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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8332302 No.8332302 [Reply] [Original]

Last one is in autosage.

>Friday Circlejerk
The Friday 4chan meetup is at 8pm outside the International Plaza pool.

>Pool Party Bonanza
The Saturday pool party meetup is still yet to be scheduled. Post what time in the evening works best for you, and we'll figure it out from there.

>Cosplay plans?
>Panel plans?
>Cringeworthy official page posts?

Let's hear it

>> No.8332343 [DELETED] 

what's the lolita tea party like? Apart from the food, are there any performances or events during it? I missed out on a ticket this year

>> No.8332350

I'm not on Facebook, what is this about a potential pool party on Saturday? Most likely going to come to the meetup (on Friday) as anon-kun like in the past and that's probably all I'm going to cosplay as for the weekend.

>> No.8332408
File: 19 KB, 300x309, 1829758-1301063364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Climate Change Panel
Jesus Fuck.

>> No.8332456

I'm a 25.5cm (so LL or 8.5-9). I'm looking for white shoes with at least a little heel; flats don't cut it for my height/feet type.

>> No.8333440
File: 2.05 MB, 1600x1065, cglpoolparty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For my CMV I'm going to be bringing my GoPro to get some shots of cosplayers having fun in the pool if anybody's jiggy to act in it

>> No.8333530

I'm tempted to keep my Splatoon cosplay on for the pool meet now

>> No.8333606

I don't have a costume, but I'll be god damned.if I'm not going to this pool party.

>> No.8333610

And what the hell do we do at the meetup? Can I bring liquor?

>> No.8333673

Meet qt girls and get pegged

>> No.8333682
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Might go to this if I go out and get a swimsuit this week.

>> No.8333683
File: 1.30 MB, 320x180, i_fucking_came.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meet qt girls and get pegged

Is this the real life? I guess I better make the time to stop by for the meet up

>> No.8334015
File: 637 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-05-17-15-03-24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8334040

what is this... even suppose to be? some kinda monster?

>> No.8334050

> mfw I hate water
C-Can I come hang out anyway?

>> No.8334112

Omg I fucking hate this whale bitch. She has such an attitude, thinks she is hot shit, and can't apply makeup. Urg she makes me so frustrated.

>> No.8334160

Award for worst cross over goes to........

>> No.8334184

Can't find any info on it, but is it safe to assume the fabric stores downtown will be closed tomorrow? I just realized I need to grab some things and yeah, it's already too late to make a trip anywhere.

>> No.8334220

Most likely they will be closed today would have been the better day to go

>> No.8334221

Yeah I can pretty much guarantee that they'll be closed. But you could try calling tomorrow ro be sure.

>> No.8334285

The only places that are open on holidays will be the ones that are seen as tourist destinations, so Eaton centre for example.

>> No.8334496

What's everyone cosplaying as?

>> No.8334501

I would've gone today but I found out a few minutes before posting and the stores close at 5 haha. But yeah, I'll try calling. I don't mind waiting til Tuesday, just wondering if there was a chance, some stores are open in my area even on holidays.

>> No.8334587

Nothing。Cosplay is for people with too much time and money on their hands. Both of which I don'thave. ;_;

>> No.8334668
File: 7 KB, 226x223, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TFW I found out my friends never got tickets and they waited till like 3 weeks ago to tell me. they tried to get some off kijiji but no luck

oh well maybe this will be a good year anyway

>> No.8334690

>tfw don't have to be dragged around by friends
I don't see the problem

>> No.8334700

I've thought about that, I can do what i wanna do without worrying about the great group. Like going to the 4chan meet, first time in 3 years i can go now. it has pros and cons like eating alone

>> No.8334702

if youre not obese and unsocial you can find other lonely people and hang with them

>> No.8334706

definitely neither of those, I'm for sure going to try to meet some people.

>> No.8334711

how the hell would you identify other people who are alone

there really aren't that many at conventions actually. going alone is awkward.

>> No.8334728

Only if you're an awkward person.

> also implying you can't become friends with someone who already has friends

>> No.8334738

>People who don't obviously hang out in a group
>Getting pictures taken with others by themselves
>Making small chit chat that never lasts more than 30 seconds because their group is waiting
>walking around alone and aimlessly turning around looking at the best cosplayers

if you have a good cosplay you should be fine in picking up a few people to talk with for half an hour

>> No.8334739

>go to panels or events that interest you
>meet people with similar interests
>make conversation
>if things go well then you might have yourself some new friends buddy!

>> No.8334775
File: 29 KB, 306x217, 1406391281300~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys. I wanna get laid. What are dome good tips going to anime north this year.

>> No.8334780

guy or girl?

>> No.8334781

Since you'll be going alone anyways, you can make it memorable by participating in an orgy. Maybe make some small talk with the other guys in the room while you wait your turn to manhandle the girl?

>> No.8334789

There's a couple of orgies organized by Fetlife.

There's also this event previously mentioned:

>> No.8334790
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>> No.8334791

>hey so how about this convention eh?
>oh yeah eh, top shelf
>....now serving #42
>oh that's me eh! sorry i gotta go before you eh

Not really looking for that, but i'm sure some people will have some fun

>> No.8334792


Please tell me more about fetlife.

>> No.8334806


Of course, you could have done that yourself in under 5 seconds on Google.

>> No.8334815

probably more like the following:
>bro you like hentai?
>(answers nervously) yes..?
>so do I man! what hentais you like? I'm really into hardcore stuff like scat and everything. in fact I'm gonna take a dump on this girl after I'm done destroying her pussy!

>> No.8334838
File: 96 KB, 600x295, 1428155372917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a giggle

>> No.8335518


Oh, in that case I might pass. I don't have anything that I would want to wear in or near the pool, I may be down to just invade the pool area though if that's what it turns into.

In any case, I'll do my best to make the first meetup at the very least, thanks for the info.

