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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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>> No.8296716

Anyone in the Vancouver area doing conventions? I've been doing small ones for about a year now but I'm curious about how the larger ones go.

>Which of the big ones do you like best? AE, NWFF, AR?
>Which days do you find people buy the most, Friday, Saturday, Sunday?
>Any other tips for jumping into a threeday con would be greatly appreciated

>> No.8297216

Is anyone else really tired of the print booths inside AA that are the same prints every year?

Why are these allowed in AA when the original artist isnt even at the con and send their staff to sell more like a dealer booth?

>> No.8297236


I dont know but I dont like it either. camila de erico does it at every con I see "her" booth at and its lame. Also sick of seeing her same face art everywhere.

>> No.8298074

swapmeet was just announced


>> No.8298509

Anyone in Northern/Eastern Europe doing AAs? Where do you get your tags/business cards/labels printed?

>> No.8299014

Hello /cgl/, I fucked up. I missed out to grab a table for Ikkicon (damn timezones), and now I am at a loss. Two friends and I want to do our first artist alley, which we were planning to do with Ikkicon. We would like to do it end of this year/beginning of next year, but the problem is our location. We live in New Mexico where nothing happens. Does anyone know of any con that would be worth travelling out to do?

>> No.8299345

>Why are these allowed in AA when the original artist isnt even at the con and send their staff to sell more like a dealer booth?
It's obvious certain cons don't care, meaning very lax in seeing every 200~300+ tables contents are and whether they are at another convention at the same time? yeah like thats ever gonna happen... unless convention staff start being very gestapo about what is displayed would just annoy everyone, but it is getting to that point in some areas, such as imposing restrictions of quantity of fan art/non-fan art at an anime convention, what a waste in resources to bring to a con like that.

>> No.8299377

Oni-con? I'm not too sure about them since I've never gone, otherwise all I know are AZ cons. Saboten is the biggest anime con in AZ, and it's around in September, but I'm not sure how selling there is. I know a trip named Pixel (?) who used to come to these threads that's a regular at AZ cons, so if she ever comes around she might be able to tell you more about how well it sells

>> No.8299506

How hard is it to get an AA table at AX?

>> No.8299511

Not very, but I think it's getting harder. Most tables sold out last year because a lot of artists bought tables at-con, since AX sells tables a year in advance. Because of that, they were sold out super quickly-- before they even had a chance to do "regular sales."

>> No.8299729

Anyone have good button/keychain/sticker display s?

>> No.8299782

they sell they at con every year though, but this year something about their at con system broke down and they turned on the online system for people to buy tables, which wouldn't be a problem on it self but people basically told all their friends who weren't at con to get online ASAP and buy them as well, which resulted in the at con sell out

>> No.8299816

They put leftover tables online and I just bought one.
I missed out on it too because of time zones, I'm starting to really hate the first come first serve system.

>> No.8300068

They weren't "left over" so much as probably cancellations, the fact of the matter is they were basically sold out till this "wave 2" of sorts. They do not usually go on sale for the first time this late.

>> No.8301253

Some of those tables were suppose to go to waitlist people but because word got out and they sold so quickly, they had to re-email approved waitlisted people to tell them they had no table again.

IDK why AX didn't contact their waitlist first then sold tables. The salt from the waiting list could fill a thousand oceans.

>> No.8301653

How do you guys feel about small cons of like 200 people?

>> No.8301679

gotta start somewhere... support it if its local, and is it gonna be at your local college/university campus/shopping mall/library...

>> No.8301820

So much salt indeed. I really wish they did take their time by going through who signed up on the waitlist first and not the free for all that they managed to fuck up.

>> No.8301834
File: 853 KB, 1099x847, 7b3f44d6e969b6fbb1b3e60a8ed9928b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished this SU print. What's the best file type for printing? I've used PNGs, JPGs, and TIFFs for printing before, but none of the results were that great.

>> No.8301836

Ehh, there's a tiny local con I go to pretty regularly. They treat the artists well and they work pretty hard to run the show. I usually just go to chill, hang out with friends, and make some chump change.

>> No.8301841

PNGs work best for me out of the three, but if it's possible use the original .psd document.

>> No.8301902

which small con?

do you recoup your table cost at it?

