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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 103 KB, 562x760, momoahr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8307792 No.8307792 [Reply] [Original]

>how did they get so popular
>fame whores and ass kissing by followers
>coat tail riding by other "famous"/popular instagram users
>being underage and posing yourself in lingerie

>> No.8307800

>"number of your followers dont matter :)"
>constant shameless share4shares and promoting shitty second seller taobao shops for promotion
>constant wishing and stories of dreams to reach a certain following

>> No.8307809

I can't wait for her botched surgery.

>> No.8307815

this + the hashtags like #makeup #cosplayer #cosplay #cute #cutie #tagforlikes and a lot more

>> No.8307825
File: 8 KB, 261x200, +_13d60e4b73a3874d71b6992471c0b38c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone still have the link to her fundme for her boob job?
I forgot to save it

>> No.8307834

Why does it seem like all Instagram cosplayers really young weebs? (12-16) are cons like this too?

>> No.8307835

Nigri's instagram is pure comedy gold if you like reading comment drama.

>> No.8307840
File: 71 KB, 403x740, momoah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck would honestly buy a print of this?
Not only does she look horrible in general but her photographer captured her in the most unflattering angle and the lighting is shit.

not to mention her sweater looks so over sized and unfitting, this isnt sexy

>> No.8307843
File: 90 KB, 400x267, 400x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least she only responds during a blue moon, most other "cos famous" girls especially underage respond.

>> No.8307848

the "cleavage" here is ugly if anything mostly non existent
and those chicken legs

>> No.8307891
File: 278 KB, 835x413, momo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8307935

Please tell me she's a 14 year old on some chunni shit.

>> No.8307938

I think she's around 15-17

>> No.8307959

she's 17. 18 soon. I know, fucking ridiculous.

>> No.8307960

I know someone who acts like this and is 22. It's so fucking cringeworthy. It's called pet play you dumb whore.

>> No.8307970

doesnt she have a ton of posts of herself in her bra and undies on her instagram?
I just remember her posting them before.
Isnt that considered CP to the feds? seriously

>> No.8307977

The comments for her boyfriend from males are excellent

>> No.8307978

Yes and probably yes. The images have obvious sexual overtones and could (most probably are) be used for less than savoury purposes.

>> No.8308035

Yeah she posted a few bra pictures when she got that stupid meme sweater but another Instagram cosplayer called her out on it (eikki?) And she deleted the most risque ones. But of course she's still like GUIZ BODY POSITIVITY MY BODY NOT URS!!!! even though it's considered child porn.

>> No.8308090

It was for a boob job? Last I checked it was for a face job or something.

>> No.8308098

Well I forgot, anyone have that link?

>> No.8308101
File: 748 KB, 609x610, FCBZ04h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8308105

god FUCK her eye editing rustles me

>> No.8308119
File: 39 KB, 612x458, KNj83Pc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8308120

As a male I would buy, only if she autograph it and it's postcard size.

>> No.8308126
File: 191 KB, 400x544, zklq8y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just finding photos on google here

>> No.8308127
File: 292 KB, 1000x1775, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8308136
File: 153 KB, 502x374, 15iaiv6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8308150
File: 1006 KB, 1440x2200, irZbIqy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8308167

I can tell this photo was taken at universal city walk and something about that really makes me roll my eyes

>> No.8308177

hey momo at least try and be more realistic when you post

>> No.8308186
File: 156 KB, 640x960, aT1tPJi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found this

>> No.8308192
File: 129 KB, 640x960, wuM8Vb0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8308203
File: 194 KB, 640x960, image (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8308215

>chicken legs
you sound fat

>> No.8308216
File: 485 KB, 900x538, ezimba15043556263000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her face is so blurry

>> No.8308219

http://prettyuglylittleliar.freeforums.org/annedere-ecchi2-t5036.html ?

>> No.8308224
File: 41 KB, 500x375, 1379572135353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope just have higher standards in real beauty
heres an example of much better thighs that arent just bone

>> No.8308226


>> No.8308230

thats because she edits the shit out of it so she can look like a kawaii azn

>> No.8308233
File: 118 KB, 1004x661, 1362540494368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old but still probably thinks this way

>> No.8308239

gaussian blur..or I like to call it after drinking - beer goggles

>> No.8308247
File: 24 KB, 180x120, +_17d80b90aca529504dbba77ad4d173ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she really as thin/fit as she says she is? These shirts like in OP picture just hide chubby stomachs if anything she doesnt have anything near an hourglass so she can kiss that "cosfame" goodbye

having boney thighs doesnt count
netheir does having chubby upper arms as opposed to the girls in her drawings.

>> No.8308254

Thatgs how boobs look when you have one arm out and the other pressed against and in towards the middle of your chest. Seriously? You are that confused?

>> No.8308256

>huge padding for breast size
>barely any to no cleavage at all
>meanwhile in insta comments
>"omz you have big boobs sexy!1!"

are boys this ignorant?

>> No.8308262
File: 63 KB, 487x461, 1399839538275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its kinda cute that these little cosplay fledglings think they're important enough to be invited to conventions.

>> No.8308272
File: 125 KB, 470x731, m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

almost killed myself out of second hand embarrassment when this was posted

>> No.8308276
File: 105 KB, 604x506, momos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone see her at Megacon? stories?

>> No.8308278
File: 73 KB, 285x218, puke.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8308279

top kek

>> No.8308285

Very likely no one recognized her, with how much she edits.

That girl anne is so vulgar she has no room to talk, she honestly makes weeb-shit momo look like a saint.

>> No.8308294
File: 372 KB, 437x501, Candice Swanepoel Victoria Secret 13 Fantasy Bra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you prefer >>8307840
over >>8308224 or pic related you are either momo herself or your just a strange pedo

>> No.8308311
File: 8 KB, 286x200, +_cb1d6aeaaaa92c431ffe98079131c9a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did she think this was ok to post?
Didnt she just turn 17 here? Also doesnt she not turn 18 until June 5th? This is obviously meant to be taken sexual how is this legal?

