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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8349106 No.8349106 [Reply] [Original]

old one autosaging >>8344652

Tenshishop uploaded photos from the latest kera

>> No.8349108
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Is it just me or is this dress shorter than normal?

>> No.8349109

I can't even see the print on the pink one

>> No.8349132

That looks cheap as fuck. Like, mediocre Taobao tier. I hate the material.

>> No.8349136

Ooh man, I have a mighty need for the dress on the right, especially if the other colourway end up good.

>> No.8349143


Me neither, but I love her shoes.

How frowned upon is it if I try to DIY my own version of brand items? This one just looks like a flower clip on the front and a simple bow glued to the back, simple enough to do.

>> No.8349144

It looks pretty. Not taobao.

>> No.8349146

I'm a little bit urgh about the print.. just reminds me of the galaxy prints that were in like 4 months ago.

>> No.8349164

Shit, more like 2 years ago. Pastel puke galaxy shit is so generic right now. I like the collar on the lavender one but I agree with >>8349132 that these look like something you'd scroll past on taobao and instantly forget.

>> No.8349169

The print could have been cute but the cut is just terrible

>> No.8349170


Fuck I am so stoked on this

The halter neck version is gorgeous and I am all about space themes.

So so so excited.

>> No.8349175

I'm normally a big fan of space prints and I don't mind pastel space as tumblrina as it can be, but these are hideous. I've seen better on taobao, honestly.

Also what the fuck is with the cats. I have some tacky ass leggings I got from target with cats floating around in space but I don't actually wear them in public. They managed to make a cheap looking dress look cheaper.

>> No.8349178

I don't even need to keep track of new releases anymore. You know Angelic Pretty just released a new print when you see the same print being scalped for 50000 yen over and over while you're scrolling through the auctions. Fun times.

>> No.8349180

hate it but i hope this means they re-release that cosmic series blouse

>> No.8349185
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Ahh so many ballet prints I'm so stoked. I wish JetJ did better with it's ballet print...

>I'll crack yo nuts with my nutcracker vagina

>> No.8349198

Ugh, I need Dark Knight Garden. I'm in love with it. I didn't want to believe it was Meta when I first saw it because almost all of my burando is Meta. At this rate I'm going to just accept that I'm a Metawhore.
> I even love their tacky stuff.
> Also love their novelty items

I'm so excited.

>> No.8349214
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For the anons who are into celestial prints. Atelier Pierrot updated their blog with a new 3F celestial-themed skirt and Enchantlic tights.

>> No.8349216
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And tights.

>> No.8349227
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I'm guessing they'll be available online either on Kera, Enchantlic, or Atelir Pierrot's website a little later on.

>> No.8349229

Dress anon from the last thread here.

>anons thinking I'm about to buy Silent moon
Lol nope, it's not Silent Moon, sorry.

>messaged friend and explained the situation to her
>friend is a bit torn, would leave dress to me but would of course be grateful if I decided to let her have the dress
>seller already sent invoice

So after my inital egoistic and bratty thoughts about just buying the dress bcause lol first!!, I decided I will let her have it. The seller already sent the invoice, so I think I'll pay the invoice and sell the dress to her bf.
She deserves it more than I does. My wardrobe is not that big but way bigger than hers, I have a job and enough disposable income to buy some nice Lolita clothes while she really depends on cheap offers and even struggles to buy such cheap dresses. She even offered to let me wear the dress sometimes. She's a great friend and I will be way more happier to leave the dress to her than to buy it for myself.

>> No.8349269

You've got a good heart anon. I'm proud of you.

>> No.8349278

Thank you anon. I don't think my heart is that good, otherwise I would have done it immediately instead of being whiny and feeling sorry for myself for hours. But I'm glad I came to the right conclusion.

>> No.8349293

DIY is fine as long as it looks good/is decent quality, it's exact replicas and art theft that people get pissy about. Back in the day pre-taobao and pre-replica and pre-brand shipping overseas/good SS availability it used to be brand > good handmade/DIY > F+F/bodyline > crappy handmade/DIY, and god knows every lolita that could follow an elastic-waist rectangle skirt tutorial thought they were good enough to start their own *brand*

>> No.8349299

God that's ugly and doesn't say 'lolita' to me at all. Some JetJ shit.

Haenuli's Swan Lake is lovely and I would go crazy for some classic prints using Degas ballerinas or a series themed around famous ballet roles like Kitri, Esmeralda etc. featuring iconic moves from their solos in the print (like Esmeralda's 180 degree developpe to a tambourine or Kitri's echappés)

>> No.8349354

Does anyone know what that pink one is? Is it Meta too?

>> No.8349378
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I like the attp because well, it's a ballet print lmao. I'm still rather new to lolita so I didn't know that Haenuli did a swan lake print--defs going on my wishlist!! I hated Meta's swan lake print though.

I will kill for those sort of prints too anon. I would like a Giselle themed print as well! Can you imagine?! With little Wilis wings from the waist (although will that be considered too costume-y?) and a full veil. Can they use Dega's works on prints (no copyright problems?)? Oh imagine an JSK/OP with the different coloured waist ribbons like "The Ballet Class"

I would love a print based off the manga "Swan"-- they can show the iconic moves like the mangaka does.

>tfw you're buying the manga one volume at a time cause it's fucking expensive
>please be my ballet friend anon

>> No.8349427


So basically, make them look good, and don't make them too close to the original? I think I can manage that.


>> No.8349428

Imo if you make it for yourself and not for sale it's okay

>> No.8349433


No worries on that. I can't imagine making shoes for sale, and I can't imagine anyone shipping shoes to me to superglue a bow on the back either.

I'll keep this in mind if I want to copy something else though.

>> No.8349435

Did anyone else see the fetishist post on EGL?

>> No.8349437


>> No.8349440

I hate it too but I can easily see this as one of those prints that are constantly scalped, like the constellation one.

The fact you made the right decision at the end shows you have a good heart. Some people wouldn't even care to do what you did.

>> No.8349441


I just looked it up

Sounded mostly normal until "transvestic fetishest" kek

>> No.8349443

So proud, anon. You are a good person and made the right decision. I hope your friend loves the dress and your friendship keeps growing stronger.

>> No.8349445

I think the pink colorway looks a lot more balanced and pretty. I don't really like the high contrasting constellations on the blue one. It's a bit obnoxious. I prefer the pink one's cut too. Looks less cheap and nightgowny.

>> No.8349465

Some guy on EGL made a really enthousiastic introduction post and described himself as a 'transvestic fetishist'.

>> No.8349469
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Do you think they would succeed?

>> No.8349479

Nope. What's a Tumblr petition going to do to stop a community on a damn near dead website?

>> No.8349480

I haven't seen many people talking about the Castle Mirage release. Was it a bloodbath? Did anyone here successfully bag anything?

>> No.8349483


I grabbed an SS for the light colour way already in a different cut

It's gunna be amazing

>> No.8349488

I also love that BTB apparently shames both lolitas who are not female AND lolitas who were born female. Oh dear. Shame for everyone.

>> No.8349503

I like how they only list the "bullying" side of BTB and conveniently leave out all the other types of secrets (funny shit, scammer/bad sales related things, yandyman! etc)

>> No.8349505

That's Tumblr for you; list only the negatives and play them up to ridiculous proportions to get everyone worked up.

>> No.8349507

Have any of you girls done duty free shopping at the lolita stores at Marui Annex?

I was thinking of getting an IW dress, but I don't have a clue if they'll have it in stock at the store. Do the stores generally only have new dresses? I was looking to get the Doll Museum JSK and that's quite old, I suppose.

>> No.8349538

Stores only carry newer stuff, generally.
If it didn't sell out, it generally gets put into lucky and oddment packs. I've never seen an older dress in any store.

>> No.8349576

It's pointless because even if they succeeded, another one will show up to take its place. I'm pretty sure behind-the-bows started as a replacement for another lolita secrets LJ.

>> No.8349581

loli secrets was the old group and that got taken down, almost rightfully, because LJ thought that a lot of the photos were private property rather than posted on public space and the mods were too lax about face censoring and doxxing issues.

>> No.8349584


Not everything on BtB is bullying or shaming.
I often see positive secrets but tumblr fags like these love to ignore that.

