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8344652 No.8344652 [Reply] [Original]

old one autosaging >>8337637

Anyone aiming for this Meta special set?

>> No.8344673

hell yeah bitch

gonna get my hands on a navy OP

>> No.8344693

Fuck the navy is so cute !

>> No.8344747

Does anyone has the exact measures for JetJ size 2? There's a dress that I really want on LM and it's size 2, but it also says plus size friendly and I'm not big at all..

>> No.8344748
File: 54 KB, 360x420, 19052005kon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit the puff-sleeve dress is perfect.

>> No.8344753

Ew those colors are not my cup of tea

>> No.8344780

I'm bummed, because I love the pricing on Meta's special sets and I've been hoarding my pennies but I haven't liked any of the recent ones enough to buy.

>> No.8344795

Isn't it? I fucking adore this dress. And it's the only recent release my roommate likes enough to want to twin with. Fingers crossed we'll be able to get them in navy and purple!

>> No.8344810
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Has anyone seen Shelbycloud lately? I miss her videos, but I don't think she updates anymore.

>> No.8344831

plus size friendly doesn't mean fattychans only; there's plenty of plus size friendly (keyword is friendly) dresses that are still intended for smaller girls (not all plus size friendly dresses look great on bigger girls - think about how awful fully shirred bodices look when stretched out)

that said, which dress is it? because i've heard some of the size 2 sizing varies a bit.
unless you're really small, i think you should be fine as long as your within the listed measurements or the dress is able to be tightened with corset lacing

>> No.8344872

ughhh, I wish (either colorway), but there's a lack of high waist jsks included from what I saw

>> No.8344895

My tits are huge and leave me extending straps on all of my jsks to the limit to make them fit. Does anyone else have this issue? How do you fix it?

>> No.8344913

I had a friend once who used those elastic things made for extending your pants waistband on the straps in the back. Not sure how it would be less visible, though. Maybe elastic in a matching color with a button sewn on each end? That way you can make it whatever length you need.

>> No.8344935

i mean, it's just two special sets, i don't think it's actually a regular re-release. there's still some pink high waisted jsk's in stock from the original release of this series if you're interested.

>> No.8344944

No, I can always get the straps to fit. The issue is that it makes the jsk sit very low on my body (especially in the back) so it looks awkward with a blouse, and with a cardigan ends up with me being unable to bend over because cleavage.

>> No.8344959

I once completely took off the straps, added around 15 cm of velvet ribbon at the front, covered it with matching lace and sewed the front back to the bodice. This way they were still adjustable with the buttons in the back and they look nice on the front, but they can also be covered up with hair. This dress had the buttons on the bodice and the button holes on the straps, though, which made it impossible for me to just add ribbon in the back, because the holes would have been visible.
Nobody really noticed and while I'm aware that this reduced the resale value, I prefer a dress that fits me and looks good on me.

>> No.8344970

Do you have pictures of how the dress fits or recommendations of how to wear them after they have been altered? I am having a real issue making them sit right on me.

>> No.8344976
File: 55 KB, 179x122, Screen Shot 2015-05-22 at 5.57.07 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found a picture of the issue I have (not me in pic though) - the dress sits too low and leaves that weird gap between the top of the jsk and the blouse sleeves.

>> No.8344987

I could take some when I get home from work tonight! I don't have the issue with the back sitting too low, though, because I'm also a bit chubby and quite tall. Could you show me a picture of how the dress sits on you? It would make it easier for other anons and me to help you.

>> No.8344990

yeah I know. I'm holding out for navy or lavender though, but thanks

>> No.8344996
File: 233 KB, 756x955, 555bc264d40f6_289402b[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope someone here can help me with an angelic pretty yukata

i recently got a set like the one in pic, and the obi is just a long rectangle with two strings at one corner on each end
pretty sure the bow is just tucked into it after, but how do i tie the obi around my middle?

in the tutorials that i found, the people use two strings and tie the bow with the obi

>> No.8344999

Ah I see! Well, I have this problem too and lengthening straps doesn't really help with this. I don't think it's that bad, though. Maybe try to hide it a bit with your hair/wig? That's what I do, if I think something on the bodice looks off.

>> No.8345008


I'm probably more pissed than I should be, but fuck anyone who recommends MLD to newbies. They're fucking cancer for selling shit like this.

>> No.8345009


>> No.8345011

AP makes yukata??? This is news to me. Where to you get them?

>> No.8345018

i was searching 'simplified yukata' before haha, this is exactly what i was looking for. thank you so much anon!

>> No.8345023

They've been doing it for eons, anon. The most recent was a Marine Kingdom set that included a barrette and tote bag.
Closetchild has had like half a dozen available in the last couple of months.

>> No.8345025

yeah, they release a few each year, it's really cool!
i got mine off of closet child, you can check out second hand sites or buy direct from AP (not sure if they're store-only or available online as well)

search yukata on lolibrary to see some

>> No.8345133

Cancer for selling clearly labeled replicas that nobody has to buy if they don't prefer them? Right...I'd still recommend them to newbs for the convenience.

>> No.8345184

You know I mean they're cancer for selling replicas period, you twat. So it's okay to harm an industry you say you love out of "convenience"? Smooth, bitch.

>> No.8345186

So you recommend them to newbies who haven't been exposed to the fashion long enough to be able to assemble an educated preference regarding replicas? Congrats, you are also cancer.

>> No.8345191

I don't even care anymore, the secondhand prices of AP have skyrocketed so much that they aren't being harmed by it. If the price of replicas brings down the price of secondhand then I'm fine with replica-chans.

>> No.8345201

>secondhand prices are high so AP isn't hurting
>implying scalpers are using that money exclusively to buy more AP
Toppest of logic anon.

>> No.8345207

So /you're/ the anon that bought it T_T

>> No.8345211

sorry, i just happened to be on around when they restocked
which print yukata are you after? since there were 2 in stock

>> No.8345253

Scalpers mostly buy AP, yes, and almost every recent release has sold out. They generally only make replicas of things that have sold out. I'm not justifying replicas in any way, anon, I think they're shitty, but I honestly don't care if people buy them anymore because it drives the value down and I'm okay with that. You can still tell the difference from the real thing and replicas don't personally diminish the value for me. I got a MTO Celestial but I wanted another cut and colorway and I definitely can't afford $800 for a JSK. If shitty replicas cause less people to go for the real thing and also cause people to see the real thing and think of the replica (happened with Chess Chocolate and such) then the price will go down and I'm selfish so I don't mind.

>> No.8345264

On the topic of replicas, does anyone have a comparison chart for the Melty Cream Donut JSK original vs replicas? I know there's a comparison for the OP, but the differences are really minimal and I was hoping there might be more on the jsk.

>> No.8345266

Why do you automatically assume most new lolitas will buy replicas anyways? Also why do you assume most new lolitas will not be educated whatsoever about replicas when making a purchase? Most new lolitas are encouraged to buy original prints on taobao instead of replicas and most people understand what counterfeit goods are and tend to avoid them. MLD clearly states that Dream of Lolita's items are of lower quality than other taobao brands,encouraging its own customers to choose something else.
As for the replica in question, that release sold out almost immediately. If someone were to buy that replica it wouldn't be a *good* thing but it's not as though it's killing the brand.
People are acting as though the replica controversy is a life-or death issue. It's not. AP isn't going to go bankrupt. It's ok.

>> No.8345271

Can anyone confirm when the castle mirage release begins? Is it 12pm Japan time?

>> No.8345283
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you tell me?

>> No.8345320
File: 336 KB, 1065x1600, DSC00082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Berets, /clg/! I'm going crazy for berets! Please show me your favourite beret coords. I need ideas on how to wear my hair with them., or even just how to wear them. Poofy? Flat? To the side?

>> No.8345331

Other than the whole 'art theft' thing I don't really see why people get so worked up about replicas. Is it because it takes away some of the exclusivity of the real thing? Because honestly, unless the money is going straight to the company the resale market only funds a hysterical materialistic need for brand and "THIS PRINT". Why would I pay £500 for a £140 dress? It just doesn't make sense as the only people who benefit are those who sell their dresses on. Personally I don't buy replicas because I'd rather just buy a taobao original print and receive the better quality or just either wait for the ridiculous price inflations of the resale market to calm or make attempts to buy the original upon release. But I really couldn't care less if someone else buys a replica because it's their money and when the item is already sold out on the brand website it's hardly as if they're losing sales

>> No.8345344

Not true. Replicas are made because shitty cheap bitches want to wear kawaii roritas without spending any money. Cherry Marguerite, Celestial, and Melty Berry Princess all have replicas despite being MTOs. JetJ's Robe du Chat has been rereleased like 4 times? Also replicated.

>> No.8345347

Christ I totally fucking agree. I hate replicas but I think it's getting to the point where I hate scalpers more. It's the same idea for both-making money off of something you didn't make-but people are somehow ok with scalpers?
I wish scalpers were treated with the same scrutiny as replicas were, it's like that in almost every other collectable hobby I have but for some reason lolita is different.
>inb4 "it's economics!!!"
there's a difference between asking over retail for a rare, older piece and buying a brand new release with the sole purpose of selling over retail.

>> No.8345348
File: 139 KB, 540x540, tumblr_nl0cctzq4N1qbl6huo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl is super cute but her comment is "Finally wore AatP’s Funeral Procession this past weekend for a good friends b-day~ (´∀`)"

I dunno about you but I don't think I'd want to wear a print called "funeral procession" to a birthday party. It just seems weird to me!

>> No.8345352

how is that on the same level as art theft? who are they stealing from? they're not ripping anyone off, people who buy it know what they're paying for and how much they're forking out. boohoo you didn't have the opportunity to get your dress at retail price, click faster.

