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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 76 KB, 500x500, mailbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8295402 No.8295402 [Reply] [Original]

New Mail thread, last one is in autosage.
What do you have coming in the mail?
What have you purchased recently?

>> No.8295416
File: 117 KB, 642x470, buys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The relief print OP in this colorway was on my wishlist so I'm very happy.
This seller kept relisting it, I was hoping they would go down in price after it failed to sell but since I wanted it so much I decided it's ok to spend 18k on, which isn't all that much for a brand OP anyway.

>> No.8295463
File: 377 KB, 473x600, mail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thayers came in today, got it after hearing /cgl/ raving about how good it is. The scent is nice.

The palette will be bb's first high quality make-up. I can't wait!

>> No.8295591

so many false eyelashes because i have an obsession

>> No.8295593

18k USD? because that's insane

>> No.8295606



>> No.8295635
File: 595 KB, 941x600, 04251117_553af942c4969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm waiting for my shopping service to send me Dolly Cat.

>> No.8295640

I dislike the print, but that's one cute fucking headbow.

>> No.8295655
File: 40 KB, 450x298, kittypalooza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aahh the headbow is really cute
>I actually love the print because cats

>> No.8295657

yes. a "reasonably-priced" brand dress costs $18,000.

>> No.8297363

I'm waiting on dolly cat JSK and otk and a Mother's Day gift from sephora!

>> No.8297427
File: 688 KB, 901x835, loot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to be waiting a while on some of these pieces. All of them except for Farutetto are reservation items.

>> No.8297439

but I'm also getting a box of petticoats from classical puppets, that bodyline fruits parlor skirt in pink, cute new ankle socks, and some laces and trims to use in handmade stuff.
I'm thinking about getting some sax shoes, a new blouse, and some deco cabochons but I kinda feel like I should probably stop spending money until I for sure have a job for the summer.

>> No.8297531

Love the Meta OP. I was tempted to get it because it was so cheap (and old school Meta tartan is A+)

>> No.8297712
File: 30 KB, 225x300, 196200_300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought this and am impatiently waiting for it in the mail. Id really like to find the matching bonnet and socks to go with it.

I've been eyeballing it for years but i never decided i really wanted it till recently.

>> No.8297744

bby's first dress is in the mail but i just realized how fucking tall i am and that it might be too short and show my knees
>its not bodyline
>inb4 noob comment

>> No.8297757

A new rotary cutter and mat (my sister threw away the old one and about $80 worth or patterns when we were moving a couple of weeks ago), two pink curly wigs, Otome no Sewing Book 6, and Otome no Sewing Book 7.

>> No.8297778
File: 8 KB, 200x200, 1430026239871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These just came in! A bit more neon than I was expecting, but still kawaii

>> No.8297793
File: 180 KB, 300x450, 1683_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that Jane Marple fits me I am trying to collect all the JM prints I've coveted over the years. With any luck, two other auction pieces will join this one.

>> No.8297827

Shit those are cute! Link to where i can get some?

>> No.8297907

>Otome no Sewing Book 7
Just got this a few days ago too, it's full of old-school sweet goodness.

Peeking bloomers are coming back in style, not to mention the current underskirt trend.

>> No.8298449

I am not going to lie my weight loss goals will not end until I can fit JM and ETC and I have a side fund of money for it too.

Is it? Ahh yes. I swear I fell in love with Lolita back in 2004 and I love the look of Old School stuff so much. Do you have 6 by any chance too? I'm just curious if they kept up the fairy tail theme from 4&5 for the first three things.

>> No.8298543

oh i think peeking bloomers are adorable in an old-school way (and it would work well since the dress is a-line and a solid color, so it feels kinda old school) but i don't want to get posted to btb
>omg you can see anon's bloomers! slut!

>> No.8298601
File: 131 KB, 792x844, 11169902_10101497060889852_314641616565066018_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FromJapan insists EMS is the only way to ship this despite it being within the weight and dimension regulations for surface mail. I have 14 hours left til they start charging me a holding fee, and as far as I can tell they are on vacation til the 7th. Am I just gonna have to eat that 8000Y difference?

>> No.8299324

I wasn't even aiming to fit JM because historically my boobs have been too big, but I dropped a bit more than planned and almost all of it came off my boobs and waist. I'm now hella pear shaped, but I fit JM dresses perfectly and I got cash to burn (which is good, because now all my other dresses are way too big. Can't decide if it's worth selling all of my JetJ size 2 stuff or if I'll regret it later.)

>> No.8299441
File: 57 KB, 488x394, Mail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting on this Moitie JSK and headbow. Fingers crossed the JSK hasn't sold out, I will be devastated if it has. Also waiting on some transparent and sparkly dice for DnD.

>> No.8299684 [DELETED] 

my god, i just realised all of my dress purchases this month were made in the last week, just because i missed out on aatp's siren jsk
>now trying to convince myself that i wouldn't have jumped on these anyway

have nothing in my hands yet hnng

also, anon from last thread, i'll probably put astronomical clock up on LM and post it in the BTS thread, so keep an eye out?

>> No.8299689
File: 1002 KB, 837x525, wYf2GXa[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my god, i just realised all of my dress purchases this month were made in the past two weeks, just because i missed out on aatp's siren jsk
>now trying to convince myself that i wouldn't have jumped on these anyway

have nothing in my hands yet hnng

also, anon from last thread, i'll probably put astronomical clock up on LM and post it in the BTS thread, so keep an eye out?

>> No.8299690

pshaw, people are too busy burning wigs and crying about dramu to even notice bloomers peeking anymore

>> No.8299705

i noticed two girls wearing visible bloomers (probably on purpose) at my comm's last meet. one was in gothic and wore them over her tights, i'm not too sure why and the other was a bit chubby and in classic sweet. i think she wore the bloomers so she could still wear OTKs and not expose too much of herself. both of them looked really nice but yeah i guess i only noticed because i was looking at people's legwear

tl;dr - peeking bloomers look good when tastefully done

>> No.8299713

Congrats on getting an item on your wishlist! I love the Meta OP too. It would look great with a black boater hat and boots.

