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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8292951 No.8292951 [Reply] [Original]

Didn't see one in the catalog. This will be my first Animazement in a long time.

>Any other seagulls going?
>will there be a /cgl/ meet?
>planned cosplays?
>planned coords?
>stuff to do in the Raleigh area near the con?

etc. I'm pretty excited that Shinichiro Watanabe is going to be there. Also surprised that they got someone as current as ROOKiEZ is PUNK'D to perform. I'm sure there will be a lot of painfully bad Yowapedal cosplays at the concert.

>> No.8293130

I'm going. My main board is /m/ I doubt I'll see any of you at the con though

>> No.8293326

Crispin Freeman just got announced that he'll be there on Saturday only.

>> No.8293706

/m/ is my secondary board so you never know!

>> No.8294414

I'm gonna be cosplaying for the first time, I'm going as pilot Amethyst from Steven Universe.

>> No.8294717

I will be a Snork from S.T.AL.K.E.R.

I don't think I count as a seagul though.
More /k/fit/

>> No.8294780

I'm going to be in lolita all con but I will keep an eye out for you both.

I'm definitely interested in a seagull meet, but it seems like Animazement is a pretty low-key con compared to all the others that have threads right now.

>> No.8296075

Let's do a meet then since we do have a few folks here.

How about Friday and Saturday, 10 pm in front of the Sir Walter Raleigh statue, then find a bar nearby, I like the flying saucer but there are other spots in town. If you're under 21 don't be afraid to come chill at the bar, most downtown bars are over 18 friendly in town.

I would love to meet my fellow /m/en and wo/m/en! I'll be cosplaying as Kamen Rider Gaim Kachidoki arms!

Also I fucked up this year so no Rider Panel, if there is any toku anything, probably not run by me and its probably this one sketch dude who only plays toku ops, never discusses the shows at all in his panel. We'll see though, Raleigh's toku fanbase has picked up recently.....

>> No.8296107

>Raleigh's toku fanbase has picked up recently
I am so happy to hear that, you have no idea. I moved here from out of state last year and I was hoping to see some fellow Kamen Rider fans!

>> No.8296166

There's a few of us out here!

>> No.8296896

I'm going op I'm actually somewhat local I go to NC state there's alot of things to do in Raleigh just depends on money and what it is you're looking for. Feel free to ask anything.

>> No.8296910

I'd be untreated in the meet as well

>> No.8297485

The Facebook comm is so annoying.

>> No.8297618

There are like three of them, though only one is actually moderated, so the others sorta turn into a /b with training wheels.

>> No.8297629

its always littered with people asking "am i attractive" and "look at my fat person oc! lolololol"

>> No.8297751

I'm not really big on drinking, though if the meet ends up in a bar I won't mind (I'll just have a Shirley temple or something hahah). Is there anything to do late night other than bars or Waffle House?

>> No.8298320

Every time I look on the main Animazement Unofficial it's shitposting for lawls, desperate no bf/gf people, those wanting asspats for bad cosplay, and the people who ask shit they can find on the website but don't bother.

At least the Animazement <3 group is less obnoxious.

>> No.8298460

The <3 group is effectively the successor to the old forums community. They also send all of the lonely sadpost people off to the groups devoted to that kinda hook up thing, sorta like how here people looking for con booty get sent to /soc or something.

>> No.8298501

>to that kinda hook up thing
The convention singles group? I joined, saw all the desperate straight men outnumbering the straight girls 3 to 1 and then left immediately.

It's a bigger wreck that the convention speed dating panel where the host basically went "We should just put a line of tape down on the floor and all you gays can stay on one side and everyone else on the other." when people that weren't straight were trying to join and feeling awkward about people they weren't interested in trying to speed date them and wanting some sort of differentiating sticker or something for same-sex speed dating partners.

>> No.8298597

What's up with the maid cafe coming back again? I heard last year the line was ridiculous when all it was were random girls in cheap maid outfits serving crap tea.

>> No.8299229

I'll be going this year, I'll be busy but maybe I can make it to a meet

>> No.8299274

I wandered into it, saw the girl running it made all of the posts that weren't guys introducing themselves, decided it was an attention whoring group, wandered out. Kind of a downer given it'd nice to find new people to do cons with, but I'll stick to finding them the normal way.

What exactly are you expecting at an anime convention?

>> No.8299917
File: 93 KB, 704x960, 11182130_358708197655798_640793952372901630_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they believe they're on par with the Anime USA maid cafe.

>tfw you're debating not even bringing your maid outfit because you don't want to be mistaken for one of them

Bad enough that this is the usual 'kawaii maido' outfit I see at the con.

>> No.8299975

It's gonna hosted by the Marriott cafe this year, so it /should/ be less of a shitshow.

Expect cringey maids and awful dances.

>> No.8299982

So they're serving actual food this year or what?

>cringey maids letting this go to their head and thinking they're celebrities or akin to event staff
Really hope they don't start asking for free reg or hotel rooms because "But I'm an official Animazement maid!!"

>> No.8300015

I have no idea. Somehow I doubt they know either, considering how last minute everything seemed last year.

>> No.8300021


see >>8300015

Sorry, I forgot how to 4chan for a minute.

>> No.8300029

I'll be going with my friend. First time ever going to a con, or being in this scene at all really. I have a Yasogami High uniform from Persona 4 that I'll be wearing, I don't really have the time to invest in more detailed/more character cosplays just yet.

Hopefully this experience won't be too bad, but horror stories of cons always gets me.

>> No.8300060

Animazement was my first con, Its not a bad starter by any means but, Once you go to bigger cons it does lose its luster a lil bit. But hey cant Beat hometown cons eh?
thats hsit happens every year, you think they could pick out not stupid kids for maid work that understand exactly what their role is. I work staff for another con and our volunteers do this shit thinking their staff, just because you get a break room and signed up to work doesnt make you staff yo~
I think you just described every maid cafe.....
oh my god, AZs groups are a riot, even better though there's this one support page made by people in the hook up group and the shittier AZ group and they made some kind of "reach out" group that basically turned into " THIS PERSON I DATED FOR 3 WEEKS AND THEYRE A ABUSER, UNFRIEND AND REPORT THEM, THE LETS BE ABUSIVE AND SLANDER THEIR NAME WOOOO" and the people they usually post are the most normal people I met who wanted to try dating somebody, broke it off because they were nuts, now theyre slamming them on that group and messaging their friends to remove them.
And the main perpetrators are adults, NOT TEENS.
Raleigh's gonna be filled with a ton of special snowflakes in 5-10 years....
>so the others sorta turn into a /b with training wheels.
Oh cool I'm about to start working there this month, gonna be working to attend some of their classes in fall.
If you need furniture or other things fixed and you live on campus Hit up Maintenance and ask for the tallest person there. I'll help ya out anon!

>> No.8300062

You ever make such a terrible spelling error you debated going back to elementary school.


>> No.8300221

Sometimes I wonder if the Animazement unofficial group members even realize that staff are watching everything they post.

