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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8299601 No.8299601[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

No feels thread?
Let's change that.

>Con is in 20 days
>cosplaying with my sisters, first time for all of us
>cosplay is made of modified items you can buy on ebay/aliexress/amazon
>half of the shit won't arrive
>ordered far in advance
>fear I have to make some things from scratch, 0 sewing experience
>seller on aliexpress keeps telling me to "be patient and keep in touch" for the third time after 40 days in transit
>tracking won't show up any of my items
>feel like utter shit
I feel like I wasted a whole bunch of money for cosplays that won't be ready and I'll dissapoint my sisters. And even if we can make it, what if we look like shit? I wonder if we picked the right hobby...

>> No.8299620

this is the third feels thread i've seen today. where do they keep going?

>> No.8299623

they keep getting deleted because people can't stay on topic or post /cgl related feels

>> No.8299624


I checked the archives, the metamorphose one devolved into veterinary advice for several posts and never recovered.

>> No.8299633

>girl in my group of friends and I are the only one fluent english
>we are the only salty crusty bitches aware of international drama
>we also are very obviously the one who dress best because more aware of trends and more crictical
>we have good idea for elegant meetups
>I know ypu're a seagull too, dear

>> No.8299637


>Go on /cgl/
>Go on lolcow
>go on Yikyak

god never give normals anonymity its just.. painful to look at, stressful, full of stupid.

I go "meh" at shitposts but I think its the fact that

>these people are serious most of the time
>these fucks live near me

is just frightening

>>more feels

>tfw husband bitches about how much my cosplay costs
>I only spent $150
>he can't believe I pay this much for commissions+materials
>every year I do one cosplay and he's still in disbelief/unhappy with it
>tells me he wants to cosplay himself yet skimps out when he hears the price

every year, jesus. we have the money he just hates spending for anything

>> No.8299651
File: 114 KB, 473x508, mfw imagining a cgl orchestra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw lolitas and cosplayers who play the violin, viola, cello, flute, clarinet, bassoon, oboe, piano, keyboard, harp, sax, trumpet, trombone, banjo, kazoo, ukelele, drums, or guitar
>mfw lolitas and cosplayers who sing
>mfw lolitas and cosplayers who can DJ
>mfw lolitas and cosplayers who may not be able to play music for any variety of reasons but I'm sure have good music taste anyway

You are the best. Just letting you know.

>> No.8299670

Yeah, yikyak pisses me off to no end. All the top posts in my area are recycled from tumblr.

>> No.8299671

Why do you keep doing. is it some weird fetish?

>> No.8299678
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>mfw Lolita now
>praised for singing from very young age
>"wow you could make a career out of that, anon-chan!"
>need vocal training so I don't fuck up my voice
>no dollahs.jpg
>just try to stick with basic warmups and such
>realise I can sing pretty well in one, sort of obscure style because it's the only style I can control my voice properly for
>obscure style is obscure, three artists known for it outside of home country, a lot of people can't even stand it
>grow older
>"If you wear lolita singing it'd be so cute!"
>not that stupid
>"you're not trying hard enough anon!"
>but also
>realise I'm actually horribly mediocre outside of that niche
>give up practicing
>"Why don't you sing anymore, anon-chan?"

I keep saying I'll get back into it, or that I'll get singing training, but I get disheartened now after trying to keep with it for years. I even get embarrassed if people hear me singing from my room or anything like that.

Don't get me wrong, I'd still love to do something with it, but I guess I just have to get over myself and build up the confidence I used to have from scratch.

>> No.8299681

What niche is it?

>> No.8299683

It's a traditional sort of singing where I'm from. I don't want to give too much away or I might be rumbled.

>> No.8299688

You can be popular only in your country, don't give it up

>> No.8299696

>Everyone defending Yellow fever on yikyak saying its healthy and normal
>Someone in comments says that having strong preferences for a race is normal but only dating inside that race is a bit weird and fetishistic

In my area if your YikYak isn't about Pooping or Fucking its downvoted.