So jealous of the IW blouse and Farutetto JSK! You have great taste.

Lovely haul, I bet your wardrobe is amazing. Were you the anon looking for Baby's Stained Glass?

>> No.8299733

thanks anon, my wardrobe is all over the place, but i'm working on cutting it down (can you see it happening? haha)
yes, i'm the person who was (is) looking for stained glass angel!

>> No.8299760
File: 62 KB, 426x640, 15_4_2_366_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel guilty

>> No.8299767

I feel jelly.
Out of curiosity, how much did you pay for it? I've heard it's been going down in price.

>> No.8299769

Just noticed that it's missing one of the bodice ribbons and the seller didn't mention it. Whelp. Not sure if I want it as much now.

>> No.8299772

I hope you won't feel that way when you get it, anon. Treasure it!

Thank you! I've always wanted billowing sleeves and can't resist adding to my IW blouse collection.

>> No.8299796

I live in my pair (wearing them as I type) as they are the most comfortable shoes i own. (Flexible sole, but sturdy and supportive) My only gripe is the dye from black tights will bleed and discolor them, but at £11.99 I can just buy a new pair every 6 months.

>> No.8299805

Seriously? Surely you can just replace it?

>> No.8299809

It can be hard to find the exact ribbon and some people can't sew. Plus with a dress like IG, anon is more likely to be disappointed. It will likely never look the same as the other one if replaced.

>> No.8299815
File: 130 KB, 500x600, rufflemillefeuille.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wanted an ivory parasol so that I could use it with all of my summer coords at outdoor meets. Angelic Pretty USA special ordered it for me so I didn't have to pay for weird shipping from Japan through Tenso.

>> No.8299907

Congrats, I have this dress and I love it.

As for my answer to OP, I'm waiting for Dolly Cat low waist jsk.

>> No.8299942
File: 93 KB, 645x587, Screen Shot 2015-05-04 at 10.41.22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugggghhhh, I have no idea why this wasn't successfully delivered, I don't think I needed to sign for it? Should I call the post office right away or do you think they will try to re-deliver it.
This is the first time this has happened to me and I'm very unsure of what to do.

>> No.8300422
File: 110 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Origin Post Preparing Shipment
>Processed through New York customs
>Origin Post Preparing Shipment

>> No.8300423

tru tru

>> No.8300429

same anon. i dipped into my savings account and bought a decent petti (the one i had before was a shitty lumpy one my sister made when she decided she wanted to do a "lolita cosplay" at otakon '12), bloomers, and those celeste stein cherub tights (the real thing too, not replicas)

>> No.8301440
File: 1.25 MB, 1589x858, swiggityswooty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hooray for free 2 day shipping! I should be getting my face stuff tomorrow.

>> No.8301696

Woah that's kinda weird. Did it get sent back?

>> No.8301718

What're you making anon?

>> No.8302008
File: 336 KB, 1280x720, Downloads2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of these I won off of eBay auctions last week or the week before. The forest shirt is closer to a sports bra and nothing else has made it to me yet.
Estimated delivery dates range from this friday to June 22nd.

>> No.8302699

sauce on the skirt?

>> No.8302705
File: 394 KB, 812x896, dis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing crazy. Just this thing.

>> No.8302717
File: 106 KB, 720x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know why it's doing this? Help?

>> No.8303172
File: 70 KB, 500x319, tumblr_l5pc7pbxDU1qz8pygo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beaucon shimmer brown, ordered them last week. :)

>> No.8303179
File: 1.44 MB, 1000x1500, tumblr_ndt7ccKqF81tbj25ao4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As well as purple Axent Wear headphones, but they won't be here for a while. Contacts should get here in a week

>> No.8304368
File: 1.86 MB, 1200x1200, StuffNThings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8304371

It's preparing shipment from customs to the final destination...

>> No.8304440
File: 535 KB, 1257x1439, mail1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8304489

Could you link to that bottom right collar? Gorgeous haul overall anon

>> No.8305204

Sauce on the goblet-thingie and the long collar?

>> No.8305214

Every other package I've ever had ship has never done that. And now it's stuck on this status.

>> No.8305406

sauce for the collars/dickies?

Oh god, those new pens are fabulous. I was already wavering over whether to get the senshi pens but that Tux one is so gorgeous I might have to get that too...

>> No.8305596

I have had both wigs and they're kinda poor in quality.

>> No.8305759
File: 275 KB, 533x432, waiting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting on an order from Sephora.

>> No.8306299
File: 575 KB, 978x1094, mailthings3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been waiting for my first batch of fromjapan items for 2 months now... Next time I won't give surface mail a try.

>> No.8306305

can you review the misspoint bustier/corset/vest when you get it?

where are you shipping to? SAL to australia took about 2.5weeks, but what's funny is the people at my post office still scanned it in even though there's no tracking number

>> No.8306314

sauce on the wigs?

>> No.8306338

Here's one that has 6 days left on the auction. I really just selected lowest $ + shipping and bid on the colors i liked. There's also navy and black for cheap. I'm not expecting it to be very high quality, I only paid ~$3

>> No.8306352

I'm waiting on the blue ones.

>> No.8306367

Anon, I like your tastes! Your Taobao stuff is probably what I'd order.

Could you link the two dresses on the far right please? Although I'd really love to see links to any of the gothic clothing and blouses. I'm trying to do more casual gothic lolita these days and these are all sublime for that.