>> No.8308313

Has anyone ever noticed that at almost every anime convention there is a cat girl with a leash being lead around by her creepy boyfriend? Bonus points if they're in a bikini or maid outfit.

>> No.8308321
File: 7 KB, 99x229, bef4cb7a2a1ed4d03397f9516385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sexy momo

>> No.8308334
File: 13 KB, 236x354, likethis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer women who don't look anorexic.

>> No.8308343

Some states 16 is the legal age.

>> No.8308347

Are you an autist? There is a difference between being anorexic and being fit.
Go to /fit/ and say this with that same post and you will be laughed at.

>> No.8308350

she is Florida
besides these images are on the internet

>> No.8308366
File: 14 KB, 300x300, 1326170187043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Menwhile in America
>dont over eat and lift
>Not a lardwhale

>> No.8308374

I dont like the built look or women who look so small. Im not saying they are anorexic. Im saying they are small like women who are anorexic. I like a bit more meat and you can look like >>8308334 and be healthy and fit, minus the muscle tone.

>> No.8308384

You sound fat.

>> No.8308392

Less proana rants, more bitch who thinks she's halfu Korean piggu.

>> No.8308401
File: 410 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-02-19-23-29-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8308402

Because I prefer a certain body type. Of course.

>> No.8308405
File: 425 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-02-19-18-44-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"us Asians"

>> No.8308407
File: 167 KB, 640x1136, image (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8308408

next week's Asian is Korean lmao.
This bitch is whiter than a suburban famy.

>> No.8308411

For fucks sake. Is being thin just the only thing you have to hang on to in your life?

>> No.8308414
File: 185 KB, 640x1136, image (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8308421
File: 184 KB, 640x1136, image (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8308424
File: 214 KB, 640x1136, image (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8308426

Don't get me wrong she's a delusional weeb with yellowfever of some sorts, but I don't think that's the worst thing about her. Also I'm sure that pretending to be a korean girl gives her more likes.

>> No.8308428

Im the anon that person is replying to. Seems people using that as a reply really need to use their time in a better manner. Nothing I said was supposed to be insulting or to be taken wrongly. I have a body type [preference that I think it beautiful. If they think because I like that I am fat, then thats their deal, not mine.

>> No.8308432
File: 342 KB, 423x673, du81MNK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember when she wanted to legally change her real name

>> No.8308439
File: 243 KB, 640x1136, image (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"cosplay career"

isnt this cosplay career thing the same thing as being an actual idol...you cant just...become famous, I only honestly see this happening to jnig..thats it

>> No.8308444

Holy shit. Stop sharing the screen grabs.

>> No.8308466


There's a difference between talking about something and people requesting more caps, but this is just looking desperate.

>> No.8308477

Its a clear Vendetta. If people want to fucking read all this boring shit they can go to her instagram, but don't post all the gawd damn boring conversation on here. No one cares enough.

>> No.8308494

Yeah, vendetta anon is making momo seem less cringey than she really is.

>> No.8308504

>I don't want to ask you for money but I'm asking you for money

>> No.8308527

There's nothing wrong with either bodies, but dude momo's legs look a bit bigger then the girl you posted, if not the same size. No reason to call her chicken legs, if you ask me.

>> No.8308572

Why does she look like a shitty version of Abipop

>> No.8308601

>mumusour thread

>> No.8308612

It's not illegal because it's not really sexual, she's laying on her back looking up with a sort of alluring expression, hard to tell because of how fucking blurry it is, but it's not illegal to be underage and post something slutty. If a 16 takes a picture of herself in a bikini or a miniskirt and you see a lot of skin it's not illegal as long as it isn't explicitly sexual. No one is going to jail for having that on their computer.

>> No.8308649

Especially conventions overseas. You don't even know how to get a passport yet and you think you are going to be asked to go that far? Plus what services do you even have to offer?

>> No.8308684

>so over sized and unfitting, this isnt sexy
It's kind of sexy in a dork-trying-to-be-sexy way.

>> No.8308703

They look like butts.
or that she has really droopy nipples

>> No.8308721

>all that Instashoop
Where did her tits go?

>> No.8308735

The sorts of white women who are into anime are just the same as those into rap and black culture, in terms of general principles: no culture of their own so they desperately try to attach themselves to racially exclusive cultures like Japanese or Korean. They also have a tendency to exclusively prefer racially alien men (a pathology by definition).

As a white person I just find it embarrassing. Its like watching someone with no pride in who they are aimlessly bounce about, with a vacuum where their organic group identity should be.

This is why we need /pol/. Not even joking.

>> No.8308743

dat realtalk

>> No.8308755

I see momosour at every con I go to. She's a lot larger in weight than her pictures lead on. Completely flat chested, no ass, and she is pretty short (around 5'2). Though she's definitely got a lot of weight on but hides it with Meitu's slim and long legs tool. Complete diva too.

Anyways, any other instagrammers to talk about?

>> No.8308885
File: 55 KB, 545x575, GW545H575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she going for 2-D?

>> No.8308906

> bts jersey
> hangul
The weebs are migrating to being koreaboos too huh

>> No.8308927


>> No.8308933
File: 67 KB, 247x248, mindblown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please tell me she's a 14 year old on some chunni shit.
this is a glorious way to describe these kind of people

>> No.8308934

Clearly trying to cover her pudgy stomach here.

