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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8277987 No.8277987 [Reply] [Original]

Colossalcon is coming up soon so let's talk about everything!

>> No.8278232

I'm so excited for this con!

>> No.8279028

Apparently nobody wants to talk about con whoops

>> No.8279144

First time going. Holy shit i'm gonna poo my pants out of excitement

>> No.8279156

You don't have to try this hard to make me jealous. I already am.

Good, let's keep it that way. If I don't get to have fun, no one gets to have fun.

But really, I hope everyone enjoys the convention. Anyone actually going to that cosfamous thing, by the way? What's everyone's plans? Where are y'all coming from?

>Will the late night fights and sign-bumming and general chaos ever end?

>> No.8279158
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>Will any of the /cgl/ meetups ever ACTUALLY work out.

And dropped image included.

>> No.8279192


Debating if i should host one. If not, I'm pretty sure a lot of the other seagulls that are going will.

>> No.8281355

There's another thread for the cos-famous meets

>> No.8281972

I've been trying to go to the meetup for ages. Apparently everyone regroups to the hot tub bar? It'd be cool with me to meet up outside the water park, too!

>> No.8282061

I think either last year or the year before someone tried to start a meetup under the giant elephant mural outside the waterpark. I don't know how it went because I'm a hermit crab and don't go to these sorts of things.

Coleslawcon is that one con that has so much to do 24/7 because of the location that you can easily get distracted and lose track of time so meetups might be difficult.

>> No.8282374

>con is in a little over a month
>have to lose ten pounds
>panic diet

>> No.8282696

Is colossalcon good? I've already decided Animenext and Otakon were my cons this year (East coast guy here) but I wouldn't mind dropping either of em for Colossal for water park shenanigans

>> No.8282705

This has been discussed a million times already, but if you want a waterpark weekend, it's great. If you go to cons for programming, guys, dealers room, the usual con stuff, no, it's not as good as any semi large con.

>> No.8282712

the actual con is pretty shit

>> No.8282825
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Animenext is steaming shite. Honestly the people I know who go to it all admit its bad and only go to see friends. I was only at Ota once in 2012 as a vendor but it was also overcrowded. Decent cosplay and huge dealer's room+AA though.

This late in the game though, its probably not a good idea to switch to Colossal. Even the overflow hotels are sold out and people are scrambling to scoop up cancelled rooms. If you don't mind waiting until the very last minute (like, within the last 2 weeks before the con), there's likely to be a lot more rooms opening up from drop-outs, but I wouldn't bet too much on it.

>Is colossalcon good?
This gets asked in every thread and I only ever see vague answers so I'm just going to be as descriptive and honest as possible, as someone who has been involved in the con for half a decade and is close friends with someone who has been heavily involved since its inception.

Obvious one first since this is the con's main draw. Waterpark, petting zoo, arcade, beach volleyball, Cedar Point, and If you're over 21 its a great con for drinking and parties. There's just so much to do even when you're not on the con floor that you should never be bored.

The food at the hotel isn't very cheap, but I fucking loooooooove their burgers (note: the restaurant in the main lobby requires you to be fully dressed; no waterpark attire). The lobby food court has some nice variety, there's a food and drink "hut" in both waterparks and a mini restaurant in the indoor one (the hot tub bar doesn't serve food).

There's both a Meijer and a Walmart right down the road, plus a liquor store not too far away, plenty of fast food places. I mean its near Cedar Point so there's a lot of things conveniently accessible with a short drive/walk.


>> No.8282829
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One thing I love is that you don't need to go on an arduous journey to get to everything in the Kalahari, and there's only 5 or 6 floors in the resort itself so elevators are never a major concern like they are in the cons at chain hotels. The con center is just two big square hallways attached directly to the first floor of the hotel block and there's elevators to the other floors right there. The Arcade is right down the hall, the waterpark is straight through the hotel, and the lobby is up the stairs and down the hall.

For its size, Colossal has been very well behaved. There are drinkers but they usually keep to themselves in their room parties and the hot tub bar. There's only been one incident per year where the cops have to be called to handle a drunk, and its usually an isolated incident that no one but security and one affected person knows about. The drunks are usually more entertaining than problematic.

I would say *most* of the people are also pretty chill in general. Even the Homestucks. There have been no major issues with the Homesucks at all as far as I know, but idk how relevant they are anymore.

Hit or miss. I've seen some pretty great ones, and I'd say that while its not a cosplay mecca like some other cons, there are some pretty good ones for a con of its size. I don't involve myself in the super srs side of cosplay so I can't tell you how that goes, but from what I know of the department heads, they know how to do their jobs well.

The outdoor (and some parts of indoor) waterpark makes for some nice photoshoots, as does the safari and that lake and bridge out front.

This year there's photographer passes and that whole "cosfamous meetup" thing (which is basically just a way for staff to stop getting inundated by messages from people asking to be cosplay guests). There's some decent photographers that usually attend every year.


>> No.8282833
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I honestly can't tell you because its been different every year since Jae left. First they had the Twins in charge who just could not handle it, then Greggo took over and there was some nice variety and quality, but he stepped down. Now its in the hands of more than one person, one of which has been with the con for years. I have faith it will be pretty good this year, but that's not a solid guarantee.

Programming staff makes a conscious effort to not have too many panels about the same subject, and and try to make sure the panelists know what they're doing. Sometimes panelists are no-shows, but the programming staff actually has minions to cover these panels as best they can.

The con has both a Flea Market and Craft Fair. The Flea Market is where people go to sell their non-handmade anime, game, and comic stuff. For buyers you can get some great deals if you get their early like cheap figs and games. For sellers its a great way to earn back some of the cash you spent at the con.

The Craft Fair is like AA "lite". Its aimed at people who either don't have the stock, dedication, or skill to have an AA table, or just want to test the waters to see if they'd drum up enough business to make an AA table worth it.

There's also the dances- formal and "rave". They've got some overseas DJs this year apparently, but I can't really speak for either of these since I don't really involve myself in this stuff. I've been in the rave before though and its a decent size, plus last year they had some pretty neat light fixtures (Stargate!).

>Dealers and AA
Not gonna deny it, I haven't been satisfied with the size of the Dealers' room ever. I mean, I worked as a dealer at Ota and theirs was a fuckin' warehouse. This is, unfortunately mostly because the convention center itself isn't terribly huge so they're using one of the largest rooms but it just doesn't compare to those Dealers rooms you can spend hours getting lost in.


>> No.8282836
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The good thing is it never gets too cramped. Two years ago I really liked the selection they had, but last year it was pretty "meh"; a lot of dealers just had the same shit.

AA also has size issues. It used to be in part of the hallway, but they moved it into a room last year so it was a tiny bit bigger. I do like the quality of the artists they have, though.

Decently sized room and really good selection of games, they're vastly improving this year. I can't say anything about the tournies though since I don't do that sort of thing. Even if you don't like the gameroom (or the odor it sometimes gets) there's the hotel's arcade accessible from the stairs in the lobby which has a ton of things including more DDR pads.

There's a /tg/ room run by a local game store, but its on Dealer's hours and not quite as active as the vidya room.

This is the only area I have next to no expertise in because I've never cared enough. I mean, they have some panels with the guests and have some pretty decent animu guests afaik? They've got Steve Blum this year and despite being the headliner for so many years I don't see Vic listed on the website (cacophonous cheering).

>deep breath
Okay, that was long, but I think I covered everything important?

>> No.8283455

>Craft fair

I didn't see this last year - when/where is it and how long do most people stay at their tables for? Did I mistake the craft fair for the AA?

Can confirm that the flea market was actually really amusing. Most cons have a swap time of some kind, but I've never seen such a sheer amount of congoers spread out on blankets, lining the halls.

>> No.8283526

I've just accepted my fat(e)

>> No.8283533

>This year there's photographer passes

What does that mean, and how do you get one?

>There's a /tg/ room run by a local game store, but its on Dealer's hours and not quite as active as the vidya room.

Gaming room isn't 24 hours? HERESY.

>> No.8283549


you aren't allowed to charge for photos if you don't have one.

>> No.8283561

How would they even know if someone's charging for photos, much less prove it?

Does this mean they'll be charging for photographer passes, instead of giving them out to people with press credentials?

>> No.8284071

Fat Ass Basic Bitch Fag Et Cetera here. I'll be surfer singed Friday, and cross play Nidalee Saturday if I finish it. Any of you homos cosplaying league?

>> No.8284676

Press is separate from photographer passes. People are encouraged to only buy/pay for photographer services from people with photographer passes. It's basically supposed to audit photogs for professionalism and make sure people who are actually established and likely to deliver photos after taking them/not rip off unsuspecting kids. Also the photographer pass costs the same as a normal weekend pass, inb4 "cons just trying to get a cut of photographer profits"

>> No.8284679

Also dealer's is gonna be 150% bigger this year if that counts for anything.

>> No.8284685

it's pretty much just Fang Fox power tripping. you cant find out if a photographer is charging or not. bunch of dumb fucks.

>> No.8284695

No, it wasn't even Fang's idea actually. It's something photographers and cosplayers alike have asked us to do repeatedly. Believe me it's not something we'd devote our time to unless people have convinced us there's a need/want for it.

Oh and we do/will hear about it when people are charging without a photographer pass.

>> No.8284702

>Oh and we do/will hear about it when people are charging without a photographer pass.

At least definitely if they do rip someone off... which is all we're trying to prevent.

>> No.8284762

It'll be in its third year this time around I believe, and unless they changed things, it'll be on Thursday. Once the schedule PDF comes out next month it should be listed so you can know the time and location.

It's a first come, first serve deal to get a spot though, just like the FM.

Yeah, I wish it was, but Coleslawcon doesn't get a whole lot of TG interest, unfortunately. I swear most of the Mtg and wargame players are too busy getting hammered anyway, lul.