>> No.8302030

What's the typical size for mini prints? Postcard size? How much do you guys charge for mini prints?

>> No.8302167

Anime Destiny in Berkeley. Gotta rep my alma mater, and usually a couple of my friends are there every year. Tables are like, I dunno, $50 and I usually make like 200ish on average

Yeah, 3x5's, 4x6s, some people even do 5x7s but those are less common. I do $3, 2 for $5 and I think most people do that pricing or similar.

Hahaha I remember one year at YCon I split a table with a fairly popular slash artist at the time. She had nothing but smaller 3x5s and I had a bunch of 11x17's. She made a killing and had a constant stream of customers and fans buying her stuff (which was, unsurprisingly, a lot of SPN, Sherlock Holmes, etc.). I was only slightly jealous, but also angry at myself that I had to lug a fat ass suitcase of prints around

>> No.8302406
File: 286 KB, 348x364, silicone mold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a craft/Japanese type question, but can someone help me identify this silicone mold. I have a feeling in might be a Daiso mold but I'm having troubles locating it.

>> No.8302636

One of those Japanese Youtube craft channels say those are from a store called Dora House and they don't sell those online.

>> No.8302856

I've bought those on Taobao, I have the deer one. I will post the link at night today, I'm working right now.

>> No.8302891

Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it. Seems like they're worth it, then...Now to decide what to do mini prints of.

>> No.8303432

ay I tried emailing you about the su stickers, but didn't get a response. Is the offer still on the table?

>> No.8304080

I know there is a general unlike for perlers but I was wondering how people feel about original designs? I'm mostly a print, sticker, bookmark artist but I like to supplement some open table space with my dabblings in crafts. I've made a few things so far and I don't intend to price anything much higher than $5 but seeing people react negatively to the craft itself and my own worry about people copying my shit like they do anything else I wonder if it's even worth it.

>> No.8304176

I made some original designs but it still gets the same treatment as non-original perler "artists". It really is the laziest craft to sell, just a bit higher than cabochons glued to rings/etc. You will get the comments of people saying they can make the same thing or their 5 year old also plays with the same thing.

Unless you do those shadowboxes where people recreate scenes from videogames. Those are a bit cooler bit still ripped artwork at the end of the day.

>> No.8304357

Woops almost forgot:

Their silicone molds are awesome too.
I've seen these molds also in Etsy, but the store's reputation are always bad...

>> No.8304378

Alright, good to know. I'll probably bring what I made already and just use perlers to make shit for myself or for friends, but I'm not gonna bother myself with it for AA lol. I'll focus on my resin and sculpey crafts then.

>> No.8304976 [DELETED] 

I wonder if this is a regional thing. It's the exact opposite for me. I've use to make tons of large and small prints and the same ones barely sold. A few of my big sellers are mini prints that I started printing at a larger sizes. I just give my minis away in online orders now.

>> No.8304979

>>8302167 #
I wonder if this is a regional thing. It's the exact opposite for me. I've use to make tons of large and small prints and the same ones barely sold. A few of my big sellers are mini prints that I started printing at a larger sizes. I just give my minis away in online orders now.

Wish I could sell small prints cause they're a lot easier to lug around.

>> No.8304999

Since the otakon is coming by fast, is anyone submitting to the art show? and, what fandoms have the most money when it comes to buying fandom-related items? In your experience, which fandom has supported you the most?

>> No.8305020

anyone got any experience with selling paintings? I'm not really a print artist, I have some arts which could make prints but most of my stuff is acrylic/oil paintings. Is there a market for this?

>> No.8305154 [DELETED] 

You should definitely try and do that! I don't see very much of them, and besides if you overprice them because its originals it will only make those spellings prints at 2/$30 or 2/$40 seem like a bargain.

>> No.8305228


Oh my gosh thank you guys so much for the response. This taobao store is awesome, thank you anon ~

>> No.8305512

Weird!! See, that's why I was asking, since I've heard some people don't do well at all with small prints, while others make a killing. I wonder why that is.

>> No.8305653

Because they like what is on print, regardless of size.

>> No.8305823

I think some styles look better on different styles. Like Digit's stuff tend to be bright and busy in terms of colours and composition, and that just ends up being cluttered on a small print. On the other hand, if your style is simplistic and leans more towards chibi, then big prints aren't as popular.


