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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8325392 No.8325392[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

We have a feels thread and an unpopular opinions thread.

It's time for a confession thread.

>> No.8325573

I have a terrifying urge to cosplay the Suicide Squad movie version of Harley Quinn.

I'll look like a basic bitch, I know, but...!

>> No.8325647

I think wearing lolita has made me a prude. I started last fall, and now summer is coming around again and I feel so uncomfortable in my skimpier summer clothes. Other people dressed skimpy also gross me out now a lot more.

>> No.8325663

Faggoty vent-confession

I'm tired of my basic ass friends stressing over cosplay when every single one of them has only one costume each. Fuck you untalented twats for taking your frustrations out on me out of fucking jealously. I've been doing this loser costume shit since I was 14 and now that you all are getting into cosplay, you slap all these passive aggressive "wow where did all your skills come from??" remarks across my face.

Fuck you tantrum-throwing assholes. If I can suck up my mistakes and move on, YOU FUCKING CAN TOO. Quit fucking whining. Idgaf about your cosplay issues, just stop taking it out on everyone in your life. Cosplay isn't life. You have one fucking cosplay and expect to be cosfamous just because you share your skin tone with the character big fucking woop.

Sometimes I'm really sick of hearing your cosplay insecurities because you completely disregard mine and talk shit behind my back by hiding the statuses on fb.

I don't even want cosfame fuck you. Fuck your remarks about my "popularity" it was just like 100 notes on tumblr. That's like 50 people going "oh cool *shrug* *scroll*. Fuck your smugness. Fuck you.

I hate what you've become. You ungraceful fuck.

>> No.8325669

i think darshelle stevens is only popular in cosplay photography because jeff dotson and zim promoted the shit out of her

she isn't extraordinarily talented and is basically a bad digital artist at best

i think everyone jumps on the hype train because they all have this FOMO but nobody wants to admit it

i also think it is a lame trait of millennials to seek out funding on crowdsourcing sites

people my age had a name for it......it was called investing but back then we usually got something out of it like dividends or shares in a company the thought were going to be succsessful

when we had enough of them we sed to call them ASSETS

these kids today are going to be in for a wakeup call

>> No.8325674

Anon, I feel this. Whenever my friends talk about notes on tumblr I want to tell them to fuck off. Notes on tumblr are the stupidest shit in the world to gauge popularity with. Tumblr users will reblog literally anything.

>> No.8325717

Fuuuccckkkkk I'm tired of one of my friends trying to weezle her way into every group I do. I wouldn't care but when she's in she tries to guilt me into making her fucking costume for her since she can't make anything worth a shit.
Probably bc she buys the cheapest crap she can get her hands on. Oh, that Kona cotton not turning out as nice as my dull satin? No shit. No I won't fucking make it for you, no I won't buy you worbla, fuck off.

I'm pretty sure she's noticed that I might be the happiest with her after she's tried to whine to me about how much better my costumes are *hopeful stare* bc now she's tryign to budy budy up to another girl I cosplay with a lot even tho she was rude as shit to her at first bc I grouped with her all the time.
I don't understand this, I'm not the best cosplayer in the area, do your own fucking thing, practice on your own to get better. You won't get better if you're spending all your time trying to get me to make your shit for free

>> No.8325737

Jnigs started that mess to get her 20k fans in 2 days and that snowballed. Zim is no longer involved with her work.

>> No.8325742

Most of the AC Boardwalk Con cosplay guest slept with Manu Bennett to get featured.

>> No.8325766

My comm is relatively new (about three years old), and I went into it really disappointed. Most of the members were ita Bodyline- or replica-chans who had never seen brand in person before. They vehemently stuck to the idea of "brandwhores" existing and couldn't believe that my simple non-print dress wasn't $300 because "brand is sooo expensive!"
I ended up complaining about them a lot and sharing stories of their weeby stupidity here on CGL. There were a few times I posted meetup pictures too. None of them knew about CGL at the time so nothing happened.
But now I feel incredibly guilting. A lot of them have blossomed into really good Lolitas, and own brand themselves. There are still some itas but they're pretty friendly and I get along with them well. I can't help but feel like an ass for being so two-faced about it all.

