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8284339 No.8284339 [Reply] [Original]

Other thread is in autosage and we are just over a month away.
>no-name guests, lots and lots of steampunk and a schedule that is comprised entirely of the former two things and a bunch of tripfags in a circlejerk.

Are you going to steampunk high tea?
Are you going to the maid cafe?
Are you entering the cosplay contest?

>> No.8284363

This is only my 2nd time going and I didn't go to the maid cafe last year so I'm gonna check it out this year. Do you know if you have to be in legit steampunk to attend that tea or is lolita/ouji acceptable?
I've heard a shitton of complaints about last year but I had a blast, and have been looking forward to going again since we left Sunday last year.

>> No.8284392

>a bunch of tripfags in a circlejerk

The last time I was actively involved with Texas seagulls was 2012 and they seemed decent enough, anything happen since then?

>> No.8284397

Considering 90% of the high tea attendees are of the paint it brown and gear it down variety, you'll be fine in lolita or ouji (obviously don't wear sweet, though).

I have moved on from the bitter about waiting over a month for a rejection stage and into the I can't wait to see how bad programming this year is stage.

>> No.8284434


There isn't a dress code for the steampunk high tea. Any lolita attire would be ok. If enough lolitas went I would say you could just take it over.

>> No.8284536

> Are you going to steampunk high tea?

> Are you going to the maid cafe?

> Are you entering the cosplay contest?
No. Not doing any big pieces this year worthy of it.


Me, too anon. I've seen some seriously questionable panels that got through. Still no idea what happened to make it this bad this year but dear lord the schedule has got to be crap. I'll be interested to see how all the webs crafted their panels to get around the Q&A rules. There are still an awful lot of in-character panels.

>> No.8284582

Wait op, have you seen a schedule?

I still haven't bern accepted or rejected yet. This is ridiculous

>> No.8284680


I don't know if a schedule has been released. I have seen people post on tumblr and Facebook about their panel times and stuff.

>> No.8284682


What?! I thought they had rejected everyone by now. That sucks anon.

>> No.8284683


What panel did you submit?

>> No.8284755

I got an email about a week ago that was basically, lol maybe?!?!

How do they legitimately not know by now if they can fit my shit into their schedule?

>> No.8285015

I got an e-mail like that too. Social media got my hopes up, but don't you worry, that's a rejection letter.

>> No.8285038

Its fine if they want to reject me. I dont care, but can they straight up tell me instead of leading me on?

>> No.8285180


Social was told what everyone believed (including them) was the truth that all rejections had been sent out. I don't think anyone realized that programming would pull this shit.


They do know and yes, they can't fit it into their schedule. Not because your panel was bad, probably, but my guess is that they have just been willy nilly filling up spots without a care for the rules or order. I'm sure they'll tell you they really wanted your panel, but didn't have room, and try again next year. Next year hopefully the con itself remembers its own rules. "First come first serve" my ass.

It sucks anon, but don't be surprised if panel's potential spot got usurped by some "totally not a Q&A" character panel. The fact that they still haven't emailed everyone is just downright rude. It's beyond rude. How can they ask people to still submit next year when they don't have the decency to reply to everyone?

>> No.8285488

Excuse my ignorance but what do you mean by seagulls?

>> No.8285490

read/pronounce cgl

>> No.8285494

How did I not see that...

>> No.8287896

So is this lolita coup happening or what?

>> No.8288346

I'm planning on entering the cosplay contest- considering I've already spent 300 on the costume I've been working on- figured might as well! Also- I'm totally new to Texas- is this convention decent?

>> No.8288364

No. Its big and old. Thats all it has going for it.

>> No.8288497


While there seems to be some major fuckups on programming's end, in general I feel the con is what you make it. I have a great time every year. I attend events I know I'll enjoy and hang with friends.

I have competed in the contest a few times. It has gotten more organized each year and I have had fun when I participate d

>> No.8288550


Agreed, though honestly every con is what you make it. If you go with the mindset of, "I'm going to have a good time" A-kon IS fun. Programming fuck-ups aside, I still enjoy cons and would rather attend and make the best of it than sit at home because panels got rejected.

Will warn you that the contest takes a lot of time. I think they might be working to change that this year, but the time I competed (2013), it was a 5 hour commitment not including pre-judging (which I found to be a bit lackluster). Thankfully they now have tiers so the contest is a bit more fair. They did feed us snacks though, so that was nice despite the hours long wait.

>> No.8288582

I'm bummed that they haven't announced which cosplay guests are going to be there, unless I'm overlooking it. Oh btw how do those hallway cosplay contests work?

>> No.8288599


Like general cosplay guests or who's judging each contest?

>> No.8288621

yeah, like who the guests you can visit with will be.

>> No.8288636


I know they have the cosplay guests listed on the website. I would assume they are the ones you can visit with? Though I don't know if they are doing the guest brunch thing.

>> No.8288804

Tumblr-chan made a post about panelists who just received rejection letters. Looks like we can get a cheaper badge price. Not the best, but better than I was expecting.

>> No.8289897

Anyone else waiting on promo art contest results? I'm anxious to hear.

>> No.8290026

waiting for schedule, last year they had it out 50 days before the con

>> No.8290715


Last year they emailed panelists in February with acceptances / rejections. I think at this point we'll be lucky to get a schedule 2 weeks before the con.

>> No.8291086

This is probably because I'm the type of person that gets a rush from procrastinating, but this whole situation has been exhilirating for me. I can't wait to not know what's going on until the day of.

>> No.8291764
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>> No.8291773

Is this supposed to be funny because its really just sad

>> No.8291868

No, I think the social media team is just as upset as everyone else at this point. I feel bad for them. They're the part of the staff that is seen with and interacted with the most, so they get all of the blame. Someone should figure out who runs the tumblr so I can buy them a drink at the con.

>> No.8291981


I saw that and laughed, but I probably shouldn't laugh because everyone is getting screwed over and there's little we can do anymore.


I just need the schedule so I can plan my days at the con. I'm only going Friday and Saturday more than likely, but I'd like to see what all I want to attend in between my own panels and events.



>> No.8292159

My panel got un-rejected. I just wanted to rub that in everyone's faces. See you all at the con!

>> No.8292250

Wow, you get rejected and unrejected and I'm still over hear waiting to hear anything. A+ job Akon

>> No.8292299


Wait, what? At this point, I think monkeys would do a better job. Congrats on getting your panel in, but I feel for anons like >>8292250. This hasn't been fair to anyone.

>> No.8292352

Hotel reserved/paid. Costumes not begun due to commission and client work. (Only have 2 of the 3 days planned so far, stuck on my Saturday costume ideas.) Still no Yaya confirmation so that's shitty as she's the only cosplay/industry guest I really care for that A-KON could manage to pull out of their ass at this point.

>> No.8292382

Why do people think Yaya is coming?
She hasn't said anything about attending and made statements that this year she is prioritizing out of country conventions.

You are not the first person I've seen questioning why she isn't a guest so I'm just curious.

>> No.8292397

Nobody 'thinks' she's coming as far as I've heard, nor am I 'questioning' it. I know she's prioritizing other cons this year. However, she's been a staple at A-KON for years, so most people assume she'll be a guest there.

>> No.8292985

I legitimately did not realize Yaya was a big deal for years because I was so used to having her at A-Kon. I didn't check my having Yaya as a guest privilege.

>> No.8293221


Is it really that big of a deal? She does a ton of cons. I'm sure she's expensive but it's not like she never leaves her house.

>> No.8293598

"Hall Cosplay" contests are for people who want to be judged on their craftsmanship, but aren't interested in doing the on-stage contest. Go to the cosplay judging room during the "Hall Cosplay Judging Hours". You'll wait in line, present your costume to the judges (reference photos are a plus) and they'll ask you some questions/flip your seams etc. Winner get posted later on Friday, and the winners get to go up on stage and get their award during the cosplay show if they like. The A-kon site has more info regarding the rules.

>> No.8293946

It's also great for people who don't want to wast 6 hours Sat. on a contest.

Their hall hours are awful though, they're only open until like 2pm Friday.

>> No.8295989

Anyone going to Dollakon? What dolls will you be bringing? Wanna sit in a corner and talk shit the whole time?

>> No.8298045

Progress report!

How are your cosplays / panels / art / other con prep coming along?

>> No.8298698

I still have not heard about a final status for my panels.
My cosplays are maybe 30% done
Fuck my life

>> No.8298712

Panels: Haven't started yet, will start after finals. I've been brainstorming at least, so it's not that I haven't got around to it so much as I haven't had much free time between my confirmation e-mail and until the end of finals.

