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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 192 KB, 1362x2048, FB_IMG_1431414599512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8319649 No.8319649 [Reply] [Original]

I remember seeing one about Asians and how they over photoshop pictures and how they look like over filtered blobs. Let's get a new thread started since I love this kind of stuff.

>> No.8319663

where is her hand.

>> No.8319679

That is what I was thinking.

>> No.8319711

are her eyes ok?

>> No.8319739

Those boots are pretty spot on for Mami.

>> No.8319745

I feel like this picture isn't bad enough to represent this thread. Granted it's not great, but I have definitely seen worse.

>> No.8319748

tell me where her hand is

>> No.8319756

Those boots are nothing like Mamis

>> No.8319759

She's holding glasses in her hand. Probably why her eyes look strange.

>> No.8319762

in this case it's "not enough photoshop"

>> No.8319765
File: 220 KB, 636x404, 1430170972080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting from previous thread


>> No.8319774
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>> No.8319776
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>> No.8319936
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>> No.8319962
File: 185 KB, 600x900, 3c40ec606cae8df57540bac6b47ea4daf6bc5fe0-700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have that one terrifying Precure cosplayer?

>> No.8319965
File: 141 KB, 664x1000, hiiro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevermind, found it in a different folder.

>> No.8319969

Holy shit

>> No.8319981

isn't she just holding a flower and it's blocking her hand?

>> No.8320055

And that,guys,is why animu proportions and animu grill bodies would look horrible in real life.

>> No.8320215

There's no way that's the same person, wow

>> No.8320408
File: 101 KB, 895x960, shoop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8320428

Those fucking shoes.

>> No.8320952

It's things like this why I have trust issues. I understand thinning out a side of your face if it's at a bad angle or removing a blemish, but these are rediculous

>> No.8320974
File: 200 KB, 1097x748, 09a29d9f7b146d568c175e6206846ecc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8320978

Looks the same to me. The others are just so shocking because of all the slimming and face shape altering.

>> No.8321023


These were JUST fucking posted in that other over photoshopping thread. Would it fucking kill you to post something different once in a while?
Aside from the obvious change in rules that put this board on life support, it's faggots like you who post the same garbage all the time that really kill this board.

cgl has become like getting up in the morning. Same shit, different day.

>> No.8321028

this is obviously just a lighting and angle thing.

What kind of summer ass motherfucker?

>> No.8321040
File: 724 KB, 996x1080, 13760057535_bd8f881324_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those Wig fibers sticking
>That flash
>All that retouching and still fibers everywhere and she has no fucking eyebrows.

>> No.8321067

I was going to write the same.

>> No.8321072

i thought it was penus at first.

>> No.8321086

this could just be the lighting and/or very basic first-pass editing rather than actual retouching...

>> No.8321097
File: 1.34 MB, 1440x1615, Screenshot_2015-05-11-21-54-34-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything she posts is hilarious

>> No.8321121

not too sure what she did to achieve that kind of result, but shit is terrifying

>> No.8321193

probably on a photo editing app. They have an option to pinch your face,make your eyes bigger, etc.

>> No.8321396

Yeah, I don't see an retouching. Looks like flash with the added effects of being taken in front of a window.

>> No.8321404

Does anyone have a photo of him not tucking his face in? This whole group os a phot of them making stupid faces that they have cropped only him out.

>> No.8322042
File: 349 KB, 783x661, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8322129

>being this mad
lol I wasn't even in that last thread so I wouldn't know what got posted there, calm down. If you want original content then maybe you should post some yourself.

>> No.8322130

How could they do this to Suzuya. Unacceptable.

>> No.8322137

This is witchcraft

>> No.8322169
File: 84 KB, 602x595, totznaturel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It gets worse. I don't know if she's mentally ill or has extreme self-esteem issues.

>> No.8322172

>I don't know if she's mentally ill or has extreme self-esteem issues.

>> No.8325305

Who's this?

>> No.8325393
File: 50 KB, 480x434, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cosplay: Juuzou from Tokyo Ghoul

Cosplayer: ???

>> No.8325416

Why is it blurry? Why is her bow stuffed? What are those shoes?

