow chubbychan I legitimately don't like her coords. They're not flattering and nothing about this one stands out in any positive way.

Also I think dressing up a boy-toy is the new way to get quick attention. Some other attention whore did it just last week too.

>> No.8360887
File: 79 KB, 640x480, durrdurr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and maybe
just maybe
if you still your thumb up your butt really high
and wish with all your heart
anons on 4chan will stop wanting to make drama

oh nope, just kidding

>> No.8360896

I don't understand it at all. I like girls, I don't state it every time I introduce myself, or even in my blog description. It doesn't have any influence on my personality, my interests, my talents, etc. It's so cringey when people literally make literally their whole persona about their sexuality or gender. Like, is there absolutely nothing else interesting about you?

>> No.8360900

Drama is fine but it doesn't mean you're any closer to having an attractive boyfriend who wants to get into your hobby with you.

They look cute.

He does need longer shorts though. And I really don't like black tint tights on guys, I just realised. They remind me of Rocky Horror, even if his legs are fab.

>> No.8360905

I'm not the same person nor am I commenting on them, so you don't need to insult me. I also agree with you, but you just may as well be talking to a fucking squirrel.

My opinion is that he's not very attractive either because he has shit normalfag bro hair but I don't give a fuck about them together. But I digress, there's no way to stop people from commenting, especially like that.

>> No.8360909

Ugh, isn't this the one SJW from RC: Uncensored? I wish she would leave, literally any time race is brought up it's like fucking walking on eggshells.

>> No.8360912


I like girls too, but it is not really relevant... And what I really don't understand is why they all expect everyone to care about their sexual prefrences or gender identity or whatever. All I wanna say to them is: "I don't know you, therefore, I don't give a shit. I consider many of the things you just stated about yourself private information, usually only shared with friends and family"

I fear this invasion of tumblrites are going to start destroying comms with aggressive "lets talk about LGBT issues so we can talk about ourselves!". I really hope they don't infect any more people with that shit.

>> No.8360919

I'm not here to stop people commenting; I'm here to make comments. I also didn't insult you.

You may be perfectly capable of getting an attractive boyfriend who likes lolita, but drama won't bring you closer to that. Just like everyone else on this board.

>> No.8360932

I smell the salt of a lot of jealous lonely lolitas. She's cute even in bad lighting and 10 times happier than you hags.

>> No.8360937


Yeah, it's that racist chick Emma.

>> No.8360941

Exactly. It's like, if you're posting to CoF literally the only thing I care about is what you are wearing, because that's the point of the group. Your friends might care about your pronouns, I'm sure your tumblr followers care, but it's completely irrelevant to your outfit.

Lots of people have already said there are girls who come into comms and talk SJW and get huffy when people don't want to discuss what are generally considered sensitive and serious issues outside of tumblr...

>> No.8360999

I think it's weird no matter which way its set up, if it's an ugly, fat guy with an attractive woman or the other way around.

I'm not begrudging this girl her fine man, seriously good on her for making that match, but it doesn't mean I have to pretend I understand his motivations.

>> No.8361012

>all these biddies assuming anyone who makes a negative comment about that lolita couple must not have a bf
Lol, I just like to think I would dress myself better and my bf would match me more instead of looking like he belongs to Mana Sama instead. Chill.

I wonder though, has anyone else here tried to get their bf into ouji/kodona? I'd never put my bf in brand since he'd smell it up or accidentally destroy it, but maybe fan plus friend might work.

>> No.8361020

Honestly I think its really weird. It seems like most of the time these guys are kinda forced into it.

A lot of the boyfriends/husbands of girls in my comm get dragged to meets against their will and I feel bad for them. Its like they don't have a life of their own or their girlfriends can't be without them for two seconds or something.

>> No.8361237
File: 1.26 MB, 1152x2048, 1431848745770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will he ever get a new blouse? The girl looks fine but nothing fits him.

>> No.8361329

It looks...off.

>> No.8361351

Holy crap she looks cute.

>> No.8361407

That's the same coord though? When he was testing it out. He hasn't had a chance to get a new blouse yet. You make no sense.

>> No.8361418


Different vest, different pants, same blouse. OP said they were trying to match and this is probably the only blouse he had close to her dress?

>> No.8361480
File: 78 KB, 540x720, 10653842_1619093178334300_4560120229295763196_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a nitpick but the shoe/sock combo for this dress doesn't work in my opinion. The pink on pink doesn't look good, she should have worn black shoes.

>> No.8361704

Definitely black shoes. I don't like the black wrist cuffs either. Otherwise very cute, though.

>> No.8361766

Holy shit, someone finally said it.

>> No.8361794

My husband owns a simple Aatp outfit, since he wanted to be able to dress up with me at cons. We wouldn't have gotten him brand just because of cost, but all the pieces of his outfit were 50% off in the outlet section of Baby's section. Also, I can wear the pieces too, so it works out.

He doesn't go to meets though, and I put his coord together.

>> No.8362032

ahh shes ridiculously pretty irl and is usually really photogenic i think this is just a bad pic of her

>> No.8362056


No anon, she really isn't.

>> No.8362129

She isn't ugly but her makeup never does her any favours. Especially the black lipstick -that should stop

>> No.8362196

Yeah, black lipstick with a pink/red skintone is just not gonna work out.

>> No.8362590

Not to be an asshole, but she's average at best. Which is fine. She probably has tons of lovely qualities, but no she is not "ridiculously pretty irl"

>> No.8362596
File: 83 KB, 600x600, kk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hi, my name is Tumblr and I'm genderfluid

>> No.8362678

Off-topic/meta but how exactly does one join CoF? I've requested to join the fb group at least twice and they rejected me ;_;

>> No.8362723
File: 82 KB, 692x960, 11207296_861046327286485_7788006961431604264_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you cover her face, the coord is pretty imo but that first picture is a terrible angle. I thought she was pregnant. Also I feel like the red in the headpiece is too bold for the red of the print.

>> No.8362731

I requested to join and they immediately added me. Haven't posted anything in the group, hell, I don't even have any pictures of me in lolita period. No idea why they rejected you, since they seem to basically add anyone.

>> No.8362732

Do you have your FB set on private or a FB pic that isn't of you? Either of those can make it hard to get in because they can't tell if you're actually into the fashion or just creeping. Just message one of the mods if you don't want to change permissions to your profile.

>> No.8362736
File: 785 KB, 400x225, whaaat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you cover her face
What the actual fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.8362741

>If you cover her face
Are we looking at the same person anon cause her face looks fine.

>> No.8362743

I worded that super super super poorly whoops I meant the wig and headpiece. Proceed to tear me apart. My bad.

>> No.8362748



>> No.8362772

The way she's holding her hands in the first picture really pushes the preggo illusion, I had the same thing happen at the maid cafe I work for at a convention, we have to place our hands crossed at our waist and because I have my petti under the skirt it makes me look like I'm pregnant or having cramps or something

>> No.8362858

there was this one black girl who did the gradient well last week or something? i think the gradient is the only thing that makes it look good. black by itself is really flat.

>> No.8363298

>mentally ill hobby for homosexual women
Of course it looks off.

>> No.8363899

I know you meant the wig/accessory but to be honest, the girl looks like she needs some makeup to balance the formality of the coord. So imo you're justified to say that.

>> No.8365116

Am I the only one who thinks this little twat looks like shes wearing a zip up sweater like for running.
> Can not unsee Athletic shit tier Ouji

>> No.8365119
File: 69 KB, 400x400, 1428915858955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay fess up who taught Chanel about actually looking 5/10 instead of her usual 1

> Never forget piggu-chan