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8311310 No.8311310 [Reply] [Original]

old one is on autosage


>> No.8311317

In a previous LG I remember some people were asking about chocolate tights that aren't burando or mu-fish. Sorry in advance if everyone already knows, but Kawaii Goods is selling some that look pretty cute and come in different sizes for tiny lolitas and fattychans alike.


Cookie/biscuit tights in brown and cream:

>> No.8311325

>more expensive than new brand

i guess this would be good if you're chubby / have thick legs though

>> No.8311333

derped out wtf, for some reason i thought brand tights were 2,300yen new from the store

still, for $32 those better be some stretchy ass tights

>> No.8311336

Stupid question but is ATTP's ivory similar to IW's beige? I'm tearing my hair out because I'm buying a IW underskirt in beige but I need to know if it matches Attp/btssb's ivory

>> No.8311341

Protip: no beige/ivory/generation matches in the lolita world. None.
Just take what you got and work with it.

>> No.8311346

Too bad kg's pastel stuff is ugly as sin ;_;

>> No.8311347


>> No.8311352
File: 84 KB, 280x373, kpk_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know how easy to find AP's Candy Border Cardigan is in this colorway? Or maybe a similar cardigan to this?
Sorry if this isn't really the right thread to ask this also ;;

>> No.8311357

>recommending kawaiigoods
oh, you sweet summer child

>> No.8311359

I've seen it before, anon! I wouldn't worry too much about most cardigans, since I look for them a lot too. They pop up every now and then and usually don't retain their original value. Just keep checking secondhand and auction sites.

>> No.8311373

If you do get an ivory item of AttP, would you mind showing a picture next to IW's beige? I cross brands a lot and know that feel.

>> No.8311375

Not a summer child, I know KG has some ugly as shit stuff and they're not popular on here, but I'm a fattychan with thick legs. Brand and mufish wasn't cutting it. There's not really any other good tights for fat legs with chocolate prints on them and I never recommended the whole store, just those specific tights.

>> No.8311390

Question of the day:

For old school dresses that are slightly shorter than normal (think old school drop waist), would it be acceptable to wear longer bloomers so some of the bloomer peak out plus good legwear? Just so the main components come to the knee?

>> No.8311402

>Reposting from old thread because my question made the thread hit its limit

ok so i'm interested in making a reservation for btssb's new Juno's Bouquet. ive ordered off the site before, but i've never done a reservation. i know you're supposeto be able to reserve through the shopping cart, but i've noticed that the skirt says you can not accept reservations, the socks say the reservations start on may 20th, and the headdress says you can reserve through the shopping cart system. i'd like to get them all at the same time. what's the deal? what do i do? do i just have to wait and worry if the items i want will run out or not?

>> No.8311404

I may me imagining this, but don't some old school street snaps show girls doing just this? Just make sure the bloomers are cute, like nice lace on the edges.

>> No.8311409

I was thinking I was imagining it too, but I just want to make sure so I don't look ita in a coord I'm thinking of.

>> No.8311438

Seriously. Even within the same brands. Been having a similar issue trying to match a beige IW chiffon blouse I got with a skirt to go under an overdress. Want to get one of VM's chiffon bustle/underskirts in generation but I'm not sure if it'll match...

>> No.8311454

Not only is it acceptable but it's also cute as fuck.

>> No.8311462

What's with the vacant and slackjawed picture of Kate at the top?

>> No.8311474

Sure can anon, it'll be around june so keep an eye out then!

I just don't want to be called ita cause my ivory/beiges aren't matching!

>> No.8311480

No one will call you an ita, if anything it'll be a nitpick at best. If you're that worried, if you post it somewhere just say "I know my ivory/beiges don't match, but it was really hard for me to find something appropriate that matched shades." literally everyone will understand.

>> No.8311481

No one cares that the ivory/beiges don't really match, and those that do care are either very new, or full set AP clones. Pretty much everyone in this fashion have experienced this, if you're super concerned, just filter your photos before you put them online.

>> No.8311497
File: 75 KB, 480x640, swanlake btssb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anons, I'll be sure to mention/do that. I was planning to get that new Swan Lake short sleeve jsk with IW's two tier petticoat/underskirt. Now I'm thinking about making sure that the blouse fits as well! Christ on earth.

>> No.8311508

Most people strongly disapprove of peaking bloomers seeing as they're underwear. Its essentially the lolita equivalent of purposely pulling your thong straps above your jeans' waistband to let the world know what kind of panties you're wearing. It's more taboo than wearing a JSK without a blouse.

>> No.8311509

Keyword here is old school, though. Some of the things that were okay then are not okay now, but can be accepted when done tastefully in an appropriate old school coord.

>> No.8311516

really? i posted this in a thread earlier in the week, but i saw two girls doing that on purpose at a comm meet not too long ago and they're both very experienced

i think it looks good with darker classic and gothic, maybe not with sweet
it's a good option for chubbier people who want to wear socks but don't want to expose their thighs?

>> No.8311555

Even in the mid-2000's, peaking bloomers were still a big no no for most Westerners, it's just intensified over time. Some people have no issue with it, but it's still faux pas enough where if you post it somewhere with heavy traffic, someone will most likely say something. I think for most people, it's because it's kind of a sign the person is completely ignorant to what they're wearing since, as previously stated, bloomers are underwear. They're not meant to be used the same way leggings are, they're not meant to be visible. Personally, I don't really give a fuck if someone's bloomers are exposed slightly as long as it's not with sweet, I'm just explaining why it's considered ita as fuck to a lot of people.

Also, I have to strongly disagree with it being a good option for larger lolitas. I think the bigger you are, the worse it will look. There are much better options, like simply wearing longer socks or tights, or getting longer dresses. An underskirt would also be a much better looking alternative.

>> No.8311556

Carrying over from the last thread, has anyone bought anything from Alyssiumbaby's scalp yet? Or is she still waiting for someone to drop a ridiculous offer.

>> No.8311571

Where/what is she selling? How much?

>> No.8311573

Made her an offer and she's still sitting on it. I'd like to think my offer is reasonable/slightly higher than market price, wouldn't go higher than that.

>> No.8311582

Lolita fashion (ロリータ・ファッション Rorīta fasshon?) is a fashion subculture originating in Japan that is based on Victorian-era clothing, but the style has expanded greatly beyond Japan.[1] The Lolita look began primarily as one of modesty with a focus on quality in both material and manufacture of garments. The original silhouette is of a knee length skirt or dress with a "cupcake" shape assisted by petticoats, but has expanded into various types of garments including corsets and floor length skirts. Blouses, knee high socks or stockings and headdresses are also worn.[2] Lolita fashion has evolved into several different sub-styles and has a subculture that is present in many parts of the world.
Although many people point to Japan as the creator of the "Lolita fashion" and the Lolita trend, the origin of its meaning is complex, and remains unclear.[3] It is likely the movement started in the late 1970s when famous labels including Pink House, Milk, and Pretty (later known as Angelic Pretty) began selling clothes that would be considered "Lolita" by today's standards. Shortly after that came Baby, The Stars Shine Bright, and Metamorphose temps de fille.
In the 1990s, Lolita fashion became better recognized, with bands like Princess Princess coming into popularity at the time. These bands wore intricate costumes, which fans began adopting as their own style.[4] The style soon spread and ultimately reached Tokyo where it became popularized throughout Japanese youth culture. Today, Lolita fashion has gained global popularity and can be found even in department stores in Japan.

>> No.8311590
File: 173 KB, 892x805, 1431072380543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is taking offers via PM on LSE

>> No.8311593

Me too, I am offering higher than market price but she is still waiting for someone to drop an ridiculous amount.

>mfw I don't even want to buy from her anymore seeing as she is clearly scalping

>> No.8311595

>recently left lolita myself
>see 4 old dream dresses of mine
>got loadsadosh from selling all my shit
>these mixed feels

>> No.8311597

Why the hell does she sell things for scalper prices anyway?

>> No.8311603

I disagree that peeking bloomers is seen as such a huge nono, it's almost always clear when it's intentional and when it's not (whether it works with the coord is another matter). But I do have to agree that it's a big nono on bigger girls than on smaller ones, because it will definitely send a different message...

>> No.8311604

cause she thinks she's a ~shop~

>> No.8311607

iirc she was banned on egl comm sales for scalping using multiple accounts.