>> No.8305844

Not that anon, but that's a really useful tip. (thanks)

>> No.8305873

Seconding this. We do chibi on 5x7 prints and they're a huge seller.

On the same note, I managed to make a chibi grouping of two characters so detailed that it's got to fit 11x17 now... It just didn't work out well for small size.

>> No.8305899

> on different styles
I meant on different sizes. But you lot seemed to get what I meant anyway, lol.

>> No.8305989

Good point. All depends on what you put on them, I suppose.

>> No.8306585
File: 72 KB, 258x380, classic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on making some new pins for an upcoming con. Here's a WIP. I was also gonna do sweet, gothic, and maybe dandy and ouji. Not sure how well they'll do but it's worth a shot.


>> No.8306592

I hope you're going to clean up the chicken scratch.

>> No.8306605

well yeah it's just a sketch. obviously i'm going to clean it up when i go to line and colour it.

>> No.8306706

Show us a near completed product, then we will judge

>> No.8306754

oh man i missed the apparent art theft in aani what went down?

>> No.8306764

Whats this?

>> No.8306796

deets anon cant leave us hanging yo

>> No.8306836

I think I remember you from the other thread(s?), and who knows if you remember the other anon who's from Vancouver too!

Because I'm moving, I dropped my choice for AE, but I'll still be doing Summer Fest and MiniComi, which are both filling up pretty fast I'm sure with the pace AR and NWFF has.

>Which of the big ones do you like best? AE, NWFF, AR?
Hard to say since I've technically didn't attend AR and NWFF, and I've attended AE as an attendee I think.

The times I've gone as an attendee, the AA at AE suffers a lot, to me. Repeated years of cramped room and table spaces, literally back to back with another artist. I don't know how well the artists do, but I can't imagine being stuck like that for 3 days.

In the past I did attend Cos&Effect, which was alright. It was better when it was in the SUB, but I still did well when AA used to be secluded to a room on the second floor. Now that it's with NWFF, I'm not sure how it's like. Pricier tables as far as I'm concerned with, and they closed their applications by Jan 17 when I checked (and the event is at the end of May).

I always try to look out for AR honest and full reviews. The whole con is so pricey... I don't know how the artists do it, and how the tables sell out so far in advance.

>Which days do you find people buy the most, Friday, Saturday, Sunday?
Saturday > Sunday > Friday, though Friday and Sunday are sorta on par...

>Any other tips for jumping into a threeday con would be greatly appreciated
Take what you've learned from those 1-day events, especially figuring out how much to make and take with you will be tricky and really depends... If you can, bring your own non-perishable snacks, food and water. If you're alone, get to know your neighbors and the con's staff, especially when you need to make that washroom trip, it helps to have someone watch your stuff and tell people to come back in a few minutes. And check if the con can store your merch and things overnight.

>> No.8306851
File: 72 KB, 700x469, iphone 2263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much do artists usually charge attendees for a Dakimakura case in artist alley?
I'd be spending around $45 for each double sided daki, so what would be a reasonable price to sell them by?

>> No.8306863

$45 is too much for production anon.

>> No.8306878

well i didnt see it thats why im asking yall homies. im mobile right now but there was a post in the Facebook group involving a "situation." someone stole a design or something today? mfw its 3d goods though..

>> No.8306880

I've only pre-order ones online and they went for 80 and up.

Its really not worth it money wise unless you're a huge artist.

>> No.8306884
File: 964 KB, 1077x808, tumblr_nl0pav14hk1qh8t5wo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any of the washi tape anon is here?
Just found this:

I recognize some of the designs there...Maybe they are sending them here?

>> No.8306886

I've only seen***

>> No.8306978

Oh man, that sucks.

>> No.8307236

>Any of the washi tape anon is here?
>Just found this:
>I recognize some of the designs there...Maybe they are sending them here?

>trusting chinks with your designs

>> No.8307305

It's gonna be a shitstorm on people's dashboards on tumblr when she finds out.

>> No.8307318
File: 594 KB, 1145x698, chibi_dump_by_pixsu_chii-d7z4rv2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've posted sketches here before and gotten good feedback, I dont know why you have a stick up your ass. Much easier to get to make changes in the early stages than later when you've spent hours on it.