>> No.8349588

to me btb and /cgl/ help keep drama out of actual comms. if you pay attention the only people in comms with drama are the ones so against both btb and /cgl/. anon venting relieves stress and helps you actually be able to get along with whoever it is. i've been posted a few times in my ita days and for good reason, but i didn't get sad and feel like the comm was laughing at me i actually took it as a criticism and realized how ita i was and shaped the fuck up. then i got a few positive secrets about how i grew so much, it was gratifying. the only reason places like that exist is because people refuse to be told to their face without crying bully.

i hate that people not only don't want you to tell shit to their faces but also wont allow an outlet to vent, it will create more animosity and hate if anything.

>> No.8349625

>they bully people of different races
Just of races? Not because of their race. Dodged a bullet there, ey?

>> No.8349636

Had the navy JSK disappear from my cart halfway through checking out. Perhaps trying to get both it and the tights was a mistake. I'm hoping I'll have better luck when/if the USA store releases it.

>> No.8349648

I swear to fucking GOD

>> No.8349649

Does anyone have some pics of cute coords (preferably gothic) with masks?

>> No.8349653

Ballet lover here, too. There needs to be so many prints based on more than just Swan Lake.

>> No.8349654

classic mirukuma

>> No.8349658


>> No.8349669

Isn't she in Japan?

>> No.8349673

that makes it worse
>charging literally $600+ with shipping for an item that was just released from AP days ago

>> No.8349679

jesus, it's mirukuma, were you expecting her to list it at retail?

>that cut/colorway didn't even sell out instore kek

>> No.8349705

>born as female.

yeah I don't like lolitas who are guys or born female eather.

>> No.8349716

I honestly wouldn't mind BtB in it's current state to go away since so many of the secrets are really so extra. I never understood the fun of reading really obvious vendettas there and the "positive" ones are stupid memes. It's always a cringefest. There's only a few interesting ones here and there every week and usually /cgl/ covers that.

>> No.8349721

why did they feel the need to point it out?

yea mirukuma is pretty bad with scalping. she also loves to take older items and write RARE in front to justify.

>> No.8349730

lol why don't go you ask in the gothic coords thread and see what happens

>> No.8349778


I don't read it either, but it doesn't sit right with me that people are clamoring for it to be shut down. Honestly BtB has always been much better with blocking out faces and taking things down. I think they're just witch hunting a soft, easy target to feed their own ego.

>> No.8349780

Fucking sugar honey ice tea. She is always involved with this SHIT.

>> No.8349799

Agreed. cgl basically makes it moot, and it's always sort of been that way, but I feel like these days visiting cgl has become more accepted so that less people get the watered down 'acceptable' version from btb anymore.

>> No.8349818

Anyone have any photos of either Shadow Dream Carnival JSKs being worn?

>> No.8349839

she's pretty shady, all things considering. Seems hypocritical that she'd be interested in shutting BTB down. No one even knew of her personally before this, she was just another faceless tumblr

>> No.8349845
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Do you ever just have to chuckle when lolitas go for class and fall flat? I don't mean this in a hateful way. It's not required to live in a castle or have authentic tea parties. But it's a little endearing when they try and just don't quite make it.

>> No.8349846

Yeah, it's cute tbh
Those brown and white cake things in the spotty cases look like they'd be delicious though. I don't even know what they are

>> No.8349847

The way the tax free thing works at Marui Annex is that you pay full price at the store. You then take your receipt and passport to a special desk on one of the floors (the shop girl took me there). They'll refund you the tax and stick a record slip to your passport.

Most of the stores seemed to mostly carry newer stuff, but often had a sale rack with older things. I can't remember specifically for IW.

>> No.8349854

No, its all pretentious crap. Who seriously tries to be "classy". Just dress well and act with manners

>> No.8349872

She is bitching allllll over her tumblr right now about the BTB secret about her and is calling those who bring up the fact that she excuses herself and her really horrible fuckups because of her aspergers as "ableist." No bitch, you are just a shitty person, and having aspergers does not excuse that.

Honestly it was just a matter of time until she would start getting negative attention because she word vomits all over her blog and then throws in "BUT I WENT TO JAPAN SO I AM AWESOME" posts. She talks about how she knows the TRUTH about the Japanese lolita community because she went to Japan once and that western lolita community is all wrong and that no one in Japan bitches about each other. And then she says shit like this in regards to people hating on her:

>If it wasn’t for the little things like being recognised by one of the shop girls working in AP in Tokyo and she complimented me ;U; or winning an award in fashion school based on my collection, stuff like that. Idk… Yeah I guess my success when I wear It far outweighs what they say.

What a lolcow.

>> No.8349878

If the dress was released last year and didn't sell out, it would've been on the clearance rack during the January sales. If it still hadn't sold, it would've been put in a lucky/oddment pack like >>8349538 said.

Most brands clear out their stock twice a year, in January and in July/Autumn and once an item's been through one of those periods, they're gone from the shop for good.

>> No.8349940

I'm honestly offended by people who use their disabilities to excuse bad behaviour. It just makes the rest of us look bad. Like I'm diagnosed with autism (same thing as aspergers I guess) and I make an effort not to be shitty. And when I fuck up I don't blame my autism. I blame being shitty and not thinking. Like I want to be able to empathise with her but it's just a shitty excuse.

>> No.8349956

How do lolitas survive very hot summers? There's always a problem with not wearing blouses or leg wear (which I understand) so, how do you guys overcome the heat? Do you ditch the fashion during the hottest months? Do you just say fuck it and not wear blouses and tights? Or do you just risk sweating whatever coord you wear for the sake of looking good?

>> No.8349975

Well country works. Short sleeved ops and ankle socks.

>> No.8349976

Exactly, which is why s-h-i-t (her acronym haha) pisses me off so much, because she enables her own behavior by blaming ALL of her bad decisions on her aspergers. She went super psycho on this one girl a while back, stalked the crap out of her and shit talked on her tumblr for ages, and then once she finally got over it and people still brought it up she was all "muh aspergers made me make bad decisions!!!!!" She doesn't apologize, just excuses herself because of her supposed disability, which to me seems more of a convenient scapegoat.

Also she does not have the right to speak for every single lolita in Japan, as she thinks she does. Her "holier than thou because I visited mighty Japan once" attitude is nearly as obnoxious as her "BUT MUH ASPERGERS" crap.

>> No.8350005

so you want to go to a meetup where tea is served out of solo cups and food on cheep paper plates?
no thank you. I didn't dress up in a $600 outfit to go to an apartment complex potluck.
it's great if people have the time and skill to have nice table wear and everything for their meets, but even if they don't it's nice when people at least make an effort to have nicer settings

>> No.8350008
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to haters and people immature enough to be latching on to intense lolita rules:

Good luck being basic your whole damn life. Trends get set somewhere, muhhfukkers

>> No.8350020

I dress up 600+ on the regular. I dont go to scummy places, but i certainly dont go out of my way to make things extra nice for the sake of being pretentiously classy. Most members cant afford to dine out at $30+/person every meet and i have no problem being more wallet friendly.

>> No.8350035

Personally I think it's fine to have a cheap party with coke and paper plates but don't put a candleholder like that on the table if you do. That's just silly.

>> No.8350063

really don't understand what you're trying to get at
1 - who cares?
2 - are you sure you're not a troll

>> No.8350089

just out of curiosity, how would people feel about an indoor tea party featuring
>a large, nice, glass dining room table that can seat about 8 or a bit more in decently large, comfy chairs
>nice glassware and silverware (even if it's not a vintage tea set, think like display case glassware that's only actually brought out at parties)
>nice food displays even if it's not perfect tea party food (but close enough)

>asking because this is what we have at my home? hopefully it'd be better than randomly placed low tables + cheap food + paper cups and plates like >>8349845

>(if only people actually lived in my area and could come over to my house...)

>> No.8350108

>no one in Japan bitches about each other.

Haha sure. Does anyone still have a link to that translated 2chan thread where a bunch of Japanese lolitas try to get this new girl to buy bodyline because "it's the best brand".