>> No.8308942

funny she should say that, meimei looks like a white wannabe azn weeb too in her profile pic

also I don't see what's so wrong about being a weeb, she'll get over it, it's harmless weeb pretend games, she sounds underage
>inb4 it's sOOper offensive to azns!
fuck off

>> No.8308947

>strange pedo
I never really got the whole skinny = pedo thing. Kids are usually pretty chubby

>> No.8308963

Underdeveloped/pre-puberty girls are generally flat, skinny, etc

>> No.8308982

heheh her bangs make her eyebrows look super long and I can't stop giggling

>> No.8308984

And it's terrible because kboos think they're somehow cooler or less childish than weeaboos.
I am embarassed whenever I see one of my many kboo korean major friends use hangul in their facebook posts like it's some secret club.

>> No.8309038

Does she even know the history between the two countries and how offensive that shit is?

>> No.8309045

Anime isn't exactly a rich part of Asian culture though. I see what you're saying, but it's not appropriative to partake in popular culture which is mass produced and sold for profit.

>> No.8309049

No one said theyd prefer that

>> No.8309058

Probably not because whenever you mention Japanese Imperialism to the majority of people in the United States they get real quiet and confused. The best thing is pointing out that nations that aren't white did fucked up shit to other groups of not white nations to American SJWs they don't know what to do... and it is glorious.

>> No.8309077
File: 84 KB, 566x565, rea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok dont even mind "sexy cosplay girls/gamers" but fuck this girl is embarrassing
there is no modesty and the comments are too cringe worthy especially her replies

>> No.8309088
File: 3.72 MB, 1272x1920, 0a8c1e_f1441cf5127f40128d43acffb99e8261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im surprised no one has posted her amazing MS paint eyeliner skills yet

>> No.8309101
File: 1.21 MB, 1000x662, 0a8c1e_a27d2c90962842bb88f54697e69e21d5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8309111


>> No.8309120
File: 17 KB, 250x250, 1300044776986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people were staring at our public display of our pet play fetish

wow so edgy

seriously why do these autists honestly think this is ok? and of coarse you are going to be fucking stared at its fetishizing in public

>> No.8309305

She's 18. I'm the same age as her and I want to vomit whenever I see her cuz I haven't acted like that since I was 13. I hope that someone will stab me if I ever act like that ever again.

>> No.8309318

caps: http://asian-wannabes.tumblr.com/post/117587292660/
Can't find the actual link tho

>> No.8309324

I would buy, only if she autographs it, it's postcard size, and it's free.

>> No.8309328

I actually replied to that "are you korean or white" comment and my comment and the original comment were both deleted. I didn't get blocked though. I'm assuming it's because I'm actually asian.

>> No.8309336

I've said it before and I'll say it again.
Momo needs someone to dick the stupid out of her.

>> No.8309341

she thinks she's your uwu so kawaii desu 100% korean ulzzang waifu now

>> No.8309343
File: 101 KB, 392x500, 3508439399_fab030ceed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8309344

god bless u anon for that tumblr

>> No.8309345

She looks kinda...fat.

>> No.8309347

no it's just straight up not sexy at all

>> No.8309350

is that all you got? She's more autistic than anything else.

>> No.8309351

how does she act irl and is it true that she doesn't actually have any friends?

>> No.8309355

I cringe at the thought that she has irl friends.

>> No.8309357

that front page argument thou

>> No.8309358
File: 34 KB, 384x387, funny_pug_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yall talking shit about my future waifu

>> No.8309362

You should be happy anon, she's all yours.

>> No.8309364

I'm just saying for someone who tries to paint themselves as so azn and kawaii, she sure likes kinda...fat.

>> No.8309367
File: 5 KB, 250x231, 1412903230492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this bitch so popular on Instagram but everything else looks like she just started out? Sursly.

>> No.8309369

Her foundation is the wrong color :v

>> No.8309374

That and guys having no taste as usual.

>> No.8309377

Careers in cosplay are like being the smartest person with Down Syndrome.

>> No.8309386

If you tag abuse or even just use a good number of tags you get shitloads of spam followers on instagram. Once I tagged a birchbox I got and 4 other monthly box services followed me.

>> No.8309388
File: 30 KB, 227x200, 1424468371618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does she get shit sent to her? Like is she that popular, just from instagram, that people send and buy her shit?

>> No.8309392

I would she is such a cutie.

>> No.8309395
File: 417 KB, 320x180, martha jones.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl is going to turn into a MFC girl, almost guarenteed when she's old enough. She seems like a attention whore, who wants immediate gratification.

>> No.8309402

Honestly, someone should make a 'How to Social Media for Cosplayers' panel.

We all know those dumbfucks who post stupid shit that nobody cares about hourly/daily.

>> No.8309406

Lets make some infograms, I'll do the gramming, you get the info.


>> No.8309436


>> No.8309471

Wait, this isn't Justin Bieber?

>> No.8309477

Yes, yes they are. And not just boys--also full grown men.

"If it looks like a boob, it must be a boob!" -- men.

>> No.8309483

all the time
every other picture is "2D"

>> No.8309493
File: 18 KB, 540x208, Hmj0W66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's weird how dudes are so obsessed with tits yet know nothing about them.

>> No.8309510

Holy shit that's too cringey. It looks like they are in walt disney world or disney downtown? If they were at WDW I reaaaallly wish the people working there would embarass her and tell her to remove it and have them hold it at the front or she has to leave. When I was in highschool, some kid wore a collar, fox ears, and a fox tail to school. EVERYONE gave him shit for it and made fun of him. Because of this, he stopped wearing that cringey crap and these are one of the few scenarios where bullying should be encouraged.

>> No.8309516

when guys start chatting like that you can bs them forever since the head is already in the gutter..

oh and guy here XD

>> No.8309531

>pushing into success and happiness

I always feel like people like this began on Gaia begging for gold, thinking that there was no harm in begging within a gaming site for fake gold. They got their wish by being cute and posting excuses that farming for hold was just tooooo hard, and donators cropped up like daisies.