Don't take my word for it since I'm not part of that department, but here's how I understand it:
When you get a photographer pass you're essentially paying for advertising and notoriety. There's a page on the website with a list of registered photographers (though I just noticed a couple photogs are listed twice, fffff). and they'll have a special badge so people can spot them at the con. While yeah, you could charge for photos without the pass, you're likely to get more business when you have one. Think of it like having an AA table. You could sell your work out of your room, or at the Craft Fair, but when you pay for that AA table people are aware you're there and open for business.

Plus what >>8284676 said. Registered photogs have been checked out so you know they're not just point n shoot noobs and you're paying for quality.

>being this bitter

>> No.8284785
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>con in a month
>haven't sewn shit for it
If it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out. This is my first Colossal, though! Any tips? I'm gonna be staying at a nearby hotel, unfortunately. I've planned my cosplays so I can wear a bathing suit underneath but I've heard day waterpark passes are expensive as hell.

>> No.8284833

Kek. You and me both at this point.

>> No.8284836

Last year a day pass (sold by the con, not the hotel) for the waterpark was $28. In my opinion it's only worth it if you intend to spend the majority of the day in the park and take a lot of pictures and whatnot.

>> No.8284844

how much time are you devoting to this. it's been two weeks. zip. nothing. nada

>> No.8285056

>Also the photographer pass costs the same as a normal weekend pass, inb4 "cons just trying to get a cut of photographer profits"

That's cool but...
>Registered photogs have been checked out so you know they're not just point n shoot noobs and you're paying for quality.

Who gets to decide who qualifies?

>> No.8285131

They're selling the discounted passes again this year. 10am Thurs at Con Ops is when they go on sale. Con Ops is pretty easy to find, its right at the end of the first section of hallway between a set of doors and the Kalahari food vendor.

Supply is unlimited afaik, but its still best to get there early so you don't have to wait around in case they run out and have to send someone to get more.

>Any tips?
Plan ahead.
Seriously. Thanks to the location, there's so much to do and as a newb you can get completely overwhelmed. The schedule should be coming out next month and its wise to take a look at it and plan out the panels/events you definitely want to attend. Its very easy to get distracted, lose track of time, and miss something you were looking forward to. If you know what you want to do ahead of time, you'll have an easier time fitting everything in and not missing out on something due to distractions.

Sorry, that was poor wording on my part. From the website:
>The purpose of the application process is to verify your service as legitimate, not to judge quality of work.
Its not so much about judging their work, as it is making sure that they're not trying to scam/rip off cosplayers (especially those who are new to the scene).

>> No.8285186

Thanks for the tips! Hope you guys have a good con. Luckily, I'm the type who enjoys precariously planning my con/vacation days (I hate tons aimless wandering, it's a waste of time).

>> No.8285240

I hate this con

>> No.8286211


>> No.8286218

Can't speak for above anon, but there's a lot of assmad locals who hate recent colossalcons because 1) ew people DRINKING, and 2) ew out of staters coming in and making MY con crowded. I've seen two different people make hug public rants about how congoers from out of state should stay home because they're making it hard for the "real" attendees who don't come to con to relax/party to book rooms.

>> No.8286308

I was really disappointed last year that the armormaking class never happened. Anyone know if it's happening those year?

It's hard to check the schedule on my phone. Any confirmation?

>> No.8287170

Schedule isn't out yet. I think Nick said panel confirmations should be out soon. Ideally tentative schedules should be coming out within the first two weeks of May, I'd hope.

Haha wat. I kinda want to see those rants now.

>> No.8287608

I haven't returned to this convention since I first went to it in 2008. I hear it changed a lot since it moved to the Kalahari, but my experience then was so shit that I haven't gone back. I've been doing Matsuricon instead.

>> No.8287917
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Super pumped for Colossal, I haven't been since 2012 and I just turned 21 a couple months back, woooo. Wish I could have snagged a room at the Kalahari but that shit was gone so fast. I'll be a couple miles down the road and I'm thinking I'll just be relying on Uber if I can't drive back lol. Here's hoping my TB order comes in time, and maybe I can lose some quick pounds. Is anyone else coming from Michigan?

>> No.8287953


Son, you're delusional if you think Matsuri is better than Colossalcon at this point. It may have been true in 2008, but seven years later, things are much different.

>> No.8288018

Different anon and Matsuri is was better

>> No.8288061

Different anon as well, I've been to Colossal and Matsuri in the same year and Colossal was much more fun. Matsuri is more just a regular con - it wasn't bad, but definitely less exciting.

>> No.8288275

There is no need to get upset, Anon. Different strokes for different folks. People don't need to love Colossal, and they did say that they know things are likely to be much different now.

I'm coming from outside of the Ann Arbor area. Most of the security team was Ann Arbor until security got a new leader. I know of two other people from the AA area who are most likely going.

>> No.8288480

I did consider returning this year with my girlfriend, if it makes you feel any better. Perhaps next year.

>> No.8289986

Location is great. Staff (both hotel and con) can be kind of dicks about things.

>> No.8290646

.....what? The hotel staff was amazing last year, both the actual front desk people and the bartenders who started giving out insane alcohol-only drinks when they ran out of mixers.

>> No.8290697

Fuck, this convention is just a month away. Need to start collecting money from friends for the hotel.

I swear this convention is gonna sneak up on me and I'm not fully prepared.

>> No.8290737

I should have been more specific. It's the hotel's security that tends to get unnecessarily snotty, not the staff as a whole.

>> No.8290798

I'm working so hard to lose weight before con. I've always been a plus size cosplayer but I'm ready to change that. I've lost ten pounds already though. I've gotta get ready for my mermaid cosplay. Anyone have any tips for weight loss?

>> No.8290897
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I was thinking I was going to go this year because a friend offered a space for a hotel room to me but our conversations hasn't gotten far from that and I just got the email saying my panel has been accepted but I don't even know if I'm going or if I can go.
>being a poor student with no car

>> No.8290937

More water, less bread, 1 full meal a day with healthy snacks on the side (veggies, fruits, yogurt, etc). And obviously exercise. Running is good but other full body workouts (rowing, dancing) are even better.
I'm not /fit/ but this is what's been working for me. If you don't want to cut that much, 2 small meals is fine too so long as you exercise at least once a day for 30 minutes or so.

>> No.8291047

Do all this and throw in low weight/high rep weight training. Stimulating muscles through resistance is a great fat burner, especially if you're just starting and your body is "shocked" by the increase in activity.

>> No.8291720

Thank you both very much!

>> No.8293867

>photographer passes
Really? They've found another way to milk money out of people coming to this shitty convention??

>> No.8293960

I applied four weeks ago and still haven't heard shit from them. what a joke.

>> No.8294364

As stated previously, they cost the same as a normal badge... so no. Lol.

>> No.8294727

I just sniped a room at the Kalahari for three nights. I am about to shit myself from joy

>> No.8294746

you assume most photographers are buying badges. lel. this is cute

>> No.8294813

not sure where you get that, just stating it's obviously not trying to milk money out of anyone

>> No.8294985

Its like Artist Alley, except you don't have to pay extra or fight for space. You pay the same price you would for a normal attendee badge, get your name listed on the website, get the ability to post an ad in the FB group (posts there need moderator approval before going through, so it's not like your ad will be buried in spam), and I'm pretty sure you also get a special badge to indicate that you're an approved photographer.

Well I mean, you could be uptight about it, or you could buy the badge and get bonus advertising/exposure and potentially more work (or if you're charging, more money). Seems like a beneficial investment.

>> No.8294997

>They've found another way to milk money out of people
Also I feel I should add, the organization in charge of Colossal and related cons (Cleveland Comic Con, Ichibancon) is non-profit, which means any money that comes in from the con goes right back into it. The people in charge generate so much money from Colossal, they hardly know what to do with it, which is how Colossalcon #.5 and FAP weekend came about, as well as the bounce house at Colossal.

So, basically, they have zero reason to "milk" money from people.

>> No.8295371
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>> No.8295514

Hold onto your butts.

(just checked the weather today, looks like it'll be high 60s/low 70s all weekend and mostly sunny the whole time, but who knows, my weather app likes to lie)

>> No.8295610

So glad it's going to be nice, not too hot and sunny. Perfect

>> No.8296404

^this. thiis have so much money, they;re just thinking of way to fuck with people. like the cosfaous meet and greet and photographer badge shit fest.

>> No.8296436

>on my part. From the website:
>>The purpose of the application process is to verify your service as legitimate, not to judge quality of work.
>Its not so much about judgin
That's not going to work. Hell Lauren Pihl could of gotten a photography pass before #pihlgate. How will they verify if a photographer is legitimate?

>> No.8296440

Pretty much you take away the Kalahari from Colossalcon and it's your regular run of the mill Anime Convention.

>> No.8296442

likes. pretty much. I know a few people who got denied because they don't have enough likes.

>> No.8296630

Oh so they're basing photography passes on Facebook likes? IMO, that's funny considering how anti-cosfamous the staff are. I would bet you any amount of money if it wasn't for #pihlgate Lauren Pihl would be on that list right now.

>> No.8296913

I've been to only half a dozen anime conventions, but the scene just doesn't appeal to me. I'm no normalfag by any means, but my interests are things that I enjoyed in my childhood that are hardly relevant anymore so I see cosplay rarely, panels literally never, and even finding merch in the dealer's room and AA is next to impossible.

Because of this, I get bored at "chain hotel" anime conventions way too easily, and end up spending 80% of the time in my room. I love Colossal because the location gives you something to do when the con isn't being appealing. The con might lose some people if they lost the Kalahari, but it probably wouldn't be a significant amount and I bet most would be "ghosts" and not affect the attendance count at all.

>likes determine whether or not you get in
Yeaaaaaah, but no. Good try though.