Art: Met a random as a table mate, turns out she has access to free printing so in exchange for letting her share my table for free, we'll both be making nearly 100% profit. Ayyy.

Other Con Prep: tfw no hotel room

>> No.8298787


Cosplays: Almost everything ordered, waiting on most of it to arrive. Finished my underskirt for my lolita coord but still need to get my jewelry and fix my headdress. Cosplays still need a lot of work, oof.

Panels: Half have ppt templates + outlines, other half need outlines and templates so my co-panelists can drop in content.

Art: Waitlisted, never heard, not gonna try for a table day of. I'll just try again next year.

Thankfully I've got a good breather this year in between spring term finals and Mayterm, but all the last minute panel emails did a number on my schedule.

>> No.8298807

If I understood correctly, they're moving to a different system this year. More like "Numbers 1-10, show up between 11-12 for judging" system to try and move past that. Don't quote me on that, though.

>> No.8298994

Its not going to do much. The show itself plus setup is still a 4 hour block in most cases.

>> No.8299153
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So this will be my first A-kon and I'm volunteering selling merchandise.

Anything I, as a first time attendee or volunteer, should know going into this?

Are seagull meetups good at A-kon, or are they a bit circlejerkish? I wanna make some Texas friends as I'll be moving there this summer.

>> No.8299230

I'll be your pal!

>> No.8299342
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>"Hall Cosplay" contests are for people who want to be judged on their craftsmanship, but aren't interested in doing the on-stage contest. Go to the cosplay judging room during the "Hall Cosplay Judging Hours". You'll wait in line, present your costume to the judges (reference photos are a plus) and they'll ask you some questions/flip your seams etc. Winner get posted later on Friday, and the winners get to go up on stage and get their award during the cosplay show if they like. The A-kon site has more info regarding the rules.

The AnimeMatsuri meetup was a total trainwreck. Gender segregated, some girl flipping out due to PTSD or something, some dude getting bitten by some other dude's GF because of unwanted touching

2/10 overall, those 2 points being that you will get drunk.

>> No.8299550

AX>this shit

>> No.8299849

What? AM doesn't have a hall contest.

>> No.8299886

>Expecting an actually ANIME anime convention
>Not just pretending to have a badge and going to everything

As for panelling there's always an okay schedule. Funimation, Aniplex, etc.
Then there's a swap meet where you can actually cop decent shit if not rare shit. Go to that.

>> No.8301014

No shit. That's straight up apples and oranges. A-Kon has no excuse for being this big, old, and still sucking so hard, though.

God bless the swap meet. I feel like it's one of the best parts of the con simply because it's the attendees running it, so there's no full retard staff involved.

>> No.8302741

As a staff member, I would just like to apologize for this whole debacle. We have been keeping up with this thread and trying to get the appropriate departments to respond to concerned attendees (Programming mostly). If you have any questions, ask away.

>> No.8302872


Y'all are trying your hardest I'm sure and it's much appreciated.

Any way for all the gulls who still haven't heard about programming to at least get a response? Seems like they're rejecting and then un-rejecting some and keeping others fed with the line of "we really want your panel but..."

I also keep seeing panels on Facebook that are one shade away from Q&A.

>"We will entertain the audience with character shenanigans, questions on why the heck Amaimon's eyebrows are so tiny, and trivia (including prizes!)"

Sounds fishy to me, but I understand if the con can't really ban in-character panels in general, just Q&A. Not really looking for panels like the above to get shut down this close to the con, but stricter rules in the future maybe. It's just frustrating seeing so many other gulls who haven't heard back about panels but crap like that got through.

Thank you for all you have done, though.

>> No.8302992

I'm not sure what part of the staff you are, but do you know when Crash Space info will be given to the appropriate people?

I'm volunteering, but the person I'm volunteering for says he hasnt heard any word about crash space yet. The con is less than a month away so info on that needs to be soon.

>> No.8303059

Can you elaborate on what's the issue with programming, which hinders an official schedule coming out?

>> No.8303176

Yes. While my department cannot help you directly, you are seriously, SERIOUSLY urged to send e-mails to programming every day until you hear back at this point. I am no longer sure who is more frustrated, you or us. Do not back down until you hear something definite, not just a maybe. We also do not know why Q&A panels like that are being accepted, as it was made very clear that no one in staff (or attendees for that matter) appreciates these panels.

You should be hearing about that within the next week. We are still seeing how many volunteers have been accepted as of now.

Yes. We have a new team this year, which hopefully will not be next year's team. I'm sure you have seen it by now, but panels are being rejected and unrejected, given vague responses, being moved around at times that do not match with the times panelists gave us (if you are unrejected, this is why), and you didn't hear it from me, but yes, someone did delete a good chunk of programming submissions.

>> No.8303322


When you say they deleted program submissions, was that random or did they suddenly lose the early ones? 'Cause an awful lot of later submissions made it in while some early gulls got the shit end of the stick.

>> No.8303427

The early ones. I hope this is shedding some light on the situation and why "first come first serve" did not take effect this year. We had someone in programming delete panel submission forms accidentally (this is still not okay, but know they weren't actively after your panels). There had been a separate, more concise list of panels that was untouched. This is why if you hadn't heard back, you were asked to e-mail the programming department. They lost your forms as well as who got accepted and who did not early on, but not the panel titles.

>> No.8303481


Early gull here. Much appreciate the other anons looking out for us who got caught in this panel shit.

You said they lost all the early panel submissions but I had 1 that got rejected and 1 that got approved and both were submitted incredibly early because I was a panelist from last year.

So... if they lost all the panel submissions that were early, how did 1 of mine get approved? Also, if they lost my submission, how could they have emailed me at all?

Some of this isn't adding up, staff anon.

>> No.8303515

Again, I am not part of programming. I'm only explaining what was told to my department by programming. We realized something was very wrong in early March when we hadn't heard anything back, but gave them a few extra days since their excuse, snow days, seemed plausible enough. It was after a week of people not hearing back about their panels that we became concerned, and all of staff is currently trying to figure out what on earth is going on in the programming.

>> No.8303546


Well they lied to you. I submitted panels back to back and got 1 rejected, 1 accepted. I submitted late February like other early gulls.

It wasn't just a week of people not hearing back. We were promised March 6 and then it's dragged on since now. I finally heard about all of mine in mid April. There are gulls who STILL haven't heard back. Emailing programming won't help. I emailed programming twice and it still took them a week to reply and then they flat out rejected my panels and sent the same old form letter which made zero sense because panels in a similar genre to mine got accepted.

If you don't have any reliable updates, please don't give these other gulls false hope. The harsh fact is that programming fucked up this year and they didn't abide by their own rules, but won't admit it. The takeaway from all this is don't trust the head of programming.

>> No.8304317

>we have a new team this year
>hopefully it will be better next year

We already bought that shit, and we already got stabbed in the back for it, A-kon. How many times do you expect us to believe that a 'new team' will do any fucking good? If nothing else this time it's worse than it was last year. Get your shit together fast.

>> No.8304344


It seems like the social staff are good, it's the people up top who are bad. Looks like Akon needs to clean house if they want to continue to have this con be successful.

How many panelists did they alienate this year? They need to think about that.

>> No.8304433

After buying your pass, you just claim them at the con, right?

>total fucking con newfag.

>> No.8304438

Yeah, after a 6+ hour wait.

Enjoy your first con experience! You should have really asked around before you made it A-Kon.

>> No.8304449

Giving up on trying to bum a room. Sacrificing my soul to A-kon volunteering. What's it like, anyway? Lots of sitting around?

>> No.8304458

It's not my first con, although it's my first con where I'm actually buying tickets. Honestly, I'm only going because my sister is willing to do the four hour drive without me driving at all.

Is it really that long of a wait, standing in lines to claim them?

>> No.8304494

>AnimeMatsuri meetup

>> No.8304499

Then why did you quote the entire post about hall cosplay?

>> No.8304510


Depends on what day / time you try to get them, but yes. There are 26k people at this con, and they all have to get badges at some point. I always go Thursday night and it's about 2-3 hours. Not the longest it could be, but there are a lot of people who go after work and try to pick up. Thursday night can be fun if you have a friend to stand in line with.

I have heard that Friday it can be 5-6 hours, same for Saturday. If you CAN, do try to go Thursday night but I hear that they have a new system this year which is supposed to make things quicker. But given how other "improvements" this year have gone... don't hold your breath.