Like do they not realize that if you say you're going to go around publicly intoxicated, brag about having concealed alcohol, and other things that they're not going to either print out your picture or commit your picture/name to memory and specifically keep an eye out for you? Like I ain't even staff but you know they're not just going to ignore that.

>> No.8300314

Bring your maid outfit anon, I'm going to be bringing mine too.

Hearing that they're shitty maids makes me sad. Whenever there's a maid cafe I don't apply because I think I'm not cute enough, though I do have experience being a waitress. Oh well.

>> No.8300321

From what I've seen none of the outfits match, which I guess is me being picky, but most of them are the super cheap bedroom looking ones and if they do have a decent maid outfit they don't bother doing hair or makeup so it just brings the whole look down.

If you're bringing yours then I'll bring mine. Just think of it this way anon, you'll look cuter than the actual AZ maids. Especially if you've got some kind of cutesy prop to go with it like a fake parfait or tea tray.

>> No.8300327

Oh shit a fake parfait would be adorable. Now I'm wishing I had bought a food purse off of aliexpress a few months ago, practical AND matching the theme.

It's sad that leg avenue shit is so common. I have a bodyline maid outfit and it's pretty damn adorable and the quality is quite nice.

>> No.8300351

>Friday and Saturday, 10 pm in front of the Sir Walter Raleigh statue, then find a bar nearby, I like the flying saucer but there are other spots in town. If you're under 21 don't be afraid to come chill at the bar, most downtown bars are over 18 friendly in town.

I'm just quoting this to keep it relevant. Does anyone else have meet ideas? Quoted sounds decent to me and unless something else comes up I'll plan to be there.

>> No.8300401

Thought I'd bring it up here, but if you're staying at the Hampton that's listed on AZ's site, check your rooms. It's been getting bedbug reports.

>> No.8300402
File: 46 KB, 700x580, sweet-fluffy-lace-bow-knots-stars-cosplay-maid-dress-costume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine is Ebay but it's pretty good construction and one of the higher-end designs that doesn't get bought as much. I'm hoping to upgrade to one of the cutesy ones later.

Pic related.

>> No.8300428
File: 246 KB, 700x1200, costume767-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's super cute, anon! BTW what day do you think you'll be in your maid outfit? I can try to wear mine (pic related) on the same day.

>> No.8300439

Not entirely sure, sorry. Depends on if I have room for it since I have two other costumes as well. I guess I'll just say Friday? Since I want something without heels for Saturday.

>> No.8300445

Aw those are both really cute. You guys should join the maid cafe to make it not so bad

>> No.8300454

Definitely not. I'd lose my mind if I volunteered to do customer service for free to a hoard of dudes wanting to oogle me. I've got no interest in men.

>> No.8300490

Don't buy this, it's a stolen stock photo from joybank.

>> No.8300500
File: 20 KB, 404x364, MaidCostume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay that's fine, not saying you have to. I'll be there because I was hoping to make some convention friends. Also I know there's just as many girls who want to go for the maids. There's a high chance it will be horrible, I wont make any new friends, and I'll never participate again but eh, worth one shot.

This is what I'll be wearing, with a long pink wig

>> No.8300509

>pink wig with pink

>> No.8300512

Oh, I know it's from Joybank. I just grabbed the first off google I could find because I was too lazy to navigate their site or Cosmates to get it.

>> No.8300516

Hmm, well the only other wig I have then is a short silver-ish one.

>> No.8300519

Alright, well I guess that's fine, but I think mentioning it might be good incase some people want to buy it.

>> No.8300527

do the pinks match? it just might be really way too much pink and if they don't match like perfect it will look derp.

>> No.8300534

Yea, I can see what you mean. I'll have to pull the wig out to compare and test it with the outfit. If it looks odd I'll use the other wig.

>> No.8300571

I'll be there too, anon. Why? Because it's like a disaster that I can't help but see up close.

>I was in it last year. It was such a fucking shitshow.
>Head organizer wasn't even there.
>No predetermined method of making tea, seating people, or taking orders.
>Ran out of cups. Twice. Someone got more, then they ran out again.
>Maybe three petticoats in the room.
>Seemed like some interpersonal dramu was going on.

I can't really think of much more than that. But there were a couple of people who really helped out and tried to pull it together. They seemed cool- I hope they are there again.

>> No.8300599

>Because it's like a disaster that I can't help but see up close.

I guess if all else fails, there's that then

>> No.8300619

Any cringe worthy customers?

>> No.8300627

About what you would expect. Nothing really noteworthy happened, that I know of. The cringiest mostly just seemed really nervous when I talked to them.

>> No.8300628

How does one even become a maid for the cafe? Uhh asking for a friend

>> No.8300641

They have a facebook page that you ask to join, and then you sign up as a maid in the google doc that they have. That's pretty much it.

>> No.8300645

They were asking for volunteers on one of the Animazement FB groups.

>> No.8300659

There's a Facebook group. Just look for "Animanor Cafe." (I know) I think you just have to ask to join and sign up for a job on the doc linked there.

In all fairness, it does look more organized than last year. I think with AZ and the Marriott stepping in, things ought to be better.

>> No.8300696

Ah, I was afraid of that. I really hate using my Facebook. Thanks anons.

>i just selected guacamole as "sushi" and the captcha accepted it

>> No.8303418

Anyone aware of a lolita meetup?

>> No.8303488

I think there's somebody organizing something in the NC comm so if you're a part of it I'd just keep an eye on the Facebook page.

>> No.8303642

>mfw I've gone to AZ for 10 years and only seen under five legit lolitas in all that time

Where the hell do you all lurk the entire weekend?

>> No.8304597

downtown has plenty of bars and clubs that are nice other than that just places to visit for the most part

>> No.8305098

Apparently there's already mass confusion going on about the AZ Formal this year. Seems half the people wanting to go haven't realized that there isn't one and the attendee-run one is being considered the official one. Anyone else expect this to get shut down before it's an hour in?

>> No.8305846


pick one

>> No.8305882

Animazement's organization has nothing to do with it? It's a fan-run event that's being advertised on FB.

>> No.8306332

I'm a lolita, but I don't like wearing it to cons. All that walking means I can't wear cute shoes, it's usually absurdly hot, I look incredibly disheveled after an hour, I don't like having my picture taken... yea I just prefer to wear something comfy and casual to cons.

>> No.8306376

Ah, that's understandable. I'm new to the area and not a part of the comm, so cons are basically my only lolita outlet right now. I hope I don't overheat and die, hahaha.

>> No.8306691

At what point do we start the awkward in-character cosplay hookup shitposting? I'd check my watch but I may have lost it alongside my sense of shame.

>> No.8306952

lol I guess now that you brought it up anon

>> No.8307403

Okay then, post who you're cosplaying as and what you're looking for - groups from the same source for photos, someone from the show to walk the con with, crazy hotel room sex, etc.