>> No.8335528

>implying that's really a chick
Let me tell you right now as a dude that's been trying to fuck CL sluts for YEARS, that is not a chick.

>> No.8335529

Why the fuck would you organize an orgy. It's only fun if you use a code word.

>> No.8335588

Anyone else still slaving over their cosplays? I'm really trying not to freak out right now but I've spent so long on one part of my costume that I basically have nothing actually completed. The rest of it won't take very long at all but it just feels bad when your costume is basically non-existent just days before the con.

>> No.8335710

Same, I can barely sleep tonight because I feel like I should be staying up longer working on it. My only consolation is that I need to wait for paint to dry right now and it's too late to be using the sewing machine without pissing off the downstairs neighbors

>> No.8335723

Mine are 98% complete and my bf's is 65% complete except for the armor. He's responsible for the armor (I did all the sewing and wigs) so I get to enjoy watching him scramble.

>> No.8335988

Which cosplays are you two dong?

>> No.8336282


Im so fucked.

>> No.8336285

I already gave up.

>> No.8336289

I don't think many people will be cosplaying at the pool party, just wearing a swimsuit.

>> No.8336315


I'm having a friend express-ship some things over to me from the UK because getting things done on time is ridiculous.

>> No.8336321
File: 74 KB, 799x562, tIkpl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has there been any information about the speed dating? I have a feeling they're not doing it this year or something

>> No.8336351 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 188x128, 1334700183883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tinyurl com/andating

ill be going on saturday at 7:30

>> No.8336355

tinyurl com/andating

>> No.8336361

Thanks anon! Do you know where they're holding it?

>> No.8336372
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>> No.8336433
File: 44 KB, 405x348, 1368336783445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

signed up!

>> No.8336439

now remove your name and keep it blank when you talk to people

>> No.8336450

>I haet trifags!1!

>> No.8336457


Oh, then I'll probably invade if I don't have anything going on in the early evening. Do you happen to be staying at that hotel?


You should wear a badge with your full trip on it to speed dating. Unless you can't reveal your name? Anywho, which time slot did you sign up for? I should give this a shot for the fun of it.

>> No.8336462
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tripfagging doesnt matter to me

Secure tripfagging on the other hand

>> No.8336472

>You should wear a badge with your full trip on it to speed dating
lol I'm not trying to out-autist anyone that'd be retarded

an extra ! offends you?

>> No.8336480

Pretty sure friday and sunday tickets are still available, you could just get them at the door

>> No.8336506


Well yeah, this whole thing is retarded. You don't seem like the kind of person that would care if someone pretended to trip as you. So why secure it I guess is what he is getting at?


Single Friday/Sunday passes are still available online or at the doors. Deciding which of the two days to get a pass for is the difficult part.

>> No.8336524

I think Friday tends to have more interesting stuff going on. The only thing Sunday really has going for it is some of the Doll North stuff.

>> No.8336525

>So why secure it I guess is what he is getting at?
I dunno, I guess because I just always have. There's no reason not to.
I don't get why that's an issue, either, it's like being mad at a safe for having a longer combination.

>> No.8336592

I'm going to go and make some female friends here, and hopefully get laid.

Any of you people here interested in drinking/dancing/partying/gaming at the con?

>> No.8336607

I'll be going in a my Imperial Japanese Army cosplay. A-Any qt Asian girls wanna meet up with a nice Asian guy? ;_:

>> No.8336642


Yeah, I've decided to go with Friday. Not a huge fan of doll stuff and I'm probably not going to be at the convention for very long on Sunday. A shame I'm going to be missing "Black Folks Like Anime Too!" though, I mean, no shit.


You'd have to ask him why he dislikes it, I just thought that might be his retarded reasoning. Or maybe I'm just retarded and don't get it? People will dislike you for being you, and that's what I got from getting to know previous trips here.

Also, if only remembering different vault combinations were as easy as secure tripcoding. I get your point though, just saying.


I feel like fucking at the con is tricky unless you have your own room, which I would be surprised if you do and aren't sharing it with others.

Macking/grinding isn't uncommon at the dances though, might be able to get a little something extra depending on who you are with. (haha)

Just focus on going and enjoying yourself, if you happen to live in the area, just get some numbers and follow up outside of con time and if not, I guess just go with the flow and good luck?

>> No.8336648

Fellow lolitas, what will you be selling at the swap meet? I wanna do some pre-nominoichi shopping.

>> No.8336689


>> No.8336691

You sound thirstier than a Californian

>> No.8336702

Its pretty disrespectful if you havent talked about it first, but I know people who go back to their rooms and have sex during the day because everyone else is out doing stuff.

>> No.8336706

What time slot did you sign up for? I am also a male and wish to compete for vaginas against you.

>> No.8336708

No, I'm staying at the Sheraton this year.

>> No.8336732
File: 25 KB, 500x374, 1369887216085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you must be popular with the m'ladies

>> No.8336745

>actually buying tickets
Why pay for access to spend money on overpriced crap when you can get it cheaper online?
I haven't bought tickets in years and I just chill all Saturday outside and in the DT.

>> No.8336771

There's more than just the Dealer's Room at a con.

>> No.8336772

It's both convenience, atmosphere, and it generally makes it a bit more exciting or "special".

>> No.8336863

This. Me and my friends all swap passes when we want access to certain events. If I need the pass to get into panels or whatever else, we will just swap.

Also drinking beer and hanging outside is fucking great.

>> No.8336865

Where are the dances located? This sounds like a lot of fun.

My buddy picked up a chick a few years ago. Followed up outside and got with her.
I did the same, but that was far too long ago.
I just want a qt that will cosplay for me, and that shares similar interests.

>> No.8336866
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>Also drinking beer and hanging outside is fucking great.
there are other things to do at cons?

>> No.8336870

Cheers, man. I just get hammered and walk around, socialising with everyone. If I need to go to an event, I will, but I mostly just drink, smoke, and enjoy the weather.

