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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8326782 No.8326782 [Reply] [Original]

Tonight's the night edition

previous thread: >>8311124

>> No.8326793

First for wanting to get mad pussy

>> No.8326798
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>> No.8326809
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Is that a fucking challenge?

>> No.8326841
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Who else is still sewing?

>> No.8326849

>yesterday I was told id be picked up at 1:45
>today at 1:45 I was told I'd be picked up soon
>I've been waiting to be picked up for almost an hour
Is it that hard to organize things beforehand? I feel like I'm the only one in my group that actually communicates about travel times.

I'm helping a friend finish sewing tonight in the hotel room

>> No.8326850

Just checked into the Westin, 10/10 hotel and fucking service is amazing. Don't even care how much I'm paying for it it's def worth.

I didn't see from the last thread but are we doing a meet up? I haven't eaten much and the hotel bar/restaurant her looks pretty good, but pricey. Anyone else at the con yet and want to hang out?

>> No.8326865
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>laid off in February
>had to cancel yearly trip to ACen
>staying home for the first time in years

>> No.8326881

I'd be up for a meetup but I won't be arriving until 6:30-7ish

>> No.8326893

Aight, I might still be down to hang out but my friends should be here and idk what they wanna do

>> No.8326897

>Go back to my mom's house days early to get ready
>Girl who usually does my hair hasn't picked up her phone in 3 FUCKING days
>Call my backup and she can't do it until 5 on Friday
>In charge of everything Acen related for my group, so I have to go early to get checked in, etc.
>Still not sure exactly how many people we are gonna have in the room
>Have to go find anyone to do my hair
>8 page paper due at midnight (halfway done, but still)

I tried to be responsible, and now I'm more stressed than when I try to do stuff last minute. God I hope the con is good this year to make up for all this shit.

>> No.8326920


I'm at the Aloft and all set, would be down to hang later. Westin or wherever.

>> No.8326943

Too mad my final was super easy. Got done with it in an hour.

I could be on the Amtrak right now to Chicago for Day Zero shit.

Oh well. Will be up there at 2ish tomorrow

>> No.8326984

How far away is that? I wish I had something besides my phone so I can google all of these locations and find fun shit

>> No.8326998
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a mile away, according to google.

>> No.8327008

See you in 20 minutes then? Jk, you have a car or anything or you gonna walk to/from the con?

>> No.8327012

I still have sewing to do but im stuck at work until 10. I wish I could have brought stuff to work on durring my breaks rather than wasting this time online.

>> No.8327038

Just down Balmoral, past the Convention center. Like a block and a half from the con. It's less walking distance from the con than the Westin is, just in the opposite direction.

>> No.8327054

I'm not the aloft-anon you were talking to, just a random anon that google mapped the hotels for you. I imagine aloft-anon will probably walk; it's less than a mile to the con so it doesn't seem worth the trouble to drive that short distance only to deal with con traffic and parking.

>> No.8327056
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Yukako anon from last thread. I'm finishing my collar and skirt waistband tonight, along with the flower on the sleeve and a painting for Richard Epcar to sign. I'll probably be getting in around 10 tomorrow morning, so I'm pretty hyped.

>> No.8327063


You are correct sir. I just walked to the con and back, and it's not bad at all. If anyone sees a guy with a high-and-tight in a green 'Roppongi Vice' shirt and burgundy pants, that's me. Feel free to holla at'cha seagull. I'll be wandering about.

>> No.8327064

Just a head's up to anyone driving: the fashion outlets parking garage is FREE. It is down Balmoral and within a mile of the con. I don't know what time they close the garage (if at all), but I've been able to park 'til 11p with no trouble. You don't need to collect a ticket or anything; just go in the garage and park your car, then leave when you're done.

>> No.8327067

I see now, thank you, walking around here isn't bad unless you're on shitty shoes or bad weather.

None of my friends are responding to me about ETAs to the con... Might head to the con center/Hyatt and hang out

>> No.8327104
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I'm really sorry bro

>> No.8327108

I'm headed down there now to get a lanyard.

I'm in a blue flower dress with white cardigan and ponytail. Feel free to stop me and say hello.

>> No.8327116

wonder if there'll be any last-minute cancellations at the Hyatt or the Hilton. I have my Motel 6 room, but it'd be swell to get an upgrade so I don't have to walk 20 min to get to my bed...

>> No.8327119
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>mfw eyebrows fixed at mall
Thank you based foreign lady.

Is wig anon still here? Gonna be wandering around so any help with my limited, lazy cosplay tools is appreciated.

>> No.8327121

There are always no shows. Doesn't hurt to try

>> No.8327122
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My Hyatt room is in the executive wing right near the elevators and I can already hear the stupidity. I cannot imagine Saturday night drunk people coming up from the rave. Only pay off is that I got the 3:00 pm check out on Sunday so can sleep in. Also the phone reception in this room sucks.

>> No.8327123

I can meet you and see if I can help.

>> No.8327129


How shitty is the internet?

>> No.8327136
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Who's still /panic/?

I am still contacting for room since my original person didn't tell me they filled up, and the person who is supposed to be my ride is not answering at all to confirm details, what the flying fuck, it's tomorrow.

I'm going to be severely upset if I can't end up going.

It's too late, otherwise would have

>> No.8327170

Standard comes free only for 23 hours if you have a room. After that you have to pay.

>> No.8327197

> get program book
> feel like the skinniest and most normal person ever
Why do cons attract such autists...