But they have gone into life trying to pull the same shit like this, thinking that they can get money for a hobby without trying for shit, by being cute, by thinking that there's absolutely no harm in taking money from people instead of developing the responsibility to make money to cosplay and do other shit.

It doesn't work that way, unless like anon >>8309395 said, she becomes an MFC girl or hops on the sugar daddy train where she still won't learn responsibility.

>> No.8309554

I can see her doing Cosplay deviant when she turns 18 tho

>> No.8309560

then she'll make many penises happy and become lolcow material


>> No.8309628



>> No.8309639
File: 106 KB, 640x817, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay, i get that this girl has a nose the size of an elephant's truck, but why the fuck would you take selfies from such an unbelievably unflattering angle? literally all of her photos look like this with her chin tucked so deeply into her neck that her face seems to end at her fish lips.

>> No.8309643
File: 92 KB, 640x815, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more from this bizarre angle

>> No.8309646
File: 148 KB, 640x826, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8309648


Are you sure she actually has a chin? I mean, this doesn't look like a unflattering angle so much as just not having a chin. I mean- You can hardly even see it below her lips.

>> No.8309660

>They also have a tendency to exclusively prefer racially alien men (a pathology by definition).


>> No.8309683
File: 138 KB, 640x621, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she definitely has one. pic related, she's on the left.

>> No.8309690

Are those black teeth?

>> No.8309691

tbh this tumblr seems equally dumb though.
I mean, calling white girls out on yellowfacing and whatever is great and all but... "don't use the term weaboo ironically because we arbitrarily decided that that's our word now and none of you get to use it anymore b/c it will take power away from the word"
that's just firggin' dumb. If you want the word taken seriously, don't use fucking weaboo.

>> No.8309697

topkek right now because I remember blocking that thing on IG so her weirdly angled selfies would stop showing up whenever I scrolled through random shit

it's like the go-to angle for anyone with a gargantuan nose

>> No.8309700

Waists don't do that. Is she a waist-trainer, or just photoshopped?

>> No.8309702

she's fat as fuck and trying to hide it with an extreme angle. When I say fat as fuck, I mean like 300+lbs, you can tell from the fingers. She's fucking obese.

>> No.8309714


*weeaboo was a joke word that didn't mean anything until "japanophile" wordfiltered to "weeaboo" on 4chan like a decade ago, I don't think this person realizes this, lol

>> No.8309715

Most white girls at cons are queer and dating each other so I don't know where you've got that from.

>> No.8309721

As an anime-american I deeply resent people photoshopping their eyes to look like mine.

>> No.8309723


though I think it's not so much the shoop that's the problem (they don't look asian, just like they're wearing really heavy asian-fashion makeup) but literally being like "I'M KOREAN" or changing their name to korean names and stuff... that's where it gets really cringey.

>> No.8309738

I saw her. She complimented my cosplay and handed me a business card.

My friends who had all shit-talked her on the car ride to MegaCon were standing right beside me, too.

>> No.8309739


They mean saying you love asian guys and aren't into white guys is odd, if you're a white girl. I happen to agree. Either you've consumed so much trashy asian pop culture you've become delusional or you have some legit mental disorder about hating or simply not having your own group or identity.

>> No.8309760


>>8309738 here.

She acts really stuttery and fake nice, I could tell she was pulling whatever phrase she could out of her ass to get a conversation going so she'd have some way to shoehorn herself into giving me her business card without seeming self-promote-y.

She's really short, pretty flat chested and her smiles always feel really fake. That last bit is probably just me, though.

>> No.8309857

>>8308755 (me)

I completely agree with everything >>8309760 said. She acts entitled to everything and if you happen to be a love live cosplayer, she will latch on to you talking about how kawaii you are. Unless you're cosplaying Kotori, because she will death stare you to hell.

She doesn't have any friends. She either walks around with the leash man, walks around with krispiix the man, or is latching on to a photographer. And she doesn't even cosplay anymore. She just walks around in her korean desu get up with furry ears, tail, collar, and leash.

>> No.8309886

>They mean saying you love asian guys and aren't into white guys is odd, if you're a white girl. I happen to agree.

Asian guy here, can attest to that. I used to think why some knew alot more about anime and j-culture than I would actually care and bring it up whenever we hung out.

>> No.8309895

Surprised you didn't take more advantage of it.

I always tell asian dudes who complain about white guys with asian girls: Look, you have a ready made subculture that's even easier for you to fuck girls from. A lot of weeb girls honestly don't care about what you look like provided you're Japanese or Korean, and then they'll fuck you.

>> No.8309913

>Surprised you didn't take more advantage of it.
oh I did. If I was really otaku don't think I'd get anywhere lol, I'm just a normalfag most of the time.

>> No.8309915

Yeah, they're total lunatics of course. Nerdy hobbies always attract people who are mentally ill. Not long term dating material at all.

>> No.8309917

>asian dudes who complain about white guys with asian girls

The thing with that is an asian girl once said to me dating an asian guy is like dating your brother...

>> No.8309924

I've heard an asian friend say the exact same thing about asian girls.

Though he loves Eurasian chicks the most for some reason.

On that note, Sachie is cute as fuck.

>> No.8309934

>Though he loves Eurasian chicks the most for some reason.

ALL asian guys will say...it's the curves, that asian girls don't have mostly, the rare few have the luck of being mix-race naturally that way lol.

>> No.8309946
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Am I the only anon who has loads of salt against this bitch?

>> No.8309978
File: 1.46 MB, 1440x1440, Screenshot_2015-05-08-06-49-34-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never liked LCPP. Im not sure why. She posts too much random 'im so quirky lulz' stuff. And Her face just doesn't fit the cosplays she does?
LCPP is dating Momo's ex and Momo had a temporary thing with LCPP's ex.