>> No.8336871

> cosplay for me
Pay for a whore.

>> No.8337095


haha yeah, I've yet to experience this the few years I have gone. I'd probably be like, keep it in your pants until you get home or something.


Hmm.. Who's our insider then? The pool must only be accessible via hotel keycard as I couldn't see it being open to the public.


c'mon, tell us, you big girl.


The dances vary, one every night, depending on your interests, the information is on the second page of the pocketbook. KPOP on Friday night and JPOP on Saturday night, if I recall.

>> No.8337113

Anyone interested in beers? down some pints and cruise the con, thinking a perpetual buzz is the way to go this weekend. Toronto beer is expensive as fuck though.

>> No.8337255

Do you happen to have a room? I don't mind bringing some alcohol and splitting it with you and just chilling for a bit.

>> No.8337328

Wow you sound like such a cool dude :^)

>> No.8337332

Which time slot did you sign up for?
>pls notice me

>> No.8337348

If you're the same anon as before, I did see your deleted post and signed up for that time slot

>> No.8337382

This is my plan, anon. I'm down to do that with you. I'm bringing a case of beer up with me, so we should be alright.
You can come, too.

>> No.8337384

I'm not sure what you're getting at? I'm going to have some drinks with old friends, enjoy the cosplay, the beautiful ladies, and the beautiful weather.

Thank you for the compliment, I guess.

>> No.8337391

was not me. but im sure they will be happy
sweet! was planning on bringing a 24 with me. I'm staying at the double tree
yeah, i'm staying at double tree. the more the merrier!

>> No.8337442
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That reminds me, I need to pick up booze for AN.

>> No.8337449

this picture speaks to me

>> No.8337494

If you guys are serious fire me an email. Ill get in contact and we can sink some beers!

>> No.8337496


>> No.8337497
File: 16 KB, 277x377, 1386570475255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel bro.

>> No.8337504
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I am, now answer the question or I shall be fored to verbally castigate you in front of your peers.

>> No.8337508
File: 42 KB, 350x300, jake-gyllenhaal-jimmy-kimmel-03242011-lead-350x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, man.

>> No.8337518

that's a big word, where did you learn it?

>> No.8337533

From Steve Urkel, not even gonna lie.

>> No.8337539

What swap meet? Didn't the swap meet already happen?

>> No.8337553

There are 2. A pre con one that just happened, and there is one that happens with nominoichi.

>> No.8337661

Signed up. I should probably kill myself.

>> No.8337689
File: 190 KB, 904x641, anime north photoshoots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those of you who haven't checked it out already, here's the photoshoot schedule.

Anybody cosplaying from League of Legends? I have a video idea that revolves around League characters

The Anime North forum (Teahouse of the Maple Moon) has a Nominoichi subforum where sellers post what they're going to be bringing. A good resource to shop around and make reservations there

>> No.8337702


Wow no Kancolle photoshoot

>> No.8337726

How about this, when are people generally signing up for speed dating? I think before or after the meetup on Friday are sound options. Might alleviate the boredom of waiting by signing up around a similar time?

>> No.8337837

Where do you sign up?

>> No.8337842


>> No.8337878

>no Adventure Time
Has it really gotten so unpopular?

>> No.8337979

put your trip back on Exo

>> No.8338088

Is there any advantage to certain timeslots?

>> No.8338169

I'm gonna have a table at Nominoichi Friday night, selling a bunch of figures. Table N235, facing the fashion swap tables.

Say your from the 'chan and I'll toss in a candy bar if you get something from me. I'll even be cool with bartering.

Shit I'm selling:


>> No.8338187

Ah, I'm kinda interested in some of your stuff so I'll pass by!

>> No.8338248
File: 951 KB, 1240x815, 1425965020776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that shinobu
I'll be seeing you there anon

>> No.8338272

Is anyone going Sunday?

>> No.8338280

All weekend although I'll arrive late on Friday.

>> No.8338285

....to the con in general, or a specific event?

>> No.8338377
File: 943 KB, 837x531, 5515151222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come one, come all! To the most exciting meet of all Anime North. Where Anime and Cosplay cross paths in a men's bathroom! Join us for a night of fun and party at the International Plaza men's room!

See you there!

>> No.8338386

I've already been in the Tomb of Horrors, I need not see the horrors that lie within this toom.

>> No.8338387

that looks pretty shotariffic

>> No.8338416
File: 711 KB, 837x531, 253954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Aw fuck.

>> No.8338420

is this a real thing? you're expecting a bunch of guys to get together and hang out in a bathroom?

>> No.8338424

Isn't it a gay hookup?

>> No.8338428



>> No.8338430


I really doubt this

>> No.8338435

It's not gay if the balls aren't touching

>> No.8338455

Where is a good spot at AN where I can do a photoshoot with my LL crew?
I was thinking that the Lolita tea party shouldn't be too far from the convention and probably has good photoshoot places but I don't know where it is...

>> No.8338714

>flying to Anime North
>wearing Lolita on the plane

I wonder how are you going to be able to take a massive shit in the lavatory.

>> No.8338723
File: 1.37 MB, 200x254, I like this post.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get to have and orgy with sweaty virgin neckbeards and qt 3.14 traps in a public bathroom at an anime convention?

Sign me the fuck up.

>> No.8338747

How do you have a ticket but have no clue where it is?

Dont? Hold for a bit the flight shouldnt be too long.

>> No.8338962
File: 16 KB, 499x197, babby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Babbies can't handle a little verbal abuse by some nobody street preacher? How do these people expect to survive in the real world.

>> No.8338976

What? Really? Where were they?

>> No.8338998

By the ditch when you cross the street from Doubletree to Centre.

>> No.8339015

Rebellion's done as is dante's coat. Just got to finish painting ebony and ivory and re-do dante's bra gun holster thing.

Paint drying time is the bane of my existence right now.