>Lauren Pihl
>How will they verify if a photographer is legitimate?
Not even the foggiest clue who that is since I don't follow con dramu.

I'm only guessing here, but since the form asks for portfolio, they probably just look at your shots to make sure you at least have some grasp on what you're doing (shots aren't completely blurry or under/overexposed), and that you're using the right equipment (no disposables, decade old digitals, and iphone cameras).

>Oh so they're basing photography passes on Facebook likes?
I went through the website list. The first guy doesn't even have a fanpage but has less than 1k friends. The third has less than 200 likes, #4 with 500 likes, #6 with 24 likes.

I didn't bother to go through the whole list, but I'd say after just those few this claim is pretty much 100% false.

>Everything posted on an Anonymous imageboard by complete strangers is factual. The internet is a place of truth and justice and misinformation and unsubstantiated rumours by bitter people never happen.

>> No.8297366

Drink a ton of water, eat tons of fruits, and veggies, supplement with lean protein and whole grain carbs, drop oil and sugar, drop calorie-dense drinks, dont eat late at night. Workout if you can/want.

>> No.8297376

>Tobious Photography has 3485 likes.
>stopped reading the list.

>> No.8297606

I honestly can't tell you because its been different every year since Jae left. First they had the Twins in charge who just could not handle it, then Greggo took over and there was some nice variety and quality, but he stepped down. Now its in the hands of more than one person, one of which has been with the con for years. I have faith it will be pretty good this year, but that's not a solid guarantee.

It's not necessarily that we couldn't handle it, but it ended up being no fun for us as things kept piling up over the weekend that were out of our hands (and in some cases, not even our problems to begin with that were handed to us to solve). So after the con, we talked to the conchair and told him we'd like to step down. He was OK with it, and understood.

It sounds like we might know each other, but I promise you there is quite a bit that you have no idea about. Programming is an unforgiving department for any con, and we chose to have fun and enjoy the con as a vacation instead of staffing.

>> No.8297654

Well, to be fair, it's kinda early to predict weather for Colossal, especially with how fast the weather here in Northern Ohio tends to change.

K. Getting hype for Tokyo Attack. I need more Jubeat and Initial D in my life.

>> No.8297658

Actually, do you know if Greggo is coming back this year? Colossalcon will feel a bit weird without that man's energy (and gameshows).

>> No.8297671

I can't imagine he would. I'm not too privy on those details, however.

>> No.8297868

>Tobious Photography has 3485 likes.
Found his personal profile rather than his FB page and wasn't even looking at his occupation to see he had his fanpage listed. I'm not very observant on 4 hours of sleep.
>stopped reading the list
I'm not sure what your point is?

I don't know you personally, no. I'm friends with other people who are closely involved with the con and witnessed (or had to deal with) everything that went on that weekend from the staff side of things. I'm not going to publicly divulge the details of what I heard from them that weekend because that's your personal stuff and I'm not going to make it public. However, on top of that, there were many issues with the panels themselves and how problems were dealt with. There were issues that weekend which didn't happen when Jae or Greg were in charge.

I know programming is an unforgiving department, all departments are "unforgiving", really. It's an animu con, you're basically running around like a chicken with your head cut off all weekend trying to keep things together and please as many people as you can. There are people who bail on their panels, and you can't really screen everyone to make sure they know what they're doing so you end up with panels that are terrible and displease attendees. Programming is a huge part of the con and if it isn't under control, it can affect the overall opinion of the con.

It sounded and looked very much like you weren't really aware of how huge a task it'd be, and went in way over your heads. There's nothing wrong with that; it is what it is. That's my critique, if it offends you, well, I'm not sure what to say.

He isn't. He'll be at another con in Illinois during Colossalcon weekend.

>> No.8297902

And by
>witnessed (or had to deal with) everything that went on that weekend from the staff side of things
I mean in general, not just related to programming.

>> No.8298704

It's a difficult job and I give you two props for trying. I don't think I'd be willing to handle programming at Colossal for that reason. When dealing with a con of this size, it can get stressful for anyone running any department, much less with something as so much impact as programming. Some people aren't suited for some jobs, while for others, it's perfect for them and they really love it.

The guy doing it this year has done programming before, but this will be his largest con that he's done this at. So it's not like he's entirely wet behind his ears. He also has a lot of people to go to for guidance and suggestions. At the same time, if something can go wrong, it probably will. If anything I've learned in all my years of staffing various departments, it's that. Sometimes shit happens and you have to find a way to make things work on the fly, because ultimately as a staffer, the con is for the attendees not you.

>> No.8298723

Diff. anon but you know, I think it says more about the State of Colossalcon when they haven't been able to keep a Programming DH for more than 2-3 years. Diana, Dr. Bear Sex, Jae, Twins, Greggo... just saying.
That being said, if this new guy owns it, more power to him.

>> No.8298929

I feel like last year was just an explosion of photoshoots everywhere. I sat down in a chair outside and someone was having a photoshoot right next to me (asked me to move, too. Rood). Go back inside in the lobby, photoshoot. Sit near the fireplace overlooking the waterpark, photoshoot. Damn, ya'll.

>> No.8299347

Is axes femme considered Lolita? Not sure if my costumes will be back in time from my move but I have a couple dresses from them I could wear.

>> No.8299415

Not really. In some cases, people have stepped down for reasons unrelated to the job. Like, I know people who have left their position due to growing tired of cons, moving away, or spawning children.

However, >>8298704 kinda hit the nail on the head. With a con of Colossal's size (even if it isn't huge) its not an easy job, and its not entirely easy to know what you're going to be up against. Its not a job for someone who doesn't want be overwhelmed with applications and tediously sort through and pick out only a handful, then run around like a crazy person all weekend, fixing other people's fuck-ups on the spot and trying to keep people happy. It doesn't help when there's an unfortunate amount of people in the con scene who think their needs and views are above everyone else's, and just get louder the less you cater to them.

Some people just get completely overwhelmed. Being a head of most departments is like trying to walk a bull, and I only say this as an observer. Some people are adamant and happy to help and then just get trampled by the job.

And yeah, >>8298704 honestly put it better than my response (which does kinda sound bitchy), Twins, I've got nothing against you personally and am not saying you "screwed up" or anything of the sort, just that you got kinda buried in too much bullshit that weekend.

>> No.8299497

I heard they have new organizers making issues for people trying to schedule time with animals this year.

>> No.8300064

Depends on the overall shape and how it's coordinated. I've seen some pieces incorporated into lolita, but more often than not I see it being used more often in other j-fashion styles.

>> No.8300143

I wish I could go to the con, I'd love to see the train wreck of cosfamous people. Most notably Cassandra.

>> No.8300171

anyone wearing anything large/elaborate that would like to be in a CMV?

>> No.8301452

What's the weather like in Ohio in June? I'm coming from Massachusetts so I wanna make sure I don't pack anything too hot.

>> No.8301510

It usually ranges from upper 60s to mid 80s

>> No.8301525

bring an umbrella. it might rain.

>> No.8301603


Normally mild with a random rainstorm every once in a while

also hi thread

>> No.8301604

It's a month before con and the schedule isn't out yet. Does it normally take this long?

>> No.8301632

My room is overlooking the wild wacky wigglin' dick pool every. single. year.

>> No.8301811

so many salty photogs upset over being rejected. lel

>> No.8301909

Is buying a badge necessary or can you just avoid the panel rooms/dealers rooms and not buy a badge?

>> No.8302398

Badges are checked to get onto the "con floor". Last year this was the second half of the convention area. Badges were also checked outside the doors of rooms that were being used by the con but not inside the designated convention area. This means there's space that doesn't require a badge where people tend to hang out where there's seating and a Kalahari vendor selling food and drink.

The past two years it's been released in late April/early May I believe. Panel approvals were being sent out recently, iirc, so I wager at least a temporary schedule should be out soon, and updated as the con gets closer.

>> No.8306631

I'm way too excited. I even ended up buying supplies for the cosplay lineup I've already planned for next year..

Also please enjoy the Otaku Flea Market for me, since I won't be there on Sunday. It's really good for cheaply filling out missing volumes in your manga and dvd collections, and junk like that.

A few questions:
>What's your favorite drink at the Kalahari?
>Anybody coming from out of state? Out of the country?

>> No.8307445

so what's the word on a meetup? Is one happening?

>> No.8307448

I'm a year away from being able to drink, so my current favorite thing to drink there is a strawberry smoothie

>> No.8307612
File: 1.58 MB, 233x174, 1366857215369.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's your favorite drink at the Kalahari?
Its a tossup between the banana one and the orange and red slushy one. I don't remember the crazy names for these things.

There's two banana drinks, but despite going for 5 years since turning 21, I can never remember exactly which one it is. One of them tastes like a banana milkshake, the other tastes like banana... booze... ass explosion.

>people better have Yugioh and Digimon stuff at the flea market this year or I'll riot.

>> No.8307777

>>What's your favorite drink at the Kalahari?
Blue Rhino. Especially good when they put the pineapple in it. I like the Banana Mudslide too. They added some other new blue drink last year that was enough to get me drunk and hung over pretty bad on Sunday (literally, I just sat on the floor with friends and giggled about stupid shit so I'm not an obnoxious drunk), but I'm a terrible lightweight and I just went to my room and passed out instead of drinking a ton of water like I should've.

>> No.8307826
File: 39 KB, 399x539, 11196263_10206519516649239_3965959623306834983_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those of you who don't really look at the FB group often, registration is in new locations this year.

#2 will only be active on Thu+Fri, handling both Prereg and at-the-door. #1 will be active all days, but on Thu+Fri it will be at the door only.

In other words, of you're prereg, on Thu+Fri go to spot 2, Sat+Sun spot #1. If you're not pre-reg, go to either.