>> No.8325770

"she's wearing bodyline, i can't be friends with her"

*closes forever 21 cardigan and croses arms *

>> No.8325964

stop fucking using me for ur shitty 12-y.o cossuprai, I AM TRYING TO VE YOUR FRIEND, BUT YOU KEEP FUCKING USING ME.

>> No.8325994

Stop asking where people buy their printed fabric. Stop. Cut it out. They got it online - and they found it by fucking looking for it.
It's not hard. It's not the 13th crusade to search "pink cat fabric" in Google or Taobao.

This is particularly rude if you're asking someone through the store that they're selling the piece on.

>> No.8326013

lol is this the DC comm

>> No.8326023

No, different country.

>> No.8326298

That's not what I gathered from this at all

>> No.8326468

My extremely attractive normie friend cosplayed my otp with me, but used me for sex down the line. Since then I've cut off contact with him.

I still use our otp pics for my own gain.

>> No.8326508

One of the girls in my best friend circle realized that thick brows make her feel better about her appearance.

Her brow filling is complete shit and makes her look ridiculous. They actually make me feel better about my weak brows.

Part of me wants to make her aware of it, but I'm gonna leave it alone because I'm a salty cunt and she talks a lot of shit about me thinking I don't have snitches.

>> No.8326514

I think nicole (sheena) is a gold digger who will unfornately keep on getting away with "oh no please pity me cause monty would have wanted this, also donate to me" only because 99% of his fans are that dumb

>> No.8326538

I don't mind the monstrous amount of Attack on Titan cosplayers at each con because I think the belts are super sexy.

>> No.8326560

My friend thinks her bf is 10/10 perfect and they cosplay their otps together. She throws tantrums when they don't get a lot of tumblr notes on their "DSLR high quality photo" cosplay makeout sessions. She seriously questions why they don't get more notes.

I don't have the balls to tell her that her boyfriend is a lanky ugly betafag with a rattail and blonde pube facial hair.

(pov shift) Your makeout photos aren't fucking cute and they're seriously disgusting. No one wants to see them, just keep them to yourselves to fap to. Also, quit divulging us with all the deets of your nasty sex life, idgaf if we're best friends, I don't want the image of you and your ugly rattail bf attempting anal. Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.8326572

I think ugly cosplayers shouldn't have pages and/or post pictures with their face in it. It's chill if they want to show us their crafts, but their ugly mugs should be kept a secret.

>> No.8326578

I am the only member of my cosplay group who still watches anime. At cons all they do is walk around trying to get photos, and complain if I want to go to a panel or event.
Some of them are getting into lolita, and I brought over kamikaze girls to watch with them, and one commented about how she hates old school style and only wants to wear OTT and now I realize we are all just attention hores and its sad

>> No.8326628

There's this one girl in my comm who keeps trying to shoehorn her ugly-ass boyfriend into our meets. She's a shit-tier lolita, replicas and office shirts abound, and her BF looks like a homeless person.
I'm so sick of all of her shitty opinions on everything, her constant bawwimg about her life, and especially her lying about her health.
Learn to fucking Google the name of your 'medication' at least, and don't say you're prescribed something you only get by IV in hospital.
FFS, at least be a consistent asshole.

>> No.8326649

I was catsitting for one of my friends and it clawed into one of my IW dresses and damaged it. Out of rage, I grabbed it and snapped its neck. I told her it ran away after I accidentally left the window open. She was really upset at first, but very understanding and told me everyone makes mistakes. I bought her a kitten for her birthday out of guilt, but I still feel like shit every time I see a cat.

>inb4 troll
I fucking wish.

>> No.8326651

Not liking the fashion in Kamikaze Girls doesn't make you an attention whore.

>> No.8326663

dude what the fuck.

>> No.8326664

If you aren't fucking trolling I hope she finds out the truth. You need fucking therapy holy fucking shit. I can understand accidently hurting it but you purposely killed it over a god damned dress. I hope you never are around any other animals again. You ought to be feeling a lot more than guilt to be honest.