I could have a more intelligent conversation with /r9k/

>> No.8299740

By any chance is it sean-nós? Because if it is, you should definitely stick with it.

>> No.8299752
File: 47 KB, 200x200, tumblr_mw692nwRVT1r1t1qqo2_250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and rumbled. Thanks anon, it's such a weird niche to stick with though, because the audience is either aul biddies, hardcore don't-use-English-in-my-presence Gaeilgeorí, or tourists. *shrug*

Anyway, I'm getting off-topic so I'll contribute some actual /cgl/ feels

>looking on ebay for stripe socks/tights
>gonna be 2006 Meta as hell
>all stripes are either too narrow or wide to look right
>finally find perfect pair
>aw yea let's get em
>2 months later
>seller tells me to be patient
>too late for paypal

They were only €4, so it's nothing to cry about, but I'm a little bummed out because they were exactly what I'd been looking for, and the listing isn't even active anymore.

>> No.8299766

meta has some striped socks up right now yo

>> No.8299836

I don't cosplay or wear lolita anymore but I still come to /cgl/ everyday.

Feels bad

>> No.8299840

>all the cheap printing services ship mostly to Western Europe
>no love for Finland, and if there is the shipping is out the arse
>but for some reason Luxembourg and Belgium get services just fine
fuck your frites, you're not even real countries

>> No.8299843

I play five of those and some others, however after doing GCSE music an taking theory exams I STILL can't sight read. I love it when people take instruments to cons. I'm considering taking my uke or flute again.

Would love it if more lolitas went full on with a coord for recitals etc. That is my fantasy (especially in classic)

>> No.8299853

I've got a friend who's an amazing pianist and she can read sheet music so fast... Meanwhile I play various airs + learning guitar and I'm even having trouble with chords and fingering charts. Perhaps I'm just not cut out for music, but playing makes me happy. I fantasise about just spontaneously bursting into song and playing everything perfectly (and remembering the tune!) one day, like my uncle who is self-taught. Still no luck so...

>> No.8299895

Same, but this is like the only place on the internet with a lot of female anime/jfash fans that are fairly sensible people. We can't talk like this on most of the other boards here either.

>> No.8299953

please tell me the kind of things they post, and $150 dollars is nothing, it can even be considered cheap for most hobbies if that's all you spend in a year.

>> No.8300011

Have you gone to your local post office to check for the package? Last time I ordered from Aliexpress, the post office decided not to inform me that they had it, so it sat up there for a month while I tried to figure shit out with the seller (like USPS told me to do when I called). Eventually the seller all the way in fucking China figured out it was sitting at the post office via some weird ass third-party tracking site, despite the fact that USPS hadn't updated in a month. So... yeah. Check your post office.

>> No.8300151

Paypal's protection is now 180 days, anon.

>> No.8300181

>$150 dollars is nothing, it can even be considered cheap for most hobbies if that's all you spend in a year
Damn straight it is. I'm limiting myself to les complex cosplays though which sucks, I want to do so much more.

And as for yikyak there is >>8299696
>"my boyfriend is cheating on me but I still love him"-the saga, with bonus posts as "he publicly humiliated me but its my fault"

>"any girls want to hook up" a classic, posted 5 times an hour

>"I took a great shit" another classic

>"I'm so high rn"

>"here's a really good insightful post"- downvoted by everyone with shit like "fucking nerd" in the comments, rest turns into fighting.

most amazing thing I watched was two people hiring a prostitute but other than that I've lost faith in humanity.

>> No.8300283

>finals are ending tuesday
>boyfriend and I have cons planned all summer with cosplays finished
>big taobao order is in the states
>boyfriend is finishing police academy so he'll have more cash to make himself happy and comfy which in turn does the same for me
>fat dog fits in the hoodie I got her

All is well.

>> No.8300296

Your bf sounds like a dick, you should break up with him and get someone from r9k, that will truly honor you wishes.