>> No.8325434

THats not the same person. : / Like.. Literally. I dont know who is on the left, but thats not the cosplayer on the right. The costumes don't even match.

>> No.8325714

doesnt really help that her cosplay sucks in the first place.
>uncut wig
>Only lashes, no eyeliner
>see the rope sticking out from her clip on
>disgusting duck pout face.

the editing just makes it even worse.

>> No.8325784

Is that Yaya Han behind him?

>> No.8325805

I hate seeing oldfags that are still this stunted. You can almost smell the secondhand embarrassment they are in fleshspace. Relax, edgelord. Post content.

>> No.8325878


>> No.8326101

this is when over photoshopping turns into lying about who you are at all

>> No.8326109

oh my god
definitely both

>> No.8326146

And she's apparently hailed as the country's "best cosplayer" and has appeared on tv.

>> No.8327199

it is, the picture on the right is from her facebook page while the one on the left is from the con's album

>> No.8327927
File: 60 KB, 720x960, 21087_926704630708125_5352518333489054717_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say over-filtered blobs?

>> No.8327933

>alien fingers
>swollen cheeks and no chin
Why do Asian girls do this

>> No.8328073
File: 57 KB, 560x386, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they're ugly. The only way Asian girls can look good is if they wear excess makeup and/or over-shoop their photos, or get plastic surgery. There is no such thing as a naturally beautiful Asian.

>> No.8328082

She has a lazy eye. The glasses she's holding have a really strong prescription, I believe.

>> No.8328084

On the other hand... if every girl in America put this much effort into their looks...

America would be full of beautiful girls as well.

If you can't beat them, join them.

>> No.8328090

They're getting to that point.

>> No.8328091

ugh her cheeks are the most awkward looking thing
Please leave

>> No.8328104

Anon, she actually does look like that though, I've met her before at a con.

>> No.8328106

But then we'd have all the whiny guys bitching about "false advertising!"

>> No.8328151
File: 17 KB, 625x626, c26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8328161

I think her face really suits Lightning. I like the way it looks on the right more than on the left.

>> No.8328181

are you sure?

>> No.8328210

I know her face looks like that but are her fingers fused together normally?

>Select all ice cream below
>Only one picture of ice cream
>The other is fucking cupcakes
>Captcha u fukd up

>> No.8328356

oh god her hand

>> No.8328577

That's sarcasm and media laziness.

>> No.8328604

I don't think this is meant to be taken serioulsy. It's obviously trying to give a real person anime proportions just for fun.

>> No.8329659
File: 114 KB, 584x960, ml0vS0W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8329678

They do that in all of their pictures though.

>> No.8329684

And then plastic surgery prices will go down. It'll be great.

>> No.8329757
File: 65 KB, 500x328, tumblr_mtv9kbNP471rddbxfo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what South Korea is like. Great prices and very little regulation. They'll do things that surgeons here aren't willing to risk their careers over. Because of this, it's a huge mecca for trans people to get surgery. Facial feminization, jaw reduction, even suturing vocal cords to the desired length. But if you draw the short straw and get bad results, you're pretty fucked, so it's risky.

>> No.8329773

It's a shame that it's so in vogue right now for Asians to get nose implants. I love how the nose on the left blends into the face so softly. Noses like the ones on the right just look phallic to me.

>> No.8329775

They do match though. The image was flipped.

>> No.8329800

ditto, drives me crazy when asian girls want to obliterate their natural features. The flat nose bridge is just one thing that makes them so beautiful, and koreans should be proud of how strong their faces are. I understand wanting to reduce a massive chin like that, but there are waaaay too many examples where they shave their jaws so drastically that they end up looking like absolute freaks, plus it probably wrecks their teeth as they age. So fucked up. Damn.

>> No.8329845

They'll buy new teeth, anon.

>> No.8329859

Wait that's Amy King?! Hadn't even recognised her

>> No.8329880

Rightly so.

>> No.8330577
File: 1.30 MB, 2000x1489, zeqtcrrehpkdgtokznwptfbswocgrzuoauywmrbm-3000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8330580
File: 463 KB, 604x900, apivtfrgtaunfpnoppjkyeojetgfqyugysbaeoqi-3000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8330593
File: 670 KB, 1280x1008, luka_ayapoyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8330599

Attack of the living doll!!! I'd be terrified if she came running at me.