Can say it was much more fun last year to grab my panel badge (though finding the room was a fucking nightmare) and people watch, but I'll take even 2-3 hours pre-reg lines to save some $.

>> No.8304538

We are getting there on Thursday night (hotel room booked from 4-7, so), so that's nice to know. Hopefully the new system will help some, but I'll definitely bring my 3Ds and a powerbank in case it doesn't...

>> No.8305317


Bring a sharpie, too! People write on the floor tape that marks off the lines.

>> No.8305483

No it does not take 6 hours.

>> No.8305895


Seconding this. That's a major exaggeration.

Though from what I have been told A-Kon is bringing in a company to do badges this year like other large cons do. I don't think they wait will be nearly as long as it has in the past.

>> No.8306865

Didn't last year, but the year before that, the first year at the new venue?
It absolutely did. Which is probably where the other anon is drawing their number from.
Last year I picked my badge up on Friday and was in the line less than 2 hours.

>> No.8306932

I have a buddy who can confirm that's true. Granted it was a peak time, but we didn't see him for 6-7 hours. That was A-Kon 24, I believe. IIRC, they're trying to implement an automated system like A-Fest has.

>> No.8307278

All that shit is going to be way too expensive for this con given its size. Expect same old same old.

>> No.8307433

Oh, I'm not expecting anything really, but regardless, it was just a blog post that might or might not hold water. Maybe someone donated some money or they generated and saved enough revenue to fund it.

Either way, I'm not worried about the wait. I'll have my 3DS and probably 3 or 4 friends in line to talk to. I would be impressed if they did find some way to improve wait time.

>> No.8307583


Well, it might be expensive but certainly A-kon has the money. I mean, if A-fest can make it work A-kon can. I'm trying not to give up hope on this year's con, but it's hard.

The good news is all my cosplay items are starting to arrive in the mail. So many wigs to style.

>> No.8307728

Really. I was impressed with them at A-Fest. So yeah, unless they're spending as much as their earning... and the goddamn inevitable damage costs from the yearly jackasses.

I need to buy different BDUs and I'm waiting for a headset to come in, for parts. Then I'm all set.

>> No.8307736

1- different anon
2- they were replying about two separate things. Lrn2read

>> No.8309331

Did anyone here go to the globin market last year?
How was it?

>> No.8311382

No, but I did go to the Goblin Market. Ha. Too bad my comedy panel didn't go through.

I really love the Goblin Market. Your experience will be made a lot better if you put on something even remotely fantasy/fairy/steampunk. It's one of those what you make of it events if that makes any sense. Last year was awesome, so I'm hoping this year is too.

>> No.8311407

What is the Goblin Market? (never been to A-kon before)

Should I bring an old rennfest costume to make it more enjoyable, lol?

>> No.8312526

why do they keep pushing back the pre-reg deadline? are they just not selling enough tickets or what?

>> No.8312594

They're probably taking into account the whole programming fiasco is my guess.

>> No.8312603

Why are you not allowed to pre purchase a one day pass? I emailed them and they said you can only buy them at the door... This will be my first time attending A-Kon and everything so far just seems like a gigantic clusterfuck :(

>> No.8312626

>>So glad I didn't go to the AM meetup then and was too busy getting wasted

also I wish I wasn't banned from the akon forums I wanna watch this trainwreck live, and I tried to join the cosplay group and they banned me from there too guess britt holds grudges hardcore

>> No.8312637

A-kon 25 was my first con experience and I had the best time. Been waiting all year to go back. Also it definitely didn't take 6 hours to get badges, we picked ours up Friday night and it took maybe 2 hours.

>> No.8312641


The other facebook admins run that cosplay group too and are known to jump to use a banhammer. Did you piss off any of them?

>> No.8312907

Almost all cons make you purchase day passes at the door. Thats not something unique to akon.

>> No.8313018

ya I pissed off j holder also

>> No.8313410


Shit that's likely who it was. He bans people left and right. My friend was banned by him without warning for something stupid.

>> No.8313637

hes mad my roomate wouldnt go on a date with him

>> No.8313747

>Tfw felt bad about getting drunk instead of going to AM meetup only to realize the right decision was made

i really did feel bad, the people I (kinda) met in the Little Witch Academia line were cool as fuck

>> No.8313754

Also Im kinda thinking of auditioning for the voice over idol / ani idol contest
since im already a music producer/performer, i thought it could be fun

But I heard they dont really allow competitiveness? is that true?
I was thinking of trying some Kayfabish Weeabo Kanye West Persona for the entire show for the hell of it, but that would probably be shut down really fast

>> No.8313796


Well I have done both. If you want to compete seriously in singing then audition for the 'Advanced' contest. That can be more cut throat than the regular one.

For voice over it's actually more difficult than I expected. I thought we would just read some lines from some anime script. Nope. They test your acting ability and it's not anime scripts but commercial scripts. I got to finals last year and we had to adapt to reading a script then get directed by a judge live. It was fun, but it was a challenge.

>> No.8316279

Is anyone really paranoid about their panel being revoked at the last minute? I had a nightmare about it, and now I can't stop worrying that it might happen and I'll be out my badge last minute.

>> No.8316673


I hear you anon. Tumblr-chan advised people to print copies (or have it on your phone) of all your emails for acceptance and any panelist badges. I never got a confirmation about all my panelist badges being accepted or even the email received so... I'm printing out every single piece of correspondence. Next year I'm going to even screen cap my submission just to be safe.

I don't think things will be revoked because it seems like they have plenty of space they're just being dicks and not filling it up. They're more likely to "not remember" or have "never received" your emails about how many badges (if you made changes). I couldn't submit my final list on the panel form because at the time I had no idea who was committing to help out. so I had to just email those in and pray for the best.

>> No.8316777

I literally wasn't even scared about showing up and hearing them say 'naaah there's no x panel at akon this year you must be mistaken' until tumblr staff was like 'yeah have every piece of evidence you can in case they try to pull shit'

and now I'm terrified

not blaming tumblr staff by any means, but if they're worried... there's probably reason to be worried right?

agreeing hard with >>8316673 though, as soon as the schedule comes out I am so sure it's gonna have raging huge gaps

>> No.8317007


I'd be surprised if the schedule wasn't swiss cheese.

It's good practice to bring evidence any year, but this year particularly. I'm bringing print outs simply because I don't want the panel head to grab my phone and start looking at it. I'd rather have a stack of papers to slam down if they don't have all my badges.

Speaking of the schedule though, FANS Conference schedule is out. Idk if people actually attend those panels, but hopefully! We last minute reformatted our panels and submitted through them when we were given that option as Plan B. A+ effort from FANS, they were so much nicer to us and have been a pleasure to work with.

>> No.8317661

The fact that this is even a concern is fucked up. I missed the panel submissions, but I am really glad that happened now. I want to link this thread and the previous one to the A-Kon head so they know how bad programming messed up this year.

>> No.8317760


Can you?


>> No.8317814


Staff already checks the thread pretty sure, and not just the staff anon who had his/her facts wrong.

At the very least, Tumblr-chan seems to check this because sometimes there are posts to the Tumblr directly relating to stuff in the thread.

I emailed the con chair about my panels a month ago when shit was starting to go down and unfortunately I think the corruption may go all the way to the top. I just hope whoever is on the social staff sticks with the con and can rise in the ranks to turn this thing around.

>> No.8318432

I'm pretty sure all issues are on the programming head. She has no clue what she's doing

>> No.8318766

This is fairly standard Texas con practice, just by the by. I don't know about out of state.

>> No.8320280


Oh for sure she's a huge part of this. But by this point I'd have presumed the con chair would have stepped in because clearly one of his/her senior staff royally fucked up and has done a huge amount of damage to their reputation (however shitty it already was, still) and has potentially really alienated panelists.

So this isn't simply a program with the panel head. Failing to deal with it and address the problem is as much of a problem. The only people with A-kon who have actually, from all appearances, been working on behalf of panelists is the social staff.

At the very least, I hope they fire/replace the current programming head. This year has been a disaster, panel-wise, from the start.

>> No.8320295

Nothing much. A trip died, PT threads stopped and the Texas con community outed a bunch of potential rapists.

That's about it.

Oldfag term

>> No.8320382

So will it be better to buy the 3 day pass at the con like last year (5 min wait vs hours for pre reg) or is there ever a chance they will run out of room for those who didn't prereg. All assuming money isn't an issue.