>trying to make a profit from selling sought after pieces
>trying to make a profit from stealing art and designs
tell me how they're the same. please.

>> No.8345359

it's not that weird, maybe she wanted to wear her newest dress or something she hasn't worn out before to an event?
if it's a "normie" party, most people wouldn't even know what the print's called, and i don't think lolitas would judge based on the name of the print either.
it's just the name of it, the print isn't terribly macabre, so i wouldn't think too much about it

>> No.8345360

This is more true for older pieces. I often see dresses that have been re-listed multiple times with the same huge price tag. Honey if no one is buying it at $700, It's not worth $700.

Personally it just drives me crazy to see this. If no one wants to buy your dress, fucking reduce the price if you're actually looking to sell it. Stop having a high pricetag for the off chance that someone will shell out an extra $300 for your old ass dress. Fucking NEW dresses cost this much.

I can kind of understand when new prints sell out quickly that people will sell them for more- but thats why I don't buy anything until the next 'major' release from a brand. People will look at that thing they just bought and sell it for something more reasonable rather than a $200 price hike.

>> No.8345373

My personal fav is two plaits under the beret!

>> No.8345379

It still boils down to people making money off of shit they didn't make, whether is 100$ off of a replica or 400$ off of a scalped piece.
And it's not ""sought after pieces"" it's just new pieces, there's no other reason for people to "accidentally" buy 2 pink jsks of dolly cat and then try to sell on of them for 600$

>> No.8345383


>> No.8345388


>> No.8345398 [DELETED] 

are you right in the head?
you thinking that me selling this forgery of a picasso painting for a profit is on the same level as a collector selling a real painting for a large profit? (besides the point that picasso painting are not newly released, this is what it boils down to)

who gives a shit if someone 'accidentally' or not, bought two dresses. if people wanted it for retail, they should've been quicker.

that's true, but you could always mail them an offer, and believe it or not, sometimes people do pay exorbitant prices even after it's been listed at that for a long period of time
>tea time nostalgia in green on Y!J was there for at least 8 months before someone bought it, and it was listed at $580 the whole time

sure, if it doesn't sell it's probably too highly priced, but i'm sure most sellers aren't idiotic enough to not know that lowering the price may get them that sale quicker. they just choose to keep pricing it how they want, and that's ok because it's their right as the owner of the dress.

>> No.8345403

are you right in the head?
you think that me selling this forgery of a picasso painting for a profit is on the same level as a collector selling a real painting for a large profit?
(besides the point that picasso paintings are not newly released, this is what it boils down to)

who gives a shit if someone 'accidentally' or not, bought two dresses. if people wanted it for retail, they should've been quicker.

that's true, but you could always mail them an offer, and believe it or not, sometimes people do pay exorbitant prices even after it's been listed at that for a long period of time
>tea time nostalgia in green on Y!J was there for at least 8 months before someone bought it, and it was listed at $580 the whole time

sure, if it doesn't sell it's probably too highly priced, but i'm sure most sellers aren't idiotic enough to not know that lowering the price may get them that sale quicker. they just choose to keep pricing it how they want, and that's okay because it's their right as the owner of the dress.

>> No.8345404

I hate that the older I get the more I agree with these. Over $600 for a recent secondhand AP dress is ridiculous.

Brand is worth its price, that's why I'm completely fine paying retail. But when a print someone's been waiting MONTHS for gets sold out immediately--one that will maybe MAYBE get a second limited run in the same cut/colorway a year or two from then, a second run that will ALSO be swamped with scalpers--only to show up with its price hiked up to hell minutes later, I can see why people look elsewhere.

>> No.8345412

Christ I have already made the distinction between paying a lot for old or rare pieces and selling a brand donee release for 2x retail
there's a difference between the two.
Like, let's say you're at an artist alley, selling art prints. You've got your latest prints for sale, but it's not every print you've ever made. A few tables down, there's a person selling low quality prints of something you had just sold out of. They look really bad, they still have a watermark and everything on them, but this person is selling them for 35% of your costs.
Another few tables down, there's a guy. This guy bought 5 prints form you of the same print that you just sold out of. You realise that he's taken those 5 prints and is now selling them for 250% of what you were selling them at.
Both of these scenarios hurt your business, both are taking money that you could have gotten.

>> No.8345415

I know but why even bother listing the dress if you essentially don't want to sell it? Putting it up with a huge overinflated price tag just tells me you don't really want to sell it.

Sending an offer $200 less is never going to satisfy someone like that.

>> No.8345417

It's the Cécile Robe. I don't think it has corset in the back.

>> No.8345420

deleted other post because it had grammatical errors

using your analogy, this would be like you going to several cons and knowing that you always sell out of prints, and you always price them the same.
this con, you still price them the same and you stock the same amount of prints as previous cons.

in this case, angelic pretty is 'you' and you're the people who probably missed out on buying the artist's prints (which just made things more confusing and you changed your point to that AP should be mad at scalpers??)

sure, AP can get mad at the people stealing their art, but they don't have any grounds for feeling upset at people making profit where they didn't take the opportunity to do so themselves. the original artist isn't missing out on anything if they're the one who priced their items the way they did, even knowing they could get more if they jacked up retail price

as the art buyer, i can see why you might be mad that the scalper bought 5 and you missed out, but you could've been at the stall earlier, etc

>> No.8345428

My analogy was designed to show that both art theft and scalpers can hurt a business, which is what I've been saying all along, and since they both have the ability to hurt a business they should be held to the same scrutiny by the community.

>> No.8345432

I don't like replicas so I don't buy them.

I don't like scalpers, so I don't buy dresses at scalped prices.

If both of these facts mean that I don't have the in demand print of the moment, then that's ok with me. If I love the print enough, I'll either wait around a year or two until the hype dies, or suck it up and pay what the going price is. Decide with the dollar what is and isn't ok.

>> No.8345435

Adding on that this is mainly aimed at scalping, which is theoretically easier to get rid of than replicas. Mind you a lot of the same mentalities are at work in both issues, and they're somewhat connected in a pretty self-reinforcing cycle.

>> No.8345436

i don't see how the scalper is hurting the business, if the artist's bottom line is to sell all of their stock at pre-determined prices
who gets them and what they do with them afterwards doesn't interfere with the artist's business, because they're overpricing them, and nobody will be like "oh i'll just go find scalper-chan next time rather than buy direct"

how exactly are scalpers hurting AP?

>> No.8345439

Replicas obviously hurt, but scalpers only hurt the community not the brand. The reason brands have issues with people scalping isn't because they're mad about them getting more profit, they charge what they think is fair. The issue is that they know the scalpers aren't into the fashion and since brand loyalty and pride is a big factor of Japanese lolitas, the brands feel obligated in turn to do whatever they can to keep product in the hands of those who want to wear it rather than those who want a profit. There is, surprisingly a sense of duty and obligation from the brands to the customers as well.

The issue with replicas is very obviously moral, but there are economic effects it has. Long sold out prints aren't so much the problem, though it could be said that it will hinder a possible re-release. The issue is greed. If a lot of replicas are being churned out after the release prints then it's very possible that some lolitas will forgo reserving or buying a dress from brand in order to save money, this is an issue. One can argue that greedy lolitas willing to save money to rip off the brand have no brand loyalty but rather print loyalty. This is probably true, but the dresses they love couldn't be possibly if the brand didn't exist. Now, I don't know if buying replicas will hurt brands enough to close them down but it certainly won't help them stay open.

tl;dr: scalping is wrong to the community, replicas are still wrong to the brand.

>> No.8345441

They're making money off of something that isn't theirs in the same way that art theft does. They both should be held to a similar, if not identical, level of scrutiny.
I realise me saying that they hurt the business doesn't make much sense, and not quite what I wanted to say, apologies.

>> No.8345443

Yes, exactly my thoughts, put much more eloquently.

>> No.8345482

Have you ever thought that maybe they can only afford to make a max number of garments every release?
And let's be honest here, where are the scalpers coming from? China. And the replicas? China. Both problems originating from same place

Scalping hurts the brand by hurting the customers. They complain and get fed up with always trying to buy but scalpers buying everything. Maybe they give up buying from the brand.

>> No.8345498

Have you seen the Western sales market? It's not just China that has scalpers

>> No.8345508

>missed out on AP release
>needs scapegoat for butthurt caused
>oooh must be CHINA!!!1!

>> No.8345516

I hope AP is reading this and decides to sell every new print at $700

>> No.8345523

But seriously, AP has shown they're capable of MTOs for popular releases. They're just too lazy to make that the standard.

>> No.8345533

yeah and then people will probably still complain about scalpers
>omg that bitch is selling the new release for $1.5k??

this anon brings up a good point, they obviously can do MTOs so i don't think they really have a limit to the number of pieces they can churn out

yeah, but is AP going to go out of business if scalpers keep buying their stuff? scalpers only scalp because there's a market, and as long as there is a market, AP profits
would scalpers even attempt scalping if there wasn't anyone to buy from them? no. and if there are buyers for scalpers, there are also buyers for AP.

>> No.8345575

The measurements are accurate and size 2 is not plus size friendly unless maybe it's fully shirred. Size 2 is 93 cm bust, 73 cm waist. I think several years ago a few pieces were 95/75. They're about a US 4/6.

>> No.8345578


I think someone posted that the Shinjuku and one other brand of AP closed MTO for the berry prints early because some SS had 800 orders from Chinese lolitas.

I guess they actually have a limit to how many MTOs they can make...

On a related note, it looks like Chinese lolitas are pretty much the new market that's expanding too rapidly, therefore buying out all the releases, driving up the prices and encouraging scalping. AP must be rolling in dough while trying to figure out how much and which releases to up production by.

