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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 9 KB, 204x200, 2008-06-10-104301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8348786 No.8348786 [Reply] [Original]

CGL Related
>buy a dress from LM
>in the process of moving
>put a forward on my address
>wake up this morning to see it couldn't be delivered
>call the Post Office
>They say it's going to be sent back to seller in Hong Kong
>Demand to speak to a supervisor
>none on duty
>call back later
>get it sorted out
Apparently it was just a new carrier

Non- CGL Related
>sis goes to a birthday party
>rest of family goes out to dinner
>get out of dinner
>9 missed calls
>13 texts
>call her
>she's crying
>two of her friends drowned in the river
>mom's sobbing
>dad's flipping out while driving trying to figure out what's going on
>brother's upset because he doesn't know either
>mom's blubbering
>I'm crying because Mom's crying
It could have been her... I could have lost my only sister tonight. I'm still sobbing, I need to start appreciating her more

>> No.8348852

I'm so glad your sister is safe, Anon. I'm sorry to hear about her friends though. Sending prayers for their families and friends.

>> No.8348853

Thank you so much

>> No.8348891

That's horrible anon. I'm really happy your sister is safe, though. Keep her close and treasure her okay?

>>my own feels
>make friends with a gull through pen pal thread a while back
>he's a really chill dude, we have a lot in common
>talk pretty regularly
>wow we get along really well
>s-shit i think i'm developing a crush
>been making plans to hang out at an upcoming con
>really excited but also really nervous because we accidentally ended up planning on cosplaying a ship
>he's down for cutesy pictures and shit
>do..do i tell him i like him?
>if i do, should i do it before the con? during the con?
>should i just not do anything about it because i don't want to ruin a really awesome friendship?
>these are the questions that keep me up at night

Fuck I feel like I'm in high school again. Uggggh.

>> No.8348910
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> Looking for an old lolita dressup game I used to play back in '09 or '10
> Somehow end up on an XXX video
> Curiously looking through because she has a lot of different outfits
> They're old school and kind of cute, wondering if they're brand or what?
> I get to one of the last scenes
> She's wearing a Cornet OP... one that I have, but instead of pink it's in this adorable powder blue
> Mfw it's fucking beautiful and I'll never be able to look at my OP without thinking of the superior colorway
> Mfw it gets covered in cum at the end
Whatever happened to Cornet anyways?

>> No.8348925

Wait until you have actually met him. He may be completely different than he seems online. Be as rational as possible. If you still like him, then tell him.

>> No.8348964

Someone made a secret about me this week and it was incredibly nice; I just want to say thank you for that, it made me feel really great. These past couple weeks have been so good:

>got dream dress
>been on vacation because I quit awful job
>found out that my new job has better benefits than I though
>people saying such nice things

It's really been great.

However, I really hope I don't let anyone down with this coord. It will be too painfully ironic for people if I do, and I feel like I've been built up to do so well with it that I better fucking do well with it.

>> No.8348973

who are you?

>> No.8348981

>not knowing who Hospitality doll is
>lurk more

>> No.8348984

>Order cosplay online
>"free shipping"
>Hellll yeahhhh
>Excepted arrival date: Between June 22nd and July 22nd
>Need it at the LATEST by the 22nd
>It better fucking get here on time

I know it'll probably come early if anything but, if it doesn't come on time for some reason, I'm gonna hate myself forever

>> No.8348986
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>sewing machine doesnt do straight stitch
>borrow bf's mom's machine
>get one seam done before it starts birdnesting as fuck
>neither of us can figure out whats wrong

I just want to sew my shit nicely

>> No.8348988

I got a couple.

>broke foot
>don't wanna wear lolita with foot cast/boot
>going to meet happening 4 days after I'm supposed to be all better
>this is next week but foot is still pretty much broken
>I don't wanna go to the meet wearing the cast but I also really wanna go to the meet. What do?

And this one.

>go to AP store.
>See other lolitas (not the store staff)
>inmediately intimidated

>> No.8348992

Whenever that's happened to me it's always been a threading/needle issue. I mean, this may sound as dumb as "did you turn it off and then back on", but try just re-threading the whole thing and making sure it catches at every point. Also, less obvious suggestion, but make sure your needle isn't in backwards. I did that once and it haunted me for a month before I figured it out.

>> No.8348996
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>last year
>recently broke up with SO of +5 yrs
>find out randomly old internet friend is coming to a con I usually go to, but because of breakup I just didn't plan on attending
>eh what the heck I'll take a day trip so we can meet IRL
>don't actually meet up with them until 30 minutes before I have to leave
>oh fuck oh shit they are really attractive irl, way more cute then I thought they would be >super charismatic and friendly and outgoing
>naturally I instantly develop a crush

>fast forward to now
>just spent a week together
>went to the same con from last year together
>we either had matching outfits or were cosplaying together the whole time
>last day of con, as we were leaving I surprised them with a gift at the place we first met

I get to see them again soon, too. I'm so happy.

>> No.8349022

I did all that and nothing, even brushed out the dust and oiled it. All I did was turn the fabric around and then it started acting up

>> No.8349031

Make the foot cast super cute, deck it out with bows and stuff and make it part of the coord, I'm sure it can work! Go to the meet and have fun.

>> No.8349034

It's a cute idea but I feel like I'd look so stupid with it. It'd be like a mecha foot.

>> No.8349174

Other anon is right, it's a threading or bobbin tension issue. If you don't get it sorted then it needs a tune up.

>> No.8349199

> wears rocking horse shoes for the first time in months
> what the fuck is balance

>> No.8349228

/a/non here. I don't usually post here. I just lurk reading stalker stories and stuff.

> Go to state convention
> Neighboring hotel is venue for cheerleading convention
> High school sweet heart at cheerleader convention
> Try to avoid her line of sight
> Finds me anyways, but I hid my con pass in time
> Takes me away from con friends
> Spends almost entire day hanging out with her and have a great time
> Her friends start making fun of the anime con, but she defends the con
> We live on completely different worlds
>"What's wrong anon?"
> Excuse myself to the bathroom
> Go back to my bros in open arms
> 1 year later, she got engaged
Bros still have my back

>> No.8349244

>getting ready for a fashion show in a couple weeks
>super excited because my younger sister was going to model for me
>she begged me to do it, and I was so happy that she was interested in lolita
>so excited, she is going to look so beautiful
>my mother and father tell me they want to pay for the day at the con so they can come see the show
>my excitement is through the roof
>they haven't shown any interest in my work for years
>or even acknowledged how important lolita is to me
>finally going to show them that I'm not wasting my time, that I'm legitimately making a living
>mom calls yesterday
>"Sorry anon, your sister's first horse show of the season is that day so she can't model for you and I can't come. She's already missing one show so we can go on vacation."
>tell her it's fine
But I've actually been bawling my eyes out like a pathetic child. I love my sister so much, and I know it's not her fault, but it kills me that she's so close with my mother and my mother spends so much time and money on her, and I'm not a priority in the slightest. She has horse shows every weekend all summer, and it's not as if she's penalized for missing one. I mean, she can miss it for the beach, though, of course. It's like she could care less about how much I need her support. My stepbrother and his wife had a baby a few months ago, they live further away from my mother than I do, yet she spends so much time driving up there to visit that stupid baby. I know it's no the baby's fault either, but I just hate it. She literally drives past my town every time she goes up, but I'll be lucky if she calls me when she's five minutes from my town and offers to visit as an afterthought, even though it's obviously last minute and I wouldn't be able to. In the past year she's come to visit once. I drive to my hometown when I can afford it but fuck, gas is expensive. There's a lot more to it than this, but I'm keeping it /cgl/. I just wanted someone to talk to who isn't involved in my family.

>> No.8349298
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Not true! You can make it cute.

>> No.8349735

oh man i stopped paying attention to dream dress threads, congrats on finally getting it anon

>> No.8349744

goddamn anon your mom is a bitch.

hopefully when your sister is older and away from her you can reconnect.

>> No.8350137

I'm fucking so sick of it
going through taobao threads, any thread that has to do with clothing people get to order pretty shoes, gorgeous bras, one size clothing, and tights that don't work for girls that are 5'4 and up.
I am fucking sick of it. I love Jfashion in general and I love ordering from taobao but girls get to order all this shit. But me? NOPE I have a size US 11 foot (so 11 inches), I have DDD tits, and I'm 5'6. I can't fucking fit anything I live and factors like height and foot size I cannot change and my boobs aren't going to get smaller without a reduction. I want to be pretty too, I want to wear cute shoes too. Fuck you girls that get to, fuck the 5'3 and under girls, fuck the girls with size 8 and under feet, fuck the girls that get to wear those beautiful bra and underwear sets because your tits are size A or B.
The most weight I could lose is 15 lbs and that's not going to fucking help this much

>> No.8350152

AND FUCK the girls who get to wear those cute blouses including lolita shit, my tits just make it look like I'm fucking fat when I try to buy and wear kawaii shit. I just want to be able to wear pretty clothing I like, and I fucking cant and I never will look good in it.
NOT TO MENTION how America stores have shitty styled clothing that's for small tittied girls too (EVERY TEEN STORE and I'm eightTEEN)

EVEN OBESE WOMEN can get cuter outfits than me because they probably have smaller feet than a size fucking 11.

>> No.8350160
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> youll never be a Kawaii onna no ko>>8350137

>> No.8350168

Girls get to make orders like these
and I can't ever get it. I am so unfortunate as a girl, I have nothing going for me and my stretchmarks will agree with me on that one

>> No.8350170

Yeah because I get to have feet that are bigger than my boyfriends and my boyfriend is only 1 cm taller than me, I am also 10 lbs heavier than him
Please kill me

>> No.8350191


DDD's don't mean anything without band size. Make sure you're wearing the right bra size. VS doesn't count, since they abuse the sister size system to sell shit. Go to Nordstrom and have the fitters there help you find your true size. A properly fitting bra will not just make your clothes look better, but will make you feel better. Have you ever gone home and NOT immediately pulled off your bra to relax? That's how comfortable a well-fitted bra can be.

I'm 5'7" height, 30D bra size, and US size 10 feet. Taboao tights and tights sold in Japan are generally too short for me. I prefer Sock Dreams for their variety and online filtering system.

>> No.8350193

joining, I hate being 5'10 because no blouse fits my orangutan arms
no cute casual clothes from taobao because the dresses fit like tops

Even fat girls get special sizing, if you're tall you're fucked

>> No.8350196

34 DDD
sock dreams is fucking pricy
I have to be broke because of shitty DNA if I want nice things vs girls who just get whatever they want for a lot cheaper and spend a lot less time searching
I guess asian girls NEVER grow past 5'2 according to taobao

>> No.8350198

>whine whine whine muh first world problems whiiiiiiiine

Cry moar.

>> No.8350200

Of course you can say that, small-chan. You can fucking do any fashion you want.
Fuck you

>> No.8350202

>custom dresses
>custom shoes

>> No.8350203

Do you know which thread you're on anon?

>> No.8350206

we're in this together, anon.