>> No.8306442
File: 640 KB, 810x632, mailtime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if anyone recognizes some of my order it's because I posted some of this stuff in a previous mail thread, ended up changing some of my taobao order last minute. just paid for shipping though so I'm excited for it to get here, some of this stuff I ordered in February. Now it's getting too warm to wear the jacket, oh well. Super excited for it anyway, plus the bonnet, and the straw hat from meta - I was about to check out but decided to take one last look at the hair accessories, saw it and just had to get it!

anyways, it's gonna be good month for mail.

>> No.8306491

For the collars:
Bottom right collar.>>8304489. Also there's another listing of a collar that look just like this but is way more beige in color. I'm hoping this one turns out to be white like the photos and not actually beige.

The long collar>>8305204

The other collar: >>8305406

And yes that tuxedo mask one really drew me in. I love that rose.

The holy grail was a preorder and the Bandai site stopped taking orders for them back in Dec 2014. But you can find them on Ebay if you search under Sailor Moon room fragrance. It's actually a room fragrance thing with a scent container in it: http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_odkw=sailor+moon+holy+grail&_osacat=0&_from=R40&_trksid=p2045573.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.H0.Xsailor+moon+room+fragrance.TRS0&_nkw=sailor+moon+room+fragrance&_sacat=0

Ah damn. Was hoping they'd be decent.

>> No.8306504

The 2nd white blouse down with the red background, where did you get it from? Was it from this store:

I've been thinking of getting it but not sure if it actually comes from another store and this store stole the photo, or if this store is legit.

>> No.8306507

Sauce on the black blouse?

>> No.8306586


>> No.8306674

Review on light grey wig when you get it?

>> No.8306720

Sauce on the bikini? And the forest top?

>> No.8306738

lol @ random kitkats.

>> No.8306759
File: 57 KB, 651x525, 1419104102629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I have coming in the mail? Fucking NOTHING because asshole mexican neighbors stole my fucking mail when it was delivered. Now I have to buy my stuff again right away so I have time to wear my shit during the next con coming up. God dammit.

>> No.8306763

> secretly buy drugs
> place drugs in a package on doorsteps
> wait for your neighbours to steal package
> report their ass to the police for drug possession
> profit

>> No.8306768
File: 995 KB, 200x104, FuckThisGayEarth.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw waiting on package for a con
> mfw it's been a week and it hasn't even updated past the first notification
> mfw not posting this on the feels thread because feels thread was nuked by you know who

>> No.8306782

I'm tempted dude. I'm really fucking tempted. Or maybe I'll just fill a box full of bees. Because fuck.

>> No.8306792

lol yeah, proof that stupid email ads actually work on plebs
i got the one from FJ about how popular matcha products are etc, and the green tea kit kats retail for fucking $7 in aus, so i thought why not
>will probably work out to be the same after shipping, but i'll still get goodbargain feels

>> No.8306870

If you know for sure it was them and it's a really specific item that you have the receipt/confirmation email for you can report it.

>> No.8306888

Here's an auction for the green bikini, ther person I got it from isn't selling another like it right now.
There's the listing for the shirt, it's BIN.

>> No.8307003


>> No.8307143

Sure! I'm shipping to the UK, but Surface mail is different from SAL. I was actually told it'd take 1-3 months but I didn't realise waiting would be so difficult haha




Lacey dress:

Printed dress, unfortunately this one is only taking reservation end payments but they might have ready stock in the future:

Yes, that's the store. I usually judge by the review images and it seemed alright.

>> No.8307260

Did you get a response from IW confirming your reservation on the blouse? I'm waiting on one for it in black, but not overly hopeful at this point tbh.

>> No.8307348

actually my bad, sorry, i think i took the air mail option not SAL
SAL is usually pretty good from south east asia though, i've sent a lot of things from taiwan to aus using SAL and they've all made it across fine

fingers crossed your things arrive soon!

>> No.8307384

I ordered through a SS so I'm assuming my order was confirmed as soon as the purchase was made since the JP shop uses a shopping cart system.

When did you place your order? Fingers crossed for you, anon.

>> No.8307871
File: 988 KB, 790x700, apr-may.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a really busy time of year for me, the coldest con of the year is coming up so I decided one of my costumes should be one of the skin-showiest ones in my plans? God knows why.

>> No.8307894


My Nigga. You have the headphones and the kunai too?

>> No.8307903

Holy Golly sauce on the cheerleader outfit.

>> No.8307905

I've been trying to hunt down a pair of Audio Technica ATH-FC700A headphones in the right color to be Extra Authentic, but for now I'm just using a pair of cheap Target ones I've modified to look like his, haha.

As for the kunai I'm gonna buy some supplies to start crafting them after I get my next paycheck

>finally someone else who doen't hate Yosuke
>good taste, anon

>> No.8307908

Ah, whoops, didn't notice this before I posted my other reply

>> No.8308063
File: 1.28 MB, 1084x876, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just a few thigs

>> No.8308143

I hope you didn't buy that garter shit off of Storenvy.
Overpriced BS.

>> No.8308144

Sauce on the gym outfit?

>> No.8308227
File: 134 KB, 1491x742, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this stuff thanks to The Bf <3

>> No.8308252

omg all of this shit is so overpriced hahahaha

>> No.8308280

ally is a troll anon

>> No.8308281

It's MY boyfriends money, so I can do whatever I want with it. None of your business, JFC. Jealous much?

>> No.8308284

Wow fucking rude

>> No.8308295

ur such a stupid baka ita chan uwu

>> No.8308348

Literally just got my Celestial pre order, was planning on selling it as a set since my style has changed since ordering it, but the lace is SO IMMACULATE I'm not sure if I can.

.....buuuut if anyone's interested I have the dress, bonnet, and OTKs in navy plus an extra pair of OTKs in sax

>> No.8308492

for how much tho

>> No.8309283

Bugger, that sounds like a good idea for popular items, actually. I ordered on the 27th, and I'm assuming it was released on the 25th (I wasn't expecting a release, and they released a bunch of stuff I wanted ;-; ) so hmmm we'll see. If not I'll get one of their normal sleeved ones which will go with more of my dresses tbh, but I adore those princess sleeves.

