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8335438 No.8335438 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread has reached the image limit. Let's continue.

Old photos from the early days of lolita are much appreciated!

Question for you all: Do you wear old school lolita yourself?

>> No.8335442

OP here. Me, I have one complete old school coord, but I'm hoping to expand my wardrobe for it! I just started wearing lolita pretty recently, so I don't have too much yet. But it's actually one of my favorite substyles! I love the simple cuteness of it.

>> No.8335456
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>> No.8335459
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>> No.8335461
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ah, I love oldschool. have slowly started to collect some oldschool bl x wh dresses, my recent purchase was a BTSSB Pintuck JSK from 2003. and fell in love with pic related, it's just on the edge of tacky and cute, I want to replicate it one day. plus I'm a sucker for tartan.

>> No.8335616
File: 273 KB, 853x1280, TK-2011-06-04-011-006-Harajuku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always loved seeing street snaps of girls with a mismatching parasol, bag, or pair of shoes in the wrong color. It made it feel more like someone's actual everyday clothing that they threw on heading out the door, rather than a pre-arranged set meant to be photographed.
> pic only somewhat related, due to the matching socks and all

>> No.8335622

>Question for you all: Do you wear old school lolita yourself?
Yes. My entire wardrobe is old dresses. I have one printed recent dress that I use when I want to dress up a bit, other than that the only new things in my wardrobe are blouses socks and shoes but I make sure the blouses have cotton lace only to match the dresses better.

>> No.8336093

Do you wear old school lolita yourself?
I do on occasion. I have three velvet Meta dresses from 04 and some Moitie circa 07. The oldest piece in my wardrobe is a Meta bag from 2000. I'd love to get into old school more and my next step is to get a plaid or tartan piece. I've started wearing rectangle headdresses more often and love to wear chunky platforms.

>> No.8336327
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>> No.8336432

I'm liking all these pictures of lolitas in public, in a weird way seeing how odd and out of place lolita looks even in Japan makes me feel less insecure about wearing it in my shitty hometown.

In the western lolita community, that's because back in the day most (or, if not most, at least a sizeable chunk) of the community had come into lolita from goth or other alt fashion, so they used to blend it more and mix in more stuff they already owned. Most lolitas nowadays come into lolita from tumblr fashion or tumblr-popular jfashions, or just normal clothes. There aren't anywhere near as many ex-goths or part-time goths in the community these days.

>> No.8336466

Yes, but I don't have any oldschool brand main pieces, which is a pity! I feel like I've got all the foundations of an oldschool wardrobe down, including some brand pieces, but not the actual dresses. I could still make a few different oldschool-looking outfits out of my wardrobe though, and I plan on buying some more stuff from auctions (I've seen stuff I liked on the western sales too, but beyond my price range).

I have Bodyline's l348, plus a black oldschool blouse, a white oldschool blouse, some black chunky platform Mary Janes, some black oldschool gothic platforms, some black RHS, two frilly black parasols, a black ringlet wig, a black straight wig, an oldschool blackxwhite soft bonnet, an oldschool blackxwhite hard bonnet, a black Alice bow, and a fuckton of black and blackxwhite rectangle headdresses.

Next on my to-buy list is an ivory rectangle headdress, a pair of white RHS, an all-black bonnet, a blonde ringlet wig, and a few variations on the theme of lace-topped OTKs. I'll probably sew myself an apron too, and try to make myself a white dress like >>8333899 or >>8334928.

>> No.8336469

The bib looks really tacky but I'd love a dress with a different bodice and sleeves but the same detail on the skirt.

>> No.8336475
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I have some (non-brand, like Bodyline and Anna House and handmade) oldschool pieces, but I'd love to get more brand ones, especially velvet ones, or to learn to hand-make similar ones since velvet often doesn't age well.

>> No.8336479
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>> No.8336633
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Not that anon, but I used to be a huge DeG fan; it's from the Garden PV. Here's a really shit quality video; I'm sorry for that, but I can't find anything better right now: https://youtu.be/yMTXE8UmSEE

>> No.8336727
File: 147 KB, 480x851, coordisnap-63840-2220192-52yo51a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found on coordisnap, was surprised to see it, it's so old school.

>> No.8336738
File: 94 KB, 479x641, codenote original_43_1348357013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another from codenote.

I really love applique dresses, it has the same cuteness as a print but is so less overwhelming.

>> No.8336746
File: 103 KB, 480x719, coordisnap-165319-2132965-720kg28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if the dress is old or not but with the rectangle head dress and the clunky shoes I think it's appropriate to post here.

>> No.8336757
File: 87 KB, 480x854, codenote original_28_1307176511_sel_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's quite a few old school style outfits people are still wearing in Japan. I wonder if it's because the dresses are easily found 2nd hand or if it didn't phase out quite as much as it did over here.

>> No.8336761

This dress is a fairly new release, also not oldschool at all. White socks don't make an outfit oldschool.

>> No.8336774

Idk, new dress or not the styling of it is awfully old looking to me. The clunky, simple MJ's, the black purse that doesn't really go with anything, the lack of poof and the floral print.

