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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 79 KB, 341x606, cs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8320452 No.8320452 [Reply] [Original]

Does this count as cosplaying?

>> No.8320462



but it's a bit on the tasteless uncreative side.

>> No.8320517


>> No.8320521

cosplay is about tits and attention

so this one is perfect

>> No.8320543

Those boots and chest glitter are hideous. Also, what the fuck is she supposed to be?

>> No.8320546
File: 93 KB, 736x910, 5750c9fb246c51be42fc3625a71c571b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That looks more like a rave outfit, especially with the leg straps, rave outfits have those a lot.

If she's taking it to a festival where everyone's doing this, cool. If she's showing up at a con and being like "this is my goku" get bent

>> No.8320552

It's a DBZ inspired rave outfit
It's not a cosplay though

>> No.8320625

I understand that it's a rave outfit but she could have at least coordinated her bra rea. It looks dumb and sloppy becaus of that bit.

>> No.8320642

I thought her bra was intentional because of goku's blue arm things

>> No.8320669
File: 22 KB, 236x236, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8320670


Blue bra, blue boots. They're not the greatest match but I think that's the idea.

>> No.8320739

nope but it does count for being a complete raver/EDM whore.

>> No.8320744

needs more larger photo.

>> No.8320987

Someone's salty.

>> No.8320996

lol the jelly in this post

>every girl who works out and goes out dancing in tight, cute clothes is a whore!

lol nope. try hitting the gym some time fatty and maybe actually getting out of your comfort zone and you can find a bf too.

>> No.8320999

The Disney one's are a guilty pleasure. I end up making my own though.

>> No.8321002
File: 1.96 MB, 1440x900, oh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That person is probably the standard seagull.

Bitchy, pretty but insecure, and attacks anyone with self-confidence. Wants people to feel just as bad about themselves as she does.

>> No.8321013

>standard seagull

I got bad news for you bro...Most of the guys here make better girls than the actual girls.

>> No.8321018

Most of the guys here think they're a lot more attractive then they are. Hottest guy is Maguma, then Vallelator. God is hands down ugliest.

Ukraine and that one chubby girl who did Mako are really beautiful, tbh.

>> No.8321034

Not really, they're just with a different mindset.

Little to no clothes->does this to self-validate->Most likely sleeps around a lot aka promiscuous->Whore

You guys are acting like any e-famous cunt who does shitty shit and when called out on it goes


There can be reasons as to why people dislike it, doesn't have to be jealousy.

>> No.8321042
File: 25 KB, 333x347, 1397176746464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chubby Mako

Get some fucking standards m8

Maybe girls just wear light clothes when they go dancing because they know it's going to get hot? Raves (real ones, not the shit half of you think con dances are) get pretty fucking intense. You can be outside in near freezing weather and still be burning up.

Not to mention you through various narcotics in the mix and...well you get the idea.

>> No.8321052

Are you a guy or a girl? I'm assuming you're a guy, I don't blame you for defending it, who doesn't want to see chics half naked.

But that's not really a great excuse for wearing as little as they wear, there are other clothes options that wouldn't be suffocating in the heat.

I'm not hating them exactly, people can slut themselves up as much as they want, they are free to do so but to pretend that it doesn't give some idea of their personality or how they are and it's only "clothing" is willfully ignorant. If you don't mind girls that have a high chance of sleeping with a guy they meet in 20 minutes. Then that's fine, I'm sure there are exceptions that some girls just do it because they like and don't actually slut around, but it's low.

Again, I'm not attacking them, but it is what it is.

>> No.8323129

Every whores denies being a whore. Nothing new under the bright sun.

>> No.8323151

I got standards. I got types and they fit them.

>> No.8328135

Fucking rave culture.

Disgusting and degenerate.

>> No.8328172

>Chubby Mako

Voldie is shit and your taste is shit

>> No.8328177

love it when women with nice bodies feel the need to suck their gut in anyways

glad to see even good looking women get self conscious eventually

>> No.8328183

I appreciate it but fuck you for calling Senpai ugly.
The other.

>> No.8328188

at least sluts are honest with their intentions
they like sex, feels good, want to do it with a lot of men they find attractive.

women who dress conservatively, who still sleep with men casually, date a bit, gold dig a bit and manipulate others are the ones that have a lower moral standing imo

>> No.8328191


>doing what their biologically programmed to do and doing it well
>weller than sluts
>makes them immoral
>implying morality isn't subjective
>implying if it was objective, doing what you're designed to do would be immoral

holy moly get your shit together

>> No.8328192

ukraine is beautiful, most of the girls are on /cgl/ are...girls though

like 17-20

comparing them to a legitimately attractive woman isn't really fair game

>> No.8328198

Whores are the gold diggers, slut.

>> No.8328200

they have a lower moral standing becuase women like that go through all sorts of rationalizations for all sorts of acts.

from false rape accusations, to lying in court

a lot of women like that get emotional and delusional as well.

"well yeah i killed his children, but he never let me sleep on the right side of the bed"

act innocent to manipulate men into getting into relationships with them and then just complainand use people

>> No.8328207

Those two aren't mutually exclusive though, I've met sluts who've tried "trapping" some guy with a kid and I've also met one other slut who was ray of blubby sunshine more of a friend to me than all my other "non-slut" friends.

Where as some of those same nonslutty cunts were the ones cheating, lying and being extremely manipulative as well as non slutty other friend being loyal to a t, really submissive to her husband, respected him, never insulted him etc

you get the idea.

What sieg said>>8328200

I'd take an honest slut over a cheating housewife any day

but a good loyal wife or gf who love and supports her husband/bf is wonderful too.

Idk where I'm going with this I'm rambling.

>> No.8328264

>rave guys

Um no, at that point they just want his wallet and no bitch is going to be honest to your face about taking your cash.

>> No.8330203

What the fuck is a rave guy?

If you are a guy who goes to a rave you're either one into categories; guys who work out and don't wear clothes, or guys who don't work out and shouldn't even bother showing up.

Also can we PLEASE stop calling Con Dances raves? They're really not, and are usually just embarrassing.

>> No.8330209

You bumped this thread from death just to make an autistic statement like this.

Just let this thread die already, holy shit

>> No.8330214

Fuck you, I find this topic interesting. Just don't respond you faggot.

>> No.8332839

That is a pic porn star Madison Ivy posted of her DBZ rave outfit she wore to POP NYE (a rave)