>> No.8330600
File: 705 KB, 960x1280, couPON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8330653

Her face is kind of off, but the frays are giving me nightmares.

>> No.8330749

nipple fist!

>> No.8330761

drives me nuts when people who don't have a basic grasp of anatomy try to shoop themselves

>> No.8330802
File: 84 KB, 960x538, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8331948
File: 499 KB, 800x1200, 1431763572648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8331965

The lack of collarbones is scaring me.

>> No.8332003

>this guy recently died

>> No.8332025

Monty died and now he's Sheena's cash cow. Just because he died doesn't make her a saint all of a sudden. He didn't even take this picture since it was recently added to her site. She just put his signature on it so she can be like "oh monty took this picture before he died... you should buy it to honor him".

>> No.8332695

Are you one of those lolcow bitches who believes everything they read? Get your retarded autistic ass out of here

>> No.8332710

Where's she from/lives? Does she travel a lot?

>> No.8332750

I'm losing my shit this looks like a bootleg dvd cover

>> No.8332938
File: 308 KB, 960x1280, yqqpjzlxocuuyzuieibkrtahvcerlzvekozlkvrv-3000Greenii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8332949

Then please show more, I'm appaled by that one.

>> No.8332972

They nailed the art style, but this is solid proof that anime doesn't work in real life.

>> No.8333266
File: 104 KB, 600x800, 2014-01-26_11-26-47_865483_org_e589afe69cac_e589afe69cac1_e589afe69cac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8333268
File: 86 KB, 600x800, 2014-02-15_13-06-37_718767_org_e589afe69cac_e589afe69cac_e589afe69cac_e589afe69cac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8333282

I absolutely HATE it when cosplayers shoop their wigs to be one smooth blob. I get smoothing it out a little to make it look neater and get rid of flyaways but this is just ridiculous

>> No.8333438
File: 165 KB, 425x640, 1400909329398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've resorted to digging through the archives because I can't find the cosplayer's name.

>> No.8333639

Then why tf are you even here if YOU'RE practically BITCHING about it? LEL. It just makes YOU the described "lolcow bitch that believes everything they read." Stfu and get a life; you're either a white-knighting neckbeard, or the "artist" herself —— ON ANON.

Oh! And don't forget to say hi to Nicole! :D And PLEASE congratulate her for being such a deprecating [con] artist!

>> No.8335377

who tf is she and how on earth did she think this was a good idea

>> No.8335764

On a slightly unrelated note: Does anyone have that picture of a Korean high school gym full of ugly pre plastic surgery girls?

>> No.8335769

it's a crossplayer btw

>> No.8335770

Calm ur tits

>> No.8335784

someone's butthurt they'll never be as cute as sheena

>> No.8335817
File: 213 KB, 641x960, 11137138_481172895369136_4097609493298679925_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8336038

Who cares about what guys think?

Are you a slut?

>> No.8336044
File: 412 KB, 800x451, tumblr_m1jt6mLgaK1ql0375o2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, no.

She's a vile human who lies about everything and attempts to cry for pity donations after burning through the 250,000$ fans threw at her.

Go hear what the Canadian Seagulls have to say about her.

>> No.8336073
File: 87 KB, 960x670, 11139432_498023847013191_2506416025930778108_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8336078

It's not that bad but still overshoop as hell.


>> No.8336233

I know.
Still can't find his name.

>> No.8337741

>burning through the 250,000$ fans threw at her

whoa, whoa wait...what?

>> No.8337790
File: 182 KB, 888x1200, Korean_beauty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A 'tall' nose or defined nose bridge has been considered attractive and desirable for hundreds of years in east Asia though, you only need to look at their idealised classic art to see that. A rounder eye shape seems to have been a relatively recent sought after look though. I don't think it's about 'trying to look western' per se which I think is a lazy argument anyway, product of globalization is probably more accurate. It works both ways of course, I think Asian aesthetic ideals are becoming more influential worldwide too.