Spot #2 is down the hall from the wide curved stairs, between the bathrooms and where the hotel usually sets up food and drink vendors.

Spot #1 is next to the doors with a big metal lion statue (not the one between the two halves of the con center, the other one), across and down the hall from where the rave entrance was.

>> No.8307999

I don't know what cons you go to, but most of the cons I go to in this area don't release a schedule until a week in advance. 2 weeks if you're lucky,

>> No.8308237

They check badges at certain points, and get more serious about it while the rave is going on. If you know what you are doing you'll have no problem not having a badge.

Due to the setup of the con one you are in, you are good to go for the game room, dealers room, and just about anything else in the area because they don't check at each door (although they may check at the rave door again, idk, I don't rave).

>> No.8308340

It sounds like the schedule should come out within this week, maybe tonight or tomorrow even.

The game room and dealer's room are within the "checked" area. Pretty much any sort of event run by the con should either be within the checkpoint area, or have someone manning the door checking badges.

The rave door is checked, and anyone trying to enter with a bag will be asked to stick it back in their room or directed to put it elsewhere for safekeeping (last year, Help & Safety held onto them but we were kind drowning in bags by the end of the night, heh).

>> No.8309128
File: 240 KB, 494x488, Please dont.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone see this yet?

>> No.8309614

this is a terrible idea. do not go to pizza shop dressed as a scary furry. this is why people get shot.

>> No.8310226

They yelled at me and started crying because I said FNAF was garbage and that this is a stupid idea. lol

>> No.8310270

They should ban this fool from the con.

>> No.8310333

Isn't Donnell the con chair? Why would he make such a foolhardy suggestion?

>> No.8310338

Donnell? How would they ban the guy who helps run it?
I just hope that if this does happen it turns out terribly. Then the people on that post talking about how harmless it will be will see that they're idiots because the FNAF fandom is Hamsteak mixed with Hetaliatard tier garbage.

>> No.8310341


>> No.8310453

If you haven't noticed, he's always posting lulzy shit in a lighthearted, harmless manner. I don't think anyone is going to take it seriously. If they do, they might just post on /cgl/.

>> No.8310510
File: 177 KB, 500x796, donnell is srs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were taking it very seriously. Even Donnell. One of them told me to drink bleach and two others sent me PMs threatening me all because I said this was stupid. lol

This is happening.

>> No.8310536

All I see is people talking about it. He called and checked to see if they'd allow costumes. If people are excited over it, let them do it and make fools out of themselves. It's not harming you. Think it's a bad idea? Don't participate.

>> No.8310549

They deleted almost every comment that was anything remotely negative about the idea.

They can go ahead and make everyone look bad. I won't be there because I would rather not suffer in that sea second-hand embarrassment. lol
They allow costumes, but nothing scary or distasteful... I doubt Donnell sent them pics of what these cosplayers are going to be wearing. If he did and they're still cool with it, more power to them. I still think it's a horrible idea.

>> No.8310566
File: 29 KB, 551x412, HNI_0082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8310568

>calling people normies
If Donnell doesn't show up in an elaborate Rare Pepe costume, I will be highly disappointed. :^)

>> No.8310611

I don't think he cosplays, so don't get your hopes up. lol

>> No.8310694

I'm kind of glad that I decided not to bring my FNAF Chica cosplay this year... I'll let the fandom simmer down and wear her next year.

>> No.8310818

I was just joking lol. Anyway, that piza place Donnell suggested (Chet and Matt's) is actually really good and is only like a mile past Meijer. For 20 bucks, you can get a large 2 two topping pizza, garlic bread and cinnamon dessert pizza. I highly recommend that, especially for a group on a budget. Just don't go there in FNAF cosplays and attempt to scare the living shit out of the kids PLEASE.

>> No.8310944

Screenshots plz

>> No.8310962

They banned me so I can't even access the page now. I didn't screencap anything last night when it was all happening either because I didn't expect them to act like children and remove every post and ban people. -shrugs-

>> No.8310979

If the restaurant has a problem with it, they'll just ask the cosplayers to leave and come back out of costume. Its not the end of the world.

Couldn't pull a pin out of your asshole with a tractor.


>> No.8311010

You said yourself you rolled in and started spouting how fnaf was stupid. Bad idea or no, why are they obligated to keep you around if you're going to get up in everyone's grill? Either they'll show up and kids will get a kick out of the costumes, or they'll be asked to leave, the end. You seem to be taking this pretty personally.

>> No.8311011

I'm super chill compared to how everyone else was reacting. lol I think you're reading into my text a little too much to be that upset over my opinion.
If they go, I hope they behave and there are no issues. I'm not expecting anything good to come from this though.

>> No.8311038
File: 81 KB, 578x392, Think-of-the-children.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol I think you're reading into my text a little too much to be that upset over my opinion.
>"I'm not upset, you're the one who is upset!"
No, I was telling you to chill because all you've done in this thread thus far is whine about the post and being "threatened" and banned from the group.

You were making a mountain out of a molehill, so to speak. You likely got banned because you were stirring unnecessary drama.

Pretty much what >>8311010 said.

>> No.8311073

Meh. Think whatever you want. lol

>> No.8311551

Saying "lol" after everything you say makes you sound like an idiot and takes away all interest in your opinion.

"Please stop if you ever want to be taken seriously, lol"

As you would say.

>> No.8311989

Whatever. If they want to be a petty tripfag, let them be a petty tripfag. I'd rather not see this thread drown in stupid personal drama.

Anyway, Nick says the schedule should be out by tonight. Here's hoping!

>> No.8312439

Alright fam I need some advice.
I've basically been conned (lmao) into going to this con by my girlfriend.
She likes cosplaying and lolita and stuff.
I'm afraid autistic weebs are gonna be asking to take pictures and basically it'll be a festival of pure autism. I'm picturing like /r9k/-con or like full of those people from cringe videos.
Is it as bad as im imagining? If not, which I assume it's not, how do I avoid those people?

>> No.8312539


No, Colossal is just about the least /r9k/-con of any anime con you can go to. It's a drunk party con.

>> No.8312546

just keep your girlfriend away from the perv photographers. there are quite a few well known ones attending

>> No.8312548

Seconding this. There's a huge party culture at Colossal thanks to the location and the lenient rules regarding alcohol.

Also if you're even remotely worried about autists, just stick around the waterpark, especially the hot tub bar is you're 21+/

>> No.8312762

The only thing about this con is that I find it can be hard to stumble upon good room parties because of the hotel layout.

>> No.8312822

With the Villas, most of the good parties aren't even in the hotel itself. At least, the people I know of who host parties usually have a Villa. Room parties in the hotel itself are typically more exclusive deals.

You can usually find people at the hot tub bar to follow to parties.

>> No.8313925

Anyone ever look at the birds or baby tigers and know how much it costs?

>> No.8313950
File: 103 KB, 648x434, 1425523470926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks I'll be the really sad and upset looking person displaying kanye minus the skin color probably hating everyone if you see me tell me I'm a cunt.

>> No.8314040

Last checked the photo op with the baby tiger by the front desk was in the 30$ range.

"Safari" pricing for entry, food, etc can be found here:

>> No.8314192

No. I try to ignore the whole sad animal park thing. Otherwise I wouldn't want to go to this con anymore and I really like this con.

>> No.8314484

Tentative schedule is up now, guys!


>> No.8314565

>half a dozen Yugioh panels
>not sure if happy or afraid

>> No.8316664

I think be afraid. I love Yugioh, but that is too much.

>> No.8316683

Does it bug anyone else that this is Colossalcon 14 but the year is 2015?

>> No.8316685


IT'S TIME TO D-D-D-D D-D-D-D-Drop Colossal.

>> No.8316690

Does it bother you that this is the 21st century and the year is 2015?

>> No.8316719

Link to your previous work?

>> No.8316737
File: 797 KB, 230x173, tumblr_inline_nk0al33C4z1rfcxq2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Yugioh too (well, just DM), but I honestly want to line the fans up and run them over slowly with a steamroller.

I'm not even into MLP anymore, but the only panel for it is 18+? Maybe there will be another one added once the schedule is fleshed out more.

Of course, its not like its Colossal's fault if no one is submitting diverse panels. Nick did a pretty good job imo.

>> No.8316748

I'm usually hesitant to post my channel on here but since you asked

>> No.8316870

>only MLP panel is 18+


>> No.8316899

Oh fantastic. I'm glad to know that the year I do MLP cosplay is the year there is an 18+ panel for it. Probably run by one of the gross bronies ughh. I really hope they add more MLP panels

>> No.8317163

>gross bronies?
Are we talking specific or in general? The team that did those late night "alcobrony" panels in previous years was barred from ever doing them again. I don't think they'll even coming this year. No idea who is doing the MLP panel this time around.

>> No.8317740

what is this?

>> No.8317819

I hate this con so much. I hope it dies out soon. Ugh

>> No.8318645

Good for you, Anon. Its been growing by over a thousand people a year, so...

>> No.8318650

They probably banned them from the con.

>> No.8318823

There's this interesting, new, up-and-coming method to avoiding events that you dislike.

The Asians call it (and this is a rough translation)
"Not attending".

Some social scientists have been working together and have come up with a theoretical follow-up strategy to this known as "ignoring discussions about it".

It is hypothesized by a few that when combining these two strategies, it may be possible for those that are susceptible for the phenomena known as "Getting your panties in a twist" to not have their symptoms flare up.


>> No.8318852

As long as it is at the Kalahari, it will never die.

>> No.8319075

I know, I live near by and it's sure a pain to deal with. It could also just move

>> No.8319079

Seems like your the one with your panties in a bunch. Anon can dislike it if they want to. I'd guess from their statement they don't go.

>> No.8319082
File: 83 KB, 274x237, guffawinflames.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Move? Out of the Kalahari? The location that helps this con be so attractive in the first place?