>> No.8300306

>have a qt lolita Friend
>she got me into lolita, a few games, cosplay, etc.
>eventually develop a crush on her
>see she was having a bad day
>go to her tumblr ask box and say that I've had a crush on her for a while
>tablet spazzes and doesn't click anonymous'
>things are really awkward now

>> No.8300307

Hey you, hopefully everything works out for you later :) down the line. Get that pussy girl jk.

>> No.8300309


Honestly, that would still be creepy if it was anonymous.

>> No.8300329

I think about getting into Lolita but I'm terrible at every hobby I pick up and I'm already tired of getting made fun of for other shit. It's also super expensive and I'm pretty awful at keeping jobs as well it seems. Idk how my boyfriend would feel about me spending so much money on bags and dresses...
also really unsure about the comm where I live and I'm under the impression that most Lolita are into anime and I'm definitely not. I feel like it'd be pointless ti try and make friends in that hobby because I'm really only interested in the fashion part... so I come here.

>> No.8300448
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>mfw looking through my old facebook and lj posts
it's not as cringey as some people can get but good lord jesus

>> No.8300548
File: 50 KB, 356x200, 200_s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ordered specific material from etsy from china
>seller is usually pretty fast
>"i'm sorry, this order will be delayed because of the may day celebrations in china"

>> No.8300587
File: 105 KB, 960x854, 1360551061320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wear my coord to my prom
>everyone laughs at me
>they say my dress looks cheap and gay as fuck
>mfw their shitty dresses were >$200
>tfw my coord was $1750
>sat on caramel by accident near the end

>> No.8300615

>concert soon
>I'm the bassist
>vocalist gets a sore throat from singing too much
>I have to fill in for her
>nervous & shy
>give it my best anyway
>give the greatest performance ever
>as I'm walking off stage I trip over a guitar cord
>I fall forward onto my chest
>my skirt flips up
>I'm on the floor and everyone can see my striped panties
>see a flash go off in the crowd

>> No.8300621

I really like sean-nós and I'm American. If you have any recordings, will you post them?

>> No.8300631

im wearing a coord to prom too
i just hope i don't look like a weeaboo/ita

>> No.8300647
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, 1428890109652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she had a bad day and you telling her you had a crush on her, that would make it even worst. You put the icing on the cake. Nice spaghetti.

>> No.8300663

>I really like sean-nós and I'm American
afaik mostly Americans like it to begin with

>> No.8300700

/cgl/ doesn't watch anime, no one is going to get this

>> No.8300749

This. Holy shit, you did so many things wrong

>confessed on her bad day
>you were actually planning to do it anonymously
>on her tumblr ask box no less

Where in your right mind thought that was a good idea?

>> No.8300762

Not him but what's wrong with that? I'd think she'd be flattered if someone likes her. I know I would be.

>> No.8300784

I guess it depends, really. If someone anonymously confessed to me, it would kind of stress me out. I've been through the "I like you!" shit with people and it's honestly a little nerve-wracking. People with crushes can be bizarrely judgmental and uncomfortably clingy.

>> No.8300798

Anon I think sean-nós is beautiful, pls sing. Don't put yourself out of a good opportunity. Maybe you'll get famous and rich and be able to buy all the burando you want and have your striped socks custom-made to be exactly as stripey as you want them.

>> No.8300804

Confessing isn't an alpha thing to do, so it makes girls uncomfortable knowing that an unattractive male is interested in them. Now they have to be on guard in case they are raped.

>> No.8300816

>tumblr user
>must be male!

r8k pls go

>> No.8300822

/r8k/? Who?

Besides I'm bored, what's wrong with stirring the pot a little?

>> No.8300835

Oh well in that case everything you do is perfectly acceptable just for being a woman.

The fact that she didn't accept your confession must mean she must actually just be a fat /r9k/ neckbeard in disguise who still doesn't understand the "girls can do no wrong and you have to give them whatever they want" rule.