>> No.8311639

She's a model for them iirc, and that seems to be her go-to model face.

>> No.8311640

It was actually the most common in sweet though. Brands still release bloomers long enough to be seen, no one actually wears them as under wear so unless they're really short ones that should be covered, it's not a big deal and a lot of people love it

>> No.8311644

bloomers are not underwear, they are underthings. they're not underwear now and tons of things are clearly, very different about traditional victorian dress and lolita so being super anal and restrictive over bloomers specifically is really stupid.

>> No.8311653

newbie question, are you supposed to wear pettis under cutsew dresses?

>> No.8311667

She's been doing it on LM for ages, too- seriously don't understand why the mods keep letting her use her (and her "friend's") multiple accounts.

You can, depending on the dress, but usually I find a very light one works the best. From soft material too, sometimes tulle/organza is too stiff and shows through cutsew fabric.

>> No.8311686

is there a guide on how taobao reservations work? i'm interested in that new krad dress. or will my SS (c-d) know and I just tell her I want to get it?

>> No.8311690

Dammit she has Cinema Doll in Lavender...

I wonder how much she wants for it.

>> No.8311691

But anon, you're wrong.

>> No.8311697

Think market price x2.5 probably.

You can, but you don't have to. Cutsew dresses are more casual and for daily wear, so a petticoat is optional. Then again, this is very subjective so it depends on who you talk to.

>> No.8311736

What sort of petti would you recommend for a cutsew dress? Sorry for newbie questions.

>> No.8311739

So like $1250? What even is the market price for that JSK these days? Kittycarousel has the OP for 400, but last I checked that wasn't selling.

>> No.8311744

see, this is the thing I don't get about scalpers. most of the time, the item just sits there and sits there because no one wants to pay that price. do scalpers just not care about selling it quickly, they just know eventually some idiot or desperate person will put down the money or what?

>> No.8311768

They appear to have an etsy you can reserve it on (I'm assuming you mean the zodiac one) https://www.etsy.com/shop/KradLanrete

>> No.8311779

it's going up on taobao in a few days

to other anon, just sit tight and wait, do you need to know right now?

>> No.8311790

I'm just asking how KL's reserve works on taobao is all.

>> No.8311804

oh dang sorry, i thought you were asking about price

they usually open reserves for a few days like this time, and i think they're making it unlimited for the release
the first 50 orders will be sent out in june, and everything after that will be shipped in july

so basically you place the order in a few days with your SS, and wait until probably june to pay the end payment

they'll probably include more info on dates once reservation opens

>> No.8311806

The illustrations are so ugly and heavy handed

>> No.8311813

I have this random question I didn't know where else to ask.
Does Girlyhoot have an underbite? I just can't stop seeing it.

>> No.8311820

So, I order two Moite dresses from CDJapan (pretty good sale), but I've read about how it can take up to a month before they ship out. Am I gonna wind up playing the waiting game or no?

>> No.8311823

I honestly cant tell if it's an underbite or just an unfortunate jaw shape/small lips combo.

>> No.8311825

I always thought it was those weird faces she always makes. Girl needs to learn how to model. She'd look nicer if she stopped making derp faces and posed in ways that actually flatter her.

>> No.8311826

I don't know if it is of any help for you, but I own a dress with the same lace and ribbon and a beige IW underskirt. I could take a comparison picture for you? Unfortunately I don't own any ivory/cream AatP blouse.

>> No.8311843


Oh I was going to put in a offer for the lief sailor dress.
Ugh. Now I wish I had not messaged her.
Dont even know what to offer... prob get turned down.

>> No.8311845

I saw her sweet lolita transformation video and I can't get the image out of my head. I'm so convinced that's an underbite

>> No.8311848

I've never seen anyone who wasn't an overzealous newbie complain about purposefully peeking bloomers, and I've been into the fashion since 2004. The second volume of OnS even has Misako in an outfit clearly visible bloomers, and anyone who would follow the instructions would end up with the same result. I think you're imagining things.

>> No.8311850

So? don't lots of people have overbites and underbites? Is there something you can do about them when you're an adult or is it a braces when you're a kid thing only?

>> No.8311852

You'll look fine if you're dressing oldschool, but as discussed already some may still call you ita. To many, old school styles automatically equal ita so take any cries of ita you may receive with a grain of salt.

Maybe I'm just late to the party, but does it seem like there's more of an interest in oldschool in general lately or do we just have a vocal minority of oldschool-loving seagulls?

>> No.8311854

Yeah there's always braces.

>> No.8311857

They can still be fixed when you're an adult. I'm going to get mine fixed next year, as it couldn't be fixed back when I had braces. I needed to stop growing first.

>> No.8311870

She def. has an underbite, and that huge chin certainly does not help. As an adult to correct it it usually takes double jaw surgery, which is really expensive and painful with a long recovery time.

>> No.8311880

Noob here, but google wasn't helpful.


Is this a site I can hire a shopping service for to buy this dress? Is this a site others have been burned by? Is it just a fashion posting site like a blog or Polyvore?

>> No.8311896

A light one, since the fabric will be light. Just post a pic of the cutsew dress in question, though, we'll able to give better advice if you do

>> No.8311899

Based on what I've seen on other lolita sites and on ruffle chat on FB, I think there is actually a significant influx of girls interested in old-school right now. And I kind of love it, to be honest.

>> No.8311920
File: 35 KB, 502x601, 338114-6492-2015-04-12415786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I haven't gotten one yet but I'm just reading up on petticoats and stuff. But I am hoping to get my hands on AP's holy cross cutsew op (which might never happen)

>> No.8311964

It's not official Krad, it's some Chinese girl in England that has a China hookup. Notice how her prices are even higher than Clabbao? You're paying at least a 100% markup using her, probably more as I bet she gets a bulk discount

>> No.8311964,1 [INTERNAL] 

for this particular release, according to their weibo, they're going to split the orders in some groups, each group is managed by a girl and you'll probably have to get in touch with them for ordering. It's not just like their previous reservations, I didn't really understand myself (not intrested in the dress so I didn't read thorough). Seems the taobao reservation is for those who reserved at KL's teaparty last week.

>> No.8311988

It's definitely official. They're basing themselves in London for the overseas market. Recently they held a tea party in London for their debut and accepted reservations for pieces that aren't even on Taobao yet.

A lot of people have already complained about the prices so no doubt people will still be turning to SS's to buy from them.

>> No.8312016

It's actually a shopping phone app. I've had chibitenshi successfully buy from there before, but note that the listings you see in the web version may already be sold out when you look them up on the app. The web version is basically like a cached preview of the mobile app so it doesn't really update real time.

>> No.8312030

I'm currently a fatty-chan working in losing weight. I had resolved to not buy any lolita until I had reached goal weight, but I know how much of a pain aftermarket buying can be. Which do you think best: buying clothes now to save for later or waiting fo buy until the clothes would actually fit me?

>> No.8312033

buy now. definitely buy now. After retail you'd have a hard time finding pieces at all, and when you do it's usually scalped.

>> No.8312054

I emailed chibitenshi about shopping apps a little while ago and she said she doesn't offer the service anymore as apparently sellers on them are difficult to deal with.

>> No.8312086


Depends on how long your weight loss plan is, what you are planning to buy, and how important they are.

If your plan is going to take more than a year (sorry, I have no idea how big you are at the moment), you might change your mind about getting into lolita at all, and when you do finally get there, lolita trends or your tastes will have changed. So wait to buy if you're going to take a long time to lose the weight.

If what you're planning to buy is AP, Btssb or AatP prints, buy now or get scalped later. However, non-prints are often cheaper secondhand (with some exceptions). IW and Meta are both cheaper secondhand (with some exceptions), but it can be nearly impossible to find a specific design.

If the dresses you're planning to buy are dream dress levels of want, disregard all of the above and buy it now. Just buy it while you can. If you don't have a dress you omgneednow, leave it, brands are always coming out with something nice so you'll always be able to find a pretty dress to buy later.

Other than the above, I'd advise not to buy pieces without shirring, and be mindful of your height/torso length. Weight loss will change your girth, but not your height, and a lot of non shirred dresses are cut for the average Japanese woman's torso. If you happen to be short, that's great, but if you're not, the dress may never fit no matter how much weight you lose just because your torso is too long for the cut.

Plus, it feels good if you can fit into shirred dresses much earlier in your weight loss journey.