>> No.8309983

why the fuck did this thread suddenly become /pol/

>> No.8309985
File: 40 KB, 1023x774, 1430876320731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT ugly flat girls and unnoticed adult women throw a jealous fit
at least /b/ and /pol/ make fun of actual, unattractive losers
holy fuck this is just sad

>> No.8309990

Because you don't report enough posts.

>> No.8309995

Wait did she cut out the actual water mark and add that terrible font in?

>> No.8310024

That's such an unfortunate photo, her arm looks amputated and her fingers look like they're growing out of her shoulder.
10/10 photography right there.

>> No.8310031

Nope I also find her p. freaking annoying, I just can't put into words to others that she is.

>> No.8310037

>some legit mental disorder about hating or simply not having your own group or identity.

what does liking asians have to do with that, white guys do it all the time and nobody ever calls them mentally ill

>> No.8310039

All races do that, asian girls that only like white guys, black guys that only like white girls etc.

>> No.8310049

Ikr, I think it's the same face pose in every pic, that super freaky lower teeth... grin? And the fact that she's got the same makeup every fucking time.
Also, her "cosplays" usually consist of fugly wigs only.

>> No.8310060

jesus christ

>> No.8310065

um ew

>> No.8310071

i doubt it would be someone people wouldn't mind seeing.

>> No.8310072

Yes definitely all of that. I haven't read through all her posts, she doesn't seem like a mega bitch, I just can't stand her face.
And why is she promoting shitty shops? Does she pick out her own clothing and/or go out in that - she looks dumb. Those wigs like you said too...that Madoka wig isn't even that good, must she use it in everything?

>> No.8310105

People that call themselves some variation of waifu are embarrassing as fuck nine times outta ten.

>> No.8310124

No. Especially after 9 pm. Their parents make them go home and its mostly autists and drunks walking around. Never dress up in cosplay from anime pre early 2000's after 9 or you'll be attacked.

>> No.8310136

>wearing a bra
>with an open back one piece swimsuit
the fuck?

>> No.8310156

Really? I know plenty of white guys who have dated asian girls who are pretty normal, but you don't find the minority who go on about how much better they are than white girls, how pure they are etc a little peculiar and messed up?

If you actively prefer an alien race to your own, then yeah, it's a little weird.

>> No.8310163

>alien race

>> No.8310166

>what does liking asians have to do with that

Also, with white weebs it has a lot to do with that because it tends to be girls who want to attach themselves to another, racially exclusive group's identity to make up for their lack of an identity.

White people are aracial, and because any sort of white racial identity is stigmatized, this tends to sublimate into subcultures of various kinds. The extreme weebs (let's be honest, they're almost all girls) are usually just hardcore xenophiles.

>> No.8310169

>not liking frank, honest language
>preferring mediated, weasel word language that doesn't even convey the concept it's trying to talk about

They are an alien race. Alien means outsider, the unfamiliar. Policing language is why we end up with bullshit terms like "population" genetics and "international" marriage.

>> No.8310176

Buttblasted kanadajin tier weeb detected.

>> No.8310252


fucking #wrekt

>> No.8310322

>Be famous cosplayer IG in country (small country)
>Managed to get money because of follower
>Did some mainstream modeling for small company too

I think my tag are annoying but I try to to not be obnoxious in other ways. I think that it is fine and smart to supertag as long as you don't whine if it does not work. People are tyring to milk IG now so you all should try. I didn't put effort in it and at least I have side money now.

>> No.8310324

She is standing very tall. Basically stretching herself as tall as possible physically. I have definitely seen women yhat look like that in real life. As someone said before, it's just rare.

>> No.8310350

I really don't understand how there are some accounts on instagram with thousands of followers, but only a handful of photos

>> No.8310383

They probably clear their feed.

>> No.8310432
File: 39 KB, 496x253, Screenshot 2015-05-08 at 11.45.57 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Momo seems to have conveniently had her page disabled and she claims she doesn't know why. I thought I would check out her page since I have seen her almost every-fucking-where on the social medias I use and couldn't find "Momosweet Cosplay" so I thought I would type in "Ahripop" she currently has 68 likes. (Only reason I'm posting her like count is so we can later see if she buys likes.)

>> No.8310700

I dont like the term 'buy likes'. Facebooks new algorithm is complete garbage. The only way to get yourself out there on the site is to pay to promote yourself in the ad spots on the sides.

>> No.8310902

Is anon even talking about ads? Afaik there are sites out there where you can literally pay them to give you hundreds of fake likes.

>> No.8311052

She has done this before with her instagram, where her OG one was "hacked" and then she made the Ahriseo(??) one.

She seems to do that whenever people are talking negatively about her.

>> No.8311183
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>>8308272 >>8308313 >>8308934 >>8308982 >>8309111 >>8309120 >>8309369 >>8309510 >>8310065
all dat hate

>> No.8311307

which tags would you guys recommend to get followers? for kawaii, alternative accounts. but i would use the power for good.

>> No.8311311

either #thirsty or #annoyingweeaboo
call a spade a spade innit

>> No.8311321

Her arms aren't even lifted. Its shoop.

>> No.8311395

Elaborating a bit:
Momosweetcosplay was 'hacked', but all 'they' did was change her username and made a different account using that name, so that she couldn't use it.
She immediately blamed 4chan and made every dumb cosplayer on instagram terrified that they were next.

>> No.8311408

>not knowing that means animal ears
>not knowing it's just a term that refers to drawings of girls with animal ears other than cat/dog
>thinking it's some kind of identity/disorder

>> No.8311713

Is she really THAT pathetic? People talk bad about Yaya, JNig, (input any other "cosfamous" cosplayer), and THEY don't make shit up and start a whole new page. That just shows that Momo/Ahri/whateverthefuck is a coward.