>> No.8320571

How fast do the lines typically move for those who are buying a 1 day pass at the door, as apposed to those who already pre purchased the 3 days passes online? And how much are the 1 day passes usually?

>> No.8320917

One day pass lines always move fast. You'll be in and out basically.

Has that actually happened before? I think you'll be fine buying at the door if you come early enough.

>> No.8320933


It's never happened before and I think if it was a potential then A-kon would say something. But they do have constant fire marshall problems and I know last year they had a 4k increase over the previous years. It might end up like that some day.

>> No.8321368

My panel just got accepted! I have less than a month to plan this! Fuck!

>> No.8321628


What?! Just now! That's insane anon but congrats. Hopefully the other gulls can get it accepted or un-rejected 'cause I've heard of all kinds of crazy deals going down.

>> No.8321651

Well we did get rid of a bigger creep in Texas recently as well, and I'm not dropping trip cause I have like friends of friends on staff and they know my trip somehow, and avoiding backlash I am only going to the con to see people the panels are fucked programing is fucked should be a fun trainwreck to watch

>> No.8323296


> What is a run-on sentence

It's almost 3 weeks until the con. How's everyone's progress on cosplay / AA / panels / con prep?

>> No.8323492

Kill me. Kill me now. I don't have nearly enough time to prepare for my panel. I can only imagine where everyone else is at.

>> No.8323547


The panic hasn't set in anon but I'm realizing I have 3 panels and 3 weeks. Panic will set in Monday night as I sit in my may term class and say goodbye to any hope of finishing. This weekend is my big chance to get ahead.

>> No.8324544

1st for no midlanders this year (we hope)

>> No.8324594

I finally found out they rejected me. It was like pulling teeth to get a resolution.

I'm almost done with one costume. I haven't started the other yet...

>> No.8325328
File: 119 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even Akon staff is sick of akon's bs

>> No.8325342

I went to A Kon last year and I went to 2 or 3 panels, I mainly just socialized and took pictures with people. This year I know to check the facebook page for events and other things

But one event I did go to was a complete cluster fuck. I'll green text
> It was an adventure time ask thing consisting of a female marshal lee and a female princess bubble gum.
>k, I don't mind crossplaying, whatever
>be in third row or whatever, and it the room was full at the beggining
>the two are clearly in a relationship and are way to flirty.
>Bitches not be in character
>No one is in character except for chubby marcaline
>The best part was someone in the crowd as LSP asking questions and the banana guards that stood up the entire time
>20 min in I turn around to see a near empty panel room
>Where the fuck did everyone go

Tell me shit like this isnt allowed anymore

>> No.8325588

A-Kon tumblr confirmed for reading these threads. They posted a backtrack post right after you posted this. Not that I think they should have. I think we all agree with you, tumblr-chan.

>> No.8325603

well dude people are getting tired of them hiding shit and goings on as well about issues with harassment and creepers of course their going to lurk because some of them are scared weaboos

>> No.8325837

One of my cosplays is complete, and I'm waiting on an order for some new stuff to modify one of last year's cosplays. Accidentally shipped some stuff to a friend's house, so I'll have to meet up with him to get it.

Also helping same friend with his first cosplay. He wanted to cosplay last year, but he had some issues with money or something. He's really excited for this year, though. I'm about to head over to his place to get him fitted for his shit that came in.

I've never done a panel before. It's not out of the question, but I just don't know what to talk about...

>> No.8325934

What does backtracking on a joke have to do with "harassment and creeps"

In this entire thread no one has said anything about that topic. What kind of shit are you trying to start?

>> No.8325954

you say im starting shit but my feed all last night was people talking about akon covering shit up im just saying what i heard was all

>> No.8325971


Can you clarify? Like screen caps or something?

>> No.8326034

ya give me a bit about to go into a final and id have to blur out names and such

>> No.8326050

Seconding this. That year I got my badge on Thursday at around 3pm and it took 4.5 hours.

>> No.8326112


Shirt is 90% sewn for 1 cosplay (needs buttons and pockets), lolita underskirt needs final trim sewn on, need to make my headdress and necklace. Panels... so much work to do. Still need to gather all my images and write 2.

>> No.8326924

>tfw no dick lasagna

>> No.8326928

Shit you should go to:
- Doll Akon
- Swap Meet

If you're curious I can post a few things I'm bringing, have an evangelion import, sailor moon, fuckton of other stuff.

>> No.8326967

I miss going to A-Kon, but as you get older you just don't feel like the rises in ticket prices equal out the fun of wading through a bunch of young fans who only really download the newest anime or watch it on TV. I remember going year after year when I was even 16 and now being 35... it's so different in the community. My wife likes to cosplay still and I debate doing it for her, but I'll probably look at tickets for Anime Expo instead.

>> No.8327510

>3 weeks till showtime and the panel list is STILL not out

Dammit, I was gonna actually stay at the hotel too this year, but looks like I'll just take the TRE and skip Sunday like last year if shit like this is happening.

>> No.8327610

On the plus side, at least every other part of A-Kon has its programming out and ready. Not sure what's going on with main. I'm past being angry and now at the point of being concerned. Is everyone in programming actually okay? Is someone dead? Pregnant? Dead AND pregnant?

For all of the J-Fash people, what are you guys planning on wearing? I'm going through eBay threads nonstop looking for cute things to wear. This will be my first year staying at the hotel, so I'll be bringing three outfits for each day.

>> No.8327719

You are literally starting shit. You mentioned a completely unrelated topic in a discussion about programming because you knew people would ask for specifics and you wanted a reason to post. Fuck off, no one cares about your second hand rummors

>> No.8327737

Watch anon have heard a rumor about something that went on at an Akon the rapper concert and not an A-Kon the convention concert.

>> No.8327792


Still waiting on those caps man.

>> No.8328851


>> No.8328966


I'm wearing lolita Friday and have an Innocent World black flocked jsk, black blouse, JeJ Cadre du Chat tights, gold bow heels, working on a gold purse, and a black x gold headpiece. I'm caving and trying the veil thing, but only the small side veil. Just need to finish my jewelry and wait for the purse to arrive.

Also, new A-kon guest is actually a decent Japanese industry guest. I'm excited for that panel now!

>> No.8330433

It only took A-Kon 26 years to get a good guest!

>> No.8330566

I emailed the info desk staffhead 5 days ago about volunteer hours and I'm getting no word. Really nervewrecking. Maybe I'll give it a week or two? Maybe they're just busy? I am a pretty impatient person in general.

>> No.8330795


It might be due to volunteer sign up still being open. They can't schedule until it closes I bet.

>> No.8331433

I suppose that makes sense. I heard somewhere it reopened on the third and it would be open for two weeks. Maybe give it just a few days.

>> No.8332026


Yeah... I always liked their vk musical guests, so I guess there was that. But in terms of Japanese guests A-fest always did better. Now if A-fest would stop pulling from their back catalog of guests...

So, what are we missing? Schedule, t-shirt design, volunteer info... anything else?

>> No.8332130

>All have to get badges at some point

I still haven't after 6 years of attending and I won't start until they want to mail me one ahead of the con.

>> No.8332290

We're still missing official badge pick-up hours.

>> No.8332457


No those were posted like yesterday or the day before.

>> No.8333895

Guess I missed those. The convention hours in general were also put up last night by tumblr-chan. Send us a sign, o divine tumblr-chan!

18 days, 19 hours left and still no schedule, by the way. I feel bad for whoever has to make the Guidebook.

>> No.8334606


I got bored with their VKei bands since the genre itself has been dying out or rather changing in style. It's not quite the same as it was back in the day. Maybe I'm just old. The ones they brought in were boring and just didn't have a unique sound.

I can't deny I liked when they brought in more anime/pop oriented bands like Kotoko, Mell, and Do As Infinity. Urbangarde looks interesting, but I probably won't stick around for 7!!.

Last I heard Afest was having major money issues. They blew too much on Flow and other Japanese guests and didn't make nearly what they needed back from attendees. I doubt they will die off or anything, but I wouldn't be surprised if they scale back a bit this year.

>> No.8334767

How much are these conventions even blowing on these bands? I may be wrong but they always just seem like a waste of money, or they have zero clue how to deliver - buying seperate tickets, etc.

>> No.8334916 [DELETED] 

Going to be posting some swap meet goods, just cuz.

>> No.8335096


A-fest does seem like a huge ghost con. I know that's a Texas con problem in general, but I guess if in A-fest's case that having those Japanese guests doesn't bring the attendees, then it makes sense to scale back (from a business perspective).


