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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 196 KB, 449x243, ohnoshedidnt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8312049 No.8312049[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Didn't see one in the catalog so new feels thread was in order.

I have two stories for today.

>nab old school Baby the Stars Shine Bright velveteen dress for 30 bucks on Yahoo Japan
>My old school fangirl is super coming out
>much excite over here
>but I did fuck up my sleep schedule to wake up at 6 am to make sure I'd win it

And then for a more amusing story...
>wake up at 10:45 after dress bidding war
>the walls in my apartment complex are paper thin so you can hear everything
>couple next door is loudly having sex. again.
>god this guys balls slap into this girl hard like sweet jesus
>felt like being a dick and making it seem like I was having sex too by playing some of Jun Sasaki's Juice quite loudly
>The sex sounds have stopped

>> No.8312061

I was bidding on that dress you bitch

>> No.8312070

Janitors keep deleting these threads. Are they against the rules now or what?

>> No.8312077
File: 1.09 MB, 500x261, idontgiveafuck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't expecting the salt this soon but ok~

>> No.8312081

I actually don't know. I didn't think they were against the rules. If they are can we get an update to the sticky?

>> No.8312089

I'm mostly joking, but I did really want that dress. At least it went to a gull. My fault for not getting up and checking.

>> No.8312094

Hey it's ok! Sorry for the saltiness too.

For the future, try using the sniper bid option. It's really useful for when you can't get up at a certain time! Set it to a certain amount, like I set mine to 4000 yen and just let it sit. Really takes the edge off having to bid every couple of minutes.

>> No.8312097

> tfw you love btssb's OTT dresses that are just a mess of frills and layers
>tfw 6ft tall with a long torse
>tfw you'll never be able to wear them

Janitor seems to delete them when the posts start getting too off-topic, let's not talk about it too much I want this thread to stay.

>> No.8312103

The random /adv/ feels are.
ex. "bf is showing abusive signs, is he abusive?? but i love him??"
Also the spams from /r9k/ tend to throw the threads off track.

These threads were allowed back when they were exclusively about cosplay and lolita.

>> No.8312111

Ugh, I did. I think Japonica misread my max bid. Oh well, not a big deal. I'd have to buy stuff to match it anyway.

>> No.8312142

Lolita feels:
>Missed parcel delivery yesterday
>Meetup today, could not collect it
>Post office closed until Monday
>Alternating between gleeful anticipation and annoyance

It doesn't contain a lot of burando, but it has some vital pieces to complete some coordinates that I previously could not wear out because they were missing some vital part (like a pair of red shoes).

Also cosplay feels:
>Bought fabric pen few months ago
>Turns out I didn't need it, whatever
>Got ink on another cosplay this week, toss into washing machine with Dylone dye remover
>Black lace (cotton) is now orange
>Fabric pen could fix this
>Can't find fabric pen

I'm equal parts annoyed that I didn't keep it properly, and that I have to buy a pen I already have.

>> No.8312182
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>tfw big strong powerlifter
>will never even be trap mode becasue muscle doesn't just vanish
>will go to my grave having never looked good in a seifuku cosplay

>> No.8312200

>love pink house.
> Western market is non-existent.
>I only know one girl is my community who owns pink house.
> I wish it more popular here

>boyfriend loses job.
>I was the breadwinner of the two, but promise to not buy anymore dresses until he finds another job
>dream dress pops up

I am seriously thinking about buying the dress and hiding it from him. Or maybe selling one of my old dresses to get the new one?

>> No.8312209

Selling the old dress would be better.

>> No.8312281

Just don't buy it, wait until he gets a new job. You promised.

>> No.8312293
File: 73 KB, 650x387, You bought burando again didn't you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8312294

discuss it with him, sell old dress if he agrees and then buy it.
If you just buy it then imagine how he must feel when he finds out. Don't hurt the trust between you and your bf just for a dress.

>> No.8312313
File: 199 KB, 600x450, bobbin_winder[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sewing machine sometimes makes weird whirring or clunking noises
>I occasionally have difficulty pushing the bobbin winder (pic related) to the bobbin-winding-mode
>Difficulty goes away if I wiggle the side knob (the one that lowers and raises the presser foot)
>Bobbin winder sometimes has to "warm up" with a dozen slow spins before it sort of *clicks* and then spins the bobbin at a proper speed
>Maybe there's something stuck inside? But I don't have the proper tools to fully take it apart (beyond a basic screwdriver) and it's a secondhand machine from Costco that I'd gotten for free, so I was always planning on actually purchasing a nicer one if it ever broke.

