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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 114 KB, 982x504, creeper cards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8346931 No.8346931[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>At convention
>Get handed one of these cards

What do?

>> No.8346943

I'd probably slap their ass if they gave me a green card

If I got a yellow or red I'd rip it in front of them and drop the confetti on their head

>> No.8346950
File: 151 KB, 450x300, tumblr_inline_nln3j2TSgT1s3ge1s_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8346951



>> No.8346966

If I got a red or yellow card I'd tell then to stop being a pussy and say it to my face instead of handing out passive aggressive little cards

>> No.8346967

I just imagine some wannabe cosfamous person handing these out and those who received it would just drop it as if it were a flyer

>> No.8346968

Rip it up

>> No.8346970

See how many red cards I can get in one day.

Seriously, how hard is it to say "thank you for being so polite. It's nice when people ask for a photo rather than just shoving a camera in my face." Or "WTF dude, can you not do that? That's really no OK."

>> No.8346971

If you can't acknowledge that your actions are weird and creepy to other people you probably have autism.

>> No.8346973

If someone hands you the red card, they are threatening you with physical harm. You could probably get them arrested if you really wanted to.

>> No.8346976

And if you have to hand cards out to people to express your emotions you probably have autism too.

It's like social aid for the mentally handicapped.

>> No.8346978

>that green card

>> No.8346983
File: 12 KB, 215x358, 11011930_1132487360111402_7370443298162178716_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my new favorite picture.

It makes me glad I browse this Mongolian Cave Painting Script

>> No.8346985

In before someone just hands out cards based on the ugliness of a passer-by. Bullying is okay when we do it!

>> No.8347001

I want to do this. Someone work on this. I'll hand them out at the next /cgl/ meetup I go to.

>> No.8347010

how is this not just as embarrassing as the cards in the OP? Please act like a normal human being, even if it's just an act.

>> No.8347018

I can't just show the idiocy of creeper cards with a proof-of-concept. I have to go all the way.

>> No.8347019

Eh, not really. There has to be reasonable belief that the person could actually cause harm to you. That card just says "someone might punch you in the future."

>> No.8347025

I can see the appeal maybe for someone who is young or has difficulty confronting others, but in the end shoving a card into someone's hand going "P-please read this!" and scuttling away before they can get mad is a million times more awkward than just telling someone off.

>> No.8347038

>Green card
Think nothing of it.
>Yellow card
Probably confront the person and just ask them why they couldn't had just said something instead of handing me some passive aggressive card.
>Red card
Same thing as yello, but I doubt I could do anything that damn bad to get one in red in the first place. Then again, everything is rape for Tumblrites, so maybe not,

>> No.8347083
File: 5 KB, 250x232, 1349677636988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having the auts so hard you need to communicate things by handing people cue cards

holy shit

>> No.8347101

>get any color card
>hand it to someone else

pretty sure thats what everyone would be doing. assuming that text is only thing on the card and no way to tell who the card is originally from.

>> No.8347119

makes me want to scavenger hunt cons to complete the collection

trade you 4 yellows for a red

>> No.8347123
File: 24 KB, 450x360, THE_BEST_RED_CARD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a red is a fucking badge of honor
take pictures of asses and earn your own goddamn red card

>> No.8347133

"i asked this 5/10 in meh cosplay out, she didn't say anything...just handed me a red card, told her she forgot to write her phone number on it and she just walked off"

>> No.8347191

Wonder why I'm suddenly in America, because only Americans would be dumb enough to make something like this.

>> No.8347383

Keep up the Harassment and earn many more cards.
Go back to room and arrange them onto a t shirt and write "Stranger Danger" on it.
Run around the con yelling "Ohh, Look out! Stranger Danger"

>> No.8347422

this is why millennials can't communicate.

>> No.8347434


I would probably put it in a recycling bin

>> No.8347437

>Yellow, green, and red cards for your behavior
That is literally from first grade.

>> No.8347445

Having done some research, these are from Def Con some years ago. http://singlevoice.net/2012/07/12/sexism-redyellow-cards-at-defcon/

>> No.8347466

I don't get it. Why can't you just tell them to leave you alone. These cards are stupid.

>> No.8347477

Women who use the word creeper deserve to get raped

>> No.8347481

cry about it some more creeper

>> No.8347493

I seriously hope no one actually uses these. If I saw someone handing a person one of these at a con, I don't know if I could resist calling them out.