>> No.8309451

>speak of the devil
Just got a reply and yup, no go on the blouse unfortunately, so going to get a different blouse (and the rosary necklace bc the other blouse is cheaper which is a blessing in disguise I guess).

>> No.8309593

naw, all from taobao
here you go! http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=39373401995
wanted the blue but t'was sold out

>> No.8309658

Sauce on the pink dress and necklace?

>> No.8310715

Etsy & storenvy respectively <3

>> No.8310719

skinny jeans and a pair of boyfriend jeans because im tall and also fat so normal jeans dont fit me.

>> No.8310842

It's heeeeeeeeere!

>> No.8310906
File: 690 KB, 991x800, mailorder2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't done much shopping for myself in a couple years now, really, besides a shirt here and there. I'm spoiling myself this summer.

Only I'm shipping everything to a place I won't be for another 2 weeks, so I don't get to open the stuff that's arrived. It's gonna be like christmas when I get there, though, I'm so excited.

>> No.8310910

Lovely haul, anon. Do you mind sharing the sauce on the brown heels on the right hand side? Also, what do you think of the Infanta OP you got? It looks like a nice versatile piece.

>> No.8310911

review/pics of infanta underdress? I'm trying to justify it to myself.

>> No.8310916

Damn, sorry to hear that. It sucks that IW's slow response time caused you to miss out on it. Which blouse did you end up getting? Maybe in you can get a princess-sleeved blouse from another brand like Baby later. Atelier Pierrot does some pretty extreme sleeves as well.

>> No.8310939

Oh I love Celestial! It's the best moisturizer I've ever used

>> No.8310964


I'll be sure to review the underdress when I get home to it.

The brown heels are Aerosoles and they're on sale

I'll probably replace the shoelace with a prettier ribbon but overall I'm pretty excited about reasonably priced normalfag shoes that remind me of a more comfortable version of that one VM pair.

>> No.8310973

Holy shit, $49.99 for a pair of Aerosoles? They go for $130+ in the shithole I live in.

>> No.8310993


>the brown ones I have were $30

what shithole is that? I can't imagine paying that much for Aerosoles.

>> No.8310999
File: 790 KB, 1770x1617, TBT01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I made a shitty giant order on Taobao and everything has been delivered to the SS. Now waiting for it to arrive at my post office.


>> No.8311009
File: 605 KB, 1606x1181, TBT02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shitty giant order 2/7

>> No.8311013
File: 2.96 MB, 1576x1373, TBT03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shitty giant order 3/7

>> No.8311018
File: 449 KB, 1589x1028, TBT04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shitty giant order 4/7

>> No.8311023
File: 487 KB, 1594x909, TBT05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shitty giant order 5/7

>> No.8311028
File: 334 KB, 1330x735, TBT06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shitty giant order 6/7

>> No.8311033
File: 684 KB, 1766x1314, TBT07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shitty giant order 7/7

I hope taxes wont kill me

>> No.8311034

Can't you put it all in the same image?!

>> No.8311037

How much did this cost total

>> No.8311081

I agree with anon >>8311034 but sauce on the nail clipper and the dumpling folder?

>> No.8311101 [DELETED] 


Cant. 4chan has a size limit.


362.41usd for the items and 140.84usd for SAL shipping.




>> No.8311109


Cant. 4chan has a size limit and I grouped them accordingly so it's easier for other anons to see what's in there and ask for sauce if they like it.


362.41usd for the items and 140.84usd for SAL shipping.




>> No.8311138

Sauce on bottom left shoes?

>> No.8311148



>> No.8311447
File: 20 KB, 345x437, 151107-s-03-dl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went for this blouse! It can go with my gothic stuff as well better than the princess sleeves would have, so I'm not too sad any more, but I'll definitely keep an eye out for other brands just in case.

>> No.8311449

Sauce on top black shoes?

>> No.8311520
File: 498 KB, 1080x1080, PhotoGrid_1431139956120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna unbox it all tomorrow.

>yfw this cost 16000¥ to ship

>> No.8311525 [DELETED] 

>banana for comparison

how much does it weigh?

fromjapan just hit me with a $150 charge 2 form ugh

>> No.8311528 [DELETED] 

>banana for comparison

how much does it weigh?

>>8299689 (You)
fromjapan just hit me with a $150 charge 2 form ugh

>> No.8311530

>banana for comparison

how much does it weigh?

fromjapan just hit me with a $150 charge 2 form ugh

>> No.8311658

Fuck those are cute

>> No.8311689

good god please review for the P4 uniform and Yosuke wig when you get them please!

>want to do P4 dancing all night ver

>> No.8311693


fuck quoted wrong sorry.

>> No.8311898



>> No.8312125

The Gakuran was shipped out yesterday and should be here on Monday or Tuesday so I'll post some pics once its here!! God bless DHL shipping

As for the wig is has an ETA of around May 20 but I'll be sure to post about it in whatever mail thread is up once it arrives

>> No.8312128

11.14 kg

>> No.8312131

a bunch of cameo bases cause I couldn't find anything remotely simple in local dollar stores. they all have cameo bases with gaudy as fuck frames.

>> No.8312405

Can you sauce the denim/black dress?

>> No.8312512

What are theses food things at the bottom ? Im curious

>> No.8312531

You mean bezels or the cabochon backgrounds you cast a silhouette onto? Because yeah, the bezels are fug and always an ugly bronze

>> No.8312733




>> No.8312757

Oh please, ive had bigger packages. Try 30 kg

>> No.8312770
File: 112 KB, 800x800, $_57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the whole thing, cabochon backgrounds. I could only find these ones with huge frames, I was looking for thinner, simpler ones.
ended up buying a set of 5 of pic related. under 3$ for it, shipping included. ordered yesterday and it was already shipped today.