>> No.8308106

>lolita and meido all con
>other lolitas and meidos
>looking for DS streetpasses and chatting about fashion

I think my roomie is going to be Zacharie from OFF, so if there are any other OFF cosplayers it'd be cool to coordinate with them for her.

>> No.8308658

I'll be doing Olivia from Fire Emblem Awakening and Sherlotta from FF:CC:EOT.
Looking for some cute items to buy and other fire emblem cosplayers.

>> No.8309315

why not just post pic of ourselves? lol

>> No.8309327

Please, anon. Don't ruin the mystery.

>> No.8309781

You could do that, I suppose, depending on what you're looking for. If experience has taught me anything, a lot of people won't have costumes ready this far in advance, but by all means start posting if you do.

>> No.8311351

Anyone else doing Fate characters? Seems popular again in light of UBW.

>> No.8312170

I am! I'll be Rin and maid Saber from Carnival Phantasm

>> No.8312493
File: 440 KB, 855x465, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is your weekend in a nutshell?

>> No.8312937

Really wanted to wear my gothic lolita coord but it'll be too hot.

So instead I'll be wearing it (hopefully) to Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween Party in September.

>> No.8313668

I mean it seems more appropriate then seeing them first time at the event and this isn't /b/ where people are going to be critical assholes either

>> No.8314423

Hate to ask on here, but I could only really make it if I had a ride. Anyone driving from or through the Virginia Beach area with room for one guy and his gym bag and large backpack?

>> No.8314451

Take the amtrak. It lets out about a 5 minute walk from the convention center.

>> No.8316238

...I didn't even know amtrak was a thing. God damn, do I feel silly.

>> No.8316262

Nonetheless, wouldn't mind riding with people. Probably shorter than 6 1/2 hours swapping busses and trains.

>> No.8316609

Yeah, I started out taking Amtrak since it was convenient and about $30 round trip for me. There's also Greyhound if you can't find a ride.

>> No.8316946

Convention is next week and I'm still scrambling to decide what to take.

All my costumes are more or less finished but it doesn't feel like it.

>> No.8316999

>Shinichiro Watanabe

This is the first time I've ever felt jealous of an east coast con.

>> No.8317035
File: 21 KB, 471x480, 1937482_10206249892831193_8807773166059884330_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good Photographers to look out for? I'm Thirsty for some good photos.

>> No.8317057 [DELETED] 

/r9k/ reporting in
going to get me that qt gf haha ;_;

>> No.8317725

/cgl/ a shit

>> No.8319425

>NC a shit

>> No.8319906

Looking at the weather and I'm cautiously hopeful that we won't reach 90 during the con.

>> No.8320954

If this truly were God's country he would bless us with balmy spring weather that never crests over 75. We are instead plagued by this devil animation from Japan that causes our weather to shoot up to "hell's asshole" levels.

>> No.8321039

10/10 Satire, made me laugh.

>> No.8321977
File: 185 KB, 801x1110, meidoooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to wear this one I got from ebay but I'm not sure anymore

>> No.8322000

tfw I'll only be able to really actually start on my cosplay five days until con

>> No.8322007

I'm actually going as Raidou (and hopefully One if I can get it done in time)

I'm also hosting a panel with my friend, but I have no idea what day it'll be on. since it's 18+

>> No.8322242

Make it look good and you'll be fine. Decided to suck it up and wear mine as well just because it's lightweight compared to the rest of my costumes.

>> No.8322591

Yooo, another gull who goes to State! Nifty c:

>> No.8322604

Raidou!! Awesome, I will definitely want pics of you. What days will you be in Raidou? Also, what's the panel?

>> No.8323266

Mentally I know I've got all my costumes ready (aside from some missing pieces that won't get here in time) but damn, I feel like nothing is done and I'm going to end up showing up to the con with something half-assed. Which would still be good by Animazement standards as long as you have a good wig.

>tfw you wish AZ had higher cosplay standards but at the same time everyone else in closet cosplay and cheap wigs makes you look better

>> No.8323444

Been twice, never cosplayed. I'm going as Freddie from Cromartie this year, going to be drinking so I'm not self conscious.

>tfw fit but still self-conscious

>> No.8323634

The fact that someone is going to be cosplaying from Cromartie automatically makes the con better. Good job anon.

>> No.8323700

Just don't drink too much or they'll toss you out since a family friendly convention.

>> No.8324256

I've lived here for too long I can fill in some things

>Don't wanna pay your parking tickets for the Marriott Parking Deck?
Leave the Garage at 11pm
>Looking for a Bar that Serves Breakfasts and Liquor in the Morning?
Visit Sam & Wally's
>Looking for Bars in General?
Stay on Fayetteville St. However the Oxford, Sono and ORO Bars will deny you access if you try to go in Cosplay.
>Looking for some Clubs?
Head down to Glennwood Ave. Its Near the State Campus which is pretty much to say it is on the NC State Campus. Its about 5 minute drive away from the Convention Center. However, its more for trendy people so you may encounter difficulties if you look like shit or try to enter with your cosplay
>Looking for Good Eats at huge costs?
Raleigh Times Bar, The Pitt, MoJoe's Burgers, and Mellow Mushroom
>Looking for something cheap other than McDonalds?
Plenty of restaurants near the Convention Center. Also Hillsborough Street takes you to NC State Campus which has a lot of cheap food for College Students on a Budget and a Chipotle.
>Did you know there is an Arcade?
Yeah its near Davie St. right next to the Pitt. Also doubles as a Bar.
>Looking for a Fun Park of Sorts
Adventure Landing, Rush Hour Karting, Frankie's Fun Park. All of which are out of their way from Raleigh but not too far from the immediate City. Specifically Adventure and Frankie (Frankie's is near The Airport / RDU). Rush Hour's is out there but its the best Go Kart in the area
>Good Parks?
Pullen Park its near the NC State Campus. It also has a Public Indoor Pool
Marble's Kid Museum, The Natural Science Museum and The History Museum. The Marbles Kid Museum also has an IMAX, which is also one of the few IMAX's in the country with a Actual IMAX Big Screen and not one of those Half Big Screens.
>Don't feel like Walking around Downtown?
Hail a Rickshaw they can usually be found near the Marriott Hotel

>> No.8324270
File: 255 KB, 635x380, construction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also Important notice. The Downtown area is undergoing construction. Specifically near the Marriott. Its not intrusive However it does become conducive to where you park but on a plus side. It does make the traffic situation easier.

Also if you don't feel like paying for Transport around the city for Food, Bars, or Entertainment. The R-Line Bus (Its a Green Bus you can't miss it) will take you around town free of charge. Which will take you to a majority of the places I mentioned earlier. It parks literally right in front of the Convention Center.

>> No.8324493

Has ANYBODY heard about the art alley? They haven't posted an update about it and neither me nor my friend who also applied to get a table next to me have heard a single word from the alley staff.

>> No.8324512

Sam & Wally's closed at the end of December. :(

>> No.8324535

The Greek fucker owns the cafeteria in the Court House and the Mediterranean Place on the Downtown circuit and owned Sam & Wally's. Really?
Da faq.