>> No.8312104

I Just bought my dream dress, and my first brand dress. yet I feel I don't deserve it, and that I should finish my major project before I open the parcel, so maybe then I stop feeling guilty for the price I paid.

I'm wondering if you do the same? Or if you have another way to not feel guilty for spending so much on one item?

>> No.8312162

I feel you, anon.

I live in a wealthy city with one of the world's most expensive rent. We have a huge poverty gap and I see old ladies in their 70s and 80s picking up cardboard/aluminum cans to sell to recycling centers because what they get from welfare barely even covers half of what it costs to rent a shithole here.

And there's me and all the burando I barely wear. The guilt never really goes away.

>> No.8312218

Just use a vpn to install the app.

>> No.8312264

So what's up with The Phantom & The Maiden? I like their nun collar cross OP and some of their blouses but run over facebook businesses are dubious to me and there's this one comment on their feedback gallery:
>I honestly find your treatment of the negative feedback you got to be absolutely tasteless. I will no longer consider buying from you.

>> No.8312276

I think it was wonderfinch. I remember her throwing a shit fit over a dress from them.

>> No.8312284

they fucked up the custom sizing of two dresses, the materials were all see-through (no lining), and the lace was different from the stock photos.
when this was pointed out to them, they ignored the customers and made a dozen whiny posts on their facebook saying that those customers were just being hurtful and lying

>> No.8312312

I recently broke up with my boyfriend, but then remembered he ordered me a dress.

Is it rude to keep the dress? or am I obligated to return it so ex can get a refund?

>> No.8312322



He ordered a dress before we broke up and I'm still waiting for it to be sent to my address. It's in the process of being shipped so the order can't be cancelled.

>> No.8312325

If he asks, you two can talk it out.
If you never speak to him again, you can keep it, but you might think of him every time you pull it out.

>> No.8312367

You shouldve waited....
I think you should offer to give him the money or return it.

>> No.8312387


yeah, it's kind of a rare pricy dress which makes me not want to return it. I could give him money now, but then I'll be on a tight budget this month.


we're not talking at the moment. Hope he doesn't ask me about it soon.

>> No.8312398

are you from Singapore? Curious because I've always thought they were full of ita weaboos judging by the fb comm listed on the /cgl/ google docs

>> No.8312403

keep it. If you have guilt, that'll fade over time, but you'll regret giving the dress back.

idk, if I bought something for a SO, then we broke up, I'd let them keep it if they didn't say anything. It just seems like yet another thing to add into the mix of shitty emotions, ygm?

Just rock the dress, anon

>> No.8312441

If you feel bad about it, offer to pay him the money he paid. If you don't have it, ask if you can pay it in payments, and like paypal him so you don't have to see him if it's too painful to do so.

>> No.8312527

> if I bought something for a SO, then we broke up, I'd let them keep it

there are a LOT of shitty people that ask for more expensive gifts back, even when they were given a long time before the breakup (like my ex asking for the wii U he bought me for my bday). I would not be surprised if he would want it/the money back since she broke up with him before she even received it.

>> No.8312540

pay him back when you can. a lump sum if possible. paying off debts help give relationships closure and unless he owes you, it seems like the right thing to do.

>> No.8312551


Darn. I'll just keep telling myself this version is too short for me anyway and that the proof pictures suck too bad to throw $150 at. Thanks.

>> No.8312556

How long does Tenso take to ship AP stuff to the East Coast? Havent gotten any updates since the 29th. (Also, picked EMS)

>> No.8312557



>> No.8312589

i love how misako is digging into the western community so hard. ten thousand keks

>> No.8312811

Tell them to fuck off. Legally a gift is permanent and transfers ownership, except in a few cases of conditional gift (like engagement rings in some places don't convert to permanent gifts unless/until legal marriage happens).

>> No.8312830

I have a rule of never buying anything that won't fit me. I've lost 20 lbs since January and wish I had a number of pieces I lusted after when they were too small. However, I'm not changing my rule and I think it was the correct choice to not buy stuff that didn't fit. (And it still applies, I'm not buying stuff that's too big even though there's a decent chance over the next few years that it will fit me.) You can't assume your weight loss will go exactly as planned, either in terms of how much you lose, or how quickly, or where you lose it from. Your shape and cup size matters almost as much as your measurements. Not having something you want kind of sucks, but there are forever new releases. Having something you love but can't wear because you're too fat sucks more.

>> No.8312842

Looking for advice on downsizing a wardrobe.

The thing is I have about 25 jsks. I am not part of a community/there isn't one close enough, I don't go to cons and I work six days a week. I am very lucky in that I can wear lolita to work if I want to, but its heavy and hot and a pain in the ass to work in.

I've converted a big portion of my lolita wardrobe into Ap mini skirts and salos, which I'm finding I get a ton more use out of.

But I still have all these jsks I adore but am watching myself not wear them and I feel silly keeping them because I might wear at rufflecon. Plus I could really use the space and money on things I will actually wear. What's the best way to thin them out? How brutal are you with your closet cleaning?

>> No.8312846

Yeah I did tell him to fuck off, it was a long time ago. But my point was that if anon hasn't even received the dress yet, it's almost guaranteed he will ask for the money or the dress back.

>> No.8312868

it takes them a little longer to send it out maybe 1-2 weeks but then normal EMS shipping

>> No.8312914

I'd base it around how popular the release is going to be. I imagine Dolly Cat, for instance, is going to be expensive as hell on the second hand market, also the Kira Imai perfume cat print will be too. If you're eyeing a dress that you know is going to double at least in price, buy it and use it as motivation to help reach your goal weight

>> No.8312916

San Francisco? It's like that here in LA too..

>> No.8313066

Yeah, in this specific case the gift has been ordered but not received/given yet, so it's tacky to expect to keep it. I don't know of any lolita brands that take returns, though, so unless he's pissed off he may just tell her to keep it.

>> No.8313074

You could either keep the most valuable ones that would be hard to reacquire if you regret it later, or you could keep the inexpensive ones and use the money from the sales of more in demand pieces to buy more stuff you'd wear. I try to dump anything I'm not wearing semi-regularly apart from one or two sentimental pieces with and a couple of things that are specifically special occasion wear.

>> No.8313130

Make a fight-to-the-death scenario. Start with two dresses, decide which one you would rather have, then battle the winner with another dress. You can set up a double or triple elimination - if a dress is defeated two or three times, it goes to the sell pile. Repeat until you are at a number that you are comfortable with.

>> No.8313151

Made my first bid ever on Lace Market for a new dream dress. I hope I get it, if not, ah well sad cookies.

>> No.8313159

Depending on how much you have to lose and how big you are now, also consider buying things with full back shirring that'll fit you now and when you're smaller and some cheaper taobao/offbrand blouses so you can wear lolita now if you want. This does obviously depend on how your current and goal sizes, but as a fellow fatty-chan working on losing weight that's what I'm doing right now.

>> No.8313162

From what I remember the customer was being unreasonable over that too. Not saying what they did was right, but it's not like the customer was perfect and lovely and then they were bitches.

>> No.8313175

Have number that you want to get rid of, say 15 of your 25, and figure what 10 you want to keep. Base it off sentimentality and wearbility. What goes with the most in your closet? Then, put the other 15 away out of sight [unless there are some you know immediately you won't miss if you sell] and see if you miss them over the next 2-3 months. If you do, re-insert them in your wardrobe, but if you don't feel their absence then sell them. Putting stuff out of sight is really helpful for deciding what you care about.

>> No.8313178

I guess it just depends how mad/how much of a dick he is!

>> No.8313218

I will most certainly try this out. I think it will be really helpful. Once I get a good pile of losers together I'll try what >>8313175 suggested and put a few of them out of sight for a while.
I've sold or traded most of the really valuable ones already. I'm getting down to all my favorites, none of which are worth all that much tbh.

Thanks for the suggestions guys.

>> No.8313222

Whats the usual fit size for Angelic Pretty OTKs?

I'm short so no worries there, just worried about my legs not being super slim and the like.

>> No.8313230

It varies dramatically. I have some that are very stretchy and others that barely go above my knee (and I have stick legs). If you're interested in a particular pair, it's better to ask specifically about them.

>> No.8313234

I agree with >>8313230
I have some pairs that fit great and others I can barely get one. I'd say I have average legs. It really depends on the socks.