>> No.8345579

What? No it IS theirs. They bought it with their money and now that dress belongs to them. If they want to scalp it, and someone is willing to pay, that is completely and utterly their business, and no where near the same realm as art theft.

>> No.8345580

Newsflash: 95% of lolitas that buy brand dont settle for replicas. This is a dead argument. Lolitas that have too tight of budgets do and even if AP were to have the print in stock, they would likely choose the replica over the real thing because its cheaper. Replica buyers are not and have never been customers of AP, therefore AP never gained nor lost.

>> No.8345583

>placed CC order on Monday
>shipped out on Tuesday
>mfw it arrived today morning

This is fucking insane. It usually takes 10-14 days for EMS shipments from Japan to arrive at my Europoor country and get cleared at customs. Hell, even within my own country shipping sometimes takes longer. Does CC always ship this fast or am I just lucky this time?

>> No.8345594
File: 1.19 MB, 892x744, modified_straps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go anon!

>> No.8345624

CC doesn't influence the time it takes for EMS to get to Europe.

>> No.8345662

I actually hope that replicas help people get fed up with the original so no one likes it anymore and it finally goes for less like for chess chocolate.

>> No.8345679

(another anon) well that's ok with me as long as they help lower the vaue of the original in second-hand sales. The original will never have the same price as a replica anyway.

>> No.8345697

Well they're not clearly intrested in the dress but only in obtaining the original price x3 if they put in on sale on the same day they bought it. Being intrested in making profit without caring for the fashion is what it makes them the same.

>> No.8345701

Long essay ahead, apologies for the length.
Part 1/3?

Actually, there was a time around 2010, 2011 when attitudes towards replicas were so laid back that even established lolitas bought them. That's why you can find a lot of reviews comparing stuff like Sugary Carnival or Milky Planet replicas, those were the times when replicas were widely accepted. After that, we started getting newbies who actually said in the comments that they would wait for the replica of a print rather than buy something that is not only still available, but actually on sale. These prints were Little Bears Cafe (AP) and IW's Ashley Embroidery. You also got a few newbies who reasoned that replicas were better value for money since you could get two or three replicas for the price of one brand dress. So there you go, newbies who CAN afford brand, but would rather fill their whole wardrobe with replicas because it's cheaper and there were no negative repercussions.

As for comparing scalpers to replicas. It always boils down to this. Replicas are always obviously wrong. Scalping, on the other hand, isn't always so clear cut. I've seen anons bitch about people starting auctions for new dresses with tags at retail price, not the $700 price tag that's been thrown around here. The seller is most likely making a loss considering international shipping fees, and yet they still get called a scalper just because some anon is salty they can't pay less than retail for a brand new dress that they want.

Why would someone buy two pink Dolly jsks? Because when you enlist an in-person shopping service, they're rarely able to tell you that they've bought it *before* online sales starts. Most likely they're still lining up to pay just as online sales starts. So when online sales begins, of course you'd be trying to buy one dress yourself while your SS tries to buy one for you, some releases one or both fail, some releases both succeed and you end up with a duplicate.

>> No.8345703


And the people who price their dresses at $700? You're right, some of them don't really want to sell it. For all that we've been telling lolitas to buy what they like instead of hopping on the bandwagon, people forget that popular dresses are popular because people like them. So someone who lists a dress at $700 and refuses to lower the price is most likely someone who is actually in love with their dress, they're willing to give it up if you love it enough to pay more, but otherwise they're most likely happy to keep it in their wardrobe because they actually like the dress.

Sure, there are lolitas who watch the market to see what prints are popular and try to flip them for profit. It's easier to tell if they list their location in Japan: if they picked up their items in-store they'd have no shipping or SS fees to recover, shipping within Japan is only around 450 yen for a single jsk, AP gives you free shipping if you hit 30+k yen. So those are the ones you can immediately tell are scalping, especially if they consistently list new releases for much higher than retail.

Everybody everywhere else, though? Someone who is trying to sell a $290 dress for $350 is most likely trying to recover Tenso and international shipping fees. Someone trying to sell it for $400 probably went through an in-person shopping service, those usually charge more and sometimes charge train fares. Plus remember, some of these girls are okay with keeping two colourways of Celestial or Berry Princess if you don't want to pay them their asking price, you can't really tell which ones bought a second one to profit and which ones decided afterwards to see if someone is willing to pay enough for them to give up the dress.

Now, compare this to replica makers. What other scenario can you imagine for someone churning replicas other than "ripping off someone else's art for profit"?

So that's why judgement is faster on replicas while scalpers are given a little benefit of doubt.

>> No.8345707

Exactly. Both scalpers and replica makers lack morals. In my opinion, if people justify this with "demand and offer", then replica makers are technically satisfying the demand of replica chans too, I don't see that much difference (still hate replicas btw).

>> No.8345712

>comparing an unique piece of artwork by Picasso universally recognized with dresses of a niche fashion

>> No.8345713


Eh, that was shorter than I thought. There's no part 3, sorry.

By the way, I don't like scalpers either, they're additional competition for popular releases, which apparently I like. I think if someone consistently puts up every popular new release for higher prices, that would be a sign that they're a scalper and should be avoided until they run out of money and get stuck with a whole wardrobe of dresses they don't like and can't sell. But I think cgl anons are too fast to call everyone scalpers if the price is a bit out of their budget, which is actually counterproductive, because any real scalpers we may be able to identify get lost in all the noise and whining.

>> No.8345718

I don't think it's CC. I think it's just EMS. I was surprised by the short time it took for cc's packages to get to me too - I'm on the U.S. east coast and it usually takes 4 days from the time of shipment for it to get in my hands. Pretty great. Packages from Meta and FromJapan are similar. The only EMS shipping that's taken a bit longer for me is Bodyline and I'm not really sure why; for their packages it often takes a good week, week and a half for them to arrive.

>> No.8345729
File: 122 KB, 533x800, gothic-black-printed-chiffon-high-waist-lolita-skirt-gc-3_11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opinions on this? I love how simple it looks, but I'm afraid it looks a bit cheap, maybe?

>> No.8345736


But people buying from scalpers is also because of greed, isn't it? They just want to have the latest print whatever it is and whatever it costs, feeding this system which drives up the average price and excludes a lot of people who would like to buy the original print, maybe even a bit over retail but not at x 1000 price.
replicas= for the greed of poorfags
scalpers= for the greed of richfags?

and if I really had to shell out $600 or $700 I would rather to give it ot the brand than to the scalpers which have no interest in the fashion, (exactly as I wouldn't give it to replica makers).

>> No.8345837

my kingdom for an MTO of Misty Sky OP or a JSK in pink
>it'll never happen
>maybe if I'm patient for another 5 years.....

>> No.8345851
File: 67 KB, 425x567, mmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't really decide if I should get this OP or not. I really like it and the sparkly crosses are too cute but at the same time it gives me this awful tacky goth feel

>> No.8345853

Is it literally just a black bonnet with three cross pendants sewn on to it wonky? I think I'd be cute if the crosses were embroided but now it just looks cheap.
However many lolitas don't seem to mind cheapness so give it a try if you want it.

>> No.8345858

Wear it with stompy platforms and own the fuck out of the tacky gothiness. That's what I'd do if I didn't hate Moitie's stupid ass choice of cuts.

>> No.8345864
File: 173 KB, 500x375, 2402_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where would I find this sweater or something like it?

>> No.8345935

Gulls, I was doing some thinking and wanted to know

>How much do you spend on lolita per month?

>Do you think you have a spending problem?

>> No.8345950

Have you tried wearing sports bras?

>> No.8345951

>how much spent per month

>do you think you have a spending problem?
yes, i dont have a job im a student

>> No.8345952

sports bras and transmen binders are things to look into. made my life so much easier wearing loli, also more confident

>> No.8345954

$50-$80ish. I only buy main pieces once every 3ish months because I'm full time student/part time worker.

Where do you get that kind of moolah as a student or is it loan money?

>> No.8345955

That metal looks awful. It's like metallic confetti.

>> No.8345987


My monthly lolita budget is $500 a month. I sometimes feel like I have a spending problem even though I still pay rent, student loans etc, with a fair margin left over, but I'm so used to being poor. Went from making barely 15k a year to 65k, and I worry I'm handling my money wrong.

>> No.8346014
File: 675 KB, 904x726, hnnnng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's all it took to convice me

>> No.8346029

If you're using art as an example, it works against your argument. People usually know they're buying replicas, so if you're comparing it to art, people buy copies of famous paintings all the time, because the original is expensive and rare. Nobody bats an eye at copies of famous pieces. So if a dress is rare and expensive then using famous art as an example justifies replicas. But just like with art, people who want the original enough aren't going to settle for a fake. If the artist is still alive, it's considered incredibly shitty to resell one of their works for an exorbitant amount without giving some of it to the artist. More shitty than making prints or copies of their work and selling it for far less than the original.

>> No.8346030

Ditch the green wig and I will fully support this.

>> No.8346040

You're joking, but this is essentially what will happen. AP has already been pretty vocal about how much they hate scalpers. They'll slowly raise their prices with each release to defer them.

>> No.8346046

My hair is green(a solid and well kept dark color) , that's why I put it there. Sadly I can't wear a wig because it's getting too warm

>> No.8346139

I make about 55k a year. I am not rich, but I can at least live on my own. I get nervous about spending too much money. I spend about 200-300 on clothes every 2-3 months. Usually as a taobao order. Anything else, I try to find at the the thrift store. I have been a lolita for about 2 1/2 year and I have only bought 5 brand dresses. Only 2 have been over 150 dollars, but less than 250.

