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8304202 No.8304202 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread is autosaging


Continue talking about LACE here.

>> No.8304210
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>> No.8304211 [DELETED] 

Did you see te gold mine Kate just posted?

>> No.8304212

And in very recent developments, kate recently came out with this post:


>> No.8304215


You guys beat me to it, kek.

I knew I could trust you seagulls.

>> No.8304216

I just don't buy it, who the hell threatens to kill someone for a fashion?

>> No.8304220

I still don't get what she plans to do to help. That was a garbage post with no real meaning to LACE.

>> No.8304225

Bless y'all, I was just about to ask if anyone saw it.

I saw the title and I thought we'd actually get some concrete information about what LACE is going to do, but instead we get Kate's tearjerker and STILL no answers.

>> No.8304239


Seriously. Healthyeyes even claimed to be in discussion with Kate on how to improve the group, and so far nothing has come out of it.

The best thing to do at this point honestly would be to dismantle it and come back with a better, more concrete plan that isn't simply a hugbox for Kate and co. This whole thing, even in the slim chance that it did have good intentions, was fucked up in execution from the start, and Kate has to start admitting that and working towards improvement if she truly wants to see this go off the ground.

>> No.8304241

Please continue I'm so confused

>> No.8304244

I fucking knew she lurked here.

Kate, unfriending someone because they posted a parody video of your shit organization is not an adult thing to do.

>> No.8304258

Her poop story wasn't enough, so she had to up the sob story. Is it true? Unlikely. But anyone who calls her out on it being BS now will just look like a twat.

>> No.8304270

That's very terrible, all the OTT rude stuff people have allegedly said and done to her.

>[people say] my attempt to change the lolita community is futile, a selfish attempt at e-fame, and stupid

I'm just waiting for a reason to believe it's NOT this. That's all I'm asking for. Clear direction. Careful thought. Clear organization. Real results. Impact. I'm only interested in how, realistically, she and LACE affiliates aim to accomplish anything, not #thetruthaboutlace and why it started -- whether it was over an incident in the bathroom or a series of personal experiences.

>> No.8304281


>> No.8304287

No you don't understand her five friends all alerted her of that being posted all at once!!!!!!!!!!!!! uwu uwu

>> No.8304293

Seriously. I know she's reading these replies.
Kate, how does a hashtag and heart hands in photos actually help people? Why not use your influence to coordinate a fundraiser and donate to an actual cause. Why not the funds from those t-shirts you were in a rush to create?

Everything she does is a grasp at attention. 100% OTT all brands coordinates. Sitting next to Rinrindoll at Tekko.

She can't take an ounce of criticism and her most recent post confirms she only made this because SHE was bullied, not because she saw others and wanted to help. It's all about HER. She's not fit to run an organization like this.

>> No.8304296

>inb4 a thousand notes and a fuckton of "signal boost!1!!" and "this is NOT okay" and "omg im so sorry!! just remember ur gorgeous!!"
yeah ok tumblr, thanks for the contribution

>> No.8304300

I'm so confused about the death threat claims, am I just blind or somethin? Unless she's been getting anons on tumblr and not posting them I have no clue where these supposed comments are

>> No.8304312

obviously its anon, who would be stupid enough to not post them on anon

>> No.8304321

Seriously though. Worst things I've seen is people making fun of the shit story that she made a big deal about and calling her out on how bad of an idea LACE is. Given how Tumblr is, I might not rule out death threats, but like she's giving out serious hints she's lurking here with that last post when she mentioned the unfriending incident.

>> No.8304326

Did Jillian delete her video?

>> No.8304328

Please, post all juicy details. Bonus if you tell LACE that you got kicked out of LtL for not 100 percent supporting LACE.

>> No.8304329

Sounds like she should just turn off anon asks on tumblr. Why people leave it on and not block the person sending them is beyond me. I guess some people just want compliments so bad they don't want to risk turning it off

>> No.8304333

I pretty much just resigned to it now because the whole thing is stupid.