>> No.8319162

I never got to try the drinks at the Kalahari. What's the best drink they have? Also, what's their biggest drink?

>> No.8319190

Abloobloo. Good thing you don't live in Downtown Atlanta, New York, or in San Fransisco. Dealing with all these god damn con people on my lawn. It's not like anyone is crowding up your one big road or parading through it.

>> No.8320171

r u srs?

The Kalahari is in the middle of nowhere, I can't fathom any way in which it inconveniences you.

>> No.8320250
File: 2.44 MB, 3264x1836, IMG_20150512_101420_023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you, Anon.

Honestly it seems like Colossal is getting a lot more "bland" hate this year. Lots of people spouting "I hate this con!" but not offering any critique. No one is forcing anyone to like it, but there's ~13k people who simply do not care that a single person dislikes the con so its pretty much just
>"old man yells at cloud".

Aaaaanyway, not to feed more dull bullshit into the thread...

I can't recall the names and I can't find a menu posted anywhere, but people seem to enjoy the blue one, the orange and red swirled one, and the banana mudslide a lot. At least those are what I usually see at the hot tub bar. Even if you don't know the names I'm pretty sure the bartenders are used to sloshed people being all like "I'll have the blue thing".

All the goblet drinks are about the same size. I did the maths just for you, Anon, since a lot of people claim the taller goblet is significantly larger, it looks like the difference isn't that big, depending on how full your bartender makes your drink.

>> No.8320290


>> No.8320982
File: 3.01 MB, 3264x2448, 278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

23 days to con!

>> No.8321053

Why do the raves have shit music? My group and I always go to the rave then end up leaving within an hour and just get an asston of people to come to our room (ground floor near steps hype this year). Any of y'all fuck with Addy/alc/Mary?

>> No.8321098

I've never enjoyed the raves. I rarely stay a full hour.

>> No.8321341

Con raves are for kiddies not old enough to know what real clubs are like, or people to spergy to know how to deal with real clubs. I don't even waste my time with them and just stick to room parties.

>> No.8321500


Are you.. the keyboard warrior equivalent of a dancer?

Not any of the posters above, but I've been to clubs in nyc, cali, japan, etc.

Most clubs are thirsty ass niggas trying desperately to get pussy from some chick that's just there for attention.


>> No.8321857

i heard 1449 is attending this year? fuck yeah!

>> No.8322413

This looks terribly underwhelming

>> No.8322421

.....what fucking clubs do you go to?

Are you the guy in that "I wish I was at home" meme?

>> No.8322598

Anon goes to bars and thinks they're clubs.

Please forgive anon-kun. She doesn't know any better.

>> No.8323199

No but I fuck your mother.

>> No.8323216

The photo was taken on Thursday morning so not much was happening then

>> No.8323231

Pretty sure the pic wasnt supposed to show off the con side of Colossal. It's just a picture

>> No.8323454

A good number of photogs were rejected?
That's just the ego boost I needed today, I got the goahead a few days back.

See you nerds in the pool.

>> No.8323651 [DELETED] 

Donnell is a piece of shit. Just sayin.

>> No.8323667

hahahahahaha true dat anon

>> No.8323922

Vic isn't coming this year, right? Right?

>> No.8323997 [DELETED] 

So I keep hearing, but why is that?

>> No.8324336

Non-profit? Check your facts, that company is for-profit and not.shy about throwing that out there

>> No.8324374 [DELETED] 

Because James has shit taste in music. He makes his choice on DJ based on how much people are willing to pay him.

He only cares about money, treats everyone like shit, and puts all his friends as staff, so even when they fuck up, they are staff forever. He's constantly talking shit about attendees of his cons too.

>> No.8324390 [DELETED] 

I've heard the same. More so the little fuckbuddy of his that thinks he is hot shit.
So basic.

>> No.8324540 [DELETED] 

Bobbi and Mark are the only people who are involved with Colossalcon that are decent humans.

>> No.8324560

Does anyone else think there's a handful of anons in here who have personal beef with the Colossalcon staff who've been slinging around all of the general con-hate all thread? Between all of the "x staffer sucks" and "I hate this con I hope it does in a firey ditch on fire" posts, it's starting to sound really tryhard.

>> No.8324569 [DELETED] 

Well yeah, it's hard to find many good qualities in a guy who mistreated his wife so much she got fed up and moved to the other side of the world. She wasn't exactly the embodiment of responsibility to begin with, but shit has to be pretty bad to make someone go to those lengths.

He's a nepotist pig.

>> No.8324575 [DELETED] 

If there are, and it's happening more than with other conventions and their staff, shouldn't that say something about the (lack of) quality of Colossal's staff? Sure, every con is going to have someone on staff that someone else doesn't like, but if it's to a lesser degree than this, that should make people start asking different questions.

>> No.8324579 [DELETED] 

Sure I totally believe that staff sucks (just look at how the room blocks were released this year), but it does smack of a couple people samefagging a lot.

>> No.8324583 [DELETED] 

Correction: a couple of people with personal beef/vendettas samefagging a lot (see: >>8324569 that's some pretty insider information assuming it's true)

>> No.8324673 [DELETED] 


Oh I have no doubt there are multiple posts from people on here, I wasn't suggesting anything to the contrary. But it does seem this particular convention's staff is getting more hate than I typically see with other conventions on here.

And I wouldn't call that too "insider." It was all over Facebook with people going back and forth with each other. It was pretty much a case of shitty people doing shitty things that made other shitty people do other shitty things.

It's a shame too, Colossal is a fun convention. Even if the con itself isn't doing it for you, the Kalahari itself offers plenty to keep things fun and Cedar Point is nearby. How anyone could go there and not find something to do is beyond me.

>> No.8324679 [DELETED] 

I meant more you had to be fb friends with these staffers or semi involved with them in order to know that. That's more "insider" than your run of the mill congoer who doesn't like the con (unless you mean this was going down in a public fb group in which case, damn).

>> No.8324681 [DELETED] 

>Check your facts
I have. You're not the first person to try and claim this.


There are. Most of it has more to do with personal butthurt unrelated to the con itself, though.

>unverified vitriol

>> No.8324700 [DELETED] 

You must either be a staff member, or really close to them, because you're acting butthurt over the fact that people don't like your friends.

>> No.8324708 [DELETED] 

>"Nuh uh I'm not butthurt, you're butthurt"
Nice deflection.

>> No.8324861 [DELETED] 


>>But it does seem this particular convention's staff is getting more hate than I typically see with other conventions on here.

cosplay department was/where known trolls on here. I wonder why they get so much hate

>> No.8324913 [DELETED] 

>Well yeah, it's hard to find many good qualities in a guy who mistreated his wife so much she got fed up and moved to the other side of the world. She wasn't exactly the embodiment of responsibility to begin with, but shit has to be pretty bad to make someone go to those lengths.
>mistreated. fed up and moved to the other side of the world
Wow son, you are buttmad and grasping for straws. I suggest you get your facts straight, sit down, and shut up. You literally know nothing.

>> No.8324950 [DELETED] 


Right, right. Hi Donnell.

>> No.8324975 [DELETED] 

Woooooow. You are so mad right now. You really do have to be Donnell. Making yourself look worse, bro. Should have stayed under your rock.

>> No.8325013 [DELETED] 

No actually, I don't think he comes on here especially not this close to the con. Like he'd have time to stalk cgl with a kid and with a con in 3 weeks. But in fashion, as always, /cgl/ is quick to accuse and assume.

I know both parties and watched what happened. But it's not my business to go spewing the details on cgl. Basically she lied and left everyone hanging to be queen weeb in glorious nippon. It had nothing to do with him.

>> No.8325040 [DELETED] 


>>people really thinking donnell comes on here

>> No.8325053

Posting about a different topic now, yup.

Is anyone actually going to the cos-famous meet and greet?

>> No.8325117

Hahaha, I might run through when the most notable lolcows are there. I'm interested in seeing what the setup will look like. I'm guessing like an Artist Alley?

>> No.8325124 [DELETED] 

Meh, just don't engage them and laugh it off. Probably trying to get people stressed out before the con. Anon should go pet a dog or something.

I know there were some Anons who expressed going just to watch the train-wreck. I wouldn't be surprised if that's going to be a majority of the attendance.

>I'm guessing like an Artist Alley?
That's what it sounds like.

>> No.8325244 [DELETED] 

I have DJ'd there before and never once had to pay him...I must be doing something right?

>> No.8325280

Greggo is never coming back to a convention in Ohio.

>> No.8325336

Man if /cgl/ had forced IDs I bet this thread would look a lot different. So much obvious samefagging

>> No.8325372

hi greggo :^)

>> No.8325415

If you are unsure if you can make it and have a panel on the schedule, please inform your friendly neighborhood programming staff via email!

>> No.8325493
File: 11 KB, 208x242, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol this con

it's a super fun con, the location is great.

i've had problems with staffers nearly every single year though. i dunno what it is about this con that makes the staff so shit (i think it trickles down from the top) but they are literally the worst staff almost always, every year. the only staff that are okay are the ones that want to help attendees. the rest are like "HURHUR I AM SO POWERFUL AND IMPORTANT I HELP COLOSSALCON I AM THE TITS OF ALL"

just chiming in my personal opinion. i'll be there this year, just like the last few years. can't beat that hot tub bar!!

>> No.8325951

How would you feel if you had put up with a bunch of fat piece of shit weeaboos for an entire weekend
Their job is to literally try to cater to the cancer of society
I'm even going but you can't argue it's a decent demographic

>> No.8325990

Different anon, but I staff for a con over twice the size of this one, and obnoxious attendees isn't really an excuse for a holier than thou attitude. You staff because you like putting on a good show, not because you think people are going to pat your ass for it.