>> No.8300848
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>tfw I make BtB secrets and then delete them just to let out steam

I was going to make one about that mouthy plus size lolita sales mod on facebook, but I decided she's not worth it. She's constantly whining about people not following DA RULEZ when they're retarded as fuck and deviate the most from other sales pages. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why. For example, this mod complains if sellers post lolibrary or brand measurements for garments, even if the measurements are the same when they take their own measurements, just because it's against the principle of them not doing their own measurements. How fucking retarded is that? What if someone measures wrong and exaggerates the maximum for a garment?

I've seen this measurement issue happen at least six times in the past two weeks. I'm going to unfollow this page, these people are worthless and barely anyone sells because of all the ass backwards nitpicks.

>> No.8300860

What >>8300784 said.
You may be flattered but for a girl having a bad day, it could stress her out even more by adding more on her plate so it's better to play it safe by cheering her up and saving the confession for a better time.

It would have also been better to work up the courage to tell her personally rather than hide by doing it anonymously online. The girl could blow it off thinking it's just a fan, an online creeper, or start thinking she may know them personally and start wondering who it could be.

Of course I don't know how the girl specifically reacted, but since the poster said things are awkward between them now, then it's obvious she wasn't exactly flattered.
It could have just been done better but unfortunately it was spaghetti style.

>> No.8300861


>> No.8300863


ru for real m8

>> No.8300894
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>tfw you feel like you have massive creative potential but none of the energy or drive to properly express it
This is such a bad feeling, but I'm too bogged down to change things. Or maybe I'm scared that I'm overestimating my capability and I'll just be disappointed in myself. I don't know. I just feel bad.

>> No.8300902

>graduating next friday
>no job lined up
>savings dwindling

But at least I bought some cute stuff recently. Hopefully I can get a job soon so I can afford to go to one of the later cons.

>> No.8300910

>terrible at keeping jobs
the fuck?

>> No.8300913

Anon, please.
You should know by now how to act around normies, in that they're so fucking stupid and self centered that if you deviate even slightly and aren't charismatic, you're a fucking weirdo who should be shunned.
And even if you are charismatic and people like you upon actually talking to you, everybody who doesn't and just see's you is still going to think incredibly negatively about you.

That and coords are expensive, why would you wear it to prom?

>> No.8300937

I had the shittiest luck at UPS today.
I needed to ship a large prop and told the guy at the counter it was fragile. SO, the guy working the counter made me give a run down list of every single material that went into the prop and during my explanation he had an ear to ear grin on his face and let out a few snorts as if he thought I was a joke. He also gave bullshit reasons for increasing the shipping cost.

>using tissue paper for padding is illegal!
>ground won't ship it because you didn't use packaging pellets
>we can only ship air, $300 please

It felt like I was being scammed and I got huffy trying to defend myself from falling for the trap. I've never had this problem before, it was pretty unbelievable. I was shipping 3D maneuver gear btw.
I had to argue with him until I could get ground, which ended up being ~$50 but hot damn that was a mess.

>> No.8300940

Why do women use words like "normies" as if all women aren't automatically "normies" by default.

>> No.8300948
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>there's no such thing as strange women

>> No.8300952
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>> No.8300954

>Got called ugly and desperate by a chick I liked

I dont care anymore but that pissed me off because she said she liked me first.

Fuckin women mane

>> No.8300955

I have had to quit quite a few jobs, and the other ones I got fired from.

>> No.8300962

You realize responding to a post saying you're ignoring it isn't actually ignoring it right?

>> No.8300967
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/r9k/ must be here now.

>> No.8300971

I'm not stopping until these threads are ban-on-sight again.

>> No.8300982

>in that they're so fucking stupid and self centered that if you deviate even slightly and aren't charismatic, you're a fucking weirdo who should be shunned.
It's funny because it's exactly how women all treat men but the instant somebody does it to them instead they act outraged and freak out saying how stupid and unfair it is.

>> No.8300985
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>> No.8300989
File: 320 KB, 2448x1560, Fuckyouslut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol how is this bait. I was being serious. Do I look neckbeard to you, bitch?