>> No.8339049

I had a conversation with the guy last year. Seemed nice although a bit weird. He was preaching because he was afraid of people starting to worship demons and going down the wrong path.
His heart was in the right place

>> No.8339097

I think the main issue is that you get these autists who think they know how to argue with someone. They engage the street preachers thinking they're being funny. The best way to deal with these people is to just ignore them. I've talked with street preachers before and I find it absolutely hilarious how many people get upset with a guy standing on a street corner.

>> No.8339124

I went to fan expo one year alone and while wandering around I over heard some guys talking about going back to their hotel to smoke a joint before a panel so I turned and jokingly said that they know how to party. Long story short, I have a good group of con friends because of it.

>> No.8339430
File: 140 KB, 500x500, MrvKVON.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ll be there on Saturday cosplaying as Juggernaut from DotA 2. Second time going to AN so I’m looking forward to it.

>> No.8339507
File: 766 KB, 1159x603, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thinking of cancelling Saturday afternoon kotori because the forecast is looking pretty chilly, and her snowman outfit is a little too light.

slightly upset and disappointed because I was really looking forward towards this, bu-t I don't want to get sick.
May weather in Canada is so erratic and makes it so difficult to plan for cosplays. Some years it's cold as fuck and some years it's blazing hot.

praying that it gets a little warmer, at least.

>> No.8339617

no homestuck panel this year
it's gonna be a real good year.

>> No.8339792

So I just found out the coscards I ordered aren't going to come on time... they're still 'in production'.
I ordered them from Staples so anyone know if it's possible to change the store they're being sent to? A friend was supposed to pick them up but she won't be able to after AN so I want to change the store to one I can go to.

>> No.8339887
File: 235 KB, 1280x692, do_want3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So has a consensus been reached on when the pool party will be held?

>> No.8339925

if you have the digital order, it should have come with enough information for you to get in

>> No.8340000

the consensus will be made on this friday

>> No.8340036

Less than a week before the con and I get an eye infection for the first time in my life and now I can't wear eye makeup...

Super upset.

>> No.8340049

8pm onwards works for me. How does that sound?

on a semi-related note, is anybody staying at the IP? :^)

>> No.8340086

Saturday or Friday? I'd rather do it at 9 or later either day, but I don't want to miss Totally Lame Anime After Dark on Saturday.

>> No.8340141

Anyone traveling from Kitchener/Waterloo on Friday? I'm trying to figure out transportation now.

>> No.8340227
File: 119 KB, 256x256, 1428034447908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could start walking now and you should be able to make it

>> No.8340258
File: 167 KB, 720x720, 1427422411278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks Anon, I'll take that into consideration.

>> No.8340266

No transportation, but be my friend anon.

>> No.8340274

Greyhound/GO to Square 1, and public bus from there is probably your best bet.
Works for me
Not me, fuck kancolle, and no.

>> No.8340278
File: 1.03 MB, 250x188, 1426632723393.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a throwaway: cglloser@outlook.com

Thanks Anon!

>> No.8340309
File: 57 KB, 733x720, 1390105514515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

:^) sent you an email

>> No.8340314


>> No.8340329
File: 2.67 MB, 1920x1080, Ore Monogatari.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


so cute

>> No.8340582

You can still wander around outside for all the cosplay you know, totally worth it.
Ugh, gonna have to wake up at like 9am to make it to those 11am photoshoots.
Someone needs to cosplay Doom guy and talk to him.

>> No.8340589

How long do you take to prepare if you need 3 hours advance?

>> No.8340599

Not that anon, but keep in mind some of us actually commute to the con? I know I've got a 2 hour ttc commute to get there each day, but i'll be damned if it's not worth it to be able to sleep in my own bed and spend my money on merch rather than hotel fees

>> No.8340689

Does anybody know how to get from Square One to Anime North? I've just lost my chance at a ride there, and I'm not tol sure how I'm supposed to get there anymore.atebc

>> No.8340697

I don't have a Lolita meetup ticket. I just want to know where are good locations to take shoots at.

>> No.8340767


>> No.8340917

Uh, there aren't a lot at AN. You can't get into the tea party area without a ticket. Not even for photos. The only other places would be at the lawns ongoing of tcc, or by the maid cafe.

>> No.8340972

what happened?

>> No.8341025

Yeah, I prepare the day before and then just gonna wake up and go basically. If it wasn't Saturday, there's some express buses that would take half the time to get there with.

>> No.8341032

The 7 bus is best, since the express doens't go all days/hours. Remember to check when the last bus is back cause they stop at like 12am on Sat or something.

>> No.8341060

holy shit
this is the first time i'll be going to this con and when i saw that i was like "WHAT EVEN IS THIS"

>> No.8341083

Will there be lonely 30yo+ female Sailor Moon fans (who aren't fatties) to hook up with?

>> No.8341254

There are, but they'll either be plain jane's or ugly betty's.

>> No.8341272

Ahhhh Anime North

Where all the lonely gather

>> No.8341293

Are you talking about yourself specifically? It's a pretty sociable con

>> No.8341393

All of my friends.
I am meeting 60+ people I know there, maybe one of them has a girlfriend?

>> No.8341401

Or disgusting dub plebs.

>> No.8341478

Maybe, wouldn't count on it.

>> No.8341668

Anybody staying at the International Plaza? :^)

>> No.8341707

I wish :(
Put off getting a hotel and ended up like 15 minutes walk from the convention.
I really want international for next year though, although i've seen some bad reviews about doubletree over the years?
Not sure if it's just general complaints that all hotels would experience when they're this busy though.

>> No.8341714

If you want a room at IP book it on the Sunday morning. The only way to get a room there now.

>> No.8341809

Just a heads up to anyone who is concerned about showing your ID to get your pass but they can not legally enforce this. Fuck, even when a cop asks for your ID, you do not legal have to show it to him unless you are being detained or put under arrest. I wish I didn't spend most of my time in school drinking and getting high or else I would remember the exact laws around this but I will probably look them up later.