>> No.8350209

>how dare this luxury hobby cost me MONEY so things can fit me right those other girls don't have to pay ANYTHING oh wait

>> No.8350214

>Go to huge mall to shop for swimwear/bikini
>Go through every store none have a bikini that will fit my breasts, string bikinis that tie around your neck dont work unless you want neck pains
>NOTHING BUT Halter tops or wiring/support for girls that have small to medium boobs
>It's okay I'll just order from Taobao and ebay
>order a bikini wait for it
>get it, surprise it doesn't fucking fit despite the size measurements shown
>so I order a size up
>surprise again still doesnt fit
>search up "plus size" bikinis even though I'm not plus sized, chubby at best
>find a simple one, order it
>get it
>guess what?
>Doesn't fucking fit
>order another in a size up
>Still doesn't fit
>try taobao
>order a monokini that is crochet, girl in picture has big boobs, check measurements of course
>get it, too much underboobage
I hate summer

It gets to cost them 3x less money and time. and that's IF *IF* you find it in custom sizing or in your size, which might not happen, not everywhere offers that

>> No.8350221

>Couldn't find kawaii swimwear in my size

>> No.8350230
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>Need a bra that fits because VS sucks
>Go to Kohls
>HUGE bra section
>look through all of it
>None go past DD, barely any DD cups
>my "sister size" band is too fucking big
>be me be banned from Amazon, go on Ebay
>Ebay has some bras for DDD but they're not as pretty and glamours as the ones that are for smaller sizes
>only has 1-2 pushup bras that are nice too
>order one
>get it
>uncomfy as fuck
>mfw my back hurts daily

>> No.8350232

I'm short as fuck compared to everyone else my age (late 20's, barely 5'1) with huge tits and 8.5 wide width (by US measurements) feet. guess what, I have to search for shit too, even if I'm fucking short. shoes almost never fit perfectly, no matter how close in size my feet are to Japanese measurements. the closest I found thus far shoe size wise was 24.0 cm and even those aren't perfect, even when most claim 24.5 should fit a US 8.5 (they don't, from my experience, they're too large while 24.0 is tighter). most smaller brand dresses won't fit me because of my large tits, even if I'm of an average weight for my height. i did my fucking research, though, and i eventually found things that worked for me. if you actually put in time and effort, you'd find shit, too. and don't whine about MUH DNA because how DARE you have to put in time and effort unlike THOSE SMALL-CHANS.

>the solution? get custom everything. it'll fit you a lot better and you'll still look great.

you may not be able to fit some brand but sometimes we just have to fucking deal with it. i likely can't fit into some of my favorite brand dresses either because of my large tits. am i wasting my time crying about it on 4chan while simultaneously cursing girls that are only just slightly smaller than me? fuck no.

>> No.8350241

>Winter time, a few months ago
>need leggings because I want to be warm in dresses or skirts
>go to legging store I found in America
>leggings dont fit my height
>Not even THAT tall again being 5'6
>I'll never get to wear those cute patterned winter leggings that are cheap
>tried buying them online as well

>> No.8350246

>depressed, obsessed with lolita
>started medication for depression
>things start to seem better!
>was not rehired for job
>depression relapse!
>enter quarter life crisis!
>start anxiety meds!
>increase dosage of antidepressants!
>after a few weeks I finally start to feel better

Now that I'm finally done grieving the past, I'm looking forward. And I'm finding that I'm getting somewhat bored with lolita. I don't want to sell my wardrobe off or anything, and I still plan to wear it with friends, but now I've abandoned the search for my dream dress for the time being and am getting an ouji order together for taobao.

I don't know the reasoning behind it, if it's like a psychological symbol for my past self that I want to leave behind or if it's simply just wanting to try new things now that I am not in the prison of my mind. All I know is I'm glad to be excited about things again.

>> No.8350247

The problem is not everything has custom sizing, and most things I like DON'T have it

>> No.8350248

Chill, girl. Antaina does custom sized shoes. I know because I wear 8.5, and that's apparently plus-sized in China? Actually, a lot of Taobao shops do custom sizing. I have 32DDDs and I can still manage to find dresses and blouses on Taobao that fit me. I've heard sports bras are good at reducing bust size, but I've never tried it myself.

It sucks when there's something cute and it doesn't come in your size, but don't just give up. Then you will never be kawaii.

>> No.8350251

>tfw 6ft
>tfw long torso
>tfw no cute lolita OPs for me

I would be lying if I didn't admit that I'm jelly as fuck of short petite girls that can fit into all the cute shit you find online and especially at taobao.

>get a huge tear in my summer/spring jacket
>need a new one
>can't find anything with long enough sleeves


>> No.8350255

And that's when you have to learn to FUCKING DEAL WITH IT, like everyone else who can't fit into everything does.

>> No.8350256

If you have links to share, go ahead.
At least with your foot size you can definitely find shoes you like basically in any store (In America at least)

>> No.8350258

Belk carries larger cup sizes, if there's one in your area. Most of them are pretty plain, but at least they fit.

>> No.8350263

>8.5 here

>tfw you can go through 5+ stores in a day and not find a single pair that fucking fits right
>tfw has done so and it definitely wasn't that fucking easy to find shit

>> No.8350269

Not one near me

>> No.8350270

Dillards has large cup sizes. I wear a 32G. You may not be able to find a bunch of cute shit, but let me tell you a basic t shirt bra that *actually fits* your cup size is way cuter and gives more confidence than "sexy lingerie".

Also, check out figleaves.com I've never ordered from them, but they have a lot of stuff for larger cup sizes.

>> No.8350277

List of Taobao lolita shops that do custom sizing (copied from gorgeouspluslolita's tumblr)"
69th Department
Akane and Alois
Classical Puppets
Dear Celine
Ichigo 15
Last Country
Miss Point
Momo and Jia Baby
Rose Melody
Souffle Song
Surface Spell Gothic (please note that their sister shop, Surface Spell, does NOT offer custom sizing)
White Moon

I personally have ordered an OP from Rose Melody custom sized, and it fits well.

>> No.8350281

S-source anon?

>> No.8350284

really, >>8350137 has no excuse.
there's a bunch of them in this list and if their taste is so picky they can't get anything from any of these shops, then that's their own fault.

>> No.8350291

Unfortunate. I remember having so much trouble bra-shopping before I found it. I went through so many stores before finding the only goddamned one in the area that carried my size. I even tried Lane Bryant, because it's a plus sized store, so it will carry larger cup sizes, right? No luck there, because it didn't carry anything smaller than a 36 band size. Too big for regular stores, too small for plus-sized stores

>> No.8350292

>usually cosplay stoic/bitchy/manface characters
>find a mahou shoujo I like and really wanna cosplay
>decide to do it even though I'm pretty sure I'll look like garbage because fuck the police, I like the costume
>turns out wig style flatters my face really well, costume turns out pretty well, I look super kawaii, have a lot of fun posing and get some great photos

>> No.8350294

>tfw 5'5" and never have any problems fitting into Taobao tights

>> No.8350306

You might have shorter legs that that anon, or that anon just has long legs?

>> No.8350317

Eh, I'm 8.5 and don't usually have trouble finding shoes in the US. Even if there's no 8.5, sometimes 9 fits okay. But my shoes outside of lolita aren't that fancy. My only trouble is my feet seem to be thinner than average, so sometimes I have to lace my shoes up really tight.

>> No.8350319

maybe you're lucky, then, because I was about ready to cry not finding anything in the 5+ (LARGE) stores we looked at. I swear I was giving up on looking at shoes I actually liked and instead trying on every pair of 8.5 in the store and they still didn't fit.

>> No.8350330
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>bid on one of my dream bags as a graduation gift to myself off mbok last week
>was really lucky since I missed out on the same bag a few weeks ago
>surprised that I saw it again so soon
>use Japonica because they're reliable
>hoping to get my package before this saturday because I'm moving out of my apartment complex
>six states away
>they shipped my package only two days ago
>won it on the 19th
>says outward dispatch on the tracking
>tfw majorly nervous that I'm going to have trouble receiving my package especially since I have to submit a change of address soon

It's not like I'm moving a couple hours away either. It would be a 12 hour drive back...
I'm going to let my apartment office know.

>> No.8350334

Are you in the US? That's really weird to me. Maybe you have wide feet? And is anything above 5 really considered large? I can't think of anybody I know that wears anything that small...

Maybe people in the South just have big feet.

>> No.8350344
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>tfw lurking here since 2007
>tfw still too poor to afford lolita fashion
>tfw getting kind of old for the fashion
>tfw no longer a tiny teen and just perfect for ott sweet

>> No.8350353

Save your money (assuming your living expenses are all covered). You're never too old to do what you love.

>> No.8350362

>Con is only a couple of weeks away
>I'm super hype for the con but my motivation for cosplaying is going up and down

>> No.8350365

same boat, anon
let us mope together

>> No.8350374

i think anon meant she searched through more than 5 large stores.

nowhere in the US is a size 5 foot "large," that's close to children's sizes.

protip: if something you read doesn't make sense, there's a good chance you misread. misunderstandings are the foundation of sitcoms for a reason.

>> No.8350376

I just have the full weight of my family's expenses on my shoulders. I can afford a new pair of shoes once a year and I just can't imagine a time when I will be in the position to live such an extravagant life like that.

My family would never understand and even if I did it anyway, I would feel terrible for the kids on whom I could and should spend the extra money to treat to something special. I can't show up in a pretty dress and see the looks of awe and envy on the little girls in the family who want their own dreams to come true.

I'm just going to try to work really hard so that by the next generation, we're in a better position to help ourselves. Anyway, I have gotten into sewing and I have made a few dresses for the girls. I'll try to save for a decent fabric for my first loli dress, I just don't think I'll ever be able to be the kind of loli I am in my dreams.

Thank you for the support, though, anon. You're very sweet.

>> No.8350383

lol, oops. I was wondering if she was from somewhere that used a different shoe size system or something. My bad. I can't even see size 8.5 as very big, though. I've got multiple friends that wear 10s or 11s... They do have trouble finding shoes, though.

>> No.8350390

when you're old and graying, make lolita dresses for yourself and rock them, anon. be the kawaiiest motherfucking grandma ever. i'm rooting for you!

>> No.8350391

Ah, I never considered having a family to take care of. Sorry. You do what you have to. But don't feel bad to treat yourself once in a while, if you can. You deserve happiness, too. You can still be a cute lolita in handmade dresses. Ganbatte yo~

>> No.8350395

Wow anon...you are a truly beautiful person... What style of lolita do you like the best? And are you more old school,ott,...?

>> No.8350403

man, I'd love a kawaii grandma. we could fawn over prints together, and maybe she could help me sew cute things.

>> No.8350412
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You too anon?

>> No.8350420

not cgl related but

>i have a crush on my best friend of 4 years
>so does literally every one of her friends
>so far she's rejected all but one of them and those two dated twice but friend admits she still has feelings for her but she won't act on them again
>worth mentioning at this point that all of my friends and i are bisexual girls (except one, who's a bi dude)
>here comes the real kicker
>people on tumblr think we're dating
>people in social circles think we're dating
>family think we're dating
>we even act like a couple and have matching shit and have organised to go to disneyworld

>tfw when she says she had a crush on me a year ago
>when i had a crush on her
>but wasn't yet out
>tfw i can't ask her out in fear of rejection

>> No.8350433
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I totally aspire to do that! I want to make lovely dresses for everyone in the neighborhood. I really look forward to being a sweet little old lady. I spend a lot of time knitting while at my second job and I make hats and sweaters for everyone already.