I apparently followed her but unfollowed now that she's started posting all this pretentious bullshit. "YOU MEAN ANONS KNOW NOTHING I WENT TO FASHION SCHOOL CALL ME WHEN YOU ALSO GO TO FASHION SCHOOL YOU PLEBS."

>> No.8350118

S.h.i.t. Is that you?

Also is she the girl who stalked and slept with some other girl's boyfriend?

>> No.8350133

not to mention Japanese lolita certainly bitch about each other. they're just a lot better at hiding their shit and not parading it everywhere like we do. it's because of Japan's collectivist culture, they're not the type to call people out, but it doesn't mean that they don't. they're also incredibly good at being sneaky passive aggressive bitches like
>that translated 2chan thread where a bunch of Japanese lolitas try to get this new girl to buy bodyline because "it's the best brand".

>> No.8350159

Chibitenshi got me the navy jsk. Missed out on tights and headdress though.

>> No.8350164

tried to sleep with him, apparently
I don't think she actually did
apparently s.h.i.t and the girl and best of friends now so.... well, you know what they say, keep your friends close, keep boyfriend-stealing bitches closer

>> No.8350172

Does anyone know of a SS that will buy from fril? I heard chibitenshi won't, and that most big SS won't as well so I'm at a loss here for what to do. My dream item is on there and I really would like to purchase it.

>> No.8350207

They're not even wearing lolita
>mfw they don't even go here

>> No.8350250

Nm found the bitchy 2chan thread. Scroll down to 79 for the beginning of bodyline recommending.

Also has fat insults. Oh Japanese lolitas are so pure and nice and never fat shame just like s.h.i.t. says.

>> No.8350254


Should probably post the link.

>> No.8350259

>Moitié bloomers
>The Underwear of Darkness

>> No.8350261

I messaged quite a bunch of SS if they would buy from fril about a year ago when I first discovered it and all of them said no. Unless you have friends or relatives living in Japan willing to struggle with the hassle for you, you won't get any access there as it seems.

>> No.8350273

I think her bf broke up with her, and wound up dating capsulebunny. But s.h.i.t. was super bitter and tried to ruin c.b.'s rep and posted lots of bad bad things about her. As for as I understand, they broke up cleanly, but she was super bitter, and then when he started dating c.b. she went batshit mode. There wasn't any cheating or unfaithfulness though.

>> No.8350289
File: 78 KB, 600x690, shoes160-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask) Anyone know where I can get shoes similar to these in size 235? And at a similar price? I'm having trouble finding simple yet elegant white shoes. I'm thinking about possible getting shoes291 or 192 but they don't seem so elegant.

>> No.8350297

Wow, they really hated kamikaze girls...

>> No.8350299

More Japanese lolitas gossiping. Kind of interesting actually, sounds like they're commenting on the shift from "old school" to the current style brands have now.


>> No.8350308

they're making more money doing what they love than people pain stakingly adhering to rules

>> No.8350314

It seems like the normal-ish "short" moitie length to me. How tall is Mana sama, anyways?

>> No.8350326

But what about this belongs in a lolita thread?

>> No.8350328

chibitenshi can by from fril, i know because she's trying for a dress from there for me now. the one she can't buy from yet is mercari.

>> No.8350461

skip tights or go for open-weave lace tights that let your skin breathe. skip blouses or go for chiffon, which is lightweight and breathable. skip wigs, tone down the poof, use a parasol.

>> No.8350466

This isn't bad but it definitely isn't lolita so whatever, I guess? That blonde wig with bettie page bangs is cute though

>> No.8350473

SHIT was Internet-dating Leo, and then he started dating CB. SHIT saw pictures of them together and freaked out. Tbh all three of them are pretty terrible trashy people.

>> No.8350474

but *who are they* and *why should we care*, anon?

>> No.8350508
File: 23 KB, 360x640, mysteryap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is such a great read, thanks for posting anon

Unrelated, but does anyone know the name of this Angelic Pretty JSK? I've seen it pop up on mbok a few times, but there's never a name outside of "pink JSK"

>> No.8350523

I can read japanese and I've still never been able to find an active lolita thread on 2chan. That would be so cool to find one and see what's being posted.

>> No.8350619

>sen lace
>russel lace
I've never heard these terms for lace before... Does anyone know to which kind of lace they're referring in English?

>> No.8350656

Does anybody have any recommendations for cute stuff you can buy from Amazon.jp? I only just realized last night that I can order from it with my Tenso account.

>> No.8350667

yeah, you're definitely a troll
either that or it's waaay past your bedtime, if you actually think you're some sort of trendsetter

>> No.8350673

This thread is definitely really interesting, especially given the date it's from and how even at that time things hadn't gone to the level they're at now. If the lolitas then thought things were becoming costumey, I wonder how they think of it now where many can't even consider less than one full petti and a pile of accessories (casual) lolita.

>> No.8350701

no one is wearing anything even remotely lolita in this photo

>> No.8350711
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Behind the bows isn't the problem. The problem is that when people can speak freely without fear of repercussion they chose to say things like what they say on BtB.

If you censor people by deleting BtB, all you are accomplishing is shutting people up; they don't stop feeling a certain way, or treating others in a certain way, they just don't talk about. It doesn't stop people from being homophobic, racist, ablist, sexist, etc, it simply masks the fact that people feel that way.

Meanwhile, some people do use BtB for its intended purpose and share things that they should tell someone else but are afraid to, like when people share their fears and insecurities.

What needs to change for these sorts of things to go away is the lolita community's behavior in general, and society in general, not just censorship.

>> No.8350720

You need Milu Forest's Swan Lake Anastasia then. It reminds me of Swan manga.

>> No.8350764

I'm guessing they mean raschel lace. You know the cheap scratchy kind vs soft cotton lace.

Meta uses it because Meta just don't give a fuck. I love you meta.

>> No.8350807

>>8350619 sen lace would be "thousand lace", I can't remember for sure off-hand, but this might be venetian lace? Russel is raschel though.

>> No.8350808

Right? It's like some things never change- even back in 2001 girls were struggling with how to make daily lolita coords when everything seems so OTT.

>> No.8350820
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There is good raschel and bad raschel. Meta shells out money and uses good raschel. I don't like the look personally, but it's not going to be cheap scratchy stuff on most meta

>> No.8350825

I bought the bluexwhite colorway of divine cross from wunderwelt for like $246 ish. did I get a decent deal or is this like average secondhand price for this colorway? (doesn't really matter to me since I just bought it but I'm just curious)

>> No.8350835

I agree. Censorship changes nothing.

I like seeing and making generally humorous secrets about the fashion in general or interesting ones. I also like commenting and helping people out when they have questions.

Unfortunately the world is full of shitty people. The only thing that is ever going to change that is for the individuals to want to change themselves. I believe anyone can do it, and honestly it feels better when you're not overwhelmed by negative thoughts or using all that negative energy to be destructive. But that is some people's nature, and no matter what they are going to exist. It'll do more good to teach people how to effectively deal with it when it happens.

>> No.8350854

What's BBS?

>> No.8350881

>Lately, none of the Brands Have "everyday clothes," do They? They're all like you're Transforming Yourself into A princess on A special day. A lot of the time, when someone says, "People who do not dress lolita in everyday life should not be dressing lolita at all," someone responds, "I CAN NOT wear those kinds of clothes all the time , "but they probably only know the princess-style lolita fashions of today. I can not wear those clothes they're selling now every day, either. If they'd make more lolita clothes that you can wear casually, I think the number of people who could wear lolita on ordinary occasions would double. For people who do not go to events and concerts, today's lolita clothes pose quite a few problems.

worldwide, people have been wanting more daily dresses.

>> No.8350892


Then don't go to the potluck meetups? It's not like you can't arrange your own metup at a sit-down restaurant that has nice and classy tableware.

>> No.8350894

One of the lolitas from the archive on >>8350299 mentioned how the material that meta uses is pretty cheap and tbh I can see where they're coming from. The Meta I've seen and owned don't really compare in quality with the stuff I have from other brands. Their lace genuinely looks cheap.