Not as much as you do.

>> No.8347534

That's just as autistic as handing these things out in the first place, anon.

>> No.8348267
File: 53 KB, 325x450, 1398286753963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fat woman keeps handing you cards over and over hoping you go away

>> No.8348340

Fight SJW fire with fire and have my own set of cards.

>"Red card! You have received a red card from this person as a result of your microaggressions towards them. This can include (but not limited to); Forgetting to understand and confirm their position in society before performing the action, failure to acknowledge/understand poor communicative skills as a result of a mental health issue before forming judgement on the person, or encroaching on this person's right to their own personal space by invading it with beliefs they may find disturbing or offensive. It is advisable to move away from this person immediately as they are uncomfortable with your attitude in their presence and would like you to leave them alone indefinitely!"

>> No.8348342


>> No.8348345

Lol, this is getting pathetic. I'm not for victim blaming if something truly out of line has happened to somebody, but this is fucking absurd.
If I was ever uncomfortable in a situation in public, there were tons of ways for me to get out of it even if I didn't have the balls to say anything directly.

>> No.8348357

If i'm ever stuck in an awkward conversation I just gasp and say "oh shit, the baby" and then hurry away.

>> No.8348362

Isn't the red card a threat of violence?

I'm a really relaxed guy and I can let a lot of things go but threats of violence are not one of them. My reaction inevitably boils down to "Fucking do it tough guy/girl".

>> No.8348366

Defcon? What?

I'll have to ask my friends about this next time we grab some beers. I'm way too luddite to roll with them but they're a good crew of guys, gals and a one legit transitioning MtF so they would probably laugh in this persons face.

>> No.8348371

But if they dress up like a referee, it could be pretty entertaining.

>> No.8349200

I passed a few of these out to mess with random people.

>> No.8349208

The cringe in this thread is real.

>> No.8349295

i dunno, those cards are so fucking passive agressive anyone would be pissed to get one. it's no wonder it gets strong reactions, even if i agree most of those comments are in cool story bro territory

also i agree with >>8346978, the green card might be the worst of them

>> No.8349303

Throw it away, find a better looking girl and hit on her.

>> No.8349486


Sorry, but men deserve this.

Cons are supposed to be a safe space for all women.

Just because your sensitive man feelings get hurt doesn't mean you get the right to complain.

>> No.8349506

Because 9/10 times that's gotten me assaulted

>> No.8349518

Same here. Men don't realize how violent and rapey they really are deep down.

>> No.8349530

>men deserve this.
So tell them? Even if you're afraid, handing them a card isn't going to stop their behavior or teach them a lesson. They're not gonna care or is gonna puts them off even more, giving them more of a reason to do something awful to you in their mind, to say, most men who are violating women, don't give a shit to begin with.

Handing someone a card doesn't do anything but irritate people.
My experience? Where I live downtown, I'm handed flyers and cards all the time.
I throw them in the trash because I don't care about any kind of opinionated propaganda.

>> No.8349531

the green one will be handed to attractive dudes that flirt with con girls

the red will be handed to any guy 4/10 or below who just literally happened to be standing in an elevator playing clash of clans on his phone when a bunch of con sluts walked into it (how dare you just stand in an elevator and not say anything or leave the elevator when you saw the con sluts walking in!)

yellow will be rare

>> No.8349532
File: 163 KB, 599x665, 1427661468108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8349551

That's funny, I thought cons were supposed to be a gathering place for all people who share a common interest.

Who came up with this idea that certain things were "safe spaces"? Nothing is a "safe space" if you want a "safe space" stay at home. You don't have a right to try and control other people's actions and if they are truly offensive report them to security or the police.

>> No.8349554

> implying handing out passive aggressive calling cards will not.

>> No.8349555

>inb4 80 replies

>> No.8349570

Good. That person clearly needs to be told, regardless if it's trolling bc honestly if they are trolling, it's a piss poor attempt.

>> No.8349578

no they don't. they're taking advantage of how easily baitable we are. they're not going to get told, they're just going to do it more. if we fucking stop responding to trolls they'd leave.

>> No.8349868

This is a post that I would expect a virgin neckbeard male to make.