>> No.8304340

Looks like it

>> No.8304341

Can anyone recap/link the archive for the bathroom horror story? I feel really out of the loop on this.

>> No.8304347

I'll recap, but I'l sure someone else will link.

Someone is in the same bathroom with Kate/Girlytoot at a meetup and they hear her taking a huge shit. Nobody in the thread really /cares/ about this, some even call it out for it's stupidity.
Kate whines about it and acts like she's OH SO BULLIED for someone talking about her shits.

>> No.8304350

>"The Truth About LACE"
>Personal life update

>> No.8304360

I sent her an ask right after the post: "So what do you plan to do and what actions will you take?"

>> No.8304367
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This LACE thing is making me feel uncomfortable as far as being active in other lolita communities (i.e., my local comm), especially with the fear of being isolated or dogpiled if you happen to express skepticism. I do not want my disenchantment with this "lace community" to be horribly misconstrued into a support for actual bullying etc.
Especially when I read about this.

I hope it either dies down or gets its act together quickly.

>> No.8304374

>starts LACE, posts that it's because of an interaction she had in a bathroom
>it comes out that it's because she was pooping and that she started LACE because someone heard her poop
>"Oh noooooo guys, it wasn't because I was pooping, it was because I get bullied EVERY DAYYY"

She's backpedaling so fast, holy shit. Everyone knows that if she were really receiving death threats, she would have said so from the very beginning. Literally no one on /cgl/ has said that she should die.

It's all just so fake. How can someone feel okay about lying out of her ass so much?

>> No.8304382
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i'm wondering about this, myself.

>> No.8304383

and I also posted to LACE's facebook, but they haven't gotten back to me yet with the help I know they're going to give me

>> No.8304385

> poop incident is the founder of LACE
Holy fuck, that is gold.

>> No.8304388

I feel you on this. One of the e-famous lolitas who is supporting LACE is in my comm and within the past few months we've had an over turn of members as in our best and well seasoned lolitas have either left or drifted away from the comm and a bunch of itas/girls new to lolita have joined. I can already tell that LACE is going to be like catnip to ita or novice lolitas who don't know any better.

>> No.8304391

exaggerating trolls into death threats is part of the cancer killing the internet. involving police in petty shit is just asking for unnecessary laws and over-use of a force that would be better applied to real problems.

how about you stop exploiting your fans and come clean about the realistic scale of your criticisms? screenshots or none of it happened.

so disgusted right now and i didn't even care before.

>> No.8304392

Never forget



>> No.8304398

Where is proof of all these countless death threats because honestly it seems conveniently made up right now to make her look even more like a victim.

>> No.8304400
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>> No.8304413

> Using bathroom in the Doubletree during lolita tea party with RinRin
> Only one other person in bathroom
> Hear someone taking a huge, nasty shit
> Leave stall and wash hands
> Out walks girlyhoot
> kek

The end.

>> No.8304414
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>mfw the more mature girls in my comm are calling out LACE
>mfw people already talk shit about them for being "bullies"
>bullying of course consisting of hanging out without inviting every weeb and teenager along

I honestly see this whole LACE thing doing a lot of damage to individual comms, and a hell of a lot to Kate herself in the end.
What a disaster.

>> No.8304422

Did she rope RinRin into it with her interview response on bullying or was RinRin knowibgly participate?

>> No.8304425
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New: Thoughts on LACE and Why Hugboxes Are Okay!! From Our Leader-Sama Wonderfinch!

>> No.8304432

Probably she asked her and RinRin participated because you can't really say no to opposing bullying. My problem was more allllll those pictures she posted with RinRin at the teaparty. "Here I am posing with her! Here I am having an awesome conversation with her! We are such besties!!!" Stop riding her coattails.

>> No.8304435

Wait, do people really care about people shitting in a... well, a shitter? I might be missing something here, I don't think I've been keeping up.

>> No.8304443

No, they don't. She just made a big deal about it and started LACE. That's why it's funny.