That said, I love colossalcon and think a lot of the negative nancies in here are people who are ex-staff or are trying to air their vendettas without giving actual info. Everyone needs to drop the act and just dish the gossip. I'm sure people would take your complaining more seriously if you did.

>> No.8326085

I have been toying with the idea of staffing a con, but after reading about all the horror stories of the staff at different ones I am afraid to even try. I don't want people to hate me.

That being said, in my opinion of staff at colossal I have never had an issue outside of the tech guy being completely oblivious. Every other panel something was wrong with the equipment or sound last year. And the guy that was "fixing" it looked like an idiot. It was almost as bad as Ohayocon tech, but at least at Ohayocon the techs didn't look like they were about to cry each time.

Also, I am sad Greggo isn't there anymore. He had the schedule out way before this new guy did. It's 3 weeks until con and he is just now posting it, with duplicate panels still on it? I think Greggo needs to come back and show him how to do a schedule right.

Aside from those minor issues I am super excited for this colossal. I have my cosplays planned and I am debuting my sailor moon bathing suit cosplay. If any moon cosplayers want to do pictures together just let me know!

>> No.8326280

>He had the schedule out way before this new guy did.
Actually, if you check the website, last year's schedule was posted on the 15th, and the year before that it was posted on the 22nd.

I think Nick did pretty well for being rather new, just have to see how he handles the con itself, since Greggo was way over-stressed last year and was practically a zombie.

>> No.8326501

You must be friends with with the guy if you call him Nick. Don't all his posts go by Nicholas?

>> No.8326511

I don't really have any personal interactions with him, but he's been active enough around the con for long enough that I've heard him mentioned a handful of times.

>> No.8326518

I don't pay enough attention at conventions to know any one staff members name. I just hope there are some better panels that come through

>> No.8326525 [DELETED] 

Fuck your sister lately Greg?

>> No.8326553

I don't like how he always acts like a stuck up prick.
"Director of Programming here..."
Nobody gives a fuck what that guys title is, stop throwing it in everyone's face.

The guy last year never did that thank god

>> No.8326573

Yeah same. Even though I don't really go to panels, I was super excited to see Xenosaga, Nier, and Speed Grapher panels on the schedule last year.

Panel variety does kinda depend on what gets submitted though. I was told the abundance of Yugioh panels was because there was really nothing else, which likely means people weren't submitting much that wasn't already submitted, or their submissions weren't up to par.

>> No.8326701 [DELETED] 

Wtf, he Fucks his sister? That's some anime incest shit irl going on
Nasty fuckboy

>> No.8326745 [DELETED] 

That dude was a fucking alcoholic weirdo. New guy may be pretentious but if that's his only fault so far, I'm happy

>> No.8326805 [DELETED] 

Why would a convention head let someone like that on staff? Don't they care about who works for them?
If attendees knew that was the kind of people that staffed at this con then I bet many wouldn't go. I know I wouldn't

>> No.8326836 [DELETED] 

>why would they let someone like that on staff
Well, I might not like the guy either but without proof I take everything like this with a grain of salt (especially considering how much vendetta-fagging has been going on in this thread in the past 24 hours).

Its not like they know the personal lives of everyone who starts working for them, for all we know it could have been the reason why he's no longer working for the con.

>> No.8326904

Wow, that's a lot of salt.

Actual Greggo here, and this is my first post in this thread. I don't have anything against Colossalcon. I left after last year because of two reasons...I wasn't able to do both my programming head job with them (and their other cons) and my game show thing, so had to choose...and I also didn't feel like I fit in with the group think of the people who run it. I do have an alcohol problem, and that has manifested itself on more than one occasion, but my leaving Colossal really had nothing to do with that. There was some unfortunate stuff that happened afterwards where a lot of things I said were taken with a lot more authority than they should have been taken, since when I said them I wasn't actually staff for their shows, but that is what it is.

I wish only the best for Colossalcon going forward, and while it's true that I probably won't be doing any more Ohio conventions, it's mainly because I certainly won't be invited back to Colossalcon, which isn't surprising, and I was the "fandom guest" for Ohayocon (which will be different every year, and they typically don't give guest status to non-industry people) and I am moving to a part of the country which is far enough away that it's not likely that I'll get an invite to other Ohio conventions.

I'll chalk up the other bit in this thread to 4chan being 4chan and not address it further.

>> No.8326926

what game show thing

>> No.8326950

Now that we've had Greggo come and speak, can we please stop shitting on staff/ former staff and just talk about the con?

>> No.8326954

Who is going to be selling stuff at the Craft fair on thurday? What are you selling?

>> No.8326973

Greggo runs a series of different game shows at anime cons and other events like Anime Price is Right and a few other things. He did some shows at Colossal the year before he was made head of Programming, and continued while he was head for programming the last two years.

Considering how fucking chaotic Programming gets during the con, I can 100% understand him having trouble juggling both.

>> No.8326978

Wow, someone went to cry to greggo because of 4chan? that's pathetic

>> No.8326983

Let's be clear faggo, you were fired for blind incompetence.

>> No.8326985


>> No.8326986

Colossalcon congoers seem to just love to shit on people

>> No.8326987
File: 83 KB, 661x523, justincasenobodybelievesit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And a screencap. Go and enjoy Colossalcon, please.

>> No.8326988

This is what cons are for tho

>> No.8326992

What's sad is the amount of hate that comes from colossal staff about you. That guy that does the music stuff at colossal was shit posting screen caps about you all over Facebook about being a broke asshole.
I only know this because I help work the game room at colossal and used to be friends with him

>> No.8326997

The issue was that gregs idiotic game shows are and we're just a cash cow so he could get two pay checks and pay yourself.

>> No.8326999
File: 28 KB, 499x322, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8327011

I am con staff.

Pretty sure we have better things to do than to bash former staffers, especially those who quit on their own instead of getting fired.

>> No.8327018

Pretty sure you don't, basement dweller

>> No.8327028
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>> No.8327032

Any Anon can claim being staff, no one cares. Staff don't do shit anyways but suck the conchair's dick and try to feel important.

>> No.8327036

What the fuck is going on with the approved photographers list? There are now 100+ photographers being listed. Should I even bother to go?

>> No.8327049

Felix Wong is listed twice and some of the listings are just names. Who the fuck is Nick? or Johnny?

Wish they would have at least added links and made it a little more organized.

>> No.8327052

It's that Fang Fox fucker trying to make himself feel like he matters. I bet the only press they get are YouTube vbloggers and examiner writers. Lazy cunt

>> No.8327058

Let me guess. fang and felix are buddies. It's either that or fang is just messing with him

>> No.8327073

Its likely just a typo no one has noticed because the page is such a clusterfuck.

>> No.8327090

No way fang doesn't know. He lurks cgl

>> No.8327339

How late does the fair go? I'm probably going to be waterparking/cedar parking it until later, and don't want to skip out to sell things. If it's on the late side, I'll probably stop by with some fandom necklaces.

>> No.8327344

.......Why not? There's always hundreds of photographers at any given con taking pics. Only 100 is a damn short list of people allowed to charge for shoots.

>> No.8327359

According to the web schedule, it's until midnight on Thursday this year. Based on experience, it's until people are tired of sitting at their table. There was a stupid mad rush last year for people getting tables, but didn't really pay attention to how long folks stayed there.

>> No.8327360

Looks like it'll be 6pm-midnight

>> No.8327404 [DELETED] 

Jim Gogal is that you?

>> No.8327540
File: 703 KB, 250x225, 1398015704657.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm sure people would take your conplainung more seriously if you do.
Can you seriously please go to whatever subreddit there is for this con and/or kill yourself?

>> No.8327604 [DELETED] 

Donnell is a fat piece of shit

Hate that faggot so much

>> No.8327606

>Thread about Colossalcon
>"Go to le subreddit!"

Underage b&
Pls go and stay go.

>> No.8327613

It is until midnight, but they're doing setup different. Its by assignment rather than just "walk in, grab a table". From the FB:

"Set up for the fair will work a little differently this year. We hope it makes loading-in/setting up easier. After you've picked up your admission badge, you may head over the the info booth (circled on this map). They will begin the process at 3pm on Thursday. If you wish to line up in advance, the line will begin to the right of the info desk and run along the wall. You will give them your information. They will then give you a map of where you can bring in your product. Per Kalahari rules, you cannot bring product in through any of the glass entry doors. You must bring in product through the designated loading dock. When you bring in your product, your spot should be labeled for you. To avoid people gaming the system, we aren't allowing anyone to pick their spot. We will start assigning tables closest to the entrance, and then work our way back, so the earlier you check-in, the better spot you should have. Based on last year, we're expecting a very full house this time, so you will initially be limited to half a table (3' wide by 2.5' deep). If by 6pm, there is no one at the other half of your table, you may then take over the full table or move to and empty one."

Unfortunately I can't post the map associated with the post since it's too similar to another pic in the thread, but the info booth is right where the two convention centers meet.

>> No.8327615

felix wong is so pro

>> No.8327627

Much better than last year. Major props.

>> No.8327629 [DELETED] 

WOW. JUST WOW. as someone who KNOWS donnell. he is NOTHING like that. as a matter of fact his exwife was in the wrong. what kind of woman abandons her child? Donnell is a very nice person, unless you're an asshat at deserve to be delt with. you need to get yourself in check.

>> No.8327632 [DELETED] 

Donnell doesnt come on here. he knows almost nothing about the things being said, just FYI he has more important things to do o-o expcailly with con coming up

>> No.8327639 [DELETED] 

I'm sure Anon intentionally omitted mention of the child since that would have made their entire claim bullshit to anyone with half a brain.

>My husband is abusive, I need to flee to the other side of the world to escape! Better leave my child with my "abuser"!

>> No.8327676 [DELETED] 


Lets just not feed the trolls. Don't give more information for them to twist later.