>> No.8313257

I have a blouse with a small rip in the sleeve (not along seam).
What will be the best thing to do with it?
Shorten it to short sleeve, or darn it?
I am also planning to dye said blouse if that would change the answer in any way.

>> No.8313268


Depends on the rip. Pics?

>> No.8313271

Depending on where the rip is, you could hide it by sewing on some lace appliqués as decorations.

>> No.8313275


The 2013 Milky Planet OTKs is what I might be getting.

>> No.8313287


there's always a couple of people wearing milky planet at a gathering.

>> No.8313409

... where can I get manga book covers omfg

>> No.8313417
File: 72 KB, 500x324, Ophanim Tights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did Ophanim shut down? All of their social media accounts are still up, but everything is marked as sold out and nothing's been updated in a while.

>> No.8313428

I lost it when she pulled the fucking teacup out of her purse

>> No.8313448

they're common in asia and not just for manga, you can get different sized ones with different designs

search '书套' on taobao for cheap clear plain ones, or add a character name like "史努比" for snoopy in front

>> No.8313458

Thank you anon. I don't buy on taobao, anything from aliexpress, ebay, or amazon? I'm looking now but I don't know what exactly to pick, since I am getting ones that look like they wont fit over the thickness of a manga...?

>> No.8313460

misako squattin like she bout to throw down the sickest beat of 2015

>> No.8313503

She definitely still does business, I was at her booth at Anime Boston. I didn't buy tights from her then only because I thought I would be able to get some off Storenvy but like you said when I went to go look everything was sold out. I dunno if she's just not doing online business atm or what. Maybe try leaving a message on FB or somewhere else? I would like to know what's up too since like I said she still at least seems involved in boothing at cons.

>> No.8313773
File: 85 KB, 807x680, 1pWzkB0-AlE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two are up on mbok

>> No.8313811

Yeah I already found them, but thanks anon. I don't tend to do so well when it comes to auctions is all.. :(

>> No.8313868

By the way, if you happen to win black one (and want lilac similar cutsew instead), I'd gladly trade my unworn lilac holy stars cutsew for it.

>> No.8313873
File: 15 KB, 248x310, bb38e19b453beac8210a2a826a84d8fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've just stocked up on some short sleeved boleros but any ideas for what to wear under those if I'm wearing a skirt?
I live in a VERY humid/hot climate so I was thinking that maybe some camisoles with lace may be appropriate but any suggestions would be great.
Pic related - what I currently have, but I'd love extra suggestions since the cleavage isn't that appropriate.

>> No.8313877

Pretty sure I'm paying too much for this auction but its in the colorway I want and just jumped at it. Maybe I just want it now to get it over with..?
Then again, I've only bought things when they were 50% off from official site.

>> No.8313883

I'm actually aiming for the black one now (easier to coord) so sorry anon :(

>> No.8313886


Camisoles aren't lolita. Period. Just get a short-sleeved blouse to wear with skirts.

>> No.8313890
File: 290 KB, 572x265, compare1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dilemma, /cgl/.

I've lost weight recently, and I sold off my L-size version of Bodyline's l325 bustle skirt. Now I'm unsure whether to buy it again in an M size, or to save the money for something else. It's a really cute and versatile skirt, but since it's one of the few decent-quality plain Bodyline designs everyone and their mum has it. I'm considering trying to find a brand corset skirt instead, on auctions or from Atelier Pierrot or something, but I'm reluctant to spend $200+shipping on a skirt when I could get a similar one for $30, and it's always handy to have some nice Bodyline around for when the comm do messy meets I don't want to wear anything expensive to. What do?

>> No.8313892

Link to these? I'd never wear them for lolita and nor should you but they're nice for gyaru
Cutsews, peignoirs and chiffon blouses are ideal but if you aren't willing to wear those then you aren't cut out for Summer lolita
So if you want to wear these so much then under a chiffon blouse they go
Cage petticoats and generally wearing less clothing also helps

>> No.8313897

Atelier Pierrot's fabrics are lush and really lovely, the drawstring bustle is a nice feature, and they do have some details in their work that you would not normally notice in any stock photo. However, it's hard to refuse that price.. It sounds like you've already sold yourself on the Bodyline one anyway. If it's more about the way it looks more than anything else, then I think you should go with the cheaper option.

>> No.8313899

These aren't meant to be work on their own, they're supposed to be worn under another top, with the back decorated chain-part showing. (from Liz Lisa btw)

>> No.8313901

get bodyline's first and put the brand version on your 'I'll buy this in the future' list

>> No.8313906


>> No.8313907

Yeah, I suppose I'll buy this now and just keep an eye out for corset/bustle skirts on auctions in the future. I do genuinely like the design of the Bodyline one, it can just feel so uninspiring to coordinate because so many people (including a lot of itas) own it.

>> No.8313909

I think this would work - maybe a less cleavage-y style would be better But I think a pretty camisole under a short sleeved bolero is a great idea - no-one sees the extra set of sleeve anyway.

>> No.8313911

With the right bolero you can literally only see the bottom half of camisole. I was asking mostly because you can layer the colors and make interesting combinations without having double layers under your arms - this camisole actually does work for Lolita with the right bolero and necklace.
Also any ideas for sleeveless blouses would work too!

>> No.8313912

Yes this was my idea! I'm looking for less cleavagy camisoles that are loliable.

>> No.8313913

I don't like them myself but they still have a level of acceptability within the general lolita community
A few weeks ago there was a 'Hot Weather Lolita' thread and seagulls seemed to be positive/neutral about them

>> No.8313960

Even so.... the place for these really is more gyaru, or mori, not lolita. They would work under a chiffon blouse at best. A short-sleeved, but not sleeveless, blouse would mean only single layer of fabric. In some places, you'd end up with a double layer of fabric if you went down the camisole and bolero route, ending up with exactly what you're not wanting, not just under your arms - plenty of areas on your body can overheat. They are nice camis, just not right for lolita, and you would get a lot of flak for it from many lolitas. Plenty of brands, and TaoBao brands, do lovely short sleeved blouses, depending on your style.

>> No.8313972

Can anyone tell how much decoration dream jsk stretch? I dont really trust hellolace.

>> No.8313992

As I said, I'm looking for more loliable camisoles. The picture is just what I have currently. They -work- for now in casual co-ords however I am looking for ideas for any other better cuts.
AP has plenty of camisoles that are successfully used in summer co-ords so I'm not sure that saying camisoles aren't Lolita is that accurate - it depends on the camisole.
tldr; Loliable camisoles please.

>> No.8313996

I just bought my first dress of Lace Market, also a dream dress. I hope you get the dress you want anon, it is such a thrilling experience!

>> No.8313998
File: 263 KB, 474x380, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


(sorry, IW image for ants, only one I could find)

The one on the left is from IW, I'd say it's good for casual coords (might be a little too casual for lolita tea meetups). If you're taking that as inspiration, take note that not just "a camisole, any camisole", there's rows of lace and a bow across the front, and the neckline is high up enough that accidental cleavage flashing is not likely to happen. If you can't find the right camisole, buy a plain one with a high-ish neckline and sew your own embellishments onto it. Definitely don't get the one you posted.

The other option, the one on the right is off Aliexpress, basically a sleeveless high-necked blouse. Zero chances of cleavage, and if the weather gets too warm you can remove the bolero and still look fairly covered up.

>> No.8314000


I am retarted and meant to reply to >>8313151, oopsie.

>> No.8314009

You could try seeing if any dresses are similar enough that you won't miss one of them, and then keep the one you like the most/goes with most in you wardrobe. Got two Berry Print JSK's in red? Sell one of them. Got two Hyper Pastel Vomit JSK's in pink? Sell one of them. Got two Sweet-Classic Florals in Ivory? You know what to do.

>> No.8314010

Yes! That IW camisole is exactly the kind of thing I'm looking for. I know some Gyaru brands like Liz Lisa do similar styles but I'm not entirely familiar with them so I'm not sure where to start looking.
Lolita brand camis are hard to find unless they're being sold from the site; I guess because they're a casual piece and aren't sold second hand often.
Thank you for the inspiration!

>> No.8314022
File: 49 KB, 450x600, btssb-white-top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really sensitive about showing a lot of skin, so I know how much summer can suck if you're not into short sleeved blouses. I usually wear long-sleeved chiffon blouses in the summer, but a light cardigan over a brand sleeveless blouse might work too. They don't make them often, but you can find them on the second-hand market. They are much less cleavage-y than the camis.