>> No.8304461

Devil's advocate here, but as someone who once had a chronic disease that made me shit pretty violently, you worry about that kind of thing all the time in public restrooms especially around your peers. I can't even consider her overdramatically upset. "Will people hear me and think it's disgusting?" "Why can't I control my body?" You're already sick and uncomfortable all the time, then you have to deal with people running to the internet or to your coworkers and your friends, gossiping about what you're going through, not understanding how much it actually sucks.

>> No.8304471

>WF talking about how we should all be nice
>Has actually talked about physically hurting someone on EGL bc they were annoying her (I think she used the phrase "kick her teeth in" but I can't 100% remember)


>> No.8304474

Here's the thing though anon: there was only one anon who was making remarks about her shitting, initially. If you saw the original thread, there were quite a few posters saying how stupid it was to be concerned over shit. Kate decided to make a mountain out of her shithill.

>> No.8304475

If you read her blog it says she went away on vacation. Maybe she is not back yet? People do have lives outside of lolita and the Internet.

>> No.8304477

Sound like petty (pardon the pun) shit to me. Last I checked everyone poops. Also, she's said she has a lot of health issues...sometimes you just gotta go.

Not to whiteknight this chick; but while I agree she is hungry for fame, I think cgl nitpicks her to death. It's the same thing they did to faunkygin or whatever her name was, and every other past efamous lolita who had a semi decent closet.

People can criticize LACE all they want, her outfits, and motives and I'd say I at least partially agree. However, posting poop stories, while funny, is just basically showing what jelly bitches will stoop down to just to try and feel superior to someone shui happens to be more internet nobody "popular" than them.

>> No.8304481

The thing is, no one cared. When the story was posted, people were actually defending Kate and calling out OP for being an immature fuckhead. She literally freaked out over nothing.

>> No.8304483

I feel that. I don't have any sort of disease, but I still worry a lot about shitting in public restrooms. I make plans to avoid it or to go to places where there would be the least possible likelihood of someone hearing me shit. And while I think it was okay for her to be upset, I just don't think her response was justified. I mean, she made a HUGE deal of it and made an online community because someone heard her poop? How is that an adult response at all? She could have just settled it quietly and contacted the person in private, asking them not to post her on /cgl/, especially there's only one person it could have been. But her response was obviously meant to garner the most public reaction possible, which is why it's pretty obvious that she's doing it for the e-fame.

>> No.8304492

When the poop story appeared, I actually thought it was a fake story because I remember several threads having a similar story about other lolitas and cosplayers some time back. I am surprised that it is a true story that led to this shitshow (no pun intended).

>> No.8304515

Kate, if you're going to take a dump in a public toilet, always put toilet paper in the toilet first, it'll cushion the dump and it helps avoid sounds and splashback.

Also carry some of this in your bag if you're really self conscious.


>> No.8304521

Okay, I'm curious- pretty much everybody agrees that bullying is bad and that the reason LACE doesn't work is because it doesn't actually solve any problems. While here on /cgl/ we're known for bullying, I've seen a lot of people say here that it doesn't count because we don't harass or dox people.

Is there any actual feasible way to stop bullying in lolita? Like, it's great to be against it, but how was anybody going to stop it?

>> No.8304535

>Is there any actual feasible way to stop bullying in lolita? Like, it's great to be against it, but how was anybody going to stop it?
There's no way to stop anybody from bullying others, anywhere.
I was a victim of bullying at school so badly I ended up dropping out and graduating in an alternative learning program thing. I scoffed at the anti-bullying rallies at school. I scoffed when they tried to make me fess up to who was bullying me so they can force us into a "mediation" which for those who don't know: the teacher basically forces you to make up with the bully, lets you both out, and then of course the bully would post like "lol Anon tattled on me" and nothing really gets resolved at all. Bullying still occurs- possibly worsening.

It's a natural thing. You have to either remove yourself from the environments where you get bullied OR ignore them and hope they get bored.