>> No.8346176

Per month I guess €50-75 on average. I buy mainpieces every 3-4 months or so and also make dresses myself. But i'm still building my wardrobe. I couldn't ever bring myself to spend more, because for me it's actually super luxurious money-wise. I haven't ever spend that much on a hobby, but I have bought less casual clothing and that spare money combined with hobby budget is enough for lolita. You just have to choose what to do, I can't start another hobby next to this, but I do have things like pets and going out (dinner or drinks) so I don't have the worse life I guess.

>> No.8346206
File: 660 KB, 1334x852, 1st loli attempt small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello everybody!

I don't know where else to post this, so please forgive me if I'm in the wrong thread.

I'm new to lolita and because I had some spare time, I tried to put together a coord for the first time.

I like to keep it simple, but somehow something seems wrong; what could it be?
I think it needs some spice, can you help me out and share general tips for coords more simple?

Thanks a lot, its really fun!

>> No.8346247

far less weird than wearing it to an actual funeral, somehow that would register as tacky as fuck to me.

She looks lovely.

>> No.8346255

does anyone else feel like it's currently a meh period in the secondhand sales? I want to add something to my closet and I keep looking around but for the past few weeks I just haven't really found something I liked. can't tell if I'm just being really picky or not.

>> No.8346268

Hmm. The dress looks navy - or is it black? Are you going for sweet or classic - really could look fine with either. The shoes you have chosen will not go with the violin purse/socks option. I'd personally get the heart purse in black rather than white if you are going with black shoes. The necklace seems out of place with the sweet feel of the outfit.
What color/style is your hair? Do you really need a wig?

>> No.8346269

ivory and white don't match, it's something you'll notice when you get it in (blouse looks ivory)
headbow has black lace on it, which is fine overall but one with white lace might be better.
Honestly as a first main piece that dress isn't that great, it hasn't got a lot of nice details or anything that people like on nonprint dresses...

>> No.8346271

not really, i've managed to buy 6 dresses that i've been looking for for over a year just in the past month

but then again that's a good thing for you, curb the spending!

>> No.8346277

I've noticed this too, actually. Even the Japanese side of the secondhand market has been disappointing for me, dream dresses wise. For example, if I were to go to Japan now, there's really only about a little less than 10 dresses in stock that I'd buy, and a few of them aren't even top tier dream dresses of mine.

>> No.8346290

I have a huge love-hate with this. I really with the print wasn't so busy, but I feel the same with like.. every Meta print. But this one is so cute it's just too vibrant ugh

THIS though, is something I can get into. Ugh them colors on the print and how it blends into the dress color perfectly is just..yes.

>> No.8346304

Nope. I've seen tons of stuff I'd like to buy and just can't afford to add on, lately. Depends on if you're counting both western sales and japanese auctions, though.

New releases though, yeah. I haven't wanted to buy a dress new for a while.

>> No.8346317

>curb the spending

very true actually, now would be a good time for me to save up money and invest in more basics and accessories. I just really wanna add another main piece to my wardrobe atm but just haven't seen anything I liked the past 2 months.

last month there were a few japanese auctions I tried to bid on but lost. since then I haven't seen anything on both sides of the market that I'm interested in.

yeah personally i haven't seen much i like on both but maybe I'm just in a slump myself. I just find it weird because normally I always see something I'm at least interested in, even if I don't want to or can't buy it.

>> No.8346343

Going to a meetup this weekend and there's gonna be highs of 79F. I bought a new wig and I would like to wear it (though am not opposed to my natural hair at all) but I'm worried it's gonna kill me. I'm also wearing all black that day. The actual meet will mostly be inside at a museum and then a short walk to a restaurant later but I will be spending some time on the train and subway. Is it just too hot and should I forego it for now? Or, since I will end up there early, perhaps I could just bring the wig with me and put it on when I get there?
idk, it's nothing I'm too worried about, I just wanted to hear some second opinions.

>> No.8346344
File: 57 KB, 360x420, 120510241809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am fuckin dying for this guys oh my god

>> No.8346380

Meta is so borderline tacky. They will always be my number one brand. They love taking risks and doing prints they love and you can tell

>> No.8346413
File: 42 KB, 240x320, vif7d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is so old, but how do you tell the difference between the first Sugary Carnival release and the second?

>> No.8346469
File: 56 KB, 650x455, wondercupbagpink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you draw the line as far as replicas are concerned, specifically with bags? I really want this Wonder Cup bag replica, but at the same time fuck replicas. Is it generic enough to be passable or does it fall under copyright territory like the pony/character bags? And would you wear it to a tea party with brand guests (not AP specifically)?

>> No.8346507

Seems to me no one cares about bag or shoe replicas so long as you don't tell anyone

>> No.8346511

Beautiful job. It looks like that's how it was always meant to be.

>> No.8346534
File: 83 KB, 250x333, ap_pochette_wondercup_color1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I thought about that. But this one is a bit obvious as the original has Angelic Pretty on the front. I just got Wonder Party in sax though and this would seriously be perfect. I'm very anti-print-replica though and I'd hate to be a hypocritical asshole just because it was something I wanted.

>> No.8346542
File: 1.83 MB, 1484x659, huge pic incoming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First release on top, re-release on bottom
From what I can tell:
> Original has cotton satin ribbon (shinier) for the bows on the strap and corset lacing
> The lace used to line the straps and headbow is larger and more sheer on the re-release
> Print has been altered to be less sharp on re-release (looks like the photos are kind of blurry anyways though, so I could be wrong)
> The bottom of the print (the marshmallow ropes and whip cream) have been resized to be smaller

I'd say the best way to judge would be to look at the ribbons and the lace.
> tried to find some non-stock photos to compare, but everybody and their mum is claiming theirs is the first release

>> No.8346545

The cut of that OP is terrible for a border print. It looks unintentional, and I bet you'd constantly get old ladies quietly telling you your skirt was caught and flipped under.

>> No.8346562

i don't think it's generic enough to be passable tbh. when i think of "generic designs" i think of super basic shapes (star, heart, etc) or designs that have been done by various brands that are all similar (ex. basic rectangular bag with some bows on it). have you had any luck searching second hand auctions?

>> No.8346570

Yeah, my gut feeling is basically the same. I found one in black, but it's from a seller who constantly overprices shit anyway. The tea party I want to wear it to is in 3 weeks so I'll probably just have to go with a heart shape or something. It's just... so goddamn perfect. Guess I'll keep stalking the auctions for the future though.

>> No.8346584

keep up the faith, anon!

>> No.8346605

>How much do you spend on lolita per month?
Varies but usually around $800
>Do you think you have a spending problem?
Yes, my family have confiscated one of my bank cards but I'm still able to transfer money to my other bank account via internet banking
Nothing can stop me, i'm a monster

>> No.8346615

>original has an older tag, pink with a crown.
>Unlined waist ties

This is at least with my original release skirt. I don't know if this is the case with the JSK.

>> No.8346620

no one really cares about replica bags (and shoes), just be honest if someone asks or when you're selling them. you don't have to go around announcing the fact that you have one and the majority of people don't pay close enough attention to bags or again, care enough, to like ~call you out on it~ if they do happen to notice.
as for official brand tea parties though, though the main thing that definitely isn't allowed are replica dresses, i'm not sure how much they would care about bags. i would say they're a potentially unwanted item and some designers may be able to recognize certain bags as replicas. if you're worried about a replica bag and going to an official event you may just want to contact them and ask tbh if you're that serious about it

>> No.8346624

>How much do you spend on lolita per month?
Not much right now, a little here and there if something pops up that I need. Less than $100.

>Do you think you have a spending problem?
I racked my credit card up an exorbitant amount. Lolita was just a part of it, but also putting everything on it because fear of having my debit card numbers stolen and my account wiped out, food, going out to eat, day to day needs, and then being impulsive with lolita. Well, it got wiped all right, by my own stupidity. I spent way beyond my means. I'll have it paid off within the month though. It's taken me 7 months and I sold a large chunk of my wardrobe except things I really loved and couldn't bear to part with. Never again. I am looking forward to buying things again, but much more carefully and selectively this time.

>> No.8346655
File: 27 KB, 300x300, 40532642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heya gulls

Where can I get a satchel/rucksake in white like this?

>> No.8346674

I see these stupid bags in every colorway on secondhand sites for under 7,000 yen. I don't think you'll have a hard time finding it

>> No.8346689

closet child, Y!J or mbok all have the real deal from time to time

taobao has a few replicas and shit too

>> No.8346744

Yeah my main concern is what brand representatives would think. I'd hate to be that asshole. I'm probably gonna keep an eye out for the real deal for a while, but I may eventually get the replica (for non brand tea party use) if I can't find it. I'm probably overthinking it and most people would buy it without hesitation but oh well.

>> No.8346823

Oh thank you. I just bought one and forgot there were two releases and was afraid I got the first. I think it's the second but I'll know for sire when I receive it.

>> No.8346912

I've never seen a jetj print replica.

>> No.8346941
File: 157 KB, 303x295, 1408944436946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my Bodyline AIR package just got hit by customs for over 35% of its value
This isn't supposed to happen! My AIR packages always skirted under customs' radar before...

>> No.8346955

I need the dark blue/white wonder cup purse so if you see it...

>> No.8346989

lol I know someone who just bought this and she's trying to act like she bought the real thing even though she's been posting about the rest of her taobao order. trying to pretend replicas are real is the only thing that makes me sandy about people buying replicas.

>> No.8347036

Dunno if anyone wants that teacup bag but I found it on y!auctions


>> No.8347058

Why do designers refuse to post pictures of dresses in 21st century dimensions? Why does everything have to be so tiny? I just want nice, big pictures of dresses.

I'm seriously curious and looking for an answer.

>> No.8347084

I didn't look into this print at all previously, now I can't unsee it. I feel like this looks almost amateur with the cut. I think pulling up the fabric or just stopping the print for something interesting on the side would be so much better.

