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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 768 KB, 959x1280, tumblr_njrzdw2nRD1qc5jioo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8324539 No.8324539 [Reply] [Original]

Regular Jfashion Coord help suggestions and reccomendations, thread

Feel free to post your pictures and ask for suggestions as to what clothes could best suit your body type and style, from seagull's point of view. This is more casual j-fashion rather than lolita.

I hope that this is allowed

>> No.8324541

>pic is not OP btw

>> No.8324551

Fuck, I want to wear cute platforms/heels but I'm quite tall and I'd hate to be a lot taller! Are there alternatives or should I just say fuck it and wear em?

>> No.8324856

tall people in platforms are perfect, imo. it'd make you stand out a lot. you should do it.

>> No.8325618
File: 482 KB, 2048x1152, 20150423_123617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread seemed interesting while i was browsing the catalog

Basically, I want to be able to dress more cutely and with a japanese/asian-inspired style but i've never been really all that into fashion. So I was wondering if cgl had suggestions for my body type. I really love skirt and leggings

>> No.8325633

The white skirt with an otherwise dark outfit looks weird, especially since it has a texture to it that clashes with the patterns that you're already wearing. Mixing textures and patterns is fine as long as the colors are relatively uniform IMO. Those shoes are sort of awful and un-cute. I would recommend wearing some kind of accessories - a chunky watch, some rings, etc. The scarf is also sort of random, since it looks like a warm-weather outfit otherwise.

>> No.8325664

Oh thank you very much for the advice although I just want to precise that i'm not pitching the picture as an actual coord.

>> No.8325681

If you have a relatively flat chest and aren't too chubby, you can wear basically any jfash. It's honestly up to you to figure out what works for your interests and budget beyond simple body type. Have fun.

>> No.8325821

Where does the line between casual jfashion and normalfag clothes draws? Most of the time casual jfashion just looks like regular clothing to me (some jfashion styles already look pretty "normal" to me, even)

>> No.8325930

Most of the time it seems like it's just a matter of whether or not a Japanese brand made the clothes or a Cute/Asian girl is wearing them.

But to be serious, what I've noticed about J fash and how it's different from "normal" western fashion is that J fash places more focus on looking cute and young than it does on looking sexy, and there's usually some kind of quirky element to the outfit.

Other than that, there's really not much difference.

>> No.8325955
File: 734 KB, 2048x1152, 20150502_232935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to coord this dress? Got it from the BL "Valentine's sale". It'd supposed to be a flight attendant style dress but I have no idea of what to wear it with. No idea if I am wearing the hat right since most google ref pics have women with hair up in buns.
What socks should I use? Shoes? Accessories?
I also have these two wigs I use sometimes to go out and I'm wondering if any of them look good with this or if I should style them or use another type of shorter wig maybe.

>> No.8325960
File: 1.13 MB, 1305x1740, IMG_20150514_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully this is better. These are the two wigs. Same color, different texture.

>> No.8325969

I'm 5"10 and I wear platforms and high heels all the time.
Fuck the haters and rock the look.

>> No.8326142

its a costume. burn it or wear it as intended. its cheap and tacky and you have absolutely no taste i'm cringing.

>> No.8326550
File: 581 KB, 886x596, ginghamredbunnyoutfit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did this cute coord, i have no idea what style is this (otome?) but well it's jfashion related. Is there too much red?The flats would be a bit darker (curse my feet, they hurt with lolita shoes even tea parties so i can't wear them for long time). I have to add some yellow or more pink from the dumplings of the cutsew?Also... i don't know what bag i should coordinate. A straw bag? Heart red bag?

>> No.8326631

I'm cringing at the posters in the background, not the costume.

>> No.8326635

First wig is deff better

>> No.8326942

What would I look up to find that sort of hairbow? Is it a headband?

>> No.8326956

i have an hourglass figure, and while i love my body and look pretty good right now i feel like i don't look good in a lot of jfashion just because i have decent sized boobs
is there anything i can wear without looking "sexy" or frumpy as hell because oversized stuff makes me look like a tent

>> No.8326962

Your silhouette in that outfit is pretty okay. Just add in more colorful clothes to your wardrobe if you want a more j-fash feel, and look for some cute flat platform shoes

>> No.8326969

just wear sweaters, you won't look like a tent.

>> No.8326974

it's... summer but thanks anyway

>> No.8326993

They make fairly light sweaters, unless you're a fatass you shouldn't be sweating excessively.

>> No.8327031

not the person you are replying to but you don't need to be a fatass to sweat like fuck in summer. It just needs to, you know, be hot as hell outside

>> No.8327087

This. I'm Filipino and not a fat ass landwhale, but I still get sweaty as fuck with antiperspirant and a tank top- sometimes people can can't control their bodily fluids.