>> No.8314029

Which version? I have the chest switching I can measure for you.

>> No.8314049

I didn't follow that thread, but aren't they most of the time when not even always sheer? So you'd have to wear a blouse or cutsew underneath anyways and that wouldn't make it cooler imo.
I am confused, sorry if i sound stupid but it doesn't make any sense to me

>> No.8314062
File: 41 KB, 250x333, iwblouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody knows any taobao/offbrand stores which sells blouses similar in color to IW's Beige color? I saw a girl from my comm wearing one, and it would really fit a lot of dresses I have, but I am poor as fuck and don't have money for them straight from the source.

>> No.8314067

>sleeveless high neck blouse
Love these, highly recommended. Not only are they great for summer skirt coords on their own but under a square neck OP they make excellent dickies in the fall/winter that can make such dresses really versatile in coording.

Do you have a link to that particular blouse, anon?

The idea is wearing a peignoir over the cami or blouse. Peignoirs are basically like a supersheer duster cardigan.

>> No.8314071

> aren't they most of the time when not even always sheer
Pls rephrase
I think I know what you mean but I wasn't really referring to peignoirs in the sense of this coord but as a general hot weather piece
Although, having a wide strapped camisole like >>8314022 with a peignoir would be more acceptable, the Liz Lisa camisole isn't unless its under something else

>> No.8314074

IW blouses just like this go for $40-60 regularly on Japanese auctions... You def don't have to pay retail.

>> No.8314077

This. And people have started selling their oddment pack blouses so keep an eye out on LM and egl-comm-sales

>> No.8314085

Has anyone made a recent order from IW? How long does it take for them to invoice at the moment?

>> No.8314089

It's still around a couple weeks, judging from my order about a month ago. But I had one reserve item and one instock item in my order.

>> No.8314092
File: 48 KB, 560x960, 11138601_993738937304484_6839817187434444005_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, the consensus on replicas is usually pretty unanimous. This release from Bodyline however people don't seem to care. Thoughts? The only reason it's cute is because it's an IW knock off.

It took about a week to get an invoice for me

>> No.8314094

>>8313873 http://m.intl.taobao.com/detail/detail.html?id=39825980413
Is this the sort of thing you're looking for?

>> No.8314096

Well, there are print replicas (or, when discussing bags, character bag replicas) and there are design replicas. Bodyline and honestly a lot of Taobao non-print dresses tend to be design knock-offs which isn't as much an issue as a print replica.

I mean, there are a lot of sailor dresses, and the sailor dress design cannot be copyrighted.

>> No.8314105

design replica =/= print replica

and that is one hell of a generic sailor design regardless, I know exactly which IW dress we're referring to but really...

>> No.8314106

Ok I feel that. Guess I'm just being salty bc IW is one of my favourite brands.

>> No.8314107

Will do! I am so new that I don't even have a LJ account with feedback. I am setting up one now, but I can see that it has been weeks since the mods have been answearing to requests for feedback pages, is their any way to speed up the process?

>> No.8314121

>wearing a peignoir over a blouse
why would you add an additional layer if it's already hot unless you mean a sleeveless blouse.

Sorry i'm bad at explaining.
Yeah, i meant that a peignoir would technically cover less than a bolero because it's to a certain degree see-through, so camis would even make less sense with a peignoir than with a bolero

And I agree with you that a peignoir would work with a wider strapped cami but not with the type OP already has at hand.

Thanks for being patient with me.

>> No.8314130
File: 121 KB, 497x629, l568-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder why nobody bitched about the ETC knockoff yet.

>> No.8314132
File: 23 KB, 236x236, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is the best place to buy cabochons for making sweets jewelery? I've been getting them on etsy, but I'm sure there's a cheaper place somewhere.

>> No.8314134

Yeah, I sort of gave up after I made an offer slightly below retail but she declined because she had paid well beyond that. She tends to jacks up her prices too much.

>> No.8314136

Did ETC actually make that print or was it commercially available?

>> No.8314137

I'm surprised she gets as much business on lm as she does. Is there anything she doesn't sell above retail whether new or not?

>> No.8314235

Peignoirs were traditionally more nightwear or dressing-gown: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peignoir.. They're not normal cardigans! Too many people look for vintage peignoirs that are full length, and end upp looking ridiculous with a lot of loliuta outfits imo.

>> No.8314269

I'm not sure if it's cheaper? I only buy charms now and then so I've never compared prices but there's Delish Beads for another cabochon option. I think they have an etsy but they also have their own website

>> No.8314271


That specific blouse is from here:

It's probably cheaper on taobao, though.

>> No.8314289

"Private" nightwear, even. It's ironic that so many girls are so uptight about bloomers showing but are perfectly happy to run around in lingerie worn like a cardigan.

>> No.8314324


Another point for the 'But brands sell camisole tops!'... Yeah, and not everything that the lolita brands put out is actually lolita.

>> No.8314343

when are people going to stop freaking out like "petticoats are underwear", "bloomers are underwear", "peignoirs are underwear"

underwear is fucking underwear. you're not running around wearing nothing under your bloomers/petti/peignoir, are you?

>> No.8314373

Yes that one. I would be grateful if you can mesure it.

>> No.8314374

Thing is, peignoirs over dresses that are a lot shorter than it looks really stupid in almost all instances. Even the brand-released peignoir looked ridiculous.

>> No.8314397
File: 151 KB, 267x374, metablouse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sleeveless blouse is so cute!
AP has made spaghetti strap camisoles in the past. They're fairly conservative as far as camisoles go, they come up pretty high on the chest.

Otherwise, if finding sleeveless stuff is difficult, brands do make cap sleeve and very short sleeved blouses out of chiffon and stuff, pic related is what I wear all summer and I bought it on y!j for cheap.

>> No.8314400

it's not like anyone can trademark a generic design. sailor stuff has been around forever.

when did the IW series this is a design replica of come out anyway? I find it hard to believe there was enough time for them to knockoff a design that's fairly recent. (if it is fairly recent that is)

>> No.8314453

IW has a number of gorgeous short-sleeved blouses with chiffon or lace sleeves at the moment.

>> No.8314460
File: 54 KB, 606x514, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is slightly off topic, I can't find suitable thread.
Anyway, if any other lolita plays CocoPPa Play, feel free to add me (Shuganei)
*Picture unrelated*

>> No.8314465


Is there a reason why people think making a video like this is a good idea?

>> No.8314475

She looks cute as the "I would totally wear lolita all the time" girl but like a turd in makeup or even worse that wig.

>> No.8314489

Yooooooo added! I'm momo.

>> No.8314497

She's cute and I like her energy and idea behind her vlog, but 20$ is just ridiculously cheap for a whole lolita coord :/ Like, I get that a lot of ~budget lolita~ guides think that a 100$ dress is budget, but this is just too extreme.

>> No.8314509
File: 907 KB, 500x281, 1428364076883.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Her wig is terrible, agreed. She's cute, but how young is she?

Also there's like one dead pixel on her camera, right above her face. I can't unsee!

>> No.8314512

My measurements, for reference, are 90 cm bust and 68 cm waist and I fit the JSK though I do get some boobloaf without a binder or sports bra underneath.

>back waist flat, unstretched, from seam to seam: 38 cm
>back waist flat, stretched to max, from seam to seam: 47 cm
>maximum comfortable waist (by my calculations, take with a grain of salt): ~80 cm

>flat bust back unstretched, seam to seam: 40 cm
>flat back bust stretched, seam to seam: 47 cm
>I think I'm at the comfortable maximum at 90 cm but I get boobloaf, wouldn't recommend for anybody over ~93 cm.

The shirring is quite stretchy and forgiving, it's the corset lacing over it that's not so forgiving (and is quite tricky if you're trying to tie it yourself).

Hope that helps, let me know if you need any more!

>> No.8314516

I watched her haul and it's mostly shit that's not lolita at all.

This kind of reminds me of asking: what are you supposed to bring to swap meets and how should you price it? Same as on any sales platform, actual market value? Or is it more for shit no one would buy online because it's too cheap to spend money on shipping?