>> No.8336780
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>> No.8336792
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>> No.8337394
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>> No.8337399
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>> No.8337403
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>> No.8337405
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>> No.8337407
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>> No.8337409
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>> No.8337412
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>> No.8337413
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>> No.8337415
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>> No.8337416
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>> No.8337437
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>> No.8337440
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>> No.8337445
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>> No.8337450
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also found some vintage pixyteri from 2009.

>> No.8337454


>> No.8337685

Oh, thanks! I was also a big Dir en grey fan (still am a bit), but I never watched this PV much. Man, I miss older Diru.

>> No.8337694
File: 140 KB, 500x667, tumblr_l53wdx29cW1qc9cfqo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SO CUTE! I love that sailor dress.
Please no.

>> No.8337734
File: 437 KB, 453x725, Mitsukazu.Mihara.full.807272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing these pics makes me sad that nobody hangs out on the bridge or in the park in alt j-fash any more. I was there last year Sat and Sun and it was dead (I do know it's been like this for years though, so was hardly surprised). There were a couple of low-key lolitas shopping in takeshita dori but that's about it.

Do lolitas hang outside anywhere at all these days?

Unrelated but I love how womanly (rather than child-like) and badass Mitsukazu Mihara's characters often look. I much prefer this to the kawaii uggu stuff.

>> No.8337805

How do you feel about mixing old and new styles? Like, newer things, like actual prints, or more color mixing, but with an old school feel to it (less ott stuff, chunky black shoes, just a bit of frump)
I've been trying to experiment with it a bit for more casual wear, and I feel like it might work, although I'm not sure enough about it to wear it for meets or post pictures.

>> No.8337835

This is basically how I wear my clothes. I don't own any old school pieces but I coord them like somebody would have back I the day. I think it looks fine, but it doesn't always make a busy print look more toned down, sorry I don't have any example pictures for you though.

>> No.8337875

Thanks anon! I feel like the OTT obsession has make regular lolita the new casual, and anything that doesn't match perfectly is ita.
>nostalgic even though I wasn't around for old school stuff

>> No.8337957
File: 49 KB, 648x340, kamikazegirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was too young to buy lolita when old school was big, but I fell in love with it because of seeing Kamikaze Girls when I was younger. So I also feel a bit of nostalgia for old school.

Momoko had her flaws, but I admired her for doing what she loved, even though other people thought it was weird. I love modern lolita too, but seeing old school reminds me of what got me into it in the first place.

>> No.8338028
File: 103 KB, 450x600, metapolkamod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss when Meta did more things like this. They haven't done a proper retro looking JSK since...2007 or so? Maybe a bit before. Their prints all look like clip art abominations to me nowadays too.

>> No.8338937
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>> No.8338941
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>> No.8338943
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>> No.8338945
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>> No.8340444
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>> No.8340586
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>> No.8340620
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I tend to do this with my coords. I own a mix of new and old items. With my older items, I like wearing them with the newer guidelines in mind - just less frumpy than your typical old school outfit, often mixing it with vintage finds and off-brand items. I don't own platform shoes anymore, but I'd like to wear them with my newer items, maybe invest in a pair of longer bloomers and bell sleeved blouses, and find some wider headdresses (I only have thin ones). Sorry for not having any photos of myself (I'd rather not post myself for personal reasons, plus, I'm sure my comm would recognize my pieces), but have some Imai Kira.

>> No.8340631
File: 100 KB, 720x397, Kamikaze_Girls-007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was too young to buy lolita when old school was big, but I fell in love with it because of seeing Kamikaze Girls when I was younger.

So did I!

Kind of a weird thought, but I just imagined that if (someone like) Momoko actually worked at Baby, we'd have a lot more embroidered items than printed designs.

>> No.8341957

Actually not as bad as I expected, but the Usakumya probably biases me. I don't really like the totes etc you see a lot in oldschool, so usakumya is my ideal oldschool bag.

>> No.8342120
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>> No.8342894

that is so fucking cute.

>> No.8343122

I think it may have been tourists.

Lolita is worn but it's nowhere as popular as j-fashion clothes that are much easier to wear (if that makes sense? Lolita is a lot of layers). It's also super hot in Tokyo so it's a bit too hot to wear lolita atm unless you can stand it with the layers.

>> No.8343298

I remember the days before Old School was a substyle. It was just lolita.

>> No.8343311
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>> No.8343319
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Not a JSK but this is pretty damn retro to me.

>> No.8343516

>Lolitas in public
Completely agreed. Those pictures are just so cute.

>> No.8343521


>> No.8343534

>buy btssb sailor dress off yjp for a steal
>find it on lolibrary
>turns out it's from 2003
For some reason I love knowing that soon I'm going to own a dress that's been around for so long, and was being worn way back in the good old days. I wonder how many people have owned it...

>> No.8343669

I have the same feels about a BTSSB dress I recently bought, it's from 2003 too

>> No.8343858

I feel the same about my 2004 IW dress. It's awesome to actually wear something that was made back when I was only dreaming about being able to wear lolita someday.

>> No.8344011

I feel u. I got a Baby dress off auctions once, later found out it's from 2001. Yisss.

>> No.8344337

The two colourways I don't have. I love the capes.