I think its looking cute so far! I feel like there are some proportion things off about the body of your chibi, but I can't really put my finger on it. The right hand (technically her left hand/arm) is looking kind of funky so I hop you fix that up for the more complete version. If you're having troubles with chibi proportions look around at other artists that you like and get knowledge/inspiration from that.

>example image, look around and find whatever floats your boat

>> No.8307396
File: 180 KB, 750x836, TB22YD_cpXXXXcmXpXXXXXXXXXX-1724643917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Love Live one is staring into my soul.

>> No.8307397


>> No.8307475


Hey guys, as one of the people in this listing I just wanted to say a few things~

1. We're pretty sure this listing is just another whole sale listing, according to the actual chinese and the tape used is just an example of what they can print

2. The manufacturer already said they would be taking it down once we asked about it anyway

3. Even if it was a listing to buy each design, we are kinda meh about it because we knew it was a risk we were taking getting it outsourced. Unfortunately there's really no choice for washi tape, we'd use american manufacturers in a heart beat but there's just no option? Like we all use USA companies for our charms, because we know this is inevitable for outsourcing charms (and honestly it's kind of hilarious some of you are being racist hypocrites about this when you guys use chinese companies for charms all the time?)

Anyway TL:DR; a risk we all knew we were taking but we just wanted washi tape of our designs so much we did it anyway. It's not exactly a good profit margin and it's not like most of these designs could be bought at walmart or something, the parent IP companies would shut that down. From what i've seen in local chinatowns, that's where it'll end up. Just like the charms I've already seen there :)

Anyway, don't lie to yourself when you order from China lol

>> No.8307487

Kill yourself.

>> No.8307491

you're fucking awful at art and should just quit. i'm glad your horrible shit got stolen.

>> No.8307516



>> No.8307689

>you're fucking awful at art and should just quit.
Blah blah let's not start another jlo pandemic thread plx...

>> No.8307690

Fuck that other anon this is cute.

>> No.8307699

>i'm glad your horrible shit got stolen.
Chinese do consider it a compliment when you copy someone.

>> No.8307738

Does anybody know where a good place to get custom printed rubber keychains would be? I've got some cute chibis I wanted to turn into keychains, but I'm unsure as to what good prices/manufacturers are, and my searching has just been confusing. Is there somewhere that does good quality keychains that lets you do multiple designs? Or am I doomed to order 300 of the same keychain from Alibaba?

>> No.8307766

>you guys use chinese companies for charms all the time
>Just like the charms I've already seen there :)

go back to tumblr susan

>> No.8307979
File: 148 KB, 600x450, 1395599380679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8307981
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>> No.8307993
File: 368 KB, 768x1024, 1297829130609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8307996
File: 53 KB, 423x640, 1297829400809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8308109

I'm the original anon that post that and I'm not sure why everyone assumed it was a listing for the designs, just wanted to know if that was the source where people were sending their washi to make...

>> No.8308153

Ah ok. My plan B is to make keychains of them. I'll do that instead.

>> No.8308283

Are those mini prints on the table?

>> No.8308291

I think so, at first I thought it was a bunch of phone cases... but very less likely and no holes.

>> No.8308298

Lol, thats what I thought but then I didn't see the hole for a camera.

>> No.8308308

Mini prints: 4x6 or 5x7? Which do you prefer?

>> No.8308329
File: 46 KB, 600x600, CEbNiKFUUAAJsoc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw this on twitter from a Japanese artist.
Do you guys know how to do this?

>> No.8308335

it's just laminated paper..

>> No.8308531

Do people actually buy these? I always thought they looked so trashy.

>> No.8308534

I like 5x7 more.

>> No.8308547

Thats what was should a couple years ago before you could get your hands in acrylic charms.
They still sell really well for bookmarks.

>> No.8308549


>> No.8308659

I just got into Fanime's AA via the lottery and I'm freaking the fuck out.

Since I didn't get in on the first go-round I hadn't planned on going, so I have basically no new work and two weeks to handle all my logistics. Oh lawd. Next couple weeks are going to be...interesting.

