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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 120 KB, 1280x480, Zabuza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8328891 No.8328891 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to attend an anime convention soon, and just need your guys's opinions on which Zabuza outfit variation you would recommend I go as? The shirtless one or the standard one? It will be my first time cosplaying. Thanks!

>> No.8328956

If you're a skinnyfat betafag, just don't.

>> No.8330259

I got an athletic body though.

>> No.8330274

Zabuza cosplays are all about the body. Don't go shirtless unless you got some abs, son.

>> No.8330278

I'd say left becaues it can get kind of chilly at cons with the A/C blasting at panels, and if you get hot you can just take off the shirt it would be the right cosplay I guess?

>> No.8333677

bodypic, faggot

>> No.8333694

Don't do Naruto cosplays, you're better then that

>> No.8333817
File: 70 KB, 278x332, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my bod pic.

>> No.8333837

Plz be Fanime

>> No.8333883

Yeah I'm going to Fanime. Just trying to decide which Zabuza outfit to cosplay there.

>> No.8334024

Why not both? first half go with the shirt version and for the finale switch to shirtless version. It isnt too complex to achive.

>> No.8334061

Neither, because his costume is bland, and Naruto is a shit series.

>> No.8334174

Go with the shirt version. Shirtless Zabuza is blatant 'look at my body.' You need a little more ab definition for that.

ps I want to touch you. Plz.

>> No.8334529

Thanks that's very flattering haha. :)

>> No.8334561

Taking that for consent, please look forward to it

>> No.8334570

>still being bitter about naruto in 2015

>> No.8334812

Haha what do you mean by please look forward to it? You're gonna find me somehow? :P

>> No.8334843

Not anon you replied to but Naruto isn't over yet, they still have to make the anime for the last few manga chapters.

>> No.8334862

Please remember that cosplay IS indeed consent

>> No.8334993

need to be bigger for zabuza lol wtf

>> No.8335046

New weight loss goal: Get cut enough to cosplay Shirtless Zabuza

I'm off to do a sit up.

>> No.8336467

If I see a shirtless Zabuza I will glomp him :3

>> No.8338966

It depends, do you just wanna enjoy the con experience or do you want to spend most of the time being bothered and fangirled over?

>> No.8339182

You're clearly DYEL by /fit/ standards but kinda good looking to normal people.
But do go with the shirted version.

>> No.8339184

Go shirted

>> No.8340379

Wait, do you do Spiderman, too?

>> No.8340992

Shit, I remember your bed and dorm. I haven't seen you in years. AWKWARD.

But seriously, I'll hit you up at some point.

>> No.8344222

You'll be surrounded by a bunch of hambeast weebs if you go shirtless. I would wear a shirt personally.

>> No.8344262


If you have to ask, then you go more conservative.

The tank top constrasts better.

>> No.8344268

OP is gay.

>> No.8344376
File: 85 KB, 720x960, 1419099750010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whichever you feel more comfortable in.
Pic related is a shirtless one done well.

>> No.8344392

are those abs shooped on

>> No.8344608

OP's gonna end up going shirtless, attend a con, get mobbed by hambeasts trying to touch him, then come back to this board to whine about female creeps.

Have some decency: go standard.