>> No.8337791

She was "married" to the late Monty Oum and asked for donations after his death caused by an allergic reaction to medication meant to treat his cat allergy. He was getting the shots because she'd bring stray cats home all the time and he was too beta to say no.

>> No.8337800

What'd she spend the $250k on?

>> No.8337801

I know this is bait but I've genuinely always thought she looks more beautiful in the pic on the left, sure it's not kawaii uggu but I think she has a mature beauty, beautiful skin and lovely bone structure.

>> No.8337808

Obviously herself. She's unemployed, using the donations to survive and crank out mediocre cosplays all the time.

None of that cash went to Monty's family.

>> No.8337928

She considers Cosplay her job and that conventions are just part of the job so she spent the money on that while trying to pass herself off as an RT Employee and official Cosplayer.

No one knew they were married till he was dead and found out they married right when her visa was to expire. I don't know if there's a time limit or paperwork you have to file for getting your greencard if your spouse sudden passes away but they were married for less than a year.

She's trying to make twitch livestreams her main source of donation income.

>> No.8337941

Wait visa? Is she from Canada? Mexico?

>> No.8337963


>> No.8338091


Like is there any real proof of this or yall just makin shit up? I'm genuinely curious cause it doesn't make sense that she burned through a quarter mil since he died in what January and has literally nothing to show for it from what I can tell. Just doesn't add up.

>> No.8338168

without shoop, chinks just look like ugly squint eyes. the need that shit.

>> No.8338177

Well she got a boob job, went to MCM London this year. The con didn't actually invite her despite all of her attempts to make it seem like she was an invited guest. The travel and stay expenses for her to stay in London must've been at least several thousand and then add the money she spent at the con, food, etc. on top of that.

>> No.8338397
File: 56 KB, 900x600, FB_IMG_1432017038484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8338403
File: 47 KB, 665x665, FB_IMG_1432017034614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8338404

that moon wig is giving me nightmares

>> No.8338496

her lips are disgusting holy shit

>> No.8338526

Are these all the same person?

>> No.8338562

my thoughts exactly, they all have the same nose and eyes, pretty sure its the same cosplayer doing every character

>> No.8338563

>must be new

Her gofundme is still going and she's begging for donations on twitter, facebook and now on streams.

She was also paid with Monty's life insurance and RT pays her his salary. There's more than a quarter mil.

>> No.8338594

She ought to run panels on how to successfully gold dig through cosplay.

>> No.8338871

Don't forget that she still has the damn cat that killed Monty (≧∇≦)

>> No.8340208

And she has a new photographer that she asks to come over all the time on facebook. So she's probably already sleeping with someone in Monty's bed.

She also has Monty's passwords for his twitter and facebook and has gone through and deleted majority of his stuff from before he met her.

>> No.8340259

Salty. you sound jelly

>> No.8340428


First one they over lightened her skin
How the fck are they overshooped tho? She looks like that irl.

>> No.8340463

I hope none of this is true because wow

>> No.8340483

Those things aren't mutually exclusive. It's not necessarily a white/western beauty standard (the Korean beauty norm does not look white to me, but it does look very homogenous and usually quite artificial), but it is a beauty standard that very few east Asians naturally meet, and more common east Asian features are pretty.

>> No.8341805
File: 130 KB, 1886x880, PhotoGrid_1432149176653_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dezzy diamond has low tier Photoshop skills

>> No.8342371

I think 'typical' east Asian features are pretty too anon but a prominent, somewhat high nose bridge is still a very old beauty ideal, none of this stuff is mutually exclusive. New plastic surgery methods just make it easier than ever to achieve.

I have a shonky theory however that the more common surgery becomes and the more homogeneous looks become, there will actually be room for a revival of more 'typical' features hailed as a beauty ideal (and perhaps looking as unlike someone that has had 'work done' playing a part in that).

>> No.8345194

The right one is unshoop?

>> No.8345219

you can confirm a lot of this stuff just by looking at her social media.

>> No.8345222

the overuse of sharpen on this picture hurts me physically.
no really though. it strains my eyes.

>> No.8345959
File: 199 KB, 1024x1536, 005R9365jw1er4v0dluf2j31dp22knba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]