>> No.8314525

Added! Your model looks lovely

>> No.8314538

I have only been to one swap meet last year, and I didn't sell anything myself, but from what I remembered it was mainly off-brand, older brand releases and bodyline. Most of the items that sold was a bit under market value, and some items was just rididulously cheap. I would expect that it varies a lot from comm to comm though- my comm is very small, so it makes sense that it would be hard to sell more expensive items since the pool of potential buyers is a lot smaller.

>> No.8314542

Related to this, am I the only one who hates watching vlogs 99% of the time? People always umm and ahhhs their way though anything, never gets to the point and unlike written blogs posts is it hard to impossible to skip to the relevant part/skim over it to scan for interesting points. The only exception to this is make-up/transformation vlogs, and even then I prefer it to be sped up, and the names of the products used added manually to the video. Any others out there who also feel that way?

>> No.8314545

aaaand that post was supposed to link to >>8314465

>> No.8314582

I bought them on Ebay, just search for cabochon or flatback

>> No.8314588

for that you could get the basic fabric I guess. But not shoes.

>> No.8314603
File: 242 KB, 750x841, TB2kxbDcFXXXXXJXXXXXXXXXXXX_!!93746821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 2nd payment page for the new Ista Mori colorways is up and I like how the red one turned out.

>> No.8314643

I struggle to imagine how it's even possible. Even making your own clothes, decent fabric would cost more than that, and you have to get shoes and a petti and stuff too.

I mean, $20 is £12.95 right? Stuff's more expensive here but it's easier for me to do the costings in my native currency. So for example you might be able to find a loliable blouse in a charity shop for £3.99 if you're lucky, and loliable shoes for £3.99 too, which brings you to ~£8, but then materials for a handmade skirt would cost you a fiver and you'd have nothing left. Or you could go casual with a turtleneck you've added lace to. So let's say you buy some curtains or something in a charity shop for £2 to get your materials (I actually did once see some enormous, amazing quality red velvet curtains for £4 in a charity shop and regret not buying them for materials to this day), and use a £1.99 beret from eBay or straw hat or flower or something as a hair accessory, so your total's now £12, and then assume you already have some plain tights that will work or can find some somewhere for a quid. You still need a petticoat but these coordinate totals always assume you already have one anyway.

So I suppose it is theoretically possible with a combination of offbrand and handmade, but would be very fucking difficult because loliable stuff in thrift stores is actually damn hard to find, and even with handmade full-price new materials alone would use all the money (plus a sewing machine is not free, and most people don't own one or have the skills to use one). I think a $50 coordinate is a more reasonable possibility, with a lot of skill and hard work.

>> No.8314651

Yeah, getting a WHOLE coord for 20$ would be impossible without an extreme amount of luck. I am a poorfag with a superultrabudget wardrobe, and the cheapest complete coord (JSK/Blouse/Shoes/Socks/Bag/Hairpiece) I can think of would be 55$, and that is including a crappy offbrand blouse i got for 5$ and a pair of fake flowers scavenged from my mother's closet. I just don't believe that it is possible to make a whole coord for 2/5 of that cost.

>> No.8314653

>not switching to the glorious euro
you had it coming tbh

>> No.8314655
File: 73 KB, 500x600, 01231213_54c1bc75d3d83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me, or is anyone else tired of seeing this dress? I don't hate it, I feel like I see it everywhere.

On that note, does anyone feel like there isn't a lot of diversity in lolita dresses? I feel like everythings been done, or is just playing on over-played trends.
For example, Milky Crosses back lacing; I'd love to see more dresses like that.

>> No.8314662

My cheapest coord is 50 dollar IW OP, 8 dollar shoes from the thrift store, 3 dollar flowers to make clips and inherited accessories.

>> No.8314673

I'd take that back lacing over shirring any day. Shirring feels like lazy tailoring to me whereas the pentacle lacing actually adds to the dress.

>> No.8314684

Close to mine. Mine is 40$ Baby JSK that came with a (crappy) petticoat, 5$ thrifted blouse, 4$ bag from flea market, 6$ thrifted shoes plus lacy tights and flower clips I got from my mother's wardrobe and an inherited pearl necklace. I just can fanthom it being any cheaper.

Even pinkcutenesswonderland's post with super cheap, mid-tier lolita coords has the cheapest one at 35$, and that one is by far the bottom of the barrel.

>> No.8314707

People grossly overestimate the odds of finding suitable lacy blouses for cheap secondhand. I have a fairly high concentration of thrift/vintage stores near where I live and there is only one store out of all of them that I have been able to find lolita-suitable blouses for under $20, and even then it's only if you wear it under a JSK or OP. Where are all these lolitas finding cute blouses for dirt cheap?

Also, even if you manage to find the fabric for cheap, don't you also need buttons, clasps, zippers, and embellishments? Decent-quality lace does not come cheap and you'd need at least 2 yards of it per skirt unless you're just doing ruffles and pintucks.

Also none of the clothing she showed in her video were even "loliable".

>> No.8314712

Okay, >>8314643 and having now watched the video I suppose I just have to say that I can't make judgements on the situation in America, although I do find it bizarre how she's so opposed to people saying "if you don't have money why even lolita?", but then tells them to save up for a sewing machine and learn to sew.. Thrift stores are cheaper there, but over here they don't even have fabric sections so you have to just hope for a suitable curtain or bedsheet. Notions are also expensive, but I suppose you can add details likepintucks and ruffles without lace.

Loliables really are a matter of incredible luck, even for classic - I spent two years browsing six different charity shops every day after school, and I've worked in another one with access to all the backroom stuff for another two years, and in all that time I've never seen a loliable or alterable dress or skirt, and only a couple of loliable-woth-modification blouses that weren't my size anyway. I have picked up pearl accessories and other jewellery, two nice hats, the aforementioned curtains, one pair of gothic shoes in my size, a floor-length velvet cloak, a possible blazer, and a wedding dress with an overdress thing that I modified into a peignoir. Some of them are useful items but they won't make a wardrobe.

>> No.8314718

My advice to anyone on a super tight budget would be to at least invest in a petticoat or two, an unquestionably lolita bag, a couple of pairs of real lolita shoes, and maybe a couple of lolita blouses if you don't have the skills to sew your own (blouses are a heck of a lot harder to make than skirts, and lace to decorate them will cost you anyway). With Bodyline, Taobao and the second-hand market you could get all those for $100-150. That initial investment will go such a long way to making your coordinates look better, and enable you to wear styles other than classic. You can sew your own skirts and headdresses and bloomers and wristcuffs, thrift accessories and cardigans and hats, buy berets and flower clips and tights offbrand, but buying at least shoes and a petticoat from proper sources will make your coordinates look a lot better.

>> No.8314726

Fucking this, as I said I've been looking for four years and never seen any (thrift stores often overprice vintage shit anyway, especially if they specialise in it). You can get blouses on Taobao for like $25-30, and its a heck of a lot easier than trying to find them offbrand.

>> No.8314736


>>8314684 and>>8314651 here. I, also classic lolita, also browse 4 thrift shops several times a week after school, and all I've found is a few cardigans, some pearl necklaces, a pair of oxfords, a blouse and a bag. Thrift shops can be extremely useful for accessories, shoes and outerwear, but main pieces are almost impossible to find, and people should stop expecting to find a whole lolita wardrobe at goodwill.

>> No.8314743

Where do Japanese like to buy petticoats?

I'm going to Japan soon and I could use a new petticoat. It would save me the hassle from making a Taobao order for a CP petti.


>> No.8314744

I wanted to buy some lolita shoes (from bodyline specifically) but I'm having trouble finding what size to get. I measure at 23cm exactly. I originally bought a pair in 240, thinking I needed the extra space but they're a world too big. Somehow I feel like a 235 would be too big too, but 230 would be too small?

>> No.8314749

It's the kind of piece every other girl has in her wardrobe even if they are usually into sweet or classic. Doesn't mean it gets worn that much though.

>> No.8314758

I wish Nameless Poem wasn't re-released to death.

Freaking peach colored bib ;_;

I have Milky Cross and I really, really love the back, but I don't think I care for the front/print that much.. I'm having such a hard time justify keeping it.. bbbbut the back!

I typically waver between 230 and 235. But I've been in the situation where 230 is just too small and I had to re-order the shoes in the correct size. I would just go for 235 and add shoe pads if required. It also depends on the shoes. Some of Bodyline's shoes aren't true to size. You should ask in the Bodyline thread.