>> No.8350899

So much this. It's the main reason I haven't gotten into lolita yet (I find ouji much easier to go casual with), because I have a hard time finding more pieces I can wear everyday and not have my family keep telling me lolita is not something to wear everyday and that it's not justifiable paying so much for such elaborate dresses I'll end up rarely wearing. I just wanted to dress cute and frilly without feeling overdressed.

>> No.8350902


I thought they resized the clothes to fit him?

This does look like a skirt rather than a dress, though, so maybe they didn't resize the length on this one.

>> No.8350914

I'm not a fan of that print, the colours are too garish and amateur looking

>> No.8350915

Yeah, I agree. Deleting BtB would just make the prejudiced sentiments in the lolita community worse if anything, because it would make people think that there was less racism/homophobia/etc.
Anyway, for every secret I see calling someone a "fatty" or saying black women can't wear lolita, I see another encouraging people to wear what they want regardless. It really isn't as bad as tumblr girls think.

>> No.8350919

You do realise it's possible to have a potluck meet without it looking like trash, right?
Nice coloured paper plates, napkins, cups ect, perhaps a tablecloth, attractive serving dishes if you're the host and also made food (like a punch bowl in lieu of a jug of Hawaiian punch) is really all you need to have a meet that looks better than any random joes summer bbq

>> No.8350921

Bulletin Board or message board. It was a term used eons ago on the internet for forums. But the Japanese have continued using that abbreviation because it's short and simple.

It seems like the Japanese aren't too different when it comes to opinions about the clothes. I really love the OTT styled pieces, but I only have a handful of items I can get away with wearing everyday, but they are still really outlandish in comparison to normie fashion. Most of the time I don't want to ruin my items or stand out in a crowd so I throw on a hoodie and jeans. After getting into Lolita, I can't be bothered to even look at everyday clothing because the materials are horrible and cheap for women. $35 for this thin sweatshop sweater or $40+shipping for this Mbok deal.

>> No.8350927

he's about 170, but with shoes who knows

>> No.8350932

are you for real? I thought for sure he was taller than that
I'm 175, moitie will never look good on me

>> No.8350959

>$35 for this thin sweatshop sweater or $40+shipping for this Mbok deal.

Seriously though. Buying normalfag clothes is actually like pulling teeth at this point because you notice the cheap materials and shitty construction now. Lacy things have been forever ruined because now all I can see is how crap the quality is.

>> No.8350970


Again. Arrange your own. Don't go to someone else's house, eat their food, then come home and bitch about how their tableware wasn't up to your standards. If you want high standards, set them yourself.

>> No.8350982

Oh I remember that one piece. but it was far too busy for me with the stripes and stars

>> No.8350988


(Not the anon you replied to)

The thing is, we tell newbies to avoid raschel lace on Milanoo, Bodyline, taobao, ebay, etc, because as a "rule of thumb", they're usually scratchy, stiff, uncomfortable and a sign of using low quality materials. Meta's raschel lace dresses is none of those things, they're soft and comfortable, and I've actually had Bodyline tulle lace that was more horrible and scratcher than Meta's raschel lace.

I think the Japanese lolitas may be comparing from burando to burando, which would be a different story entirely. We've had threads of our own like that, and while Meta's quality doesn't figure highly on a lot of anon's personal rankings, we've also had arguments over which brands have the best quality. So that's pretty subjective as well.

>> No.8351004

you're looking at the wrong brands. I think Excentrique, Victorian Maiden ans some Innocent World still make several items that can easily be worn every day.

>> No.8351010

No it was deleted because the mod's friend was posted and flipped her shit. Because apparently its ok to say nasty fucked up shit about other people as long as it isnt the mods friend. So she deleted the entire community so you couldnt even go back and read old secrets

>> No.8351022

173 to be exact

>> No.8351090

I thought the one pictured was pretty nice. They had matching paper plates/cups and the food was arranged neatly. Sure, the candlestick was a bit out of place but whatever. I wouldn't say it looks like trash by any stretch of the imagination.

>> No.8351105

OH duh, now it makes sense that russel=raschel. And sen is venetian? Interesting... thank you!

>> No.8351128

Missed out on the release but bought the op in sax from yahoo auctions for 38000 yen

>> No.8351134

I think this would have looked fine with a few little changes

-ditch the candlelabra, it looks sad
-Put the soda in a pitcher instead of leaving it in the bottle or get one of those $25 glass drink dispensers and fill it with the drink of your choice
-No candy dish

>> No.8351178

This is why I can never really be apart of meetups or anything.

I always wanted to host a party, but more of like a house party. Sure there will be sweets but some REAL FOOD too (coming from a foreign family, your table better be filled to the brim with food so your guests dont get hungry).

I could never go to one of these meets with girls trying to act all dainty and shit. Seeing this just kinda annoys me for some reason.

>> No.8351184

Seconding this. Half or more of my wardrobe that I wear most often is IW, and I use VM heavily for formal functions or family parties as they work great as classy not-quite-normalfag wear (and planning to add Excentrique in there as well).

>> No.8351265

and take the muffins out of a bowl, it looks weird

>> No.8351283
File: 102 KB, 540x720, shadow dream carnival.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8351285

99% sure it got a copyright take down request, actually

>> No.8351287
File: 100 KB, 540x810, shadow dream carnival 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know she's half covered in this, but its the only other thing i can find

>> No.8351364

It didn't get taken down, if I'm remembering right? The main mod went inactive because they got mad when people called them out for deleting a secret/being pissed that someone made a negative secret about their friend, because they had been allowing a lot of nasty comments about specific people for several weeks. They stopped updating, then someone made behind_the_bows. It was up for quite a while before the main mod deleted the whole community.

>> No.8351426

I'm stationed in Guam right now, so it's p much 90+ degrees all year round with humidity. I usually try to wear OPs most of the time or cutsews under JSKs instead of blouses because for some reason I feel hotter and sweat more in blouses. I also sometimes substitute OTKs with ankle socks.

Also, parasols help if you'll be spending a lot of time outside. I've been meaning to buy one for a while but I can't find a cute one.

>> No.8351484

I really like this print now, oh my god.
I kind of wish that the print had darker colorways, like burgundy or navy. That would be so gorgeous.

>> No.8351491

Absolutely. Switching to IW and going more a classic and casual gothic path was life changing. I could actually wear lolita outside and not just look well-dressed and normal, but receive comments from randoms. Those brands are not the most popular, but anyone who wants something casual should look at them, not to old school all the time necessarily.

>> No.8351581

Was there overlap? Or did he break up with SHIT first? Because while SHIT was going POOR MEE WAHHHHHHH the whole time, I'm not really inclined to believe she was cheated on. I do not know CB or her lolz super well but judging from what I have seen regarding her fashion style and content, I'm inclined to believe about the trash aspect.

>> No.8351583

Agreed but swan lake has a special place in my heart

>I used my first pay check to see Swan Lake in another state

I would like a Odile/Black swan print though. Mhh

>> No.8351641

It's not that hard (or expensive) to make a cute little tea party/potluck. Buy a cute table cloth (simple pink one, for example), some matching napkins/plates/cups (if you don't have tea sets or don't want to use them for whatever reason), and make some little table decorations.
I can't remember who, but someone whose blog I follow and is pretty well known posted photos of a really cute tea party they did for their birthday or something.
Potluck might be harder since you don't have control over the other people's serving dishes/food, but still.

>> No.8351649

Mirukuma is a horrible fucking scalper, and people like her and Pinoream give lolitas in Japan a bad fucking name.

>> No.8351674


Do people even still buy from her? I mean, she's well-known for scalping and SS drama and all.

>> No.8351679

I bought from her, and she added on PP fees on top of shipping. She charged me about 20 w/out PP fees for shipping when package said 1500ish yen...

>> No.8351733

Goddamn I can't stop seeing tomato sauce bottles on IW's new cherry jam series.

>i want it so bad but I can't get that image out of my mind

>> No.8351845
File: 341 KB, 594x472, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just checking sales posts when I came across this.

Why won't you wash it? It's just a dress from Primark for heaven's sake, why would anyone buy a dress that has curry stains on it

>> No.8351863

Welp, there's no longer any way to tell a real Celestial JSK from a fake one. I guess asking to see a tag if you want to buy it online, but those can be sewn in. The only minor difference I can see in the comparison photos is that AP uses white lace and the fake one has slightly blue lace. The materials must be cheaper too, but they look so similar.