>Today: chugging away on sewing
>Glance up during a breather
>There's a weird long blue thing wedged out of the hole where the bobbin winder is
>Pull the blue thing out
>Covered in machine grease
>Dented and scratched at one end
>Rattling noise?
>Notches on it that remind me of something almost familiar...
>Browse catalogs of sewing machine accessories trying to figure out what it is
>Look down at my sewing table
>It's a seam ripper
>The notches are the notches in the seam ripper cap, the rattling noise is a pin closed up inside
>The previous owner of the sewing machine lost their seam ripper down the bobbin winder hole
>Today the machine choked it up through the same hole
>My mind is full of what the fuck (but I'm relieved that the bobbin winder might work better now)

tl;dr secondhand sewing machine, bonus seam ripper included

>> No.8312320
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>cut a long platinum blonde wig
>wear black
I brought this on myself.

On that note:
>too dark to do any pale characters with light hair
>too light to be considered a delicious brown girl

>> No.8312341
File: 109 KB, 300x400, 2i7qq0x[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>See MM's Farutetto JSK on Y!J for 27000 yen BIN
>Alright, let's go top up my funds on FromJapan!
>Refresh the Y!J page to check it's still there before I confirm my Paypal deposit
>Still there! OK, I'm hitting the confirm button!
>Yay, time to buy it..

I guess I just lost all that Paypal fees.. for nothing. And yesterday I was unable to obtain Shadow Dream Carnival.

Life is suffering.

>> No.8312346

Is this not me??? I have silver fibres all over me and it isn't even a wig for me goddamnit. I'm also just medium enough that the accurately light haired wigs just wash me out like crazy or do weird things to my skintone but all my favorite characters are blonde or silver.

>> No.8312369

that's the most epic sewing related story I've read in a while


>finally have own place with bf
>one room completely for myself
>mfw it looks so pretty with new closets and other stuff I can decorate with
>can have the perfect wardrobe post next year

>> No.8312374

>mfw I live with a human hurricane
>will never have a pretty living space without him somehow shitting it up

>> No.8312382

Probably because everyone usually bitches about their personal problems instead of stuff about lolita and cosplay. Take that shit to /soc/.

>> No.8312545

>been into cosplay for a while
>can sew pretty well
>friends always ask me to sew for them, they pay me a little for my time
>it's nice
>start doing props
>one friend wants to do cosplay with small prop
>plans on buying everything else
>asks me to help make prop
>bitches and whines about why they can't help or learn and makes me do all the work
>breaks the prop later on while drunk
>tells me they want to actually make it this time but need my help
>whine until i make the entire thing again
>doesn't pay me
>start a cosplay page with shitty bought cosplay and prop i made
>doesn't credit me or even say she didn't make it
>enters cosplay contests but loses or can't compete(obviously because bought cosplay)
fuck i'm annoyed. i'm not even really one to care about attention but fuck, i made her this shit and she won't even say that someone else made it? and here she is trying to garner a bunch of attention and is getting really big-headed over something she didn't even make or anything. she's gonna lose a friend...

>> No.8312563

>be poorfag
>have closet divided into weird sections
>top right section is smallish, put all my lolita main pieces there
>only have a few pieces, feel happy whenever I see it but it looks a bit sad and empty
>send dress to dry cleaner, get new skirt when it's gone
>dress comes back from dry cleaner
>suddenly, my lolita corner of my closet is starting to look full
>be irrationally happy because my closet doesn't look sad and pathetic
on a less happy note, my jsk came back from the cleaner with one of the threads keeping the bow on the front from sagging torn. Time to find a new cleaner.

>> No.8312568
File: 12 KB, 240x250, 1429640902150s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>invitation to a long-time friend's wedding
>like, youth group friends, 8 years or so
>not christian anymore, she's off at college, we talk maybe twice a year
>go to check the invite for the RSVP number
>date is a huge con weekend
>already have room & ticket for fuckin' free, costumes made

fuck. obviously i don't really want to go to this thing and we're on weird terms now, but we've had a lot of good times and she's always been a good friend to me, if shallow as hell. what should i do?

>> No.8312571

Anon, buff guys can be cute in seifuku too. Just do a photoshoot where you're in one, tied up and looking embarrassed. Bonus points for a girl cosplaying a sensei stepping on you in high heels.

>personal fetish?
>shh i have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.8312577

wait, are you a grill?
>because that's my fetish too

>> No.8312581

Tell her you're going on holiday on that date and have already paid the tickets?