>mfw I have no face

>> No.8308723

le bovine du arte does dakis, the one-sided ones are $25 each I think? Not sure about double sided but I think you can do a lot better than $45

>> No.8309001

AA feels greentext incoming
>Did lots of research on about where to get good quality dakimakura, used my own sweats and tears and experimented with different companies to find out which one is the best source
>Passes the source to a friend bc she's a friend
>Said friend sells her daki, everything goes well, people rave about the quality of her daki fabric
>She got an anon ask (in a not rounabout way) to where to get the shit printed and all
>Told my friend that I don't want to disclose my source and what that anon pulled out was just very lazy and inconsiderate
>Said friend wants to keep her rep and replied bc "she wants to be a nice person"
>Said friend also pretty much called me a bitch for "being able to snap at other people's BS more easily"
>Said friend then sent an "all nice and friendly reply telling the anon she can't disclose her info bc her bitch friend feels 'uncomfortable' revealing her sources but that she totally would bc she's 'so helpfur and kind guys'"
>mfw very sour and salty pie

>> No.8309017

I don't see the big deal with sharing the source.
Now how your friend replied was shitty as fuck.

>> No.8309080

Some people just don't like to do it for business reasons. Also, that anon was asking it with such a shitty way.

>> No.8309094

why is your 'friend' even a friend when they're so shit to you?

>> No.8309103

Because if you sell lemonade, you're not gonna tell people where you got your lemons since many of them will just make lemonade with their own lemons and stop buying yours
Which is shitty because you probably went through a lot of trouble to prepare the pretty jugs, good quality organic sugar and decorate the lemonade stand all fancy like

>> No.8309112

Yeah but if your style and your subject is different it doesn't matter.

>> No.8309118

It still matters, and there's only so many ways you can be different until your stuff just starts to look like another 'interesting design, but everyone else's doing this medium too so it doesn't stick out enough'.

>> No.8309131

Maybe if you were doing plushies or whatever.

>> No.8309243
File: 274 KB, 555x788, our_display_at_rccc_2013_by_lexlothor-d6nwe1y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8309247
File: 574 KB, 912x684, 7301957164_4619e1707e_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8309250
File: 96 KB, 540x499, 1423085930788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8309253

The banner is a cute idea, I do wonder how well it would work seeing as people don't like to read.

>> No.8309255
File: 78 KB, 604x453, 30467_610324283329_24806701_35435544_5441256_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8309261
File: 531 KB, 912x684, 7301966520_3534f7d753_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8309268
File: 54 KB, 400x282, 1293006530500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8309278
File: 546 KB, 701x620, 1395747433518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8309292
File: 87 KB, 1200x577, 1423237598067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8309295
File: 34 KB, 500x333, tumblr_inline_nbatvkfucc1r1luxf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8309360

bless you anon posting all the aa ables. def need this inspo for fanime ;;;; ugh

>> No.8309373
File: 95 KB, 604x453, 1295286067679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There there, I'm cycling through a lot of old pictures I have so I'll try to throw out whatever works for prints, crafts or a mixed setups

>> No.8309382
File: 155 KB, 374x500, 1304027026520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8309387
File: 134 KB, 826x686, 1401242656898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8309390
File: 64 KB, 500x616, 1403638105816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8309393
File: 46 KB, 403x403, 542146_436022909755155_1803111409_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8309398
File: 154 KB, 640x480, 1373398181933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8309749

now thats a smart way to move excess and old product

>> No.8310283

>3/6 items are hinted at on each egg!

this is a good idea but why didn't they just say 1/2

>> No.8310312
File: 100 KB, 648x486, 1315711404167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess they are just being literally clear there are 6 items (2 buttons, and 4 keychains) and any 3 of those are hinted. I think saying 1/2 can be confusing for someone, otherwise it'd be better to say "Half of the items are hinted at on each egg".

>> No.8310326
File: 67 KB, 600x662, d1b455ad-af0f-4b60-bd24-012220587a43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we get some handmade packaging inspo pics here? I have hoarded way too much scrapbooking supplies and I would like to put them to good use.

>> No.8310331
File: 162 KB, 219x300, 2014-02-07-01-219x300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8310335

I have a fiery need..

>> No.8310339
File: 115 KB, 640x640, 20131106_998599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have some, anon.

>> No.8310344
File: 64 KB, 583x467, 1_219ab040785e439c85e06e7c0d3ef714ab9c6cb0_583x585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is the most used for stationary.