>> No.8311735


That reminds me of this one kid at my old high school, he had a fox tail and did the whole "fursona" shit, a couple of my friends and other people gave him shit for it, literally the entire school. He had a gf that had a collar and tail too which was bad enough. Someone actually went behind him and squeezed the tail and it made a squeak sound like a toy; another time someone cut off the tail with a pair of scissors, it was pretty hilarious

>> No.8311738

>it made a squeak sound like a toy
so he was wearing a dog toy. holy shit that's funny.

>> No.8311982

I had never heard of Momo before, but now I'm curious - did she really change her legal name?

Teenage online stupidity doesn't bother me, but changing your legal name is a bit more than that.

>> No.8311985

what's wrong with changing your legal name if you hate it, if it isn't to anything ridiculous? I know countless people who'd rather not be called Chardonnay for the rest of their lives

>> No.8312000

No matter how fucking dumb the whole tail, and collar shit is, someone going out of their way to bother the kid and even cutting off the tail and other people finding it 'hilarious', is pretty disgusting.
Let me just go up to you and cut off whatever you are wearing that I don't like, I'll find it hilarious too.

>> No.8312011

>where bullying should be encouraged
This reminds me of when I was a kid and was being forced into attending Jehovah witness meetings. This guy gave a talk (that's what they called their form of preaching) and he actually said the words "discrimination is okay". Right up until then I was with them. But as soon as I heard that, I knew something wasn't right.
I don't like furries either, but I don't think you need to harass them just because you don't like what they wear. Like have some fucking decency. Quit trying to encourage others to be savages.
If you don't like someone don't fucking talk to them. It's that easy.

>> No.8312024
File: 346 KB, 421x418, IHgkIpa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>8311052 Here, yeah she's pretty pathetic. She hates herself so much that she has to photoshop her self to a completely different person and race.

She has held a few gofundme type things for cosmetic surgery and almost on a weekly basis she has a "compliment hour" or a post where people say "nice things"

Pic related is pretty much what she actually looks like, she's a cute girl just seriously pathetic and kind of crazy

She wanted to change it to either Ahri or Sunhi, i think her real name is Skyleigh or something like that.


>> No.8312036

I'll never understand this obsession with wanting to appear more asian. An attractive white girl is far more appealing than an attractive asian girl.

>> No.8312038

anzu is gross

>> No.8312059

man that guy looks like a fucking faggot.

I'm starting to understand the phrases "Mans man" and "Ladies man" a lot more

that kids a fuccboi tho.

>> No.8312113

Because fat.

Also lol at earlier part of thread because >Florida
Come on, this is no surprise

>> No.8312130

She just reads like an insecure weeaboo, not crazy

>> No.8312138

Not that anon but I think changing your name is all well and good but changing it to Sailor Moon or in this case Ahri/Whatever else Korean name she is into this month is stupid. She'll be into pretending to be Japanese or something else next year and once she grows up she'll look at that name and feel like the dumbass that she is.

>> No.8312153

Yeah, crazy probably isn't the right word i should've chose. But she's like an advanced weeaboo, she goes above regular weeb behaviour.

>> No.8312223

You're a hambeast woman.

>> No.8312227

these kinds of people don't grow up.

>> No.8312239


I think that's quite a pretty name tbh.

>> No.8312246

I have no idea why anyone would even want to PRETEND to be Korean. Korea is a Chinese province with an Altaic language isolate.

>> No.8312247

I don't know, she's not the first who claimed she was half-(insert Asian ethnicity here) and wanted to be Japanese/Korean really badly. She's just the most well-known.

>> No.8312249

It sounds really American tbh
You could say that about any country. Canada is a British/French rapebaby colony with so little national identity it might as well be the USA. There, see?

>> No.8312251

Definitely not the most well known, but she's some how more deluded and insane that PT. PT had weeb dreams, this bitch is trying to get surgery and name changes. Shes also not only lying about being part Japanese but is obsessed with Korea which makes her seem even more ass backwards.

I definitely think she is more crazy than normal weebs.

>> No.8312253

>You could say that about any country. Canada is a British/French rapebaby colony with so little national identity it might as well be the USA. There, see?

No, Canadian culture is very obviously Anglo-Saxon at its root (in terms of the politics and so on). The thing is, Canadians don't make bombastic claims about having invented everything, don't shill what little pop culture they have everywhere on the internet and generally don't behave like insufferable jingoistic fuckwads (i.e. Koreans).

Koreans do not admit that their culture is basically a copy of Japanese/Chinese.

These people want to claim to be these things because they see them as racially explicit cultural identities, and white identity is stigmatized so there's a vacuum where their own identity should be.

>> No.8312271

How old is she? I used to want eye surgery and a name change when I was a 14yo weeb too. I know a girl who actually had a nosejob to look more Korean.
No, I live in a European country which definitely loves its culture to a point of fanaticism and I see similar weebs here too. Please make your way back to >>>/pol/

>> No.8312287

>No, I live in a European country which definitely loves its culture to a point of fanaticism and I see similar weebs here too.

I'm also European. What country are you from?

Most European countries have this idea of "propositional identity" now too unfortunately. What this means is that it robs someone of their group identity. Their group identity becomes a bit of paperwork some random Islamist from Lahore can apply for.

Not so with Japan and Korea, these are real, racially exclusive group identities. This is subconsciously what attracts these girls.

Not going back to /pol/.

>> No.8312301

>What country are you from?
>Their group identity becomes a bit of paperwork some random Islamist from Lahore can apply for.
No, that's citizenship. Like everywhere in the world, people can become citizens of a country if they meet the legal requirements for living there. Not a single country outside of the UK has people that consider them natives. But if the children of those immigrants were born and raised there, they ARE natives. Sorry you don't like it, but that's facts for you. They don't have anything in common with their home country anymore, same way Americans can't be British or Polish or German despite having a German etc ethnic background.

>Not so with Japan and Korea, these are real, racially exclusive group identities. This is subconsciously what attracts these girls.
No, what attracts them are anime, doramas and kpop

Now can we please get back on topic?