I'd be a bit miffed if I bought a badge and then still had to pay for a concert ticket. A-fest isn't that expensive but something like A-kon where a badge could run upwards of $60? Just raise badge prices. It's the same thing, I know, but I'd rather feel like it's all rolled into one instead of being nickle and dimed for everything.

>> No.8335901

second time going to this con with a buddy, we weren't able to get a room so I'm wondering is it a good idea to room with someone from /cgl/ or just drive the 2 hours to get there?

>> No.8335983

Are you retarded? Room with someone. Both /cgl/ and tumblr are good places to start (well, be careful for underageb& on tumblr) and there's the fb group, too.

>> No.8335995

So I work in the convention industry booking musical guests for cons, and I'll tell you this is the biggest expense for any convention, usually the same or more than the convention space rental. So let's say you have a band of 5 people, that means you need to fly about 8 to 10 people from Japan and back (their management, whoever they need) at like 1000 to 1500 a pop, plus you need to do equipment rentals (sound, lighting, instruments) It is customary to have no-play clauses in contracts if you don't get the right instruments on time, ready for sound check. Then there are appearance fees, which are usually like 5000 to 10000, they usually don't want a LOT of money (Yaya and JNig are asking for about the same but aren't musicians capable of giving performances) and then you need to feed them, provide guest services, and get them to and from the airport.

This is how a con goes bankrupt if they don't manage their money right when handling this kinda stuff. Cons that have great Japanese guests routinely are essentially not for profit. Cons that don't have great Japanese guests are trying to take you for a ride.

>> No.8335998

Oh, and each of them needs a separate hotel room, and sometimes you get a second green room for the band only. That's another huge expense. So like 100$ per night (on a group rate) times 8 to 10 for three to four days, so another $3000+

>> No.8336207

>con's that don't have great Japanese guests are trying to take you for a ride

Or, you know, trying not to go into massive debt. I don't understand how you claim to work booking expensive acts but don't recognize the reason most con's don't book j-bands is because it costs a fuck ton, not because they want to dive into their profit money pit like uncle scrooge. Protip, most con's don't book Japanese guests because they can't afford to do it.

>> No.8336249

>tfw everyone says Akon sucks. Get over yourselves anons, you could be in another region where there are no good/large cons. Appreciate what you have for once

>> No.8336476

Any recommended places to start? will it be acceptable if I brought magic cards

>> No.8336501

>I wish I had a big con like A-Kon!!! :CCCC
>a-kon is the worst con in texas
>pulls bullshit regularly and stresses everyone out like crazy

It's your fucking choice to live in a bumfuck backwater town, idiot. You must be over 18 to post here.

>> No.8336556
File: 32 KB, 640x480, Krabby Patties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're still going to Akon 26, aren't you Anon? :3

>> No.8336814

I mean, I kind of just told you. The A-Kon facebook group and the A-Kon 26 tumblr tag. Most of us don't wait until the last minute to get our room shit together, so /cgl/ is probably a lost cause for you.

Why would it not be acceptable? Are you autistic?

>> No.8336976

If you're not, why are you in the Akon thread?

>> No.8337376

But Akon does suck. Who cares how big it is when they book the same guests every year, shit on programming and are consistently about 5 years behind the times. Seriously who still caters to steam punk?

See, akon is no longer the only big game in town. Anime Matsuri brings in a fuck ton of Japanese guests and San Japan generally has a variety of programming. Both are over 10k in attendance. You really miss nothing skipping Akon for one of them.

>> No.8337417


This will be my 4th year at A-Kon and I've generally enjoyed it, but it's also one of the only cons I've been to, besides Comiket. This is the first year I'm able to go all weekend rather than just one day, so previously I had to squeeze the entire con experience into one afternoon.

What have I missed with Anime Matsuri and San Japan? How do they compare? Maybe I'll hit those up next time if they're supposedly better.

>> No.8337535


Don't let anon fool you. They have issues just like A-Kon does. There really isn't a perfect con and there never will be.

I can't deny A-Kon has issues with being behind the times, but from what I understand it all goes back to upper management being old and very out of touch. I do know the steampunk crap is because the programming head is obsessed with it and refuses to let it die. Though if I understand correctly, they fucked up a lot of stuff this year with the schedule and panels so maybe shit will change hands next year. I hope anyway.

The people who like to go on here to bitch about A-Kon over and over will still likely attend. If the con were that bad overall I would think attendance numbers would reflect that. They just keep going up each year.

>> No.8337601

I wouldn't be surprised. Though that makes me question why they'd book the Sheraton for Labor Day Weekend (much more expensive than that timeslot they used last year). Especially because this means they have to compete with Dragon Con again this year.

I think they topped 11k people last year, I wouldnt be surprised if attendance goes down to 6k this time around. Especially with no FLOW announcement.

Regardless, Afest is still the best Texas con. I've never had a problem with it other than the volunteers being anal about shirtless cosplay. Whereas there are glaring issues with Ikki, Matsuri, SJ, A-Kon, and Oni

>> No.8337651


I really hope Afest understands that SO many people are going to drop out entirely with programming changing the way it is. I know at least three people whining AFEST SUUUCKS WAH right after they made the announcement.

>> No.8337852

Yeah. This actually baffles me. I worked with people who threw events featuring guests like Porter Robinson and such - they do realize they could easily pay less, (mind that they don't even need him) if they stopped trying so hard w/ the japanese guest thing. It sounds more "woah JP group = Animay xD.!" than anything. Also in addition to the fact that the con's in a fucking hotel and not the convention center so way to make any musical event underwhelming regardless.

>> No.8337856


>I know at least three people whining

Three people whining about programming rules doesn't ruin a con. There are also "SO many people" who are extremely happy about the changes, myself included.

A-kon has done the same thing and while they've had programming issues this year, it's not stemming from the Q&A ban. The types of people who whine about Q&A bans are the types who only get a badge if it's a free panel badge from their fandom wank Q&A panels. The types that cons need to care about are the people who actually pay for a badge to attend panels regardless. Clearly these cons wouldn't have banned Q&A if they thought it would hurt their bottom line.

People still butthurt about the Q&A bans need to get over it. It's pretty standard. If you want shit programming, go to a shit con like ANT or Oni or save that crap for a meetup.

>> No.8338051

I never said they didn't have problems. I said they were better than Akon. Better guests (AM in particular with all the Japanese guests ), better programming, better dealers room and generally a better venue with more food and parking options.

>> No.8338098


Where else can you fit 26k in Dallas though? Short of A-kon moving out of Dallas into the suburbs wasn't the Anatole one of their only options?

>> No.8338181
File: 625 KB, 534x810, tumblr_nokvj39gGW1tcu270o1_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post had me all excited. I thought the program was art, but this is just the art for the program book. At least they got this and the t-shirt art out, though.

>> No.8338205

They will outgrow the Anatole with only options after that is to either cap or move to DCC. They'll probably do what they did at the Sheraton of growing too big before being forced out.

>> No.8338206

There might not be a better option, that doesn't mean the GRB and hbg aren't better.

We're talking about how Akon stacks up to other con's. Location and venue are a factor.

>> No.8338210

>we're all prepared to print the schedule booklets! See we even have the cover! Aren't you happy!?
>still no goddamn schedule

Lol whatever a-kon

>> No.8338240


Was coming here to post this. At least we have t-shirt art now. Hopefully the schedule is coming soon. I can't decide whether I'll laugh or cry when it finally comes out.

>> No.8338252

You'll probably be doing both. You know who I would hate to be? The people who STILL haven't heard back with less than three weeks until the convention.

>> No.8338253


At this point I'd say their panels definitely won't make it, but you never know.


I'm sure they have a schedule but haven't been given the okay to release it.

>> No.8338270

This is the first year where I actually booked a room, and for what those motherfuckers are charging me, I want this event to be unforgettable. How does one effectively party at A-Kon? I want to get a cgl girlfriend by the end of the weekend, what should I do?

>> No.8338283
File: 1.83 MB, 591x325, 1389627007744.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your in for disappointment then.

Seriously, you should have gone on vacation instead. You're NEVER going to get back a good a return on conventions.

>mfw there are actually people that spend their entire savings and drive 6+ hours to go to A-Kon

Seriously, only stick to cons in your area, or try to find someone who lives near where you are going.

>> No.8338385


The program book hasn't had the schedule in it for years. They print the schedules separately in newspaper type format. The book probably is finished.

>I'm sure they have a schedule but haven't been given the okay to release it.

That seems to be the case according to Tumblr-chan.