>> No.8314762

I mean it was/is kinda one of those "it" dresses - the fact that it had a rerelease and was priced pretty affordably (I mean even the Storenvy price which cost a lot more is still considerably cheaper considering the cost of other popular, sought-after dresses) made it widely available for almost everyone who wanted it to get it. And like, because so many people love this dress, if you have it (even tho everyone and their mom has it) people will think you're the shit - if anything certain girls definitely only have it for the "it" factor.

>> No.8314775

You could try some of the indie brands like MeLikesTea or Bunny House. If money's no object AP's is good. Closet Child do some but they need stacking for very large poof.

>> No.8314788

Add to that the fact that on the rare occasion a blouse is modifiable or loliable it'll only pass under a JSK, and if you're going for the handmade option and not already very good at sewing you'll probably be wearing skirts instead, and the most sensible option is just to buy a damn blouse or two.

>> No.8314811

I wish it was, I want another re-release so I can get another colourway.

>> No.8314812


Where do the brand-loyal Japanese lolitas buy their panniers? From their favorite brands, of course. All the major lolita brands have their own panniers.

If you don't want to dosh out the money, try closet child, I think the new super gorgeous pannier got good reviews from an anon on here some time back. Bodyline has only one or two that might be poofy enough, but the tiers are on the outside, I don't like the shape but other girls seem to find it okay.

Oh, and they don't call them petticoats, they're called panniers (パニエ)

>> No.8314813

Speaking of petticoats, I wonder if that one anon managed to get a Maggie Tang petticoat and I wonder how it works with lolita.

>> No.8314818

It was just recently in dark grey and bordeaux? Wouldn't be surprised if they end up rereleasing blue and put out green eventually.

>> No.8314834

I don't think AP panniers are that great. An AP shopgirl I spoke to was wearing an AP one and she had very minimal poof.

Not sure if it's true, but I read somewhere that CC changed their pannier supplier and the new ones aren't as good.

>> No.8314867

Has anyone else experienced a major style shift over time (that was actually after some time in the fashion, not just when a newbie)? I'm not going off the styles I already wear (gothic, classic, oldschool) but I'm suddenly finding all sorts of things I never used to pay much attention to before, like oldschool sweet, OTT sweet and fairy kei, really really cute.

I'm saving loads of coordinate pictures and I'm generally really attracted to the aesthetic, but at the same time I look shit and feel uncomfortable in most pastels don't really think I'd like such sweet styles on me? Maybe I'd like to have a sweet lolita gf so I could be literally attracted to pastels, and have her dress me up sometime, but I wouldn't want to actually invest in all the accessories it'd take to look good. I guess I could get some fairy kei ish things for lounging around the house in, since that's a more casual style? I'm thinking of adding pinks to my existing wardrobe in a slightly more classic or hime way since I really like the colour at the moment, but that's still a far cry from the pastelsplosions I've been looking at.

I mean, I said I don't feel bored with my current wardrobe, but just recently I got hold of a stark white peignor and instead of distressing me, the realisation that I might not be able to tea dye it successfully actually excited me because I realised it'd force me to try CPK or shiro or maybe go as a ghost this Halloween, and the prospect of doing something new was invigorating. Except I look shit in white, so that really shouldn't have reinvigorated me.

I also want to get into mori and nanchatte seifuku.

tl;dr I used to just like certain lolita subtitles but now I like ten fucking jfashions and I can't bloody afford them all, especially since work just cut my shifts and there's still stuff I need to buy for my usual styles and normalfag wear.

>> No.8314881
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Very good point! I love the print, but it does suck that it gets re-released over and over. I feel you anon.

>> No.8314886


Did you mean to reply to the other response? I'm not the anon who mentioned AP, and the original question didn't ask which brand has the greatest poof, only where the Japanese buy their petticoats.

I don't know if anon wants the greatest poof anyway, overstuffed dresses don't look good, IW and btssb has less fabric in their skirts than AP, and OP didn't say which one she wears.

Anyway, if she's there in person surrounded by lolita dresses and panniers, she can probably judge them in person and either buy one or make a taobao order later.

>> No.8314901

I have two AP panniers. One is organza and the other is chiffon. The organza one gives a lot of poof on its own, or at least what I consider to be a lot of poof (I lean toward classic and more toned down sweet). I also have a chiffon pannier from AP that doesn't give much poof, especially if the dress is heavier. I did sew some tulle to it at one point to make it poofier, but since I got the organza one I took the tulle out.

As for the shape, I like it a lot. The chiffon one isn't overly cupcake-y, so it's good for more subtle poof. The organza one is a standard cupcake shaped petticoat. I wouldn't recommend it for anyone with a larger waist, as the way it's constructed means that if you cinch the waist less (it has a drawstring), you get a lot less poof.
One thing I like about this petticoat is that it looks good under AP's tent dresses (like cosmic) without any extra fuss.

I wouldn't recommend these for anything a-line, though. They're meant pretty much exclusively for sweet.

>> No.8314956
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Does anyone happen to know if there are any Canadian SS/forwarding services (canadian tenso lol)?
Not strictly related to lolita but I'm trying to pick up a jacket for general jfashion, I'm in love with one from a site that's located in/only ships to canada. Any help appreciated. Thanks!

>> No.8314958

So I bought a dress on Lacemarket and got an email from Paypal with the subject "You've got a money request" saying "[seller name] would like to be paid through PayPal." Is this the same as a gift payment? There's no buyer protection for that, right?

>> No.8314978

It's not a gift payment. Sellers cannot initiate gift payments, they can only be sent by going to the "send money" tab.

>> No.8314999

Your best bet would probably to go through a friend or a seagull (if you're feeling lucky) in Canada to get it. Can I ask what brand you're looking at?

>> No.8315007

I don't mind getting it and sending it to you, anon, as long as you pay for the item + domestic and intl. shipping. Where do you live?

>> No.8315051

This reminds me of Laura Blundell

>> No.8315178

There's none that I know of.
I could probably do it for you anon? I'm only a 5 minute walk from the post office anyways.
Just keep in mind shipping is pretty expensive here, especially if you're out of US/CA

>> No.8315194

It'd be nice to get it, granted I'm realizing its quite expensive. So if I don't get it, yay money. Curse you popular prints!

>> No.8315209

Delish Beads are cute and simple (same price for everything, free shipping in the USA). They have an esty store front as well.
I have seen decent cabochons on aliexpress, haven't bought any yet but if I do, I'll let you guys know.
I've been eyeing this one myself:

>> No.8315222

You and me both, anon. I never watch videos, I think they're so boring.

I absolutely love the back lacing on this. I've thought about trying to add it onto a low-backed plain black JSK on my own but I'm lazy and hoping that AP will make use of this detail in a different dress soon. I liked Milky Cross well enough but not enough to buy it, based on the print.

>> No.8315253

I'm not freaking out about it. I'm pointing out that it's ironic that the community loses its collective shit over visible bloomers because it's "underwear showing" then turns around and fawns over peignoirs when... it is also lingerie showing. I think peignoirs are ugly in lolita, but it's a purely aesthetic thing, not an omg!lingerie! thing.

>> No.8315260


>> No.8315353
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This girl is cute, but I'm sorry, she's terrible coordinating. Wtf deerstalker?

>> No.8315366

Since MilkyFawn walked out, they've been looking for anybody who got the latest popular release to film.

>> No.8315368

Yeah I think its because its more flow-y and while not lace-y, but more elegant looking, and yet more towards the party cult kei side. While bloomers seem more plain solid color, less fancy looking.
But I'm a newbie lolita so I haven't touched those aspects yet.

>> No.8315380

That actually makes me want that op even though the bottom half is a mess.

>> No.8315387

It just tends to look messy, and a lot of the ones used are ratty old things.

>> No.8315389

Can we get some pics of peeking bloomers on purpose?

>> No.8315412

With bloomer talk:
I'm thinking, then again I'm biased here with my love for Alice in Wonderland and Alice lolita, that Alice lolita could be ok with peeking bloomers. Its mainly centered around Disney's Alice and theres plenty of bloomer shoots, so yeah.

Ratty old things. Makes me think of like grandma lolita.

>> No.8315423

Now my main dream dress pops up on lace market and im all ready was bidding on something else. help

>> No.8315430

Old-school is what led to me wanting Lolita.