>but of course it's meta

>> No.8347098
File: 1.12 MB, 991x797, Dresses I like.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for your replies!

I want to go for a more classic style, the dress is dark purple.
I wanted to get the headbow and the shoes in offwhite - I'm sorry that I didn't point it out bigger (the font in the picture was a bit small).

My real hair is blonde, long, fine and boringly straight, that's why I'd like to try out a wig with curls and more volume!

Do you recommend me to find a more standing out mainpiece instead of a toned down one like this?
I'm afraid that it's going to be too much for a first dress.
I'm thinking about finding a dress with a print that's not standing out too much, as I don't like those
big clashing prints you see oftentimes. Pic related maybe?

>> No.8347125

that would just make it easier for people to copy their designs
at least now, they have to get their hands on a dress first

>> No.8347135

This has been confusing me for a while as I've just recently got into AP's darker prints as a gothic/classic Lolita.
What are prints such as Mercator Antique Shop and Loyal Rosette considered; substyle wise (If any)
They don't seem to fit any cookie cutter substyle rules which is fine, but if it becomes more common I'd love to know how to search for similar designs.

Anyone heard anything? Are the Japanese lolitas calling it anything different?

>> No.8347154
File: 365 KB, 1157x602, advicepls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to a tea party next month and the jsk I'm wearing is a special color. The only pair of shoes that looks right with my outfit was one that I found on antaina. I immediately bought them because they were really pretty, but didn't realize that they were really similar to a pair that angelic pretty has until weeks later.

The thing is the tea party has a no replica rule, and I am a little broke so I can't buy another pair of shoes to coord with my outfit.. I really want to wear them to the meet but I feel like I might get kicked out of the tea party if anyone finds out they are replica shoes. My jsk is official bruando but all my other accessories are taobao, just like my shoes. Will people harp on non brand shoes? Or pearls and brooches and stuff that don't come from a Japanese brand?

It's also my first ever tea party so I don't want to fuck up.. What should I do gulls?

>> No.8347155

Generally speaking, the "no replica" rule applies primarily to main pieces, though obvious replicas of purses and jewelry tend to be frowned upon as well. I think the only time you'd get hammered in the ass about a pair of shoes is if a designer actually saw a Bodyline/secret shop/an tai na logo (like if you were in a fashion show and running the risk of the designers seeing the logo inside your shoe when you changed clothes). Your other nonbrand pieces should be fine, just don't be one of those bitches who brags about how much money you didn't spend because you bought a replica of something instead of the real thing.

Sorry if that doesn't make a lot of sense, I'm full of spiced rum and exhaustion.

>> No.8347156

Adding to this, if you're really nervous about it you should probably contact the person who is arranging the tea party. That's the only sure-fire way of knowing if everything is peachy.

>> No.8347159

I have to get replica shoes because my feet are gigantic and never fit the LL sizes, so I'm always wearing Vivienne Westwood or Antaina shoes. I wouldn't worry about it!

>> No.8347177

Phew, okay! Thanks for telling me this.
>just don't be one of those bitches who brags about how much money you didn't spend
Yeah, I don't think I'm the type to do that so it's all good.

>> No.8347186

Is it me or are chinese lolitas nouveau riche as hell?

>> No.8347188

probably, although these days it's hard to tell with spoiled brats
>tfw live in a very rich neighbourhood, a lot of it really is old money but they all live in tacky cubic houses that try to imitate American West Coast celebrities and drive tacky cars

>> No.8347206

I used to spend $280 a month, just as a high school student getting lunch money and a bit of part-time work a week. Unfortunately, money's just got a lot tighter because I lost some hours at work, and I'm nearly done with school and once I am I won't be getting lunch money to reroute to lolita spending. Unless I get a new job (unlikely because I'm going away to see relatives for two weeks in the middle of the summer and places don't want to hire you when you're going to take time off straight away) my cash flow is gonna drop down to $120 a month, which I can't just spend on lolita because I have a fair few social events, leavers' dinners, etc that I have to pay for myself (oldfag single-parent family and already have to pay a $600 accommodation deposit a month before I get my loan). Probably not gonna be spending anything on lolita until my student loan comes in in late September, unless I get some cash from richer relatives on results day.

>> No.8347214

I have the opposite problem.

>big meetup soon
>planned coordinate a couple of months ago, it's summer so I assumed it'd be at least warm
>even bought new things like lace OTKs, a shorter wig and a parasol when planning for hot weather
>weather now shitty, cold and rainy
>forecast to be cool, cloudy and possibly with showers at the meet
>not sure if I should just wear a completely different coordinate, especially since I'm not 100% happy with the coordinate I'd planned anyway because a couple of items didn't arrive

>> No.8347215

I actually think the replica is cuter, I don't like the way the AP logo looks on the original.

>> No.8347217

>How much do you spend on lolita a month?
about two hundred to three hundred dollars.
>Do you think you have a spending problem?
Honestly, yeah. I'm giving myself a firm budget of 100 a month for lolita now.

>> No.8347218

I have the dress in your pic on the far right in green and I love it, but you can't really wear it outside of Christmas so it's not versatile. I'd suggest the second from the right dress instead - you could coordinate it with red, gold, black or cream without problems. I also have the blouse on the far left and wouldn't recommend it - it's thin and tore easily. The light pink dress is a non-brand but simple enough to be versatile dress, but I don't like it that much and being an OP rather than a JSK reduces its versatility.

>> No.8347219

I guess you're not used to it where you live but it seems really bizarre to me. 79 is like... perfect.
It regularly gets to 104F/ 40C here in summer (well in spring and into early autumn too) and I gone to meets when it was 97.
Unless your hair is terrible, don't bother with the wig, I can put up with higher temperatures but even I wouldn't be able to deal with stifling headwear unless it was under 70. It'll get itchy.

>> No.8347221

*non-boring not non-brand, sorry

>> No.8347223
File: 110 KB, 720x960, 11258003_889878031049850_3627229345771935751_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know where else to post this, like what the fuck oojia?

>> No.8347253

Thank you for your reply!
Can you suggest me another blouse in an ivory colorway instead? That'd be lovely!

Thank you for your suggestion regarding the dress.

>> No.8347255

lol I thought you were talking about the shoes mentioned for a second

>> No.8347259

Wouldn't the blouse on your bottom left do? I don't have any ivory or cream blouses that aren't now sold out so I can't recommend others I own - I've liked what I received from Surface Spell, Dear Celine and The Floral Notebook on Facebook though.

>> No.8347261

I feel bad for really liking this, but peacock blue is a weakness of mine.

>> No.8347264


I love the color actually, too bad it's a replica.
Would definitely love to see brands add some more interesting jewel toned colors to their current palettes.

>> No.8347273

But was it suppose to be this color or was it suppose to be black? Because from what I've seen over the years outta that replica don't know how to properly do black prints and just looking at this is cringe city

>> No.8347278


There have always been "classic sweet" and "classic gothic" mixes, people just have to get used to "gothic sweet" being a think now.

It's not snowflakey, it's just literally what's being released.

Holy lantern isn't considered gothic, but it sure as hell isn't sweet. It's in the middle.

>> No.8347280

Even if it was supposed to be black, it's a nice color. I'm not going to buy it, but TBH as far as fuckups go this one is rather pretty.

>> No.8347297

too bad it looks like the middle of the dress is faded, it's a lovely colour!
AP should steal something back from oujia and make a re-release in this colour.

>> No.8347299

>AP should steal something back from oujia and make a re-release in this colour.
That would be hilarious

>> No.8347402

I like this better than the colors AP released, honestly.

>> No.8347404

Holy Lantern, please be re-released.

I'd kill a gull for you.

>> No.8347417

>tfw got lav jsk for basically retail
>traded it with MTO piece
Win for life.

>tfw one of my cats got mauled by a dog
>missed castle mirage

I wore holy lantern today and I'm going to poison the neighbourhood dogs with anti-freeze so its ok.

>très gothic

>> No.8347436

Uhm are you fucking stupid? You should cut the dog open and make it feel like your cat did. anti-freeze isn't goth shut up.

>> No.8347440

Were you the anon that traded Celestial for Holy Lantern?

>> No.8347457

Nobody really minds design replicas, anyway, and most people don't care much about shoe or bag replicas especially. I personally don't own a single pair of brand shoes because I've never liked any I saw secondhand and fuck paying full price

>> No.8347459

Fuck dogs. Does the owner know? That fucker should be put down. A small child could be next

>> No.8347464

>I wore holy lantern today and I'm going to poison the neighbourhood dogs with anti-freeze so its ok.
Anon, what the fuck.

>> No.8347523

God, I hope the owner was apologetic. There are so many irresponsible dog owners out there that just go, "Oh, well, my dog was just being a dog. What am I gonna do? Teehee," when shit like that happens.

>> No.8347525

I'll try to remember and post it in the current general thread if I find it in my searches!
Oh shit thank you so much! Guess I should've tried more generic search terms.
I actually kinda agree with you on that, but the original looks to be better constructed in general.

>> No.8347538

aw that stinks anon. I think I might plan a different coord, especially since you're not happy with this one. hopefully you can save it and wear it at a later meet with better weather?

80 degrees is fine when you're walking around in a t-shirt and short shorts or hanging by someone's pool. 80 degrees starts to get a little cumbersome when you're walking around in 2-3 layers of black clothing. (I don't have any short sleeved blouses either though the one I'm wearing will be chiffon so I think that will be some help) Also it definitely doesn't get that hot around here unless it's a particularly hot summer, I think normal is the 90's but I also just prefer 60 and 70 degree weather myself. Anyways yeah sounds like it'd be best for me to just forego the wig for now.