I'm going to rock some lovely garments and not give a single care about how it seems to anyone else. Grandmas around here demand some serious respect, I can't imagine anyone would ever think twice about accepting that I'll do what I want after working my whole life for the prosperity of our family. I can't wait. :)

I figure I'll treat myself to quality fabric and then a few decent quality essentials. I have had to give up my savings before and had to drop out of school (death in the family) but I can save up again. I'm working on it, slowly but surely.

And thank you, I will.

I really appreciate how kind you girls are being. Despite all the drama here, whenever I do post, I come away with a smile on my face.

I really love classic and sweet. I always wanted to do ott sweet when I was younger, but now I am loving classic more and more, and old school has just become so special in my heart that I get all teared up when I go through my folder. I have always had an incredible appreciation for sailor coords. I could live and die in navy and white. I've gone through so many phases in what I love and admire the most. I guess I've never let myself dream too big, but before he died, my grandpa saw me looking at pic related and he told me that he'd give his life to see me wearing it.

Now when I look at it, my heart breaks. I guess it became my ultimate dream dress the first time I saw it again after he had died. It's a good memory though, because he really wanted me to be happy and he made me the happiest. He always accepted me just the way I am. I'm a very lucky girl.

>> No.8350434

Yeah I've been doing cosplay since I was like a freshman in high school. I'm in my third year of uni now and my friends decided to get into cosplay like 2 years ago.

Now they're all entitled attention whores who treat me like shit over my cosplay due to jealously and say stuff like "wow luck must really be on your side for you to churn out decent looking cosplays all the time" and it just ruins my mood all the time. I get so sad. They get so salty over what I'm able to do, but they don't know all the trials and errors I went through to get to this level. I worked hard and failed SO MANY TIMES but they're so scorned by this.

I cosplayed for the fun and friendship. Nowadays everyone is too focused on having their pics taken that no one has the time to stop and chat. Haven't made many friends through cosplay like I used to and it sucks.

I've been attending cons alone because I don't tell my friends anymore. They get so unpleasant with their attention entitlement and I just want to enjoy my weeb shit and meet other fans.

>> No.8350445

do it faggot

no really, you've liked her this long. I doubt it's gonna go away without some sort of closure. not asking will have the same result as being rejected, so you may as well give yourself the chance.

you could also play coy and start asking whether she still has a crush on you. play it off as teasing if you get a definite no.

>> No.8350451

i would but i fear it ruining our friendship in the end. one of the reasons we're so close is because she knows about everyone else's crushes even if they haven't asked her out and we have a thing for bitching about people without them knowing because we are c u n t b a g s.

i still want that kind of closeness with her because everyone else puts her on a pedestal and will favour her over everyone else regardless and if it wasn't for her i'd have killed myself by now (as in, she's talked me out of suicide).

>> No.8350455

>tfw might finally get a job again
>tfw might be able to start going to cons again

Now to find someone to go with me or else it's going to be lonely for me.

non cgl related

>try to find a discussion spot/community for people with aspergers
>tfw all that circlejerking
>tfw so many seem more socially impaired and it makes you wonder if you even have it
>tfw all these depressing 'facts' and 'stats' on how people with aspergers are less likely to get married and have a good life

Bonus points for a good chunk of them having a thin skin, or not even trying to be emphatic with others.

>> No.8350475

I was in a really similar situation anon. And "a year ago" might mean now. I told my best friend that I "used to" have a really big crush on her. I still did. I finally stopped being a pussy after that, and we've been dating for years npw.

>> No.8350511

we've been through the whole "oh, you had a crush on me? i had a crush on you too!" spiel and we typically just laugh it off.

she just makes me happy, idk. i trust her more than anyone and i don't want to fuck things up.

>> No.8350514

She told you she liked you before, which makes it seem like she still likes you. Try being indirect and ambiguous about it if you're scared. Chances are, nothing will happen if you don't make a move at all.

>> No.8350524

Cut them off, you dont need their shit if theyre going to act like that over your hard work, you'll find new friends who have more in common and will appreciate you

>> No.8350560

I want to leave my comm, I'm really tired and fed up with people wanting to be better than others and wanting to take a position of superiority. Lone Lolita life here I come.

>> No.8350565

we're going on a two day theme park holiday for my birthday in a month. i'm tempted to ask her then but worried that if she says no it will ruin everything.

i could either ask at the end of the first day so we can be an actual cute couple on day two but risk ruining the second day if not or at the end of the second day so it's not completely fucked if it's a no. what do you guys think?

i know she lurks on /lgbt and sometimes on /cgl. here's to hoping she doesn't find this.

>> No.8350587

Oh wow it must suck so hard to not be able to find clothes for your ~luxury hobbies~ how awful when compared to the fact that short people can't find trousers appropriate for work anywhere, and have to get them tailored to fit every time. Not being able to do your hobbies is so much worse than not being able to get along in every day life like everyone else. /sarcasm.

>> No.8350592
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>> No.8350595

Thanks anon. You're absolutely right.

>> No.8350610
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I know those frustrations anon (5'7, 9.5 shoe size, 30H bra size and i hate my stupid cowtits so much) and it sucks when it's not something you can change. You just have to know your body and be smart about knowing what will and won't fit and what cuts will and won't look good.
For bras, invest in some unlined bras. With no padding they'll help you fit into stuff and kind of squish you down, but you won't get uniboob or boobloaf like you would with a sports bra. Look for stores that sell "full bust" sizes. If you're willing to spend a lot of money, you can get bras that are just as pretty as the itty bitty titty committee's. Other anons have mentioned Antaina and Seasons and other taobao stores that do custom shoe sizes, another option is western shoe stores. I've heard that brand shoes fucking suck anyway and bodyline just jacked up all their prices, so we're better off without it all. Check out Modcloth and Asos for shoes and tights. As far as height goes, you're fine for lolita (esp with the longer cuts of things that are trending) and mori, and for gyaru or himekaji? shit, you've got them legs already that a lot of girls are trying to emphasize. Hell, for most j-fash and general kawaii shit being tall and showing a lot of leg is the goal
>tl;dr your body is fine just calm down and be smart about shopping

>> No.8350617

Not even bait. Normal/tall people already have 99% of clothes and shoes to choose from. How fucking salty do you have to be to get so mad because you can't pull of one niche fashion when you already have everything else catered specifically towards you? It's not enough to have almost everything, you have to have actually everything.

>> No.8350628

check out ASOS, you can shop by your bra size and they have cute prints
also, full bust swimwear brands
>miss mandalay

>> No.8350663

>check out ASOS lingerie
>find bras and thongs labeled "lolita"


>> No.8350937
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Yeah man, it's my first time at this con, and I'm thinking; yeah I'm gonna cosplay,have fun, buy all the weeb shit and take lots of pics but at the same time its gonna be hot as fuck so I hope my makeup doesn't melt off and I'm cosplaying a somewhat popular character so I'm hoping I'm not the shittiest one there

Yeah you should really ditch them and get yourself some fun weeb friends, I wish you the best anon!

>> No.8350952

Can't link to porn on blue boards, sorry anon. :(

>> No.8351011

When I was looking for fucking Hospitality Doll I found that someone had the white blouse and skirt set and was definitely using it as a costume in porn (found some photos from it). It didn't bother me super hard, because it's theirs so whatever, but deep down I was just like, oh man... I want and don't want that. My dreams are covered in bodily fluids.

>> No.8351014

Oops, I meant that for >>8348910

>> No.8351037
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cgl feels

>went to a party wearing non-print burando ages ago and and got drunk outta my mind

>decided to wear the same non-print burando again
>vaguely recall spilling something on it
>GIANT brown stain on the front

>flashbacks to drunk me thinking its a good idea to eat spaghetti and thinking I've washed out the stain and stuffing it back in the closet like nothing was wrong after I came back home

>its been stained for over a year and I've just now noticed since the stained part wasn't visible from the closet

shit is it ruined forever?? what the fuck do I do
Non cgl feels

>boyfriend wont stop biting his fucking nails
>wont make any effort to stop
>I tell him this is the most annoying thing in the world (I wasn't nice about it since ite been going on since morning and still going on as I'm typing) and he tells me "well you posting on 4chan is annoying but you're not going to stop"

Jesus why do so many dudes bite their nails make it fucking stop I'd rather he have gross overgrown nails then him chewing them off and spitting them in the general direction of the trashcan

>> No.8351039

I remember seeing videos of this one crossdresser whose entire schtick was jerking off in brand. I try to keep an open mind about these things, but it still hurts a little inside when I see someone splooging right on Twinkle Mermaid's print.

>> No.8351047

not a relationship expert so break up with that greasy slob

>> No.8351048

What an annoying little brat

>> No.8351337

>small but versatile wardrobe
>very cohesive
>cohesive to a fault
>same cuts over and over again
>same fabric types over and over again
>same details over and over again
>same colours over and over again
>same fucking goddamn brand over and over again
>every coord looks exactly the same

I love my wardrobe but sometimes I just want to burn everything and start over.

>> No.8351375 [DELETED] 
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Smuggle dakimakura everyday

>> No.8351548

>last con I'll be going to in a long while is in about a month
>really want to cosplay
>lost all interest in most cosplay ideas and really put off by the ones in my list
>wanting to go retro/just do a nostalgia cosplay
>can't find anything that interests me

It's been such a struggle. I was even contemplating the fucking antagonist from Blue Seed but I ended up not liking the design as much as I remembered. I just really want a fun, semi-easymode cosplay of something I used to love.

>> No.8351552

>be 5'10
>size 10.5 shoes
>small tits though
>can wear tights, shoes etc
poor bby.

>> No.8351555

I used to bite my nails, and had a lot of other oral fixation habits.
Either get the man a pack of gum or a giant dildo, since he's being such a pussy about it.

>> No.8351559

Floral notebook.
>nuff said

>> No.8351562
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I'm sure you'll do fine, I'll be doing a very heavy cosplay with full faced makeup so I'm in the same boat as you. I bet you'll look really nice

>> No.8351569

wow.. im sorry...
>am 5", 116lbs, size 6 shoe, 34c... lol

>> No.8351612

Isn't 116 kinda fat for 5" tho? I'm about 115 and 5"6...

>> No.8351626
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ahh thank you anon, good to know I'm not alone
Good luck with your cosplay as well!