Oh well I guess people will have to get Eggs and Sausage separately while drinking liquor. It was a good place to feel depressed in.

>> No.8324582

I didn't know that guy owned all the things until I read the news articles about S&W closing. I liked the pizza there since it was a change from McD's and JJ's. I only went like 2-3 times.

>> No.8324601

They literally just posted the artist alley layout online

>> No.8324608
File: 863 KB, 718x800, nepeta_plushie-crop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anybody sold art in the art show auction? I'm trying to feel out how things sell, what sells, how much, etc. I'm considering submitting some small plush dolls I've made (pic related, obviously can't enter Homosuck ones though). I'm on the fence about going to the con (I live like 10 minutes away) and if I could make some of the $65 for the badge back at the con it would help convince me to go.

>> No.8324758

I think you could make some dosh on these yeah. Just make some popular stuff that doesn't have a million different official plushes already.

>> No.8325032

Volunteer anon here. I worked in the art room one year so I dealt with a lot of the pre-art show stuff.

Definitely put a buy it now price on your stuff if you're not expecting big bucks because it'll go faster. If you make a big plushie, it'll probably go to auction because of the size of it and more people wanting it since there aren't a lot of plushies in the art show auction. The art show auction is mostly paintings, little crafts, etc.

There's always one girl every year that does canvas paintings and every year her stuff goes to auction and sells for $100+ because it's so popular. I think the year I worked in there she did a TARDIS in space painting?

But yeah, definitely do some small plush dolls and price them with buy it now options but if you think you can, make a larger plush on something that's popular right now and see if it gets a lot of bids. I think you can also put a reserve on your items so they won't sell for less than what it cost you to make it.

>> No.8325064

Thanks anon for the long response! I'll definitely take your advice into consideration c:

>> No.8326548

Anyone needs a lift from the airport?

>> No.8326746
File: 173 KB, 487x522, Screenshot (587).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paid to make costume for someone
>puts it on to take stupid pictures with
>probably won't even wash it before sending it to the buyer much less tell them it was worn

Why would you do this?

>> No.8327040

Trying it on briefly to see if the construction feels nice isn't terrible, anon. But taking stupid photos while doing so and posting them to a con page to promote yourself is incredibly stupid IMO.

>> No.8329715

As it draws closer to the convention I'm even more reluctant to check the FB groups.

>> No.8329872
File: 531 KB, 1448x1024, 1399533036753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just stay away it's nothing but "will people fat shame me?" threads at this point

>> No.8329916

I logged in briefly to check messages and my feed showed the "Can I wear heelys in the convention?" post.

>> No.8331147

1 week left anyone else going

>> No.8331339

I honestly have no idea what day I'll be Raidou.
As for the panel it's the Mystery Science Theater panel, unless my friend named it something else.

>> No.8331640

Anywhere I can park for free on Friday?

>> No.8331648

Your house

>> No.8331662

Helpful response dude, thanks. I know there is some parking at State, but that's a little far away.

>> No.8331684

There's free parking on weekends if you're willing to walk 3-5 block to get to the con from that garage.

say you lost your ticket and was only there for one day, only $10-15 for it IIRC.

There are places not to far from the con you could park at if you don't mind walking and strange looks.

Also another reminder, we are Meeting Friday and Saturday 10 pm at the Sir Walter Raleigh statue. Please feel free to come hang out and meet other seagulls, after hanging there for a bit we'll venture out for food n booze. Hope to meet some of Y'all there!

>> No.8331701

Anyone know of anyone planning to cosplay KanColle at AZ? I'm considering doing a last minute teitoku thing, but it's probably not worth it if there won't be any boats.

How would like Neptunes work for a nearby bar? They've got nerd shit in there and I'm pretty sure it's only a block or two away from the con. I've only been downstairs to that bar a couple times, but I really like Kings upstairs.

How late are you planning to stay? If you stay late enough I think the lot on Wilmington by RedHat opens up and you don't have to pay. I did that last year. I think you can get away with the same thing in the lot next to Lincoln Theater. Those are only a few blocks from the con.

>> No.8331712

I probably won't stay that long on Friday, I never do. I think I'm going to just park at State and take the bus.

>> No.8331727

Well if it's during the day that might be your best bet. I think the lot open up around 7 or 8, so if you're there later than that, then I don't think you have to pay.

>> No.8331836

Only one of those places I regularly go to is MoJoe's, but is that really huge costs? Don't they still have pretty cheap burgers after 10?

>> No.8331943
File: 139 KB, 800x533, rlinedowntown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should rephrase. MoJoe's, Mellow and Raleigh or $-$$ prices some where around the ballpark $3 to $30 max.
Also you refer to this
>Don't wanna pay your parking tickets for the Marriott Parking Deck?
Leave the Garage at 11pm

When you first enter the Marriott Parking Deck. You'll be prompted to get a ticket to enter. Now unless you plan to leave the garage with your vehicle to tour the City. Then yeah its not free


If you leave after 11 pm. All the attendees will be gone. Also if you really want transportation around the city. Utilize this bus its 100% free and will take you to Hillborough's Street where most of the Restaurants are beyond Fast Food.

>> No.8333586

So what's this one like

>> No.8333599

Shit panels and tons of normal people with their families.

>> No.8333615

It's a convention with a little more emphasis on the Japan part. Tons of Japanese guests, jrock concert, and 12k or so anime fans. Family-friendly event, been around long enough to have thousands of people who show up mainly to hang out with friends and people watch with no real regard for the panels.

>> No.8333893

We're officially in crunch time for the con. How behind are you?

>> No.8333997

Pretty good for the most part. Styling a beard, that's about it.

>> No.8334173

Just waiting for luggage/packing stuff. Already stocked up on bandaids, painkillers, shoe insoles, etc.

>> No.8334240
File: 482 KB, 1000x683, asseylum formal ref.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing good. One new costume finished. Two old costumes still in their bags from previous cons. One costume that I'm fixing up -- pic related, I started over on the bodice and still need to add the details/trim, and to remake the base of the ruff to fit the new bodice's neck line.

>> No.8334513
File: 28 KB, 328x249, Screenshot (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is it about this con that brings all the idiots out?

>> No.8334515

I don't think I've been to a con that doesn't bring the idiots out. That's one of the things I love about conventions.

>> No.8334528

I swear AZ is a special brand though.

>can I wear heelys inside? I know I can't use them but I don't want to wear regular shoes
>I heard if you register this year with a badge you have from last year you get in for $5! is this true cause I'm broke
>can I bring a sign if it's part of my cosplay? no one will know who I am without it!
>can I try out a metal sword I bought from the dealers room outside? They said it had to be sealed inside but outside is fine, right?

>> No.8334643

Is it the only con you've sat around the message boards for? Asking stupid questions is pretty par for the course when you bring together a lot of people with limited socialization and varying stages of narcissism.

>> No.8334685

It is, actually. The rest of them I stick to tumblr and usually there it's just progress pics and stuff.

