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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 642 KB, 532x800, bit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8337506 No.8337506[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I remember seeing this girl (Bitsy Cosplay) around here a year ago and now she is blowing up at my local cons. Anyone know about her or anything. Also discuss how you get popular in the cosplay community

>> No.8337544

she used to be a big deal in texas for being a dfc nigri but no one cares about her anymore
shes still pandering for money though

>> No.8337547

Mother of shoop.....

>> No.8337576

How to get popular in the cosplay community?
Make good cosplays

or tits

>> No.8337585


nothing wrong with it since it's making her look more like the in-game model

>> No.8337590

I don't know much about her, but I remember her asking for a free room at A-Kon 2 years ago and a bunch of people got mad when someone gave her one.

>> No.8337647


>> No.8337684

I remember being in a room party at A-kon and she was there. She was being a brat the entire time. I also question whether she even made this cosplay after seeing her Annie one in person. Frayed fabric all over the place and falling apart.

>> No.8337725

I know nothing about her personality but ive been following her for a while. She's so cute even if it is shoop

>> No.8337755

Does making her look like the in-game model require her to fuse all of her teeth together?

>> No.8337763

Wig color isn't even the right color. Please PS better

>> No.8337782


She made a plastic mouth piece of teeth for it if I remember right

>> No.8338003


>> No.8338070
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I'd say its one of these
>be white or asian
>if you are black (darker skin, not light skin) people will like you out of white guilt
>anyone else is fucked

The hotter/cuter you hare the less people will pay attention to your craftmanship

>> No.8338087


Yeah you know the fake teeth/fangs/ things that Rin cosplayers use? I remember her saying she did one for her Jinx to make the smile more exaggerated

>> No.8338110

she made a flipper out of fake nails for her teeth..

but she has like 16k followers and people are paying her for fan signs so i guess things worked out

>> No.8338113
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>> No.8338118
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Most people are too busy looking at her cute face to notice any mistakes in construction.

>> No.8338120
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>> No.8338125


she photoshops her ass in these so bad haha
but i guess at least shes cute

>> No.8338132

god this shoop sucks

>> No.8338157
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>> No.8338173
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>> No.8338176
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>> No.8338186

shes charging $5 for each sign...

>> No.8338198

And 19 people paid so far. That was a pretty good idea.

>> No.8338200
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>> No.8338202

33 with the new ones she did in the annie swimsuit.

>> No.8338203

That doesn't remotely look like her in cosplay

>> No.8338212
File: 55 KB, 720x960, 11233261_628135300619755_6074408214764190394_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this would be so disappointing haha, you could see the other sign on the other side...

>> No.8338241
File: 52 KB, 479x720, 10906091_751465238278386_7727381828854100504_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these fake or real?

>> No.8338245
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>> No.8338265

Ahahaha cucked

>> No.8338306
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>> No.8338309
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>> No.8338325

She's super tiny in real life, so her itty bittle tittles look somewhat normal on her. That cosplayer has an awful attitude and thinks she's hot shit, too.

>> No.8339073
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She also has a lot of unknown health problems or something? And she kept posting pictures a while back of her bruises and shit.

>> No.8339083

Ugh I hate how cute she is :( she and some of her friends were hanging with my group at a con (none of us knew who she was, she just came up to us randomly) and she ended up tagging along with us and drank out alcohol and ate our pizza. When we ran out she just disappeared

>> No.8339374

I think she has endometriosis or something

>> No.8339536

isnt this meepygal?

>> No.8339659

she has a stupid face that I want to punch

>> No.8339697

In some of these pictures she looks like my younger sister.

>> No.8339836

This made me laugh harder than it should have.

>> No.8340629
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>working to the bone to on clothes

You mean like the hats she's selling with copyrighted logos on them that she could get in a shit-ton of trouble for if the companies found out?

I honestly hopes she gets caught. I would love to see a lawsuit against her for selling shit she doesn't have the rights to.

>> No.8340700

she selfposts often yeah

wish I could put that wig out of its misery

>> No.8340785
File: 108 KB, 640x640, 10914518_1018017621559366_261013460_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah she has endometriosis she had been asking for donations for her surgeries and she fainted not that long ago and posted this picture.

>> No.8340800
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>> No.8340805

how about no.

>> No.8340814
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Those nail marks on her face
I guess she must have "fainted" into a cat fight

>> No.8340818
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>> No.8340825

Since when does endometriosis affect your face

>> No.8340831

I have it and it doesn't at all shes just being a little bitch if she's using it as an excuse to not get a real job that works around your problems.

>> No.8340840

she fainted? From being weak or whatever.

>> No.8340853
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>> No.8340871
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puts all that "effort" into jinx and doesn't bother to invest in a lacefront...

>> No.8340894

Where could she possibly have fallen that would cut her face

>> No.8340936

I mean, it's possible. I fainted sitting at my computer and if there had been something next to me like a shelf, I would have hit it. It looks like she fell forward or something considering her nose is bleeding. It's kind of attention whoreish to post pics like this but it is possible to hurt your face when you faint.

>> No.8340958

tbh lad I once passed out in a bathroom and hit my face pretty hard against a pipe because it was cramped, also bruised my ribs
it's possible

>> No.8341081

Friends of mine used to be roomates with bitsy and let's just say it wasn't the best experience

>> No.8341114

Yeah...I heard horror stories of people who used to live with her. Almost made her roommate lose her job, slept all day and stayed up all night and then expected rides at midnight to places (no car), tried turning the other roommates against each other by lying through her teeth...like I feel bad for them.