>> No.8351629

I've ordered custom from Momo and Iia Baby and was very pleased.
I'm tall fat and smaller chest for refrence

>> No.8351635

Some annoying person that's been spamming the dream dress threads for the past couple of months

>> No.8351653

bitch relax, it's not fat at all. I'm your height and I weigh almost 20 pounds more that you and I am not considered fat. Well, maybe by cgl's standards I would be

>> No.8351659

not really.. i was fat for my height 100 lbs ago... yes, i lost 100 lbs... so please :P

>> No.8351770

goddamn i just sold my house two months ago, and the water bill came in today
>only 10 days of it are when the property was still owned by me
>email lawyer telling them it should have already been adjusted in the settlement (and it's apparently been adjusted on the settlement summary)
>lawyer thinks i'm the buyer not the seller, even after "looking" at the settlement summary
what the shit, did he think that i was the buyer the whole time? was the transfer process even done correctly?

lolita related
>buy my ultimate dream print, not in preferred cut
>also buy 5 other dresses i've liked and wanted since i got into the fashion a year ago
>can't stop spending because all of a sudden all the dresses i want start popping up for good prices
>tfw spending money is drying up way faster than i anticipated

>am desperate for something that only ships to the US
>contact someone but they only accept gift payments on paypal
let's see if i get scammed out of $100

>> No.8351800

>at Fanime
>start talking to adorable cosplayer of obscure BBC show
>sadly my conversational skills have flown away
>"haha well seeya around"
>realize I didn't even offer to add them anywhere

>> No.8351869
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> went to hairstylist the other day to trim my bangs
> I've been a regular customer of hers for a year, but this is the first time I'm going to a hairstylist in general just to trim my bangs and not all of my hair
> cuts my bangs and asks me how they look after
> something isn't quite right, but I still tell her it's fine
> wake up next morning
> they're uneven, too short, and too choppy in general
> on a scale of bad to Misako it's "rice bowl cut that every Asian person has had at some point in their childhood" bad

I'm kinda freaking out right now since ILD is less than two weeks away and a local con I'm going to is at the end of this week. Idk if it'll grow out fine by then. Maybe I should play it safe and try to side sweep it???

>> No.8351873

And by "bad to Misako", I mean that Misako is supposed to represent god tier when it comes to bangs.

>> No.8351878
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i only like her bangs like this
otherwise theyre too damn thick/heavy/long

>> No.8351891

I always have a safety pair of clip on bangs when this happens.. Or a wig. Always have had trust issues with hairdressers. Never trust them. Ever.

>> No.8351897

Is that weight loss anon still here? I wanted to be your buddy but the thread got deleted before I saved your email ;_;

>> No.8352073

>tries to join comm on facebook
>check page a little later
>"This content is currently unavailable"

I guess I've been rejected and blocked...

>> No.8352086

same happened to me, no one told me why.

>> No.8352104

My grandma is the only one who gets excited when I have a new dress. She likes to go shopping with me and bought me a lovely pair of oxfords/brogues in Camden to go with all my classic/gothic shit. She tried to get my mother into a custom sailor OP when she was 9, but mother is a tomboy.

>> No.8352123


5ft 127 and not fat. You must literally have no fat or muscle

>> No.8352248

It seems like weight can really fluctuate for smaller heights. I'm under 5ft and 90lbs, I've got a small frame. When people look at me they say I look tall or regular height unless I'm standing next to someone. But then there's people who look like they were meant to be taller, so they weigh more and have more hips / butts / boobs.

>> No.8352276

>have plans to go to museums and lunch with friend
>hour before I'm supposed to leave, friend cancels and says she doesn't wants be friends anymore
>mom takes me out to cheer me up
> decide to dress up in favorite Mary Magdalene dress
>get tons of compliments from strangers
>people ask to take pictures with me
>everything's coming up milhouse

My day completely turned around, it was amazing.

>> No.8352291

>hour before I'm supposed to leave, friend cancels and says she doesn't wants be friends anymore

The hell, did you kill her cat or something?

>> No.8352322

I think I did stunt my growth when I was anorexic/bulimic and was meant to be a few inches taller (even then I was thin looking but NEVER under 100lbs) I do just have a bottom-heavy pear frame and am naturally muscular which was taken into account at diagnosis. My butt/hips are 38-40 inches and thighs 23 inches (same size as my waist) but most people have always describe me as 'tiny' when I am clearly much heavier than them. My weight has been everywhere between 102-130lbs since puberty. It's like everything is more... Compacted in this 5ft frame? I am still perplexed by the weight of some of these taller girls in these threads though.

>> No.8352325


>> No.8352348

She's kind of an unpredictable person. She probably is upset that I hang out with people she doesn't like.

It was upsetting for an hour or so, but into the trash she goes. I have better friends.

>> No.8352366

Second day, just to be safe

>> No.8352371

>tfw a friend claims to never go on cgl
>but you see posts that are typed like they'd write them
>and information/jokes they've made to you in person
>in the fandom threads you know they're into

>> No.8352375

aw, anon, my mom is the same way. i feel for you.

>> No.8352525

Maybe play a bit with accessories to begin with? Try introducing new colors to your wardrobe via accessories and slowly start adding pieces with said colors and different cuts and fabrics. Accessories are usually 'inexpensive', so I'd personally experiement with them in the first place and then start adding new pieces that could work with my current wardrobe and with which the accessories could work with.
Or just simple buy a piece that is completely different from anything you own and play with it. Try making it fit into more basic pieces of you wardrobe and then work it from there.
Sorry for shit/confusing english

>> No.8352540

Same here, anon. Except I've been losing interest in doing cosplay in general. I'm considering putting all my cosplay plans aside and just diving into cosplaying my first animu crush, from back in my happy weeb days. Lots of nostalgia. I was hoping it'd pull my love for cosplay back up, since it's a character I crushed on for long and is associated with a really fun time of my life.
Maybe you could try picking up the series you loved when you were younger or that brings you good memories and watch a few episodes to get all the nice feelings flooding your chest and then make a decision?

>> No.8352556

>my birthday last night
>chick i barely know wants to tag along with my best friend and I
>Friend and i walking over beautiful bridge at night
>chick we barely know shoves us into river/white water
>in rush of water water, grab closest hard thing i can find
>force my way to the shore
>walk downstream towards closest police station
>see my best friend's body
>nothing i can do, it's cold
>approach nearest town
>pass post office to see an ITA yelling a postal employee
>search for that girl that killed my best friend....going to kill her family and everyone close to her as she watches

>> No.8352610
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>want to post in friend thread that was up since for some reason it wasn't deleted
>remember I'm way too anxious to message first
>am male so no one messages me first
>see trolling about such things all over the thread
>don't want to try anymore

I can't upkeep friendships anyway. At this rate I'll never have a lolita buddy to go to meetups with...

>> No.8352659

Idk if it was me your talking about but I was one of the weight loss anions from last thread.

>> No.8352666

That gives you a BMI of 18.6. Under 18.5 is underweight. You're just really thin.

>> No.8352700

> get BTSSB stained glass jsk a year ago
> ultimate dream dress, excited to wear it
>I have nothing to match since my closet is entirely sweet/otome
> only wore it out once
I know I should just get some more things to match but fuck, I want everything to look perfect for it...

slightly less cgl feels:
>5ft 7, 125lbs but still feel like an Amazonian since I'm too big for everything

Blouses and tops in general are too short, AP is ass-length, tights and socks fall down.
I just look at my petite friends and cry. I wore otome to Japanese class once and my professor said in a surprised tone "Wow, do Japanese clothing fit you?"
Bad feels.

>> No.8352707

>still haven't gotten a tracking number for my dress
>want to wear it in 2 weeks at meet-up
>it might not make it in time
>oh well

>> No.8352735


revealing sex and age would flag me as a creeper, and anyway in my experience most people too much younger than me are not at the right life stage for me to identify with outside of shared interests. so i do not bother posting in those threads, and hope to meet friends IRL with similar interests eventually.

>tfw making friends gets more and more difficult the older you are
>tfw a man interested in jfash is too weird for normalfags as well as other people into jfash
>gonna wear my brand to cons and shit anyway

>> No.8352781

Try having a 26E. I have to go up to 28DD because 26 bands aren't even made. Can't buy bras in store anywhere. Can't buy swimsuits. Can't buy anything with a cup size in it.

>> No.8352829

Thanks anons. It makes me want to stop doing all these things so I can be more normal for her...like, if I start shopping at normal stores and listening to country music and sewing Vera Bradley-esque bags and never have any opinions, maybe she'll finally want to go shopping with me or come visit me... I hold on very dearly to you fellow strange people, /cgl/ reminds me to keep my identity.

>> No.8352837
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>dream dress in favorite cut/colourway getting sold for good price on LM
>Not paid until the 6th
>bidding ends on 31st
>close to buy it now price
>will probably get sold before able to buy
>you will be mine one day, my sweet angel of music

>> No.8352899

Fuck you, lucky bitch.
that anon wasn't me.
So what? I have to bitch somewhere about not wearing the cute clothes I like
It's VERY pricy but I've checked around there (ASOS) I'll check those other 3 they look really cute so far
Yeah I wish it was like a fucked up nose or something I could change as to height or foot size. I would say shoes and bra's are my biggest problem to find and then cute things that fit only flat chested girls get me heated because I want to look kawaii damn it

>> No.8352921

Yeah. I've been going through different series I used to love and looking through those for inspiration.

Some are from that terrible late 90s-early 2000s gravity defying poof uniforms era where no one could pull it off irl, which is making life easier at least, lol

>> No.8352987
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>saving for my dream dress rerelease
>so ma I missed it the first time. Determined not to lose it again.
>lost track of $100 somehow
>"that's okay! Someone wants to buy this old cosplay I don't want anymore. "
>buyer suddenly flakes when I describe how I'd like to send an invoice.
>I just woke up. Mad as hell. Half asleep.

I don't save money for anything and then when I do, this shit happens. I'm fucking livid. I'm sticking to impulse buys from now on.

>> No.8353006

Been collecting small pieces to make my wardrobe for years. It's finally coming to a shape and each main piece color has a theme.
Purple stars, pink clouds, mint chocolate, etc. makes finding bags and accessories super easy because I only look at certain themed items in certain colors.

Haven't figured out what to make as themes for new colors I wanna wear but that's the adventure.

Feels good to have order.

>> No.8353022

you only live once. live for yourself and as long as you're not a cunt to others, it will have been a good life.

>this attitude is how i managed to get out of a bad situation in the past

good luck though

>> No.8353157

>>hour before I'm supposed to leave, friend cancels and says she doesn't wants be friends anymore
dude, if someone did that to me, I'd say right back to their FACE they weren't worth being friends with me anyway if they're going to treat me like garbage that can be thrown away.
Not only did she say that to you but she led you on with plans until the very last minute? Hanging out with people she didn't like and her being "unpredictable" aside, what a bitch.

>> No.8353161

yea don't be friends with shit like this, i hate people who pull that shit.

>> No.8353165


>> No.8353166

What's the dress, darlin?

>> No.8353174

>seriously responding to this

>> No.8353190

>tfw I'll never own my dream dress

>> No.8353204

I have the opposite issue, i can't find anymore an A cup bra, only shitty plain ones, while the lacey, pastel, whatever ones are from B to D or DD. I want to buy the asian ones but i fear they won't fit me correctly.
Now my feels
>guy i devoloped some strong feelings and also reciprocated has somewhat friendzoning me or put relationship on hold for now
>also long distance but he wanted to try it at first
>i know until we don't meet isn't a relationship
>he want to sort his shit first like job, band, family
>mfw idk what to do
>he really likes me but the shitty distance and stuff happened ruined it all
>no, isn't because has met another girl
>it's him not sure wat do with me due to distance
>i feel really blue most of the time
>maybe i should find a rich chinese good looking young man so he can buy me burando even if i don't love him
>i know i'm retarded
>so sperg and loser i can't find a guy i really like nor online nor offline
>i would be for the rest of my life virgin, bitter and with many cats
>but at least i have burando

>> No.8353213

I have so many friends who flake on me last second that it literally brings me to tears now. And they are just lazy and don't feel like leaving their home, it's rarely a good excuse. Or they lie about being "too broke" but then buy tons of lolita shit every damn week.
>mfw many times they are the ones who initiate the plans
>I try not bothering with them anymore but that only makes me feel worse and more lonely

>> No.8353220

why don't you just buy a cheap $5 cute bra set off of aliexpress to see if they fit?