>> No.8327696
File: 146 KB, 500x500, anubiscorgi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Staffer here! Can't wait to do this again! Any questions?

>> No.8327699 [DELETED] 

Go away

>> No.8327705
File: 265 KB, 799x793, 5375288+_39b936a5c0749bc9481d9a3c4cd29ae7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else going to the fedora meetup?

Apparently they're not allowing Trilby's this year. James is a fucking hat elitist.

>> No.8327733 [DELETED] 

James is a fucking autistic retard. He has to be blowing Donnell for him to keep James on staff, as useless as he is

>> No.8327735 [DELETED] 

You just want in his pants

>> No.8327767 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8327775

Gonna cut way back to here:

I think you should try staffing at least once. You never know until you try, right? Maybe staff a small con first if you're really unsure.

Staffing at a con isn't that bad, and people shouldn't hate you unless you act like a douche to the attendees. There will always be other staff members who are shits, but it's usually pretty easy to avoid them... Unless they're lead staff, con chair, etc. Then... Good luck! I think you can still do your staff duties without interacting with them in most cases.

From my experience, the cons with the best staff are: AnimeUSA, Anime North (haven't been in a few years though, so idk now), and Tekkocon.
Shitty staff: Otakon and everything in Ohio.
There are some cons where I just don't have an opinion. Things seemed to run smoothly, but I also didn't have to deal with staff or the programming has stuff I like, so I don't notice stuff that is missing. Of course, I know that the amount of attendees can influence how efficient the staff is, so staff will be more annoyed/snappy and confused at bigger cons. Or maybe it's because they accept anyone as staff and don't do training...? Dunno.

I will say that any con in Ohio I've ever been to has had some of the worst staff. Bad attitudes, clueless about the con (so they can't help anyone), and oddly egotistical for being someone at a weeaboo meetup. Ohio in general is a fucking mess. lol

>> No.8327816 [DELETED] 

That's some delicious shit

>> No.8328041 [DELETED] 

I've been paid and flown out to DJ there so I'm not sure where you're getting your information from.

>> No.8328053

>good staff
are we thinking of the same convention because tekko is horrible

>> No.8328057 [DELETED] 

Of course you do. What his wife did was indeed incredibly shitty. Now how bad do things have to be to make someone do that?

You're probably one of the friends who got put on staff for doing nothing more than verbally sucking his dick like the rest of his whipped little bitches.

>> No.8328066 [DELETED] 

used to be a friend of cassie until she pulled this shit, i don't know donnell very well but cassie dumped her america life to go pursue her dreams in japan which I grew up in a single parent household and fell out with her

she lied about being in america to see her kid when she was still in japan to keep the airs up of being a responsible parent which she fucking isn't

>> No.8328075 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8328077 [DELETED] 

You know feeding more information to these people isn't helping. Let them assume what they like and say what they like. In the end, in three weeks people will be having a good time, the convention will continue to grow. Let that happen, because it obviously pisses these people off that much. It's like, there are a myriad of things to be angry about in this world, and you choose this? Don't go, don't attend, don't pay it any mind. Do your thing. But it's more fun being a pissy-pants.

>> No.8328083 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8328100

This was my first year, and I had no problems with anyone. Not staff, not attendees, not convention personnel, not even the people in Pittsburgh who weren't attending the con.

But, I will say I've heard bad things about staff in the past, and it almost made me not go this year. I did go though, and I had a lot of fun Aside from the system crashing, causing all of that bag check craziness, I thought Tekko was ran well.

>> No.8328103

convention center personnel**

>> No.8328126

ackson and beat down boogies probably also got press.

>> No.8328532 [DELETED] 

Wow. Wow. Wow. Loving all the great opinions on here.
Actual ex-wife here. Donnell and I are actually fine, and I have been stateside for quite a while. I dont have to explain what happened, and honestly most people on here only have one side of the story and left before asking or inquiring but I dont want people forming opinions without the whole picture.
Long story short, I had an extremely hard time dealing with depression and some personal issues, tried to take a break (in the most stupid way possible), and then we broke up and I couldnt handle it and hid from my own divorce instead of trying to fight for him back.
Being a partner for a convention takes a long toll on your relationship. A big one. You are alone for a lot of the time, and if you arent careful, those feelings will build up against you and instead of supporting the people you love, it will turn against you and you will live in a self-loathing cloud of shit. Weird shit will pop up in your brain and youll be your own worst enemy.

No abuse or anything going on, just some miscommunication between us that ALL COUPLES HAVE.

As a result, I lost every friend I had.

I've already paid my prices for my mistakes, got help, and I am working with Donnell daily on piecing things back into order.

The best thing I can do now is just stand up and say Donnell is a great and good person. People dont understand his humor, but thats his charm. He doesnt care. At the end of the day, his friends and his family has him. And I do too, even after all the public stuff that was said about me. I will stand beside him in anything.

So enjoy the con, have fun.

The con is fun, exciting, and you shouldnt miss it!

>> No.8328732

Hmmm, if I were to roll in at 9:30, would I be able to find space? Is it even worth it to start that late?

>> No.8328770 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 338x338, 1431682058711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All these people the thread has been shitting on suddenly come out of the woodwork

>> No.8328832 [DELETED] 
File: 217 KB, 500x281, tumblr_inline_mj3ih6njWe1qz4rgp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one can say for sure, but I'm certain a large portion of artists aren't going to be sitting there the whole time, and 10 is typically about the time the younger crowd starts heading back to their rooms so there might be a bunch of tables opening up.

And close enough to the bump limit. Hopefully this prevents people from shitting up the next thread quite this much...

But I'd hope for other Anons to simply not engage or acknowledge them at all next round.

>> No.8328844 [DELETED] 

Wake me up when Fang shows up

>> No.8329049 [DELETED] 

For real, that black nigga Fang is the real entertainment, he's the main reason I still staff for nostalgia

>> No.8329069 [DELETED] 

>black nigga
As opposed to what other kind of nigga?

>> No.8329076 [DELETED] 

james does that about everyone, even his own friends. he's a bit of an asshole, but he does his job so he's there.

>> No.8329079

if you dont like the staff or the con then why are you even here.

>> No.8329086

Reading through the hate in this thread like


>> No.8329410

>Bringing death
But that's Osiris' job.

>> No.8329925
File: 419 KB, 1280x1707, corgibulba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry about me, just looking in on things here! And also, I like cute pictures!

>> No.8329933 [DELETED] 

yes, nigga can be any race. Fang just happens to be toughest black nigga there is.

>> No.8330641

>298 posts to 248

So much shopping to do before the con and I'm not even a cosplayer hrrrrrgh.

>Red Beret
Heyyyyy, are you the guy who does the Dealer's Room stuff whose name I keep forgetting?

>> No.8331302

Yes I am! I gots tha hookups! Kidding. Been working Colossal since the old loacation (was that 8 or 9?) ANYWAY, I am looking forward to another good year!

>> No.8333585
File: 205 KB, 913x720, 1338657644308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the con is 3 weeks away and your group still hasn't booked a room because "somebody might still cancel at Kalahari!"
>tfw they complain when you jump ship and decide to room with somebody else

They finally did book a room last night at a hotel off-site, $470 for a one king bed room. There were supposed to be 4 of us going, and one of the others invited two more friends without letting the rest of us know, so even if we got a two bed room, I would still have to sleep on the floor. Fuck that.

I just hope my prospective rooming with somebody else goes well. I'm really looking forward to it since it's with a girl I really like.

>> No.8333588

is the new room in the Kalahari? If so, it's definitely the right decision

>> No.8333593

Nah, but it's with a cute girl, so it all evens out.
Plus I'll probably get to sleep on an actual bed.

I went with my old group last year, and while it wasn't bad, I would like to have a better time this year. 2 of them (a couple) are my roommates, and we already spend a lot of time and do things together. While they aren't bad friends, they can be kind of controlling and major sticks in the mud, and I just want a break and to enjoy myself.

>> No.8333725
File: 1.98 MB, 352x290, 1380982265807.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hiiiiii. I'm the tall chick from night security. I think it was you I was walking around with outside the convention center in Colossal 2013 at assballs in the morning trying to get into the convention center but every door was locked?

Hilariously, my first Colossal was the apocalyptic Colossal, but the girl who brought me to Colossal has also been going since the pre-Kalahari days.

>> No.8333973
File: 150 KB, 467x349, squidwardgoodtimes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, FireTornadoCon was hell. I was working the last con before the Kalahari switch. Had a massive logjam during the main cosplay event. I wound up standing on a chair directing traffic at the top of my lungs until my eyes bled.

>> No.8334042

Fuck con is in 18 days and I still haven't ordered my shoes for lolita shiiit

>> No.8334532

You're not alone anon, I just ordered the blouse I'm wearing to the tea party yesterday, and I'm waiting for my TB order to be shipped... Fingers crossed.

>> No.8335424

Just ordered like $300 in clothes, bouta look /fa/ as fuck at the con. If you see a handsome fellow with great fashion sense give a wave.

>> No.8335433

betafuck detected

Do you even know where you're going?

>> No.8335460

That's it?

Did you only buy a jacket or what?

>> No.8335491
File: 1.85 MB, 500x254, tumblr_njipyoUnH91rhebuao1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poorfag I just spent 1k$

>> No.8335651

I hate that Fang fucker. Biggest idiot I've ever met, terrible photographer, total tool that thinks he is God's gift to anime cons

>> No.8335713

Greg did way better than Nick is doing but Donelle is such a spit full dick he won't admit that it picked an idiot and that's from someone who is on staff

>> No.8335994

I heard this con was awful. Anyone who went have an opinion? I want to hear the dirt

>> No.8336200

Said person probably didn't even go.

The con is great, location is great. Atmosphere is great.