>> No.8351870
File: 276 KB, 839x407, meta-dress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Was it a mistake it was priced so low? I.. just can't be too sure with this one..

>> No.8351886


Yish. Hope it was a dream item or at least something worth scalping.

>> No.8351893

I'm not saying the picture doesn't look cute, I'm replying to >>8349854
who said its pretentious to try to make your meetup look nice

>> No.8351899


See, if people were looking for advice on how to make their own party cuter, I'd have no issues. But OP sounded like she was whining that someone else's party isn't up to her standards.

>> No.8351906

Has someone reviewed the replica, then?
$15-20 is reasonable for a dress, I think. Even if the postage is only 1500 yen, there might be packaging/travel costs involved, and full insurance for items over 20,000 costs extra, I think.

>> No.8351927


Try re-reading OP:

>go for class and fall flat
>they try and just don't quite make it
>totes not hateful guise

She's not even saying lolitas in general should have cute tea parties, she's basically talking shit about lolitas not living up to her standards of "classy", whatever that is. You kind of have to ask yourself whether you really want to encourage this behaviour or tell her to stfu & gtfo.

>> No.8351992

I've been trying to join the LSE facebook group for the past month and I always have to start the process again. They're supposed to send a message to verify you but I've gotten jack shit.

>i just want to fucking spend money

>> No.8352056

lace please leave

>> No.8352057

Apparently SHIT thought there was overlap, but who knows exactly

>> No.8352065

Who is SHIT?

>> No.8352077



>> No.8352081

Sugar-honey-iced-tea on tumblr.

>> No.8352083

Lace please go

>> No.8352089

did she realize what her url spells? or is it purely a hilarious coincidence?

>> No.8352092

I bought from her and she tried to do that too, but when I called her out on it she pretended it was a mistake. She went days at a time between replying to messages and when the item arrived it had minor damages she hadn't stated in the description (this was one of her "I found an old item cheap at CC and I'm going to resell it at a mark up" things). Wish I'd asked for a discount but I was fairly new to the second-hand market at the time so I was scared of getting bad buyer feedback.

>> No.8352101

Same. I tried to join a few weeks ago and got rejected, I thought it might be cause of my cartoony avatar, and my profile is very private but I still have messages opened.

I think she does, it's a fairly well known phrase

>> No.8352108
File: 246 KB, 960x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...omg I am literally wearing the same primark dress right now, sans curry stain and not as lolita

>> No.8352114

Idk if this is the correct thread to ask, but
i have a cousin who never hesitated to splurge money on me since i was young. Now she has a daughter, 4 years old, who is into frilly dresses and the like. Since i am into lolita fashion, my cousin asked me where could she buy lolita clothing for little children. (Like good quality Lolita clothing)
Besides shirely temple and bodyline, are there any other places to find lolita clothing for children?

>> No.8352116

My avatar is my damn face and I have messages opened too. I also messaged one of the mods and they told me "oh it's a long list" so long that I have to join it three fucking times.

>> No.8352126

Commissioning hand-made is all I can think of. Or perhaps from shops that do custom sizing, like Glitter Tale.

>> No.8352131

I'm sad i missed such a nice casual dress. I've gotten alot of nice loliables from Primark like hairpieces, pocketwatches, bracelets, lacy socks, tights, cardigans/boleros etc

>> No.8352132

some Western stores have Lolita-esque dresses for little girls, try looking there.

>> No.8352135

Think I will buy it then nuke it in the washer for that price.

>> No.8352139
File: 192 KB, 600x900, Harajuku-Angelic-Pretty-Lolitas-2011-12-04-G9647-600x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I found this rakuten store

there was also a more kid based lolita store called Baby Ribbon but I think they're not around anymore. She could do what these kids did and get them modified.

>wish my mum bought me brand when I was 13

>> No.8352153

So, before I leave for college this fall my mom has asked me if I would volunteer at like, old folks homes because I wear lolita. I wear classic and I get a lot of compliments when we go out, so she thinks it would be nice for the people living there if I volunteer dressed up.

Is this a good idea? I don't know if I should. I also have a job so this would just be once a week or something.

>> No.8352164

This is my pain. It's annoying, because friends and family always ask me why I buy "expensive Japanese clothes" and don't just wear "normal" clothing. I actually was toying with the idea, since I'm on a lolita spending hiatus right now, until I went to have a look round some high street shops and realised all my normalfag friends probably spend more on clothing than me.

>Why is everything in Claire's such shitty cheap quality, worse than what I've got from Taobao at a much higher price
>Why did none of the other shops I went in have more than a few items I liked, most of which still weren't my style
>everything I liked and would wear myself was either £60, or made of shitty polyester that'll make me sweat, or both

The really cheap shops are always having sweatshop labour scandals and are also pretty shit quality, and I live in an area full of old people so it's really fucking hard to find young people's clothes in thrift shops, and even harder to find it in small sizes. I used to buy a lot of stuff from thrift stores but I haven't really seen anything I wanted in over a year. It really is easier to ship online for lolita than IRL.

>> No.8352166

The kid on the left is so cute.

>> No.8352181

It's said by the zebra on madagascar, at least that's where a lot of people I knew heard it from, it's not a used phrase where I am

>> No.8352185

kind of your personal choice. If you want to then yeah, if you don't then don't? Like I don't see how this is a lolita problem, more of a predicament that's you-specific... Am I misunderstanding?

Maybe ask the old folks at the home before you do it. If they insult you (some elderly people can be fucking nasty) or make you feel uncomfortable then maybe rethink. Also if it's going to be messy just don't fucking bother

>> No.8352187

Eh, I figured I'd put it here since it's related to wearing lolita and I don't know who else to ask. I've seen people mention things like this once or twice in older threads.

I think I'll get my work schedule for the summer then see. I don't super want to do this, but I would if it'd make my mom happy.

>> No.8352193

My family does this too, I know your pain anon.

>> No.8352210

I may be going to Marui Annex tomorrow to buy the new GLB so I can check if you want?

>> No.8352223

Although Axes Femme is not lolita, there are many otome type dress in their kids line.

I wish I could remember the name of this shop I passed by all the time in Japan. It had the cutest frilly clothing for kids. It made me want to have a child so much...thankfully I changed my mind after leaving the country.

>> No.8352238

I've always wondered the purpose of altering such expensive (and possibly rare) AP prints for a kid who's going to grow at an insanely high rate. Do you think they did it in a way that they could cut open the seams and make it regular sized again? (I know you can do this with some small size adjustments when making things smaller)
I just don't see the point. Preteens grow so quickly, this clothing will be too small for them before they're even 20.

>> No.8352245

Maybe they're not expensive to the people who buy them. I know parents who buy $500+ designer clothes and shoes for their toddlers and then once they grow out of them just give these things away to relatives.

>> No.8352250

I don't know if you were one of the anons who disliked the Milu Forest one I mentioned or not, but it has both Odette and Odile. It came in black too.
If you were one of the two who disliked the print though, sorry for mentioning again.

>> No.8352258

I'm moving to the big city for uni and I hope I'll have better luck thrifting when I do (when I was younger I would sometimes go to the student areas of the city near me to go thrifting, since it's easy to find stuff that's fashionable and isn't huge there), but it really surprised me how expensive or basic everything was. I did see stuff I liked, but when I see a £40 holographic miniskirt I just think "bitch I can get an embroidered velveteen skirt using four times as much material and labour for less than that price (or just buy said skirt on Taobao for a fiver)". Seeing loads of shirt dresses I would have bought if they weren't made of horrible material made me want to learn to sew more than rectangle skirts, though, so there something. The greatest irony is that I actually have a normalfag clothing shopping list 30 items long, but I couldn't find most items in the shops.

Sometimes I think it's interesting to ask people to add up how much they spent on their outfit, to give them some perspective on the cost of a lolita one.

>> No.8352265

Probably possible. Or at least close to normal size. They could give you the extra fabric back, then using that you could go back later and have it let out.