>> No.8304551

I think it's honestly way more embarrassing to be the note-taker in a public bathroom keeping track of people's shits. Even though we can never out the Olympic pooping judge.

I have ic and ibs so my bathroom trips can be, well you can imagine. My friends joke about it but it's really not something worth feeling bad over. Even if someone gives you a hard time they're fucking freaks for caring about your bowel movement

>> No.8304558

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxz0QVfggik just reuploaded jillian's original

>> No.8304559


I have a friend who suffers from IBS, we shared a hotel room at a con with another friend. IBS friend took loud massive dumps pretty regularly and when our other friend tried to make fun of her she went "Well I either take a massive dump in the bathroom, or I shit myself. Which one do you think is preferable?"

>> No.8304564
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The problem I have with LACE is that the creator seems completely fake in every single way. I have seen her go to many events across the United States and every time she will seek out the lolitas that are the most popular or the ones that have the most brand and hang out with only them ala Cadney/Jillian/Mahouprince/etc. I remember going to a meet and her asking one of my friends to hold her camera and take video of her, not even bothering to ask her name or anything just "hey, you". So its really annoying to watch someone who acts as they are some sort of celebrity try to start this ridiculous organization for bullying when she seems to be as friendly as Regina George. What about the people who are actually bullied not trolled on a daily basis the people who are actually bullied for being black or being fat or being poor or whatever. Do they give a shit about them? because the only thing I've seen this get support from is skinny white popular chicks (and that one crazy selfposter chick) and until they actually work on issues and come up with shit other than whining about how no one likes them!, I don't see how this will go far. They have reactred to criticism well at all

>> No.8304565


>> No.8304573

she's a shitty person, that's why it's so ironic that she started this stupid thing

>> No.8304574


Okay but why though? She's a 17 year old who made kindof a dumb, exaggeration of a video, you're going to repost it everywhere now that she regrets it why?

What did this kid do to piss everyone off so much?

>> No.8304575

I'm so weirded out that people feel the need to dress up in OTT just to make a video. Like, are you really gonna sit in your room in a fucking veil?

>> No.8304585

>Back to this whole LACE thing, one thing that really sits poorly with me is how this Kate girl went about starting this entire thing. The best way would have actually been anonymously, under a fake handle, with other anonymous people, because then the focus would be mainly on the group, and not simultaneously giving her attention. She could have later on shared it on her own social media for more hits without disclosing that she started it, but going the route she did causes a few problems: 1. It makes people look into the /WHY ARE YOU STARTING THIS NOW/ reasons, and we all know the fantastic reasoning behind that, 2. It immediately puts pressure on everyone she is friends with to join, whether they agree or not, since it is also simultaneously supporting her project, and 3. It manipulates some of the people who look up to her or respect her to join because they are impressionable or follow blindly.

>> No.8304591

yes. yes she is

>> No.8304594

It's her stuff, she can do what she wants. Plenty of us don't just wear lolita to meetups and events.

>> No.8304606

you must be new here

>> No.8304619

that. is fucking hilarious.

>> No.8304627

http://princess-kratos.tumblr.com/post/118251619700/letters-to-lolita-and-lace god damn.

>> No.8304628

The issue is that it wasn't a big deal at all at first. One anon posted it in a thread and the only responses she got were about her immaturity, and Kate picked that out of like 10 other posts that actually said she as a dumb bitch who didn't know how to walk in heels. She made things worse for herself and brought attention back to it, probably to garner more attention to herself since people started teasing about it right afterwards. It seems so rigged it's disgusting.

>> No.8304630

I'm really curious to see evidence of all these death threats.

>> No.8304632

I have bladder issues (I retain urine, takes me FOREVER to piss) and IBS. If someone made a comment about me pooping it's like fuck yes I poop like a demigod. I'M QUEEN OF THE MOTHERFUCKING BOWELS.