>> No.8353258

>tfw anal when planning anything so shit like that drives me up a wall now
>tfw can't rely on anyone anymore
and people wonder why i have trust issues (as well as issues making lasting friends.) i try, i really do. but when people never follow through on things they say they will, well, it's not really my fault. i think.

>> No.8353317

Yeah, I am similar although it's more the fact that we spend time planning some pretty involved things sometimes and then they just... flake. And they flake on casual hangouts all the time, which leaves me to have very few options to do something with someone else. There have also been times where they tried to cancel but then I was already there, and they would wind up being 1-2 hours late. I feel like I can't fucking trust anyone anymore which I hate because I don't want to be like this, but I really feel so insignificant when I am canceled on so much. It sucks. And so many of my friends do this without any second thought, it's really the inconsideration and lying that makes me beyond upset about it.
>and then somehow they seem to have tons of friends who all like them or wanna spend time with them which I don't get at all

>> No.8353474
File: 80 KB, 500x450, 1403058567401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally felt confident and happy with myself enough to cosplay something sexier than usual at a con as the weather was hot. I just standing with some friends and some guy walked past and commented to his friend that my boobs weren't big enough so it didn't work and now it's really bothering me and making me feel super bad about myself even though I know it's a weak comment.

>> No.8353491

Dude is an asshole. He's just putting you down to show off to his friend. Ignore him. I'm sure your boobs are fine.

>> No.8353527

Not really lolita related, but I started depo provera 6 months ago, didn't gain any of the dreaded weight, but after the second shot my hair started falling out very quickly and I've had no new growth or very slow growth since the first shot. I still have another month left (at least) before the shot wears off. I have bald spots that are luckily covered by other hair so far and my mom keeps telling me I'm making a big deal out of nothing. I've literally lost half the volume of my hair. Not exaggerating. I'm really upset and hope that it grows back after it wears off. My GYN warned me about every side effect except hair loss. I also started taking biotin to try and combat this. I hope it works.

>> No.8353531

I miss being a weeb. I miss having shameless fun and actually feeling able to express how much I enjoy shows.
Obviously I don't miss some of the embarrassing stuff (though I was never a cringe fest) but I just miss having that little bit of innocence, naivety and simply having fun with people online because you just found some shitty characterxreader fanfic and you're 'squeeeling' over it.

unrelated but really need to vent about:

>tfw siblings are better in every aspect in life then you
>tfw they even surpassed you in the one thing I thought I had going for me
>tfw want to be proud of them but can't

I feel like a horrible sibling. It's not even being rubbed into my face or anything. I just feel like a failure and can't stop thinking how much I suck and could be like them but I'm not.

>> No.8353536

I buy often here, but i never tried bras yet. I should give it shot, thank you!

>> No.8353539

Biotin wont help, it only improves things for people who already have a deficiency to begin with. Your hair loss has been triggered by the hormones in the shot, and is actually really common. It should grow back when the shot wares off, but any other progesterone only contraception is likely to have the same effect in varying degrees, so stay away from them when it comes time to choose an alternative.

>> No.8353541

Well obviously he was hinting to his friend to cosplay as that character, because his homo ass would much rather see him in it.

>> No.8353602
File: 37 KB, 242x522, 1431988421330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hate life
>want die
>too stressed to leave the house
>everything seems to be going wrong
>couldn't get latest AP release
>will never be cute and pretty like the rest of my comm
>why do i bother

>> No.8353608
File: 16 KB, 284x200, 5043957+_349179addb10e3d6e895f856483b7c9e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8353644

>tfw since grandma passed away i gained a lot of weight... like fucking 20kg
>tfw nothing fits me
>not my normie clothes
>forget lolita outfits
>tfw my IW collection is rotting and Im too OBESE to wear it
>tfw im so deppressed i can stop the cycle
>tfw i miss so much my old body
>and i used to complain about it back when i was perfect

good lord i cant keep living like this

>> No.8353717

>buuuuuurrrrrn that dude

>> No.8353764

please desist

>> No.8353792

there are two dresses currently on auction that I would fist fight someone for and I'm going to be really upset if I lose.

>> No.8353799

i had a friend like this. had being the operative word. it hurt because whenever we did hang out it was amazing and we clicked really well. but she pulled that shit too many times.

>> No.8353803

back when I was a teen (almost 30 right now) I was a die hard fan of this anime. I even cosplayed one from it (shitty commission though).
anyway there are a few very painful memories from that time and I chose to go from loving that anime to actually blocking myself from it.
now I'm watching it again for nostalgia and I honestly picked up an interest in it again and I'm even contemplating crossplaying as my husbando in the future but I kinda don't want to.

>> No.8353820

>one of the few in my coscom who can actually sew. Always doing sewing heavy costumes and get respected for it. Everything is high quality. Do about 15 costumes a year.
>Only person in coscom not being invited as a guest to things, even though the others don't make much and have pretty low quality stuff.
>MFW a cos group I thought I was in gets invited onto a breakfast talk show without me. ESP when some of them are wearing things I made for them.

>> No.8353862

please take care of yourself, anon. find some way to treat yourself. you will be okay.

>> No.8353891
File: 30 KB, 292x302, 1293602336887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my boyfriend, but he cannot pick the characters he cosplays for shit (He likes bishouen characters and is a tall/chubby white boy) and gets insulted if I say he doesn't suit them. On the other hand, he'll shoot me down for cosplays I want to do in a heartbeat because I don't suit the characters.
We've started watching a new anime together and we'd be absolutely perfect for the main couple but I can't suggest it because I know he'd be insulted if I compared him to the character.

>> No.8353896

Is it Ore Monogatari? Please let it be Ore Monogatari. Also he needs to stop being such a big baby if he's going to shoot you down like that.

>> No.8353916

You BOTH need to stop doing that to each other.

>> No.8353917

If it's Ore Monogatari, he's fucking crazy for being insulted. Takeo is the best character ever.

>> No.8353971

I impulse bought a fitbit.
I want to lose like 30-50 pounds so I can fit into jfashion and actually cosplay.
I'm pretty shit at restricting food and usually I end up doing it too much then binge eating. Hopefully if i start exercising it will encourage me to fix my diet.

I'm planning on using the fitbit as motivation since it's expensive and I will feel obligated to use it.

Wish me luck ;-;

>> No.8353974

Yes!! He's 6 ft and has the cutest pouty lips, I'm a little tall at 5'3 but Yamato and I are really alike (looks and personality wise too) But he'd rather be Suna :(

>> No.8353987

Remember that restricting your diet is about restricting calorific intake, you don't have to cut out certain foods completely. It doesn't mean you'll never get to eat the foods you think of as "Bad" It's all about balance and moderation anon, you can do it!

>> No.8353990
File: 37 KB, 500x283, husbando.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>would rather be generic sulky bishie than based Takeo.
Break up with him.

>> No.8354013

Maybe try and persuade him into picking Takeo because then you both can do a couple cosplay and be sickly adorable?
The world needs more Takeos, I sometimes curse being a 5'1 girl because he's completely off my league for cosplay.

>> No.8354020

Eh, I appreciate it on his part because I'd hate to go through all the trouble of making a cosplay just to realize how bad I look as the character.
Kek, Takeo is def a better character, it's just because he's blonde so blonde characters are more natural for him.
I'll definitely try!! And anon, you should cosplay Yamato and try to find your Takeo! It'd be adorable!!

>> No.8354042

I have many
>have qt friend
>she buys cosplays online, sometimes from series she hasn't seen
>meanwhile my craftsmanship just looks sloppy next to her
>people ask her for pics at every con

>slightly obsessed with Little Twin Sars
>really want to cosplay it with someone
>how the fuck would I ask them to look like ageplayers with me

>> No.8354047

>get group cosplay photos back from photographer
>i look like a mtf crossplayer in every photo while my qt azn friends are super photogenic
>"oh anon! you look so cute!"
>know they're lying
>feels bad.jpg

>> No.8354049

>Trying to lose weight
>Eating a normal amount of food
>Not depriving self
>Sudden drop of energy
>Can't stay awake long enough to be productive

I just wan't to look nice in my dresses

>> No.8354052

They might not be lying if you look at least decent, though.
Do you have a pic of that cosplay?
Stay strong, maybe read /fit/ sticky or drink more coffee?

>> No.8354054

I've read the sticky and I'm trying to use non decaffeinated tea instead but I might have to switch to coffee. It's just really annoying because I can't even get up to go for a walk or clean the house. I can barely get up long enough to cook. I don't know what's wrong. Maybe my body is adjusting to my not eating bread anymore. I have no idea.

>> No.8354058

if there's anything i've learned, it's that you don't break for people who don't care when you bend. fighting for your mother's approval just makes you lose yourself in the process!!

just do you. it sucks not having that support from your mother, but you'll be doing what you love and have fun doing it!! that's more important!

>> No.8354059

Gahhh I hated the shot! I've been on the pill for 5 years with no trouble but I wanted to try something more long term. My GYN suggested the shot before trying the implant since the side effects are similar but the shot lasts much less. I actually lost weight (5 lbs in 3 months) but my clothes still fit the same. I bled every damn day for well over a month. I also got very cranky and lost a bit of sex drive. Luckily I was able to start the pill again this week. Hopefully everything goes back to normal.

>> No.8354061

It is your diet, food should be giving you the energy and if you are unable to be productive it is going to be something you are not eating. Listen to your body on what it needs, you arent going to loose weight properly by cutting out bread.

>> No.8354066

Go to /fit/, read the sticky, post progress pics (once you make some progress) and turn your life back around! Working out may also clear your mind and keep you focused on heavy weights instead of your heavy heart.

>> No.8354070

Bread also makes me sleepy. That is why I don't eat it anymore. I just have brown rice or brown rice pasta instead. I just feel like my body hates me because it's so particular. I have a lot of allergies too which complicates things.

>> No.8354086

Have you tried cutting calories instead of removing foods? I know a lot of people go through the same thing when they cut out carbs or sugar and it sounds really unpleasant. Also keep in mind that what changes you make to lose weight should be permanent diet changes, and it's a lot easier to eat slightly less than permanently not eat a food. I have a lot of family members who cut out foods constantly to lose weight, and it never works.

Also if it were me I know I'd much rather cut out sweets than give up bread, but maybe that's just my bread addiction/IBS talking.

>> No.8354097

I cut calories. I cut out bread because it makes me tired and I have other digestive problems where I would do better just getting my carbs from things like rice. I'm not really eating sweets either unless fruit and yogurt counts. I really shouldn't be eating the yogurt either but it does its job I guess.

>> No.8354112

That's a tight spot you're in then. From my own psuedomedical bs I just made up, it sounds like it could be a blood sugar thing? Like bread are digested very quickly so you get energy from them quickly. You could try eating other foods like maybe bananas?