>> No.8347541

I've heard chiffon can be worse in the heat due to the synthetic fibers not breathing as well, but it depends on the specific fabric. Good luck!

>> No.8347551

Fuck I'm so sorry for you hun.
I hope you'll get justice for your kitty, and I hope the owner gets their dog taken away. I get that cats and dogs sometimes don't get along but that's no reason for their dog to maul your cat.

>> No.8347563

Unless the cat was on anon's property or on a leash I doubt it's the dog owner's fault. Not to mention the fucking dog that can't be blamed at all.

>> No.8347564


Oh look, an irrational dog owner detected.

>> No.8347577

>you kill someone
>not your fault

>> No.8347579

If your dog is mauling cats you haven't trained your dog properly. I own hound mixes originally raised as hunting dogs, and I have never had a single dog injure or kill another animal.
Unless it's a puppy in training there are no acceptable excuses. If your dog can't be around other animals then you keep it in your house or in a fenced-in yard. Anything else is irresponsible.

>> No.8347582

This is such a beautiful colorway. Hurts my heart that it's a replica.

>> No.8347584

My pets live in a tank and don't leave my home.
But I like how you're all applauding the murder of an animal because you think cats are the cutest. For all you know the cat was an outdoor cat that got itself killed by walking around someone else's garden.

>> No.8347594

It's a fucking animal and a predator on top. The owner is to blame for any of its behavior.

>> No.8347620

So it's your parents fault that you're a shitty dog person?

>> No.8347622

....fuck, if it weren't a shitty replica I'd buy this colorway in a heartbeat

>> No.8347630
File: 136 KB, 1112x1280, tumblr_nhr7yzVCVe1reod2ro1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh cats
Please go rub one of your cat prints.

>> No.8347634

This is such a blurry line for me. It's a shitty replica yes but the color is gorgeous, so it's a better version of the original.

>> No.8347648

I sympathize because I have a cat anon but that's a really retarded idea. Just sue the dog owners. If this is actually legit you're going to be the one to get in massive trouble.

>> No.8347650

>a small child could be next
unfortunately, most dog lovers don't think that way, especially if they're anti-cats. "BUT MAH PRECIOUS DOGGEH WOULDN'T HURT A FLY, ALSO WHO CARES ABOUT CATS"

>> No.8347652

Pretty sure I'm responding to bait but

I'm >>8347523 and I never mentioned how I thought killing the dog was alright, and instead just expressed annoyance over how /irresponsible/ dog owners react to these types of situations. You know why? Because irresponsible dog owners are the ones who own dogs that maul other animals. I own two cats and a dog and never has my dog come any close to mauling my cats because I actually trained him well enough not to hurt other animals.

And come on anon, OP was obviously not serious about killing the neighborhood dogs. How thickheaded could you be?

>> No.8347653

+1 for suing the shit out of them
>get justice for your cat
>get money for more lolita
it's a win/win situation

>> No.8347656

>cats vs dogs
Are we 11 again or what
Can you like curb the edgy opinions and death wishes on innocent dogs?
Both are nice in their own way

>> No.8347663


I want to but it's a big dog, a dalmation. The houses around here are really close together and my yard is visible from the second floor of every house on the block. I want to bash its head in with a spiked bat but unfortunately i can't risk suspicious death. Anti-freeze works by kidney failure, and it's a slow painful 3 day process.

I think you should avoid it. Party glitter shoes is pretty distinct, not just a generic shoe design. Also chances are high you'll run into someone with the original, and it'll be apparent at first glance. I thought better of bringing my fake MILK heart bag to a meet, a good choice since the comm leader had a real one which turns out to be very different in material from my replica.

No. The dogs around here are partially stray. They are fed and have collars, but nobody keeps, trains, or medicates them. Lots of them are extremely obese with tumours and skin problems.

I can't even pinpoint who 'owns' this fucking dog. There's basically a slum around the block with a bunch of migrant workers in temporary housing on a plot someone is renting out to them. These fuckers aren't going to take responsibility for shit.

Thanks for the condolences.

My cat, let's call her Serena, was on my property. I have a tiny strip of parking space in front of my house, just big enough for a sedan and a few pot plants. It has 2 meter high walls and a gate in the front. The dog has come into my front yard multiple times when the gate was open to glare at my cats through the glass door. My cat only stays in the front yard and suns herself, she has never killed anything larger than a gecko. The neighbour found her mauled in our yard and took her to the vet. The gate was closed when I left the house that morning. I have no idea what the fuck.

They're all strays. It's a community problem as well. There was another cat killed 4 months ago outside my street. Evident bite marks.

>> No.8347672

>The neighbour found her mauled in our yard and took her to the vet. The gate was closed when I left the house that morning.
That... almost sounds like someone could have somehow opened the gate after you left, anon... or otherwise something intentional.....

>> No.8347673

The dogs around here are all strays and not owned. They are fed and allowed to roam freely in the traffic and terrorize everyone else. It's just the culture in this country.

No, she was found in my yard. Rip cutie girl, you were the sweetest.

There are 3 dogs on my street, not stray, and they are no problem. They are always kept on a leash in the yard or in the house.

There are basically 0 animal protection laws in this country, and street dogs die all the time. As long as theres no clear foul play it'll be just another dead fucking dog. I once saw 4 dead dogs on a long freeway in a single night.

Sorry, I am serious. They are a serious community problem and it's no use trying to talk to their 'owners' or lack thereof. I can't tell if the antifreeze I put out is the type I need, guess we'll wait and see.

I wish. Nobody would own up to owning that dog and I'm a foreigner in this country and they're locals so I'm fucked if I want to do anything legal.

I love both cats and dogs. I am thinking of getting a dog to protect my cats now. Keep it leashed in the yard during the day when my cats are in it and bring them in at night. Unfortunately my landlord said no. My cats will have to stay inside until the problem is taken care of. I am also installing an IP camera in my yard.

I completely agree on that well-trained dogs don't hurt people or animals. Unfortunately it's not the case here. These creatures need to die. They shit everywhere and are a nuisance to everyone.

To keep on topic, I'm thinking of getting a custom cat print in memory of my baby. I don't know if I could bear to wear it, even looking at her collar and ashes brings me to tears.

>> No.8347679

It was obviously a dog attack, and all the neighbours on my street are on friendly terms with each other. My guess is the latch wasn't down and the dog pushed it open. There's also a small gap in the side wall just big enough for a cat to pass through. Maybe she got out, got attacked, and crawled back in. I left in the middle of work when I got the call, and was still in the cab when I was told she had passed. It went from "oh she'll be in bad shape for a while" to "she's gone" in about 20 minutes. She went from alive and well to ashes in a paper bag in a single day. It's fucked up.

>> No.8347681

>Anti-freeze works by kidney failure, and it's a slow painful 3 day process.
I'm really sorry about your cat, she didn't deserve that, but if you're serious then damn that's fucked up. Can't you call the city or a shelter or something to take it away? The dog doesn't know it did anything wrong, if it's too violent it could at least be put down without suffering.

>> No.8347691

It's a country with shit infrastructure, think Latin America or South East Asia. The streets are teeming with stray animals, beggars, shit, and rubbish. The dog signed its own death warrant. Also if anyone can recommend another poison that works faster I am willing to try it.

>> No.8347699


>my cat suffered so I'm going to make sure every other dog suffers as well
>who gives a fuck if it has a loving family that would be just as hurt as me, if not worse

You didn't see your cat get killed, but your plan runs the risk of a family having to watch their pet die in agony just because you want to be spiteful. Just because it's the 'culture' in your country doesn't mean thought out murder is okay.

>> No.8347705

this thread has gone to shit pretty fast, huh
>tfw I was sympathetic at first
>tfw now
what happened to lolita general

>> No.8347706

The dog is not 'owned'. It has a collar but no owners, no-one that trains it, no-one that takes it to the vet. It is let out of their gigantic spacious communal yard to run my tiny street, shit everywhere, turn everyone's garbage over, terrorize and maul cats. I put the antifreeze in the corner of my street. If it eats it and it dies it's the owners fault, not mine. My street is a good 100 meters from their house, and nowhere near a park, it's a cul-de-sac.

>> No.8347729

lmao i know right, what's even happening anymore?

>> No.8347767

Pretty sure that's just the light on the dress.

>> No.8347777

Ummmmmmm no? Don't punish the dog, press charges against the owner. It is never the dogs fault, it is always the shitty owner's responsibility.

>> No.8347782

did you read the thread? the dogs are 'outside' dogs like how people do with cats, so probably partially feral. the dog needs animal control called where they will assess whether or not to train or put it down.

>> No.8347783

>it is not safe for you to let your cat outside
>you let your cat go outside

If you think it's okay to kill the dog instead of press charges, you deserve everything you care about in your life to die.

>> No.8347787

Why the fuck doesn't the owner keep her cat inside then if it isn't safe? Her cat suffered from her own stupidity.

>> No.8347788

While I'm sorry for your loss, the fact that you're willing to kill anything disgusts me and the fact that you seem to be reveling in the idea of causing it a painful death is revolting. Honestly, the fact that you chose a method that is as likely to kill other animals as it is to kill the target of your revenge tells me that you don't care about animals as much as you say you do.

If you want to do something in your kitty's memory, press charges, campaign to have laws changed, do something positive for goodness sake.

>> No.8347795


Cat owner, you really do not deserve to own pets.

>> No.8347796

I'm happy now - a parcel arrived earlier than I expected and I tried on a bunch of different things to make a coordinate I liked. Not sticking with my original theme because it's not warm enough.