>> No.8349888

Maybe it will if you hang around while they read it like an idiot. It would be really easy to make a hasty escape into the crowd while the person was reading and avoid confrontation.
On that note, these cards could actually be very useful if you're in a situtation that feels dangerous. For example, if someone seems insitant to follow you up to your hotel room and won't take no for an answer (I have definitiely had to wiggle my way out of this one before).

>> No.8349889

law student here
nah you need reasonable grounds to believe that the threat of violence would actually happen
handing out a card that says 'stop being a dickwad, your behaviour deserves a slap' is hardly an imminent threat of violence

>> No.8349979

I like this, I will do this to guys who hit on me for Anime Expo.

>> No.8349996

It has a good intention, for people who are very shy and awkward to communicate they're uncomfortable with or appreciative of a situation.

But it's so passive-aggressive it defeats the purpose and will, if anything, antagonize the person who receives it (even a green card)

>> No.8350037

it's a piece of paper you dumbshit

>> No.8350505

You do realize you're showing how idiotic it is by becoming a bully?

Wait maybe that's just your excuse. Whatever, I've come to expect less from /cgl/ these days.

>> No.8350642

It's funny how only white guys get offended by the papers in the OP.

Women and POC have no problem respecting women's rights.

>> No.8350983

Actually, they do use something similar for autism conventions. Red means you're too autistic to socialise right now, yellow means to let the person talk first and green means they're willing to talk.

>> No.8351025

This is the kind of post I'd expect a legbeard Tumblrina to make.

>> No.8351029

Let's be honest-- this is created to shame people. Handing a card like this to someone who is malicious does no good. The entire purpose is to hand them to people who are socially awkward, and God knows they show up at cons, and then call them a creeper and threaten them. It's a passive-aggressive dick move in theory, and deliberately targets people with aspergers and poor social skills in practice.

>> No.8351030

Oh hey I'm a woman and I think those cards are fucking stupid.

>> No.8351050

I'm a woman and these are dumb as fuck. If I saw someone handing these out I'd be more offended by her than the dude that probably just accidentally bumped into her or sat without his legs crossed.

>> No.8351082

Fuck off #NotYourShield

>> No.8351092

Nah, you fuck off, SJW cunt. Go back to your Tumblr hugbox.

>> No.8351108

Only a male would use "SJW cunt" as an insult.

>> No.8351137

Only an SJW cunt would think that only a virgin neckbeard could possibly disagree with their idiocy. Go suck 100 cocks and blame the patriarchy when you get syphilis in your throat.

>> No.8351151

Not her, but it is painfully obvious that you're a crossie from /r9k/, so fuck off.

>> No.8351251

Funny that I come off that way, /cgl/ is literally the only board I post on. I'm fucking tired of the feminist bandwagon bullshit that's ruining the cosplay community and making all my girlfriends start turning into stupid cunts incapable of critical thought outside the context of what they hear on fucking tumblr.

>> No.8351266
File: 46 KB, 700x448, ccw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get red card
>pull this out
Your move scrub

>> No.8351274

What the fuck is notyourshield

>> No.8351280

After you fuck off back to GamerGhazi

>> No.8351312

Nah /r9k/ is full of retards & psycopaths, you don't come off that way. They are probably the ones that don't belong here with their SJW bullshit.

>> No.8351673

Daily reminder that over 99% of American men ages do their part to end rape by not raping women.
So no, "men" do not deserve this.
Wanna fucking fight about it?

>> No.8351730

Don't reply to trolls damnit. I hate the whiny weak feminazis like any other sensible woman but they live off of attention and baiting.

Also these cards are so cringeworthy and ridiculously passive-aggressive. I can imagine someone handing them out expecting a fullblown whinefit but the person would just glance at them in confusion and drop them in the trash. Or the person handing them out being pissed off that nobody tried to harass them so they didn't get the chance to feel moral superiority.

>> No.8352020

>"99% of American men do their part to end rape", he says
>then he threatens to violently beat up a woman because she disagrees with him


>> No.8352025

Bless you, /cgl/, you never fail to make me laugh.

>> No.8352028

how come the only women who make a bi deal about rape are the ones that nobody will ever want to rape?

it' like if you're a guy and can't get laid you head to reddit's red pill and r9k

if you're a woman who can't get laid you go all sjw on tumblr

>> No.8352029

He is pro assault, anti rape.

>> No.8352031

for the same reason you come here to hit on women yet none of them will ever have sex with you. you think you're more important than you are and like the attention.