>> No.8304635

I'm really sad. I wanted to help out with the letters to. I do crafts and was planning on making care boxes to send out to people. But I guess I can't now because I don't agree with how LACE is doing things at all since they're not doing anything useful. They're just all hiding behind a name and idea without any action.

>> No.8304641

>seeing all of these beautiful lolitas in gorgeous coordinates all over the world and i’m just over here in pei like an awkward canadian goose in lolita
^from her tumblr not long ago

This is not a one time occurance. She keeps posting regret-worthy things anon, she just doesn't realize it.

>> No.8304644

is that your tumblr, or did you just have a similar expereince?

>> No.8304648

Not mine, I just actually talked to one of the admins earlier after I read this and she gave me a similar impression.

>> No.8304652

such a fucking shame. still waiting for that big introductory video from kate.....

>> No.8304655

cadney fucking commented on the video.

>> No.8304658


>> No.8304667
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>> No.8304669

"on" is the only word beneath the read more.

>> No.8304673

how does this girl handle everything so fucking well?

>> No.8304675

Loser Ita Community Enabling

>> No.8304682


>> No.8304684

I don't know why we always have to be so black and white about all of those issues here. People seem to be against Kate herself, not what she does. Even if something good was done and you discovered that it was she who did it, you guys would rip it to shreds. Don't lie, you know it is true.
I think she is exaggerating this >>8304210 somewhat, but there is some truth behind everything. We know what gulls are capable of, and it is so easy for information to get out to the wrong people. She didn't exaggerate that "my attempt to change the lolita community is futile, a selfish attempt at e-fame, and stupid" part at all. I know that this is hard to acknowledge for many of us, because we see what happens on cgl and btb and it is not so extreme (and we are taking blame for it) but there are many other things that happen, and we already know that some people here are not exactly nice. Someone posted Kate to /s/ in a previous thread, and like 5 people told them that it was a shitty thing to do. But it still happened, and that anon could still be doing shit like this in their sense of "morally acceptable" and not telling us. We force those horrible people off of our boards and groups, but they still exist and do nasty things. There are definitely some bad things that happen in this community, but /cgl/ seems to take the blame for everything, which I think is the main reason that people are not supporting things like LACE.

I think we can all say that stalking someone or sending death threats is bad. Can't we?
Granted we cannot determine if what Kate is saying is true, but we can at least acknowledge that if it IS true it should not be happening, that would be very important. Until we get more information, at least.

>> No.8304690


>> No.8304696

I hope you guys are making your tssssoc puppets. Encourage your local lolita friends who aren't on board with LACE to have a craft party where you guys can make tssssoc puppets together.

>> No.8304697

Until there is proof of these threats, it is all BS.

Those who believe her claims without seeing proof have a lower IQ than I initially feared.

>> No.8304698
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i love this reaction picture she put on her tumblr

>> No.8304700

YES!! this.
isn't his name sugoi sock?

>> No.8304703

I'm making one tomorrow probably

>> No.8304707
File: 90 KB, 693x594, u8uaskj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes. I think we need to start making this pose a thing

>> No.8304709

How the hell is it racist to want someone who speaks spanish to answer letters in spanish? This girl took it too far. Your talents should be used, not hidden away because acknowledging anything pertaining to another culture is "racist".

>> No.8304713

Probably because they won't let her do anything else?

>> No.8304721

I want a Sugoi sock tshirt.

>> No.8304731

That is a bad attitude to take, anon.

God damn, sometimes I forget what I ever saw in cgl.

>> No.8304733
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i think i'm going to put a mini sugoi sock in my next coord snap

>> No.8304737

Can someone explain really what LACE is and why its a bad thing or good thing?

>> No.8304739

I love her reply so much. What a champ.

>> No.8304743

love it

>> No.8304748

I'd love to, but we've actually been given no official fucking information about it.

>> No.8304750

Lolitas against cyberbullying and exploitation
It is against cyberbullying. Kate started it after someone wrote that they heard her taking a dump here.
That is all we know about it, everything else is just speculation.