Some of ya'll need to get over yourselves.

>> No.8327561
File: 177 KB, 600x900, Moco-Mello-Yoyogi-Flea-Market-2013-06-09-DSC9794-600x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8327562
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>> No.8327567
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>> No.8327571
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>> No.8327578
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>> No.8327583
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>> No.8327587
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>> No.8327589
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>> No.8327594
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>> No.8327596
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hope these are at least inspiring. I have a huge collection of casual jfash pics.

>> No.8327597

Any actual help for this?
I know it is a costume it is not intended for everyday use. I will be using it for an event. I just need to know what would look good with it is all.

>> No.8327598
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>> No.8327691
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>> No.8327968

This is cute as hell but why is she standing on a bag?

>> No.8327970

Probably so she doesn't get her shoes on the carpet

>> No.8327974

im the anon you're replying to and i live in an area where it's already getting well into the 90s so id rather not look like a freak and walk around in anything with long sleeves

>> No.8327988

>every thread

>> No.8328045


Anyone know where this salopette is from?
Or just salopettes in general? Other than brand because I'm not a lolita at all, can't bring myself to buy it..

>> No.8328130

>t-shirt, shorts and boots

Aight now anon, this is the most generic shit. This is like white girl at a concert 101. A japanese person in clothing =/= jfash.

>> No.8328145

Just a quick heads up, if you post itt I'm probably going to fap to you.

>> No.8328155

>A japanese person in clothing =/= jfash.
Weebs are really bad at distinguishing the difference.

>> No.8328167

god, people are disgusting

>> No.8328473

Fellow Filipino here, and I feel your pain. I love sweaters and cardigans but I only get to wear them rarely. The climate here makes it so hard to wear a lot of jfashions, sadly.

>> No.8328588

>not knowing about normie-kei

>> No.8331318
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>> No.8331320
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>> No.8331323
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>> No.8331328
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>> No.8331329
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>> No.8331343

Where is this from?

>> No.8331344
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>> No.8331354
File: 95 KB, 640x854, 0a7aecdb576a5411a194355bfbae5dd4332c1a0c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumping what I have

>> No.8331359
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>> No.8331362
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>> No.8331364
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>> No.8331369
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>> No.8331371
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>> No.8331380
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>> No.8331385
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>> No.8331391
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>> No.8331393
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>> No.8331397
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>> No.8331399
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>> No.8331401

Not that anon but it's from taobao, I have no idea where on taobao or if it's still available bc I only saw it on a taobao resale site, asianicandy, like 2 years ago.

>> No.8331403
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>> No.8331409
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>> No.8331427
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>> No.8331435
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>> No.8331437
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>> No.8331450
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What kind of bag would go well with this?

>> No.8331465

um idk its kind of a costume so

>> No.8331489

I would like to get similar skirts but Bon Bon i believe is expensive. Are there cheaper options?These skirts are the perfect length, not much short nor too long.
>taobao or aliexpress replicas are ok, as long they are good quality

>> No.8331774

This threads makes me cry because I can't use high thigh socks because I live surrounded by monkeys and I would appear dead in a river if I go out dressed cute like this girls :(

>> No.8331779

this should be in the cult party thread

>> No.8331802

I think there are just more little details to JFashion shit? Some that are just cuter and younger, but sometimes shit that's just...extra? And I feel like a lot of us are suckers for that "extra" shit. Like yeah, I'll choose the otherwise normal looking sneaks or creepers or w/e with the little wings or crosses or dinosaurs or SOMETHING over their plain conterparts. And yeah, slap a fucking sailor collar and some buttons onto that F21 tier shirt. Socks? JAZZ that shit UP. Angels, books, chocolate drippings, cherries, bring that over.

>> No.8331823

The major distinction between normalfag clothing is the styling. You can work an item from your local mall into a J-fashion look similar to those in this thread. The key seems to be heavy accessorizing and crazy shoes. Also particular hair and make up help complete the look. Looking at Japanese fashion mags is a great resource because looks are often broken down and some of the shit ends up being western brands anyway.

>> No.8331835
File: 22 KB, 600x600, Cute Little Chick w_ Apple Style Plush Doll Keychain - Yellow + Green.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon I love this look. Maybe swap out the red flats for white ones. You could carry a red hand bag and attach a cute little chick keychain to it. Pic related!

>> No.8332254
File: 14 KB, 226x231, cutesocks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought to find a small chick bag but the one i saw was too childish/small and the Rilakkuma ones were largely unmatching colors like browns or pinks. So your suggestion is really cute, thank you! If i use white flats i can use some sheer ankle socks like pic related maybe?I bought them in pink.