Despite all this we'll probably still have an idiot dressed as Spiderman perched on the edge of the top of the parking garage again for photos. Or another Deadpool trying to climb up the front of the convention center.

>> No.8334850

nightly reminder: stop fucking procrastinating and get your shit done

>> No.8334911
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>> No.8335076

Do I know you IRL. My friends doing the same thing.
Expect highschoolers if there are any other off cosplayers.
Normal people don't act like trip fags and tumblr special snowflake shitstack in public though. Also bringing families to a con ever...
Top kek

>> No.8335373

Sounds good! Neptune's it is. Also for those unfamiliar with most meets, you can cosplay if you'd like, most of us either go in simple cosplay or casual modo. No pressure either way. Really excited to Chill out this con, Im busting my butt on my Gaim Kachidoki. Cutting it really close.

>> No.8335390


>> No.8335638

Trying super hard to finish Kongou Kai Ni. It won't be 100% done for this con, but it'll be done enough, I think.

>> No.8335645

I am!

I just moved from California to Charlotte so this is my first time at Animazement. I am going with one person but I don't know many people in the area.

If anyone here is from the Charlotte area I can give them a ride.. I have like 6 extra seats. I am going Friday and I am leaving Sunday but if you want to leave early I am cool with that.

>> No.8335687

Can't wait for this weekend!

>> No.8335697

lolwhat, anon are you me? I moved to the Durham area from southern California. We should meet up and cry about no more In-N-Out.

>> No.8335721

haha, definitely! Cookout is pretty good as well though! I am from Santa Barbra so it's sort of south/central. When did you move?

Message my throw-away email that I made in 5th grade and i'll send you my phone #, "1randomness1@gmail.com" (my real email has my full name)

What are you going as btw?

>> No.8335742

I'm gonna be there in a maid outfit for one day (probably Friday?) and lolita the rest of the weekend. Might finish a Sugar (from OFF) cosplay, might not. Not exactly pushing myself here, lol.

Also, shot you a quick email!

>> No.8335791

haha, more than one costume is pretty impressive IMO!

I'd love to see what you consider "pushing myself."

Nice costumes by the way. I will get back to you when I wake up. I am pretty tired so I am going to get some sleep.


>> No.8336268

Three days, motherfuckers.

I've already got my stuff set in designated areas so I can easily pack and hopefully not forget anything Wednesday.

>> No.8336293
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They had me until Dolly Girl.

>> No.8336299
File: 22 KB, 634x189, Screenshot (14).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the desperate as fuck "I'm not going to lie I'm going to con looking for a girlfriend" guy has branched out to tumblr as well.

>> No.8336575


The animazement fb is a pain to surf through. This guy is really annoying but the real piece of shit is the tryhard guy that has planned all costumes out to Animazement 2018 looking for asspats and his top cosplay this year is L.

>> No.8336622

I did Sugar last year and my god just prepare for a lot of sweaty fat!Zacharies wanting to hug you. And they will all be underage because apparently being over 18 is an outlier for the OFF fandom.

>> No.8336624

So many kids looking for their QT3.14 waifu on the Facebook page.
Holy shit this year is gonna be fucking weirddddddd.
Be on high alert for Class 5 con clingers ladies and gents. People will follow you should you be interesting enough, find staff if you feel threatened of course. Why does Animazement bring out some of the dumbest people in Raleigh?...

Seriously though, people trying to find people at cons, usually a bad idea. Try meeting somebody outside of a con. People are very different from what they're like at a con.
Except weeaboos, that shit is 25/8/366

Taking bets now, $50 bucks says some building nearby or the whole block goes dark, or some fucker pulls a fire alarm during the rave. LIKE EVERY FUCKING YEAR.

>> No.8336747

I can't believe it's been 3 years since that one power outage. It made Retro Hell the best thing ever.

>> No.8336776

Awesome. Kongou is cool. I was disappointed that I didn't see any KanColle last year. Hopefully it's gotten more popular in the west now.

>> No.8336783

Its new touhou pretty much so probably.

>> No.8336784

I was working a video room during that, so I sort of had to help keep things under control in the Marriott. That was fun.

Ugh. Weebs are the worst.

>> No.8336859
File: 2.90 MB, 5312x2988, 20150514_154308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I Beefy enough to go as Freddie from Cromartie y/n

>> No.8336864

Oh lord. Well, my roomie is going as Zacharie, maybe I can just hide behind her. Assuming I get my costume done at all, hahaha.

>> No.8336950

Or the guy posting his costumes for Momocon and doing this or that for Momocon.

>> No.8336956

At least speed dating is 1am-2am. But the person showing the most interest in it is the resident creeper, Patrick. Aka the guy who made a GIR suit just to get underaged girls to squeal and hug him after people got tired of him being a pervert to be 'in character' as Kakashi. He's trying to run singles panels next year.

>> No.8336970

I wonder what caused it to happen. I wish I was outside to see all the chaos.

>> No.8337315

Yeah the reason he's never getting any is he's rude, Hardcore republican to the point Palin would say this fucker is crazy, Alcoholic and so fucking desperate. Its pretty bad.
Had no Idea about this dating thing but I'm gonna go sit and watch, I just wanna be a fly on the wall when all hell breaks loose. Plus seeing Patrick straight up asked to leave is funny every time, now I can get it in rapid succession~

>> No.8337341

I'm honestly surprised Patrick hasn't been kicked out. We got lucky after last year and that one obnoxious autist ragequit the con and so far I haven't seen last year's desperate as fuck neckbeards posting (probably because there's no official formal) but damn, all we need is to get rid of Patrick and we'd all be better off.

I'm not desperate enough for the lolz to go since it's so late but definitely post updates about it if you go since I'm curious what the ratio is going to be for the people who show up.

>> No.8337464

Well, Unless he's actually getting Violent or inappropriately touching people let's just let him be. I will admit I thought his Gir was cool the first time I saw it, fucking thing is falling apart now though. But I stand on the whole, no harm no foul just leave me alone rule usually.

But one dude I'm anticipating will be there is TIMMAYYYYYY
Guy is very disturbed, Cosplays a ton of shounen heroes or husbando of the month to use as a icebreaker with girls. He fails miserably but he can be very vocal or even get aggressive with people, Especially with women cosplaying from the same shows or one of his "LADIES".
Dude even says he has a GF to try and seem cool to other dudes and then will turn around and says he doesn't. Which surprises fucking no one.
Like... I really don't like the guy and will get his attention if he's holding up a group of women. I hate that white knight shit but I'll do it if he's involved. Guy needs a handler in public to keep him under control.
One of my favorite encounters with him was Katsucon 2012 Hall cosplay contest. I was Kamen Rider Fourze, He was Kamen Rider Dragon Knight (Ryuki, but he specifically was the "real American one" grumble grumble).
His outfit was..... packing tape, ski mask, children's masturi mask of ryuki....
So I go in first, get judged, asked tough questions and got some good advice that actually helped me improve later on.
He goes in, gets judged, comes out gloating how nice the "pretty Girl judges" were and how they liked his suit AKA "OH WOW TIMMY, HERE ITS GOING UP RIGHT ON THE FRIDGE NEXT TO YOUR REPORT CARD"

Few hours later results are out, I got novice runner up, can't complain for two weeks on a suit+ first competition.
So he threatens suicide and cries to con head, makes the judges make a HONOR AWARD just for him.
Allegedly he does this at every con he enters cosplay contests in.