>> No.8310352
File: 66 KB, 460x350, 20140323_825322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, I made a custom packing for my stickers(similar to picture) and they sold way better than the regular stickers I put on cute cello bags etc.

>> No.8310416


Fucking holly tea time. ..

>> No.8310431
File: 74 KB, 620x413, 660819eb-3acb-4870-94c3-f64d2bd6633b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, fellow sword anon.

>> No.8310445

oH BOY.. Thank you very much. They're really too good..

>> No.8310447

this bitch

>> No.8310450

Is it an envelope with a window or paper that wraps around one of those clear bags?

>> No.8310455

You're welcome! I just wish the fanartists outside of Japan stepped up their game and made cute swordfag stuff like this.

>> No.8310460

get this dumb cunt out of the thread.

this is a horrible set up anyways, not to mention she's just horrible in general.

>> No.8310469

I think as the market for it expands there'll start to be more, thankfully!

I know myself and several friends are all working on some tourabu shit for upcoming conventions. I can only hope it grows more..
(sage for OT)

>> No.8310574
File: 102 KB, 500x500, fc2blog_20140519193714ee3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The second one.

This one is more simple.

>> No.8310577
File: 93 KB, 400x300, img7e3439bfzik2zj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meant to quote >>8310450

>> No.8310706

Hey guys, I'm the one that made these mystery eggs. And like >>8310312 said, customers were getting confused how many items there were inside if I only said 1/2 are hinted at.

I should remake the sign again to just say 'half of the items are hinted at...' etc like you said.

>> No.8310958
File: 183 KB, 500x667, tumblr_nmmdazV81c1qbj6jho3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do cross stitch and wanted to know if it's something people would be interested in at Artist Tables. I would probably link up with a friend who does more standard art because I figure they wouldn't be a big draw on their own... I keep them in hoops ranging from 4" to 6" (this one is on a 6" hoop, unfinished as I do a felt backing on all finished stitches)

>> No.8311564
File: 98 KB, 720x540, 1317779932563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still good that you're covering all grounds for derpy readers

>> No.8311577
File: 177 KB, 1024x588, sakky_s_plush_n_stuff_2014_convention_info_by_sakkysa-d795q6q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8311579
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>> No.8311583

This looks really nice, anon. I think it's a good idea!

>> No.8311584
File: 140 KB, 620x568, c92175f2-e135-4a3d-80ed-758adc214a8b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm planning to make some ema shaped wood charms in the future actually.
Sorry, thread, have more cute packaging.

>> No.8311585

I want to shop there.

>> No.8311599

Anyone have a link to this actual store?

>> No.8311611
File: 112 KB, 960x720, 1415037346472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh noooo...
You're US based, right? What side of the country??

>> No.8311612

my friend brought cross stitches to our table last year and they were cute and attracted a ton of attention but ultimately didn't sell well due to the price, just too time consuming

>> No.8311620

So I recently started a job at a screen printing place so I can get pretty much anything printed on a shirt for $5, possibly less. I also need to supply the shirt(i can either buy them there for $5 or at joanns for cheaper with a coupon)
the only problem is im concerned with sizing and such and dont want to bring a whole bunch of sizes and sell out of one or not sell any of one. has anyone here sold shirts? how do you deal with this, should i try order forms? maybe bring displays and just have them available on etsy after the con?

>> No.8311708

i cant wait to get my hands on tourabu merch in japan next month jfc

>> No.8311731

Selling shirts is tricky since the demand for sizes can be unpredictable.
Maybe try selling totes instead?

>> No.8311756

Pretty cool, but...isn't it the same kind of unoriginal end result as perler beads, just the process is much, much, much more time-consuming? I'm not sure if I'd buy it if it wasn't an original sprite.

>> No.8311793

Question - Can you use official/merch that is NOT yours to help display your items?

For example I want to show off how a certain keycharm I have will look like on a tote bag. But since time cruching and all - I don't have time to make my own.

I'll label it properly as display only, and an example - but would it be a terribly tacky thing to do?