>> No.8312307

she's like 18.

>> No.8312309

>But if the children of those immigrants were born and raised there, they ARE natives.

Ah of course, that changes everything. Because we all know that a dog that resides in a stable isn't a horse, but if she has puppies there, those are.

>No, what attracts them are anime, doramas and kpop

No, if that were it then you'd have equivalent Ameriboos purely based on HBO dramas and Hollywood, but you don't.

>They don't have anything in common with their home country anymore

I'd take you down to Tower Hamlets to prove you wrong, lol.

>> No.8312311

Don't reply to this post >>8312309
Just don't.

>> No.8312315

As an aside, it's amazing how people can be hardcore weebs like /cgl/ and deny the fact they're weebs is because they have no racial identity of their own.

>> No.8312326

Exactly, and she has the funds for this how? At least 5 years ago it was $300 to change, it must be much more now. It's obvious she never looked into it, can't wait to see the rude awakening and then abusing her accounts to scam money

>> No.8312331


>> No.8312335


No, that would be Koreans. Quite literally in fact:


>> No.8312339

how is it that much? Here it's like €40

>> No.8312340

So what you're saying is that 14 year olds should wear fetish/bdsm gear with pride,okay lol. I see you'll be the kind of parent that lets their kid bring a ball gag to school and have their best friend tug around their leash because 'that's who they are'

>> No.8312345

>"discrimination is okay"

It is though. You discriminate in every aspect of your life on just about every level. When you choose one dish over another, you discriminate, when you choose whether or not to date someone, you discriminate, when you choose who are your closest circle of friends, you discriminate.

And so on. Discrimination is normal and natural. Nothing wrong with it.

>> No.8312368

first off, the guy giving the speech was talking specifically about discrimination against people who weren't JWs, which I had a problem with cause it's silly to shut your religion off from others like that.
Second, I don't really discriminate, especially not when it comes to food or people. I give everyone a chance and I'm willing to eat crazy shit like meal worms. I'm very open to things. I don't like furries as I wouldn't dress up like that but I'm not gonna not speak to them if they are nice and say hello. And I'm definitely not gonna physically harass them.

I don't believe in cyber bullying or words hurt but I do draw the line at physical harassment and I consider it bullying at that point.

>> No.8312376

I don't have an opinion on 14 year Olds wearing bdsm gear but if they are, it's probably light bdsm anyway which is nothing and you know it.

>> No.8312379

you're one of those people who thinks 'fetish shaming' is a real thing that's actually a problem, aren't you?

>> No.8312392

No, I just don't care if someone wants to do something or wear something. As long as they aren't physically hurting people.

Why is this hard? Or are you trolling?

>> No.8312399

I know right? I mean she's not ugly but she makes herself look like creepypasta material.

>> No.8312401

Because it normalizes degenerate behaviour.

>> No.8312402

All group identity is "discriminatory" you idiot. Thats what a group it. It has standards for inclusion and is exclusionary on that basis.

Anyway. Second point is weasel words. You still discriminate based on preference or whatever no matter how open you are to eating hallal food with mehmet.

>> No.8312407

not trolling, just think it's stupid. i'm not the 'degenerate' person. but it does give the wrong message. normalizing fetish behavior is really not a good thing. fetishes aren't meant to be shared with the world and it's imposing on others to force them to accept that you are.

the idea that what other people do doesn't affect you is really stupid as well. of course it does, if society affects us, if media affects us than other people certainly do. and if people think it's okay for a young girl to go around collared soon they'll think even worse stuff is acceptable, and it's not and shouldn't be.

fetishes don't define one's sexuality nor does suppressing them publicly.

>> No.8312413


>> No.8312414


America, that's why

>> No.8312434

Lol. Go attend a Dokdo rally, gook.

>> No.8312435

>fetishes don't define one's sexuality
Yeah, I can't agree with that.

I just think people should be able to do what they want without being harassed.

Also you don't have to be affected by other people or the media, you don't have to do anything. I'm sorry you're weak minded and you let shit get to you.

>> No.8312442

you're really presumptuous. i was pointing out that in general people seem to get up in arms over media/society but refuse to acknowledge that people attribute anything to either of those things. people can affect others just as much as media/society, yet no one seems to care about that fact. also it's not really up to the person what affects them, a lot of it is homegrown.

people should most certainly not be able to do whatever they want and that sort of thought just illustrates how little you seem to know about anything.

>> No.8312444

Why is it leftists say that the media is responsible for all manner of things they see as ills, e.g. stereotyping women as subservient or nigs as criminals (it does the opposite but I'll run with the narrative for argument's sake) but then say that one can just ignore it in the case of sex and drugs.

>> No.8312446

vine cosplayer cringe..let's post it also. this chick here posts a ton of fan serivce to her followers who are atleast 15 at the eldest.

>> No.8312453

don't you mean at most 15

>> No.8312480
File: 60 KB, 625x412, 4376208-8783353008-38f60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8312496

I'm not a leftist so I couldn't tell you.

Why are you trying to generalize people when everyone is different and I'm sure some if not a lot of people are affected by the media and what other people say but you guys are talking about harassing a kid in school which is wrong.

I don't care what the person is wearing or if it bothers you, don't put your hands on them. I'm sorry but nothing excuses physical harassment.

>> No.8312504

Not that anon but holy shit one said anything about physical harassment you blithering idiot, and the only one who's generalizing is you.

>> No.8312524

Read the thread. Someone cut a fake tail off a kid and then encouraged other people to bully.

I wouldn't be taking this seriously if someone hadn't condoned bullying.

>> No.8312533

That's a completely different story. Damn, just quit while you're not too far behind.