>> No.8337489
File: 752 KB, 2548x1268, TIMMAAAAAYYY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a collage of some of his outfits. I looked for more flattering pics but.........
I really did try to look, seriously I did.
Anyways, if you see this guy, avoid. If this guy wont leave some girl alone who's obviously trying to GTFO, help her out. If you see a guy in the same situationjuats walk up and be like HEY BUDDY LONG TIME NO SEE LETS GOOOOOOOOO and bring them along. This guy is a Class 6 clinger, very rare, so rare in fact he should be a SCP.

Again, I'm not one to shit on people usually but this guy worries me when he's in crowds

>> No.8337502

That's the guy! I never knew his fucking name but he would follow people around and chat to them even when they tried to get away and when I went into con-ops one time to get help with something he was sitting in there by himself just talking super loud in that bizarre yellow outfit.

He's the guy that I'm happy to say posted in the FB groups at the end of the con last year and said he was never coming back to Animazement because of this or that doing with him not getting treated the way he thought he should.

>> No.8337638

The picture kills me, too. Ugh... Well, I would like some nice photos of my coord but...

>> No.8337823

Well that says Saturday and I know that most of the lolita events are happening on Sunday so there's still hope.

>> No.8337886

I was dragged off into a dark hallway by some guy at the first convention I ever attended. I didn't cosplay a pretty girl again until I attended with my boyfriend a few years later. Sucks being too timid/polite when guys won't take a hint. It's so much worse at cons though.

>> No.8337888

Would you mind sharing info on the lolita events you know of? I don't really use facebook so I'm out of the loop. If it's too much trouble that's fine.

>> No.8337892

Check out Freddy's on 15/501. As close to in-n-out as there is over here.

>> No.8337898
File: 241 KB, 833x860, 1431416835348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a guy.. that even makes me cringe.

Some people are just ridiculous.

I was reading the guide on some App and the instruction literally listed something like, "you will have to leave if you do not have proper hygiene" and just in general the guide seemed to talk down to us as we were children.

I am guessing they need to do that though with all the creepy people anime attracts...

>> No.8337923

Don't be afraid to shout and holler for help and stuff, or if confrontations are really hard for you stay with friends. Really sad to hear that anon, you really have to be upfront and firm with some people.

Other thing is, Something I've learned over time is you have to be the person you needed. what I mean is, if you see somebody in a similar situation and they're struggling try to reach out to them even if its a very small gesture. keep that in mind if you see anything like that or run into other shit.

>> No.8337940

Sorry you had to go through that, anon. Weirdest/creepiest things to happen to me at AZ were when I borrowed a friends spiked collar for a weeb costume my first year and made a joke that "Well at least no vamps can bite me" and a guy we were hanging out with bit me on my throat.

Also happened my second year I was in a seifuku and some seriously overweight guy sitting down flagged me over for what I thought was a photo and instead he pulled out a video camera and just sat there silently and recorded me while I awkwardly posed having no idea how to handle the situation because never cosplayed before and then shut his camera off and just ignored me until I walked away.

>> No.8337945

I don't remember off the top of my head any photoshoot going on but there are some lolita panels Sunday and those types of events always have photos after.


>> No.8338016

Thanks anon!

I will have to do that because it's been a solid year since my last In-n-Out burger and I am jonesing bad.

>> No.8338041

is it bad that I think Cookout is better than IN-n-Out?

>> No.8338049

Nah not bad at all, I like it a lot too, but... I dunno, there's just something special about In-n-Out. Plus with all the hundreds of times I've been to In-n-Out I have never had them fuck up an order, but Cookout fucks my orders up on the regular.

>> No.8338183


Tell me about it. I bought the materials and did most of the work before the show ended, but that ending tanked my motivation so hard that I couldn't be bothered to add the trim until this week. I'm more excited about wearing Lem.

>> No.8338197

I don't post here or anything but I went to Animazement last year and am going again this year. I'll keep a lookout for some of you guys in the thread. I'm not confident in my appearance or ability to make a good outfit so I won't be cosplaying unfortunately. I probably won't drink but I'll be down to chat at the pub or something.

>> No.8338221

Aw anon, it's fine. I hope to see you there too!

>> No.8338321

there's a bar there?

>> No.8338356

I'm just going off of what Decade said in >>8296075 . I'm not from Raleigh, but Wilkes county which is around 2 hours away so I wouldn't know what the local area is like.
I'm looking forward to meeting people but I'm not very talkative so I just like to listen to other people have fun. If I work out a stable income I may get into cosplaying in a year or two depending on if I can move in with a friend or not. This board seems pretty okay so I might read up on the sticky and stuff since I don't have anything to do until I leave on Thursday

>> No.8338375

Who needs a bar to drink at a con?

It's cool. I don't cosplay, and I only even come here to talk about cons during the summer, but I still had a lot of fun at the /cgl/ meet-ups at Otakon a couple years ago.

>> No.8338777

Why is the meetup (and seemingly all community meetups) at bars? I hate bars.

>> No.8338843
File: 332 KB, 1000x667, raleigh_june_29_2012_raleighskyline.com_27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably to get away from the massive amount of kids at the con? Plus out of all the things in the area, bars would be the least crowded.

>I'd go to the meet-up but I forget every year because I work during the con
One of these years we all just need to ride the trolley pub.

>> No.8339646

Is this con even worth going to? Most of the panels look unexciting, and if memory serves typically the crowd are just a bunch of meme-spouting neckbeards and kiddies.

>> No.8339833

I go to meet people pretty much only. Never met anyone from 4chan there though.

>> No.8339868

I have never been in a good panel at AZ. I honestly go to 1-3 per year.

>> No.8339954


I guess I'm too introverted to see the fun in that.


I went to one a few years ago, it was a couple voice actors doing like a 1950s radio show. I don't remember who, but it was pretty neat.

>> No.8339988

But as long as you keep the neckbeards in check it's fun IMO.

I don't really see anything that I particularly find interesting out this CON but I enjoy people watching.

Do you not enjoy watching some people make fools out of themselves?

There are some really cool people on here occasionally.

I am mostly from /o/ but I have met people from 4chan(/o/, /b/, and /g/) all across the country on motorcycle tours and I have even met up with people in Australia IRL. Back when 4chan wasn't so popular I even was able to go to a 4chan meet and have a few drink with Moot and a few guys at a bar.

There are some weird people on here to be honest though. There's a 25% chance the person you meet will be creepy.