>> No.8341816

I stayed there once a couple years ago and it was alright. Since it's under new management, maybe the reputation it used to have doesn't matter anymore?

>> No.8341828

Easy there, no one thought they were pretending to be cops, showing ID is just to verify that the badge they're giving away actually belongs to the person who's requesting it.
Otherwise they run the risk of anyone claiming to be someone they're not and getting a free badge at someone else's expense.

You have no obligation to show them ID but that also means they have no obligation to give you your badge.

>> No.8341834
File: 266 KB, 998x1346, Daria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool, just the way I like 'em.

>> No.8341840

I will be! I'm really excited since my cosplay is so huge, and I wouldn't want to walk the bridge. But being some who has always stayed at the Marriott, the cab rides aren't bad if you split them with friends!

>> No.8341845

Having an email confirmation should be enough of a verification to distribute badges. Every other convention, concert, movie or event (unless it has an age restriction) that allows you to print off or use an email confirmation doesn't make you show your ID. I wasn't saying that they were pretending to be the cops but they are not allowed to make up policies that conflict with our freedoms as a canadian citizen.

>> No.8341860

I am. The proximity to everything is nice. I would hate to have to waddle over from one of the far hotels.

It's ok. I wish the rooms had fridges. And our room last year didn't have AC, only a tiny window so it wasn't very comfortable. Don't think we'll need to worry about this year with the temps but eh.

>> No.8341891
File: 12 KB, 420x300, 1368803545488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, cause we're going to need somebody to let us in their pool on Saturday for the meetup

>> No.8341917

>haven't been to AN in years
>tfw it has turned into slutty group fucking degeneracy

normies truly ruin everything

>> No.8341920
File: 115 KB, 1920x1080, 1432070674892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go away /r9k/

>> No.8341933
File: 299 KB, 640x908, 1431350282150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8341945

1. Calm down, your rights are not being infringed on. What do you honestly think they'll do with your ID for the 2 seconds they look at it?
2. Like I said, no ID, no badge. Your choice.

>> No.8341952

Question of the day
>why on Earth do you leave your house without some kind of ID??

I mean, you drive, you have a drivers license. You take it with you everywhere. If you go to University, you have a school ID you take everywhere to get in and get discounts. You go to the US or are coming in from the US, you have a passport on you. I don't get how on Earth you didn't leave with an ID in the first place. Unless you're a goddamn minor, I don't get it.

>freedoms as a Canadian Citizen
you sound worse than us Americans right now. I've had many a time where I had to prove who I was and didn't legally have to.

>> No.8342003

They have those, I presume free, shuttle school buses too.

>> No.8342006


Actual lawyer here. Any institution holding a private event may require you to produce government-issued ID, including a driver's license or Canadian passport, excluding SIN cards and Health Cards, and may refuse your entrance on any of the following grounds:

a) your refusal to produce such ID
b) conflicting or falsified information
c) criminal offence or behaviour which conflicts with the rules and regulations of the event
d) failure to adhere to dress code or other stipulated forms of protocol (provided adequate notice has been provided)
c) Suspicion of criminal intent including harassment, violence, carriage of a weapon without permit, in a loaded state, or otherwise unsafe condition (concealed or otherwise), etc.

Events letting you use just email verification is a service provision, not a requirement, and any event is able to use their own restrictions so long as it does not infringe on your personal freedoms or discriminate against you in a way that is morally objectionable.

Settle. The. Fuck. Down. You. Clown.

>> No.8342011

Hey actual lawyer.
Is scalping anime north tickets really illegal?

>> No.8342060
File: 68 KB, 640x800, 1423938016290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda curious, but what happened to the 4chan panels? Last time we had one was back in 2013.

>> No.8342062

After moot left, we decided "Why bother?"

>> No.8342115

So what time is the pool meet at again?

>> No.8342172
File: 389 KB, 500x300, keep_crying_bitch_nigga.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That sucks. I loved the 4chan panels. Browsing /d/ and watching Jossip on Deck videos with a room full of seagulls was always a riot.

But then again, with all these SJW and LGBTOMGWTFBBQ panels this year, and the tweet calling out Gamergate as a "hate movement", I doubt they'd let a panel be held on a website like 4chan. Too many special snowflakes would get triggered, and we can't have people getting their feelings hurt, can we?

>> No.8342182



>> No.8342224
File: 167 KB, 625x477, sooppressed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, a minute. Are you the tumblr shithead that was so "triggered" and "bullied" last year because some staff member wanted to make sure it was really you using your Artist Alley badge?
Is this you?

>> No.8342232

Oh it is on Saturday? I might go but I might not be able to stick around for very long.

>> No.8342237
File: 305 KB, 500x405, 1386289693826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh God, I remember this from last year. Such stupid bullshit.

>> No.8342295

also a lawyer.

It's not a crime under the criminal code, though provinces can make it a regulatory offence. It likely varies province by province.

>> No.8342302
File: 314 KB, 2048x1342, 1431980910673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>These people exist on Earth in the year 2016-1

>> No.8342398

>2X (Out of Stock)

>> No.8342406

The fact that they dont have 3x is triggering me. Are they trying to imply that 3xl girls are too fat to wear their clothing? Body shaming at its finest

>> No.8342411
File: 1011 KB, 500x700, 1428037222565.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

were not allowed to identify them as girls

>> No.8342412

it saddens me there probably won't be any LOTGH cosplay at AN.

>> No.8342433

They can't legally enforce it but they don't have to give you your badge either. Are you really that autistic that you can't show your ID to someone in exchange for your badge? Do you bitch and whine about employees asking for your ID when you buy liquor? God damn you are a faggot.

Side note they removed the policy because of short notice

>> No.8342447
File: 532 KB, 1280x512, tanabe! you son of a bitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, that's pretty shit. I always looked forward to these until I noticed they weren't happening the past few years. Oh well, I guess I'll check out the circlejerk.