>> No.8312544

I'm the anon that told the story about the kid who wore a tail, ears, and leash at my high school back then, I never said anyone hit him or touched him. In fact, everyone was so grossed out by him and just talked shit to his face. i remember some kid screamed 'Jesus fucking Christ, is that kid wearing a foxtail up his ass?' Basic reactions you would except from a typical crowd. Things like 'ewwww people who watch anime are fucking gross what the hell' of course he wasn't the most talked about thing at school, no one cared, they would just see him and talk about wtf was he doing. he never wore it again. I think some guys decided to fuck with him by telling the teachers that he had bdsm gear and sex toys. I don't think the teachers wanted to deal with how awkward and gross it would be to confiscate it so they just acted like the chain could be a potential weapon and made the front office hold it and called in his parents. I would have been more weirded out if everyone just 'accepted' it

>> No.8312558

what site do you think you're on?
what happened to this board?

>> No.8312580

i hate to say it, but i'm starting to agree that tumblr seems to be taking over the board. i know it's a knee-jerk response but it's just too evident.

>> No.8312849

She hasn't officially changed her name, and I really hope she doesn't. Like another anon said, her name is Skyleigh, which sounds very pretty imo and fits her well. I wouldn't be suprised if she popped up with a gofundme for a name change, though.

It is completely fine for someone to change their name if, for example, someone's name was Chardonnay and changed it to Charles. However, she specifically said that she wants a Korean name, even though she's white as hell and 'claims' she's '1/10th Japanese desu ne'.

>> No.8313205

Her Rize was okay, but her Meme is just awful.

>> No.8313709

Girls that advertise their shotacon tastes.

>> No.8315861
File: 74 KB, 267x252, Screenshot 2015-05-10 at 11.37.23 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's the same girl I've seen all over facebook in a stupid ad and I'm getting really tired of seeing her and her crap makeup

>> No.8315961
File: 81 KB, 458x611, lordcreepypeepeesonico.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her Sonico was the worst

>> No.8315968
File: 2.71 MB, 1000x1509, 0a8c1e_5d60fad2089b48fc93c04d0b958bf95a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8315972

That actually means that they are likely real breasts and not implants.

Fake breasts can't move in the same cavity natural breast tissue does so they stay uniform in shape.

Real breasts are about to move freely across the plane of the chest as far back as the mid-armpit... movement changes their shape dramatically. (It creates the flattened mound shape if they lay down as well as the elongated look when a girl bends over responsible for major cleavage in a low cut shirt.)

Come on, even "Manswers" could answer that.

>> No.8316100

That fucking bra.
I can't.

>> No.8316203

I kinda like her look but when she posts vids it's really awkward for me to watch.

>> No.8316222

they're shoop, it's not a question of implants lol...

>> No.8316225

Oh shit you're right, and what's up with that retarded mouth? It's like she went to the dentist and her jaw is now permanumb

>> No.8316233

why do people think this shit is cute? only dumb autists think it's cute when anime girls do it and even then, the anime girls look like they have downs, girls in real life that do it are both cringy and look like they have downs and a stroke.

>> No.8316237

She must think it makes her "so kawaii desu ne nya?!"

>> No.8316244

I'm sick of her over shooped ass in my facebook

>> No.8316354

STOP POSTING HER FUCKING EVERYWHERE. Get better photos or something. Im tired of seeing this bitch's face and ms paint shops.

>> No.8316372

idk she looks pretty cute to me?? are you just a salty fattie?

>> No.8316672

im a texan and ive met texaboos from all over the world they always ask if i know how to ride horses and shoot guns which i do but out of all my friends im the only one that knows how to ride a horse and i only know how to ride a horse due to summer camp as a kid the guns because this is murica but out of my friends only half of them know how to shoot and half of that group i taught how to shoot

>> No.8316789

She looks very petite and young in her pictures, so I wouldn't be surprised for the fat tears,

>> No.8316821

Come on anon

>> No.8316823

Actually I'm rather small myself, 117lbs. I'm just tired of seeing her every fucking time I log into facebook. She's so over shooped it hurts.

>> No.8316827

Her face doesn't fit cutsey characters at all. I kind of liked her Poison Ivy and her Rise(?) Was nice. But she actually shops her face a lot. I saw unedited pictures taken of her and damn, lots of "baby" flab even though she's 20+

>> No.8316868

>I'm just tired of seeing her every fucking time I log into facebook
then unlike/unfriend/unfollow her

>> No.8316871

Wait, she's 20+? I thought she was like a fuckin 14 year old?!!!

>> No.8316888

>Assumes I liked her page or follow it
No honey, I don't think you understand how ads work on facebook. You don't have to like her page, be her friend, or follow either her profile or page to see them. If you mention anything that deals with what's in the ad (for instance like the one she's in, you mention cosplay, wigs, and other things you're gonna see it.

>> No.8316895

idk but I genuinely think -boos like that are cute.
I only ever met one Serboo (we don't get many, understandably so) and he was Chinese, and it was so fucking adorable how happy he was here hiking and staying in the ethno villages and stuff. I don't get muh cultural appropriation tumblrinas or people saying "if you move to one country you will NNNEVER!!!1 become one of them". If someone's that psyched to live here, cheers for us in sports, sings the national anthem with a smile on his face etc etc and has been living here for a while I'd fucking consider him a native, moreso than any of the chavs/gopniks born here.

Texasboos sound adorable btw
I don't get it either, she looks very nice. Sure she shoops, but hey who doesn't nowadays? If we're only going off her pictures, sounds like sandy vaginas to me.

>> No.8316903

she has a heavy case of britishface, more suited to elegant/mature (not old 'mature') characters than cutesy animoos which just make her look uglier

>> No.8316952

She's fucking creepy

>> No.8317008

nah, she aint a furry, she just want to be dominated and treated like a dog.

>> No.8317019

she's a qt, if she didnt use so much make up and photoshop she would look much better

>> No.8317781

they are all shit