>> No.8315447

peeking bloomers were a stylistic staple when I got into the fashion, and it was definitely harkening to Disney Alice imagery. (See also: pinafores and aprons). The idea that's always been a no-no is pure invention. The whole underwear panic is doubly silly to me because I don't know anyone who wears bloomers as underwear. They're for style and to keep people from seeing your actual underwear on a windy day. Showing the lace at the bottom of your bloomers is not like showing your g-string.

>> No.8315476


>> No.8315496

Same anon.
As a new (to actually buying dresses) lolita, I'm now bidding on two dream dresses. And ones a very reasonably priced jsk set, the other, I now feel isn't reasonable for the item, a salopette set, but its in a popular print.
Is this common to just bite the bullet and just take responsibility for your late night bidding actions?
I'm not gonna back out of either of them, but I think I need advice for the future when it comes to buying second hand. All I've bought in the past was a IW OP that was part of their 50% sale so I've felt since then that everything else is just too expensive.

Also mad the new IW Alice dress won't fit me either, meh.

>> No.8315500

I feel like "don't show your bloomers" was meant to be like....don't wear them as literal pants because they're not meant to be like that, and probably also an over-interpretation of the rules of victorian dress like >>8311644 mentioned. but I can imagine people trying to get away with wearing bloomers as pants because they ~couldn't afford a skirt~ or trying to use them in ouji stuff. (wouldn't surprised me if people have tried either of those things)

>> No.8315507

I think if it's a dream dress and it isn't too terribly overpriced, it would be okay to bite the bullet. I did the same on a dream dress and tbh I'm glad I did because I rarely ever see it for sale and if it does go up for sale it tends to be at or way over original retail price. I don't really know why either because I don't think it's even that popular of a print (I never see anyone talking about it, ever. I think it may be popular with japanese lolitas though just seeing how much it goes on secondhand sites there. it's toy march)

>> No.8315523

if it's an actual dream dress, not a big deal. otherwise I don't spend much on auctions, I just look for cute things I like.

I bought a AATP non-print JSK and bag for 5000 yen recently because I thought they'd be a good fit for my wardrobe, and that's about how much I spend on things that aren't dream items. I like classic and non-print mostly though, so secondhand is really reasonable price-wise.

>> No.8315538


Yeah the jsk set is perfectly fine on price, the thing is, its in the colorway I want, which I've never seen (on lace market, closet child at least) and so I was afraid no one else had love for the colorway as well, so reeeally want this.

Its more the other one, being Milky Planet set, and it being super popular, though its price is going down, but I'm still not used to paying a lot for something.

>> No.8315552

Is the salopette set really what you want? If not, I would stop bidding and wait for the piece you really want, hope you get outbid.

>> No.8315603

I want it eventually yes. But it was the first dream thing in the colorway I wanted I saw that popped up again so I'm like, lets just get it.
I'm the only bidder on these both, and I don't mind at all if I lose the salopette set, but I'm afraid no one else is gonna bid since its a short timed sale.

And then, a day later, the jsk set popped up.

If only I went to bed in a timely manner this probably wouldn't have happened.
At least I'm still good about my own life budget.

>> No.8315606

her beed looks so comfy tho..

>> No.8315609


>> No.8315622


Try the nostalgia/old school thread. Several were posted


>> No.8315636

Same anon, trying to bargain, though I dont know how much thats frowned apon.

>> No.8315642

It's also not a 110% design replica anyway. The bow is different, number of strips is different, and the back design is different. It's obviously a knockoff, but I wouldn't call it a replica anyway because it isn't replicating the dress, just heavily referencing it.

>> No.8315666


I'll go ask there. I don't really want to have to stuff shoes or wear pads because my feet are sensitive. Thanks!

>> No.8315675

Why did Milkyfawn walk out?

>> No.8315688

As far as I know, she got a hell of a lot attention, both good and bad, and she didn't want to deal with it anymore, left lolita. Shes moved onto otome last I checked.

>> No.8315705

Can anyone comment on the shoulder widths of recent non-puffed AP blouses? There are a few I want to get secondhand, but I'm not sure if my shoulders would fit.

>> No.8315843

Are there any storenvys re-selling To Alice clothes? Or is it possible to buy their things from AliExpress? There's one dress I'd like to purchase but I have no reason to make a bulk taobao order right now. I'm willing to pay extra to skip a shopping service.

>> No.8315881

is that technotropism

>> No.8315924

the elusive brand ita!

>> No.8315926

Any other lolitas deal with SI scars on their arms? Tips for summer?

>> No.8315989

Yes, it's from a dearstalker video. He's a funny dude.

>> No.8316007

yeah, it's from the shit lolitas say video, where have you been?

>> No.8316050

JSK Set / Salopette set anon here..
Seems like a lot of people are interested in the same jsk set as I am, they just haven't made official bids. I wish I had something to offer beside money, ha.

>> No.8316062


Jessica Simpson.

And that other girl (Mexican?) who, in times long lost, did a photoshoot with her friend in their back yard and at one point both girls lifted their skirts and all to show off their bloomers in full. There were multiple photos. I'm sorry I can't remember very much else to link back to the D_L page, but it did get talked about on getoffegl and made it into secrets.

I have no issues with peeking bloomers but it's so cringeworthy when new girls come into the fashion and start lifting up their skirts to show off their bloomers. That may have been the start off "don't show off your bloomers!" admonishment.

>> No.8316105


>> No.8316106

attention, laura blundell and her friends - she is talking about it on rufflechat;uncensored

>> No.8316118

i searched the name on fb and nothings coming up. can anyone link me to the group??

>> No.8316250

yeah when i first saw the coord photo i thought she was wearing leggings under the dress

>> No.8316261

>tfw someone outbids you with 1 minute to go on mbok but there's no way for you increase your bid at this point

(i know cgl hates emoticons but) ;_;

>> No.8316280 [DELETED] 


>> No.8316281

RC: Uncensored

>> No.8316283

Just stopping in to say that I have a conspiracy theory that this whole JLA thing is just a trick to ruin the western community and Misako is just laughing all the way to the bank as she puts out videos ripping in to the western community like no other and watching us destroy ourselves for a glorified event planner title.

>> No.8316334

How often does Innocent World restock, 'cause I see things that were just released already sold out.

>> No.8316338

almost never

how new are you

>> No.8316358
File: 339 KB, 700x700, 11021320_5455b10bb420a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What color blouse would go with this "milk tea" jumperskirt? I wear cream blouses most of the time, should I go blouseless and wear a light ivory bolero? The cream in this picture just clashes so bad but the detail is so lovely.

>> No.8316359

Go with a coloured blouse. Like a light dusty pink or blue.

>> No.8316378

Could somebody explain what Wunderwelt is about/how their web shop works?
Are they just one of those Japanese stores that never update their store with what's been sold? Am I even looking at the right section?!

>> No.8316379

So Hellocon is over. How was it? What did people think? How was the tea party?

>> No.8316385


Ooh, I have a dusty pink one I've been struggling to match. Thanks!

>> No.8316389

Welp, nevermind. I'm just an idiot that didn't think to check the desktop site as well as the mobile one.


>> No.8316394

She's really nice though. I think she looks cute...

>> No.8316468

do you ever refrain from posting coord pics that you like because you're afraid that people will say things like "that's my dream dress, and this bitch coorded it so badly"?

i have to say my closet is pretty nice now, but i like to do simple, basic coords for a lot of my dresses and i like to post my outfits online. i feel a bit guilty that i might not be doing the dresses justice, even though i bought them with my own money, etc

>this sounds so tumblr, sorry

>> No.8316540


I worry about it too, in my case I take it a step further -- I wear lolita dresses like regular clothes instead of in lolita style all the time. I don't use the lolita or lolitafashion tag, but I still worry that some of my coords might catch some salty anon's vendetta.

I don't think that's a good reason to stop posting, though. I mean, if I lived in that kind of fear, I'd never get anything done, you know? Better to do what I enjoy and take the risk. I haven't been in posted in the ita thread yet so far.

In the event that I do get posted or someone starts fussing over what I wear, I figure that's when I'll stop posting, hopefully after a few months it blows over and I can continue. If not, at least I stopped because of real life circumstances, and not some scenario that I imagined in my head.

>> No.8317122


>> No.8317123

light pink

>> No.8317127

new general