If I was a girl i'd probably be hesitant to meet a guy. But of course this is a public setting so you can always tell the person to fuck off with little risk.

>> No.8340018


Sure, I like watching people be dumb. Who doesn't? What I don't like is people being praised for acting dumb.

>> No.8340038

It's just to be expected though. I feel like it makes it better though since they can confidentially act our their cringe worthiness.

The same sort of thing goes for how generally messed up stuff on /b/ is popular.

In no decent setting is something like gore going to be normalized but when you get enough messed up people in one place there is enough support for that to be the norm.

When you see the large amount of praise you just have to remember when they walk outside convention doors when it's over they are back to being plebs.

I don't mind them having a few day(s) of thinking they are normies.

>> No.8340046

I may have to retract this comment though


While I really like getting laughs out of people it is sad that many people are deterred from the cosplay/anime watching/manga reading community since there is a bad stereotype.

It's bittersweet.

>> No.8340246

I'm from /m/ /d/ and here though. I don't really know what to expect from you anons IRL. Weirdly enough I've never met any of these really cringe worthy people at the con ever.

>> No.8340507

any tips on photographers? this is my first time booking a pro photo.

>> No.8340585

Don't pay them on RCC or hotel property. If you're caught, they'll take your badges.

>> No.8340677

Is it wrong to want to go solely to pick up drunk ravers?

>> No.8340715


>> No.8340717

Yes, alcohol is disgusting and so are those who consume it. Pick up responsible boys and girls.

>> No.8340750


Why? It's just like picking up girls at a bar.


Responsibility is overrated.

>> No.8340759


No, those idiots put themselves in dangerous situations knowingly and willingly so don't get to complain when predators like you get to them.

>> No.8340779

If you mean rape, yes.

If you mean having a consensual good time, no.

I remember when I was 16

Grow up.

>Responsibility is overrated.

Grow up cunt.

While keeping yourself safe by introducing preventative measures is a good thing.... not condoning the actions of the predators is disgusting.

Normal people with morals don't prey upon drunk people.

>> No.8341274

If anyone is caught to publicly intoxicated then they're getting asked to leave. If you're caught trying to take advantage of someone who's publicly intoxicated then you're going to get kicked out as well.

>> No.8341336

A brave one aren't you

>> No.8341352

>recognizes that alcohol is unhealthy and attracts a certain lifestyle group
>must be underage
Grow up :^)

>> No.8341592
File: 428 KB, 489x595, Screenshot (29).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes let me drop cash on photos I could get by handing my camera to my friend. At least edit the damn things if someone is paying you for them.

>> No.8341720

>implying it's bad within moderation

In small amounts it can be healthy even. Unless you stay away from everything unhealthy(to an extent) such as caffeinated coffee, most prescription drugs, sugary foods, and many other things you aren't really one to talk.

Also there are people with unhealthy lifestyles that drive cars... should I stop as well? Just because stupid people also do something as well...that does not imply that is the source of the problem.

>> No.8341739
File: 489 KB, 1000x1000, 1431144425333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... Not in the slightest

>> No.8341797
File: 777 KB, 717x537, 1431487638103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first time dealer - hows the parking in the area?

>> No.8341855
File: 2.25 MB, 2448x3264, truck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I second this question.

I need space for my douche bag SUV.

At the San Francisco CON I was too tall for the parking garage.

>> No.8342129

$7 Flat Fee Price for Marriott Parking Garage
$12 Flat Fee for Outdoor Parking Adjacent to the Marriott
$10 for BB&T Parking Garage
$10 for Sheraton Parking Deck
$12 for City of Raleigh Park Deck**
(This one is behind Jimmy John's and is behind The Bank of America Building).
**Free Parking on Weekends + Fit Vehicles the Size of UPS Trucks.

>> No.8342252

I'm on the fence about it. On the one hand, I want to see things like the VAs for Frieza. On the other hand, I get bad anxiety attacks from large group things due to the noise and people. It'd be my first con if that makes a difference.

>> No.8342280

where are you seeing that $7 price for the Marriott parking garage?

>> No.8342385

nevermind found it

>> No.8342396

what are you selling at the dealers room anyhow?

>> No.8342624


T-shirts and skateboard decks

>> No.8342730

oh god, I didn't know Patrick was a con wide issue, I was friends with his younger sister in high school so I always have to kinda walk fast in the opposite direction to avoid drawing his attention

>> No.8342780

dank ass krokodil

>> No.8342936

>the whole block goes dark
The one thing I am sure will happen, every year.

>> No.8342941

Shameless promotion for boredom is the enemy panel on friday

>> No.8342989

Is that the one where the alcoholics just made some shit up?

>> No.8343200

Anyone else up and crunching?

>will finish this cosplay if it kills me

>> No.8343220

Lmao I am with you! GO GO GO WE CAN DO IT! What are you working on?

>> No.8343233

I'm the "I might be sugar" anon. I keep waffling, being like "no I have too much other stuff to do" and then deciding I should definitely do it.

That said, I'm about 80% done. Just need to paint the stripes on my sleeves and finish the mask, which I've been putting off.

>> No.8343266
File: 341 KB, 950x530, april13c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just was at Walmart at 4am buying more black hair dye since I was stupid and didn't buy a wig. heh

It's finally black(originally blonde)

Now I just need to go rent a blue suit in the morning.

>> No.8343334

I used to go to mall events with him and even though it's been years if he sees me and my friends he comes over and tries to follow us around and be best friends. My friend was wearing a dress cosplay one year that he was Kakashi and when she was getting pics done while he was following us around, he was crouched down on the ground trying to be 'funny and in character' by looking up her dress.

>> No.8343335

Anyone else see the morons bragging about bringing weed to the con and getting high in their hotel rooms and cars?

>> No.8343347

I'll be leaving in a few hours. will see you all there....maybe.

>> No.8343393

Dumb ass kids being edgy. That whole thread made me roll my eyes.

>> No.8343432

Man, weed barely even counts. If you want to be edgy and do drugs at cons, at least drop acid, or something.

>> No.8343636

Me again anyone flying in I'm offering free one way travel direct to the Marriot from RDU

Can seat 7 people and store items

>> No.8343656

So many degenerates that drink, smoke, and drug. When will we be rid of you?

>> No.8343670

Never, it's too much gosh darn fun

>> No.8343672

Anime conventions are a place where weebs can be alcoholics together. Why would you want to change that?

>> No.8343840
File: 1.97 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See people are already lining up

>> No.8343860

oh my fucking GOD

>> No.8343862

What even happens Thursday night/Friday morning? This is my 4th year and I've never been there before 1 on Friday because there doesn't seem to be much going on.

>> No.8343864

I just hopped in pre-reg just because a friend we're picking up had her flight delayed. Nothing else to do!

>> No.8343875

This is a good question. I'm guessing meet and greet with those who decide to go with and what not

>> No.8344067

There are a couple panels that happen, but mostly its a time for people to get their badges and checked into the hotels before the actual con starts and for artists to set up in artist's alley

>> No.8344113

Like this guy said and in 30 minutes the doors will open for both "at door purchases" and pre-reg badge pickup

>> No.8344125

Is the pre-reg line crazy long?