>> No.8327207

yes it's a real mystery huh

>> No.8327214

You shut your sassy mouth m8 or I'll rekt ur mum

>> No.8327219

> average normalfag
> suddenly a 10/10 hottie at a con
It's like that movie DUFF

>> No.8327233

I'm at the Hyatt bar/restaurant. Tfw friends won't be here for another few hours.

>> No.8327280

Because their parents never whoop them and never taught them how to keep that shit under control.

>> No.8327322

i used to love staying there, this will be the first year we aren't bc they went crazy on prices. staying at the double tree for much less. anyone have any experience staying here?

>> No.8327333

Stayed there for my first ACen. Normal hotel with nothing too noteworthy. If you get a king room it should come with a pullout couch iirc

>> No.8327356

I'm so glad the Westin is good, that's where I'm staying this year. Are they having a deal with internet for the con or will I need to pay?

I liked the doubletree a lot when I stayed there, and I keep trying to get back in but it fills up in a second. It strikes a good balance between price and amenities, I think. They got bitchy about towels though, which sucked. I agree the aloft is super pricey, and the room I stayed in last year was so small, I'm not doing it again.

Westin also has 3pm check out dude there is no reason to suffer in this way.

>> No.8327357

I'm free now. Where would you like to meet?

>> No.8327362

Gotta pay for net.

Walking back to the Westin to hand off room keys. What hotel are you at?

>> No.8327373


>> No.8327398

Will you have time later tonight?

>> No.8327403

Sure will.

>> No.8327422

Taking the elevator up to my room, and after me 15 more (fat) people pack themselves in. It makes the beeping that means it's over capacity. Very very slowly the elevator climbs. Everybody goes LOL WHY IS THE ELEVATOR SO SLOW?!?!


>> No.8327467

Loving these live tweets. Please keep us updated.

>> No.8327474

Stupid question, But I wanted to make sure.
Does the Crowne Plaza O'Hare have a bag check? It's not listed on their website's amenities list. The roomholder Isn't getting there until mid afternoon tomorrow and I'm traveling in on the blue line.

>> No.8327478
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There is no fan in my bathroom. All of us eat a lot of fiber.

>> No.8327490
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So err, who's staying at the Hyatt and needs/wants a roomie? Or even the connecting hotels? And what's your price? My person backed out.

It's a long weekend my friend

>> No.8327513

Are we still doing a meet up Friday?

>> No.8327642
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>loudmouth announcer guy handing out registration forms while waiting for line to open
>still idling in line 15 minutes past when it was supposed to be open
>loudmouth jumps up to me and starts shouting about why I didnt fill out the form
>told him will-call and already did that shit
>no, they wont, because im will-call and don't need to fill out registration again. maybe you should communicate better with adminitration

>ended up only needing my name

Seriously trying to give me useless busywork to distract from the fact the line didnt open until 20 minutes late.

>> No.8327717 [DELETED] 

Are you cool?

>> No.8327730
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>Still sewing
>I can't even cut a straight fucking line
>fabric is fraying
>It'll probably end up looking like shit
>Even if I finish it tonight it'll probably end up looking like shit.
>tempted to not even wear it tomorrow but I worked so hard on it.

>> No.8327734

>positive I'll look terrible
>cant even walk in shoes
>hastily put together and still haven't tested any of it
Yep this'll be fun

>> No.8327739

Caring about how your outfit realistically looks is more than 99% of shitplayers do. I am sure it will be fine.

>> No.8327795

How late you staying up? Friends want to go to an arcade and I'll have to drive ; ;

>> No.8327809

I'll be up in my room. But I'll monitor the thread.

>> No.8327822

I'll make sure to say hi if I see you!

>> No.8327839 [DELETED] 

Up for hanging out tonight?

>> No.8327845

Eh. Sure why not. Perhaps we could meet in the aloft lobby.

>> No.8327861
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Let's both pray we don't end up in the bad cosplay thread.
That was enough to keep me going, thanks!

>> No.8327870 [DELETED] 

I'm having a meal over at park tavern, want to go over to the hyatt tonight?

>> No.8327872 [DELETED] 

If not I could meet you over at the aloft.

>> No.8327875

The aloft, please. Not to inconvenience you or anything.

>> No.8327883 [DELETED] 

Sure, meet at the bar downstairs in 5 minutes or so?

>> No.8327895

Sure. Will be the black one with short hair.

>> No.8327980

>>8326841 here, I'M DONE. The costume isn't as good as it could be but it still turned out nice and god damn I am so happy to be finished. Now I have to clean my room and pack.

>> No.8327993

I don't know how you all are doing these late night meetups, I have to go to sleep an hour ago just to wake up in time to shower/makeup and get to the con by just before 9. just slaved over my bento for tomorrow, highlights include squirting a mini bottle of mayo into an even tinier travel bottle. at least I've food taken care of for the rest of the weekend.

On an off chance, are there any carpools coming/going by Des Plaines I could pay to take part in? I am just about 2.5 miles NW of the Hyatt. Would settle for being dropped off that side of the highway and walking the rest. Cab fairs are KILLING me.

>> No.8328012

Still need help?

>> No.8328014

Yes I do.

>> No.8328015

Tonight? Wanna come to the Westin

>> No.8328017

I like to think so. No drama in any case, very chill. I think you'll like me.

You offering?

>> No.8328024

Are you able to leave? Trying to stay rooted to where all my crap is. I can see if I can. Would just prefer to be at my home base.

>> No.8328030

Yeah I could try, you're a chick right? Might be iffy if you're male cause rape etc

>> No.8328033

Yep. I'll be in the lobby for awhile. The black person.