>> No.8342449

They sent out an email dropping the photo ID requirement since they realized they didn't inform people early enough.

>> No.8342461

Instead of a 4chan panel, you could try putting on a "Your anime is SHIT!" joke panel to attract that kind of crowd. Or you could do an "other" chan panel.

>> No.8342585

I know they said it this year in the email too that we have to write our full names but I'm wondering how strictly they'll enforce this? I think about 2/3 years ago when I got the badges for 5 ppl at once and they let me just write the first names of them and a nickname for one (so not one they registered for the badge with). I even asked about the nickname just to be sure that it was okay and they said something along the lines of it's preferred in case they lose their badge but I can put just a nickname if I wanted to. Last year my friend only wrote my first name and initial of my last name on my badge for me.

>> No.8342587

or we can all join the religious fags

Gonna yell anime is sin to a bunch of people while wearing cosplay

>> No.8342588

swaggy. What time do you have to go?

Haven't set a time yet, I'm open for anytime past sunset (9pm onwards). Still need to know what works with other anons

>> No.8342601

The pannel I want to go to starts at 8 but it two hours long, so I could probably skip the second half for the pool.

>> No.8342615
File: 2.04 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20150520_205749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finishing my wig up now.

Hooray for looking fucking awful.

>> No.8342634

Yes, if you're doing actual scalping. Scalping or Illicit Resale is illegal if you charge more than you bought it for, largely because it creates artificial inflation. It's like how scumbags sell Amiibo they've bought in bulk and drive up the price through a scarcity that they themselves created.

We have a really official name for them in law: "Dickheads".

>> No.8342642
File: 707 B, 100x100, 1318734607305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats your view on this, if implemented in USA

>> No.8342716

Anyone still looking for a hotel last minute?
One of my roommates dropped out due to an emergency.
Female only, please.

>> No.8342739

Oh anon...
Please tell me the two seperate black tones are due to lighting...

>> No.8342753

looks like it

>> No.8342792

Not familiar with how US law would treat it.

>> No.8342798

>Female only, please.
Why? What's wrong with guys?

>> No.8342806

They don't feel comfortable with guys in the same room. Stop being a pushy creep.

>> No.8342813
File: 10 KB, 251x248, 1427417296458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm your dick.

>> No.8342821

Yeah, it's actually a dark purple. Still looks like a fucking mess from the back though. Wondering if it's even worth wearing the costume :/

I won't show up to any meets in it hahaha

>> No.8342823

Doesn't look bad necessarily. I'm sure you can get away with it. What's the cosplay?

>> No.8342832

I don't feel comfortable sharing a bed with a guy whom I'm not in a relationship with, let alone a guy I don't know.

>> No.8342836 [DELETED] 

Thanks, anon ;-;

Tao Ren; my friends are doing Shaman King (manga art). I'm also going to be their Anna sometimes. Feel free to tell me if it looks shit in person, I'd love to meet some gulls :P

To be fair 3/4 of us will look completely rediculous anyway lol.

>> No.8342838
File: 249 KB, 576x720, Dat Husky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> tfw theoretically able to share bed with truffles-chan
Too bad I have a room already.

>> No.8342842
File: 2.26 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20150503_131555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, anon ;-;

Tao Ren; my friends are doing Shaman King (manga art). I'm also going to be their Anna sometimes. Feel free to tell me if it looks shit in person, I'd love to meet some gulls :P

To be fair 3/4 of us will look completely rediculous anyway lol.

>> No.8342843

I'm a lesbian

what now

>> No.8342847

the point isn't sexual attraction, just social stigma instilled in my head?
if i don't want to share a bed with a guy so be it; there's nothing to gain from telling me how illogical it is to you.

sage for ot

>> No.8342850

Yeah I'm really excited for the pool! Also watersliiiideeee! (this is jp so yeah I'd let you in anytime)

>> No.8342851
File: 1.77 MB, 450x253, enlightment.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw liking truffles-chan more and more

>> No.8342860


>> No.8342868
File: 122 KB, 500x453, seagullButtans.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I made more Seagull buttons. Do I bring these to the meetup, or do I come up with another secret password and you have to tell me it at my table in the AA? I won't have a lot of them since I'm low on button parts for my machine.

>> No.8342872

> tfw not from Toronto

>> No.8342896


>> No.8342902

Damn I want one of those.

>> No.8342925

I don't know who you are but they way you explain your feelings about sleeping in the same bed with male strangers makes me want to sleep with you more. In a good way.

>> No.8342987

AA please! I don't know if I'll be able to get over my shyness enough to actually show up to the meet.

>> No.8342992

I don't understand people who leave the house without ID. What if I'm killed and my body is mutilated? They can quickly ID me by looking on my person.
>inb4 my id is wrecked 2

>> No.8342994

im not attending the meet (no time) but i will be roaming the AA. but seriously, i will buy this.

>> No.8343006

Oh good lord those are wonderful. Not 100% sure I'll be able to make it to the meetup, but if there's any way to get one from your table I'd be overjoyed

>> No.8343021

>I don't understand people who leave the house without ID
If I'm going to see my sick grandpa or walk my dog or whatever mundane task I don't need anything other than a bus pass and my house keys. I don't see how that is so difficult to grasp, are you special? Not many people actively think about winding up dead every day. Besides, pretty sure if that happened I wouldn't give a shit, I'm fucking dead.

>> No.8343042

But in this context, you would be attending an event all day, possibly for 3-4 days, so you should have your ID with you regardless of the rule.

>> No.8343048

if there was the 4chan panel, we could at least say "Bring ID so you can go to this 18+ panel"

>> No.8343052


no worries guys. And I don't sell these buttons, only giveaways. Just stop by table F15 in the Comic Market and give myself or my boyfriend the passphrase "truffle-chan" to get a button :)

>> No.8343056

How many will you have? I don't want to miss out.