>> No.8300997

>fuck you slut
>posts pic of something that looks like a neckbeard

your face is fucking hideous bruh

>> No.8301000

Are you FtM?

>> No.8301002

K baby ;)

>> No.8301007

Lmao hell naw

>> No.8301012

U should shave that thing growing above ur upper lip

>> No.8301013

Or maybe you'll be banned, since you obviously lack the maturity to hide the threads you don't care to post in, and evidently don't have much else to do with your time than participate. Hurdy hurr.

>wearing lolita to prom
Okay, even if this was about normies, why?
Proms are sweaty, hot, and typically clustered. Then you've got the whole food issue where people are spilling it all over the place, getting the food on themselves, and then bumping into other people.

Just go to JCPenny's and buy a cocktail dress like everyone else.

>> No.8301023

Can I just say that I wish people wouldn't purposely derail these threads because my post was /cgl/ related as I was talking about being into lolita fashion and I would like there to be a place where I can talk about stuff like that even though other people aren't following the fucking rules. if you don't like a thread is being used to get to off topic subjects than you should just report the off topic posts as it's rule breaking but stop punishing people that are actually following the rules.


>> No.8301027

>popular cosplayer friend keeps posting drawings or costumes i made for them
>curiously, omits i made it every single time
>gets loads of ass-licking comments about how talented they are
>me reading these comments like o. kay.
>start to pull away from being friends because of this
>group of other actual friends start talking to them again, complimenting their work while i know that i'm the one who actually made it
>mfw i'm too afraid to correct them because everyone in the group gets turned off when you're too "negative"

am i a bitch for being really annoyed by this? rocking the boat by outing this person will make me look awful but some days it really bothers me.

>> No.8301029


I know Ive just been pretty lately lazy and my razor got tossed

>> No.8301031

That's shitty, anon. I wore a gothic coord to prom and got compliments from everyone, since people know I wear weird shit on a daily basis they were all really excited to see what I'd wear to prom. I guess it depends on where you live/what kinds of people you're surrounded by.

>> No.8301034

You really need to do something about that hair then. It doesn't suit your face at all.

>> No.8301036
File: 9 KB, 493x402, fuckinlol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut the fuck up boxhead

>> No.8301038

I deeply apologize that you didn't get the attention that you wanted.

>> No.8301043

Lol so quick to insult huh? Lets see your's then mane Im sure you must be so attractive to throw around insults right?

I have a large forehead so I like to have my hair long

>> No.8301044

>me reading these comments like o. kay.
Even if you aren't attempting to be bitchy, stuff like that makes you sound like an ultra cunt.

>> No.8301046

I did get attention, someone replied to my post.

>Self posting and then bitching about it
You brought this on yourself, dumb bell.

>> No.8301053

a badge of honor i will wear proudly, thanks fellow anon-cunt

>> No.8301054

Okay honey, you're special. You can beat the bullies, don't worry.

>> No.8301057

Hahaha that proves it. You're just ugly and talking shit on people more attractive than you. Have a nice day with all that jelly :^)

>> No.8301059

I can see why she didn't want you
You look like a serial killer/rapist, most likely fat, and you act like a child

>> No.8301085

>mfw i'm too afraid to correct them
Don't be. Go out there and say that it's your work and request that they give you credit.

I've dealt with this numerous times and it turns out okay, heck some have even apologized and it lets people know to ask for your permission next time.

If they don't and refuse, it'll only look bad on their part as an art-thief so you're the victim and you'll know better on who's your friend and who isn't.

>> No.8301088

Get a load of this cuck. WHAT A HOT HEAD.
no seriously. no one asked you to self post. You clearly love the attention I'm giving you right now.

unlike you I know this isn't reddit or tumblr and that I can remain anonymous because I'm not a huge attention whore mr.selfposter
You might as well be a tripfag.