>> No.8328043

My brother is driving me from Arlington Heights to rosemont tomorrow morning. We could pick you up.

>> No.8328047

>picked up sheldule book with kit
>immediately outdated
>cant print updated pdf

motherfuck. are they handing out final versions tomorrow? I had a hard enough time making a timeline without unexpected changes and additions.

>> No.8328063

That is super sweet of you. Are you heading there in the AM? I am alright with missing a 9am panel if needed and I already gots my badge.

You can google where Eisenhower Dr intersects with Pratt St in Des Plaines to make sure it isn't too much of an inconvenience. I would walk to be picked up at that intersection if its cool.

I will check back tonight or the morning if you are OK with it. I would be the white girl with longish brown hair.

>> No.8328074
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Anyone interested in my pokemon tcg codes? I have 12. If we can meet you can have them free

>> No.8328078

>trusting people with long fingers

In all seriousness why do you have so many to give away?

>> No.8328079

Would you happen to be staying at the Comfort Inn? I'm checking in there tomorrow.

>> No.8328085

That's not out of the way at all, I'll take Higgins. I think I'm going to head over around 930 or 10. I can pick you up and drop you off wherever, it's not a big deal at all. Here's my email

>> No.8328089

Oh God

The con is tomorrow, and I still don't have ride or roomn stuff figured out. Last minute derailment everywhere.

Oh God oh Good I'm panicking bad. Send help

>> No.8328095

nah but as you can see, because I forgot spoilers have no power here, I am not really that far from comfort inn either. 15 minute walk.

Do you have some weekend ride situation from there? I would probably eat 15 minutes of walking to save monies depending. Looks like I am good tomorrow morning thanks to

yeah I will be just be heading inside with everyone else. I probably wont have to email you but ill keep it just in case. Ill keep an eye out around that time and you can post if anything changes no biggie. thanks again.

deep breaths you will be fine. I had a hell of a time with taxis today including getting stranded at mitsuwa with a cart of groceries. YOU WILL BE OK FRIEND. You at least have a place to stay right?

>> No.8328107

>tfw 3rd ACen in a row
>tfw can't make it 4th next year since I'll be graduating

Hopefully this one will be a blast

>> No.8328108

Anon sister I'm on my way white girl with pony tail and Asian man eta 25min

>> No.8328109

Marriott Master Race

>> No.8328113


Marriot Suites?

>> No.8328125

>>8328079 anon, I'm just driving my own car to and from the con. Paying for parking sucks but I'd rater eat that expense and have a vehicle nearby. My email is in the field if you need a ride back!

>> No.8328134

Anon sister it's pouring rain I swear

>> No.8328152
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Look for me all weekend at the con, it'd be cool to meet someone else who lurks :,)

>> No.8328154

That is actually my preferred hotel, but nobody in my group wanted to make that long, sobering walk this year. At least you're by the Mcdonalds

>> No.8328156

that isn't even anime you lazy asshole

>> No.8328157

Eta 10 min

>> No.8328162

So is there going to be a meetup at the bar saturday night for 21+ gulls?

>> No.8328163

The panicking never ends!

I think I have a room, maybe not. The person I'm trying to contact from the forums is not giving answering even though he just bumped his thread today.

And my ride is already full. Oh God fucking dammit. Oh God oh God oh God, other peoples aren't replying. Oh fuck this is bad, bad bad bad

Send help! AHHHJHH

>> No.8328165
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This morning I went out for hotel booze and Jewel had an umbrella display outside their alcohol department. I am prepared.

>> No.8328166

I can get $3 big glasses of wine where I am. bar prices seems not worth the money tbh for me. im interested in the non-booze meetup if its still on.

>> No.8328180

Sorry to hear that, my host is not going to be available otherwise I would ask her if she has room for another booking.

You also should try to seem a bit more calm and less unhinged even if you are panicking. Its hard enough to tell who is not a mental case on 4chan.

GL to ya.

>> No.8328203

I made it to my hotel! This is my first Acen and I'm super excited!

>> No.8328216

All packed, gonna be in tomorrow a little before 3. Handle of Skyy will carry me to victory, along with the 26-pack of cider my friend is picking up and the Bailey's another hotel roomate is bringing. It's gonna be so good, I'm so excited.

>> No.8328222

Is there even a point to going to these things if you don't have friends?

>> No.8328256
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>not being a mental case
But then why are we all here?

In all seriousness, it was looking bad then, things a bit better now. Confirmed that if nothing else works out room wise, I got an emergency option.

Now it's just a matter of a ride there (I'm in Racine), but I think that will work out. Not for sure, but in times like these, things do end up panning out. Still working some angles, but at least one option if nothing else pans out.

>> No.8328258

Depends on your personality. I like sitting back and just taking things in quietly without the distraction of a lot of people pulling me around. I am sure its more fun back at the hotels with friends, but even then I am the sort to need recharge time.

Its always entertaining to be disgusted and amused by the free side-show of circus weebs.

>> No.8328263
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Congrats. You'll like it.

May as well start the game, what I like to call the Ambulance count. See how many people get carted away to the hospital over the course of the con!

I've went a few times without rooming with friends and stuff. Things work out, there are friendly people there.

>> No.8328268

>Ambulance count

Sounds amazing, do I need to stay close to the main doors or can the sirens be heard everywhere? Is there an official tracker?

>> No.8328298

I dont play the computer version, just play the physical cards with my bf but I saved them.