>> No.8352268

Yeah it's the same anon. I want a more dominant Odile though. More betrayal! More dark dresses will work too.. I look horrific in gold/ivory. Ever since the other anon mentioned Haenuli's Swan lake I've been trying to find it.. Hope I find it soon.

>> No.8352273

Everything I wear that isn't lolita is thrifted/eBay/Primark. I tend to stick to the same styles/themes/colorscheme so only buy things that are decent enough quality to last a good few years and I know will go with things I have already.

>> No.8352278

>Sometimes I think it's interesting to ask people to add up how much they spent on their outfit, to give them some perspective on the cost of a lolita one.
That makes me curious...how much did you spend on your last non-lolita outfit, anons?

>> No.8352280

It all smells like plastic. I can't fathom why anyone would want to shop there and not be ashamed of it but I see people carrying their bags everywhere like it's fucking high fashion.

>> No.8352284

>$30 dollar Emily Temple dress
>$18 dollar shoes
>free shirt
>free headband
>$30 dollar bag

$78 dollars, including shipping for anything I bought online.

>> No.8352289

I do buy some things from there and its not all bad quality, but I couldn't stand working there because the acrid plastic factory smell is so strong inside the shops it gives me a headache. My main problem with Primark is that the nearest one to me (15 miles) isn't that big, so it's usually not got much stock and most of what it has is shit. There's a much bigger one with better stock in my nearest city, but it's a long way to drive and expensive to park in or get the train to.

>> No.8352292

why would you be ashamed of shopping anywhere? get that stainless steel bar out of your arse.

>> No.8352293

It really depends on the weather and outfit in question. I usually shop at places in the H&M price range for basics (especially on sale) but I don't mind dropping $100-200 on shoes or jackets or unusual items.

>> No.8352297
File: 79 KB, 943x387, snip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My latest order on Lowrys Farm--Best casual wear I've ever worn. So glad I found this store in HK.

+ Clark boots $70
+ American Apparel bag $25
+this current LF order

= $180AUD

shit anon where are you getting ETC for $30?

>> No.8352301

I want the Haenuli one too, but it's out of my price range atm. Gotta pay off some bills.
You should comment with a throwaway email and I'll let you know if I spot it for sale somewhere.

Also if this dream Odile print ever happens let me know too haha!

>> No.8352318

Naw anon you're too good. Please let me know when you can get it too/I'll help chip in even! What colourway are you looking for? The black one is on top for me but the ivory is growing on me..

>> No.8352323

>$68 dress
>boyfriend's socks
>$20 shoes
>$40 cardigan

$128 all up

>> No.8352328

Catherine cottage

>> No.8352342

I think I liked black best too, I think. The blue and ivory are also super pretty. I guess it wouldn't really matter to me which colorway.

>> No.8352353

Japanese auctions! It's a pretty plain dress, just gingham with ribbon and lacing on the chest and tie up sleeves, but I get loads of compliments on it.

>> No.8352382

>$30 Innocent World OP (it's brand, but not lolita)
>$30 socks
>$15 shoes
>bag was a gift (I'm guessing it was around the $15 mark?)

$90 AUD all together

That sounds really cute!

>> No.8352398

I'd really appreciate it if you could anon! I'd love you forever! Just wondering if I should order the dress online or not before I arrive.

We should have a spreadsheet for CGL goes to Japan and go on pilgrimages together.

>> No.8352404

This is the skirt. http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/NEOAPP-38871
The JSK looks better imo.

>> No.8352414


>Wonderrocket dress 34 euros
>Cardigan 15 euros
>Tights 5 euros
>Converse shoes 50 euros
>Jean jacket 15 euros
>Innocent world headband 15 euros
Total: 134 euros

Stupid Converse which aren't even that comfortable.

>> No.8352432 [DELETED] 

Should've posted this in this thread
>hurr durr
anyways, your thoughts on wearing creepers with lolita fashion?

>> No.8352433

meh, I thought that the mods found that my profile was ~fake~ (even though my profile pic is my face and I have my profile open but dont have that much feed/active since last year).

Is it worth to try to join again the "queue" to enter or they're just rejecting everybody now?

>> No.8352438
File: 5 KB, 251x201, 1432560294843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should've posted this in this thread
>inb4 hurr durr
anyways, your thoughts on wearing creepers with lolita fashion? are there pictures of it being done right? Is punk loli actually a thing?0

>> No.8352439
File: 22 KB, 592x592, m826086259_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dream I'd like to achieve one day is to comprise most of my normal fag wear with plain ETC stuff. It's really cute still and super cheap. More plain/darker pieces are also suitable for office wear.

Saw this dress on fril so sad it was sold out already.

>> No.8352444

Also if you do want to talk via email, mines in the name field.

>> No.8352536
File: 40 KB, 236x544, 776d69210feeebcf3cdf0ab5d2c6ea8f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

punk lolita is definitely a thing in Japan, not so much in the West where subculture fashion is not as strong as it used to be.

>> No.8352546
File: 40 KB, 308x642, 4c688459c3018f4097cea155ec5e30251249429467_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

putumayo sometimes shoes creeper-esque shoes with their punk coords.

>> No.8352558

How much bigger should the waist measurement be than your waist for lolita dresses and jsks?

>> No.8352575

a few centimeters. i have a sensitive stomach so i usually do 5 but usually 2 to 4 which is about 1 to 2 inches.

>> No.8352576

5-7cm I guess, but for shirred and laced pieces it can be bigger and waistties help too

>> No.8352605

It's relative, since smaller waistlines will need less ease than bigger ones. 2cm ease on a 60cm waist makes a much bigger difference in comfort than 2cm ease on a 90cm waist.

>> No.8352608

Ah, okay. I wanted to buy some simple things from bodyline to test if I like lolita or not, but it seems almost all of their items are 4+ in/10+cms than my waist. Maybe I'll have more luck on taobao?

>> No.8352617

that's not how it works at all...
that's the same as saying people with bigger feet need more room in their shoes relative to those with small feet.


>> No.8352644

Yes it is. The extra room is spread out of a much larger area if someone has a big circumference, and so they need more wriggle room.

>> No.8352655

It had no tracking, no insurance, and was stuffed in a shopping bag.

I was a dream dress that I had been trying to find for nearly a year, for a fair price.

>> No.8352660

If you mean their measurements are bigger than your waist it'll probably still be fine.

>> No.8352684

Moar please?

>> No.8352686

If you don't think it will be too baggy, I'll go for it. My waist is 58cm while I'm seeing stuff for mostly 74cm. But I guess the dresses will fit my shoulders better.

>> No.8352797
File: 151 KB, 600x800, BLK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking at brands such as Putumayo, Ghost of Harlem and Sheglit (so sad tha BPN went into bankrupcy)
It's hard to tell the loliable pieces from the non loliable ones.
For example this dress.

>> No.8352809

Look for things with some shirring or corset-lacing in the back. Bodyline doesn't really do waist-ties but if you decide you like it and go to brand, those will help you too.

>> No.8352853

Never seen it look right, creepers look even worse than converse for lolita IMO

>> No.8352857

I would wear that, just not for lolita
>Or at least not post pics online

>> No.8352861

Look for ones with corset lacing or shirring. My waist is 64cm and I fit l325 fine,

>> No.8352862

ok with ouji MAYBE. and maybe punk if it's done tastefully

>> No.8352887


i know i've seen tons of girls smaller than me in lolita, but i know brand and indie brands have smaller sizes than bodyline.

>> No.8352893

>I could actually wear lolita outside and not just look well-dressed and normal, but receive comments from randoms.
This too. Especially from older ladies that you can tell are into antiques and artsier stuff. Maybe it's a bit conceited to admit but it feels pretty nice!

>$17 lycra skater dress got on sale from work (originally $60 lol hell no)
>$5 tights
>$60 MelissaxVW 3strap flats
>maybe $20 total jewelry, liberal estimate
So around $100 USD, mostly because of the shoes which I sort of bought for casual lolita anyway.

Definite no imo.

>> No.8352932

Jfc that girl in the BSoL facebook group that had to be literally walked through writing a simple email. TWICE. I'm only in this group for the cringe and man it was heavy in that thread. Not sure how the big sister isn't pulling her hair out.