>> No.8343058

20 :)

>> No.8343067

If you won't be bothered to keep ID on you, don't whine and complain when you're barred for not having it. The choice is in your hands.

"Muh rights an freedums!" -- Some anon idiot who doesn't understand what those are.


>> No.8343072

I wasn't even that person and we don't even live on the same continent, get your head out of your fat smelly arse. I was merely explaining how and why someone can go outside without any form of ID as they said they 'don't understand' people who do.

Also, you're not funny.

>> No.8343093


>> No.8343151

I'll definitely be doing this. Do you have table F15 all weekend or is it a certain day? Think they'll be gone fast or are there not many people here in the first place?

>> No.8343321

Now i'm tempted to make a sign that says

>> No.8343333
File: 264 KB, 406x470, 8QfUiP4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in a good way
that makes it much better, good job you're in!

>> No.8343381


>Casual Encounters

>> No.8343416 [DELETED] 

Can the secret password be "I live, I die, I live again"?

>> No.8343425

Sorry guys, it was decided already. Secret passphrase is "truffle-chan".

Yep, I'll be at the table all weekend, except for one of the /cgl/ meetups, the rare bathroom break, and one panel I'm helping host on Sunday around 11. My boyfriend should be at the table if I'm not :)

>> No.8343442

Yo, where you recently at the Ottawa comiccon?

>> No.8343529

Is anybody picking up their tickets tonight?

>> No.8343532

I enjoy that you've started this fine tradition.

>> No.8343598
File: 48 KB, 330x225, ill-buy-that-for-a-dollar-220x150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even knowing that I could get it for free, I'm still gonna buy one from you because that pin is just too awesome NOT to own.

>> No.8343610

I'll be doing so

>> No.8343659

I regret not bringing my sunscreen ;-;

>> No.8343674

I wasn't. AN is my first con this year.

heh :)

t-thanks anon -^^-

>> No.8343683
File: 52 KB, 1280x720, 1420804105075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only faggot who's not going to cosplay?

>> No.8343696
File: 49 KB, 600x800, hmmmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8343710
File: 147 KB, 382x603, pokemon_dawn_hikari_render_by_dan1592-d4ucpdt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That wig is shitty

>> No.8343740

Might be able to help.
Not the only one.

>> No.8343771

I won't really be either

>> No.8343777
File: 641 KB, 1552x2592, IMAG0841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selfie time? Selfie time.

>> No.8343787
File: 767 KB, 844x1094, 1395082854762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your fat

>> No.8343789
File: 79 KB, 716x768, CIA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's just a big guy for you and me

>> No.8343791


nice mask.

such nice crafstmanship

>> No.8343792

Stop this stupid fucking meme from /tv/

>> No.8343805
File: 1.58 MB, 1775x2219, Louis_CK_2012_Shankbone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8343883

Who is in line already?

>> No.8343900
File: 14 KB, 400x227, 5235125125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone says this con is better than Fan Expo but what does one do there if they are not interested in anime?

>> No.8343906

Video games
Board games
Gamble at the Iron Curtain

>> No.8343929

get drunk and stay drunk.

>> No.8343992

Wait, what's this about a 4chan meetup? Don't these things usually end up being kinda cringey?

>> No.8343998

If you're autistic and unable to socialize, sure.

>> No.8344004

I'm going to cosplay a man drinking his troubles away.

Where do you think you are?

>> No.8344021


Hopefully someone records it and puts it up on youtube.

>> No.8344181

/cgl/ meet up ≠ average 4chan meetup

>> No.8344184

My button place fucked me up and now I have no buttons to sell for tomorrow.
Is there anyone who's gonna be at AN with a 2 1/2 button machine?

>> No.8344186
File: 2.53 MB, 320x180, computer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What year is it?
Every year I see people pushing the pool meet up, and it doesn't happen.
Every year I see people pushing the bathroom meetup, and it doesn't happen.

>> No.8344188

Clearly at least one person does, if you scroll up

>> No.8344193


I agree, it is worse.

>> No.8344199

She says she's low on parts tho

>> No.8344290

Make it happen this year, anon.

>> No.8344292


My Friday evening will be crammed dealing with Nominoichi.

Offer still stands btw. Drop by my table (N235) and get something, I'll toss in a pack of skittles. Hell even drop by and say sup from cgl and I'll toss some your way if I got some left.

>> No.8344359
File: 1017 KB, 126x168, pumpkin dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Me. Friday and Saturday will be 2cold4me

>> No.8344478

Different Anon but my hotel has a pool if we need to use it. At the Residence Inn Marriot by Boston Pizza.

>> No.8344493

Thnx for spamming this photo

>> No.8344494

try posting this in the teahouseofthemaplemoon forum (it's AN's official forum) and ask in the Comic Market section. Or post in the Anime North Tumblr tag and cross your fingers.

I'm sorry I can't help anon

>> No.8344497

Could be worse.
He could be the guy who spams MREs every thread.
He could be the person who spams the bathroom meet up every thread, every year.
He could be the guy who spams the pool party, every thread, every year

>> No.8344500

Anyone still need a weekend pass?

kikoeta (dot) tumblr.com/post/119556057155/kinda-last-minute-but

>> No.8344507


>> No.8344519


>> No.8344522

so you're a trap trying to get some dick?

>> No.8344533

if i take like 70mg vyvanse this shit comes naturally to me, but if im not on any sort of stimulant then I'm super autistic, but i don't like taking those meds because they make my dick like 1 inches limp

>> No.8344540

I was hoping to do warmy land summer lolita, looks like not so much

>> No.8344631

what usually occurs at the meetup? will their beer beers after?

>> No.8344647

Can you even still switch registration on weekend passes?

>> No.8344649

>Beer beers best beers

>> No.8344651

beer beer beer beer

>> No.8344672

If anyone doesn't have a weekend pass I am selling one, anyone intetested?