>> No.8304752

So...Then its some super secret cult that people pretend to know anything about, but really they are just as much in the dark as everyone else?

>> No.8304754


>> No.8304755

this, but nothing's really going to change. the internet hate machine rattles onwards.

>> No.8304759

An Anon here posted about a girl pooping at a recent con. Poop girl decided she had HAD IT with the bullies and created an anti-bully community that has only caught wind of wannabe "e-famous" lolitas and itas. They've literally done nothing of value and stroke each other's egos on how everyone is talking about LACE right now.

>> No.8304760

I find loli of this interesting just because Kate is a marketing major. If it fails, she should ask for her tuition back. If it leads anywhere, then I guess that means she was paying attention in class...

>> No.8304761

>we've actually been given no official fucking information about it
which is why it's astounding that there've been so many threads trying to undermine it since the beginning. it's got logistical problems, but people are shitting on it primarily because they just have uncontrollable hate boners for the bland brandwhore running it

>> No.8304762

and then this fucking fantastic person made a parody of the whole thing.

>> No.8304763

Ugh. Damn auto correct-

I find all of this interesting just because Kate is a marketing major. If it fails, she should ask for her tuition back. If it leads anywhere, then I guess that means she was paying attention in class...

>> No.8304767

The same people saying "she totes did this to win some dumb award" are just as dumb as those who they claim to be stupid for acknowledging what Kate says.

>> No.8304768

Yeah, people don't like the movement because of the person running it. That's because someone running an anti-bullying community for sake of e-fame is morally unsound. It's hypocritical, because it shouldn't be about her, but she's made it about her and not actual people being bullied. That's the problem we have with her.

>> No.8304770

No, people don't like it because it's unrealistic, has no way of changing things, has been going on for 2 weeks completely without a point, and has been used only for e-fame.

>> No.8304772

>trying to undermine it since the beginning
>it's got logistical problems
>uncontrollable hate boners
This is giving me strong Dashcon vibes.

>> No.8304776

It has nothing to do with skill or her marketing prowess, just luck. You can't predict people. And marketing isn't just selling stuff to people and getting them to do things. That's advertising.

>> No.8304778

Well, yes, that's the problem with the movement itself. But I was addressing the other anon's concerns towards the general dislike towards Kate as a founder.

>> No.8304797

I think most people have a problem with the movement more than the founder, because it paints a whiney picture of the whole community.

>> No.8304808

I was also pretty much told that LtL was made to go alongside with LACE and turns out that instead of just offering a friendly pat in the back and support we were now also giving advice.
One of the things I found most stupid was when LtL was mentioned here on /cgl they started making it a team effort to get someone in the group to reply to all the evident hate that we were gonna get on BtB

>> No.8304815

But it was received well on cgl?

>> No.8304822

of course not, just the fact that it was associated with lace right off the bat made it look bad but even then no one cared about it that much. After that they were trying to organize everyone to write letters to Kate to make her feel special because of the "death threats" she was getting

>> No.8304833


>> No.8304847

I'm writing out a reply and also my will.

>> No.8304854

It seems like she only suddenly cared about "Bullying within the community" when it became HER problem, not about other lolitas. She doesn't give a shit about other lolitas unless they can make her more popular.

>> No.8304864


Please post any caps that would be interesting. I want to know if the mod is good or bad. I'm a fan of the idea of sending cute letters.

Also I sort of get the feeling that this group was created just to cash in on the whole efame thing or something. I dont know, just seems like the creator wants to ride on Kates train.

>> No.8304865

exactly, that's why so many people have issue with her.

>> No.8304873

Careful anon, I've gotten hate for just posting stuff that doesn't agree 100% with LACE.

>> No.8304874

one of the reasons I like the tsssoc video so much is because of her talk at the end. she has such a realistic view of the "bullying" in the community. people need to not take themselves so god damn seriously

>> No.8304875

if you get hate you can always just send them a picture of sugoisock in response.

>> No.8304876

It may be very self centred but that is no reason to denounce the idea in its entirety.