>> No.8338829


Either they're spending too much at A-kon or they don't have a lot of savings.


Doesn't the program book contain panel descriptions though? I'm sure if some panels are still up in the air that might be affecting things. That and the panel fiasco seems to have backed up a lot of other parts of the con, so I imagine all these tight deadlines are hurting the people who make things like the program book.

>> No.8339538

This is going to be my first con, is there any general stuff I should avoid and/or expect?

>> No.8339712

I will admit to only skimming the thread, but I didn't see any concrete timeframes for possible gull meets. Anyone kind enough to fill me in?

>> No.8339932

I'll be doing Akon and Afest meet ups the same as the last like 3-5 years idr anymore. Is smoker dead still? I really only check in on /cgl/ around con time anymore. More familiar faces will be at Afest then akon though. Most of who was usually at the past meet ups (the /cg+l/ people) have moved and/or can't make a-kon this year.

As far as a-kon meet up goes. For those of age drinking and board games is still an every night thing. So probably ACTUALLY go out to eat this time for those who aren't 21. Once there is a schedule or if there is already and I look at it I'll try to come up with some stuff. It will all work out in the end, usually does. The con kind of sucks this year they have a few good guests. I'm thinking if people are down.. doing more things as a group to make up for the shit show the con is projecting to be.

In the past we had been using groupme to stay in contact through out the con. I'd prefer to use LINE this time in hope that everyone has moved up in technology, and because when you all give me your cell phone number I never save it and then forget names. groupme was nice for the SMS but it gets annoying to manage.

add me on LINE if you have any questions or ideas on what to do, I'll throw everyone together into a chat room for con time when the time comes.

Probably something I left out but someone will call me out or something on it then I fix.

Looking forward to seeing everyone again!

Line Used ID:_melti_

>> No.8339937

Here is what I forgot

For those who plan on coming let me know what times things you are actually wanting to go to at the con so I can find a good time slot for the first meet of the weekend. Meeting spot will probably be the same hotel bar lounge area thing. It worked well last time.

>> No.8340081

Ask and you shall receive. Meltii just condensed everything into two posts >>8339932 >>8339937

You're going to have quite the experience, that's for sure. Don't be the idiot that waits in line for the dealers' room the second it opens. It'll clear out around late Friday morning. When (or rather IF at this point) the schedule comes out, make sure to check it out and go to panels. There is (or should be) something for everyone. Don't forget the gaming part of A-Kon. It's actually pretty fun. Don't be the Jew that tries to bargain on Friday afternoon in the artist alley. Wait until Sunday for that. This is a party con, but like any party, don't be stupid. Also don't stay in a shitty party since there's probably a good one like one floor up or something.

>> No.8340233

Since they've got the artwork for the program book ready to go, does that mean that we at least have a program list somewhere now? I tried looking on the site, but it's such a clusterfuck that it's beyond me to find anything on there.

>> No.8340282

So I downloaded the Guidebook app for whenever the schedule finally comes out, and synced it with my FB which was apparently a mistake because a couple hours later my account is sending shit spam invites to my entire friends list. So, heads up I guess. Fucking bullshit.

>> No.8340433

>syncing anything with your Facebook ever

Yes and no. There is a program list! It's just not available to the public apparently. At this point, we pray. Hard.

>> No.8340478

I know, I know, it's my own fault really. I'm just lazy. Now all my friends probably think I'm a tard.

>> No.8341418


But I'll second the advice about the Dealer's Room. It IS good to get there within the first few hours of it opening, since some items like an art book, figure, or doujin may only have 1 copy. Sellers who have charms or other merch will probably have multiples but even so, I like to get in early and grab my goods. I usually come with a mental list of what fandoms I want to buy for and what type of merch I want. You CAN get some of the items cheaper online, but it's also true that something may have sold out online and your best hope is to find a dealer. I usually end up buying cell charms for my newer fandoms and then hunting around for older merch I didn't collect from my older fandoms (like figures or art books).

It's also good to set a budget (for AA and dealers). Bring cash. Some dealers will take card, but may charge a fee. I bring $100 cash but know that I have a few items I'm willing to splurge for and will put on card. But if I splurge on an item, that means my other merch will have to wait. It's never a good thing to spend all your money Friday in the dealer's room and then not have money to eat. Set a budget and have a list of what you'll "go over" for, but don't stray from that. Always make sure you have money for food and emergencies.

>> No.8341427


>>8341418 continued,

Actually, it's bad etiquette to try to bargain in the Artist Alley at all, even on Sunday. If an artist wants to do a deal, they'll make the offer or will advertise a sale. If you really want the item, just buy it then. There's no guarantee there will still be prints on Sunday, though most dealers DO have ample supplies. A lot of artists already do bundle deals, like, buy 2 prints get 1 free. I personally always go through the AA once to see what I want, then circle back. Sometimes I will see something I just HAVE to have right then, and that's when I make an instant purchase.

I actually do the same for the dealer's room, too. It is often the case that there are multiple dealers with the same item. Price check. That cell charm may be $10 in one booth, but $15 at the next. There will be multiple dealers for things like charms, general anime merch, figures, etc. There will be far fewer selling art books or doujins, for example. There's a pretty even amount of Western and Japanese merch. I personally prefer Japanese merch to the Western made items, but it comes down to personal preference. Do know that if you do want to purchase Western made anime goods, there will absolutely be multiple sellers so you really should look around unless, say, there's only one left. There's no reason to overspend in the dealer's room even though the dealers want you to feel like you have to buy it right then, right there. Again, you CAN get a lot of this stuff online, especially if it's Great Eastern anime merch.

>> No.8341433

>/cgl/ meetups
literally no one cares.

>> No.8341682

who shat in your cornflakes vendetta-chan?

>> No.8341748


Probably Jebus.

>> No.8341799

Who AA here? I want to stop by your booths.

>> No.8342033

>But I heard they dont really allow competitiveness? is that true?
Yep. You get disqualified for having confidence.

>> No.8342043

Animefest and San Japan deserve the crowd that A-Kon pulls in. A-Kon hasn't been good in years.

>> No.8342053


Hi Jebus. Didn't you get banned for talking shit about other contestants and were caught? I'm surprised it took them this long to do it. You can have confidence without being an asshole, but you haven't grasped that concept.

>> No.8342059

You sure have a thing for Jebus, don't you?

>> No.8342148

I want to cum inside Jebus-kun

>> No.8342158
File: 104 KB, 705x767, 1432078987859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get in line, buddy.

>> No.8342551

please do not inflate his ego like that it does no good

>> No.8344055

June 4th arrives. There is still no schedule. Panelists must advertise their panels like they're working a carnival booth. Attendees aren't quite sure what to expect, but they seem to enjoy the surprise factor. Only those in The Circle know when the main events are. Volunteers, without a schedule, take shifts as they please and volunteer with whatever they please, too. Some take on the selfless task of testing meals from the food trucks for poison. It's what the con would have wanted, they say. No one knows where the Ani-Idol singers are, but throuhout the weekend, you can hear the most melodic screams, and on Sunday, one idol deems herself the victor. Finally, the con ends and the guests leave. The hotel is empty, save for traumatized hotel employees, when finally the programming head emerges. "Sorry for the wait! Here's the schedule," she says. No one answers. The schedules fall. A janitor picks them up. A-Kon 26 was a blast.

>> No.8344563

a-kon gothic haha. but seriously last year was kinda shit and a lot of people were giving out asspats and whiteknighting on the facebook page. 'a-kon was a blast' is definitely what they would say.

but anyway i have gotten a tentative volunteering schedule from info desk head. unfortunately, i thought info desk would also operate on thursday. i was mistaken.

>> No.8344655
File: 14 KB, 335x335, 10410785_949181235102646_8903276689294317166_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW this actually happens

>> No.8344658

I fucking cackled

Thank you anon

>> No.8344965


Holy shit Jebus fuck off. No one likes you fat autistic rapist. There's a reason everyone banned you from /cgl/ meetups you fat fuck.

>> No.8345098
File: 70 KB, 300x235, theCIRCLE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I could think about when reading "The Circle" was this.


>> No.8345444

Why does anyone go to /cgl/ meetups.
Does tinder not work? Making awkward conversation?
Like...what do you expect besides a bunch of rapist trips and some anons awkwardly staring at each other like that sounds so unfortunate.

>> No.8345464


I laughed but then realized how painfully true this might be. I feel like their social team would revolt before this could happen though.