>> No.8312583

How much is at stake? How long is the con vs the wedding? How much time did you invest in con prep (cosplays, hotel booking, etc.)? Which would you enjoy a lot more?

Outweigh the worth of both then choose

>> No.8312591
File: 152 KB, 480x370, 3255201_1370502314653.43res_480_370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I am.
>mfw almost volunteered to be the sensei

>> No.8312598

well, I hope you find your seifuku-wearing buff dude then.

Where does one find huge seifukus?

>> No.8312613
File: 152 KB, 700x1200, costume573-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think there are taobao sellers that will do custom orders. Pic related on Bodyline is cheap and goes up to 5L (114cm bust, 88cm waist).

Also thanks man, I do too. It's sorta weird for me because I'm a lesbian lolita and in a relationship, but my gf and I both have a thing for domming guys. Welp.

>> No.8312617

>getting dominated by lesbians
I'm gonna need your contact info immediately

>> No.8312628

Exchange contact info and stop shitting up the thread already. We don't need another feels thread deleted.

>> No.8312652

Calm down anon most of it was on topic and i doubt she's going to give anyone her contact info

>> No.8312730

what is a grill???? Sorry for my innocence but I tried extensively google searching and idk still :(

>> No.8312739

A device used for cooking meat and vegetables commonly powered by charcoal or butane

>> No.8312758

fuck..... u know damn well what I mean

>> No.8312789
File: 43 KB, 768x432, Grillz3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8312818

i just wanted an answer don't tease me like this

>> No.8313113
File: 131 KB, 960x1280, Morton-Stock-Salt-50lb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8313142

Break up with him, he is just dead weight now.

>> No.8313164
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>> No.8313323

Ditch her please!

>> No.8313349
File: 93 KB, 400x267, 1653649_stock-photo-sad-japanese-girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Janitor seems to delete them when the posts start getting too off-topic, let's not talk about it too much I want this thread to stay.

Heres the thing, we were on topic when the last thread was deleted

They told us to go to r9k to discuss our feels.

Also your feels fit close to home
I love BTTSSB's non-print dresses so much. Its a bit painful seeing a dress you love and having to let it go.
Its not like your too fat to fit into it, you just cant shrink.

Best that can be done is sew your own but it isn't the same

>tfw not a billionaire loli with seamstresses in the basement to make stuff for me

>> No.8313353

>donated money to some cosplay girl's Patreon
>one of the rewards is receiving a handwritten letter from her
>5 months had passed since donation
>no letter

>> No.8313370
File: 27 KB, 241x257, 1430677680068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>donated money to some cosplay girl's Patreon

When will they learn?

>> No.8313396

I-I'm working on the letter anon, I'm sorry I stay up super late, I also made you something handmade!

>> No.8313399

I discovered my cats had fleas this week so I bought flea shampoo. Washed them. One of them fought really hard so I couldn't rinse her off as well. She was acting weak last night. Vets office already closed. This morning she died in my arms. Ive had this cat since I was 11.

I'm so upset that I started binge eating again. My diet is surely ruined. I'll never fit into my goal dress. Its already starting to collect dust. Ill never fit in any of my dream dresses and be a fattychan forever. This always happens to me. I'll start losing weight and do so good for a while then something really bad happens and it all falls apart. I keep shaking my other cat awake to make sure she's still okay. I can't lose two babies this way.

>> No.8313400
File: 141 KB, 645x383, grille.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's ok, I got you covered anon.

On topic:
I have basically no high school friends left and none of my uni friends live near me at home. I'm padding my Lolita wardrobe for the first time in years in hopes that I can get in on the fun of "dress up and hang out with semistrangers" events this summer. I used to be part of a really great and improbably mature homestuck group and I miss that.

>it must forever remain a secret that i am turning to this lolita comm en lieu of a homestuck fanclub

>> No.8313404

I'm so sorry, anon. It's heartbreaking to lose a childhood pet. I know it's rough, but at least she was with you instead of alone and she had a good home.

Things I find help binge eating for me are drinking water and chewing gum constantly.

>> No.8313426


When ever one of my pets died it hurt for a good six months

>> No.8313473

Grill = girl

>> No.8313509

I just found out a dress I missed out on is being rereleased and it might have a new colorway available. But now I'm scared they might change the cut of the JSK which is also why I fell in love with it in the first place?
I'm in a glass case of emotions.

>> No.8313516

>wicked hangover
>wandering high end mall
>find a Lush store
>now I can be pretty for my photoshoots

Such feels were had.