This makes me so upset I want to cry. I'm so glad I don't know you because I don't want to ever be around a person like this.

>> No.8326669

Nice copypasta m8
What is it with bait stories, cats, and Innocent World?
> inb4 someone posts the dead kitten in a IW parcel one to this thread too

>> No.8326672

Wasn't that a different story? With newborn puppies or something?

>> No.8326678

There could be more than one?
The one I remember some anon was trying to convince people that a dead kitten arrived in their IW parcel, but they somehow only noticed it after realizing their dress was covered in piss.
And of course they vanished after people started asking for proof.

>> No.8326680

It's a dress. You can replace it. You can buy your friend all the kittens in the world but you can't replace the life that cat lost. Goddamn.

>> No.8326681

I distinctly remember this exact story posted to lolisecrets in 2009 or 2010. I don't think I ever saw such a successful bait on that community.

>> No.8326686

This is fake then? Thank fucking god, I am so upset over it, it's making me absolutely sick to have to think about. If it's suppose to be a joke, I don't think something like that is funny.

>> No.8326690

One of the girls in my friend group has been dating this dude for a while but he's a lot older, creepy looking and in polite terms, slovenly. He makes me so uncomfortable and just ew.

also other confession is I wear corsets to give me the figure I need to wear brand.

>> No.8326698

I want to be in a comm with flawlessly dressed girls dripping with drama. Epic drama, not just bitches talking shit about each other. I want every meet to be worse than the trashiest reality TV shows, while I keep to myself and never get involved in shit.

>> No.8326702

i love dating older (and less creepy) guys, especially the ones that have money shower you with gifts~

>> No.8326704

>If it's suppose to be a joke, I don't think something like that is funny.
Posts like that aren't meant to be jokes, hon. The point is to get the exact reaction you're giving. They're trying to disturb people.

>> No.8326709

A creep is dating one of my younger friends and lured her into bdsm when she was 17 and he was 21. They met through con volunteering. I wanted to report him for statutory rape but it would have ruined the friendship between me and her.

It's been two years and I find myself annoyed by her. I wish I had reported it.

>> No.8326715

It's bait, anon. Deliberately fake or exaggerated stories meant to grab people's attention and get people talking, good or bad (normally bad.)
To be honest it's one of my favorite pastimes, you always feel a small sense of accomplishment when your stuff slips by unnoticed. But I don't normally go for things as extreme as this, because normally they fail. This story works well because the reader's rage over the poor cat will briefly eclipse their rational judgement of the rest of the story, long enough for them to post a comment or get into an argument with somebody.

>> No.8326722

The majority of the convention community (especially cosplayers and photographers) makes me fucking sick. The never ending shitstorm of drama and backstabbing that happens in Every. Single. convention scene makes me feel ashamed to be associated with you people

>> No.8326732

You're a shit human.

>> No.8326742

I... what? Anon, I didn't write that story. I'm just explaining how it works.

>> No.8326747

I'm not trying to be edgy because I'm probably not the only one thats done this, but I've masturbated thinking of planned lolita purchses several times. It's because I tend to alternate between intense sexual thoughts and then more general pleasant thoughts (if not lolita, romantic stuff or swimming in a tropical sea) during the sort of refractory period between orgasms.

>> No.8326749

>I wanted to report him for statutory rape but it would have ruined the friendship between me and her.
>21 and 17
Not that it's not creepy, but a 21 year old shouldn't be on a sex offender registry for the rest of his life for fucking a 17 year old. That's a freshmen/senior age difference and is actually far less creepy now than it would have been then. Plus, I'm sorry, but a 17 year old consenting to sex with someone four years older is not a fucking victim and perfectly able to make those decisions herself. That would have been a serious cunt move on your part to report him and probably wouldn't have been successful anyway, since all she would have to do is refuse to testify in court that they did anything sexual. Unless you had solid evidence (like video tape level solid, but then they'd just arrest you for having cp) they can't do shit without her cooperation.