I believe that we should speak up about things before issues affect us. But I think we all know that this isn't how it works (to an extent), and you will only do something about an issue once you some insight into how bad it might be. Everyone is self centred, some of us are just better at hiding this than others.

>> No.8304885

the admins are nice as long as you're on board with lace and are willing to do whatever they tell you because since there's no letter to write you gotta help lace in the meantime.

>> No.8304888
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>> No.8304890

I actually agree with Cadney.
The video does have an important message, but the whole parody just brings in more drama to a emotionally unstable situation. I wonder if this could be handled with more diplomacy without being completely ignored by LACE.

>> No.8304893

yeah, pretty much

>> No.8304903
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Satire is good but we need to keep things at a healthy medium between sjw and shitlord. I already see many people mimicking sjw thought processes, when you so strongly oppose something it is generally because it mirrors something you dislike about yourself.

Pic related.

>> No.8304910


Oh my god thats so dumb. Are they all trying to suck Kates dick?

>> No.8304912

I think so. At first there was some hesitation on the writing her letters thing but at soon as some realized it was "THE" Kate Davis with the amaziiiing coords they were all on board. I don't know if they actually wrote the letters in the end tho

>> No.8304916

I didn't think the video was on shitlord level at all.

>> No.8304918

That's so pathetic, and frankly sad. Not that it's Kate, just that they'd react to anything like that just because someone's ~famoose~

>> No.8304940

I don't get this LACE thing at all. You can be a perfectly happy lolita without a comm or an internet presence. The community part of lolita really ruins it imo. I'm not in a com, post very few pics on my tumblr and wear it as casual as I want, I don't associate myself with other lolitas and I live perfectly fine without ever fearing negative feedback.
Now why should I "bond" with some strangers to work against bullying? Why do people leave lolita for this kind of shit? I don't get it.

>> No.8304948

My favorite part is when she compares the whole "go back to gyaru" thing to "go back to your country"

>> No.8304950

Well, that's cool, but there are many lolitas that are in comms and are bullied. Clearly, as a lone lolita, it has nothing to do with you, but it obviously doesn't have nothing to do with everybody else. Not everybody wants to live like you.

>> No.8304975
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rc uncensored thread

>> No.8304977
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>> No.8304984
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>> No.8304985


Why would you want to engage with something that's very toxic to you though?

Genuinely curious. I started sensing that my comm wasn't all what it was cracked up to be and I just cut ties with them quietly. In the end, I wear lolita around my normal friends who accept me more than people I supposedly share a hobby with.

I just feel that joining a comm, particularly one where there are many people vying for popularity, you're eventually going to get backstabbed and if you don't want that, don't drink from the crazy, that's all.

>> No.8304987
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>> No.8304990
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>> No.8304995
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>> No.8304997
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>> No.8304998
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>> No.8305001


Can someone make a more articulate point against Rosie? This is embarrassing.

>> No.8305002
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>> No.8305003

no because muh ableism and this group is made up almost completely of asshole edgelords who like to rip on people based solely on what they read on 4chan, and sjws.

>> No.8305013

>muh ableism
hate how peoples best argument against shit they don't like is to call it an -ism. Nobody was discriminating against another, just saying that you shouldn't be embarrassed to have IBS and not take life so seriously.

>> No.8305021

What >>8304985 is saying is exactly what I'm talking about. Every bad experience (aside from rude stranger comments) comes from lolitas interacting with other lolitas, mostly in coms or at cons. I don't get why people stay in those toxic communities when they could enjoy the fashion so easily.
The concept of being in a community is so weird to me, I don't see it in other fashions. You can be the "goth girl" or "punk girl" or "rockabilly girl" in your group of friends, but "rockabilly meet-ups" or "goth meet-ups" is something I haven't heard of, at least not to this extent.

>> No.8305026

Because being in a comm can be awesome. Is that so hard to understand? Not every comm is full of shit drama. You can have a blast with other lolitas doing kawaii things. Just because you didn't fit in with your comm doesn't mean others can't. My comm has little to no drama because we're not shitheads.