>> No.8352937

>H&M duffel coat bought in sale for £10 (it's a steal for such a cute coat, but it's acrylic not wool so it's about as warm as a light jacket)
>M&S T-shirt £3 in charity shop
>long-sleeved T-shirt underneath £6 new
>jeans a gift, but bought in a car boot for £2
>socks £1.50
>Converse knockoffs bought for 25 euros on holiday (so like £18?)
>rucksack £10 in some market somewhere
So like £50-ish? $78. My casual wear has a lot of thrifted jeans and gifted items so it's pretty cheap, but what I wear to work is a lot more expensive even though I have a fairly casual workplace.

>Monsoon wool formal long coat £180
>Bank thin cableknit jumper £16 on sale
>cotton shirt £18
>long-sleeved T-shirt worn underneath £6
>River Island black trousers £30 (I would have gone somewhere cheaper but I had a RI voucher)
>socks £1.50
>leather boots £85 with sale and student discount
>handbag £10
>briefcase £20
I wear something of this value pretty much every work day, give or take £10, since I have two pairs of the same trousers, three of those jumpers in different colours, and always wear the same boots and coat. Even not counting the briefcase it's £345, which is $535. Most of my lolita outfits are between £75 and £230.

>> No.8352954

I'm pretty slim and I haven't ever had problems with Bodyline items with shirring and corset lacing. Just check if the dress has them and you should be fine. Some dresses, like l328, just zip up in the back though and they'll probably be baggy.

>> No.8352963

If the S is your size, you can buy the JSK direct from the company still.


>> No.8352970

BPN shows up quite often on CC, so keep an eye out!
>tfw look bad in punk/gothic and it just doesn't suit me
>want to buy all the BPN anyway

>> No.8352979

this would make an awesome overdress in a nonlolita coord if it can't hold poof.

>> No.8352995

I don't know, depends on where I'm going
>Esprit trousers
>Benetton top
>€48 altogether
>Thrifted alpaca cardigan, around €6 from a charity shop
>Orla bag, around €160ish
>Swedish Hasbeens, €76 I think they were
>eBay headband, €1

>> No.8353001

The material looks cheap to me too, but I like some of the things that came with the set, like the tights.

>she also loves to take older items and write RARE in front to justify
I fucking hate it when Lacemarket sellers do that, but she's not the only one doing it.


Live in northern Europe. No hot summers for me.

There are never more than a handful of days a year when just wearing a short-sleeved blouse, short/no wig, socks rather than tights and maybe a hat won't be sufficient, and I don't wear lolita literally every day so I have no problem not wearing it on those days. Thankfully never had a meetup on a super hot day, but I did queue for a con for 3 hours in 27c weather once, that was pretty awful. Sweated like a pig and was really glad I didn't wear brand that day.

This a glass-topped wooden table, or one of those modern tables where the entire top is glass? Because I don't think the latter is classy at all.

>> No.8353005

>Live in northern Europe. No hot summers for me.
Studying here atm, your weather is terrible. Snow in April! Rain in May! It's nice otherwise but damn does it make me depressed. I'm still wearing my winter jacket...

>> No.8353031

Wow. I don't think she read the link at all. Or maybe just can't read...

>> No.8353032

I know she's not the only one doing it but fuck if she doesn't do it the most.

>> No.8353075

I'd seen the other thread before but not read this one, and this was really fascinating. Thanks for sharing. It's interesting that the more OTT clothes came in before the meet up was invented or brands started doing regular tea parties, not after, leaving people with few places to wear the clothes. Also interesting to see the discussion about lolita at work and in public, and them debating the tattoo and piercings issue and sizing. The discussion seems a lot like discussions you see on /cgl/ today.

If you ever find one, please do translate it for us! I'd love to see what people are saying nowadays.

Personally, if I want a daily dress I'll hand-make it or buy it from Taobao or even Bodyline. I don't want to pay brand prices for something so simple, and I expect they don't sell them because the lack of any unique aspect like a print or custom lace results in reduced demand and dresses being easily replicated so they're not so profitable.

I'm with you on both not wanting to ruin items, and suddenly noticing the poor quality in fast fashion brands. A plain lolita dress, even if brand, can usually be machine washed. OTT prints or delicate lace cannot, so I'm scared of wearing them out.

People on /cgl/ always laugh like "how clumsy would you have to be for that to be a real issue?", but I'm either clumsy or unlucky. At the last two picnic meets we had I spilled bits of food on myself - it was a black dress so it wiped off without a mark, but would have left a faints stain on a print. Last time I wore lolita in the house I spilt a cup of tea down me, but again I was lucky to be wearing Bodyline so there were no concerns about prints running. Even a drop of liquid can create quite water spot on silk or something that gets that sort of damage easily.

That weird plastic-looking gauze over the bodice isn't part of the dress, is it? It's a fugly design decision if it is.

>> No.8353102


They posted something a short while ago saying they were closing the group? Like membership I mean.

>> No.8353113

She probably already washed it and the stain didn't come out. Turmeric stains like a bitch. Not saying that to give her the benefit of the doubt, but as a warning to anyone thinking they can buy it and instantly wash the stain out.

That print is really pretty cute, it could probably be modified into a nice lolita skirt with work.

I dunno about in your country, but I guess it depends what they want you to volunteer to do? For all you know they need volunteers for messy tasks, not just reading or whatever, or strangers aren't allowed into the home at all because they don't have the staff to supervise volunteers at all times and don't want someone in to prey on vulnerable elderly people. Does your mum actually know how old folks homes operate, or does she just think it's cute in theory? I work in a thrift store and since I've thrifted a lot of loliable accessories, people are always telling me "Wouldn't it be cute if you volunteer in lolita?!", not realising that I do way too much work in a dusty back room to be practical (and even if I was just on cashier duty, I'd knock shit over with my petticoats).

>The greatest irony is that I actually have a normalfag clothing shopping list 30 items long, but I couldn't find most items in the shops.
How is this possible? What obscure shit do you want that you can't get it anywhere?

I really don't think this is a good idea. I saw someone posting in LFM about this and cringed.

>wanting to look normal
Why are you even here.

I kind of like it being so chilly right now because I hate hot weather and only own two blouses that don't have long sleeves, but I could do without the rain.

>> No.8353122

About the table, well it's not wooden, it's more like the latter, but fancier looking? idk how to describe it other than that without providing pics, but it's not overly plain looking, at least.

>> No.8353130

>How is this possible? What obscure shit do you want that you can't get it anywhere?
Not that anon but at least for me, I'm insanely picky about normalfag clothing. I have to be 100% happy with it, and it can be really difficult to find an item with the perfect cut, material, pattern and colour at once. I don't want to wear unflattering clothes because then I won't wear them as much and they'll just gather dust. The colour has to be flattering and it can be difficult in the spring when everything is white or pastel and you look like arse in those. Then it also has to be a perfect fit (usually my size is out of stock), decent material (I don't buy cheapy knickers or anything with lace because it's scratchy and starts hurting after a while) and so on. It can definitely be a challenge, especially if you live in a country where nothing's available and the p&p fees are terrible if you order from overseas (plus import taxes).

Can't imagine what it's like for people living somewhere in the bog.

>> No.8353144

If you're so worried about the table just put a cloth on it.
Personally I think it's fine if you go for modern elegance (glass ware and all that) over something vintage, overtly feminine or kooky. It gets embarrassing when you're trying to pass off your place as something it's clearly not.

>> No.8353146

oh, that's bad, I mean I wanted to buy dresses secondhand but my country's sales group is full of handmade ita dresses or scalped bodyline. And there's the worldwide group that is a mess too haha.
I guess I will stick with CC and japanese secondhand sites...

>> No.8353148

Lolita Sales in English? I don't see anything about that. Pretty sure they'd pin something like that.

>> No.8353181

is there anyone being added to the group lately anon?

>> No.8353182


I rechecked my email it was just the privacy settings from public to closed! I was just messing things around remembering it please ignore me

>> No.8353191

>it can be difficult in the spring when everything is white or pastel and you look like arse in those
This is my pain. Why so much coral this season.