Also with a restricted diet and digestive problems think about taking a multivitamin. It really helps me feel better in the day to day. You could also swap out yogurt for kefir, I find it doesn't upset my stomach like yogurt does.

>> No.8354121

I never considered kefir. Thanks for the recommendation because yogurt gives me stomach problems too. It probably is a blood sugar thing. I will try keeping bananas around instead. Thank you!

>> No.8354134
File: 236 KB, 200x200, titanium.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got dumped by boyfriend
>week before finals
>depressed, crying, hot and cold emotions
>see him going on with his life fine, watching anime, playing video games without really caring
>feel like shit
>backed up by friends
>he is a weeaboo piece of shit
>look at him again
>still feel like shit
>get told to "get over it" by him several times
>fast forward one week
>realize boyfriend is a complete dickhead
>why didn't i realize this sooner
>fantasize roundhouse kicking him while in cosplay at the convention
>imagine his shitty wig fly off and he cries for mercy
>people try to pull me away, but my power level is too high
>I start to glow a golden yellowish color
>I don't even watch DBZ
>I proceed to kick the shit out of him, knocking out teeth, ruining his face, the only real good quality of him
>police take me away
>it was worth it
>Snap back to reality
>unable to go to con because of money
>next year..

Is there any possible way I can date a weeaboo without it turning out terrible? I want a boyfriend who isn't an insensitive dumb-ass. Are all boys like this CGL? He had shit taste anyway.

>> No.8354135

>living with mom while i go to school
>recently separated parents, dad pays her rent
>scared to spend money on lolita/cosplay because i could use that extra money to help out if my dad screws her and she can't make rent
>not confident in lolita/cosplay anyways

>> No.8354146

ANON I'M SO HAPPY no matter what you coord will be great because of the love you feel for it
what colour did you get in the end?

>> No.8354358
File: 860 KB, 600x313, 1419917061795.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>friend has been dying to get into lolita for years and years
>she finally bought her first dress
>AP, kinda newly released, $300
>it looks super fucking kawaii
>mfw how cute it is on her and her dreams being fulfilled

>> No.8354363

I do, but I'd rather not post it here. I was Kashima at fanime, though, if you care enough to do some instagram tag stalking.

>> No.8354425

>Hang out with random Taiwanese guy for most of con.
>He's really sweet and fun to be around, if a little autistic.
>Time for him to go home for the night.
>Offer to let him stay with you.
>Cuddle puddle
>He wants to do a couples cosplay together next year.
>Get excited, gushing all over him.
>Suggest going to an 18+ panel.
>Turns out he's underage and 10 years younger.

It's okay because I only knew him for a few days, but it's still a little bit depressing.

>> No.8354445

I ended up getting black! My first choice color that I honestly did not expect to find.

>> No.8354508

Oh, I think I saw you!
Were you with a qt Chiyo?

>> No.8354555

I was! Were you cosplaying? I might have seen you as well!

>> No.8354568
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It's coming out in sax which has me so frustrated because I finally settled on the dark purple.
>I'd love one in every color, all cuts.

>> No.8354574
File: 83 KB, 530x431, img_show.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dream cosplay is pic related
>has all the stuff to achieve it.
>too scared to start on it.
>low self confidence and possible depression has given me zero motivation.
>tfw dream cosplay may never be achieved, despite what I tell myself.

>> No.8354585

>was in a school girl cosplay and got more photo requests than my friend in a more elaborate cosplay
>pretty sure she got jelly a few hours into the day and even decided to change out of her costume early
>to be fair she did a rush job near the end and left out a lot of nicer details on the garment and didn't make it fit as well as it should, also it's a newer design so a lot of people might not have recognized it
>tried to get more people to notice her cosplay, especially to cosplayers of the same series
>even asked people who wanted photos of me to take pictures of her too when she didn't notice

She didn't say it but I'm pretty sure she doesn't want to go to cons with me anymore. She didn't mention if we should go back next year or what con we should go to next.

>> No.8354607

I know this feel.
>tfw hit it off with a qt guy
>tfw he's 16 (i'm 26)
>tfw he's like two heads taller than me and pretty mature at that
(I don't mind them younger but not that much younger...)

>> No.8354614

>off-topic sorry

Being in a relationship is making me realize just HOW insecure I am, and how uncomfortable I am in my own skin.

>we hung out for 8+ hours today
>offered to visit again within 1-2 weeks
>they had to drive 2-2 1/2 hours back
>I texted that I hope they got home safely and that I had a great time
>nothing back

Granted, they're an early to bed early to rise kind of person, and we went to a BUNCH of places today... I don't know. I wouldn't be shocked if they're getting sick of me. I like them so much. I'm worried they're going to leave me. I'm probably blowing this all out of proportion. I really want to be self-confident, and like myself, but I just... I don't know how.

>> No.8354617

That feel when you tell your bf that going to a con without cosplaying is boring because people ignore you and he calls you an attention whore.
tfw when you realize hes actually not wrong.

>> No.8354650

>very shy
>not many friends
>meet bf at con
>still goin stronk a year later
>mfw doing muh dream couple cosplays
>mfw making more and more con friends every year

i'll stop being a loser yet :')

>> No.8354656

cgl related-ish:

>used to be really into anime n all that
>pretty much a weeb
>fell out of it because i didnt want to get bullied
>fast forward 8 yrs
>work in dealers room at animazement
>first con in at least 10 years
>completely forgot how fun all of this stuff was
>huge sense of wonder as i walked around
>feel like i missed out on so much
>so many new japanese cartoons
>feel like im making up for lost time

left the con feeling pretty inspired, i think i'm going to start making concrete steps towards making my first cosplay. very excited!

not cgl related:

i have ocd and i pick my skin as a way to control the anxiety it creates, it's not really a conscious thing but that's as much as i understand from what my therapist told me.

i'm ruining my skin, one of the main places i pick is my tits and i have ruined them. every time i think i'm making progress and things are healing, i start back up again. the longest ive gone without picking was two days, and even that i don't really like saying i went two days without picking. because i didn't. went two days picking a lot less than normal, without hitting the "big" spots on my breasts that i normally do.

i just want my skin to heal and be beautiful and i don't want to be scared to take my shirt off in front of this guy i'm about to meet(really excited for his visit!), but it doesn't feel like that's going to happen ever because i have no self control and i just want to cry, cry and cry some more.

he says he doesn't care about it, and i want to believe him but my ex said he didn't care about it as well and one of the last things he ever said to me was about my "scarred up tits"

i keep thinking about that moment when i'm going to not be wearing clothes in front of him for the first time. he's going to regret saying he didn't care, i know he will.

>> No.8354662

You've never been poor, have you?
Middle class plz go

>> No.8354683

Boys who call their gfs attention whores are 9/10 times insecure and immature. Nothing wrong w wanting to do hard work on a costume and be praised for it,and there's nothing wrong with feeling left out when you're not participating in an activity you enjoy.

>> No.8354686
File: 530 KB, 400x318, ghibli.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Going to AX for the first time
>Only going for 2 days
>I hope I can meet cool people and wear my 3 cosplays and sport my husbando kei (want to do an ita-bag too) within that time frame

>Want to get out there and make fire emblem and love live! stickers to give out at con
>But social anxiety and afraid of seagull attacks

>> No.8354690

>tfw not sure whether anon didnt read post or doesn't want to follow up

>> No.8354722

I hate that feeling because you put all this time and effort into it and then somebody just buys it and outdoes you.
Well I'm confident that if you put work in it then you can beat the store bought shit

>> No.8354788

>finds this store
>cries because now I really want a JSK from them
>tfw no money

anon why would you do this to me

>> No.8354884

Sorry, was offline for a while.
I did cosplay, if you saw the Kyubey with shit-tier ears that was me.
Btw your face shape is cute and you should feel cute

>> No.8354943

I'm also lusting after the sugary soirée in mint. All cuts.

>> No.8354985

Everything will be ok.

>> No.8355005

If they outdo you, your work was shit to begin with

>> No.8355026

> Wearing Innocent World one-piece
> random stranger approaches
>"I really like your outfit! I'd love to dress like that!"
> The universe has aligned
> come under my wing young grasshopper
> tell her about lolita; the anatomy of an outfit, about the name, ect.
> Giver her a list of all the major brands.
> " Bodyline and My lolita dress are good places for beginners to start putting together a wardrobe"
> "Thanks Anon I'll check it out!"
> Get email from her today
> "I looked up lolita dresses I really like the black and white ones!"
> Ohgodwhy
> I must fix this

>> No.8355030

>have horrible anxiety
>year old unworn brand-new brand hanging in my wardrobe
>too scared to wear it out in case it gets ruined
>forever relegated to bodyline because I won't worry about that
>been feeling pretty lame about it
>just ordered some stuff from Closet Child
>if it's second hand and has small flaws I won't be so scared that I'll accidentally destroy it

It's completely unfounded because I've never damaged or stained any of my regular clothes even doing really stupid shit. I'm not even concerned about resale value so I don't know why it bothers me so much.

>> No.8355051

You better have remembered to warn her about Milanoo anon

>> No.8355067

Either introduce her to good old school or goth coords.. Please veer her off from the maid outfits and ita stuff

>> No.8355068
File: 955 KB, 300x162, 1404423546776.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gained weight over time
>feeling like a landwhale
>whine about it on /cgl/
>get nice tipps and start diet/health programm no. 290468
>didn't weigh for months because I'm too scared but had the guts to do it today
>I didn't hit the mark I chose for suicide but it's still close
>meet up is in a few weeks
I just want to look pretty as anybody else around me...

>> No.8355075

Dude, i have dermatillomania too. I hate wearing short-sleeved lolita OPs since I pick my arms. so annoying. It's also been stopping me from getting back into cosplay. I dont want anyone looking at my gross arms, shoulders, and back

>> No.8355084

How do you seagulls feel about this?
>meetup time
>we're all sitting at a table, casually chatting
>somehow beauty comes up in the conversation
>one girl suddenly chirps up
>'I'm like soo pretty. I used to feel bad about myself but now I look in the mirror and go like damn, I could be a model!'
>myself and another girl and guy freeze up
>we let it slide and the guy tries to casually change the topic

I don't know, do you think it's rude? I kinda do.
I don't particularly feel threatened or jealous or really anything at all, otherwise she was nice enough and she did look kinda cute, but that's just not something you say about yourself. I kinda see it as a bit of a red flag. The guy in the group said she was really annoying, but that's really the only thing I have trouble with, otherwise she was ok I guess. She did brag about speaking Latin and Ancient Greek or something too, I suppose.

It got me thinking because I see people flip a tit here if someone jumps at them for saying they're pretty, and I'd never really shit on them for it or whatever, but it is kinda rude. Like saying 'I took a massive dump this morning' at a meet. Good for you, but keep it to yourself. It's just stupid that when people tell them it's rude they always jump at their throats and call everyone 'just jelly' or 'insecure'.

What do you think?

>> No.8355150

I had a real bad problem with picking my skin and I'm trying to get that fixed, there's hope for all of us.

As for >>8354656 you should remember that bitter exes will go after your insecurities to hurt you. I doubt the current guy will say anything that resembles such.