>> No.8352035

So you admit that you can't get laid? That why you're a racist Nazi /r9k/ piece of shit?

>> No.8352052

i don't hit on anyone here

since when am i a racist, nazi or an r9k poster?

>> No.8352054

>"sieg heil"
>looks like a neckbeard
>acts like a misogynist

>> No.8352067

That's a /pol/ack if anything.

>> No.8352068

And how is that different from being a misogynistic virgin racist?

>> No.8352070

/pol/ hates everyone equally.

>> No.8352085

Yes, that's why 90% of their threads are women and POC hate threads.

Fuck off /pol/ virgin.

>> No.8352088

Not that it affects me, but what exactly is your issue with virgins?

>> No.8352093

They are always misogynistic little shits if male. They are the reason why women & non-binary people need cards like in the OP.

>> No.8352102
File: 938 KB, 500x376, FEMINISM BEAM GO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What on Earth is a POC?
Also, a brief look through /pol/'s catalogue reveals, what a surprise, zero "women" as broad as that is, threads. What a surprise, Tumblr doesn't know what it's talking about.

>> No.8352105

Stop lying you little shit.

I just clicked there and right on the front page was this
you lying misogynistic little fucker.

>> No.8352300

That thread is about how wonderful Muslim women are. How could a sjw not like that thread?!?!?

>> No.8352312

tfw taking an arabic class for nation security studies program which was a req for an internship i applied for

cute 5'2" green-eyed, olive skinned , jet black chin length hair Lebanese girl

>ask her out

>she shoots at the same range my college friends and i did

>tell her about cheap ammo source from frat bro who works at turner's w/ discount

>she's a sweetheart

>starts saying some really anti-israel type shit which is okay i guess, her view point, mostly about how it's a unjust nation-state of holocaust survivors.

>starts really saying some anti-israel anti-jew shit borderline racism

>3 glasses of wine at thispoint, she starts saying some really fucking terrorist type shit.....like support PLA and would love to fight in Lebanon

i hope she didn't suicide bomb anyone or anything

>> No.8352321

poc is

person/people of color it's an HR(human resources) term that jumblr SJWs adopted (social justice warriors)

>> No.8352343

>Green Card
Hand them a Red Card.

>Yellow Card
Hand them a Red Card.

>Red Card
Hand it back. Expect apology.

>> No.8352349

Fund it.

>> No.8352354

It's an HR term that actual people of colour adopted, you mean.

>> No.8352356

See >>8349208

>> No.8352416

No, no one calls them self a POC unless they're a social justice shut in. Normal people just call themselves black/Hispanic/Asian/ethnic

>> No.8352422

This is some hugbox bullshit right here, makes me want to stop going to cons

>> No.8352425

So this thread is filled with butthurt neckbeard manbabbies and manbabbies sockpuppetting / pretending to be women as if that somehow helps their argument.

Nothing to see here, /cgl/, move on...

>> No.8352442

too bad the only neckbeard in this thread wants a bunch of the red cards


i'll be at SDCC

hand me fucking red cards

>> No.8352459

Interestingly I think those originated at DefCon, and information security conference.
It was a really bad move since most of the guys at that thing would just attempt to collect one of each.

>> No.8352542

> Because anyone that disagrees with me can't be a woman. No woman would ever have a different opinion.

This is why I hate what feminism has become. Its not about giving women the power to make their own choices. Its about forcing all women to comply with the rhetoric.

>> No.8352557

No, I'm a woman and I think this is downright offensive and counterproductive to addressing harassment.
>confusing feminism with tumblr
You're even worse.

>> No.8352560

tumblr feminism is still gaining relevancy in real society you know. also even a lot of non-extreme feminists are cunty about shit like being a housewife or similar things. anon does have a fair point.

>> No.8352572

You're proving my point by admitting that feminism is not a blanket movement that necessarily supports radical tumblrites. Just because you haven't bothered to look into academic or grassroots feminist movements doesn't make "tumblr feminism" more relevant just because all you ever do is complain about buzzfeed videos and edgy dashboard posts on your own damn tumblr.

I'm sick of it being the cool new thing to fucking rag on feminism when actually, without feminism, you would be barefoot, pregnant, and still in the kitchen with no choice other than to be that way. You think hating on feminism makes you more desirable, or like "one of the guys"? It doesn't. It makes you look regressive and ignorant.