>> No.8344143

It's stretched around the building

>> No.8344150

Fun stuff.

>> No.8344177

Tell me about. They just open the door and I'm near the front because......

>> No.8344646

Just got back from snagging badges! Once opened the line moved super fast. They had music playing and impromptu dance competitions on the sidewalk. It was pretty entertaining, enough that I kinda wished the line didn't move so fast!

>> No.8344722

Who else is working on cosplay right now?

>> No.8344926
File: 1.02 MB, 3264x2448, 1432272623812-1741616698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm driving there

>> No.8344942

do you have your brights on with other cars in front of you?

>> No.8345056
File: 242 KB, 720x1280, Snapchat--4158891096645878835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They aren't on

I am just bad with wiring so when the blue light is on they are off and when its off it is on haha

Im off to bed though!

>> No.8345581

Day 1 begin

>> No.8345603
File: 2.72 MB, 3264x2448, FB_IMG_1432307050358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This con tho

>> No.8345619

you guys should upload pics of yourselves. who knows I may have already take photos of you

>> No.8345620

lol yea I saw him too!

>> No.8345908

Anything interesting from this con?

>> No.8345970

Hahah holy shit the shitty lolita Captain America girl is here.

>> No.8346035

And fucking pepe

>> No.8346148

Is it just me or are there a helluva lot more furries here than last year? I don't remember seeing any last year but now they're everywhere.

>> No.8346222

Yeah, but who cares there are furries at every con.


>> No.8346259

Hey y'all, I might not make the meet tonight but will definitely be there tomorrow. So don't wait up tonight if I'm Mia.
See all of you soon~

>> No.8346262

That's cool, I think we were gonna try getting into the concert.

>> No.8346270
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Lololol....this is a long shot in the dark and going to piss off the elitist and hxc straight edge crowd but does anyone know where one could locate some premium lsd at this con?

>> No.8346276

Fucking degenerates

>> No.8346278

So many furries, definitely more than last year. When will this scum cease to exist?

>> No.8346298
File: 123 KB, 1280x720, [Anime-Koi] Sabagebu! OVA SPECIAL MISSION 2 [BD][h264-720p][879F7AE9].mkv_snapshot_02.33_[2015.03.08_20.08.50].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, /cgl/ really is tumblr: the board

>> No.8346365
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They are showing ghostbusters here

>> No.8346378

Made it even more impossible to get food earlier. Ended up eating the shitty con pizza.

>> No.8346444

Concert just ended a bit ago! Anyone else go?

>> No.8346448

anyone going to the dance tonight?

>> No.8346460

Had to leave at 9 due to blisters, rip feet.

>> No.8346508

First timer here. Went back to the marriott courtyard with my buddy. I enjoyed the first day but I feel all the cool events are tomorrow. Anyone wanna meet up during the day tomorrow? It felt lonely with just me and my buddy today.

>> No.8346784

>going on the Friday
Hope you learned your lesson

>> No.8346860

Seriously? The one from the shoop thread?

>> No.8347272

Maybe you know me. I don't think I've really told anyone though.

>> No.8347279

Meet where though. You might get stood up though.

>> No.8347281

I probably don't the guy I know doing the same doesn't go here

>> No.8347411

Having trouble uploading a pic right now but I'm freddie from cromartie

>> No.8347431

Off topic but seeing consenticles in artist ally is weird and I goto /d/

>> No.8347668

Yeah, I saw her browsing NoFlutter's booth. It was like an unholy meeting of everything /cgl/ hates

>> No.8347670

Girl in the blue coord, on the live stream I asked if you were a seagull! Thanks for answering tho the host was confused!

>> No.8347832

I think I saw you

>> No.8347888

Looking for you anon! I'm Sugar from OFF!

>> No.8347893

TFW barely anyone at gunpla panel

>> No.8347902

Oh fuck I had wanted to go to that

>> No.8347926

I'm trying to take pics of all the Gasai Yunos like I did last year. So far only 3, anyone can guess how many they've seen?

>> No.8348057

You poor son of a bitch.

>> No.8348063

Pls be 7
7 is a funky number
Also this thread seems to have less people than last year.

>> No.8348196

Maybe people are trying to enjoy the con

>> No.8348240
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That panel was fun for me. Fuck you m8

>> No.8348241


>> No.8348278

I post while resting between panels.

>> No.8348285

There hasn't been a single panel worth going to

>> No.8348297

I sleep in them

>> No.8348307

So much degeneracy in the masquerade

>> No.8348311

Pls do tell?

>> No.8348321

This tumblr the con. Consenticles, crossover cosplay genderbends and shit costume quality for all.

>> No.8348325

It's literally almost every entry. Watch the recordings when they upload them. Worst was the furries

>> No.8348333

God damn it's cold in the masquerade room

>> No.8348343

I need to see this now.

>> No.8348367

Consenticles have been around a lot longer than tumblr.

>> No.8348517

Yo, who's coming to the meet up?

>> No.8348632

Welp, fun convention guys. I have shit to do so I'm done for the weekend. Maybe see you next year.

>> No.8348939
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This con has been nothing but lame tumblr drama as far as the Facebook page is considered. All these special little snowflakes "triggered" by cosplay they don't agree with. Fuck that. I feel I'm getting to old for this shit with every con.

>> No.8349054

Christ on a stick. I think I saw her in another costume today but I don't remember what it was. I just remember all her chins.

>> No.8349474

That's today!?!
No surprise.

>> No.8349493

The closet cosplays are out today

>> No.8349504
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Yeah it was a small get together. I don't come to cgl often but you guys are alright

>> No.8349525

Lel. Not a surprise.

>> No.8349574

Cosplay chess is filled with more memers than usual.

>> No.8349766

Ohh no Captain America chick is at the lolita panel in another dress

>> No.8349800


You nerds watching this?

>> No.8349875

Ok no now I feel bad, she seems nice and like she's just out to have a good time :c

>> No.8349903

Top lel

>> No.8350174

So which one of you fuckers was the guy cosplaying as rare weaboo pepe?

>> No.8350307

he was the next level of cosplay, an ascension if you will

>> No.8350389

Fun con this year. It was nice meeting the guys that showed up for the /cgl/ meet up turned /m/ meet up.

Props to all the KanColle cosplayers, if any of you are around. It was cool to see some boats this year.

>> No.8350771

I'm upset that I couldn't think of a pose I wanted to do the most off the top of my head. I was walking back to the room with my friend and I remembered I knew Super-1's pose. Next year I'll get it though if everyone shows up. I didn't get to see any Kancolle cosplayers though, I apparently missed a ton of cosplays going off of what I'm seeing on the Facebook page.

>> No.8350830

We ordered food that night and didn't know about the road being blocked off. Delivery guy called three times to keep us updated and we tipped him when he finally showed up just for making it through and not giving up on us.

>> No.8350859