Simple items are sometimes hard to find. I've needed a waterproof coat for ages, with two main criteria: it has to have a hood (it's amazing how many waterproof jackets don't, what's the fucking point in that), and also be long enough for me to sit down while waiting for public transport in the rain without getting my bum wet. Ideally it should also be decently fitted and not look like utter shit. But for some reason it's really hard to find a long waterproof coat with a hood, rather than a short waterproof coat with a hood or a hoodless PVC trench coat or something. Most either coats are long and hooded but waterproof ones just aren't. In an ideal world I'd have a long thick winter coat with a hood and waterproof coating so I didn't need multiple non-lolita coats, but it seems like that's just too much to ask for.

>> No.8353197

*winter coats not either coats

>> No.8353207

Right? They always seem to fuck it up somehow, especially in low to mid-range fast fashion High Street stores.
>want a grey T-shirt
>nope, have this transparent one
>this one has sequins
>this one has peplum
>that one is made to be loose-fitting and Rick Owensy
Drives me up the wall.

>> No.8353223

Sage for not lolita, but Next are still pretty good for basics like that, although what colour they have varies by season. Matalan too. Primark are shit though: last time I checked they only had scoop-neck 3/4 sleeve "basic" T-shirts. I look on eBay too for basic items (like when I wanted a plaid shirt that wasn't studded or hideously oversized) but it can be hard to find a colour match or guarantee fit and quality.

I still can't find some things. Military shirts were in recently but I couldn't find one I wanted even scouring online. I wanted one with epaulettes, buttons up, a reasonably feminine fit, no studs, and material that wasn't either sheer or super thick and canvas-like.

>> No.8353232

Yooooo I'd be totally down for a lolita pilgrimage...I'll be in Japan in June and half of July

>> No.8353261

current outfit:
I'm the cheapest motherfucker alive and the queen of thrift stores and garage sales
I honnestly can't remember the last time I bought something new in store that wasn't a pair of socks
more money for burando tho

>> No.8353290

I'm >>8352258 and being picky is indeed my problem. Also the fact that if something isn't a current trend, it's fucking hard to find it for a reasonable price. Like leather jackets have been in for A/W for a couple of years, but last year they all had quilted shoulder detailing or studs and this year a lot have pintuck-type details on the sleeves. I just want a fucking plain one but I haven't found a nice basic one for under £120 (and that online, so I can't go and try on the fit to see if it'll fit me right). I'm also slightly more hourglassy than most, so if I want a dress or shirt that's fitted to my body but isn't stretch material I can have a hard time. Last time I was looking for work shirts I went to a big shopping centre and went in 25 different shops, almost all of which had a white shirt in some form or another, without finding one I liked. My stipulations were that it had to fit my body, be able to button up to the neck, have long sleeves, not have any quirky detail like metal studs on the shoulders, and not be see-through or made out of an artificial fibre that would make me sweat. Just a basic office blouse, with either a pointy or a Peter pan collar, but that was fitted enough to look like a blouse not a boxy school shirt. Couldn't find one.

Some of the stuff I want, like combats, is just too out of fashion to find in normalfag shops anyway. Or the colour palette for a season might not match up with not suits me. Like last time I went in Next looking for a basic long-sleeved T-shirt the only ones they had that'd match the 8-10 colours in my wardrobe were black and white. The rest were like, coral red or teal, but I'd wanted rose pink or olive green.

>> No.8353316

Try zalando, their sizing has always been good for me. Just check the measurements for each garment and measure yourself for each one, they'll usually fit.
It's a bit pricier but I order all my basics from there now, better quality than Penneys and a perfect fit every time. also free postage and returns

>> No.8353332

Wtf clobba :( i was wanting an older krad jsk but they've put the price up 70$ this week :(

>> No.8353397

The gauze thing is a part of the dress and I really hope it's removable because it's ugly and ruins the only just waist of the print series.

>> No.8353402

Wasn't Krad one of the brands that was selling to foreigners at a higher price? I'd suspect they raised the price, not Clobba since Clobba has a pretty standard markup.

>> No.8353454

Well that sucks. I liked this print too, I just don't like the babydoll cut much and hate the gauze thing more.

Thanks so much anon! They're based in the UK and do free shipping and returns so this is perfect, I can try out jackets to see if they fit and send them back if they don't. And there's 248 women's leather jackets on the site! Thanks very much!

>> No.8353458

They're based in Germany iirc

>> No.8353462

No problem! Glad to help.
They are, my parcels are always sent from Lübeck

>> No.8353485

Try Antaina and Seasons on taobao. Yesstyle might have more elegant looking shoes, but not necessarily lolita specific.

>> No.8353697

except if it's an 'old jsk' then its no longer in production and all down to Clobba. Also Clobba is in China and probably have some kind of deal with Krad considering they bulk buy so I doubt it's a result of anything but Clobba seeing that the market is for a higher price

>> No.8353795

So buy a white shirt that fits you in the bust and have the waist tailored

>> No.8353856

I only found two cotton long-sleeved shirts, one of which had novelty buttons I'd also have to replace and another of which was designed to be open neck. Seriously. The fit was not the only issue. The other 20 were all polyester or sheer.

I hadn't thought of tailoring before though, so if I see something in the future that I like but isn't my size I'll take it in to get it tailored.

Derp. It had a .co.uk domain not .co.de and prices in pounds when I Googled it, so I assumed too quickly.

Sage for non-lolita.

>> No.8353882

a-anon do you take my hand in marriage?

>why I didnt go check the marchen store in the first place I dont know

>> No.8353912

My current outfit cost about $160. Over half of that is my shoes though once you count the original price + reheeling + resoling them

>> No.8354002

>wanting to look normal
...Where is this anywhere in my post?

>> No.8354018

From what I understood, Krad is just handling their overseals sales through Clobba; Clobba is just the middleman. It's not unheard of for indie brands to have small portions of dead stock after a release has been processed.

>> No.8354051


Not that anon, but

>>I could actually wear lolita outside and not just look well-dressed and normal, but receive comments from randoms.
>This too.

>> No.8354167

I recently bought Funeral Procession Of Rose Aria Blooming In The Twilight JSK II, and love the dress. I plan to wear it with a short-sleeved creamy blouse underneath it. However, my 34B boobs don't quite fit into the dress.

Can anyone recommend a good minimiser bra? I apologize if this is a potato question which has been answered a lot in the past.

>> No.8354335

I do! Seriously though, I'm happy to see more people getting that dress. It's my dream dress too. Just wish they had it left in my size.

>> No.8354411

There's a ton of pictures on the Taobao item page of comparisons, and lots of pictures on the user reviews. You'd have to see it in real life next to the real thing to tell there was any difference, and even then I'm not sure how obvious it would be. I'm kinda bummed.

>> No.8354419
File: 110 KB, 640x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell is wrong with this girl's face?

>> No.8354426

Which one?

>> No.8354435

There's a pretty big difference between 'normal' and 'normal in lolita' given this context, but whatever makes you feel like a special snowflake.

>> No.8354437

is that albinwonderland in the back?

>> No.8354441

That is... a lot of eyelash. Also pretty sure it's a man.

>> No.8354465

Don't be a dick, anon.

>> No.8354490

you tell us this and you dont link us screens, anon please!

>> No.8354579

It was probably a mistake unless it was hideously damaged.
I've seen several typos like that on closetchild (they almost always happen during sales) and even attempted to purchase an item (a Sweets Hexehaus JSK in mint) that was marked at only 700yen. They emailed me and apologized for the mistake and told me the real price, gave me the option to buy it, and when I didn't they relisted it at the correct price.
You cropped out the condition rating but if that's a 1 there, it's probably got a major flaw or damage.

>> No.8354596

I was curious so I went and checked the listing, it was a typo and they've since corrected it (though the item is still showing to be sold out)

>> No.8354598

it is indeed!

>> No.8354602

Looks like it would be named "girly ribbon" or something.

>> No.8354665

I'm sure I probably would've seen scans by now if it happened, but did this month's KERA happen to have anything about Anime Matsuri in it? Or do you guys think next month would be a better bet?

>> No.8354792

New thread >>8354790

>> No.8354871

Krad has their own overseas outlets though (esty, and something else I think, they're expanding more abroad). Clobba is a reseller just like all the others

>> No.8357750

I have some bad news for you