>> No.8332631

Not that anon, but the socks will probably work with the flats. it's a cute look, especially with the side look.

>> No.8333021

omg I'm 5'10 and so self conscious about it, you go anon!

>> No.8336396

Any tips/help/ideas on getting a good closet?
I've been wanting to dress in Jfashion for years, but I dont have a job (still studying) so I only have money now and then, and when I do I always buy something that isn't really easy to wear, like a jumper skirt or something.
Recently I've been looking a bit more into taobao and bookmarked things I like etc. I currently have about +200 bookmarks, and I have no idea what would be a good idea to start with.
The fashion I'm most intrested in is like Soft Sister (I'm not sure what its actually called, there was a thread about it here I think) and stuff like that, and Mori Girl:ish..
Sorry if this post makes little sense, I'm not sure how to go about explaining, but pretty much, what kind of clothes should I buy first to have a decent foundation for a wardrobe?

>> No.8336436

Lots of tights, couple of pairs of shoes, then mix-and-matchable basics if you just want soft sister.

>> No.8336445

>mix-and-matchable basics
Thats kidna what I want help with
What are good examples to start with?

>> No.8336495
File: 14 KB, 236x314, 3bdeef148c0d85e571bb5db29a820d4d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea, I don't do soft sister and it's a very vaguely defined style. If I were you, I'd base your first purchases off what will mix with what you have in your existing wardrobe, rather than assuming your jfashion wardrobe is a completely separate entity from your normal clothes.

For me personally I followed that approach by moving into new jfashions not according to which I liked the most, because that would require me spending a lot of money at once to start something from scratch, but according to which I could mix in with my existing wardrobe (various casual clothes, plus lolita). Of course I still only got into styles I actually like.

So for example, in my normalfag wardrobe in autumn and winter I often wear jumpers (that is, sweaters) with jeans and maybe a cute wool coat and scarf, and of course I own a couple of plain white office/school shirts for formal occassions. So I bought some thin V-neck sweaters and a chunky cardigan to use with the white shirt and formal coat for nanchatte seifuku, and that would also not look out of place with the stuff I wear normally. To go with them I bought some plaid skirts that would also work nicely with the some of the goth/punk sort of stuff I have in my existing wardrobe (leather biker jackets etc), and some cheap berets and a pair of oxfords that I could use with my lolita wardrobe. Boom, seveal nanchatte seifuku outfits, but I've also improved my casual wardrobe and added items I can use with lolita and casual goth.

The next fashion I started buying stuff for was CPK, because some of the items can be used for lolita. So I bought myself some pink and some white RHS, a white underskirt, and a lolita-appropriate white peignor. I haven't finished building a cult party kei wardrobe yet though.

>> No.8336508

This is pretty good advice but it doesn't really help me a lot
My entire wardrobe is pretty much cheap tshirts and jeans that I've had since I was like 15...
But still, I really appreciate your help, thank you, I'll keep it in mind.

>> No.8336514

Sorry I couldn't help, literally just cheap T-shirts and jeans is a difficult starting point to build a wardrobe off. Maybe some smarter jeans in different colours, and then start mixing in soft sister tops with them?

>> No.8336517
File: 134 KB, 640x426, 1419190707653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asked in the other thread but got no replies so I'll ask here.

I like fairy kei, but I don't like any of the 80s nostalgia popular in the style. Is it still worth getting into, and just sticking to other themes, like stars and moons? Or is it not really fairy kei without the Care Bears and early My Little Pony.

>> No.8336662

I don't view the 80s nostalgia stuff as being a requirement at all. There's plenty of pastel clothing that doesn't incorporate it. I don't even see any in that pic.

>> No.8336671

I think the 80s stuff is more of a western component, and I don't see it incorporated in outfits as much as lifestyle. You'll be fine without it.

>> No.8336679

No worries, Im still very happy that you tried <3

>> No.8336730

Ta, the pic I posted was more pastel decora than fairy kei but you're right. It's a super common theme and I've seen it argued (I think in /cgl/'s jfashion doc?) that 80s was essential to the style, but most people just call most cutesy pastel stuff in that silhouette fairy kei even without it.

>> No.8336790
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>> No.8336791
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>> No.8336793
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>> No.8336795

fatty-chan detected

>> No.8336796
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>> No.8336804

wh...what made her think that outfit was a good idea.

>> No.8336817
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>> No.8336825
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>> No.8336829
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>> No.8336831
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>> No.8336835
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>> No.8336856
File: 67 KB, 610x610, french-fry-tights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd totally wear these tights instead.

>> No.8337302

I need this bag in my life. ;_;

>> No.8337463

is that giraffes?