>> No.8355194

Is it possible to go to a con dressed normal and not come off as a complete normie?

I mean, I like cosplaying, and I like meeting other people, and I'd love to meet some people even if they're cosplaying during a con.

But sometimes, man, you just can't put that effort in for the costume. Even if you want to.

>> No.8355215

Most attendees go in normal clothes. You'll be fine.

>> No.8355221

Anon, I know it sounds impossible but you have to stop picking. I picked at my skin a lot and have some permanent scars from it. Do you pick just to pick or do you enjoy removing clogged dirt? I really felt satisfied from releasing clogged dirt but I then realized I was stuck with a sore and red patch in return. If you can't stand clogged pores or pimples I recommend getting those blister band aids (hyaluronic maybe?) as they prevent you from picking and essentially sucks all the moisture out of it so it heals quicker. It's a hard road to recovery but once you see how nice your skin looks without picking I'm sure you'll turn this bad habit around.

>> No.8355257

Not that anon, but hydrocolloid bandages? I have a couple on right now, haha.

>> No.8355290
File: 52 KB, 1300x800, 1431049075892.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to Fanime this year along with some friends who actually have passes
>We spend Sunday night going out drinking and trying to visit social gatherings
>See cute asian chicks cosplaying everyone
>start to feel the rorneryness again

Fanime makes me want to keep dedicated to my diet and hopefully muscle buildling. Maybe in the next two Fanimes I'll have a body I'm confident in that will help me land a cute nerd girlfriend.

>> No.8355294
File: 48 KB, 540x303, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> a music-related FB page that I like posted a picture of a violin dress
> immediately recognizes that it's from Innocent World (it's not Stradivarius, but their violin JSK that came out in 2012)
> people are saying in the comments section that the dress is cute and even asking where they can get the dress
> my time has come
> mfw

>> No.8355318

Travel the damn distance and make it work. I was friends with a guy online for three years, spent a year and a half doing the 12 hour trip to visit him once or twice a month. We fell in love and he moved to my city a year ago- we're still going. Work for it.

>> No.8355322

It's ok Jess, have you tried contacting the seller about holds, PPs or just letting your Paypal balance go a bit into negative. It's not like an overdraft really- you will have the rest of the money by the end of the month. Buy it now before it goes

>> No.8355325

What about swimsuits with ties eg halternecks. They are completely adjustable. That's my solution for 28EE tits

>> No.8355334


Cons always make me realize what hideous trash I am. Fucking adorable couples and their shared hobbies...
I cry evry time.

>> No.8355340

it would tear through your neck and decapitate you

>> No.8355346

dump him

>> No.8355349


I'mma be honest.
You sound like 100% perfection.
Personal preference, though, I guess.

>> No.8355368

Get a trans binder! I'm in the same situation as you - 5"1, big boobs (32DD) and same shoe size. Wearing a ftm binder really helps you fit into brand, plus you look a lot younger when your tits are bound (at least for me I guess).

>> No.8355372


This happened to me at Fanime.
'Cept I'm a dude, so that i guess makes it creepy.

>> No.8355376

I went to a /cgl/ meetup at AX
a girl told me she was triggered by the word "retarded"

you'll be fine.

everyone is either drunk or tumblr at cgl meetups from my experience

>> No.8355503

Thank you! And I did see you, your ears weren't that bad anon.

>> No.8355510

>shows up to first day of internship at a graphic design firm
>dressed in full business clothes
>mfw every else here is wearing jeans and a tshirt
>probably could of gotten away with wearing casual lolita or jfash instead of boring business wear

>> No.8355514

>>two of her friends drowned in the river

Were they drunk? What kind of river? I really don't know how this shit can happen unless it's a spring-flood river.


>try on bikini
>realize I'm fat
>fat thighs, cellulite and pudge and a muffin top
>can't even stand with legs normal, thigh fat mooshes together
>go on cut
>probably not gonna lose enough by when I need to
>going to Florida in September
>want to be fit in time
>may just barely reach goal by then (20 lbs)
>can't lift today because hiking a mountain range tomorrow
>couldn't lift yesterday because gym closed for that shitty holiday

I guess I've always been this fat but never realized. Man, my ex was right, I was a chubsy wubsy. I deceived myself by saying I fit a size S/M, so I couldn't therefore be fat. I even have stretch marks. Oh god why?

>> No.8355521

I hope you can find your self confidence again, anon

>> No.8355525


It is if you watch your macros. I'm always over on my carbs. I don't even eat bread at all, mainly just oats, and cereal because I use it as a pastry replacement. (Better a 300 calorie bowl of captain crunch than a 600 calorie sticky bun.) I gave up bread, real milk, english muffins, pastries, donuts, cookies, sugar in coffee, pretty much everything except a square of dark chocolate and the occasional bowl of cereal.

Need less cereal and more steak I guess. I hate life and want to die. Are these stupid macro things even going to make me kawaii or is it just /fit/ broscience?

myfitnesspal doesn't have a general lifting category to factor a gym sesh into my calories. I'm mad every single time. And I'm skeptical that gardening actually burns as much as it says it does. And if I am under 1000 calories in food, it won't let me "complete" the entry. Like, my goal is 1200, eating 1000 is pretty damned close. Some days I just don't want to eat much, some days I eat a ton. It's fine if I eat like 50,000 calories, but god forbid I eat 980? Fatty apologist app.

Just all sorts of mad.

>> No.8355531

Let's not derail this thread and turn it into a weight loss general please
and here's my feels:
since i started wearing jfashion daily, i've had. a much harder time finding someone to date. maybe it weirds them out or something

>> No.8355555

I've found it much easier to find dates since I started wearing Jfash. I've been in a relationship for over a year, but people actually hit on me now. I think it's the self-confidence.

>> No.8355558

I don't think so, it must be the quints

>> No.8355561

Speak for yourself, you got quads

>> No.8355586

Always over estimate the calories in food and under estimate calories burned through working out/cardio.

>> No.8355611

While I don't necessarily agree, I'm assuming they won't let you complete under 1000 because people who might be more easily influenced as to constantly try to eat below that, which can be a bad thing.

But yeah as for the fitness part of that app I always feel skeptical as to how many I actually burn, but it's still a decent app to keep as a food diary.

>> No.8355667
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Some slightly positive feels

>Been a whale
>Complain on here about losing and gaining weight, so I can't fit in the j-fashion I wanted
>/feels/ suggests fatpeoplestories as motivation
>Couldn't fit in my pants anymore
>Could only go up to my thunder thighs
>Had to wear the ones from when I was at my highest weight
>A little loose, but don't fall down
>Eat more clean, exercise daily
>Pants that couldn't go past my thighs can now go up to my waist but still can't button them

Can't wait to actually fit in these pants and buy my dream brand. Thanks /feels/. Reading fatpeoplehate and the fatpeoplestories on /fit/ were very helpful.

>> No.8355735

>guro lolita

Do it. And get well soon!

>> No.8355759

short sleeves are the enemy, i hear you. it's even worse in the summer because it's not as "acceptable" to be wearing long sleeves and jackets all the time. I always panic a little each time someone comments on my long sleeves in sweltering heat, like "oh my god they know they know they know they know"

if you dont mind my asking, but are you getting professional help for it? ive been picking for about 7 or 8 years that I can remember, and have always been trying to stop. There was never a real reduction until I recently started going to therapy.

and yeah, he was abusive so I shouldn't even take anything he says as anything but bait, but fuck that stung.

current guy is a fucking SAINT. it's hard to explain, and it might be a little too soon to say he's perfect for me but he is really, really good for me.

Would you say you've fully stopped picking?

I want to eventually stop but I know it will take baby steps, my current baby step is just trying my best to avoid my worst spots, because that's where I'm doing the most damage. I managed to put a legitimate crater in the side of my breast, that's NEVER going to heal no matter how much scar treatment stuff I put on it. Luckily, that's the only scar I have that is that severe but if I continue picking I will definitely create more. So I put hello kitty band aids on my "big" spots (these are the ones that I tend to pick at more vigorously and for longer periods, and do more damage) as a deterrent.


>> No.8355760


My profession revolves around skin and skin care though, so I can't be walking around with a bunch of bandaids on which sucks.

Do you have any more tips? I would really appreciate it, and I am sure other anons in the thread dealing with this would too.

(ok now this part is really gross im sorry)

But yeah, I like removing the "clogs" in my pores, when in reality I'm just squeezing out sebum. Because of how often I do it and *how* i do it, I end up damaging the hair follicle. When it tries to heal, it creates a tiny little plug of what I believe is scar or connective tissue trying to hold things together while it is healing. I pop that out and pull it out of my skin. Each time I do it the little plug gets bigger and bigger, and the pore becomes bigger and bigger, to the point where its just a hole in my skin. That's what eventually became the crater I have. I just kept digging and digging at myself.


>> No.8355762

>first part of weekend sucked
>feeling sick, didn't go anywhere
>friends too busy to hang out
>i'll work on cosplay stuff
>cut out all my pieces and cover with foam
>looks sweet
>start carving, shit looks awesome
>outfit is all done
>been using new products for my skin, looks great
>got a call from place i interviewed at recently
>get perfect job, walking distance away, paying more than current one
everything is amazing!

>> No.8355763

I think our natural reaction is to shame people who like themselves because we've been taught that self hate is humility, I guess I would just try to be happy for them. More people need to feel like that. Then again, it kind of depends on how she worded it and saying "I could model" is taking it a bit too far with a casual conversation unless someone specifically asks. If she is constantly talking about herself (bragging on looks and accomplishments) in the future I think it would be clear that she's pretty narcissistic and should be avoided though.

>> No.8355770

there's a difference between self love and being narcissistic. also no, we're not taught that self hate is humility, we're taught that self love, which is really vanity is normal, and that everyone else is h8rz

>> No.8355778

That's why when a girl says "I'm pretty" our immediate reaction is distaste? That really shouldn't be the case. We're almost expected to point out our flaws if complimented in a way to seem more "human" or "relatable." Like I said it most definitely depends on the context of the situation and how she said it, as well as future interactions. I swear some people want to argue for the sake of arguing, direct your thoughts at the person who commented asking for opinions not me.

>> No.8355781

I used to be a really horrible picker. Birth Control was the only thing that stopped me from breaking out and then stopped my picking for the most part. I still pick a little, but it's not as satisfying as when I had all that huge solid sebum that came flying out. I'd literally pick and pick until I'd find another. I'd spend hours doing this. Thankfully pimples never show up on my face or arms anymore, with exception to around period time and I might get a small pimple but it's no fun anymore. But it's much better for my skin.

>> No.8355784

>interested in lolita for 10-11 years
>now have money
>black or white jsks only
>want to be casual enough for daily wear

i'm not going to claim or feel that any of my outfits are lolita, but i'm a tiny bit worried that i won't be able to post anything online without getting shit for not wearing a blouse and petticoat. i know that otome kei and other styles can be more relaxed about those things, but i haven't seen many casual styles in solid black or solid white.

>> No.8355790

Not that anon but that has nothing to do with being taught to hate yourself, you're taught to love yourself above all others and that other people should be humble. You see other people's confidence as bragging, not your own.

It's because of our me-centric society that this happens. People resent others for their confidence and assets while demanding praise of their own and being just as vain if not more than those around them.

>> No.8355791

sorry, i'm not trying to be mean, but...
>into lolita for 10+ years
>doesn't want to wear it properly, even in oldschool terms

i'm not sure where being into 'lolita' comes in.

>> No.8355803

I can most definitely see where you are coming from here, and this really does make sense, but I would also have to say that not all cases are like this and it can stem from a lack of self confidence as well. Especially with women, who are constantly told that they aren't good enough and should buy this or do that to fix it as a marketing ploy. When someone accepts themselves when you don't it stings. Not saying that's the case here, but I think it can go either way. Interesting thought about the egocentric society though.

>> No.8355807

Okay, I totally agree there. I also just know that people do get jealous of other's achievements quite often, whether they are doing well or not, which is kind of shitty. It's nice to see a different side as well for me.

Polite sage for off-topic.

>> No.8355810

Depends on the situation.
If she straight up says it herself like in OP's case, yeah it's kinda vain and narcissistic.
If someone asks 'do you think you're good looking?' and she responds 'yes, I do' that'd be okay. Otherwise it just comes out really braggy and honestly, it's annoying as shit.

>> No.8355842

>start browsing /fit/ today
>lurk random threads for about 15 mins
>start wanting to work out again
>look in /cgl/ dance cover thread
>watch one video
>get up, put on music, dance my weeb ass off for a while
>body is burning for something more intense
>drop and do pushups till exhaustion
>end with a luxurious stretch routine

i forgot how good working out feels. i'm sweaty and relaxed and happy and my body is tingling, like post-orgasmic glow.

i'm highly suggestible, been buying brand compulsively since browsing /cgl/, and i'm going to try to redirect that compulsive suggestibility toward becoming more fit and healthy so i can fit into everything i love.

...like others in this thread i am a compulsive picker and will also try redirecting my OCD picking into dancing. tell myself i'll sweat out the gunk.

>gonna shower now
>innisfree volcanic pore foaming cleanser and konjac sponge here i come

>> No.8355853

I know that feel well. I've been avoiding working out today and I don't know why. After I send this I'm going to get off my ass and do some cardio. Thanks, anon.

>> No.8355971

> order mermaid princess in lavender
> feel in good because I love lavender
> realize I only have dark colors in my wardrobe
> sold all light colored pieces because I never feel right in them
> I'm an idiot

Why do I do this to myself?

>> No.8355997

tfw you have to go get your credit score to see what kind of credit card you can get just so you can be in this silly hobby group of catty bitches

>> No.8356008

well, it was just mild interest, but it started 10 years ago. i used to want to wear it properly, but now that i'm older and live in a warmer climate, i don't really want to wear all the frills.

i suppose what i'm saying is that i'm now interested in buying lolita pieces but not necessarily dressing lolita.

>> No.8356207

Yes! I threw away my box so I couldn't look at it for reference. I knew it was an uncommon "H" word.

I admit I haven't 100% stopped because I get a strange satisfaction from popping those cyst-like pimples on my jawline but I am MUCH better than I was in high school. I used to just stand in front of the mirror and pick at any pore that looked clogged. The terrible thing is I would avoid my cheeks because I knew what I was doing was damaging and I didn't want to mess up my cheeks.
I strongly urge you to browse the skincare generals here and read the common skincare recommendations. I think the fact I finally have a regimen that has cleared up my skin has helped with picking too since I don't have much to pick anymore. You are not alone in this and many anons post about how they stopped this habit. Gloves may help but if you do a lot with you're hands they may just get in the way. Maybe get the small circular bandaids for when you go out in public so they're less noticeable. And just remember how lovely your skin will be once you stop picking.

>> No.8356307

>have Amazon prime
>one friend asks for my password so they can order a book with prime shipping
>suggest they just give me cash and I'll buy it for them
>friend says that's too complicated so they'll do the free trial instead
>another friend asks for password so they can watch some shows on prime instant video
>tell them Amazon account linked to my bank card and let them know the show is available on YouTube

Am I being over dramatic? If it was just my Netflix account I would totally share the password but because Amazon is linked to my bank card I don't want that kind of info being shared with others. I know I can unlink the card but I shop a lot it's just convenient to keep it linked. I don't have anything weeby in my wish list but because it's such a large website linked to so many things I wouldn't want people to have the chance to snoop around.

>> No.8356321

You're not being paranoid enough. Never share passwords. No matter what. Even your SO, share marriage vows before passwords.
Anyone with access to your profile can ruin or hijack not only the service, but your reputation.

>> No.8356357

Not that anon but it does the same thing to me and really pisses me off. My bmr is only 1600 anyway, if they've calculated it's that low from the numbers you've given them you should be able to plug in enough of a deficit to get results.

>> No.8356363

You can't walk around with bandaids on but can walk around with scabs and sores on show? Come on.

>> No.8356377

>too complicated to just give cash

that's just bullshit.

>> No.8356378
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CGL related:
>vacation con is in a little over a week from now
>life has been really shitty and stressful
>can't sleep or eat proper meals
>skin is suffering horribly because of it
>planned photoshoots with favourite photographers

I don't have to money to experiment with face washes, either. I ordered LG Su:m's Miracle Rose Cleanser but it may not arrive before the con. I hope it does.

Non-CGL related
>have genuine feelings for someone for the first time
>feelings may be mutual
>terrified to tell them
>just want to see them happy

I don't know if this is love, or feelings I should subdue and move on with my life.

>> No.8356391

Tell them. If you don't, you'll just end up regretting it and it'll fester and ruin the relationship as it is now anyway. Tell them.

>> No.8356395

'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.

>> No.8356462
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>put part of cosplay through washer
>falls apart irreparably

I think I've got time to make a new one, but still. Feels really bad man.

>> No.8356489

>planned a photoshoot in dream dress to re-inspire my love for lolita, as the community has pushed me to want to quit.
>Have co-ord 60% planned, looked for advice on accessories and styling.
>The two things I will not change are the shoes and the dress. Dress is simple IW and shoes are my most conformable simple shoes. I hate most of the lolita styles shoes. And I don't have any other option that would work in time.
>Posts for coord advice because I only have 2 days to get it together.
>Anons tell me that my dress isn't x-style enough for their standards. And that the shoes are awful because lots of people wear them.
>there goes my will to do the shoot.
>Why bother

>> No.8356591


Wait, he is being nice and paying for her rent. How would it be screwing her if he stopped.

>> No.8356597

If your will is that weak then fine, get out. You're claiming that you're sick of the community but here you are playing a tiny violin for yourself over some anon not liking your coord. Sounds like you desperately want validation to me. Go try out an easier jfash and stop feeling sorry for yourself.

>> No.8356613

Exact same thing happened to me.
Fanime officially Shota-con 2015

>> No.8356620

Leaving lolita sale when?

>> No.8356627

>posts for coord advice
>gets coord advice
>gets mad

>> No.8356632

>shitty holiday

You mean that one that honors all the people who died so you could be fat and post on an anime board?

>> No.8356940

i saw your coord and didn't give feedback because i didn't care one way or the other.

most people will not care. just do you. if suggestions on a Siberian cave painting forum destroy your will, you might need therapy.

>> No.8356981

what are you cosplaying? I'd love to say hi if I see you!

>> No.8357212

>Finally pushed studies ahead enough to afford going to Fanime
>Fuck yeah I'm gonna cosplay for once
>Got into costume, hung with friends
>Feels good man
>Goes home and saw picture of me online
>It looks like something that can be in the horror cosplay thread

I'm going to try and work more on my posing and makeup game and every other thing under the sun, but fuck man, I wish some of my friends are blunt enough. Validation is nice but knowing I actually look at least decent is way better.

>> No.8357493

This. Selfish fucks.

>> No.8357510

>mom buys me a milanoo mistake
>cosplay wise its fine its just 4 sizes too big
>get it tailored
>still to big


>> No.8357880

I'd love to make flashier costumes but I always end up with toned down ones because my parents are really judgmental. they don't understand the happiness making a costume gives me.

>> No.8357904

Most comms prefer if people introduce themselves to mods before adding them to the comm. You could be trolls,creeps etc

>> No.8357917

Yeah I understand that. There wasn't anything about introducing yourself in the description though, and they could have easily accessed my profile

>> No.8358081

same here. my icon is a picture of me in lolita so i'm still sitting here like ????

best thing I can think of is someone shit talked me to this comm's leader.

>> No.8358253
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Hahah thanks for the reassurance anon

Aahh I'm not entirely sure yet but I'll most likely be cosplaying from Love Live and/or Fire emblem!

I might throw in some Steven Universe stickers as well but we'll see;;
If and when I grow a pair I'll post a little something in the AX thread
when it gets closer, so look out for that!

>> No.8358655

anon if you ever want a friend to talk to about this you can add me on skype?? i used to feel like this too
mines mouoshimaida

>> No.8358679

do you have a skype or something anon, you seem super sweet

>> No.8358853

>waiting for blouse in mail
>last part of coord, need it for the start of next month
>coming from canada, went through san fran on the 23rd
>no updates since

I swear to god I'm so scared of it getting here too late. I'm not usually so antsy about the mail but I've also never received something from Canada and their post seems a little wonky, and not getting any updates about a package for four days is strange for me. I just want to look pretty and have a nice coord!!

>> No.8359482
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>Thinking about giving up on hiding my power level
>Already have pictures of me in cosplay on my facebook
>Still refuse to comment on anime related posts on facebook
>Don't like cosplay pages

I kinda realized I should just give up that shit and be myself. But will the normal fags on my facebook be able to handle my power level? I shouldn't even care, because if they can't, fuck 'em.

Wh-what do you guys think? I-I'm totally rite, rite?

>> No.8359870

>Former friend is gradually becoming more of a terrible person.
>Dates beta males so they'll buy her stuff (lolita, figmas, cosplay) then cheats on them 2-4 weeks into the relationship, rinse then repeat.
>Sponges off government and family handouts because "muh depression" and vague back pain.
>Owes several people money, claims she can't pay them back right now but then posts expensive purchases on fb.
>Jumps from group to group pretty quickly due to how much drama she causes (see: owing people money and serial cheating).
>Her career ambitions are internet idol or alternative model, that's it.
>Part of me wants to delete her but another part of me is morbidly curious to see how far she'll sink.

>> No.8359894

She sounds like a piece of shit.

>> No.8360248

My first ever tea party is scheduled next month, very far from my native country and I have tickets booked in advance to go there next sunday right after finals. However right now during the nightmare that is the last week before finals my grandfather is suddenly on life support and they're telling us he will pass away at any moment and my life feels like it's in shambles. Everything is probably going to be cancelled and instead of my first tea party, it'll be my first time attending a funeral.

>> No.8360288
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>Found exactly what i was looking for on lacemarket
>look at price
>look at user
>Alyssium baby


>> No.8360422

To be fair in UK sizes a 5 is about a US 7. So 5+ would be 7 and up.

Also.. 8.5 probably isnt as bad as size 10-11 narrow feet. Alot of times 10-11 are made for trans men or fat farmer ladies who need to wear heels to the prom.

>> No.8360736

Just create two groups anon, and make sure that your normalfags are in the one that doesn't see your costumes etc