>> No.8344674

pretty sure...?

>> No.8344681

Beering beer beers

>> No.8344682
File: 94 KB, 608x366, 1390878071170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Forgot to purchase tix until like 3 weeks ago when i found out they were sold out.
>The ONLY buddy I have that is into this animu dropped out on me last minute, he has to work.

I'm a relatively good looking dude late 20's without cosplay. Anyone wanna hang out Saturday? I love this nerdy shit but have noone to talk about it with. If you have a room I can bring liquor? And party favors?
I'm not hyper-awkward, I promise you. I don't mind if you are, I don't judge. We can get intoxicated and walk around/take pix/chill?

>> No.8344687


see >>8338377

>> No.8344700


Ive talked to a couple people already, my friends didn't get tickets in time either so im on my own. im bringing beer and i have a room at the IP.

>> No.8344716


You excite me with this room and beers thing but then you link to the men's bathroom thing... I am not sure what to think. :T

>> No.8344718

it was there last year wtf you talking about

>> No.8344724

I'm down to chill bud. darman84@hotmail.com (8th grade email}

>> No.8344728

The bathroom meet was decent last time, what's the problem?

>> No.8344731

It's so cold tonight here, I hope it isn't going to be cold over the weekend...

>> No.8344734

anyone have any issues with lanyards and guides handed out with badges? I'm in the AA so I didn't experience this but a lot of people are complaining on the AN FB page.

>> No.8344736

That wasn't me who linked you to the men's bathroom thing, just my email from a previous couple Anons. No orgy in my room, promise. Just beer.

>> No.8344738

I did was picking it my friend's ticket as well nope just get 1 guide and lanyard. I try to explain and show two passes nope you can have one.

>> No.8344752
File: 84 KB, 800x516, ANshouldusethislogic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-I don't understand this logic AN.

They should follow Zorg logic and be done with it.

>> No.8344754

Who crowne plaza here?

>> No.8344756

That's bs. Hopefully we can collect lanyards tomorrow by presenting our passes.
This is scary. I would like to meet anons but that location is just strange. I get that its funny but plz no

>> No.8344767

If you've got a fridge, and/or a lot of ice,.I've got lots of liquor and beer to share. Let's share some drinks.

20 y.o male.

>> No.8344768

Wait, do chicks go here, too? Cause I'm not gay or anything, anons.

>> No.8344770

Yeah man, especially if you have green. I'm with a group but am really interested in meeting new people.

>> No.8344771

I hope you guys will announce room parties here when the con is ongoing...

>> No.8344776

I'd share some drinks with ya but I have no clue if I have any of those yet.

>> No.8344777

hey email me at darman84@hotmail.com we can chill I'm looking for new buds. also the guy you replied about the lanyards.

>> No.8344778
File: 23 KB, 177x250, tumblr_nly3hooqSl1u5cajoo4_250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do people at meets usually already know each other, or can I go and hope I meet people without being too awkward?

>> No.8344782

I went to a meet up in August. It ended up great.
I didn't know anyone there, but after beer and poutines I had a great time.

>> No.8344803
File: 17 KB, 478x357, pinhead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still don't get what the bathroom thing is

>> No.8344806

Meet up and have a good time, dummy.

>> No.8344816

Got green, my man.

>> No.8344819

This. Waiting for room parties to meet new folks.

>> No.8344824

Hey! I saw someone in a seagull T-shirt at the Thursday line!

>> No.8344839

get your butt pounded or pound some stranger butt in a public bathroom at a convention for Japanese cartoons.

>> No.8344883

Does anyone have a Comic Market table, with perhaps lewd doujinshi?

>> No.8344884
File: 155 KB, 640x360, 1429130512587.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Implying you don't want to

>> No.8344890

yesss, you're the best!

>> No.8344899

Gay Sex 101 here I come!

>> No.8344909

I'm looking for a Weekend or Saturday pass.

>> No.8344910
File: 185 KB, 600x338, 1420810834922.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>mfw I could've worked on my weekend only to find internet orgy meets in public bathrooms and public pools.

Its like people can't contain themselves.

>> No.8345040
File: 631 KB, 800x1067, IMG_20150522_023650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stressed, depressed, but i finished making these bitches several breakdowns later

they're ugly and i'm not happy with them and i fucked up really hard with the chocolate on the outside
but i mean ultimately it should taste the same as picnic ones, just not very... presentable.
>pls dont be rood ty

see you losers tomorrow at the meet

>> No.8345069
File: 191 KB, 944x689, ss (2015-05-22 at 03.07.24).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot diggity doody, round two of that truffle booty!

>> No.8345075

There's usually one guy in dealer room that sells 'em. Wonder if he'll be here this year too. Just sells the same stuff you can find online though but in print form from 10-30$ each.

>> No.8345076
File: 338 KB, 450x413, o0oBlush.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw I don't know if I will come in time for the meet
B-But I wanted to taste Truffles-chan's truffles...

>> No.8345256

That's nice, but I was hoping for some original homegrown content.

>> No.8345314
File: 91 KB, 301x267, thumbs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>8344682 here. I'm getting a trip cuz we already have dudes like >>8344816 getting mixed in here.

Can you get a trip, like 'IProom-san' or something? And a contact # or email?

Will likely contact you later today

I'm not sure if I have green, will need to check. Can likely grab before sat if need be, tho I don't smoke much.

Getting confused here, can you get a trip or send email?

Anyone know if they'll be checking for passes/room cards before going up in the IP hotel? They do this shit sometimes and it's retarded.

Email is up, don't spam me anon-chans.

>> No.8345316


oh, email field doesn't work anymore, right.


>> No.8345358
File: 27 KB, 500x281, DEA live feed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll post an update tonight if I find parties going on.

>> No.8345405
File: 80 KB, 724x646, we.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dress warmly, anons!

>> No.8345407

Going to need a new thread soon.

>> No.8345431

New thread:
