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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 52 KB, 960x466, mefirst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8321105 No.8321105 [Reply] [Original]

We always have SOMEONE who has to be first and this time it's Sosenka with a new League champion named Ekko who was JUST announce a few days ago

>> No.8321138

nothing wrong with doing a makeup test with they hype... except for the mohawk i really like this.

>> No.8321150

...is that blackface

>> No.8321157

I'm not into LoL/cosplaying it, but at least it not going to be as popular as Jinx. Seeing as how this person is black and no one wants to deal with tumblrtards and muh racism.

Reverse google and also searching "sosenka" tells me that this person is Italian and did a race-swap. With out looking too hard its almost passing.

>> No.8321166

At least this looks pretty decent neck-up. Better than people who rush to make full cosplays with scraps & the fabric closest available.

>> No.8321168
File: 56 KB, 960x393, 11080916_1030034820359079_5717049027491818245_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omg She's the same one who did that Ahri with the horrible fucking liner.

Why did that Michone cosplayer get so much crap then? I thought she was black until someone was like "But she's Russian!"

>> No.8321246

At least this person looks good. 10/10. Very nice. Like... Seriously.

>> No.8321251

It looks so bad to me, like the skin tone is 1 dimensional with no highlights, the mohawk is too tall and long. I think it will look infinitely better with someone who has natural hair/straightened for the mohawk and naturally dark skin. Once more skins come out there should be alternative versions which may make this champion more popular, especially if the alternative skins whitewash her like nidalee's alts.

>> No.8321258
File: 119 KB, 954x800, coolcool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She does have good makeups. People have only posted the ones that they don't like, but she is pretty good with blending and such. Im rather impressed. This Viktor is fucking cool as hell.

>> No.8321264

Youre reaching. You're reeeeeally reaching. This is pretty good. Especially for just fucking around. Also there are highlights. Look harder, anon.

>> No.8321269
File: 134 KB, 600x314, michonne-cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related? Her features are super obviously white and she tried to change her nose shape to be more accurate to the actor's but if failed miserably and made her look even more bad.

>> No.8321304

Don't forget dragon blade withewash talon!

>> No.8321332

How am I reaching by saying it doesn't look good to me? Lmao, okay anon.
For every character there's multiple versions, that vary in skin complexion and thematic presentation, so it's almost unnecessary to even have to change your skin color and make it darker. 90% chance any skin she gets will be whiter.

I find this cosplay of the character unappealing.

>> No.8321335
File: 98 KB, 640x755, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know much about her, but from what I have saw she mostly does makeup right? I've only seen her in a couple costumes in photos. If you wanna talk "me first" post this kid.

>> No.8321364

I like Kadeem's stuff too. He was the firs Lucian. :3 This girl isn't trying to be first though. She is just doing makeup.

>> No.8321534

League is a cancer

>> No.8321582
File: 10 KB, 197x225, 10345810_641543945962125_3313342222055329720_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8321600


Nigga thats blackface

>> No.8321615

Thats not blackface. Black face is meant to be insulting. Thats where the term came from. This is someone fucking around with makeup with no intention of being racist. Holy shit. Go back to tumblr with your bullcrap. She isn't doing this as a cosplay, its a fun makeup thing for her of a fiction cartoon character. Holy shit.

>> No.8321621

looks too old, makeup is good tho

>> No.8321637
File: 22 KB, 298x409, blackface_3910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hahahahaha like hell thats blackface

>> No.8321642

Hee hee I painted myself to look like the darkies.

Not racist tho~~~~

>> No.8321724
File: 95 KB, 640x960, 11258199_1611867762391432_5150245539290415984_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah, fast.

>> No.8321813

Jesus Christ.That's fucking terrifying.

>> No.8322324

I wish she had a better wig and didn't just airbrush the red on the shirt. She would actually look really good.

>> No.8322601

I want someone to do this outfit in black and red.

>> No.8322621

I actually like this. Why are you guys so butthurt that a white girl did it first?

>> No.8322722

Not bad, but missing some tattoos, shitty execution on the shirt, very non-Harley facial expression in pic

7/10, just needs some small improvements

>> No.8323902

She's a makeup artist you idiot, she isn't cosplaying these characters. Lay off.

>> No.8323977

People who complain about someone doing something first are usually just mad they didn't get to it first. Pretty stupid and childish, just like how people type FIRST whenever someone posts a new video on YouTube or something.

>> No.8324141

Mohawk is too far forwards.

>> No.8324148

Literally just came back from the opera and the lead singer was a Russian lady made up to look like an Ethiopian princess. No one batted an eye.

>> No.8324207

You clearly don't know shit then.

>> No.8324370

the blackface is offensive

>> No.8324376

caring so much about race that you ignore the creativity and artist aspect of something is fucking offensive.

>> No.8324378
File: 47 KB, 641x640, spikeshrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What isn't offensive to you?

>> No.8324379

that sounds shitty

>> No.8324386

To whom?
You? Your white apologist sensibilities?

>> No.8324389

it doesn't even look that good,are you self posting?

>> No.8324394

dicks in your face

>> No.8324400

my ancestors were slaves too and people have offensivly pretending to be them for years aswell.i can relate.

>> No.8324423
File: 114 KB, 500x387, 1423376470998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"my ancestors "

>> No.8324425

? problem whitey?

>> No.8324437

Not at all actually. I'll let Darwin sort this one out.

>> No.8324455

theres nothing to sort out,my momma was raised in a era when clean water was only served to the fairer skin.

>> No.8324460

No, you can't relate at all and it's incredibly ignorant to pretend it's anything alike.