>> No.8312777
File: 7 KB, 218x231, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Mine is bigger than yours

>> No.8312826

what are you trying to say here? their haul wasn't good enough?

>> No.8312827

they're stickers, i bought $50 worth on taobao and will be makin' it raiiin
>with stickers
>don't ask why i got them, they were cute

>> No.8312839

OK? There wasn't any shoes or heavy stuff in this one except the coat. If I had bought the meta shoes I got through buyee using fromjapan instead...well. I don't really want to think about that.

>> No.8312840
File: 1.16 MB, 2048x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking finally. Been waiting since 15th January. The dark JSK is really versatile and comfortable

>> No.8312844

I got this in the mail yesterday, and it really is 38 cm long. It just barely covers my butt, and that's standing still and upright. Just something to be aware of! It was a nice thick material though, not see-through like i thought it would be.

>> No.8312953

Many thanks!

>Yosuke is best boy

>> No.8312970
File: 504 KB, 871x435, orders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stuff I'm waiting for so far. Got two taobao orders going on.

>> No.8312973

>buying shitty bootleg Free merch when there's so much cheap official merch.

good on you anon.

>> No.8312988
File: 228 KB, 640x480, 1424619247983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was $2 for the entire set and they're going to end up banged up and broken attached to my keys.

>> No.8313010

Wait, $50 worth just of taobao stickers? I really want to see what that looks like all together. I love stickers.

>> No.8313020

>stooping this low.

its not even that expensive and theyre pretty durable. What do you do to your keychains?? Throw them?

>> No.8313038

Pretty much, yeah. Throw them into my purse, toss them onto the counter at night, etc. I'll buy official figures and stuff that's decoration but I'm not going to spend the money on a whole set of official keychains that're going to be messed up. Seems pointless to me.

>spend $10 on a single phonestrap with keychain for character
>shit breaks off in a month and lost somewhere in store
Never did find it. So yeah, cheap-ass bootleg for me if it's going on my keys or phone.

>> No.8313075
File: 299 KB, 768x700, maaaaiiiil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've recently started collecting figures and my wallet already feels so much regret.
Also if anyone is interested in the Ista Mori OP when it gets here let me know. I'd rather have it in black, so I'm open to selling/trading it.

>> No.8313299

yup, i can post a pic when i get them

>tfw my SS probably thinks i'm doing a group order for different people because all the things i get are so vastly different

>> No.8313304

Sauce on the T&B...what's his name? Do they have the other characters?
>tfw you watched the whole series and can't remember his name.

>> No.8313308

Not that anon, but that's Lunatic.
>aka my husbando

>> No.8313326

Sorry that I couldn't remember his name. It's been a while since I seen T&B. Off topic but is the movie translated?
>My favorite is Origami because we act alike but people compare me to the Bruce lee girl like wut.

>> No.8313354

What size is the Ista Mori OP and how much would you sell it for?

>> No.8313359

It's a size L, and I'd just resell if for the same price I got it for. I think with shipping it was like $150? It's supposed to arrive in June according to the SS I used.

>> No.8313371

Sorry for the late reply!

The listing already ended, but if you search for transparent boots on ebay, you'll find lots of listings.

They're amazing. They're soooo comfy

>> No.8313374

Can you review the love live costume when you get it?

>> No.8313378

>that City Hunter image

>> No.8313403

Will do! Unfortunately I have no idea on when it'll arrive but I'll post it in whatever mail thread is up when it does

>> No.8313414

can you review it? been eyeing that up but not sure if worth. i'm super pale and dunno how the colors will show up.

>> No.8313437
File: 4 KB, 125x118, 1418439907060s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same anon >>8307894
Please Please I wanna see. What cons are you going to btw?
>Hate Yosuke
Why would I hate Yosuke?
>Japan loves him to rank him number 1
>Remembers the west hates him though
>"Why do they hate him is it because of the-oh"

>> No.8313439

Thanks kind anon.

>> No.8313647
File: 770 KB, 819x500, EXL1RKX[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't even stop myself now
bought midsummer nights' dream from anon in the BTS thread

all the western sellers are taking a while to ship out, but FJ order has left japan and taobao order will be complete soooon
>loljks just added a heap of nail decals

>> No.8313664

I know how it feels to figure collect and lolita. I recently went back and my wallet is bleeding cash. I've decided personally to just collect figures of characters I really, really adore vs. being those serial collectors I see.

>> No.8313666

Link to those nail decals? They're super cute!

>Never any regrets when buying the glory that is Midsummer Night's Dream

>> No.8313700

wearing this pinstripe jsk right now, its so easy to wear

>> No.8313715

the sanrio ones, pretty sure they're not legit though
they sell in sets of 3 for the big sheets and sets of 12 for the small ones
roses and crosses

it's probably cheaper to get them off ebay if you don't already have a taobao order pending

>> No.8313828


I thought this was for Yuan not yen and almost had a heart attack.

>> No.8313832
File: 591 KB, 718x506, Mailthread2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The stress of finals got to me....

>> No.8313851
File: 479 KB, 599x1000, Tb order update.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted this in the previous thread but added some polaroid stickers and polaroid albums.

Dress, cosplay and wigs have been shipped off and ill be getting it coming week if there arent any problems (someone asked me to review little dipper dress so i will do so when it gets here)

>> No.8313867

I love what you're planning for that darling Little Dipper OP. We have super similar taste.

>> No.8313908
File: 470 KB, 500x280, tumblr_n0h0wbKwmp1s2vgcno2_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lunatic is my waifu as well. I got it from this Japanese seller who sells mostly used figures in auctions.


>> No.8313914
File: 428 KB, 988x474, mail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been really bad lately and am kinda feeling a bit guilty looking at this. But i plan on closet cleaning and selling in a couple months so that might make me feel better.
A couple things in made to order, the rest should be arriving tomorrow actually.