>> No.8341621

heard she threw a fit over some other girl getting to use her jinx weapons which were made by her ex boyfriend who was part of a prop making duo, and the other guy only lent them to her.
funny stuff.

>> No.8341703

I used to think that at least she looks pretty cute, but she doesn't look so great without copious amounts of Photoshop. Average at best imo.

>> No.8341729
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>> No.8342008

confirmed that this happened also confirmed she tried to play the suicide card when her roomates kicked her out

>> No.8342597

From what I've heard, Bitsy has two different personalities. The cheery, outgoing, exciting cosplayer you will meet at a con quickly turns into a whiny, self-pitying deadbeat as soon as convention's over.

>> No.8342617

She also tried making her ex-roommates BF pay part of her rent coz he came over sometimes. even after he drove her to the hospital and places.

>> No.8342618

you know what
I bet OP is actually Bitsy trying to amp up her hype or some bs

>> No.8342621

Does that affect fertility? I remember she was a surrogate for someone a while back when she was underage.

>> No.8342623

she wasnt a surrogate she just got knocked up and couldnt take care of her kid let alone herself

>> No.8342631

It doesn't affect fertility, but the only permanent "cure" for endometriosis is a hysterectomy (which would render her infertile). As far as I know she hasn't undergone that procedure.

>> No.8342637
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>> No.8342647

i remember bitsy back when she dated that tumblr famous dude and then dumped him for the prop maker guy. Shes pretty scary and i'm glad i don't talk to her anymore.

>> No.8342654

I would kick my roommate out too if taking care of her was a full time job

>> No.8342668
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>those fucking loose threads hanging at the bottom

>> No.8342809

nah totes supported them in it all and it was when she got kicked out shortly after prop maker guy dumped her even though she says its the other way around, and she got a new sugar daddy that buys her whatever she wants

>> No.8342879
File: 460 KB, 720x1280, Frayed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part of her Annie cosplay at PAX.

>> No.8343630

That is disgusting.

>> No.8343812
File: 66 KB, 247x200, 1425845752961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you'll never have a slender body and flat chest to cosplay Taiga
Why live
Someone wanna trade my fat boobs

>> No.8344289

Is her arm broken?

>> No.8344327

it does actually affect fertility but at a later age.

>> No.8344341


Her bellybutton is gross as fuck.

>> No.8344850


>> No.8344948

Just a bad photoshop extraction job.

>> No.8344951
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>> No.8344985

Good thing tibbers was there to shield our eyes from damage.

>> No.8345088
File: 92 KB, 480x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fucking love bitsy.

>> No.8345125

Kids are taught not to waste paper....
She is legal right?
I'm getting creeped out looking at her 10yro boy body

>> No.8345129


>> No.8345139

Who's the ex bf?

>> No.8345172

Thanks I didn't intend on sleeping tonight anyway.

>> No.8345179

Even a hysterectomy won't cure it if all of the affected endometrial tissue hasn't been removed, unfortunately.

It /can/ affect fertility as well, I had a lap surgery for it a couple of years ago and they had to remove some tissue as it was blocking one ovary, was also found in my pelvic cavities and a couple of other places.

I could also believe that the pain from it could make her faint, it's brutal as hell.

>> No.8345250

>I'm getting creeped out looking at her 10yro boy body
You mean you're experiencing feelings that you know will have you ostracized in modern society?

>> No.8345306

one of the dudes from detravoid concept. idk if hes still a part of it or not. guy was a fuckin tool anyways

>> No.8345767

Like using her exs PayPal to buy tons of con merch, turning everyone against him, etc. She messaged me trying to tell me all this terrible shit about him

>> No.8345927
File: 144 KB, 640x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not bitsy but another try hard that drives me absolutely nuts

how do you get popular in cosplay? partially spamming yourself everywhere possible....

>> No.8346063

Naw bruh I like my women meaty like myself and legal

>> No.8346368

he is not part of detravoid anyone it's now a one man thing

>> No.8348508
File: 28 KB, 480x480, 10409353_629573047142647_8345761390448091508_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new cosplay....

>> No.8348814

if this is supposed to be Catherine, it looks fucking horrible

>> No.8349089


Can she just stop....

>> No.8349542

It's worse if you're 170 cms tall... I really want to cosplay Taiga but I'd feel like a tower and that kind of contradicts the design of the character

>> No.8349557

not that anon but i'm 175 and hourglass, bby. i'd have to cosplay ami. fuck.

>> No.8350156

Atleast you're hourglass
Im like

>> No.8350223

Isn't she always asking for money? I took a picture of her at last years Anime Matsuri and she said she needs money for bills and cosplays. She tried a gofundme and got 20 dollars.

>> No.8350336

she gets people to donate to her paypal account constantly. Shes made quite a bit of money from begging these days, shes got close to 18k fans.

>> No.8350435

>needs money for bills
Everybody does
We dont rely on cosplaying for that
What a stupid cunt

>> No.8350601
File: 324 KB, 616x444, fbss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to report her merchandise?

>> No.8350632

you can report it to facebook directly

>> No.8350646

I'll do that just so this lazy ass can get a real job.