>> No.8337471

I'm 5'7 male and kind of self concious about it
rip ;-;

>> No.8337482

don't switch to white ones
matching top to shoes looks awful

>> No.8337714

for a small yet cohesive closet, first pick a scheme. for soft sister lets go with dusty pink, white, and gray.

immediately you want a dress/skirt for each color. You want 2 pairs of shoes, lets say you get 2 styles, both in white. since you picked white shoes, you should pick 2 white purses (1 small 1 big) and 3 white outerwear for varying coldness (light, medium, heavy/rain). These pieces will carry your wardrobe so that you can buy other colors of dresses, skirts, and tops and still have your entire outfit match since a uniform color is carried throughout it evenly. it doesnt have to be white, you can do it with anything. And of course you can have other colors for outerwear and shoes for a more dynamic wardrobe. But building this way will let you have multiple skirts or dresses that will match with your whole wardrobe no matter what.

>> No.8337982

What's wrong with it?

>> No.8337986

is it the japanese equivalent of normcore

>> No.8338025

I'm building my wardrobe and when I order from Taobao I prioritize things I super like/need that are low stock that way I make sure I don't miss out on something I love. So I only now am working on buying basics to fill it out but I didn't miss out on much.

>> No.8338092

Same, I would really love to accentuate my waist but most fashion is more of a boxy top style.

>> No.8338108

i think this outfit is pretty cute, non-frumpy, non-sexy but would suit an hourglass?

>> No.8338148

>I love sweaters and cardigans but I only get to wear them rarely
Other filipino-chan again:
I moved up north and I still sweat and can't always wear appropriate weather clothes because I'll get cold sweats. My body just loves to lose water.

>> No.8338196

Is that tacky for the sake of being tacky? Like people that wear too much galaxy print?

>> No.8338271

Cute costume, but it is not Lolita or any other kind of J-Fashion. Lurk more.

>> No.8338314

I'd say so, yes. I don't know what it is, but I love how over the top and ridiculous it looks.

>> No.8339111
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Thanks anon, this is the kind of advice I was looking for.
I know it'll probably take a while to get a full closet, thats why I want a good basic start.
This helps a lot with deciding what to buy etc.

>> No.8339719

I kekked.

>> No.8341787
File: 68 KB, 500x365, tumblr_nnwvv7le6k1tewpj4o3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are good fashions when you're short, have a square body shape and pretty big boobs? I'm also kinda chubby (thick thighs, a bit tummy flab) so things that would normally would be cute just looks weird on me.

>> No.8343700
File: 455 KB, 592x599, Screen_20Shot_202014-07-23_20at_201.14.03_20AM_original_original_original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So a while ago I ordered pic related from storenvy along with two other dresses.
A while later I got the package with the two other dresses and the transparent apron thing seen on the right picture.
I tried contacting the storenvy store but I never got the dress I wanted.
So now Im stuck with this thing that I have no idea how to coord.
Anyone have any ideas?

>> No.8343704
File: 124 KB, 644x644, DSC04077__E5_89_AF_E6_9C_AC__E5_89_AF_E6_9C_AC_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found a (kinda) better picture

>> No.8343794

That's not a carpet though- they're interlocking hard foam squares.

>> No.8343799

That one's angelic pretty.

>> No.8343803

don't start this sarcastic-kei shit agen. people will start trying to make it a real thing...

>> No.8344621

So just the apron? Do you have any dresses around the same length as it? If so, it should work with those dresses.
Otherwise, you can use it for layering in a CPK outfit. It would also be a cute thing for fairy kei.

>> No.8345045

Is there any notable tomboy style in jfashion? I know for sure Koreans and Chinese have that kinda stuff. Or do they generally focus more on the kawaii look?

>> No.8345046

op here, and I'm not talking about boystyle/ouji kinda of stuff in Lolita

>> No.8345072

they sell them down the street where i live l0l

>> No.8345366

Why is that most men's Ega are shit tier

>> No.8345392

Unfortunately no, no dresses that length. Im ordering some of taobao soon though so I guess that could maybe work
Thanks anon

>> No.8345564
File: 96 KB, 500x750, 1414871886545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic-related, can I request pics of patterned outfits that aren't schoolgirl-ish?

Mind if I ask how far up north? I recently moved to NCR from way down south myself, and I've been itching to go to Baguio and the like.

>> No.8348477

I usually think of the 80s vintage as being more Spank!-oriented. There is plenty of fairy kei that does not feature things like the Care Bears or early My Little Pony.

Go for it!

>> No.8353206

Bit late, but thanks for your reply! I'm going to make my first foray into the style soon, I bought some cute boots and pastel sneakers recently.

>> No.8354287

oh it's supposed to be french fries