>> No.8313917

>I've decided personally to just collect figures of characters I really, really adore
thats pretty much what I do too.
The fact though that I don't have to pay for these figures now makes it easier to just keep adding more. Definitely going to try and restrain from adding anymore that come out in July and August.

>> No.8313920

Thanks anon! Its actually my second lolita dress, since I'm primary a cosplayer.

Though I'm having a bit of trouble with the shoes. I'm worried none of the purples will match well (or at least not true to their stock photos, knowing taobao) so I've held back from buying them.

>will probably take this to co-ord help thread when I get the stuff

>> No.8313924

I don't even sweet, but I love your taste. Rose Toilette is gorgeous.

>> No.8313941
File: 2.33 MB, 1616x976, order_9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Planning to craft some things I couldn't find for purchase anywhere. Just small quantities from ebay.

>> No.8313983

Thiiiiiis. My main fandom has been getting a ton of figures and merch in general lately after years of no interest, so that coupled with lolita buying has been totally destroying my wallet. It hurts. But it's great.

>> No.8314200

Are cosplay girls with donation pages scams?

Some offer little gifts if people that donate. I've been donating to a girl for almost 4 months now and she still hasn't sent me a letter . Her donation page says that she will write you and send you pictures if you donate to her. Have I been had?

>> No.8314207

Just ask her about your reward?

>> No.8314280
File: 160 KB, 535x533, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Realized my summer wardrobe is lacking, so I bought a few things

>> No.8314285


I'm afraid I'll come off as rude or entitled. What's a polite way to ask about it without sounding like a desperate neckbeard?

>> No.8314287

Don't donate then

>> No.8314300
File: 54 KB, 653x654, beauty box.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

expecting a beautybox.

want me to review once it gets here?

>> No.8314314

Just ask whether something went wrong on the donation system side since it sounds like a set rewards not something she might do if you're lucky.

>> No.8314322

source on those crop tops

>> No.8314329


>> No.8314331


>> No.8314346


>> No.8314355

source on the white dress on the right?

>> No.8314481

sauce on the tights?

>> No.8314551


sauce on those sarouel pants pretty please...

>> No.8314563

I guess this is semi-related... I'm doing my first order off taobao and it still hasn't shipped, even though it's 1 day off cancelling. Should I contact the seller to ask them if I should extend shipping time?

>> No.8314646


It's one size fits most but for $1.68 it's worth a shot.

>> No.8314700


>> No.8314789

if you're still around, what's the name of the top middle jsk?

>> No.8315003

I've bought similar ones before but they were way too short. I'm 172cm

>> No.8315015

It has a ridiculous name... had to copy and paste it from Krad's FB page. It's called "Kostelik Vech Savtych a Kostnici".

>> No.8315320

A lot of tights I've bought from the China/Japan area are meant for girls between 150-165cm. I find they fit great at 161cm, but be warned if you're a taller anon!

>> No.8315791
File: 861 KB, 981x410, newmail2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This and a bunch of socks from the Sockdreams sale this weekend. My shit's all over the place lately.

>> No.8315938


Didnt know which one you wanted so here's the link to both white dresses on the right:



>> No.8316119
File: 1.79 MB, 2448x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things arrived but I'm so disappointed I got sent the OP in the wrong colour. I ordered purple and they sent me beige and I don't know if it's worth arguing with the seller since I order direct from TB plus it was a preorder item so I don't think there's any way to swap them....

I'll still do the review though! Have photos etc up soon!

>> No.8316138

Sauce for the flower headbands?

>> No.8316611

I'm around 168cm so I guess nothing to do but try them and hope for the best.

>> No.8316736
File: 255 KB, 587x348, ;_;.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was outbidded on a qt btssb houndstooth dress(am a houndstooth whore), so I drowned my sorrow with two bags. Will probably add more idk

>> No.8316889

How much did you get it for? I might be willing to take it off your hands.

> also Cashew
Good taste

>> No.8316943

I'm 163/4cm and they fit, but you have to pull them up a wee bit otherwise the crotch just sits at your thighs

>> No.8316945

It's the name of the church of human bones in the Czech Republic.

>> No.8317023
File: 983 KB, 1000x1000, order.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not in the mail quite yet. I'm still waiting on the bunny dress. I'm pretty excited though.

>> No.8317025

Sauce on the Sailor Moon purses?

>> No.8317069


>> No.8317107

I know, but as a print name it's not very memorable or easy to refer to. I don't mean it as a slight on the name or language. Surely you get what I meant.

>> No.8317214

ughhhh i feel kind of shitty for wanting two of those SM bags. I love all the new merch they put out but i feel real sketchy buying the knock offs.

>> No.8317717

I burned it all

>> No.8317726

Added a few more items. Shoes are on sale from target, bag is from modcloth (also available on nastygal too). melt cosmetics is having a 25% off your cart discount thing if anyone is interested, code is meltmilli but I think it ends today at midnight PST?



>> No.8317731
File: 753 KB, 804x1024, moarmail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woops forgot my image...

>> No.8317738

I love your order anon!

>> No.8317794

what's the name of the black and white cityscape pattern dress at the bottom? I think its AP but correct me if im wrong. I need to see more of that pattern its cute as hell.

>> No.8317816

not that anon, but are you talking about the closetchild one? if yes, it's navy and it's a carnival print. it's cl night carnival by metamorphose and I'm extremely jealous of anon because I wanted to buy it but didn't have the funds, it's my preferred colorway. oh well, I hope you enjoy it anon it's a super cute print!

>> No.8318100

oh jeez seeing better pictures of it just makes me so upset because that print is absolutely gorgeous. For sure joining the ranks of dresses I would buy if I wasnt broke as shit. Thanks for letting me know the print!