>> No.8311794

I've gotten pretty decent sales at Saboten for the past four years, but this year they changed up the location so I'm not sure how that'll go. The Taiyou-con move really hurt sales this year. Artist Alley tables are sold out for 2015 at Saboten though. There aren't really any other ones this year in Arizona worth traveling out to imho. The guy that owns Saboten (and Con-nichiwa and Kikori) also has a convention in New Mexico called Sabaku con. I haven't personally went, and it just passed, but I've heard good things about the sales there so you could keep an eye out for that next year. And his cons always sell out pretty slowly, so you shouldn't have a problem grabbing one.

I love the look of this table everytime I see it.

Not me personally, but I have a t-shirt making friend in the Artist Alley, and that's all that he has other than a few hat designs. It's a crazy investment, and he always brings a huge inventory in all sizes, knowing that he probably won't be able to sell them all and carries inventory between cons. If you want to devote yourself entirely to screen printed merchandise, then you have to put down a lot of money no matter what. But if you're already an AA'er, and you're just looking to add some extra merch on the side, >>8311731 idea, or similar things that don't need as much variety is definitely the better way to go. From my experience, most people that say they'll purchase something after the con online tend to forget about it in the midst of the convention hangover. At convention order forms aren't a bad idea, though people might be a bit hesitant to be paying for something on site that they won't be getting immediately when they have instant gratification everywhere else. (And conventions are the epitome of impulse buys).

>> No.8311797

as in the tote bag I use to display it is not mine. It's under a brand. design is really faint/simple but yeah.

>> No.8311809

I don't like this either anon. At my con those booths have now moved to the dealer's room, which I guess is fitting since it pretty much is a dealer booth at that point. I just don't really get the point of them - why bother? Even if the artist is popular and knows they can sell a ton of prints, surely when they factor in travel costs + AA/Dealer's room fees + merch costs, all it is is pocket money?

>> No.8312127

Yep, I'm US based. The con that I planned to sell at got cancelled, but I'm gonna sell stuff on Storenvy. You'll probably see my charms floating around the Touken Ranbu tag on Tumblr.

I'm jelly, anon!
>tfw your favorite has close to no official merch

>> No.8312135

Sure, go nuts

>> No.8312229

Doesn't seem any different than using a wig to display hair accessories. People will get the point.

>> No.8312254

I've asked in the help thread but got ignored, so I'll ask here:
What's a good brand of epoxy casting resin (or bar top resin, whatever you call it) that I can get in Europe? Most recommended brands aren't available here and I don't want to get the wrong thing because it might be called something else in my country.

>> No.8312329

What do you guys do when you get a set of prints 4x6 that have a bit of shoddy quality?

I guess it looks okay when you put it up it's not really noticeable - but if you look at it upclose it looks fuzzy.

Should I just sell it for $1 or just the standard $2 anyways?

(I would do the whole bag of misprints/mystery bag thing but I don't have enough old stock to do them)

>> No.8312606

What's everyone working on? Artist's block hit me like a train and I have a few cons coming up.

>> No.8312624
File: 276 KB, 350x425, amibay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Artist's block
Ugh I feel that, I mostly work 3D stuff but I'd love to get some 2D in works. It's hard to motivate myself to doodle... so I wind up back on working on 3D stuff till something clicks.

I'll have a bunch of these guys this year.

>> No.8313246

What are they using to help display their posters?

>> No.8313252

Just have a less than perfect sale section. Always works for me. People won't even notice what you did 99% of the time, so you end up with the misprints sold out before everything else thanks to the price.

>> No.8313258

Looks like foam core hiding a pipe frame.

>> No.8313339
File: 31 KB, 454x408, ss+(2015-05-09+at+10.32.07).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are some sales on this printing website right now, if anyones interested in apparel and mousepad printing on the cheap

>> No.8313342

note* this was my 20th time trying to post that, sorry if it seems spammy (curse you 4chan, im just trying to help). They also do dakimuras and shit, but their prices aren't worth it unless theres an overall sale with free shipping or something. They also do prints which is cool. I've had good luck with their quality thus far.

>> No.8315170

Is $1.50 too much for one 1.25~1.5in button? I was thinking of making it buy 2 get 1 free so it would be 3 for $3.

>> No.8315399

i charge $1 for one button, and 6 for $5
anything more and it becomes a hassle for customers to worry about change. besides buttons are pretty cheap per piece once you have your machine

>> No.8315542

Don't think so, I see a lot of 1.5 sell for $2 each or 3 for $5. I'm not so sure if it's the same for the 1.25" ones.