>> No.8345465

I actually made some pretty good cgl friends but it's really hit/miss. Like there's just too much asspatting going around thst its hard to find similar assholes to yourself. Plus for people going by themselves, it's easier to enjoy yourself with at least someone you kinda know.

But a ton could go wrong still of course. From what I heard about the AM meet up from a friend who went, there was a lot of secret meet ups going around because they wanted to avoid some annoying tripfags or something.

>> No.8345526
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It'll be my first time actually staying at the hotel where the con is hosted and I'm hoping to attend some con hotel parties.

> how to attend con hotel parties?

My gf and I will both be there and we're both in our mid 20s. Does having a six pack and keeping the 1:1 male: female ratio grant us access?

>> No.8345557
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>> No.8345611

That depends on the party. I know the party I go to every year is run by girls, so we actually prefer the males to out number the females and lol beer. Now, say you were going to a fun group of guys' party and not Real Lolitas of Dallas. I'm sure they'd be fine with that! You're going to have to try around, but you should be good for a party overall.

>> No.8345631

Nah /cgl/ meet and greets aren't that bad.
People just avoid Jebus now because he's generally disgusting and steals food like the fat fuck he is.

>> No.8345719

Ah. I see.
Well, it it makes you feel any better I was the literally no one cares anon.
I just find the majority of people at meetups sad and gross. Sorry. :/

>> No.8345721
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>it it

>> No.8345877


Definitely feels like a year that could make or break this con.

>> No.8345880
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Holy shit you're mad. Go off yourself.

>> No.8345892

Because /pol/ was invited and fucked everything up.

>> No.8345996

oh my god you guys can we have one vaguely texas-related thread without tripfags fucking it up IN SOME WAY

>> No.8346083

did a-kon actually just get a lolita-related guest for once?

>> No.8346140


Who did they get? I see where they say to check social media but not their announcement.

>> No.8346141

Anna Yano

>> No.8346170

How am I mad? I was saying that cgl meets are usually fine.

>> No.8346174

>not anons pretending another anon is a tripfag just so they can shitpost>>

>> No.8346348

We had Chantilly that one year for the fashion show before retarded models and even more retarded planners ruined everything.

>> No.8346391

true - i guess i was just excite because it's been a while & still salty about steampunk getting their own high tea

>> No.8346406

Damn, didn't make the VO Idol cut.
And still no schedule. Starting to think >>8344055 might really happen.

>> No.8346628
File: 194 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What. The fuck. Is this.

A separate costume contest JUST for steampunk? Are you actually joking right now?

This is coming from someone who wore steampunk. I was totally into it WAY BACK FUCKING WHEN.


>> No.8346668

I honestly wonder how large of a steampunk community there still is for such a huge amount of programming to be dedicated to it. Oh well, at least steampunk costumes won't be shitting up the main contest now. I consider it containment.

>> No.8346675


I think it was containment. I remember reading no OCs allowed in the cosplay contest maybe? If I'm right then thank you cosplay staff.

>> No.8346684


Programming staff head loves steam punk. I think you have your answer as to why so much of it is at the con.

>> No.8346876

I just want to come out and say it:

I like A-Kon TV. Like legitimately. I always have it on in my room when I'm going to sleep or waking up. It's one of the best ways to chill in your room and talk shit about with your buds. It's honestly one of my absolute favorite things about A-Kon. I just wish they didn't keep recycling the same things from 2002 all the way to now.

>> No.8346929

What's A-kon TV?

Also I actually think I got along with most of the cgl peeps at Matsuri considering I didn't get to spend much time with them other than in line or getting food (mostly due to soundcheck with Teddyloid taking hours)
But everyone seemed real cool at matsuri idk why people turned on others
I guess I missed the room party where shit with pol went down

>> No.8346948

>shit with pol went down
I keep seeing this, someone explain this shit to me

>> No.8346963

Alright I'll talk. Within the LINE group, I'll say the initial ten or fifteen members got along great. Not saying everyone liked each other or whatever, but the group was active and people became friends. Some minor hiccups but it wasn't bad. As the con got closer, more and more people joined so it wasn't bad, just getting kinda hectic. AM was also disorganized so it was hard to plan official meet ups since things kept getting delayed or moved around.

Eventually a few /pol/fags arrived into the chat, and invaded the chat like how they do whenever they "raid" /cgl/. They were obviously jokes but it was fucking obnoxious, not funny, and spamming up the chat. When the con arrived, the cool people within the chat created a new group to avoid the annoying fuckers where they could meet up without those assholes showing up.

With the crazy schedule, amount of people in the original chat, and then the new chat, things got mixed up and confused. Pol found out where the room party was and basically crashed. They weren't so bad at first but of course when weebs get drunk, it was a fucking mess. What basically happened is
EXCEPT I'm guessing this fucker is pug-something, or someone but for sure a /pol/fag.

The party wasn't gender segregated, the girls were talking to the guys, they just weren't talking to *you* guys, kek. And the girl flipping out was just wasted and had to drive or something and freaked, wasn't PTSD from what I know. And yeah that couple was kinda weird, not gonna lie.

From what I hear, many people from the original group are still friends I think. Overall, it was just dumb drama either way since everyone seemed pretty immature about it.

>> No.8347134
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>couple was kinda weird

Yo. Crossdressing genderswapped robin here.
..I was just chillin' with drinks and shit and brought alcohol but nobody wanted any. Idk mane. My g/f was chill too.

I'm not even one of the /pol/ kids and I got left out of the "cool kids" groups? ..Ooookay then, lol.

>> No.8347151

No offense anon, but I don't think /pol/ is raiding /cgl/ at all. /cgl/ isn't even on their radar to my knowledge and I go there daily. Hell, the closest they have done in recent times was with /v/ and /tv/ over a nickolodean show being written by a guy who loves cucking and the show kinda having a bunch of arguably references to it. I mean, /tg/ occasionally accuses people from /pol/ of raiding, but realistically most "/pol/" posts on /tg/ are probably from anons who have been on /tg/ longer than /pol/ has existed. Fucking /a/ isn't even on their radar. I'd be surprised if they even gave enough of a shit to consider /cgl/ a raid target - and even then they're more likely to bait /b/ into doing the work than do it themselves. Its like /vr/ tier in terms of discussion for them - it literally NEVER comes up.

If anything, I'd expect it is just more a bunch of douchebags than necessarily /pol/.

>> No.8347265

Are you an idiot? That's why it was in quotes. It was just referring to when they shit up a thread for fun randomly. Don't take things seriously, it's not about /pol/, it was about douchebags who obviously lurked on there. That post wasn't to warn /cgl/ about raids, it was just explaining why that room party was a mess.

Mang I don't know who was and wasn't added, I just know those guys were excluded for sure. I wouldn't take it personally myself, since this whole issue wasn't handled nicely. Also the weird part was referring to how your gf did actually bite that guy, sorry didn't mean any offense.

>> No.8347303

Different anon but also no offense, I think we do get a lot of cross boarding /pol/ /r9k/ers here alot because we're seen as having a highly responsive female population and pol loves to mess with that.

>> No.8347480

tfw a-kon prides itself on having raves but they're not even comparable to $5 cover charge entry clubs :)

>> No.8347487

I assure you, no one gives a remote fuck about your meetups.
Make a seperate thread for it or some shit, get groupme, no one c a r e s.

>> No.8347527

So...A-Kon meetup when?

>> No.8347528

/pol/ doesn't give a shit about you or your meet up. I promise. They're too busy coming up with conspiracy theories about Jews to go to cons.

>> No.8347719

few users from /pol/ != entire /pol/

>> No.8347812

I go to the A Kon "rave" to chuckle at how bad it is. It's literally like a giant daycare for basement dwellers.

>> No.8348100


At least they are all kept in one spot? It's like herding cattle.

>> No.8348119
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Alright, which one of you was this?

>> No.8348414
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I have always heard the con was really great and finally going this year but damn hope the con gets it together now that I have finished reading everything here
Its really just a chill con for me and to meet friends over there, this is what im bringing

>> No.8348425


There was a staff person who posted on a friends Facebook about the con. She said most of the con has everything together, but the problems we are hearing about are from a few staves like programming.

I felt a bit better but I expect the schedule will still be retarded.

>> No.8348476

>I felt a bit better but I expect the schedule will still be retarded.

>tfw you realize your panel was given a huge amount of time not because programming really liked your idea, but because they probably needed to just fill in huge scheduling gaps
Oh well, I'll take my two hours.

>> No.8348497
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They allow competitiveness, just don't be a jackass about it.