>> No.8313539

Lolita feels: When the dress you fell in love with in the past did customs only to try to purchase it and says that they didn't do customs on that dress anymore even though their link says they do.

Psychological feels:
>I am a self confessed self shamer.
>I try as a newfag in lolita.
>(AP Rep Melty Cream Doughnut JSK, White Blouse, Chocolate Headbow, Mini pink headbow, Star hairclip from etsy, A few normfag accs like pearls and gold), Brown wig, Brown underskirt, Brown Tights, and Tan pumps)
>My comm is super nice and accepting and no matter how many times they say how pretty I am and the coord is; I will always feel like an ita because of newfag reasons and kind of stick out like a sore thumb surrounded by pretty and experienced lolitas.

>I just feel like I'm too awkward and try too hard to fit in, but I don't know how anyone can fit in easily.

>> No.8313544

Mod closed the old one because nobody was following the rules and talking about whatever.
>It's been happening for the longest and the mod just caught it kek.

>> No.8313576

>tfw drunk

>> No.8313605

>tfw I want to message all my senpai who follow me

Is that weird and creepy? I kind of want to know if we could be good friends, that's all ;_;

>> No.8313669

haha wtf

>> No.8313670
File: 34 KB, 290x410, TB2HVdVbXXXXXbIXpXXXXXXXXXX_!!54872090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only got into Lolita Recently.
Buying from various sources: F+F, Bodyline & Taobao.

Had the utmost fun going to an event with a friend. Only found out recently that my dress was a Replica of an Indie brand.

Feeling slightly ashamed, and I feel bad.

How do I avoid this in the future? I suppose I should be more thorough with my reverse image searching.

Pic related.

>> No.8313674

>tfw you are the human hurricane
>you want it to stop but you just can't
>everytime you manage to clean up it just gets messy again
trust me, shit is not easy.

>> No.8313694


If it makes you feel any better, the print itself was not made by the indie brand, it's a commercially available quilting fabric in Japan (I think it's Harajuku Dolls fabric). The only problem is that the taobao shop that makes the replicas doesn't do a particularly good job of it -- the border print is a little too high and the the print seems shiny in some of their own photos, which makes me think they also replicated the fabric since the original fabric is a couple of years old and no longer available.

You could always post the dress in lolita general and see if anyone recognises it as a replica before you buy. I generally try to stay away from known replicators -- I blacklist certain taobao brands (DoL, Milu, Tanaka) as I'm not really sure if they're replicating something or it's an original design.

>> No.8313713

Fuck her, waste not want not

>> No.8313718

There's obviously an /r9k/ fagmin in place, no other reason this board gets more restrictions than /b/

>> No.8313746

>There comes a time, lolitas, when the glitter cease to sparkle, when the lace loses its luster, when the petticoat becomes a prison, and all that is left is a lone lolita's love for bullshit.

Everywhere I look there are stupid lolitas saying stupid things. It is getting too hard to scroll past. I don't even enjoy going out with my comm anymore. The annoying lectures over SJW topics and the hypocrisy of some of the girls grinds my gears. I'm packing up my petticoat and selling off half my frills and backing off from the comm for a while until I can get back into liking lolita again.

>> No.8313757

Anon, have you discovered the Riddle of Frill?

>> No.8313760
File: 178 KB, 720x720, 1430189406428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>missed Lotta skirt for €50
>fuck my life
>fuck it

>> No.8313763

Where was it being sold for €50? Doesn't Lotta anything cost a left tit and then some?

>> No.8313777


Fururun seem to underprice things a lot, but this takes the cake, the biscuit, and any other assorted baked goods available.

>> No.8313782
File: 58 KB, 505x337, 2spooky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a really bad dream that I got posted to BtB wearing my sugar dream dome fur trim jsk.
>secret poster took a screencap of something I said on a fb status and put it over my face
>some facetious reply I made to a creeper about "fetishes"
>secret poster took this to mean I was a fetishist and supported lolita as a fetish
>was frantically trying to get on my fb to screencap the full conversation so I could dispel the fetish accusations
>my dream was being really slow
>woke up frustrated and double checked my fb/BtB to make sure it was just a dream
That was close, gulls. Too close.

>> No.8313806

I was just on my very first bidding war and I lost because my fucking shitty laptop froze at the very last minute. I know this shouldn't upset me this much because it was just a dress but damn

>> No.8313807

Yes. I am on a quest to find the dress with the print of two unicorns like *dis*. However I don't feel like fighting through the Cult of Lolita to get to it.