>> No.8318834
File: 1016 KB, 1698x1047, little dipper dress beige.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I apologise in advance the room i took photos in didn't have ideal lighting.

This is the review for the Little Dipper dress since an anon requested it (its my second dress I have no idea what things to look out for) but overall the construction was good, loose thread around the zip but that being said the zip worked well. The lace used on the sleeves,collar and the bottom of the dress were all very nice quality. The embroidery on the collar and waist ties was nicely done.

I did try it on and the measurements were all true to the ones given (I got the OP in size L) though I feel like it might be a little on the short side since it sits a tiny bit above the knee.

Thanks for the offer anon but I might hold onto it for a bit since I kind of like it after I tried it on. Just that all the accessories I bought dont go all that well with it anymore.... but ill pop it in the sales thread if I change my mind!

>> No.8318840

Ah, it's fine! It's a cute OP!

>> No.8318932

I had a bunch of small knick knacks coming in from China. Fedex said it was arriving soon but then the department of fish and wildlife took it?! It's been stuck with them for a week, my friend bought a phone case and the carrier was fedex as well, she said it also went through the department of fish and wildlife and it took two weeks to arrive to her house. She said she can't get rid of the funky fish smell from it either.

>> No.8319017
File: 16 KB, 247x255, absolutely disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's here and the review is up!! Sorry that it's kinda shitty I've never really written up an actual review before
My blog is himetori.blogspot since 4ch thinks literally every single link I post is spam. Nice.

You're gonna be disappointed if you're not Australian since that's where I am. If you are Australian though I'll be wearing him to Melbourne Oz Comic Con next month with a Yu!

And yeah, I really don't understand why the western fandom hates him for what he said about Kanji and girls and stuff. The kids a 17 year old in 2011, he was acting how most 17 year olds in 2011 would act to be honest.

>> No.8319026

Why would they go there?

>> No.8319040

I'm waiting on a pink Dolly Cat OP and KC that should be here tomorrow. I wanted to buy the matching plush cat bag but the only one on YAJ right now is over ¥50000 yen ahaha fuuuuck that.

>> No.8319052

I'm the anon that requested the pictures. It's so pretty! I'm sorry they gave you the wrong color though.

>> No.8319116

Not sure, It's just small things like purses and accessories too, I'm praying they don't go through it with their fishy hands. I'm upset why would it even end up there, man fuck fedex

>> No.8319125

Oh and I meant to add that its basically customs thinking you smuggled bacteria/wildlife

>> No.8319177

I bought Wolf in Frame (a size too big) at 3am from a campus library computer because I was at that 'fuck it, I deserve this' stage. Didn't even remember until the following evening

>> No.8319182

It is very comfy and I was delighted that it sits perfectly at knee length (I'm 5ft) rather than eating me alive.

It matches alot of suits so I can wear it to a bunch of formal events with the bf.

>> No.8319306


fuck yes. ill see if i can get myself to comicon ow.

>> No.8319313

It is! I contacted the seller and they apologised and gave me a partial refund as well so Im not as upset as when i first got it.

>Kashuu best boy

No problem! Yeah its a shame, but its still very nice, they have a OP up for preorder with the same design but princess sleeves if from memory.

>> No.8319329

Ah I want it but I want that mermaid meta print more so I'm going to throw my money at that for now. Haha I won't be able to buy anything new for half a year

>> No.8319870
File: 162 KB, 640x480, TBR021D2CQ128887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8319885
File: 2.28 MB, 1941x1800, Mailorder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Added a few things into my taobao order. LL movie outfit was a last decision and hopefully it comes in time.

>> No.8321342

Waiting on the blue ones as well. Would have gone purple but a good friend of mine went and got purple.

>> No.8321361

Tights fit me, and I'm your height.
I am all torso though.

>> No.8321375

Maaan I've been wanting that HMHM stripe JSK for a long time. Is the waist as high as it looks in some pics?

>> No.8321380

>dem panties
I really gotta get me some of those
Do they come in non asian baby sizes?

>> No.8321381

Source on shimapan?

>> No.8321386

I'm selling BTSBB anastasia JSK in houndstooth, are you intrested in that?

>> No.8321388
File: 105 KB, 640x478, Patch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got this patch in this morning for my Mikoshiba cosplay. It looks a bit flimsy, but once I've got it sewn on it should look pretty good. Aside from that, I'm currently waiting for a wig and I still need to order contacts as well as some magnetic earring studs.

>> No.8321392

Source on pink sunglasses?

>> No.8321415

here you are!
hehe. well it's only one size, and googles giving me this:
Size: single tile width 31CM (flexible, can move up) Height 21CM
Suitable Waist: 1 foot 7-2 feet 2

>> No.8321418
File: 205 KB, 431x286, ITSHAPPENING.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So excited!

>> No.8321423
File: 18 KB, 236x355, 2267ab3e4c7025a8e23ffaf3067b0765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got this coming in the mail, and a nice floppy white hat.

>> No.8321473
File: 600 KB, 489x485, hat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been loving these hats lately.

>> No.8321513

That's super cute.

>> No.8321518

noob anon here again. my package is stuck at the chicago sorting facility (which is notoriously bad). it's been there for a week. worried the dress isn't gonna arrive for the meet on the 30th

>> No.8321525

please post the coord you plan to make with this i'm such a sucker for boater hats they're so adorable

>> No.8321546

source on baymax bag needed
you're an idiot the crop top with the cat is originally by killstar clothing you bought a fucking replica
ahhh thats such a pretty headband and would go well with the coord im planning too bad im too much of a coward to buy from taobao

>> No.8321588

I read "bacon shimmer brown"

>> No.8321591

Came from here anon!