>> No.8326751

>To be honest it's one of my favorite pastimes, you always feel a small sense of accomplishment when your stuff slips by unnoticed.
I know you didn't but you did admit to being a baiter in general. The cat story isn't so bad because it's so obviously fake.

>> No.8326755 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 430x301, dead_cat_wire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're far too sensitive for 4chan, sweetie

>> No.8326757
File: 948 KB, 245x219, okay....gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only post fake secrets to BtB. I think you're barking up the wrong tree here.

>> No.8326760
File: 10 KB, 430x301, dead_cat_wire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're this offended by the concept of trolling, Tumblr my be more your jam. It's clear you're far to sensitive for 4chan.

>> No.8326767

This is why I usually don't point out when I know a story is fake. Given anon's butthurt levels toward you, she deserved to have thought it was real.

>> No.8326780

I know how trolling works, I've been on 4chan for four years. I still think people who troll to make others distressed as a pasttime are pointless shifts, even though I usually scroll past it.

>> No.8326783

This is really fucking hilarious to me for some reason, holy shit

>> No.8326789

this dude isnt a sugar daddy boyfriend. he's creepy and just eugh.

>> No.8326795

Baiting doesn't always mean distress, anon. There are tons of fake stories out there intended to make people sympathize, rage, relate, laugh, etc. These are all baiting since they're faked scenarios designed to get a certain reaction.
Made up or dramatized stories didn't even start with the internet and certainly not 4chan, c'mon now.

>> No.8326802

I will note that nother of my friends was dating an older guy too and he sigar daddied everyone almost. Making props for us, offering to help us sew, random help with accessories etc. he's a cool dude

>> No.8326807

>my only non-cgl-related hobby is writing gay fan fiction
I really want to become a more well-rounded person, but I just don't have many interests outside cosplay, jfashion, and things that are somehow related to either of those hobbies like anime and sewing. When I started getting into more expensive, less entry-level cosplay and fashion like lolita I dropped all my other hobbies that cost money (like ice skating) because I couldn't afford to pay for them as well. And then I've just gone off some other things I used to be into, like listening to music, over time. I suppose I need to find something to do that's free, but that isn't just a passive, TV-watching hobby.

>> No.8326816

tes 1234

>> No.8326817

>feeling this morally superior to trolls
I'm sure you're a flawless human being yourself, anon

>> No.8326852

I have a massive crush on my friend that lurks here. I can't tell if it's requited or if our conversations are just the egoistic circlejerk they appear to be but I don't even care I haven't felt like this in forever and am thoroughly enjoying the friendship.
He doesn't know I'm recently single because I prefer people thinking I'm still in a relationship. We're hanging out soon, I get to wear my favorite jfashion, and my other friend couldn't go so it's going to feel like a such a date to me.
>posting this with the off chance that they read it is exhilarating and nerve wracking

>> No.8326876

I don't want to betray people's private Facebook information so I won't post complaints or meetup pics from my comm here, but I work out my rage at the underage weebs in my comm by screencapping their statuses and introduction posts to discuss and laugh at with a non-lolita friend.

>tfw only through seeing pictures of itas did he realise that I actually look damn classy in comparison and no, not all lolitas look equally ridiculous

>> No.8326901

People will always be fukbois on the internet, 99.99999999% of the time it's not worth responding to, but dayum it gets annoying, especially when they say they're good at it

>why am I saying this

>> No.8326933

>tu quoque

>> No.8326991

If you're going to use incredibly pretentious phrases to look smart, at least use them correctly

>> No.8327045

I hate so many of the trip/namefags on cgl. Most of them do not do anything to warrant namefagging. Stop it. Take off the fucking trip and post as anon like everyone else here.

>> No.8327079

Lmao, salty much?

>> No.8327085

Hmm what was incorrect about that?

>> No.8327091

No, they're right. Tripfags are one of the worst cancers on this board. They'd be much less annoying if they weren't so tryhard and attentionwhoring, but if that weren't the case they wouldn't feel the need to have a name on an anonymous board in the first place.

>> No.8327095

she needs to can his ass then. no burando? no booty for u. its as simple as that. i only put out when they put out their CC for me.

>> No.8327097

Exhibit A

>> No.8327105

The phrase "tu quoque" is essentially a pseudo-intellectual way of saying "pot calling the kettle black". The anon you replied to never claimed ethical superiority over you, but simply pointed out that you most likely aren't morally perfect enough to act so high and mighty over people who post the occasional bait on the internet. Therefore, you were misusing that phrase.

>> No.8327135

Where were you when the troll earlier posted about some kpop star being a prostitute and everyone glazed over her animal abuse bc clearly, someone being a hooker is more upsetting than someone harming an animal for fun.

>> No.8327139

Oh no I'm not the original anon they were replying to, just some other fag - and I said tu quoque to comment on their appeal to hypocrisy

>I'm sure you're a flawless human being yourself, anon

It seemed to me like they were shifting the heat from them by answering a criticism with a criticism

>> No.8327148

>swimming in a tropical sea
Fuck you I laughed.

>> No.8327158
File: 306 KB, 400x299, facepalm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how many anons are actually in this conversation now? I should have never explained the bait... never explain the bait, gulls...
> To clarify I'm >>8326715 >>8326742 >>8326757 but I didn't post >>8326817

To get this thread back on topic:
> I used to post outfit shots up for crit hoping for ass-kissing because I thought I was a perfect 10/10 lolita who could do no wrong
> I knew people might try to crit me but I figured I could simply talk them down with my ~superior knowledge~
> Mfw nobody would even comment anyways

>> No.8327165

Or don't bait in the first place kek

>> No.8327168

Dude I know how you feel. I've lost interest in a lot of the things I used to do, now all I do is window shop j fash and draw while browsing the internet.
I can't even get into movies like I used to, and for awhile I was even burned out on music.

>> No.8327172

Damn you sound batshit crazy..

>> No.8327198
File: 197 KB, 689x1159, panty_n_stocking_with_garterbelt___stocking_vector_by_ab_anarchy-d6s539l.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> really likes Stocking
> would only wear a Stocking wig and a BL black dress/basic goth coord for cosplay sex
>would not be caught dead as her in public because of all the attention whoring busted looking 15 year olds who dress as her

>> No.8327222

I'm in a similar boat, I've been getting into skincare to a point where it's literally becoming a hobby. Granted, I have other hobbies too, but most of them just burn me out because I keep comparing myself to others all the time instead of having fun. I love taking photos but editing them is a hassle and I've become such a perfectionist that it's turned me off of photography. I used to improve rapidly but then I started visiting /p/ and feeling bad about every photo I've ever taken because they nitpick the shit out of everything. Now I look at my old ones and I actually like them better than the photos I take now when I've 'developed my own style'. God, what a shitshow.

it's one of the reasons why I'll never get into cosplay.

>> No.8327260

Somebody I know wanted to get into lolita so i sent them to milanoo because I really hate them.

>> No.8327265

I like you.

>> No.8327292



>> No.8327416
File: 468 KB, 1280x883, salt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really really REALLY hate mintxmint [or better fit bitchxbitch]
shes butt ugly, looks like a pig. her face is long and fat. she looks like a bitch. her tattoos are/look stupid as fuck. shes too tall. her thighs are huge. shes generally pretty fat, not obese or anything, but for lolita standers shes pretty big.
she has a nice wardrobe and her coords are pretty cool, but its all wasted on some fat uggo pig! seeing her anywhere makes me beyond salty. im a nice person and i dont hate many people, but shes just an expectation. i hate her so so so much. if i met her in real life i think id literally vomit in the bathroom. that stupid ass fat ugly bitch makes me sick.
i know i sound like a jealousy salty cunt, [which is accurate] i just had to get that out. i dont want too hate her, i have nothing to put against her, but i cant help it... why must i be a salty bitchy hater cgl? i honestly feel bad for hating her so much.

>> No.8327432

I enjoyed watching Heroes of Cosplay for the drama.