>> No.8324471

its ignorant to assume that its nothing alike when i haven't even mentioned the race.

>> No.8324475

darwin fucked his cousin.

>> No.8325455

Different anon. You have got to be fucking kidding me if you think this doesn't look good.

>> No.8325471

It doesn't. Shit's patchy and caked on.

What do you expect when someone paints themself to look like a different race, though.

But do'nt worry, it's not racist because the token black guy said so.

Sorry Maguma, you hot but you delusional as fuck.

>> No.8325578

You sound not only like the delusional one here, but also mad jelly of this person in OP's pic.

>> No.8325591

First off, I dont know what Meguma is and secondly, it isn't. If you look at Ekko his face paint IS caked on. Its cracked in some places. I don't see how her makeup is cakes on to the point of it being unbearable to look at. Everything is smooth and the contouring is very good. This isn't an insulting black face. It isn't even blackface. I am so tired of fucking sjq ruining shit like this. especially something that isn't even a cosplay. Its just fucking around with makeup and it is a super good makeup on top of that. Much better than her last one from the Walking Dead.

This is a GREAT way to show people who will cosplay this character what you could so to look more like Ekko and branch off of here as a base for their own originality for the champion, Its a fictional fucking character. A CHARACTER. Take your tumblr sore ass back to where it came from and let those of us who appreciate her job actually talk about it.

>> No.8325675

Loving a character and wanting to show your admiration by dressing up as them and honoring the accuracy by painting your skin which is the total opposite of blackface which is meant to make fun of a racial stereotype?! DATS RACIS HONKY

>> No.8325882

she looks like a indian (as in from india) shaman,nothing like the pic so even if the make up was done well it still looks stupid and racist.

>> No.8325887

why not do it on a black person then?no matter how many layers you put on your face you are not going to look black somethings always going to be off like a white person tanning.

>> No.8327358

>mad jelly
not a fucking chance

>thread gets commented on by person literally named MAGUMA
>bitch cant even type whats already in front of her face

this whole thread reeks of fucking selfpost attention whoring samefag whiteknight bullshit.

And the makeup is super caked on. Ekko is young and fresh looking, not slathered with a base thats a different colour from his own skin. The contouring isnt even the same shade as the skintone, and you can see her [probably your] pale ass skin poking out under the streaky bullshit.

Go back to putting too much eyeliner on for Ahri, cunt.

>> No.8327369

It's been done since the opera's inception, but have fun trying to find black opera singers in Northern Europe

>> No.8327372

For research. Get it right

>> No.8327434
File: 64 KB, 625x743, 0309043936491d414d3f3e3e9e617a777cf4565d8d565f2b8600933f5e0cdaed[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

k not mad jelly, but

>> No.8327698

Im not this person, you idiot.

>> No.8327821

>being this mad
you look like shit,do it on an actual darkie next time you facist.

>> No.8327825


>> No.8327827

in the original I think the red of the shirt is airbrushed

>> No.8328506

>ITT person in OP barely hides her identity as she whines about people not liking her shitty makeup

I forgot to quote the picture of the robot dude (don't LoL, never have never will sorrynotsorry) but that was also probably her asspatting.

>> No.8328601
File: 189 KB, 1309x834, areyoueventrying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8328612
File: 97 KB, 626x460, 1428299443200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't need to sleep anyways.

>> No.8328878
File: 676 KB, 1139x693, Screenshot 2015-05-15 at 9.57.58 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, it's a different part sewn onto the shirt that has been dyed and bled down just a little and most of the dye is concentrated into the seam. I used to have a shirt similar to it but it was blue instead of red and had no words on it.

>> No.8328957

what's going on even

>> No.8329010


>> No.8329015

u selfpostin

>> No.8329127

I'm the third anon you quoted and I'm not OP pic, lol nice try

>> No.8329137
File: 428 KB, 500x270, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>op pic
>original post pic
grandma kei is alive

>> No.8329169

You retard, I was specifying that I wasnt the girl in the pic you're so unbelievably buttmad about, not OP who posted it

>> No.8329177

League is the worst fanbase for this kind of shit. The problem is that there are people who actually give a shit and are all "ERMAHGERD DAT COSPLAY".

>> No.8329504
File: 132 KB, 310x354, autismintensifies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8330082

>its almost like balck opera singers aren't in Europe and/or tour there back in the 1800s.
Oh wait

Before you start spouting idiocy, get your facts straight
> theroot.com/articles/culture/2011/05/blacks_in_opera_a_history.html

>> No.8330478


Yeah, still not the makeup person, but okay. Defending someone doesn't make you them. Im just laughing that you are still at it thinking this makeup person is me. Especially with only one quote being mine out of those 4. Lol.

>> No.8330484
File: 237 KB, 500x280, laughhulk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They think Im them too. People are mad that there are people who actually like this makeup because it is pretty damn good. Im having a good laugh at the anon quoting so many quotes together and thinking it is the makeup person and the same people. Its making them look like a dumbass.

>> No.8330489

I'm not talking about the 1800s, I'm talking about a modern domestic production of the opera Aida and the fact that you'll be hard pressed to find a black opera singer in fucking Russia. Stop pretending that your 5 minute googling trumps living in the country in question all your life.

>> No.8330494
File: 56 KB, 480x480, 1431633387997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are just your shit opinions

>> No.8330508

So are yours. Some people like it, others don't. You need to calm your tits and find your bloomers.

>> No.8330587
File: 40 KB, 433x367, 1431494977988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you first

>> No.8330630

You're a fucking idiot. Take your ass outside your front yard then, don't act like its impossible to find something if you aren't even looking. You're right I don't live in Russia, but I do live in Europe. Quit making excuses.