>> No.8321605

i might face my fears of buying from taobao to get this bag because i really really need it

>> No.8321608
File: 2.07 MB, 1520x1306, in the mail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This stupid fucking rabbit bear bullshit fucking it is so fucking cute I cannot believe I just dropped over $150 on a god damned plush animal backpack god fucking shit this thing and it's stupid fucking face and perfect little red eyes telling me to just throw my god damned money away you stupid fucking kawaii piece of shit I fucking love you already.

>> No.8321609
File: 129 KB, 1280x720, Yandere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your first picture seriously makes me think of the whole yandere eyes.

>> No.8321691


Sauce on cameo?

>> No.8321769

its a super fucking cheap bodyline cameo. I only picked it up because it was something like 200yen and I was already getting the dress. You can find better ones just about anywhere.

>> No.8321790


>> No.8321829

So far I have been loving it, I have pale olive skin and it shows up pretty well.

>> No.8321853
File: 1019 KB, 464x260, whatever.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel you... I loved them when I first saw them, but there's no way I can justify spending 100+ on a faux leather bag, so knock offs here I come

>> No.8321959

The wig arrived today which was REALLY unexpected but y'know it is what it is. Review is up on my blog himetori.blogspot!!

>> No.8322044

Honestly, I wish I could have the headphones themselves in white.

>> No.8322529

I just got my one of these, and it's really really nice! I wish they made a black one, then I'd be set.

>> No.8322736

Where is this from?

>> No.8322823

Were these really 100+? I saw the knockoffs before anything else and I usually keep up with anime inspired merch.

Does anyone know the original price and source of these?

>wants to buy from the source but
>too weak and usually only for burando

>> No.8322872

They're from a Samantha Thavasa collab.

>> No.8322982


A white hat to go with this dress? I've been wondering what to wear with this exact OP. I know it's an underdress but I think it could be cute on its own...

>> No.8323086

Got the headbow last week and the JSK today. The JSK was a little bit underwhelming in person but then again that might be as it's a summer dress and I prefer the feel of Moitie's thicker dresses.

>> No.8323139
File: 140 KB, 804x580, Mail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was unfortunately a lot pricier a small haul than it looks.

>> No.8323301

I still haven't had time to go through this box, I'm resisting even just peeking because I want to film it, and I couldn't find my camera until late Monday night. Why is life such a struggle?

Maybe tonight.

>> No.8323306

Don't know how you resisted this long.

>> No.8323326

wow anon, you've got better restraint than most of us! can't wait to see it though, i love unboxing vids

>> No.8323449

I had to choose between the Once Upon a Time season 4 finale and opening the box - the likelihood of it getting spoiled for me grows exponentially the longer I put it off so it was a priority lol. Plus my husband would have been pissed if I had made him wait til the weekend to watch it.

>> No.8323482

Haha, I was the same, I just finished finals yesterday so the finale was first on my list this morning. Looking forward to seeing what's in the box!

>> No.8323670
File: 1.46 MB, 3264x1836, 20150513_132048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yaaay this just came in the mail! (Along with the matching headbow)

>> No.8323744

What cut? And can you do detail and porn pics?

Also, I'm looking for someone who got the beret to show pics so if anyone got that godawful but beautiful beret then just shout for me

>> No.8323748

I am so so sorry anon

>> No.8323759

p ain't anywhere near w

>> No.8323765

I've been doing unboxing videos lately so if you'd like me to post a link to the video once I make it, I definitely can. I'll probably make the video after work. And the cut is the OP.

>> No.8323771

and lol no worries. I did raise an eyebrow for a second when I read your first post, then I saw this post.

>> No.8323778

Freud would like a word.

>> No.8323846

Please cleanse my unconscious
Admittedly, I was just playing Sonohana so??

Ah the OP is my favourite cut (and it would actually fit me?)
Link it on the next mail thread! This one is gonna reach 300 any minute

>> No.8323895
File: 69 KB, 501x961, elf haul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- A bunch of cheap makeup gear from ELF
- Prescription colored contacts
- Pros-Aide No Tack adhesive
- Appointment with waxing salon on thursday
- Appointment with hair salon on friday
- Reservation at Dorsia that same friday night with this cute guy I met who works in mergers and acquisitions

>> No.8323990

>A bunch of cheap makeup gear from ELF

>> No.8324001

Sauce on the fruit clips please please.
Treat yoself anon, good on you for this big order

>> No.8324071

> tfw tracking finally updates
> and it's in your country
FUCK YEAH. No idea why the postal service couldn't at least let me know that it left its country of origin, but I'm relieved that my package will at least arrive in time for the convention.

> knocks on wood

>> No.8324158

oh no...

>> No.8324487

source on bunny dress and blouse?

>> No.8324807

I personally like Sephora and MAC's brushes and products. Sephora's are a little more affordable but their eyebrow brushes, eyeliners, and liquid eyeliners are ~$12 each and SO worth it. They hold up for years.

>> No.8324945

So my Closet Child order arrived in Canada last night and was "presented to Canada Border Services Agency for customs review". What are the odds of me not having to wait until after Victoria Day for the package, and what are the odds of me not paying duties? If it makes a difference, I paid around 90 CAD shipping included.

>> No.8325129

i think this thread autosaged

>> No.8325276

I know what you mean. I just paid for a Taobao order that came to $112 and all it was just two cheap blouses, some necklaces, and some hair bows. And nothing was expensive on it's own. Costs really do add up.

>> No.8325666



They all added up to 13.35kg by the way and my husband and sister in law wanted stuff at the last minute so there's now a part 8 to that order.


>> No.8327250

Not on me, but I'm 5ft. It hits right at my natural waist and my knee- doesn't swamp me like most other dresses but might be a bit short on most of you gulls

>> No.8327521

Oh perfect, I'm actually 5' too, so it should work out. Thanks anon.

>> No.8328253

Congratulations anon!

Silent Moon is so gorgeous. If you don't mind me asking where did you find it? I hope both dresses arrive soon.