I am so disillusioned with my frills right now I want to cry, but we all know how praying to Crom goes. But thanks for getting the reference.

>> No.8313814

>find really accessories on CC
>oh man these would fit my coord perfectly!
>it only came to 5 pounds!
>15 pounds
that's not worth it for a tiny non brand barette and ring...;_;
>tfw too much of a baby to use a SS for the first time

>> No.8314021



I know you're really busy with college right now. It's understandable.

>> No.8314044

>be me, some time ago
>in talks to buy dream dress on payment plan
>almost confirmed, but some other user buys it out from under me last second
>okay.png, seller apologetic, what can you do
>fast forward a week or two later
>bitch that bought it out from under me reselling it already and clearly trying to scalp it
I'm so fucking salty right now.

>> No.8314104

I'm in bad trouble I want to puke.

>graduating with my master's
>moving states away to live closer to my parents
>have lots of credit debt from my part time job being able to sustain me during school
>made two payments for personal goodies with Paypal Credit which amounted to $220
>apparently I misread their terms because I thought I had 6 months of no interest before I had to make a payment
>sold a dress today for a little over $200
>can't rejoice because I found out I owe Paypal Credit $400 from two months of no-payment
>that's $200 of interest alone
>it's worse than my credit card
>on top of the $900 I owe on my credit card
>will either have to beg bf or parents for help

Fucking kill me. I am a slave.

>> No.8314176

>be 19
>no Job since 17
>can't afford fabric and what not for cosplaying
>apply literally everywhere
>finally get job
>gets paycheck
>all of it goes into fabric

n-no regrets. I'm finally happy I can afford costplay again!

>> No.8314319

>finally have decent paying job
>finally have time
>finally have resources
>finally have car

>don't fucking enjoy cosplay any more

Fuck this. I'm so mad.
I really enjoyed making costumes and bonding with other people who are interested in the same things as me, but it started to always feel like a competition. Instead of it being fun and a hobby, it started feeling super serious and stressful. Like fuck. It's goddamn anime dress up. Why am I feeling so salty?

>> No.8314522

>growing up always wanted to cosplay
>whenever I made cosplays mother would bitch about the cost/"waste of money"
>when I would go to a con and not cosplay she always asked why I wasn't cosplaying and got mad when I didn't
>got sick of constant back and forth from her so just completely gave up cosplay and talking about it altogether

>over ten years later and have steady disposable income of my own and I still can't make myself cosplay
All I hear whenever I start looking at fabrics and wigs is "Wow what a waste of money are you sure you want to buy that? When are you even going to wear that?". I love my mom but she fucked me up so much when it comes to money issues.

>> No.8314696

>washing a cat
Why not just use a flea collar or drops? ... Or just about any other method out there for treating fleas.

>> No.8314857

>tfw URI
>should have called off sick
>everyone and their (grand) ma's at the restaurant
>it's finally nice out, but I'm too tired from work and coughing up a lung to take mom out for dinner or offer to make dinner

Cgl feels
>realize that ILD is coming up
>thinking of meet ideas that appeals to everyone and can be easily reached (comm is spread out)
>feeling discouraged since past meets have been no shows

>> No.8314870

you level up your sewing and crafting skills when you cosplay. you get an interactive experience with a story. human societies have had storytelling and theatre for a very long time, and cosplay is just an iteration of that.

you don't have to have an excuse, cosplaying is a great way to exercise your humanity in a way that harms no one and makes the world around you more interesting.

>> No.8314891

How is socializing weird and creepy?

Holy shit /cgl/ you guys need to go outside.

>> No.8314906

Diff anon here that lost interest in cosplay. Thank you so much for that interpretation. It was really refreshing.

>> No.8314916

>tfw when you and a lot of other entrants worked really hard on a piece for a contest and they end up choosing some boring photoshopped Asian with ears plopped on her head

Fuck you Cyten

(cgl related because prizes were mcm tickets and a Miku cosplay)

>> No.8315080

> Up late when CC updated
> $50 IW jsk with long waist and adjustable straps for my tall-person torso
> In my choice of colors even! (I got the Milk Tea)
> Space out and forget to hit the last button to send my Paypal payment, it times out and I can't get to that page anymore to pay upfront

Well, they'll still send me an invoice soon, right? I did all the other order steps and got a confirmation email, just not for the Paypal payment. I felt really silly when I finally wandered back to that tab and got the "Paypal timed out and deleted everything you were working on here" page.