>> No.8327448

god her fucking ap tattoo is embarassing

>> No.8327452

This is what I do. Some people just aren't good enough for the fashion.

>> No.8327528

That's a beatufiul idea anon I feel ashamed I didn't think of it myself

>> No.8327534

You had me for the first part, lost me for the other half.

I've never felt so closeted about liking anime as I do in lolita fashion. It's so weird since lolita does plenty of collabs with animes. There's so much judgement with these lolitas I know, much more than randoms irl and people who generally hate "nerd" things. Hell, this board is even melded with cosplay.

Maybe I just know awful bitches in my comm since I know this isn't a total norm? Jesus, tho, do some of them fight it.

>inb4 u just a weeb

I've literally said nothing about it, no anime merch or behaved in any way that's weebly. It's just been brought up and they slash it down the same minute.

>I want to believe i have some fierce closeted weebs and embarassing former ones around me

>> No.8327535

I don't mind them when they have a lot of expertise in a certain field. Some of them can be really helpful, and when you've seen them posting here for a long time, you can know that they at least have the experience to back up their advice. Sadly, most aren't like this and fall more into the shitposting category. I don't even have to name names here, we all know who the worst offenders are.

>> No.8327546

>But now I feel incredibly guilting
You mean guilty and you feel that way because you were acting like a stuck up bitch. Instead of showing the girls how to use Lace Market and Yahoo Japan you just used them for target practice. If you want to make it up to the community and yourself you need to go onto lolita communities and give people the constructive criticism and help you should have been giving those girls.

>> No.8327555

I'm very insecure about my thighs. They don't touch or anything, but I feel like most of my fat is just hanging there and it disgusts me. It doesn't help that thigh fat is one of the hardest types to get rid of (apparently, I'm not super into /fit/ stuff but that's what I've heard.) I have a slim upper body, and luckily my boobs are the perfect size for most brand, so I think I just have a weird body shape. This is part of why I love lolita so much- I never have to show my pasty-ass thighs and legs, since they're well covered up beneath all my petticoats. I always get really self-conscious about wearing shorts and stuff in the summer, but I love the modesty of lolita.

>> No.8327612

I did, actually. I think that's what fueled my frustration a lot, which then resulted in posting to CGL. I made a list of places to shop, shopping services and their fees, how to order from Taobao, and so on. All the comments were similar to "I can't afford brand, though! Ahh I found Milky Planet but it's like $500, so not fair! Why is this site in Chinese? $40 for a petticoat? Only rich people can afford this stuff!"
I didn't mind that they weren't the best dressed, but it was sometimes embarrassing to be around them. They would keep touching my dresses, try to hug me, follow me around, and try to pick me up in their arms. They'd ask invasive questions like where I got my money, are my parents / boyfriend / sugar daddy rich, do I wear brand every single day, etc.
I don't really know what else I could have done -- I think a lot of it was just due to their age. That doesn't make posting about them to CGL right, though. I should have just kept my mouth shut and waited for them to grow up, or even just have left the comm and gone back to being a lone lolita. If I really needed to vent, I could have simply talked to a close friend rather than putting them on blast. Setting clear boundaries and trying to gently tell them off probably wouldn't have hurt, either.
I had a lot of growing up to do as well, clearly with how I handled the situation. There were a million and one ways I could have dealt with it in a graceful manner, and I definitely won't deny that I was (and still sort of am) a stuck up bitch. Up until recently I took everything very seriously too and had a hard time just letting go of things that bothered me. I think I'll take your advice and try to influence some positive change from now on rather than just reinforcing the negative.

>> No.8327669

Maybe I'm just a salty gull but fuck you. It's the rotten people like you in communities that breeds distrust if they find out and ruin newbies usually right when they're getting good. You really do have to show them the light. I've done it to quite a few people and I've never regretted it. Being a good brandwhore swan is not shredding little ita ugly ducklings. It's taking them under your wings.

>> No.8327681

"I'm nice" lmao ok

>> No.8327694

i agree so much, its baaaad

you dont have to believe me. i have nothing to prove to an anonymous person on 4chan lol