>> No.8347806

people please can we just get back to lolita general because at this point, whether it's right or wrong, none of this shit has anything to do with even the board

>> No.8347807

fuck if i know but animals shouldn't be kept outside in any case
you're a retard. cats only want to be outside if they've never been. all 'outside' cats, even feral ones love being inside because it's scary outside for them. animals should be kept inside or watched closely when let out.

>> No.8347823

and now for something on-topic
I'm looking to make a blouse out of sheer chiffon to wear with a skirt
I love the look of chiffon but I don't know if it will look funky being worn without a JSK covering the sheerness on the torso
Anyone have tips or examples to help combat this issue?

>> No.8347852

How am I a retard by telling the cat owner they don't deserve to own pets when they let their cat roam outside freely in a dangerous area? Did you miss-quote or something? Because if you disagree, guuuurl...

>> No.8347867

No, you misquoted you dumbass.

>> No.8347870

Get heavier chiffon in the same color for the body, and/or double up the thickness. I have a couple chiffon blouses from Taobao that doubled up for the bodice and it helps a lot.

>> No.8347897
File: 228 KB, 500x600, ap_romanticbustierblouse_2014 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about something like this? it's basically what >>8347870 suggested.

>> No.8347901

Is that really the reason? Ugh.

>> No.8347903

Either you are an illiterate fuck or you think you are talking to someone else. I'm leaning toward illiterate fuck.

>> No.8347904

I think so. Since you aren't allowed to take pictures in the shops either,

>> No.8347917

maybe make the bodice part from something non-sheer and the shoulder/sleeves part from chiffon?

>> No.8347953

any other animal could eat it too, cunt.

>> No.8347961

That's what I was thinking.. this bitch is fucking crazy.

>> No.8347979

>fuck if i know but animals shouldn't be kept outside in any case
here we go again SIGH

>> No.8347991

Can you all shut the fuck up about the cat and dog bullshit? This is a lolita thread. Go bitch and moan about your cat in the feels thread if that hasn't been deleted by a janitor yet.


Sage for OT

>> No.8348005

OR take it to >>>/an/ where they love arguing this shit.

>> No.8348007

My mistake. That is a much better suggestion, thank you!

>> No.8348019
File: 76 KB, 300x300, 1425102318742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry to post this here, but there's no feels thread right know and all the feels threads get constantly deleted

>be me
>friend and I talking about Lolita, etc
>she asks me if I saw this dress for a really cheap price
>no, haven't seen it, friend shows it to me
>it's a really pretty dress for a reeeally cheap price
>friends sighs and says she wants it, but won't have money for the next few weeks to spend on Lolita and by the time she has money again, it'll probably be sold

>later that afternoon
>I decide what the hell, I'll buy the dress myself, my friend doesn't have the money and it'll be gone soon as it is ridiculously cheap
>message seller, dress still available, exchange paypal

>friend just messaged me
>"Oh Anon, my boyfriend offered to buy the dress for my birthday, but it is already on hold! I am so sad!"

She doesn't know I am trying to buy it. I didn't know her bf would offer to buy it for her (and also her birthday is in the beginning of July so I didn't consider it) otherwise I'd never tried to buy it.
What do cgl? Be a cunt and buy the dress? It's so pretty and so cheap. I know I should be a good person, but I am a horrible human being and want the dress for myself.

>> No.8348023

How good friends are you?

>> No.8348030

get it

>> No.8348039

buy it for her?

>> No.8348042

how much do you care about the aftermath? She's gonna see that you wearing it and the only explanation is that you bought the one she was trying to buy. I know it's "just a dress" but assuming the worst happens and you prepared for the potential bitchfest that will ensue?

>> No.8348043

How many dresses do you have compared to her? It is kind of not fair that she had her heart set on the dress before you did and you only liked it after she showed it to you.

I guess you don't have to let her get it, it just seems a fuckton awkward to either wear the dress around her, or keep it hidden like some skeleton secret in your closet. To me it would just seem less tense for both your sakes to back off. Or maybe you could sell it to her? Idk.

>> No.8348047

I would've laughed and explained the situation to her. Just say you liked it so much you decided to buy it and had no idea he was gonna get it. If you're really great friends, she wouldn't be mad, she'd laugh and be happy one of you got it. If she loves it and you know it and would feel guilty, let her have it. If you're friends with her but know shes going to be salty that you got something she wanted and give you shit for it, take a step back and think about this friendship.

>> No.8348051

Just get it. Flaking out affects your feedback and if you actually feel like shit about it just give it to her for her birthday like >>8348039

I personally don't think you need to feel like shit here. You didn't know her bf was going to offer and you're already midway through a transaction. If the dress isn't anything super rare, just wait a couple months before wearing it out to play it off as another purchase if you're worried about her thinking you're a bitch.

>> No.8348052

Tell the seller about the situation and ask her to sell it to the boyfriend. The first time your friend sees you in that dress, you're not going to be friends anymore. And I hope nobody responds "That would be shallow of Friend! You don't want to be friends with someone like that anyway!" No. Just no. Buying a dress that your friend really wanted out from under her is a cunty thing to do.

>> No.8348056

Haven't known each other for that long (about a year), but I'd say good friends.

It is a bit too epxensive for that, and I know she would not accept such an expensive gift from me.

It won't be a bitchfest, she's a great person. It would just make me feel a bit guilty and sad I guess, depending on her reaction.

My closet isn't big, but I own much more than she does. Another reason I'd feel bad, because I own more than her and usually have more money than her.

Maybe I should message her? But then I'd have to admit I'm a greedy cow who jumped at the dress literally two hours after my friend said she considered buying it. I just feel bad about this. I- just wanted a pretty dress...

>> No.8348068

Just talk to her boyfriend about it? Just tell him the truth.

>> No.8348071

Just contact her boyfriend and let him buy it. It's an even better surprise now because she thinks he won't be able to buy it

>> No.8348072

Well, maybe you both could split the cost of the dress and decide when each of you wants to wear it? How uncommon is the dress btw? Is this one of those dresses that likely won't pop up again within the next year? If you say you typically have more money, then it just seems ethical for you to let your typically poorer friend have the dress for cheap.

>> No.8348080

>split the cost of the dress and decide when each of you wants to wear it?
That's just stupid

>> No.8348081

If you come clean right now it would be better than waiting and trying to hide it from her I think. Or if you want to try to gift it to her maybe explain the situation to her boyfriend and he'll buy it off you?

>> No.8348083

and what, you want us to absolve you of all guilt?

the fact that you posted it here means that if the story is true, you know you have the power in this situation and you're uncomfortable using it. i would consider why that might be before you act.

>> No.8348086

>opens thread to read lolita-related content
>people talking about murdering dogs and mauled cats

uh. okay.
you people are insane, I'll be back some other time

>> No.8348089

I'm so sorry anon. My heart would break if that happened.

>> No.8348090

>doesn't even say why it's stupid
I've had plenty of successful garment shares between my friends. It's just better to do it with friends who are capable of open communication and won't be irresponsible. It's not something everyone has, but it is a possibility.

>> No.8348105

Just talk to the seller about the situation or buy it yourself not to flake from the transaction now and then sell it to her boyfriend. I get that you just want the pretty dress but you wouldn't even know of it's existance if she didn't show it to you and told you how much she loved it and wanted it. Be honest about it with her and just let her have the dress, specially if her birthday is approaching. You even mentioned you have more money than her and own a lot more than she does, just be a good friend and let her have it.

>> No.8348108

I don't know her bf (never talekd to him) and I don't really like him (he's super jealous. Even of me, though we never even met). I'd rather just tell the seller the story and blow off the deal.

I doubt she'd be comfortable with that.
Also, the dress isn't super rare or popular.I have seen it pop up once in a while, and the skirt version too. Just never that cheap.

>the fact that you posted it here means that if the story is true, you know you have the power in this situation and you're uncomfortable using it. i would consider why that might be before you act.
That is true indeed. I am uncomfortable because I didn't want to be in ths position. I just thought I could buy a cheap cute dress and be done with it. NOW I suddenly have to consider the feelings of a friend and how a frilly garnment might affect our relationship. I didn't ask for this.
Also, it makes me see how I am not the good person I maybe should be but instead I still want the dress for myself.

>> No.8348111

I'm pretty sure you just want the dress because she loves it. Then it is also desireable to you. Let her have it

>> No.8348114

>Also, the dress isn't super rare or popular.I have seen it pop up once in a while, and the skirt version too. Just never that cheap.

Then let her have it.
You typically have more money, and you seem more involved in searching the sales. Let her have the chance for it.

>> No.8348121
File: 50 KB, 800x582, 377095-5659-2015-05-23786788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where these tights are from? The person is selling them with Namless Poem for a ridiculous price.

>> No.8348129

Nah, I want it because it's pretty and cheap, and perfectly matches my wardrobe.

Oh Anon. Deep inside I know you are right.

So, what about messaging her and explaining the situation to her? No matter what route I go I am a terrible person anyway, so I could just be straighforward and tell her I immediately messaged the seller after she told me about the dress because I wanted the dress for myself.

>> No.8348151

Okay, look, here are two options you can do that are fair and make you a decent person, because let's be real, you wouldn't even know about it if she didn't tell you.

1. Contact the seller ONLY, tell them what happened, ask if bf can buy it instead of you and if for some reason he flakes, you will 100% buy it. If the seller sells it either way, they really won't give a shit.

2. Tell friend you thought they passed on it and didn't realize her bf would actually be able to buy it, and then apologize for not checking with her that it would be okay before you contacted the seller because you weren't thinking due to ___ (distracted because you liked the dress, too excited, w/e)

3. This involves a partial lie at first, but contact the BF only, tell him what happened, and work it out to where he buys it from her, and then when she gets it, tell her what happened and apologize.