>> No.8305039

just respond "suckmytssssoc" and watch them explode with rage.

>> No.8305040

I agree with Cadney actually. Not all criticism is constructive or even something you can physically change. You get noobs giving shitty advice about stuff they know nothing about that would actually make it worse if you followed it, and trolls saying you'll always be ugly in lolita because of something you can't help like your skin tone, plus people just having different opinions on whether X trend is cool or hideous. If you changed all the things people on the Internet told you to change you'd end up a mess. Gotta be discerning in which criticisms you respond to.

>> No.8305049

but she literally said that she was referring to mistakes that EVERYONE would consider mistakes, like not wearing a petti.

>> No.8305057

or put a picture of sugoi sock.

>> No.8305061

Because lolita is no longer a fashion, it is a hobby. It bears the markings of other hobby groups, not of a fashion. It has become so elaborate that it has lost its roots as a fashion and is just a competition.

What happened to just being pretty?

This, and also some things people consider to be ugly can turn out pretty darn good.

>> No.8305077

Okay I'm extremely out of the loop. Can someone give me an update on the "pooping incident"?

>> No.8305082

See >>8304413

>> No.8305083

it's a few posts below the one that you just quoted

>> No.8305084

Can we get badges that say KATE SHITS like the ones Malfoy made in the Goblet of Fire?

>> No.8305089

Then your comm isn't relevant to this discussion, is it?

>> No.8305090

That would be really immature and would just make Kate&co feel validated in their complaints.

>> No.8305091

No, that is rude.
Go eat [kate] shit

>> No.8305092

That person was saying they didn't understand why anyone would ever be in a comm, saying that some comms aren't full of drama is entirely relevant.

>> No.8305094

Can someone explain this?

>> No.8305096

basically when the LACE movement first took off, jillian made this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxz0QVfggik
then this girl made a parody of it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-AoThVJV3o

>> No.8305099

then she posted this on her tumblr
and people have been using sugoisock as kind of a mascot for anti-lace. a few people are even gonna make their own tssssoc puppet

>> No.8305100

Saw those right after I posted, my bad

>> No.8305108

god I love that video so much...

>> No.8305115

To be honest you're all acting like a bunch of fuckwits over a hashtag.

>> No.8305122

Because they ONLY kept her because she could answer the Spanish letters.

>> No.8305132

>cgl boosts Kate's popularity over a pair of glasses and choice of hairstyle
>Kate goes ahead and gets really involved in events and takes the online presence further
>cgl gets pettiruffled over her apparent grab for e-fame
>makes this known
>Kate starts anti-bullying campaign; not 100% figured out
>cgl makes threads like this

I just find it amazing that cgl created a monster, so to speak, then continues to feed it (and well).

At the very least, threads like this will be used to justify the existence of LACE and keep it relevant.

That said, I want to see what happens with LACE itself. Who else might be brought on board and/or collaborated with? Beyond the hash tag and cutesy photos, what might LACE get done?

I've considered a very practical approach in the past for blogging and con panels and stuff: how to collect evidence and handle cases of online and offline harassment; how to navigate sales sites and payment methods to deal with scammers; how to use coding on websites like tumblr to entirely block someone who won't leave you be (ignore feature is trash); etc. Could also talk about where and who to go to for various kinds of support and questions.

If LACE takes that direction and extends beyond just "awareness" (which is really not being achieved much right now, imo), then they could have something good going for them. Until then, it's a woman talking about her personal experiences using a platform cgl built the foundation for in hopes of building a community (either for e-fame or actual changes idk and it doesn't much matter yet) that would otherwise fizzle out and die if not for threads like these.


>> No.8305135

/cgl/ is supposed to be about cosplay and lolita fashion. This thread is basically nothing but community drama.

If you cannot keep discussion focused on the hobby itself, and not the personal lives of those who participate in it, then these threads will no longer be allowed in the future.