>> No.8328307

Oh cool!

>> No.8328317

Nah, well it's not an official game, but one I like playing anyways.

Amusing more really. The rave is one of the biggest senders lol.

>> No.8328351
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Use the Guidebook app if you have a smartphone. That's always updated throughout the weekend. The book is always basically a paperweight by Day 0.

No sleep tonight...

>> No.8328439

>managed to finish sewing cosplay
>final piece involve paper iron ons
>Somehow manage to fuck it up?? Probably either do to cheap paper and/or lack of sleep
>down a cosplay, but bringing it with me just in case I can salvage it.

Here's hoping the con itself is a lot less stressful and I'm less of a dumbass.

>> No.8328446

Is bringing a sewing machine to your hotel basically admitting failure?

>> No.8328451

It's never over until you say it is.
Get some fucking energy drinks and get to work.

>> No.8328466
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Hello darkness my old friend

>> No.8328507
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It's bringing the fight to the enemy, comrade

>> No.8328523
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>> No.8328528
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Is anyone coming down from Milwaukee or in Racine who has room in their car?

>> No.8328563

If anyone needs crash space let me, got room for 1-3 at one of the hotels connecting to the convention center.


>> No.8328572
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How much you charging man?

>> No.8328621
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I saw in the program that they didn't include the Hunter X Hunter meet up. It's still happening at 1 today right?........... right?

>> No.8328644 [DELETED] 

Why do people who snore always fall asleep first?

>> No.8328646

Gameroom such a let down. For the music games, you have to pay money to play them.

Granted, they will still get my monies, but this shit is lame

>> No.8328653

The arcade has always been that way. Console gaming is free but the arcade used to always have rare/ older cabinets. Can't be any worse then when they had the gaming at the Hilton. I'm still guessing something bad happened and that's why the Hilton is never in the block anymore.

I cannot get back to sleep but I have like 2 hours til I'm supposed to get up .

>> No.8328659
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Everyone post as much pictures as they can, please. Even of stupid shit or homestucks or ANYTHING.

>tfw all friends are there and here i am three hours away being a POS

>> No.8328690
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>mfw I bought instant microwave gohan packs because kitchen space issues

may the gods of my heretiji forgive me

>> No.8328712


How do you even know that? The game room isn't even open yet.

>> No.8328717

Friend of mine says it was moved to 1pm today, which makes it just fuckin peachy that I didn't finish Hisoka because I can't make it anyways.
>it's not like I wanted to meet up with other HxH fans or anything

>> No.8328729

day zero roamer. I saw the games, then saw the change machine next to it. Got info from another connie who got their info from one of the guys running the machines

>> No.8328735

How you charging ?

>> No.8328751

leaving now for my first acen, anything i should know to make sure its a good experience?

>> No.8328756

The lines aren't as bad as I expected! Cool!


>> No.8328778

Don't spend all of your money on the first day. Don't try to do too many things. Enjoy yourself.

>> No.8328789

Any panel recommendations? I'm not sure how I feel about panels since I don't like the idea of sitting and listening to someone for an hour unless its really interesting. So far I've picked up that Oregon Trail is a must go.

>> No.8328826
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Who wants a Saitama mask?!

>> No.8328833

Holy shit me, where are you gonna be this afternoon/evening?

>> No.8328840

I'll be in the dealers hall for a good bit wearing an oppai hoodie and a Saitama face. Tell me genos sent you and ill give you two.

>> No.8328846
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>mfw, my badge is free again this year

>> No.8328930

Oh shit I hope I'll make it in time!

>> No.8329008

Hotel person here

$55 for one night
$100 for two nights
$125 for three nights

>> No.8329058


Wait, what?

As in you work for one of the hotels and you know there's rooms for that price

or as in you want a roommate and you're offering those prices?


Come to Hentarmageddon! We have dinosaurs! And manga!

>> No.8329074

Ten mins away from Rosemont. Need a damn shower.

>> No.8329244

I hate wigs in heels fuck cosplaying omg

I'm the nurse akali if you wanna say hi

>> No.8329252

I would hate wigs in heels, too. They would be really hard to walk in.

Not the op but I think that's the hotel-anon from >>8328563.

I'm not attending this year so please report back with photos, everyone, so I can live vicariously through you.

>> No.8329265

>worried I wouldn't have enough material for Hentarmageddon
>suddenly realize I now have to pick what material to cut for time

eh, fuck it, there are worse problems to have

>> No.8329267

My feet. I think I'm going to die.

>> No.8329296

A friend of mine is in the artist alley and she's getting really pissed at disrespectful congoers.

Apparently her merch is getting ruined because people keep setting their bags on her table to look at other people's stuff.

>> No.8329377

Where's a place to buy alcohol within walking distance of the con?

>> No.8329391

can she charge the people who did it for her merch

>> No.8329442

Pain is gain for cosplay

>> No.8329531


Depends on what you consider walking distance. There's a liquor store like a mile and a half north, I think.

>> No.8329558

At the hyatt on the couches. Who wants to sit and chat? I'm temporarily crippled due to heels.

>> No.8329629

I was thinking to myself, "wow I haven't seen a lot of exhibitionist cosplays." It was like an oppai summoning ritual

>two league cosplayers with boobs everywhere walk by
>some girl in an exposed skintight plugsuit walks by
>and then a ryuko

Like this girl was completely exposed. She didn't have the fake boobs, they were real. And she was wearing a skirt that came like halfway up her ass and showed the whole thing. I did a double take because I was so surprised. So sorry ryuko-chan, I was staring at your ass, but in shock, not admiration.