>> No.8301128

the person posting things has been asked and just doesn't credit anything. does the whole "oops i forgot" bit but never goes back to add links/names. there are multiple costumers who made stuff for them, never got credit, and are on the warpath. i was just stupid enough to make things for this person when we first met.

my issue is telling my real friends that they didn't make it... thank you for the advice though...

>> No.8301138
File: 89 KB, 500x280, 1428411374016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sad.

>> No.8301144

Oh creepy - chan ..... nobody would like to be confessed when they are at they low. You just threw them into more deep darker emotion.

>> No.8301190

Oh okay that sheds more light on the issue.
With someone like that, I just go to where they posted my work and put my comment in there that it was made be me, and post a link to my shop/site with the piece.

Still though, don't be afraid about telling your friends. If anything, they'd be happy to know the truth and know who they can go to if they want a commission/item made for them.

Another useful thing is putting your own seal on your work, like a signature, and to always tell people to ask for permission or give credit if they want to show it somewhere online. It's not bitchy because it's sort of like a professional deal and they should be okay with it.

>> No.8301362

B-but Anon.
I have a penis.

Western women, no western people, are like that in general.
I don't disagree with you completely, that's why I don't bother.
It's not that I hate women, or that I think all of them are bad.
I just think the dating game is fucked and I'd rather leave meeting women to a sort of "if I do, I do" situation where I'm not seeking them, but not avoiding them either.
I'd rather meet my wife by chance than at a bar or dating site.

I don't know why I'm bothering with you guys, you're obviously too salty to understand what I'm saying.

>> No.8301370
File: 112 KB, 500x355, git gud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit he's serious.

>> No.8301380

you could do what this anon >>8301190 said, or you could be a stonecold bitch and pull a singing in the rain and just let them expose themself by not giving them anything to work with anymore.

>> No.8301382

>mfw I met my larper, comic-obsessed animu bf at a bar completely by chance and I only went out because I was hanging out with my girl 'friends' who don't give three shits and a fuck about me

It just sounds like you need to stop living your life by generalizations. You have the right attitude, it's just weird how you don't think the same numbers game isn't involved at a social setting like a bar or a dating site, the latter I've had plenty of failures on with seemingly compatible people, btw.

>> No.8301393
File: 47 KB, 500x375, 1410919758258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>small apartment shared with roomies
>best table for working is always covered in weed residue and ashes
> have to work on my bed
> keep pinning my fabric to my bedspread

>> No.8301402
File: 62 KB, 172x226, oh my mistake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fair enough, I do indeed need to stop overgeneralizing things.
I'm not even old enough to drink so I don't have any experience in bars and such.
I should have been more clear as well, I'm not avoiding those types of situations either, in fact I've recently been working towards being more outgoing and overcoming my social anxiety.
And as such I've been putting myself into social situations whenever the opportunity arises.
The thing is that I've just been seeking friendship throughout these, nothing romantic.
I'm not going to party's, but that's because I haven't heard about any near me and or wasn't invited for example.
I don't know how to explain it, it's like, I'm not avoiding people, but I'm not seeking them out.
Maybe that's because of what you said and I'm just assuming every woman isn't worth talking to because i'm not approaching them, but I'm not shunning women who approach me either.
And women approaching me does actually happen.

>> No.8301412

>I'm not even old enough to drink
Not to sound arrogant, but dating for the long-term doesn't really start to matter until your mid twenties when the job, education, and family preferences of individuals become a lot clearer.
Don't even worry about it at this point. I remember having the same level of worry around 18-20 and none of it matters to me now. I just wasted a lot of time, energy, and emotions.

>> No.8301418

>Don't even worry about it at this point
I was afraid I wasn't articulating my thoughts properly, that's basically what I'm doing.
I'm just not explaining myself very well.

>> No.8301422
File: 165 KB, 616x960, 1382990869414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 24 and feel like im too old for girls who are 21 and younger

>> No.8301476

My friends never want to do anything anymore because they'd rather stay in and play LoL. I'm just going to stop asking them to do anything.
Next year I'm going to look for new friends.