Over ten thousand people have been going each year, resort books out almost immediately after room block is out.

The other resorts also tend to book out.

It's nice.

>> No.8336212

Literally read this thread and all previous threads, this has been hashed to death.

If you're going to con solely for AA, dealers, guests, panels, etc, you're better off going to Acen or other large cons.

If you're going to con solely for a relaxing nerd weekend with drinking and waterslides, it's the best ever.

>> No.8336228

But its not just Nick who is doing programming. Idk, I don't think anyone should pass judgement on him quite yet. I don't necessarily want to jump the gun and praise him, but I also don't want to shoot him down without knowing how things will go at the con.

>and that's from someone who is on staff
This is too. Given recent events I think a majority of people lurking this thread are staff, lel.

You could just browse the thread. Plenty of opinions here already.

Most people seem to enjoy it, even if most of that enjoyment is from the location. Its been growing by over 1k people per year, which is a pretty good indicator that people don't think it "sucks". Sure there's going to be people that don't enjoy it for whatever reason, but its best to look at the bigger picture rather than the opinions of a select handful.

>> No.8336313

Still really convinced that the OMG IT SUXXXX!!!!11! crowd is made up of people who have personal gripes with some of the staff. I attend a lot of cons both large and small and have never seen such vocal shitting on a con before, even for poorly run ones.

>> No.8336403

Protip: Never take the commentary of cgl to be full and complete truth. Most of the time, it's butthurt people that have gripes as >>8336313 has said and a lot of times, they don't have a full story and are basing assumptions on what they see and perceive.

People can say it sucks because someone they hate is going or working for it, someone turned them down for a photographer pass, or they won't let them bring their airsoft gun in, or they can't run around naked who the fuck even knows.

Also as a person who has attended cons for 15 years and has staffed them for almost as long I've seen a lot of opinions and gripes. Some poeple come to cons for specific panels or to see specific guests, if those events don't turn out how they expected it can put a damper on their experience especially if they are a more negative person. They can refuse to go to said con ever again and shit talk it everywhere because a panelist was terrible.

Also a small percentage of people who go to said con actually come on cgl or are active on it. I never take any of these comments seriously.

>> No.8336766

It pretty much is. Like, we know who some of them are and that's mostly the case.

>People can say it sucks because someone they hate is going or working for it, someone turned them down for a photographer pass, or they won't let them bring their airsoft gun in, or they can't run around naked who the fuck even knows.
>They can refuse to go to said con ever again and shit talk it everywhere because a panelist was terrible.
Man, I was really excited when I first started going to cons thinking they'd have a great, laid back, and open minded community. I slowly began to realize how many loud-mouthed, passive aggressive, self-aggrandizing vindictive babies are in this community and I just couldn't stand it anymore. Now Colossal is the only con I go to just to see friends and do things outside of the con itself (since everything I like is either a dead franchise or never really had a presence in the first place).

>> No.8337172

Literally every con I meet some overdressed asian kid with no personality trying to pick up weaboo chicks and it's just the saddest shit ever lol.

Greg fucked up so much shit that he left of his own accord out of shame. He drinks too much and throws temper tantrums. He fucked up the schedule all sorts of bad last year. He's creepy and he hits on any female he thinks he has a chance with. Nick at least has a full set of teeth.

>> No.8337194
File: 161 KB, 600x734, attackonhill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bottom line is this- If you run a decent con and get a good amount of people to attend, you become a target. You get haters. Donnell and the staff try not to focus on the negative. I'm not saying that problems don't get addressed. They do. But if you come at us and say COLOSSAL SUCKS with no real reason or problem to fix, we can do nothing. At the end of every show we have the feedback panel. And we bring pen and paper to write down what you say. You can go to our official forums to air grievances and offer suggestions. That is seen as well. All we ask is that you talk to us. Because we cant make the show better if we don't know what you guys and gals are thinking!

>> No.8337400


Oh. Reason...uhhh.....

Can I write you out an IOU on that one?

>> No.8337446
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>> No.8337514

Sure! Legit reasons are always paid attention to!

>> No.8337620

What do you consider legit?

Like if I say that the con is too far away from where I live and so I never get to date all of the cute girls I meet there, is that a legitimate complaint? ;_;

>> No.8337645
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>Literally every con I meet some overdressed asian kid with no personality trying to pick up weaboo chicks and it's just the saddest shit ever lol.
I've only met more white dudes who do that shit. For me it's usually the guys dressed in military or tactical gear for literally no reason, lul.

I'm the one who spent 1k$ though, and 200 of it was these shirts.
>tfw still "in manufacturing"

And there's an online feedback form, too! Which is also anonymous.

But yeah I generally disregard anyone who is basically just bitching for attention, and when people make a bunch of dubious and often ridiculous claims that offer no real criticism, they're pretty much just bitching for attention.

>> No.8337668
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>spent 1 grand
>on Shitty graphic T's and edgewear


>> No.8337683

Also just like the Arts and Crafts Fair changes mentioned above, the Flea Market has gotten some organization changes, plus some new limits on what you can't sell

>Can sell cosplays and props
>Can't sell MtG cards
>Can't be more than 50% western media merch


>"spend 1grand on shitty graphic tees"
>honestly thinking 7 shirts cost 1000$

>> No.8337686

>7 shirts
Well, 9 technically, 2 of them are gifts for friends.

>> No.8337788
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Common sense is key here.

>> No.8338766

Legit concern being that a good majority of the staff trolls people on purpose and calls cosplayers name and makes fun of them on Facebook, and yet he is in charge of the cosplay department? It makes me feel depressed when I ask a question on the colossal cosplayers group and he and his wife start making fun and patronizing me about my cosplay questions.

But then I write the convention an email expressing my concerns about them.and they don't do shit.

Definitely sounds like a convention that cares about their attendees

>> No.8338779

Got any links? If that's true, I'd like to see

>> No.8338822

Yeah, I would like links or screencaps proving it. I haven't seen anything like this happening in the groups.

>> No.8338824

OP of thread here. Honestly I've never had any problems with this con. I've met friendly and helpful staff, and just had a fantastic time every year I come. I'm sorry that some of you had shit experience.

>> No.8338828

It's that fucking chris gary piece of shitter. he trolls cosplayers and charging photographers. hes a piece of shit

>> No.8338846

To be fair cosplayers are people who think their self important for dressing up like Korean moving picture cartoons. I would troll the shit out of you guys too if I wasn't one of you.

Just kidding, I still troll you guys.

>> No.8338903

because they usually delete the comments shortly after. A few weeks ago this girl complained about her photog friends being discriminated. The admins tore her to pieces. Very disgusting behaviors.

>> No.8338940

why do people care so much about the con and the way it's run? Colossal is party con, if you're sober and bored enough to notice how the admin operate then you're missing the point

>> No.8338953

this right here. just fucking get drunk and enjoy yourself. last year i told a kid wearing a teemo hat that teemo sucks and he honestly got this extremely sad look on his face. almost felt bad.

>> No.8338960

Because we're paying the staff to take vacation and go on power trips.

If you are not buying a badge, I'm going to put on my Chris Gary hat and say you're a filthy piece of shit and your mother is a worm.

>> No.8339062
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Chris is very, very blunt. However, he has never directly attacked or harassed anyone intentionally in the FB group. If you cannot handle how he carries himself, that's your deal, but don't drag the entire con for it and don't exaggerate it.

Honestly you hardly even have to interact with him at the con unless you're in the Masq, and even then its minimal interaction and he's professional about it and doesn't start going all Natalia Kills on people during the show.

But yeah, I'm not gonna defend the staff by saying they're all sugar and rainbows, but they do their jobs and do them well, and don't go out of their way to hurt people.

>A few weeks ago this girl complained about her photog friends being discriminated. The admins tore her to pieces. Very disgusting behaviors.
I have never, ever witnessed any of the staff go this far in the public groups. Even James knows when its just not appropriate.

>If you are not buying a badge, I'm going to put on my Chris Gary hat and say you're a filthy piece of shit and your mother is a worm.
Eh, you're not really giving the full picture. The girl who was the target of this was practically bragging about ghosting the con and took advantage of a shoot with a well known photographer.

If you ghost and keep it secret, obviously we won't know and won't have any ability to jump down your throat about it, but if you're going around promoting the idea of taking advantage of pretty much everything the con provided outside of the con floor, expect to get your shit wrecked by the people who bust their asses organizing and running the thing.

Anyway, if you really take issue with staff's attitudes, and you know they attack people on the FB group, why not grab screenshots? Put in a civil criticism in the post-con feedback form, or raise your concerns at the Feedback panel like Beret said.

>> No.8339107

^this. It's really funny since the girl was correct. Fang Fox now pretty much accept every photographer, making the approvdd photographer list a waste of space.

>> No.8339123

The approved photographer list was long and diverse well before this happened. Nothing changed.

I also witnessed that conversation. If you call that "tearing someone to pieces" I suggest becoming a hermit.

>> No.8339128

>If you call that "tearing someone to pieces" I suggest becoming a hermit.
Tumblrs the whole lot of you.

>> No.8339130

Immediately after that discussion, all the rejected photographers received invitations to attend the con. Keep drinking the kool-aid

>> No.8339146
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>all rejected photographers
I'm a little wary of this statement because it sounds like ya'll hosted some sort of rejected photographer community meeting in a secret underground lair somewhere talking about photographer pass approvals.

But regardless, why does this matter? If they made their approval policies more lax because of attendee critique, why complain? Like I don't get it, do you want the list to remain super exclusive or do you want it to be more lenient? Do you want the con to listen to critique or do you want them to ignore and spit on anyone and everyone who expresses their concerns?

>> No.8339149

It's /cgl/ you can never make them happy, ever. There is no logic in their thinking.

>> No.8339178
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New thread because we're 1 post from bump limit.