>> No.8329646

I was just taking a break in my room. Are you in costume? maybe I will come down

>> No.8329649
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So who here /hasntleftyet/?

Going by car? Coming down from Milwaukee or something? Wouldn't mind pickup...?

If you're shocked, overhear some of the aircrew conversations

Some rather...liked, the displays

>> No.8329653
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>> No.8329657

Back at the Westin to change and tare a break. Anything that is must see so far? Dota photo shoot had 4 cosplayers. League panels were shit with Wikipedia tier trivia. But the artist alley had a dude selling some dank

>> No.8329664
File: 2.51 MB, 4128x2322, 20150515_134809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> dank
Pokemon keychains and prints, lots of variety. I hate my phone.

>> No.8329675

alright, if you are still there in 10 minutes I will come down and say hello

>> No.8329747

Thats Kaitlyn Clinkscales' work. She's amazing. The guy at the booth was probably her husband. She makes great stuff and I make a point to get something when she's at a con I'm at.

>> No.8329842

I'm not extremely self conscious of my body, but Acen is not the type of environment in which I'd be comfortable showing my ass. I have to wonder how they do it.

>> No.8329981

To whomever was going to room with me in the Aloft Fri-Sun, did you ever get a room? Did you not come? You stopped replying...:(

>> No.8330012

Yeah she was behind the booth but doing more art. I'm so impressed with the artists. I'm blowing all my money on gifts for friends.

>> No.8330030
File: 80 KB, 528x960, 10479534_819483624808262_8675201955061394323_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, this asshat has 'photobomb' on his shirt.


>> No.8330040

It's my first time here. And I want to buy all of the things. And I probably can. Send help. So far just a Miki chibi but I sense impending doom

>> No.8330042

Half way through handin out Saitama masks! Met one friendly anon so far hope you enjoy those masks!

>> No.8330045
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Fucking holiday inn

>> No.8330106
File: 255 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-05-15-19-59-50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There goes my entire schedule.

>> No.8330134

How good has it been so far? Was thinking about driving up tomorrow. I had an appointment today I couldn't miss, but I was thinking making a day or two would be doable if it was a good one.

>> No.8330144

Just got back from the Maximun Weeabo panel. If the guys who run it post here that was actually awful

>> No.8330155

Oh god. All these people are so young.

>> No.8330158

Meet up? Floor 10

>> No.8330163

Anyone want to meet up at the Rosemont Marroit

>> No.8330188

Hi I'm Kanji

>> No.8330197

Maby, we are doing anime hell, Maby a bit of midnight madness, then were gona watch Rebellion when we get back to our room

>> No.8330222

>take first hit of weed in six months on walk to meet friend at her room
>am embarrassingly high, like it is taking an incredibly huge amount of effort to type this or focus on anything
>walk into room FULL OF STRANGERS...friend is in back of room and I am forced to wade through an entire cosplay group all of whom think I'm crazy
>chat nervously with friend for a while, leave, get lost in con center, still haven't gotten to anime hell line

Dear god

>> No.8330234

Im down. I skipped the rave and left my friends behind. Kinda lonely

>> No.8330256

We can meet up after anime hell for a bit of midnight madness, we Parked at the cta

>> No.8330265

Any cute guys/grills?

>> No.8330266

My friend pointed you out, good job.

>> No.8330270

Why tf would you skip out on Synergy? I almost flew out solely for that!!!

>> No.8330290

ended up back at the hotel early. i went to the neptunia panel in the morning and left after 10 minutes because of how laughably bad it was. ruined my taste for panels all day

>> No.8330301

Well, I'll post when we are headed back.

>> No.8330313

Is it actually worth? Eating weeb food at the Westin and drinkan

>> No.8330330
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Yukako anon here. All the seagulls I met today were super chill and I had a blast. Especially foul mouthed Nanako.

>> No.8330336


raves arent my thing.

>> No.8330350

yo why isnt this line moving

who died

>> No.8330360

no, wrong person. I've been going to Hardcore Synergy since it started and am sad to miss out on it this year

>> No.8330362

>fire alarm

Oh god DAMN it

>> No.8330372

well, so is everyone. fire alarm i guess

>> No.8330376
File: 2.12 MB, 3984x2988, 20150515_224559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 fucking years in a row

>> No.8330379

I do my best!

>> No.8330382
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>> No.8330395
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now this is raving

>> No.8330404

To the Team Rocket anon who helped me with my transportation issues, thanks once again and sorry if I was less than cordial. I was feeling super ill and once I got home I literally fainted on my bed from exhaustion and migraine. I took some Midol and now I am back from death's door. You two had super cute cosplay btw.

Holy shit girl I saw you on the couches and didn't know you were anon's sister. You looked great! Your build really worked for that sweater dress. I was gonna yell "Lanaa" at you but figured you heard that shit all day.

>> No.8330408


>> No.8330418

Yay, about time... I bet it was the fucking furries again

>> No.8330423

So whatya doin now anon

>> No.8330426


>> No.8330428

One for the ambulance count!

>> No.8330434

Smelled faintly of natural gas on the 21 floor of the executive wing. I literally was coming out of my room to go to Perks.

>> No.8330435

Rave firetruck is best firetruck

>> No.8330445

You guys got a fire alarm but im at the Comfort Inn and the power for the whole block was just out for an hour.

>> No.8330448

I just remembered I took a shit about 5 minutes before the alarm which is why I might have smelled "gas."