>> No.8352596

holy shit you're fucking mad. i'm not the same anon at all. but if you refuse to see that it's trendy for younger generations to adopt extremist feminist views and are doing so, outside of tumblr, then you are part of the damn problem.

also you're citing things from past waves which have little relation to what i was talking about at all.

when extremists stop flooding every facet of the internet with their bullshit maybe people will shut the fuck up about it, but trying to ignore it and getting pissed when people don't understand anything other than what's being thrown at them is blaming the ignorant for using the information they're given.

>> No.8352614

Yeah I'm fucking mad, Sherlock. You still don't get it. Saying "WEH ALL FEMINISM IS TRENDY AND BAD" is no less ignorant than me saying "RAWR THE MRA MOVEMENT IS ALL MISOGYTARD NECKBEARDS!"

You're generalizing and sweeping the movement as a whole under the rug without giving credit to the feminists who are getting their hands dirty working for foreign women's rights or raising funds for grassroots campaigns at home.

You just want to paint your tiny, narrow view of feminism like it's the truth of the movement as a whole because it's easier for you to do that. It takes effort to go out of your way to discover the less vocal, less radicalized feminists who are helping others everyday and shit on them too because you think that makes you sound smart.

>> No.8352825

But MRA is all misogynistic neckbeards.

If you believe women and men are equal, you are a feminist, end of line. If you aren't a feminist, you believe men are superior to women (=misogyny), end of line.

>> No.8352833

Eat it. "How else can I internalize the message, unless I internalize the medium?"

>> No.8352841

Oh, so it's okay for feminists to completely rag on men, blame them for all the problems in the world, downplay the severity of inequality in favor of women?

One cannot shit all over one group, and complain when the same is done to them. What's ignorant is the one sidedness of all this misandry.

>> No.8352854

i'm not fucking saying that. i wasn't even the anon who claimed feminism is only X i was just saying that they have reason to believe if they're ignorant because that's all that's being fed to anyone who is unfamiliar with the movement.

also fuck, no, MRA is only misogynists because they're just a product of a kneejerk reaction to the tumblr-style feminism that is flooding the internet because actual, good feminism gets no coverage because it's not batshit enough.

all i've been saying is that you need to accept that people will get a bad impression based off of what is being fed to them since anything non-extreme is rarely posted anywhere.

damn you need to chill the fuck out, read and comprehend. i agree that it's not the only thing, but that's because i know better. if you want others to understand that then fucking teach them don't scold them for thinking they understand what they're taught.

>> No.8352895

While I agree with you, it's still getting out of control. When colleges and universities have classes dedicated to the radical side of things, there's a huge problem, and they're the reason people are being driven away from feminism. When your teacher indirectly says "pink razors are a bigger problem than the backwater female circumcision" then there's no hope. The younger generation is being brainwashed, and we will have to deal with them in politics, and just about any other facet of society.

>> No.8352911

Why can't they both be an issue?
>mfw razor targeted towards women cost more than guy razors

>> No.8352914

>tackling the big issues
It must be a razor conspiracy against all women, probably goes all the way to the top.

>> No.8352924

Obama must be in on it too! After all Benghazi

>> No.8352928

THIS! Holy fucking shit. I'm the anon she was responding to and that's all I've been trying to fucking say. Shit.

>> No.8352939

a lot of razors targeted at women are more expensive because they add a lot of shit like soaps and moisturizers to them. also, i think what >>8352895 was saying is that people feel that women targeted products are somehow misogynistic and harmful while actual horrible misogynistic things are happening and actually hurting women.

>> No.8352950

Because that's not an issue of feminism, that's an issue of marketing. if you want to tackle that issue, you're gonna have to take it along with all the overpriced men's skincare. You're just coming off as a whiny bitch, there are bigger problems women face in the world than the cost of razors and they should be a priority, not your unshaven, sheltered ass.

Modern feminism is a crock of shit for the most part, because the hot issues are manspreading and shaving legs as opposed to acid attacks and bride kidnappings. It'd be great if we tackled THOSE issues more, but that's not what gets Jezebel and xoJane all that sweet, sweet site traffic.

>> No.8352958

This, a thousand times over. There's a difference between respectfully fighting for educational rights, and harping away on blog posts all day about why men should die and free bleeding is good because it's expressing dominance.