I finally get to enter again after being barred for two years. I'm excited to get back on the stage.

>> No.8348526

This is so ridiculous. You're probably right but we know they turned down a ton of reasonable panels with no good explanation.

Not knocking you anon, just extremely frustrated with how programming was handled. I hope your panel goes well. I also hope they fire this programming head.

>> No.8348581

No offense taken, anon! I was also frustrated. Right after sign-up, I got to know about 20 other people who also signed up for panels. Most of their ideas sounded really great, but out of this group, only three of us actually got accepted. One person had the time they requested for the panel, but the second person and I both had our panels extended (although I probably won't break their heart by telling them what's likely the real reason we got our panel times extended). I'm very annoyed because like others in this thread, I have seen so many posts that are asking for auditions- something that shouldn't be going on since Ask Character X panels were supposedly banned.

Congratulations on being able to re-enter!

I feel bad for the other heads that are getting shit on right now thanks to programming.

>some blue haired fatass
Talk about no chill.

>> No.8349582


It comes down to programming not following their own rules about content and first come first serve (had my panel rejected and my exact panel spot from last year given to a group doing similar content, but who submitted a whole month after I did). It's been very difficult for me to accept that there is really no reason for the problems I encountered other than they fucked up.

I know I personally have a hard time when I follow the rules but the institution doesn't and then I end up screwed over in the end. I am hopeful that enough of us have told our stories here or through other means and that staff know that programming really screwed up without reason and won't let it happen again.

I just hope that all these borderline Q&A panels get reported if they end up going into Q&A territory and that they get rid of this years head of programming. I can't do another year like this year.

>> No.8349646

What do you guys end up doing at the meetups? What are the average demographics? (Might go and bring wife; we're mid twenties)

>> No.8350229
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Oh fuck. A-kon. I almost forgot.

Sup guys?

>> No.8350345

>implying you haven't been lurking this thread from the start
>implying you haven't been shitposting this whole time
>implying you and Jebus aren't totally gay for each other

>> No.8350548
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>> No.8350585

Schedule out.

>> No.8350618
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You got us.

>> No.8350626


Big chunks of white space.

Now just waiting for guidebook so I can check out all these panel descriptions. Some of these panels sound shady as hell and I know some of these groups are old Q&A groups.

>> No.8350643
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Jebus, youre a big guy.

>> No.8350648

Friday sometime between 5pm-8pm most likely
bar/lounge area near the entrance like last year.

>> No.8350652

You're gonna carry that weight.

>> No.8350706
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I wasn't there last year. Where abouts is that?

But really I dont get out of work til 4 and it takes 4-5 hours to get to dallas from SA. Oh well.

>> No.8350724
File: 54 KB, 599x548, what nightmare, you're awake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all dem empty spaces
>stale shit from last year that no one cared about
>team shitstar
>fucking steampunk
>no one's gonna be ready because of this gigantic delay

Is this real life

>> No.8350802


So many of these terrible Q&A groups managed to still get panels, presumably lying on their panel form. I don't trust any of those people to not turn their panel into Q&A.

Also, wtf is that yaoi hands panel?

>> No.8350861

Awesome, all the shit I want to see is at the same time.

>> No.8350890

>giant gaps in the middle of prime time
>wow. just wow.

>> No.8351074

Why did they reject so many seagull panels when there are literal hours of open space on this schedule?

Really disappointed in the cosplay panels in general. Cosplay for YouTube? Closet cosplay for 2 hours? A panel about how cosplay has changed run by the cosplay director who hasn't actively cosplayed in 10 years?

>> No.8351076


But a-kon is a good con u gaiz!! Ur just bitter!!!!!1!

>> No.8351079

>Why did they reject so many seagull panels

You know why.

>> No.8351080

Because apparently literally having nothing is preferable to quality programming in A-Kon's eyes

>> No.8351191


I don't know what panel you're talking about, but I don't see the cosplay director's name on any of the panels.

>> No.8351272

Crap, I miss read the name. Never mind.

>> No.8351286

I feel guilty as fuck for getting in now. I'm sorry, /cgl/. I wonder if maybe they'll consider doing something like allowing anyone that was rejected and thinks that they can plan a panel in 11 days to claim an empty spot.

>> No.8351507

I didn't go to any panels last year due to shitty staff but maybe it really was a fire hazard, but i swear they had way more people in that panel the year before in the very same room. and the panels this year are mostly shit.

I guess I'm ghosting then? Do you think they'll start to enforce badge checking for the artist alley? I mean they never did that before, but, it is A-kon. I can buy anime merch at any other con but I'd like to check out prints.

>> No.8351511


You need a badge to get into AA, for sure. It's in the same big space as the dealer's hall, just through a door.

>> No.8351526

>Not just borrowing a friend's badge if you want to see something

A-Kon doesn't deserve a cent until they get their shit straightened out and start mailing badges

>> No.8351593

>not just scanning and laminating your own counterfeit badges

Shit that's what we've been doing for years. I can't even remember the last time we actually paid for badges.

>> No.8351594

I've borrowed random people's badges for the dealers room before (you do an insurance swap, like you give them your ID so you can't steal the pass because now they know who you are). Go for it!

>> No.8351633

I swear I have never been badge checked for AA before. Dealer's room, yeah, but not AA.

>> No.8351637

Teach me your ways.

>> No.8351666

Have you been to A-Kon in the last two years? It's been like that since the Anatole move. I guess it's possible if you're in cosplay or an OTT enough outfit, you can just squeeze through the line and the volunteers might just assume that your badge is just hidden.

It was SO easy last year with those 49 cent paper badges they gave out. One of the people rooming with us was about $20 short for his room, but to make up for it, he made a counterfeit badge for everyone. Thanks, cat ears Staples boy. I'll never forget you.

Another method which will require a couple of hours of planning between you and whoever is involved is for everyone to pitch in for one or two badges that are swapped around throughout the weekend. You should make sure you only do this with people you trust so you don't get some asshole that takes the badge for two hours longer than they were supposed to.

>> No.8351853

...Find a badge. Scan it, or take a photo. Find someone that's somewhat competent in Photoshop to clean the image. Print and laminate.

Shit isn't hard people.

>> No.8352581

A-Kon doesn't deserve a cent until they start having shit worth going to. I'm literally going one day to get my anime signed.

>> No.8352598

They're not even laminated. It's a slip of paper in a plastic pouch. Mine somehow got fucked up last year when moisture made its way into the pouch and the ink bled. It was still usable though.

>> No.8352667


Y'all have it right. If you don't want to fully pay to go to A-kon, then go in with a group of people to get a small number of badges and then borrow. It's still supporting the con. However, A-kon badges are pretty cheap if you buy them early enough. I've never understood how people are sometimes willing to spend money on hotel, cosplay, partying, etc but not a $40 badge. That is literally the first thing I buy when I plan for a con.

People like >>8351593, >>8351666, and >>8351853 want to take from the system without putting into it. If A-kon is so bad, then don't go. But the whole "A-kon sucks, their schedule is shitty, I'm just going to make a badge!" is the wrong mentality. You either boycott the con because it's so bad, or get a legit badge and rightfully complain about the things that are shitty on here or email the con.

>> No.8352773

Tumblr was talking about a company coming in to make badges. They may not be as easy to fake this year.

>> No.8352843

i've been there since the anatole move and i have a pretty awful memory but from what i recall you could get into the artist alley and they would only badge check you when you went through the side door to the dealers room.

or maybe they badge check twice. which seems a bit unnecessary... but that's how i remember it

>> No.8352959


The times I went I had to show my ID to get into the AA. Then again, there was a line to get in (it was still early enough on a Friday that there were lines).

>> No.8353184

You must have a badge to get into AA and Dealers.

>> No.8353365

When I was there last year they were checking the badge at the main door to AA. No badge check at the connecting door between the 2, just at the main doors.

>> No.8353401

New thread: >>8353400

>> No.8354958

It's not an excuse, per se, but there was a huge changeover in staff last A-Kon where a ton of the longtime veterans retired and their less-able subordinates took over. Even the convention founder's turned over operations to someone else who isn't nearly as capable. A-Kon's probably going to have about 3 years of growing phase before it becomes efficient again.

>> No.8355170

It is excuses. The vets should have been training the subordinates for the days they walked away.

>> No.8355178

In a perfect world, sure. In a world staffed primarily by volunteers? Not likely. Only a handful of staff are Phoenix Entertainment employees, everyone else are only there for the duration of the convention itself.