>> No.8330468

Went to check out speed dating panel, line filled up around corner an hour ahead. Line was entirely guys, but it's to be expected.

> tfw no cosplay gf

>> No.8330490

Curious as to what they expect if they can see the line is almost all guys.

>> No.8330514

I have no idea. I saw it like two years ago, same story.

I think ni might have solved it. Free passes. Make a panel you know will fail because no woman will show up. It's genius.

The guys there are mostly the loner autists thoug. Not to hate, but you know the type. The type who ruin panels by shouting all the time like they're in on the jokes. decent looking guys too though

>> No.8330533

That's is some evil genius right there.

>> No.8330575

Yeah, tell me about it. Most panels are garbage anyways though.

>> No.8330590

anyone in oregon trail panel?

>> No.8330595


>> No.8330640

Should I bring my speedlight or is there enough light already? I don't want to go blinding people to get a photo.

>> No.8330670

Well, anime hell ended late, fucking fire alarm, if you still wana watch rebellion with us let me know

>> No.8330675

Anything going on right? Might come tob the Hyatt as Coach from left 4 dead.

>> No.8330678

Ambulance count 2, this time a friend. Drink responsibly kids. Seagulls we should hang out tomorrow, I need to salvage this weekend.

>> No.8330693

Oh man, Anime Hell. Haven't laughed so hard in a long time.

Dude next to me kept yelling "YEAH!" at every third joke, but he seemed so ecstatic I couldn't hate him.

>> No.8330702

When is the next meet up?

>> No.8330714

Looking for one person to come to the game room to play elder sign. Take this unique opportunity to play games with THE Christian Lemur.

>> No.8330717

Man does midnight madness suck

Anime Hell was fun though

>> No.8330723


This. I spaced completely and missed it.

>> No.8330728
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>> No.8330732
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>> No.8330746

Seriously. Fuck you acen for switching the dances. Fuck you fuck you Fuck you. I was so happy amaya would be playing Saturday at that time slot.

>> No.8330765

Proly gona start soon anon, last call

>> No.8330788

Kanji anon here.

My 1st ACEN and after 1 day I am wiped out.
>motel 6 gave me and a friend a single bed when I reserved a 2 bed


>> No.8330792
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Saw that. Hope your friend is Ok, anon. You at the Marriott?

>> No.8330805


Holy shit, what?

>> No.8330841

>that shit route

>> No.8330865 [DELETED] 

Why do I get so sick over these con romances? I end up rooming with a woman and I come back to her in bed with another man. Fuck. Fuck. Why?

>> No.8330871

lmao u fuckin beta

>> No.8330879

That's what you get for rooming with a whore

>> No.8330884
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>we're rooming that means we're boyfriend and girlfriend now

>> No.8330938

Glad you had fun! It was awesome hanging with you.

>> No.8330991
File: 321 KB, 601x444, https%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2F73252e9a90a6636da037c43398a69f24%2Ftumblr_mlztxlasTu1ru5krro1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Les speed dating tomorrow hollaaaa

>> No.8331040

The people in my room won't shut the fuck up and it's 5 am. Why are people so rude and inconsiderate. Not even trying to whisper or anything

>> No.8331041

Anyone play Werewolf?

>> No.8331044

Why are you such a fucking loser?

>> No.8331065

I've been out all night and want to get more than 2 hours of sleep for the biggest day of the con?

>> No.8331102

Don't worry man, I understand. There's tons of other places to have fun and tlak freely and it isn't your hotel room at 5am.

Are you making it obvious you want to sleep?

>> No.8331118

What's the best bro-op game in the gameroom? I'm looking to kill a lot of time there today after I drop my friend off at her booth.

>> No.8331146

She was, but we're in the Westin. I'm still deciding what I want to do about it.

My friend wants to see your cosplay at some point.

>> No.8331254

Trips confirm highness

>> No.8331257
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Hunter X Hunter meeting was super fun.

>> No.8331260

/g/ here, don't use the public WiFi hotspots in the Hyatt, some of them are fake.

>> No.8331262

Due to the fire alarm, for some reason they decided to make the soap bubble Friday and the synergy Saturday. So do emergency situations always cause them to make piss poor choices? I still have a bad taste from when they cancelled half the masquerade

>> No.8331265
File: 1.10 MB, 2592x1944, DSC00175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best cosplay ever.

>> No.8331269

Wut. Are you kidding me? I missed the fucking soap bubble?

>> No.8331283

To be fair, I have seen a huge shift toward the synergy in the past couple years. I personally enjoy it more but it makes me feel like acen thinks that those who actively attend the dances don't care about the music as long as it's loud and in a room with pretty lights.

Whatever. I'm going to make today awesome. Wearing a cosplay that I'm really proud of and I'm still happy I didn't miss banvox or pas lam system

>> No.8331312

Are you me? Did your roommates stay up to finish a cosplay too?

>> No.8331315

What was the story behind the post this is responding to?

>> No.8331324

Some guy was mad because he came back to the hotel room to see the girl he was rooming with was in bed with another guy.

It didn't even seem like the guy posting even liked the girl.

>> No.8331402

Anyone got a black eyeliner pen? I totally forgot to do my scar for Kanji

>> No.8331430

Nevermind I got help

>> No.8331453


Gonna cosplay as Goat Butler from Umineko and playing the violin in the main corridor area in.the convention center. HMU.

>> No.8331470

Pantyhose are already torn and I have a blood blister. Thanks Obama.