If you just buy it, not only will you not have her trust anymore but also you might be opening a can of worms, either in regards to your friendship being overall affected or worse if she is secretly vindictive. But you know what the right thing to do is: let her have first dibs, since after all she told YOU about the dress/she found it first.

>> No.8348153

Sorry, *three options

Also, if you have more than she does, on top of everything else it would be nice to let her have it for a cherry-on-top reason. You can always find it elsewhere, she had her heart set on it whereas you wouldn't have even considered it if she hadn't linked you.

>> No.8348169

If it wasn't that expensive, you could also pretend you bought it for her as a gift, or to sell to her for the same price when she has money.

>> No.8348170

God this is why I shouldn't type when half asleep.

Regarding #2, at the end also let her buy it, don't just tell her and be like too bad so sad.

Also, by letting her have it, whether fessing up or not, you will really strengthen your relationships. So you have to decide for yourself, is her trust worth more than a dress.

>> No.8348174

Thanks, Anon.

I just messaged her about this and apologized. I'll just wait what she will say and base my decision on her answer. Thank you all for your advice. If anyone's interested I'd keep you guys updated on this.

>> No.8348175

Is this a legit site?

>> No.8348183

You didn't even try

>> No.8348184

No it's milanoo pls don't buy from them

>> No.8348185

Don't buy from them! They're a notorious scam company.

>> No.8348188

Yes please keep us updated. My life is boring and this is interesting

>> No.8348194

If she's a bitch about it, I would honestly be say f her and get the dress for yourself, because she's the one who said she had no money to begin with, no matter how much she wanted it.
If she's understanding about it, you could let her buy it instead, if it doesn't matter that much to you

>> No.8348195

Sure thing, sorry my reply was all over the place. You are doing the right thing and by telling her as you are, as I said, it can only strengthen your friendship. Definitely keep us updated, although I'd be shocked if she was upset since you are sorry the situation happened and want to make it right.

>> No.8348199

Dang it looked legit. I'm new so I thought it'd be best to ask first

>> No.8348201

I'll post more when I get an update. But for now I'm going to bed. Will probably see you in the next thread, this thread is close to autosaging.

I doubt she'd be a bitch about this. I will probably have toaccept htat I can't have everything and that my friendship with her is much more important than a stupid dress.

>> No.8348205

Lol didn't you see all the stolen pictures on the website?? And two seconds with google would have revealed tons of negative feedback. Fucking n00bs.

>> No.8348326

This is a good plan I think.

>> No.8348332

Anon, I feel for you if this is a real question and not a joke, so let me tell you this:
Do a ton of research.
This is a main brand. You could have figured this out easily, even being super new.
They are messing with you because you were too lazy to do your research. This is not a place for new people to get respectful responses unless it's obvious they have spent some time trying to learn for themselves.
You can learn about main brands and their pieces on sites like HelloLace and Lolibrary.

>> No.8348351

No replicas generally doesn't apply to shoes and bags as they tend to be design replicas HOWEVER if you are going to an AP tea party then I would change your shoes.
I don't think you would be kicked out of the tea party but it would be poor manners to wear them

I had the same situation a while back where my only shoes that matched were design replicas of the brand hosting and I knew I would feel very uncomfortable if I wore them so I purchased a new pair.

What dress is this? I think I might be the seller haha

>> No.8348353
File: 51 KB, 400x533, comment_w7anMxtL8ESDEt9Ab2uNVgzCRqfm2dwE,w400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What have Mr.Yan been up to lately?

>> No.8348374
File: 130 KB, 600x900, 1424170198054 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sooooooo does anyone know where I could buy this piece of furniture? I would die to have my dresses in this.

>> No.8348376

Seconding. I would like sauce on this please.

>> No.8348377

Looks like Ikea to me

>> No.8348382

Yep, that's ikea

>> No.8348386

No, it's sweet as fuck

>> No.8348391

I'm so sick of people saying this, plenty of people hate design replicas. More than half at least.

>> No.8348399


Holy shit ARE YOU KIDDING ME? All this time...!!!!!!! If anyone has the name accessible quickly I would love to know, I am going to go ransack the website in the meantime.

>> No.8348402

Not a lot at the moment (maybe $100 last month, mainly on shoes/accessories) because I'm trying to pay off my car as fast as possible, but used to be up to $700. I don't really have a lot of main pieces that I want to buy, and no new releases have tickled my fancy since Brass Band Cat.
I'm also on $65k, as long as you have your savings and essential expenses sorted then you're fine.

>> No.8348404

Is this Silent Moon?

>> No.8348408

I just looked through I think everything and can't find it, anyone have the name? Or is it old and no longer for sale?

>> No.8348410


>> No.8348415

The "Glass-door cabinet with 3 drawers, white stain"? The top of the Hemnes is squared off while the one in the pic looks pointed, and also slightly different. Or did I find the wrong one? (The hemnes looks super tall is why I ask, I don't care if it's different but for $300+ I'd like it to be close to the same height as the one in the pic)

>> No.8348416
File: 16 KB, 417x467, 11206083_10206217059523254_843074133081549913_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm >>8348351 and if it is then I'm the seller oops

I understand the predicament anon is in and I'm good with either outcome tbh

>> No.8348443

I'll be honest, if you've only known her for about a year, don't expect the friendship to last.
Also, make sure the boyfriend is actually committed to buying if he does. Don't buy into any "I'll pay you back later!" shit. It never happens. Ever.
>tfw had "friends" who did this
>tfw no longer friends with them

>> No.8348444
File: 431 KB, 1242x2208, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, they looked so similar I couldn't tell the difference but I see it now!
I think the hemnes one might be about 20cm taller

>> No.8348458

Not getting that unicorn print released.

>> No.8348467

>Silent Moon
>"really cheap"
if that's the case KEEP IT, FUCKING KEEP IT

>> No.8348473

You really should try to prevent light exposure though

>> No.8348479

I thought dis bish was talking about some generic ap jsk this whole time. This changes everything

>> No.8348483

It will be facing away from the windows. :)

I found the post on livejournal and she does say hers is from Ikea, but I still can't track it down... still hunting.

>> No.8348487

I know right? like that chick's boyfriend is seriously going to dish out $315+ for a lolita dress and actually pay that anon back, at that
>tfw not everyone has a rich boyfriend supportive of their interest in lolita fashion
>tfw he was probably saying he'd buy it not knowing how much it'd really cost

>> No.8348627

you could always just say that you were going to buy them as a birthday gift

>> No.8348836

is wunderwelt relatively new or something? I've been regularly browsing cgl since 2013 and I feel like I've only just recently started hearing about them like a few months ago, same with another japanese secondhand site that I'm forgetting the name of right now (not closetchild or the 2 auction sites)

>> No.8348838

i don't know how new it is but they do have a tumblr, and people have been buying from them, so...

>> No.8348847

Is the other one Violet Blue or Grand Bazaar (both on rakuten)? Those are the only lesser known secondhand sites that I know of.

>> No.8348849

doesn't violet blue have a physical location in japan, though?

>> No.8348854

nah, it wasn't a rakuten site. the background of the website is pink if that helps

i mean i've seen a handful of people on here who've bought from them so i'm not worried about the company being fishy or whatever. its just that when i first saw them mentioned on here a few months ago, the impression i got was that they had been around for some time but i was just hearing about them this year which i found weird considering i had been on cgl for a few years, just wondered if they're older, why i hadn't heard about them sooner.

>> No.8348862

you mean the flea market app (fril.jp?) people have been talking about it recently because Hospitality Doll anon from the dream dress thread finally found her dream dress on there.

>> No.8348865

speaking of fril.jp, i had definitely heard about it months before the recent fuss, even was checking it for dream dresses, but somehow completely forgot about it until Hospitality Doll's mentioning of it again. so yeah, it's been around, just not talked about at length until now.

>> No.8348881

Yes, they definitely seem to be pretty new. They only just started popping up on y!j within the past 6-8 months maybe? And I don't know if their domain site existed before that but that's almost certainly when they started to become known around here, so I think they are new all around.

Fril I first heard about around a year ago I think, someone linked me to a wishlist item on it and I was one of the first people to contact chibi about ordering from there (according to her?) but the app definitely wasn't new at the time I found it. I'm not sure how old it is. Basically what >>8348865 says.

>> No.8348887

if it's not fril, it might be maidenclothing or usagiyouhinten. Fril's the only one that's relatively new here though.

>> No.8348894

nah not fril, though thanks for mentioning that, I'll have to check that one out!

I did a google search to see if I could find some place that linked to it. Here's an egl post I found if anyone is interested with links to japanese secondhand sites.

anyways, the site with the pink background I was talking about in >>8348836
is this http://usagiyouhinten.ocnk.net/
which apparently has been around for some time, but along with wonderwelt was something I had never heard of until I saw someone mention it a couple of months ago on here.

>> No.8348912

Gulls who were interested in getting the new Attp Swan's feather, reservation page is now up.


>please put up the coppelia reservation

>> No.8348954

Really? I've heard about them since at least 3 years ago. I'm pretty sure they've been around a long while along with maidenclothing and fairyangel.

For Fril keep in mind that the desktop website is only a cache snapshot of the app and a large amount of items are already sold out.

>> No.8349068
File: 74 KB, 720x960, dreamyplanetarium1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new AP space print!

>> No.8349070
File: 69 KB, 629x960, dreamyplanetarium2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8349110

New general >>8349106

>> No.8349131

That looks cheap as fuck. Like, mediocre Taobao tier. I hate the material.

>> No.8349422

looks like those taobao galaxy seifukus

>> No.8349548

it's good to be picky about your wardrobe
quality over quantity, or you'll end up like milkyfawn, unsatisfied with what you have, even though you have a lot

>> No.8349567

I love that colour... pity I'm so averse to replicas
most of oo jia looks shit anyway