>> No.8315699

I work at Office Depot/Office Max as a print supervisor + am an artist alley person who sells mostly prints and makes anywhere between 1-2.5k at a con with my stuff

quick tips u can do at either of those stores as last minute "oh fuck i didnt order shit":

Laminate your signs AT LEAST if not your displays if you do more than one con a year for the love of god you will thank me for tear down time and set up and transportation you dont have to worry about stuff ripping. 8/5x5.5 is a readable sign if your words are huge and you'll save on lamination.

we are replacing our old cardstock with new shitty cardstock. before ordering cardstock check the paper feel first and if its feels to grainy your colors will come out kinda bleh. I would suggest gloss text/cover (text is way thinner, but hangs on walls easier, while gloss cover is slightly more expensive but feels amazing) for larger prints. Cardstock should still work with smaller prints becuase that wasnt replaced with garbage

Save your shit as a pdf because god damn everyone who works at these places is too stupid to click "fit to size" or even open photoshop and will cut off your edges. Work with CMYK not RGB. And with a pdf you can print on self-serve machines and save $$ on printing if you're doing bulk.

Print your button pieces on laserjet it will look way better than your home inkjet trust me

Dont print any larger than 11x17 at these places or your prices will quadruple. Black and white stuff prints literally 1/6th the price of color so if you wanna save money but have more display do a black and white stark print. Its ARTSY

Also dear everyone: keep part of your displays eye level or higher for the customer or else they will walk by.

>> No.8315729

Thread MVP

>> No.8315809

what is the /latest/ day to order prints at Costco? I have er exactly 10/11 days till Fanime OTL

>> No.8315818

do you know when these coupons expire? i see they have free shipping on orders over $20 right now but you cannot combine it with another offer

>> No.8315951

They can get it done within a few hours if they're not busy.

>> No.8315983

office max anon

i know office max can do it while you wait but we prefer if you don't. 24 hours is our maximum turnaround for something like that. Usually I get my own prints done in 2

>> No.8316147

who's table is this???

>> No.8316182

omax person here again: in the spreadsheet it mentions the white boarder
for 3 dollars they can do full bleed cutting off the white edges on the whole ream. its in their booklet tho i wouldnt be surprised if the ppl working there dont know abt it

>> No.8316219

anon, do you have an email? I need major print help for office max.

>> No.8316325

Haha oh man... For the first time in forever, I'm actually impressed by AANI.

Some dude came in pimping out his not-quite-realized, not-quite-finalized freelancing "concept" and AANI tore him the fuck apart.

Fucking awesome

>> No.8316344 [DELETED] 

Godbless, Omax anon. This existing might be what changes my on site printing from staples and manually cutting off the border one by one.

Could he hire a freelance artist to draw another base bee? I feel sorry for the ctrl, c, and v buttons involved. And the artist will get great exposure and maybe some payment if he ends up liking it.

>> No.8316351

Godbless, Omax anon. This existing might be what changes my on site printing from staples and having to manually cut off the borders one by one.

Could he hire a freelance artist to draw another base bee? I feel sorry for the ctrl, c, and v buttons involved. And the artist will get great exposure and maybe some payment if he ends up liking it.

>> No.8316665

what a ride that was to read this morning. I hope he replies

>> No.8316744
File: 346 KB, 674x544, Screenshot 2015-05-11 10.39.34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That fucking guy...

>> No.8316753

> I,ve been freelancer for producers who doesn't respect my work. Also I've been displaced for aggresive freelancers who cheap price to unsupportable amounts, just to have a chance. Also I've been producer and I've payed artists for mediocre (or null) aboral performance (talking as an artist who know what i am asking for). No ofense guys. You're profesionals, but not everybody is. This is innovation. Reject is natural, thanks to your collective feedback, I'll be back with something you might appreciate.

Reading his mangled English was dreadful

>> No.8317141

I think the thread was deleted. I don't see it there

>> No.8317220

yeah, it was deleted. Oh well, glad I got to read the majority of it though

>> No.8317619

Is it okay to flirt with customers to get more sales? Sometimes I feel guilty, but this is a business after all...