>> No.8331492

Did anyone happen to attend my panels yesterday? jojo, anime around the world and underrated manga. Looking for feed back

>> No.8331499


Went to Jojo, had a blast! I wanted to ask about Araki's Tesla novel but couldn't remember the name (something something Eccentrics). Nothing that I can really suggest for it aside from maybe keeping the body of the panel spoiler-free-ish, then open up a discussion about favorite parts/characters/whatever with a spoiler caveat. I dunno. Fun panel!

>> No.8331550

Yeah I wanted to bring that up but our main guy was too enthusiastic. Its 'the lives of eccentrics' and araki did one story for it.

as for spoilers sorry! my imtention was to keep it at minimum but then I just let a few slip out

>> No.8331570

First person to yell "I'm a seagull!" at Hentarmageddon gets a prize.

>> No.8331584

Too much shit going on at 10 PM yesterday. Anyone up for a meet up at the Hyatt`s second floor bar at 10 again tonight? That's the traditional time IIRC

>> No.8331613

Kanji again.
Who here has sewing equipment and can fix a rip?

>> No.8331639

Anybody got a hotel room my friend and I can crash at tonight?

>> No.8331651


OH NO! You didn't do anything bad re:spoilers, I'm justsaying that at the end you might want to have an open discussion for series die-hards, but preface it with 'Hey, there's gonna be hella spoilers so leave now or forever hold your peace'.

>> No.8331652

Where's the meetup this year?

>> No.8331653

Just saw a Kanji and Quiet in the Hyatt. I think was them seagulls

>> No.8331687
File: 7 KB, 178x193, avatar_1406810420931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know Quiet is a.seagull.

Anyway, why is this convention full of loud ass spoiling autistic fucks lacking common sense?

>In line for Ryukishi07's When They Cry panel
>Chilling and relaxing before panel
>Loud ass niggas come and start spoiling shit right on the spot about "lol rosatrice" "lol sayo/yasu"
>Jesus fuckin christ stfu you retards

Pic related. MFW

>> No.8331700


Because this is their only outlet. This is their only place to feel like not awkward austists so they go around doing stupid shit like that

>> No.8331730

It's kinda sad really that's their only outlet is to be idiots in public. I mean I've done some stupid ass shit myself but at least i learned from it (the hard way but better than this sugar coating shit today).

Btw I'm >>8331687
Forgot my name

>> No.8331770

I wonder how many pregnancies happen at ACEN...or STD's for that matter...

>> No.8331783

probably more pregnancies than std's tbh
People seem to keep to themselves unless I go out of my way to force a conversation. Am I doing it wrong? or are there different circles or something

>> No.8331811

I live down the street from the convention center and I'm here in this thread to see what's happening in my town. Anyway, please contain your degeneracy (or as you call it, cosplay) to the part of town we've given you for the weekend. I hate going to Subway and seeing a line of some fat 30 year olds dressed up as Sailor Moon. Makes me lose my appetite. Also, stop pulling the fucking fire alarms for fun every year.

>> No.8331855

I'm down.

>> No.8331867

I'm down for the Hyatt bar at 10pm!

>> No.8331906

Seagulls, I ran out of things to do. What should I do?

>> No.8331954

I can do the Hyatt as well

>> No.8332008

I'm the Kanji. Me and Anon's Sister are still hanging out at the hyatt.

>> No.8332017

I wondered why I came back and none of my shit had charged.

Do we know what happened with the fire alarm yet?

>> No.8332045

hachikuji where you at

>> No.8332048

Is your friend hot and a woman and dtf?

>> No.8332074

Where at? Bar?

>> No.8332081

Were chillin' on the elevator couches at the hyatt.

>> No.8332098

Missed my nap alarm. What's the haps?

>> No.8332125

It's araragi, wanted to get a picture

>> No.8332150

Ah okay! Yeah I'll be down soon at the dealer's room

>> No.8332193

So did they really fucking move synergy to tonight? On the app it says they both are at 10... I wanted to go to soap bubble

>> No.8332197

They did. Soup bubble played last night. There will be some soup bubble did playing tonight too

>> No.8332216

Yo violin man was that you next to the restaurant? Ur pretty qt

>> No.8332223

I wasn't near the restaurant.

>> No.8332229

There's some dude playing a violin tho ur name is deceptive

>> No.8332241

Was he black?

>> No.8332267

Well, the Fighters shoot was a bit of a bust. Plenty of great people showed up, but only like a third of the cosplayers at the con. Plus, no one was there to organize so about 5 of us took charge.

Jojo shoot was aces, tho. Even if about a quarter of them randomly showed up and/ or left early.

>> No.8332270

Wore my Sheik today. Any other seagulls see me? I need pics!
I was the hyrule warriors version.

>> No.8332284


I'm chilling at the hyatt restaurant though if anyone wants to chill

>> No.8332287

At the red bar?

>> No.8332300

Seconding this. Please don't come into Park Ridge/Chicago or Norridge.

>> No.8332309

We drove by you and said seagulls

>> No.8332314

Which one are you

>> No.8332336

>one friend is an emotional w're in, only wants to do photo shoots and get drunk
>other friend didn't even bother getting a badge, is just sitting in room afar away hotel with a bunch of cosplayers I don't know and wants me to come be sober with a room full of drunk strangers, will bitch her head off if I don't join her

Goddammit, does anyone come to this con to do con shit beyond wearing costumes?! There's games, panels, viewings...

>> No.8332347

To be fair most of the panels this year are pretty shit. Plus the game room sucks

>> No.8332355

Panels sucked megadick, except Oregon Trail

>> No.8332375

No, two males but we have pot and are willing to share

>> No.8332392


I've hit up multiple panels and showings. The Robotech panel this morning was aces, Tony and Richard are real class acts.

>> No.8332411

Yo seagulls, anti-rave anon here.

Since I got a second chance, I guess I'll go to Synergy tonight. Look out for the bespectacled black and white shirt anon and teach him how to dance please.

>> No.8332440

I think I did get you. Were you with a Link?

>> No.8332446

Dude, I'm at the Red Bar and this Homestuck bro is wasted on the couch and this chick has been macking him for like 30 minutes straight. Hope she doesn't rape him. He is gooonnnnee.

>> No.8332450

whats with all the loud yelling people. Ya'll gay.

>> No.8332465

I wish I'd seen you, Sheik is awesome.

>> No.8332489

Thank you for noticing

>> No.8332493

People yell just at the idea of breathing here. Also I'm gonna go to /cgl/ chat while my bf goes to McDonald's. JOIN ME

>> No.8332517

How's the lolita programming been? This is the first time I haven't been at ACen in a fairly long time, and I've mostly left lolita. Did I miss anything good?

>> No.8332527

We're all still going to the hyatt bar second floor at 10???

>> No.8332533

You joining your bf? I'm headed to McDonald's

>> No.8332561

>tfw I just won the Monokuma Mystery panel

Feels so good, man

>> No.8332574

make sure to get in the line to the rave early seagulls

>> No.8332611

So are we meeting up at the Hyatt bar at ten?

>> No.8332615

I'll show up at the bar at 10-10:30 depending on the food I just ordered. This is my first acen and I'd like to meet some new ppl.

>> No.8332644

Who werewolf here?

>> No.8332651


This game room is piss poor, and the panels overall suck. This seems to be a bad first Acen, but it's still enjoyable thanks to the cosplayers.

>> No.8332652

>tfw cucked by the bar for the meetup

>> No.8332656

Underage? Half the guys im hanging with are too, shit sux

>> No.8332660

Yeah, two of us are

>> No.8332661

>tfw spending time in the video game room instead of going to panels
My favorite anime is VIDEO GAMES

>> No.8332699

Is this for famous seagulls only, or is a lurker still planning their first costume allowed to join?

>> No.8332706

We can meet outside the bar? Anyone is welcome.

>> No.8332707

Heading to red bar. I'm the Kanji. So should I look for?

>> No.8332712

I'm in a yellow shirt and jeans, no clue who kanji is tho

>> No.8332725
File: 3.75 MB, 5312x2988, 20150516_220413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for more at the meetup look for the steel chair

>> No.8332733

We are in the bar the first group you see as you walk in. Guy in red alpaca tshirt

>> No.8332739

What's the haps with the two squads on the way towards the con?

>> No.8332741

Kanji you got af; but eugh I'm done with my roommates fuck them I'm ready to ditch them

>> No.8332743

Anon sister where r u omg

>> No.8332744

/ck/ here. Sorry I'm missing the meetup. The bar requiring 21 years old kept me away. I can be there in 20 min if you'll still be there.

>> No.8332752
File: 1.12 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go you weird fucks

>> No.8332782

Omg so ducked ip

>> No.8332785

Yeah dude i passed you on the sidewalk i was super impressed!

>> No.8332830

Did anyone else see Saxy at the moon kitty productions AA booth? Holy shit what a butterball.

>> No.8332846

At Garzeys Wing panel/viewing. Room full of screaming weebs, tiny projection screen in a giant room. Plus panel leaders constantly yelling into the mic and cant tell them apart from the dub.

>> No.8332848


Welcome to hell m8

>> No.8332866

Welp, something came up and I had to leave the con literally minutes I could get to the meetup.

Anyways, I was the Araragi with a Kyuubey backpack. I saw a lot of you guys, especially at the Jojo panel, but didn't get to say much.

I regret missing Oregon Trail because that sounded like a blast, and now Hentarmageddon. I guess there's always next year.

>> No.8332885

Anyone planning on going to the my immortal dramatic reading? My roommates are lame and haven't left the room since 7.

>> No.8332897

Hentarmageddon is in panel room 15. I thought it was in Panel Room 7. So yeah, PSA. As, uh, the guy running it.

>> No.8332906


>> No.8332923

>make friends with cool, smart guy with similar interests at con
>start talking about our theories and stuff and really getting in depth
>agree to hang out more since I am alone at the con
>next time we meet immediately starts putting out vibes and miladying left and right and I can see him picking out curtains in his head
>trying to spend money on me and now things are 80% about me and only slightly about our shared interests.

I know this type of person, and they are the sort to just persist and persist even with a flat out no, or at best would pine over me while pretending to be fine with just being friends. I just wanted to talk to some who knows their seacats dammit.

Speaking of which Lambdadelta if you are a seagull, you kind of came off as a bit of a cunt. I am not saying you are a cunt but anytime people tried to talk to you, you came off as a bit uninterested and stuck up.

>> No.8334100
File: 15 KB, 192x201, 1408060592077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My husband and I loved your Jojo panel! We are looking forward to Panel Tendency next year. Because you guys finished up the informative part after about an hour, I was thinking for next year maybe add some games? What about, "Who's that stand?" in the same vein as "Who's that Pokemon?" with guessing the pose silhouette. Or maybe, the Jojo test (if you've seen it around /a/ -- basically, guess the character based on the face alone. Pretty challenging!)